#anyway this book was amazing from start to finish and i now even more desperately need khoa to show up in zdarsky's batman
sockich · 2 years
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You #@$% idiot. Get up, "Demon's Heart." Hhhk... A-Anton? Minhkhoa, remember? Bruce? ...Bruce, are you?
Batman: The Knight #10 by Chip Zdarsky, art by Carmine Di Giandomenico
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hello, i have been wanting to watch PPP's other films since watching Salò (and your blog reminded me that i must do this), though i wasn't aware that he had a body of literature until only recently ... do you have suggestions for reading order/where to start with his writing? ty!
Hello my dear anon, thank you for this wonderful and very interesting ask I needed some time to prepare to answer to!
under the cut for ME YAPPING!
You will be surprised to know that in Pasolini's country (that is also mine, after all), Italy, he's not well known as a filmmaker, but rather as a journalist, politic figure, writer and, most importantly, as a poet! He's called "the last poet of Italy" or "the poet of the ashes" (the little bastard gave himself this cool nickname lmao), and he's considered one of the greatest poets of the country, and he wrote so, SO many poems i could sincerely not tell you where to start, because I dont know either. He wrote between 15 and 20 books of poetry; his poems are highly political, nesting in the climate of political tension and chaos of post-war Italy between the 50s and the 70s. There's also poems about his little brother Guido's terrible death during WWII and the loss Pier Paolo had to deal with, and also the collection of sonnets about the end of his weird psycho-romantic-queerplatonic-whateverthefuck-relationship. It's difficult readings, and surely its not possible to read all of them in one-go. But sometimes I read some of them, PPP was a great poet after all.
He wrote less narrative, but still extremely important: i think it's best to start here, as i started too. His first published narrative book is Ragazzi di Vita, in 1955. If you follow me, you probably know it, since i have this teeenyyy tiinyyy hyperfixation on it at the moment. Outside Italy it went with various names: "The Ragazzi", "Boys Alive", "Street Boys" etc... i recommend this book. Because its amazing. A book written by a poet will be weird to read, but its a good weird; the characters and their adventure seem ones of a comic book or a film, rather than a "normal" book. I'm re-reading it, and doing a summary chapter for chapter for my friend, adding the Content Warning so desperately needed in this very crude, very "traumatic" and very funny book, that, remember, has been written in the 50s so it has its ye olde times flaws (not too many, luckily). It's weird, but its really worth it. Also canonical mlm couple yay!
Ragazzi di Vita has a "sequel" called Una Vita Violenta (a violent life), but, to be completely honest, i didnt really like it... sounds more of a real boring book than a "comic" like RdV. Also way too long. Also way too heterosexual. Cmon Pier Paolo, you can do better.
Petrolio is the last book PPP wrote. It's... uhm... there's words in it? It has... pages? Idk what to say about Petrolio. It has serious socio-politics and it has AO3 Dead Dove fics in it. It has similiar taboo topics to Salò, but it's written in a way that's not possible to understand, on purpose; yes Pier Paolo died before finishing it, but it's unclear if he even WANTED to finish it in the first place.
There's other books like La Divina Mimesis, Il Sogno di una cosa, Amado Mio; and then his essays about italian society and politics. I'm reading Scritti Corsari right now, and its difficult, but fun...
So in the end, my recs are: Ragazzi di Vita surely, if you can deal with the CW (violence, underage sex, suicide, death. And some other more. I mean, you saw Salò, you know the drill with Pier Paolo's art), then you can go a bit wild: in "Alì dagli occhi azzurri" there's a mix of his poems, writings and one-shots; "La lunga strada di sabbia" is a 1959 reportage on Italy from the north to the south to the north again, circling all the beaches of the peninsula. Cute and interesting. Petrolio is an interesting window on Pasolini's writing method also it's so utterly insane its a fun read anyway; and the collections of his newspaper articles and essays in Scritti Corsari, Lettere Luterane, Empirismo Eretico are a key to understand his controversial world views and the society of the early 70s.
So, in the end: idk man Pier Paolo was just a crazey bitccch... soo crazy i love herrr.... just follow your heart
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dia-souls · 2 years
🥀 Subayui fanfic 🥀
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Pairing: Subaru🗡️ and Yui 🌸
Author: Admin Ava
Genre: Funny, Sweet themes, Happy ending
Chapter: 3
Admin's note: ⚠️ This Chapter includes violence themes, Choking, humiliate ⚠️
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“Ok, class, I need to step out for a minute. Finish chapter 8 on your own. I’ll be back” As the door closed the students started to chat amongst themselves. Mainly about mundane topics, but the main thing on everyone’s minds was the dance on Friday. It was anyone could talk about. From girls talking about what they’ll wear to the guys discussing who they‘ll as out. Amid all these conversations, one thing on Yui's mind was,” Should I ask someone?’’
All day she has been hearing about the dance from all the second years, they told her how fun the dance is. Everybody dressed in the most exquisite ensembles from designer brands that cost more than the house she lived in. Some people talked about how heavenly the food was. Prepared by the most renowned chefs in the world. Drinks are brewed from the highest quality fruits and alcohol. For the adults of course. Then the music would be played by talented musicians from all over Japan. It sounded like a dream.
Yui only got more and more excited as she heard amazing things about the dance. She was apprehensive before but now, she couldn’t wait for Friday. Be that as it may, there was one thing she wasn’t so sure of yet. She had been hearing from some of the girls about who they were going to ask to go with them. That was something she hadn’t thought about.
“We need to ask someone to go with us? I wonder if anyone would ask me. Probably not, especially with all these beautiful girls here. Who’d ask me? Besides, I’ll be going with the brothers anyway. I bet it would be awkward if I had someone going with me. Although…it would be nice.’’ She had never been asked out before, therefore her father being her partner at a church event didn’t count.
After the bell rang for lunch she decided to head to the library to eat. Even after being at this school for a year now, she still wasn’t used to all those children who were raised so differently from her. She didn’t mind, however, in fact, she did enjoy the time for the small amount of time she got. Gave her time to relax and study without interruptions.
Once she reached the library and found a quiet place to sit. She was finally in her element. Putting her nose in a book, blocking out the world, herself the only one around for miles. It was calming, peaceful, and well worth the bullying she received every time she went home.
That as it may be, the illusion was shattered once Kou decide that she could lose a couple of seconds of what she most desperately needed. “Hey, M-Neko-Chan~ What's up?” “Oh hello, Kou-kun. Not much, just trying to get some quiet.” “Yeah, yeah, that’s nice and all. Anyway, I said something I wanted to ask you.” Yui raised a confused eyebrow at the idol. Did he want to ask her something? Her conscience told her to be weary of his question, while her more optimistic side encourage her to at least consider his request. In the end her optimism over her rationality. Only by a margin though.
“Uh, sure. What is it.” Kou's smile was very big and very unsettling. “ Well, I’m pretty sure your ears have been ringing with everyone talking about the dance on Friday I just wanted to ask..” Kou walked towards her, his face a little close for comfort. “Has anyone asked you to the dance yet or have you asked anyone?” Huh? That’s all? Yui was a bit taken aback by Kou's question. She had thought it would’ve been more….eerie “Uh, no. No one has asked me or I haven’t asked anyone.” Kou's face twisted into an annoyance for a second. Then, into mischievous. ‘’Oh is that so~ Well then I don’t suppose you fancy going with……me!”
What! HIM!? Yui was so taken aback by his statement that she fell out of her chair. Kou roar with laughter as Yui rubbed her bruise backside as she watched Kou lose himself in a loud cackle. She hastily picked herself off the floor while brushing the dirt off her skirt. Looks like her quiet time was completely ruined. Not wanting to waste her time being the butt of Kou's joke, she swiftly grabbed her things and stuff them in her bag. Yui let out a huff as she walked past Kou to the exit of the library. Nonetheless, Kou wouldn’t let her just leave. Instantly he was in front of her. Due to their height difference, there wasn’t any room for escape. “Hey now M-Neko-Chan, I wasn’t done talking to you yet.’’ The once smiley vampire aura turns cold and distant. Yet, possessive.
“You haven’t given me an answer yet. Don’t you think that is kind of rude? Not to mention the fact that you’re trying to leave without even saying a word, I’m disappointed. Honestly who the hell do you think you are huh!?” Despite Kou’s abrasive behavior. Yui stood her ground, albeit anxiously.
“ Kou-kun you were the one who abruptly asked me the question in the first place, so forgive me for being shocked. Also instead of at least helping me off the ground, you just laughed at me the entire time. I thought you were here just to make fun of me, if you have nothing better to do than laugh at me I’ll decide to leave. I’m sorry but my answer is n-“
In a fit of frustration Kou grabbed Yui by the throat and slammed her back to the door with a loud thud. The shock was so great that it knocked the wind out of her. Kou grasped her throat so tightly that air barely was able to enter. Tears floated down her face as she struggled to breathe. With her eyes glazed over with tears, she could hardly see Kou. His face which was normally so handsome and charming was contorted into a violent scowl. His bright were clouded with hatred, those idol-worthy, perfect white teeth gritted against each other in an unbearable ear-piercing screech. The muscles in his hand cracked and popped as his fist squeezed so tingly that blood started to trickle onto the floor.
“ Do you know how hard is to be nice to an oblivious twit like you? You’re so fucking stupid that it’s pain to even talk to you. Millions of girls would love to even get the chance to even breathe the same air as I do. Yet here you are being ungrateful for the gift you’ve been giving. The opportunity to be seen with a start like me, but all you can think about is leaving?! Are you sick in the hand or are you naturally born with no common sense? You’re so lucky right now….but, YOUR DUMBASS CAN’T EVEN SEE IT!!!
Kou squeezed tighter on Yui's neck as he continued to snarl insult after insult at her face without even thinking. Yui struggled to remove his hand from his hands from her neck but was unable to do so. With air becoming more and more scarce, and dark splotches blinding her vision. She has to think fast.
So, with the last bit of strength, she could muster. Yui opened her mouth which was covered in drool from struggling to break free, and bit down on Kou's hand as hard as she could! He howled in pain as blood spurted from his hand! Yui fell to the ground while coughing up a storm as air slowly enter its way back into her lungs. Kou grasped his hand as he glared at Yui with a look of murder in his eyes. “ YOU BITCH! LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE! YOU BIT MY HAND!!” Kou walked towards the blonde ready to intact vengeance for causing him pain. But she was ready. Before Kou could lay a hand on her, Yui grabbed a fountain pen from her pocket and as Kou was nearer, she stabbed the point of the pen in Kou’s wounded hand!
Kou fell back in pain, clutching his hand, giving Yui time to get up and run out of the library. She ran faster than she has ever before! Her body needed time to rest from being near seconds away from deatmh but the adrenaline kept her going. Her only objective was to get away from the vampire that would surely main her if he caught her.
As Yui turned the corner, almost falling in the process, she spotted a tuft of white hair in the distance.
chapter 3 ended.
To be continued…
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bonbon-bonny · 7 months
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^_^ Happy Chinese new year everyone! :D Today is Year of the Dragon! Chinese new year is one of my favorite holidays, and back when I was in my home country I used to either dance or do judo demonstrations for the festival they held for it. (back when I took Judo. ^_^; unfortunately on one such festival I needed to break a board, and I accidently knocked my sensei over because I didn't do it right. Boy THAT was a very embarrassing day.) Anyway since it is new years I thought it would be a good time to reflect on everything that has happened this year from where I started then to where I am now. Last year, before the new year started, I was in a very hard place. I was stuck in a job that constantly overworked me, and stressed me out only to barely make any money worth saving. I felt hopeless, lonely, and inadequate in every conceivable way. In order to try and cope I had started writing a story because I had always wanted to be a writer but never had any inspiration to write anything meaningful. So I said fine, whatever, I will write stories I enjoy, even if no one else does because at least at the end of the day whenever I was feeling down I could go back and read them and feel better because they'd definately be the kind of stories I enjoyed XD I had poured so much time and effort into this story and after I finished I felt much better, but also a bit sad. It still felt like my life lacked meaning because I was certainly too shy to show anyone my work. Still, I decided it might be nice to make it a picture book and put it out there so at the very least I could say one day I did something. ^_^; I tried on my own at first because I am used to asking for help and not receiving it, but I quickly realized I just couldn't do it on my own and so I set about connecting with people who had the skills I didn't, and with the very little money I had my writing began to turn into a storybook. But the most amazing part is that when I did reach out to people about my project, about what I cared so deeply about, people reciprocated. They didn't make fun of me, they didn't judge me or tell me that I was silly for wasting their time on my story. ^_^; even if i was paying them to provide a service, it still felt very nice to feel valued and seen. These people helped me out in more ways they could possibly ever know. They showed me kindness and compassion during a time in my life where I didn't feel as if anyone else did. Because of them I started to change my perspective. Throughout the year I had come across many valuable lessons that showed me that my thoughts and feelings mattered, my voice mattered, I mattered. Honestly there is simply too much to write to express all the lessons I have learned but perhaps the biggest, at least from my perspective, is that it's always important to express compassion and kindness as much as you can with others. You don't know what someone else is going through, even if they smile at you or hurt your feelings. So today on this New Years I might be in the middle of trying to move back to my home country, wondering about how I'll have to start working from the very bottom just to start my life all over when I'd rather spend my time volunteering, I am surprisingly much much more happy than I was last year. I'm not scared to look towards my future, because even if I'm not sure what exactly will happen next in my life, I know it'll be full of pastels and colors no matter how grey the world around me might seem sometimes. And of course I wouldn't be here today if it hadn't been for the help of those who grabbed my hand when I was desperately reaching out. Thank you so much everyone <3 Happy Chinese New Year!
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mothandpidgeon · 2 years
Helter Skelter (cult leader!Ezra x f!reader) - Chapter 6 [the end]
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 
Pairing: cult leader!Ezra x f reader, dark!Ezra x f reader
Series summary: When you meet a mysterious thinker named Ezra, you join up with his followers and become a part of their family. Your new life is full of psychedelics, sex, and mind bending experiences. But there’s something dark lurking in Ezra’s philosophy. Will you discover it before it’s too late?
Words: ~3.7k
Rating: E 18+!
Warnings: SPOILERS dark!Ezra, elements of dubcon (this is a cult so there is psychological manipulation), cults (obviously), pregnancy, p in v sex, oral sex, pregnancy loss, violence, blood (feel free to let me know anbout anything ive missed)
a/n: This is the end of the story. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride. I can’t believe that it took me this long to get this fic completed. I remember messaging @wordsandwhiskey​ about an acid trip to the Green and it feels like ages ago. My personal life has been a journey. I’m working on publishing a fucking book. But I’ve wanted to come back and finish this out. I pretty much never get into drama or get personal but here’s some tea. Before I even posted the first chapter of this fic, there was a lot of negative shit being said about its content. I was blocked by people who I’d never interacted with. I saw conversations about me bleed over to twitter. I got nasty asks (not even on anon) that I simply deleted because I knew replying would just get them off. I actually considered not posting this fic at all and when my amazing friends convinced me that was silly, I still felt so much anxiety about the asks I might get. I remember posting the first chapter not because I was excited to share a story but as evidence, to prove that whatever had been assumed about what I wrote wasn’t true. Anyway, to get to the point, I know this isn’t one of the more popular things that I’ve written but thank you for reading it. Thank you for reblogging it. Thanks for just giving it a chance. I actually love this fic for all of the reasons other people hate it. I love hearing that I’ve given readers goosebumps and that they feel the pull of Ezra’s charm despite knowing how dangerous he is. I’m really proud of this. All of that being said, I warned you from the very beginning, there is no happy ending. This story gets darker still if you can believe it. I hope it thrills you.
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That night there was a bonfire. Everyone was giddy, especially Cee who’d laid her hand gently on your belly, her eyes as big as saucers. She threw her arms around your neck and your tears had come even harder.
You sat in the grass by the fire soaking in its warmth, your body deliciously exhausted from emotion. Your face hurt from smiling. Ezra was behind you, his knees outside of your own, fingers tracing the skin of your bicep. On the opposite side, Clo and Rieve had already started making out. Tracy situated herself beside Ezra but you hardly noticed. When she tried passing a joint to Ezra he waved her away.
“You’re not going to leave now, are you?” Cee asked. She perched in front of you with her knees folded under. Her cheeks glowed in the warm light of the flames.
You cupped her face in your palm.
“Of course not, birdie” Ezra’s voice came as he wrapped his arm around your middle and rocked you side to side. 
You laughed and Cee let out a whoop as she stood and started spinning around. She looked beautiful and delicate like a magical woodland creature. Her silhouette was dark against the thin fabric of her dress, illuminated by orange. You could feel Tracy watching you until Cee pulled her to her feet with a bubble of laughter.
Ezra pinned you in closer to his chest, pressing a lump in the denim of his jeans at the small of your back. “I want you so desperately,” he purred against your ear. A shiver of pleasure spread over your skin. His eyes looked black as they slid across you, deep enough to fall into.
He got up and took you by the hand, leading you back to the house. It was dark inside, everything covered in shadow but you could find your way up to the bedroom blind. The bon fire shone through the bedroom windows and you could hear the far away sounds of the others singing.
Ezra laid you out on the big bed. It wasn’t Muriel’s bed anymore. This place was yours now. They’d claimed this house, your family, made a place for you, for this. You slid out of the dress, your dress, and you could barely breathe as you felt Ezra’s glinting eyes drinking you in.
“My beautiful starlight queen,” he rasped. He cupped your breast and found your nipple, sucking furiously. You moaned deeply and he made a noise of approval that set you on fire.
When he was finished, his lips were glistening and he kissed you. The sour taste from retching earlier still lingered in your mouth but Ezra didn’t seem to care. His tongue burrowed against yours eagerly as if he wanted to devour you from the inside out. He wanted all of you, even the vile parts. And you would take him the same way. Whatever had revolted you, whatever you’d feared, none of it compared to the feeling of Ezra wanting you, needing you. He’d become a part of you, one that you couldn’t cut out. 
You grasped his standing cock and tugged. Ezra let out a throaty groan but his hand encircled your wrist.
“Patience, Star,” he whispered, guiding your touch away. “My most precious jewel.”
Ezra put his lips to your fingertips and then slunk down your body, his nose trailing a heated path across your belly. His hand slid up your leg towards your center and you gasped. He knelt between your legs and inhaled deeply. The feeling of his stubble against the sensitive skin of your thigh lit up your entire body.
“I want to taste you. You’re already sweet as honey,” he said as he parted your thighs. “Soon you’ll be ripe as a peach.” His mouth surrounded you, tongue coaxing more release from you. He growled into you, vibrating up your spine and making your back arch away from the mattress. “Delicious.”
His palm splayed out on your belly as his tongue swirled over you, drinking you in. Ezra continued on noisily, drowning out the sounds of the celebrations outside. Your eyes screwed shut, overwhelmed by the mounting sensation, dizzy and glorious. He edged you closer and closer with his long strokes. A tingle burned up from Ezra’s mouth to your throat and it burst out in a feral grunt through gritted teeth.
“That’s right,” he cooed as you came down from your high. He crawled up beside you, held your chin in his big hand and put his slick lips to yours.
You were still reeling, pulsing at your core, and breathless as Ezra rolled you over him. His eyes darted over your body, greedily trying to take all of you in at once. You felt needy, desperate for more of him so you rocked up on your knees and slid down onto him. The long, straining sound he made was delicious.
You threw your head back, rolling your hips over him. Ezra’s hand found places to touch and grab– the curve of your hip, the muscles in your calf. It felt like you were floating, like you could take him up to the Green with your ecstasy alone.
Ezra’s hips stuttered against you, brows twisted, lost in pleasure. You pressed your chest against his, skin sticky with perspiration. He buried his face in your hair, snarling, and you felt his nose against the sweat on your temple. 
“Let me defile you once again,” he said. 
His ragged voice made you come apart and, just as you crested, your body quivering and plummeting like you were sliding downhill, you felt him leave you. You clenched around nothing, a cry escaping you as you panted. Ezra put your limp body onto your back and you opened your eyes to see him up on his knees, pulling at himself. Soon he was marking your stomach with his hot release, swearing and grunting.
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Ezra was still sleeping when you slid out of bed. He’d pulled you into his chest before he dozed off, a heavy arm draped across your middle. 
“It’ll be a girl,” he told you. “We’ll call her Ruby.” He brushed his lips against your shoulder, the stubble on his face rough and wet. “Stay with me.”
You wouldn’t dream of being separated from him now.
Dawn was breaking, painting the room in a dull purple glow. The house was quiet and you assumed the others had gone to sleep just a few hours earlier. There was a full length mirror on the door to the armoire in the corner. You crept over and studied the reflection of your naked body.
How had you missed it? You spent so much time in your own skin and yet you hadn’t paid any attention to the swell that was growing. It wasn’t a dramatic change, a little fullness in the belly like you’d feasted on a Thanksgiving dinner. You realized now that your breasts had swollen like a balloon threatening to pop. No wonder Ezra had spent all night clutching them in his sleep.
You smoothed your open hand across your stomach. What would she look like? You hoped she had Ezra’s eyes, his thick, dark hair. A smile bloomed on your lips as you pictured him with a soft little child in the crook of his arm. You had to bite down on your bottom lip to keep from letting out a laugh. 
Ezra wouldn’t let you out of bed once the mid-morning came. When you told him it was your turn to make coffee, he chuckled. “Cee can attend to that,” he said and began kissing your neck again. 
You arched your back, wiggling closer to him. It could always be like this and, still, it would never be enough of him. 
When you sighed you heard his deep purr in your ear. “Mhmm.”
His fingers had just began to tease between your legs when you heard the door squeak open. Tracy appeared with her hands behind her back and Ezra unwrapped himself, sitting up against the wooden headboard.
“Harmony,” Ezra said. 
Irritation prickled at you as she sat herself down on the corner of the bed. You rested your head on Ezra’s shoulder, tangled your fingers into his.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize,” Tracy said. “Star, you’re like, totally glowing.”
“She is,” Ezra agreed. “Yet Star has always been incandescent.” 
“What’s it feel like?” she tried.
She looked at Ezra skittishly trying to see if he was listening. You noticed it, though she hid it well. For a moment, you felt bad for her.
“I don’t know,” you told her. “It’s special.”
“Far out,” she responded. “I’ve never held a baby before.”
The image that popped into your head made you feel nauseated again. You had the urge to snatch away a child that wasn’t there. Suddenly, you grasped at your stomach and whined, curling into yourself. Ezra was immediately attentive, concern cutting his brow. You breathed in a hiss of air and buried your face into him. 
“Star,” he said.
“Hurts,” you replied.
“I’ll get her some water,” Tracy said and rushed out. 
Ezra rubbed your back gently, murmuring reassurances. After a moment you sighed and wiped sweat off of your brow. 
“What’s troubling you?” Ezra asked. 
“It’s nothing,” you told him. Your voice sounded weak. “I feel better.”
“It appears to be a wealth of something,” he said. 
You sighed. “I don’t know. I just felt this…vibration.”
You could see Ezra’s eyes harden just slightly. Tracy was in the room again. 
“Drink this, Star,” she said. 
You winced when she handed you the glass and when she put her palm on your shoulder you shivered. 
“Harmony, allow her to rest,” Ezra said. 
Tracy flushed and nodded, quickly retreating from the room. Ezra got up and slid into his jeans. He tilted your chin up for a kiss.
“Sleep,” he whispered and then he left, closing the door softly behind him.  
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You never saw Tracy again. 
You didn’t know what Ezra said to her but she was gone the next morning. There was a part of you, the part that had wondered about old Muriel, that questioned whether she’d actually left of her own free will. But you’d been able to ignore that voice before so just enjoyed the fact that she was gone and you were here with Ezra and the family and Ruby. 
You were happier than you could ever remember. Every morning you woke up with your legs tangled around Ezra’s– hot, naked skin cooled by the breeze from the open window. Occasionally Cee would sleep next to you but Ezra, he was all yours. He didn’t want anyone else, never spent the night in another bed, would leave you breathless and spent over and over again. During the day, he touched you carefully and watched you with an intense desire that made you feel dizzy. Ezra whispered in your ear about how exceptional you were, how beautiful you’d become, how he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. 
The others took extra care of you, never asking you to volunteer for chores. Cee would pick flowers for you and write poems with words that rhymed with ‘Ruby.’ Even Clo was sweet to you and brought a pint of ice cream back when she and Rieve drove into town. 
It was the best week of your life. If only you’d known how quickly it would all change. 
You were on the porch that afternoon. The sky was the most perfect shade of blue, warm sun bathing the yard. It was autumn and the only leaves that still held onto the trees were red and purple. Cee braided Clo’s hair on the front steps. Rieve had just finished chopping wood. He laid against the painted floor of the porch, occasionally plucking a string on his guitar.
Ezra was happy that day. He had you in his lap, moving lazily in the rocking chair as his fingers slid your skirt up inch by inch with excruciating patience. Usually he’d be rambling on with one of his stories but he hadn’t spoken in a long time. Instead, he hummed a tune that was only loud enough for the two of you to hear.
“What song is that?” you asked him in a whisper.
He looked up at you with shining eyes and a mischievous smile. Your skirt wandered further up your thigh. Ezra opened his mouth to answer but he was distracted by the sound of crunching gravel. You turned to see a car pulling up the driveway.
“Who could that be, Birdie?” Ezra asked.
In the corner of your eye you saw Cee go rigid. Rieve sat up on his elbows.
The station wagon pulled to a stop close to the house. Its plates said Wisconsin or Washington, you never could quite remember. A woman in the passenger seat got out like a spring. She was somewhere in her 50s or 60s and the sour look on her face did little to make her look youthful. Her strawberry blonde perm was covered by a plastic kerchief and a little handbag bounced off of her arm.
Ezra slid you off of his lap and stood, stretching like a cat that had just woken up from a nap in the sun. “Afternoon,” he said. 
The woman ignored him. Her little eyes looked over the property and you noticed how thickly she’d coated her lashes in mascara. “Harold, look at this place,” she said in disgust. 
Harold unfolded himself out of the driver’s seat and had just managed to put his hat on as she berated him. He was balding and looked tired. 
“How can I be of service to you?” Ezra inquired.
“Now, what’s going on here?” Harold asked. 
“Where’s Muriel?” the woman demanded.
You swallowed. Ezra had dispatched with the old ladies easily but this woman was raring to fight.
Ezra looked between them he answered, “I’m afraid she isn’t at home.”
“Oh, don’t give us that malarkey,” Harold groaned.
Clo giggled quietly and you shot her a look. Cee’s body seemed to shrink on the other end of the steps.
“Aunt Muriel!” the woman began to call, craning her neck towards the windows on the second floor. “Aunt Muriel! It’s me, Rita!”
“Rita,” Ezra said, his voice as steady as ever. “You’ll have to forgive me but I have some tragic news.”
“I’ve heard all about it,” Rita snapped. She thrust a hand into her purse and pulled out a folded page. “A letter of condolence from her Rotary Club.”
Rieve started to gnaw at the corner of his fingernail.
“That’s right,” Ezra told her.
“And who the hell are you people?” Her face was blotchy with righteous anger as she peered at the letter. “Her granddaughter?” she scoffed. “She never had any children.”
“We live here,” you said. You weren’t sure how the words had come out so easily, so defiantly but you were standing tall with your arms crossed. 
“Why in God’s name would a bunch of hooligans be living in my aunt’s house?” she snarled. “Where is she? What have you done with her?”
“She is deceased,” Ezra said, some of the cold irritation edging into his voice.
“What is this?” she went on. “You’ve turned the place into some kind of whorehouse?” 
You could see Ezra’s shoulders rising and falling as he tried to keep his breath steady. Your jaw clenched so tightly you thought your teeth might shatter.
“Harold, get back in the car. We’re going to the police!” Rita said. 
Just as you’d spoken so easily, everything that happened next came like an avalanche. Your vision tunneled. Rita turned towards the station wagon. You grabbed up the axe that had been left resting by the steps. Its wooden handle was still warm from Rieve’s grip. 
It was kind of funny. The noise of blunt side of the axe connecting with Rita’s head was a lot quieter than you would have expected. And she didn’t immediately crash to the ground either. Instead, she reeled around, stepped towards you on wobbly feet, all while making a guttural groan. 
Harold cried out and lunged for you and Clo tackled him to the ground. You hardly noticed, still incensed, smashing the axe into Rita’s skull again until she’d finally gone down.
All the while, your mind flashed hot. You weren’t going to lose Ezra because of this cunt. You hadn’t let anything come between you. You weren’t going to give up this life, not when you were finally happy, not when Ruby was on the way. You weren’t going to see your family threatened. Not by this bitch who hadn’t even noticed her aunt was six feet under. Fuck her. Fuck anybody that would keep you from what was yours. 
Harold was screaming his head off, begging and scraping his fingers at the dirt. Somehow he managed to wriggle away and scramble onto his feet. You were so caught up in your fury that you didn’t see him approach, didn’t brace yourself when he leapt at you, circling you around the middle and pulling you to the ground. You landed hard on your side and you heard Cee call out your name but you didn’t feel anything at all even as the wind was knocked out of your lungs. Reive pulled Harold off you easily and Clo started kicking him in the stomach. 
When Rita was finally down in the dirt, she flopped around twitching like a fish out of water until she stopped moving altogether. There was so much blood. A pool of between her matted hair and the clear plastic kerchief, smeared up the handle of the axe, staining your dress all up your belly. There was blood on your legs, too hot and sticky on your thighs. 
You were breathing hard and you struggled to stand, the axe suddenly so heavy. You felt your heart beating fast in your chest, too fast. No, it was beating lower. Two heartbeats out of rhythm. You were shaking and you turned back to the porch, an eerie silence taking hold as Harold stopped whimpering. The axe handle slid from your grip and it fell with a thud against the earth. Cee was staring, a look of terror over her features. It made you laugh. There was nothing to worry about now. You’d done what you had to do but you were all safe now. 
Your vision was going blurry. 
Ezra was on the steps, motionless, his dark eyes on you, brows raised, lips parted. His expression was hard to read but he looked so handsome like that. He was a yard away but somehow he caught you before you fell to your knees. Everything was getting dark and you were so dizzy. Now there was yet another heartbeat pounding in your ears. You felt Ezra’s palm on your belly and the last thing you heard before you passed out was his voice saying your name.
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You sit in the hard metal chair. How many times has he said your name?
“Where are they?” one of the doctors asks. 
You begin to shake, your whole body shivering, tears budding in your eyes. The beige cinderblocks of the room seem to radiate cold, all the walls bare except for a clock. On the other side of the white table are three men, one with glasses, another taking notes. 
“Where are the others?” the doctor asks. 
You take a shuddering breath.
“On the Green,” you say, plastering a smile on your face but your lips twitch and quiver.
You know that’s not true. But you want it to be, desperately. You close your eyes every night before you fall asleep on the thin mattress and you see Ezra there, waiting for you. He has to be waiting for you.
“Come on, Star,” one of them says. His voice is tender but the words are cruel. “They left you there, didn’t they? They took you to the hospital but they didn’t stick around. They got out of dodge.”
Your head begins to shake back and forth uncontrollably and the tears fall down onto your cheeks. Your chest is so tight it burns.
“Ezra abandoned you.”
You nearly double over. This doctor doesn’t know anything. He’s lying to you. Ezra loves you. You and Ruby. But Ruby’s just an ache in the pit of your stomach, a punch in the fucking gut. You cry and tremble. 
“Stop fooling yourself. They left you behind. Don’t you think you deserve better than that?” he asks and has the audacity to sound concerned. 
You want to tell him to fuck off. He doesn’t know shit about it. But you just close your eyes. 
“We’re trying to help you, Star.”
The words to one of Cee’s poems come to mind and you recite it silently over and over until you can’t hear what anyone’s telling you. 
“I think we’ve put her through enough today,” someone says. 
Once you settle down and stop hearing your pulse in your ears, after instructions to take deep breaths, they secure the cold cuffs around your wrists before escorting you back down the hall. You can’t be sure how long it’s been since you came here. And where here is, you’re not certain of either. They give you medicine that dulls your memories, makes you sluggish and puts the edges of things out of focus. Sometimes you wonder if this isn’t just a bad trip, a wrong turn on the way to the Green. If that’s the case it’ll end, that’s what you tell yourself. 
They take you back to your room. Or is it a cell? You wait. 
You close your eyes and remember the feeling of Ezra’s touch, the softness of Cee’s lips. It’s lonely here but they’re still with you.
Tonight, when you fall asleep on the threadbare cot, wrapped in the itchy smock you always seem to be wearing, you wake up again on the Green. 
It’s dark and there's a chill in the air and you can hear the bugs chirping. You’re not wearing your suit but the air smells clean and moist. You make your way through the tall ferns, foliage tickling your shins, the ground plush beneath your bare feet. A glow outlines the rust colored trunks— a lantern hung outside of a tent. And you know what’s waiting inside. 
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Steamy Nights
Shouta Aizawa steaminess + suggestive language
Please note that y/n is obviously of age in this one
wc: 2.4k
Tell me why I got 🦋 when writing this loll. This man is fineee
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Stretched out on Aizawa’s couch, you were waiting for him to get home after another long day of teaching. A little while ago he’d given you a key to his place, which was a big surprise since he values his privacy so much. Since you hadn’t been able to see him for a few days, you figured tonight would be the perfect time to use it. Work was really taxing on him lately and you knew he was stressed. Probably over stressed. To make the most of the night, you decided to set the atmosphere.
The apartment already had Shouta’s personality all over it. Lots of dark furniture and wood. Absolutely no harsh lighting, just a few dim lamps. His walls were scattered with some paintings he’d bought on your art show dates together. Old books and blankets everywhere. His sweet cat usually curled up in her corner.
He had a drawer full of scented candles. Your favorite was the cinnamon one but he claims it’s too sweet for him. Although you highly doubted he’d even notice the difference, he just holds random stubborn opinions sometimes without any good reason behind it. Just wanting things to complain about. Most people found his pessimistic grumpy attitude unattractive but...he’s just moody. An exterior shell. Inside was was soft and sweet.
You’d just finished lighting a few of the cinnamon candles and putting on some of his favorite music in the background when you heard the door click open.
He’s always so light on his feet. Sometimes if you weren’t paying close attention he’d come in and scare the life out of you on accident.
You rounded the corner, excited to see him.
“Hey Eraserhead.”
You always called him by is pro name when he’s in his hero costume. People usually assumed it was out of respect or privacy but he knew the real reason. You were teasing him. You disliked his hero name and his hero outfit. Recalling the day Present Mic convinced him to use it, you’d pestered him relentlessly to put more effort into it. Insisting he’d regret it one day. He said he didn’t care...but now look at him.
“Please y/n, when are you going to stop calling me that?” He said rubbing his eyes. He was low energy as usual.
“After you change it.”
“I can’t change it.”
“Exactly.” You whispered smugly.
He sighed. No matter how many times you had this conversation you would always win. Rightfully but he wouldn’t admit it.
You drifted over to greet him properly. Brushing the hair out of his eyes and placing a sweet lingering kiss on his cheek.
And as for his boring, baggy costume...you understood it’s purpose. He wore it to stand out less, aiding in his fight style. But it was still a pain since you couldn’t properly hug him in it. The capture weapon was always in your face and you could hardly feel his body through the layers.
His modest attire duped most people. Making his tastefully well built body underneath a best kept secret. Which you supposed was an upside. Only you (and Present Mic for some reason) had ever really gotten to see him shirtless.
“I’m going to change.” He said kissing your forehead. He knew exactly what you were thinking.
He reemerged from his room a few minutes later. Wearing a droopy black shirt and sweatpants that were loose around his hips. You could see the dipped lines of his V. Just north was his lightly defined six pack. And just south was unfortunately concealed under black briefs and his untied waistband...
He caught you staring.
Feeling red and exposed you quickly redirected your attention to something else. “So are you hungry babe? I could make something?”
He declined.
“Okay...what about grading assignments. Do you want help to make it go faster?”
Declined again. Apparently he worked straight through lunch to finish that already.
You were beginning to feel useless. You’re supposed to be making him de-stress but it’s like he was so self-sufficient there was no room for you.
You sat next to him on the couch, his arm wrapped around you. You brushed some hair behind his ear. His long dark hair was always messy from his constant naps. Plus, you constantly running your fingers in it doesn’t help that situation. He was quiet. Massaging his temples. You could see the tension on his face. It made your heart twinge with pain. Just then you noticed his ear fully. He had at least six piercings on this one but he wasn’t wearing any of his earrings. Usually he’d put them on when he wasn’t at work but he didn’t tonight. And you knew exactly why.
“Babe. I have an idea.”
“And what’s that?” He played along.
He would take them out when he secretly wanted one of your amazing head massages. You always focus on his ears and temples just like he liked so he’d left out his earrings hoping you’d get the hint. This man could never just ask for something in his life. Luckily you could read him like a book.
“Come on.” You purred. Pulling him with both hands off the couch. He complied wearily.
Aizawa didn’t spend much of the money he made from pro hero work on lavish things. The only times he splurged was to buy you nice gifts. However, you did convince him to purchase one nice thing for himself. You knew he wanted it anyways but was just too stubborn to actually buy it.
A jacuzzi tub. He loves hot baths after a day of dealing with his “problem children” students. It was the only thing that could get his muscles to relax. And the moisture from the steam felt nice on his eyes.
Making sure to bring a candle and the speaker with, you lured him into the bathroom.
“Want to take a bath with me?” You asked sweetly.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” A tiny smile spread on his lips. You were too irresistible to deny.
“Okay you run it and I’ll go get the wine.” You sang excitedly. “But don’t make it so hot. You almost burnt my skin off last time.”
“It felt normal to me.” He said casually.
“Yea because you’re a psychopath.” You quipped before springing to the kitchen.
You guys had two types of favorite wine. One was for your long deep discussions about art and literature. Or when asks for your advice on dealing with his students because he knows he’d just lose his temper and expel them without your ideas. And the other, the pricier and far more potent one, was saved for special moments. Just like these. You poured your glass full, of course, but you filled his to the tippy top. Not only did he need it, but Lord knows tipsy Aizawa was sexy.
When you returned, he was crouched over testing the water temperature. His face gently lit from the soft glow of the candle in the dark room.
“I made sure to cool it off. No psychopaths here.” He teased trying to sound bored. But his voice was noticeably happier than when he’d arrived.
You instructed him to take a few sips of wine, desperate to get that show rolling.
“I know what you’re doing.” He said with an amused little smile. He swapped the cups in your hands so you now claimed the full one.
“Good. So then you should know exactly how to play along.” You said as you switched the glasses back with a wink.
He sighed in defeat. But that rare smile was still adorning his cheeks. He took a few y/n-approved size drinks.
His hair was falling into his eyes again. You set your glass down on the tub edge and pulled him into you. He wrapped his arms around your waist while you pushed his hair back and secured it in a clip.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” He said softly.
“I know. Now that I have a key I wanted to come bother you a bit.”
His eyebrow raised at the word bother.
You panicked slightly. Hoping he wasn’t actually bothered that you’d come uninvited.
“That does sound like you.” He said as he kissed your nose. “I hope you do it more often.”
Your heart spasmed.
“Really? You do?” Your insecurities ears’ perked up.
“Why wouldn’t I want that?” He said in his deep sleepy voice.
A happy little smile broke its way through. You could only shrug in response.
You slipped your hands under his shirt and pulled it up slowly. Dragging your knuckles along the dips and bumps of his abs as you went. Gently you pulled it over his head. He helped by raising his arms which just made the rest of his muscles flex. Your heart started beating a little faster. No matter how many times you saw him he always made you flustered.
Your eyes were glued on him. His tattoos were now completely visible. Another best kept secret. They trailed around his shoulder, back and half his chest. You placed some honeyed kisses on his collar bones as you pulled down his sweatpants and briefs to leave him fully undressed. He was mouthwatering type sexy. The candlelight was highlighting all his high points in the best possible way. The music was perfectly complimenting your emotions and the sleepy eyes staring at you so lovingly were severely compromising your thought process. There were a lot of things you wanted to do with him suddenly but you focused your eyes on the goal here. A relaxing, hot bath.
Bath bath bath.
Reluctantly containing yourself you pried his hands off your waist and nudged him towards the water.
“Okay okay, go on.”
“You’re coming too right?” He said as he grazed your bottom lip with his thumb.
You nodded, butterflies erupting in your tummy.
He laid down in the water and took some more large swigs of wine. His glass was half empty before you’d even taken your first sip. He watched you undress with intent in his eyes, soaking in every curve and dip of you as well. He reached an arm out to you once you’d fully unclothed. He wanted his hands on you immediately.
But you had a goal here. Bath. Massage. Focus.
You slipped in behind him so that he laid between your legs. His broad shoulders nearly covered your whole body when he leaned back against you.
The tub was huge. Easily fit you both and could probably add another person.
“And now for my favorite part.” You announced as you switched the tub on its low setting. The rumbling under the water sending tiny vibrating waves around the whole tub.
Definitely worth spending his money.
Your hands rubbed every inch of him you could reach. His abs, the thick muscular sides of his waist, his biceps. You alternated between hugging his neck whispering cute things in his ear and massaging him.
Of course he was practically falling asleep as you spent time on his ears and temples. His head was heavy against your chest. It was so cute. You loved when he fell asleep on you.
But you knew he was keeping himself awake. He was rubbing your legs and the backs of your thighs. Squeezing and kneading them gently. Placing kisses on your arms and hands whenever he got the chance.
After about 20 minutes and one refresh of hot water, both your glasses were empty. He’d drank most of it since he’d downed the last few sips of yours too.
Wanting to see his handsome face again you shifted and positioned yourself to sit on his lap, thighs wrapped snuggly around his waist. After making sure you were fully comfortable, he leaned back against the tub and closed his eyes. He pulled you close and trailed circles with his fingertips up and down your back under the warm water. He loved the weight of you on him. You both exhaled a deep stress relieving breath.
The steam was working its magic, the rumbling of the jets felt so good massaging your legs. And his heart beat, you could feel it through his chest. It was slow and steady. Making you drowsy off him.
He noticed you were lost in thought, stroking his hair and tracing your fingers along the lines of his tattoo. He took advantage of this time to soak in all your features, watching you under drooping lashes. The flush of your cheeks, the delicate arrangement of your beauty marks. The far off expression on your face, he knew it well. He loved observing you when you were like this. You were beautiful.
“Relaxed yet?” You purred. Starting to tease him with soft kisses.
“Almost there.” He replied before catching you to deepen the kiss. Your soft skin and body heat was melting him away. He wanted more. Using both hands he pressed your back into it.
He savored your lips for a long while, becoming more and more passionate as the seconds ticked by and the wine hit his bloodstream.
You felt him shifting underneath you. Squirming slightly from the pressure that was building up. More butterflies. His hands clamped down around your hips.
“Okay your plan worked.” He smiled into your kiss. Eyes still closed.
“I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re referring to.”
He tapped his finger against the empty wine glasses.
You started sucking on the sensitive spot under his ear. You knew tipsy Shouta always got turned on by that.
His arms both constricted tightly around your waist. His hips were pressing up into you now with impatience.
“Let’s go to my room.” He concluded. You giggled, causing your lips to vibrate against his sweet spot. You heard the soft moan from deep in his throat.
He stood up keeping you wrapped tightly around him, carrying you with ease.
He half-heartedly patted you both down with a towel, his hand not losing contact with your ass for a second.
Before he could whisk you out of the bathroom you grabbed the speaker and candle again.
The scent wafted into the air around you.
“Mm that smells good.” He said distracted for only a moment before his lips gravitated to your body again.
“Oh really. So you do like it.” You said with the smuggest tone. “You’ll never guess what scent it is Shouta.”
He didn’t reply. Too distracted with kissing your shoulders.
“Cinnamon.” You said with as much sass and emphasis as you could muster.
He paused. Caught. How did you always get him like this?
He pulled back rolling his eyes with a smile. Nose to nose now, you pressed him further with a smirk.
He cocked an eyebrow at you. Looking directly in your eyes he said, “Mhm. Keep this same energy when I take you in there.”
And just like that he’d knocked down your resolve and your whole body started fluttering.
He carried you into his bed and you two “relaxed” for the rest of the night.
😳 the way I want to be y/n.
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kkusuka · 4 years
Anatomy lessons <3 
ushijima wakatoshi x reader 
genre: smut 
synopsis: ushijima is helplessly devoted to volleyball, and his grades reflect that. 
cw: anatomically fem reader, vaginal fingering, blowjob (i think that’s it, if anything seems left out let me know!)
a/n: all i could think about is that ushiwaka is canonically stupid and i love that. 
based o this request: Studying anatomy and using your body as a physical map- Ushijima ((smut)) I’ve had this imagine suck in my head about Ushijima but like just picture this, Ushijima and Y/N studying together and they both like each other but Ushi doesn’t know how to act on his emotions and Y/N can’t tell if he likes them so they are just running around in circles pinning for each other, but anyways Ushi is studying for anatomy but he just can’t get the female anatomy to stick into his head and he’s getting a bit frustrated and so Y/N is like well I’m a female, you can practice on me and he’s like well shit. Y/N lays down Ushi is gliding his hands over their body as he names the muscles and whatnot, they both get a bit hot and bothered and when Ushi finishes “studying”he’s got an awkward boner and Y/N is like “now it’s my turn to study your anatomy” and they push ushi down and 🤪🤪🤪 please give this to me I’ve been thinking about it ALL DAY!!! -✨Puppy🤩
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Shiratorizawa’s reputation was built upon intelligence and elegance.
The students are of the highest degree in not only book-smarts but also athletics. Only the most talented and were persons were allowed in the walls of the academy. Hell, the entrance exam resembled an AP college exam.
“I do not understand.”
Of course, there are always loopholes.
The first being an athletic scholarship. One of the more annoying ways to make it into the school, according to the students. You don't mean to sound mean but, it was blatantly obvious when someone is on athletic help.
But that wasn't what you were dealing with right now. No, it was something the students found way worse.  
A recommendation.
Actually, it was an athletic recommendation.
Ushijima Wakatoshi was known before he had even appeared.
You had been the lucky one to sit next to him first, and second, and somehow third year. And through that, you’ve learned more than a few things about him.
Firstly, he was the most amazing volleyball player you have ever seen. He also had so much passion for the sport that it had seemed to rub off on you. By the end of first-year gym class, you knew how to receive a light spike of his.
Second, he was extremely easy to fall in love with. For being constantly aloof and oblivious, he had this pull to him that just roped you in. at first you weren't sure what you felt for the bot, then he had helped you with a project ending the night with a smile and you were done for.
He was also incredibly easy to stay in love with. Once he had your attention he was almost the only person you thought of. Plaguing your mind with fluffy fake dates and worries that he would never like you back.
But he hasn’t said anything for you to believe either of those situations so you sit at a constant stalemate.
And thirdly, he was not only dense but utterly stupid. How was someone so sought after so completely unaware of admiration? Not only his social unawareness, but he was also not the smartest when it came to school.
Then you swooped in, raised his grades a few points, and became his official homework helper. You thought it was a blessing, more time with the man who had your heart, but you underestimated just how much help he needed.
You had no idea how many times you would have to explain the Pythagorean theorem to someone before they understood. (you're sure now that he didn't really understand and he just didn't want to hear it again.)
And anatomy was no exception.
“That’s alright Toshi, do you want to try looking at a different diagram? That might help!”
Opening a new book, you spent another ten minutes staring at the page just looking at it, before staring back up at you. And that's your cue. No more diagrams, he was never going to learn like that.
This was what you called plan visual. somethings, namely science, were better learned but seeing and not memorization.
Letting out a sigh, you closed all of the books and told him to do the same.
“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen.” placing yourself directly in front of the cross-legged man, garnering his full attention, “I'm going to give you an arm and a leg  and, let's start with the skeletal system, so just tell me all the bones you can remember.”
Lending your hand you took it in his and gave you a nod. Going up the length of your arm finishing at your shoulder blade, he moved to run a hand along your un-bending leg. Starting at your ankle he kept a constant hand on the back of your knee, keeping your leg hanging in the air.
A few mixed up bones later you finally moved on to muscles. Not only did it take far longer but you could tell he was getting frustrated, if the hand gripping your thigh as he tried to name all the muscles there was any telling.
On his fifth try, you gave him some help and just decided to move on, seeing that it wasn't needed for him to know blood vessels just yet, there was only one other thing he had to do.
Male and female anatomy.
You had tried to avoid the topic but that seemed almost impossible at the moment.
“Is something wrong Y/n?” As he spoke you became all too aware of his hand still on your thigh and how he was staring right at you like he could tell exactly what you were thinking, “the next topic is the reproductive system correct?”
“Erm, ye-yeah, but we don’t have to-”
“Don't be silly, we have to get through all the material that will be on the test. May I have the textbook to reference from?” he spoke as if he was ordering food, completely nonchalant. As if his hand wasn't reaching into your skirt and sliding your panties to the side.
“This unit does not require the breasts so you can keep your shirt on.” he continued to slide your underwear from your legs flipping your skirt, pushing you onto your back. Maneuvering you to how he wanted, you holding your legs spread open and close to your chest, he got to work.
“The outer lips, formally known as the labia majora,” he spoke as he ran a finger down, spreading them open to e your hole clench around nothing.  He let out a breath and intently stared at your core.
“Labia minora, inner lips.” running another finger along your lips he collected the wetness that had collected on them, bringing it to his mouth, maintaining eye contact as he licked it clean. “A woman creates a natural lubrication to aid in intercourse.”
Deliberately avoiding your clit, he moved to the urethral opening, passing it quickly. Moving to run a hand along your stomach placing where he thought your cervix and womb lay.
“The clitoris, an organ that is completely dedicated to pleasure.” his thumb rubbing small circles around your bud was the final opus for you to let out all the soft whimpers you had so desperately wanted to let out.
Eye’s shooting to meet yours his thumb moved quicker, drawing more pants and wanton moans from your throat.
“Please Toshi, I wanna-”
Your beg must've ripped him away from whatever daydream he lost himself in, roping his thumb away from your clit, a whine escaping you, he moved to his final destination.
“The vaginal hole, where a man enters a woman and makes her his own. It leads straight through the cervix into the womb.” right as he finished two fingers shoved their way into your pussy.
Reattaching his thumb to your clit, he coaxed moan after moan out of you.
Hitting a spot somewhere deep in you, cunt spasming as he rode out you high with slow strokes, “the g-spot, a small area that aids with the female orgasm.”
Taking his fingers to his mouth once more, he watched you let your legs down and close your eyes to help calm your roaring heart. In your bliss, you felt two lips connect to yours, a soft dance between new lovers.
A forehead rested on your hands and ran up and down your sides placing you back into a sitting position.
“We still have one more thing to do.”
Oh right, this lesson was a two-way street.
Crawling to kneel between his crossed legs you palmed his bulge as he leaned back on the chair, bringing his hands behind his head. He watched you take his cock out of its restraints, wrapping your lips around the tip leaning his pre-cum.
He let you pace yourself, don't complain when you came up to explain what you were doing to what.
On the contrary, you could tell all he wanted to do was push your head down and keep it there until his load stuffed your throat. Realizing this was probably the last time you would have control over the boy.
But all seems worth it when he shows you the A+ on the anatomy test.
Maybe Ushijima Wakatoshi is a good student after all.
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levi-lover · 4 years
Say my name
Levi x fem!reader
W/C: 1935
T/W: Smut, 18+, Female Masturbation, slight choking
A/N: I’m going through a writer’s block #rip so I edited the first smut piece I wrote back in December. It’s not my best but hey we all gotta start somewhere! 
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You sat at the kitchen table, hunched over a book, entrenched into the words on the page. As the climax began to unravel, you swung your leg onto the chair and put your weight on your foot so you could lean closer to the table, closer to the book. Your body began to shake as you frantically read the pages, turning each furiously. 
You noticed you had less than ten pages to go, you slid your body closer to the table causing the ball of your foot to press against your core. You let out a small sigh, surprised by the sudden arousal. No, not now. Let me finish the book! You ignored the feeling but you kept on pressing your weight to your foot. You finished the book in a rush and as you closed the spine of the book, you let out a small sigh and untangled your legs from underneath you. 
“Wow,” you said out loud to the empty room. That was amazing, I can’t wait to tell Levi. After months of him pestering you to read the dang book, you finally read it. You hated to admit it but Levi was right, you did love it. You rolled your eyes at the thought of his stupid smug face tell you he told you were going to love it. Whatever at least I’ll have someone to talk about it with. Speaking of his stupid smug face, where is he? You looked over at the stove clock 4:23 it read. 
He had left over an hour ago to get groceries. He was normally quick and efficient, never gone for more than 40 minutes. Maybe he got caught up in traffic? You leaned back in the chair remembering the pressure in your core, you pressed your legs together and began to rub them. You closed your eyes in relief, another sigh escaped your mouth. You sat on your leg again, using your foot to apply pressure to yourself. As your body moved against your foot, your core began to tingle, with your left hand you grabbed your lower back and pushed yourself further into your foot, a moan escaped your mouth. You wished it would be Levi’s hands squeezing your lower back, hips, and thighs as he laid under your body, you wished you could be feeling his cock growing hard underneath you. 
“Fuck, where is that man? I need him.” 
You walked down the hallway into your shared bedroom. You sat at the foot of the bed, throwing your body against the crisp sheets, your legs dangled off the bed. You kept your eyes closed as your hand reached to your crotch, your fingers gently rubbing the fabric, your hips began to move along with your fingers desperate to feel more but you kept a slow pace. Your right hand reached over to your left breast and you began to massage yourself, feeling your nipple slowly harden under your shirt. A moan escaped your lips as you began to rub harder against your core, you reached your hands under your leggings feeling yourself over your underwear. You imagined Levi was the one touching you, closing your eyes tight, you pictured him laying over you, moaning into your ear. Heat began to pour into your cheek. You pushed your underwear aside, using your middle finger you touched your entrance. You trailed your finger up your slit, pressed down on your clit. Starting to draw tiny circles around the bundle of nerves, you felt the pressure build inside of you. You pressed down and moaned out Levi’s name. 
“Yes?” asked a deep voice from the doorway.
You rolled your head over and pulled the top of your body up. “Levi, you’re home!” Your hands still in your leggings, you smiled sheepishly at him. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
He chucked, “the lights were off. I assumed you were napping so I came in quietly. Tsk, looks like you were busy doing something else.” 
Levi was leaning against the door, one eyebrow was up as he looked over at you with amusement on his face. You could tell he was trying not to laugh. You pulled your hands out of your pants. 
“Oh, no. Don’t stop on my account, brat. Keep going” He walked over to you, the smell of pine and mint hitting your nose. 
Fuck, I did a good job when I bought that cologne. 
He was standing at the foot of the bed, looking down at you. His arms folded across his broad chest, his dark hair gently floating over his gray eyes. He put both arms on either side of your body as he leaned over, his legs spread over yours. You squirmed as you felt his breath near your face, you looked down overwhelmed by the heat coming off of your checks. He used his right hand to gently grab your face, his fingers were warm and firm. A sigh escaped your lips as he tilted your head up, forcing you to make eye contact with him. You saw the excitement and arousal in his eyes as he examined your face. He loved looking at you when you were like this, he loved knowing he was turning you on without even having to do anything to you. It made him feel powerful and it made him feel loved. 
As much as he loved giving you pleasure, he also loved making you wait for it. He looked at your lips, they were parted as small, jagged breaths escaped from your chest. His cock began to press against his jeans as he looked over you. He wanted to fuck you so bad but he knew he had to wait.
He lowered his head and began to whisper into your ear, “are you gonna stop touching that pretty little pussy ‘cause I’m here, huh?”
You closed your eyes and moaned, you felt yourself getting wetter. You loved it when he talked dirty to you. He placed his hands on your neck and began choking you gently. He pushed you onto the bed. 
“Go to the top of the bed. That’s an order” 
You nodded and whispered, “yes, sir.” 
You laid your head on your pillow and looked back to Levi, he was on his knees staring at you from the bottom of the bed. 
“Take off your shirt.” You pulled off the shirt you were wearing and tossed it somewhere in the room. “Good girl. Pull down your leggings and only your leggings.”
You yanked down the fabric as Levi watching, smirking. You laid back, feeling the cool air of the room touch your naked body, goosebumps appeared on your stomach and thighs. Levi looked at you, waiting for you to make eye contact before he made his next order. He loved to look directly into your eyes during sex, he loved knowing you were fully present with him, that you needed him. 
“Touch yourself but if you even dare to put a finger inside, you’ll get punished, okay?”
“Mmmm” you mumbled, as you began to rub yourself again, the pleasure from before quicking rising inside of you; knowing that Levi was watching you turned you on even more. 
“Am I joke to you?”
“N-,o” you mustered out as your body began to tense, a coil starting to form inside of your stomach.
“Then answer me when I speak to you, got it, slut?” Levi’s voice became rough and dark, he wasn’t joking around. 
“Y-yes, what do I do next?” you moaned. 
“I want you to keep on rubbing yourself, do a good job for me.” You peaked over at Levi and who started to rub himself through his jeans. He was biting his bottom lips trying to hold in a moan. You arched your back at the beautiful sight. 
“Start fucking yourself,” he ordered. 
“Yes, Levi.” You start by putting in one finger and curl it into your body, slowly you insert one more, you could feel every inch of yourself. The noise of your wet cunt and moans filled the air. Levi let go of his moan and he began to unzip his jeans. Fuck, I love him so much. You squeezed your eyes shut and focused on Levi’s moans.  
“I want to hear you say my name.” 
“Yes, Levi.” you took your fingers out of your entrance and ran them back up your slit, your back arched at your touch, this was good but it would feel so much better if it was Levi doing this to you. You started touching your clit again, circling around it, the coil getting tighter and tighter. From the bottom of the bed, you heard the sound of Levi’s hands on his cock, you bit your lip just thinking about it. 
“I told you to say my name like the good girl you are”
You threw your head back and started shouting Levi’s name.“F-fuck, Levi.” 
“That’s what I like to hear.”
Levi tossed his head back, he was holding his cock in his angular hands, stoking it up and down. He wanted to shove it inside of you, you were so wet and all he had to do was boss you around. He smiled at the thought of you fucking yourself to the memory of him. 
“Mmm Levi, ‘m close.” You rotated between rubbing circles around your clit to pressing down on it, As the coil snapped, your back arched and pleasure flooded your body, your legs began to pulse. You looked over to see Levi’s face twisted in joy as his cock twitched in his hands and white strings of cum shot out from the tip. He looked at it with content before pulling off his t-shirt to clean off his hands. He glanced up at you and smirked, “that’s my good girl.”
You let out a sigh of relief and held your arms open, inviting him to come in. He chuckled before crawling his way to you. He rested his head in the crook of your neck, wrapping his toned arms around you. Levi placed small kisses on your skin, his hands caressed your waist with a feather-soft touch. You started trailing circles around his back. He loved when you touched him like this, so gentle and full of love. 
“I missed you,” you whispered. 
“Tsk, I wasn’t even gone long.” 
“Yeah, but you were gone longer than usual, it was pure pain!” 
He laughed at your dramatic nature. 
“I guess since you couldn’t keep my name out of your lips.”
“Fuck you.”
“I know you want to,” he retorted. 
“Whatever, anyways what took you so long? I finished the book and I wanted to talk about it!”
“I see. That’s why you were moaning my name. I had to wait for them to stalk up on someone’s favorite brand of oat milk. But you liked it, huh? I knew you would.” You didn’t even have to look at face to see the smug expression he was making. 
“Yeah, I did like it, so what? But wait you got me oat milk? Doesn’t that need to be refrigerated?” you asked. The both of you had been going at for a while now. 
Levi jumped out of you arms and shouted, “fuck! I didn’t put the groceries away!”
“Haha, loser!” 
“Shut up, Brat. Help me put them away and then I’ll actually fuck you.” 
“Aye, aye, Captain!” You shouted like a soldier getting ready for battle. You put clean clothes on and raced him to the kitchen. When Levi said he was going to do something he would do it.
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Heyheyhey!! Can i request manager birthday and the team forget about it for seijoh, inarizaki, and shiratorizawa bcs tomorrow ma birthday hahah. Thank youuu and i love you
Anon-chan!! This is SUCH an important birthday request and I am beyond honoured to write it for you :D 💖💖💖💖✨
Our birthdays are so close too👉👈 mine's next week. (Exactly ten days apart from yours!!)
Anyways, happy birthday Anon-chan!!I hope you have a beautiful day, filled with lots of happy things, and a wonderful year ahead. you're wonderful, and I hope you always remember that !! 💖💖💖✨ I love you so very much <3
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The teams forgetting their manager's birthday
Characters: Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, and Inarizaki
Warnings: none
Oh btw!! since the type of manager is not specified, I'll go with my default fem manager :D she's cute and sweet (like you, Anon-chan 😺😆💖) and the boys adore her a ton. She's also very capable, smart, and confident, and she loves being physical with the boys, which constantly flusters them!
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The Seijoh boys would be so busy practicing for an upcoming match, they kinda forget everything that's happening around them.
Lots of focus. You smile fondly, because that's what makes them such a good team. Their ability to focus on their goals and eliminate all distractions.
Until one day, Yahaba is just scrolling through his phone's calendar when he sees “Manager Chan's birthday, 19th November.”
And he's just so shocked and guilty. He immediately calls the rest of the team and tells them what he just realized.
The team feels so guilty and disappointed in themselves. They're a day late to wish you, and they desperately want to make it up to you.
You're their precious manager after all, the one who bandages their injuries with a smile and who always gives them the motivation to do better.
How could they possibly forget such a precious human being's birthday?
That same day, they create a group chat excluding you, and begin to plan something special for you.
They break themselves up into teams with specific tasks of getting things ready for an impromptu birthday party for you.
Iwa-chan is in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly, and he makes sure to do it with zeal, hoping to make it the best birthday ever for you, eventhough it's a bit late.
The next day, you walk into the gym, and it's absolutely quiet and dark. The boys aren't there yet, which is pretty odd, considering practice should've started a few minutes ago.
You stand in front of the gym and dial Oikawa's number, because he's always quick to respond to your calls, but the number goes straight to voicemail. You're confused, and a little curious as to where they are.
Suddenly, you feel someone's hands covering your eyes, and Oikawa's voice saying “y/n-chan, don't be scared. We have a surprise for you.”
You laugh, realisation washing over you that the boys probably planned something because they forgot it was your birthday yesterday, and follow Oikawa as he guides you inside.
When he finally uncovers your eyes, you see the boys holding a huge, slightly odd looking cake, lit with candles.
Oikawa hugs you from behind and you pull him closer to you, snuggling in his embrace.
You then blow out your candles and make a silent wish. I wish to always be by their side
Iwa-chan is already hitting Oikawa for hugging you before the rest, so you hug Iwa too, then Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Yahaba, Kunimi, and even Kyotani, albeit him being slightly rigid.
“thanks guys, this is an amazing surprise!” you say softly, as your eyes tear up. It's obvious that they made the cake themselves, and eventhough it wasn't perfect, your boys, made it for you.
Your heart squeezed as you cut slices for everyone, and handed it to them, as they sat on the bleachers to enjoy it.
You sit next to Yahaba and leaned on his shoulder. “Thanks for remembering” you said softly.
He blushed. “how did you know?” you explained that Kunimi told you, and he smiled at you and ruffled your hair.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, Y/n-san. Thanks for being the best manager ever” said Iwaizumi. He seemed to be nonchalant about it, but his eyes and smile betrayed him. He was fond of you, and genuinely glad that you enjoyed the small celebration they had prepared.
You smiled and kissed his cheek as acknowledgement, which caused him to blush and Oikawa to throw a small tantrum.
You laughed as you looked at them bantering with each other, Hanamaki and Matsukawa teasing Kyotani, and Yahaba and Kunimi next to you. You really did love these boys.
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So I'm pretty sure it's exam week, and these boys are just so studious and hardworking, they're totally immersing themselves in their studies and books.
Until it's their calculus exam and Tendou just suddenly remembers “Oh my God, it was Y/N's birthday two days ago!!” as his pencil flies across the room, much to the sensei's disapproval (haha, miracle boy is so cute)
He pulls the other third years aside after the exam, like Ushijima, and Semi, and tells them what he just remembers.
Ushijima is just stoic, but internally he's like "how could I forget? I never forget important dates like these? Is something wrong with me?" And Semi's just so sad he wants to scoop you in his arms right away.
Tendou then proposes the idea of taking you somewhere after school to surprise you, and they agree, and run off to tell the rest of the team.
Goshiki is just close to tears he hates that he forgot his favourite senpai's birthday, especially when you remembered his (and the entire team's) and never failed to make it a special day for them.
So after school ends, you're getting ready to go back home, when Semi just scoops you into his arms and carries you to the rest of the team.
You're not all that shocked, since Semi does this pretty often, and so you let him. “where are we going?” you ask, and he just casually answers “to celebrate the end of exams”
You laugh silently. They're definitely planning more than that, but you decide to humour them, and smile at the team when Semi lets you down gently.
“let's go have udon” says Shirabu with a too-big smile. You and the team walk to an udon shop near the school, and enter quietly.
Goshiki sits next you, and he looks like he wants to say something, but can't, as he bites his lip. Ushijima sits in front of you, and rest of the team take their places and begin ordering.
You notice Tendou talking to the shop owner intently, with Shirabu next to him. Ushijima knows that you might suspect something, so he tries getting your attention by asking you about your exams.
Suddenly, Tendou brings a cake to the table and team begins singing happy birthday for you. You smile happily and wait for them to finish before making a wish and blowing off the candles.
You smile happily at the team and their hearts grow warm, seeing you so happy like that.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, y/n-senpai” says Goshiki in a sad voice. Your heart tugs at seeing him so sad, so you ruffle his hair and assure him that exams are tough on everyone, and that it was better to celebrate it after they ended anyways.
You and the team eat the cake after having udon, and talk about the week together. They start reminiscing about memories with you, as they talk about their first impressions, and cute memories with a soft smile on their faces.
Tendou retells the story of how you first came to the team and how much you've grown ever since then.
At some point, Semi sits in your place whilst you've gone to the ladies room, and pulls you to his lap when you come back.
The team laughs when they see you desperately refusing, worried that you'll be too heavy, whilst Semi reassures you that you won't.
Goshiki adoringly smiles at you, and Semi pulls you closer to him. Tendou feeds you small pieces of strawberry left from the cake, as Shirabu records everything, excitedly typing in a caption on his social media.
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just carefully adding in a small reminder in his phone calendar, so he'll never forget your birthday in the future ever again.
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My sweet little fox babies! I think they would be excitedly counting down for your birthday, you're their precious manager-chan after all (and I can't bring myself to say they forgot 😅😭) when Atsumu suddenly sees a friend of yours post a "happy birthday y/n!!" on their Instagram story.
Atsumu immediately jumps on his brother's bed and wakes him up, whilst texting your friend. “Isn't y/n's birthday five days from now?”
Your friend replies. “no haha, it's today!” which cause the twins to desperately call Aran, Suna, Ginjima, and of course, captain Kita!
The boys are hurriedly awoken a few minutes after midnight, and absolutely frazzled! They had all planned something special, but now they would have to change the date, and some things (like the cake and venue) weren't ready so soon.
Osamu groggily got out of bed and began taking out eggs, butter, flour, and other baking ingredients. Eventhough it was extremely late, and he had a tiring day, nothing could compare to his love for you. And so, he started mixing the ingredients at one a.m.
Kita tried to remain calm, but internally freaks out. He and Suna are trying to brainstorm ideas of places they could take you to make your day enjoyable.
Atsumu was busy wrapping the gifts they had all got. He got way too many papercuts and had a bit of trouble, but it was for you, and the thought alone of you smiling was enough to motivate him.
Aran and Ginjima made their own preparations in their own homes for the next day, and Aran even facetimed Osamu to keep him company throughout the baking process.
They were determined to make your birthday a happy one, and genuinely wanted to let you know they loved and cared for you so much.
The next day, six terribly sleep deprived boys arrived at school, with the needed arrangements set. The cake was safely secured with Osamu, and Suna took the bag of gifts from Atsumu.
Kita went to go find you, and he saw you waiting by the entrance of school. “Y/n-san, let's go.” said Kita with a mysterious smile.
You were a bit confused. School was the other way and he was dragging you away from it, but you trusted Kita and followed him.
He led you to the rest of the team, and gently places his hand on your back. “Let's go, y/n-san. We're going to the beach.”
You were super confused. “but school?”. Suna gives you a sleepy smile. “Kita and me have already handled that. We told your teachers you'd be absent today, now c'mon.”
Atsumu gently holds your small hand in his and you guys walks to the subway. As you dig for your subway card in your pocket, the boys get seated. There's one less seat, so Atsumu pulls you to his lap, much to the rest of the team's disapproval.
They're all so jealous, Atsumu laughs silently, and pulls an oblivious you closer. Osamu just rolls his eyes, but internally seethes.
Two stops later, the team motions to exit, and Aran shyly comes closer to you, taking your hand this time. You smile at him and make your way to the small beach you sometimes spend time in, with the rest of the team.
Kita finds an empty picnic table and everyone sits down, placing the items they had brought with them down, and looking at you expectantly.
“Happy Birthday, y/n-chan.” they chorused together. Suna ruffled your hair from the right side of you, and Osamu begins lighting up the candles on your left.
You gratefully thank them for going to the trouble of bringing you here, the fresh beach air and breeze immediately putting you in a cheerier mood.
They then start singing you a happy birthday as you blush silently and blow the candles out, making a wish. I wish to be able to love these boys forever.
You lean over and kiss Osamu's cheek. He blushes red immediately. “Thank you for going to the trouble of baking this, Samu'” if only you knew, he thought silently, as flashbacks of him almost falling asleep in front of the oven came to mind.
Kita cuts the cake and gives you the biggest slice, much to your happiness. The boys all eat their cake and joke around about all the memories they've made with you.
“I can remember when y/n-chan just came. She was so small and sweet, Osamu said she reminded him of a macaroon” said Aran.
Kita fondly smiles as he gives you a pack off green tea from his grandmother.
Ginjima gives you the gifts the entire team had picked and you begin tearing up, much to everyone's dismay. You're just so grateful to have them.
Suddenly Atsumu leans over and swipes frosting from the cake on your face. The mood is once again lifted, as Suna takes a ton of pictures, and contributes to the frosting on your face too.
“hey that's enough now” says Kita. He looks firm, but his eyes betray him. The slight sparkle shows that he thinks it adorably hilarious how the boys are annoying you.
The water seems to be calling you, so you pull Suna to the shore and lean down to the water.
The rest of the day is just filled with the boys and you doing random things by the beach, like eating popsicles, and finding seashells. You're unable to actually get into the water, due to your school uniforms, but seeing an excited you gush over the seashells and smile happily over ice cream is enough for the boys.
At the end of the day, you and the team watch the sunset together, and swear to work extra hard for the upcoming nationals.
As they see you looking up at the sunset adoringly, their hearts squeeze in their chest, so grateful to be a part of your life.
Taglist: @osamusriceballs @k-sakusa-old
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otptings · 3 years
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-Idol ~ Kun
-Genre ~ Sick Fic, Smut, Fluff
-Warnings ~ insomnia, lack of appetite & weight loss, pillow princess by force, oral (f receiving), passionate fucking, dry humping? (she's half naked but he's fully dressed), daddy kink, rough sex, choking, degradation,
-Word Count ~ 2.9k+
-Synopsis ~ Sleeping never comes easy to. You've tried everything from exercising, to warm milk. Maybe the one thing you've been missing is some late night loving?
-A/n ~ loosely inspired by sky Insomnia, the rose insomnia, and dreamcatcher sleep-walking. best to listen to any of those songs as you read it, might help set the mood even though those are all break up songs lmfao. I also have my ko-fi link in my bio help raise more money to help me buy essentials for my emotional support animal, I cannot work at the minute because of my treatment for type 1 bipolar disorder, and door dash doesn't allow me to save up abundantly enough, if you could even only share it I would greatly appreciate it. anyway hope you enjoy this and thank you for reading
Sleep and you have always had a complicated relationship. Fighting sleep as a kid, climbing out of your bed after your parents tucked you in, playing with your toys until you passed out among us. At sleepovers you were always the one who stayed up all night, too excited to actually get tired.
As a teenager spending nights before school desperately trying to finish homework, staying up until the early morning hours, quickly taking a shower before running to the bus. If you had no assignments your crush at the time would distract you, joking and blushing until it was time to leave for school, bags under your eyes prominent, but the loss of sleep was worth it.
Now the only thing you wanted was to sleep.
Insomnia took over your life. Staying up sometimes days at a time, struggling to calm your racing thoughts that were determined to keep you up at night. They won most nights. Laying in your bed, struggling to get comfortable or staring up at the ceiling, willing sleep to overtake you. Even with the medication from the doctor you struggled to get more than 3 hours a night.
You tried other remedies too. Drinking warm milk with cinnamon and vanilla, the warm concoction soothing but never tiring you out. Exercising before bed that truly made you feel amazing but never worked to tire you out, only forcing you to feel the soreness in your body as you laid in bed. No electronics before bed helped you finish multiple books series that you had wanted to start but never had time for, but didn't work.
Everything you tried was in vain. Sleep continued to evade you, and it only took a higher toll on your physical body.
Your appetite started to lessen, your weight slowly declined. The bags under your eyes only got deeper and darker. Concerns about your physical state came form your friends, their worries growing as you continued to get worst and worst. It came to a peak when you almost passed out at an outing, shaky from the constant stream of caffeine that you were consuming in order to function properly, your eyes fluttering close as you collapsed into their arms. Concern was properly covering their face, and they rushed you to the hospital, you were too weak to even try and decline them.
At the hospital they gave you strict instructions to stay home and rest, with someone watching you over to make sure that you were properly taken care of. Along with instructions you got even stronger medication, 20 mgs stronger than what you were currently taking.
Kun being the thoughtful person he is offered to watch you while you were on bedrest. He was the best candidate out of your friends, the others practically pushing you to accept him.
Kun has been the best assistant? nurse? friend that you could ask for. Constantly at your beck and call making sure that you were drinking plenty of water, cooking you fresh homemade meals, and making sure your medication was taken on time. Along with that he also did the awkward task of helping you to the bathroom, since you were still shaky and weak at times.
He did this all without complaint, catering to you everyday and making sure that you were cared for. Sometimes when he wasn't busy with his own work he would sit and watch a drama with you, or just engage in conversation telling you about his day, and the funny things he did and heard.
Having him helping you 24/7 for 2 weeks straight, had caused some unwelcome feelings. Your friends weren't surprised at that, having been part of the reason why they suggested he did it, knowing your past feelings for him. With only a week left of your bedrest you were saddened at the thought that he was leaving, going back to only talking to him once or twice a week whenever the friend group hung out.
Kun had actually been the one who surprised you. Seeing that you were still up one night, thoughts of him running through your mind when he entered your room. Upon seeing you awake he sat on your bed, holding your hand as you asked what's up. You weren't truthful. Who would be truthful in that scenario? 'Hey actually I was up thinking about my crush on you and the desire that I constantly have to kiss you."
You were positive that wouldn't have gone through well.
Kun rubbed your hand soothingly, listening patiently to you as you lied about what you were thinking about, fake worries and complaints about going back to work. Offering you advice was always Kun's strong suit so you were ready for some good advice despite your lies.
That's what got you in this peculiar position.
Lip tucked tightly between your teeth, the taste of copper on your tongue. One hand grasping at the pillow behind you squeezing it tightly between your fingers, the other intertwined with dark blue hair as you tried not to pull too hard.
Kun thought the best thing to clear your mind was sex, and who were you to deny his generous offer.
You felt your hips jerking as tongue pressed his tongue against your hole, shallowly fucking into you. His free hand rubbed up your thigh, the sensation combining with him eating you out causing your mind to start to go blurry. His hand continued to glide up, before pressing down on your hips, forcing them down on the bed.
Without the ability to move you could only lie there as he continued to tongue fuck you. The fire in your stomach increasing, and Kun seemed to know it as he kissed your clit before sucking on it aggressively, causing your first orgasm to rip through your body.
Kun continued his ministrations, licking up your cum causing the fire to come back threefold. Kun sucked on your clit, flicking his tongue over it as you wriggled from the sensitivity. He seemed to be made for this, the way his tongue knew the perfect ways to fuck you open, and he hadn't even involved his fingers or cock yet.
Pulling away from your cunt you saw your juices covering Kun's mouth leaking down his chin. His hair was sticking every which way how you were messing, and pulling on it. Kun looked like all of your wet dreams had happened to come through.
"So pretty." A laugh let his mouth, a smiling spreading over his lips.
"Wish you could see yourself," Kun slid his hand up and down your thigh, rubbing it soothingly, "You're gorgeous. I've been wanting to do this for so long."
Kun changed the positions so that you were on top, straddling his thighs. You could feel his cock straining against his jeans, rubbing over your oversensitive clit in the best way possible. A whimper left your mouth as you started to rock on him, but Kun stilled your hips. His hand slid to your chin, rubbing his thumb along the side of your jaw.
"Can I kiss you?" You didn't bother answering, meeting him halfway. His chapped lips moved against your own as if you've done it before, there was a familiarity to it that made you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him flush against your chest. Sliding his hands up and down your body, lips moving in sync against yours. You nipped at his lip, causing a loud groan to leave his mouth as he opened it for you. Sliding your tongue into his mouth you reveled in the feeling of him taking dominance. His hands gripping your ass tightly, his tongue roughly dancing with yours.
You pulled away, placing your hips on his shoulders as you continued to grind against him. Another groan leaving his mouth as he moved you against him, forcing you to press down harder and faster against him.
"God baby." He leaned back as he looked at you, admiring the way you moved against him, needy and wanting to cum again. "You're so need baby. Who's got you like this hm?" You dropped your head back, continuing to rock your hips against his. Kun felt his cock twitching in his pants at the sight, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you close to him, placing kisses along your neck and collarbones.
"Kun I need you." You tried to sound strict but it came breathy, a moan following it as he kisses over your jugular, nipping at it before listening to your 'command'. Flipping you over he gave you a peck, before pulling away to take off his clothes. You decided to join him stripping out of your shirt and throwing it across the room.
Kun crawled back over you, but he stopped just taking the time to stare at you.
"I need to say this before. I'm not just fucking you because of your insomnia, I'm not just fucking you to fuck you." Kun intertwined your fingers, "I really like you. I don't want this to just not mean anything to you, when I really like you. Even thought we're doing this backward I hope you can at least think of going on a date with me." You felt your face heat up, and the familiar feeling of fluttering in your stomach at his confession. Placing your hand on his cheek you leaned up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
"I like you too Kun. More than I can put words to." A big smile spread across his face as he leaned down, showering your face with kisses. "But if you don't put your dick in me right now, you might not ever get that date." A laugh left his mouth as he placed one last kiss against your check, before grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing it up and down your cunt. Collecting some of your juices over his tips he looked down as he pressed into you, muttering a fuck at the sight of you taking him in so well. You threw your head back feeling the fuzziness come back, feeling how well he slid into you.
When Kun bottomed out he placed your still intertwined hands on the pillow beside you, his other hand sliding back to your hip.
"Fuck you feel so good." He growled as he waited for you to adjust, feeling your tight walls practically sucking him in.
"Please move. Please I need you." Kun placed a gentle kiss on your pouty lips before pulling. Thrusting back into you he set a slow pace, being gentle with you not forgetting that you were still on bed rest. Your other arm wrapped around his neck, pulling you closer to him. Feeling skin against skin as he continued to slowly fuck you, enjoying the feeling of him being close to you.
It was more intimate than it should've been, being the first time that you two were having sex but with Kun it felt right. This was more love making than casual fucking and you wouldn't have it any other way. The coil in your stomach started to tighten, Kun's groans helping greatly to push you towards the edge, but the pace he had set wasn't doing it for you.
"Kun." He slowed down, hearing the desperation in your voice and not wanting to hurt you.
"Yes baby? Am I hurting you?" You could hear the slight panic in his voice and shook your head, before meeting his eyes.
"Faster please. I need you rougher." Kun pushed your hair back, before cupping your cheek.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, you were just hospitalized."
"Please fuck me harder. I need you to ruin me daddy." At your words Kun's eyes darkened and without warning he thrust into you hard, causing a punched out moan to leave your mouth.
The mood changed just the way you needed it to, instead of being slow love sex Kun was fucking you. Hips meeting during every perfectly timed thrust, hitting deep within you as the sound of his balls smacking against your ass filled the room. He let go of your hand, instead opting to grab your waist and pulled you to meet him halfway on every thrust.
Ceaseless moans leaving your lips at the feeling of him fucking into you so beautifully, filling every inch of you. Opening your eyes that hadn't even realized had closed you were met by the sight of Kun, sweat glistening over his abs and dripping down his face. His hair plastered to his forehead, as he bit his lip harshly trying to hold back his groans. Your neighbors should really thank him for having some self control.
Kun slowed down as he lifted your legs up, pushing them towards your chest, folding you in half as he continued his rough pace. This new position causing you to feel him in your chest, the feeling of fullness completely overtaking you as you orgasmed for the second time. He fucked you through your orgasm, the tingly feeling spreading towards your hips as overstimulation set in. Even though his cock was dragging against your walls beautifully, blunt tip pressing into your g spot it started to get painful.
The feeling of it being too much, but not enough at the same time. Tears welling up in your eyes, as Kun pressed against your legs pushing them back further and forcing his cock impossibly deeper.
"F-fuck daddy please." You didn't even know what you were begging for anyway, him effectively fucking you dumb, his hands gripping your thighs tightly to the point where you knew you'd have bruises the next day.
"So tight around me, your pussy is sucking me in even after two orgasms? What's wrong baby? Two isn't enough, you need me to milk another one out of you?" You couldn't respond to him, only listened to him as he spoke, groans leaving his mouth harmonizing with your moans almost.
"Poor baby is fucked dumb," A cruel laugh left his mouth as he stuffed two fingers into your mouth. You sucked on his fingers, twirling your tongue around them. "Can't even speak, only babble and suck on my fingers huh? Lucky you're so cute. You liked being called dumb huh? Can feel the way you're pussy clenched around me? Must be close again." You could only let out a muted moan, Kun's fingers still pressed against your tongue, gagging you effectively.
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth he slid his hand around your throat, tapping his too soaked fingers on the side of your neck.
"So close baby. So. fucking. close." Punctuating his words with an extra hard thrust in between you had lost the ability to think, his hand gently around your neck, more like an accessory but just at the thought of him choking you felt yourself drooling, his thrusts still reaching that spot inside of you that was so deep it'd never been touched before.
As if hearing your thoughts, Kun's hand tightened around your throat, pressing you against the mattress. You came at that moment, Kun's tip hitting your g spot perfectly. Your eyes rolled back as you felt like you had exploded, all of your energy draining out of you with your third orgasm of the night.
At the feeling of you clenching around him so tightly, practically holding you in place Kun pulled out and quickly jerked himself off, cumming over your lower stomach. Kun marveled at the sight of you laid out below him, lips swollen from biting them, hair frizzy from rubbing against the pillow, his white cum painting your stomach, a light red mark around your neck from his hand.
Kun let you sit for a couple minutes before carrying you to the bathroom for a well needed shower. Setting you on the toilet, he let you pee while he started the warm. When you were finished and the water was warm enough Kun helped you into the shower, letting you lean against him as he started to clean the cum from your body.
"Are you okay?" You looked up at Kun, basking in the feeling of the warm water running down your body as Kun rubbed the soapy loofa over your body.
"Never felt better." A crooked smile spread across your face, too tired to even continue the conversation. Kun kissed you on your temple , seemingly sensing it and helped you rinse out. After getting you redressed and back into your bed with clean sheets, Kun went to go to the living room until you grabbed his arm.
"Can you stay?" Even after having sex Kun was still nervous to sleep in the bed with you, but he obliged hearing your soft, sleepy voice. Climbing into bed with you he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
"Thank you." Kun hummed, the vibration spreading through his chest and making you giggle.
"Taking care of me." Kun placed another kiss on your head.
"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to care for you. Now get some sleep." Cuddling further into Kun, the beat of his heart along with the rise and fall of his chest lulled you to sleep.
For the first time in years, you slept like a baby.
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parkersroses · 3 years
are you taking requests ? if you are could you write something about y/n’s dad being a musician who’s helping harry write his album and he wants to take y/n on a date but she has a rule about not going out with musicians, you can choose the ending or change whatever you want !
music in me. | harry styles.
summary: Harry and Y/N are both pining for each other but don't know how to tell the other.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
warning(s): fluff <3
a/n: heyyy! to the anon who requested this, i hope you like it! i wasn't planning on doing requests but this was a cute concept and i couldn't help but write it. i tweaked it a bit but it's still the same concept. hope everyone likes it too! reblog (!!) and comment if you do, here's my ko-fi! all my love <3
He’s the only one in the room, sitting on the piano bench with his lyric journal out. Lyrics to a song are written messily on the pages with annotations. Piano notes scribbled along the lines, some are crossed out because he didn’t think it sounded right.
While everyone else were out for a break, Harry insisted on staying in the studio to try and finish a song, telling them he’s okay as long as they get him some black coffee or a snack. He quite enjoys the quietness of it and it helps him focus. Well, most of the time.
Sometimes, a pretty girl would pass by and Harry would get distracted by said girl. He’s known her for a while now, having to be the daughter of one of the producers he was working with.
When he met her for the first time, Harry swore that he was entranced by her beauty and sweetness that she exuded before him. She had a voice as sweet as honey and a lot of kindness to share around the room. She stops by the studio once in a while to help out her father, most times she’d come in bringing homemade sandwiches and some pastries from a nearby bakery. Harry once kept telling her how he was a cashier at a bakery one time and she laughed as she told him she knew. Besides, no one forgets that the Harry Styles worked at a bakery.
Harry very much likes her; he guesses that he might have developed a small crush on her. She’s stayed a couple of times with him in the studio and even gave him some of her thoughts which he never knew meant a lot to him. He enjoys her company and finds it lovely to have formed a friendship with her. The fact that he was working with her father didn’t really phase them. They were good friends.
Yeah, good friends.
Except he wishes he wasn’t afraid to ask for more.
He’s playing around with the keys, eyes closed as he envisions what the song would best sound like. Occasionally, he’d cringe if he hits the wrong key or the order was just off. He’s so into working on the piano that he doesn’t realise a familiar face walking into the room.
Y/N smiles at the picture laid out in front of her. She’s carrying a drink carrier with both her drink and Harry’s; she might have heard that he would be in here. She almost doesn’t want to disturb him as he seems so tranquil in his own world, creating art for the whole world to hear.
She contemplates on calling his name by doesn’t as he snaps out of his world and sees her. “Oh! Hi!” He smiles at the sight of her. She returns the smile and walks over to him by the piano.
“Hey. Got you some things. Thought you might be hungry so I got food too,” she lifts the bag and drinks in front of him and sets it on top of the piano. He thanks her and takes his cup, his name clearly written in black sharpie on it. He blows the steam of his coffee as she takes out the food she got for them, some seafood pasta. Something in him seems to lighten up when he sees this, knowing he had mentioned to her once about his pestacarian diet. So, it warms his heart that she would get something he’s able to eat.
“Have to be honest, I was actually getting a bit hungry just sitting here, waiting for the others.” He chuckles as he takes the packed container and reaches for the wooden utensils she brought. “Well, why didn’t you just go with them?” She asks as she twists her fork onto the pasta.
He shrugs at this. “Just thought I’d work on this. Besides, you got me food now and I didn’t even ask,” he teases her. Both of them laugh as she nudges his shoulder.
The two of them settle on their meals, making small talk in between bites. Harry almost feels a bit shy having to sit alone in the studio next to a pretty girl he’s been crushing. It’s not like he doesn’t want to tell her. He’s gotten the hint that she might like him too. From the way her eyes are always focused on him whenever he has to say something to the remembrance of the little things he mentioned to her. She looks at him the way he thinks he looks at her, full of awe and adoration.
He so desperately wants to take her out, but a lot of things might get in the way of that. The big elephant in the room is her father. He doesn’t want people to think he only likes her because Harry is working with her father and he certainly doesn’t want him to think that way either. And he knows how mean people can be sometimes.
But Harry doesn’t care all that much about what people would say. He’d protect her with everything in him. Question is whether she would want to do this with him too.
“How’s the song coming along?” She nods towards the book in front of him as she swallows her food. He stares at her for a second, admiring how lovely she looks today before averting his gaze. “It’s alright, I guess. Just figuring out the keys and all. Might not even make the album with how it’s sounding.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.
She stifles a laugh as she studies the messy annotations on this page. “Oh no. Doesn’t sound good enough for the next amazing Harry Styles album?” She jokes, nudging his shoulder again. He laughs at this, his cheeks warming up at the compliment.
“Well, some songs don’t end up in the album anyway. This is probably for fun.” He tells her as he sips on his coffee. She nods at him and gestures to the book again. “May I?”
He nods and gives her his book without a question. He trusts her and her judgement enough and really cares about her opinion on whether a song is good. Her eyes skim over the words written on the pages and she even turns to the other pages to what else he’s written down.
“These songs are amazing, Harry.” She tells him, smiling as she reads the lyrics. Harry blushes at the compliment. He’s had many people compliment his songwriting, from his mother to his band to the fans he meets; but there is something about knowing it’s good in her eyes that makes him feel proud of his songwriting abilities.
Maybe it’s because he’s whipped for her. It’s a good thing she won’t know that most of the songs he’s written for this album were inspired by her; that’d save him from a bit of embarrassment.
“Thank you, darlin’,” he says, taking back the book and setting it on the piano.
“So, which one is about me?”
“What?” His eyes are suddenly wide open as he looks at her with a panicked expression.
She stares at him for a minute before giggling. “I’m kidding! Gosh, should’ve seen the look on your face. That was gold,” she stifles in her laughter at him. He huffs, rolling his eyes at her as his cheeks are flaming up.
“Yeah, yeah, you got me, you little minx,” he says as he pokes on his side, making her squeal at the ticklish feeling.
The laughter in the room simmers down into comfortable silence. Harry looks over at her, his eyes running over her features, studying her. She seems to sense this because she looks up at him. They stare at each other in silence until she smiles at him, leaning in to rest her head on his shoulder.
“Play something for me?” She mumbles. He grins and lays his head on top of hers. His fingers lay on the keys and he starts to play a familiar tune from one of his songs from his last album. The two sit together, listening to the sounds of the piano filling the room.
When the rest of the team comes back, Y/N’s father is looking around for her. He knew she somehow stayed behind to keep Harry some company. He doesn’t think too much of it; he’s seen the way they both interacted and he was more than glad they got along. Maybe a little too much.
He somehow could sense a mutual liking between the two. It was sweet to be fair. It was like seeing his little girl talking to a guy she likes in school all over again. He’s not one to be a strict parent; all he wants is to look after her. There were too many guys in the industry who’d try to take advantage of her because of him, which is why he would always get cautious of them.
But he sees the way Harry and Y/N look at each other like they’re the only ones in the room. For a moment, he begins to think that maybe this is the guy for her. Someone who genuinely likes her and would sometimes go out of his way to spend time with her, even if it wasn’t work-related. Harry is generally a respectable man, but it truly warms his heart to see the way he treats Y/N the way he knows she deserves to be treated.
Then, he stumbles upon the two in the same studio room Harry said he would be. He sees the two sitting close to each other as Harry plays the piano. Occasionally, they would both giggle at each other for reasons he’s sure it’s something between just them. He stands by the door for a while as he watches them, a smile graces on his face. He sees the smiles and happiness radiating on their faces.
And he thinks to himself that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
As the session for the day ends, Harry and everyone else are ready to pack it up and go home. As he puts his water bottle and journal into his tote bag, he steals a few glances at Y/N in which she returns, leaving both of their faces flushing in warmth. He approaches her nervously while she plays around with her fingers.
“Um,” he starts. “Thanks for today.” She chuckles at his words and shakes her head.
“I didn’t really do anything, but you’re welcome,” she jokes. They both let out a laugh.
“Well, uh, take care,” he says and she gives him a small smile. She was hoping he’d say more but she doesn’t push it. “You too,” she points out.
He nods as he slowly walks backwards to the door. He stops in his tracks for a moment before opening his mouth again. “I, uh,” he begins again and she waits for his next words nervously. “I’ll see you in the next session, yeah?”
Her heart deflates a bit but she hides her tiny disappointment with a smile. “Definitely, Harry.”
They awkwardly bid each other goodbye before parting their ways. Unbeknownst to them, her father watched the whole scene and he shakes his head at the silly adults.
He calls for Y/N and tells her to sit with him for a minute. “Yeah, dad?” She questions him as she sits on the couch. “Want to tell me why you and Styles look like nervous teenagers, wishing the other would ask them on a date?”
Y/N is shocked to say the least as she stumbles on her words and tries to pretend she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He chuckles at his daughter’s act. “Think you should put him out of his misery and let him ask you out. Or better yet, you should ask him out.”
“But dad, what about you?”
He cocks an eyebrow at her question. “What about me, sweetie?”
She chews on her bottom lip gently before speaking. “It’s just, I know he has a lot of respect for you and he doesn’t want to make things weird if anything did happen between us. Plus, what if he’s like those other guys that try to kiss up to you through me? I really like him, dad.” She mumbles out the last part under her breath. Her father sees the slight dilemma his daughter has and shakes his head at her, smiling.
He lifts her chin up so she could look at you. “I know he’s not one of those guys. While the rest of those boys can try and fool me, he’s a man with a lot of heart and respect towards others. And I can tell you that he really likes you too. I’ve seen the way you look at each other. Don’t think you guys are so slick with that.”
Y/N giggles at her father’s words. “Thanks, dad,” she tells him, kissing his hand and holding it tightly. It somehow reminds him of the first time her tiny baby hands tried to hold his hand. It makes him choke up, knowing his little girl isn’t so little anymore.
But if it’s Harry who’d be the man that’ll make her happy, then he’s completely fine with that.
He kisses her head lovingly and pats her shoulder. “Now, you better go after him before you come home sulking because you didn’t catch him. I’ll go wait in the car for you,” he suggests. Y/N’s face beams with joy as she stands and runs out of the room.
The sun is setting by the time she reaches the front door of the studio building. She looks around to see if Harry has left yet. She doesn’t see him and she starts to frown at this. She’s about to sulk on her way to her father before she hears a familiar deep voice calling her name.
“Y/N?” She turns around and grins as she sees Harry walking over to her.
“Hey! You’re still here,” she beams at him. Harry smiles at her, noting how adorable she looks. “Yeah, had a chat with Mitch and Sarah before they left.” He points behind him for her to see their car driving past them, honking at them as if to say goodbye.
“Anyways, you alright? Saw you ran out here,” he asks concerned. It truly makes her heart flutter knowing how much he even cares. Not to mention, he’s a very handsome and beautiful young man, especially under the golden hour lighting they’re getting.
“Yeah, I wanted to ask you something,” she tells him. She’s playing with her fingers, something she does when she’s nervous. He hums in response.
“Would you wanna go on a date with me?” She rushes out her words.
But Harry hears her clear enough. He’s surprised at first. He always thought he’d ask her out but she beat him to it. He lets it sink in; the fact that the girl he really likes, likes him back and wants to go on a date with him.
A smile breaks out onto his face and he nods. “Yeah, yeah, I’d love to!” He exclaims.
Y/N lets out a breath of relief as she hears this. “Really?”
“Really! I really like you, Y/N. Been meaning to ask you out but I guess you beat me to it,” he chuckles as he steps closer to her. His hands reach out to grab her hands and she lets him, liking the warmth he gives.
“I really like you too,” she smiles at him. He grins as his eyes run over her face, loving how pretty she looks with the sunlight hitting her complexion.
She’s not sure whether it’s too soon to kiss him but he slowly leans in, as if he’s waiting to see if she’ll reject him. But she doesn’t and immediately leans into him, letting lips finally touch.
She feels him smile into the kiss, their lips move in sync. She breathes in his scent of cologne he wears through her nose and tastes the sweetness of his lips. The feeling they both get is almost overriding their senses and all they can think of is each other.
They break away as they catch their breath. Harry sneakily leans in again to steal a peck which makes her giggle. They’re smiling so hard that their cheeks are starting to hurt.
“That was nice,” he grins at her. She nods as she looks at him with dazed eyes.
“I should probably head back now,” she points out behind her. Harry nods understandingly. “I’ll call you later, alright? Let me know when you and your dad get home safe,” he says, his thumb stroking over her knuckles gently.
She nods in agreement. “Goodnight, Harry,” she bids him.
“Goodnight, darling,” he gently says back.
They don’t move apart from each other until Harry leans in again. “One more kiss,” he mumbles as his lips press against hers. She doesn’t object as she moans lightly at the feeling of his lips again. They break away, giggling as they bid each other goodnight again.
As soon as they part away, Y/N waits until she sees him getting in his car before squealing in delight as she skips back to her car. While this happens, Harry is shouting in his car, letting it sink in that he finally has the girl who inspired most of the songs he wrote for his new album.
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Act Like a Gryffindor
Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Golden Trio era
Type: really fluff and kinda funny
Summary: the 4 times that Fred Weasley made you blush and the one time that it was the other way around... 
Request: YES|no - "Yay!! Could you write something about a super shy easily embarrassed reader who has the biggest crush on Fred? He teases her all the time and the others are like ‘oh leave her alone’ then she says something back and he goes BRIGHT RED. Sorry if that’s too much!!" @bnha-sero-hanta | "Can I request something with Fred Weasley x reader?" @coffee-wihtout-caffeine
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: cursing maybe and flirting
Song: xxx
Words Count: 3.3K
Posted: 30th of June 2020
A/N: this request is just perfect, i'm sorry | it's kinda of a 4+1 and i hope it got as good as i think it is
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07​ (Principal Account) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @cm-imagines-07​ (Criminal Minds) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe)
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"Hey, [y/n]. Ready for the practice?" You heard a known voice coming from behind you and you turned around, seeing George walking to the pitch and also to you.
"Always, George. I'm always ready for quidditch." You said and started to walk beside him, as both of you were going to the same destination anyway. "Do you know where Fred is? I didn't saw him the whole day." You asked and looked at your left, seeing George smirking at you and anyone could know why he was looking like this just after you said something about Fred, what made you roll your eyes at the redhead one.
"Well, I don't know either. Just saw him at the classes that we have together, but he wasn't even having lunch at the Great Hall." He said while you two walked into the pitch, holding your brooms and with a thinking expression.
You signed and looked at him with a face that screams 'aRE YOU FUCKING STUPID?'. "And you don't think that it's weird or get worried?"
George just shook his head and went to his position, so the practice could start. As you all started to train, Fred appeared from nowhere and started to play but looked like anyone noticed that he was missing until he got there late.
The train was really intense and tiring, ok you were almost dying at the end of it. But you noticed that Fred was kinda off the whole hour, well he almost fell off his broom so many times that you stopped counting when it got to 6... All of the players got to the floor and you could see everyone literally sweating and breathing heavily kinda gross but whatever. You were going to the vesting room to take a good bath and smell good again, but you were stopped by a hand holding your wrist.
"Hey, princess." Fred's voice got to your ears before you could even turn around to see him and your cheeks started becoming warmer and redder. As your eyes found his, you could notice all of your friends around you two by your panoramic vision. "Were you worried about me?" The redheaded one asked and while you rolled your eyes and took your wrist out of his hand against what you actually wanted to do, everyone around you let out a few gross noises. They were all tired about Fred making fun of you. "Or you just missed me?"
"Oh, c'mon, Fred!"
"Could you not say anything for once?"
"You never shut up?"
"Let the girl be!"
Your friends said at the same time and you understood just a few of them. But you were too embarrassed to trust on your voice and be sure that you wouldn't stutter - and give him the satisfaction, never - so you just blushed harder and went to the vesting room again.
You just wanted to stab yourself with a big knife by being so shy, you thought about the perfect answer if you had said 'in your dreams, Weasley...' he would stop to joke about your feelings towards him.
"I should act like a Gryffindor..."
You slowly opened your eyes and blinked a few times, so your vision would get used to all the sunshine that was passing through the big window next to your bed, that was with the curtains open.
As you started to see things and not just black points, you were able to see Hermione looking at you. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She said and you noticed her coming closer to your bed, while your hand scratched your eyes.
"What time is it?" Your voice was deep and raspy, but even if you didn't notice it, for anyone around, looked like you were dying or that you were just drunk.
It's time for breakfast, let's go." Granger answered you and pulled the covers out of your warm body, that got in contact with the cold air from Hogwarts and you felt a little shiver passing through your spine. "What time you went to sleep last night?" She asked you, just by seeing the way that your eyes refused to open and get used to the room natural clarity.
"I don't know..." You groaned while sitting up and looking around, finding an empty dorm with just you and Hermione. Yeah, that was really late already.
"Go change, so we can have breakfast." Hermione said and helped you to get out of your bed by pulling you up with her hands at yours. You grabbed a change of clothes and went to take a fast shower so you two wouldn't miss breakfast - even if you didn't know the exact time...
While you were taking a hot bath and changing into more presentable clothes, Hermione was organizing your side of the dorm, like your bed and your other outfits at your wardrobe. This girl couldn't see a mess that she was already organizing it.
You were so focused on the amazing feeling 'after-bath' that you didn't notice footsteps at the stairs coming closer and closer to your dorm. As you got out of the bathroom, already ready to go to the Great Hall and finally eat anything, your dorm's door opened and Ron's head slowly appeared, probably being afraid that any of you two were changing or naked. When he saw that it was safe to give a proper look around your dorm, the door totally opened and you saw 3 redheads.
"What are taking you guys so much?" Ron asked and looked like just George noticed that you just got out of the bath.
"Was it hard to awake her again?" George looked at Hermione and everyone seemed to forget Ron's question, looking at you. Your eyes were too heavy to be totally open, your hair was a total mess, your shirt upside down... "Wow, it looks like you're dying." He said and everyone giggled, except for you that was too sleepy to understand anything that was happening around you.
But Fred knew that it was the perfect moment to make you flustered. "Want me to carry you to the Great Hall, princess?".
You were too sleepy to laugh, but not even now your knees stopped to become weak with his beautiful smirk, neither did your cheeks stopped to become warmer and redder. Stupid body...
Your brain was so focused to try to act normal and continue sleepy, that you didn't notice George slapping the back his twin's head and whispering something related to 'shut up', or Ron saying "Why you always have to do this with her?", or Hermione going to you while giving Fred a mortal glare and grabbing your shoulders, guiding you out of your dorm.
You were feeling so embarrassed with the way that just his smile could make your knees become jelly, your stomach becomes full with butterflies and your cheeks turn redder then Fred's hair...
"Why I can't act like a Gryffindor?"
Your books felt too heavy to be held by just one of your arms, but you couldn't stop to read your cards for the DADA's test that would happen at the next day. Even if you felt your arm shake and your shoulder starting to ache, you were desperate to know everything about all those spells.
Your hand was trying to learn the perfect moves so the spell would work totally, and you were so focused that didn't notice someone calling from you. You just saw that somebody was actually talking to you when the red-headed one tokes most of your books out of your arm and you jumped slightly by the first action noticed. As your eyes fell on Fred's face, you felt your body finally relax and gave up to the relieving feeling of the heavy books at somebody else's arms.
"Bloody hell, [y/n]!" The Weasley said at the same moment that he noticed how the books that you were taking were heavy for two arms, imagine for just one...
"Sorry, Freddie." You whispered and he looked at you, paying more attention to what you were going to say. "But I have Transfiguration now, I can't hang out." You finished and started to walk faster, forgetting about the books he was carrying for you. Fred just rolled his eyes with the way that you were so concentrated and focused on learning all those spells that you forgot that you were talking with your last Transfiguration partner.
"Well, we are in the same class." He said and you took your gaze out of the papers and looked at him, as you finally noticed with who you were talking to, your eyes widened a bit and you gave him a tired smile.
"Sorry, again. I'm just nervous about the DADA's test next week..." You said and looked at the floor embarrassed with your actions. But Fred just gave you a reassuring smile and you knew that he understood you - well, he's friends with Hermione Granger -, what made your tense shoulders tranquillize and you two walk side to side to your next class.
As you got to the class, you sat at your respective tables and waited for McGonagall, while the rest of the students was appearing and sitting...
After a while, the professor started to teach a new spell for the class something related to 'Daro' or 'Dure', that you weren't being able to focus at all, you weren't at a moment that you were could learn a new spell with all the other ones from DADA that you had to know for the test. And, of course, McGonagall noticed that you weren't paying attention to her, so you needed the help from someone that you would stop and hear.
"Mr Weasley." She said and both of the twins looked at her with confused faces, because this was a unique time that they didn't do anything. "Could you help Mrs. [y/l/n] with the new spell?" Minerva asked and you turned around to see the twins looking at each other and furrowing their eyebrows. "George one is more helpful."
Fred just rolled his eyes because the statement of the professor and George laughed at his angry expression, coming to sit next to you and noticing all of your books. "DADA's test?" He asked and you nodded, while your mouth opened in a yawn. You didn't even sleep 5 hours last night, you were so worried about all the spells that you couldn't stop studying. "Let me see you trying." George said and you knew that he was talking about this new spell from Transfiguration. Your shook your wand in a way that you thought that was the right way, said the spell and looked at the vase with flowers that McGonagall gave one to all of you. But nothing happened. "Well, the thing is tha-"
"I think [y/n] prefers my help, professor." Fred made everyone look at him, that winked at you. Everyone just groaned at him - even McGonagall ignored him -, they were all sick of all of his flirt comments, just to make you blush, and now wasn't different. Your breath stopped at your throat and with wide eyes and a dry mouth, your cheeks started to become warmer and you knew that you blushing.
Both of your hands went to cover you red and embarrassed face and George gave you an embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry about him, [y/n/n]. He never stops..."
'I want to act like a Gryffindor, but I can't'
The snow was falling on this cold as fuck day. Not even the two coats you were wearing, were being able to stop the freezing air to make goosebumps go all around your body or to make your body became warm at anyway. And to make everything worse, Hogsmeade is not a cosy place to pass a normal day, but today was way worse. Your friends wanted to go to the Honeydunkes and buy anything that could make one of them forget about her recent 'heartbreak' - she cheated him, you can't understand why the rest of your friends keep helping her by something that she did... - but you weren't in the mood of being inside of a crowded store.
So, while they were inside of the warm store, you were freezing outside, with your shoulders shaking, trying to warm yourself at any possible way. You saw the Weasleys, with the rest of their crew coming to the same store as you were outside, great. As they were coming closer, Hermione and Harry were the first ones to notice you and let all of them behind to see you. 
"Hey, [y/n]!" They said together and hugged you. Wow, they were so cosy and you were so cold - and hoping they didn't notice that you were freezing... The twins came behind of them and said their 'hi's to you, but Fred toke notice of the way that you were hugging yourself to stop the wind to hit you, the way that your hands were brushing against each other to create some kind of friction between them, the way that your teeth were hitting each other, the way that your lips were a mix of blue and purple, and the way that your shoulders were frenetically shaking.
He just takes one of the sweaters Molly did for him and offered to you. Everyone around looked at the two of you with confused faces, while Fred's eyes were locked with yours. "You're cold." He just said and you whispered a little thank you, putting his sweatshirt on. It smelled like him and was really big on you, well, Fred is kind of really tall, comparing to you and any of your and his friends. "It looks better on you anyway..." He whispered while looking at the floor and raising his eyebrows, as it was the most obvious thing in the entire world.
But, not even his whisper is delicate, so everyone ends listening to what he said and look at him with faces more confused than before. "Well, if you say so." The words got out of your mouth before anything could stop them, and your cheeks became warmer and redder than they were by wearing his cloth. All of his friends looked at you, with wide eyes and proud smiles, by you finally flirting back with Fred, but by the smile that grew up on his face, you knew that nothing good could come from it.
"And why would I lie to you, princess?" There it is. The comment that you were expecting but didn't want to come. Your knees felt weak, with the butterflies on your stomach, but one thing never changed, your cheeks blushing. Your whole body felt warmer, and you were sure that it wasn't because of the sweater.
"Shut up, Fred!"
"Stop being an asshole!"
"Leave her alone!"
You didn't even pay attention to the rest of them, you just turned around and got inside of the store as fast as your legs could take you. A full Honeydunkes felt more attractive than being embarrassed around Fred and all of his friends.
'He acts like a Gryffindor...'
The sunset is beautiful at anyway, watching it from the TV, from the Astronomy Tower, from the big windows at the common room, at any dorm, but nothing compares to the way it looks at the Black Lake. When the sky becomes orange, purple, pink, yellow until it becomes dark and the stars shining... But all this show being reflected at the waters of the lake.
And you couldn't lose it today, just like you did the whole week. Every single day, you were doing something else that would make you busy until the sunset was totally over and the unique things shining in the sky, were the stars and the moon. It wasn't an ugly view or something, but it didn't have the same magic. It's even weird using the term 'magic' while being a student at Hogwarts and actually studying everything about real magic, but seeing something that not even professor Dumbledore could do or control, was kind of natural magic...
So, you finished your essay for Potions, that was just for next week (but if you let everything for the last day, you would have to be awake the whole night and wouldn't be as good as it is right now) and went to the Black Lake. At the way there, a few people from the same house as yours tried to stop you and chat, but you just gave various excuses to not talk to anyone, so you could get to your destination in time to see the perfect sunset.
As you got to the Black Lake, you saw the twins with a few of their friends talking more like shouting, but you just wanted to enjoy the view and relax a little bit after a really busy week, that's what the end of the Fridays are for...
You sat at the grass, putting your bag down beside you and pulling out a book, that Hermione gave to you about the history of magic and it was more interesting then you could have ever imagined, to have something to do until the sunset would start. With you back resting against a tree and crossed legs, you opened your book and tried to find where you had stopped to read.
After a few minutes of silence (or just a few waves of laughter from groups of friends that probably had all of their essays' pages in white and didn't even care about it), you noticed the way that the wind started to become colder and faster, all the distant voices were becoming harder and harder to hear and understand, and the natural light from the sun was different. 
Time for the show.
You put something at your book so you would know where you stopped to read at the next time you opened the book, put it at your bag again and just looked at the sky. It first started with a mix of yellow, pink and blue, and you never felt so peaceful. Until-
"Hey, princess." You rolled your eyes, already knowing who it was. Fred already put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him and, if you weren't so relaxed with the breathtaking view and mad that he just ruined the quiet place, you would've blushed... "Enjoying the view? Because I am." You didn't even have to turn your head or take your eyes out of the coloured sky to know that he was looking and talking about you. "C'mon, not even a little red for me?" Fred continued talking, trying to get your attention. And he didn't stop there. He started babbling about anything, to see if you would blush with any of the compliments, but what you really just wanted silence. And you knew pretty well that just asking for him to stay quiet or saying for him to shut up, he wouldn't stop talking. You had to stop him at someway, and you thought about various things to say or do. And then, just one of them felt right.
You turned your head to look at him, that smiled brightly seeing that he finally got the attention he wanted, but before you could stop yourself or he could think of anything else, your hands went to his face pulled him into yours. Fred finally stopped talking when your lips touched his.
He kissed you back at the same moment he noticed that one of the two of you finally did what he was fantasizing about since he first saw you in your fourth year. Your lips were just as soft as he had imagined, but they tasted like pumpkin juice (your favourite), with a little bit of strawberries (of your gloss). While his lips fitted just as perfectly with yours as they looked like they would, with a flavour of chocolate and mint toothpaste.
You slowly pulled apart from each other, but with your noses still touching, your breaths hitting each other's mouths and lips brushing against one another, while Fred opened the brightest smile you had ever seen, just like you, but with your bottom lip between your teeth.
"You wouldn't stop talking..." You just whispered and you even thought that he didn't hear what you said, but when his cheeks became redder than his own hair, you just giggled.
'I finally acted like a Gryffindor...'
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praxeus-13 · 3 years
A Cold Truth
Pairing: Yaz x Reader
Word Count: 2200
Summary: After pining for Yaz since you met her, an adventure to an alien planet takes a turn for the worst and your feelings for her revealed
Warnings: injury (not described in detail)
A/N: I was going to finish another request, but after the latest episode I needed some Yaz fluff. Also, requests are closed for a short while so I can get round to answering the ones sat in my inbox 🙃
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Life on the TARDIS was great, and a large part of you definitely preferred it to life on Earth. Since you had started travelling with The Doctor you not only had the opportunities to see sights that most others couldn’t even dream of, or to meet people that most people wouldn’t ever get the chance to, but you had also managed to find a second family.
Graham, of course, was a grandfather to all of you - not just Ryan - constantly checking up on the four of you, and giving his seasoned advice when needed. Ryan had become one of your best friends, and was practically a brother to you at this point, the two of you would often spend time together playing games or talking about comic books that you had both read. Obviously The Doctor was your unofficial tour guide to the universe, but she was also a very good friend, sticking by your side and always being there for you whenever you needed - even if she didn’t have any words of wisdom like Graham, you all found her presence a comfort.
But then there was Yaz, and you couldn’t deny that she was definitely your favourite from your new family, or that you had definitely developed a crush on her. Truly, she was amazing. She always found it within herself to be kind to people, even when they probably didn’t deserve it; and she had a love for the thrill that your adventures were often filled with; not to mention that you could never stop yourself from staring at her when she used her authoritative voice.
However, you hadn’t even tried to make a move, due to a combination of believing that there was no possible way she was into you, and being way too nervous to ask her out anyway. You were fine with just being friends with her if it meant you got to have her in your life.
Unfortunately, the rest of your friendship group had started to catch on. It had been Graham who first figured it out, which had resulted in a plethora of knowing looks being cast your way whenever you were unable to be subtle about your crush. Then Ryan had caught on, and you had been subjected to an almost relentless amount of teasing whenever Yaz was out of earshot - which had caused you to loose many rounds of Splatoon and Mario Kart to him. Finally, most recently, The Doctor had caught on and joined in with both Ryan and Graham.
Due to The Doctor’s lack of human social skills, you had taken her finally catching onto your crush on Yaz as a definite sign that you were not being anywhere near subtle enough. Honestly, you couldn’t really help it, you loved every little thing she did, how confident she was even when she was scared, and how she always looked out for you.
However, the rest of the fam would probably agree that it was starting to become a problem. You were a bit of a mess around her these days, and it was starting to put you in danger. At first you hadn’t minded much, since it had often led to Yaz saving you from whatever situation you had ended up in. Now though, you were starting to worry that Yaz would realise that you weren’t just clumsy.
The last thing you wanted was to ruin your friendship with her, so despite Graham, Ryan and The Doctor all encouraging you to tell Yaz how you felt about her, you refused. Opting to go about your life desperately trying to ignore these feelings seemed like a much better option than potentially ruining a great friendship.
In your current situation you were struggling with wether to finally tell Yaz your feelings. While you had always known that life or death situations were much more likely when you started travelling with The Doctor, you hadn’t properly considered what that might mean until now.
The Doctor had decided for a surprise trip, letting the TARDIS chose where to go (as though she didn’t already). The five of you had ended up on a very cold planet that The Doctor identified as Idilles. At first you had all been in awe of the wintery landscape, though that soon changed. The people of the planet seemed rather hostile to visitors, which you soon learnt was due to an invasion of quadruped aliens that reminded you a bit of horses (if horses had scales and very sharp teeth).
The natives had kicked you all out of their settlement, leaving you to fend for yourselves in the bitter cold. Unfortunately the strange horses - you couldn’t remember their actual name - had caught your scents quickly. The Doctor had yelled for you to all get back to the TARDIS, though given the conditions you found that rather difficult. You and Yaz had been split from the group. Just as the two of you had spotted a cave to hide in, one of the creatures had bitten down on your leg, causing you to let out a painful yell. Yaz had immediately turned round, throwing a large stick at the creature forcing it to release your leg from its grip. She had then half-dragged you to the cave.
The two of you were still huddled together in that cave, Yaz’s arms around you in a protective manner. In any other situation you would be a blushing mess right now, but right now you were bleeding out, still in immeasurable pain and freezing cold. Yaz had taken off her jacket and wrapped it around your leg to try and stop the bleeding, though it hadn’t been that effective.
You had no clue how long it had been, but you weren’t sure how much longer you were going to be able to stay awake, the edges of your vision becoming darker. If The Doctor didn’t find the two of you soon, you weren’t sure if you would survive, and despite your reluctance to tell her usually you didn’t want to die without her knowing.
“Yaz?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but she still heard you.
“Are you alright?” Her voice gave away how scared she was for you, and you felt your heart twinge in response.
“I just- I need-“ You were cut off when a violent shiver rippled through your body, causing Yaz to tighten her hold on you. “I need to tell you…”
The world around you was getting darker and less focused, and you were struggling not to slip into unconsciousness.
“Y/N?” Yaz’s voice sounded far away, and you tried to move closer to where you could feel her warmth but it only caused you more pain.
“I love you, Yaz.”
And then you let the darkness take you.
When you next woke up, you were significantly warmer than you had been in that cave, and in a lot less pain. It took you a while to get your eyes open, but once they were you recognised that you were in one of the beds in the TARDIS medbay. Luckily, you had only been here a few times before for minor injuries.
Your memories of what had happened before you ended up in the medbay were hazy, though you remembered distinct feelings of coldness, fear and pain. Looking around more, you noticed that you weren’t alone in the room.
At your side Yaz was asleep, her head resting on your stomach while her hand was clasped around yours. The sight of her warmed your heart, an affectionate smile formed on your face. Part of you didn’t want to wake her, but you were confused and no one else was there.
“Yaz?” You gave her a small shake with the arm that wasn’t under her grip.
“Hmm?” She didn’t move, but seemed at least a little bit awake.
You found her sleepy disposition adorable.
“What happened to me?”
That question pushed Yaz to wake up fully, sitting up and immediately causing you to miss her warmth.
“You’re awake!” She beamed at you, though her eyes held a deep concern that worried you slightly, still you couldn’t help the small giggle that left your mouth at her reaction.
“Yeah, how long have I been asleep?”
“Nearly two days, I’ll go get The Doctor so she can check on you.”
She was gone before you could get another word in, and you were left to wonder how you had ended up in the medbay.
A few minutes later, Yaz returned with The Doctor, Ryan and Graham in tow.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” The Doctor asked you, walking over to a screen that seemed to be monitoring your vitals.
“Alright, not quite sure what happened but I feel okay.” You shrugged at The Doctor, though you were paying more attention to Yaz, who was standing next to you again.
“Do you remember going to Idilles?” The Doctor asked.
“Yeah, did one of those creatures attack me?” You could remember the vague details up until that point, but then it all got very hazy.
You could remember that Yaz was with you, but not anything beyond the alien’s painful bite.
“Yep, nasty things they are, the creature’s venom got into your bloodstream - luckily it’s not deadly to humans as long as it’s treated. Unfortunately it is known to cause memory issues.” The Doctor pulled a face as she told you. “Yaz managed to get the creature off you and keep you warm while I looked for you.”
Immediately you turned to smile at Yaz, your feelings for her probably increasing your gratefulness tenfold.
“Thank you Yaz.”
You really hoped you weren’t imagining the darker shade her face had turned at her thanks.
“Of course.” Her smile reflected yours, and for a moment you forgot there were others in the room.
Ryan let out a not-so-subtle cough, and you forced yourself to tear your eyes away from Yaz’s.
“You just need a few days rest, then you should be completely healed.” The Doctor told you, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room.
“Best leave you to it then.” Graham nodded to you knowingly, already herding The Doctor and Ryan out of the room.
“Glad you’re okay y/n!” Ryan managed to tell you before he was pushed into the TARDIS corridor.
Though you were pleased with Graham’s intervention, you couldn’t help but be nervous left alone with Yaz.
“I’m glad you’re okay too, I were really worried.” Yaz admitted.
As you looked at her you realised that her usual confident demeanour had disappeared, replaced with a level of vulnerability that you hadn’t ever expected from her. You felt honoured that she chose to show you this side of her, and it made your heart beat a little faster.
“Sorry, I really didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s not your fault y/n.” She smiled at you, shaking her head a little as she took in your form.
You probably didn’t look the best at the moment due to the two days you had spent sleeping. Though it didn’t seem that Yaz minded much. In this moment you couldn’t help but wish that you could gather the confidence you needed to tell her about your feelings. Hoping that she would share them, simply so you could have her hold you and kiss you while you were hurting.
“You really don’t remember anything after you got bitten?” Strangely, she sounded almost nervous when she asked.
“No, I just remember being cold and hurting a lot. Why?”
Yaz took a deep breath, “You told me you love me.”
Oh shit.
Your mind started racing at a hundred miles an hour, trying to figure out what to say, how to go about this without completely destroying your friendship with Yaz. As you were still going over everything in your mind, working yourself up as you struggled with what to say, Yaz called your name and you looked up at her. You wanted to say something - anything - yet no words left your mouth.
Luckily Yaz stopped you from flailing around for too long, instead shocking you into silence as she leant down. Her face was barely millimetres from your own, and you weren’t quite sure what was happening due to your frazzled state. Then Yaz’s lips were pressed to yours and your brain just froze, completely forgetting how to respond to this situation - or any situation at all. Luckily it seemed to reboot quickly, and you were soon reciprocating the kiss.
Somehow, kissing Yaz was everything you had imagined and more. Her lips were softer than you had thought possible, though you weren’t surprised by the way she seemed to dominate the kiss, easily pushing you further back into the pillows and mattress. When the two of you broke the kiss she didn’t move away from where she was leaning over you, her forehead pressed to yours. The both of you were breathing heavily, but there were wide grins on your faces. You were still processing exactly what had just happened, though you could feel your entire being buzzing with happiness. Even if Yaz never kissed you again, you knew you would remember exactly what she felt like for the rest of your life.
Pulling back slightly after having regained her breath, Yaz looked down at you, a lazy yet very pleased grin on her face.
“I love you too, y/n.”
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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6. Draco Malfoy - Rainy Nights, Warm Drinks
*Warning - smut*
“I want you.”
“Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.”
Draco’s p.o.v
  Loud chatter filled the jam-packed dining hall as students discussed their Christmas plans while their grubby hands reached for the feast laid out before each house. My gray-blue eyes stared blankly at the turkey and sides that touched my plate, my fork picking at whatever it could reach without me moving too much. I was counting down the moments that led up to Dumbledore clinking his fork against his glass that would dismiss everyone from Hogwarts, sending them home. Each single tick drove me crazy as I shook my leg, desperately pleading for time to move faster. At the end of this feast, everyone would be on the train heading to their families, while I would finally get to see the one person that I couldn’t get off my mind. Even now, the only thing I could think about was seeing her beautiful face and hearing her soothing, angelic voice, tuning out the voices of my friends.
  “Draco? Earth to Draco!”
  Pansy’s voice sliced right through my current thoughts involving my plans after school. Blinking a few times, I turned my head to see Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Pike, and Nott staring at me. While Pansy stared at me with concern, the guys stared at me skeptically.
  “What?” I muttered, dully.
  “Pansy asked you what you were doing during the break,” Blaise informed, taking a sip from his cup.
  “Yeah,” Pansy agreed, “I was thinking you and I could go on a date since we won’t be in school.”
 A date? I had broken up with Pansy a year ago with the excuse that dating her had become boring, which it had, however, the real reason I left Pansy was because I had fallen in love with another girl. The whole thing had torn me up since day one because I hadn’t believed that I, the Slytherin Prince, could have fallen for a muggle, and yet I did. After a whole week of thinking about it and running everything carefully through my mind, I finally decided that I didn’t love Pansy and needed to end it with her before things got too serious.
  “I won’t be returning home this Christmas,” I stated, “Dumbledore has asked me to stay and help tutor some second years in potions.”
 “That’s ridiculous!” Pansy sneered, “it isn’t your job to teach those brats.”
  “You’re dad’s okay with that?” Nott asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
  “He wasn’t at first but once Dumbledore told him that I was the highest ranking student when it came to potions, he settled down and decided that I’d make a great leader for those snot nose brats,” I spoke, pride dripping from my lying tongue.
  Of course, staying at Hogwarts wasn’t a complete lie, it was just not the full truth. For the first four days of break, I’d be staying with Maggie and her Grandmother then I’d come back to Hogwarts to help out with tutoring, and it’ll keep going like that until school starts again. It was an agreement that I had worked out with Dumbledore after he found out about Maggie, which if I’m being honest, I’m not even sure how he found out.
  “And you’re okay with it?” Blaise asked, amused.
  “Doesn’t matter to me,” I muttered.
  I looked back down at my plate, feeling their eyes still watching me but not paying attention to it. Eventually, Dumbledore stood up from his seat and clinked his silverware against his wine glass. The chatter stopped immediately as everyone turned their impatient attention to the headmaster. Excitement was bursting through my chest, something I never thought I’d ever feel for a girl like Maggie. Dumbledore started by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holiday, then proceeded in telling everyone what to expect when they got back from break. We were expected to practice and prepare for our O.W.Ls that were coming up, which Umbridge decided to announce after interrupting Dumbledore. I may have pretended to like Umbridge and do as she said to appease my friends, but in all honesty, I hated her more than I hated anyone else.
   After all of Dumbledore and Umbridge’s talking, the feast disappeared from our tables and it was time for everyone to head to the train. I saw my friends on the train. Pansy turned around.
  “Well maybe I can stay here with you, so you aren’t alone,” she offered.
 Annoyance broke out across my face, “I’ll be fine, Pansy. I’m not interested in spending time with you anyway, so you’ll just be alone.”
  She started pouting while the other snickered behind her back. Scoffing, she stormed past everyone onto the train. I waved goodbye to the others and they followed after Pansy to the cart. Those leaving for the Christmas holiday were finally headed towards the platform and those who would be staying at Hogwarts for the vacation headed back towards the school.
As I was approaching the entrance, I saw Dumbledore standing there waiting for me, a smile on his face.
  “Good evening, Mr. Malfoy,” he stated, “have you gotten your belongings together?”
  “My bag is sitting in my room,” I replied.
  “Once you collect it, go to Hagrid’s. He’ll be waiting for you there to help you get to the muggle world. Have a safe trip.”
  With that, Dumbledore walked away allowing me to go fetch my belongings.
I grabbed my trunk out of my dorm room and carried it all the way towards Hagrid’s small hut just a little ways from the school. Hagrid was outside playing fetch with his large hound as I finished walking towards him. Immediately, he looked up after tossing the rather large stick across the field.
  “Malfoy,” Hagrid said, “what brings you here?”
I raised an eyebrow. He was kidding, right?
  The big oaf laughed heartily and patted my shoulder with his gorilla sized hand.
 “I’m messing, is all,” he bellowed, “let’s get a move on it before anyone notices.”
 Hagrid opened the door to his home and gestured me inside. Sitting on the table when he opened the door was a thick, black bag filled with dark, gray powder. Hagrid scooted around me and picked up the black bag before meeting my gaze. This was awkward for me, and I knew he could tell but fortunately he didn’t say anything to make it worse. Instead, he told me that the floo network would take us to Diagon Alley and we’d have to walk through another entrance into the muggle world. From there we’d take a wizard bus, which I found odd, straight to Maggie’s farmhouse just on the outskirts of London. However, I grew bored with being explained the plan and just wanted to get there already.
   I went through the floo network first and waited for Hagrid patiently for a moment. Once he was standing by my side, he took my luggage and walked with me through Diagon Alley. We both walked through the less populated parts of Diagon Alley until the two of us reached a dead end. Hagrid tapped his umbrella against the wall in a pattern and they started pulling apart revealing the empty alley of the muggle world. The smell was different from the one back in the wizarding world. I could definitely smell freshly mown grass, but there was an oil smell mixed in too. As Hagrid and I walked past all of the people and shops that adorn the streets, I could smell pastries, coffees, and other foods that I recognized. I could feel the inside of my mouth water.
We waited on the sidewalk near a coffee shop for what seemed like forever before a bus came to a sudden stop in front of us. No one seemed to notice its incredible speed.
  “Why hello there, Hagrid,” said a frail, stubbled face man wearing a purple suit.
  “Hello to you too, Stan Shunpike,” Hagrid laughed, “starting work a bit early, aren’t you?”
  Shunpike gave a crooked smile and nodded his head before gesturing us on. I went to grab my trunk when Shunpike grabbed it instead, pushing me inside. The smell was something to gag at. It smelled worse than anything I could imagine. Hagrid took a seat.
  “Aren’t you going to have a seat, Malfoy?” He questioned.
 “No, I’d rather stand,” I muttered, disgust lacing my voice.
  “Where to?” Shunpike asked.
  Hagrid gave the address and Shunpike looked at us confused.
  “That’s a muggle household.”
   “Not completely,” Hagrid said, “Loral Belle is the homeowner, Dumbledore’s friend.”
  A slow nod bounced off his thin shoulders and sat down.
  “Ernie, you know where to go.”
As soon as the knight bus took off, the speed pushed me back. Not even my grip was strong enough to keep me in place and I ended stumbling backwards until Hagrid’s large hand grabbed ahold of me. I pretty much clung to Hagrid’s large arm as we whirlwind through the busy streets of London. Two trucks stood in the way of the bus and I thought we’d slow down. However, we didn’t. Instead, the bus warfed itself so that it was thinner and we slid right through the small crack separating the two muggle vehicles. It wasn’t long before we reached the dirt road that led to Maggie’s farmhouse. Hagrid paid Shunpike and told him that there was extra in it for him if he waited for him and kept this visit a secret. Shunpike agreed with a large smile on his face.
    Hagrid grabbed my trunk and led the way to Maggie’s. He tried to make small talk with me as we hiked down the dirt road, but neither one of us knew what to say to each other.
 “How did you meet her?” He finally asked, catching my attention.
 “My father had some work to do with an old, retired friend,” I said, all of the memories flooding back to my mind, “I saw her sitting by the fountain reading a book when a group of guys started harassing her. I watched her try to get away from them, failing miserably, so I stepped in despite her being a muggle. A gentleman never lets a woman get pushed around. She already knew I was a wizard when I helped her, she said that her Grandmother had taught her to tell the difference from a young age. The more I talked to her, the more I liked being around her.”
  A goofy smile appeared on his face, “she sounds like an amazing young woman.”
  “She is.”
  Sitting on the porch when we got there was Grandma Loral rocking back and forth while a red scarf was being knitted next to her in the air. When she saw us, a smile appeared on her face and she climbed to her feet, approaching us at the edge of her porch.
  “Hagrid,” she greeted, “it’s been years.”
  “Nice to see you too, Loral,” Hagrid said, “I wish I could stay long, but I’m only here to drop off Mr. Malfoy. I’ll see you in four day.”
 I looked up at Hagrid, “thank you, Hagrid.”
If I didn’t know any better, which I didn’t, I could have sworn I saw tears in Hagrid’s eyes. He tried to push it away and claimed that dirt had gotten in his eye, but I knew the truth. No one was use to me being so nice, and seeing me do so meant to them that I was finally deciding things on my own and not because my father wanted them. Just like my decision to continue seeing a muggle. Grandma Loral and I waved goodbye to Hagrid, once he was gone, Grandma Loral sat back in her seat.
  “Maggie’s in the garden out back,” she said smiling, “thank you for coming, Draco. I know that the decision couldn’t have been easy.”
  “Actually,” I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck, “it was the easiest choice I’ve ever had to make in my life.”
  Grandma Loral told me to head back there and she’d take care of my trunk. Nodding, I walked down the steps and headed down the cobblestone path to find Maggie sitting underneath a tree reading a book. Dozens of flowers of all shapes and colors surrounded her and blew in the breeze. Her brown, curled locks of hair brushed delicately against her freckled face. She was as beautiful as the day I first saw her. I walked over to her and smiled at how deeply invested she was in her novel.
  “Mind if I sit?” I asked.
 Her body jerked and her head whipped around to see me standing there with a smirk on my face. A large grin stretched against her face from ear to ear before nodding eagerly. As soon as my body was positioned next to her, she threw her arms around me and squeezed tightly.
  “I’m so happy to see you,” she said, releasing me from her tight grip.
  “I’m happy to see you too, Maggie,” I said, “how have you been?”
 “I’ve been fine. Things have been a little difficult lately.”
When I asked her why, a sad expression came to her face. I thought maybe she was being bullied more, but as she explained, I realized that it wasn’t that. Grandma Loral was getting sick and it was getting worse and worse. Maggie was worried that she’d lose her grandmother and have no one once she’s gone. I touched her hand and told her it was going to be okay. She looked up at me.
  “How have you been?” She asked, her smile trying to distract me from her growing tears.
  I told her about Umbridge and my family, she never looked away from me and held on to my hand the way I held on to her’s when she told me about her Grandma. It seemed we were both going through some stuff right now and all we wanted was for someone to talk and relate to.
The remainder of the day moved quicker than I had hoped. Maggie was now in the kitchen cooking up some soup for dinner while I set up the dining table. From the kitchen, the two of us could hear Grandma Loral coughing up a storm. Maggie grabbed a glass, filled it with water, and brought it to her grandma before returning to finish dinner.
   After supper, Maggie helped her grandma to bed before joining me in the living room with two glasses of hoto cocoa. Rain started to drum against the roof of the farmhouse, lightning slashing against the darkened sky and thunder rolling across the heavy clouds. With each passing second, the rain got harder and louder. I sipped on my warm beverage and looked at Maggie. She had whipped cream sitting above her lip and I laughed causing her to look at me.
  “What?” She asked, an innocent smile dancing on her face.
  “You’ve got some whipped cream on your lip,” I chuckled, leaning forward and wiping it away with my thumb.
  A small red tint appeared on her face as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. I could tell she was embarrassed and I found it to be more attractive than ever. I scooted closer to her and she looked at me.
  “Draco, is everything okay?” She asked.
  “I love you,” I blurted out.
 Her bright green orbs widened in shock and I started to regret saying anything to her. I looked away from her, but she grabbed my shoulder, pulling it to face her.
  “I love you too,” she hummed.
Before I could stop myself, I smashed our lips together, saying a silent prayer that neither of us were holding that hot beverage. The kiss deepened and I pulled her into my lap, gripping her waist tightly to keep her in place. When we pulled away, she was panting from the lack of air, her lips red and slightly swollen from the heated kiss. I leaned down and started nibbling on her neck, earning a small whimper from her.
  “D-Draco,” she gasped.
  I unattached my lips from her warm flesh and peppered her jaw with kisses before reaching her ear.
  “I want you, Maggie.”
 Her body shivered at my words and I smirked. Maggie was gripping onto my blazer tightly.
  “But I-”
  “Shh,” I cooed, “I’ll be gentle.”
  I waited for her to give me the signal to continue. When her head nodded, I laid her down on the cushioned couch and began kissing her again. I traced my tongue against her bottom lip and tasted the cherry lip gloss she had coated her plump lips with after dinner. My fingers squeezed her thigh and she gasped, giving me full entrance to the inside of her mouth. I slipped my tongue into her warm, wet mouth and our tongues fought over dominance, however, Maggie’s submissive side kicked in and she let me take control easily. Quiet moans spilled from her muffled mouth. When I pulled away from her, a small string of saliva pulled from both of our lips. A rosy tint illuminated off her face and her green eyes were hazy, her floral shirt was pulled up, revealing her black, laced bra.
  “Fuck,” I hissed, my pants growing tighter at the sight of her coming undone from my touch.
Pulling myself up, I removed my blazer and tie before unbuttoning my white, dress-up shirt. Her glistening eyes watched my every move, widening at the sight of my bare chest. She started nibbling on her bottom lip as I pulled at the hem of her shirt.
  “Let's get this off,” I muttered, my voice husky and dripping with arousal.
  Maggie didn’t argue, she just pulled her shirt above her head revealing more of herself to me. I groaned as I leaned down and started sucking on her exposed skin, leaving wet kisses against her porcelain skin. Her heartbeat was pounding against her chest, her skin was heating up, and her fingers gripped the couch cushion. I reached behind her and unclipped her bra clasp. Immediately, her hands moved to cover herself up. I lifted her chin.
   “Don’t hide yourself, baby girl,” I whispered, “let me see you, please.”
  “Okay,” she whispered.
She allowed me to remove her bra from her small body and I tossed it to the side with the rest of our clothes that littered the living room floor. I pressed my lips against hers once again, my left hand gripped her left breast and I almost melted at the feeling of her perfectly soft, fleshy breast. Her pink, peachy nipples hardened from both the cold air and my calloused hands pinching at them. Her moans were becoming louder, but not too loud since her grandmother was sleeping.
   “Draco, please,” she moaned, her hips moving against my own.
  “What is it?” I moaned back, “what do you need, baby girl? Tell me.”
   “I-I need you. Please.”
Those words turned me on even more. I unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them off, her black matching panties hugged her hips. I hooked my fingers to her lacy panties, pulling them down and revealing her perfect pink cunt. My pants were becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second, so I quickly removed them from my body, discarding them to the floor with the rest of the pile. I started kissing her breast, sucking on her nipples, and tracing open mouth kisses against her body until I reached her lower area. The sweet aroma coming from her was intoxicating and I felt drunk from the scent alone.
   I traced my tongue against her already soaking slit causing her to shiver and moan. My tastebuds were coated with her delicious nectar and I couldn’t help but dive in quickly. Her small fingers tangled themselves into my gelled hair, messing up every strand. A list of moans echoed off the walls as I flicked my tongue hungrily over her clit. Maggie tried to close her legs, but I pinned them back down. My gray-blue eyes flickered up, meeting her lustful orbs. She was covering her mouth because she was becoming too loud. Careful not to hurt her, I slipped a single finger between her folds and she flinched. I stopped.
   “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “do you want me to stop?”
  “N-no, it’s okay,” she panted, “i-it’s all just a n-new experience.”
  Nodding, I went back to lapping up her flowing juices and started entering my finger again. This time it slipped in with ease. A few seconds passed and I added another finger, moving them slowly in and out of her.
 “D-Draco, faster.”
I didn’t waste time and started moving my fingers faster and faster into her sex. Her back arched off the couch, I could feel her clenching around my fingers and I could tell she was getting closer and closer to her release. I started sucking on her swollen clit and she yelped out before cumming all over my fingers. I removed them from her then placed them in my mouth, sucking every last drop off of them. Groaning against my fingers, I pulled them out with a pop.
  “Delicious,” I hummed, watching her chest move rapidly as she caught her breath, “have a taste.”
   I captured her lips with mine and rummaged my tongue around her warm mouth. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head making me smile at how undone she looked for me. I pulled away.
  “Doesn’t that taste amazing, sweetheart?” I whispered in her ear.
  All she could do was nod her head. Sweat was beaded against her forehead and her hair was starting to cling to her face, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
  “Ready?” I asked, “and use your words for me.”
  “I-I am,” she muttered, “I-I’m ready.”
  Climbing on top of her, I aligned my hardened member with her entrance before pushing it, peppering kisses against her face as she cried out in pain. Once I was finally nestled inside of her aching cunt, I stayed there to let her adjust to my size. A minute passed by when she gave me the okay to move, then I started moving my hips at a slow pace. Every time I pulled out and pushed back in, I felt myself get squeezed around.
  “God damnit!” I groaned quietly, “so fucking tight. It feels amazing, Maggie.”
  “D-Draco, you’re s-so…” she couldn’t even finish her sentence.
  I started moving faster and harder with each stroke and both of our moans filled the room along with the sound of our sweaty skin slapping against each other. Despite the noise coming from us, we remained quiet enough so we didn’t wake up Grandma Loral.
   Maggie squeezed her eyes shut as I started snapping my hips harder to meet hers. I grabbed her chin with my right hand and pulled her head to meet mine, my lips feathering over her. Her warm breath fanning over my chapped, slightly parted lips.
  “Keep your eyes open. Look at me, baby,” I said strictly.
  Maggie’s eyes opened and our eyes stared at one another as I drilled into her repeatedly. Her nails raked into my back causing me to growl at the stinging pain. I lifted one of her legs over my shoulder for a better position, my cock now going deeper into her sweet sex.
   “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I moaned, resting my forehead against her, never tearing my eyes away from hers.
  “Oh my God,” she said.
  “Feel good, huh sweetheart,” I praised, “you love being fucked like this.”
I didn’t want to take it too far, afraid that me being rough or even degrading her would cause her to push me away. She was sensitive. But Maggie seemed to love my words and nodded her head furiously as she started meeting my thrust.
  “Yeah you do, fucking slut.”
  Her moans were like music to my ears and I could feel her tightening around my throbbing cock. I wrapped my hand around her throat, not too tightly, her free hand gripping my arm as I practically slammed into her with inhuman speed. I didn’t know what came over me, but everything felt intoxicating and I felt energy rushing through me. 
  “I-I’m going to cum,” she whimpered.
  “Then do it,” I growled against her lips, “cum.”
 Her body started shaking as pure pleasure rushed over her small form. I watched her emerald eyes roll to the back of her head as I continued to slam into her, riding out her high. Our moans got louder, and we didn’t care that we were being loud. If we got caught, we got caught. All that mattered to me was watching her, being with her, loving her.
My thrust started getting sloppy as I felt myself coming to my end. I removed my hand from her throat, letting her lungs collect the well needed air, and buried my head into her sweaty neck. With a few final, strong thrust, I came inside her dripping cunt and moaned in her ear, or more like growled with pleasure. Her body shivered at the sound as she knotted her fingers in my hair. My body collapsed onto her, our chest heaving up and down as we tried to settle down. Once our breathing returned to normal, I pulled myself out of Maggie and laid next to her. I looked at her.
  “Sorry,” I whispered, as I tiredly chuckled, “I didn’t mean to finish inside you.”
She giggled and shook her head, “it’s okay. I’m on birth control, so it’ll be fine.”
  I smiled at her and leaned down to pick up my dress-up shirt. It was cool to the touch and as I cleaned up the mess on Maggie, she closed her eyes enjoying the welcoming, cold cloth. After I cleaned the both of us up with my shirt, I laid back down. Lightning flashed against the sky once again as a loud rumble of thunder hit the clouds. Maggie sat up and cracked the window open, the cool breeze washing over our sweaty bodies. I pulled her into my arms and nuzzled against her.
  “I love you, Maggie,” I whispered.
  “I love you too, Draco,” she said, “now and forever.”
Forever, huh?
  A smile appeared on my face as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep next to the one girl I would sacrifice everything for. All of the thoughts that once invaded my mind, the unsureness of being with a muggle, how my father would act once he found out, all of it, disappeared. The only thought left was how I would protect her from Voldemort, and if she would still be by my side when she found out I was destined to be a death eater. But all of that could wait. I wanted nothing more than to enjoy the next four days with her.
I’ve never felt so relaxed before.
Forever sounds nice.
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The Idol’s Inspiration
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Title: The Idol’s Inspiration
Pairing: Valkyrae || Rachell x Fem! Reader
Summary: In which the international singer find’s her inspiration in a certain brown eyed-often screaming- streamer
Warnings: None? Fluff. Awkward Crushing. Top Rae? (Oh Gosh)
Word Count: 2,905 Words
@short-kid27​ helped me with this one. Go check her out she’s actually great
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You scoffed when you saw what your bandmate tweeted out, tweeting as if he wasn’t using his phone either. Deciding to throw something at him, you spot a plastic perfume bottle, reaching out for it, only for Luna, your other bandmate to slap your hands of her perfume bottle.
“Don’t you dare.” She playfully glares before turning back to her original position, with her hair stylist tending to her long reddish-brown hair.
“Sebastian, you are so lucky you’re on the other side of the room right now or I swear to God, you would have a concussion.” You frowned, before turning back to your phone, further proving Sebastian’s point.
“See?! What are you even doing?” He loudly asks, you barely hearing him from the noise of blowdryers.
“Writing.” You answered, annoyed. It wasn’t a lie tho, You were now writing a new song, since your management once again are rushing you to write at least 12 songs for your new album.
“We wrote 3 songs yesterday. Calm down.” Your bassist, Luna reassured you, who just finished her glams.
“We’re supposed to be finished with this by the end of the month. How am I supposed to calm down?” You complained.
Ever since your band, Coldify, got enough attention, your management barely gave you enough time to just breathe and write like you used to, How were you supposed to produce quality music?
“Choco Milk?” Jace, your drummer offers you his second cup
“No thank you. Hot sweet things stress my throat. Maybe later though.” You stood up, thanking your stylists, before changing into your casual clothes, since you would be doing a Q and A session first as a soundcheck and also for extra fan service before the concert proper.
Once you finished changing, you walked out of your dressing room, only to find that your bandmates are now all set up, all except you.
Jace is fiddling with his drum sticks
Luna is tuning her bass guitar
And Sebastian is playing a random tune on his electric guitar.
You rolled your eyes at them, before slinging your own acoustic guitar over your shoulder, the familiar weight and pressure of it’s strap makes you smile.
“Are we ready guys? We can start now, there’s only 5 minutes left.” You asked them, plugging in your “in-ears”
They all nodded at you and you guys started to do your signature intro, you playing a few notes on your acoustic, followed by Sebastian and Luna, then you all run out, hearing the screams of your fans intensify, before Jace started banging on his drums, ending your intro with all of you guys harmonizing your band name and lifting your right arms up, showing the compass tattooed into the insides of your wrists, symbolizing your band and the friendship that will never grow old.
“What is up LA!?” You loudly said into the mic, chuckling when they screamed louder than your own mic.
“Well, we certainly need to up the mic volume later.” Luna giggled, sitting on one of the chairs positioned in the middle of the stage.
“Mhhmmn. Let’s all calm down first yes? You guys save your energy for later.” Sebastian winked into the crowd, also sitting on one of the chairs, with his mic in his hand.
“Great, great. We’re all settled in, Please sit down and let’s start this 1 and a half hour Q and A? Soundcheck? Fan service? Whatever you want to call this whole shebang.” You joked, thanking the staff that gave you your own water bottle.
“You know the drill, if you don’t that’s fine. My name is Luna and I am the one who plays the amazing silver-gray bass back there.” Luna introduces herself
“That amazing silver-gray bass that you would marry someday. I swear you are inlove with that thing.” Sebastian teased, earning him a loud smack to the shoulder.
“That is animal abuse. Stop it.” You hold in your laugh, but bursted out laughing anyways when you saw the appalled look on his face.
“My name is Jace. And I bang my sticks into a hallow cylindrical thing for a living. I heard they’re called drums but whatever. I also live with these idiots and I, unfortunately, am the one who holds their leashes.” Jace introduces himself, smiling into the crowd
“Okay, Father. My Name is Sebastian. aka the most attractive one in this group. I play the guitarrrrrr. You guys can call me Seb, Sebastian or Daddy. Your choice.” He winked.
“Ew.” All three of you pretended to gagged, before laughing at Sebastian’s pouting face, your audience also laughing at your antics.
“Okay- Okay, Stop. We need to be serious. Gosh. My name’s Y/N! And I’m your local sapphic lead singer. Yes, I need to say that everyday because people still debate that I’m straight. It’s annoying” You introduce, taking a sip of your water
“Right. So this is how it’s gonna work. There are multiple Coldify interrogators, as we call them, roaming around, all you have to do, is raise your hand, first one they see wins the first question. And the cycle continues until we run out of time.” You explained
“HmmHmmn. So are you guys ready?” Luna asks, earning a few “Yes!” and “WHOOOOO” making all you guys chuckle.
“Okaaaay! on 3. 1,2,3! OH! That redhead with the all black attire. I like that.” Sebastian calls, waiting for the guy in the uniform to hand the girl the mic.
“What’s your name love?” Jace asked the now blushing girl
“Ah. Kadie. I just wanna say that I am such a big fan and I wanted to know if, besides the tattoo you guys have right now, the compass, are you guys still planning on getting a matching tattoo?”
“Ooooh. Tattooes. Hmm. I personally would love to have another tattoo. But you see, Sebastian here cried when we first tattoed. And I am not looking forward to that at all.” Luna answered, laughing when Sebastian whined.
“Oh yeah. No. Not again.” Jace agreed, while you just smiled and nodded.
“Next Question Please.” Sebastian interjected before you could even talk
“Hi my name’s Catherine-” You guys interrupted her to say hi
“Hehe. Hi. Uhm, I wanted to know if you guys have like, favourite youtubers or streamers?” She asks shyly, which made you smile.
“Oooooo. Okay, now you guys get to know why I tweeted that earlier.” Sebastian chuckles
“Okay Mr. Snitch. But uhm. I would have to say... Sykkuno. His voice is just the best-”
“Excuse me? Corpse?! Hello? Corpse has the best voice don’t even. He’s my favourite, what you said was just Corpse slander” Sebastian interrupts Luna, to which Luna answered with a glare.
“Uh-huh. Okay. As I was saying, Corpse’s voice is good, but Syk’s is just this wholesome anime type voice that just melt’s your heart you know? He should be a voice actor for like, an anime protagonist. AND HIS PERSONALITY IS SO GOOD AND WHOLESOME LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?” Luna gushes, nodding to Jace before she goes on a full rant
“I’m sure you won’t match with him, expecially since he’s quiet and you’re loud and abnoxious.” Sebastian casually says
“You know what?”
“Pokimane...” Jace speaks into the mic, interrupting the siblings from fighting. “...Because she’s actually a really good gamer, and she also has a cat called called “Mimi” and that’s major points in my book.” Jace says, smiling.
“Hmm. That’s actually a tough choice... I would have to say-” You were interrupted when your phone let out a noise, letting you know you forgot to silent it.
“BABUSHKA!” Your face felt hot as you desperately tried to put your phone in silent, but it was too late.
“My phone just outed me what the hell?” You mumbled into the mic, hiding your face as you hear your fans laugh and coo at your cuteness and embarrassment.
“Anyways, if that didn’t answer your question, I don’t know what will. But uhm, Valkyrae. 100 percent. She’s just really skilled in video games and has probably played more games than me. Also, she’s absolutely fucking gorgeous and I just love her personality and all.” You smiled, still feeling a little bit embarrassed
“I just love her personality- Please, last night you fell asleep to her playing a horror game. She screams alot in that video, I’m just saying. How could you sleep to literally her screaming in your ear?” Sebastian shrugs, ignoring the glares you sent him
“Just this morning, you were frowning because there was another viper on the team Rae was fighting against in Valorant, and you accused that viper of being a copycat.” Jace added
“Or the fact that you always flinch, or dodge and curse whenever someone shoots at Rae-” Luna finishes making you cover her mouth before she says something more
“Okay. I think it’s pretty obvious that I have a crush on Valkyrae but please- Stop.” You grumbled, frowning playfully at your fans when they awed at your band’s interaction.
“Next Fucking Question Please.” You huffed, closing your eyes and leaning back into your seat, trying to settle your beating heart
Rae will for sure see that. Oh my god. Thoughts of Rae seeing your clip of literally simping for her has your heart running marathons.
“Hi! Uhm, this question is for Y/N”
You hear the gasps of your bandmates, but you pay no attention to it since you were still gay panicking inside
“What will you do if you ever met Valkyrae in person?” a familiar voice echoed in your ears, you of course can’t figure out who it is.
“I honestly don’t know how I would react. Maybe faint? But then probably hug her? I dunno? Kiss her cheek maybe? I mean, how would you react if you meet your long time crush?” You answered mindlessly, chuckling silently knowing that you probably faint and be knocked out for God knows how long. Or maybe you’d fumble and embarrass yourself.
You hear your bandmates join in the laughter with the audience, and that made you open your eyes, throwing a confused glace to Luna who just patted your back and made eye contact with who, you presume, asked the question.
You followed her gaze, eyes widening when you saw the brown-eyed brunette beauty holding the mic. Your brain lagged, trying to comprehend the situation.
“Uhm, I mean- Unless, You know? She’s uncomfortable about it. I don’t wanna make her uncomfy, you get me? First impressions are a thing. I mean- I’m just gonna shut up.” You just spat words out before your brain could even comprehend it.
Come on Y/N keep it together. She gotta think that you’re cool. Not an awkward gay mess.
“Pfft- Little too late for the first impressions that included you being cool.” Jace threw his empty water bottle at you
“...I said that aloud didn’t I?” You asked, now trying to hide your face behind Luna’s back, who’s doubling over from laughter
“Please, someone tag me when you decide to upload this very moment. I wanna blackmail Y/N with it.” Sebastian wheezed out.
“I think we can do something with the hugging thing. Just don’t faint on me.” Your eyes snapped to Rae’s as you see the smirk etched on her face, her hands still holding the microphone
Your eyes widen as your fans, screamed and a series of “OOOOOOHHHH” and “Get it Y/N!” erupted, making your embarrassment amplify even more.
“Is it embarrass Y/N day today? God, please- Next Question please. Oh Jesus.” You put your face in your hands, trying to hide.
Thankfully, they didn’t pry anymore, your embarrassment slowly subsiding as they asked about your daily life, career, albums and upcoming awards. After finishing a couple more questions, you guys sang a couple cover songs, and that’s what concluded your soundcheck. (Sebastian managed to sneak in Janet’s PETTY song, which you rolled your eyes on but sang nonetheless.)
You walked out and to the backstage as you shoved Sebastian playfully for making kissy faces.
“Y/N and Rachell sitting on a tree-” He was suddenly cut off by someone
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G” Your gaze wonders to Pokimane, or Imane who just interrupted Sebastian
“Kissing?! Isn’t it a bit too early for that? Why would they kiss-” Sykkuno says glancing between Rae and I
You wondered if they said anything else because you’re going to be honest to yourself, you were only looking at Rae’s eyes. The deep brown orbs you only ever saw through your screen, was now staring right back at you, her brunette hair tied up in a bun- She’s staring back at you.
Quickly averting your eyes, you felt yourself grow shy, you now also find your shoes very attractive.
“Keep your head up or else you would faint on me and I don’t want that. I prefer to hug a conscious person, Thank you very much.” you lifted your head so fast you could’ve given yourself a whiplash. Darting your eyes around Rae, you quickly find that your friends + Imane and Sykkuno have left the both of you alone.
“Sorry. You just caught me off guard there. Hi! Uhm. I really don’t know what to say to you- Uhm.” You rub the back of your neck, nervously smiling at Rae you in turn smirked at you, raising her brow in the process.
She quietly chuckles before opening her arms, signaling for a hug, to which you launched yourself in, trying not to breathe because that would be so weird.
“Okay so now can you take out your knife and stab me just to make sure that this is real.” You stated, looking directly into her eyes
“...But I’m not the Impostor?”
“...Okay that’s clever-” You laughed, taking a sip out of your water bottle, leading her to your dressing room
“Speaking of, do you mind if I play with you guys sometimes? I’ll find time, I promise.” You say, watching the time considering you only have half an hour to change and get ready, not to mention your crush is right in front of you as well.
“Wait really? Yeah! Just DM me on twitter! I’ll organize a lobby just for you.” She replies, plopping herself on the sofa you have.
“Awe, I feel so... special” You smiled, finally composing yourself, emerging from behind the curtains, already in your performance outfit
“The almighty Creator of the Year, creating a lobby? For lil ol m-” You were greeted with a facefull of pillows thrown at you, just for that statement. Which made you laugh.
“Shut up.” She grinned
“I’m sorry, m’lady” You curtsied playfully, expecting her to start smacking your shoulders, instead when you lifted your head up, she was just sitting there with a soft smile on her face.
“You’re wearing my merch.” She stated
You widened your eyes then looked down, the hoodie that you just randomly picked up was her merch.
“I’m sorry, do you want it back?” You spit the words out before your mind could comprehend how idiotic that sounded
Rae bursted out laughing at your statement, putting her hand over her mouth while doubling over. You rolled your eyes at her and plopped down on the sofa, crossing your arms.
“Yeah, Yeah. Go on. Laugh. At least I can spell broccoli right.” You teased, poking her side
“OKAY! LISTEN HERE HOTSHOT! I-”  she was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door.
“Oh My God. Please just kill me.” You rubbed your face with your hands
“I’m pretty sure I’ll be the one doing the seducing but okay.” You hear her mumble under her breath, making you look at her with a scandalized look on your face
“Don’t mind him Y/N We’re just coming in to say that you have 5 minutes until we have to go onstage.” Luna softly replies, shoving Sebastian out your field of view.
“I’ll be right there Lune.” You stood up, smiling at Rae
“I guess that’s it. I’ll talk to you later? I think? Just check your DM’s soon yeah?” She pulls you into a hug, kissing your cheek as she pulls away.
“Good Luck out there. I know you’ll do great.” She smiles, walking out, leaving you to your thoughts
“Huh?” You touched your cheek, a smile slowly paints itself upon your face
"Come on, lovergirl we're running late." Jace drapes his arm around your shoulder
"She kissed my cheek." You say, still shocked
"Lucky You." Jace says, his ears reddening.
...lucky bastard
'Hush!" His cheeks are also red now.
"Huh. I guess today's our lucky day." You grinned, now extremely happy and hyped
"Oh, check your e-mail now by the way. Manager says she sent our line up there." he pats your back, getting into his position, as best as he can considering the stage is now pitch black
"Huh. Okay." You pulled out your phone, sending a piece of paper flying. Bending down to pick it up, you feel your heart soften into mush and then it decides to run another marathon.
Just incase my Twitter DM's don't work, or if I'm streaming. xx 09-xxx-xxx-xxx
"Be still, my beating heart." You sighed out
Valkyrae just gave you her phone number
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snvw · 4 years
𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘. ━━ ❦ caliban, the prince of hell.
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𝐀/𝐍— ❦ hi! this is my first caliban imagine in almost over a year n omg it feels so amazin writing for my baby again... hope y’all like this. also, i changed the request just the tiniest bit... there is fluff, but it also got a lil dirty in some parts? sorry, anon! anyways, please reblog, like n share if you enjoyed this lil thing. also, feedback is very much appreciated! thank you for reading.♡
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓— ❦ ANON ASKED; Can I please request a Caliban imagine where the reader (female) is mortal but he’s superrrr whipped for her and calls her “my lady” and keeps saying how much he loves her and is just really sweet to the reader??? Thank you. Xx // also, you may send in a request(s) here.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘— ❦ caliban, the prince of hell, is totally whipped for his girl, you.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆— ❦ caliban x fem!reader.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒— ❦ 18+! slut shaming! fluff n mentions of sexual themes! adult language! & any grammatical mistakes are my own!
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♡࿐ Caliban was in love. No, scratch that. He was so fucking in love, it hurt. The whole ‘love’ thing was new to him, like a foreign language one was just beginning to learn. Once he started feeling this strange emotion, it was like he became a whole new person. In his eyes, he saw himself as a better, new and improved version of himself.
Caliban always thought love to be a weakness, that he didn’t need it or that he felt it wasn’t worth his time. But with you, it was different. It felt different. Because of you, he was in love. Happily so, might I add. The two of you have only been dating for a little less than a year, but unholy Satan, it felt like decades had passed. It was like the two of you knew each other for centuries.
In all honesty, Caliban thought he would’ve been alone for all of eternity, which at the time, he was perfectly content with the thought of that. At least, before you – he was used to bringing whores to his bed chambers every night. Whilst he enjoyed himself most of the time, when he grew bored and had no more desire for said whore any longer – he’d either toss them aside, or kill them.
Although, now was different... All because of you. Speaking of you, Caliban had just finished ordering one of his most trusted followers to bring you to his chambers – and shall there be even a single scratch on you, he’d tear them apart limb by limb and watch with glee as their souls burned in the pits of Hell. “My Lord, as you requested, here is Lady –“
“Yes, yes – Beelzebub, you may go. Now.” Caliban commanded carelessly, looking up to see you stepping around Beelzebub cautiously, your eyes lighting up at the sight of him. Caliban smirked, standing up from the leather chair he was resting on, tossing the book he was reading aside and rushing towards you, wrapping you in his strong arms. Beelzebub bowed respectfully, but not before throwing you a disgusted look on his way out, the large wooden doors slamming shut behind him.
“Caliban,” you greeted, your heartbeat starting to race. You felt like a lovesick fool. “I – I can’t believe..why d-did you...?” you stuttered, craning your neck back to look up at the handsome Prince. “I can’t believe you sent one of the Plague Kings to come and get me,” you gasped, sounding like you were trying to keep that information strictly a secret. “You know I’m not supposed to be down here and what if –“
Caliban smiled down at you, quickly silencing your worried ramblings as he bent his knees down slightly to press his lips against yours, both of his hands reaching up to cup your face, your lips meeting in a frenzied, passionate kiss. You practically whimpered into the kiss, parting your lips as you felt your boyfriends tongue run across your bottom lip, knowing what he sought out for. Once your lips parted, Caliban wasted no time in slipping his warm tongue inside of your mouth, tasting you and groaning at how sweet you tasted, both of his thumbs lovingly stroking each of your warmed cheeks as he kissed you senseless.
“I missed you,” Caliban groaned into the kiss roughly, suggestively grinding his hips into your pelvis. You giggled in response, running your tongue along his, your teeth slightly clashing together with his, but neither of you cared enough to stop. You two could never get enough of each other – ever.
Your hands ran up to tangle themselves into his dirty blond hair, digging your fingernails into his scalp, causing him to hiss in pleasure. “I missed you more,” you breathed, before opening your mouth wider for him, feeling Caliban’s tongue run over the roof of your mouth. Next, he started slowly sucking on your tongue, swirling your tongue around with his, almost choking you in the process with how long his tongue was, but you didn’t care. If you had it your way, you’d never stop kissing him. Fuck, he tasted amazing... like spearmint gum and some sort of sugary sweet, he tasted delicious.
Then, Caliban began to run both of his warm hands down your sides, gripping and squeezing and touching and – fuck. He was so amazing and perfect. You loved him so much, he drove you absolutely mental sometimes. His hands were so big and strong and you were so obsessed with them when they were caressing you, you swear the feeling of his skin on yours was pure euphoria.
“My Lady,” Caliban murmured, trailing his lips to the corner of your mouth, then to your cheek, kissing it tenderly. “My Lady, my lady, my lady...” Caliban praised, causing your stomach to erupt in butterflies and your pussy to start gushing uncontrollably, knowing how much it drove you wild when he called you his lady, like you were royalty. Which, in his eyes, you were. You were his, always.
Caliban’s lips moved down to your neck, kissing the skin underneath your ear so gently that it barely felt like he was doing anything, while his hands were now firmly massaging and gripping your ass through your tight jeans. “Caliban,” you sighed, growing frustrated, your pussy now starting to clench down on nothing but thin air. You wanted him, you wanted him so badly you thought you’d snap any second.
It’s been days since he last visited you in your bedroom in the Mortal realm, and he fucked you so good and hard that night that the next day, you could barely walk. That night he was absolutely feral, he wasted no time in fucking your brains out, and you could’ve sworn you felt his cock in your guts as he pounded into you from behind that night. Although, that goes without saying that hours before, he was a complete tease. Eating you out for hours without letting you cum, which made you annoyed and crazy and you really thought you’d start crying hysterically if he didn’t quit his teasing then. Luckily – for the both of you – he did, and he – of course – slowly and sensually slid his cock deep inside of you, before fucking you like a good little slut.
Caliban loved you, there was no denying it. He’d do just about anything for you if you asked him, and he could be so sweet and charming, and most of the time so cruel, just the way you liked him to be. But praise Satan, he knew how to fuck you just right, like when to be soft and gentle and affectionate, with a dark twist of being rough and quick and downright sinful. You swore it was a talent only he possessed, which wouldn’t be a total shock since he did live in and helped rule Hell sometimes.
“My Lady,” Caliban sighed, grabbing your attention as you came back down to – well, Hell – and looked back up at him, snapping out of your sexual daydream. “Hmmm?” you questioned, batting your eyelashes up at the scowling Prince. Fuck, he was so pretty. The Prince of Hell smirked down at you, reaching one hand up to gently grasp your chin with long fingers, holding it as he examined your pretty face up closely and rubbed his calloused thumb over your swollen, bottom lip.
“Was my angel daydreaming again?” he chastised, his tone sickly sweet, as if he were talking to a five year old girl. You were always so fucking cute, playing dumb and naïve, but he knew you knew better. And oh, oh – he was teasing you, the bastard. Two can play that game. As expected though, your plans always seemed to backfire on you as you unconsciously started to rub your clothed thighs together desperately, knowing what was about to come.
Fuck the consequences.
So, you played along, praying that he would have mercy on you tonight. “No, my Lord, I’d never disobey –“ Caliban snorted, cutting you off completely as you amused him at your failure of attempting to lie to him. Him, of all people. Caliban chuckled, shaking his head fondly and kissing your lips once more, making you respond instantly as you stood on the tips of your toes, kissing him back eagerly. Your arms reached up to wrap themselves around his neck once more, pulling him so close that both your chests were pressed so tightly together, your hearts beating against one another’s as one.
Before speaking, Caliban wrapped you tightly in his arms, interlocking his fingers together behind your back, resting his interlocked hands right above your ass. “My Lady, I thought you learned your lesson the other night,” Caliban spoke in false kindness, leaning down to lightly drag his tongue along the shell of your ear. You hummed quietly, tilting your head slightly to give your boyfriend more access, feeling excitement flow throughout your body. Or, were you just a horny little slut, like your boyfriend said you were?
Caliban paused, taking in a short breath, feeling his cock harden almost unbearably at the thought of punishing you again, just like a couple of nights ago. “Bad girls don’t get to cum unless they tell the truth. And you, my lady – have sinned.”
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