#(i mean i think the mets managers have to seriously look at how theyre training and working their pitchers—
chinchillinator · 2 years
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Ok I have coffeed up 🦀🦀🦀
Could I request a fic about a Male Reader Border Collie Hybridbeing hired to look after the pets of the Syndicate while theyre at a meeting? Having to feed every single dog, Ranboos cat, Carl, the parrots, Steve the bear, etc? Trying to wrangle the foxes because theyre trying to eat poison potatoes, shooing zombies off the turtle eggs? -🌱🌟
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The Syndicate’s Pet Sitter - BorderCollie!Hybrid!Reader
Pairings: none
Characters included: Technoblade, Philza, Ranboo, Nihachu
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request for my beloved 🌱🌟<3
Summary: The Syndicate is meeting up early in the morning and didn’t have the chance to feed their pets yet. Luckily Y/N who lives there as well but isn’t part of the Syndicate can take care of them. And no that is totally not because Border Collies are good herding dogs.
Words count: 4732
Authors Note: I just noticed I missed the foxes oh no ;_; Why do the Syndicate have so many pets I swear! I hope you guys enjoy this! Esp you 🌱🌟 since you requested it! I also haven’t had the chance to properly look over it look for typos, I apologize! I’ll deal with that as soon as I can! Also thanks for the prompt 😌 I have a weakness for animals and dogs
The chest let out a strained creak as Technoblade closed it for what felt like the hundredth time. He was preparing for the next meeting of the Syndicate and this time he, as well as Phil, had actually planned a few things other than just showing the newest members where the headquarters were and setting up the rules for the organization.
While both men were busy running from chest to chest collecting materials and writing down information into books, they were accompanied by a soft rhythmic thud as well.
That sound came from Y/N. More specifically his tail swishing up and down as he was sitting in front of a window on the windowsill. Watching peacefully as the two went about their business.
Y/N was a Dog Hybrid. A Border Collie Hybrid to be specific. He has been technically living with Techno and Philza for a while now but Techno liked to act as if he was just some stranger to him.
When Y/N first came to the SMP Philza and Techno were the first people he met and ever since then he has gotten quite attached to them.
At first Techno tried to get rid off him, especially since he always gave him wishy washy answers concerning his opinions on governments but Y/N wouldn’t let himself get spooked off that easily and even begun building his own little home close to them without asking. At that point Techno had to accept defeat and let him begrudgingly stay.
Philza liked to poke fun at that fact but he also understood Techno’s caution. Though over time Y/N has shown to be a trusty ally that could keep secrets, even once leading people astray since they became dangerously close to their home. Because of that Philza brought once the idea up that maybe they should let Y/N join the Syndicate after all as well.
Of course Techno immediately shut down the idea for the simple fact that not once has Y/N ever clearly stated that he was against any kind of government. There was no point in arguing with the Pig Hybrid about this particular topic so Philza just dropped the issue altogether.
That said after Niki came over to join the Syndicate and Ranboo got roped in it as well, Y/N managed to at least learn of the name of the organization.
He even asked to join to which Techno just said “Prove to us you are an anarchist and maybe I will think about it.”
“So you are saying you just want me to tell you the things you want to hear in order to get in? Doesn’t seem that smart to me.”
Y/N would always pull out these snide remarks whenever that topic came up.
For some reason Y/N woke up early and found that both Philza and Techno got up early as well so he just let himself in, sat down next to the window and begun happily munching on some cold steak for breakfast.
Techno made a point of ignoring him only muttering something about a “damn mutt” under his breath while Philza was chuckling to himself. Y/N’s fluffy dog ears obviously picked up on it but the happy swags of his tail continued on, knowing that if Techno really was annoyed by him, he would have already intervened way back when he begun building his home.
Phil was rummaging through a chest, trying to find some extra paper only to suddenly stop moving and turn around to look at Y/N, his arms still in the chest.
“Y/N?” adding a whistle to ensure that he would gain his attention.
As a response the Dog Hybrid looked absolutely aghast “Did you just-? Did you just whistle at me? Did you, Philza, just whistle at me to get my attention? Like a dog?”
“Sorry, just kind of happened but since you are here I have a request for you.”
Now Technoblade stopped whatever he was doing as well to observe what was happening in front of him, curious what he was proposing. A smirk adorning his features knowing full well that Philza probably whistled on purpose seeing how Y/N was kind of an unwelcome guest right now.
“You can request but no guarantee I will fulfill your request, old man.” Y/N spoke through an exaggerated pout.
This only earned him a tired sigh from Philza “Yeah, Yeah. As you can see we are up early for a reason but this also means we didn’t have the chance yet to feed the animals. Could you feed them all and make sure they’ll be alright while we are gone? You know how this place can get with pets.”
“All? Like all the pets? Like you want me to feed all the pets and take care of them?” Y/N was obviously intimated by the idea of the task judging with how his voice jumped up an octave to the end of the question. But who could blame him. Over time the group managed to amass a comical amount of pets which included a full hound army, polar bears, turtles, cows, Carl the Horse and in Ranboo’s case even parrots.
That reminded him.
“Does that include Ranboo’s bird and cat?”
“Does what include my bird and cat?” Suddenly the door swung open as Ranboo stepped inside Techno’s home. Cramping up the small cabin even more. The cold winter air only managing to sneak in for a short moment before he made sure to close the wooden door again.
Techno chuckled “We are asking Y/N here to feed our pets while we are busy at our meeting and to make sure they are safe while we are gone. He has time after all.”
Y/N’s shocked expression turned to a frown. Oh they did that deliberately alright.
Ranboo took a moment to take in the scene before he slowly nodded “Oh, if that is the case then I would actually really appreciate it if you could take a look at my parrot and cat. I haven’t had the chance to feed them yet since I ran out of seeds for the bird. Actually the reason I came over here was because I wanted to ask you guys if you had some extra.”
Techno’s smirk was ever present on his face as he motioned with his hand towards his mass of chests “Somewhere in there we have some but I’m sure Y/N will find them and take care of your pets as well.”
“Would you?”
Ranboo sounded so genuine and almost surprised by this that Y/N couldn’t come up with a snarky response but instead he looked defeated.
“I- alright. I will take care of your pets while you do your stupid Syndicate meeting.”
“We trained him well, Techno.”
“That we did, old friend.”
Now Y/N’s happy tail wagging did finally stop and he jumped up away from the window, surprising Ranboo in the process “You didn’t train me! I’m not one of your dogs!”
He knew they were joking but he still couldn’t let that stand.
Philza stepped closer to Y/N and put one of his hands on his head between his ears. Giving a short pat only to remove his hand again “Yes, we know. If that was true you would be listening to us at all times. Anyways, I spotted Niki outside and we are ready, so, we’ll be going. Make sure nothing happens to the animals! We are putting our trust in you!”
Before Y/N could protest or retract his agreement the group made sure to leave the little hut as fast as possible. Ranboo was very confused but still followed the others outside to loudly greet Niki.
Y/N himself was so bewildered by this whole situation he didn’t even make the effort to run out to greet Niki as well. Instead his thoughts begun to swirl around his new responsibilities.
What do Polar Bears eat? How is he going to feed all of the dogs? By Ender he hoped that Techno had all the necessary things in one of his chests.
That’s when a stray thought hit him “Did they hire me as pet sitter because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid? Did they seriously make me the pet sitter because Border Collie’s are stereotypically good herding dogs?”
That thought had to set in for a moment as he was asking himself if this seriously could be the case and knowing them that might have very well been a thought that crossed their minds. They all joked around about their hybrid parts but this was just ridiculous.
He didn’t know how yet but somehow he will make sure that the damn Pig and the Birdbrain will get this back tenfold. Ranboo was okay in Y/N’s book since he mostly got pulled into this by the others but even then he was still on thin ice.
“I better get going.” He whispered in order to try to pull himself out of his thoughts.
First on the agenda were the Polar Bears. Mostly since he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it and just wanted to get it over with but also one of the Bears was laying inside the hut. Snuggling close to the fire place.
That polar bear was Steve and Techno often made comments of him being his emotional support animal and at this point Y/N just believed him. With Techno who knew at this point.
Well what would Steve eat? Just some meat?
How he didn’t immediately come to that conclusion he didn’t know but better late than never.
Y/N excitedly rubbed his hands together. Time to snoop through Techno’s things. No way in hell is he going to use his own resources to feed their pets. Hence why he begun looking through Techno’s chests. Taking note of things like stray armor, golden apples and enchantment books.
Somewhere in a corner he found some cooked fish. Should be fine, right?
Taking a couple of fish he moved over to Steve who was still lazily draped on the ground enjoying the heat from the fire. Carefully and slowly Y/N put down a couple of fish in front of his big snout. His dog ears pressed down on his head as he stared rigidly at the bear. Hoping for the best.
Steve’s black nose begun to twitch. He slowly opened up his eyes and lazily begun nudging the food closer to his snout with his big paw. Snacking on the pile of fish.
“Okay? I’m guessing that’s fine? I think?”
Just to make sure he still threw more fish towards him and then made his way with a second pile outside where Ed was waiting for his food as well. Ed was way more active and often enough obstructs the way up the stairs that lead to both Philza’s and Techno’s house.
Philza was always annoyed at Ed because of that particular reason. Though today he was a good Polar Bear that was sitting next to the stairs staring at Ender knows what.
Y/N threw him his pile of fish and watched for a second as he happily begun munching on them.
“Guess I’m doing alright after all.”
Almost as if to answer the bear suddenly begun to move towards Y/N which made him panic. Stepping back, trying to understand what he was doing now. Sure the bears are cute but also big and dangerous if they wanted to be.
But Ed bowed his head down and softly pressed his head against Y/N’s chest.
“Is this a thanks, buddy? Aw, no problem.”
Tentatively Y/N placed his hand on the bear’s head to give him one or two scritches. To which Ed then let out a deep puff of air through his nose and immediately moved back to his food to continue his breakfast.
All the Polar Bears are fed. Now only the whole hound army, cows, parrot, Carl the Horse, Turtles and Enderchest the Cat were left. Oh by Ender. That is still a lot.
Y/N immediately ran back into Techno’s hut and begun to search through his chests again. Grabbing things like Seeds, Sea Grass, more fish and some steak.
The parrot and cat were the easiest to deal with first so he decided to run into Ranboo’s house. Even if just to avoid the cold outside for a tiny bit longer.
He climbed down the ladder and found the parrot patiently waiting for him. Excitedly squawking as soon as he saw him.
Placing the seeds in front of the animal Y/N took a good look at the colorful bird.
“How are you doing? Keeping Ranboo company? Making sure he isn’t feeling too lonely?”
“Company! Company!” Ranbird answered in a shrill voice only to continue picking up the seeds off the ground.
Y/N liked spending time with Ranboo. He was a bit of an enigma with his memory issues and interesting behavior at points but Y/N loved hanging out with him. He would always try to offer to play pranks on Techno but Ranboo was too apprehensive about it, not wanting to make the scary Pig Hybrid mad at him.
The two had a bit of a running joke going on where both Ranboo and Y/N would call the other weird. Ranboo for his weird behavior and Y/N for the simple fact that he apparently didn’t fear Techno at all. Philza and Ranboo having to mostly hold him back before he could seriously upset Techno.
“Enderchest? Come here!” Y/N called out and continued to do the typical mouth noises to attract cats. Luckily he did come around a corner.
Happily meowing when Enderchest saw Y/N. Chirping as he pressed his body against Y/N’s legs.
“See, you are a kitty and I am a dog hybrid but we like each other.” Was he still a bit salty about the fact that they most certainly chose him to take care of the pets due to his Hybrid side?
Yes. Definitely.
Sure, no one else was there who could deal with it but on the other hand normally they were always so prepared for everything so this must have been planned beforehand. They didn’t feed the animals on purpose because obviously he was there and had time.
A loud meow pulled Y/N back out of his thoughts again.
“Sorry, Enderchest. You are right it’s food time.”
He then took out two fish and placed it in front of the cat who immediately put them in his mouth and ran off with them. Probably to eat in peace.
Next on the list was Carl. If Y/N didn’t make sure that Carl was absolutely doing alright and was fed Techno would kill him. And while Y/N liked to joke with Techno and pretend that he wasn’t as dangerous as everyone else is treating him like, he also knew that Carl is so important to him that Techno let him get himself kidnapped by the Butcher Army for the horse’s safety.
Technoblade hid his horse behind a wall but Philza one day accidentally found it. Y/N immediately took the chance to build an actual hidden entrance. He liked being a bit of an annoyance for Techno but if he can somehow help out, he will.
Pressing a button on the stone wall gave away to the little stable he and Philza made for Carl.
Some Hay and other food was always ready for Carl so all Y/N had to do was put some of it in the tray and make sure he still had water. Everything seemed fine so Y/N took a second to pet him.
“No idea why Techno is so attached to you but you do seem like a good one. He protects you so you better make sure to not disappoint him as well.”
Carl neighed and nuzzled his nose into Y/N’s shoulder. Softly nabbing on the clothes which made the man laugh in return and softly shoved Carl’s face away from him.
“My clothes aren’t food, buddy!”
Luckily Carl didn’t continue to screw around and instead concentrated on his actual food.
The next pit stop were the turtles and cows. It was easy feeding them since you just placed down the food and then let them go about their day. No, the dog army would be a problem later. They might be war dogs but they were still playful dogs.
Y/N closed up the stable for Carl and made his way through the snow towards the cows first. Opening up a chest that stood close by. He placed it there a few days back with a ton of wheat. It was meant as way to help with the feeding. It was meant for the others since these cows didn’t belong to him but now he was stuck with the responsibility after all.
The cows were happily chewing on the food that Y/N threw into their enclosure and seemed to be doing alright as well so he moved on to the turtles.
For the turtles he actually had to get into the enclosure. Putting the kelp down near the water so the turtles inside the water could see him placing the food down as well. All the while he had to make sure to not accidentally walk on top of the eggs that some of these turtles have laid.
The animals themselves seemed to ignore Y/N. Just slowly crawling along the coarse sand or floating inside the water.
That’s when Y/N heard a groan from behind him. A groan he knew too well.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Y/N swiveled around and pulled out his netherite sword. A sword he made with the help of Philza. During his travels in the nether he found some ancient debris but since he never worked with that material he asked Phil for help. Which was also the reason why the purple sword was called Swordza.
“You helped me make it, I’m naming it after you.” He said to Philza’s dismay.
Right now though the reason why he turned around so fast was that he heard the familiar retching sound of a zombie. It was still early in the morning no surprise there that a loose zombie might be around the place.
Also no surprise that the zombie appeared around the turtle enclosure. For some reason they loved trampling down turtle eggs which was really just barbaric if you really thought about it. Beings that seemingly just wandered around the overworld with no goal but as soon as they spot turtle eggs they suddenly know exactly where to go. Well, besides when they find a human to attack.
The zombie limped towards the turtles.
Y/N didn’t wait long to react. He immediately took a running start and jumped over the fence. Striking down with his sword while he was landing, giving the attack a little more oomph. Together with the enchantments on the sword the zombie fell down into a burning mess. Gurgling sounds escaping it only to die down. A growl escaped Y/N’s throat as he stared at the dead mob.
“Nothing will happen to the little ones while I have anything to say about it!”
He took another sweeping look around the place but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a relieved sigh he put his sword back. The turtles were fed and safe.
Though as he looked around his eyes fell unto the hoard of dogs. All fenced in under a self-made roof. Most of the dogs were laying around either in a small pile or alone. Some were trotting around or even playing but it seemed like the dogs were still tired.
It was time to deal with them.
Y/N walked over to the dogs and as he stepped closer the animals immediately took notice of him. A few running over to him while others just patiently stared. As he got closer to the fence the nearest dogs put their front paws on the fence. Barking excitedly.
If Y/N went in like this some will run out and that was not something he wanted to deal with. There was still some adrenaline pumping through his veins from back when he spotted the zombie but he was still slowly beginning to freeze. Honestly he wanted to get through this fast so he can go back into his cabin and enjoy the warmth of his hearth.
Maybe even begin to plot on how to get back at the Syndicate for doing this to him.
But this wasn’t important right now.
Y/N let out a sharp and loud whistle “Away! Come one! Move out of the way!” He pointed to a corner and surprisingly the dogs seemed to understand that he wanted them away from the gates.
When he opened said gate the dogs patiently waited for him to move in and close it again before they suddenly begun to swarm him. Jumping up trying to lick his face or they began sniffing him out.
“Hey! Stop! I can’t feed you like that!”
He had a frown on his face but his tail was happily swinging from side to side as the dogs greeted him.
“Okay, stop! Sit!”
Luckily the dogs were well trained since they immediately sat down. Still panting in excitement and whining but now they weren’t trying to pull Y/N down to play with him.
In return Y/N got out the steaks out of his inventory and walked past the dogs. Giving each one of them their share. Whenever some dogs begun to scuffle over the food all Y/N had to do was to whistle or yell “Stop!” and they would listen.
Truthfully he feared that feeding the dogs would be the most difficult task of all the animals but as it turned out they listened to him rather well. It’s probably only because Techno trained them so well but still, maybe there is a way Y/N could use this power for himself.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to feed all the dogs but once he reached the last one the first dogs were already done eating and happily following Y/N around the fenced off area. Sometimes barking, hoping to get his attention. While his ears would always move in the direction of the barking dogs, he made  appoint to concentrate on the dogs that he was actually interacting with.
Though when he was done he finally turned around to look at the happy dogs “You guys are needy, did you know that?”
As if to answer a dog right in front of him sat down and woofed at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes and knelt down, scratching that one particular dog behind his ear “You little pooch.”
That was a mistake. A huge mistake.
As he went down and balanced on the front of his feet the other dogs saw their chance as he went down to their height, practically jumping on.
Startled the Hybrid let out a yelp as the dogs pushed him on his back. Licking his face or tugging on his clothes.
He tried pushing the dogs away from his face but it he was unsuccessful. For every dog he pushed away two new dogs would try to jump into that new space. Sadly also pushing the dogs away seemed to be something fun for them.
At some point Y/N managed to get back up but still got swarmed by the dogs. All the dogs now in a happy playful mood after having eaten. Y/N could just tell them off but everyone on the outside could see that he had fun as well playing and tussling with the dogs.
Over time that tussling just became the dogs jumping into Y/N arms so he could throw them a few feet away while simultaneously trying to not fall down as some dogs begun tugging on his clothes again. The longer it kept going the more tired he got which was hi downfall. Quite literally.
He fell over again and while the dogs swarmed around him they too were getting tired and just laid down next to him. Framing his body or just straight up laying on top of him, one dog even snuggled up to his head, ending up more as a pillow for him.
At first Y/N tried to struggle against being buried alive by the animals but as soon as he noticed the warmth engulfing his body instead of the cold harsh wind he accepted his fate.
After all he was done with feeding the pets.
“Horrible. Techno would be proud with how relentless you all are.” A yawn escaped his lips which seemed to infect a few of the dogs as well.
It really didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. It was warm, soft and he felt safe.
The meeting for the Syndicate took longer than expected. They spent way too much time trying to find a common goal to start with. They didn’t want to do something huge at the beginning but start small, something that would test their cooperation and teamwork.
Though after they finally found something and started planning a few hours had past and since both Ranboo and Niki apparently had people to meet they had to stop the meeting early.
“You think the animals will be fine?” Ranboo asked Philza as they stepped out of their hidden headquarters.
The older man just waved off his question “Ah, they will be fine! We rag on Y/N often but we can trust him with things like these. He’s a good one even if he absolutely refuses to give Techno a straight answer when it comes to governments. I do believe he is only doing that to annoy him though.”
As the group approached their home again everyone took a good look around.
“Well, everything seems normal.” Techno noted.
Niki scowled “Aw I had hoped to see him. I couldn’t even say hello when I got here.”
That’s when Ranboo stopped dead in his track. He wanted to go home to get ready for Snowchester but something inside the dog pen caught his attention “Oh by Ender! There is an arm! The dogs have an arm!”
The other three ran over, confused with what the hell he was talking about only to see he was right. There was an arm sticking outside of the dogpile. Why did the dogs pile up in the first place though?
Out of nowhere Phil snorted and pressed his hand against his chest and mouth. Trying to stifle a laugh.
Niki still looked shocked and worried, confused with Phil’s reaction “What? Philza, why are you laughing?”
“Let me show you. Y/N! Are you awake, mate?”
At first nothing happened but then suddenly the arm moved and retreated back inside the dogpile. Now the others understood what happened.
Both Niki and Ranboo looked a bit embarrassed that they genuinely thought that these dogs might have ripped off an arm and were now cuddling with it.
Techno stayed stoic as always. Folding his arms in front of his chest, waiting for Y/N to properly react.
“Y/N, come on!” Phil called out again.
A muffled groan came from the pile of dogs and Y/N’s head appeared as he sat up “What?” He whined “I was having such a nice dream!”
“Oh my- Y/N! Good morning!” Niki greeted the Hybrid happily.
In response Y/N got a bit out of his furry burial but still pulled one of the ferocious war dogs closer to himself, hugging it. His tail now out as well showing the others his happy mood as he slowly drifted off again.
“Hello, Niki.” He sounded still half asleep. At least the others assumed since his face was buried in the dogs grey fur.
“Y/N please get away from my hound army. They are bred to fight and kill not for hugs and naps.” Techno grumbled.
“Then why are they so comfy and love me so much. They love me so much more than you” He made sure to drawl out the word “love” to really hammer that fact in.
“Let’s make Y/N then our go to pet sitter.” Phil noted.
This seemed to wake up Y/N, he immediately looked up with a scowl “No! I am not going to be your pet sitter! You put me in that role in the first place because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid, or am I wrong? If it’s true that’s seriously screwed up, by the way!”
Techno sighed “Yep, there he is. Now he is awake alright.”
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loser-writings · 5 years
Theyre an Omega || Omegaverse
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Dabi hated the fact that he was an Omega. Originally, it was because his father couldn’t handle the fact that his first born wasn’t an alpha. As he grew older, he hated his status because of a variety of reasons, the main one being how people seemed to underestimate how dangerous the man could be as well as the standards that society claimed he had to follow. 
Before joining the league of villains, he made do with popping suppressants, using scent blockers, and even using his quirk in order to cover up the smell of toasted Marshmallows. His own scent disgusted him since it was just so sweet, but once he managed to befriend you, he seemed to not mind it as much due to you allowing him access to your room as well as your cologne which masked his scent fairly well.
He covered his scent so well that the majority of the league believed that he was a Beta. Toga had originally claimed that he gave “Mega alpha vibes” but he just assumed that was because she was a young omega who really wanted an alpha. He understood the desire for an Alpha, but at the same time the thought of being vulnerable like how an omega was made his stomach roll. 
He did have a nest in his bedroom, but it was tucked away in the farthest corner of his closet and he would only go into it if he was having a particularly hard day or he could feel his cycle coming up. Despite the suppressants, his heat would come in very minor ways. He would be much more obedient to the alphas, not bickering as much with them, his scent would be a little sweeter and it never failed to have one of the alphas doing a double take, just assuming that he had just fucked around with some poor omega instead of the actual truth, and he did seem to be a bit clingier with you. 
You had even fallen for the Omegas’ act until one day it was just the two of you at the hideout. Shiggy had decided to go out to buy some new game and the other members were doing their own thing, so that left the two of you to chill on his bed and snuggle while watching some random horror movie. He managed to convince you, the alpha he had managed to take interest in, into his bed as well as in his arms. He almost cooed at the thought of having his bed smell like you, remembering that he would sleep well before you yawning brought his attention to you. 
“Hey Dabi?” You mumble, eyes never leaving the TV. “Yeah, doll?” He cooed back which only made you chuckle. “What are you? Like are you an Alpha or a Beta?” You asked and moved to hug him a little tighter which only made him blush. “Why are you askin’ that?” he mumbled before rolling his eyes which only caused you to grin. “Well I need to figure out how to court you. I sure as hell ain’t going to just say ‘I think you’re a badass and you’ve been my partner in crime ever since we met, so why not be my mate?’ I think that is kinda lame since it is my job as an alpha to express my interest.” 
Dabi instantly rolled his eyes before flicking your head. “Fuck what you’re supposed to do. Just do what you want.” You chuckled and rubbed your head before sighing, snuggling into his scent gland which made him blush since he knew your scent would be stuck to him like glue. “You didn’t answer me. Are you an alpha, or a beta?” Your tone became a bit more dominant and he could feel his inner omega coo at your dominance, but he had to keep that to himself. 
“I’m an Omega.” he admitted, unable to lie since you had expressed your interest in him. You blinked for a moment before sitting up, chuckling softly. “Dude, Stop fuckin around. I’m serious I want to court you and I need to know the truth-” “I’m a fucking omega you dumbass.” He responded once again in a harsh tone, not meaning for it to come off as hostile as it did. You sat for a moment before tilting your head to the side in confusion. 
“But...You’re all tall and muscular and dominant?” He scoffed once again, the sweetness in his scent turning more like burned sugar with each passing second. “Do you seriously fucking believe all Omegas are little feminine brats? Hell no.” You just continued to watch him before smiling a little. “Well...Then can I scent something of yours for you? Like I dunno if you have a nest or somethin’ like it, but I want to court you properly and I guess that means I should ask to scent something!” 
His face turned bright red at your optimism before he just sighed, moving to sit up and kiss your head as he stood to go to his closet. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to start tossing out his clothes for you as well as the items in his nest, but he settled on one thing for now. He came out of the closet holding a large blanket, folding it up as he sat beside you. “This is my moms’ blanket. She gave it to me before she was sent to the hospital…” Your eyes widened as you looked down at the beautifully crochet blanket. “She told me to have someone I trust scent it for me. Someone who wouldn’t hurt me  the way my dad hurt her.” His hand raked over the delicate pattern before he moved to sit it on your lap slowly. “So...just scent that for me. I know you won’t hurt me, and I trust you.” 
He watched as your eyes lit up as you nodded, carefully unwrapping the blanket before rubbing it against your scent glands. He smiled as your scent filled the room which only made him sigh. His omega was content, and so was he. He was about to look over at you only to feel you draping the blanket over his shoulders. “Maybe we could go give your mother a visit, but only when you’re ready. When that time comes, I’ll make sure to be there for you, Okay?” he nodded instantly, pulling the blanket closer before yawning sleepily.
“Dabi, let's take a nap.” He just nodded before moving to lay where you had been moments before, shoving his nose in the pillow as you got up to lock his bedroom door and turn off the lights. After a minute, he felt the bed sink beside him as your arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer so he could sleep against your chest. He had yawned but wrapped his arm around your waist. He couldn’t help but smile as he heard you softly whisper “Goodnight, my omega.” in his ear. “Goodnight Apha, don’t think this means everyone needs to know-” “Don’t worry. No one will know. Now sleep, you need it.” He simply nodded before shutting his eyes, letting your scent lull him to sleep.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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Shinsou was always told that he could never be a hero. That his quirk would instantly make him a villain instead of a hero, and that there were hardly any successful Omega heroes. Yet he managed to get into UAs’ General Department 1-C on his own. He held his own on the sports festival and even caught the eye of the class 1-A teacher, Pro-Hero Eraserhead. Now, he had been told that he would be able to join the Hero Course. To say that he was proud was a damn understatement.
Yet he couldn’t help but be upset when some of Class A found out that he would be joining. Sure, he didn’t assume everyone would be supportive of this choice, but he didn’t expect it to go this far. 
It started with Bakugo grumbling about how it was stupid to have omegas in the heroes course since no one in the top ten were alphas. Both Izuku and Aizawa were quick to mention that there were omega heroes that were very well known, the best example being best jeanist. That was when you hopped into the conversation and reminded him that he had understudied under Jeanist, so the alpha was weak against the omega. That promptly caused him to blow up at you since you had “Insulted his strength.” Safe to say that Aizawa had kicked him out  of the class before going back to teaching.
Then it turned to how Omega heroes had some benefits due to their heats and possible pregnancy benefits. No one really said anything that was rude, but the fact that the Omega heroes had more benefits because they are “Weaker” pissed him off. He wasn’t weak and some acted as if Alphas didn’t have time off for ruts too. It just seemed like there was a double standard.
It seemed like every time the Sub-Dynamics were mentioned, Shinsou found a new reason to be irritated. Sometimes he took out his frustrations while training with Aizawa or when he was with his friends, but it normally didn’t help much since he was tired of people judging him for being an Omega, not for his actions.
Courting was something he had thought about from time to time, but his determination to be a hero outdid any want for a mate, yet he couldn’t help but be intrigued by the small vase of colorful orchids that sat on his desk when he walked inside. Others were also surprised and wanted to know who left them there since this was the first display of courting in the class, but couldn’t think of anybody who looked suspicious.
Shinsou couldn’t help but think of the meaning behind the orchids that night in his dorm. As they sat on his desk, he looked up the meaning of the colors.White ones were positivity and safety, purple were independence, Blue were faith and wisdom, orange were determination and success, and red were passion as well as love. He hated to admit it, but he was interested in the other person's intention behind the flowers because it seemed like they were extremely positive.
The next day he was shocked to see a leather notebook on his desk as well as a beautiful fountain pen. The girls swarmed around his desk, wondering if it had anybody's scent on it yet Shinsou just shook his head. It just smelled like leather and ink. Everybody had failed to notice their teachers smirk since he knew exactly who it was. Of course he did, He was the one to give them the key to his room after they asked permission to court him which Aizawa instantly deemed mature. Not to mention, he just seemed to like you more than a few others in the class.
These courting gifts continued on through the week. A cat pillow which he instantly put in his nest, a hoodie that was dark yet had a nice graphic design on it, and the final gift was a note that was beside a handmade bracelet. The girls were so confused since no one seemed to have that talent or had been working on a bracelet, and the note had been printed instead of handwritten. Shinsou sighed softly and moved to open the note when he was alone, seeing that it had asked to meet at the nearby movie theater that night to go see the new horror movie. Of course, it was one he had mentioned previously. This alpha listened. He approached Aizawa after class and told him that he was accepting the offer and would be missing out on training tonight. Aizawa instantly nodded and ruffled his hair. “It’s alright Sinsou. Have fun.”
That night, the violet haired male wore the hoodie the alpha had given him as well as the bracelet. He couldn’t help but imagine who could have weaved something so intricate, but the fact that he was gifted it made him smile to himself. About half an hour before the movie started, he left his dorm to see if he could find who it was that kept leaving him the gifts. 
He was surprised to see you inside after he walked to the theater. You were looking down at your phone before running your fingers through your hair to calm yourself, clearly nervous. He couldn’t help but find it charming as he slowly approached only to sit next to you. “So, it was you who was courting me?” You blushed slightly but nodded. “Were they all okay? I tried to think of things that seemed to remind me of you or were related to your likes.” He instantly nodded before looking at the bracelet. “Did you make this?” He asked before you nodded. “My dad always told me that if I were to ever court somebody, that I should always handmake something for them since handmade gifts are cherished.” 
He couldn’t deny that. He truly adored the purple and grey threads you used to weave the design, black there to make the few colors pop even more. “It’s lovely. Thank you so much for making it for me.” He smiled at you before you gasped softly. “Oh, I also got this for you.” You reached in your wallet before pulling out his ticket. His eyes lit up and he grinned before taking it from you. “Thanks, you didn’t have to pay for it you know.” Your small chuckle only made his heart flutter before you stood. “I wanted to. And I’ll pay for your snacks too okay? This is my treat.” 
He had followed you into the movie, smiling as you carried the popcorn in with your drink. He held all of the candy as well as his own drink before looking at you. “Uh...Where should we sit?” he asked as he looked at the empty theater. He assumed that you would want to sit in the middle so you could get a good view even though the back was his favorite place to sit. “You lead. I want you to be comfortable, okay?” Your smile made his heart flutter again before he moved to walk up the steps before sitting in the middle of the farthest row. 
Once you both settled in, you grinned at Shinsou who seemed to be excited. You could tell from how he grinned and sat in his reclining chair. It was laid down most of the way, but he had moved the armrest up between the two of you to sit the food down. He curled up into the hoodie, but he huffed softly and moved closer to you.
“It’s a horror movie, and I want to make sure you don’t get scared.” He joked to see if you would be insulted, but you just chuckled and moved to wrap an arm around him instead. “I appreciate it. I dunno how scary this movie will be, so If I text you at 3 in the morning, then I’ll deem it a success in its goal.” He only grinned and moved to lean on you a bit, happy in your embrace. 
As the movie played, it wasn’t exactly scary. A couple of jumpscares had got you, The omega beside you only chuckling before taking your hand after each one. By the time it ended, Shinsou was smiling and you weren’t too shaken up. “That wasn’t that bad.” the boy said to you as he picked up the wrappers from the snacks. You nodded and smiled at him before taking the trash. “A lot better thanks to you. It was nice to have you to hold on to.” He chuckled and followed you before sighing softly. “We should do this again. I really enjoyed being with you.” You raised an eyebrow and grinned a little, liking the sound of it. “So...should it be a weekly date?” The boy nodded and moved to grab your hand after you tossed the trash. “Of course. I think it would be stupid to turn you down.” You smiled bigger before lacing your fingers together, happy that he seemed to enjoy you.
Toshinori Yagi
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Everybody assumed that the number one hero, All Might, was an alpha due to his strength, speed, and natural charisma, but the truth was that Toshinori Yagi was just a quirkless Omega, given his quirk by his wonderful Alpha mentor. In his hero form, he appears to be an alpha due to the quirks that had been passed from one to another but in his true form, he was skinny, frail, and weak. His scent of matcha green tea deepened in his hero form, turning more musky yet the tea smell still lingered. He honestly was quite conflicted when it came to himself. Not many Alphas would turn their head at the sight of him, not to mention he was a bit older than what most desired. 
He didn’t intend on ever finding a mate, yet he would occasionally find himself daydreaming about you, a fellow pro hero and teacher in UA. You had been in the same class as Hizashi and Aizawa, so you were a little younger than him, yet you never failed to greet him and hold conversations with him when he walked in the building every day. For the first few weeks, he would only talk to you in his hero form. It was only after the fight against the league of Villains, when he was completely spent, did he reveal his true form to you. 
He expected slurs and degradation, yet was only met with praise as you bandaged up the lanky man. You treated him the exact way as you would when he was in his hero form and it made his heart flutter. You did make a comment on his sweet green tea scent, blushing dark after you told him that it was almost intoxicating. Once you finished patching him up, you helped him stand with a small smile. “I think it is safe for you to go home. Rather that, or we can go to your classroom until we are ready to go home.” He openly expressed that he preferred the 2nd option. As you both walked back to the school, you both talked. Well...You did most of the talking since Toshi was still hurting and pretty exhausted
Ever since then, Toshinori didn’t mind having you see him in his natural form. You would bring him lunches to make sure he was eating, bring him small gifts since they made you think of him, and you even made him a blanket for his house! He sleeps with it every night in his nest since it smells like you and makes his aches almost go away. He was completely oblivious to your courting attempts, but he never turned them away. It wasn’t until he noticed students courting each other when he started to get the feeling that you were courting him. 
He sat in his nest after class one day, huffing softly as he looked at the large blanket you had made for him, thinking about the possibility of you courting him before just thinking that he had no chance. He whined and pulled it over his body before feeling himself sigh under his breath. It was losing your scent and he couldn’t have that happen, so he decided to ask you to re-scent it for him. In a way, this could be a way to see if you were courting him since he was aware of how to court an alpha. 
He ended up bringing the blanket with him in his bag, sighing softly as he put it in the teachers’ lounge so he didn’t have to worry about the students finding it before asking him a thousand and one questions he couldn’t answer if he tried. Aizawa had noticed it and raised an eyebrow at the older omega, yet didn’t say a word before hearing the bell ring for the first period to start. Toshi thought about it for a moment before sighing, He would have to wait till lunch to ask you to scent the blanket.
He was surprised to see a lunchbox on his desk as well as a note for him when he walked into his classroom, yet he couldn’t help but smile as he read that it was from you again. He opened the box to notice an All Might inspired bento that you had made. Sure, it was a little clumsy but he loved it just the same.
When lunch finally came around, Toshinori quickly grabbed the blanket out of the teachers room before joining you in your classroom, smiling as you ruffled the hair of Izuku before looking at Toshinori. Toshi had already told you about Izuku and you had instantly took a liking to the sweet boy. Once Izuku saw Toshinori, he instantly bowed before rushing off to lunch to leave the two of you alone. 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you chuckled and rolled your eyes. “He was asking me about some extra credit. Don’t worry.” He hummed and moved to attempt to sit at the desk before you scoffed. “Toshi, just sit here.” you said and stood from your desk before bringing another chair to your desk. He chuckled and nodded before moving to sit beside you. “Thank you. You always seem to go out of your way for me.” He smiled before moving to sit the lunchbox on the desk, opening it up to grab some of the food to eat. You shrugged and moved to eat a bit of your own lunch. After a moment, you noticed the bag he brought. 
“Toshi? What is in the bag you brought?” You asked before noticing the red covering his cheeks. “O-Oh..” he moved to cough a little against the back of his hand which made you reach over and grab a water bottle and push over the tissues. He smiled a little before taking them both. “It’s the blanket you gave me.” he said with a small smile. “It actually is loosing your scent, and I wanted to ask if you could scent it for me since it makes it much easier to sleep in my nest.” Now it was your turn to blush, but you nodded with a smile. “Of course Toshi. You don’t have to ask for me to scent something for you, just bring it to me and I’ll do it in a heartbeat.” He felt himself getting flustered again before pulling the blanket out to hand to you. “Thank you. I was hoping you would accept since I wasn’t really sure about how you would react.” You laughed before taking it with a grin. “Well, seeing as how I’ve been courting you for a while now, Why would I turn you down?”
Cue him coughing up blood once again. You laughed a little and moved to rub his back. “Hey now, Don’t die okay?” You joked as he calmed down, clearing his throat before sitting up a bit straighter. “I apologize. I guess I really was oblivious since I just assumed you were being nice.” You grinned and moved to hold the others large hand. “Don’t. I really enjoyed the courting.” You felt him lace your fingers with his, a dark blush across his face. “Ah...well I enjoy it too, but I honestly didn’t think that you would like me back.” You smiled before shrugging. “Well honestly, I like you for you. You may be older than me, and way taller and stronger than me, but I think you’re still the most handsome omega I’ve ever seen.” He felt himself blush darker before hiding his face from you. “I swear...You are going to kill me.” 
You laughed before moving to wrap the scented blanket over his shoulders, smiling sweetly as you watched him relax before snuggling into the fabric. You grinned bigger and moved to softly wrap your arms around him. “I love you, Toshi.” You said softly as your hand tangled into his blond hair. For once, he didn’t react to it dramatically. No blood was coughed up and no nervous laughter was heard, but you soon felt his arms wrap around your waist before he moved to kiss his cheek. “I love you too...Hey can you maybe come over for dinner?” He asked as his thumbs massaged into your hips. You just grinned before nodding. “Of course, darling. Let me cook though. I still want to spoil you.” he nodded and grinned happily, refusing to leave your arms till the bell was close to ringing, and even then you had to remind him that you both had class which was only met with whines. The second you pecked him though, he was quick to scamper off with the blanket, still as bashful as the day you met him.
Yugi Aoyama
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Not to just say that he is a clingy omega, but he is such a clingy omega. Not because he isn’t independent, but because he just enjoys the affection. Clinging to other omegas, betas, and alphas was something everyone had gotten used to with him.
God can this man make a nest. It takes up almost his whole bed and looks very aesthetically pleasing. When he works on his nest, me makes sure everything inside is not only comforting, but matches the aesthetic he strives for. Fairy lights hang on the wall above it, the pillows are a beautiful creme color, and the deep purples with hints of gold made his omega howl in pride. If only he had an alpha to share it with.
Sure, he had thought about his options. He had a notebook under his pillows with the pros and cons of each person, but he did have a desire for an Alpha specifically. With Deku, he was kind and sweet but Aoyama wasn’t sure if he would be willing to focus more on family than hero work. Bakugo was strong, protective and could give the best hugs, but his affection was too aggressive and god forbid Aoyama start whining when Bakugo is around. There were a few others, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Iida, Sero, and Momo, but none of them peaked his interest. He had originally forgotten that you were an alpha altogether.
It wasn’t until you weren’t in class that he realized you were an alpha as well, gone because of your Rut. That night, he filled a page completely dedicated to you. You were willing to be a hero, and even encouraged Aoyama to do the same despite his status as an omega, and had discussed with friends how you had wanted to have a family one day too. The thought of having pups with you made him whine softly as he pulled a pillow close to snuggle himself against. It was while he was laying in bed after writing down your interests, likes and dislikes, and more when he realized that his omega had chosen who they wanted to be with.
Once you had come back from your heat, he instantly noticed how you seemed to glow. Have you always been that attractive? He continues to try to answer that question until he notices how the other omegas started checking in on you. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy as he moved to sit in his spot, looking at you from afar before daydreaming about a future he could have with you. His hand carefully moved into his bag, moving the lunchbox he had made for you before stroking the soft stuffed rabbit inside to calm himself before the class bell rang.
His attention would randomly turn towards you once class had begun, huffing softly to himself as he doodled in his notebook, nothing more than childish love doodles. On one side of the page was Present Mic’s english notes, the other his plan of action. He wrote it all in french just to make sure that no one would read it and understood what it said, just in case someone ruined the surprise or told you about his feelings.
It was later that day when he finally started his plan, approaching you slowly at lunch only to notice that you had forgotten your lunch back at the dorm. His omega perked up and he offered you the one he had made. When you opened it, your eyes lit up seeing your favorite comfort food. You thanked Aoyama over and over and gave him a large hug, unaware that the other was purring from the affection.
Once back in the dorms, he asked if you wanted to go to the store with him since he didn’t feel like going alone. You, of course, agreed and grabbed your bag before you both walked towards your destination. The only thing that was odd about it? Aoyama had hardly spoken a word since you left, seeming to be in his own head. 
“Yuga, can I ask what’s on your mind?” Hearing his first name snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked at the ground in an almost shameful manner. “Ah...It is nothing really...I suppose it might just be puppy love.” His normal scent of roses turned almost burned sugar as he felt himself becoming insecure. Yet you managed to make him smile when an arm slipped around his waist and pulled him closer. “Hey! If you have feelings for somebody, then I wouldn’t say that so negatively.” you cooed before letting go to hold his hand. Of course, you knew affection would make him feel better.
“I just doubt they would want me. They’re such a sweet alpha, so why would they want some weird omega who can’t even fully control their quirk.” He scoffed, scent getting even stronger. “Hey, stop that.” you scolded and stopped walking before moving to grab his chin so he would look at you.
“You aren’t a weird omega, you are a beautiful and heroic one that I think anyone would be lucky to have.” You let go before squeezing his hand to reassure him. “I think your quirk is insanely strong and you, as a person, are so sweet and kind. Yeah, you do put on a show for others, but I know the real Yuga, and I think he's really cute and sweet and that any Alpha would be lucky to call themselves yours.”
Aoyama felt himself tearing up as you released his chin. He quickly moved to hug you and hide in your neck which only made you chuckle as you pulled him out of the middle of the crosswalk so you weren’t in anybodys’ way. His eyes shut and he purred when he felt your hands massaging his hips. His nose subconsciously found its way to your scent gland, snuggling into it as he calms down completely thanks to your scent.
You chuckle and hold him tight until he pulls away, wiping at his eyes before smiling bright at you. “Thank you...I really needed to hear that.” You grin and kiss his forehead before taking his hand again. “Of course Yuga. You deserve the world.” He blushed as his scent turned back to normal. “Hey...I actually don’t need anything from the store, but I do want to ask you something else when we get to my dorm room, okay?” You smiled and nodded before you both started walking back to the dorms.
Once you both got back to the dorms, he pulled you into his room. The only time you had seen it was when everybody first moved in, but it was much more tame than that day. He had his nest in his bed and you couldn’t lie, you were a bit jealous of whoever got the honor of laying in it with him one day since it looked so comfortable.
Your attention went back to Aoyama when he opened up his school bag to reveal the rabbit plush. He slowly brought it to you and smiled. “I uh...Would you scent this for me?” he asked and held out the rabbit, feeling hopeful and bold after your little pep-talk to him earlier. His cheeks were pink and his omega stood on high alert, waiting for your answer impatiently as you examined the stuffed animal. When you finally realized what he was really asking, your eyes widened and you nodded, bowing as you took the bunny softly. “I’d be honored to.” 
He couldn’t hold back his joy as he started bouncing happily on his feet since you accepted his attempt at courting. Once you were finished, you carefully handed the rabbit back to Aoyama who had the biggest smile. He hugged it tight to his chest before pressing his nose to it, taking a deep breath of his calming scent before giggling softly. Seeing him so happy made you feel proud in a way since you had been the one to cause his joy. When he looked back at you, he just smiled and moved to kiss your cheek before walking over to his nest and crawling inside to sit the rabbit down inside. That’s when you spoke again. 
“Love, do you have anything else you want me to scent?” You had asked as you approached the area, stopping at the edge of his nest. He felt himself grin at the new nickname before he nodded. “Mhm, but wouldn't it be easier if you just laid in my nest with me? I think that would be nicer for the both of us.” Now it was your turn to grin, but before you could enter, Aoyama gasped. “Hey! Shoes off first! And can you turn off my light? I have these ones that are bright enough for me.” 
You smiled at how the omega had chirped at you and obeyed his requests, apologizing about your shoes as you crawled in his nest after. “It’s okay, but I can’t have this get all dirty after it smells like you.” He said and moved to lay down, holding the rabbit happily in his arms. You grinned before laying beside him, pulling him close before kissing his head softly. “You sleepy?” The blond shook his head. “Nope..Just happy to have my Alpha in my nest with me..” You chuckled and moved your hand to his waist, rubbing it softly before hearing him purr at the touch. “Well, my darling, just tell me that I need to be here from now on and I will be, okay?” He nodded and giggled softly before kissing your cheek softly, happy to have the attention of you to himself.
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 10
"Okay... so what are we doing here... exactly? I thought you guys needed to.. uh train and stuff?" Lily said as she walked behind Sokka
"Thats what I've been trying to tell them! But does anyone listen to Sokka? No!" Sokka was fuming
"I... uh.. I listen to you" Zuko offeres
"Oh yeah! You think that just because we happen to maybe possibly be soulmates that I'll forgive you for everything! Just like that! I mean come on you-"
"Shhh! You have to be quiet or you'll scare them off!" Aang interrupted the pair
Sokka turned to glare at Zuko "this discussion isn't over"
Lily walked to Aang "hey, thats a flute isn't it? I play the pan flute"
"Really? Did you bring it with you? Here sit sit!!"
"What I- woah!" She was pulled down and just reserved to sit cross legged "I didnt bring it but I'm sure Tarren can bend me up one, he made me my other ones and fixed them up all the time"
"Huh? Oh pan flute right" Tarren gave a small sigh before breaking off a piece of rock from the small Boulder he was leaning on and shapped it into a flute "have at it buzzy" Tarren said while handing it to Lily and placing a small kiss on her head.
Kurt gave a pout from the boulder Tarren came from only to be met by a forehead kiss of his own which made him turn beet red and fluster.
"Thanks hun, uh... okay, so I know how to play but what are we doing?" Lily gave a shy grin
Aang smirked "juuuust watch" he played a quick not and an animal popped up singing the note.
Lily's eyes lit up with joy "oh! Oh my gods! There used to be a small group of these behind my family's house! Oh! Watch this" She then played three notes at one time which made three jump and sing the notes before going back in "oh! Oh! This is fun! You chose the best spot Aang!"
"Heh... thanks"
"Okay! Thats enough playing flute practice! We have a mission you guys!" Sokka opened a map "we need to keep. Moving."
"Hey, Sokka, loosen up okay? We have all of Aangs bending teachers with us right here, whats wrong with a little relaxation?" Katara reasoned
Sokka fumed and glared at Zuko "fine, so long as I have a moment to talk to mister blue band over here!"
"I thought you... liked it.." Zuko reached up to the necklace and undid it "you... you tied it there..."
"I know I tied it there but now the more I look at it the angrier I get so just!" Sokka paused and let out a breath "wear it where you had it before please?"
Zuko stiffened and then choked out a "yeah... uh, yeah. Of course"
"My turn for a vacation!" Katara called out before running to the map. "Hey! This place looks nice!"
"Oh yeah! The springs! Its a really nice place, you'll love it!"
And cut to a sign falling. "Must have... changed ownership in the last hundred years?" He gave a nervous laugh.
Walking into the bar Aang managed to run into the guy who's smoothie they just watch get made. Turned out to be a researcher. However Lily seemed on edge "I swear to you Tarren! I. Saw. Him. I dont know if it was actually him or just someone who looked like him but it..."
"Who? Who did you see?" Kurt pipd up while standing beside his mates
"One of the men who attacked my parents, but it couldn't have been him, Tarren and Fin killed all three of them that night." Lily gave a small sigh "im probably just stressed is all, Im sure it was just the desert getting to me"
"At the Library!!" The trio turned to find that they were now about to travel the desert to find the lost library of... wan shi who now? Jee and Iroh decided to stay behind and sit this one out, these drinks aren't going to drink themselves you know.
Flying on the bison was still a little frightening but with Kurt and Tarren clinging to her for dear life Lily felt like a mother hen, they were both such powerful benders and yet they clung to her for safety.
Sokka on the otherhand steered as clear of Zuko as he could. Katare took note of that and turned to him "why are you being such an ass?"
"What? What do you mean? I'm not being an ass to Zuko?"
"I never said you were being an ass to Zuko I just said you were being an ass"
Sokka sighed "okay, fine, Im just... I still don't want to believe its true okay? I mean... it can't be right? Me? A souther watertribesman and him a fire prince? Its crazy talk right?"
"Souls don't care about titles or nations Sokka"
"I know I know-"
"And thats not all that's making you act this way is it?"
Sokka gave her a hard stare "look, I just want to spend my vacation time peacefully... okay?"
Katara gave upon convincing him to talk and just sighed "whatever, it'll come out eventually"
"There it is!" Toph called out and everyone but Lily turned to look at it.
Lily face palmed as Toph Sasser everyone "seriously... how do you keep forgetting that about her?"
"Beats me, theyre all pretty dense, even your two are dense" Lily and Toph laughed and Lily gave both of her boys noogies
"Yeah, but thats how I like them. Cute, powerful, and dumb as a bag of rocks" she teased
"Hey!" The pair said in unison
"Whats that over there!" Sokka shouted.
They soon landed right by a pillar and found it to be part of the library. "Wow, its underground huh? And its in perfect condition?"
"Youre brilliant Toph"
"I know"
"No really.. youre amazing" Lily looked at Toph with a grin "and Im certain you'll get the hang of sand in no time"
"Come on Lily! Are you coming or not?" Sokka called out.
Lily went with Katara Sokka Aang and Kurt to find some clues about the firenation. While Zuko and Tarren stayed with Toph to guard the library and Appa.
Landing in the library Lily was at a loss for words, perhaps she could find some in the many pages of these books. No time for that though wan shi tong has found them and the researcher has some massive guts to just jump out and talk to the owl.
"Something worth your time?" Lily asked
"Yes, anything to add to my collection"
"Would a book in Braille be of use to you?" She offered one of the braille learning books she brought
"Braille? What is that?"
"Oh! Its a recent invention... a good friend of mine made it so that his blind friend could read, it can be done by anyone with paper and this tool" she pulled out the braille press "I have two of these with me so this is yours if you'd like it."
"I haven't heard of this yet, perhaps my little helpers aren't as attentive as they claim to be"
"No! No, I'm sure they're very attentive... this hasn't taken off quite yet, its been in the process for about a decade now but... well... most people don't care for it, say its too difficult to teach a blind kid to read bumps"
"Many people are nit very wise... regardless, you are free to browse the library... for now"
And with that they split up to find something. Anything. Kurt and Lily went one way while the others went another.
"So.. uh, Lily, since you guys know I'm your soulmate now. Do you think that uh.. I could..."
"You could what?" Lily gave a raised brow and a tilt in her hips.
"Uh... nothing! It was stupid anyways" kurt rubbed his neck anxiously
"Kurt just spit it out! Whatever you wanted to say just say it." Lily demanded
"Okay okay! I was just wondering if maybe I could get... some.. affection? Like uh, hugs and kisses and stuff..." kurt shifted awkwardly on his feet.
Lily softened her expression and giggled "oh Kurt, of course you can, we figured you didn't want any affection, you just need to ask is all"
"How about.. uh... now?"
"Now? Like.. right now?" Lily flushed "bold... I like it" she laughed "come here cub"
"Cub!? I what is it with you guys and short play nicknam- mm!" And just like that he shut up. Lily had him pinned with her leaning down to give him a kiss
"You talk too much, now lets keep looking arou-"
Kurt and Lily's eyes both went wide at the sound of that voice. That voice that they both apparently knew. It was him. He was here and he was alive.
But how?
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delbeugre · 4 years
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im tommy im a freak and of course i am here to get freakalicious with u all... this is my newest frankenstein type creation named sadie i know .02% about her yet but i am more than confident she will b nothing but a fun time! like this if ur down to plot!
capricorn sun / virgo moon / scorpio rising
raised by her uncle Big (his name) who is a hermit shut in town local in the depths of the florida marshland like some goosebumps protagonist. hes gone far past socially acceptable in terms of his ability to connect with the modern person but is wise beyond belief... his whole vibe is a warped cross between a cryptid and a mountain man that forages and cooks neighborhood plants. married for 27 years before his wife passed from illness. its quite possibly the only thing hes ever been emotional about
but dels entry to his life throws a wrench in his sadness (despite abandonment being what they bond over). she takes the focus away from his loss with her presence; her dad, his brother, died in a tragic train-car collision around the same time (which is speculated to be a suicide bt nobody can ever really be sure). he was a single parent so her custody is thrown up in the air for a few months as cps decides what they r gna do with this freshly orphaned little scrapper
she just kinda turns up on his doorstep n from there they cohabit a space. shes arnd 6-7 at this time... big never seemed to b phased by the fact tht she was a child n tended to treat her more like an apprentice or guest. he was never close to her father because of their age difference, being the older out of the two, so to have his daughter become his responsibility is just..... weird
this doesnt mean that he wouldnt provide for her bt it was. not very parental whatsoever.... no conversation or interaction beyond what was necessary. she was a mute fr a while and still is? to a degree.... very short spoken
when she got to her preteens he offered her an allowance in exchange for little odds and ends of stuff to be taken care of around the house. errands n all tht.... sometimes he wld purposefully leave things for her to pick up n take care of without mentioning it for a bonus. taught her the importance of saving your money and the horrid corruptness of a society basing everythings worth off paper. big exposed her to a lot of knowledge and took advantage of her silent curiosity by fueling it with books, homeschooling, life skills (catching a fish, setting a trap, knowing your berries in the woods...... the works)
her teens carried out the same way bt with the introduction of a real job, a spot down at the local butcher shop checking people out at the register and helping around the back of house. del knows a great deal abt cow/pig/chicken/etc anatomy from her years here..... she committed to being 100% vegan into her early twenties because of her trauma frm this occupation
it paid very well tho n was the best gig she was going to get within a reasonable biking route from home. so she settled!
the plan wasnt to keep it up for long anyway. she worked rly hard for her spot at yates and didnt intend to ever screw herself over. her plan was to get her bachelors, masters, become a professor, pursue a personal hobby of agriculture and build an elaborate greenhouse to live in
bt things happen..... 
some 35yr old douche with a green thumb woos her at a gardening store n swoops in to teach her a little more abt romance; all of this, of course, under the guise that he had all these tips and tricks for living environmentally friendly. a lame hippie wannabe that shouldve never even approached her bt alas.... he did
love is a touchy subject n it hadnt been something she set her sights on, but she was interested in wht this dude could teach her n at 19 she ended up falling in love. she delayed her education to stay an extra year back home and work out another plan which included him
this was very disappointing to her uncle bt he didnt have anything to say abt it. it was never parental before n it was never going to be, so this was another lesson she wld just have to overcome on her own
it turns out that she doesnt care for infidelity. when the confession comes out its met with a lot of screaming, bawling, blistering white hot anger. the whole incident is blacked out of her mind to b honest....
matters of the heart are no longer something to concern herself with because of the repercussions of her rash behavior regarding heartbreak O________O she spent a year in jail n still has to attend therapy / anger management meetings
deep down she is still hurting. there was a lot of pain... bt the sadness is not over the loss of some noob. she is in a state of constant disappointment, detaching from herself out of shame. putting her own life on pause only for it to turn out like that? stupid stupid stupid... 
chugging along! tldr spectre-like swamp nymph aura with the slightest (not so slight) unhinged feral tendencies
delicate like a moth resting in the gleam of a flashlight.... her anger singes her wings when shes too comfortable staying in one place, so theres always constant stimulation, always shifting gears. shes prone to feeling threatened; that being said, sadie is wary of walking in crowds, a little bit skittish when approached without making eye contact beforehand. like a small grey kitten..... in a big wide world
has a hard time keeping a conversation bt is very interested in debate, and even more so in studying alongside someone in complete silence. it reminds her of home in the same sense tht her uncle wld nudge her to keep reading by always having his own book open
doesnt have many friends and is alright with that. rumors are tht she is still a virgin bt who really knows? not i...... bt i wldnt be surprised if this was true. shes not impressed by people nor material items so this whole yates crowd is a turn off
she is truly clueless when it comes to how to behave around anyone her age. i think she understands but it just doesnt compute. she could come off as impolite bt it is just standoffishness? some people cld try to crack her but i dont think even she knows what that would be, or what that would look like. even in her one (1) failed relationship it was never deep heart to hearts or sharing dinner..... solitude is her realm
del is very comfortable with herself, very open with her wardrobe! doesnt leave too much to the imagination? she appreciates the human experience n expresses that thru this whole “body is a temple” type thing.... not quite confidence, but proudness of being. has gotten multiple notices frm professors for her tops being too sheer, nylons too ratted up, etc. has dirt under her fingernails half the time, chipped polish, some chapstick. smudges her eyeshadow on with her fingers
doesnt smoke cigarettes all too often but is dependent on weed. it kinda perpetuates her paranoid demeanor bt at the same time it keeps her lax enough to be able to mentally handle city life
her room is a playground for huge monstera plants, christmas cacti, ivy creeping along the doorway. she sleeps on a tiny thin mattress on the floor with a linen sheet and has her books stacked up on the ground next to it to hold her ashtray. the whole thing is dumb empty
takes her studies seriously and pinches every penny she can..... she has never ordered herself a coffee frm somewhere before, ordered food frm a restaurant... nothing. i wld think the most she would branch out from harvesting everything on her own is buying a bag of sunflower seeds frm a gas station, but even then, she much prefers eating stuff she grows herself. has a tomato plant, some basil beginning to sprout, etc.... manageable crops for any college students tiny space
bt yea thats it thats all! connections cld be all over the place. im legit open to anything. theres only a few tht come to mind right off that bat: 
a few people that get along with her? same classes? they shared a bowl n now theyre getting into the nitty gritty of some personal conversation that is veering into no mans land....
some sort of clueless makeover moment? arent rly into sadie as a person bt see a lot of potential... perhaps need a plus one to a party on the fly and figure thats the best option theyve got
crushes? this wld be fun n potentially dangerous! like playing with a hot cast iron pan or something :)
again im vry new to rp so i wld like to leave a lot of stuff up to chemistry, brainstorming n stuff like that, but please consider everything on the table! what i hav mentioned is the tip of the iceberg im so burnt out n i wrote a lot more than i intended to i am so sorry but i promise i am friendly
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dammit-stark · 4 years
hi we’re out here missing met gala season so here’s some Concepts of our fav fictional characters (avengers/stevetony and superbat- superbat are the last two) attending the gala and being hot and kicking ass:
the avengers are invited to the met gala the year after the battle of New York and while Bruce kindly opts out (“the big guy and paparazzi don’t exactly get along, Tony” Tony, getting flashbacks of being a teenage son of billionaire, nods. “Okay yeah that’s fair. We’ll sneak some canapés home in Nat’s purse for you, doc”) the rest of them agree to show up and fittingly the theme has to do with good vs evil in light of the battle of New York so of course the designers are so eager to work with the literal heroes (I mean have you seen them, they’re practically models anyway it’s perfect) and Steve keeps going to Tony and asking what all these rules and fittings and “they’re really gonna put me in THAT I don’t know if I’d be comfortable wearing that” bc he’s never done anything even sort of like this and Tony helps him and explains it to him over and over again and even talks to the designers to make sure they put Steve in something he won’t throw up on out of anxiety while nat takes it all in stride of course and clint just really doesn’t care at all as long as they feed him they can put him in whatever he wants and so finally it’s the big day and Tony organizes this dramatic entrance where he flies in with Steve and nat and Clint literally appear out of nowhere (which is impressive bc Nat’s dress is gorgeous and Clint’s suit basically has a train it’s so fucking gaudy and thor flies in just before iron man and cap show up and he’s got this HUGE cape just absolutely GINORMOUS and he looks so hot and they make just this absolutely jaw-dropping quintet and they’re the star of the whole thing anyway I just want them to be thotty and steal the show
(nat wears a black practically skintight dress with a slit running up the side and there’s a gradient at the bottom that makes it almost look like fire and she looks all very femme fatale/1950’s hollywood accented with a very military-looking sash around her belt (only Clint knows that she has a gun strapped to her other thigh) and then Clint wears this tux with a train like the gaudy bitch he is and there’s purple lining along the cuffs and I don’t know how but his biceps are definitely exposed somehow and he basically looks like a badass modern phantom of the opera kinda dude and he rocks it)
(and then there’s thor with his cape and so many sequins and custom metal armor shit and it’s a weird mix between asgardian fashion and modern midfardian fashion bc he had worked with the designers to get something true to him and he has bombass confidence and he’s just happy to be there)
( and then there’s Steve and Tony. Tony comes in stunting obviously bc this is not his first show (yes, he wears red and gold makeup, what about it?) and he does not do things in halves and it’s a black suit in essence but then it’s adorned with all sorts of iron man jewelry that are actual working tech and he literally glows (bc of the tech, it’s a bombass look) and he hovers his way down the carpet so that he matches Steve’s height. And then there’s Steve. Who comes flying in with Tony, not a hair out of place, looking patriotic, hot as FUCK, and very heroic all at the same time. He looks like Prince Charming, it Prince Charming did CrossFit and defended ladies’ honor in his free time. He has this baby blue crushed velvet suit (tailored just the tiniest bit tight- the designers knew EXACTLY what they were doing) that in itself is pretty bold (it doesn’t have a cape or exposed biceps, but the bar is otherwise pretty low considering what most men wear to the met) but the whole thing is completed with little Swarovski crystal stars speckled all over it in homage to his suit )
or how about a designer au where Steve is a big time designer who practically revolutionized the business years ago okay (and he’s known for his incomprehensible youthful glow- seriously he’s like 50 something and still looks like he’s in his 20’s- and also known for his extremely private life) but his word is gospel in the designer community except lately he’s been getting really political and when met season comes around he makes the controversial choice of asking tony stark to wear his designs. While most designers are picking models and celebrities and influencers, Steve’s first choice is the controversial and newly outed iron man. He was famous before all the iron man stuff went down for being a shifty, genius weapons dealer with a penchant for ladies (and men), but his fame has skyrocketed after he saved the world a couple times. But with superheroing fame came a lot of naysayers, calling him a terrorist, a capitalist violence apologist so his reputation is kinda like a bomb at the moment everybody’s keeping their distance. Except for Steve Rogers apparently, who reaches out to him and asks Tony if he’ll allow him the honor of dressing him for upcoming met gala. And Tony’s always loved putting on a good show so he figures why not and does it and he looks great and he’s the talk of everything bc he’s so controversial (Tony absolutely eats it up) but there’s an important point where a member of the press interviews Steve and he asks him why he chose Tony when it was such a controversial choice and Steve gets patriotic as hell and defends the fuck out of Tony and later Tony’s like (“hey, thanks”) and Steve’s like (“anytime”) and then after that THEYRE friends and go on coffee dates and Steve stands by Tony while half the country makes his life hell
Bruce Wayne gets invited to the met gala every year and this year he wants to bring his boyfriend and Clark’s like idk that’s really public what if somebody notices I’m Superman but Bruce guilts him into it and he’s like look this is my life if nobody’s noticed by now you’ll be fine I promise and so billionaire Bruce Wayne brings some journalist nobody from metropolis as his date to the met and everybody is like ???? Who the heck is HE and when somebody from the press asks how they met Bruce says something “like he swept me off my feet” and Clark blushes bc they met when he was Superman and he was flying and saved Bruce or some stupid shit and everybody spots that blush and is like oh sweet country boy I love you and now the world is in love with Clark Kent but somehow still nobody manages to draw the connection between Clark Kent and Superman it’s ridiculous
alternatively, superman is invited to the met gala and while he thinks it’s a horrific idea Bruce is like “oh! I go every year! We can go together! make some trouble, eh?” And then they go and everybody is like why the FUCK are Bruce Wayne and Superman dating how the hell did that happen and the LOOKS OH MY GOD Clark would wear some super gaudy rendition of his Superman outfit he would go all out (because he’s not a fucking coward) and Bruce would be wearing Versace or something amazing and it’d be a simple black suit but with some wicked accents of some sort (maybe a cape??)
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