#anyway women i dont draw enough women
as a russian who doesn't talk to russian people online what the shit is happening there hello
look man i myself have put in the effort to Not talk to online russians for like (checks hand) 7 or so years (of course i’ve met some really great ones but this isn’t about them and they probably know it) but i’m sure the community didn’t change much. actually from the glimpses i see it seems to have gotten worse. don’t even get me startedddddd man
#Like okay first we have the misogynist dudebros. not a category exclusive to online russians but#there are so many it’s fucking crazy. homophobic to hell and back and Will hate on you for no reason#alpha male type mfs who hate women but will still harass them because of course they will#the second category of course is weird unironic fujoshis who are also usually proshippers#and they are either 12 (forgivable) or 25 and the thing is you can NEVER tell. But it’s kind of fucked how#acceptable it is to just straight up fetishize gay men (hell probably not only them) in online russian communities#and listen to me. the secret third category is that there is no third category. Both of these categories are racist#deer was right i have never seen a community more racist or xenophobic than fucking online russians#you draw a character one shade darker than their usual skintone and suddenly you got annoying as fuck russians in your comments going#BRO BURNT IN THE SUNNN 🤣🤣🤣 ENGLISH FANDOM LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE !!! <- in recent times they have taken to blaming the english fandom for#‘wokefying’ their sacred online russian spaces. Of course we can only be woke enough to fetishize gay men. god forbid black people exist#now the actual third category is the online russian tеrf/radfеm community. it seems recent to me but also as i said i have not really#interacted with russian comminity as a whole for a long while. But yea anyways they’re crazy i dont think i have to explain this one#but they’re somehow more evil and miserable than the ones you’re used to#another recent one is the russian twitterians … i’ve only seen glimpses of them as well as i dont use twitter#but you will not believe the shit these mfs try to pull. They try to get you to stop swearing at all bc they find a way to make every#russian swear word offensive. AND they speak fucking … englussian. rusglish. Half of their sentences are just english words written in#russian letters. all the same buzzwords english speaking twitter users like to say!#if you’ve never seen a russian talk about feminization or gatekeeping or being woke or yadda yadda. Well i have#it’s bad. they’re just very very terminally online#and don’t worry the last two categories will also always be racist/xenophobic even if the last one tries to seem Progressive#don’t know if i missed anytning but those are just the Specific Types of annoying asf online russians that i have noticed and have been#observing from a safe distance like a scientist#my point is keep not talking to russian people#cramswering#edit: I FORGOT BUT DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW ONLINE RUSSIANS TREAT TRANS PEOPLE#YOU CANNOT IMAGINE THE WAY THEY REACT TO TRANS HEADCANONS IT’S LIKE THE END OF THE WORLD TO THEM. OR TRANS CHARACTERS#OR GOD FORBID ACTUAL REAL LIFE TRANS PEOPLE. it’s actually quite incredible how bigoted online russians are
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
i also don’t think ‘security in your masculinity’ functions as a cure for violence against women. in fact, the cure is (put simply) compassion and empathy for women, the recognition that women are human beings, which is something masculinity is explicitly constructed against. because masculinity isn’t a biological reality, it’s a social construct defined against a feminine ‘other’ and associated with power. traits/behaviours/embodiment that one culture and time period associates with masculinity are associated with femininity in another.  In that context ‘security in your masculinity’ means... security that you don’t have to behave like [insert racialised/class-prejudiced portrayal of stereotypes male violence here] to preserve the privileges you expect to be surrounded by as a member of the dominant gender class. the irony in the ‘secure in my masculinity’ brag is that it makes the men with genuine cause to fear for their place in masculine hegemony (disabled men, gay men, trans men, men of colour, jewish men, immigrant men, working class men, etc) more of a threat than the men who are most secure within it. and now, under this framework, striving for inclusion within the privileged class, fighting to maintain its definitions, and subscribing to its values, is... feminist praxis?  and of course, in all of this, men’s experiences are centralised in the conversation of violence against women. violence against women becomes a tribal issue between groups of men, a.k.a 'feminist’ men are taking fundamentally the same perspective as the 3750 year old code of hammurabi.
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almalvo · 1 year
About An Official Spiderverse Artist...
Please do not just scroll past this post; read it.
If you guys follow me on twitter, you probably already know.
But if you dont or still want to read this anyway - here you go:
I aint big, but I got a growing platform that I see as important for me to use as a force for things that matter.
So here I am.
And I got something to say about a certain "artist".
There are so many fucked up people who call themselves artists who are so heavily worshipped by us who both get and or dont get outed in the world for things they do and for their general piss-poor behaviours and persons.
Im here to talk about one in particular (and certainly wont be the last).
There is an artist that basically EVERYONE here has seen art from before, printed in the official Sony artbooks too.
If you have seen this:
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Then you have seen this artist before.
His name is Alberto Mielgo. He goes by @/pinkman_himself on twitter.
He is a HUGE part of the art direction and stylisation of the spiderverse movies, if that isnt already obvious. Because he was the former original art director of Into The Spiderverse.
Yes. Former.
Cuz he got "mYsTeRiOuSlY fiReD" from Sony 2 years into pre-production and completely removed from the project.
You may have also seen this character before:
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Yes. THAT asian character from Netflix's Love Death + Robots, from the episode "The Witness".
Familiar? Yeah. Because this episode was also made by the same guy, Mielgo.
I aint going to talk about what happens in that episode and hesitate to encourage anyone to watch it - cuz all it basically is is a megalo-misogynistic, assault "glorified for the sake of aRtT", racially fetishised showcase of this crazy makeup/haired bdsm stereotyped asian girl sex worker who essentially gets murdered over and over and over after running for her life completely naked through the city for all of us to see for some fucking reason.
BUt yeah anyways, you can see it in the first pic, but Ill put it here to show more clearly - this here is NOT the character from LDR. But I can understand why you might think so:
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Yeah. You read that name in the bottom right corner correctly. This is Peni Parker. His concept art of Peni Parker. A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD. Lookin suspiciously like and dressed as the adult person from LDR with ALSO the crazy hair, make up - WITH AN O-RING CHOKER AND BALL-GAG LIPSTICK (BDSM).
13. year. old. child.
This man only sees east asian women this way.
He likes them crazy, sexy, broken--
and young.
Cuz this man also wrote this on a now-deleted post on his website:
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Yeah. He, this whole ass middle-aged white cishet male spaniard thirstin for kids since he was 18 for 12 year old girls.
Cuz 12 year old girls are a fuckin "KNOCK OUT" when they grow up, when they ripen up into adulthood, to this man Alberto Mielgo, aka @/pinkman_himself, this creature.
And if auctioning NFTs isnt bad enough (cuz yes, ofc he does that too - its literally the first option on his website) -
His entire fucking portfolio is of drawing women he had sex with.
His fucking PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO is all of painting and drawing women in very compromising, questionable ways of the VERY SAME WOMEN HE HAD SLEPT WITH THROUGH HIS LIFE.
They look as creepy as they are.
But the scariest part?
While I myself had only just found out about this some days ago as of writing this, some of us have known about this man and his antics for years.
And he keeps getting greenlit by the industry, over and over and over; winning awards, getting respected, praised, admired, even by fellow at-home artists like many of you out there if you dont already do so.
And nothing will happen to him cuz he is a white cishet male artist who has money and a following and connections and influence and power.
So yeah.
I just wanted to talk about a certain official Spiderverse artist to just let yall know there are freaks everywhere, and that no matter how small it is, it's people like me and you who need to do what we can to keep up awareness and warn our communities and protect our most vulnerable.
My suggestion is to take heed of what I said, ask questions about everything you will ever see again from anyone around you, no less the industry, THINK for once, and actually give a fuck.
Keep away.
Do not support this man.
But the decision is ultimately yours.
Stay awake, yall.
(His face, publicly available as his imdb profile):
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ssparksflyy · 19 days
what if. hera DID have children but they were born in a more athena-like way, and not how demigods are typically born
what if children of hera were born from a feeling or emotion or just idea so deep, that hera is able to transfer that energy into a human-like form?? OR what if she just like decided to make herself pregnant IDK LMAO
but i mean like what if she blessed/gave (???) lets say something like couples who want kids but cannot have them, or couples that lost their baby/mothers who had a miscarriage
im fully aware anybody who has a miscarriage still has a chance of giving birth to another baby, so this part kinda applies more towards couples that want kids but cant have them- but id say she looks for people who desperately want and are worthy to have kids, and kinda like (god i wish you guys could see my hand movements right now) gives them a child??? idk i mean she could just kinda like leave a kid on their front doorstep and just so happens to be a perfect mix of the couple (or person)?? something like that??
yea i know its such a weird concept and very loose but i think its a nice thought ! like the goddess of childbirth using her power to help those who want but cannot have kids
i think artemis would also have to play a role in this, like she and hera judge and evaluate whoever theyre gonna give a kid to so they know theyre not giving it to somebody who wont treat the kid right or like a couple that thinks having a kid will fix their relationship
AGAIN very very vague and probably doesnt align with greek mythology at all but like this is directed for the pjo fandom anyway so any greek mythology nerds out there pls dont come for me in my dms 😭
and now we enter the questioning period
"would they still be considered demigods?"
i think so yep!! cause yk they came directly from hera .. she created them .. kinda like athena babies !! theyd obviously stay in cabin two :)
"do the parents know their kid is a demigod?"
i mean like no demigod parents know that their kid is but i feel like hera would leave a little note with the kid making up a story about how she needs somebody to take care of the kid cause she cant or wtv but then shed actually sign it 'hera' (and probs add like a little heart or something or maybe theres like a mini peacock drawing on the card) but i think most parents would just kinda brush her name off i dont think they would really realize like 'ohmygod the queen of the heavens hath given me a child' yaknow
"what traits or powers would a child of hera have?"
ummm idk. im not thought daughter enough for that ngl, especially cause their nonexistent and this is literally just me making up a theory but i feel like she mostly has daughters (cause shes the goddess of women - but that doesnt answer the question at all), i think theyd be really sweet (even though hera is a jerk in the books), and i feel like theyd also be good at archery and have an interest in nature, that they get from artemis :)
oh also!! these kids are like rare. like big three rare- max three roll around every decade or so
lmk what u think !! ˊᵕˋ
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obviousbaitfish · 17 days
woooow they blocked me. i dont know why i followed that person in the first place. i think theyre both assholes. oh well. anyone who Just Posts AI art is probably a dickhead anyway, disabled or no (though talking about killing yourself for a paragraph is giving emotional manipulation to me). Stay mad, stay miserable, im sure youll find comfort in each other with your shitty attitudes.
I'm not here to discuss the ethics of AI or anything I'm coming at it solely from an art discussion place (and environmental sometimes), which is that it's completely soulless and has no thought into it. Effort? To get the right prompt? Maybe. But it doesnt inspire thought or discussion as an art piece. Oh cool. It's a squid. It's a white women looking at a 3/4 angle. With the same kinda bland, flat, art style. Anyway.
Duchamps's Fountain isnt high art. It took no effort. It's a toilet he probably found in the trash. But it inspires discussion that's lasted like... decades. It's one of my favorite pieces because people STILL get mad about it. DaVinci has a similar art style, even - im not a fan of it. Realism, but kinda flat. It is much darker and more neutral though. Soft shading, soft colors. But there's a reason it intrigues people. It's studied portraits of people who existed. At least that's why it intrigues me. were they family? a friend? maybe it was a commission? why did they think that was the most flattering portrait for them if it was? If they didnt EXIST and it's solely the artists imagination, how'd they get that angle? That pose? What inspired this idea? The effort they put into the physical aspect can be a part of it. But then why is Fountain so iconic? The hardest physical part of THAT was lugging it to the gallery.
Maybe THATS why they were so mad. They realize there was no soul in it. The only thing they can bother to create is so menial and pointless. They can type little prompts into a bar and turn up with... something "physical". But theres nothing behind it. They cant explain why they painted the tree that color, or the women has that expression. The robot did that. They can say "I wanted it that way - i saw it on my way home" but I dont know... that doesnt have the same zing. It's not showing me what YOU saw. It's showing me what it's lumped together from 15,000 results for "green tree" on google. I think maybe that's it. Art in any form comes from the mind of a person - no matter how complicated or "good" it is. It's from the direct point of view. A kindergartener draws their family and it sucks but it's like a little snapshot of how they saw that particular moment. They noticed the bright sun and grass and drew it. You can get a robot to do that, but then that's from X amount of people's point of view that it's dredging from. Not yours. You typed in "bright sunny day green grass happy family" but that's not YOUR view of that snapshot in time. Even if it's not from something irl it's a little snapshot into the person's mind, how they were feeling, what colors they liked... a AI cant do that because it's a separate entity doing it.
Anyway. I dont know what moods inspired this. I think I just miss my art history classes and stuff. I'm not smart enough for like ethics or philosophy but art history I can get behind.
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a66-1 · 4 months
No bc you have infected me with the genderbent Simon and I HAVE A FEW LIL THOUGHTS
1. She’s a biker (if not active in the military). Leather and her helmet has a skull painted on it- AND DONT LOSE ME- in hot pink, to appease her girlfriend of course
2. Has a calico cat, whose name is Ghost (after her callsign) and then got a golden retriever after Johnny died and named her Suds (little play on the name)
3. If not in the military! She’s a first responder, a paramedic or a detective.
Annnd yeah, that’s all I got! 🤍🤍
i passed away reading this bc i love ur work and um thank you 😭
but why not do all of these in 1 go i have a concert im going to on tuesday and um im bored
I personally think she bikes for fun. I mean it's exhilarating (for me I was scared shitless but) and it fun to (legally go the speed limit) around. Ever since she laid her eyes on you, she took in your every opinion. Oh? Hot pink looks good on her? Well, Lookie there, she got a new helmet last week and it just happens to be that exact shade of pink.
You loved it on her but.. You wanted to get crafty. So, after a few drinks and some paint markers she had a skull printed on the back, with your small signature at the bottom. She noticed in the morning, and you don't really remember how (or when) you had the ability to draw that good.
Now, in my mind, she's an animal lover. Especially old ones in shelters who need love before they pass, and that's exactly who Ghost is. Ghost was a part of her that took years to separate herself from, and now, seeing Ghost as a cat is ncier than remembering her past.
Ghost is a gray and white cat, with little gray paws. She's old and grumpy sometime, but most the time she's perched on Simon's lap, purring at each and every scratch she's given.
What she didn't expect is for you to suddenly want a puppy. I mean, isn't a cat enough?
Not for you.
You adopt a golden retriever, about 2 years old. He's a playful doggy, but loves to just rest and be at your side. Suds is his name. Simon didn't tell you why at first, but you lived it anyway. You loved it more once you knew why his name was suds.
Now if she wasn't in the military, I think she'd be a firefighter (HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE WOMEN WERK??? I'd set my house on fire just to see them 🫣🫣
Definitely wants to be someone who saves people and helps people. And, I'd say, that's how she'd meet you. (non-cannon side story idea right there)
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whatsaneggimcis · 4 months
Signs everything I thought I knew was wrong
I needed to dump my thoughts and feelings somewhere because I feel like im annoying my support group. I think my egg finally cracked Wednesday and immediately I had to start researching and buying gender affirming things. Anyways, here's my list of signs that I wish I had seen like a decade ago, please be kind I'm very new to opening up like this
Another Girl in elementary threatened me with makeup and cross dressing and I wanted it bad.
I think this one is such a major factor in why I feel like this has to be real. Its well before puberty and well before I knew transitioning was a thing. Just a natural thought for someone who’s the wrong gender
Multiple times pleading with god to just make me a girl
Still cis tho obv
Thinking if I held still for long enough in bed, some sort of magic would make me a girl and fix this wrong body of mine
I still remember the dreams where im a girl, i legit became proficient at lucid dreaming just for it.
Ah fuck the egg_irl memes are hitting too hard
My favorite game character is Bridget, listening back to the song is hitting really hard actually
Legit had an anxiety attack and took a day off work because my transfem friend said “careful, i said the same thing before i came out”
Wishing i had magic to turn myself into a girl
Playing female characters just to feel cute
Putting on leggings in highschool, then sleeping in them
Some female mannerisms
Kinda hating my poor skin but couldnt do anything about it since thats only for women am i right fellas
Mild euphoria when someone says good girl
Envisioning myself as the girl during fantasies
Jealousy over a womans body
Ive never seen any man sit cross legged at a table the way i do, idk why that one pops up but i’ve seen plenty of other girls do it
Desire to steal womans clothing to cross dress
At current moment I have no desire to bite my nails because I want them to grow out, even though I was a nail biter for 27 years
In pre school, tried to convince another girl to swap clothes with me
In pre school, loved pretending i was at a hair salon and the other girls in the school would give me a haircut. It gave me ASMR
Speaking of ASMR, I like exclusively listen to makeup, nail and hair roleplays
Feeling like i dont want to transition because I could be ugly
After realization, I dont have nearly as much of an appetite, maybe subconscious bodily sabotage in the form of overeating
Not seeing any future when I tried to plan my life better, before I ever considered the option of becoming trans
Feeling hurt when my dad made somewhat transphobic comments about my trans cousin
Wondering what my parents would do if i woke up one day as a woman and had to explain that to them
Genuine euphoria at the idea of trying on womens clothing, but thinking that i was weird and kinky
Playing with stuffed animals with my best childhood friend, a fellow girl
Hating my balls
I bet it feels good to cry, its probably cathartic
Hating body hair god i hate this so much, I’m just bad at shaving it and dont want to be covered in razor burns and have to explain to coworkers why I shaved my legs and arms
Hating my nose
Adopting a super masculine persona
Forcing myself to have a much deeper voice to not feel any of my true feelings
Actually seeing a future after considering becoming trans
Being hurt by transphobic comments at work before I realized my egg status
Was I sending what they said to my friend because i was hurt by it and wanted reassurance?
When i started drawing again, i had no desire to draw “cool badass epic shit” i just wanted to draw super cosy watercolor paintings.
God damn it i’ll say it, I fucking love pastels. Both the art medium and the color spectrum
Repression of my desire to dance and sing, or I guess express myself in any format due to internalized transphobia
“Mens fashion is so lame, girls have it so good. Im cis tho”
Pure depression my entire adult life
Wanting genuine friend connections with women in a more feminine way
Never caring about going out and buying clothes because none of them worked for me
Trying to force myself to not look at girls clothes because “thats only what weirdos do”
On this topic, how the fuck did i think this shit was normal… i wasnt watching women or anything, its not like i was being creepy in reality. I just wanted to see the womens clothes. Why is that such a bad thing for someone to want
Being jealous of my friend since he was openly wearing his girlfriend’s sweatshirt
Dude i stared longingly at a pink gamer girl chair, still cis tho
Speaking of gamers, being super jealous of C9 Sneaky that he could pass so well and was totally fine with showing that whole side of himself online. Same with Finnster.
I think i hate my voice, ever since realizing this about myself i cant help but hear my voice and think its not me
Being afraid to see a therapist because im not sure honestly
Fearing crying, but that might not be internalized transphobia and actually just be a side product of the vice grip on masculinity in society
Daydreaming about becoming a girl
General body dysmorphia
I want to cry but i cant, why cant I cry why
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awaitinganorphanera · 10 days
what headcanons do you have for kobymeppo? Just wanna know so I can draw them!
OMFG I'M SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE AHJSHJSAHSAH UH, anyway, some personal headcanons I have for the dorks that I'll always have and love to see you draw will be some of the following: - The romantic interest in the ship is unrequited, and I mean ALWAYS UNREQUITED. My absolutely main hc and take is that the feelings are never returned, like, Helmeppo forever pining for Koby who'll he'll always feel too inadequate and never enough for as Koby crushes hard and goes through his own unmet feelings for Luffy. As much as I adore the ship and love the fan works of the two of them in a romantic setting, the angst of works depicting Helmeppo and Koby as hopeless romantics for different people will always choke me better - In terms of head cannons of their sexual orientations or gender identities, I dont really have a single go to hc that I have, but I do enjoy the depictions of trans!koby and possibly gender fluid Helmeppo. Its fun and nice to see works on it and the koby being gay and Meppo being bi or pan will always get to me - A more uncommon take, but Helmeppo CAN be FREAKY in bed. I know in most fanfics or any other works usually have Koby as the top or Helmeppo as the unsure insecure wreck who lets Koby take the lead and yes, that is absolutely true, Helmeppo IS after all, baby girl, HOWEVER, I propose the idea that we keep some haughtiness of Helmeppo in there during smeggsy time. PLEASE, I need to see a shy and nervous Koby with Helmeppo being confident for once
😞 - Helmeppo is awkward and a hardcore tsundere though and through while Koby is just an oblivious dork. Like, Koby just cannot take a hint or realize whenever he's being hit on or flirted with by other folks. Helmeppo of course does, and wishes a death wish on anyone who ever has. - HELMEPPO GETS BITCHES!!! I swear another common thing I see is Koby mostly being approached or surrounded by other possible love interest while Meppo sulks in a corner with brewing jealousy. And once again, I absolutely agree and get it immensely, BUT, as crusty and musty as Helmeppo is, you cannot tell me that that pretty baby girl ahh face won't get hit on by women, AT LEAST once in a blue moon. And every time this rare opportunity occurs, like how a pretty lady may approach Helmeppo first, and Helmeppo being pretty casual and chill with it, I see Koby unknowingly and absolutely SEETHING inside. - Helmeppo cries to Bogard always the moment he got comfortable with everyone in the ship. Not necessarily a KobyMeppo hc, but I believe wholeheartedly that Bogard serves as Helmeppos new Mother and Father figure. They smoke, play poker, drink together before Helmeppo eventually breaks down about something random while being absolutely intoxicated. Bogard rubs Helmeppos back w/o saying a word and thats it. - Koby is a cat person who has golden retriever energy while Helmeppo prefers dogs and has the personality of a sulking black cat
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lolotheparagon · 2 years
Rating Every TNBA Redesign Cos Why Not
The New Batman Adventures was the last season of the infamous Batman the Animated Series, although it moved to another less strict network. Because the producers wanted to do crossovers with the Superman animated series, they gave the series and its characters a more streamlined style to it. Now I dont wanna blame Bruce Timm entirely since there were many artists on staff back then who did the redesigns but because I hate this coomer, Im going to anyway. In BTAS, you can tell each character apart and they have their own unique outfits and looks to them. But here, these are some of the most unimaginative superhero/villain designs Ive ever seen. Although some did surprise me and were not that bad. So, for a bit of fun, here's my look at each Batman character's redesign in the final (and worst) season of the show.
(Not counting Robin cos he's a different character to Dick Grayson or characters that had very little changes like Clayface or Harley Quinn)
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The big emo rodent himself. For his redesign, I like the more sleek look to Batman's cape...thats it. His original design is really hard to perfect. Its got everything. Why tamper with perfection?
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I actually kinda like Batgirl's redesign. The yellow gloves and boots really help her stand out and its the one of the few times the darker toned outfits actually accentuate a design rather than ruin it. Too bad Bruce Timm couldn't stop salivating over her and the rest of the women in this show. So next time you see someone consider Bruce Timm this legendary storyteller of Batman, give them a healthy reminder that he shipped this college girl character with her mentor/surrogate uncle figure FOR YEARS.
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Its like they sucked away all of Alfred's snark and replaced it with a cardboard cutout. Literally, he looks so sterile and empty. Who had the idea of making Alfred look more bored and done with everything? Also whats wrong with his chin??
Commissioner Gordon
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Good ole Commissioner Pringle got off pretty much unscathed but I think they made him a touch too old considering they gave him a more lanky body, which makes him look more feeble and weak. Dude looks old enough to be Babs' grandad
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Ohhhhh boy. So Joker's redesign is infamously considered by fans as one of the show's worst redesigns, to a point even the showrunners were like yeahh. And thats not unwarranted. He looks like an inverted Dr Draken and im so glad they redesigned him again for Batman Beyond and onward.
Seriously he's A CLOWN WHERES THE MAKE UP?!!
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I know Two Face is just a redrawn version of the original design with the TNBA streamlined art style but I want to draw special attention to the monster side of Dent's face. Notice in the original it looks more manic and feral? Heavily contrasted with the conflicted, guilty look on Dent's normal side? But here, in the redesign the monster side is less scary and Dent looks way too bored and angry. The overuse of black lines doesnt help.
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She looks like Harley Quinn or Barbara wearing a catsuit. Starting to see a pattern here?
Baby Doll
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Its a tough call cos they both look very good but Im gonna lean towards the redesign cos shes got that creepy doll look down to a T (Annabelle would be proud) whereas her original design looked more like a Tiny Toons character.
Scarface and the Ventriloquist
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I like the redesign cos of the exaggerated style of the rest of the show perfectly captures Scarface since he's, yknow, a puppet and having the Ventriloquist be shown to be scared and submissive really does show how the puppet is ironically the puppetmaster.
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Actually I like both of them. They both give off that sophisticated element Penguin is known for and after so many reiterations of him being this crass Scouse-talking crime boss, its nice to see versions of him going back to his rich asshole roots.
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In the original, he has a luchador-style mask and wrestling suit fitting his Spanish roots. Here, he straight up looks like a gimp. Its really bad. Embrace your heritage, Bane!
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They went from Frank Gorshin to Jim Carrey for Riddler (fitting cos Batman Forever came during TNBA's development) and I love that. So I love both of them. Nice to see a villain with some fucking colour in TNBA cos im tired of seeing all this black outfits. Also his cane being an extended question mark instead of a question mark on top of a regular cane is genius.
Mad Hatter
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Both of them fit Hatter's deranged stalker vibes perfectly, but I wish they kept the colour scheme for the redesign cos Hatter's new colour scheme looks too rounded and doesnt stand out.
Poison Ivy
Killer Croc
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Finally, now he looks like an actual crocodile instead of whatever the hell he was supposed to be!
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Okay, who the fuck decided to make Scarecrow look like the Babadook? Cos I want to give them a raise. Holy mother of piss, that is terrifying. That shit belongs in the Arkham games. I still prefer the old design cos it has that perfect blend of goofy and gothic. He looks like a Cacturne now that I think about it.
Mr Freeze
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theygotlost · 4 months
dtwof is crazy. when i was a teenager first becoming aware of the fact that i liked girls i was desperate for any kind of media with lgbt representation, especially women, and it all felt so powerful and transgressive to me because i couldnt believe i was ACTUALLY seeing 2 girls kiss onscreen!! 😱 and now that im an adult with more discerning tastes and theres just a lot more representation out than there was only 6-8 years ago i dont find it quite as potent or alluring as i once did and in retrospect all those movies were hot garbage anyway. BUT THEN....... i start reading the essential dtwof and after every page i think 😳...is this ALLOWED??! 😱😱 and its like im 15 all over again. i mean its not like i was under the impression that gay people were invented in 2015 to sell more federally recognized same sex marriages but its still kind of mindblowing to me even now that alison bechdel was drawing this back in the 80s and 90s and its become influential and important and publically recognized enough to be available at your average public library. theres PUSSY in here for crying out loud!
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maddestmewmew · 6 months
im gonna ramble for sec nothing weird under the readmore i just dont want to clog up yalls dashes
OK so like. if u didnt see the 10 posts abt it i came out as a bisexual trans man. like Recently. i figured this out..Also Recently i kind of figured it out and immediately came out. anyway before that i was proudly a lesbian. and now im not. but im kind of a little bit…questioning where the lime is? i cant remember the name of it but theres a paradox that kind of sums up as You Have To Draw The Line Somewhere. like, if you zoom in enough on a color wheel or smth, the blending between blue and green is hard to sort into one specific category. theres no Real difference between two colors extremely close together, but we cant come up w infinite color names, so one is blue one is green. similarly, theres no Real difference between someone who is 20 and 364 days and someone who is 21, but we Have To Draw The Line Somewhere for certain laws. well right now im kind of thinking abt that for what i am? i was a lesbian 2 weeks ago. then the next day i decided i wasnt. and now i see women, lesbian women, and feel attracted to them, but im ashamed. before i felt no shame, just “damn shes hot”. i thought i was Allowed to be attracted to them bc i was also a lesbian, whereas now its perverted and disgusting bc i am a man. but..whats the difference between me 2 weeks ago and me right now? i dress the same. i look the same. i act the same. im not even out to anyone but my brother and mom offline! so..am i a lesbian? i dont identify as one, but is that where we draw the line? where one identifies? if one day i decided to renounce my transness, and be a lesbian again, would it suddenly be ok for me to flirt w a dyke again? despite nothing changing physically Or psychologically other than a simple label? or was it weird before, because i was truly a man all along? where does green end and blue begin?
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dirtbra1n · 7 months
ask game ask game im 4 hours late but dont mind that okay look into my eyes. okay now hear me out. your reply to my kagi ask (which i will be getting to after this. one moment.) reminded me that i wanted your thoughts on kagibashi. because i have numerous and im curious. ao3 has me thinking about them but im not swaying one way or another over it so, thoughts?
hi malt Hope you’re snug as a bug getting your sleep…….
I’m gonna say Makes sense doesn’t compel me. and then do my best to kagibashi-pill myself here. what I think is holding me back is just that relative to a lot of other characters we don’t get a lot of insight into niibashi’s inner world. but we simultaneously don’t get that one Incident or Place that really piques your interest and then leaves you hanging over a tarpit by just your fingernails. like with prev prez. fucking prev prez…..
but that’s also just authorial laziness. what I’m kind of saying here is that niibashi here is falling victim to what broader fandom does to women. from me. I’m sorry women. I’m sorry niibashi.
I do GET it though. what the hell draws these two together as friends? same class stuff, going out to get dessert together, niibashi’s tolerance for kagi’s hirano-Everything. you look at it from a different angle and it’s like Well okay. what’s niibashi’s type? you have this classmate -> fast friend -> literal bestie who’s tall and idol-handsome, fucking good at basketball, kindhearted enough that you’d think he’s naive. classmate -> fast friend -> literal bestie who doesn’t look down at you except for the height thing, which you’re probably normal about, who you know for a fact is the type that stays devoted to one beloved person until he is dead and in the ground. turns down girls who confess to him—there are many of them—in a way that isn’t and hasn’t ever been arrogant. is actually kind of really really pathetic. is cute for it.
I guess it’s just. if kagiura isn’t his type then who the hell is? and if kagiura really isn’t his type, and kagi finds this out, doesn’t that also kind of sting? I’d kiss you, you know.
You’d what?
Huh? kagi turns to look behind him. Who said that?
and also it went without saying just because I somehow skirted around it. if kagi IS niibashi’s type, if niibashi ever has FEELINGS for kagi. then, well. that’s a classic well for angst. obviously. it’s hard to fall for good guys because they’re always “taken”, huh? not that niibashi’s such a good guy himself. doesn’t take things lying down. If you don’t cherish him, senpai, there are people around who will.
if niibashi ever gets the chance to say it, anyway. I miss him. where the hell is his ass harusono bring him back
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
Haii could I get a Stardew valley matchup? 😁
I go by any pronouns, I’d prefer to be matched up with a man but women are good too! If it matters I’m an Aries, INTJ :3
Appearance: long dark/almost black hair, pretty edgy/choppy haircut. Dark brown color eyes. I’m pretty lean and average height, usually dress in dark clothing or neutral shades. Very into formal clothes, always dress like i have somewhere to go(i dont) or into lazy outfits like long shorts and a tshirt. No in between
Personality: when meeting someone for the first time, I’m all awkward smiles, avoiding eye contact, and shy politeness. Ermm i tend to get attached to people who continue to look past that and continue talking to me. Anyways after being friends for a while, i get so much louder and more talkative, i like to annoy/tease my friends but will stop when they tell me to. Sarcastic, protective, loyal, and i also tend to make A LOT of jokes…sometimes during bad times. On the other hand, i can be quite irritable, gets overstimulated by my surroundings easily, awful memory, no motivation to do simple tasks at times, sensitive, sometimes does not know when to shut up. Stubborn AS HELL and a bit of a perfectionist
Likes: all forms of art, fiction books, the night sky, quiet environments, rain, storms, loud music, spending time with people i care about, playing videogames, trying out new hobbies, having my own space once in a while. Love when people rant about their interests to me as well, like yes please keep talking
Dislikes: not doing anything for a long period of time, loud and crowded places, hot weather
Hobbies: oh boy..drawing, writing, reading, tinkering with technology, coding, sculpting, 3d modeling, crocheting, storytelling. I also like collecting knives, rocks, figures, and toy cars :D
I have a pet dog and have some other animals on a farm! (Stardew reference)
Hope that’s enough, thank you!
*crawls out of my grave to give you this*
== Stardew Valley ==>
I match you up with…
Harvey and you would start off as awkward aquiantences, both of you thinking you’re not good enough for the other, while simultaneously being down bad for the other. 
He’s really relieved when you become more comfortable around him, and is glad you trust him enough to be sarcastic and talkative. He’d love to hear about your hobbies. 
When you mention you like technology, he’s fucking FLOORED. 
He immeditaly invites you up to check out his radio equipment, and you, similarly invite him over to youre to look at all the farm tools you’re working with. 
The two of you spend a long evening chatting about your hobbies, and when you don’t shy away from his, or make fun of him, you’ve got him flushing red in the face and giggling. 
He’s pretty smitten after that. 
I imagine he asks you out in the dorkiest way possible - maybe by sending you a radio message or taking you out to stargaze before asking. He’s a romantic at heart, and wants you to feel absolutely loved.
He’s very attracted to your artistic and expressive side. He’s always felt like he’s had to hide his hobbies and passions for fear of being made fun of, but with you he feels free to be his weird self. 
He’s understanding of your changes in mood. He gets overstimulated as well, and thus is pretty considerate of when you need space and time. 
Your shared home is a house full of life and personality. He’s got trinkets and machines, and you’ve got sketchbooks and knives, and it’s obvious love is poured into every inch of your home.
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freebooter4ever · 1 month
I don't know this Nick guy and its personal so not my place and I'm sorry in advance but never go back to him. Infact don't give him any more space in your life. We don't always get what we want but settling for anything less is way worse. We never stop regretting it
ah yes the nick problem 🙃 it's not even about him, it's me. i have always known exactly who he was, he's not the settling down or monogamous type no matter how much he likes to pretend he is. there isnt any 'going back to him' because we were never together in the traditional significant other sense anyway. i might have had some delusions about saying fuck you to california and moving in with him in CT and spending my time working at history museums and drawing sailing ships, but thats obviously not happening anymore lol. all six years here in cali i never felt as happy as that one day i spent in the small east coast sea port and i dont know if it was the place or him.
I was actually just texting ethan about this stuff cause he had to get some relationship complaints off his own chest. and i do think this is a huge question for lots of people - at what point is 'love' no longer enough to keep two people together? like is it 'settling' if i am in love, even if that love isnt returned equally? men do this all the time, so much so its a goldigging trope, and older women tend to give younger women the super fun advice of 'make sure the man loves more in a relationship' (heterosexual). but like, isnt that sexism too? why cant women be the ones who pine away and try to win over the man? why is it the men always doing the chasing? like in my favorite internet couple justin and ally, ally was the one who went after justin hard, lol! why cant women have more romances like that?
but also like yeah no, nick and i are done. i may be a lot to handle in a crisis, but so is he. and i steadfastly and adoringly answered his calls almost every night to come down and take care of him when he was in physical pain during his back injury even when i was still dealing with PTSD myself and not sleeping much and working full time. and...i think in a real relationship i would like that to be fairly reciproical. none of this disappearing for weeks with nothing but his little bird icon telling me he is still watching all my insta stories. heck even the random dudes on my insta who keep insulting geno are being more supportive than nick during this. the one guy even went and asked his mom for an old digestion cure from his home country, like. thats bare minimum and those guys dont even really know me 😂
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hi there! I recently stumbled upon your account and I must say that this is what I was looking for for quite some time. I am interested by your matching up event and was wondering if you're still up for it?
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail (and/or) Genshin Impact
Preference: women
Characters I would NOT like to be paired up with: men
(I am pretty much gay)
I am a cisgender woman, she/her pronouns. ENTJ, Virgo sun, Libra moon, Scorpio rising.
I am androgynous-looking, can easily be mistaken for a dude. My voice is deep and had a slight rasp to it. When it comes to clothes I present soft masc. I am 6', very athletic (as it is a big part of my life to stay active). I have brown eyes and wavy hair that is styled in a short wolfcut with a middle part and curtain bangs. No tattoos, but when I have the money I will get covered in designs.
I perceive myself as a calm and collected person who is more on the quiet and observing side. Which, close ones always tell me, makes me appear intimidating and judging (Scorpio rising). I like to keep my social circle small and trustworthy because I have trust issues. But around my friends I am friendly and always there to help out with the teenage dramas. I would say my top traits are sarcasm, assertiveness, loyalty, and adaptiveness. (Being an ENTJ and Virgo sun say enough about me, but I am softened up by my Libra moon.)
I am a very artsy person, but also very sporty. I am passionate about a lot of things (playing the guitar, drawing, writing, reading, acting, playing soccer, volleyball, training calisthenics, martial arts...) but in this short lifetime I had to choose one, and it is drawing - more specifically, becoming an Architect.
I've never been even close to catching feelings for someone. I've had barely any crushes, none of them real, none of them celebrities, just successful/badass/dangerous/mean women from fiction. I guess that puts me somewhere on the Asexuality spectrum, most likely Demisexual. I want to use my teenage years to work towards building a secure career for myself so that I could eventually spoil and take care of someone who deserves it.
I don't have much preference for looks, despite the fact that I am attracted to femininity, not necessarily someone stereotypically girly, but fem. For me, I need someone who will be able to match my energy and challenge me with playful banter and deep, meaningful talks. Someone who has a strong and unapologetic personality, (I am a sucker for mean fems), but knows when to stop and take a step back.
[Thank you, even if this doesn't get attention, which I completely understand. I will love to see your future works and posts!]
Anyways as for your matchup....hmhmhm...
Your match is....
OKAY OKAY let's be honest this was to be expected!
Scary looking girlfriend X equally as scary looking girlfriend (both can beat your ass)
I like the power couple dynamic here.
Plus I think she fits your type pretty well hmhm...
Kafka would be quite interested in your hobbies, she isn't very vocal about it but sometimes she just sits in the same room when you're doing something (drawing/playing guitar/writing etc...) and she'll just discreetly pay attention to it.
She also will kind of tease you about it, telling silverwolf and blade how good you are at your hobbies, and she'll intentionally do it in front of you
Chaining it to the one above-She likes showing you off, not only your hobbies...just you in general
She will also vibe with your attitude and find it amusing and definitely match it just as strong.
Also I think that kafka would also have equally trouble to completely warm up to you, yeah shes confident and flirty with people but I dont think she trusts people as easily,but when you guys spend more time together she would actually become quite fond of you
Honestly this is a pretty good pair, love it Picasso
I don't think miko is as outgoing and challenging as kafka, but she's there
It's just that miko is a bit more how do I put this ..dominant? Controlive? I know it sounds bad to put her up against kafka but I have a feeling miko is more on the serious dominant side while kafka is more playful, especially with their darling
Though yae miko is quite the person to talk to in moments of need, she's a good listener and gives good advice, she could simply talk&listen with you for hours on end
She, similar to kafka, would definitely match your vibe, just a bit more reserved type of sarcasm for example.
She's sly with it, just how fox's are eh?
Miko would take it slow to become closer to you, as she can guess you're having trouble fully trusting her, and she would definitely be less teasing at the beginning when you guys first met than when you're in an established relationship
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friendlyengie · 1 year
AAAAAA I love how you draw GNC women, I didn't previously know how much I needed a stone butch soldier or a grimey sniper chick with upper lip hair in my life. Anyway, I guess this is kind of a prompt but I was kinda thinking about what your mercs' relationship to Miss Pauling would be like (especially with Scout's ma and Quinn), any thoughts?
Thank u sm!! Butch soldier always felt so obvious to me. I was genuinely surprised to see so many feminine soldiers. Like I can understand to an extent Spy or scout or whoever being interpreted as more feminine in a genderbend but Soldier????? Her ass does not have long blonde hair DONT lie to me like that.
There’s a joke about pauling being a lesbian in here somewhere but that’s besides the point. I dont think her relationship with the fem team is too different from the canon team, not a lot of real close relationships, but still being friendly with them!
Shed probably get along with scout’s ma i think, n the idea of Merry getting to hear on one side about her sons crush on a girl he’s been trying to ask out for months and on the other side about Pauling and the annoying scout from the other team who won’t leave her alone, and piecing together what Scout is putting that poor woman through? That’s funny to me.
Sniper and Demo as a duo probably try and get her to pull away from work long enough to hang out and chat, I think both of them probably just get stressed out by looking at her and think that she needs a career change big time.
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