#anyway thoughts about makeup and lipstick and how you can't just put on red lipstick and assume everyone will call you ma'am.
neverendingford · 2 months
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wanderingmindthoughts · 5 months
I think we have an issue about how we characterise young teenage girls as "sexualising themselves" because they start wearing makeup, adult dresses, short skirts and red lipstick.
I mean, when we see a 14-years-old boy wearing a suit and a tie, we don't think he's sexualising himself. we just think "oh look, a teenager that's exploring his autonomy and adulthood by distancing himself a little from children, something which is pretty normal at his age". and you can't tell me that it's because suits aren't sexy, because many people think suits are sexy and it's in fact a common fetish.
but whenever a teen girl tries to dabble with a more adult and "mature" presentation, we think of sex. we think she's sexualising herself. I think the root of this issue is that we have thought-patterns based on a fundamental idea inherited from patriarchy that's rarely verbalised explicitly, but that we believe anyway. this unspoken assumption is that the only difference between a girl and a woman is that you can fuck the woman legally. and when that's only difference between a kid and an adult, we can't help but see every sign of teenage normal growth (social, physical and even mental) through the lense of sex. this puts an unfair pressure on girls because we force them to self-police and second-guess every one of their thoughts because *we* (the adults) cannot help but see normal teenage exploration of adult apparel as sexual -but only when it's a girl teen and female adult apparel.
therefore, a girl tries to visually send a message that she's not a little kid anymore, that's she's growing up and maturing, and rather than acknowledging her development and need for autonomy (like we do with boys), we think of sex. and how could we think otherwise? we sexulise adult women as a reflex, everything from their clothes to their bodies. boys can wear a suit; do girls have any equivalent to that? any form of visual self-expression that signals adulthood that is *not* sexualized?
we deny girls the possibility of a nuanced teenagehood, because we (the adults) cannot see a girl separating herself from childhood without somehow thinking about sex. that's disgusting.
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leanteam43 · 4 months
Johnnie and reader first date hcs
Museum of Death
(Johnnie Guilbert Headcannons)
summary : how your first date with johnnie would go!!
pronouns : they/them | GN!reader!
warnings : swearing !!
a/n's : not me actually keeping up with requests - 🌿 | loooooooove a graham cracker - 🎸 | ohhhh noooo i need 2 think - 🐇
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i was watching an old jake video today and heard that he and tara's first date was at the museum of death!!
so imagine johnnie nervously asking jake where to take you
and jakes like "bro idk i took tara to the museum of death"
and johnnie's like "okay perfect"
and jakes like "NONO-"
he has to be picked up by you since he can't drive
which he's super embarrassed about
"sorry-" "no it's okay! looove having a passenger princess!" "what??"
so thats how y'all end up in line for tickets
bc it was your job to buy them ahead of time but beauty takes time and also maybe it slipped your mind because you were nervous
but you refused to admit that
"the website was down!" "oh no that sucks :/" 'haha...yeah...it does..." *office camera stare™️*
when you finally get to purchasing your tickets
ofc he attempts making a big show about paying
but he drops his card, then picks it up
then drops it again, then tries laughing it off
you genuinely find it charming though
watching him with the biggest boba eyes as he finally pays
exploring time!!
he's so nervous the entire time
is it the right time to hold your hand?? is it not?? do you even WANT to hold his hand?? IS HIS HAND SWEATY??
little does he know,
you're equally as nervous.
is it the right time to hold his hand?? is it not?? does HE even want to hold your hand?? ARE YOUR HANDS SWEATY??
but you grab onto his arm after a particularly off-putting exhibit and this man
he never thought he would like someone just holding onto his arm but he like audibly frowns when you let go
follows you around like a lost puppy until you grab his arm/hand again
complimenting each others outfits multiple times
"i like your necklaces!!" "i like yours!"
etc etc
getting food afterwards and starring at his tattoos
if YOOOUR tatted up too,
then you two definitely compare your favorite and least favorite tattoo
if you areeen't tatted up,
then you trace around them gently and ask how much each one hurt
maybe its bc it's making him blush, maybe it's bc you actually wanna know
thats a secret you'll never tell
stalling to clean up your food bc you both don't want the night to end :C /pos
jokingly telling him "i don't kiss on the first date" and watching him get RED.
maybe you give him a kiss on the cheek goodbye,
(if you wear makeup, maybe your lipstick leaves a kiss mark on his cheek and MAAYBE jake teases him for it)
either way,
let's just say there will DEFFO be a second date
lean team OUT.
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builtbykittie · 6 months
Merry Christmas, darling
D.R.W x f!reader x J.T.K
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Summary: your boyfriend Danny takes notice of how one of his closest friends have piqued your interest and gives you the perfect Christmas gift.
Warnings: 18+, some alcohol consumption, mentions of marijuana, SMUT, threesome(m x f x m), masturbation, orgasm denial, edging, fingering, oral(m & f rec), dirty talk, unprotected sex, slight cock warming, just pure filth.
Words: roughly 6.6k
A/N: happy holidays and merry Christmas to those who celebrate!!! For the holidays, I present to you a filthy Janny fic. (Disclaimer this fic does not have any Jake and Danny scenes. It is strictly Janny x reader!) Enjoy♥️
"Daniel?" You shout to your boyfriend from your bedroom, rummaging through your closet in just a tiny little lace bra and mini skirt.
"What baby?" Danny comes walking out from the bathroom where he was getting ready, clad in a tight-fitted turtle neck and black jeans. You flip around, your eyes widening at the sight of him "Do you know where that red-ish sweater of yours is?"
"Gotta be more specific than that babe, I own like a thousand," he snickers, languidly stepping towards you. "Oh come on. You know, the one with the dark blue stripe running through it... And it has the flower things in the stripe?" You whine, smoothing your hands over his chest as he approaches you.
"Oh yeah, it should be in there, did you look hard enough?" Danny steps closer to the closet, tossing around some hangers until "aha. Found it."
"Wow. Guess I didn't. Thanks love," you blush, taking it from him and lifting yourself slightly to place a peck on his lips before sliding it on your body. "You look gorgeous, baby," Danny tucks a loose string of hair behind your ear, cupping your cheeks and kissing your forehead. Your cheeks flush red and you can't hold back the smile growing on your lips "Daniel have you even seen yourself? You look incredible."
"What's with the good lingerie, baby?" Danny smiles "thought you only wore these for special events."
"Well, it is a Christmas party. That's gotta be a little special," you walk over to the end of your bed and grab your heels, stumbling as you put them on.
"What time does the party start again?" You slip off into the bathroom to touch up your makeup and hair. "Well," you hear Danny huff a laugh "it actually started about 20 minutes ago." Not bad, especially for you two. One of the only bad things about you two being together is that you're both bad with time.
"Okay well, I'm ready if you are," you quickly reapply your favorite lipstick and fix an awkward curl in your hair with your finger. Walking out of the bathroom, you quickly grab your purse and phone off your bed "We're lucky it didn't start almost an hour ago... Like last time."
"That wasn't even our fault," Danny laughs "You ready, beautiful?" You laugh and walk up to him, letting him sling his arm around your shoulder "I told you I was."
"Are you sure you're gonna be warm enough?" Danny pulls you even closer to him as you two start to walk out the door. "Mhm. The party is inside anyway," you lean your head into him, soaking up his warmth and breathing in his intoxicating scent.
As you two approach the car, he moves his hand to the small of your back, opening the door for you and helping you in. You quickly set up the aux as soon as Daniel starts the car, putting your playlist on shuffle and letting whatever song play.
"I have a gift for you, sweetheart. I think you'll love it," he doesn't look at you, keeping his eyes on the road. "Oh yeah? I bet I could guess," you challenge, reaching over and playing with his hair.
"Hm.. I highly doubt that," a smug smile grows on his lips, still never once glancing in your direction. A grin plays on your face "is that so?"
"Is it that record I've been wanting?"
"The necklace?"
"Nuh uh."
"Yeah I got nothing else," you frown, turning back to face the road.
The drive is relatively short, luckily Jakes's house wasn't too far from your own. Usually, Josh would host, but the responsibility was handed to his fancy-pants twin this year.
Josh's parties were typically more put together and bustling with people, Jake's, on the other hand, were a little more reserved than that. Josh's were always packed full, from musicians he'd become friends with over the years to close friends and family. Jake's are mostly close friends and family, with a good amount of exceptions.
"I gotta talk to Jake once we get inside. You okay on your own for a little? I'll find you right after," Danny opens the door for you, shutting it and locking the car after you slip out of the seat. You quirk a brow at his words but don't think much of it "Mhm. Just make it quick."
"It won't take long at all baby, I promise," Danny kisses your head, his hand on the small of your back as he walks you through the door. Sam, standing in the hallway and talking to someone hidden behind a wall, spots you two immediately. "Hey! Look who arrived!" Sam starts to strut toward you, followed by Jake walking out from behind the wall. Oh, Jake.
Of course, you loved Danny more than anything and anyone, but every now and then you'd find yourself waking up to dreams of Jake's hands between your thighs. You're filled with guilt, sometimes to the point of going out of your way to avoid Jake. But who could blame you? You've been to a few of their shows, You've seen how Jake plays. The way his fingers dance across the fretboard, how he looks all hot and sweaty, the way he draws high-pitched wails out of his guitar.
You shake the thoughts from your head, bringing yourself back to reality. "Hey, Sam!" Holding your arms out for a hug, Sam happily accepts. "Hi, Y/N," Jake grins, taking you into a side hug. "Hello, Jacob. Merry Christmas," you match his energy with a smile.
"Well, finding him was easy, huh?" You grin, turning to face Daniel "I'll catch up with you soon, love." You give him a peck before letting them slip off to another area of the house.
"What was that?" Sam tilts his head, holding his cup up in their direction. "I dunno. Danny said he had to talk to Jake, I thought you might've known," you brush it off, seriously not thinking anything at all. "That's interesting. I'll have to get an answer out of him later."
"I can't believe your own brother didn't tell you his plans," you laugh, playfully slapping his bicep. "Is Josh here?" Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you scan around the room for that ray of sunshine everybody loves.
"Yeah, actually he came early to help get ready. He should be around here somewhere," Sam tries to figure out where his brother may be. "No way, Josh?" You jest "Well I'm gonna go look for him... and maybe get a drink. I'll talk to you later Sammy."
Making a beeline straight to the kitchen, you almost instantly hear that familiar voice. You're unsure where it's coming from until you hear that same voice call your name in front of you.
"Josh!" You watch as his face instantly lights up, quickly making his way through the room towards you. "It's so good to see you! How're you liking the party?" He smiles, that big wide grin you've grown to love.
"Merry Christmas, Josh! It's really nice, you guys did so good. The place looks beautiful," you take him into a hug, careful not to spill his drink on his white sweater. Josh quickly quirks a brow and looks behind you "Where's Daniel?"
"With Jake," you smile, "he told me he had to talk to him about something. Do you know what this is about?" Josh's brows knit together "nope."
"You're telling me neither of them told you or Sam?" You give Josh a dubious look, planting your hands on your hips. "I mean Jake had been acting smug but we had no idea Y/N I promise. Maybe it's a surprise," he playfully shakes your arm "You want a drink?"
"Yes please," you smile, pulling your phone from your purse and opening whatever app you set your eyes on first.
Taking a break from scrolling, you look around, searching for any sign of Danny and Jake. "Here," Josh approaches you, holding out a cup for you. "Thanks, Josh," you take it from him with a grin, bringing it up to your lips. It's not too strong, but it still burns as it goes down your throat, Josh knows you well.
You stand there and happily let Josh wrap you into one of his long and sometimes painful conversations, that is until Danny comes up from behind you, gently driving his fingers into your sides and scaring the shit out of you.
"God- damnit Danny!" You whine, slapping his chest. "Sorry. It was really funny though," Daniel laughs through his words, pulling the strap of your purse back over your shoulder.
Almost two hours of listening to the same couple of Christmas songs, one blunt, and three or four glasses of Jake's fine champagne and red wine later, you seemed to have lost sight of your inhibitions.
In Jake's basement, you take turns laying your head on the Kiszka brothers' and your boyfriend's shoulders as they take turns at pool.
Daniel walks up to you, that big wide smug grin plastered across his face as Jake patronizes his brothers for losing at the table. "Hey, Y/N? Can we talk, baby?"
"Uh yeah," you sit up, your brows knitted together in confusion. You let Danny take your arm and drag you through the house, sifting through every affair in your head as he takes you up the stairs.
"Daniel what is this about? Is something wrong?" He doesn't respond, taking you straight through the house and up another set of stairs, leading up to the bedrooms.
Once you realize where you're going, a smirk grows on your lips and your heartbeat speeds up significantly. Daniel backs you into a room, turning on the light just a little with Jake's fancy light 'switch'.
"Y/N, will you sit down for me?" He gestures to the large sofa chair beside the bed, you can tell he's holding back a smirk. "Danny-" he cuts you off.
Kneeling in front of you, his sweet eyes stare into yours "Y/N, remember that gift I had for you?" You nod, flashing him a confused smile. "I know you like Jake, baby," Danny reaches his arm up to move your hair out of your face and cup your hot cheek.
"What?" You feel your entire body flush. You didn't think he knew, how could he know? You don't even like him like that. "Don't act like you don't know, Y/N. I'm not mad."
A horrible feeling manifests it's way into your stomach and swirls around there. You know you shouldn't, but you can't help but feel guilty. It's just attraction, nothing more.
"Danny it's-" once again, he cuts you off. "I told you I'm not mad, sweetheart. I've seen the way you look at him. I know you want to fuck him."
"I mean yeah he's attractive but I like you, Daniel" you fidget with your own hands, trying your hardest to keep eye contact with him. "I know, I trust you sweet girl. I just want you to admit to me that you want to fuck him."
"Daniel, are you serious?" With furrowed brows, you watch him stand up and lean against the wall. "Yes. Be a good girl and tell me."
You huff a humorless laugh and drop your head to look at your lap. "Fine. Yes, Daniel. I want to fuck Jake."
"Atta girl. See how easy that was? Now tell me what about him you like," as he speaks, he removes his belt, his eyes dark and eager. You look at him with an annoyed expression, opening your mouth to protest but letting it die there once you realize he's not gonna drop it.
"Well," you decide to play into it. Have a little fun with it. You knew it was gonna lead to him fucking you either way. "You know how he gets all sweaty and his hair sticks to his neck at the concerts?"
The corners of his mouth tip up to form a smirk, nodding to tell you to continue as he starts to palm his cock through the denim. "And his hands.. the way they can move so fast across the frets and strings."
"His pretty mouth... Oh, and the way he practically fucks his-" Suddenly, the door opens. Your head instantly whips in that direction, eyes widening as you watch Jake walk through the door. With dark eyes trained directly on you, he slams the door behind him and locks it.
"Y/N, baby," Danny takes a languid step towards you, kneeling down in front of you once again. "Me and Jake have been talking about this for a while now. Will you let us fuck you, pretty girl?"
Your eyes blow wide, you want to pinch yourself and wake up, but this is all very real. "A-are you sure?" You squeak out, as quiet as a mouse. "Are you, love?" Jake leans against the bedpost, those dark eyes burning holes into your skin.
"Let us hear you say it, princess," Danny holds your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Yes, please fuck me."
"Merry Christmas, darling," a sick smirk plays on Jake's lips as he slowly removes his belt. "Danny, why don't you sit down while I take care of your sweet girl here?"
"So this was that gift you had for me?" You grin, standing up and kissing him before walking over to Jake, standing pretty by the bed. "Hey princess," Jake grabs your waist, pulling you into him and instantly laying kisses to your neck.
It feels wrong, yet so right. You reach your arms out, grasping onto his hair and pulling him into you with a breathy moan. "Fuck, you see that, Daniel? So eager..."
A deep groan rumbles up from Danny's chest as he continues to tease himself, running one hand up and down his thigh while he palms himself with the other. "Come sit on my lap, baby," Jake sits down on the bed, rubbing his palm against his thigh, signaling you to sit.
Following him, you sit on his lap, now facing your boyfriend. Jake's calloused hands snake around your body as he nips at and places open mouth kisses to your neck. One of his hands sneaks under the hem of your sweater, his rough hand moving up your abdomen.
Jake's other hand runs up and down your thigh, teasing you as it comes so close to your heat. He could tell you wanted it, the way your body stiffened once his hand just grazed against your panties under your skirt while the other cups your breast.
"Y/N, baby, how bad do you want me to touch your wet little pussy? Tell me, darling. Be honest," his rough fingers kneading the meat of your inner thigh. "Please touch me, Jake. I need it so bad," you practically moan, your hips involuntarily jutting forward once his fingers just barely touch your wet panties.
"Oh yeah? You wanna fuck my fingers, doll?" Jake's hand runs along the damp lace, applying almost no pressure. You manage to mumble out an 'mhm' bucking forward into his touch, your head dropped low and your eyes clamped shut in anticipation.
Jake's hand comes out from underneath your sweater to assist you in shimmying off your panties from underneath your skirt, throwing them over to your boyfriend. Suddenly embarrassed, you try to close your legs but Jake prys them open, hooking your legs over his thighs to keep your legs apart. "Oh Daniel, look at your sweet girl. So fucking wet..."
You give your boyfriend a small smile, watching his eyes darken as he stares at your glistening core, still teasing himself. "M'gonna touch you now, okay?" Jake speaks lowly into your ear, his hand slipping back up into your sweater and pushing your bra up past your breasts.
"Please..." You moan, grasping onto his thighs for dear life. Without hesitation, his hand meets with your clit "god you're so fucking wet, Y/N. Such a pretty little cunt."
You throw your head back with a moan, resting it against Jake's shoulder as his fingers speed up, rubbing tight circles over your weeping clit. "Let yourself feel it, pretty. How good does it feel sweetheart?"
"So good, Jake. Don't stop. Please don't stop," an embarrassingly loud moan escapes your lips as he slips his ring and middle fingers into you, his thumb flicking over your clit. You start to roll your hips into him, pushing yourself down onto his fingers harder. "Fuck," you whine "Oh Jake- fuck."
"Feel it, sweetheart. Just feel it," Jake whispers in your ear, curling his fingers up into you and hitting a particularly sweet spot. "Why don't you tell your boyfriend how good my fingers feel in you, darling?" The pace of his thumb flicking over your clit significantly speeds up, his fingers sweetly fucking into you. "I've heard that you like them."
You try to speak, but as you open your mouth a pornographic moan rips through your chest. He was taunting you. Every time you went to speak he would drive his fingers deeper into you. "Well? You gonna tell him?" Jake takes your jaw in his hand, lifting your head and forcing you to look at Danny, now slowly stroking himself.
"Jake's fingers feel so fucking good," you cry, continuing to fuck his fingers harder. "Do they feel as good as they look, baby?" Daniel growls, swirling his hand around his cock as his lust-blown eyes stay trained on you. "Mhm. So fucking good," Your hand moves from Jake's thigh to his incredibly hard bulge, palming him. "Careful," he drawls out, ramming his fingers into you and pressing down on your clit with his thumb in retaliation.
"Oh, Jake! " You cry, grasping onto his wrist. "Hands to yourself. Are you gonna be a good girl? Huh?" Jake slaps your hand away from him, grabbing both of your wrists and holding them tightly behind your back with one hand.
"Hm? Maybe if you're good I'll let you cum," his fingers slow down, languidly curling up into you while his thumb presses down against your sensitive bud.
You let out a huff, your eyebrows knitted together and your eyes clamping shut. You were there. The pressure building up in your stomach grew more and more intense with each second "Jake I'm- I'm gonna-"
Just as the band in your stomach is about to snap, Jake pulls his fingers from you. You let out a weak whimper at the loss of contact, dropping your head and accepting defeat. You knew if you said something you'd be robbed of another orgasm.
Jake lets you sit there and breathe for a moment, running his hand through your hair and rubbing your thighs. "On your knees," Jake growls, gently pressing his hand against the small of your back and gesturing to the floor. "From now on you call me sir."
A grin plays on your lips as you drop to your knees, facing your boyfriend and taking your bottom lip between your teeth. "Got it?" Jake grabs your hair, pulling your head back and forcing you to look at him.
"Yes, sir," you mutter, your cheeks flushed bright red. "Good girl," Jake smirks "Why don't you touch him, darling?" Jake grabs the back of your head, gently pushing it towards your boyfriend's cock, sitting up nice and pretty.
Without hesitation, you reach up and grab his cock, placing tiny pecks to his tip before slowly stroking up his length. Jake kneels beside you, holding your chin and placing kisses to your neck, his other hand sneaking around to hook under your sweater "arms up."
Jake helps slip your sweater off your body after you lift your arms, throwing it across the room. You quickly go back to stroking your boyfriend, chewing on your lower lips at that familiar feeling of his cock in your hand.
"Use that pretty mouth, sweet girl," Jake takes your hair in a ponytail, open mouth kissing your shoulders. A deep groan rumbles up from Danny's chest as you take him almost fully in your mouth, your hand tightly grasped onto the base of him.
You whine against Danny's cock as Jake's other hand snakes around your body and his fingers come into contact with your clit. "Just keep going, be a good girl and don't stop," Jake whispers in your ear, his raspy voice sending a shiver down your spine.
"Shit," Danny bucks his hips up, pushing himself further to your mouth with a groan. "You're doing so good," Jake praises, his fingers dancing over your sensitive clit. Tears form in your waterline and you moan against Danny's cock as Jake's fingers press against your clit.
The vibration of your voice against his cock paired with the feeling of your soft tongue dragging up & down his length is quick to bring him to the edge. On the other hand, Jake is killing you. His fingers dance along your clit, then quickly pull away as his lips drag along your neck. He repeats that sinister cycle over & over, driving you absolutely crazy.
Warm tears fall from your eyes as you try to ignore both your gag reflex and Jake teasing you. "Oh fuck," Danny groans, his hips jutting up and his cock twitching in your mouth. "You gonna let him fill up your pretty little mouth?" Jake speaks in between sloppy kisses to your back and neck.
Your eyebrows knit together, humming against your boyfriend and frantically nodding your head. "Shit Y/N- fuck," your hand squeezes around him and you take him deeper in your mouth, as if that was even possible. A harsh groan rips through Danny's chest as warm ropes of ivory paint your throat, instantly swallowing it all down.
"Fuck, Y/N you're so good," Jake takes your hair in his hands, forcing you to look up so that he can attack your neck. He stops at a soft spot behind your ear, babying it for a moment, eliciting whimpers from you before moving further down. "So sensitive.." Jake brings his arm around your body, toying with your breast.
"Get on the bed, princess," Danny slowly rises from his seat, Jake following after him. You wish you could sit there and admire the way they look hovering over you, their masculine statures making you feel so tiny.
"Aw she's all intimidated," Jake smirks down at you, resting his hands on his hips. "Are we making you nervous, love?" Danny leans down and pets your hair before grabbing your arm and pulling you up.
Jake takes you in his arms and practically throws you on the bed, quickly climbing on and spreading your legs apart. "You gonna let us use you? Hm? Like our little toy?" Jake purrs, flexing his fingers into your thigh. "Please..." you practically moan, the near animalistic way he's acting makes your cunt throb, begging to be touched in any way possible.
Your boyfriend sits beside you, his lips instantly finding your necks as Jake draws a slow line of kisses up your leg. "Please," you whine, leaning your head back, granting Danny more access to your neck and spreading your legs even further for Jake.
"Poor girl wants it so bad," Jake mutters "and she's been so obedient." You feel Danny snicker against your neck, his hand coming up to knead your breast. "Please what, my girl?" Danny's kisses go lower and lower, his hands snaking behind your back to unclasp your bra.
You start to get fed up. "Please just fuck me. I don't care which one of you it is," you whine, grasping onto Danny's hair. "Oh sweetheart..." Jake smiles up at you, flexing his hand into the meat of your thigh "you can't always get what you want, y'know."
"Jacob, I have been nothing but submissive and sweet for you both an-" you interrupt yourself with a moan as Jake's fingers just barely come into contact with your needy clit. "Aww, can't you wait just a little longer, darling?" Jake lays kisses near your heat, kissing everywhere but the spot where you're aching for him.
"No, Jake. I-I can't," you whine and buck your hips up after Jake lays a kiss to your clit. "You're forgetting something, Y/N." Jake's cocky tone makes you roll your eyes, your hands massaging Danny's scalp as he continues to suck hickeys onto the skin of your clavicle. "You call me sir."
Jake's lips attach to your clit, a loud, desperate moan flying past your lips at the contact. "You gonna be a good girl and stop whining now? Hm?" He speaks between kisses to your soaked cunt. "Y-yes, sir," one of your hands let go of Danny's head to grasp onto Jake's hair.
"Oh fuck," you cry, involuntarily jutting your hips against Jake's mouth. "Mm, does that mouth of his feel good baby?" Daniel asks just before taking your nipple in his mouth, circling it with his tongue. "Mhm. So good," you breathlessly moan, rolling your hips into Jake's tongue.
Without warning, Jake slides two fingers into you. A loud, almost pornographic moan rips through your chest at the feeling. "She's so noisy," Jake chuckles, sharply curling his fingers up into a sensitive spot. You feel Danny snicker against your breast in agreement, sucking the supple skin of your breast into his mouth.
Jake finds a spot that makes you cry the loudest, babying that area until you're nothing but a sweaty, whimpering mess. "Oh god Jake please," your back comes up off the bed, squeaky breaths and moans flying from your open mouth. "That's not it, doll," Jake sends a sharp thrust of his fingers into you before sucking your clit into his mouth.
"Please sir," you cry, on the verge of tears. You feel Jake snicker against your heat, rewarding you with a sweet curl of his fingers up into you. Your eyes roll back into your head, your hands flying to Danny's back and digging into his muscle.
"Holy shit. I'm gonna- oh fuck," your thighs tremble and your fingers dig so deep into Danny's back you fear you might've broken skin.
For the second time, Jake completely pulls away from you. "I'm sorry sweetheart I promise you can cum soon. Just be patient love," Danny hums, pressing a sweet kiss to the base of your neck.
"Such a good girl," Jake praises, smoothing his hands over your thighs. Jake and Danny switch places, Danny settling in between your thighs as Jake's lips smash against your jaw.
"You ready, princess?" Danny grasps the base of his cock, pumping at a painfully slow pace. "Please fuck me, Danny," you moan, reaching down to toy with your clit. Jake chuckles against your neck at your response to Danny, sitting up to unbutton his pants.
As Danny teases your entrance, you reach over to unbutton Jake's shirt, your hands shakily fumbling the buttons. Jake gets his pants down, revealing the incredible tent in his boxers.
Jake juts his hips forward and pets your hair, silently telling you to touch him. Just as you grab his cock, Danny slowly starts to sink his tip into you, a whimper falling past your lips and your hands growing even more shaky.
"c'mon sweetheart. Just focus," Jake runs his hands through your hair, his hips slightly swiveling. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you pull Jake's cock from his boxers. You marvel at it for a moment, taking in all the veins and admiring how hard he is in your hand. He's even bigger than you'd expected, and not to mention, deliciously thick.
"She's in awe, Daniel," Jake snickers, moving a damp piece of hair that was stuck to your face. You hear a low laugh come from Danny's chest as you start to stroke Jake's cock.
Your hands tremble around Jake as Danny continuously teases your cunt, desperate whines falling past your lips. "Let me feel your pretty little mouth, darlin," Jake purrs, his hips jutting forward.
Without hesitation, you take him in you mouth. At the same time, Danny slides into you and stretches you out with one painfully slow thrust. You mumble and moan against Jake, one of your hands finding Danny's locs of curls.
Jake grabs the back of your head, holding you still and forcing his cock down your throat, repeating the action as Danny starts to unapologetically thrust into you. An advantage Danny had that Jake didn't, was that he knew every one of your spots. He knew what would have you falling apart in front of him.
Your eyebrows knit together as you look at your boyfriend, moaning against Jake's cock. "Eyes on Jake, baby," Danny growls, sending a sharp thrust against a sweet spot.
Your eyes clamp shut at the feeling, but when you look back at Jake, he's got a sick grin on his face "Hi princess." Jake pets your hair before his hand snakes down your abdomen, your body covering with goosebumps at the feeling of his rough fingertips dragging down your bare tummy. An embarrassingly loud moan escapes your mouth and vibrates against Jake's cock once Jake starts to toy with your clit.
"Danny, you never told me this sweet girl of yours is so damn filthy," Jake rasps, rubbing sweet circles over your clit. Your eyes clamp shut, you were already almost there. The repeated loss of every orgasm so far has reduced you to nothing but a whining, sensitive mess.
"Oh baby," Danny purrs, thrusting so deep into you as you squeeze and quiver around him. Deep groans rumble up from both Danny and Jake's chests, the feeling of Danny ramming into you mixed with the sweet feeling of Jake's fingers against your needy swollen clit brings tears to your eyes. Not to mention the way Jake's cock is nearly going down your throat.
Jake lets go of your head to wipe hot tears from your cheeks, almost instantly returning the hand to where it was and thrusting even further into your mouth. "So so good for us," Jake whispers, punctuating his words with thrusts into your mouth. Danny doesn't fail to hit every single spot inside of you, you wouldn't be surprised if he'd found a new one.
Moans rip through your chest and you writhe beneath both of them, serving as a warning that you're close. Your eyes clamp shut once again, you're unable to keep quiet against Jake's cock, moans falling from your lips like a waterfall. "Fuck Y/N," you hear Jake groan above you and you open your eyes, watching him as he sends one final thrust into your mouth before his warm release spurts into your mouth.
He keeps you there, forcing you to swallow down every last drop of his release. "So good, Y/N," Jake runs his hand through your damp hair as he pulls out of your mouth. "Oh fuck. Danny!" You cry, grasping onto Jake's wrist for support.
Danny grabs the back of your head, pulling you up by your neck and smashing his lips against yours before dropping you back on the bed. "Oh- I'm close Danny I'm gonna-" you interrupt yourself with a loud, squeaky moan as Jake continues to rub circles over your clit and Danny babies a sweet spot deep within you.
You go to speak, but all that comes out is a high pitched squeak. Your eyes clamp shut and your nails dig into the flesh of Jake's arm "oh fuck- oh my god." Your orgasm creeps up on you, your head going blurry and your body shaking.
For the third time straight, you're robbed of release. Jake moves his hand and Danny pulls himself from you, grasping his cock and stroking it. With one final tug, warm ropes of ivory paint your throbbing heat and tummy. Tears swell up on your waterline and you cover your hot face with your hands, so overwhelmed by everything.
They let you lay there for a moment, collecting yourself as they smooth their hands over your body and wipe away your tears, telling you how good you are.
"c'mon baby, it's Jake's turn," Danny sits on the bed beside you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Jake moves to be where Danny was, a sick look in his eyes as he looks down at your unfortunately soaked cunt.
Without warning, he flips you around, pushing your cheek into the warm sheets and eliciting a small giggle from you. His rough hands smooth over your ass, flexing his fingers into the meat before his thumb comes down to toy with your entrance.
"Fu- Jake please," you whine into the sheets, swiveling your hips for him. You're sure under normal circumstances he'd continue to tease you and make you suffer for longer, but he probably pities you.
With a low chuckle, Jake grabs the base of his cock and drags his tip through your arousal drenched folds. That alone elicits a whiney moan, so when he thrusts into you and stretches you out with one swift movement an incredibly loud moan rips through your chest.
"So fucking tight," Jake groans, pulling nearly all the way out of you before coming back down and hitting a sensitive spot. "Oh Jake!" You cry, pushing yourself back further onto his cock as Danny runs his hand along your back.
"Does it feel good baby? Does my cock feel good in your sweet little pussy?" Jake growls, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, pulling you into him to go even deeper. You frantically nod your head, moans falling from your lips in strings until you can finally moan out a 'yes'.
Jake lays a slap against your ass, the sting eliciting a breathy moan. It's clear he loved whenever you would make the loudest noises, especially when he got you to moan his name. "So fucking filthy," Jake's arm snakes around your waist, pulling you up to be flush against his chest. "Letting us use you like our little fuck toy."
The hand not holding you against him finds your clit, rubbing tight circles to the swollen bud. "Oh fuck- oh my god," you whimper, writhing against Jake's body and struggling to keep your composure. "How good does he feel, love?" Danny tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, cupping your sweaty cheek and stroking it with his thumb.
"So fucking good. He feels so good," you moan, grasping onto Danny's wrist. You hear Jake snicker by your ear, sending a particularly rough thrust into you. "And here I thought you were all innocent," Jake punctuates his words with sharp thrusts, letting go of your waist and grabbing your hair in a ponytail, holding you against him by just your hair as you grasp onto Danny's shoulders
You look at Danny, your incredibly fucked-out expression causing him to snicker. His hands reach up to cup your face, taking you into a sweat kiss in contrast to the rough, unapologetic way Jake's fucking into you.
Jake's cock has completely robbed you of every one of your remaining thoughts, the only thing on your mind being how good he feels. You pull away from Danny's sweet lips, gasping for air as Jake steals the air from your lungs.
"Oh god-" you cry, letting go of Danny's shoulder to grasp Jake's wrist, the feeling of his fingers against your clit becoming almost too much. Danny reaches up to toy with your breasts, taking your nipple in his mouth and taking the bud between his teeth.
Jake's fingers speed up around his clit, his hips rolling into sweet spots and his tip brushing against your cervix. "St- too much," you cry, your orgasm creeping up on you and making itself present. Your hands pull on Danny's curly tresses of hair, your eyes shut so tight it would take a crowbar to pry them open.
You never thought of yourself as a screamer, that is until you feel your orgasm approach. Disgusting strings of profanities and moans erupt from your mouth, you make noises you didn't even know you could make. Jake slows down a bit, making sure he doesn't hurt you or overwhelm you more than you already are, if that was even possible.
"Holy fuck! Jake I'm gonna- I'm," you're unable to finish your sentence before your orgasm shakes your body, rushing through every limb and vein. It's something you're sure you've never felt before, nearly 10x more intense due to the repeated loss of release leading up to now.
Jake's hot release spurts inside you, painting your walls with ivory slick. As Jake lowers you back down to the bed, Danny takes your face in his hands, holding your forehead against his, helping you come back down to earth with a soothing touch.
You go to open your mouth and say something, but all that comes out is a squeaky breath. Danny's unable to hold back the small laugh at your current state, his thumbs caressing the warm surface of your cheeks.
You open your eyes, offering a weak smile to your boyfriend and pressing a kiss to his pretty red lips. "Ready?" You hear Jake behind you, his hands smoothing over the raw skin of your ass. "N- not yet," you breathlessly whisper, cuddling up into your boyfriend's warm body. "Just tell me when, sweetheart," Jake leans over, kissing the skin of your back.
After enough time passes, you give Jake the yes to pull out. Jake's hands dig into the meat of your ass, bearing himself as he starts to pull himself from you. You suck in a breathy moan, a mix of both yours and Jake's juices dripping down your thigh almost instantly after he pulls out.
Danny settles into the bedpost, helping you flip back around and letting you lay on him as Jake gets a cloth wet to clean you up. "You think people are worried?" You giggle, looking up at Danny and reaching for his cheek.
"Well, you were pretty loud," Danny huffs a laugh, his hand running through your hair "but it is a party. It's bound to happen." Your cheeks burn red in embarrassment, knowing people definitely heard just how loud you were being.
Jake comes back with the cloth, his pants loose around his hips and his chest glistening with a thin layer of sweat. "Poor girl," Jake settles in front of you, bringing the damp cloth to your thighs. "She looks so fucked-out," Jake chuckles, paying extra care to make sure not to bother you as he cleans you up.
"Thank you," you smile, taking the back of Jake's neck in your hand and pressing a kiss to his cheek before attempting to stand up.
"You ready to be interrogated?" Danny jests, helping you slip your lingerie and clothes back on your body. "Really funny," you roll your eyes, your cheeks still flushed red with embarrassment.
"Yeah you might be joking but you forget how nosy my brothers are," Jake drives his elbow into Danny's side as he buttons his shirt.
"Yeah well if I get asked one question I'm jumping out of the window," you move your damp hair away from your neck, tying it up with an old hair tie you had on your wrist.
"Thanks Jake, I had fun," you smirk, standing on weak legs and pulling him into a hug before grabbing your boyfriend's hand and leading him out, Jake following suit behind you.
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scarfacemarston · 8 months
Abigail Roberts A-Z Alphabet Fluff Prompt
Rest of letters here. T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, and gifts?)
We see in the epilogue that Abigail definitely tries to make things special for John sometimes. She'll buy him a new shirt, she'll make his favorite food, she seems to decorate the place extra nice and genuinely just wants to spend time with him. For Jack, she wants each birthday to be as special as possible since she feels she can't give him much. She'll make cinnamon rolls or French toast in the morning. She always saves money to buy him a new book or takes him to the bookstore, bakes a cake, and gives him the few gifts she and John could buy or make him. She'll try to buy something affordable from the catalog, with John giving suggestions on what he THINKS Jack might like……..it doesn't always work, but he tries. In the modern au, she'll take him to an arcade with his friends. (YES, THEY EXIST STILL.) That, or the movies and some restaurant.
Needless to say, she puts a lot of time and effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. 
U: Ugly (What would be a bad habit of theirs?)She worries and paces so much I bet she could make a mark on a wooden floor. I'd also say maybe checking in on people too much. Some people like Jack and John think it's bossy and nosy, but she's trying to help for the most part. If it's Jack or John………or Uncle, she's trying to make sure they're behaving.. On a lesser scale, she either seems to have great posture or really bad posture, no in between, it seems. Finally, her squinting at the sun really damages her eyes, causing her pain.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She knows she's beautiful, but she doesn't bother putting much effort into her looks. In Canon, she wears the same outfit for years. She also wears a simple bun and a braid at night. She could be curling her hair or wearing it up like the other ladies, but she doesn't. I thought she wore the lightest makeup, but I don't believe it at the end of the day, and she wouldn't waste the little money she had on it. Modern Au is just as beautiful but doesn't spend a lot of time on her looks, either. She wears her hair naturally. Mostly in a bun or braid, but she is more likely to wear it down here. She wears light makeup. Eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick and foundation. She goes for a more natural look, but red lipstick looks stunning. She doesn't bother with beauty trends, just what she feels comfortable with. She is also less fashionable than Molly. She cares about being comfortable and "age-appropriate." Meaning she doesn't dress like a "mom," but she's not wild either.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Abigail learned this lesson after all the hell she was put through with John. Her heart felt incomplete, but she never would admit it, even when L.H. Arthur would point it out. She resigned herself to being alone. She felt no one would ever love a single mother, especially one with her past. She had given up on love. Could she be pulled out of that mindset? Yes, but it would take someone very special. IMHO, a woman would have better luck with this. (Granted, women can be super judgmental.)   Xtra (A random headcanon for them)  This was posted in a seperate link because the HC I picked needed some explaining. Y - There was not a Y for the list.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Abigail hates sleeping on her back anymore. Sleeping outside on the ground for so many years has really messed with her back. She's a side sleeper now, but she sometimes rolls onto her back anyway.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
🔥Azula and makeup
Oooh what an interesting topic! I switched to my laptop for this one I was like "I have too much to say I can't be on my phone" LOL
I have two categories of thought here & I do think there's value in separating those categories
Canon & character design
Let's start with the obvious. Azula is an anime - I'm sorry, it's western media someone will yell at me for saying that - a cartoon villain. It's just part of her trope/design that she's conventionally attractive / has red lipstick/eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man etc. If you've ever seen any piece of media ever, you HAVE to get that. So, to an extent, the conventionally attractive design is just kinda...there for obvious reasons.
However, because Azula is a PRINCESS & we do see how choices like hair & clothing are symbolically important - this doesn't mean it's entirely a waste of time to analyze the importance of makeup for Azula's character.
Azula has to look presentable at all times as part of her political role. We see her with lipstick & makeup even at a very young age in flashbacks (& YES the flashbacks are canon please don't start that discourse on my posts again omg) & that's sad in a way but it makes perfect sense considering her important role in the court.
In fact, the only time (IIRC) that we see Azula without makeup is when Zuko interrupts her at night when she is trying to sleep! Oh, & maybe in the scene where she is visiting the spa (& Zuko interrupts her! - lol damn, Zuzu leave her alone (jk). These are domestic scenes when she is alone / sleeping / getting ready to become more presentable. In general, Azula treats appearance with the utmost importance.
It's highly relevant that Azula's appearance begins to fall apart during her breakdown. Her lipstick is sloppy. She cuts her bangs. Her outward character design reflects her inner turmoil.
Okay that's all I have for now
2. My personal subjective headcanons & thoughts
It's been a while but I remember seeing a post about how Fire Nation military personnel were rare & Azula, Mai, & Ty Lee were going against FN gender roles. IDK the post was a whole meta but I couldn't find it now, so sorry. The point is - Azula is canonically a freaking military general/diplomatic mastermind AS WELL as a proper princess!
I personally love the idea that Azula has a masculine side - not trans per se, but I guess it could be if that's your HC but it's not mine - that enjoys boy clothes, suits, no makeup, etc. She likes to embrace that side of her gender. But, she's never felt comfortable or had the room to do so under Ozai's reign & expectations. I personally headcanon Azula as queer/sapphic whatever & I like the idea that as well as sexuality, once she gets away from Ozai she could start to explore gender a bit!
At the same time, I think that Azula does love her feminine side. In my stories, I tend to focus on her exploring different types of fashion. I feel as if in a modern AU she would have strong opinions on different high-end brands. I just know that she would have a huge collection of amazing dresses.
I feel that Azula going without makeup or with less makeup would be a huge step for her (in any universe) because she is SO used to everyone seeing her all put together. Azula starting to become more relaxed about her appearance would be - in my opinion - a HUGE step for her in healing & beginning to become more comfortable with herself.
sorry, this literally went beyond "Azula & makeup." I REALLY started to ramble lmao sorry I am just sitting in bed drinking my lil glass of cabernet sauvignon watching How I Met Your Mother & getting way too passionate about Azula & gender -- I'm done rambling for now tho LOL xD
TYSM for asking <3
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takiberry · 8 months
tbh I do have a blog, I just haven't been active in a while, like the last time I was active was when Sungchan and Shotaro just joined NCT, so it's been a while. But, I've been writing again, and it's about to have a Revival of Selena Gomez proportions, Enhypen and &Team have got me in a way no group has got me since Ateez. I've got some things in the pot simmering, but it ain't ready yet, so while that finishes cooking allow me to leave you with this thought;
Taki is a combination of both nonsexual dominance and prince/ss treatment, but most of all he's possessive af. The type to keep his eye on you whenever you are at a party and visible disapproves of you speaking to any other guys especially when they start getting flirty with you, has no problem just approaching and pulling you out of the awkward conversation, especially after seeing the guy continue flirting with after you mention you have a boyfriend and he can see how uncomfortable it is making you. Would then be the type to start making out with you and pretty much shove his tongue in your mouth while grabbing your ass all in view of the guy that was talking to you, making sure he keeps eye contact with the guy that was flirting with you, to make sure he gets the message; also so you remember who you belong to. That concept photo of him in a letterman jacket, those have your last name on the back, and he makes damn sure you wear it whenever you go out without him so everyone knows you belong to him, also makes you wear it when he's with you, because it boost his pride. The type to warn you to change if he thinks your skirt is too short or your shirt is too see through, claiming that he is the only one that deserves to see you wearing those, and making you change into something he's picked for you; would try to tell you to wear pajamas pants and an oversized sweater to a party you are attending without him, since you shouldn't be dressed so sexy if he can't be there to protect you from the prying eyes of strangers. Loves to show you off, those skin tight little black dresses and deep v neck red short dresses are his favorite on you when he's taking you out, being his literal arm candy, since you look amazing and he can't resist the need of tasting your lips constantly. The type to throw away your lipsticks and lipglosses that he thinks taste nasty, would buy you exclusively fruity flavored lip products, since he's going to be kissing them off your lips anyways, he may as well enjoy the taste. Would comment he needs chapstick, but when you hand him the chapstick he's just like nah, and instead kisses the chapstick off of your lips. If those Jessica Simpson edible body shimmers still existed, you know he'd make you wear it, especially on your neck, since he's the type to constantly kiss your neck in public, but would absolutely just like lick your neck in private. The type to leave hickies everywhere on you, but mostly where others can see, like hide them on your thighs no, turn your neck purple and not let you cover it up with makeup so everyone can see you are his yes. The type of just have his hands all over you in public, like I hope you aren't shy, since he sure as hell ain't, and pda is gonna be everywhere; his hands don't have an assigned spot to hold when walking it could be your hands, your waist, your back, your back pocket, or your shoulder, his hands just go where they are compelled to go in that moment. But, he would definitely enjoy you walking in front of him most of all, one would absolutely stare at your ass and probably slap it at least once, two would keep others from staring at your ass since that's his ass, and three would just love wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against his chest randomly if anyone starts eying you. When he talks to you in public, he always puts his lips right to your ear and whispers, even if it's something little like grab a bottle of water. The type to just straight up bridal carry you if you say your feet hurt or back hurts, like you'd say damn these new shoes are hurting, and just immediately you are in a bridal carry and he's just like, wear shoes you can't breaking in next time we don't need your feet hurting. The type to feed you if you are eating with him, like you take one look at his food since it's different than yours, and he's just like open up and is feeding you. Also would always share food with you, like it might be a bag of chips, a shake, or an ice cream cone, if you don't think you can eat it all, he'd offer to share.
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lost-jams · 11 months
Brushes And Beats chapter 11
pairing: JiminxReader
genre: fluff with a pinch of angst
trope: enemies to lovers
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:that awkward moment when you are caught in a lie:
It was clear to me that Jimin had feelings for me, so clear that it scared me, my chest tightens as I replay our encounter over and over in my mind. "Stop Y/n, you are not going through it again" I chastised myself, I am not ready to start anything with anyone Hell I don't even know I'll ever be. Huffing leaned back in my chair staring at the city lights, The weather is windy, it's nice, it's peaceful as I watch the bustling streets below.
It wouldn't work between us anyway, Once his fans or the media or even his manager finds out about any of these...It's over, and I'll be left alone all over again.
Maybe all he wants is a one-time thing.
No matter how much time has passed, no matter how much I've moved on from my past, No matter how many chances I had for romance and love, Yoongi always was in the back of my mind reminding me of my scars.
Hell, I would have been married to him if it weren't for his betrayal, maybe by this time we would have had babies as we planned, just what went wrong between us? I don't think I'll be able to start anything new until I've finally let go of my past without any unanswered questions or lingering thoughts of what if.
It won't just be fair to anyone involved.
Checked tablecloth and candles. Romantic music and I dolled up nicely in a red dress and lipstick. The only thing keeping me from dozing off is the little sharp nervous feeling in my stomach when I think of the inevitable kiss with this person.
name: Jason Smith
Job: Resturant Manager
A slice of panic opens in my gut. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
"What are your plans for the future?" he asked, his gaze fixated on me with a glimmer of anticipation. "umm...I do plan on opening my own makeup studio someday" I reply, trying to ignore the unease that settling in my heart.
"Y/n," he began, "I've heard about you. You must be in demand in the industry,"
His words were kind, but I was unusually distant, my mind elsewhere. "You could say that, I have been doing this for 6 years" I answered, forcing a polite smile, "The world of makeup artists is small, so not much to compete with."
Jason laughed, a rich, hearty sound that normally would have put me at ease, but not tonight. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it did, sooner than expected.
"Oh Y/n, a beautiful, successful woman like you deserves the best. Something more luxurious than your eyeshadow palette." His words, meant to be complimentary, hit the wrong chords, and I saw red.
I suppressed an annoyed sigh, taking a deep breath instead. Repeating a critique similar to Jimin had made felt strange coming out of Jason's mouth.
"Jason, last time I checked, you weren’t the make-up police." It was a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, but his laughter sounded forced.
When he tried to interject with his opinions on skincare next, I cut him off. "Jason, we're here for a relaxed dinner, aren't we? Let's keep it that way."
His nod of acknowledgment did nothing to soothe my agitated nerves. The rest of the evening passed in an awkward pretense of a date, our conversation a stilted exchange of pleasantries, each moment more taxing than the previous one.
As the night ended, I bid him goodbye, knowing in my heart that the date was the first and the last. I walked home, the night's cacophony fading into silence, and Jimin's teasing face swam into my mind. A nightmarishly engaging co-worker, a constant pain. But as I recalled our moments together, I wondered if my date had already ruined any chance of seeing him differently. Was I already too late?
Name: Mark Hudson
Job: Auto-mobile engineer
"I don't really appreciate women doing jobs"
Oh God, did he really just say that?
yes, yes he did
Name: Luke Thompson
Job: Accountant
"I never understood why anyone would choose career paths in arts, OH I'm not saying it's a bad thing...I just personally don't find it practical"
"I see" I replied, gritting my teeth as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes
Name: Craige Williams
Job: Dentist
"And then he vomited all over my chair! I guess some people just can't handle dental work"
I looked down at my corn soup...It looks like vomit...
Name: Kim Seok Jin
Job: Surgeon
"I really don't know how you can stomach all the blood when you do your job" I replied to his medical traumas he shared "Trust me, It wasn't easy for me at first, but you get used to it over time" Jin paused, for a moment "what do you call the most detail-oriented ocean?"
"What?" I looked at Jin, confused "Uhh, not sure " he grinned "The Pacific!" with that, he burst into laughter, his joke wasn't funny but his laugh was infectious and I couldn't help but mirror it.
Finally a nice guy
"You must get all the juiciest gossip from your clients," Jin asked with a playful grin, "Why are you curious?" I replied with a coy smile, "Not really, but it would be interesting to know all the tea besides I bet it won't beat the dramas from the hospital" As the conversation continued, I found myself drawn to Jin's charismatic personality and genuine interest in getting to know me. We shared stories and laughed, finding common ground in our love for helping people.
The night came to an end and I found myself walking back to my apartment with a smile on my face. He wanted to drop me home but I rejected it as his own house was in the opposite direction.
ring ring
I pulled out my phone and saw Jin's name flashing on the screen, "Hello?"
"Did you make it home safely?" Jin's concern for my well-being warmed my heart as I responded, "Yes, I made it home safely. Thank you for asking, Jin. I had a wonderful time tonight."
"No the pleasure's mine, I couldn't say it then I was too caught up thinking I might make you feel awkward but you looked stunning tonight," he confesses hastily, caught off guard by his compliment, I felt a rush of warmth spread through my cheeks."Do you perhaps want to grab dinner again sometime?"
"yes, I would love to"
That was the emotion I was feeling when I agreed on the second date, He shouldn't be played like this, he is a nice guy...wait...Jimin wouldn't know if I kissed anyone or not, He wouldn't know anything about my feelings unless I tell him,
I do not have to kiss anyone, I just have to say
"The kiss was amazing"
Jimin squinted his eyes at me as we stood face to face in the green room....his lips slowly curled up "Thank you, Birdy," he replied with a smug grin, as he stepped closer to me and brushed a strand of air behind my ear, his touch felt like an electric spark causing me to jump to the other side "What?? NO, I HAD A DATE LAST NIGHT" panic rose within me "we kissed and it was incredible!"
His grin widened, "I know when you lie Birdy, not working" I froze, my heart pounding, "You are sweating, I see you gulping from time to time, you won't maintain eye contact and your skirt is wrinkled by your clenched fist" My mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible explanation but it was clear that Jimin had figured me out.
knock knock
"Is Y/n here?" Zara came to my rescue "Y-yeah! here!" I waved my hand "OH you have a parcel, Someone sent you roses!!" Bingo.
"AAHAHAHA" I fanned my hand over my mouth as I walked across the room maintaining eye contact with Jimin, I could see his smug expression dropping "Oh my!!! they are perfect!!" I squeal trying to convince Jimin there is someone in my life "Who sent them?!" Zara asked excited,
I did...I ordered them myself
"My date"
Confusion and disappointment clouded Jimin's face, as he realized I was not lying to him after all,
Y/n:01 Jimin:00
The feeling of euphoria washed over me as I walked away from Jimin, knowing that I had successfully diverted his attention and kept my secret safe.
No boys No problems.
The tea I was sipping never tasted better than it did in the moment of victory as per the deal he will leave me alone and won't pry into my personal life anymo-
"A bouquet of roses, cost: $10, recipient: Kim Y/n ordered by: Kim Y/n"
A sense of dread washed over me as I turned to see Jimin standing behind me, waving a receipt in his hand.
Y/n:01 Jimin:01
Jimin's POV
Who the hell did she kiss?? I do remember telling everyone To. NOT. Kiss, OH NO she might have gone on a date with someone else, I hurridly opened the group chat and typed "GUYS EMERGENCY"
Mark: What
Luke: Whats up? Your girl rejected you?
Craige: LOL
Taehyung: EHEHE
Jungkook: oh wow
Jason: Whoa, what's going on?
silence followed
Jason: nope
Mark: Nah
Jungkook: She seenzoned me
Luke: we haven't seen her in days
Craige: I was out of town, so definitely not me.
Jimin's heart sank as he scrolled through the messages, realizing that none of his friends had gone on a date with Y/n.
Luke: What happened?
Mark: wow
Jungkook: That's unexpected
Jimin's mind started racing, trying to piece together who Y/n could have gone on a date with.
Taehyung: wait, send me your girl's picture again
Jimin: wait
Jimin: YES
Taehyung: Girl was outside my shop from 6 am, Can you believe that?!
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, Well played Birdy
Taehyung: If you check the envelope with the flowers You may find a receipt from the flower shop
It was lunchbreak meaning the green room is empty, My heart was pounding in my chest as I rushed to the green room to confirm Tae's theory, The flowers were lying next to her bag,
There is an envelope with a receipt from the flower shop.
Joy erupted from my lungs, as I twirled across the room THANK YOU, GOD. I walked through the cafeteria, and
Target spotted
Hello there.
to be continued...
chapter 10 || chapter 12
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folkwhorerain · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy (Wanda Maximoff x fem reader)
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
Summary: reader is a shy and insecure Avenger whit a crush on Wanda, but she never made the first move on the sokovian. What if, during a party, finally something happens between the two of them?
Warnings: angst, reader being insecure, language (I think?), alcohol and sexual tension (feel free to tell me if I should add more).
English is not my first language, so bare with my grammar please, lol. This is my first fanfiction ever so forgive me if it's not anything special or it is lame.
I got inspired by "Jealousy, Jealousy" by Olivia Rodrigo, so I suggest you listen to it while reading, if you want.♥️
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You hated them. You hated Tony's parties.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed the Avengers company, but parties were definitely not your thing. You always felt... out of place.
You were fine with chatting with the team during this day when you spent some time together, but when parties where that huge like tonight's one, all you wanted to do was staying in your room.
The fact is that you can't help but compare yourself to the others. You never felt enough and you were intimated by Tony's friends and the other heroes. You were just... You. No one special with no cool superpowers, you were good at hand to hand combat and you were really smart, but that was it; you always thought that was lame. Like that wasn't enough, you were the newest recruit in the team. The Avengers all welcomed you well and you grew attached to all of them, especially Natasha, but still, you didn't feel like that was enough for you to be considered "the cool Avenger", and you were still private about your feelings and emotions; when something was wrong the only answer that you had when they asked you what bothered you was "it's nothing". But it wasn't nothing. You felt an outsider in the team, you felt like you weren't enough for them and the worst part is that you knew it was all in your head, but you couldn't help it.
The first person that always comes to your mind when you think of someone cool is Wanda. Her powers affascinates you and you loved her determination. You can't say you two are close, but she always treated you well and she respected your boundaries, that's why now you have a crush on her and that's part of the reason you didn't want to go to the party. Seeing her well dressed while smiling to people who weren't you and while Vision was trying to get her attention would only make it worse.
You considered staying in your room while scrolling your social media, not having any strength to get up and get ready, especially when you were still in your bathrobe and your thoughts were only about a certain witch. However you knew Natasha would've dragged you out of the room if you wouldn't come so, after a few curses and annoyed groans, you threw your phone on the pillow and started to get dressed.
You didn't want to get the attention to you, people would start a conversation and tonight you weren't into it at all, so you opted for a green skirt and a black, cropped sweater and a little bit of makeup. Nothing more.
I'm already so sick of this bullshit, you thought to yourself, then you took a deep breath and went downstairs.
As you expected, the biggest room of the Stark Tower was filled with people you didn't know, but you were sure they were mostly Tony's friends.
They were all so confident with their drinks in hands, perfect combed hair and fancy dresses worth millions of dollars.
You weren't nothing like these people: you didn't get why people would spend millions for pieces of cloth. It was a waste of money, but how you wished you saw it differently, maybe you would be one of these apparently happy people with a lot of friends, and not the weirdo of the group with a lack of confidence so evident you couldn't even enjoy a relaxing event.
A few tears tried to escape your eyes, but you wouldn't let them. Steve was watching you and, from the look he was giving you, he already sensed something was off with you; so you did what was best and faked a smile, which he returned gladly before he went back to his conversation with Bucky.
You felt like a creep standing in the corner of the room doing nothing, so you started looking around searching for Nat. After a few second you saw her talking, or better, flirting with Bruce at the bar while she had a Martini on her hand.
You frowned sympathetically. Cute. He really likes her a lot, you thought seeing Bruce embarrassed and intimidated by the widow.
Suddenly a waiter asked you if you wanted a glass of wine and you accepted, maybe a little alcohol would help you get through this more easily. You took a sip and enjoyed the feeling of the wine in your throat.
“This is ridiculous.” you whispered.
“What is ridiculous?” you heard someone ask you.
You turned to see who it was and that's when you saw her: Wanda was smiling at you with a curious expression on her face.
You blinked a few times, amazed by the girl in front of you: she was wearing a short, black dress, and her ginger hair was loose on her shoulders. She decided to put on a little bit of makeup and a red lipstick. Not like her typical style, but you liked her anyway. She was always so beautiful.
You shook your head, realizing she was waiting for an answer. "Uhm, parties, I guess.” She nodded. “I mean, Tony's events are always too exaggerated.” you added before biting your lips, clearly embarrassed.
“I know how you feel.” Wanda agreed. “I always have to try so hard to fit in during things like these.” She chuckled while looking around the room.
“Well, at least you're trying.” You said before giving her a dry laugh, looking down at your glass.
The ginger tilted her head sympathetically. “Well, maybe that's the problem.”
You frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean... trying too hard is the problem.” She explained. “If you feel like you have to try so hard it becomes unbearable, maybe that means that the thing you're doing is not good for you.” She added before biting the inside of her cheek.
You simply hummed in agreement and took another sip of wine, too intimated by her beauty.
Don't think something awkward. She can read minds. Don't think how beautiful she is- shit. Stop thinking.
“If you'll excuse me, Vision is looking for me.” She said with a smirk on her face before leaving you alone again.
You watched her walk away, analizing her every move. God, how you wanted her to be yours. She was not, of course. Why would she be with someone like you? She could have Vision and every other man in this room, so why would she choose a girl like you? Speaking of the devil, Vision approached her with a few guys and she gave him her brightest smile.
You watched all the interaction, still in the corner of the room.
He was so confident with his perfect posture and his good manners. He would be the best for her. He's the kind of man, or synthezoid, or whatever, that could always reassure her and find the perfect words to make her feel better. He would try and cheer her up and find the better jokes to tell, just like he's probably doing right now. In fact the sokovian was laughing at something he said and her beautiful laugh echoed through the room.
You felt jealousy rush through your veins.
“I wanna be him so bad!”
All the people in the room turned to look at you with puzzled expression.
Your eyes went wide when you realized you practically yelled what you wanted was just a thought so, without a second thought, you rushed out of the party and went straight to your room.
You slammed the door and let the tears escape. You took off your make up and headed straight to bed, overthinking what just happened, screaming in your pillow.
I always ruin everything!
You didn't expect you would've said that out loud and right now you didn't expect to hear someone to knock on your door. You didn't answer, though, you kept your head buried in the pillow. It was probably Natasha who wanted to talk about what happened and you definitely weren't going to say a word.
The door opened anyway and you groaned in annoyance.
“Listen, Nat-” You started to say but stopped immediately when you saw it wasn't the russian spy, but Wanda.
“Hi.” She greeted you with a shy smile. “May I sit?” She asked pointing the bed.
You composed yourself and nodded shyly. “Yeah.”
Wanda gave you a swift smile and sat next to you, crossing her legs on the bed. Your breath itched when you felt your knees touching. You two have never been this close and the situation was making you nervous, thing that didn't go unnoticed by Wanda considering the fact that you were playing with the ring on your index finger.
You never noticed but Wanda knows you very well. She knows your moves, the way you play with your hands when you're nervous, the way your eyes shine when you talk about your interests or the way you are quieter than usual when you're sad.
The truth is that Wanda liked you very much and she knew you liked her too. She didn't want to tell you 'cause she wanted you to take courage and say it first and, to be fully honest, she was scared. What if your crush was temporary and you would eventually get bored? What if she loses you just like she lost her parents and Pietro? She would never, ever accept it.
“So... Why did you run away?” She asked like it wasn't obvious you just yelled in front of everyone.
“Are you seriously asking, Wanda?” You snapped before you could stop yourself.
She looked at you with sad eyes before looking down at her hands. “Sorry…”
“No, no... Don't apologize.” You whispered. “You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have… God, I'm pathetic.”
You threw your head in your hands and sighed. I'm so sick of myself!
“Why are you sick of yourself?” The sokovian asked you before placing a hand on your knee.
You looked at the hand and then at her.
“Sorry, I shouldn't have read your mind, but sometimes your thoughts are really loud.” she chuckled, starting to rub her thumb on your knee. You were speechless, all this interaction was making you crazy. You craved more of her touch and now, more than ever, you wanted to kiss her. However you pushed those feelings aways and started to open up to avoid thinking about something inappropriate. “I'm just… me. I mean, I'm not special.”
“Why do you think that?” She asked raising an eyebrow, her hand never leaving your skin.
You took a deep breath. “Wanda, come on! Tony's friends are so cool, he's loved by everyone, Natasha is a badass russian spy, you have these amazing superpower. Thor is literally a God, for fuck's sake!”
“You compare yourself to the others too much. It's not healthy, Y/N.” She sweetly stated wiping away a tear from you cheek.
You closed your eyes for a second, enjoying her touch, but then you came back to reality. “I know, but I can't help it. The others seem to be so confident and happy, and all the girls at the party... Fuck, they're so pretty-”
"Beauty is not your lack.” She interrupted you smirking, her hand still on your cheek.
“I- I just wish I was them... I wish I had the courage Vision has.” You admitted, looking down.
“Why him?” The ginger asked placing two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at her in those piercing green eyes.
“Because I'm so jealous he gets all your attentions and I don't just because I'm too insecure.” You said it in a whisper, almost inaudible, but Wanda heard you and you knew judging by the smile on her face.
“You want my attentions?” She asked leaning in.
Her face was so close to yours that it was hard to breathe. You could smell her perfume and that alone was making you want her more. You had the urge to kiss her and touch her and taste her, but right now Wanda was waiting for a response so you simply nodded, not trusting your voice.
“You already have them.” She admitted, making you frown in confusion. “There might be a hundred people in the room, but I would always notice you and only you, Y/n.” You were speechless, partly because of her confession, partly because she was so damn close to your face it made your heart race fast, and before you could realise, she kissed you.
Her lips were so soft against yours and her hands were in the right places. However, after a few moments, you realized you froze and didn't reproached the kiss. Wanda broke the kiss, a disappointed look on her face.
“I'm sorry, I thought you liked me t-”
Before she could finish her sentence, you kissed her. You kissed her with so much confidence it surprised both you and Wanda.
Your right hand was on her neck and the other was on her waist, pulling her close.
You felt her smirk on the kiss and the hand that before was on your knee now was up your thigh.
“God, this skirt was making me crazy the whole night.” She breathed out, making the hand go higher and higher where you needed it the most.
Before you could realize you still had your party outfit on, Wanda started caressing slowly your inner thigh, making you gasp. Hearing the affect she had on you, the ginger bite your lobe before whispering something that made you shiver.
“Let me show you all the attentions I have for you, babygirl.”
alright, that was it. I know it's not good, but I had this idea the other night and I just had to write it.
Feedback is appreciated. <3
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pretty off-topic from what i normally post, but i thought this up last night while i was playing shining nikki and watching smiling friends with my dad ( he legit had no idea wtf was going on but he still stuck around with me so thamks dad♡),,, but anyway, i was skimming through some of the designers' reflections in sn and i had a big brain moment,,,
smol blurbs below!
mercury's ears are pretty sensitive since he's hidden them all his life and he's never let anyone see them, much less even touch them. so when you decide to come up behind him while he's at his desk and give his ear a little kiss, he's caught completely off guard and he uncharacteristically jolts, and a grunt manages to escape his tightly sealed lips.
you're not stupid, once you figure out that it's mercury's weak spot, you waste no time in latching your warm lips onto the shell of his pointed ear, dragging your lips back and forth ever so slightly. he's clenching his knuckles so tightly they're becoming as white as a sheet, and he's clenching his jaw tightly shut, making it clear that he won't give in to your ministrations no matter what you do. when you feel satisfied, you pop your lips off, but not before blowing a puff of hot breath onto his ear, and quickly retreating before mercury has the chance to grab you. don't think he'll let this go, he'll get back at you one way or another ( with kisses, hugs, and his deep voice, duh )
qin yi hardly ever needs help applying his ever-changing makeup or slipping into his iconic designs, but for some reason he likes calling you over and asking for you to help him, coming up with all sorts of elusive reasons as to why he can't do it himself. he keeps his iconic smile when the sliver of your touch just barely grazes his smooth skin.
when you've finished applying the succulent blood-red lipstick and pull away to place the small circular container down, qin yi grabs your wrist firmly and presses his lips flat against the smooth skin. you, of course, jolt then begin to scold him since you put so much effort into applying the red pigment, but of course, he's not even listening. qin yi's too busy pressing kisses to your skin while slyly watching underneath his fluttering, butterfly lashes.
loen is canonly a lightweight when drinking, but he seemingly does well enough to appear sober even when drunk. so when he spots you at a bar that he quite often frequents, he waltzes right in and cheerily greets you. what he does expect, is seeing you participate in a drinking game with a few acquaintances, although your expressions are anything but content.
each time you bring the bubble-fizzed glass to your glass, loen can see that you try and take small sips, but your companions encourage you to take deeper swigs of the burning liquid. so when it comes around to him, he takes his drink like nothing, even if the tips of his pale ears are reddening, but when it's your turn, he snatches your glass from your hand and chugs it down in one go. you know him well enough to know that the alcohol is going to hit him hard, so you use that as an excuse to grab him and quickly leave. loen doesn't stop clinging to you though and even asking if you're proud of him for taking the fall. ( pls, he needs praise )
aeon is curious about the world of miraland, seeing as the one time he was able to grace its lands, he caused a rather unsavory and large tsunami. so it's safe to say that his perception of miraland is very limited and he has no clue how everyday life occurs there. so when you arrive in the ark, he tries to limit his questions, but you notice how he seems to just vaguely light up anytime you mention anything so mundane to you, but exciting to him.
he's glued onto every single one of your words, patiently waiting while you try and think up another interesting place that you've wandered off to. while he seems stoic and lacking in any visible excitement, you know aeon well enoughーthe slight raising of his voice, the way his body perks up with each description, and how his eyes sparkle and waver with a hunger for more of your words. if that weren't enough, marina will mischievously whisper how her older brother is always mumbling your name under his breath while he absent mindedly writes out your name in his clipboard!
modric somehow encourages you to stay up late with him, giving you his simple smile as he offers to play you one of his signature compositions as thanks. everytime he catches your eyelids drooping and your head dipping, he starts tracing his fingers across your face until the ticklish sensations rouse you from your little nap.
when it's obvious that you and him have reached your limit, you end up falling asleep against his shoulder, squishing your cheek in the process. and modric lets you, now much too tired to even really care. when you wake up on his couch and having overslept well into the morning, you're pissed because modric kept you awake well past your limit, and you're still exhausted. he just gives you a sleepy grin and offers to take you out to one of his favorite placesーa date if you willーand you're surprised that he can even talk, given how sleepy he sounds.
nikki always excitedly looks forward to when you'll come over and watch the numerous drama's she's found herself invested in. hell, she's gotten you hooked on the differing plotsーnot that you blame her, some of the characters and plotlines have you completely hooked.
she has the strangest foods ever like coke noodles and milk chicken wings ready and prepared for you, her and momoーlike hell he's gonna miss out on a feast like this!ーand you're impressed with how much effort nikki's put into this. when you comment on it, momo suddenly starts to say something about nikki being so excited about you coming over, but she quickly shoves a slab of barbeque in his mouth before he can finish his sentence and starts your marathon. throughout it though, you can feel her fingertips just barely grazing yours, inching ever so closely.
yexiao always invites you to come and paint with her; you don't even have to be artistically gifted to do so, she just tells you she'd like some company and chit chat. you agree and she guides you along to a hidden paint shop that she seemingly frequents, seeing as how the owners cheerily greet her and ask her if she's come for the usual.
it's so nice and calm, a contrast to what you're used to where you reside, and you can actually feel yourself think for once. yexiao lets you observe her yard, watching with unblinking and calm golden eyes. when your bring the pigment-stained brush to the blank canvas, she offers some adviseーmix the orange and blue a bit more to make a deeper brown, add some highlights to the green leavesーwhenever you appear to be struggling. yexiao's been painting for quite some time, and even you wonder what she's been up to. you, she painted you.
zoey is incredibly skilled with guns, that much is very clear and evident, even people who haven't met her know that she could gun them down and not even bat an eye. you, not so much. it's not that you're afraid of putting a bullet through someone's head, no, you just can't even fucking hold it properly without your stance looking like some amateurish wannabe gun slinger. good thing zoey offered to help.
she presses her body right up against yours, slender fingers perfectly gripping your shoulders and arms as she angles you into the right position and her smooth voice right up against your ear. when you hit the practice target with a bullseye, you're ecstatic because you finally did it and happily thank zoey for being a great help, and she gives you her signature smile and claps a bit. " if you're that grateful, why not join me at the bar tonight, hm?" ahー
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itsadamcole · 3 years
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
it’s Drew’s wedding day and reader has a secret ...
Tumblr media
word count: 4.3k+
warnings: friends to lovers, cheating, smut, kinda angsty
— hi hi. here y’all go —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
"You have to tell him today, Y/N," your best friend and former Raw Women's Champion Charlotte Flair says. "He's getting married. After today, he's gone."
You're putting on your red lipstick to match your red satin gown as you say, "Char, I love you, but he's my best friend. His happiness comes before anything, including my feelings."
Charlotte blinks at you and says, "You'll regret it."
You finish up your makeup and say, "I won't if it means that he's happy. If that's not with me, fine. I'd rather not tell him and stay friends, instead of telling him and losing my best friend."
The Queen stares at you and says, "You're missing an opportunity. He obviously cares for you and he wants you in his life, even after the drunken sex incident a few years ago."
You cringe at the thought of the drunk sex you had with him. You both were just signed to NXT and became instant friends. You always felt some kind of connection with Drew, and he felt the same way about you. One night, the night he won the NXT Championship at Takeover Brooklyn III, you both went out drinking. Both of you drank too much and you spilled how you felt.
Back then, it was a little crush. Now, about three and a half years later, you're in love with your best friend. He met his soon-to-be wife almost right after the drunk and sex-filled night you had with him, and he always gushed to you how in love he was with her and how he wants her in his life forever.
When he told you he was going to propose to her, that was the moment you decided to keep your feelings to yourself. He wanted to marry her, and you wouldn't get in the way of his happiness.
So, you let it go. His fiance asked you to be her maid of honor since you were Drew's closest female friend, and you said yes. You've grown close with Drew's fiance and she's an amazing person. They're cute together, and you won't ever get in the way of that.
"Hello? Earth to Y/N?" Charlotte says. "You better have zoned out thinking of ways to tell Drew that you love him."
You sigh and finish getting ready before saying, "I am not telling Drew that I love him. That is not happening, Charlotte. His happiness means too much to me, and so does our friendship."
Frustrated, you leave the room. You wander around for a bit, and of course, you find yourself outside of Drew's room. You knock gently and you hear Drew say, "Come in."
So you open the door and walk inside, hiking up the dress a bit so you don't trip over it.
The dress is a red satin mermaid style gown. The dress is tight until it gets to your knees, where it flares out. You're wearing black heels under the dress because you couldn't find a pair of red heels that paired well with the dress.
Drew looks at you and says, "Wow, look at ya. I was with ya when ya bought the dress and ya still look beautiful."
Your face turns red and you eye up the Scottish man in front of you. He's already in his suit and his hair is in a neat ponytail on the back of his neck. "And you look handsome in that suit of yours," you say. "I've wondered what suit you got."
"It's not too much?" he asks. "I tried t'go with the traditional American suit but I think I overdid it."
You giggle and notice his tie is a little off so you walk over to him and say, "You need to work on your tie tying skills, McIntyre. It's crooked."
Drew laughs as you start to fix his tie. Even with heels on, he's still several inches taller than you and you have to reach up to fix his tie. You stand close to him and you can smell the cologne he's wearing. It's your favorite, but you've never told him. You haven't told him a lot of things.
The Scotsman says, "Yer face is red, Y/N."
Quickly, you say, "Must've added too much blush when doing my makeup." Your face is red because you definitely are standing a little too close to Drew.
After an eternity, you finally finish fixing his tie and you back away, admiring your work. You chefs kiss and say, "Perfect."
Drew laughs and says, "I don't know what I would do without ya, Y/N."
"You would be lost with crooked ties without me," you tease.
The taller man smiles at you and says, "I definitely would be walking around with crooked ties."
This is why you'll never tell him that you love him. You don't want to lose this. Missed opportunity? Oh well, you want Drew in your life and if omitting how you feel keeps him in your life then you will never tell him.
You almost admire the man standing in front of you. The dark color of the jacket and pants brings out his bright blue eyes. The jacket is a tight fit and the pants he's wearing hug his butt nicely. He has a little thing of white flowers attached to his jacket.
"Yer staring, Y/N," Drew says, bringing you back to reality. "And ya look like ya have something to say."
Quickly, you shake your head and say, "I don't have anything I want to say. I just wanted to come by and say hi and good luck today."
Drew says, "Yer face says otherwise. Ya can tell me, ya know. Nothing will change, Y/N."
You almost let your guard down and tell him but instead, you say, "Fine, you look handsome and I was caught a little off guard. Took me back to that night a lifetime ago."
His face softens and he asks, "The night I won the NXT Championship?" You nod in response. "That was one of my favorite nights since I moved over here a while ago."
Surprised, you mumble, "It was my favorite night ever."
"I wish we could've just had more than that one night," you admit.
Drew says, "I met my fiance a week later, Y/N. Trust me, that night between us was amazing, and I wouldn't change that for anything. I fell in love with my fiance almost immediately, and wanted to do everything for her."
You say, "I know, Drew. I'm just saying that I wish that we could have had more than one night together. It was never off the table for me."
He says, "It was for me. I got into a relationship I was happy in and I didn't want t'ruin that."
You begin to get upset and you say, "I get that, Drew. I wasn't going to ask you for sex while you were in a relationship. You were happy, and that's all I care about. I've put aside my feelings and did what I could to keep you happy. I said yes to being her maid of honor, I helped with every single detail because I know you so well. Everything I did over the past year was because I love you.”
Drew's jaw almost drops and your eyes widen when you realize that you let how you felt slipped.
"I'm about t'get married and ya lay this on me now?" he says, accent thick. You can't tell if he's angry or upset that you told him.
You sigh and say, "It doesn't have to mean anything, okay? I'll just leave you to finish getting ready and we can talk about this later. I'm sorry." You turn to walk away and feel tears prick your eyes.
As you walk to the door, you hear Drew say, "This doesn't mean nothing, Y/N. This means everything. I can't just ignore that ya just told me ya loved me."
"You can't do anything anyway," you sigh. "You're getting married today, in less than three hours. I'm sorry I even said anything. Just enjoy your day and we'll talk whenever you get a chance."
Drew says, "I have a chance t'talk t'ya right now, Y/N. Stop running away."
Your hand is on the doorknob and you say, "I'm not running away Drew. I'm walking away before I can embarrass myself even more."
The Scot says, "Yer just telling me how ya feel. That's not embarrassing, Y/N."
"It is when I'm telling my best friend on his wedding day that I love him," you sigh, voice shaky. "It's so embarrassing, especially when I have had so many chances before today to tell you how I felt."
There are footsteps behind you and you feel a presence behind you. "Why haven't ya told me?" Drew asks, voice a couple of octaves lower than it usually is.
You turn around and look up at Drew before you say, "You're my best friend, Drew. You were happy and I could never get in the middle of your happiness or stop you from being happy. I was scared that if I told you then you would leave because you make me feel alive. When I met you, I felt like I could breathe for the first time because I was so alone in an unfamilar until I met you. When we met on NXT, you had just come back and it was my first time in WWE. When we met and we became friends, I felt relieved that I made a friend. That's why I never told you because I was scared."
Drew's eyes are on your face and you stare up at him. You sigh and continue, "Then you met her, and I could tell you were happy. Truly happy. I became her maid of honor to make your day special. I planned my best friend's wedding, putting all feelings aside. I didn't want to ruin your day, which I'm pretty sure I already have."
The man in front of you is quiet for a few minutes and tension builds in the air. He reaches out and cups your face in his hands. They're rougher than they were all those years ago. "I think ya lied t'me when ya told me ya added too much blush when ya were putting on yer makeup because yer face didn't turn red until I touched ya."
You didn't even realize that your face was heating up when Drew touched your face. You stare up at the Scotsman as you say, "I said that because I didn't want to tell you the truth."
"I wish ya told me how ya felt," Drew says, eyes flickering down to your lips. "I really wish ya did."
Before you can stop yourself, you grab the collar of Drew's jacket and you say, "Well I'm telling you now even though you can't do anything about it. I am in love with you."
Drew's thumbs run across your cheekbones before he says, "I hope I told ya how beautiful ya look in that dress. I'm almost happy that I'm one of the first people t'see ya in it."
"You're making this harder on me than it already is," you sigh, staring up at Drew.
The Scotsman kisses your forehead and you close your eyes before he mumbles, "I'm sorry, Y/N."
You look up at Drew and he stares down at you, eyes wandering all over your face as you give in to what you really want. You get on your very tiptoes and pull Drew down to you before bringing your lips to his.
As soon as your lips touch Drew's, you feel guilt and you feel selfish. You're kissing another woman's fiancee. This is wrong, but it doesn't feel wrong. He slowly kisses you back, deepening the forbidden kiss.
Drew's lips are softer than you remember. Maybe because the kisses you last shared with him were rough and you were drunk. His hands leave your cheeks and land on your waist. He walks forward, forcing you to take a few steps backward until you're pressed against the door. Drew pins your hips to the door and you pull back from the kiss.
Your lipstick is all over his lips and you try not to laugh as you say, "We shouldn't be doing this, Drew. You're about to get married in a few hours. This isn't right."
"It doesn't feel wrong," Drew says, pushing a piece of your hair out of your eyes. "Before ya got here, I was debating on coming t'see ya because I wanted t'tell ya how I felt too."
"You," you trail off. "You were going to what?"
He laughs a bit and says, "Over the past week, I've been doing some soul searching and making sure that I wanted t'commit the rest of my life to someone I met and fell in love with so quickly. I asked myself these questions that were like 'what if this doesn't end well because we were in a relationship so quick?' and 'is she really the right woman for me?'. Then I thought of ya and our night together and how much ya mean t'me."
You look up at Drew and listen as he talks. You have no idea what he's trying to say but you hope he's trying to tell you how he feels.
Drew brushes a piece of hair out of your face as you say, "I hope you're trying to tell me something, Drew."
The Scotsman smiles and says, "Yer smart, Y/N. Figure it out."
Pouting, you say, "That's not fair. I told you straight up how I felt."
The taller man leans down a bit so his face is close to yours as he asks, "What would ya think if I told ya that I want another night like we had all those years ago? What if I told ya that I wanna feel ya around me again, Y/N?"
Your hands begin to shake as your mind flashes back to the night Drew fucked you in your hotel room. The way he moved makes your heart race, and there wasn't even any love or passion behind his movements. You can only imagine what he could do to you when there is.
Slowly, you say, "I would say take me right here, right now because I want to relive that night with you."
With that, Drew's lips crash to yours with such force, you gently hit the back of your head on the door. You quickly push off Drew's black suit jacket and he throws it on the floor. His hands come back up and cup your face as he kisses you.
You wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close to you, not giving him the opportunity to pull back from the kiss.
"Can ya jump, love?" Drew mumbles into the kiss.
His lips leave yours and attach to your neck as you sigh, "Not unless you want me ripping my dress in more than one place."
Drew says, "Then we'll just have t'get it off ya then, won't we." He reaches behind you and touches the zipper on your back. He pulls the zipper down and you shrug the thin dress sleeves off. Drew's eyes wander down to the dress as it falls off your body. You're wearing nothing but a pair of lace black panties underneath the dress.
A smirk forms on Drew's lips and you say, "Don't even think about it, McIntyre. I know exactly what you're thinking."
"And what am I thinking about, love?" Drew says, eyes coming back up to your face. "Enlighten me, Y/N."
You start to unbutton the white button-up Drew is wearing when you say, "I'm wearing nothing but a pair of underwear under this dress. Everyone knows what you're thinking about."
Eventually, you give up on unbuttoning the shirt and you just rip it open. Buttons fly everywhere and Drew looks down at you and his now open shirt. "Jesus, love," Drew gasps.
You leave little kisses to Drew's chest and run your fingers over his toned stomach. You say, "It's been three and a half years since you've touched me like this and seen me like this. Three and a half years too long, Drew."
The Scotsman runs his fingers down between your breasts and says, "I agree. It's been too damn long since I've touched ya or kissed ya."
Your eyes examine his bare upper body before you meet his eyes. You finally jump up and wrap your legs around Drew's waist.
"I jumped," you giggle.
Drew kisses your chest and holds you by your thighs before he walks over to the bed. You untie his hair and he lays you on your back on the bed. You stare up at him as he leans down and kisses you. You cup his face as the kiss gets deeper.
You reach down and unbutton the dress pants Drew's wearing. His finger trails down your body until they get to the waistline of your panties. They dip into your panties and he cups your core, making you gasp against his lips. He starts to play with your clit and you sigh softly.
He mumbles, "Let's get these off ya. I wanna see how wet ya are for me."
Whining, you say, "Drew, please."
He literally rips off your panties and you gasp. "Oops" is all he says.
"Those were my favorites," you pout.
Drew lays on his stomach with his face between your legs as he says, "Next time don't wear your favorite pair."
He kisses your inner thigh and you sigh, "I didn't know I would be having sex with you today."
You look down at Drew between your legs as he says, "Well, I buy ya a new pair, or a few because this won't be the last time I rip off yer underwear."
Your jaw almost drops and Drew dives into you, sucking on and kissing your clit. You put your hands in his hair and push his face into your core. He hums when he tastes you, sending vibrations into you.
Drew suddenly pushes two fingers into you and you moan softly. "God," you gasp.
"Yer so tight, love," he says. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
You don't think you can speak so you just nod. He pumps his fingers in and out of you, slowly at first. Your breathing becomes more labored and your eyes close as you're overcome with euphoria and ecstasy.
You've missed feeling Drew touching your body and kissing you. His lips feel so good on your skin when he kisses you. It's almost selfish of you that you want to keep him to yourself.
Drew adds a third digit and you moan a little louder. "Fuck," you cry out.
The Scotsman smirks and says, "I can feel ya holding back, Y/N. I can feel ya clenching around my fingers. Ya don't have t'hold back for me, love."
You look down at Drew as a pit forms in your stomach. He curls his fingers into your g-spot and you cry out, "Drew!"
"Ya gonna cum for me, love?" Drew asks. "Ya gonna cum from just my fingers?"
Nodding frantically, your head falls back onto the bed. You arch your back and moan Drew's name as you reach your climax. You release all over Drew's fingers as your toes curl.
Drew pulls his fingers out and you watch as he sucks your juices off his digits. He gets on his knees on the bed between your legs. You breathe heavily as you come down from your high. Your mind wanders off to how amazing it felt just to have his fingers inside of you.
You sit up and start to pull at Drew's pants. He kicks off his shoes and you get his pants down to his knees. Drew runs his fingers through your hair as you trace the outline of his dick in his boxers. His eyes are on yours as you hook your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, pulling the thin fabric down. Your eyes widen as you watch his erect member pops out. You forgot about his size, and you wonder how that even fit inside you the first time.
"I, um,” you stammer. “I forgot how big you were, Drew.”
The Scotsman kicks off his pants and pushes you into your back. You stare up at him as he says, “I’ll make sure ya don’t forget this time, princess. Ya still on the pill?”
Nodding, you say, “Kinda. I have an IUD now because I’m so busy and sometimes forget to take the pill.”
Drew laughs and says, “Only ya would get so busy ya forget t’take yer pills.”
Giggling, you push his hair out of his face and ask, “Are you gonna keep asking what birth control I’m on or are you gonna fuck me?”
“Just wanted t’make sure, love,” he says before pushing your legs up over his shoulders. You giggle and look up at your Scotsman. His usually bright blue eyes are dark with lust as he props himself up.
You cup his face with your hands and you bring him down to you, kissing him. You feel the tip of his dick run through your soaked folds and sigh against his lips.
Drew’s lips leave yours and attach to your neck. Your eyes flutter shut and you sigh. You run your fingers up and down his arm. Then Drew slides into you slowly, making you whine softly. “Am I hurting ya, love?” he asks.
Shaking your head, you sigh, “No, it’s okay. Just move, please. I need you, Drew.”
He slides deeper into you, making you moan. “Fuck,” you cry out, squeezing your eyes shut. Drew let’s you adjust to his size before he slowly starts to thrust into you.
Your breathing becomes more and more labored the faster he moves. You dig your nails into Drew’s biceps.
Drew pants and grunts as he moves faster. You cry out, “God, don’t stop, Drew! You make me feel so good inside me.”
Your words give him extra motivation and Drew starts to move harder into you. Your back arches off the bed beneath Drew’s body before Drew pins your hips to the bed.
“Tell me how much ya missed me, love,” Drew pants.
He speeds his thrusts up and you pant, “I missed you so much, Drew. I missed how good you fucked me. I missed your touch, your kisses. I missed all of you.”
The tip of his dick begins to slam into your g-spot and you moan, “Drew!”
When he realizes he found your spot, he begins to slam into it over and over again. Your walls clench around his member inside of you. The familiar pit forms in your stomach and Drew kisses your jaw.
“Oh, God,” you moan. “Yes, Drew. Make me cum again.”
Drew smirks against your skin and speeds up. The pit in your stomach bottoms out and you almost scream Drew’s name. Your legs shake as you orgasm. You didn’t even realize that Drew came inside you until he collapses onto you. You lean up and kiss Drew. Drew pulls back from the kiss almost immediately and you stare up at him. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
He’s quiet before he says, “I have t’go do something.”
Confused, you tilt your head as Drew crawls off of you. He puts on a t-shirt and a pair of sweats before he leaves the room.
Anxiety rises within you as you pull the blankets up to cover your naked body. What if this was him leaving you? What if he’s running to his fiancé to tell her what happened with you and him?
You grab one of Drew’s WWE t-shirts from his closet and put it on then put on your panties. Your phone begins to ring and see Charlotte is calling.
“Hello?” you mumble.
Charlotte says, “Um, I can hear Drew and his fiancé talking in the other room. He’s saying that he wants to call off the wedding.”
Your eyes widen and you ask, “Anything else?”
She’s quiet before she says, “His fiancé is asking why. She sounds upset. Drew just said ...” Charlotte trails off.
“Drew just said what?” you ask. “Charlotte!”
Your best friend says, “Drew just said he’s in love with someone else. He didn’t realize it until today and he said it doesn’t feel right to get married today.”
You smile and whisper, “He actually does love me.”
Charlotte asks, “Did you say something?”
“Has his fiancé left?” you ask, getting off Drew’s bed.
Your best friend is quiet before she says, “Yeah. She just got on the elevator.”
You hang up the phone and run out of the room. You run into Drew on the way to his fiancé’s room, well ex-fiancé. You basically throw yourself around the Scotsman and you hug him. “Woah, Y/N,” he says. “Relax.”
“I knew you loved me,” you whisper in his ear.
Drew smiles and hugs you tight. “Of course I do, love,” he says as you bury your face in his neck. “I love ya, Y/N.”
Slowly, you pull your face out of his neck and say, “I love you too, Drew.”
A third voice chimes in and says, “She fucking did it. She finally told him.”
You look over and see Charlotte. She’s almost beaming and you rest your forehead against Drew’s cheek before pecking his jaw by his ear.
Drew says, “Took her long enough.”
“Hey,” you pout. “You had a fiancé.”
He laughs and says, “I’m kidding, love. I’m glad ya finally told me.” He attacks your neck with kisses and you giggle.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
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Title: Eyes on you
Pairing: Shaw x You
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2,901
A/N: You (Y/N) are not the MC in MLQC. This is a plunny that's been bugging me for quite a while, I had to write it. I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own MLQC or its characters, but I do own the concept of this fic.
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There were a few mysteries in this world that the esteemed Archeology Graduate Professors at Loveland University can't explain - for instance, the formation of the Stonehenge, the exact location of the lost city of Atlantis, the origin of the Nazca lines… and your presence at the Metro Art Gala dressed to the nines, positively gleaming as you strode arm in arm with your classmate and Thesis partner Shaw, who seemed like the perfect gentleman that evening. Thanks to your work at the Loveland Museum, you scored two invites to the gala featuring the recently discovered works of a well-known artist - an event any Archeology fanatic wouldn't let pass. The two of you walked along with LFG's Exhibition Hall, pausing occasionally to admire one of the recently discovered sculptures by the Renaissance artist D'Romani. As you both looked at the intricacies of the artwork in front of you, your charming companion would lean in slightly and whisper something in your ear, causing you to roll your eyes or stifle a giggle. 
To the guests in the prestigious gala, the two of you looked like two young people at the cusp of falling in love, but the members of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Archeology saw it differently - this was a real-life mystery if they'd seen one. 
As your eyes swiftly swept through the entire room, you could see that your professors only had one question in mind - how'd this happen? How did two people as different as day and night, who argued with each other throughout Graduate studies, end up amiably enjoying each other's company tonight? 
You drew a sharp breath and sighed. The answer was simple: Your Thesis defense was right around the corner. You needed him to cooperate, you were willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. And your Thesis partner (unfortunately) was ready to take full advantage of the situation. 
"Tell me why we're doing this again, " you said through the door that separated you and your date, as you were putting on the dress you bought (or invested on, as he casually stated) for tonight's gala, which he insisted on attending with you. It was six in the evening on a Friday, and you had just arrived home after cramming your workload at the Loveland Museum and foregoing your meal breaks just so you could leave work at exactly five-thirty. 
"I already told you a couple of times - you want me to cooperate with you so you can pass our Thesis, and I need a reason to be around her," the purple-haired man waiting at the other side of your bedroom door called out nonchalantly. "You can drop your fantasy about me asking you out because I'm attracted to you."
You hissed silently at his snarky remark and counted to ten. You haven't even left your apartment yet you already wanted this night to be over. "How do you even know she's gonna be there?"
She - the Miracle Finder Producer, the object of your Thesis Partner's fantasies, and as fate would have it, his brother's girlfriend. 
"They're doing a show featuring our Thesis adviser. Didn't he tell us about it during our last consultation?" He asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"I wasn't listening," you shot back, as you took off your ponytail and started styling your hair with your curling iron. You chose a one-shoulder fitted black dress that stops right above your knees, so you thought of wearing your hair down for a change. 
"Ah, yes. You were too busy looking at your notes, trying to prove me wrong as always."
You closed your eyes, as you continued to make big beach waves and prayed to the gods you wouldn't commit murder tonight. 
"How much longer are you gonna take?"
"Excited much?" You asked, smirking while you now removed your glasses and put on your contacts. "You sound like a teenager excited to see his crush in a school fair!"
"Don't compare me to you!" 
"I don't have designs on anyone in the party," you called back. "Unless your brother's attending the event, that is. From what you've been telling me, he seems like a great guy."
Silence. You arched an eyebrow as you strained your ear to listen for any sign of life outside your bedroom door. What must your grunge-rock skater boy-turned-date-for-the-evening be thinking? 
"Do you want to pass our Thesis or not?"
You struck a victory pose at his remark. Finally, one point - you, Shaw - about twenty. 
"Are you done yet? This suit is really uncomfortable. Damn, why do people even wear these?"
"Because they're decent?" You shot back. "You know, you can always go home if you're not comfortable in your attire because when we get there, you need to act decent, too. Can't have your usual swagger in a formal affair."
"Just hurry it up already!"
You rolled your eyes as you applied your nude-colored lipstick to finish off your look before putting on your black stilettos, and stuffing your phone, wallet, and your makeup in your purse. 
"All done," you replied, as you finally emerged from your room. 
A part of you wished that the dynamics between you and Shaw were different. While he was a pain in the neck, and too carefree for his own good, you also thought he made for a good intellectual sparring partner, quite attractive, and it was hard to deny that he's got your heart beating double-time whenever he got too close for comfort like he was at that very moment. 
"My, you two kids seem to be having fun tonight."
You gasped, at the sound of the voice behind you, and you felt your date nudge you ever-so-subtly while straightening.
"Hey, Professor Adler," he said in his usual unruffled tone, his lips stretched into a smirk as he held his hand out to your Anthropology professor and Thesis adviser, who watched you both amusedly. His gesture made your eyes shot wide open, you thought they'd fall right off. Shaw shaking someone's hand? That's one for the books. 
"Shaw. Fancy seeing you here," the stout middle-aged man greeted while shaking your date's hand. "This isn't your usual scene though."
"Yeah, I know, but I can't exactly turn a pretty lady down, can I?" 
"I can see that," your professor said as he looked at you appraisingly. "Well, well, you clean up well, Miss (y/n)."
You fought the urge to squirm at the older man's words when you heard your date cluck his cheeks with his tongue and suddenly felt his arm around your shoulders, pressing you protectively close to his side. 
"All done!" You happily announced as you stepped into the living room of your small apartment where your date was impatiently waiting for you. 
You could've sworn he was stunned for a second or two before he shook his head and tried to regain his usual impassive expression. Finally, he stood and walked closer to assess you better. 
"You're not wearing your glasses. I thought you said you're practically blind without them?" 
You cocked your head to one side. Out of all the things he could've complimented or called out, that's the first thing he noticed? 
"Wouldn't it look awkward if I wore glasses to a formal event?"
"Your hair is all curly," he continued as if you didn't say anything. "And your shoes are so tall, won't you trip? Also, surely you have a jacket to go with that dress, right?" 
You stared at him in disbelief. Why did this carefree, bass-playing skater boy turn into your dad all of a sudden? 
"Well, at least you're not wearing red lipstick. You don't have to try too hard to look sexy. Geez! I've got plans of my own this evening, so don't expect me to be your bodyguard," he continued to mumble as he circled around you. Before long, you felt something warm and heavy on your shoulder. His coat?
"It's just until we get to the venue," he shrugged as he led you to the car he borrowed for tonight. "I don't want people seeing you freeze to death."
You sighed, your shoulders slumped as you followed your date to the car. You already expected he wouldn't throw you a compliment for looking like a proper human tonight, and you cursed yourself for feeling gutted over it anyway. 
"So, which one of these sculptures did you like best, Professor?" You sighed in relief as Shaw changed the subject, his arm still wrapped around you, making you blush furiously. 
"Oh, I have to say I liked Eros and Psyche best. In case you haven't seen it yet, it's located a little further down the hall near the bar area," the older man was starting to explain when someone tapped his shoulder from behind. 
"Excuse me, Professor Adler," a gentle voice called out, making both the professor and Shaw jump. From behind the old man, a pretty petite with brown hair and big brown eyes, and the biggest smile on her face stepped up. "My name is MC from Miracle Finder."
Almost immediately, Shaw withdrew his arm around you, almost causing you to stagger backward. He straightened up and feigned disinterest. 
"Hey. It's a little rude how you stepped in while I was talking to the Professor," he said, his tone teasing. 
"Oh, I didn't notice you here. Do you mind if I talk to your Professor? We've invited him for an interview about the exhibit," the girl said sweetly. 
Based on how unconsciously coy she acted around Shaw, and the way he kept egging her, there was no doubt that this was the girl he was crushing on. You felt like the odd person out all of a sudden and needed to step away. 
You backed away slowly, careful not to rouse their attention because it would probably suck if you knew how Shaw would introduce you to his little crush. As soon as you were in a safe distance, you turned and walked aimlessly down the hall, pausing briefly at paintings or sculptures that caught your fancy, looking at its intricacies as you did so earlier. But somehow, it wasn't as fun as it was before, so you moved on quickly, to give way to the other guests who also wanted to view the artwork.
Finally, you came upon the bar and decided to rest your tired feet at the far corner, hidden from the rest of the world. Sighing, you slipped your feet off your stilettos and quietly watched as the guests around you - mostly couples - happily chatting away as they enjoyed the beauty of the art around them and the wonderful music that filled the air. You knew somewhere in the crowd, your date was fawning over his lady love, probably getting in the way of her filming your professor. 
You knew he liked her - he always told you he did. And why wouldn't he? MC was pretty, seemingly sweet, and dainty - the kind of girl any guy would like to protect. And you. You were the opposite. You lived for your work, were 'one of the boys', and didn't need anyone to protect you - that's just how you were - and now you started to realize that maybe guys don't exactly like that. At least not Shaw. 
Wait, what were you thinking? You scolded yourself as you shook your head. Why were you even thinking of what he liked when you don't even like him to start with. Or did you? 
"Ugh. What the hell is wrong with me?" You groaned when a cold bottle of beer and a frozen glass was placed in front of you. 
"I was gonna ask you that myself." 
You straightened up in your seat and shot a look at the guy seated beside you. Dressed in a nice grey suit, he smiled as he raised his beer bottle in front of you. 
"You look like you needed a drink. I hope the beer is okay. They don't have fruit beer or soda," he said calmly, his amber-colored eyes never leaving yours. 
"Y-yeah. Beer is perfect," you replied while pouring the amber liquid into the glass. "Thanks," you muttered before raising the glass to your lips to gulp down some liquid courage. 
"I saw you with Shaw earlier -"
The name on his lips drove you to a coughing fit, as you choked on your drink. "Sorry, " you mumbled in between coughs. 
"No, I'm sorry," the brown-haired guy said, as he cautiously and politely patted your back. "I didn't mean to bring that up. I was just curious."
"It's fine," you replied when you finally regained your composure. "Yes, we're just classmates in Grad school who decided to check this exhibit out for the heck of it."
"Classmates, huh?"
"Yeah, that's what we are," you said, taking a sip off your glass. "Grad school classmates."
"Are you telling me or telling yourself?"
You looked up and saw him smiling. There was something about Dreamy McHandsome who was seated beside you that felt so familiar yet different at the same time, but you couldn't point a finger at what it was exactly. 
"We're classmates, and we're working on our thesis together. But we're not friends - far from it even. We hate each other's guts."
"Can't blame you for doing so," he shrugged as he drank his beer. 
"Yeah. He dragged me here so he can get with someone he's been crushing on for so long," you rambled on, frowning. 
"Oh? And who might that be?"
"The Miracle Finder Producer. You know, the pretty girl in a blue top and white skirt. He's been going on and on about her for weeks…"
"You mean my girlfriend?" 
His girlfriend. You choked on your drink once again. "Y-y-your girlfriend? You mean to say…" You gasped. Has the beer made you stupid? You've barely drunk half of it, you thought as you fought to regain your dignity. This was Shaw's brother you were talking to - and boy, we're they blessed with good genes…
… And the same social awkwardness, you noticed, judging by how he kept his hand at your back, but not exactly touching it, as if trying to assess if he had to pat you or not. 
When you finally calmed down, he cleared his throat and gave you a small smile. "Don't worry. She talks to me about their conversations. I know what that guy is playing at, and I most definitely know he's not after my girl," he said, his voice broke no room for doubt. "My name is Gavin..."
"Yeah, I know…"
"You - what?"
"Oh," you said, tapping on your glass nervously. "Shaw kinda mentioned it in passing before."
"I see."
"So, what were you saying earlier about Shaw?"
"Oh. From what my girlfriend tells me, he's got his sights set on…"
"Ahem," you heard someone say loud enough for you and Gavin to turn your heads around. And there, standing behind you, was an angry-looking Shaw. You sat up, your gaze shifting between the two brothers as the air started to thicken with tension. "I talk to someone for a minute and the next thing I knew, my date walks out on me and right into the one person I'd hate for her to meet."
"Well, if you were just honest with her as with a lot of other things in your life, maybe she wouldn't have left your side earlier," Gavin retorted flippantly. "Is she finally done with filming?"
Shaw simply grunted in reply as he watched his older brother finish his bottle of beer and stand. "Well, Miss, there's a lot I've heard about you. Seems somebody couldn't stop talking about you, but I'll leave it at that." 
With a wink and a mischievous smile upon his face, the brown-haired guy sauntered off to look for his better half, as you and Shaw watched in awkward silence. 
He cleared his throat and glanced at you. "Hey."
"Hey," you replied, shakily. 
"So, about what that jerk said -"
"Yes?" You asked, feeling your heart hammer against your chest by the second.
"Whatever he said is not true," he said dismissively, as he took his coat off and draped it over your shoulders. "I told you before, I don't find you the least bit attractive."
You felt tears starting to sting your eyes, as he continued with his harsh commentary. "You're tough, highly opinionated, and you always want to come out on top. I don't find those attractive at all," he said. "I prefer a damsel in distress. I want someone clingy… someone, needy."
"I know that -"
"Oh do you?" He teased, his amber eyes twinkling. "You seem to know a lot about me."
"We've been working together for months now," you said. "Of course, I'd know more about you."
"I see," he said, as he took a step closer to you and touched your cheek, rubbing the stray tear that had managed to slip down the side of your face. "So, you must know I'm also a good liar. After all, I've kept all these feelings to myself for quite some time."
He snickered when he saw your frown deepen and he bent down just as he had done so earlier, to whisper. "I made you think I liked someone else when in fact," his low voice made you shiver. "I've always eyes for you."
The End.
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mindofharry · 2 years
Time for another extremely detailed ask that is probably the size or your fics🤓🐾🐾🐾
Okay so BB!h and priest daughter!y/n. Imma call her Hope since typing y/n is alot and makes me loose my train of thought but anyways. H's mom walking over to tje priest and hope with H just to talk to him real quick and they end up chatting for what feels like 5 million years. But hope getting caught staring at H by him and her turning a deep shade of pink and she quickly looks down to hide her blush so mostly her dad won't see. So h leans down and whispers to her "I hope you enjoyed the view bc I'm definitely enjoying this one" and winks. And he can see hope gets even more red and bites down on her lip nodding to agree with the fact she was enjoying the view aka that fine mother fucker.
H: how about you show me around
Her dad: oh that would be a great idea, go ahead and show him around dear.
Hope: y-yes daddy *nods and motions for H to follow her and starts to show him around feeling his eyes on her*
Hope ends up stumbling and falls right into his chest and Harry puts his hands on her waist to hold her up looking down at her as she's looking up so their faces are only a couple inches apart. Hope can't stop herself from looking at his lips then at his eyes quickly hoping he didn't catch that but he did so he leans in and kisses her and she kisses back almost immediately wrapping her arms around his neck. And as it progresses into a makeup session h presses her against the wall. They only pull away when they hear footsteps and hope quickly pulls them into the supply closet to hide. Them both staying silent hearing their parents talking and walking past them completely clueless. And H looks down at her seeing how all flustered and the lipstick she was wearing is off her lips some on her face and the rest on H's lips. When looking closer he sees how her eyes are darker and smirks alittle.
H: so where were we pretty girl?
She grabs onto his shirt pulling him back into the kiss and the other hand getting tangled into his hair letting out a soft whimper against his lips. He immediately kisses back lifts her up and means to press her against the wall but ends up doing it up against a shelf knocking some things off. She pulls away from the kiss with alittle worry in her eyes knowing they could get caught.
Hope: we need to stop before my father sees *gets down*
H: alright *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear* same time next week?*raises an eyebrow*
Hope:*nodding still slightly in a haze*
H: tell your dad that your hanging out a friend afterwards *winks and looks her up and down real quick before walking out leaving her there*
Hope:*breathing alittle heavy trying to process that her first kiss turned into that and trying to figure out what this feeling is now*
i love this
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abluescarfonwaston · 3 years
   Fair warning, this is a lot lol
Miles finished putting on mascara and walked over to his closet.
   The only person that ever stayed over was Franzy, and he wasn't too worried about her looking through his wardrobe. The silver-haired man moved to the back of his closet and found a skirt. The light red was the same shade as the suit he wore in court. Miles zipped up the back of the skirt and adjusted it at the waist. He moved over and put on a white blouse and threw his jacket over it. Next came the hair extensions, which were, of course, the same as his hair so that it seemed more natural.
   Surprisingly, the prosecutor was almost an expert at walking in heels, but he dressed up a lot, so it became easier after a while. The media was on his back all the time; Newspapers, journalists, even Ms. Hart. "Am I that much of an anomaly?" He thought when she had approached him.
   Miles didn't like all the attention of being "The Demon Prosecutor." He cringed at the thought of it and swore he'd find a way to have it revoked.
  The man walked out of his room, down the hall. He walked into the foyer and rubbed Pess behind the ears. The dog wagged her tail and barked. Edgeworth walked out the door, locking it behind him.
   "The car might attract too much attention." He said to himself. Miles walked. He walked for a while, turning down roads and sidewalks. Finally he made it to the park.
   Maya was on the prowl. She was scouting some very pretty ladies to go out for a burger with.
   "That Franziska lady didn't respond!" She wailed when Nick asked what she was doing.
   "Welcome to my world, Maya." He sighed.
   Maya laughed and said "Yeah, but at least Edgeworth makes up excuses." The young spirit medium grabbed Phoenix by the wrist and pulled him over to a food truck. "Nick I'm hungry. Can you get me a burger and I pay you back later?" She said, smiling coyly.
   "I'm 90% sure that you don't even make money." Phoenix grumbled.
   "Rude." Maya said, sticking out her tongue.
   Maya turned around, fully prepared to chain herself to the food truck to get the lawyer's attention. It wasn't her fault that she was hungry. She sat down on a bench, pouting.
   The spiked lawyer rolled his eyes and turned to order a two burgers. As Phoenix had his back to the park, Maya was still a woman on a mission. She scanned the park, up and down, when a familiar almost pink caught her eye. Maya stood up, squinting at the figure a couple yards away.
  "Nick! Nick I'm going. I saw someone pretty, don't wait for me!" She called over her shoulder before breaking into a sprint to the lady. "Hi! I'm Maya, I- hold on let me catch my breath." The figure in front of her stopped abruptly. The woman turned, her bangs falling into her eyes. The lady, despite wearing heels made chasing her quite difficult.
   "Almost lost her!" Miles thought as he ran. He stopped for a moment, hobbling out of the shoes and ran even faster. People were staring. The mascera was starting to run and his lipstick got smudged when Miles wiped his face. He rounded a corner and hid behind a wall. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the bricks.
   "You know, that's not a very good hiding place. Are we playing tag? Don't worry, I won't tell Nick." The girl said, suddenly appearing in front of him. "Oh boy. I have some wipes if you need them."
   "That won't be necessary, thank you though. I- um, I don't know who this Nick person is, or why you approached me, what's happening?"
   "How do you change your voice like that, Mr. Edgewo-" Maya was cut off by Miles, putting his hand over her mouth.
   He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Come with me, I'll buy you lunch and we can discuss this." Edgeworth's voice had returned to it's normal rich baritone.
   "Well, I can't turn down a free meal." Maya said, after removing the hand from her face.
   Miles walked off down the road, only stopping to put the heels back on and make sure Maya was following.  She was. Miles walked into a small diner. The waiter showed them to a booth in the back. "If you would wait right here, Ms. Fey, I'll be right back." Miles walked to the restroom. "Dear God, how did this happen?" He grumbled. After having fixed his makeup, The prosecutor came back out and sat down.
   "Order anything you'd like, Ms. Fey." Edgeworth said. "Now, I know you'd probably like an explanation."
   The waiter interrupted, setting two menus on the table. "Ah thank you." He walked off, smiling.
   "Now, back to the matter at hand." Miles said, turning to the girl across the table. "I want to say immediately that this," he looked down at the skirt "isn't a hobby or something of the likes."
   "Well, I'll say this, your makeup is wonderful and the skirt fits you very well. I won't judge. But why did you dress up?" She said, tilting her head.
   "The- I'll be straightforward with you, everyone is constantly chasing after me. Everyone wants to know if I forged evidence, if rumors about me are true, it's tiring. So, I dress like a woman to throw them off my trail. Only you and Ms. Von Karma know about this. Skirts are quite comfortable though."
   "Oh my god, I know right? I've been trying get Nick to wear one for forever. You know how he is, though. He's so bullheaded."
   Miles opened his mouth to speak, but was once again interrupted by the waiter. "Are you ready to order?"
   "I'll have the burger, extra ketchup, with a side of wings and some tea." Maya said eagerly.
   "I'll just have a water." Edgeworth said. "Ms. Fey, if you wouldn't mention this to Wright, I'd greatly appreciate it."
   "Nick? Oh I'd never. You can count on my lips being sealed." Maya laughed.
   The prosecutor in disguise sighed in relief. "So, what were you and Wright doing in the park?"
   "Well, Ms. Von Karma turned me down to go eat, so I was looking for another girl to ask out. Nick was just along for the ride." Maya giggled before adding "I was going to see if you were free, you look very pretty, but it was mostly the color that caught my eye. It looked familiar, so I went to catch up with you and.... Well here we are!"
   "Well that's certainly and interesting tale. I'll have to scold Franziska for not spending the day with you." He chuckled.
   Once Maya had finished eating, she stood up. "Thank you for the food, I should probably get back. Nick must be worried sick, I left in such a hurry. I guess I'll see you in court some time."
   "At least let me accompany you back to the park." He insisted.
   "Alright, come on!" Maya said, already walking out the door.
   Edgeworth caught up with the spirit medium and walked with her until they were almost a block away from the park.
   "MAYA! MAYA WHERE ARE YOU?" Phoenix's voice rang out.  Miles flinched at the voice, but Maya's head whipped around.
   "I'm over here, Nick. I'm fine." Maya called back. Phoenix ran over and hugged the girl tightly. He was almost sobbing into her shoulder.
   "Nick, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
   "I thought I'd lost you again. Don't run off like that, you had me scared. It- It reminded me of that case. I don't like thinking about that." He said, his voice barely a whisper. Maya rubbed his back in smal circles, attempting to calm Nick down.
   "I'm fine Phoenix, I'm okay." She said. Phoenix straightened up at the use of his name. He was so used to her nicknames, it caught him off guard.
   The lawyer wiped his eyes and pinched his nose. "Where did you even go?" He asked, bewildered.
   "I told you, I saw a lady that I thought was pretty and went to catch up with her." Maya said, pointing at Miles, who'd been silent the whole time.
   "Ah, I'm sorry you had to put up with her, she's a-" His voice trailed off as he looked at Edgeworth. "You... Hmm. You look familiar, but I can't-"
   "What's the matter, Nick?" Maya asked.
   "Where have I seen... No. I know who you look like now, gah I'm sorry, you looked like an old friend." Phoenix chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "It's almost scary how much she looks like him. That's, wow, that's like the exact same color, and your bangs-"
   Phoenix froze when he made eye contact with the steel gaze. "Miles?"
   "Surprising, isn't it?" Edgeworth said, gripping the crook of his elbow. He averted his gaze, looking over at a woman walking her dog.
   "Maya, can you pinch me?" Phoenix asked, his eyes glazing over.
   "Okay, it didn't have to be that hard. Can- Can you explain what's happening?" Nick asked, very obviously still confused.
   "Calm down, Nick. Don't be so narrow-minded. It's to throw off reporters." Maya said, exasperated.
   Phoenix's face was beggining to turn red. "Mi- Miles I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I'm going to stop talking."
   "It's fine, Wright." Edgeworth finally released the grip on his arm and looked at the blushing attorney. "I can imagine this is quite shocking. Anyways, I'll be off." He turned to go, but Phoenix grabbed his hand.
   "Wait! Um, well, I- You look nice, Miles. You can pull it off." Phoenix let go of the other man's hand and turned, grabbed Maya and left. He hadn't moved that quickly away from anyone in a while, and he was a mess.
Miles: Everyone is constantly chasing after me. Reporters. Franziska. Wright. You literally ten minutes ago.
Maya: *Chewing her burger* Huh wonder what that’s like.
Love it Aramanna!!!!!!!!
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elusive---ivory · 4 years
Circus Act - 15
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Y'all ALREADY KNOW!!!!! PART 15!!!
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Sandy couldn't help but feel a slight pain in her chest. Perhaps, second-guessing herself and her relationship with Arthur. The fact that see could see a different person in Arthur's eyes gave her chills. Of course, she adored him. Arthur was all she had.
She bit her lip, unlocking her apartment door. To her surprise, Des was already in the apartment, sitting on the couch.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sandy sneered. She see a reason for Des to even be here.
"Sandy. I was wondering where you were. I've been expecting your apology for quite some time now." Des's smile was so smug, it was unbelievable.
"I don't have shit to say to you." Sandy hissed, throwing her car keys on the kitchen counter.
"Come on. It was one time, besides you've obviously moved on. Kinda, geez, you've downgraded." Des commented, looking at a picture of Sandy and Arthur. She continued, "I understand that the gala was a disaster. I mean, how else would I expect you to act. You're insane, Sandy."
Sandy couldn't stand more of this. Des was so snarky, so fucking rude. She grabbed a small knife and hid it behind her back.
"I had to protect him, Sandy. I was sure that you of all people would understand, but clearly you don't." Des huffed. "But, I tried. I tried to be apart of your life. Dennis was way out of your league anyway. I don't get it."
"You're right." Sandy said, blankly. "I didn't need Dennis."
"That's right. See? You're getting it." Des smiled, walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I am. You were right all along, Des. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner." Sandy smiled, pulling Des into a tight hug.
Des smiled nervously, trying to push Sandy away. "Yeah? So you forgive me?"
"Yeah, I forgive you, Des." Sandy proceeded to stab Des in the back with the knife. Des slowly felt to the ground with an emotionless shock on her face. Sandy continued stabbing the already deceased woman that laid there on her kitchen floor.
The blood stained her dress as Sandy looked at herself in the mirror. Her glasses laid in front of her, broken. She had accidentally threw them off her face.
Sandy started to laugh. Why was she laughing? She had just murdered someone that had been so close to her for years. Sandy didn't know either.
But, she felt happy. Like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.
She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. 'Who am I?' Sandy thought to herself. She smiled to herself. She knew exactly who she was.
She stepped into the shower, feeling all the blood drip down her skin.
She then remembered. The Murray Franklin show. Sandy raced to her bedroom and turned on the television.
Arthur sat in the backstage dressing in full suit and makeup, chuckling to himself of the chaos that was displayed on the news.
He knew he caused it. He caused all of it. Arthur inhaled the smoke from his cigarette, as a gentle tear fell, dripping from the blue triangle that was painted just below his eye.
'You look ravishing.' Sandy told him in his head. He imagined her right next to him, and knowing she'd be watching him on television made him feel proud. This made him smile.
He imagined Sandy's hands on his suit, gazing up at him with her big eyes. He sat in a red chair next to a mirror, with writing in lipstick, saying "PUT ON A HAPPY FACE".
Murray Franklin then walked onto Arthur's dressing room.
"Murray." Arthur gasped. It was all unreal to him.
"Hey, it's Mr. Franklin to you, pal." Murray's manager said, rudely.
"Come on, Gene. That's all bullshit." Murray said, brushing him off.
"Thank you, Murray. I feel like I know you. I've been watching your show forever." Arthur said, remaining his composure.
"Thank you," Murray said, "So, what's with the make up? Are you part of the protest?"
"Oh no, Murray," Arthur shook his head, "I don't believe in that. I don't believe in anything."
"I just thought it would be good for my act." Arthur smiled.
"For your act? Didn't you hear? Some clown got killed-" Gene was cut off by Murray, brushing him off again.
"He's heard." Murray said.
"No, I haven't heard." Arthur intervened.
Gene sighed, frustrated. "This is what I'm telling you. The audience is gonna go crazy if you put this guy onstage. This good for a bit, but not a whole segment."
"Gene, it's gonna work. It's gonna work." Murray reassured.
Arthur started feeling gitty. "Thank you, Murray." He said, chuckling a bit.
"Got a few rules though. No cursing, no off-color material." Murray said, just before leaving the room. "Good luck."
"Wait, Murray. One small thing?" Arthur stopped him. "When you bring me out, could you introduce me as Joker?"
"Why not just use your real name?" Gene commented.
"That's what you called me on the show. A joker." Arthur said, ignoring Gene. "You remember?"
Murray looked confused for a second, turning towards Gene. "Did I?"
Gene shrugged. "I don't know."
"Well, if you say so, kid. Joker it is. I like it. It's good." Murray said, walking out the dressing room door.
Arthur smiled. "Thanks, Murray."
Once everyone left, Arthur was alone with himself. The excitement and build up in him grew. He took out a small box from out of his pocket.
A small ring sat in the velvet cushion. He smirked at it. Arthur put the small box away. He leaned back in the chair, taking out his pistol. The tip touched the bottom of his chin. Arthur felt at peace for just one moment.
It was time for Arthur to go onstage. He stood just behind the curtains, hearing the audience laugh at him. Arthur stared intently at the small crease of light, peering through the blue and gold curtains. Time seemed frozen. Everything seemed still. There seemed to be no one besides him and his cigarette.
Then, the music began to start.
Back in her apartment, Sandy was growing impatient for Arthur to show. She sat through each commercial, waiting for his segment.
Sandy sat on her bed intently staring at the television, with a cigarette lit in her shaking hand. Blood was trailed down the hall and into her bedroom. She had to get rid of Des somehow. Why not stuff her in the closet? That's where she belonged, right? Sandy's little joke made her giggle.
Beside her was one of the many clown masks the protesters were handing out. She took a drag of the cigarette.
Arthur's segment began. Sandy glared at the people who laughed at him.
It made her furious. She held onto the cigarette tightly, nearly breaking it.
"So, you might've seen that clip of our next guest. Now, before he comes out, I just wanted to say that we're all heartbroken about what's going on in the city tonight, but this is how he wanted to come out. I honestly believe we could all use a good laugh. So, please welcome Joker." Murray announced.
Sandy's eyes brighten as Arthur was introduced onstage. She smiled widely, seeing him twirl around onstage. She was greatly shocked, when Arthur kissed Dr. Sally. Sandy smirked. 'That son of a bitch.' She thought.
She burned out her cigarette, and continued to pay attention to the show.
"Are you alright, Doctor?" Murray said, on the television.
Arthur was mesmerized by the florescent lights, the audience and the stage. It was almost exactly perfect.
Murray raised an eyebrow. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah", Arthur nodded, "this is exactly how I imagined it."
"Well, that makes one of us." Murray shrugged.
The audience roared and applauded.
"So, can you tell us about this look?" Murray asked. "When we talked earlier, you mentioned that this look was not a political statement."
"That's right, Murray. I'm not political." Arthur chuckled. "I'm just trying to make people laugh." He said, in somewhat funny voice.
The audience stayed silent.
"And how that going for ya?" Murray commented.
And, of course, the audience laughed.
Arthur laughed, mocking the audience.
"So, do you got anyone watching here tonight? Any family members?" Murray asked.
Arthur stated quit for a second, still smiling. "I don't have anyone. Just my Sandy. Hi, honey." Arthur waved at the camera.
The audience awed, slightly.
"How do does Sandy feel about your career in comedy?" Murray asked.
"She loves it. She says I'm the funniest guy in Gotham." Arthur flaunted.
Murray laughed. "Okay."
The audience began to roar again.
Arthur began to look fed up.
"Well, surely, you have a joke for us tonight." Murray suggested.
The audience began applauding.
"Yeah?" Arthur chuckled. "Okay." He got out his journal.
Murray began to laugh at it. "He's got a book. A book of jokes."
Arthur stared at the page silently. The air seemed still.
While Sandy was watching, she could feel his discomfort. She wanted to hold Arthur in her arms, but he was all the way in downtown Gotham.
She grew furious.
"Take your time, you've got all night." Murray commented.
Arthur smirked. "Okay, I've got one. Knock, knock."
"And you had to look that up." Murray laughed.
The audience continued to laugh and praise Murray for his jokes.
"I wanna get it right." Arthur said, softly. "Knock, knock." He repeated.
"Who's there?" Murray replied.
Arthur began chuckling, slightly. "It's the police, ma'am. Your son's been hit by a drunk driver. He's dead."
The audience booed him.
"No, no, no. We don't joke about that." Dr. Sally scolded.
Sandy glared at the television, gritting her teeth. Her hands were balled into fists.
"Yeah, that's not funny, Arthur. That's not the kind of humor we do on this show." Murray said.
Arthur giggled nervously. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It just. It's been a rough couple of weeks, Murray."
"Ever since I," Arthur paused for a second, staring at the camera, "ever since I killed those three Wallstreet guys."
The audience gasped, and whispers scattered across the floor.
"Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline." Murray said.
"There is no punchline. It's not a joke." Arthur confessed.
The audience gasps grew louder, along with a few people telling him to get off the stage.
Sandy's anger shifted. 'What the hell is he doing?' Sandy thought to herself.
"You're serious aren't you? You're saying you killed those three young men?" Murray asked.
"Mmhmm." Arthur mumbled, confirming it to be true.
"And why should we believe you?" Murray asked, again.
"I've got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore." Arthur said, blankly.
'Nothing?' Sandy thought. She felt the anxiety build up in her chest.
Arthur began to chuckle. "My life is nothing, but a comedy."
The audience booed some more.
"So let me get this straight. You think that killing those guys is funny?" Murray asked, in shock.
"I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Murray, isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's right or wrong. Just like how you decide what's funny, or not." Arthur said.
Murray looked at him confused. "I think I might understand that you did this to start a movement. To become a symbol?"
"Come on, Murray. Do I look like the kind of clown to start a movement?" Arthur turned towards the audience. "I killed those guys because they were awful. Dennis was awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy." Arthur said, glaring at the audience.
"So, your crazy? That's your excuse for killing three young men?" Murray began getting upset.
"No. They couldn't carry a tune to save their lives." Arthur laughed.
Sandy couldn't see Arthur, anymore. The man onstage was someone new. Someone she had met. A charming devil in a red suit. She had to do something.
The audience booed Arthur some more.
He groaned. "Ugh, why is everybody so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you'd walk all over me. I pass you every day, and you don't notice me, but these guys, because Thomas Wayne, cried about them on tv."
"So, you have a problem with Thomas Wayne?" Murray questioned.
"Yes, I do. Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray? Do you ever leave the studio? Everybody just YELLS and SCREAMS at each other. Nobody's CIVIL ANYMORE. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne, ever think about what it's like to be a guy like me? To be somebody, but themselves. They DON'T. They think that we'll just sit HERE and TAKE IT, like good little boys, and we WON'T WEREWOLF, and GO WILD."
Through the television screen Sandy could feel Arthur choking back tears. She placed her hand over her mouth. She bit it, just slightly, so that she couldn't cry.
"Are you finished?" Murray cut Arthur off. "There's so much self pity, Arthur. Not everyone, and I'll say this, not everyone is awful. This Sandy, you were saying earlier. Surely, she's not awful."
Arthur glared at Murray. "You're awful, Murray."
"Me, I'm awful? How am I awful?" Murray said, defensive.
"Playing my video. Inviting me on the show. You just wanted to make fun of me." Arthur said. His voice was low, like the rage seeping in his eyes.
"You're just like the rest of them." Arthur continued.
"You don't know the first thing about me, pal. Look at what you did. What it lead to. There are riots out there. Two policemen are in critical condition because of what you did. And you're laughing." Murray said.
Arthur began laughing. "I know. How about another joke, Murray?"
"No, I think we've had enough of your jokes." Murray turned over to his manager, Gene, telling him to call the police.
"What do you get when you cross a mental ill loner with a society that ABANDONS him and treats him like TRASH? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU GET. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE." Arthur blinked as he shot Murray Franklin in the head.
The audience began screaming, and running out of the studio.
Sandy gasped, collapsing to the ground. What she had witnessed was the beginning of something much larger than her and Arthur.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @mr--clown
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M.I.N.E ch.8
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SUMMARY:Y/N was looking for a change in her life. so she moved to Korea with her best friends. She was a makeup artist and her friend, while taking all her makeup photos, put together a portfolio and sent it to Big Hit. Where Hoseok saw her and just had to make her his.Will he make it happen?
WARNINGS: mentions of drinking, a drunk y/n, pretty chill chapter otherwise.  
A/N: hello loves!! how is everyone? I hope you all are okay. also I hope those of you who are reading are understanding of this story and the fact its not direct smut.... there will plenty of it later on in the story, I’m still in the writing process but I’m chapters ahead of what y'all are seeing. It’s gonna be kinda long, the number of chapters you see in my materlist is not the number of chapter that will be written there will be more. (unless this is a finished story by the time you see this.) anyway enjoy loves....
"OMG Y/N you look amazing."
"Thanks Cheyenne."
Turning around to give yourself one last look in the mirror before Hoseok arrived. You decided to keep it simple yet looking as breathtaking as possible. You wore a simple black dress that came off your shoulders and stopped right at your knees. It hugged the curves of your body perfectly. And wearing a pair of black heels to match with the dress. The heels tied up around your ankle making your legs look even better than they have been before. Your hair was down and you had light curls to add a little definition to your hair. Your makeup was light and natural. A soft brown Smokey eye to contrast with your black dress and red lipstick. Just to add a pop of color like you always like to do. 
Just as you  were  walking back to your room to get your purse you heard a knock at the door then you heard your friend call your name. Taking a deep breath and adding one more spray of perfume for measure you walked out your room and into the living room. Looking up and stopping in your tracks as soon as your eyes land on Hoseok. 
He was wearing black dress pants that perfectly hugged his thighs and he was wearing a black button up shirt with the first two buttons undone. Then you met his eyes. He looked at you with both shock and lust in his eyes. Making you blush. Before it could get any more tense you decided to speak up first. 
"Shall we get going?"
"Y-yes we should we don't want to be late."
Reaching out to take your hand you gave him a small smile before putting your hand into his and walking out the door closing it behind you just as your friend shouts through the door 
Hoseok let out a small chuckle and you felt your face grow red. Hoseok led you to his car and opened the door for you waiting for you to step in before he closed the door and walked around to the other side and got in. As he sat in his seat and closed his door he placed a hand on your thigh. The warmth of his hand sends a chill throughout your body. He leaned in close to you and whispered lowly into your ear. 
"Don't worry sweetheart, we won't do anything you don't want to do."
All you could do was let out a small whimper as you felt the warmth of his breath hit your ear. Giving you a small smirk and sitting back into his seat he started the car and back out the driveway.
"Should probably start driving now, don't wanna miss the reservation."
The entire ride to the restaurant was quiet. But it was a comfortable quiet. The radio playing low music. Hoseok also kept his hand on your thigh the whole ride. Letting the warmth of his hand take over your thoughts as so many ran through your head. Right back to when he had to hold on top of the vanity in the makeup room kissing you and running his hands along your thigh up your dress. Then you felt Hoseok slightly squeeze your thigh pulling you out of your thoughts. 
"We're here Y/n."
Taking off your seatbelt you reach over to open your door but just as you touched the handle Hoseok grabbed your other hand and pulled you closer to him. 
"What are you doing?"
"I-I'm opening t-the door?"
"No. I'll open it for you."
Opening his own door he grabbed his jacket and pulled it over his arms before closing his door and walking around to open yours. Reaching out his hand for you to take he helped you out of the car before stepping close and grabbing you by your waist. Closing the car door and lightly pushing you up against the car before whispering in your ear slowly. 
"When you're with me you don't have to open the car door because I will always open it for you."
He pulled back and looked you in your eyes and gave you a small smile. 
You nodded your head telling him you understood but that wasn't enough for him because without warning he grabbed your ass and pulled your body against his before speaking again. 
"I want to hear you say yes Y/n. Do you understand?"
Looking at him in the eyes feeling your knees slightly give out under his intense stare he was giving you you nodded your head and started speaking low enough for it to be a whisper.
"Y-yes I understand."
"Good. Now let's go eat."
Grabbing your hand he gave you a smile and led you into the restaurant ,the fast mood changes giving you whiplash. As soon as you walked through the door the lady at the front desk greeted you and Hoseok. 
"Good evening may I have the name for your reservation please."
Hoseok gives her a small smile before answering.
She looks down at the paper In front of her to look for his name. 
"Oh yes Mr. Jung you have the rooftop table. Right this way please."
She grabs two menus and starts leading you to the rooftop. 
As you're walking you slightly squeeze Hoseok's hand to get his attention. When he looks at you you almost freeze with how he looks at you. 
"You got us a rooftop table?"
He gives you a small smile before he pulls you closer to whisper in your ear as he answers you. 
"Yes I did because it's more private then sitting in the main dining room and I thought this would be a better way to get to know you."
As you make your way to the table the lady from the front desk sets down your menus and tells you a waiter will be with you in a moment. Hoseok pulls out your chair for you. As you sit down you give him a small thank you before he sits across from you. He looks at you for a moment before he starts speaking.
"Do you drink Y/n?"
"Yes, a little."
"Do you like white wine or red?"
"White if that's okay with you."
"Whatever you want to drink I'm fine with."
Just as he finishes his sentence the waiter comes over to greet you and ask for your drink orders. Hoseok tells him that you will have a bottle of white wine. The waiter writes it down and says he will be back for the food order. As you look at the menu in front of you you can see Hoseok looking at you with his unopened menu in front of him. 
"Hoseok.. are you going to at least look at your menu?"
"Mm~ I would but I already see what I would like to have for dinner."
After he said that you could feel your whole face heat up and all you could do was cover your face with the menu. Across from you you could hear Hoseok let a low chuckle. 
"You're cute when you blush." 
Just then the waiter came back with the wine and poured some into both your glasses. Once he was done you gave him your orders and took a sip of the wine to calm your nerves. Still thinking about the words Hoseok had said to you, your dream from a few days ago came running back through your mind. And you couldn’t help but blush.
“What’s got you blushing now? I didn’t even say anything to you yet.”
“O-oh it’s nothing, I was just thinking about something.”
“Well, tell me about yourself. What made you come to korea?”
“Oh well, america is nice and all but me and my friends wanted a fresh start. So me and my friend Cheyenne moved here 4 years ago to start over. Then we convinced our friend Ant to move here, and he’s been here for about 2 years now.”
“Oh, are those your only friends?”
“No I have another, her name is Jayda, but she only comes to visit from Finland.”
After a few more minutes of just talking and getting to know each other the food finally arrives and you both start eating and talking more. The conversation flowing smoothly as if it came naturally for the both of you. 
As Hoseok paid for the dinner you finished off the last of the wine in your glass drinking half the bottle by yourself as Hoseok was driving and didn't want to have any. 
On your way back to the car you stumbled a little bit feeling a bit tipsy. Hoseok caught you before you could fall by your waist and pulled you close to him.
"Maybe I shouldn't have let you drink so much tonight."
You giggled at him and held onto him for support.
"N-no I didn't drink a lot. I'm just a lightweight when it comes to drinking, that’s all."
Hoseok let out a small chuckle. Laughing at you as he led you back to the car and opened the door for you. Helping you into the car before walking around and getting into the car himself. 
"Since you are a light drinker, remind me to not leave you alone with Jimin and Yoongi hyung when alcohol is involved then."
Driving off from the restaurant Hoseok looked over at you and noticed you 're slowly drifting off to sleep as he drove. Smiling to himself he just drove and he let you sleep. 
After a while he had finally arrived at your apartment. Looking over at your sleeping figure he let out a small sigh.
"If only I could bring you home with me. Damn maybe I shouldn't have let you drink so much. I can't wait to mark up your beautiful body."
Getting out his car and walking around to your door he opened the door and unbuckled your seat belt. Lightly tapping you he tried waking you up. 
"Y/n...... y/n wake up baby girl."
"Damn she's probably out cold."
Carefully reaching over you he grabbed your purse quickly looking through for your keys. After finding them he grabbed your purse and picked you up bridal style hoping to not wake you. Lucky he didn't. Closing the door of his car with his foot he quickly walked up the stairs to your apartment. Quickly switching the way he was holding you so your legs were wrapped around his waist and you hung on him like a kola you snuggled into him and he let out a chuckle admiring how cute you were. He unlocked your door and walked in closing the door behind him. He went down the hall to a bedroom. Hoping it was yours. He laid you down on the bed and set your purse down before putting your keys back into it.
He quickly looked around the room for something to take your makeup off you. Finding a pack of makeup wipes he removed your makeup. Not being sure if he was in the right room or not he decided to leave you in your dress. Looking for a piece of paper and a pen he wrote you a note before he set it under your purse for when you woke up. He gave you a kiss on your forehead and left
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