#anyway thanks for joining me on my sport ball talk please continue with your day
chinchillinator · 2 years
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Golf Outing
Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k 
Synopsis: Invited by he and his family, you go golfing with Tom
       You were sat at the dinner table among the Holland family members. Having met the twins, Harry and Sam through friends, and having had brief interactions with Tom, the eldest- You were invited as more or less a family friend. At least, the boys’ parents were interested in you, and in the exchanges you’d had with the boys through work and mutual connections. Plus, you thought you were a relatively pleasing house guest. Nothing abnormal about it, you thought.
“You play any golf Y/n?” Harry asked you, amidst the dinner conversations.
The rest of the boys’ heads snapped up at the question posed by Harry, most of the bunch being avid golfers and all.
“Well, sort of. But I’m nowhere up to the boys’ level.” You said with a laugh.
“You should join us for a round Y/n, we’re having a go at the nearby course tomorrow,” Tom said with a smile.
“Yeah, just a casual one, for extra practice.” Sam chimed in.
“I really couldn’t. Can’t even remember the last time I held a club - I’d have to practice in advance to get remotely close to being able to play you all.”
“Nonsense,” said Dom, “We’d love to have you join- and you wouldn’t even have to play if you’re not up for it. You can just have a few hits at the range down there, If you’d like.”
Finding it difficult to say no, and feeling Tom’s gaze held on you, you impulsively agreed to join.
This brought you to where you were now- driving mid afternoon on a Sunday, having just been to a sports store trying to pick up an appropriate looking golf outfit that fit the course’s, ‘formal attire requirement.’ Along with purchasing various balls and tees. Thankfully though, you hand a spare set of clubs at home.
Upon arriving, you met the boys in cheerful spirits, clad in their golf attire. Prepped and ready for play. So, you and the Holland clan got out on the green quickly. First hole, and your driver shot was unmistakably crap. You were glad the boys hadn’t winced at the horrible shot. You tried to play off the embarrassment with conversation between hits when being driven in the cart. The boys had 2 carts out. You sat alongside Harry and Sam in one. Tom in the other with their dad.
1st shot on the second hole though, and it was equally as bad as your previous. But luckily, the boys were distracted and missed the poorly executed swing. Finally after arriving at the beginning of the third hole, however, you stepped up to the tee, and hesitated.
“Listen guys, I think I’ll step out on this one- maybe head back, or tag along for the rest, but I think I’m out on playing. Don’t want to hold you guys back,” you said with a light chuckle. You definitely had the highest score of the bunch, and you were aware that the boys were just being polite, waiting for you to hit your past chipping shots and putts, as you were moving at a slower speed than the rest of them. Then again, they could practically be pros.
“You’re not holding us back, this is all good fun, so there’s no worries if you do continue. Otherwise, one of the boys can step out of the game and join you up in the cart, to go back to the front.” Dom said, looking to his sons. The twins made no effort to offer, which was fair, as they were in front with the lowest scores. But, to your surprise, Tom offered.
“I’d be happy to, I’ve been playing a shit game anyway,” Tom said with a laugh, placing his club back in his bag and hoisting it on his shoulder, “Only, I’d be willing to play with you on the rest of the holes for practice, If you’d be up for it. I’d... I’d Like to help improve your game.”
“My game?”
“Yeah, I think with some slight improvements to that swing of yours, you could be looking decent.”
You scoffed, “You sure? I don’t think you’ve noticed, but if you continue on with just me, you’ll be here for another few hours.”
“Time well spent.” Tom said with a smile.
The rest of the boys wished you well as they drove off to continue playing, leaving you and Tom with the remaining cart.
“Right well, you have a go first.”
“Alright,” you said, fishing through your bag for a wood club.
Interrupting as you removed one from it’s bag, Tom said, “Er- hold on, let me check.”
He too dug through your clubs before picking another one- “I reckon this one here’s a good fit,” he said, handing it to you.
“Ok then, I trust you,” You said, stepping up to the tee, “you got any other tips Holland?”
“Maybe. Give me a practice swing and we’ll take it from there,” he said, stepping back from your side.
You did as you were told, and Tom kindly gave you his input.
“Right well- this arm,” he said motioning to his own, “you’ve gotta keep that straight even on impact, no getting flimsy elbows before making contact with the ball there.”
You were trying to correct yourself, copying his directions, but upon your confusion, Tom walked up behind you to help demonstrate. “Okay so this arm,” he started, his hands gripping both of your own from behind, “You’ve gotta keep it like this through your back swing,” he said, drawing your arms back behind your shoulder. You couldn’t help but loose brief focus as he gave his directions soft spoken from behind.
He stepped back to examine your practice swing, “right that looks better, but uh- may I.”
“Go for it,” You said.
“Right, so-“ he placed his hands on either side of your hips “-you wanna kind of turn your body this direction, and move the opposite knee forward as you do.” You did just as you were told.
After the few tips, and Tom was satisfied with your practice technique and form, you took the swing, proving to have a much better result.
“See? That’s so much better! Your swing will be looking like Tiger Woods’ in no time, I bet it,”
You laughed, “All thanks to you Coach.”
Next, Tom stepped up to take his own swing. You watched, and to no surprise his form was practically perfect, landing him a nice spot on the green. You complimented his swing as the two of you hopped in the cart to head over to the next ball.
You drove the cart, and the cart rides throughout the day gave the two of you an opportunity to talk. Also, on each hole Tom continued to give you tips. You admired that he was so patient, and never got frustrated with you, or exasperated if you didn’t happen to pick up his directions quickly. He claimed you significantly improved by the end of the day. Surely enough though, by the time you got out of the course, the rest of the Holland’s had left, and it was practically dark.
The two of you carried your clubs to the car park, utterly exhausted. What was meant to be casual, fun and quick, felt as if it were never-ending.
“You got a ride Tom? You asked.
“Shit, well- no, really. Harry and Sam must have taken my car back to our shared apartment,”
“I’m happy to drop you off- least I can do. You practically gave me lessons for free today, forfeited your game too.”
“Nah, It was good fun, and I’d prefer to have forfeited than to have lost another game to those twats this month,” he chuckled.
The two of you continued to chat, and on the car ride home you both stopped for some takeout at a drive-through, seeing as now it was dark and neither of you had had anything for dinner.
You thanked Tom again once whilst dropping him off, “I’d love to do this again, actually,” he said, fumbling with the strap of his bag of clubs slung over his shoulder.
“I don’t think I’m up to anymore golf for a while,” You said, with an awkward laugh.
“Well, we won’t do golf again then,” he smiled, “maybe just a dinner.”
“Sounds good,” you agreed. Saying good night, you left to head home and upon arriving, you immediately began to receive messages from the rest of the boys.
* Sam H - Already, he won’t shut up about you 😐 9:37 pm.
* Harry H - 10 bucks said he’d be too much of a wuss to ask you out before the end of tonight and I lost 🙄 9:41 pm.
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yaomomvs · 4 years
seijoh, aoba johsai x reader | slight oikawa, iwaizumi and kunimi x reader.
a/n: ugh! i just love my seijoh boys so much! and so, i decided to make one more headcanons for them, tysm! hopefully i’ll do inarizaki next or maybe karasuno.
a bit long but i just love them,and i will do a part two mainly focusing on while they do volleyball this is more of random things
other seijoh!manager works: one | two
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the volume in this bus is ASTRONOMICAL
you actually never thought of joining a club, specially a sports one.
but you needed it, so while looking at the board of the school’s options you were unsure.
“i just really need something not that complicated, and that helps me helping others” you muttered to yourself
little did you know the coach of the volleyball team was there, this nice man turned to you and offered you a place in the team.
“but please if you are one of oikawa’s fangirls dont-” “who now?” you genuinely asked. seeing that you didn’t had a clue of who he was talking about he immediately handed the application for to you.
it was first day and you were already late, but you managed to enter the gym half way practice.
you guys remember that tanaka and kiyoko scene in s4? well it was the same
“sorry for being late coach!” your voice sounded all over the place since someone was serving and it was pretty quiet.
the serve even hit yahaba’s face because everyone got distracted by your beauty
“i- did i do something?” “existing omg”
the coach lined up everyone and they greeted you welcoming you to the team.
you were flustered because it was like you never had a lot of guys around you and now you had to take care of all of them and also
aoba johsai’s team had one of the most attractive boys around likeeee
now, a year later, the energy is purely chaotic.
and i mean like
kindaichi and kunimi are lowkey the ones who respect you the most
not only because you, even if it was for only a year, you were their upperclassman but also you had presence
when karasuno came to the practice andy oh catched both of them after talking to kageyama in the bathroom, you pinched their ears and scolded them
“you both do that again and i’m not being compassionate” “SORRY Y/N”
but also lowkey your admirers
kunimi literally only showed strong emotions around you
“i brought you some sweets” he regularly says
“oh you are great! thank you kunimi!”you appreciated this guys little details with you
“so you have a favoritism with our manager huh?”
“y/n permission to hit kindaichi”
“permission conceded”
kindaichi also respected you because you, when he entered seijoh months ago, were one of the ones who made him believe and helped getting over that anger he had with his ex teammates and you even assured that kageyama was the reason he got better, even if he wouldn’t accept it
the second years, your literal followers
like seriously yahaba watori were always around you.
being in the same grade and class as both dod not helped a lot.
they are like puppies with anxiety separation
because you are the reason they feel loved and cared for
they always sit next to you in class, and they make sure you are comfortable with it.
you need help with hw? watori always is there
yahaba lets you paint his nails every time you got bored in class
you were such a powerful trio
they always bring your favorite drink in the mornin
you even developed this sixth sense where if you just look at each other you know exactly who are you making fun of without even speaking
you always make fun of the shit way of yahaba to flirt oml
and you even advice him on what should he do or not when meeting someone new.
istg if it was not bc of you he would have never got his first date with his crush
kyoutani later joined you, but he had trouble on trusting you
but seeing all the team laying on you he actually let himself rely on another person for the first time
he was the one who scared those stupid volleyball boys fan girls (oikawa’s or the other guys ones) away from you
he also thinks that you are not bad physically talking and he actually says it but privately
he also whenever he is mad or just frustrated comes to you and what he likes is that you don’t go in deep of the details but instead you try to distract him with random thing you say.
“guys i told you several times” you laughed “i do have other thing to do! it not like i can attend every night out with you! i have other friends too!”
“so, we are not watching cartoons tonight?”
“i hate you all so much” you surrendered “see you at 8 pm”
you became the second years core four
and also they looked up to you a lot, why? because you are the only people who always deals with the third years shit
god i think your connection with the third years was only a bit more noticeable than the second years
why? you were not afraid to mess up with them
to be real iwaizumi as oikawa caught your eye since moment one, they were naturally attractive and talented but you made a promise to not fall for anyone
omg you were so wrong
if it was iwaizumi, he always made sure you felt comfortable around
you were no vb genius so he took the time to explain you a bunch of things you did not know 🥺
also, he’s the kind of guy to stop everyone spiking because you were crossing through the gym so no ball gets you
he is the one who always search for you in school, asked about your day, and stuff that might seem basic but it was really meaningful
like he is the kind of guy who memorizes all your favorite places, treats, music anything and actually tries to get you to talk about it
oikawa on the other hand was the one who actually made you feel like part of them
he is so sweet!
oikawa only starts practice when you are there
like bold of someone to start hitting a ball without you there, he considered you part of the team, so he always waited for you
he walked you home or nearby every time he could he wanted you safe
his eyes always always instantly light up and screams “y/n-chan!” and immediately runs to you
but also he is the one who search you the most around
if it was lunch time he went to your home room and literally lunches with you no matter what or who
he never lets anyone lend you their hoodie, it always has to be his that you are wearing
he self crowned himself as your favorite
he hugs you out of nowhere istg is the best feeling ever
hanamaki also also also considers you priority
he is kinda more of the lowkey one, he is mainly the one who checks up on you
he once spotted a bruise in your arm and he immediately freaked out
“DO I HAVE TO FIGHT SOMEONE” “god no! i just dropped a huge book there!”
hanamaki is the one who waits for you in the entrance of the gym to walk with you to practice
he also is the first one to notice if something is wrong with you along with iwachan
they both unintentionally pay attention to you a lot and if you do something out of the common they just approach you
and they are always right
“what’s wrong y/n?” hanamaki says
“yeah, is everything okay you need anything?” iwaizumi continues.
“what do you mean guys? i’m okay” you obviously try to lie.
“no you are not, you are acting different”
“yea iwachan is right you always change yous t shirt before practice and the way you are ordering the volleyballs is off”
“why do know me so well” you indeed had a terrible day, so you almost tear up bb of that and be of how amazing your boys were to you sometimes”
“come here little one”
you heard a pout
“i see you oikawa, you can get a hug too. matsu come here”
matsukawa is your hype man
he loves messing with you like in the big brother sister way
like if a guy asked you out he’d be like “sis you can do so much better”
you are always being salty whether it’s between you or other ones
besides if you do have a crush on anyone on the team matsu is the only one to know
and he’d constantly blackmail you with that
“if you don’t buy me anything from the vending machine i will tell oikawa you actually swoon for him” “OKAY FINE”
“tell the coach that we do not need laps or iwaizumi is gonna knowwwww about” “i hate you so much”
but returning to the point you always messed with them specially the four third years
and you were so good at it
one day, you ‘innocently’ mentioned to the boys “i’m just telling you! i’ve never seen two pretty best friends, one of them always gotta be ugly”
your third years never made you feel insecure
like if you think idk listening to btr was weird because someone in the past made you feel like it be sure the next day they WILL PLAY FUCKING BIG TIME RUSH IN PRACTICE ONLY FOR YOU TO VIBE WITH THEM
also they all four have this little thought that they have to be the ones who protect you
in the court you looked out for them, outside of it they were the ones who did that
if you were teased or someone even had the audacity to make fun of you it could go three ways
you stoping kyoutani and yahaba because they were so ready to throw hands
matsukawa, hanamaki and kunimi just taking you out of there and rather say positive thinks about you
or oikawa and iwaizumi behind you giving the saltiest and meanest glares to whoever dared talking you that way and saying “and you still wonder why people don’t like you?, ” then iwaizumi says “you are right oikawa, you piece of crap have your entire life to be a jerk. take a day off your stupidity won’t left anyways”
god you sure loved those guys
as it can be really useful sometimes there were other times were they become so annoying
specially when it’s about someone liking you.
like romantic styles
i live for the idea that the vb team had obviously fangirls, oikawa mostly. but you also did
like yeah the fangirls of oikawa and the boys envied you
but the guys in aoba johsai high envied the volleyball team even more
god bless the poor guy or girl who DARES to ask you out
like please someone stop them 😭
on valentine’s day you came to practice a bit late just because you needed to figure it out how to organize all the fucking love letters and the chocolates and flowers that you got over the day.
oikawa was already worried as he always waited for you to start, and so were the guys so they decided to warm up a bit more to wait.
you crossed the door with thousands of gifts and all of that barely catching the ones which you dropped. because at this point you did not even try to hide it from the boys, you just wanted them to start practice.
he looked at you and knew exactly what that meant. he received this every once in a while, but god what was that feeling in his chest when some other people like you?
iwaizumi felt that too, that weird feeling not wanting anyone to think about you that wayyyyy
the rest of the boys had divided opinions but still you were their manager.
“so did all this came from...”
“yes matsu...”
“okay but for scientific purposes we need the names”
poor boys, they just are all scared that you’ll leave them because of someone
what a dramatic queens they are all
some of them didn’t like it bc they also had a big crush on you
so what they do is that they gatekeep anyone from you
like oml if they ever catched you and a girl or guy and they knew they liked you they constantly beg for your attention.
and it’s not only because they are being dramatic but also because they remember last year when you went out with some random dude and broke your heart like
they almost killed that guy
so they wanted you to feel happy and safe
to them? honestly you are the light of their life.
they dedicate every game to you, they take care of you, they listen to you, they brag about you, they love you
because honestly you did all that for them first
and ever since then they made sure to return that to you.
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Haikyuu Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
Warnings: Children, children can be cruel- please proceed with caution, the guys being called not-nice-things cause kids are (albeit cute) incarnates of satan. I say this with love, and yes I have trauma, mentions of injuries, nerf guns and shooting someone with them, pushing someone down the stairs
Akaashi Keiji:
When your son was first born, he was very much a parents-only child. He didn’t like to be held by strangers, which were anyone not his parents.
But there was one exception to that rule, and that was Bokuto.
Which was good because even as an adult I don’t think Bokuto could handle being rejected by little Akaashi.
As he got older, he slowly warmed up to more people, but he was still very shy everywhere not home.
Bokuto had been visiting for the weekend, wanting to come see his friend and his family!
Bokuto had left that morning, and your son was still not happy. He really wasn’t a difficult kid, but this weekend had been a long and active one, so he was very tired.
And seeing as he was indeed Akaashi’s son, he was also very blunt.
“Come on buddy, let’s go take a nap. I know you’re tired.” Akaashi tried to coax his son to come with him, eye brows furrowing when his son shook his head and refused.
“Why not?” his son pouted as he looked up to his father.
“Cause I want uncle bokuto…” Akaashi frowned as he kneeled in front of his son, “I know, but he’ll be back to visit soon.”
His son shook his head, “No, I want him now, I want him to tuck me in.” One of Akaashi’s eyebrows rose, his head tilting to the side abit, “Why Uncle Bokuto? Why not daddy?”
His son sighed, “Because I don’t like you, I like Uncle Bokuto.” Before he trudged off towards his room, dragging his blue blanket behind him, leaving Akaashi speechless and betrayed.
You wasted no time in assuring Akaashi that ‘he didn’t mean it!’ and that ‘he probably won’t even remember it when he wakes up’. But that didn’t do much to sooth the seething pain of your first born betraying you✌😔
Washio Tatsuki:
Washio was outside with the kids, watching over them while they played.
You were inside, talking on the phone with your mom and sipping a cup of tea/coffee.
You were flipping through a magazine, laughing at a memory your mom had brought up, when the front door burst open.
Turning around, the smile on your face dropped when you saw Washio holding your youngest (3 yr old son), who was balling his eyes out.
Apologizing to your mom you stood up from the couch, immediately walking over to them.
“What happened?? Did he get hurt?” Washio sighed as he gently handed him off to you, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head.
“I don’t know, he won’t tell me. All I know is he’s scared, but he won’t tell me what scared him.”
You frowned as you held your little boy, cradling his head against your chest as you slowly rocked back and forth, whispering words of comfort into his ear and kissing the crown of his head.
Eventually, he stopped crying, he was still a bit sniffly and had a few hiccups, but he had settled down quite a bit.
You sat down on the couch with him on your lap, Washio standing after he had brought the twins in as well.
“Wanna tell me what scared you baby?”
Your little boy looked at you, slate gray eyes shimmering with tears as he wiped his cheek before turning to look up at your husband.
He pointed a little finger, “Daddy, daddy’s scary.” He then proceeded to dive back into you, head snuggling into your neck.
You quickly looked up to see your husband's eyes widen as his jaw dropped, looking down to your son in complete and utter disbelief.
It broke your heart the way he clung to you that night, head buried in your chest as he quietly asked if he was a good father, conclusion: kids can be cruel…
Please don’t hate me, i guarantee this hurt me more than it hurt you
Konoha Akinori:
You had brought out old videos from Konoha and yours high school years, wanting to show them to your kids since they were curious. And you and Konoha had wanted to trip down memory lane anyway.
You had chosen a game of Fukurodani vs Nekoma, since those were always good ones.
Your kids were more than entertained to watch it, since dad had long hair?!?!?
They also liked seeing some familiar faces, like Komi and Saru and others obviously.
But one of your children found a specific moment a little...too funny.
It had been a rough match, and a close one as Konoha had remembered it. Akaashi had been subbed out after a ball caught his nail, Washio had very minorly twisted his ankle, and Bokuto had already gone through 2 emo modes, the 3rd not far away.
Konoha had been getting over a cold, he was no longer sick but he wasn’t at 100% yet, so he wasn’t completely in it.
Not to mention he had to make up for the absence of both Akaashi AND Washio.
It was half way through the second set, he was in the back and Yamamoto was up to spike, only Konoha wasn’t expecting Yamamoto not to hit and instead for Kuroo to come up from the back, meaning the ball his Konoha right in the face, knocking him down on his butt.
You all kinda laughed at that part, I mean, who wouldn’t? (don’t lie-)
But what you didn’t expect was a full on demonic cackle coming from your 3 year old who was sat in between you and your husband.
It wasn’t a chuckle, or even a laugh, IT DIDN’T EVEN SOUND LIKE YOUR 3 YEAR OLD!!
It was...unsettling, and when she bounced back not 2 minutes later, you snuck a glance over to your husband, who was slowly scooting away.
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita came in from the fields, closing the door and slipping off his shoes, stretching his hands above his head as he groaned.
He smiled when he heard little foot steps echoing through out the hallway, watching as his little girl ran towards him and into his arms.
He smiled wider when you walked out of the nursery, little baby in your arms as you came up to him and gave him a kiss.
Time skip to dinner that night, all 4 of you are sat at the dinner table.
Kita is sat at his usual spot on the end, you sitting to his right as his daughter sat to his left, you feeding the baby.
He put down his fork to rub his neck, fingers trying to work out the knots that had formed over the past few days.
“You know, granny and I are going to get massages this weekend, why don’t you join us? Gin said he’d be willing to watch the kids.” Kita smiled towards you as he nodded.
“That’d probably be a good idea, thanks honey”
You nodded as you continued to feed your youngest, sending silly faces and smiling at her little giggles.
Kita was about to continue eating when his oldest daughter asked him a question.
“Hey daddy? Why do you need a mass-age.” He chuckled at the way his daughter said massage, going back to eating.
“I’m goin’ cause my neck is sore sweetheart, it’s just from work, nothin’ to worry bout.”
Your daughter nodded, returning her attention to her plate as well.
“So, basically, daddy’s just really, really old.”
You turned away so your husband wouldn’t see your smile, and it worked until you snorted and started laughing.
His small glare towards you only making you laugh harder.
“It’s not bad daddy, you’re just really old, but s’okay, I still love you.”
He shook his head, eating the rest of his dinner with a pout as your daughter carried on like nothing happened and you explained why she shouldn’t say those things.
Suna Rintaro:
Suna was sat on the couch with his oldest son and daughter, watching a movie.
Obviously it wasn’t scary or inappropriate for children, I mean, it was a kids movie. But he had to admit, this one was cutting it a little close.
He would have turned it off but...it really wasn’t that bad and the kids were sitting quietly and watching it, so he figured it’d be okay.
His kids weren’t exactly squeamish, and they didn’t scare easy, but they were also only 8 and 6, so he wasn’t going to risk it.
He also didn’t want to risk it with you, he had a comfy bed and he’d prefer to continue to sleep in it😊
Sometime after the half way point of the movie, a scene came up that was questionably violent for a kids movie. There wasn’t any gore or anything, but it wasn’t a clean death either.
He reached for the remote to change it when his kids started giggling.
Not like uncomfortable awkward chuckles, I mean real and sincere laughter...AND SOME DUDE HAD JUST DIED?!?!?!
Suna texted you with a ‘please help, our children are demons’ as he tried to return his focus to the movie and not his snickering children.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Ushijima had just picked 3 of his kids up from school, and was taking them home.
His 2 oldests were talking to each other about school while his youngest (of the 3, not in all), just sat quietly and listened to the radio.
His oldest had asked about his day, and Ushijima told him all about his practice and the practice games they played.
The 2 oldests were entranced, and loved hearing about the sport, his middlest however did not.
It’s not like he hated the sport, but it wasn’t really for him. He much preferred martial arts to volleyball, which was fine with Ushijima, at least his son was happy!
Anyway, Ushijima and his 2 oldests started to talk all about volleyball, the middlest looking confused.
“Wait, why is it like that?” Ushijima peaked in the rearview mirror, “It’s the rules, like how there are rules in Jujitsu.”
Your middlest turned towards the window, “Yeah, but Jujitsu is cool, volleyball sucks.”
Ushijima almost crashed, and it wasn’t long before he got home, pulled into the drive way, parked, and turned to face his middlest with a face that said ‘where did I go wrong…?’
His son just turned to face him, “What?” Ushijima shook his head, turned off the car and headed inside.
When he got inside and walked past you, all you heard was him muttering ‘no child of mine will say that about…’ as he headed straight for the bedroom to lie down.
Yahaba Shigeru:
Yahaba was walking around the living room, sorting through the mail as he separated bills and important things from junk mail.
He had been working in his office all day, doing paper work and what not, and right now he had his ear buds in since he was technically in a work meeting. (muted with the camera off cause how else do you do things virtual?)
So he was completely unsuspecting of his two sons as they snuck up behind him, both holding nerf guns in their hands as they crept closer and closer.
Yahaba had paused, slipping his phone out of his pocket as he started to talk to his coworkers about something when all of a sudden the unmistakable whirring of the automatic nerf gun started.
Before he could even turn around his sons had open fired right on their dad, Yahaba yelping as he started to run, grabbing a pillow from the couch as he fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to mute himself between being pelted with nerf bullets.
“ACK- hEy! You two! Quit it!-” He had made himself a shield out of the couch cushions, finally getting his phone and apologizing to his giggling coworkers, he wasn’t in trouble obviously, the distraction and entertainment was a gift to them all.
The meeting then finally ended, and Yahaba turned to find his sons searching for bullets, him shaking his head as he walked towards them.
“Nice try boys, but I collected the bullets as you shot me, so there’ll be no more of that.” His youngest shrugged as he then decided to instead throw the toy at Yahaba, his oldest then hitting him with it as he shrieked and made his way to the master bedroom.
Iwaizumi Hajime:
You and Iwaizumi had 3 boys.
3 boys who were close in age and high in energy, never a great combo when they’re stuck indoors because of the rain.
You had been taking a nap due to a weather-related head ache, while Iwaizumi did some work from home.
He had heard some questionable sounds coming from the basement, but he didn’t pay them any mind, figuring they were just being kids.
That is until he heard a distinct ‘ow!’ from his middlest.
Walking down the stairs he could hear his youngest chanting something like ‘fight! Fight! Fight!’ which obviously made him move faster.
He rounded the corner to see his oldest and middlest in the middle of a circle, each with one of his boxing gloves on as they circled each other.
“The heck are you guys doing??” They all turned to face him, that was when he noticed they had drawn on themselves to, what he guessed, look like pro-wrestlers, the basement was also a mess.
“Having a cage match, it’s 2 for 2 so far, this round decides the world-class-gladiator-basement-fight-to-the-death match, and the loser gets sacrificed.”
He almost let it go as his boys were being normal boys, until the last part hit him.
“Wait- what?! Sacrificed to who?!” His son giggled, “I don’t know, it’s only pretend, daddy.” Deciding he could no longer bear their empty stares he made them clean up the basement before spending the next 1 ½ hours cleaning off marker.
Futakuchi Kenji:
You guys had taken your 3 girls to the park to have a play-date/picnic with Aone and his wife/kids.
You were sitting and chatting away with his wife, while Aone and Futakuchi talked about their high school days, Aone gladly telling Futakuchi’s embarrassing moments.
Your youngest daughter was 3, and so far it has proven to be the worst of any age they had experienced yet.
Or rather...he had experienced yet.
For you, she was a perfect little angel, sweet and giggly, super cuddly and very much a momma’s girl.
But towards her daddy? She held nothing but malice. She would often smack him and run away to you giggling, or scrunch her nose up at him when he tried to get a hug or kiss.
You guys didn’t know what brought on this sudden hatred, but you were sure it would pass someday.
Your baby girl had waddled up to the picnic blanket and plopped herself down on your lap, playing with some nearby grass as the more adults continued to talk.
Deciding to try his luck, Futakuchi got the attention of your daughter.
“Hey, why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap.”
Your daughter turned towards him and shook her head, “No.”
Futakuchi pouted, “Why not?” Your little girl huffed as she only turned her head this time.
“Because I don’t even like you dada.” She then plopped her head back down on your chest while you and Mrs. Aone started laughing and Futakuchi’s face showed only pain.
“hEy! I helped make you, the least you can show me is some gratitude!” Your youngest only stuck her tongue out at him, causing an audible chuckle out of Aone and more pain for Futakuchi.
Daishou Suguru:
When you and Daishou had your first child, your daughter, you never had a hard time getting her to sleep.
But for some reason, lately she had been getting out of her bed in the middle of the night, with seemingly no reason.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Daishou loves his little girl.
But sometimes...kids can be creepy, and yours were no different.
When she woke up at these awful hours of the night, she’d just go to you guys’ room and...stand there...she wouldn’t say anything, just stand there with her teddy bear in one arm and the other hanging limply at her side.
It was almost 3 am, so naturally Daishou had long since been asleep.
He had just rolled over to the edge of the bed to grab some water when he almost screamed.
Standing right there was his daughter, just standing there, watching him.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took a deep breath.
“I- go back to sleep, it’s late.” Your daughter just nodded, turned around, and walked out of your room and back into her own.
Heart still beating out of his chest he got his sip of water, laid back down and tried to go to sleep, which proved difficult with the blank stare of his child still stuck in his mind.
Numai Kazuma:
You, Numai, and your 4 children had taken a road trip as your big summer vacation.
Currently, you were all driving through this cute little town on the out skirts of one of the cities.
Two of your boys were sleeping, one reading his picture book, and your youngest and only girl was looking out the window.
You had taken a turn driving while Numai had taken a small nap, although he had woken up a little bit ago.
You guys had gotten to the outskirts of this small town, and were coming up on a cemetery.
Your daughter was 4, so she knew what a cemetery was. You guys weren’t too worried, she had grown up with 3 older brothers so things like bugs or ghost stories never really bothered her too much.
You and Numai had started talking to each other when you heard your daughter speak up.
“Hey mommy, hey daddy,” You took a peak into the rear-view mirror, your husband turning to look at his daughter.
“Yeah baby? What is it?” Your husband asked as he smiled towards his little girl.
Smiling, she turned towards the window and pointed to the cemetery.
“That’s where all the dead people are.”
Numai blinked as he just nodded and turned back around in his seat, slumping down as his eyes held a certain ‘deer in headlights’ look, slowly turning to see you as he pointed towards your daughter than to you.
“That came from your genes, not mine-” He winced when you slapped his arm, shaking your head as you too tried to erase the utter creepiness you were feeling after that.
Iizuna Tsukasa:
Iizuna yawned as he walked out of the master bedroom, having just woken up from a 3 hour nap.
Today had been a particularly intense game, which they had won, but had left him exhausted.
You were downstairs in the bathroom, working on washing the magic-marker your other children had put there off of your 10 month old baby while your 2 oldests were upstairs in time out where you left them.
Iizuna walked through the hallway, smiling as he heard his two oldests talking and playing. Or at least, it sounded like they were playing.
Recently, your oldest, your daughter who’s barely 4 and your son who just turned 2 had been bickering all the time, fighting over toys and had resorted to pinching.
When you had caught them and put them in time out, Iizuna was dead asleep, so he didn’t know his kids were supposed to be in timeout, and at the ages they were at it wasn’t unusual to see them play together.
Turning the corner his smile dropped as he sprinted towards his kids, watching in horror as his oldest pushed the middlest down the stairs, simply watching as her brother tumbled as Iizuna lost 10 years of his life.
Quickly scolding his daughter he ran down the stairs and carefully grabbed your son, who thankfully had no injuries, heart beating out of his chest as he sighed.
You, having heard tumbles and then tears, speedily rounded the corner with your now marker-free child in your arms.
It was safe to say neither of you knew how to respond to that, your oldest simply waving from the top of the stairs as Iizuna now has a significant amount of trauma.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Sakusa, Tsukishima and Kenma when their s/o gets a wound
requested: sakusa, tsukki, and kenma with a s/o who gets a wound? maybe they went to do an activity and get their knees scraped bad and the boys find out? how would they take care of their s/o?
Sakusa was such a good pick for this oh my that’s probably why his is a bit longer please forgive me I am weak for him ok
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
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There were not a lot of things you could do as dates, since Sakusa declined most of your suggestions saying that it would be too unhygienic or too much work making sure everything would be clean.
But when you came up with the idea of going wandering on a mountain trail, where only mostly elderly people where, he was all for it. Of course he also didn’t liek staying insiode all the time, and a place where anybody went while being in nature sounded like music to his ears.
However you regretted your decision soon after you guys started your trip. You were breathing heavily and your legs already felt like spaghetti and you werent even halfway up the hill. Sakusa however, with his amazing sports stamina was walking ahead and barely notived that you fell way behind, until he wanted to talk to you and you didn’t respond to his words. He turned around wondering where you were. Did you maybe get lost? But then he saw you hanging over, your hands placed on your knees and you looked up to him smiling, but you couldn’t hide the exhaustion.
Your boyfriend couldn’t help but chuckle seeing you like that. He walks to you and stops in front of you, tilting his head while he observes your heaving figure. “You know, we can just return if you want to. But the air up here is really good and I guess it’s even better at the top.” You just shake your head, insisting on continuing this trip because it hasn’t been often that you saw Kiyoomi this careless. You were determined to make this an enjoyable trip for the both of you, but especially him. He deserved a pause from his hectic life.
So he grabs your hand and walks slowly beside you for a while, both of you enjoying the nature around you and the fresh air sweeping through your lungs. When you’re finally at the top you have a nice picnic while enjoing the view over the land, watching leaves dance in the wind and tumbling around you, taking in all the scents of exotic flowers and birds chirping somewhere in the tree tops.
You feel a lot better when you get back down. Walking down on a mountain is a lot less exhausting than walking up, after all. Your steps fly more easily. Too easily. You’re more careless with your steps and before you can stop it you stumble over a big rock in your way, landing on your knees before Sakusa can grab your wrist. However he’s quick to help you up again and you flinch and hiss when you shift your weight on your left leg again. Your knee is totally scraped, a small rill of blood running down your leg. Some small stones still stick to your skin and Sakusa is quick to pull out a small package from his backpack, because this man never goes anywhere unprepared.
He helps you sit down on a tree trunk next to the path you were walking and he looks at you with slight amusement but also worry in his eyes. He sighs before leaning down and placing a kiss on the top of your head and then kneels down in front of you, taking care of the wound. “What am I gonna do with you? You’re so clumsy...” he mumbles and you have to smile, though your knee still burns badly. Sakusa takes care of it perfectly, even kissing the bandage on top of your knee after he’s done. However, he doesn’t let you walk down again, he carries you down all the way on his back and you’re not complaining.
You just cling onto him and cuddle into his back, burying your face in his neck and stroking his hair occassionally, thanking him for taking care of you so well. He smiles to himself when he feels you pressing to him, feeling your breath so close on his skin.
After the trip he still checks up on your knee everyday, even when it’s not a wound that serious. He still claims that it shouldn’t get infected and that he’s the only one besides a doctor that can take proper care of it. Always kisses your knee after every check up! A true cariing cutie, I am way too soft for this man
Tsukishima Kei:
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It was hard to get Tsukishima thrilled of the idea of going somewhere special to hang out. He was more of the stay inside kinda person, preferring just cuddling up to you in private.
You accepted his choices (even though you still got him to go to certain places sometimes) and that’s how you transformed everyday situations into little dates. Like lunch in school or staying in your garden instead of in the house, sometimes you’d even join his practice and watch him there. Even though he would never admit it, he enjoyed it when you do that. It always makes his insides all giddy and warm because you care for him so much!
You also always walk home together, talking about anything on your way or just quietly listening to music while enjoying each other’s company, silently holding or hands or sometimes he’ll just sling an arm around your shoulders and pull you close to him, walking like that for a while.
Today however you were “balancing” on a wall next to the sidewalk while talking to Kei and rambling about your day. It was fun to you focusing on taking the right steps, even though the platform you were walking on was not that small. You still had to be careful about where you placed your feet, because there were roots and other plants growing over and through the stone. “Ugh anyway, and then our teacher just made us write a test, and it was fine I guess but still sucked.” you ended your little rant.
“Y/N, are you really sure you should walk up there? Don’t you think it would be safer down here? You’re gonna get hurt if you don’t look out.” Tsukki just says while looking up to you with a vague face. You almost laughed seeing him like that. Was he actually worrying about you? Contrary to you always worrying about him at games, this was a nice change.
“Don’t be silly Kei, I’ve been balancing on things since I was a child, literally nothing will happen-” And that’s when you literally cursed yourself, because just moment later you stumble over a root and fall down, though you manage to cushion your fall with your hands which got the most damage.
Your boyfriend is right next to you in no time, helping you up and scanning your body for any injuries, but luckily only your hands got injured and your elbow felt weird, making your whole arm feel like some sort of pudding. Tsukki is just shaking his head while taking in the scrapes and cuts on your hands. You flinch when he softly touches your strained skin and he looks at you with disapproval. His eyes literally tell you “I told you so.” but fortunately he has enough tactfulness to not say it out loud. He accompanies you to your house, constantly shaking his head when you whimper and pout because your hands hurt.
He reluctantly helps you clean your hands, because he claims he’s not good with that kind of stuff and he only helps you bandage the wound because you don’t want to move your hands too much. Quiet sounds of disapproval still leave his lips as he does, though. Something like that could never happen to him, he says. Still, the look in his eyes is loving. He appreciates your playful side a lot. Without it, his life would be pretty plain. Without YOU it would be.
He loves you, but please prepare for a bunch of teasing after the incident. He will never let you climb on something or balance somewhere every again for a long time because honestly? He cares about you a little too much and he can’t bear to see you hurt in any way.
Kenma Kozume:
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Kenma always seemed to be busy with some things. In the morning it was school, in the afternoon volleyball practice and in the evening and at night he was usually gaming.
You tried you best to insert yourself into his routine. Walk to school with him, spend the breaks at school with him, game with him, watch him at practice. You were fine with it, really, because you noticed how over the time he got more cooperative and sometimes skipped volleyball practice to hang out with you, or he was starting to game a bit less in order to go to the cinema with you etc.
But you still treasured the time the most when you could hang with him normally, like at practice. You could actually spend hours watching him do something else other than hanging over his console.
And the other members loved you, too. They appreciated you being at practice, it was like having another manager. You also took care of them and told them everything you observed, you brought snacks and cheered for them in any game. Sometimes you’d even join in during training camps and get along with other teams, as well.
You normally used your time during practice to do homework or work on other things, but today you helped out as the “ballboy/girl” basically and ran around the gym catching the flying volleyballs and collecting them for the boys. You’d throw them back to them or helped them to serve the ball, but you were always just moving around the whole time. You didn’t mind, though. It was actually very fun, the boys were constantly joking around. But Kenma didn’t look all that amused whenever a ball just closely missed you or when you almost fell in an attempt to catch a ball.
You watched as him and Yaku were talking to Lev and teaching him how to do a proper serve. The first year was listening eagerly, moving his hands and arms around enthusiastically and you found yourself grinning when Kenma moved his hands over his face in frustration.
Then it finally came to Lev putting all the tips into something and he was standing at the end of the field, ready to serve. You watched him fail a few times until he hit the ball with a loud bang and slammed it over the net, right to where you were standing. No one had enough time to react properly and before you could even think about diodging the ball landed straight on your chest and you fell backwards, hitting your head on the floor hard. For a moment you couldn’t see or hear anything, just darkness and dancing light in front of your eyes and a defeaning beeping in your ears.
Someone helped you to sit up and you slowly began to see contours of people around you, and their voices were still incomprehendable to you. You felt hands on your back and then on your face and you looked into your boyfriends face who had widened eyes and looked very pale.
Then he turned around and basically chased Lev through hell for doing this, giving him the lecture of his life even though you weren’t hurt that badly. there was a small wound at the back of your head and just a little bit of blood came out.
Kenma was by your side the whole time, flinching a lot more than you when you got a bandage around your head. You got some medication from the doctor and while you were tripping a little bit he still stayed at your side, giving you his console so you can play and distract yourself from ther pain
Literally really won’t leave your side, will stay at your house until you can go to school again and he just spends the days next to you in your bed, pouting when he sees the wound and carefully stroking your hair. He’s a big cuddler during this time and literally won’t led you near the gym anytime soon. He always gives Lev death stares when he gets near you, like a hissing cat.
A protective boy, 11/10 would love and cherish
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Everybody Talks ~ Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyuu) pt 1
requested by: --
a/n: i forgot to post this here, lmao whoops
but anyways, had to split this because tumblr cant support 7000+ words asdfghjkll
this is my longest one shot so far, please enjoy it. em begging thee
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part one | part two | part three
"Hey baby won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction,"
There it goes again, the annoying song that he was already very familiarized with as it was the very same song that his soulmate had been listening non-stop for the past few days. Iwaizumi Hajime doesn't know if his soulmate had a different time zone than his (thirteen hours difference to be exact) or just a psychopath listening to the loud song for the whole night that the dark haired male could barely sleep. And it had been almost a week already!
"Hey baby what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction,"
Hajime doesn't even understood the song that much despite it's catchy tune. It was in, on what he assumed, was english. Yes, it was very catchy song at first as the beat was very enjoyable and the singer had a nice voice— but listening to the song for almost one week straight? It can drive anyone insane. And Iwaizumi Hajime had to deal with listening to the song over and over again in non-stop repeat because of his (probably) psychopath soulmate listen to it in full volume.
"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time,"
The dark haired male was rather a bit thankful that the volume of the song he was hearing was a bit bearable as whatever song anyone's soulmate was listening too, it was projected to the other about only eighty percent the noise. Still, the song was loud and Hajime wonders if his soulmate would go deaf with how loud the song was playing on their end. Well, if they weren't going deaf already.
"I found out that everybody talks,
Everybody talks, everybody talks,
It started with a whisper!"
Sighing, Hajime stared at the ceiling of his room, a small frown on his lips. God, his soulmate was lowkey an asshole for making him listen to the same song over and over again for the past few days. If he ever finds his soulmate, the dark haired male was sure to beat them up— or at least, be angry at them for making him listen to a song that he could barely sleep.
"And that was when I kissed her!
And then she made my lips hurt!"
Looking at the alarm clock on top of his nightstand beside his bed, the dark haired male let out another annoyed grunt as he saw the time. It was already midnight and he still had school to attend to tomorrow. Not to mention volleyball practice early in the morning aswell.
God, for a moment, Hajime hated the soulmate bond so, so much.
"I could hear the chit chat!
Take me to your love shack!"
But Iwaizumi Hajime also remembered that his soulmate rather had a nice taste in music that even made him listen to his soulmates favorite bands— or at least he assumes they were their favorite bands.
Hajime was stuck with the soulmate bond that let's him hear the song what his soulmate was listening too, and it reminded the dark haired male that his soulmate was somehow sharing a part of themselves to him.
"Mamas always gotta back track!
When everybody talks back!"
Sighing again, Hajime wished he would just smack his soulmate right now.
"Hey honey you could be my drug?
You could be my new prescription,"
Hajime let out an annoyed grunt as he just finished serving and stood outside the court. It was unfortunately out of bounds as he put too much pressure on hitting the ball, but Hajime could barely care about it right now.
"Too much could be an overdose!
All this trash talk make me itchin'!"
Jesus fucking Christ, it was practically by the end of the day, but his soulmate was still listening to the song? The dark haired male now fully believed his soulmate was a psychopath. Period.
"Oh my, my,
Everybody talks, everybody talks,
Everybody talks, too much..."
"Woah, losing your edge there ace!" Hajime turned his head to whoever had said those words and saw it was a fellow third year and (unfortunately) friend of his, Hanamaki Takahiro. The light brown (pink-ish?) haired male had an eyebrow raised towards him but an amused smirk on his lips with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You okay there? Or are you getting old already?" Takahiro snickered as Hajime rolled his eyes at the wing spiker. The light brown (salmon???) haired player was always a bit of a tease along with another third year, Matsukawa Issei. Speaking of the middle blocker, it seemed like the black haired middle blocker also decided to come and join on annoying the dark haired ace.
"You've been also more annoyed than usual," Issei pointed out as he stood next to his light brown (pastel pink???) haired friend with his arms crossed on his chest aswell. "Love the eye bags, by the way," Issei continued as he grinned while Takahiro snickered more at his comment.
"Oh, shut up," Hajime had grunted as he rubbed the temple on his head. The dark haired ace was already tired from the lack of sleep and practicing volleyball even if he do love the sport. He can't deal with his teams bullshit right now.
"Iwa-chan can't sleep because of his soulmate!" Yelled the volleyball captain of the males volleyball club of Aoba Johsai, Oikawa Tōru, who was unfortunately the dark haired male's best friend since childhood from across the court. How did he know what the three were talking about? No one would ever know other than knowing the captain enjoyed gossip and doesn't care if he even gets caught listening to conversations that doesn't include him. Oikawa Tōru had no shame.
Sighing again, Hajime was so fucking done. Of course the chocolate brown haired male would know about his soulmate problem even if he doesn't say anything about it. For some odd reason, Tōru had a sixth sense with him and his soulmate. How annoying.
"Because of your soulmate...?" Takahiro asked, confused. The confusion on his face was immediately then replaced with an amused look as a shit eating grin was replaced the smirk on his lips. Hajime already felt the headache coming.
"That's pretty kinky, not gonna lie," Takahiro said with no shame whatsoever. Obviously his imaginations running wild from the chocolate brown haired male's shout about Hajime and his soulmate. Issei could only chuckle at his friend's words as they both look at the dark haired ace who was slowly losing his sanity and patience.
"But seriously, Iwaizumi. What's the deal with your soulmate?" Issei asked. Finally something Hajime could actually answer and not be teased by the assholes that he calls his teammates and friends. Unfortunately.
"The dumbass hasn't stopped listening to this one song for almost a week now," Hajime grunted as he could still hear the said song in his mind.
"It started with a whisper!
And that was when I kissed her!
And then she made my lips hurt!"
"Really?" Takahiro said, a bit surprised that a measly song would annoy the dark haired ace. Sure, Iwaizumi Hajime was a bit of a hot headed person but he was a hot headed person who can control his temper— unless it's with Oikawa Tōru, then Hajime would not hesitate to beat the shit outta the chocolate haired captain.
"What's so bad with the song?" And it seemed like the black haired middle blocker agreed aswell as Issei asked that question. The taller male didn't know if he should congratulate their ace's soulmate for making the dark haired male so annoyed and irritated for the past few days or feel bad for Hajime.
"The song isn't the problem," Hajime huffed as he saw both Takahiro and Issei look at him with raised brows. Clearly wanting him to elaborate more since they were confused. Sighing, the dark haired male decided to just come out with it. "They just have been playing the song non-stop and it's driving me insane."
"I could hear the chit chat!
Take me to your love shack!"
"What's the song?" The light brown (peach?!?) haired male had asked. Curious on what Hajime's soulmate was listening to. Can you blame him though? Their ace seemed to be a bit secretive with his soulmate, even if they had been teammates and friends for years. Iwaizumi Hajime didn't seemed to like talking about his soulmate, either it be him not liking them or just likes his privacy. It was probably the latter but who knows?
Sighing again, Hajime gestured the two to follow him to the changing room. The practice was almost over anyways and both Takahiro and Issei had finished their serves earlier ago aswell. The dark haired ace was going to let the two third years hear the song he had been listening to for the past few days with his phone. Hajime, after all, downloaded the song his soulmate had been listening to non-stop.
"Mamas always gotta back track!
When everybody talks back!"
Arriving at the changing room with the two males tagging along, Hajime wasted no time going to his assigned locker and opened it up. Taking out his phone and unlocking it, Hajime immediately then went to his music app and searched the song his soulmate had forced him to listen to for almost a week.
"Never thought I'd live to see the day,
When everybody's words got in the way!"
Finding the song, the dark haired ace turned to both his friend and gave them a blank expression as he hit play on the song.
The familiar intro of the song played loud on the device's speaker and it didn't take long for the singer started singing the song that Hajime was song he could sing along perfectly from how much he had heard the song already. The dark haired male had practically memorized the lyrics of the song already and he wasn't even kidding.
"Woah," Issei whistled as he look at the song that was playing in Hajime's phone more closely. "Damn ace, you're soulmate has taste!" The black haired male said. Rather surprised and impressed to the song Hajime's soulmate taste in music.
"It's in english too," Takahiro pointed out. He then turned to look at Issei who looked at him aswell. The two seemed to be communicating without even saying anything, but seeing the furrowed eyebrows and small frown on their lips, Hajime knew what they were thinking.
"Your soulmate is probably in a foreign country..." Takahiro said as he looked back at the dark haired ace. A bit worried but the wing spiker seemed to force a grin on his lips. "That's so cool!"
"Yeah, you're pretty lucky to get a foreign soulmate ace," Issei said. "Imagine getting help with english!" The black haired male chuckled. The two friends continued on listing the positives of having a soulmate who can talk in english and joking about it.
The dark haired ace didn't seemed to listen to the two though.
Hajime knew that there was a huge possibility that his soulmate was in another country than where he was. Soulmates were rarely even in the same cities most of the time, so Hajime fully knows about him maybe not meeting his soulmate. Still, it still hurts to think that his soulmate was far away from him and probably would not meet.
Iwaizumi Hajime didn't considered himself as a hopeless romantic, but it had always been his dream to meet the other person who he had sharing music to since he was seven years old.
There were two reasons why Hajime hated sharing about his soulmates music taste. First was that it hurts to be reminded that Hajime would only hear the song his soulmate was listening to and most of the time those songs were in english and were too loud for his liking. Sure, his soulmate listened to some mellow song aswell like lo-fi and even taking note on songs he listened too aswell, but his soulmate seemed to enjoy the upbeat and loud ones a lot.
Second was that Hajime felt like the music he listened from his soulmate were sacred. It was a silly thing to think but for the dark haired ace, the music and songs his soulmate was listening too, it was only for him to listen to and only him alone.
God, perhaps Iwaizumi Hajime was a hopeless romantic. Or at least, a little bit of a hopeless romantic with how he thinks about some dumb songs his soulmate was listening too.
next >
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Never too late - 4 - 5
A continuation of Leo and Regulus' attempts (antics) to give Regulus the childhood he never had.
CW: All content warnings relate to Part 5: piercings and food talk
Please message me if you feel I need to add any content warnings
Rating: T
Previous and future chapters can be found on my masterlist
Credit for the sweater universe and the characters within it go to @lumosinlove. What a hero.
4. Take photos! Candids, selfies and posed group shots. They’ll hold the best memories.
“Merde, what are you doing?” Logan asked, resting his head on Leo's shoulder as he peered at the laptop.
Leo grinned, tipping his head back slightly so he could press a kiss against Logan’s cheek, “I’m getting inspiration.”
“That cleared a grand total of nothing up,” Logan huffed, circling the sofa so that he could flop next to Leo. “Oh my God, no. I thought I had deleted everything from back then” he groaned, reaching to close the lid of the device.
Leo swatted his hand away with a scowl. “First of all, I am offended that you never told me that you used to have bangs,” he gestured to the image of a young Logan on the screen, laughter bubbling in chest. “Second, I think you may have caught most yours, but you failed to check your tagged photos.”
Logan sighed again, apparently resigning himself to the fact Leo was going to trawl through the photos no matter what. “Is there at least a reason that you are torturing me like this?” he asked, curling into Leo’s side.
“It started off as me finding inspiration for classic high school photos to take with Reg, but now I’m just looking at how adorable you were at 14.” Leo chuckled.
“I want to be on the top!” James yelled, earning a snigger from Finn.
“No, Logan needs to go on the top, he’s the smallest and I’m not breaking my back for you idiots,” Kasey said from where he was braced on all fours.
“He’s actually very heavy. Like a tiny ball of muscle,” Finn said. Logan seemed conflicted as to whether he should be thanking his boyfriend or reprimanding him, the confused frown making Leo smile, but he figured he should intervene before a full on argument broke out.
“Maybe we should ask Regulus where he wants to go? These are his photos after all,” Leo suggested, turning his gaze onto the man in question.
Regulus threw his hands up, shaking his head. “I was coerced into this madness,” he defended. “But if I must participate then I want to go on top. At least then I don’t get squashed when this goes wrong.”
“O, yee of little faith,” Thomas scoffed, making a dramatic show of stretching his limbs.
“I’m retiring after this season, I’m too old for this,” Dumo groaned as he joined Kasey on the floor.
“You say this every season,” Kuny laughed, taking the spot next to Pascal and nudging him in the shoulder.
“Alright, Cap. I think you better go on the base too,” Leo said, laughing at the scowl he earned. It appeared that Sirius had been trying to make himself blend into the cushions in the hopes he might get out of the photo, but Leo wasn’t about to let him off that easily. “For Reg?”
“Regulus doesn’t even…” Sirius began to argue, but he was interrupted by his brother’s low chuckle.
“I have suddenly changed my mind. Come on Sirius, don’t be a spoil sport,” Regulus teased.
Sirius opened his mouth to start a rebuttal, but all that came out was a resigned sigh, and the man heaved himself to his feet, getting a loud cheer from the rest of the team. Once he had taken his spot, the rest of the pyramid seemed to form easily. James, Remus, Leo, Logan and Finn all climbed on, until eventually it was Regulus’s turn. With a little help from Timmy and Olli, the man managed to take his place at the top of the pyramid.
“Okay, Sergei, take the photo,” Leo instructed, feeling parts of the pyramid begin to shake.
“Which button is -” Sergei asked, before a semblance of a smile crossed his face. “Oh, found it.” Just as the words left Sergei’s mouth, Leo found himself tumbling to the floor, several of his team mates on top of him, a chorus of grumbling in several different languages erupting as they clutched various body parts.
“If anybody has broken anything, I am not explaining this to Coach,” Sirius declared, from under James and Finn.
“Did you at least get the photo?” Dumo asked.
“No, we need to do again,” Sergei grinned, a groan reverberating around the room from the rest of the team.
Regulus wiped his hand across his cheek so subtly that he nearly missed it, but the redness in his eyes was obvious.
“Are you crying?” Leo asked quietly, feeling the muscles 0f his forehead tense into a concerned frown.
“I’m fine,” Regulus said, blinking rapidly, shutting the scrapbook perched on his lap with a little more force than necessary. Leo had spent hours compiling the photos taken over the last few months into it: the forming a pyramid, two dozen or so polaroids taken at various events, a fair few with peace signs; the transition of Regulus slowly becoming more comfortable with the action obvious with each one, another was a take on the classic shoe circle only with hockey skates. Somehow James had snuck several selfies of himself into the mix.
“No, Reggie, what’s the matter?” Leo pulled the book from Regulus’s hands and put it on the coffee table, turning so that he could face his friend more easily.
Regulus shrugged, playing with the sleeve of his shirt, a nervous habit Leo had picked up on over the past few months. “I...I just never really had any friends in high school. It’s kind of hard when you’re taught to see everybody as competition, you know? So, I don’t really have any photos that aren’t stuffy family portraits or media shots. I didn’t realise that bothered me until now.”
Leo bundled Regulus into a hug, his friend making a disgruntled sound as he found himself pressed against Leo’s chest. “Just accept it,” Leo huffed, wondering how he had managed to find himself saddled with so many emotionally constipated hockey (or ex-hockey) players.
5. Find your style - change your hair, get a new piercing, buy a new outfit. Go wild!
“Hey, Reg,” Finn waved, mumbling through a mouthful of cheese.
“Harzy! Do you know how much that cheese cost?” Logan scolded, his expression somewhat more horrified than Leo would deem reasonable, “Please respect it.”
Leo grabbed his jacket, patting the pocket to ensure his wallet was inside. He rarely used his physical cards anymore, but it gave him far too much anxiety to rely on just his phone. “We’re leaving now. Try not to kill each other while we’re gone. It would be tragic to lose both of my boyfriends in one day,” he said, dropping a kiss first on to Finn’s cheek and then Logan’s.
“Bye Reg,” Finn waved again.
“Thank you,” Leo smiled at the cashier as he took his purchases from them. He looked down, noting that between the two of them they had amassed nearly twenty bags. Leo wasn’t usually one to spend money frivolously, but he had found himself swept away by Reg’s enthusiasm. Apparently when he wasn’t being stuffed into tight button ups and tailored pants, Regulus really rather enjoyed fashion. Finn would have been proud of the multiple pairs of trainers they had acquired so far. Still, they probably had enough for today.
Before Leo had a chance to suggest a change of activities, Regulus beat him to it. “Do you want to get some food?” he asked, the grumble of Leo’s stomach answering the question with no need for any words. Regulus laughed, “I’ll take that as a yes. Are you good to get Thai?”
Somehow over the course of filling their stomachs with curry and Pad Thai, an innocent comment about how Regulus would look cute with a piercing resulted in them walking into the nearest studio that had decent reviews. Regulus had changed into one of his new outfits: a loose black and white striped shirt, a pair of black pants cuffed at the legs and chunky white sneakers because his old outfit was deemed unsuitable for getting a piercing in.
Leo had just finished up getting his lip done, pamphlet of aftercare instructions clutched in his hand, and was waiting for Regulus to come out of his room. The boy had refused to tell him what exactly he was going to get done, and the anticipation was killing him. A few minutes later, Regulus pushed out the door to the small room and Leo’s eye was immediately drawn to the light catching Regulus’ eyebrow.
“Oh my God!” Leo exclaimed, wincing as the movement sent a surge of pain through his lip. “You look so good,” he added, moving to inspect the barbell peeking through Regulus’ brow.
“Thanks,” Regulus blushed at the approval. “Yours is cool too. Logan and Finn are going to freak out.”
“They sure are,” Leo chuckled. “Alright, I’ll settle this and then I’ll drop you back home?”
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Regulus scowled, reading the instructions on the back of the box of dye for what Leo was sure was the fiftieth time.
“I told you, you haven’t been a teenager unless you have made some questionable fashion choices,” Leo countered. “Except I’m going to look amazing with blue hair so it’s not really questionable.”
“Well, it can’t be worse than this anyway, right?” Regulus grimaced, gesturing to his bleached blond hair.
“Noughties boy band members would be jealous,” Leo laughed.
“It’s a shame it is neither the noughties anymore, nor am I a boy band member,” Regulus replied, shoving the box into Leo’s hands. “Just do it.”
A little over an hour later, Leo was nudging Reg in front of the mirror. “Okay, this was definitely not a mistake! We look amazing. I am taking up a career in hairdressing if I get injured,” Leo declared, holding his hand out for a high five. Whilst Regulus did return it, it was less enthusiastic than Leo had been going for. “You don’t like it?”
“No, I like it,” Regulus shook his head, dragging his fingers along the short sides. The cut wasn’t that different to what it had been before, other than a slightly more dramatic fade. “Just feels weird. My parents would die if they could see me.”
“Well, I think we look badass,” Leo said, running his hand through his own blue hair. He’d left the front long and floppy, deciding to go wild and undercut the back. “Come here, let me take a photo.”
Leo was glad that Regulus had finally learned that while he was not one to throw a tantrum, he did have his ways of getting what he wanted and it was easier for everyone if Regulus just compiled most of the time. The post had barely been up on their Instagram pages for more than 3 minutes when Leo’s phone began to vibrate, Logan’s flashing onto the screen.
“Regulus! Why did my little brother just call to tell me that he wants to dye his hair blue?” Remus yelled up the stairs as Leo picked the call up.
And if drug stores all over the country sold out of blue hair dye the next day? Well, Leo guessed there were worse trends to have started.
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sincerelybubbles · 4 years
A Long Time Waiting || Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: cursing, drinking, NSFW mentions (not much lmao), and pure fluff
Summary: You and Bakugou know each other better then anyone else. But will a close friendship become more with time? 
5.8k words of fluff :))
  You were definitely not panicking. Why would you be panicking? There was absolutely nothing to be panicking about. It’s not like you should care that the entire Yuuei academy seemed to be gathered in front of the stage waiting for you and your friends to step out. It’s not like you had heard them talking about how excited they were to see if you guys would mess up. When you guys would mess up.
This was ridiculous, you were training to be a pro hero. People would be watching and judging you for far more important things then dancing, for the rest of your life. You shouldn’t be so concerned about stepping on stage. 
But, to think of it, this was so different then hero work. When you were training or helping in your internship, you had a mask on. People didn’t know your actual name or face; they only knew your costume and hero alias. This was different. Everyone out there knew your name and what you looked like and who you were. And they were waiting for you to mess up. They wanted you to mess up. 
Although, since the sports festival, the people knew who you were already and had seen your face. Plus, people hated on heroes constantly and villains were waiting for you to mess up, so this wasn’t-
Your racing thoughts were stopped immediately with a hand placed roughly on your shoulder. 
“Nervous?” A gruff voice spoke in your ear, and you jumped to see Bakugou leaning down, lips almost pressed to the side of your head so that you could hear him over the noise. You shook your head ‘no’ violently in a blatant lie. Anyone could tell you were nervous by the way you were wringing your hands in front of you, droplets of water leaking and creating a puddle down at your feet as you lost control of your quirk. “Good, because you have no reason to be. We’re going to kill them.” 
You felt your eyes widen at his large smile, cheeks flushing. 
“Did you just say ‘we’ Bakugou-kun?” You felt an arm slip around your waist and recognized it immediately as Mina, already able to picture the goofy smile on her face at Bakugou’s acceptance of your class. “Seems like you’re finally warming up to us!”
“No! Of course not, I said I’m going to kill them, get your hearing checked, dumbass.” You watched as Bakugou clashed his teeth together, almost growling at Mina. 
“We shouldn’t kill anyone.” You piped up, a small, nervous smile finding its’ way on your face. “That would be bad, the rest of the school hates us enough without any murder charges.”
“You know what I meant.” Bakugou mumbled, shifting his weight and adjusting his hand so that his arm was resting on your shoulder as he reached forward to close the curtain you were looking out of. “We should get into our places.” He told the two of you before turning around and yelling at everyone to “get their shit together.”
Mina squeezed her arm around your waist, brining your attention back to her. You returned her concerned look with a wide smile, “He was right though, in his own way. You have nothing to be nervous about. We’re going to kill it.” You nodded, letting her words sink in before taking a deep breath and going to your place. 
“Good, but make sure you aren’t hitting it at an angle, you’ll end up bruising your pinky.” You nodded at Kirishima’s directions, bouncing on the balls of your feet a few times before landing another punch on the heavy bag in front of you. At his nod, you landed two more in succession. 
“Hey, Shitty Hair, I need your- Y/N?” Bakugou’s voice almost made you fall as you faltered in the middle of your swing, catching yourself on the punching bag in front of you.
“Hi Bakugou-kun!” You smiled at the blond, wiping the sweat from your brow and straightening your posture under his questioning eyes. 
“What’s up, bro?” Kirishima asked Bakugou, coming out from holding the bag for you and mimicking your smile. At Bakugou’s confused expression Kirishima nudged you, “I was just helping Y/N train some, want to join us?”
“How are you able to help her?” Bakugou spit at Kirishima and you rubbed the back of your neck, looking at the ground sheepishly. 
“Well, Sensei says I rely too heavily on my kicks because my legs are stronger than my arms, so Kirishima-kun was helping me learn to punch a bit better.” You lifted your head to meet Bakugou’s eyes, only to find them snapping suddenly to you, obviously attempting to not be caught staring at something else. 
“You don’t want this idiot helping you, he doesn’t even punch right.” Bakugou’s tone was harsh, but you could sense a hint of a teasing nature in the way he crossed his arms over his chest, sending a glare to Kirishima that was less violent then his usual one. 
“Okay Bakugou-kun, show us what you’ve got if you’re so much better.” Kirishima’s tone, on the other hand, was obviously playful as he side-stepped out of the way of the punching bag, holding his hands out in a motion to the equipment. “We were working on her technique rather than strength right now.”
Bakugou let out a sound somewhere between and scoff and a groan but lifted one of his arms in a gesture toward you anyway, “Show me what you’ve got.” 
You turned back to the bag, a slight blush covering your cheeks as you did so, settling into your stance. 
“Don’t stand like that.” Bakugou huffed, uncrossing his arms before walking over and tugging at your arm. “If you do, everyone’ll know where you’re going to punch. Keep your muscles tense without looking like a dumbass.” As he talked, Bakugou moved your arms to rest closer together and kicked at your legs slightly so that you looked less tense. “Keep your arms like this so that you won’t get hit in the chest or stomach.”
You threw a punch after a second, realizing that Bakugou was done talking and had stepped back. You hit the bag with more force then you intended, making the stand it was settled on rock slightly. Kirishima moved quickly to steady the bag, resuming his earlier position of holding it. 
“Showing off, are we?” He asked, poking his head from around the bag and sending you his signature smile, pointed teeth on full display. You blushed but covered it with an overly sarcastic laugh. 
“Ha ha” You rolled your eyes before turning to Bakugou, “How was that?”
His eyes widened at your sudden attention before he cleared his throat and stepped back up to give you more direction. 
The three of you trained for another hour before you decided it was enough and you wanted to shower. You gave the pair your thanks, planning to meet up the next day after school to do more training. 
You had barely shut the door behind you before you heard Kirishima break out in a laugh. “You couldn’t have been more obvious!” You heard him say gleefully. “Your eyes were practically glued to her legs!” Kirishima was laughing quite loudly, his voice echoing down the hall despite the closed doors. 
You hurried to make your way down the hall and toward the bathroom, the sound of Bakugou’s denies growing faint as you shut the door behind you, leaning against it and letting out a shaky breath. 
Bakugou wasn’t staring at your legs, was he? It was probably just because you said something about Sensei calling them strong. Why did you have to say that? You probably just embarrassed yourself. 
You felt your cheeks warming and so you pressed your hands against them, activating your quirk to splash water to cool them down. 
“Y/N!” You stopped the steady flow of water that you were manipulating in the air in front of you to look down at Mr. Aizawa to see him motioning for you to come to him. You made your way toward him on a small platform of water, trying your best to not get anyone around you wet. 
“Yes sir?” You asked, sending him a curious look once you noticed Bakugou standing behind him, arms crossed and not meeting your eyes. 
“Take Bakugou to see Recovery Girl, please.” The tired man asked you, earning a nod in response. 
“I don’t need to see that old lady. What I need is to continue training.” Bakugou huffed, uncrossing his arms and clenching his fists by his side. You could make out a trickle of blood dripping down and to the floor. 
You reached forward to grab his arm and noticed a gash on the underside of it. Bakugou seemed too startled to do anything as you examined it. “It’s not that bad.” You looked up at Aizawa, “Why can’t we just bandage him up?” 
Your teacher shook his head, “Kirishima hit the concrete and Bakugou didn’t move fast enough. I’m worried about his head because it took most of the blow. Please make sure he gets there.” You nodded at your teacher. 
“‘M fine.” Bakugou mumbled as you led him from the gym, loosely holding his wrist to ensure he followed you. 
“We gotta make sure though. Here.” You pulled him to a stop before drawing water particles from the air surrounding you, gently rinsing the blood from his arm. You sent him a smile before circling his wrist in your hand once again, and beginning to walk down the hall. 
You jumped slightly when you noticed Bakugou twisting his arm away. You turned to look at him, a scowl making its’ way onto your face before you felt him grab your hand.
“It’s weird to have you grabbing my wrist like that.” Bakugou complained. You chose to ignore the slight blush covering both of your faces as you continued to walk to the nurses’ station together. 
You had not intended to get drunk tonight. Tipsy maybe but definitely not drunk. It was your last day at Yuuei and you wanted to remember it. The graduation ceremony was beautiful, and you managed not to cry as you walked across the stage. You did it, you were going to be a pro hero. So, as you entered the after party that you and your classmates had planned, you took a shot to celebrate.
And then took another because it was handed to you and you didn’t want to be rude. After that drinks were plentiful, and you ended up drunk. To be fair, most of your classmates also seemed to be in varying levels of drunk themselves.
Uraraka and Mina were dancing in the middle of the room, giggly and tripping over their feet. Kirishima was asleep on the floor under one of the tables, an empty wine bottle clutched to his chest. Midoriya was in the corner, crying and clutching his shoes to his chest in a tight hug, mumbling something under his breath as his fingers fiddled with the laces.
You were sitting in one of the chairs, dreading the walk back to your place. Everyone had moved out of the dorms a week ago and your place was a twenty minute walk away – manageable sober, but to your drunk mind twenty minutes felt like a lifetime and you really didn’t want to put back on your uncomfortable shoes that had already left blisters on your feet.
You watched, giggling to yourself, as Tokoyami and Sero played some sort of drinking game that you had never heard of before.
“Jeez, idiot, how much did you have to drink?” You turned your head too fast at the sound of a chair pulling up next to yours, leaving your vision spotted for a moment before your gaze focused on Bakugou. A promise you made to yourself forever ago weighed heavily in your heart, making yourself turn away from him.
You told yourself that you would never be the stupid girl with a crush in high school who couldn’t build up the courage to tell him that she liked them. It was dumb, something out of a stupid shojo anime, you wanted to be a hero for fucks sake. And yet, despite the promise you made yourself, you had fallen for Bakugou. Hard. And had yet to tell him.
He was always there. He helped you train, studied with you, and cared for you when you were sick or hurt. Granted, he pushed you to your limits while you trained, was a slightly impatient tutor, and endlessly called you stupid or a dumbass when you got sick or hurt, not to mention it was hardly ever you two alone. And yet, you could see beneath it all. He didn’t ever tell you anything outright, just lead you to conclusions you knew were true. And it was through this backwards way that you came to think that you knew more about him then yourself.
It was the extra servings he saved for you when he cooked; it was knowing what movies or shows you would like before you had even heard of them; it was the insistence that only he help you while you were hurt; it was the flowers he gave you earlier without a word that were now sitting your lap. Bakugou never outright said it, but you had a strong sense that he felt the same as you.
It was also knowing that, while he retired to bed early, he would stay up with little complaint if you asked to watch a movie; it was knowing that he insisted to hate sweets, but was always snagging yours whenever you baked them; it was knowing that he hated pickles and would eat anything if it was spicy. You also knew that when he was nervous he clenched his fists to build up sweat and when he was happy he grew louder. Teasing without obvious hatred was his way of accepting people. And, when he would let you, he really liked receiving your hugs, always lifting you a bit in the air on the rare occasion that there was a reason to hug, 
Despite knowing that, despite feeling that you both knew each other so well and knowing you two clicked in some undeniable way, you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. What if you thought wrong? He could just be trying to be a good friend. Or, more likely, you would tell him, and he would insist otherwise, despite both of you knowing the truth. And it would ruin everything.
Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes as the thought of never seeing him again after tonight entered your mind. You two would have nothing holding you together anymore. You were joining Edgeshot’s agency starting Monday and Bakugou was already in the process of starting his own. Of course he was, it was you who insisted he had the talent and that he should.
A warm tear slipped down your cheek. School held you two together and now that was over. And it was over for everyone in this room. Everyone was heading in so many directions that you couldn’t even remember them all. You silently thanked yourself for deciding to move in with Mina, before realizing that you were drunk crying over something stupid and lifting a hand to quickly wipe the tear away.
“Woah, hey.” Bakugou caught your wrist in one hand, lifting his other to cup your cheek and turn you to face him again. “What’re you crying for, dumbass, it’s a party. Only losers cry at parties and I can’t be seen with a loser.” Bakugou puffed his chest out, wiping at the tear with his thumb.
“So-orry.” You hiccupped. “I just realized that we’re probably not going to see each other anymore.” You closed your eyes, leaning your cheek into his hand slightly. You instantly blushed, realizing that he was still holding your face and that you had just nuzzled into it. Were you a fucking cat?
“Of course we’ll still see each other.” Bakugou said softly, then cleared his throat, speaking louder and dropping his hand from your face, “We live in the same building, dumbass.”
“We do?” You asked, shocked and finding it hard to focus as his hand was still holding your wrist loosely, dropped to hang in the space between the two of you. 
Bakugou laughed, a sound that you froze to just enjoy for a moment. “Pinky didn’t tell you? I live two floors above you.”
“Oh.” Your head started nodding uncontrollably, “Then that’s good! Really good.” You could tell you were slurring through your speech and cursed yourself again for drinking so much.
“Should I tell you again in the morning, so you actually remember?” Bakugou asked, obviously holding back a laugh trapped in his throat.
“Yeah. Probably. You should also walk me home.” You gave him an awkward smile, laughing nervously at yourself, “I might get lost.” You admitted.
“Don’t worry,” Bakugou turned his head to look back at the party, “I was already planning to. Dumbass.” He released your wrist only to link your fingers through his own, not meeting your eye. You smiled to yourself, looking down at your lap holding the flowers he gave you earlier, face feeling flushed.  
“Thanks, Bakugou-kun.”
You slammed the door behind you, only to not hear it shut. You turned around to see Bakugou holding it open, a shocked look on his face. 
“Really?” He snapped, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him, “You really were going to shut that in my face?” He growled, yanking his boots off of his feet. 
“Sorry, but considering you walked five feet behind me the entire walk home and said nothing, I really didn’t get the feeling that you’d want to come inside.” You returned his snappy tone with an exasperated look. “What’s up with you today?” 
“I can’t believe it had to be him.” Bakugou muttered, pushing past you and making his way into you and Mina’s kitchen. 
“Listen, I’ve had a shitty day without all of this. So, either tell me what’s got you all pissy, drop it, or leave.” You followed Bakugou, rubbing your forehead to try and alleviate the pain you had been feeling all morning. 
You had started the day with a migraine, run out of tea to drink, and were stuck doing paperwork all day for Edgeshot. Overall, you felt tense and annoyed; Bakugou’s attitude when he greeted you outside of your work to walk you home only made it worse, and you spent the entire walk home wondering why he even bothered to wait for you if he was so obviously annoyed at you. 
“You went on a date with Tokoyami?”“ Bakugou asked you suddenly after a few moments of hesitation. His back was to you as he made coffee, and his voice would have sounded steely and indifferent if it didn’t crack in the middle of Tokoyami’s name. 
“Who told you that?” You asked, brow scrunching in confusion.
“Oh, sorry, was it a secret?” Bakugou sneered, whipping around to face you, a glare fixed on his face, eyes closed off so that you couldn’t read anything behind them. “Sero mentioned it the other day. If you don’t want people knowing about your secret boyfriend you should be more careful, dumbass.”
“Bakugou.” You said, voice sounding tired as you stepped closer to him, setting your hand on his arm, feeling his muscles tense. “Our agencies are teaming up for a bit, so he treated me to lunch. What exactly did Sero tell you?”
Bakugou was quiet, fist clenching around the mug he was holding in one hand. The only sound for a moment was the water dripping in the coffee pot. 
“He said you and Tokoyami went out to lunch and he had a lot of fun.” Bakugou said, the words tumbling out of his mouth, tripping over themselves as the blond spoke quickly and softly. 
“It wasn’t a date, there were three other people there.” You reassured him as his head turned away from you in embarrassment, cheeks flushing. You dropped your hand to take the coffee cup out of his hand. Gently, you placed in on the counter before slowly looping your arms around his waist and tugging him toward you.
“What? What’re you doing?” Bakugou tensed in front of you for a moment before slowly relaxing and letting his arms fall over your shoulders and bring you tight against his chest. “I overreacted.” He admitted after a moment, drawing a laugh from you. 
You decided to drop the subject, pulling away from the hug after Bakugou tightened it and lifted you off of the floor for a moment, causing you to laugh again. 
“I’ll make you dinner, I don’t feel like letting you do it and putting out a fire.” Bakugou told you and you happily accepted, always excited to have him cook for you. 
You didn’t approach the subject of his obvious jealousy until the next afternoon as the two of you walked home in full hero uniform. 
“So, why did it bother you so much?” You asked, watching your feet with interest as you walked, not meeting his eye. 
“Don’t be vague, it’s annoying.” Bakugou complained. “Why did what bother me?”
“Sorry. Why did the idea of me going on a date bother you?” You clarified, taking a deep breath to cool your nerves, telling yourself it was ridiculous to be so afraid of his answer. This was Bakugou, there was nothing to be so nervous about. 
“It’s over, isn’t it?” Bakugou asked sharply, “Why do we have to talk about it more?”
Your heart was pounding. The apartment complex wasn’t far, and so you allowed the silence to linger as you two approached the building and climbed the stairs. You hesitated at your door step, knowing that he had night patrol and wouldn’t be able to come in, he was just walking you home on his break to keep routine. 
You don’t know why you decided now was the moment, but you did know that you were tired of this. You didn’t want to loose a friendship because the both of you were too awkward to admit your feelings to each other. 
Reaching out to stop Bakugou from walking away, you gripped his forearm, looking him dead in the eye, searching his face for some kind of answer to the words you hadn’t spoken yet. 
“I’ll wait however long I need to for you. It’s scary, but I know it’s true. So, take your time if you want, but don’t waste it being jealous. You have no competition, you never have.” You didn’t allow your words to linger, dropping his arm like it was on fire and unlocking your door as quickly as you could. You risked a glance over your shoulder as you shut the door, seeing Bakugou frozen where you left him. You shut the door gently, heart racing and palms absolutely soaked. 
You looked down at your hands and groaned. You had lost control of your quirk again, like a teenager. 
After a moment, you snuck a glance out of your peephole and saw Bakugou’s retreating figure walking slowly down the hallway, fists clenching at his sides. 
It had been three days since your confession in the hallway and Bakugou was acting weird. As in, acting like nothing had happened. He had been outside of your door the next morning at the end of his patrol, looking as tired as he typically did. He walked you to work and left without ever coming near to talking about the day before. He was there waiting for you after work again, and he continued to say nothing. 
The next two days were the same as the two of you continues your routine and you attempted to follow his lead of not mentioning anything despite the anxiety seeping into your chest, spreading with every encounter where he didn’t say anything. 
Did you read the situation wrong? Had you jumped to wrong circumstances? Did he now feel pressured? Did you seem creepy now? 
You finally broke down on the third day, crying to Mina in your shared living room. Mina had been privy to several nights of you talking about Bakugou in your second year, but you had spared her after that year despite knowing she didn’t mind. 
“No, you were definitely reading him right. Everyone has been just waiting for you two to hook up.” Mina rubbed comforting circles on your back as you cried, feeling like the world was crumbling around you. 
This is why you hadn’t confessed. You felt like you simultaneously couldn’t breathe and were being forced more air then you could handle down your throat. Obviously you had said something wrong and Bakugou was trying to deny your feelings in the kindest way possible. 
“Okay! That’s it!” Mina stood suddenly, causing you to widen your eyes and sit up to listen. “I am going to the store and getting you ice cream, movies, and another one of those small potted plants you love so much. We’re going to sit here, throw a pity party, then pull on our big girl panties and move on.” 
At Mina’s persuasive voice, you found yourself nodding, staying on the couch at her insistence that she would be back soon. 
You busied yourself by looking at your phone for a few minutes before there was a knock at our door. Assuming it was just a package, you stood and pulled the throw pillow from the couch around your shoulders, making your way to the door and unlocking it. 
You expected the delivery man holding one of the many things Mina ordered (her hair products, snack boxes, new clothes, etc.), but were instead greeted with Bakugou. 
Quickly and without thinking you slammed the door shut immediately with a squeal. 
“What the fuck?” Bakugou growled from the other side of the door, opening it a moment after it shut. “Listen here dumbass, you can’t just slam doors on people. It’s fucking rude.”
You were taken aback as Bakugou stepped inside of your apartment, kicking off the slides he was wearing and shutting the door behind him, continuing his rant. 
“You also can’t just suddenly spring feelings that you and the other person have been dancing around for years. How was I supposed to react to that? It’s fuckin’ inconsiderate, especially considering how damn adorable you looked while you did it.” Bakugou rammed a hand through his hair and glanced at you. 
Your mouth was agape and you were frozen at the sudden onslaught of information he threw at you. 
Bakugou pushed air out of his nose harshly and gestured at you, “Like, shit. Your face is all red and you’re in some stupid pajamas and you look hot as fuck. Obviously I like you, Y/N, I’d be a fool not to.” At this point, Bakugou was talking so loudly and quickly that you weren’t sure if you were being yelled at or not. Seeming to realize that, his next words were softer. “I made you wait for too long. I was being a little shitty.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“What?” Bakugou demanded, fists clenching at his sides. You stepped forward and reached out to grab his arm and pried his hand open, stopping his nervous tick in action. 
“You never say sorry. You just say what you did wrong.” You glanced up shyly, noticing how close you grabbing his arm brought the two of you. “It’s cute.” You admitted quickly, “And it always feels more sincere then a short ‘sorry’.” 
Bakugou’s eyes were searching your face. At your small nod, he surged down and grabbed your face with both hands, pressing his lips on yours. You two stayed that way for a few seconds before Bakugou swept his tongue against the seam of your lips and you opened your mouth to him. 
With a groan, Bakugou kissed you harshly, hands moving from your face to grip your waist and pull you up toward him. You looped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up as well until Bakugou pulled away, gasping for breath. 
He pressed three short kisses to your lips in rapid succession before resting his forehead against yours, eyes open and staring deep into you. You leaned forward slightly and brushed your nose against his. 
With a moan, Bakugou crashed his lips against yours again, teeth clashing in his impatience. You allowed yourself to be consumed in his mouth on yours, fingers digging into your hips and tongue exploring your mouth assuredly, for a moment before pulling away. 
“I really really like you.” You told him, staring dead in his eyes despite the blush overcoming your entire face. 
“No shit, dumbass.” Bakugou said, a smile breaking out on his face before he kissed you again, softly and slowly enough to have you melting. “I really really like you too.” He admitted, causing you to smile broadly as a blush worked it’s way to the tops of his ears. 
“Alright! It’s been twenty minutes, Bakugou- oh!” Mina pushed open the door suddenly, a smirk working its’ way onto her face at the two of you. “I knew my plan would work. Y/N, babe, I’ll spend the night with Tsu, call me in the morning.” With a wink, Mina shut the door and was gone just as suddenly as she came. 
You pressed your face into Bakugou’s chest, hearing the laughs he was attempting to contain. 
“So, we’ve got the place to ourselves tonight, huh?” Bakugou asked after a moment, causing you to gasp and lean back. 
“Don’t even think of trying anything, buddy, unless it’s cuddling while we watch a movie. I am a wholesome child.” You attempted to meet his eye with a serious face, but couldn’t hold back your large grin. 
“Yeah, okay.” Bakugou scoffed, leaning down to kiss the tip of your nose, smirking as you went cross eyed in an attempt to follow his movements, “Whatever you say.”
“So, you’re really upset, huh?” You mumbled, lifting your head from Bakugou’s chest and feeling his fingers falter as he traced random patterns against your hip.
“Was I too rough?” Bakugou asked, peering down to meet your eyes without lifting his head, somehow managing to look concerned and smug at the same time. 
“No, of course not.” You assured him, shaking your head and pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder, “You just usually talk to me some before jumping right into bed.” You smirked as your words caused Bakugou to flush. “What’s on your mind?” 
“You already know.” Bakugou groaned, moving his hand to wrap around your waist, holding you tighter to him. “Damn Deku got number one again.” You allowed the silence to linger for a minute, feeling Bakugou’s irritation come off of him in waves, handing tightening and loosening against your skin over and over. 
You reached up and rested your hand on his cheek, using your other arm to prop yourself up on his chest. “You’ll get ‘em next time babe. I promise. Plus, you’re only barely behind him.” 
Bakugou clashed his teeth together, avoiding your gaze, “I know, I just don’t want to be behind that fucking looser.”
“And, so, next time you won’t be. But, no matter what, I’m always here to support you.”  Bakugou finally met your eyes, the anger softening behind them. 
“Stop being so mushy, dumbass.” He mumbled, maneuvering off of you and sitting up. “I’m going to go start a shower,” He stood and stretched, allowing you to take a long look at the muscles lining his back, watching them flex as he rolled his shoulders before turning around to face you again and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll come get you when it’s warm.”
You nodded, watching him walk away, only to get up and follow him a few moments later. 
“Fuck!” Bakugou jumped as you wrapped your arms around his waist, “I told you I would come get you. And don’t walk so quietly, you scared the shit out of me.” Bakugou sent you a glare over his shoulder, but still lifted his arm and brought you to his side, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Sorry.” You said, laughing at his annoyance.
“It’s ready.” He mumbled, sending you another glare softened by the smile that you could see he was fighting. 
“Are you joining me?” You asked after standing under the warm water, receiving a smug look. 
“Can’t get enough of me today, huh?” He teased, stepping into the shower after you.
“Never.” You told him, reaching up to scrub his hair and work through some of the knots and hair gel. To your absolute astonishment, Bakugou leaned forward and nipped at your nose. “Hey!” 
“I told you to stop being so damn cheesy.” He mumbled, turning away from you to grab the shampoo. You too the opportunity to hug him, wrapping your arms around his toned torso and pressing a kiss in between his shoulder blades. 
“I love you.” You mumbled against his skin, cheeks flushed and heart racing. The shampoo bottle slipped in Bakugou’s hand, but he caught it before it could fall, setting it on the shelf before turning around in your arms, finding your cheeks with his hands and slamming his lips onto yours. 
“Say it again,” He demanded, pulling away from the kiss as suddenly as he initiated it, panting against your skin, “please.”
“I love you, Katsuki.” You told him and were rewarded with another kiss, your teeth knocking together, all tongue as Katsuki moved his hands to your waist to tug you closer to him. 
“I love you.” He whispered against your lips, grinning like a fool when you repeated it back to him again. 
Your shared shower lasted longer then intended, both of you pruned and dazed with happiness by the end of it. You decided to cook for Katsuki, allowing him to relax on the couch, still slightly grumpy from the hero rankings but in a notably better mood. 
“You really have to stop doing shit suddenly like that. It’s annoying.” Katsuki said, walking into the kitchen, talking as if you two were already in the middle of a conversation, confusing you. 
“Huh?” You asked, turning away from the soba you were cooking.
“Let me do the cute annoying romantic shit first sometimes, okay?” He asked, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. 
“Are you upset that I said I love you first?” You asked, fighting a smile.
“I wanted to say it first. It’s fucking annoying, you told me your feelings first last time too.” Bakugou complained, throwing his head back, “So, let me do the other stuff first, okay? It’s less annoying that way.”
“Okay baby, okay.” You agreed, laughing and walking toward him, standing on your toes to kiss his nose before returning to cooking, ignoring Katsuki’s gentle complaints about you being “too fucking cute” and needing to “lay off, it’s annoying,” knowing that, behind you, he was smiling contently. 
A/N: so, i intended this to be maybe 1.5k. . . then 3k. . . and i just kept writing. so let me know what you think! sorry it’s so long, i got carried away and had to force myself to stop here, heh.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Pancake Day, but Better
Characters: Niragi Suguru, Dori Sakurada, Last Boss, Cabot, Aguni Morizono, Chishiya Shuntaro, Hatter
Genre: Crack Part 2, now with pancakes.
1.9k words
Prompt: Can you do like a sequel for that dori and niragi crack,cause i want to see dori in pancake day and introducing himself to chishiya,last boss(and catbot)aguni,and hatter. And i have an urge that maybe hatter would like him because how he dresses himself how hatter likes it to be,also chishiya would just go up to niragi and say" Wow, he's actually even more better then you niragi. Maybe he's smarter then you too" As he walks away leaving a a angry niragi - @a-simp-20
(Counts as a Part 2 to this)
*Rubs hands together* Heck yeah, more gentle chaos. Time to gently bully this giraffe lizard man again.
Now with the added addition of pancakes! Fun times for all!
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Despite the laws of the Borderlands and the highly likely chance that nobody knows the actual date that passes by, people still managed to produce what someone offhandedly referred to as the 'Borderlands Holy Day'.
Now, what pray tell was the Borderlands Holy Day? Was it a religion?
Despite the fact that it had 'Holy' in its name, no. It wasn't a religion. Although if someone tried hard enough it could become almost like a cult. Wouldn't be the first time.
So what was it?
Well, obviously.....
It was Pancake Friday. The greatest day of the century. The premise was simple enough: Every Friday everyone gets a pancake. A single pancake. Want more? Well, you better bet and compete for other people's pancakes. The only thing more exhilarating to the members of the Beach than winning games and living another day to party and do fuck-all was Pancake Day.
So, of course, when Friday rolled around, people weren't thinking of anything except the spoils of little bets and competitions over the week, thick fluffy pancakes topped with whatever they pleased and whatever the Beach had in stock at the time. Even Niragi was thinking about pancakes, because what's better than bragging about how many pancakes you got that week?
Nothing, that's what.
Pancake Day was great.
Niragi walks down the corridor with the strut of a man that knew he was feared, and he heads to the dining area where the pancakes would inevitably be given out. People were already there, a few making last minute bets in an attempt to win just a little extra amount for the day. Niragi found it almost amusing. Such a pitiful sight. Niragi himself had already gained a total of four whole pancakes, two of which he won off of some idiot who just thought he was really pretty.
" There's a lot of people here. It must be really important, right?" A smooth voice pipes up from just a little behind him, and Niragi is reminded quite forcefully that he didn't come here alone.
" Of course it's important, it's Pancake Day! Haven't you ever heard of it?" Niragi spat, Sakurada merely shrugging and walking away to talk to other members of the Beach. Niragi scoffs and storms away. At least he didn't have to think about the other him anymore, no matter how neat he looked.
He ends up finding Last Boss standing in the corner by himself, watching everyone else with a self made distance, leaning against his katana. His cat was chilling right besides his foot, apparently having her snack before the pancakes came out and making quiet eating noises. Niragi made sure not to accidentally step on her, which wasn't that hard to do. Niragi stares at Last Boss almost expectantly, waiting for even the slightest hint of a greeting, but all the other man does is stare ahead, lost in his own thought.
So, like a completely normal person would do to a guy ignoring the other, Niragi starts poking Last Boss in the side with his sniper rifle.
" Hey. Hey. Hey. You awake?"
Last Boss just continues to ignore him, and Niragi's pokes get a little harder the more he gets ignored. " Hey! Why are you ignoring me! Come on!"
Last Boss finally looks in his direction, and Niragi grins in victory, Last Boss just staring at him blankly. " Fucking finally, you were ignoring me."
Last Boss just continues to remain silent, but Niragi didn't care, instead putting his rifle back to balance on his shoulder as he looks out among the people still puttering about. Niragi could barely make out that Sakurada guy, who was talking to some random nobodies, Niragi scoffing to himself. He points him out to Last Boss, whose gaze follows the direction of Niragi's slender finger.
" See that one? Yeah, that one busted into my room and kept spraying me with water, the nerve of that guy."
Last Boss mutters something under his breath, Niragi not picking it up properly. He glances at Last Boss suspiciously, Last Boss just continuing to stare off at Sakurada without any sign of emotion on his tattooed face. Niragi groans, and he looks back in the direction of Sakurada, only to see that somehow the bastard has disappeared. Niragi frowns and looks around from where he stood to see whether he could see him again, but no dice.
The area was getting more and more full the longer Niragi tried looking, to the point that he gave up even trying. At some point Last Boss' cat had finished her snack, and he could feel Cabot rubbing her body across his legs as well just for the hell of it. He looks down at the feline, Cabot just doing her own thing like she usually did.
" Hey you little fuck. What's up." Niragi mutters down at the cat, Cabot just continuing on her little rub spree before going over to Last Boss and meowing loudly until Last Boss bent down and picked her up, Cabot resting happily with her butt in the crook of Last Boss' arm and her head and front paws draped over his shoulder.
Niragi rolls his eyes at the sight, and finally the time had come, Hatter walking in with the utmost grace, people cheering him like they do every time they see the man, with Aguni not that far behind. Niragi and Last Boss head towards the little stage Hatter insisted needed to be built for Pancake Day, standing in position as Aguni joins them, Hatter going up to the Pancake Podium.
" Greetings everyone! Today is the glorious and absolutely magnificent Pancake Day! I hope all of you have worked hard to acquire your pancakes!" Hatter shouts with arms outstretched like a bird's, people cheering and whooping excitedly. " I, for one, have a total of five whole pancakes, as throughout the week I have worked hard to get them from my loyal and beautiful members, and that one person who sadly perished in a game and bequeathed their pancakes to me for many months to come! May their soul be at rest, the courage of them~" Hatter announces, the crowd going wild.
" Now, may the pancakes commence!"
People scattered to tables near immediately, and the kitchen doors open as the designated chefs come out with the freshly made pancakes on carts. Niragi and Last Boss end up following Aguni and the rest of the executives plus Hatter to what was apparently the special table, used only by them.
Niragi grins as he leans back in his chair. At least Sakurada would stay away for now-
" Oh, there you are!"
Speak of the devil. Niragi shuts his eyes in annoyance as his clone comes over. Several pairs of eyes shoot to him, and despite his eyes being closed, Niragi could still feel the smug and interested smile Chishiya was giving off.
" Oh? And who are you, you splendid looking being?" Hatter's voice rings out. " Your outfit is immaculate, but I have never seen you before. No, wait...... I have seen you! Except less fancier. And usually with a hat. Who is sitting right there."
Niragi wanted to shoot this man so bad.
"My name is Sakurada Dori, it is very nice to meet you." Sakurada greets them.
Niragi finally bothers to open his eyes as Hatter stands up, and apparently does a quick check over of Sakurada, nodding to himself. " Yes, you are absolutely stunning. I love what you've done!"
" Are you the one that made Niragi take off his hat?" Aguni asks, low and stoic as always. Niragi rolls his eyes at that. He didn't intend to get rid of his hat, Sakurada just kind of yeeted it outside his window without even asking. The nerve of this guy.
Sakurada quickly nods. " I will get him another hat eventually, as I promised, but only as long as he shoots his gun responsibly!"
" Is that so...." Aguni mutters, and just kind of nods like a sort of proud dad.
Hatter grins even wider, and claps Sakurada across the back. " Now that's some courage! Hey, what say you, would you like one of Niragi's pancakes? As a sign of strength!"
" What?!" Niragi shouts, and he stands up, slamming the table. Aguni watches him quietly, as does Last Boss, the latter just staring more than a tired gaze like Aguni was sporting at the moment. " You can't do that!"
" But I can! I'm the leader after all, I can say what I want, and what I want is practically law here, Niragi. Remember who your boss is." Hatter smiles at Niragi in that sort of way that Niragi hated, but a firm tap on his arm by Aguni made him relent, Niragi angrily muttering to himself as he sat back down.
" Ah, thank you very much, but I don't need to take his-"
" Nonsense, you deserve it! Besides, Niragi already gets... how many?"
" Well I had four, but apparently not anymore."
" Three is plenty for you! Anyways, so that means you get two pancakes, you funky little ball of glory!" Hatter states.
" Are you sure? Is that alright with you Niragi?" Sakurada looks to the man, Niragi just grumbling some more.
" Don't worry about him, he'll get over it." Chishiya mentions, and Niragi quickly glares at him, Chishiya casually looking back with that damn smug ass smile on his lips.
" Fucking undercooked egg white." Niragi mutters under his breath, Chishiya just continuing to smirk.
Still, the pancakes arrive to their table, Hatter inviting Sakurada to sit with them for the day so he could talk about fashion, mainly about what kinds of hats the other liked, Sakurada easily falling into conversation with him. Niragi just drowns his now three pancakes in maple sauce, grumbling under his breath.
Last Boss was watching Niragi just nearby, eating his single pancake as Cabot got to treat herself to two whole cat-specified pancakes like she deserved, and goes to whisper to his cat, Cabot flicking her tail a little at whatever Last Boss muttered.
" You have a very nice cat there! It must be enjoying everything since it appears to be very well cared for and happy." Sakurada mentions at one point, Last Boss staring at Sakurada silently. Sakurada just politely smiles back, and Last Boss just slowly blinks, then nods.
" Thank.... you." Last Boss says, and Cabot looks up finally, and bumps her body against Last Boss, the man quietly petting her as Sakurada watches with a happy expression at how sweet the sight was. Sakurada makes small clicking nosies in an attempt to beckon the cat over to him, Cabot meowing and wandering over curiously, sniffing at Sakurada's fingers before letting herself get pet by the man softly. " She seems to like me already!" Sakurada says happily, Last Boss slowly nodding.
" That's good. She likes being pet gently." Last Boss mutters, and even Hatter tried to get in on the cat patting session.
" Hey Niragi." Chishiya's voice catches Niragi's attention, and he looks up at him, already despising of what he was about to spew out from his lips. The limestone fox man just smiles at him, pancakes already gone from his plate.
" The fuck do you want now."
" Your clone is actually way better than you. Perhaps even smarter than whatever half brain you have up there." Chishiya remarks, and with that he stands up and walks away from the table, immediately sliding himself into a group of people leaving and disappearing from his sight.
" YOU LITTLE FUC-" He whips out his gun, ready to chase Chishiya down and kill him like he always wanted to.
Water gets immediately sprayed on his face the second he stands up again, Niragi sputtering. " No. Bad Niragi."
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 9
Word Count: 4,396
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning, Pens, Jackets, Canes, Islanders (more to come)
Notes: Finally part 9! Thank you guys for being patient with me as I finally got back to writing. I’m not sure if anyone is still interested in this story now that Bubble is officially over. So please let me know if I should continue you on with this story or just let it drop off. At any rate, here’s the next part, so happy reading!
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"Earth to (Y/N)! Are you in there?" Carly asked as she tapped on the front desk where you would like to say that you were lost in thought, but in reality; you'd just sort of spaced out. When you didn't reply right away; Carly said, "Are you done moping yet? It's been almost a week."
 "Please, stop exaggerating. It hasn't been a week." Sometimes Carly could be so dramatic, you thought to yourself.
 "Bitch, his team got ousted last Friday and today is Thursday. I might not have the fancy education you do, but that's six days which means tomorrow is a week." She pointed her finger directly at you. "You, Miss (Y/LN), have been sulking around this hotel for about five days too many by my count." It was hard not to roll your eyes but you suppressed it all the same. "Look I know…" she brought her voice to a whisper, "Sidney…must have been amazing in bed. Though why you haven't told me all the details yet; I'm baffled? Like seriously sis, spill the beans."
 This time you couldn't hold back as your eyes practically rolled back into your head at your soon to be former best friend if she kept this line of questioning up. "And what makes you think that I slept with Sid? How do you know I'm not pining over Tyler or someone else for that matter."
 "Well, I saw him leave. I'm not blind. The man literally couldn't take his eyes off you and the look on your face!" She pulled her lip down in a pout and mimicked a look of utter devastation. "You were a puppy that someone had not only kicked to the curb but then got run over."
 "I wasn't that bad."
 "Ok, well maybe not run over by like a car, but definitely by a bike." A chuckle escaped your lips and you supposed you were kind of upset that Sid and the Pens were headed back to Pittsburgh. "Oh my god, was that a smile? I haven't seen that in days." She pressed the back of her hand to your forehead.
 "What are you doing now?" You frowned at her.
 "Checking to make sure you don't have a fever."
 "Stop," you said starting to giggle. "Someone will think I have Covid or something." Carly joined you in laughter and you had to admit it actually felt kind of good. You hadn't realized that you were being such a Debbie Downer once Sidney had left, but once you started laughing your heart felt a little lighter.
 "See, I knew she was in there. Welcome back!" Carly came around the desk and hugged you. "Though I'm still going to make a suggestion to you." You cocked your head in inquiry. "Why don't you take the day off?" She could tell that you were going to say something but she held you off with a wave of her hand. "We came in the bubble two weeks before the players and they've been here for almost three. That's five weeks and you have yet to take one day to yourself. You've insisted the rest of us take off at least one day a week if not two. I think you should do the same." While Carly's plan sounded great, you really couldn't see yourself just taking the day to lounge at the pool or in your suite.
 "What if there's another fight? Or the kitchen catches on fire? Or…" She didn't let you come up with any more scenarios.
 "Someone will call you. See that thing right there." She picked up your cell phone. "It's amazing and lets us talk to you if we need something."
 "But what would I do? It's not like I can go get drunk at a club or something."
 Carly sighed heavily, "I have to do everything for you don't I?" She was definitely skating on thin ice in the friend department. "Why don't you go sit by the pool, or go for a run over in the stadium. It's a beautiful summer day, get out there and enjoy it. Besides you're starting to look pale, a little sun would do you some good." She grabbed your wrist and start to haul you out from behind the desk. "Then tonight, crack open a bottle of wine, take a hot bubble bath….maybe with one of these hot men that can't quit staring at you."
 "Oh stop, they are not staring at me."
 "Girl, would you look around." You did as she said, watching guys from different teams mill about the front lobby. There were some definite stares in both yours and Carly's direction. "See that one there," she pointed over to Jake Debrusk. "I swear he comes down to the lobby just drool over you, or what about that one. I think Brayden said his name was Joel Edmundson. He also mentioned something about him and crop tops, but then well he stopped talking when that sent my eyes wandering a little too far south for his pleasure. The man really can get jealous."
 "Can you blame him, Car? There are very few women in this bubble and quite a few men." The ratio was well to your advantage; that's for sure. "He's afraid he could lose you to one of these other guys."
 "Will never happen. But you're distracting me." She was now dragging you towards the elevators. "Now get your little butt up there and go do something fun for the day." She pushed the button and the elevator doors opened. "Oh! I expect to get notes or something if there are any hookups. Don't pull that shit you did with you know who."
 "What? I can't hear you." You told her as the door slid close. Faintly you heard something about bullshit and probably a few other choice words. Once you were in your suite, you decided to take Carly's suggestion and head over to the stadium for a little run. It had been quite some time that you'd actually gotten on the pavement instead of the treadmill and hopefully, it would clear your head of any lingering thoughts of Sidney. You quickly changed into some running shorts, a sports bra and one of those famous crop tops Carly was talking about Joel Edmundson wearing; then slipped on your sneakers and AirPods, and headed outside.
 Carly had been right. It was a gorgeous day to be outside. The sky was the most beautiful shade of blue, with white puffy clouds that reminded you of cotton dotting it throughout. You could still hear the light buzz of traffic from the city, as you made your way over to the stadium. Carly, forgot to mention that Islanders happened to be using the facility when you got there, but then you supposed that it was always busy except for the evening. You almost turned around, and went back to the hotel, not wanting to interrupt their time, but you saw a few other non-team members wandering about and figured that taking a little run shouldn't bother anyone.
 Cranking up the music, you started at a nice leisurely jog, just warming your legs up, as you made your way about halfway around before kicking it up at a faster pace. The sun felt good on your body as well as the fresh air getting in your lungs. You were off in your own world as you continued what was probably your fourth lap around the place when something came flying out in front of you. You stopped in your tracks.
 "Sorry about that," Mat Barzal said as he came over to retrieve what you now knew was a frisbee. "Didn't mean to interrupt your run." His shirt was off and sweat glistened on his well-defined abs.
 "It's no biggie," you told him as you went to put your earbud back in and continue on with your run.
 His hand went to reach for your wrist, but he caught himself before he grabbed you, though the action made you stop anyway. "Sorry again," this time you just smiled, which in turn made Mat smile and that was something to behold. "You're (Y/N) right?" you nodded and it really didn't feel strange now that almost every NHL player knew your name. "You wouldn't be interested in a game of spikeball; would you? We need another player."
 "Oh, um…" You were kind of stunned by him asking you, not that you didn't want to play. It was just, you were sure there had to be someone else that was probably better than you.
 "Please," there was this little puppy dog look in his eyes, and you were done for.
 "Sure," you told him, then followed him over to where Anthony Beauvillier and Derick Brassard were hanging out by the spikeball game. "I'm warning you, I not a professional athlete like you guys."
 "Don't worry, it's just a friendly little game." Mat told you, and yet somehow you figured even the friendliest of games with these guys would be competitive. Introductions were made, not that you didn't know who these guys were, but it was still a nice gesture. "So, I'll take (Y/N)." Mat declared.
 "What if I want her on my team?" Tito interjected and you really didn't feel that you were that great of a player to fight over, though to be honest, you had a feeling it wasn't about the ball game.
 "Well, so you kids don't fight. (Y/N) and I will be partners." Derick decided to chime in.
 "Guys, I'm not that good." You felt the need to be at least upfront with them.
 "I'm sure you're great," Derick said, while he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
 "The only fair way to settle this is rock, paper, scissors." This from Tito, as he made a fist preparing for the game, the other two joined him. Tito and Mat both picked scissors, effectively cutting out Derick who had chosen to go with paper. Now down to the two friends, it took two tries before they didn't pick the exact same gesture. In the end, it was Mat who won with a paper to cover up Anthony's rock.
 "Guess it's you and me." Mat said steering you over to his side of the net. "You know we're skins right?" there was a teasing note to his voice, along with a twinkle in his eye, to tell you he was joking. But to call his bluff, you simply stripped off your crop top and tossed it over to the side, leaving you clad in only your sports bra. All three guys' eyes about popped out of their heads as you reached for the hem of the bra.
 "Trust me, boys, you'll have to work a lot harder than that to get the rest off," you teased as you dropped your arms back down. "Well, are we going to play or what?" They chuckled at your joke, though you were pretty sure you saw Derick adjust his shorts and his cock.
 The game was fairly friendly at first, and it took you back to your high school days on the volleyball team, though it was a far cry from your setter's position that you played. You and Tito ran into each other at least three times and you were pretty sure the third one was on purpose just so he could steady you by grabbing not only your hips but your ass as well. There were a ton of volleys and points seemed hard to come by, but overall, you had a blast. Mat carried your team, but you held your own from time to time. Close to the end of the game, all four of you were sweating and the other two guys had joined Mat in going shirtless. You knew you were going to have to thank Carly for giving you the suggestion of coming over here, just for the sights alone.
 The game was all tied up, and you had no idea how it had gotten to that point. You were pretty sure someone had to have lost count at some point, but you weren't going to argue as you were having too much fun. "Ok match point. We got this (Y/N)." Mat told you, then gave you a high five before the ball was served. You hit it over to Mat with ease and he spiked it onto the net. The volley went back and forth a few times, each time getting more and more difficult to return. You thought for sure on Mat's last spike over that there was no way they were going to get the ball. However, Derick's quick reflexes had him tossing it back over to Tito, who set Derick back up for a soft spike. The ball fluttered to the ground and both you and Mat dove trying to reach it. It all played out in slow motion in your head, you could almost foresee the two of you clunking heads which would probably result in both of you getting a concussion, but at the last second, Mat rolled to his side instead, grabbing you as he did so he absorbed most of the impact. As you both landed on the ground, he moved so that his back was now on the grass with your body on top of him.
 You were a bit stunned at first but recovered quickly. "Are you ok? You're not hurt, are you?" The words tumbled out of your mouth as you went to get up, only to have Mat's arms pin you closer to his body. That's when you felt his cock stiffen. Maybe it was the action of sliding down his body slightly so that you could see his face that caused it, or maybe it was just your body pressed against his; you weren't entirely sure. All you knew was that it was definitely hard and seemed to have a bit of length to it, which made you want to get Mat in this same position only without prying eyes.
 "I'm ok." Mat said, drawing you back to your present circumstance.
 "Looks like we won." Tito gloated from above you, reminding you that you couldn't stay like this for much longer.
 "I'm not so sure about that." Mat whispered before rolling you onto your back, his weight all on his forearms before he lifted himself up off the ground then helped you up as well. "Good game," he said to his teammates, making you wonder if you'd actually heard what he said correctly.
 You shook hands with both Tito and Derick, before you all headed over to grab some water, making idol chit chat for a bit. It wasn't long before they were being told that they had to leave the arena as their time was up and another team was coming in within the hour. "It was a lot of fun guys, thanks for inviting me to play," you told them.
 "Our pleasure," Derick said, and you could've sworn you heard Tito say that he would play with you anytime. The double entendre was not lost on you.
 "I'm sure I'll see you around the hotel." You told them all then headed out of the arena as well, though in a different direction as your hotel was the other way. You'd just made it into the alcove when you heard Mat calling your name.
 "You forgot this," he said handing you, your crop top. "Can't have you going back to the hotel like that."
 Mat shifted his weight from foot to foot a few times, before saying. "Can I walk you back?"
 "Sure," you told him. "I mean as long as you don't have to go back with the team."
 "Nah, we have the next hour free still." Well, that was interesting information that you took in as you continued around the empty halls of the stadium. Mentally, you calculated how much time it would take to get to your suite and then for Mat to get back to his place. It was definitely more than an hour, so if you were going to have a little fun it was going to have to be here. Your eyes darted around, looking for the perfect spot. "What are you doing?"
 It was right at that moment that you found the ideal location. "This," you answered, grabbing Mat's hand and pulling him into the spot that would conceal you both in case anyone would walk by. As soon as you were ensconced inside, your lips found his. You pulled his neck down to meet your mouth, kissing him with abandonment. Mat caught on quick to your plan and quickly took control, pinning you against the wall as his mouth plundered inside yours. His tongue danced with yours, as his hands skimmed up your body, sending shivers down your spine.
 A lock of Mat's hair dipped down to his forehead and your hands moved up to push it back, though you didn't stop there as you let them sift through his thick mane. He moaned into your mouth, as your hands raked through his hair, nails slightly scraping his scalp. He devoured your whole with his mouth as if he couldn't get enough of you and the whole time you just wanted more of him. Mat's thigh came up between your legs, and you wantonly pressed your cunt down upon him. "Fuck baby," he whispered. "That's it, grind down on me." It wasn't like you needed to hear the words, but they still made you damp coming from his mouth. He released your mouth finally, but only so he could trail his lips down your neck to your breasts. His hands pushed your bra up, and you felt your arms reaching up to the sky so that he could remove it completely. "I've been wondering what these looked like the whole fucking game." His head fell back slightly so he could take your breasts in and you felt your nipples harden under his stare. "Fucking perfect," he panted out before capturing a pert nipple in his mouth.
 "Fuck Mat," you gasped as he lightly bit down. Hips now desperate, you continued to grind down on Mat's thick thigh as he lavished each of your breasts with attention. You whimpered, trying to find that perfect position against him that would put you over the edge, but then Mat moved his thigh away.
 "I can't," he said and your brain was too fogged from chasing your high to register what he meant before his fingers were sliding under the waistband of your shorts and panties. "Damn baby, I can't believe how wet you are." His fingers slid inside your pussy with ease and you moaned out with pleasure as he scissored two of them in, while his thumb pressed against your clit. "You like that," his whispered then sucked on your nipple again. "God, I want you to cum on my fingers so bad." They started to pump in and out of you then. "Can you do that pretty girl? Can you cum for me?"
 Fuck you loved it when he talked dirty like that. The combination of his words and his actions sending you spiraling into orgasm. "Mat," you called out as your body trembled.
 "Yeah baby, say my name. Tell everyone who's making you cum." He kept fingering you through the orgasm, pressing kisses all over your chest and neck. "So, fucking pretty." You slumped back against the wall, head going back as your body was finally sated. Mat pressed his fingers deep inside you one last time before withdrawing them and bringing them to his lips. His tongue darted out, licking up the length of them before he brought them to your lips. "Suck," it wasn't quite a command, but at the same time you didn't feel the need to disobey either and you wondered if the two of you had more time, what all Mat could come up with. You licked your essence off his digits, letting your tongue glide up his long fingers. It was Mat's turn to groan this time and you felt him go a little weak, so you took advantage and twisted you both so that he was now against the wall.
 You kissed him hard, before sliding down onto your knees taking his shorts and boxer briefs with you. Mat inhaled sharply as your hands skated back up his meaty thighs you were riding moments ago. Eyes locking with his, your tongue slipped out and licked the head of his cock, tasting the precum that was oozing from it. Your lips wrapped around the head then and you heard as well as felt his sigh of content before his fingers threaded through your hair. "Fuck (Y/N), that feels so good." His hand gently urged you to take more, and so you did. "That's it, baby, just like that." Your lips sunk down on as much of his cock as you could take in, while your hand fisted him at the base. Sucking him back out, you let your teeth lightly rake along his cock and he hissed out another fuck but thrust hips forward wanting you to take him back in. You did, but slowly centimeter by centimeter. Mat's head fell back against the wall. "You're killing me." Your lips smiled around his cock as you started to take him and out of your mouth.
 Mat was breathing was labored, as he fisted his hand around your hair, holding it back so he could see your face as you took him inside your mouth. Your tongue pressed up against the underside, and you felt him twitch in response. Letting your fingers dance along his thighs, you slithered them up to his balls where you cupped them and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Fuck, yeah," Mat panted, his hips now rocking into your mouth. Relaxing your throat, you hummed so that you could take him deeper. "Jesus," he hissed out, his hand now tightening on the back of your skull as he thrust again, this time shooting his cum down the back of your throat. You swallowed what you could, though some dribbled out and down your chin; that only turned Mat on more. "You're so fucking gorgeous right now." He told you, as he helped you back to your feet, where his lips locked with yours. You were half-naked from the waist up and Mat from the waist down, but you didn't care as you made out with him against the wall of the stadium. Time sort of stood still as the two of you entwined not only your mouths but your bodies. His hands going from your ass, then to your back, to your neck and then breasts, all at the same time. Off in the distance, you heard a noise, and you realized the other team must be coming in.
 You broke the kiss, though Mat chased after your lips still wanting that contact with you. "I think someone's coming." He heard it then, the idle chatter of voices still far enough away, but you weren't sure for how long.
 "Fuck, I thought we had more time." He reluctantly let you out of his embrace, but only so that you could both pull your clothes back on. Mat grabbed your crop top and slipped it back over your head, before pulling you back in for a kiss. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?" All you could do was blush. "I'm not just talking about back there either." You cocked your head at him, as the two of you headed back to Hotel X, fingers entwined. "I might be staying at Royal York, but everyone talks about how great it over at your place and how it's all because of you. You're like some legend or something."
 God, you were hoping that they weren't talking about all the sexual things that had gone on with other players. "Well, I'm glad everyone's happy. I'm really just doing my job."
 "Hopefully, I'll be over there soon," Mat added with a little wink to you, and you realized you wouldn't mind having him in your hotel at all. In fact, it would be a lot of fun. "I guess I have to let you go, huh?" You were now standing in front of the hotel and short of asking Mat up to your room, which you knew there wasn't time for; your interlude with him was coming to an end.
 "Well, you know you're more than welcome to use any of the facilities we have here anytime." It was your turn to give Mat a little wink.
 "I just might have to do that. We have a game tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll be needing to use the tennis courts or that pool sometime soon."
 "Well, make sure you stop and tell me hi when you're here."
 He chuckled at your comment. "Oh, there is no way I would forget to do that." He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him, before dropping a kiss to your lips. Part of you was hesitant that someone might be watching but then it didn't matter because when Mat kissed you, it seemed like no one else even existed. "I gotta go." He finally said breaking away. "But I'll see you soon."
 "I'll hold you to that promise." He pecked your lips one more time before heading in the direction of his hotel.
 Thankfully, things were running smoothly at the hotel, so you decided to continue taking Carly's advice and head upstairs for a long hot bubble bath. Pouring yourself a glass of wine, you let the water get to the perfect temperature before sinking down into it. You sighed as you took a sip of the crisp tasting vintage as soft music played in the background. The only thing you were missing was a few pieces of chocolate to make this entire thing perfect. Well, and maybe Mat, for that man truly was something. You let your mind drift to thoughts of him and his rock-hard abs. What you wouldn't give to have him here right now, sliding into the water and into your pussy. Those thoughts were cut short as your phone rang. Damn, you thought, just when things were getting good.  
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Just A Friend
And onto the next chapter. Thanks for your support for this story, it means a lot to me.
Thanks to @wickedgoodbooks for the beta.
Hope you enjoy the next chapter
Chapter 8: From Dresses to Disco
I don’t have a huge wardrobe but, generally, I can lay hands on an outfit for most situations. For work, if I’m not in scrubs, I tend to wear plain black trousers and a shirt; for relaxing, I have more than enough jeans, leggings and comfy sweaters; for holidays, I have the usual range of shorts, t-shirts and sundresses.
I realise as I flick through the hangers in my wardrobe that what I am missing are outfits in the ‘dinner-dance-purely-platonic-plus-one’ category. And, what’s more, I don’t actually know how formal this thing is going to be.
Jamie was no use at all when I spoke to him about it.
“What sort of thing will your sister be wearing?” I asked as we met for coffee and a bacon sandwich two days ago.
“I dinna ken. A dress?” He hazarded a guess, looking a bit perplexed that I would even ask him.
“Long or short?” I persisted.
“Well, which? Long or short?”
“Aye, one of them.”
“What are you wearing then... kilt? Black tie? Lounge suit?” This might give me a clue as to the dress code.
“I dare say I’ll be wearing a suit and tie.”
And that was as much assistance as I got from him.
I make the decision to go short. Partly because I don’t want to feel overdressed on Saturday, but mainly because the only long dress I have in my possession was purchased for a university Medics’ ball in 2008. And it’s crinkly satin with a side split and a wide leather belt that went with an over the top diamanté headband around my forehead.
Obviously, I will never wear it again, but I’m loath to part with it anyway. It reminds me of my time at university. Plus, it may come in handy… for a fancy dress party perhaps?
Geillis has decided, on the spur of the moment, to ‘jes’ pop ‘round fer a wee glass of wine’. That’s just a cover. What she actually wants is a ‘wee glass of wine’ while supervising my dress selection.
She takes a sip and reclines on my bed, casting a critical eye as I pull a few dresses out of my wardrobe and lay them next to her.  She’s not giving much away as she continues to study them.
“Well?” I stand at the end of the bed and stare at her, waiting for her comments.
“I canna give ye ma answer ‘till I’ve seen them all,” she replies.
“That’s it. That’s all my fancy evening dresses.”
She stares at me in disbelief, before gazing once more at the three dresses displayed on the bed.
“Ye dinna have any more cocktail dresses, then?”
I shake my head. “‘Fraid not. When I go cocktail drinking, I tend to wear something more casual. There’s not a great call for fancy frocks when it’s two for one cocktails at the ‘Slug and Lettuce’.”
She sighs very loudly and grimaces. We’ve had these conversations often enough over the years. She despairs about my lack of interest in fashion. It’s true, I can’t tell a Marc Jacobs from a Marks and Spencer. Well, I possibly could, but you get my drift. I tried to be fashionable back in 2008 and look where it got me— wearing a dress that resembled a sweetie wrapper with a headband that brought me out in a rash.
I sometimes wonder if the real reason that she has asked me to be a bridesmaid has less to do with being best friends and more to do with being able to control what I’m going to wear. I’m joking of course, it’s because we’re best friends— Geillis choosing my dress is just an added perk for her.
“So, I think ye wear this one.” She gets up, moves me to one side and quickly rifles through the wardrobe, giving a cry of triumph as she finds what she’s looking for.
I knew it—I knew she would remember that dress. She was with me when I bought it— a late night Sauvignon Blanc fuelled online purchase. She describes it as my “hello boys” dress. I’ve never worn it and this is not the occasion for its inaugural outing.
I mean, it’s a lovely dress— black with an off the shoulder bardot neckline and very, very form fitting. But totally not the message I want to send to Jamie.
I shake my head. “Nope… no way. Not that one.”
I point instead to a dress lying on the bed, originally bought for a hospital fundraiser last year. It’s very nice and infinitely more suitable— black with sparkly red splodges; a slight v neck and fitted bodice going into a flared skirt. It even has pockets.
Geillis raises her hands in exasperation. “Fine. Have it yer way. But, Claire, do ye no’ want tae mebbe try it?”
I grab the dress from her and stuff it back in the wardrobe, ignoring her last comment. But she doesn’t give up so easily.
“See what could happen, eh?”
I turn to face her. “I know what could happen. He’ll think that I’m after him and that I’ll be it. End of friendship.”
“But mebbe—“
I interrupt her. “No maybe about it. Besides all this is missing the point. I want Jamie in my life as a friend, the same way that you and Mary and Anna are in my life. I don’t want anything more from him. I don’t need any romance. Can you understand that?”
“Aye but—“
She’s still not willing to drop the subject and I’ve had enough. I drain my glass of wine and start to walk out of the bedroom.
“No buts. That’s it. Just drop it, please.” At the doorway, I pause. “Now, do you want another glass?”
She starts to follow me. “Of course. And sorry,Claire, I dinna mean tae annoy ye. It’s jes’—“ she stops herself before saying anymore.
“Ok... Shall we order a takeaway,then?”
As I head into the living room, with Geillis following, I’m pretty sure I can hear her muttering under her breath about taking chances.
Jamie said he would pick me up at seven. I’m clearly still working on Frank time, as I’m ready with fifteen minutes to spare. I perch on the edge of a chair, trying not to crease my dress, smudge my mascara or run my fingers through my hair.
I must admit, I have enjoyed the whole formal dressing up process. It’s not something I do too often— my socialising tends to be of a more relaxed nature. But this makes a welcome change.
With five minutes to spare, the bell rings. I gather up my pashmina and clutch bag and make my way downstairs, my high heeled sandals making a clacking sound against the old floor tiles.
Jamie is waiting outside, next to his old french blue Triumph Stag sports car. Like he said, he’s wearing a suit—dark grey instead of his usual navy blue. Still with a white shirt and a rust coloured paisley tie. His auburn curls nestle against his jacket collar. He looks immaculate.
In a parody of a chauffeur, he touches his forelock, bows and opens the passenger door for me. “M’lady,” he adds with his customary half grin.
“Thank you, Parker,” I reply primly and arrange my skirt under me as he scoots around to the driver side.
I do like this car. It’s old, a bit threadbare in places and smells slightly of damp. But it positively oozes vintage style and glamour. Fortunately the hardtop is on as the clouds are gathering ominously overhead.
“I thought we were getting a taxi. Are you not drinking?” I ask as he starts to drive.
Keeping his eyes on the road, he snorts with laughter. “No’ drinking? What kind of rugby ‘do’ d’ye think this is? No, I’ll leave the car at the club and we can get a taxi, if that’s ok wi’ ye.”
We drive on in silence for a couple of miles. Not an awkward silence, just a we-don’t-really-have-to -make-small-talk kind of silence.
“I’d have thought you’d be wearing a kilt tonight.” I comment.
“Hmm, weel, I do like tae wear it fer special occasions, but, when the rugby lads get together, who kens what can happen. Trousers tend tae be the safer option.”
“You could always wear underpants,” I suggest.
He looks horrified at the suggestion. “Dinna be saying that tae a true Scot, Sassenach.”
“I consider myself suitably chastised.”
“Glad ye realise that.” He smiles and changes the subject totally. “Sae, on our table this evening, there’ll be ma sister Jenny and her husband Ian, and Rupert, ye ken Rupert, and his wife Morag.”
“Oh, so you know Rupert— outside of work, I mean.”
“Aye, we grew up together. And Ian too. Mind, he was a couple of years older than Rupert and me— same age as Jenny—and always used tae follow her around like a wee pup. I’ve only known Morag a couple of years though. She’s nice but verra quiet. She lets Rupert do most of the talking.”
“I liked Rupert.”
“He’s a great bloke. Best decision I made, asking him tae join me at FraserFoods. Ian’s a great bloke too. Ye’ll like him.”
Jamie pulls the car into the rugby club car park,  and switches the engine off. He sits still for a moment, staring through the windscreen. I can hear music coming from the large marquee lit up with lanterns and residing on one of the rugby pitches. Even though it’s early in the evening, there’s plenty of raucous laughter coming from that direction too. No doubt the bar has already seen plenty of action.
“Well?” I elbow him in the ribs.
“Sorry. I was jes’ thinking about how best tae describe Jenny.” He turns and smiles. “She’s the best sister a chap could want and a true friend— once she gets tae know ye. She can be a wee bit, shall we say, prickly, at first. And she thinks she kens what’s best fer me, as only a big sister can. She thinks ma life is no’ complete… no’ wi’out a wife and a couple of bairns.”
“Have you explained that this isn’t a date… that we’re friends?”
“Aye, I’ve told her that,” he gives a little laugh and nods his head towards the marquee.  “Sae she’ll most likely be in there right now scouring the place fer any suitable contenders.”
He gets out of the car and is at the passenger door before I’ve had a chance to unfasten my seatbelt and gather my pashmina around my shoulders.
“M’lady,” resuming the chauffeur role, he opens the door for me.
I clamber out, somewhat ungainly and wait as he locks the car. Even with my highest heels on, I still have to crane my neck to look at him as he stands up straight and adjusts his jacket.
“Shall we?” He gestures the marquee with his hand.
“God, yes. I could do with a gin and tonic. I’m parched.” Plus, I reckon I need a stiff drink or two down my throat before I meet Jenny. She sounds formidable.
“C’mon then.” And he leads the way into the marquee.
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kenmasgameboy · 4 years
an oikawa x seijoh president!reader
oikawa toru has so many girls falling at his feet, but it wasn’t always like this. when y/n met him there was no one yet to inflate his ego, when he was pure to himself, the person he is when it isn’t performative. she fell in love. after forcing a rejection from him, where he says he never saw her as a girl, she’s determined to become the absolute perfect girl for every one except him.
profiles: [ student council ] [ on the block ]
listen to the mixtape while you read
previous  ➺ now ➺  memory unlocked: age 15
age 18:
𝕚𝕚. libero hours who up
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Meet me at 5:55 by the sports equipment shed,
i have something to ask you
You twirled that note in your hand before shoving it in your pocket. You didn’t think too much of it, it wasn’t your first time getting something cryptic like this but you could handle it. You wondered why the time was so exact, but decided it was a concern for after school. Ito must be in some sports club, you knew nothing about this kid so maybe that was it.
Once your class was released for lunch, you had no time to waste. You waved at a few of your classmates who you promised you’d eat lunch with them another time. You speed walked your way to the faculty office, trying to avoid any questions and interruptions since you only had a few minutes to handle your future volleyball club actions and probably ask your faculty advisor a question or two and maybe eat something.
You opened up the doors to see your Coach Kabakura standing in front of you with Coach Nobutero of the boys team. Upon your entrance they both turned to look at you.
“Hi coach, you wanted to see me?” You asked, becoming extremely awkward at their glances. You still straightened your back, knowing you’d have to fight whatever they threw your way.
“L/N, glad you could make it. Just wanted to let you know, I’m keeping you on the team.” Kabakura explained plainly, almost nonchalantly as if there was no discussion to be had.
“What? Sir I– I love the girls on the team, I love volleyball but I told you I can’t make volleyball a priority anymore as student council president I have a lot of—” you started to argue but soon were stopped with a hand up.
“This team is ready to take nationals, but only with a superstar libero like you to complete our defense, L/N. I already talked to the principal and he agrees. As for your schedule we can work around it. You’ll have to do as much student council work during lunch, come to as many practices as you can and practice games.” He told you, “I’ll understand if you can’t make all of them but try to at least come to 3 a week. The boys team practices on Saturday mornings and Fridays, I want you to go to 2 of their practices a week. If you can receive their hitters, you can receive anything. We can change it as we go but this is how I want you starting your conditioning.”
“But Fridays are our rest days?” You questioned. If you go there you’ll see him, “Besides, Kando is more than prepared to take my spot in the starting lineup anyways.”
“Not yet, she still has a lot of growth I need to see. And you’re right, Fridays are our rest days, but they aren’t yours. Take off Sunday to maintain your studies. The principal will have more work for you on Monday. So I don’t expect you to be there at the beginning of the week.” Kabakura overloaded you with this information, you didn’t really know what you expected. He had always been this way, he’s a very strong-headed man. But you were just as strong willed, you had just as much control over your own life.
“Not yet, she still has a lot of growth I need to see. And you’re right, Fridays are our rest days, but they aren’t yours. Take off Sunday to maintain your studies. The principal will have more work for you on Monday. So I don’t expect you to be there at the beginning of the week.” Kabakura overloaded you with this information, you didn’t really know what you expected. He had always been this way, he’s a very strong-headed man. But you were just as strong willed, you had just as much control over your own life.
“I guess I just don’t see the point of practicing with the boys team, the girls team is a perfectly reasonable training level for me—” you started to argue but you were again cut off by the door sliding open. You turned and shockingly made eye contact with a pair of eyes you had been avoiding all day. His eyes were wide in surprise for just a second, he was always the worst at hiding his emotions from you.
“Ah, there he is!” Nobutero proudly exclaimed, walking toward his new superstar captain. He claps Toru on the back and practically pushes the pretty boy into the faculty room to join you and your own coach. You visibly release a deep sigh of disappointment, feeling your eyes roll as you look over your other shoulder in annoyance. Your coach was too busy preparing to shake Toru’s hand the only person to see your moment was the person who caused it.
Toru tried his best to maintain his composure as the coaches talked over the unspoken thick tension between the two of you. Your dead eyes meeting his as he tried to fill his with passion. He wanted to see the trust return to them so bad, he wanted to reignite what he used to see in those beautiful eyes of yours.
“Here is the reason you will be practicing with the boys a few days a week now.” Kabakura patted you both on the shoulder, “Surely you guys know each other, right?”
“Not really.” You talked over Oikawa, crossing your arms.
“Well, we have the best server in Miyagi at our school. And a large part of our loss last year in the qualifiers was due to our serve receives.” Kabakura continued, swallowing the harm he just did to your ego. Last year was a particularly tough loss against Shiratorizawa, you blamed yourself for all of it. You hated asking for help, even more so when that help was coming from Oikawa. 
“Isn’t that right? I’m so proud of this kid, even Watari has a crazy amount of struggle receiving Oikawa’s serve.” Nobutero smiled, seemingly ignoring your state of mind.
“Oikawa, how often do you practice serving?” Kabakura asked, covering his face with his mouth.
“I practice 100 serves a day, sir.” Oikawa relaxed his body. Trying his hardest not to make you feel uncomfortable.
“Think you can receive all of those? Just two days a week?” Kabakura switched his attention back to you.
You balled your fist as he continued, you felt like nobody was listening to you. You just wanted to leave volleyball behind you, leave this all behind you, leave him behind you but nobody would let you. Oikawa was about to cover for you, being the only one to seem to pay attention to your obvious detest of the situation.
“Coach, please.” You exhaled through your nose, before smiling through gritted teeth, “Of course, I could.”
“Alright, that’s the spirit!” 
“But I won’t.” You cut him off before it could get any further, you were going to be heard. “At least, not now. You haven’t been listening to me at all. Thank you for speaking to the principal, and figuring out a training regimen that could work, but I never said I would return to volleyball. And hearing that I’m working with him doesn’t make it any better than it was before. I don’t care, working with my own team is a better bribe since I actually love them. Please, just allow me a few days to think about it. I need to figure out for myself if I will have the time in my schedule. Thats a decision I make, not something you tell me. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a lot to think about.”
You turned on your heel, and everyone watched you. What a presence you had, how you managed to wrangle it into this room was incredible. You weren’t like that shy little girl Toru met when you were both six, you had commanded attention the second you were pushed over the edge. You weren’t afraid to speak your mind once pushed out of your nice exterior. You were not the kid he volunteered to be class representative in their first class of middle school, because he knew she wanted to do it even if she never said anything. No, she didn’t need him anymore.
“L/N! Wait–” Your coach ran after you. Waving your jersey behind him, “Just check out their practice once.” 
“Oikawa,” You turned your attention to the pretty boy who was watching this scene unfold, for once in his life keeping his mouth shut, “I have to meet with you at your practice anyways, have your budget paperwork for your team ready. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow, Sensei. But I can’t promise you anything now.”
“That’s all I ask today, thank you L/N.” Kabakura sighed, he forgot how difficult you were. Oikawa smiled once you left, out of pure admiration. 
“She’s a fiery one isn’t she? I expected her to be excited to work with Oikawa.” Nobutero clapped his star players back, “Most girls would be–
“Not L/N. She’s never really cared about stuff like that. I’ve had to kick out so many guys from our practices it’s disgusting. The girls have some fun with it but I know she hates it. I don’t know what happened to her but she hates boys.” Your coach chuckled at some memory he had of you.
That’d probably be because of me.. Oikawa thought this, but he kept it to himself.
The bell that excused your class from the last long lecture of the day seemed to be louder in your ears than everyone else. You had too much to do today. This was the longest day of your life it seemed.
After exchanging smiles with a few friends, you ducked out of the classroom again. Rushing to be the first to open the student council room. You got in, dropped off your things and took out the budgeting paperwork. You made 5 copies, one for each of your other student council officers. Leaving them in neat piles by their name tags.
They all strolled in at their own time.
“President, what are you doing here already? The bell rang like 5 minutes ago.” Sora was shocked to see you standing in there, he already had his keys out to open the door but realized you already unlocked it, “That excited to see me?”
“You wish.” You rolled your eyes.
“I really do.” He admits fully, dragging his fingertips across the table to try and meet them up to you. Once he’s only a few inches away from you, he reaches his hand up to take the stack of paper away from you. His fingers overlapping on your hands.
“You need to stop this. Sora, I like having you as my VP and I’ve trusted you, but it’s to the point where my friends are texting me asking what’s going on between us.” You begged, staring at his collarbones just peeking out of his uniform instead of his eyes.
“What is going on between us?” Sora asked, your eyes widened in surprise at the question.
“I–That’s not what I meant. I meant they saw you pulling me into the opening ceremony and assumed we were a thing.”
“Are we not a thing?” Sora grazed his hands up your forearms, daring to try and relax your shoulders, “I thought I’ve been pretty clear about how I feel about you.”
“You’re my VP.” You croaked out a response, you’d never talk about this kind of thing again. It scared you.
“You’re cute when you try to avoid the topic.” Sora cracked a bright smile, you couldn’t help but feel goosebumps rise on you arms from where he touched you. He removed his hands and took the stack of forms from you, finishing off the job you were doing, “We don’t have to do this now. I’ll wait.”
The others came in as soon as that happened. You wondered if he must’ve heard their footsteps.
“I swear, y/n you’re crazy! How’d you already make all these copies?” Naeko dropped her jaw from over Sora’s shoulder. She was shocked at the layout you already spread. She knew. you were awesome, but come on.
“I swear she’s a monster. She’s a monster, a seductress, an sentient being. L/N doesn’t exist–” 
“As much as I love conspiracy theories, I’m just really fast.” You chuckled at Riku’s ramblings, they always had their own way of complimenting you. You quickly changed the subject to tell them the game plan. Everyone had different clubs to visit to split up the work. You yourself had 9 to visit today. 
It took maybe an hour and a half to visit all except one. You groaned at the last one you had on your list. Naeko offered to switch this one with you but you gratefully refused. You needed to do this, for coach and your own sanity. You can act normal around him. You can be the same old cool president as normal.
You went to the upper level of the boys volleyball gym. At least 15 girls were already up here. You didn’t want to disturb their drills, but you didn’t realize you’d have so much company. But of course you would, all these girls were here to see Oikawa. You had a familiar pang in your chest. This wasn’t your first time finding yourself next to these girls, feeling lost in the masses. 
No, this is the first time I’m different from them. You told this to yourself and picked your head up. Even as you exchanged pleasantries with those girls, and knew in your heart they were kind, you couldn’t help but feel that green devil still kicking in the cage of your heart. You leaned against the fences a few feet away from the other girls. Hairs fell over your face and you forced yourself to clear them, your face would never change as you watched your friends.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa were the first to notice your presence, sending waves up your direction. Iwaizumi didn’t notice you yet, but he knocked the back his friends heads for slacking off. Once they explained they all jogged in your direction. 
“Y/N! What the hell are you doing here?” Iwaizumi asked you.
“Good to see you too, Iwa.” You laughed off his greeting, “My coach might have me come practice with you guys a few times a week. Something about practicing my serve receives with harder opponents. Plus I need his signature.” You waved your clipboard and stack of forms as a note to what you were doing.
“Serve receives?” Iwaizumi knew exactly what you were talking about, but decided to help, “I could help you with that, you could’ve just asked.”
“Not from you, unfortunately.” You said, your eyes betraying you as they slacked off in a half hooded solemn manner. “You know.”
He did, but decided not to make you uncomfortable.
“He’s outside right now. If you need to talk to him.” Matsukawa announced, suddenly all his fangirls followed suit out the doors and to run outside to talk to him.
“That’ll get him back inside.” Maki gave his partner a high five. 
“He hasn’t changed.” You said it under your breath but Iwaizumi heard you. Sure enough, Oikawa snuck back into the gym. Dragging his right leg behind him in a moment of pain.
“Alright, which one of you was it.” Oikawa gritted his teeth in a smile while looking directly at Mattsu and Makki.
“Iwaizumi.” They both said at the same time.
“You alright?” Iwaizumi turns away from you to attend to his best friend. But Oikawa’s eyes drifted up to the last person on the second level. 
“Heads up!” you heard an underclassman yell as a ball came flying towards the upper level, it wasn’t coming for your face. But you extended your right arm to the side, angling your wrist in just the perfect fashion for the ball to be angled back downwards. 
The slap it made when the volleyball ricocheted off of your wrist satisfied a hunger you didn’t know you had in a long time. It was like getting a difficult answer on a test correct. You smugly smiled, teeth proving to be able to give anyone the perfect amount of serotonin just by looking at them as they were revealed from behind your tight lipped expression.
“Thanks!” The underclassmen hollered, two or three having apparent goofy smiles from their thoughts.
“Are you listening to me?” Iwaizumi snapped Oikawa back from staring intently at you. He looked back over his shoulder, “Are you talking to her or what?”
“Yeah. At 5:55.”
      【fun facts】
➺ Oikawa slipped that note in your desk after he saw you holding hands with Sora
➺ Maki and Mattsu have been coming up with different ways for oikawa to be bothered by his fangirls. Today was the most vanilla of them all. Most of the time its them telling the girls incorrect facts about Oikawa’s likes and dislikes.
➺ Sora admitted his feelings for you at the end of last year after you were elected in your positions. You had known each other from being co-representatives the year before in class. You denied him on the basis of “working together” instead of your normal “I don’t like you, i’m sorry.” He took this as you still have feelings for him to, which is why he doesn’t give up.
➺ Naeko is normally the outsider from the fangirls at practice. He though Maki and Mattsun were waving at his girlfriend, he finds himself being more and more jealous recently.
➺ that was the first time oikawa had seen y/n receive something up close since middle school.
➺ i say up close, because just like he does for his own team, he always gets a copy of the girls vbc matches just so he can cheer you on. He never stopped wanting to be your fan.
➺ one time naeko caught him watching your game in his room and she still makes fun of him for being a “simp” even though she thought it was really sweet.
@chibishae34 @bby-bokuto @shittykawaa @1-800-schmacked @artsamber @berriesii @bbyazu @roseestuosity @gaytoasterstrudels @mirdy47707 @trippy-kitty @iwanttogotopluto @hvneymun @a-listaire @princessmidas @glyxiebear @akaashiwife @anejuuuuoy @kiyoojima @deimmortales99 @unstableye @sugawarabby @haikyuufairy @ashaite @bettys-other-shoe @defchamseoul @honeymoneyy​ @animatedrapture​ @alexthe80swhore​ @nellieleverlin​ @forhyunryu​ @thosenerdy3amthings​ @mariachiii​ @dishonestkilla​ @notdahyun​ @angyboibakugo​ @tuaningly​ @sxrensxngwrites @anhphunnnn​ @montys-chaos​ @toorubread​ @dawnsbaby​ @lovinsugamamma @halxma06​ @dumbv1rgo​ @neomemartin8383
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writernomore · 4 years
Two sides of the same coin
Summary: Y/n receives a strange letter to only open it later in her room, and she eavesdrop onto a conversation she says it to the Golden trio only to think she was lying.
Words: 1.5k words.
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Chapter 2
School had gotten you all sorts of tired, mentally and physically but it was nothing if it would help you be a good witch for the future sake.
You had a big interest in potions, it was like medicine but it would have bigger effects than ‘muggle medicine’ there would be cures to sicknesses we wouldn’t know about and it would just be under our noses.
Like normal subjects it was difficult understanding, Transfiguration also had peaked your interest, turning objects into different things.
Homework had piled up on you but it was nothing compared to the incoming Quidditch match, Your house; Slytherin against Gryffindor.
Also word spread of Harry Potter becoming the youngest seeker of the century would be playing, you weren’t all big with sports before but this would definitely be much more exciting because Quidditch was like soccer but the players had to be riding their flying broomsticks.
Without goes saying, someone had got to have fallen off their broom when they played Quidditch not only on their first time, so…I guess no Quidditch for me then… You thought to yourself.
Remembering that time when your leg had to be casted for 2 months made you shiver.
But since you wanted to see it and not miss your first time watching a Quidditch match you decided to join the whole school that was watching.
It would definitely be a good subject topic when you write your weekly letter to your family, your brothers would definitely want to hear about this one.
There you were, sitting next to Draco and his goons in the Slytherin stands, you uncomfortably shifted in your seat not fully trusting much people in your house, yeah our house was supposed to be our family…but you haven’t gotten close with anyone yet.
You don’t remember most of your housemates’ names!
You watched as students were going back and forth chasing balls? What did they call it?
You wanted to ask but who were you going to even ask? They might think you were dumb.. No! You are going to ask what the players were holding.
Looking to your left you see a boy a year above you and asked what they were holding, He looked at you and explained to you the game.
“Five balls are in play during Quidditch matches: The Quaffle, which is a volleyball; three Bludgers, or dodgeballs; and the Snitch, a tennis ball. The Quaffle is used to score points, while the Bludgers are used to "knock out" other players temporarily. The Snitch is the ball that must be caught to end the game.” “How many points does the snitch have though?” He looks back at the game saying “150 points..” you hummed.
You watched the players, and in the corner of your eye Harry Potter had spotted the snitch and went after it, scratching your neck you watched him, chasing the snitch.
They’ve got to have such a strong grip on the brooms in order to not fall while the brooms speed up in the air..  you muttered.
“ You’ve got to be kidding me, this your first time watching a quidditch match?” Someone beside asked.
It was Draco looking at you in disbelief, “Yeah..” you muttered scratching you neck.
You scratched your neck when you felt nervous or uncomfortable, or something like that.
‘Hm’ he went back to watching the quidditch match and so did you, Watching Harry sore through the sky with such speed on his new broom, which was the Nimbus 2000.
Then Harry went head to head with a Slytherin, bumping each other trying to bump each others off their broom, but when Harry was going to catch the snitch his broom went crazy shaking him off.
You stood up a bit worried for his own safety in fear of him falling off his broom shouting “Careful!”
The Slytherins confused stared at you, but just went back to looking at the game after seeing Harry struggle the broom stopped and Harry was able to get back on his broom and managed to catch the snitch, the crowd cheering for Gryffindor’s victory and you giving a relieved sigh and clapping.
Sure the sport itself was risky, but where is exactly the fun in that? Maybe you would probably sign up to play for Slytherin.
On the ground people went to congratulate Gryffindor for their victory, getting your scarf you went down to congratulate them aswell, you got weird stares but brushed them off, You went to the team and smile at them.
“That Quidditch match was cool! It was a good game!”
Shock written on their face “Congartulations!” Harry smiled at you and thanked you.
You turned around and skipped merrily going back to the Slytherin common room, to find your house mates disappointed they had lost to Gryffindor, hoping it would cheer them up;”Don’t worry we’ll beat them next time” Some Slytherins smiled at you.
You just went upstairs to go to your room which you shared with other Slytherin girls, changing to your sleep ware and went to slumber.
It was the next day and you were in the Great Hall eating breakfast then the daily mail came, owls sweeping in to drop mail on tables.
You just continued to eat when an envelope was dropped onto your plate, you were confused and surprised not only does your family only deliver stuff on Monday.
But the mail didn’t say anything about who it could’ve come from, weirded out you just put the letter away to read it later when you got the time, after eating breakfast you went to roam around Hogwarts now that you got used to the surroundings, you hardly get lost now since you were used to the place.
As you first thought when you came to Hogwarts you always thought the Castle was Beautiful and magnificent, it never had ceased to amaze you at all.
When you were going to turn a corner you heard talking around the corner, sneakily you eavesdropped and listened onto the conversation.
“Are you sure?”
Professor Mcgonagall?
“Yes I am Positive”
That’s Professor Dumbledore.
“Harry Potter has a younger twin sister, unfortunately, we don’t know who she is, what we assume she might be dead” Dumbledore said.
You turned around and clasped a hand over your mouth. Harry Potter has a sister.
You had to tell him, maybe she was alive and she’s out there.
His other half and family.
As she ran down the hallways in hopes to find the boy, she forgot that she was supposed to be at class, discarding her mission for a while she went to run at the direction of her class.
Glad for her she made it and sat down at her seat when the Professor had just entered soon later after she did.
The Professor dismissed the class and went to talk to Harry, you walked over to him and called to him, he and his friends turned around.
Confused you just toom them somewhere else to talk without having any unwanted listeners chiming in.
“So your saying you heard Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore talking about Harry having a twin sister and they’re unsure if she’s dead or alive?” Hermione said reapeating what you had said.
“Yes” you simply said.
“And what makes you think we’ll believe you?” Ron said.
Your smile dropping being replaced with a confused look.
“What do you mean?” Tilting your head in confusion.
“What makes you think that we’ll believe what your saying us true..” “I don’t get it” You said still confused.
“Is this something Malfoy convinced you to do?” “What?! Ofcourse not!”
‘Mhmm’ is what they said. “Seriously I don’t get why you don’t trust me on this..”
‘fine’ is what you muttered before walking away to go to your next class.
“Did you think she was lying?” Harry said walking into the Gryffindor common room.
“It sounded like it” Ron said “But we’re not sure if it was staged or not”
I don’t care what they think I want to believe that I have a twin sister out there
 All of your classes were over and you were walking up to the girls room to read your letter.
You sat down on your bed and pulled your feet up ripping open the envelope to see a letter and necklace.
On the paper said;
Dear Y/n.
This may come off as weird but as you grow older you’ll understand and soon find out to truly know who you were supposed to set off to be.
So please don’t worry, we will watch over you and protect you.
Yours Truly,
Who’s Xavier?
You looked inside the envelope to see a golden necklace on a golden chain, it was a locket, etched on the front of the locket was the letter P..
You opened it and saw two adults on it, a woman with red hair and a man with brown hair and glasses.
You assumed it was your biological parents, so that would  mean it lead you to this conclusion.
Your parents were dead.
That’s it for this latest chapter.
I hope you guys liked it, the discovery for Harry’s long lost sister would be much more earlier than I would think or is it?
Anyways, like my writing?
Consider giving me a follow ;)
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
Chapter 1 - Meeting Him [STARISH Ver.]
I decided it would be easier for me to write my Utapri scenarios here instead of on AO3, as I understand the interface better here. After Otoya, it is cut due to length. 
 Chapter 2  →
Otoya Ittoki
You were a successful DJ & now it was arranged that you were to have a collaboration with the rising idol group, STARISH.
Lucky for you, the composer of the group, Haruka Nanami, was your childhood friend to help you. You were always antisocial and have terrible stage fright.
You were thankful as your job as a DJ because you just had to put on your signature mask on which was a f/c intricately designed mask. None of your fans knew your face nor other artists unless they have worked with you before which they, under contract and privacy, would never reveal to anyone.
Besides, when you work with anyone, you would usually be on the quite side, not speaking unless asked or spoken to.
You entered the studio and asked for the studio number. Once you were in front of the door, you knocked and someone yelled, "Come in!"
Nervously, you opened the door and quickly scanned the room for your friend. Once spotting the yellow eyed female, you ran at your top speed to her.
"NANA-CHAN!!" You yell, your h/l h/c hair showing as your hood flies off. You latch on the shorter/taller girl and rambled on about how you absolutely hate talking to people.
"Umm... Haruka? Who's this?"
You look to see a group of 7 boys looking at you and Haruka. Instinctively, you stood behind Haruka.
"Oh guys, this is my childhood friend, LN YN or as you all might know her as SN." She says, soothing your back.
The short blonde boy gasps. "Wait, she's the SN??"
Before Haruka could warn them about your extremely introverted personality, a redhead walks up to you and grabs your shoulder.
"I really admire your work and I love your recent hit! I also bought your first album, the premium one, of course & I framed up the deflated balloon from your second concert in Akita!" He babbles on.
You froze up, not knowing what to say.
"Otoya!!" Haruka says. "Calm down, she's extremely shy so please don't burst on her like that... Look now she's frozen... YN-chan come back to me!!"
Haruka shakes you slightly and you come to your senses. The redhead in front of you starts again. "Hello. I'm Otoya Ittoki. Nice to meet you." He offers his hand to you.
"LN YN. Same to you as well." You hesitantly shook his hand.
Masato Hijirikawa
You were one of the best athletes at Saotome Sports Academy. Today was your academy's festival and the sister school, Saotome Music Academy, were going to visit the academy.
You were the best point guard of your school's basketball team and you were setting up the gym for the basketball team's exhibition.
You in charge of the basketball challenge, where there were 3 teams of 5 from the basketball club and whatever group beats the basketball team for the first 5 points gets coupons for all the food stalls the other clubs were doing.
It was decided that the teams would be mixed because the girls' team wanted to play as well however, your team only had a total of 19 members and the boys had around 40 members.
"Hey LN-chan! I'm almost done setting up the exhibition part! You should go change," Your captain & senpai, Miyuki Chihiro says. She was doing a demonstration with the other first-string players of the boys team.
"Sure thing!" You reply. You walk up to your close friends, Ami & Yayoi, who were the only girls beside you who were joining the challenge teams.
"I'm so hyped for this!" Ami punches her fist in the air. "I really want to recruit more girls..."
"Calm yourself Ami," Yayoi says. "Save that energy for the court."
You tease Yayoi. "You say that Ya-chan but you're such a beast on the court~" 
At that remark, Yayoi blushed.
It was already the middle of your exhibition and so far, no one had defeated your team. Ami & Yayoi were put in different teams, with Ami's team so far losing to 2 groups and Yayoi's team to 1 group.
"Excuse me, can we play against this team?" A male with dark blue hair asks you.
"Oh sure, of course." You reply. You call out your senpais. "Hoi Morichika-senpai! Hurry up we have a game!"
"You're a player?" The male says, shocked.
"Yeah? What about it?" You retort.
He stayed silent. "Masato," he says, extending his hand. "I apologise, I thought you were the team’s manager."
You laugh aloud, shaking his hand. "Name's YN. Everyone says that by the way. You'll see Prince Charming, that this queen can slay a dragon!"
It was the middle of the game and your defense just passed you the ball. Determined to get it to your power forward, you drove the ball until one of the defenses from the other team shoved you, causing you to slip.
However, before your butt could kiss the floor, a strong arm gripped yours. You looked to see that it was Masato.
"Such a gentleman," you told him. He looked away, with his face slightly red. One of your teammates call you. "Hoi YN! You alright?"
"Yeah Satoshi!" You reply, giving a signal and standing up.
Masato looked at you and asked, "Umm... would you care to tour me around during your break?"
"Sure thing Prince Charming!" You say before jogging off.
Natsuki Shinomiya
You were a part-time worker at your uncle's bakery shop, and you were quite a well-known employee, as you were usually the one to invent new cakes and pastries that differ from the normal baked goods.
Today, you were at your cashier job. You were checking the cake displays on the counter until a noisy group walked in.
A group of 7 boys and 2 females made up the group. They dispersed, the one wearing glasses going to the counter with an orange haired boy. You realised that it was Natsuki, a recently regular customer since last month.
"Hello YN-chan!!" The happy-go-lucky boy said.
"Hello Natsuki, what would be the order today?" You smiled, getting your notepad and pen ready.
"Huhhh... YN-chan!!" He whines. "There's too many options to choose from!"
"Oh..." the orange haired male spoke up. "Natsuki, how mean of you to not tell me that an angel was creating these treats... No wonder they're so good."
You giggled. "So... what's with the gang?"
"Ohh," he says. "They're my good friends and I brought them over to try your food!"
"More like dragged us over!" The male with the fedora corrects.
"Eh... since when?" Natsuki innocently replied.
As they took their seats, you walked from the counter to them. "So... what shall it be?" You had your notepad and pen out and you mentally prepared yourself, especially for Natuski's orders.
"What's the special?" Natsuki asks.
You smiled. "It would be the CinnaChoco Character. Cinnamon and chocolate parfait with the whipped cream character of your choice on it."
"Then let it be nine specials!" Natsuki says. Everyone opens their mouths to protest him but were silenced at the next sentence he says. "And all the characters are Piyo-chan!"
"Alright... is that it?" You said, looking at his despaired friends.
"YES! THANK YOU!" He enthusiastically replies.
You walked away from the group. However, you looked back to see a blue-haired male scolding Natsuki while everyone else were dumbfounded. You smiled, disappearing into the kitchen.
Ren Jinguji
You arrived at the doorstep of Saotome Academy, in hopes of finding your cousin, Haruka. It was your first time in Tokyo, and you asked Haruka to tour you around. You came to Tokyo because of a shogi tournament, which would start next week. Haruka promised to support you and to watch your game.
After asking for several directions by other students, you finally arrived at a music room. Chatter was on the other side of the door and you knocked anyway. You waited until the door cracks open. At the doorway was a charming young man with vibrant orange hair. He smiled at you, "Why what a pretty little fairy we have here!"
"Please, I'm not magical and I'm not a fairy," You bluntly say. You look at him emotionlessly and croon your neck past him. You were more of a straight-forward and reserved person, not talking unless talked to.
You walk past him and ignored the group of other teenagers at you. "Hello Cousin Haruka," You greet.
"Ah, YN! I was just about to finish!" she says. She speaks to one of the males and then she walks towards you.
"Where might you ladies be going?" The orange haired male says before you two leave, blocking the door.
"Ah Jinguji-san, I'm taking my cousin YN on a tour today. She came because-" Haruka was cut off by Ren.
"YN-chan? What an adorable name."
"And I feel that you should give me your name since you already know mine and it would be impolite not to do so," You retort calmly.
"Jinguji Ren," he said.
"LN YN. Have a good day Jinguji-san." With that, you took Haruka's hand and shut the door.
Cecil Aijima
It was another day at Saotome Academy. You were looking at your schedule for today. Costume fittings, vocal practice, dance class... it was overwhelming for theatre students.
This season's production was about a foreign tale of gods and goddesses. You were casted as the goddess of the moon, and your costume designer was quite excited for you to try her new design.
You were on your way to the costume classroom, clutching your many scripts and lyrics in your arms.
"Shun-kun? Mayuri-chan? Are you in there?" You said after you opened the door.
The two cheerful twins who were your loyal friends and designers welcomed you.
"I think you're going to like this one!" Shun said, clapping his hands together.
"The Madame gave us a high grade for this," Mayuri said. "Ah! I'm so excited for you to sing in this!"
You giggled at your friends. "You know I always love everything you guys make." Mayuri helped you change into it. However, she asked you to close your eyes the whole time as a surprise.
"Ok YN-chan! Open!"
It was stunning. The darker blues and silver accents brought the whole dress together.        
"I LOVE IT!" you squealed, jumping and hugging Mayuri and Shun.
Someone knocked the door again. "That must be our next clients. YN, you can continue wearing it. We can fix anything later," Shun told you.
"But I wanna see YN-chan sing in the dress!" Mayuri complained.
The door opened. In stepped a girl you were familiar with.
"Haruka-chan! I didn't know you were coming for a fitting as well!" You said to the orange haired female.
"I'm here with the idols I'm composing with. Did you like the duet I composed?" She asked, nervous.
You knew Haruka as she had written a few duets from a few productions. Recently, she'd written a duet between you and the war god starring in an argumentative song.
"The director and everyone else loved it," you said, recalling your rehearsal. "Too bad you can't be part of the studio's composing team..."
She smiled at you. "I enjoy composing for ST☆RISH, and you as well. But I have to stick with them for the semester. On another note, you look gorgeous YN-chan!"
"Thank you." You felt flustered by the amount of attention you were getting from the stares of some of the designer students and their clients.
"Haruka, who is this prestigious goddess here?!" One of the idols who had come with Haruka got on one knee and held your left palm in his hand.
You would be totally blushing and embarrassed if it weren't for the fact that he was in a green teddy bear costume.
Mayuri pipes up, "Aren't you acting as a goddess for this play YN-chan?"
"So that is the name of the goddess!" The male exclaimed. "Goddess YN!"
"Cecil she's notー"
"Teddy Sir, I am not a goddess," you explain to him. "But I am going to be in the theatre next two months."
You smiled at him. He immediately apologised.
Cecil looked at you in thought. You reminded him of his mother. Kind, sweet, gentle... To him you definitely acted like a goddess even if you denied it.
"I'm Aijima Cecil," he said. "I'm in the idol programme!"
"LN YN. Theatre programme," you replied, shaking his hand. "If you'd like, your group could come and see the rehearsal tomorrow. It's open to other students!"
"REALLY?!" He said, clearly excited. "MASA-CHAN, CAN WE GO PLEASEEE??"
"Why are you asking me?!" An annoyed, blue haired male said.
"Ren-chan said that you're the mother of our group."
A few arguments went around the group, but in the end ST☆RISH decided to go to the rehearsal after.
"See you later Goddess YN!"
"I told you, I'm not a goddess Aijima-kun!" You giggled. Aijima-kun was quite interesting.
Syo Kurusu
You were the Head Miko (shrine maiden) of your family shrine. Recently, your childhood friend, Haruka Nanami, wrote to you about needing help with a filming site for a music video for the famous idol group, ST☆RISH.
You allowed them to film in the courtyards of the shrine area. Today, you were meeting with them to guide them around the shrine.
Finally, they arrived at the gates. "Nana-chan, I'm so glad to meet you." You hugged your best friend ever since kindergarten. You had your hakama hood up and greeted the boys.
A blue haired male bowed to you. "Thank you for your great generosity Miko YN."
The rest of the boys quickly realised who you are and followed their friend. However, one of the taller males bumped into the shortest male.
That male unfortunately fell on you.
"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT MIKO LN YN?!" One of the shrine guards yelled.
The guards hollered the small male up and held him in a lock.
"Guards! Control yourselves! It was an accident!" You said. "Release him!"
They immediately did so.
The guard who started the riot went into a dogeza position. "Sincerest apologies Miko YN. You may cut off my head if you wish for compensation of this horrendous action."
At this point, the boys were borderline scared.
"As punishment..."
You saw the shorter male pale.
"Go and purchase mochi and edamame from the lady at the local market."
You heard huge sigh of relief come from ST☆RISH. You helped the fallen boy up.
"I should apologise to you..." you trailed off, asking for his name.
"Kurusu Syo. And I should apologise. That was..."
"Here," you gave him a good luck talisman. "For luck in your shooting."
After the tour you gave them, they started to film the video. Apparently, they needed a traditional setting as there was a kendo scene.
Syo was against another male who was quite tall. The other male tied his hair as he defended from Syo's angry attacks.
The blue haired male who was directing the scene, who's name you found out to be Masato, called it off.
"Ren, Syo, slow down. Your fight is too hectic. It needs to be graceful, like the title track is."
"I think I can help," you said. "I can assist Kurusu-san's strikes."
You untied your whole katana ー including the sheath ー from your waist and walked up to Ren.
"Kurusu-san, you should take a defensive approach first and then continue attacking for the rest of the scene," You said, taking your stance.
"Wait, Miko YN. I don't think I can attack such a pure maiden such as you," Ren protested, flirting a little.
You said nothing, proceeding to block Ren's sword and striking his forearm. Then you swept your weapon at his ankles and Ren fell down.
"Wahhh Miko YN is so cool!" Otoya said.
You told Masato. "I feel if Syo does a sweep maneuver, then it would be more graceful."
"Thank you Miko YN," Syo said. His face turned red. "You... fight good."
"Thank you, Kurusu-san!" You said, bowing.
The guards and shrine attendants complimented you.
"Good luck Kurusu-san!"
"A-Ah... Yeah thanks!" Syo ran back to the courtyard. For the rest of the shooting, he avoided you and you didn't know why.
You smiled to yourself. He is an odd boy.
Tokiya Ichinose
You were a famous mangaka in the shoujo genre. So far in your career, you had three series. You attended Saotome Academy's drawing programme last year, and it really helped your manga to be popular.
Today you were going to attend a convention as one of their special guests. You decided to cosplay as one of the characters from your fantasy manga.
You had invited your friends Tomochika and Haruka, who you met through one of your writing classes. They both attended for the sake of writing lyrics, but you were there for a story script. Tomochika was also a big fan of yours. They told you they were going to bring some friends as well.
Your mangaka name was announced and you got on stage. "Hello guys!" You bowed. Cheers and screams went around.
"AN-sama is so cute!"
"Thank you, guys, so much for the support! I have a special announcement!" You said.
Silence went around...
"With the help of Souka Animation, the fantasy series will be having an anime in a year!" You said. More cheers went around. "It's because of you guys that this was possible. In ten minutes, the signing and Q&A will start so I hope you guys enjoy!"
After the heaps of questions, you were finally on your break. At that moment, you saw Haruka and Tomochika. They came to you, with several other boys. "Ah, YN-chan, this is the group I'm composing for," Haruka said, introducing the 7 boys that had followed.
The dark-haired male introduced himself and bowed to you. "My name is Ichinose Tokiya. AN-sama, please give me the honour of having your autograph."
He held out a manga that you knew quite well. It was the first issue you ever sold. Well, it was not part of the three series you own but a high school doujinshi you made of a popular fighting game.
"How... did you get this? I never continued this after the fifth volume!" You exclaimed.
Tokiya replied, "I... I'm a big fan AN-sama."
You signed the doujinshi. "So you're a fan of this series as well?"
He nodded. "I collected the manga in school and your doujin concept was really interesting. I also collected your fantasy romance series and the other two. Your storytelling is amazing andー"
You were surprised. He knew your works so well, even before you started to write your own series.
"You go to Saotome right?" You asked.
He nodded. "I'm in the idol programme."
"I'm a student there as well. I'm in design programme," You said. "Since we're schoolmates, you can call me LN."
"Then call me Tokiya-san."
"Shall we walk around the event together?" You offered.
He accepted, flustered that his favourite mangaka is treating him.
Chapter 2  →
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notalwaysthevillian · 3 years
My Whirlpool of a Life
Ships: Kaminari/OC
Word Count: ~2.7k
I will not be doing a tag list for this fic.
Chapter 8: Time for a Rescue
The four of us were able to hit our targets with ease, since most of them were still groggy from being flesh balls.
“That was so gross.” I said as we headed to the ante room. “I know we might work with these people eventually, but if I can avoid him I’ll be that much happier.”
“You weren’t the one who was manhandled.” Kirishima shivered. “I never want to go through that again.”
“Shut up! Let’s just get back.”
Walking faster, I matched Bakugo’s pace. We walked in silence for a second before he broke.
I didn’t look at him. “You knew, didn’t you?”
“Knew what?”
“That it was too dry.” I saw him tense up out of the corner of my eye. “You wanted me to come with you because you knew I’d have trouble. If I stayed with the others I would’ve been taken out.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grumbled, but it was half-hearted.
Nodding, I slowed to walk with Kami again, but not before whispering a quick “thanks”. There was a quiet grunt as a response, which I figured was the best I was going to get out of Bakugo.
“What was that about?” Kami asked as he claimed my hand.
He gave me a look. “You talked to Bakugo without him yelling or exploding something. How did you survive?”
The speaker crackled to life again. “Our total is at 82.”
Kami squeezed my hand. “Do you think our classmates have passed already?”
“I hope so. Todoroki probably did already, I saw his ice wall earlier.”
I could see explosions and dust flying around at the far end of the arena.
“Wow, everyone is going crazy.”
“Hey, look!” Kaminari pointed. I saw Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sero walking up to the ante room too. “Aw, yeah! Class A represent!”
Uraraka grinned. “You know it! Our class is amazing! We did it!”
“Class 1-A!” Kirishima started chanting, and most of the rest of us joined in.
“I’m glad you passed!” I threw my arms around Uraraka. “What happened to everyone else? I thought you were staying together?”
“Remember that boy that was super nice when we first got here? He has a quirk that lets him break up the ground! We all got separated!”
“I’m lucky I stuck with these guys then.” I gestured to Kirishima and Kaminari on either side of me. “The air is too dry in here, and we weren’t close enough to the water area for me to borrow any. I was pretty much useless.”
“Hey, that’s not true!” Kiri protested. “You helped Kaminari get us out of there.”
“Bug did most of the work.”
Kaminari kissed my cheek. “That time, but I’m sure you’re gonna be the one taking the lead in the future. We’ll just stick closer to the water next time.”
We headed into the ante room, spotting Todoroki, Shoji, Tsu, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu hovering around. Yaoyorozu looked relieved as we all walked in, munching on some dumplings.
“Oh hey! What a relief. I was starting to get worried.”
“No need to worry about us, Yao-Momo!” Kaminari led me over to them. “What’s up? When did you guys pass?”
“Yeah, have you guys been here for long?”
Shoji shook his head. “We just finished as well. Todoroki beat us here.”
“Honestly I was kind of shocked Bakugo wasn’t here already.” Jirou said as she joined us. “But I get it now. It’s because Kaminari was with him.”
“Come on! Why am I getting dragged today?!”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “If anyone was the weak link on that team it was me today. I probably should’ve gone for the water zone.”
“You would’ve been taken out before you got there.” Bakugo huffed, rolling his shoulders back. “Doesn’t matter anyway, we passed.”
“You don’t think that was it, do you?” Yaoyorozu finished off another dumpling. “It seems awfully easy to just outlast people. There’s more to being a hero than that.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna be the hero that saves people. My sidekicks can deal with cleaning up.”
Bakugo walked off toward the food, Kirishima on his heels.
“He actually seems less grouchy today.” I said, earning looks from everyone else. “He won’t admit it but if he hadn’t told me to stay with him, I would’ve probably been tagged out. He pretty much saved me today.”
Kaminari slung his arm around my shoulders. “When did he tell you that?”
“Before, when Shindo was being overly nice.”
“Overly nice?”
“Did you think he was that nice?” Everyone nodded at me. “Bakugo was right, the look in his eye didn’t match what he was saying. His vibes were all off.”
“You can’t always judge someone on vibes alone.” Shoji manifested another arm, grabbing some food from the table.
“I know, but we weren’t wrong.”
“Hey,” Uraraka walked up with a key. “Tsu told me they want us to put the targets back on the shelf. You need help taking them off?”
“I’ve got it.” Kaminari took the key and unlocked the one on my back, his fingers brushing against my hip.
“Hey! Watch your hands.”
I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m just undoing your targe - OW!”
Jirou’s earphone jack recoiled back to her ear and she winked.
Once my targets were off, Kaminari handed me the key. “Now you do me.”
“Phrasing, Bug.” I giggled, quickly taking his targets off.
He pecked me on the forehead. “I know what I said.”
Laughing at Jirou’s reaction, I grabbed our targets and headed over to put them away, leaving Kami to be told off by her.
“Your boyfriend is cute.” A girl in a Shiketsu uniform was leaning against the wall. She gave me a smile, but it felt more crazy than sweet. “Not as cute as the green-haired boy over there though.”
“Thanks?” I placed the targets on the shelf, before putting the key back on its hook. “What’s your na - oh.”
As I turned back around, she was gone.
The boy from before, Yoarashi, waved and walked over. “I heard that Class A had someone join after the sports festival. I didn’t see you there, so I have to assume…”
“Yep! That’s me.” I pointed to myself with both thumbs, before laughing. “Guess my boyfriend’s dorkiness is rubbing off on me.”
“When you spend a lot of time with people, you adopt their mannerisms!” He laughed a hearty laugh. “I was curious as to what your quirk is.”
“You have to tell me yours first.”
“That is only fair!” When he spoke, it was loud. “My quirk is Whirlwind. It allows me to control air currents.”
The air around us picked up speed, blowing my hair back.
“Cool!” I activated my quirk, drawing the water out of my belt. “Mine is…I guess Whirlpool? I can control water! If it’s not too dry out I can pull the water from the air, or if there’s water nearby I can use it.”
“A powerful quirk! Your parents must be proud!”
I knew he hadn’t meant anything by it, but I could feel the water whip around my legs as the memories started to come back again. “I’m sure they would be if they were still around.”
He bowed, his head touching the ground again. “My apologies!”
Everyone started looking at us. I threw my hands up, waving them. “It’s okay, really.”
An alarm went off, rescuing me from this conversation. I knew he meant well, but I really didn’t want to continue.
“The last students pass! Every slot is now filled! One hundred students will advance! The end is finally here! Wah-hoo!”
“That’s the most excited I’ve heard that guy all day.” Kami said as he came over and pulled me back towards our classmates.
“Our whole class passed! I’m so excited!” Uraraka cheered, jumping up and down.
I cheered with her. “We did it!!”
It took about 15 minutes for everyone to regather. I felt a little bad for the people who had to withdraw, but that was the nature of the test I guess.
“For the hundred of you who passed the first test, please turn your attention toward the screen.”
I looked up, seeing live footage of the test arena. It was quiet for a moment before explosions rocked the arena, causing multiple collapses in different areas.
“There’s only one more round to the exam. Your goal is simple: undertake rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sites.”
“Rescue exercises?” I bounced on my toes, feeling the smile spread across my face. “This is what I was trained for!”
“Use this time to show us how you will carry out successful rescue procedures once you receive your provisional licenses.Treat this as though it was the real thing.”
The screen shifted, showing the people we had to rescue. There were some elderly, and some young.
“That’s so dangerous! Why are they here?”
“Little kids are prone to ignoring their parents and running toward heroes.” I pointed out, remembering what the Pussycats had taught me. “The elderly are often caught in the crossfire, due to the fact that they usually can’t move as fast.”
“…We’ll be judging on how well you keep them safe as you go about your mission. Oh, by the way, we’ll be scoring you on a point system. If you have more points than the benchmark at the time the exercise comes to an end, then you pass the exam. We’ll start in ten minutes. Take care of any necessary preparations now.”
I turned around only to find that all of my classmates had decided to talk to each other instead. “Okay, so I guess I’m the one making a plan.”
“Guess so.”
Turning around, I found Shindo standing there. “Look, I know you caught on to my nice act earlier too. But it’s a rescue mission, and we’re going to have to work together.”
“Agreed.” I gave him a nod. “I did a lot of rescue work with the Pussycats growing up. My quirk is well suited to search and rescue, especially if there are any broken bones.”
“Well I doubt that’ll be an issue, but good to know. We can get a first aid station set up straight away. Can you get your class to help with the search portion?”
“I’ll talk to them.”
He walked away without another word. I headed back to my classmates, seeing Mineta and Kami yelling at Midoriya about something.
I caught the word “naked” as I got closer, and crossed my arms over my chest. “Kaminari.”
He froze, a hand immediately going to the back of his neck. “Dew Drop!”
“What’s going on?”
“N-nothing! We’re just talking to Midoriya!”
I glanced at Mineta, activating my quirk and locking him against the wall with a wave. “Mineta.”
“Midoriya saw a girl naked!”
I dropped the water. “That’s what you guys are worried about right now? We’re supposed to be planning for a rescue mission!”
“We get people, we get out. It’s easy.” Mineta waved a hand in the air. “This is juicier.”
He walked off, leaving a nervous Kaminari by my side. “Are you mad?”
“You’re a teenage boy, I’m not mad.” I rolled my eyes. “But can we focus on rescue? I’m actually good at this, I can get us to pass. I - I want to make up for not helping as much in the first round.”
“Nami, you did what you could.” Kaminari pulled me into his arms, nuzzling the top of my head. “You can’t be the superstar every time. Unless you’re Bakugo.”
I giggled into his shirt, relaxing as his familiar supercharged scent surrounded me. “You’re right.”
A bell rang, making the two of us jump.
“Shit, I was supposed to -”
“Villains have performed a large-scale terrorist attack slanning all of Insert City Name Here. Since most buildings have collapsed, there are many injured.”
The walls around us broke apart and opened up, just like the start of our test.
“Due to heavily damaged roads, the first responders have unfortunately been delayed for the time being.”
“What is with these rooms?”
“Until emergency services arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Your task is to save as many people as you can and help the injured. And with that…BEGIN!”
“You three! With me!” Bakugo yelled before taking off.
I shook my head, staying with our classmates. Kaminari looked torn.
“Bug, go with him, it’s fine.”
He took off, splitting from our group.
Iida headed for the collapsed buildings, leading our little pack. “Let’s start by heading toward the closest urban area.”
Taking a deep breath, I threw up a water wall in front of them, making my classmates stop and turn back to me.
“Look. I’m the only one here trained in rescue.” I said before anyone could protest. “Let me give you some pointers?”
“Bestow your knowledge on us!” Iida stopped running, giving me his full attention.
“We will need to split up, that isn’t even a question. We go where we will be the most useful. For me and Tsu, that means the water terrain. Anyone else think they’ll be the best there?”
Todoroki raised his hand, and Hagakure’s glove went up.
I nodded. “Okay. Those of you who will do better in the urban area can stay here. Make sure you move people slowly until you can determine their injuries. Some you might not want to move at all, if they’re that injured. Yao-Momo, I’d recommend you stay here.”
“Got it.”
“And stay alert. Usually when there’s an earthquake, there’s aftershocks. There could be falling debris, or more explosions even. Keep sharp. Water team, follow me.”
The four of us split off, heading toward the river and the lake.
“Guys! Over there!”
A few people were clinging to rocks in the water. One boy looked terrified. “Help! I can’t swim!”
“Tsu, could you get him? I'd probably terrify him.” I activated my quirk, the water pulling the other people toward shore, keeping them elevated.
“We might need to warm them up. We should get firewood.” Todoroki said.
“On it!” Hagakure ran off in another direction.
Tsu swam out, putting the boy on her back and coming back to shore.
“Everything is going to be alright. We’re here to help you in any way we can.” I explained as we gathered them up. “Our friends went looking for firewood so we can get you guys warm. Is anyone injured?”
A few hands went up.
“Those of you uninjured, if you could separate from those that are injured. Tsu is going to talk to you and see what you remember.” I leaned over to her. “Do you know how to tell if someone has a concussion?”
“Ribbit. Yes.”
“Good. Look for those. There’s a chance someone has one and doesn’t know.”
She split off, and I headed toward the injured group. There weren’t too many people, only a small group of three.
“Who’s hurt the worst? Any broken bones? Does it hurt to breathe?” I asked, gently washing off what I hoped was fake blood with my quirk.
One of them raised a hand. “Breathing isn’t easy right now.”
“We’re going to get you to the first aid station right now. Are the other two of you okay to walk?”
They nodded.
“Tsu!” She looked up at me. “I’m taking them to the first aid station. I’ll be back once they’re secure!”
I moved water around the person having trouble breathing, floating him in a pool of water as we moved. “We’ll get you all help. What are your names?”
“You’re very good at this, young lady.” One woman said, after they’d all given me names.
I blushed. “Just doing my job. I learned from the Wild, Wild Pussycats.”
“Then they’re excellent teachers.”
We reached the first aid station just as Midoriya came running up with a kid. I got them all settled with the other class, nodding at Shindo, who gave me a nod back. He gestured to someone else, who ran up and helped me out with the one who was having trouble breathing.
“Potentially cracked ribs.” I whispered.
We got them settled in the area and things seemed to be going well.
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artisqueer · 4 years
Tumblr media
RetroBangBoy AU - DREAM REALITY (ao3 link)
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Yoongi x reader, mentions Namjoon x reader
Warnings: Mentions violence, blood/gore.
“Goddamn, it’s hot as fuck out here.” Indeed, it’s a hot sweltering day. Most of the jocks are crammed beneath the courtside canopy to find shade from the blazing sun.
“Hyung, let’s go for another round,” Jimin suggests, removing the jersey from his overheating abdomen.
“You wanna lose again that bad, huh?” Seokjin’s smirk disappears behind his jersey as he lifts it up and over his head. The sheen of sweat over his ripped shoulders is distracting to both teams. Jimin mocks his laugh then pouts.
“Be a good sport, Jiminie.” Hoseok passes him the basketball as he joins Jin’s side on the court.
The men assemble in their respective teams.
Jimin, Taehyung, and three other juniors.
Jin, Hoseok, and three other seniors.
It’s 3:15 pm and you’re getting off work early. Although it’s summer break, you’ve enrolled in advanced calculus for the fall and you want to be prepared. So, you’ve taken up an offer from a certain big-breasted mathematician. Yes, this is completely for academic purposes, Bighead.
There’s an unusual spring in your step as you walk the route from the concession stand to the parking lot behind campus. Someone from Joon’s crew will be there to pick you up because he’s still at work.
Your fingers brush along the chain fence as you pass by the court, deaf to the hooting and hollering of the intense game on the other side. You can’t be bothered to notice. Your head is pleasantly filled with thoughts of math figures and Namjoon’s figur—"
“Choco Pie? Wake up please, are you dead?”
“They’re not breathing.”
“Oh my god, we killed someone ㅠㅠ”
“I told you not to throw the ball so hard, Wonho.”
“It wasn’t my fault, Y/N’s seismic head came out of nowhere and pulled the ball like gravity.”
“This can’t happen! I’m so young. So beautiful. I can’t go to jail! ㅠㅠ”
“Sweetcheeks, please wake up. Guys, help me get t—"
“Move!” A voice growls and shoves them out of the way.
Your subconscious drifts back into a slumber for several minutes. Then, you hear the low voice again. Min Yoongi.
“Do any of you useless punks know mouth-to-mouth?” The group remains silent, dumbfounded. Yoongi bends over your motionless body to tilt your head back, blocking the sun as he checks your breathing. His face must be so close to yours because you can smell his cologne. There’s something that reminds you of the woody fragrance Namjoon carries, but this has a unique sapor. Something sweeter, more delicate. Suddenly his mouth is on yours. All your senses awaken and your heart jolts, snapping you out of your coma. Your eyes flutter open and stare directly into his. Is this is a dream or reality? If you died, this must be heaven.
You look around until you discern the outline of a dozen athletes standing above your head, deep concern across their faces. Several are grimacing in pain. Wonho has a bloody nose, Hoseok’s jersey is torn up, and Jimin is sulking behind him. They must take basketball very seriously, you think.
“Hey Dove,” Yoongi’s soft voice beside you pulls you back. It’s soothing in contrast to the pounding pain starting in your head, “are you okay to walk?” He taps your leg gently and you look down. It’s badly scraped from your fall.
“I think so.” You struggle to get up. Yoongi supports you by the arm carefully so you don’t fall. You feel a lump forming in your throat and your cheeks start to burn with embarrassment as the collision replays in your mind. The basketball must have been thrown out-of-bounds with excessive force. Luckily you just happened to be in its direct path.
“Where are you going, Choco?” Jin asks, worried. His jaw looks swollen and red. You’re too humiliated to look at any of them. Plus, you were kinda sorta just resuscitated by the one and only Yoongi. The image of his soft lips on yours is threatening to make you faint again.
Yoongi holds you close and steps past them without a word, using his body as a protective shield between you and their questions.  “Are you okay, Y/N?...Why are you going with him?...I’m sorry….Stay with us…”
When you reach the parking lot, he points to a chopper-style motorcycle. “Harley Panhead ’48,” his gummy smile peaks through as he talks. “Ain’t she a beauty? I fixed her up myself.” He pats the leather seat proudly. Panhead? You’re still dizzy.
“Wait, Yoongi!” You nearly shout his name as you grab his arm. “What happened to your hand?”
His veiny hands are bloodied and bruised around the knuckles. He hides them away with a grunt. “It’s best if you stayed away from those punks, Y/N. They’re always starting shit. I was supposed to pick you up unharmed. Namjoon’s gonna be pissed.”
“It was just an accident. Wait, did you beat them up while I was unconscious?!” You thought Yoongi was just quiet and calm, but apparently he also has a dark side that can get intense. You look at his dark eyes and notice a fire blazing within them. This is new and you don’t know if you like it. It’s intimidating. He notices you looking and changes his demeanor.
“Get on the bike, Toots. It’s getting late.” He hands you a light jean jacket and you quickly throw it on, remembering that your delay might worry Namjoon.
Riding behind two bikers in the span of a few months… Damn, Bighead. You’re busy.
You can wrap your arms around him more easily than Namjoon. Yoongi may have a smaller frame, but he’s built strong. His sleeves are rolled up to expose his forearms. The muscles flex when he revs the long handlebars on the inclined streets. You notice a tattoo on his right forearm and read it quietly under his ear “dream….reality.”
He hears you and chuckles to himself.
“What’s so funny, Yoongi?” You’re not understanding how there’s humor in anything that happened today. Your leg is still stinging as you hold him tight during turns.
He chuckles again. “You should keep your mouth closed when you ride without a face covering.”
“Why? Am I annoying you?” You hear the sassiness in your own voice and cringe.
“Nah, Dove. I just don’t want you to catch any flies.” He chuckles even harder as you’re forced to suppress another remark.
You laugh too and then stop because your mouth is open.
He parks the bike in the driveway where you first met.
“I never thanked you for fixing my sprinklers, by the way,” your eyes fall onto his lips and there’s an awkward silence. “And thank you for today. You always show up unexpectedly—"
“Listen, Dove,” the sweetness in his eyes hasn’t gone anywhere, but you see the blaze return in them just as much, “it’s just a random coincidence. It could have been anybody.”
But you don’t desire it to be just anybody. His words sting and it travels down to your knees.
“Hm, you’re right, Yoongi.” He squeezes your hand as you part ways on the driveway. “Thank you anyway.”
You reach the door but don’t turn back. Instead, you go inside and tidy up for your study session. 
Five minutes pass and there’s a knock at the door.
“Hi, Sweetheart,” Joon follows you into the living area, “sorry I’m late again…i-is that Yoongi’s jacket?”
“Oh yeah, I must’ve forgotten to give it back to him when he dropped me off. Maybe you give it to him later?” You shrug it off and hold it out. Namjoon takes it from you slowly.
“Why? W-what’s that look?” You blink, confused at his reaction. It’s one you’ve never seen and you’re sure you never want to see it on him again. Sadness.
“Oh, it’s just that, I sent Jungkook to pick you up.”
To be continued….
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