#anyway i love shigaraki very much
strawhatboy · 2 years
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You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive. Why else should I endure this pain?
happy birthday to my sweet friend maze <3 @hellaephemeral
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki
I finished this yesterday but forced myself to wait to post it due to my one part a day pattern I've had going on.
Anyways~ as I said in Shoto's part, I did make this one a bit angstier, but I hope I didn't stray too far away from the original prompt :'). It's kinda bittersweet lol but I kinda like it.
Angst to fluff/Comfort | Kinda bittersweet~ | 993 words | female reader
Warnings!: arguing, yelling, being scared of your partner, parents arguing (the kids were not present), kids being left at school (not for very long), caps, excuses, self hatred, and insulting themselves (Bakugo). Please let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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You both had been fighting for at least half an hour, screaming at one another for this and that. It started with Bakugo 'forgetting' to pick up your sons from school, and has now escalated into you screaming at him for not 'caring about this family' and his yelling about how hard he works for your family.
No one was totally to blame, both parties had some points that were right, and some that were wrong. But it should have never reached that point.
Blazing anger filled Bakugo as he stepped towards you, planning on simply getting closer to you to somehow try and make you see his side of things. He didn't mean to forget about picking up his kids, he loves his kids, he was simply engrossed in talking about them to his friends as he gamed, totally forgetting about the time and the fact that they were at school, waiting for someone to pick them up.
In truth, Bakugo felt bad. Really bad. But you wouldn't stop, so he continued, his unwavering pride making it near impossible to simply apologize and leave the argument behind.
Storming towards you, Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks as you flinched from him, eyes holding a certain terror. Wait- did you- did you think he was going to hurt you?!
Apologies and 'are you okay's were caught in Bakugo's throat as he opened his mouth, too terrified to speak.
Y/n.. his y/n was scared..of him. HIs y/n- the person that tore him out of his 'I don't care about anything or anyone' stage. She brought him out of his dark pit of self loathing, hating himself for how weak he was, how he couldn't do anything compared to that idiot Deku. She brought light into his world, she is his light. His first and last love, his wife, his center, his other half, his partner, his reason for life, the mother of his children, his one and only lover, his queen, his everything.
And he scared her.
Screamed at her for something that was his fault.
Treated her so badly that she flinched away from him- terror filling her eyes.
Her gorgeous e/c eyes. The same eyes that his sons had inherited. Now he's brought tears to three sets of those goregous eyes. What a scum bag.
Pain seared through Bakguo as he embraced his y/n, knowing if he left now she would entirely break, thinking that he was giving up on her. On their love. When in reality, he would't be. He would never dream of leaving her, or their beautiful children.
Because no matter how much of an a-hole Bakugo may be, he would never stoop that low. Never. And so he held her, and continued to hold her as she tearfully cussed him out, telling him how much she loved him and how much of an a-hole he was for treating her like that, their kids like that.
He just held her, telling her that he was sorry, that he knew, that he would make it up to her -and their seven year old twins- somehow.
And for now, that was enough. His love, and comfort was enough as you clung to him, insulting him while telling him that you loved his idiotic self in the same sentence, telling him that you loved him too much to not be able to forgive him.
And that if he was serious about making things right, that you would help him.
Because you were Bakugo y/n*. You chose to take his name and become his wife. Bakugo has helped you through so many up and downs, so you would do the same for him. Because he truly loved you, and you truly loved him.
*Japanese last names go in front of the first name to pay respect to the family name, and that's why Kirishima and Bakugo's other classmates call him Bakugo instead of Katsuki -to pay respect to his family name-. So you would be (in Japan anyway) Bakugo y/n (if you choose to take his last name) and strangers/aquaintnesses/not so close friends and co-workers would call you Bakugo instead of y/n. Annd due to me not liking Bakugo a whole lot I call him Bakugo or Baka/Bakuhoe instead of Katuski and call Todoroki and Midoriya, Shoto and Izuku- do you get what I'm saying?? I hope you do <33
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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nnnyxie · 1 month
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dabi, hawks, bakugo, & kirishima with a civilian s/o
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requested by @crimsonredlotus
“I would like to do a request!
Head canons for Dabi, Hawks, Bakugo, and Kirishima, with a civilian lover/partner?😩🫶 Maybe you could also add on how their friends react? I think it would be funny.👀
Plus any other you might wanna throw in <3”
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dabi / todoroki touya:
⤷ him having a civilian partner is so….. interesting.
⤷ i think you’d have to really sympathize with him or just be completely oblivious. i just can’t really see him being with a civilian considering his status.
⤷ but if he was with one— it was possibly because you treated him like a human being despite how he looks/who he is.
⤷ dabi would definitely make sure your relationship wasn’t known to any rivals or pros, as they could weaponize you against him or take you to jail for being an ‘accomplice’.
⤷ if the LOV (pre season 6) found out he was dating a civilian, there’d be mixed reactions—
⤷ toga, twice, and compress would be supportive. at least that’s what i think.
⤷ kurogiri and spinner would be very cautious and on edge.
⤷ and shigaraki would hate it. he feared you’d end up becoming a liability but!! thanks to much convincing (from dabi and most of the league), he let it pass.
⤷ anyways.
⤷ i think he’d be more careful with a civilian partner.
⤷ like— when you both go out, he takes a lot more precautions. he covers up more than he usually would and he doesn’t steal as much or at all.
⤷ he’s not a good partner at first, he didn’t have the best example growing up. his views are warped.
⤷ but he grows and learns (and gets scolded by toga), he becomes a good bf!
hawks / takami keigo:
⤷ had to subside my hatred for him to do this request…
⤷ anyways,
⤷ hawks having a civilian s/o just makes sense.
⤷ he likes the normality you bring him after a long day of hero work.
⤷ he appreciates his fans, he really does— but, it gets tiring being the ‘mellow, happy’ hero all the time.
⤷ and the emotional toll that comes with being a pro— he just needs that comfort. that safe warmth you provide at the end of a long day.
⤷ he never intended for your relationship to become public.
⤷ one day, it just sort of happened.
⤷ he saw you while on patrol and on instinct he went to you.
⤷ normally it’d be seen as a cute fan interaction but before he left he said “see you at home” and everyone lost it.
⤷ it surprised his fans that he’s with a civilian but to his colleagues, they weren’t shocked at all.
⤷ when the talk of relationships found their way into conversations, he would always mention how he’d want a civilian partner.
⤷ they already knew of you, obviously. you always attended any gatherings with him.
⤷ i think he’s very attentive but he has those moments where he gets completely sucked into work and accidentally ignores you.
⤷ him ignoring you is never intentional but when he realizes that’s what he’s doing or when you communicate that with him, he snaps out of it and does his best to make it up to you.
⤷ he likes buying you things— that’s definitely his love language. even if it’s something small, he’ll get it cause it reminds him of you!
⤷ he wants to treat you the best he’s able to—
⤷ he wants to give you everything he can.
bakugo katsuki:
⤷ i think bakugo having a civilian s/o is so cute bc it’s so out of the ordinary for him.
⤷ like— you’d never guess he’d ever look at anyone that regard, let alone a civilian.
⤷ but the first time you both had met— it was the sweetest thing. it was as if love at first sight was real.
⤷ you probably caught his attention by warding off a villain on your own or something of the sort.
⤷ hence, the love at first sight.
⤷ i think he finds your quirk super useful and sometimes berates you for not becoming a hero.
⤷ of course he respects your choice not to— but, still. he thinks you would’ve been a badass pro.
⤷ i don’t think his friends would find out about your relationship until he casually mentioned having them over to meet you. (he loves his friends and wants their approval)
⤷ now— when the public finds out about the relationship, all hell breaks loose!!
⤷ it’s on every headline. ‘pro hero dynamight spotted with secret lover!’
⤷ the two of you end up sitting down and talking about this for hours— deciding to confirm and reveal your relationship.
⤷ once that happens, he’s a openly affectionate with you.
⤷ he’s very big on dates, absolutely loves to take you out on them—
⤷ so now that your relationship is public, he’s so happy bc he can take you to more places.
⤷ he’s a bit of a worry wart, believe it or not.
⤷ he knows that you can handle your own but, still. he needs to know you’re safe at all times.
⤷ he’s big on acts of service so he’s always doing something for you. whether it be organizing something you’ve been putting off or learning to cook your favorite meal.
kirishima eijiro:
⤷ i don’t think anyone would be surprised that he has a partner that’s not a hero.
⤷ he doesn’t care about status or things that most (superficial) heroes do.
⤷ he’s the classic ‘personality first, beauty second’ type of man and we love that!!
⤷ i think he’d be very open about your relationship!!
⤷ i picture him being with a childhood friend— he just screams ‘childhood friends to lovers’
⤷ his friends are very aware of who you are. he talks about you as if you are a god(dess).
⤷ he practically worships the ground you walk on!!
⤷ the media definitely tries to spin your relationship but he never lets that shit slide. he always calls out their bullshit!!
⤷ there are points where he gets a bit too aggressive with them so you have to reel him back and help his pr team out a bit. (he’s just a silly fella!)
⤷ he’s like,,, the dream bf.
⤷ attentive, patient, gentle (with you), kind, etc etc
⤷ weaponized incompetence? never heard of her!! he’s willing to do anything and everything for you.
⤷ he learns about all of your favorite things— shows, movies, music, etc. he wants to like what you like (though sometimes he just can’t).
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my hatred for hawks is justified!! i cannot forgive him for what he did to my pookie bear…………
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shigarakisslutbag · 2 months
Also I don't trust anyone that thinks shigaraki is an entirely hateful character. Like yes, he's obviously hateful towards a lot of things LOL. But he's shown he cares for those that support him multiple times
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He just doesn't show it in the way I think people *expect* him to. But he cares quite a lot. I find it even more endearing that it's clear that he cares for the members of the league without having to say it. We LOVE a king who knows actions speak better than words.
I also really don't think he's incapable of having a partner? A lot of people would say it's out of character (which would be true for earlier seasons maybe?), but I think the reason he doesn't have any feelings like that for people is
1.) he had no idea of what a good relationship looked like growing up. he was 5 when everything happened. And even if he didn't accidentally kill his family?? His dad was abusive and emotionally unavailable. If he had led a "normal" life, it would've been incredibly hard to unlearn what he was taught love was. I think his mom would've been the only reason, if she were alive, that he would know what love and connection felt like, had they not died.
2.) no one (to my knowledge. I haven't read the manga), has really complimented him. Told him he was pretty. Said they were proud. Even if someone did compliment him looks wise, no one has pointed out good qualities he has (at least up until the league regarding positive traits he has (personality, leadership qualities, intelligence). And even then, one of the first things he heard from dabi was an insult to his face. I love dabi but that still makes my eye twitch 🙃)
I'm not saying praise, validation, or compliments would fix everything. But ohmygod. If someone would just be genuine and tell him that they believe and support his successes, or listen and talk to him like a human, it'd probably send him into a different, slightly healthier mindset.
One reason I absolutely love the friendship/relationship between spinner and shigaraki. He just needs some verbal support and someone who listens (me too LOL). He deserves so much idc. No just spinner either.
I'm a shigaraki supporter first, and a human second🙂‍↕️. Also I do apologize if some of my I formation doesn't seem very correct, it's been a while since I've watched it, and I do not read the manga 🥲. Even if some of my facts don't stand though, I am a very firm believer that with more attention or someone completely loyal, would make him happy. I mean it was pretty much proved he loved attention and wanted supporters more than anything in season 2(?) I think. Anyways, I love my boy. If shigaraki has no supporters, I'm deceased LMAO
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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People on twitter finally figuring out what @dekacchannn has been saying forever:
Bakugo is connected to OFA.
Yah! He can see All Might's vestige! He has OFA stars in his eyes!!!
Now for my interpretation and speculation that I don't see anyone talking about...
Bakugo freaking KNEW he was tapping bits of OFA WAY before the battle. That's why he's not at all surprised to see the AM vestige, and just says "Oh. Right.."
It perfectly explains why at UA again, he is looking so uncomfortable, sweating bullets, explaining his new (saving Izuku unlocked) move to Izuku/Deku. He's not just sweating because that's his thing. He never just sweats in battle like that!
Sweating bullets gets used a lot to convey intense/awkward discomfort. I think he was panicked about breaching the topic of OFA power up! But Izuku totally blanked him... Bakugo didn't really wanna have this confusing conversation to start with (but I believe he was trying to broach it anyway). So when Izuku doesn't respond openly, he drops it immediately.
Like Deku, he withheld important information about how he unlocked it -and what it means- because their relationship feels like a fragile, intense mess. It's way too important for him to jeapordise.
Bakugo was very insecure and afraid here!
And I don't think Bakugo knows what to make of the OFA thing, or do about it. Izuku clearly has no idea, or he'd say something, right? He had an opening, and nothing?
He knows his feelings for Izuku are intense.. Everybody does. But the well goes deeper, or he wouldn't be afraid to talk about something so important, involving feelings he's already revealed.
I totally agree with theories that it's a love connection, not a reminant of a non-manga movie -even if some crossover characters appear. There's no way Horikoshi doesn't want his beloved manga to stand on its own.
And his beloved manga talks about people being in love, what's in their hearts, feeling like dying without their person, overwhelming emotions bending rules, and Deku's control your heart (over Bakugo) plotline.
I also wonder if the reason Bakugo reacted so strongly to Deku holding his hand out to Aoyama is because it was symbolic of Deku lending his strength (and compassion) to him. Bakugo may have worked out that his OFA connection works, because in some way, honorable Deku has had his hand extended to him -for as long as he can remember. Because that's what Deku does. Deku is a saint. And maybe OFA is an extension of that for him.
I think that OFA connection strengthened too, when Bakugo learned how DEEP that part of Deku went for him.
He cannot dismiss Deku's feelings as him being a bleeding heart over every person when Shigaraki is telling him that for Deku, he is 'The' person -and is bent on killing him because of it! That's shocking (also terrifying) information.
Remember Bakugo said he didn't expect the apology to change anything between them, but Shig knowing about 💚Bakugo💚 means he was unmistakeably Deku's closest person, before he even apologised!
Bakugo feels so much for Izuku, but thought he had to start mending things to even be considered a real friend... Especially since Deku has so many friends and close people! He just saw them all pour out their deep affections to bring him home to UA. He does not think he is special.
But Izuku has a secret! (At least from Bakugo, no one else could possibly be confused at this point.)
So Shigaraki taunts Bakugo for falling behind Deku. He's just a minnow. But all he can focus on is something to the effect of -'Holy shit. He loves me. He loves me.. I need him to know that I-.. I need to live up to him! Izuku...'
The secret feelings reveal made him brave and honest with his own heart. There's nothing left but longing to be worthy of him, and be with him. He makes his last stand for him. And in the end, he reaches out for Izuku too -even though Izuku is not there with his own hand this time.
And this is when we first see the AFO stars are in his eyes. He does reach him. Or at least their connection. And that's why we see All Might, and why Bakugo is not surprised. But Bakugo seems resigned as though it's too late. He's already reminiscing.. But I believe All Might is going tell him it's not over. That he has to save Young Midoriya, and how.
What else could he possibly be there to say?
I can't wait for Izuku to find about Kacchan being OFA love-bonded to him.
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seretoningghost · 9 months
Tomura Shigaraki x Male Reader
Warnings : Belt play, breath play, overstimulation, masochism, light sadism (but its just Y/N enjoying the other kinks and enjoying giving them to Shigaraki)
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Idk why he gives me so much inspo, I swear I have other fics in the works like Mezo and Tamaki - I swear😭
Today's Tomura's Vibe song has to be Animal by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Powerbottom Y/N
Here Tomura was again, laying on the bed - legs hanging off the bed, feet planted on the ground, pants barely halfway down his thighs.
His belt ripped from its loops, and instead secured around his throat - buckled and squeezing.
Tomura's vision went hazy, tongue lolled, chin dribbling with spit.
Eyes lovestruckenly staring up at Y/N, who was moaning lovely above him - not even looking at him with the bliss from riding his poor denied cock.
Y/N kept the belt taught, listening to Tomura gasp and gargle for breath - but grinning internally as Y/N could feel Tomura's cock throb strongly with each gasp inside him.
One of Tomura's hands held tight to the fine leather belt, unable to relieve some of the tension to even sneak a breath - not like he wanted to anyways.
And his right death gripping on Y/Ns hip, fingers digging into the sexy flesh.
This time Tomura had said something along the lines of finding leadership sexy, and Y/N had to put him in his place - beneath his form.
Y/N had to make sure that despite to everyone elses knowledge - that Tomura was not in charge here.
Tomura always loved to tease Y/N - and get his very own belt used on him.
Tomura even bought a fancy belt with tightening brackets that go the full length of the belt so it could secure around his neck.
Instead of with every bounce of Y/N's hot hips - untightening slightly.
"F-Fuck..." Tomura whimpered, eyes pricking with tears, cock twitching wildly.
The dolly pink hearted cock ring around his straining cock keeping him from ejaculating right then again, just like it had all night.
Tomura knew it was fruitless to beg for release - Y/N was a real powerbottom, and didnt stop until he was satisfied.
Tomura's cock was slowly but surely getting uncomfortable - and raw, it ached and longed to fill Y/N's blazing hot tight insides with his load, but couldn't.
But he was getting more and more addicted to the sensation the more times they did this.
Tomura's eyes got a tad too murky, a soft gasp left his lips, Y/N noticed - looking down and smiling softly.
Moaning softly as he gently slowed down, giving Tomura's belt slack.
Tomura let out a long moan, taking in several panting breaths.
Both oxegyn finally running to his brain and cock - but the man is driven by the cock.
His head throbbed with the impending heavy hangover like headache for tomorrow - and he could more clearly feel the overstimulation in his limb buried deep inside Y/N.
"A-ah-...!" Shigaraki whined.
But now instead gripped tight onto Y/Ns hips, letting out soft panty "ah"s as he made shallow but rather quick thrusts up into Y/N.
Y/N grinning as he pushed his hips down into the thrusts.
Shigaraki's eyes swelled with tears, it hurt, but hurt good.
Shigaraki was at this point only being fueled by the sensation consuming and radiating from his cock.
The vessel for pleasure throbbing harshly inside of Y/N - much to Y/N's enjoyment.
"Y-Y/N~... Y/N~! I-I w-wanna cu-M!" Shigaraki was cut off as Y/N pulled taught on the belt.
Shigaraki loosing his breath and letting out a pleasured cracky squeak, cock throbbing intensely - he would have came just then.
Y/N grinned wildly, recalling how fun it was to ride him with the belt without the cock ring - Shiggy came so much when they did that, but he rarely lasted half the time the duo had been at it currently.
Shigaraki gasped lovingly, gripping tight onto Y/Ns hips, mind being consumed with the desire to pump Y/N full.
Whining animalistically Shigaraki's back arched up, chest heaving as he audibly sucked in air.
Y/N grinned, wrapping the belt around his clenched fist - his hand hardly being 6" from Shigaraki's face.
Tomura's eyes dilated to finally get his sexy hand in view - but once he did - a grin cracked on Shigaraki face.
"O-OhhhHhhhh~" Shigaraki groaned brokenly, cock throbbing again.
If his hardened nipples weren't noticable from under his black shirt before - now they were.
Shigaraki was without a doubt - if he wasn't before - in love.
Shigaraki would be slobbering over Y/N's hand gripped around the belt if it were close enough and still choking him - or be taking Y/Ns cock in his mouth.
"S-Sadist-i-ic p-puppy~" Shigaraki whimpered, tilting his head back slightly.
Y/N moaned, grinning as he leaned forward slightly, getting in Shigaraki's view again.
Tugging on the belt - Shigaraki's eyes dilated again, focusing on Y/N's face.
"Shiggy~ ohh~... Your doing s-so g-gooood for me~.." Y/N purred.
Tomura groaned weakly back, cock throbbing, the demeaning nickname got his rocks off so bad.
If he could be both complimented and degraded in one sentance with it seeming natural - he got so fucking hard.
Y/N sat up fully again, biting his lip - his own cock throbbing.
His prostate was being berated with Tomura's large size.
Y/N whimpered softly, wrapping his free hand tightly around the base of his cock - it throbbing madly in his hand.
Y/N drastically slowed, and gave slack to the belt.
"S-Shiggy~? You ready to cum baby~?" Y/N whimpered, biting his lip and shuddering.
It took a moment but Shigaraki's eyes cleared, giving a stressed loud whimper - nodding frantically.
"Y-Yea-Yeah!" He blurted raspily.
It hurt his throat to talk - but that wouldnt stop him from being verbal during sex.
His cock throbbed wildly.
"Okay~.... Hold back for me babe~.." Y/N whined, pulling off of Shigaraki's cock panting.
Shigaraki simply groaned, feeling his release get dangerously close as Y/N slowly slipped the ring strangling his cock.
But Tomura knew the punishment - he tried his very best to hold it back.
Cock throbbing with a cold pulsation as blood steadily flowed back to his red cock.
Y/N whimpered, seeing the poor sexy cock - wanting to give it a deserved stroke, but knew Tomura would burst then.
"A bit longer Shiggy~.. Your doing soooo good~...." Y/N whined, sitting down on the cock again.
Savoring each raw inch that filled his tight ass.
Finally down to the hilt, the duo panted - both of them staving off orgasm.
Y/N moaned softly, beginning to slowly bounce of Shigaraki's cock.
Y/N got to a medium pace, moaning loudly as he gripped his hand onto his cock.
"C-Cum!" Y/N moaned, instantly pulling taught on the belt.
Shigaraki groaned brokenly, dick throbbing wildly against Y/N's moving walls as he finally released his large load.
Eyes fogging over again he whimpered and moaned strained, clawing onto Y/N's hips like Y/N was the only thing keeping him alive.
Humping up into Y/Ns thrusts.
His orgasm felt like heaven, but soon another overwhelming orgasm rushed over his quivering cock.
Y/N mewling as he let go of his own cock - thick ropes of cum staining Shigaraki's shirt - even getting some on Shigaraki's cheek.
Y/N shuddering lovingly at the hot feeling seeping into him, quickly spreading throughout his insides, pooling into him.
"O-OooHhh~ agAin~!" Y/N whimpered, back arching like a slut.
Shigaraki's arching as well, as if he even heard Y/N ask, he was too long gone in pleasure.
Groaning lowly as he released another load, cock getting much more overstimulated now.
Whimpering and huffing now, out of breath as it stung - but he couldn't get enough of Y/N.
Still hard as a diamond, and throbbing wildly he kept at it.
Y/N's spine wracked with euphoria as Shigaraki kept going, moaning loudly as his cock bobbed - squirting another load messily over Tomura's shirt.
Y/N bit his tongue, groaning loudly as he grabbed tight hold of his cock - fisting his dick madly as he milked his throbbing member.
The two simply whimpered loudly and moaned, Tomura groaning loudly as he let out a orgasm laced with painful overstimulation after.
Tomura kept going however - as he was slowly softening - watching Y/N rub one more out.
Y/N moaning loudly, throwing his head back as he came again.
Shigaraki slowly pacing down as Y/Ns hips stopped moving.
Stopping - panting loudly as Y/N released his belt - his cock steadily softening inside of Y/N.
Tomura's dick throbbed wildly.
The two sat in silence, panting and enjoying eachother.
Finally Y/N sat up a bit straighter.
"You did sooooo good Shiggy~." Y/N cooed affectionately, smiling.
"Y-yeAh...." Shigaraki crackedly whispered, smiling.
"You oWe me Lots of lEMon wAter..."
"Yeah? Well your the one who buys sexy belts like these~..." Y/N grinned, teasing as he twirled the end of the belt.
Shigaraki turned red.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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If you were to be kidnapped by the LOV, the league of villains, they would be watching you like creepy stalkers for a VERY LOONG time. It would be really infuriating for them to watch you doing the same boring things over and over again and again for days together. Won't you EVER get bored of living that bland vanilla life? You CLEARLY needed some spice in your life, at least, that's what THEY felt (Read, more like what DABI and TWICE felt. Shigaraki just didn't give a damn about you, that egoistical prick)
But no matter how much Shigaraki claimed that you were a useless spoiled brat, even HE couldn't shake off his feelings for you. Toga and Dabi would often tease him about it which would always result in a full fledged slapping war till mama Kurogiri tells the crybabies to CALM TF down
HECK, even KUROGIRI thinks you won't be so bad... When the other members of the LOV asked him to open up his warp gate and help them kidnap you, he resisted saying that you just needed some time. Even he was curious as to why most of the members of the LOV had suddenly taken an interest in you 
You were the prey, the victim they ALL fell in love with and the fact that they weren't controlling you yet and possessing you yet was pissing them TF off and was driving them INSANE
It won't be long before they kidnap you. You might be skipping along one day, looking like a happy cute adorable little chipmunk that's excited for something and suddenly, BOOM! Everything goes dark and fog and mist surrounds you (Cue the special effects and the dramatic evil chuckling and creepy organ music playing from the middle of nowhere) 
You would be TERRIFIED out of your wits to see Kurogiri just staring at you as well as the other members of the LOV as well (Well, of COURSE, who WOULDN'T be scared of out of their minds when you see villains glaring at you?) This is their chance to PROVE to you that you shouldn't place your faith and waste your breath on those pathetic no good hero scum who are useless most of the times anyway 
You would be gagged for a few days, chained and all. Dabi would have to deal with Toga's constant pestering asking whether she could make you bleed since she thinks you look cute and adorable in red and with blood all over you... Damn, this is scary
Crusty lips would be the MOST SCARIEST yandere, no doubt about that. He'd threaten you the most, show you the LEAST amount of love and affection, and basically, acts like a spoiled kid with the aura of a demon. He might even threaten to turn you to ash if you don't stop flinching away and turning away from him (SOMEONE HAND ME A KNIFE, I HAVE A CRUSTY RAT TO STAB!!!!! UvU)
That arrogant jerkface would LOVE to taunt you, call you all sorts of names and he gets some sick sort of pleasure seeing how HELPLESS you were under HIS control, poor sweet dumb little thing.... He wouldn't actually turn you to ash but seeing the way you squirm around from time to time just makes him feel so... aroused and gets all these crazy thoughts about you that'll be left to YOUR imagination ;)
Is Toga a yandere? BWAHAHAHAHAH XD Is that even a QUESTION to ask? She is the MASTER of all yanderes, and I honestly think she and Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would be best pals and killing buddies. She'd swoon all over you and coo how cute you are in that sickeningly sugar coated voice of hers and say how beautiful you'd look in blood till Dabi pulls her away from you. When it's her turn to spend time with the LOV's 'pet' she's gonna literally POUNCE on you, trying to take your blood, tying you up and making you beg for more (HONESTLY, how TF is she NOT a vampire!!!???) She LOVES being dominant and unfortunately for you, you're her little plaything 
Twice is kinda chill AND DEADLY scary at the same time. I think he has a bipolar personality since one minute he's gonna be laughing with you and the next minute he's gonna do somethin dangerous towards you. This guy's really unpredictable and it's horrifying. You might be running into HIS arms for comfort AND yet, at the same time, you might be running away from him too like your hair's on fire. This dude's personality is so unpredictable, is damn scary.... TvT 
Mr Compress might just be the BEST yandere or captor you could EVER ASK for, PERIODT. He'd treat you well and certainly not like it when the other members try harming you in any way. He would never degrade you either. He'll take you to his room at night and show you all  sorts of cool magic tricks and slow dance with you like in those cutesy dramatic romantic movies. He'd stroke his thumb over your soft lips, caress your cheeks lovingly and say how cute and adorable and amazing you were and how he'd be your source of comfort from those overgrown morons with an IQ of a sardine tin can. He'll LOVE it when you're dependent on him and ONLY him and he would NEVER bring himself to hurt you like the others (Man, this dude is making me cry....)
Dabi couldn't care less at first when he saw you. He thought you were another little plaything for his use and he'd toss you away like a Kleenex after you were broken. And yet, something about you just attracts him to you and that's actually pretty terrifying. If Dabi's in a bad mood, you better start saying your freaking prayers since this man takes sadism to a WHOLE NOTHER level, it's a question now, who's more of a sadist. Dabi or Shigaraki? If he's in a good mood, he'll just ask you to shut up and cuddle with you and rub some gentle circles on your back
To piss Crusty Face Handyman even MORE, he'll make you sit on his lap during meetings while Shigaraki's gonna be damn pissed at BOTH you and HIM and that'll jus t make the prick Dabi satisfied. Sometimes, he won't be so bad to you, otherwise he's gonna make you do all sorts of things you're uncomfortable with and he's gonna be like your WORST NIGHTMARE in HUMAN form. He and Shigaraki might even TAG TEAM when it comes to your punishments and they CERTAINLY WON'T be your favorite yanderes, that's for SURE
Oh JESUS... when it comes to Spinner he's like the MOST SOFTEST yandere EVER just like Mr. Compress. He LOVES showering you with love and affection, and he's just so pure, he can't EVER hurt you... OMG, MY HEART!!!!!....
He CERTAINLY feels bad with Compress when the league uses you as their personal stress toy and hence, they're the ones who'll actually take care of you and treat you with such gentle care and tender love. He'll be one who'll actually make you happy, by sneaking food for you when the league tries to starve you since you were being bad, talk to you about the things you like and care about, won't EVER touch you inappropriately since he DROWNS in his respect women juice and feels really bad since he can't help you escape. This boi is so PRECIOUS, IMMA DIE FROM A CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!
Kurogiri will be like the parental figure and whenever the punishments get out of hand like the villains trying to touch you inappropriately and all, he'll be there to stop in no time. Though he's a villain, he cares for you just like Compress and Spinner. He won't hesitate to punish you, but his punishments will just be a bit tamer than the ones the others give. His punishments will be something like him just ignoring you for a few hours and all that. He'll make sure to take good and proper care of you and feed you and on time and ensure you aren't malnourished. He'll talk to you about the current things going on around the world and honestly... he ain't so bad
In my opinion, Stain is a chivalrous guy. He won't torture you, EVER nor will he ever invade your personal space. He thinks you're cute and adorable and he'll compliment you oh just a DOZEN times a day. Like Kurogiri, he ensures you're safe and all right and after a harsh treatment with the Terrifying Trio (aka. Stabby blood rat, crusty chicken nugget and BURNT chicken nugget) he'll be there to comfort you and wipe your tears away and gently hold you to sleep after he tends to your injuries. If you're locked away somewhere, he'll at the very least try sneaking some food for you and telling you that you're strong and you'll be able to cope with it and gently encourage you
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helga-grinduil · 27 days
Okay, so. Um. Chapter 423.
Seeing people's reactions I have to say some things. And let me preface this by saying that I don't believe this is truly it. But.
The issue isn't even that Izuku (seemingly) failed to save the person he wanted to save from AFO (well, it is an issue, actually, but not the main point. Also, the fact that his and vestiges' plan to reach Tenko is also what ensured Tomura's death is just so... ), and it's not that he's weirdly distant and cold in this chapter.
It's the fact that not a single one of them actually acknowledged anything that they saw and heard in Shigaraki's mind. Neither of them talked about what AFO told Tomura - the fact that Tomura didn't say anything about what he learned about his quirk, his purpose and the fact that he never truly wanted to kill his family is especially mind-boggling. And Deku didn't say anything about the revelation that Tomura never really had a chance or a choice from the very start either. There was no self-relfection on either side, no real conversation, and there also was no real understanding between the two being reached. It's the fact that Deku instantly stopped caring or wondering about Tenko/Tomura the moment AFO came back, being completely willing to pulverise his body when just a few chapters ago he refused to do that when Nana told him to. It's the fact that he didn't react to Kurogiri pleading for Tomura and Bakugou just killed (???? maybe not, it's hard to understand) the man. It's the fact that the vestiges still being alive and Nana saving Tomura (oh hey, guess her whole family actually all died to AFO, unable to truly smile) was off-screened.
This is not people blaming Izuku. This is just people complaining about straight up bad writing.
Even if Tenko is still alive (And Kurogiri wasn't killed by Bakugou too, but I feel like Kurogiri is just too doomed to survive anyway), that doesn't erase the weirdness that this chapter was. It would still be salvageable, I guess, depending on what happens next, but good lord, the damage was certainly done.
And if Tenko is really dead, but we'll just see more of Midoriya's reaction to that in the following chapters, this would still be fucking horrible.
I love Deku. I love his emotions, how genuine he is, how empathetic he is. He is just a kid forced into an awful situation. This is not a jab at him as much as it is a jab at the author and the writing here. Because how in the world does the protagonist fail at doing what he wanted to do harder than the supporting cast with their villains? Why was Toga and Uraraka's final chapter more genuine and emotional that THIS - the protagonist and the main antagonist's last conversation????? Why was Ochako more upset about realising that Toga is about to kill herself than Deku was in those chapters?
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luffyvace · 4 months
〜☆〜Shigaraki and Touya (separate) x Scholarly reader with glasses 〜☆〜
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precisely what the title says~
Might post a lot lately because I’m trying to clear drafts :P
shigaraki with a intelligent reader is wonderful!
you can help him with his plans! 😋
your input is really valuable and whether the lov knows it or not you definitely play a big role in missions
your a mastermind who is very good at outsmarting the heroes
He feels like as long as he has you, no matter what you’ll always be one step ahead
your his Queen/King chess piece
together you’ll watch it all crumble
honestly I’m just assuming your in the lov because even if your not a official member you’ve certainly contributed a lot
to which he very much appreciates
He values your priorities and requests
as he said he always has room for his comrades wishes
you love him for that
never once has one of your plans completely failed
for example if all might destroys a bunch of your nomus even though they were supposed to terrorize the city
You don’t panic at all because it was all apart of your plan >:)
*rubs hands together like evil fly*
it was all a distraction so you could infiltration a hero base and steal some info and such….🥱
ez dub the heroes are walking L’s with skill issues 😂
it’d be even better if your a tech savvy too
you can break into hero facilities better
plus screw with them if you want n all 💃
you and that emo long bob dude be competing (tomoyasu chikazoku)
you can first fr
anyway shigaraki thinks reader with glasses is fiiiine 😍
fr like you look good!
he’ll probably ask questions like “did you make your own?”
“Where you born with bad vision or is it stigmatized?”
”when did you get glasses?”
”have your eyes gotten stronger or weaker?”
”do you keep them on 24/7 or do you take them off and take breaks?”
”do you get headaches from them?”
”is it annoying having to push them back up all the time?”
”are you farsighted? Nearsighted? Is it just for reading?”
now he’s not asking to annoy you, and these questions come with time he doesn’t trample you with them
he’s genuinely curious and is a pretty good listener
he’s not just asking just to ask it or anything
if you ever need a new pair he’ll find a way to pull through for you
he’s not always as resourceful as you but he does have some connections!
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Uhh with touya? Intelligence won’t matter as much
Not to say he’s not impress though!
he likes to hear all the random facts of knowledge you tell him and he does listen
it’s intriguing, especially when he’s bored
he’d love to learn about astronomy if you know anything about it
he never took the time to learn himself but if you were to mention it he’d recognize some stars because he watches them so often
which makes for good dates!
you go to all types of different angles to look at them together
another thing is Touya never really went to school if so not for long
so you probably end up teaching him and filling him in on a lot of what he doesn’t know
not stuff he doesn’t care about tho
only the important stuff
which I mean it’s probably not essential anymore the way you two are living outside of society but hey it might come in handy
if someone were to ask touya a question but they’re trying to trick him by using a complex word, If you taught him he won’t fall for it! :)
I mean don’t get me wrong he’s not stupid
but you certainly are a lot smarter 😁
If you brag about it he gets kinda annoyed LOL
like if you beat him in video/board games a lot
which you do, you win like 98% of the time
the 2% he wins is from all luck games
and even so if you learn how those games work it’s over for him 😂😂
Touya doesn’t mind that you wear glasses at all
he does see a difference when you occasionally take them off but he doesn’t think you look wonky so don’t worry
he might be a little curious tho
like he’ll ask how glasses work (especially since your so intelligent)
which might lead into a conversation about why not everyone has 20/20 vision
yeah your conversations never stay on track because all the follow up questions
although you don’t mind because at least you know he’s listening
you end up explaining to him how glasses are made and he asks if you could make your own since you know
which honestly isn’t a bad idea since you could customize it and add whatever you want to it
you definitely thank him for the idea
he feels so accomplished—like he gets to be the smart one for once 😅🤷‍♀️
a sweet thing he does for you if you get eye strains/headaches is like rub your temples/run you a hot bath 💝
it surprises you how caring he can be but of course he’s not completely heartless
another cute thing Touya does is coming to you randomly with questions
”what’s this??”
”what in the world does ___ do?!”
”why does ___ happen?”
”is this normal?”
”what do you do if ____ happens”
”what’s __ x __ again”
”what’s ______ + ______ (big number + big number)?”
oh and you probably have better memory than him so
“Do your remember my past code?”
is common too 😂💗
I started this a while ago but never finished it so I’m glad to finally get this off my chest.
enjoy! Let’s see if the shigaraki and Touya stans will show up🕺
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fertilize-my-eggs · 9 months
Virgin incel looking for love 💕
Tomura shigaraki x chubby fem reader noncon smut
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A/N: this fanfic is to celebrate 800 followers on tumblr, thank you everyone who supports and loves reading dead dove content y'all are the best!! So this one is a bit long and tomura doesn't speak english in this one so he's talking Japanese while reader speaks english (technically since I don't know how to type Japanese 💀) anyway I hope y'all enjoy this one😉💕 ( this was taking too long so I'm sorry if it's bad and I was super tired asf. ) DNI: minors and antis you have been warned 18+ blog.
Warnings: sex trafficking + smut with no plot + dead dove do not eat!! + noncon + black market + creampie + unsafe sex + dry humping.
You were at a bar drinking your sorrows away as you got dumped by your partner, you sigh softly as you get up.
You could barely walk as you walked out of the building. Your head is spinning and your mind is filled with emotions and thoughts.
You were walking on a cold chilly night as you're heading home.
" Hey sweetie, come here. "You turn your head to see an older woman as she's waving her hand towards you in a dark alleyway.
You didn't think much, it's a sweet old lady after all.
You follow her as you watch her from behind as you continue your clumsy walk. Suddenly you feel someone come up behind you, quickly using a wet rag on your mouth.
You didn't have time to process this as you feel heavy and sleepy as you watch the old woman turn around and give you a devilish smirk.
You're blinking fast and groaning out in pain.
Your head is hurting as you try to rub your head only to realize you're unable to move.
Panic set in as you look down to see chains, you're breathing heavily.
" WHERE AM I?!??? " you scream out as you begin to cry out. A man comes in and speaks to you but it's a different language, you don't understand what he is saying.
You're shaking up as you keep screaming for help, the man has a syringe in his hand as he moves it to your thigh, penetrating your skin.
Your salty tears flow down as you try to move, your eyelids getting heavy by the second soon you're losing consciousness again.
You're waking up again to see you're in a different cage, you were in a very revealing elegant white silky lingerie. Expensive jewelry covered your body nicely showing off your goods.
The position you're in is vulgar, your legs are spread out, your crotch barely covers as you whimper.
You were looking around to see the place look to be a fancy underground hideout.
You watch different people in nicely fit outfits as you hear them speak in a language that you don't understand.
There were other people in cages as well, different ones with their height, body size and ethnicity.
As your eyes move along but stop in their tracks as you're staring back at a man that looks very out of place, his outfit was fully black, the hood over his head. 
The light pale blue shaggy hair covers his face but you can see his striking crimson eyes stare back at you in the crowd of people looking at your cage.
You felt a chill running down your spine as you were holding your breath.
The blue haired man smirks at you as you're hoping someone will help you from this situation.
You watch the stranger as he waves another man over as they begin to have a conversation. You watch them and their hand suggestions, judging this you're assuming the man is gonna buy you off.
The man's eyes wided with joy as the hoodie man gave him a stack of cash, nodding in your direction.
You're breathing heavily… no no please no, I don't want this… I don't wanna be here. You need to leave and escape this hell hole.
You're shaking up as the man come to your cage, start to unlock it
He's quickly removed the chain and has you standing up roughly but put new cuffs on your hands.
You were pushed up to your new owner who has the biggest smirk on his face.
It was unsettling having this strange man carass you, you felt him grope your thighs and chest area inappropriately in front of others but no one stopped this behavior or did something to help you out.
The hoodie man dragged you out of the place as you pushed out of the exit and were greeted in the back alley.
He keeps pushing you up against a wall as he begins grinding behind you, you hear his whiny groans as he begins to nip at your earlobe. Hearing his hot breath near you makes you squirm in fear.
" please… stop.. I don't want this. " You whimper at his assault, the man clearly has no clue what you're saying but he can tell you're uncomfortable by this situation.
You turn your head to see him quickly remove his pants but not fully off, his pants are around his knees, your eyes wide as you stare at his cock. You never seen a dick in person the reason why your partner dumped you was because you always make excuses and never went further but in reality you were scared and you were a virgin, that why you didn't take the next step but you gasp out loud as he shoves his hard on between your thick thighs.
He continues his assault as he roughly thrust his hips fast and harder from behind. You sob softly as you try to remove the cuffs but it's no use. Where are the damn keys you thought, you could try to look for his pocket but it would be way too obvious and you don't know if he has a quirk or not.
You hear him make a high pitched squeak as you look down to see his red tip between your thighs and his thick semen sliding down so lewdly.
He sighs heavily as he begins to remove himself.
You heard him say something but it's still difficult to understand. You turn your head to see his face reveal, you shouldn't have looked back.
He looks a lot scarier without his blue hair covering his face, he was flustered and his breathing calmed down but he started to pull his pants up. 
He grabbed your wrist again as you're seeing a dark misty portal in front of you, you keep struggling and move away but he was a lot stronger than you.
You whine out by his strong grip as you are pushed again into the strange portal.
Blink the tears away as you were greeted by a whole different environment, it looks to be someone's room.
It looks a bit childish since you see some action figures and a desk that has two big moderators. But you don't have time to look at it more.
He puts his fingertips on your cuff as you watch it slowly decay in the process.
You begin to cry more, you should keep on walking and mind your own business… stupid old lady.
His finger started to trace your hand all the way to your breast, you bite your lips from the moans, you didn't realize your chest was so sensitive. He begins to pitch at your nipples, you watch the deadly hands play with it roughly like he was making dough.
His other fingers were away; only his pointer and thumb caressed your perky areolas. you felt his drool land on your shoulder as you felt a shiver run down your spine. He starts pushing you more on the desk.
He removes his hand away, you turn to watch him decay both yours and his own clothes.
He leaned in to whisper." Tomura.. " you think that was his name, so you repeat the same word as he groans out, grinding his manhood from your behind.
" shigaraki.." he continues to bite your ear softly as you repeat the words back, he nods his head as he begins to cuddle with you.
You feel strange, you never understand him nor his language but you had to guess it.
You say your name to him why maybe he will understand what you are saying.
He started to purr at you and said your name back in his language.
It's going to be hard to communicate. You felt his hand on your neck as he grabbed his thick cock to your entrance as he began to tease you.
You grip the edge of the desk as he pushes inch by inch inside of you.
You whimper out, feeling your hymen break once he shoves more of his cock inside.
The feeling was uncomfortable, the stretch felt overwhelming as you keep struggling with his size.
" please stop… i-it hurts.." you tried to push his hips away but tomura quickly grabs both of your hands as he puts it behind your back.
He ignores your pleas as he starts off slow and shallow deep thrust as he starts to bite your shoulder area to stop the cries but it's getting possible.
Tomura let out the most pathetic whines and whimpers, you never thought you would hear a man make those types of noises.
The heavy balls slapping your outer lips as he begins to get faster and harder.
It's hard to get comfortable when this man is lying on top of you, you can't breathe.
Your eyes rolled back to the heavens as you began to drool onto the desk, you can already feel yourself dripping down your thighs.
The slapping increases, getting more volume, you start to notice that you're reaching your high. You don't want this to stop but your mind is screaming at you to escape… you on other hand don't mind getting dick down by this strange man.
Your brain couldn't think straight as you start to chant his name, turning to mush by his powerful thrust, he starts to play with your hair and whisper other things that you still don't understand.
You hear him chant your name as you hear the familiar squeak from him, the throbbing cock inside of you, begins to release thick white cum covering your walls.
You cry out his name, squirting in the process. Milking him for his worth and you start to feel shame all over, you know that this man didn't wear protection, making it a high risk of getting pregnant.
You didn't want this and hoping you don't get pregnant too soon. Shigaraki kisses your neck as he begins to remove you from the desk and towards the small dirty bed.
You were pushed again as you start to realize he didn't pull out of you, his cock is still inside.
You cry out as he pushes your back down, he roughly grabs hold of your hips. You hear the loud skin slapping skin echo in the room as tomura growls and acts like an animal.. Feral animalistic instincts cloud his mind as he thrusts your abuse hole, you feel his tip hitting your cervix.
The fingertips dance on the skin of your thighs to your belly, he begins to caress it lovely. His hand gripping your chubby waist as he dragged you towards his heavy thrust.
You can't tell how many times you orgasm but you started to babbling and mewling at this.
The sheets are already ruined and you feel the wetness sliding down your thighs, you throw your body backwards meeting his hips. Tomura grabbed your hair putting you into a lewd arch position, the tears sliding down your cheek from the overstimulation.  
He leans in to lick the tears away as he growls out.
His thrust becomes more sloppy and you can tell he reached his end but his pace wasn't slowing down any time sooner.
You start to see blackness around your eyes as you start to lose consciousness as you try to blink again to keep awake.
He finally slammed into you one more time to shoot more of his own semen into your walls.
You collapse breathing heavily as he keeps grinding his narrow hips on top of you, he lay down but didn't remove himself.
You can feel his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you close, you feel his cock soft a bit but it still didn't slide out of you, you sigh softly.
The throbbing feeling begins to hurt and sore between your legs. 
Your heavy eyelid falls close as you start to feel sleepy and take hold of you.
Hearing soft snoring and humming relaxes you a bit but you're not escaping anytime soon when he's madly in love with you and wants you to have his first child and life together.
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tonyboneysblog · 1 month
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parings: thief!hawks x princess!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: kidnapping, fighting.
summary: thief!hawks steals you away and takes you far away from you home!…on accident.
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The more the carriage jiggled and shook, the more adrenaline shoot through your veins.
Skinningrove was terrifying, according to Dabi.
You wish your sisters were here because then you’d have to put on a more confident front to show them you weren’t scared at all.
but they aren’t here, you can’t hide.
Hawks steals glances towards you, you never makes eye contact. You hope he doesn’t see how scared you truly are.
You surround yourself with fun memory’s of your sisters, ones that make you feel warm, it hardens you.
“we’re here.” Dabi calls from the front.
never mind, your losing your shit.
You can hear hawks speaking to Tokoyami, “stay here, don’t want the cargo getting stolen- use dark shadow if you have to.”
Hawks then jumps out of the carriage joining you and Dabi.
“Stay close to me, okay?” Hawks whispers in your ear.
You nod as a protective wing covers you slightly.
The three of you walk through the crowd, it smells a lot worse than SableStone did, Dabi says it’s because a lot of “human waste” gets dropped here.
so you watch your step a little more than usual…
Through the hood you can see children on the streets, a lot of them looked malnourished but that’s average for a town like this- it smells like iron around the butcher shops, it makes you sick.
Your father would’ve never even let you set a single step here, let alone frolic in the crowds.
Dabi seems more on guard than he did in SableStone, so does Hawks. Both of their stances are more stiff- hawks has less of a cheerful “I love life!” face and more of a “come near me and I’ll slaughter you” face.
It gives you some comfort.
The three of you make your way to a darker shop tucked in a corner, it’s old and made out of gray stones stacked atop each-other with a little window.
“Excuse me?” Hawks taps the entrance of the window, “got an offer for ya.”
A man comes out from the darkness, he has pale skin and hair, his skin dry and cracking. He has at least two scars on his face as well with red eyes.
a little scary, so you shuffle a closer to hawks.
A scratchy voice replies from the window, “and that would be?”
“Just a few things from the palace?”
The man scoffs, “I got too many of your type coming in a day, don’t waste my time aga-“
Dabi smacks his hand on the counter, “Shigaraki, we’re not in the mood for games at the moment.”
“Dabi? hm, you should’ve done the talking first y’know- I’d believe you quicker.”
“The bird ain’t that smart, sorry.”
“How much of it you Va got?”
“A few chairs, chests, dresses, shoes, y’know the basics.”
You stay quiet and try not to make eye contact with the red eyed one.
for once, you hope someone doesn’t recognize you.
You can he shigaraki say, “You selling her too?”
Dabi chuckles, “Depends”
please say this is a joke, you’d rather sleep next to hawks for a 100 more nights than even be near that man for one.
Hawks said he wouldn’t sell you- he won’t, right?
You feel his wing shift around you tighter.
“She’s not for sell.” Hawks says hoarsely.
Shigaraki laughs, “what, you take the princess too?”
he stopped when they didn’t laugh with him.
“are you fucking serious.”
Dabi looks around, “a little bit.”
“You can’t be a little bit serious, why the hell did you kidnap her?!” Shigaraki whisper yells.
Hawks sighs, “it was an accident.”
“you don’t just accidentally kidnap someone, dipshit.”
During all of this chaos, you look around- it feels more crowded than before, you never liked crowds anyway.
But a man catches your eye, a very beautiful man at that.
Blond hair, blue eyes, dimples, a lazy smile with a relaxed pose- lord have mercy.
and he’s looking at you too!
All conversation behind you has been absolutely lost, this man is the only thing you’re thinking about right now.
Hawks wing isn’t entirely around you- you could just sneak away for a moment couldn’t you? I doubt Mr. bird man would care.
so you step out slightly- no reaction from hawks yet. then more, no reaction.
“Damit shigaraki, it was on accident okay?!” You can hear less and less of hawks the more you scoot away.
Then the gorgeous man is right next to you!
“Hello, pretty” he says with a smooth voice.
“I-I uhm- hi!”
“What’re you doing all the way in Skinningrove? Your skin looks it comes from the capitol.”
Slightly weird but that’s alright!
“I-I’m traveling, for work!” you reply almost too quick.
He touches your wrist, his hands are soft.
“You’d go for a pretty penny.”
“what was that?”
All he does is stare at you, with that lazy smile…okay you’d like to go back to Hawks now.
you take a step back but the man grips your hand tighter, “h-hey, let go.”
“God, you’d go for a fortune.” You can feel hawks feather fall out of your cloak.
He grabs you, covering your mouth and dragging you towards the iron scented shops.
Meanwhile, hawks is still arguing quietly with shigaraki.
“I’m surprised she hasn’t killed you in your sleep!” Shigaraki roughly says.
Hawks groans, “she likes me just fine, we’re civil.”
He looks towards where your supposed to be, “isn’t that right prin-…”
where are you?
“princess?” He says a little more worried.
Dabi looks at hawks, “what?”
“Where is she?”
“Who, y/n?”
“yes- where is she?” He says more quickly, looking frantically around.
Shigaraki starts, “Well good job, you lost someone you kidnap-“
“Shut up! Where did she go?” Hawks cuts him off.
Dabi looks around, “calm down, she couldn’t have gone far.”
Hawks wings puff slightly, “I’m going above ground, easier to spot her.”
He immediately shoots up ti the air, searching for even a glimpse of you.
The beautiful man is still dragging you through the streets, you whip around wildly trying to get him off of you.
“Stop struggling, no one will help you.”
The smell of iron gets stronger, was Dabi actually serious when he said they’d skin you?
You struggle more, you don’t want to be someone lamp shade o-or carpet!
You get closer and closer to the butchers door, you close your eyes, you don’t want to see.
“AGH-“ *smack!*
you fall to the ground immediately, you can hear people gasping and stepping away.
You can see Dabi come into your line of vision, “there you are!”
you wish it were hawks but- your just glad your safe.
Where is hawks? You turn your head to look for him but Dabi ends up stopping you, “don’t look.”
you don’t. You can hear it, grunting, the sound of flesh being hit, the running and cheering.
So all you do is stare at Dabi, “You scared the hell out of him yknow? better say thank you when he’s done.”
done beating a man to death. It makes your skin rise, makes you feel cold.
The noises stop. You can hear people usher to the man, then you can see hawks start to walk over to the carriage like he didn’t just pummel a man.
then, he starts giving your belongings to shigarakis hole-a-wall shop.
Dabi speaks up, “doubt we can sell it all here, need to go somewhere else after.”
your speechless, your father never let you even see blood.
you feel dirty even though you didn’t see anything really.
Dabi stands up, “cmon, let’s go meet up with them.”
you just follow, and sit at the front of the carriage with Tokoyami.
He looks at you, “told you Skinningrove was terrible.”
you exhale a small laugh, at least he tried to keep you happy.
you look towards the crowd, you don’t see the man but- you see specks of red.
“Thanks a bunch, shigaraki” you can hear Dabi say.
“Yea just make sure princess doesn’t run off again eh?”
You feel the carriage shift with Hawks and Dabis weight.
Tokoyami starts, “where to next?”
Dabi pauses, “Sunstone.”
Tokoyami stumbles, “In the dessert?”
“Yea, shigaraki says we’ll find some good prices there.” Dabi replies.
Tokoyami looks back into the carriage, “yikes, you need something to dress those knuckles Hawks.”
Dabi chuckles, “he don’t know how to tie a bandage barely.”
“I bet y/n does” Tokoyami says.
You say, “What?”
Tokoyami fixes himself, “I bet you know how to dress a wound, being the eldest daughter and all.”
It’s true, you do. You always dressed your sisters wounds when they tripped outside near the garden. Your father never liked you near blood but you still someone always came near it anyways.
“I uh…I do.”
Tokoyami smiles slightly, “will you do the honors then?”
you sigh and step into the covered part of the carriage.
Hawks is shaking slightly, maybe he’s not used to beating people…who are you kidding he’s a thief.
you sit directly in front of him, grabbing some cloth and trying to rip it. It doesn’t work.
He takes it from your hands, tearing it for you, you’re able to get a better look at his hands. They’re covered in blood, it’s your fault.
you grab the container of water and dab it onto the rag, cleaning his wounds softly as he winces quietly, griping your hands a little tighter.
Hawks doesn’t reply.
You wrap the cloth around his knuckles, are you okay…?”
something’s off, he seems angry? upset? maybe even a little sad too.
“are you sure, Mr. Hawks?”
He says quiet, looking down at his shoes.
“Why would you run off?”
“I-i was distracted.”
He huffs, “I know you’re not completely stupid y/n, why did you run off.”
He seems a whole lot more upset than you thought he’d be before you snuck off.
“I saw something that caught my eye..” you dab more water on the the rag.
“or someone.” he says with distain.
“y’know. I knew your were probably some princess who was aching for a bit of loving but I didn’t know you’d start whoring yourself out.”
You mouth drops, “h-hawks?!” Why would he say something like that to you, weren’t you two making good progress?
You can see Dabi look over in surprise but he decided not to intervene.
Hawks looks up from his shoes, “What, It’s the truth ain’t it?”
It’s true that you are a little bit touch starved and that you enjoy attention but you’ve also been inside a palace for most of your life.
“Y-you don’t even know me.”
“I know enough, I can tell through your damn actions y/n.” He voice raises, “You think some locked up princess will ever be as good of a ruler than your mother?”
“Don’t bring her into this-“
“Why? Cause your daddy said “off with her head” and you weren’t allowed to talk about her no more?” He yells at you.
Then carriage goes quiet. Mother made your father soft, he didn’t need that.
you can feel the tears burning the edging of your eyes, you can feel the pain resurface.
Dabi speaks up finally with just a simple, “oh wow.”
You don’t say anything, what would you say to something like that? No one ever talked about your mother like that.
So your tears fall instead of words.
“Y/n..” hawks says softly.
He continues, “I-I was just angry- I’m so sorry.”
You just cover your face a curl into your own lap, hiding, hawks placed his hands onto your back and continues talking.
“I swear I didn’t mean any of that princess, didn’t mean a single thing ‘swear it.”
You don’t respond.
“Fuck, m’sorry, m’so sorry princess- I just was angry because I couldn’t protect you okay?”
You sniffle, “I-it’s fine.”
“It’s not. M’sorry, princess.”
He holds you, you feel warm- mostly because his wings are trying to wrap around you.
You never knew hawks could get so….emotional?
The words he spewed out from his mouth did hurt but he seems like he’s actually sorry at least.
He just holds you, you wished he were one of your sisters- you missed them oh so much.
They would never say something like that to you, they were too scared to.
At least Hawks was honest. That’s probably what you liked so much about him.
you hug back.
He tightens his grip.
And his embrace is warm.
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bibibbon · 3 months
MHA chapter 416 (rambles)
Ok so this was like mainly a conclusion chapter for many characters and I guess I like that we are getting clarity on what's going on with some of the characters.
This chapter definitely gives me some very mixed feelings I feel like it's one of the best chapters horikoshi has produced in a long time if we exclude whatever is going on with Izuku and shigaraki.
There are still some things I definitely do dislike in this chapter which are:
The overall dismissal of izuku in general by other characters. Like no offense but I feel like we should of seen more people being worried for izuku instead of dismissing their worry and being like oh Iam not putting my faith in him or something because what do you mean you're not worrying for a 16 year old who has to fight an insane psychopath killer?!?? I still hate how momo dismissed this like wasn't 1A's whole objective when it came to getting Izuku back in the vigilante arc was because they were worried and scared for him?!?!? What happend now it makes no sense?!?!? Also i still hate momos atrocious hero costume
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Ochako and Toga's character conclusions?!?! Like excuse me what's going on where is toga how is she not in the picture at all if the whole point was that she sacrificed herself for ochako and layed their dying next to her now she is nowhere to be?!?! People just accept it and are like oh well she has been defeated no need to worry but you do realise that she can probably cause damage if she wanted to right?!?? Also Ausi deserves better because what's going on with her she was so out of place and somewhat irrelevant when it came to this arc like seriously hori did her dirty. Also who is next to ochako in that plane ?!?! Am I speaking to early and that could be toga or someone else
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Monoma deserved better. Oh did monoma deserve more screentime to shine and actually do more instead he got injured and knocked out offscreen which is such a shame. I really wanted to see more of him
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Lady nagant's take on izuku?!?? No offense but Iam sick and tired of characters having some wild takes of izuku. One minute it's oh he sees the good in everyone and he is a saint to the next which is oh he is a puppet who follows instructions to a letter and does more than he should. I still don't like kudo and his views whenever it concerns midoriya it seriously infuriates me. However, now that kudo is gone guess it's lady nagant's turn to take some of the role because hey is she saying that his pain is a good thing and that izuku has a morally grey view of villains which I cannot lie hasn't been proven at all. Don't get me wrong I love that idea but I think like everything in MHA it just has a horrible execution and I can't bring myself to like it. Lady nagant deserves better characterisation then this
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This chapter was a 50/50 when it came to the character if Eri. I absolutely adored her interaction with Kota and I find them absolutely adorable also at least ectoplasm is doing something and didn't let the girl run into the battlefield which is good enough (bare minimum). However, it still feels all icky that the heroes used her or well tried to utilise her anyway even if it's with good intentions or whatever the fact that they tried to make her heal aizawa but she lacked energy so she couldn't or whatever. Her lacking energy also feels like somewhat of a horribly introduced plot point because wasn't the whole problem she had when she came to UA was that she had a lot of her quirk built up and shouldn't the power in her horn be enough rewind aizawa into a week back in time like ?!?!! She couldn't be lacking that much energy it makes absolutely no sense to me. Also dam it's sad that Eri is out here being the only one worrying for izuku. They deserve better
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Hawks and tokoyami. They deserve their win section I love them and their dynamic just wish the series could of given us more when it came to them seriously the wasted potential the wasted dynamic and tensions get me
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The ending of the chapter?!?! Why is izuku in his uniform what happend?!?! I still don't get how they're merging into one person or one entity with different and same memories. Also why is this all about shigaraki like they're sharing memories so why aren't we seeing Izuku's memories this feels iffy to me. The dfo truthers have risen but tbh I don't see how this can benefit izuku in anyway and why does izuku have to watch the shimura family murder. Also if izuku is in his uniform does that mean he has become part of the memory did they do some space jumbo thing where they time travel and now they're changing fate and reality or some shenanigans like that?!??? The kotaro and tenko parallel hit tho that was good but other than that this whole Izuku's Nd shigaraki fight falls flat it's really such a disappointment and disaster to me.
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I LOVE THE CONTRAST BETWEEN THESE TWO IZUKU'S. I also adore his relationship with eri I wish we got more of them!!!
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shigarakisslutbag · 7 months
So I have shigaraki brainrot. So bad LOL. And I'm a huge fucking simp so I would like to say some things about my (our) mans. Before I do tho y'all should know that my therapist made my love for shigaraki so much worse because I very briefly talked about him while we were talking about coping mechanisms for PTSD flashbacks (long story LOL)
I know he's just a character, but this is Tumblr and if I wanna babble about nonsense then I think this is the place.
I want to talk first about how it still rubs me the wrong way sometimes when people make fun of his skin and "crusty-ness". I think a lot of people forget he has a skin disorder (excoriation disorder). Before AFO his mom put (what looked like to me) prescribed ointment and medications for his itching.
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I mention this because so many people act like he just... looks like that because of bad hygiene or something?? And it's not. He has a medical condition that he can't properly take care of because he doesn't *exactly* have the resources for that.
Speaking of hygiene, I see lots of people say that he probably smells (even in headcanons for fics), and while he probably doesn't have an entire hygeine routine, I'm sure he at least bathes because his hair is??? So fluffy?? LOL. Because I've had hair his length before (in the beginning of the manga/anime), and let me tell you, unless he's just that perfect (I mean he is, but not my point), he would have to wash at least semi frequently to keep his hair from getting oily and flat. And that man has FLUFF.
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His hair has a mind of it's own.
It does get flat/oily in later seasons, but he's outside a lot and most likely doesn't have anywhere to shower like he probably did in the beginning seasons.
My brother actually has issues with dry and itchy skin as well and one of the most common things he does to relieve the itch is to shower and moisturize, but no amount of proper hygiene is going to fix shigaraki's scarring.
I will admit I havent finished the recent seasons or am up to date with the manga, but I still stand by what I said. I feel like y'all are too harsh on this man's looks (especially before the "glow up"). Again, I know he's fictional, I just wanted to write about it because I'm bored and don't have much better to do lol. He's been my favorite character since highschool and I'm 21 now:'). I think I will defend him until I die tbh lol.
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
Y’all reading the newest chapter scans is like whiplash
I forgot how unhinged he can be, and tbh how much more unhinged he’s currently being.
Anyway Izuku is my favorite character so, sorry y’all, I know everyone is excited about Katsuki
However. Everyone else can talk about Katsuki. I live on my scraps.
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Love how Shigaraki tries to get a dig at Izuku about Katsuki like how Monoma did when he unlocked blackwhip, so his immediate reaction is diverge diverge diverge.
Talk about repressed but this is a whole new level.
And his eye bags, they just make him look so exhausted.
I said this before but the chapter after Katsuki woke up Izuku looked relieved to me yes, but also… very scared. Very afraid of Katsuki’s well being.
Especially since, if we compare what Katsuki is doing now (using the pain as an extension of his quirk), you could EASILY COMPARE to when Izuku unlocked danger sense with shigaraki. How concerned and afraid Katsuki was in those chapters.
The thing is though, Katsuki was honest. He was honest that Izuku shouldn’t be doing this on his own, he’s being honest now—“I’m Kacchan of the Bakugou’s!”
He knows how he’s feeling and he’s letting himself feel it.
Somehow, Izuku still isn’t.
Hell, when afo ignores Katsuki, what he does is laugh about how much pain he’s in, but that it’s the key.
Let’s compare how Katsuki is using pain to how Izuku is using pain with danger sense. Let us not forget, danger sense is a physically taxing quirk, much like the rest of ofa. It causes a migraine when in any immediate danger.
Idk about y’all, but I get migraines so bad sometimes I vomit from the buildup of pressure. I can’t focus on anything. I just cant really imagine Izuku using danger sense that well in a fight… yet he does.
And, what exactly is danger sense for? To get out of danger? Maybe to avoid the danger? Ofa is an extension of Izuku’s inner turmoil, every single quirk exhibits this, and it would make so. Much. Sense. For danger sense to mimic his avoidance of emotions and vulnerability.
Katsuki’s quirk as it is now uses pain in a very odd way to me—he doesn’t try to use it to exit himself from the danger or pain, but actively searches for it. The pain is the key.
Danger sense is also a relatively self serving quirk, only really useable for himself. And for him to reference danger sense of all his quirks rn, it would make sense since…
Izuku has been self serving and avoidant since before even this fight. Hell, before even the war arc. Maybe this has gone on his entire life.
I want to hit him so bad for this y’all don’t GET IT.
And, just so we all know, he did this in 348 too. When confronted with emotional conversations, his first thought will always be “but how’s the fastest way I can win this fight?”
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“You see I have never once thought about hurting the people I care about like that!” Okay maybe be less boring
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I’m hyped for when Izuku is forced to be honest y’all don’t understand. It’s gonna be an angst fest and it’s gonna be romantic and I literally can’t see it not heading down the “explicitly canonical” path.
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dabislittlemouse · 11 months
Can I get dabi saying “I know you can’t lie to me, doll.”
istg its canon that he calls his s/o doll bc… yeah
Congrats on the milestone!!
THANK YOU KITTEN 🫦😩 this one kinda turned out longer than I expected.
I offer yall a very teasing asshole Dabi today :3
“𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞, 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥”
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You could not stand this man- his attitude and nonchalance, his arrogance, it made you boil in anger. Dabi was rude, vile and uncaring, always by himself and clearly showing the disinterest towards everyone in the League.
Well, towards everyone but you. And that was what made you not stand him at all. It was always the little teasing comments that he threw at you that drove you insane.
Today Shigaraki gathered the group for a meeting related to the League’s next move in Deika city. After listening to what the boss had to say, everyone had their turns to put in their thoughts and suggestions. And now it was your turn. You were paying close attention to the details in all seriousness.
“I think the plan is fine but.. I’d suggest we all stay together instead of splitting” you said.
“Is that so?”
You turned to the direction where that so-much hated voice came from. Dabi was leaning back on the chair, a smug grin gracing his face.
“Tell me more about it, doll” he said. His tone was teasing, acting as if he was oh, so interested in what you had to say. You let out a sharp breath, trying to keep your calm and not give him the satisfaction of knowing you were being bothered.
“They’ll have it easier to get us one by one and kill us if we split. They already outnumber us so it is best we all stay together” you cleared it out for him, a forced smile on your face that he so much loved.
“Not sure what you mean by ‘kill us’, cause there’s no way they are killing me” Dabi raised an eyebrow, testing you. “One blast of fire from my hand and I can turn hundreds of them to ashes. The same goes for the boss, who can disintegrate a considerable number of them. I think you underestimate your teammates, doll”
Underestimating wasn’t even what you were trying to say, because no matter how strong they all were, they can’t do much when being outnumbered by hundreds of citizens with unknown quirks! But he was just turning it his own way, making you feel like a fool!
“Well then if you’re so fucking confident in your powers then by all means, go by yourself! Not that you are ever around us anyway! We never needed you!” you scoffed.
“Ouch, that hurt!” Dabi chuckled, placing a hand on his chest to make the dramatic effect as if your words stabbed him.
Shigaraki rolled his eyes and suggested for you both to stop interacting if this was going to turn into a fight. After the meeting ended, everyone was heading out of the room, one by one. For some reason you were the last one that was about to get out.
Right behind Dabi.
As you waited for him to get out, he in fact stopped in his tracks. You stared at his back, confused.
“Um.. can you like.. move or something?” you said impatiently, wanting to get out and go to your room. The man ignored you, as he simply closed the door. You heard a click sound. He locked you both inside the meeting room.
“Huh- What are you doing?” you frowned. He turned at you, his azure eyes gleaming at you with something dark and twisted. Almost lustful. You swallowed, walking backwards as he got closer to you.
“You mad that I don’t like your stupid plan?” Dabi rasped out, hands on his pockets as he continued approaching you.
“As if!” you snapped. “I don’t need your approval for my ideas, you’re not the boss here. What I don’t like is your shitty attitude towards every fucking thing, you’re not the least cooperative”
“Because I simply don’t care” Dabi said, his tone flat. You walked back until you reached the table behind you. He got closer, too close, your bodies almost pressing together. Your breath hitched, has he ever heard of personal space?
“See? Why are you even here if you don’t care? Just leave the League already!”
Dabi laughed at your comment, both his hands resting on your sides. Now his broad chest pressed against yours.
“Leave the League? You’re funny, doll. And what will you do if I don’t, huh?” he whispered, as you felt his hot breath against your ear. “Will you kick my ass and constantly say how horrible I am?”
“Well if that’s what I’m left with..” you replied. You could feel your body heating up, and you weren’t sure if it was from him being close to you or from what you were feeling deep in your core.
Dabi clicked his tongue, a finger reaching to move some hair behind your ear. “But you like how horrible I am, don’t you?”
You gulped down nervously, eyes widening.
“N-No I don’t. Why would I!? You’re insufferable!”
“Am I? Tch, that’s a shame” he placed his warm hands on your hips, making you squirm. He chuckled at the effect he had on you.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me, Y/N” he said, his fingers tapping your sides, almost tickling you. “You like it when I tease you and mess with you, don’t you? That’s why you always fight me back…because you want more of my attention”
You squeezed your eyes shut, extremely embarrassed. Because as much as you hated his edgy mean ass, there indeed was a part of you that waited for him to throw teasing comments, that waited for the thrill of fighting him back whenever he messed with you. There was a part of you that deep down enjoyed that smug grin of his too much, those piercing blue eyes, that deep raspy voice of his. And you were trying your hardest to suffocate all those secret feelings and not let them come out.
“Y-You’re delusional” was all that you managed to say.
“Y’know that liars are what I hate most? Look at me” Dabi grabbed your chin to face him. His face was mere inches away as his lips brushed against yours. You froze, heart pounding against your chest. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, the kiss soon turned deeper, inserting his tongue and groaning as he explored your mouth. You moaned in response, your body already on fire and he didn’t even use his quirk.
But that was it. Dabi pulled away, not before giving your lower lip a teasing bite. He looked back at you and smiled at the already fucked out look in your face. All it took was a kiss.
“I know you can’t lie to me, doll”
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