#anyway you can tell where all my effort went to lmao
deathbirby · 6 months
Balthus pondering his borb
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3 notes · View notes
foreveralwaysanauthor · 2 months
I'm baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!
My sister, Honey, brought me home last night so I could surprise everyone at her early birthday party (today is her birthday). I was going to be coming home anyway, but I'm glad I didn't have to rely on the buses to get me home since none of them go directly from Northfield to Ware. The party was great, I didn't get home until almost eleven, and I didn't get to sleep til after midnight, but I have been writing for a while to get some of my ideas out. It's good to be home, but I'm not really looking forward to heading back to work in about ten minutes. I can just tell it's going to be so much fun (she says sarcastically).
Now, putting that whole mess aside and moving onto something absolutely amazing, I saw your graduation post on Insta! Congratulations, El! All of the hard work you've put in over the last five years has finally paid off and I am so over-the-moon happy for you. You deserve a looong break after all of that. I'm hoping to finish making a little something as a congratulations, but the only hint I'm giving you is that it has something to do with a particular Chicago-musical-based trend on TikTok.
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Now, I wanted to get everything that happened at camp - good, bad, and weird - out of my head, since a lot happened. I realize I never said it before, but I arrived at camp on the 5th of July - a day earlier than everyone else - because, as the pseudo-niece of the camp's director (he was my aunt's ex and has been a friend of the family since long before I was born), I wanted to be there to help get everything ready for the staff weekend. I've worked the summer there before and been a camper since I was maybe eight or nine, so I know the place inside and out. A majority of Camp Wanamaker's layout is similar to Camp Northfield's, and if the name sounds familiar, it's the camp name I used way back during the winter prompts of 2022 - Making an Effort, I believe it was.
Camp Northfield is different in the way the cabins are laid out - boys on the west side of the grounds, girls on the east side, and co-ed lodging (usually for workers and families) in the middle. The swimming pool, sports fields, campfire pit, and medical areas are similar, if not the same, but the music hall, dance studio, ropes course, and playhouse are something I based off of an all-girls camp I went to for a couple summers that was, thankfully, paid for by my friend's family as I definitely would not have been able to afford the $9,275 price tag - Camp Wicosuta.
To be honest, it's been years since I was a camper there, but now that I've given the Camp Wico map a glance, I can see how most of Camp Wanamaker's layout is the same. I'll put up a picture of Camp Wico's map, but you'll definitely see I moved some stuff around to fit my mental layout better. Like, for example, the changing rooms by the lake would be on the right side instead, as it's currently where I see the Lakeside Lodge being; the Main House and Bungalow are where I picture the Library and Art Barn; the Art Barn on the map just doesn't exist in my head as I've just expanded the playground area (that's where Royce and Miles had that water balloon fight with some kids); the dining hall and main office are closer together in my head; and, well, I'll let you imagine the rest as you've read Camp Wanamaker and have your own vision for it, I'm sure.
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I don't know if you can see the resemblance here, but I know I can. It kind of makes me wish that I'd taken the summer to work there as it feels very much like what I picture Camp Wanamaker. Well, apart from the fact that it's an all-girls camp, that is lmao.
Now, onto what's happened so far!
There was a huge thunderstorm that lasted all day and into the night. Because of high winds, a wire from a telephone pole landed on the front porch of a nearby house, and it burned the front porch of that house but didn't damage the rest of it; a tree fell on a car in the parking lot - yay for insurance - and the power went out for almost four hours, which meant no air conditioning, no fans, no showers for the sweaty abominations we called campers, and no popcorn for movie night. It was a catastrophe.
Baby’s first sunburn. That's right - ya girl is naturally tan due to my dad's family being a blend of Mediterranean and Native American, and despite the mix of Irish and French on my mom's side of the family, I have never gotten a sunburn before in my life. However, I got my very first sunburn after falling asleep on a floating unicorn in the lake while listening to an audiobook I saved to my phone. Naturally, I was in a bit of pain, but it turned into a tan after a day or so, so it wasn't nearly as horrible as my pasty-white older sisters always make it out to be.
Nacho night! We spread tin foil over the tables in the mess hall and had a nacho dump night. It wasn't nearly as messy as we thought it would be, and I really enjoyed it. I wish I had taken pictures of it, but I leave my phone in my cabin for meals, so my Mount Kilimanjaro of nachos will have to remain in my brain. Just know, they were incredible.
Made a librarian friend, Susan. Susan is a 73yo librarian who, frankly, doesn't give a damn anymore. I adore her and her no-bullshit attitude, and I wish she worked at the library down the street from my house. Susan gave me a stack of extra books they were going to toss out soon, including some old copies of S.E. Hinton's books and some books that they mistakenly bought 2-3 extra copies of. She said I could visit her anytime, and I plan to. I love Susan. She’s a real one.
A group of Amish people visited to help fix the horse stables. We had multiple children try to “help”. The Amish didn’t mind and let them. They are cool and enjoyed the snow cones we made them before they left.
Multiple days of sun showers. Danced in the rain a lot this summer. Felt very reminiscent of Can I Have This Dance from HSM3. 10/10, very fun.
Apparently, someone shot Trump at a rally. We didn’t know anything about it until the newspaper came for one of the office ladies. Seriously... what is this country coming to? I'm contemplating moving abroad once I have the money to do so. It's getting ridiculous out here.
On a better note, we had a visiting camp join us one weekend. Camp Nero. They are a medieval/renaissance camp where everyone runs around in full costume. I "jousted" very beautiful, very sweet Lady Gilmoira Embers of Willowdale (or, as I later discovered, Kenzie of Salem). She was epic. I lost. A group of us played a DND one-shot that night. I ended up just barely making my second death-saving throw against a 50s biker-esque tiefling warlock whose gang chased us on possessed motorcycles. Twas epic. Would absolutely join them again.
I managed a puppet show. We had a talking lion. I feel like whoever wrote the script must have smoked something before working on it. It was hilarious. I'm waiting for my CIT to send me the video she recorded of one of our rehearsals, but if I get it, I'll post it.
Last week, staff members had the chance to do fun presentations on their favorite things that we would present after the campers left on Saturday. Three completely separate people did presentations on sleep. Two girls did a shared one on the Romanovs; it was very informative and well-researched. 10/10. I did one about the Titanic (big shock, I know), and two of my friends recreated the Jack and Rose thing with one of those dolly push-cart things while singing Celine Dion. It was not planned, but they did great.
A literal eight-year-old called me “Mom” on accident because I’m the same age as his mom… Yeah, I had to do some mental math and suffer through a bit of an existential crisis with that one, but he was sweet and really well-mannered. I gave him extra marshmallows at campfire time. 
Two teen morons dumped vodka into the orange juice during adventure week. Both got sent home after drunkenly confessing to their crimes. Thankfully, the staff caught it before the children could be affected. I’m grateful I prefer tomato juice.
To keep this list relatively short, I befriended our camp babies - Smores, Elvira, and Mochi. Smores is a mouthy cat (as you can see) who wandered onto camp property years ago. Some campers lured her in with bits of graham crackers, and she never left. She now resides in her own little area of the main lodge where campers go to spoil her with treats before going upstairs for lunch in the mess hall. Elvira is an all-black cat who Chief Byron and his wife brought to camp as an emotional support cat. She doesn't take this job seriously anymore and will automatically climb onto people's shoulders just to lay across them like a scarf. She loves to cuddle and makes excellent biscuits when she wants to be snuggled or get belly rubs. Mochi is the camp's two-year-old husky. She's taken over for Elvira as the camp's emotional support animal, and loves all the attention she gets every day. She's very spoiled, but I had to put Mochi in jail (her crate) because she ate a kid's unattended mochi ice cream, and cannibalism is frowned upon at our camp. Her eyes were killing me internally, but she had to remain there until dessert was over.
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Also, I got the chance to work on some old drawings I had started drawing on my phone waaaay back. I mean, like, 2019-2021. I think the only one I completed is one I started back in 2022, right after you posted the first part of the prologue for TMM, which feels insane now that I think about it, but these are the lengths I went to in order to keep myself from boredom between archery groups. Some of the pictures are faceless, as I can't draw faces realistically all that well, but the one I did for TMM is one of the last "cartoon-ish" pieces I've done, so that one has faces. It just felt wrong to not give them faces when I feel fairly confident drawing in that art style. I was originally going to draw everyone in outfits I've seen in my mom's yearbook and my family photo albums from that decade, but I ended up with only Bentley and Kona before I got home. Before I go into detail on the other pictures I finished, here's the one for TMM as well as the more saturated version of it (on the right) that my C.I.T (counselor-in-training) Lily, said looks cooler:
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Personally, I like the og, but that's just because I'm used to looking at it. I was going to go back in and add more details as the story progresses, but I kept it simple in the end. I might add more characters if I feel up to it, but for now, it is what it is. Kona's little friendship bracelet, her Kool-Aid dyed hair, Bentley's perpetual injuries, and his watch, despite him never being on time for anything in his life (including his own birth, lmao) are the only hints to anything that I ended up keeping. I was also going to do their DnD characters once I figured out what they would be, but maybe that'll wait until later on. After all, now that I'm playing DnD myself, I want to make it as accurate as possible.
My gang's characters are chaotic at best and are definitely not a great example to work off of, but DnD art is so much fun. In our little group of six, we've got a 500lb Tortle Bard named Nik who flirts with everything that so much as looks his way; a Dragonborn Fighter named Oybek who is all brawn, and absolutely no brains, but eats the flesh of his enemies after he kills them to absorb some of their abilities; a variant human Warlock-Sorcerer named Denji who has chainsaws for arms and has some kind of deal with the mafia; a Half-Elf Gunslinger Rogue named Jordeau who wears only red and has this weird obsession with dragons; and my character Irynia, a High Elf Twilight Cleric of Apollo whose only mission is to restore light to the Underdark, but she gets tied up with this group because they're a bunch of absolute morons who think with their fists more than their brains. Yeah... we're an odd bunch, that's for sure.
Anyway, my unfinished, (mostly) faceless drawings include a very shakily finger-drawn, unpolished picture of Vivien playing drums, an old, semi-finished drawing of what I originally thought Mick and Butchy would look like together on a beach date, a very clearly unfinished partial sketch of something that will eventually become Jade playing guitar (ignore the fact that her skin is super pale, I have yet to add any shading), a half-assed attempt at drawing Miles sleeping that will, presumably, take forever to get further than its current state as the coloring for the background has become my undoing, and a somewhat blurry picture of a few OCs in the Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach universe (Juliet as a Mazercise instructor, Mick as a Kid's Cove snack stand worker, Carrie as a Roxy Raceway race starter, Vivien as a nail artist in the GlamRock salon, and Kona as a photographer for the photo ops in Rockstar Row). The last one is super blurry, but I think that's because I layered each image onto one canvas instead of editing it properly later on, so that's entirely my bad. I don't have the originals of each, so this is all I have to work with. I am going to go back and edit everything now that I can actually use my tablet to draw instead of my phone, but that'll take a while.
I could nitpick these pictures all day since they're not finished, but some of these were my first actual attempts at doing something realistic, so I'm giving myself a bit of a pass on them and allowing myself to feel alright with how they look. It'll all improve with time and effort, I'm sure. All the same, I had fun with them.
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So, yeah, have fun with those. They are just rough drafts right now - especially the faceless ones - but I enjoyed working on them a bit this last month, so I wanted to share them before I finish them off. I might go back to my old style in some ways - like I did with the Miles one - as it's super hard to draw realistic features, but I'm pleased with them for the most part.
Now, hopefully, I'll be able to sit down and read through everything you've posted lately because, tbh, I feel like I've missed a lot while I was gone, lmao. I am super excited to read through your post about Starlight Express since it's just not possible for me to see it over here. If you have a slime tutorial 👀 hook your girl up! I can't find one for The Outsiders, sadly. I have the script, so I've been reading that and riding that emotional rollercoaster (or train, I suppose, since that's a huge theme in the background of everything), but I would love to watch Starlight Express if you have that.
Anyway, I promise I'll be back to writing STDP and CW2 soon as I need to adjust to my old schedule again, but for now, here's a sneak peek of the first five-ish pages of the first chapter of Camp Wanamaker 2 (still calling it Electric Boogaloo, ngl, but yeah)!
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Warm summer air filtered through the open window, rustling the curtains that danced along the sill. Air conditioners had yet to be put into the upstairs windows of the Birch family cabin as their arrival the night before had been more of a drop-your-belongings-by-the-door-and-crash kind of arrival than a calm, well-planned one. The air conditioners stored in the basement would be taken out sooner or later, but in the meantime, the slightly overheated log cabin was cooled by open windows that allowed the sixty-degree air to clear out the dust that had settled since their last visit to New Hampshire and a handful of oscillating floor fans that send waves of chilled air circulating throughout the rooms.
The group’s mid-afternoon departure from the California airport had been a rush of overstuffed backpacks and hastily checked baggage, making their late-night arrival at the Logan International Airport in Boston even more chaotic. The almost two-hour drive from the airport to the log cabin had been… entertaining, to say the least. The Birches had rented a fifteen-passenger van ahead of time, allowing everyone a seat as well as providing extra room for their belongings in the trunk and on the roof rack. Miles had sandwiched his girlfriend between himself and one of their additional guests - a certain blonde Texan who seemed oblivious to her best friend’s raging red cheeks. Ignoring the conversations around them, Royce had watched from the far seat as Bentley’s face smushed against the window within the first few minutes of the long drive, his steady breaths fogging up the glass, but it wasn’t until Kona’s head landed on his shoulder that Royce had felt the pull of exhaustion himself. 
It had been Vivien’s idea to invite Kona. The two had become rather close during Vivien’s initial stay with them - something Vivien chalked up to having a sister the same age as the younger blonde - and after spending another spring break with them to celebrate her early graduation, Vivien decided to invite Kona along for the summer. Kona had initially brushed off the invitation, claiming she wouldn’t want to intrude on the girl’s summer of fun, but after some pushing from Bentley and Vivien, telling her about all of the fun activities she could do without her parents even knowing she had left their small town, Kona relented.
Royce remembered how excited Vivien was after that, spouting off about all the things they could do and how fun it would be, all while Kona just smiled and nodded. Vivien had tried to convince Juliet to join them as well that day, but the blonde Texan needed a bit more convincing. Camping just wasn’t her thing. She hated bugs with a passion, hiking had never been her forte, and the last time she went fishing, she had ended up driving her dad to the emergency room after her hook had embedded itself into his arm. It wasn’t until after Vivien began showing her pictures of the camp - the log cabins Vivien made sure to mention had plumbing and air conditioning, the playhouse all decked out from their performance of Hairspray the year before, and, most importantly, the dance studio - that Juliet admitted to being tempted to join them.
Carrie had settled the matter entirely, only slightly joking when she mentioned to Juliet that, if she stayed at the camp, she would get to spend not only time with Vivien and herself but also with a certain auburn-haired boy they knew all too well. Juliet had initially argued that she and Riven had nothing between them - something neither Carrie nor Vivien entirely believed - but after much talking and more than one drink, Juliet had been convinced to join them “for the sake of the dance studio.”
Vivien had gone back home not long after getting Juliet roped into her scheming plans for the summer, but that wasn’t the end of the list of people joining them at the summer camp that year. After telling their friends about her planned trip north to visit the future, Kona had managed to rope August and Zack into the group, using her knowledge of August’s people-pleasing tendencies and the ease with which Zack argued with her to her advantage. After practically begging August so that she "wouldn't have to go alone" and taunting Zack about him not wanting to go because he was too much of a wuss to climb the ropes course, it wasn't long before Kona sealed the deal, adding two more members to their ever-growing party.
What she had forgotten, however, was to tell the people in charge of bringing them that she had invited extra guests. 
It was quite the sight. They had shown up on their bicycles with their backpacks filled to the brim with clothes, ready to leave at a moment’s notice, only to find out that nobody other than Kona had any idea that they were joining them. Upon questioning, Bentley insisted he hadn’t known, something corroborated by August and Zack as they had simply been asking questions about what the camp was like, not if they could join. Faced with the reality that she had been too excited about the trip to think about asking anyone to let them join the already large group, Kona asked if it was alright, something Mick encouraged Butchy to agree to as the kids were already there and ready for the trip.
After arriving at the cabin, everyone had pretty much gone to their respective rooms and crashed, but with the five extra people under their roof, it wasn’t as simple as assigning rooms and hoping for the best. The upstairs rooms were filled easily by the usual suspects - Royce and Bentley took up their usual room while August and Zack shared an air mattress they pressed up against the dresser for the time being; Mick and Butchy had Mick’s old bedroom that still had a handful of glow-in-the-dark stars that no longer glowed plastered on the ceiling that was too high for anyone to get down without a ladder; then, Miles and Carrie had the room Miles’ had been given years prior - the scent of his cologne and, now, her perfume clinging to the walls. The only difference, really, was that Lela’s usual room was shared with Juliet and Kona - Kona using the plush, oversized chaise as a base of operations while the older girls decided to share the queen-sized bed for the next night or so until camp started.
Nobody really complained about their sleeping arrangements, not that anyone felt inclined to argue at all as the clock ticked over to two in the morning just as they walked in the door. Normally, Royce would have to bite his tongue to keep himself from complaining about the snoring that filled the room he now shared with not only his brother, but also Bentley’s friends. However, once his headphones were on and an ASMR video was playing just loud enough to block out the noise, he found himself drifting off in the hopes that he would wake up in a matter of minutes, wanting nothing more than to see his Vivien. When he woke up almost five hours later, the sun glaring through his bedside window, he had to force himself to go about his normal routine of writing something about the previous day in his journal as he realized Vivien wouldn’t be home from her final skating practice of the summer for at least half an hour.
Royce’s pen wiggled between his fingers, the nib tapping the pages of his open notebook with each downswing. He had been contemplating what to write for the greater part of a half hour already, yet nothing had come to mind apart from the only thought that consistently came to mind whenever he opened his eyes - Vivien. Was she on the ice already? Was she having a good day? Did she make herself another picture-worthy coffee with a foam heart in it? Would she show it to him later, even if it wasn’t? For what must have been the hundredth time since he woke up that morning, Royce turned toward the open window beside his bed and imagined her climbing in through it the way she almost always did while they were there.
Granted, Vivien didn’t know they were there. They weren’t supposed to arrive in Sanbornton for another day. Still, the idea of her setting the ladder against the house and climbing up to crawl into his bedroom window made Royce smile. Now that he had admitted it to not only himself but also to Vivien, he couldn’t wait to see her, wrap her in the tightest hug he could muster, and tell her how much he loved her. Two months was simply too long a time to go without her. Even though, technically, it had only been two weeks in his world since he had seen her, it had been almost two whole months for her. He had gone back with her to her graduation that took place just after April vacation, but had returned home after her family’s celebration with the excuse that he had to go back to school. He had missed her since the moment the Birch's van left her family’s driveway, but she had left his world on the first of June - his two-week wait a lot shorter than the month and a half she had to spend waiting for him.
His two weeks without contact with Vivien had felt like torture; he could only imagine how it must have felt for her to spend nearly two months without being able to contact him.
He knew he had to see her before all the workers began arriving at camp the next morning. He wasn’t going to be able to sit around, waiting for another day, knowing she was within walking distance from the house. Glancing around at his slumbering roommates, Royce took in a deep breath and scribbled out a note for his brother and friends on a spare piece of paper before slowly tearing it out of his journal so as to not make much noise. Making sure they were all still asleep, he quietly closed his journal and tucked it away under his pillow before slipping out of his bed, grabbing his phone, placing the note on his blanket, and making his way out of the room, grabbing a hoodie on his way out. Pulling the hoodie on over a t-shirt he was sure he had gotten from Butchy at some point, Royce rounded the banister and headed downstairs, avoiding the creaky steps to the best of his ability before padding over to the mudroom to slip on a pair of sneakers he had abandoned over winter break.
Sneaking into the garage and softly closing the door behind him, Royce jogged over to the bicycles he and Bentley had gotten dirt cheap at a garage sale, swiping away cobwebs and dust as he pulled his bike into the early morning sunlight that poured in from the still-open garage door. Forgoing his helmet for the short trip, Royce ensured his tires were full enough before swinging a leg over the bike and gliding down the small hill the Birch’s cabin was perched on. The air was crisp and clear as he pedaled down the street, morning dew still lingering on the grass and leaves as wind whipped through his hair, but Royce didn’t care about the way his cheeks burned or the way the rubber of the well-loved handlebars flaked onto his palms. He was going to see his girlfriend, and, frankly, that was all that mattered.
Smirking to himself as the O’Brian family’s winery came into view, the event barn on the edge of the property appeared first as he pushed himself to stand and push through the rest of the ride. The home’s large veranda was typically vacant; however, that morning, a head of honey-brown, nearly blonde hair swung limply from the porch swing as it creaked back and forth. Dismounting his bike as it rolled to a stop, Royce grinned and stepped up to the edge of the porch, reaching up to tug a strand of the person’s hair. Whipping her head back over the edge of the swing, Abigail’s olive green eyes widened as she realized just who had pulled her hair.
Nearly colliding with the wooden planks that made up the deck, Abby scrambled off the swing as Royce jogged up the stairs, her arms flinging around Royce’s middle as she laughed, “What the hell, man!”
Awkwardly patting Abby on the back, Royce chuckled, “Good to see you too, Abby.”
Releasing her sister’s boyfriend, Abby took a step back and glanced back at the house as she rested her hands on her hips, “Did you two keep this a secret or something, ‘cause that’s so not cool.”
Royce shook his head, tucking his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants, “Actually, she doesn’t even know I’m here yet.”
A smirk took over Abby’s face as her eyes practically glittered. She loved surprises, especially if she was one of the people working behind the scenes to make someone else happy. Being able to surprise her older sister - the same sister who prided herself on being some all-knowing, unsurprisable being - brought an almost maniacal laugh rippling through her. “Sissy’s gonna be pissed I saw you first. I hope you know that.”
With a soft laugh, Royce gestured to the front door and asked, “Is she upstairs?”
As she ascended the front steps once more, Abby shook her head, a sigh falling from her lips as she picked her Kindle up from where it had tumbled to the creaky veranda floorboards. “She’s out with Riven still. From what Riven told Dad on the phone, though, practice didn’t go well.”
As Abby sat back down on the swing, toeing her fluffy socks against the creaky boards to push herself back and forth slightly, Royce took in a deep breath and leaned against the railing, sighing out his question, “That Lexi girl didn’t stop in again, did she?”
Abby was quick to shake her head. “Thankfully, no. She’s fucked back off to Maine and is probably back to harassing the people up there.”
Relieved to know that Vivien’s ex-girlfriend was no longer trying to weasel her way into Vivien’s head, Royce crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “Any idea what happened, then?”
“I didn’t get the whole gist of the conversation,” Abby sighed, her shoulder just barely tugging into a shrug as she glanced out at the driveway, “but Dad said it would be a miracle if she made it home without working herself into a panic attack. Something about her dance teacher, I’m sure.”
Umber eyes rolled as Royce fought the urge to cuss out the elderly ballet teacher. He had met the woman twice in his nearly two-year-long relationship with Vivien, and neither time had been pleasant. Her constant remarks about Vivien’s “obvious lack of feminine grace” made Royce’s blood boil the longer he was subjected to her snarky, nasally voice, but it was her remark about his girlfriend’s “almost manly build and borderline morbid weight” that resulted in him having to be carried away by Riven. With the ease of someone who had been subjected to the old bitty’s torturous bullying, Vivien handled the woman with a blank face and calm tone, but Royce had a hard time refraining from lunging into the classroom and pushing the woman out the nearest window. He knew all too well how deeply the woman’s words hurt Vivien internally, especially as most of the things the woman took issue with were things Vivien couldn’t change about herself, but she always kept a stoic expression in front of the woman just to keep herself from scrambling to find a new teacher.
Glancing at the front door, Royce met Abby’s olive eyes and asked, “Think I should talk to your dad about it before she gets here?”
“Probably,” Abby nodded, shifting to lift her legs onto the swing, folding them, and resting her elbows on her thighs as she scanned Royce’s eyes. “Riven called Dad, so something has to be wrong, but since they’re not rushing to the hospital, I’d say there's a good chance it’s something psychological rather than something physical." The blonde thought for a moment and sighed, tipping her head to the side in a sort of shrug before tacking on, "Although, given how much Vivien hates hospitals, I guess we can't be sure. My advice: brace for the worst, but hope for the best.”
Nodding to himself as he sucked in a deep breath, Royce pushed off of the railing and headed for the door, turning back to offer Abby a small smile as he said, “Thanks, Abby.”
Brushing off his gratitude with a shrug, Abby grinned, “Anything to keep my favorite ship afloat.” Unlocking her Kindle and turning her attention to the novel on the screen as Royce pushed open the door, she called out, “I won’t tell her you’re here. She needs a happy surprise after this week.”
Poking his head back outside, Royce observed the middle O’Brian child for a moment, waiting until she slowly lifted her gaze from the device in her hands before saying, “Seriously, Abby, thank you.”
Although she had always gotten along well with Royce - even before her sister began dating him - Abby suddenly found herself grateful her sister had better taste in men than she did women. All things considered, Royce was a total upgrade from the psycho stalker Vivien was previously with. Nodding minutely at her fellow middle child, Abby allowed herself to smile as she said, “You’re welcome. Dad should be in his office, by the way. He’s avoiding Mom like the plague-” she paused to glance back at the event barn where she knew her mom was lurking, making sure the woman wasn’t outside before turning back to Royce and stage-whispering, “-and, TBH, I can’t blame him.”
Nodding in understanding, Royce lowered his voice and muttered, “Thanks for the heads up.”
Giving the nearly eighteen-year-old a mock salute, Abby turned back to her sticker-covered Kindle and said, “Godspeed, soldier.”
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dvskf4llz · 6 months
Heyo! i totally forgot to request this (i meant to like 2 months ago but i got shy and back out lmao) would it be okay if i requested a Angel!Skizzleman x gn!reader, where the reader takes skizz on a cute date to celebrate him joining Hermitcraft? - 🕳️ anon
holy moly ofc nonnie this is such a cute idea
Sweet Reunions
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵!𝓜𝓒𝓢𝓴𝓲𝔃𝔃𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝔁 𝓰𝓷!𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Summary: In which the reader takes a new fellow hermit on a date to celebrate his arrival to Hermitcraft
Type: Fluffy oneshot
Warnings ⚠: No warnings, just pure fluff <3
Proofread: Nope
The way I write in character ai is slowly showing in my oneshots 🧍 anyways, enjoy this cute little fic, reader!
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For a good while now, you'd been a part of Hermitcraft; Being in about 5 seasons already. Ever since season 10 started, there's been two new Hermits who you were familiar about. Joel and Skizzleman, you were more close with Skizzleman though since you two have always been together since the Life Series. You were definitely ecstatic to hear that your beloved Skizz was joining, you could hardly wait!
The reunion was quite sweet, you two missed each other very dearly despite it being only two months or so. After the whole introduction thing, you two ran off to find a private area so that you could have a proper reunion (no it's not like that.). Sure, you could've done even when the Hermits were around but it would be better if you two were in private so that you could be as cheesy as you wanted to be.
Skizz had been hugging you so tightly with both his arms and his wings, you had to tell him to stop holding you so tightly otherwise you might've started suffocating.
"Sorry, I just missed ya' so much!" Skizz chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head
"You were really going to miss me more if you kept on hugging me so tightly." You joked, giving Skizz a reassuring pat on the back to give off the message saying 'It's okay'. You two then shared some kisses and even more hugs (you can either think of it as something suggestive or not.), you both were practically struggling to pull yourselves away from each other.
Once you two finally had your sweet reunion, you both decided to gather some resources already. The two of you decided to have shared/connected bases so that you two wouldn't have to be far apart, you two stayed together while gathering resources for the most part. But once Skizz had to go somewhere to meet up with another Hermit, you worked fast to set up a date over by a waterfall with a beautiful scenery to celebrate Skizz's arrival to Hermitcraft. You had to use your current resources to build a nice looking picnic, you had a few furnaces around the place so that you could cook some food. Skizz wouldn't be gone for too long so you had to work quick, you were kind of stressing out already because you didn't know how early Skizz would arrive. You hoped luck was on your side right now.
By the time Skizz had already came back, you were thankfully finished setting up the whole picnic. You had gotten rid of the furnaces and different blocks around the place, all you needed to do now was to actually surprise Skizz with it. You simply went up to Skizz and told him that you had a surprise before closing his eyes with your hands, leading him right where the picnic was. Once you took your hands off of Skizz's eyes, he was absolutely in awe since he could already tell that you put a lot of effort in making the picnic seem really nice.
After admiring it for a good six seconds, he'd turn over to you before suddenly lifting you up into the air and spinning you around. You two were both laughing and giggling as he did, you holding onto Skizz so that you wouldn't fall while he did this. Soon enough, he set you back down while you were a bit dizzy from all the spinning. You held onto Skizz for support for a few seconds before shaking your head slightly, your vision going back to normal. You looked at Skizz with a smile, glad that he appreciated your hard work on this cute little picnic
"So, let's get on with this date shall we?" You held your hand out to Skizz, waiting patiently for him to take it so that you could bring him over onto the picnic blanket. He'd chuckle a bit before taking your hand
"We shall!" Skizz spoke with a slightly fancy tone, making you both giggle a bit before you lead him over to the picnic blanket that had several different types of food that you knew he enjoyed. For the whole time, you and Skizz would be catching up mostly; you both would sneak in a bit of flirting though. Skizz was also praising you for making such good food, he was in pure bliss after taking a bite of one of the foods you had made. And after that, you two would just be holding hands while still continuing to talk about stuff.
If you preferred to just listen instead of talk, Skizz would be talking quite a lot about the things he'd been upto after the whole 'Secret Life' thing. If you were the one to be rambling though, Skizz would willingly listen to you with adoration in his eyes. For the rest of day, you two just watched the sunset and stargazed for a bit before finally heading back to your guys' base and cuddled the whole night with Skizz's wings wrapped around the both of you... <3
Holy moly!!! You reached the end!! Wowerzs‼️
In all seriousness, hope yall enjoyed this short little skizz x reader oneshot :3
This was a bit rushed so not exactly proofread TT
See you guys in the next oneshot! Bye bye for now lovely reader! <3
(p.s, go drink some gosh dang water, eat some food and take care of yourself. Much love as always!!)
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agaypanic · 1 year
Okokok bbf!(brothers best friend)Benny Weir x Morgan!male reader where reader is Ethan’s brother/twin (you pick). Reader having a crush on Benny and Ethan trying to prevent them from dating but failing miserably. <3
His Best Friend's Brother (Benny Weir X Male!Morgan!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After finding out his brother has a crush on his best friend, Ethan does whatever he can to keep them separated. But he soon finds out all his efforts are futile.
A/N: I would’ve made that title “Brother’s Best Friend” but apparently I’ve already written a benny fic with that title lmao
You don’t know why Ethan’s so surprised right now. You had been playing a little game of truth or dare with Sarah and Rory to pass the time while you all waited for Benny and Erica to come over. Sarah asked if you had a crush on anyone, and you shrugged and said Benny. Sarah and Rory just nodded, commenting about how it made sense, and you continued with the game.
Ethan looked like a fish out of water.
You couldn’t tell if it was because Benny was a boy or Ethan’s best friend. But either way, he shouldn’t have been surprised. You thought he noticed how you always looked at Benny or how you went to him first after taking down a bad guy to make sure he was okay. Or the way you did anything you could to be near Benny without being too weird about it.
“You guys are just gonna brush past that?” Ethan asked your friends in surprise. Sarah and Rory looked at each other, then you, and then Ethan.
“Yeah. Why?” Sarah asked. 
“Why? Why?” Ethan looked like he was about to pull all his hair out. “He likes Benny, my best friend. We’re all in the same friend group; it’s weird.”
“Being in the same friend group hasn’t stopped you from having a crush, E.” You reminded your brother, rolling your eyes. He turned red, looking anywhere in the room but at Sarah. “Are you acting insane because Benny and I are both guys?”
“Of course not!” Ethan looked offended that you would even suggest that. “Y/n, I could care less about that. But he’s my best friend, and you’re my brother. It just feels… Icky.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his choice of wording. Sarah and Rory joined in, and soon all three of you were cackling at your brother’s ridiculousness.
“What are you guys laughing at?” You all jumped at Erica’s sudden presence. Sometimes you hated how sneaky she was.
“Ethan’s throwing a fit because Y/n likes Benny,” Rory answered, earning a slap in the arm from Sarah for exposing your secret the second someone new came into the conversation. But you didn’t really mind. You knew Rory would tell someone eventually, and you probably would’ve told Erica anyway.
“You’d throw a fit, too, if your brother had a crush on your best friend!” Ethan whined.
“Ethan’s right.” Erica nodded, turning to look at you. You all knew there was some kind of joke leading up to this, because there’s no way in hell Erica would actually agree with Ethan. “Y/n, you could totally do better.”
You all laughed at the serious tone in her comment. Even Ethan cracked a smile.
“Okay, ha ha. But I still don’t like it.”
“No one said you had to, Ethan.”
“No one said he had to what?” Your friends had to stop coming into your house unannounced. Benny stood in the living room looking at everyone, holding a few boxes of pizza and a bag that was probably filled with drinks and candy.
“Y/n said that no one said Ethan had to like that- Ow!” Rory was interrupted from spilling truths again by Sarah, who hit him harder than last time. Benny gave the two a strange look but brushed their behavior off.
“Whatever. I got pizza, pop, and sweets to make our teeth rot. What are we watching?” Benny asked as he set everything on the kitchen island. Erica smirked, reaching into her purse to pull out multiple DVDs. Catching sight of the titles, Benny whined, and Sarah squealed. “No, please.”
“Oh, yeah. All three Dusk movies.”
“I’m surprised you don’t have the fourth.” You muttered, standing from your spot on the couch and going to the kitchen to grab plates and food.
“Only because it’s not on DVD yet.” 
You grabbed two slices of pizza from one of the boxes when Benny slid to stand next to you.
“I grabbed you your favorites.” You looked at the stuff he pushed toward you, and indeed, he had gotten you your favorite drink and a couple of your favorite candies.
“Thanks, Bens.” You gathered it all around you before looking up at him. It was crazy to you that he was leaning on the countertop and was still taller than you. “You didn’t have to get me all of this.”
“It’s no problem, really.” He smiled at you, and you wished you could look at him forever. The little twinkle in his eye he had when he looked at you made you giddy.
“Oh, nice, pizza.” You were pushed away from each other by an annoying force, more commonly known as your brother. He stood between the two of you, piling his plate with food. After one last look at Benny, you gathered everything in your arms and went to sit on the couch.
When everyone had gotten their food (you, Ethan, and Benny had food. Sarah, Rory, and Erica had some blood bags, and you didn’t want to know where they got them.), you all settled in the living room, either anticipation or dreading the movie marathon that was about to be put on.
Benny sat next to you on the couch, and you were about to offer him one of your sweets when Ethan stood in front of you two.
“Benny, move over a bit, will you?” Ethan made a waving motion to get him to move away from you. You and Benny looked confused. “You’re in my spot.”
“Since when has this been your spot?” You asked. Ethan started to look flustered, trying to come up with an answer.
“Shut up and sit down!” Erica demanded. “The movie’s starting.”
Knowing it’d be better to listen to Erica than continue fighting with Ethan, Benny scooted over, albeit reluctantly. Ethan sat between the two of you, subtly spreading himself out on the couch so you were further away from Benny. You leaned over to Ethan.
“I know what you’re doing.” You whispered to your brother. “Stop it, baby.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Ethan muttered back, ignoring your glare to focus on the movie.
You suffered through the first movie in silence. Your brother was acting like a child. Anytime Benny tried to make a joke about the movie to you, Ethan got in the way by constantly “assuming” he was talking to him. You understood that he was uncomfortable with the fact that you liked his best friend, but that didn’t mean he got to separate you and get in your way.
Getting up and stretching, you told the others you were going to go change into something more comfortable and went up to your room. Although that was true, you also needed a minute away from your brother to avoid losing your mind on him. You changed into sweatpants and were about to change your shirt when there was a knock on the door.
“Oh please, don’t stop on my account,” Benny smirked when you opened the door and saw you drop and smooth out your shirt. You rolled your eyes and let him in, closing the door behind him.
“I’m surprised Ethan let you up here.” You said, taking your shirt off to pull on a loose hoodie. Benny sat on your bed, staring at you.
“I told him I was going to the bathroom, so I bought myself a few minutes.” He hooked his finger in the waistband of your sweats and pulled you close so you were standing between his legs. You smiled down at him, hands resting on his shoulders.
“Let’s make them worth it then.” You murmured before leaning down to kiss Benny. He held you closer to him, arms wrapping around you.
What your friends didn’t know about you and Benny was that you had been secretly dating for a few weeks. It wasn’t that you were scared to tell your friends; you just didn’t feel the need to. Plus, you had a bit of a feeling Ethan would react weirdly. You two had confessed to each other at a party, and the rest was history.
“We should probably go back down.” You said as you pulled away. Benny groaned in disappointment.
“Just a couple more minutes.”
“I mean it, Benny. Ethan will get suspicious.”
“Fine.” He stood up, still holding you. “One more kiss before we go?” You leaned in, unable to say no to his puppy dog eyes.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Ethan shouted, and the two of you jumped apart, startled. He stared at you in horror.
“You were kissing him, Y/n!” Deciding to play dumb, you looked around your room like Benny wasn’t there.
“Kissing who?”
“Don’t play dumb. How long has this been going on?”
You and Benny looked at each other, knowing there was no way to escape Ethan and his questions. 
“Since your Halloween party….” Benny said, looking anywhere but at Ethan.
“What’s going on up here?” Erica appeared behind Ethan, scaring the crap out of all three of you. Sarah and Rory stood behind her, watching the scene.
“I just caught Y/n and Benny making out,” Ethan said. The three vampires stared at you and Benny in silence, trying to formulate a response.
“Y/n, I told you that you could do better!” Erica whined, pushing everyone away to go back downstairs.
“Hey!” Benny shouted in offense.
“How are you guys not freaking out?” Ethan asked, looking at Rory and Sarah. They shrugged.
“Who cares? It’s their lives.” Sarah answered, grabbing the back of Ethan’s collar to drag him down the stairs. Rory, you, and Benny trailed behind them. “Come on, let’s watch Dusk.”
“Can Y/n and I stay in his room?” Benny asked, wanting to get out of watching the franchise more than anything.
“No!” Sarah shouted at him. “We’re watching Dusk, and you’re gonna like it!”
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innerchorus · 5 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 128 (Part 2)
What a top choice, contrasting Arslan, the ruler Pars needs, being unable to draw the sword that would prove his right to rule, with Hilmes, who is choosing to brute force a coronation ceremony in order to give his position legitimacy.
While Arslan freely admits that his bloodline gives him no claim, Hilmes is still trying to maintain the lie that he is the son of Osroes. Ugh, watching him falter over this line during the ceremony was hard. He is far from at his best here, but I still have sympathy for him despite all that he's done.
However he needs to BE NICER TO ZANDEH, DAMN IT.
Things in Ecbatana... are not good. We get an overview: dry wells, Andragoras's growing army outside, closed gates, dwindling food, friction between citizens and soldiers, all combined to insinuate that it's only a matter of time before Hilmes's control of the city is overturned.
And a coronation won't fix this, (and nor will a crown patch up the emotional damage that was inflicted on him by Andragoras's big reveal) but what else can Hilmes do right now?
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Ashamed to say I laughed at this. His face...
Man, Zandeh really is trying his best in this chapter. He and his men were the ones who went scrounging up golden coins to melt down in order for Hilmes to actually have a crown to wear after Guiscard stole the real one, but Hilmes isn't in the mood to appreciate his efforts.
(That little guy is with him in this scene, looking nervous of Hilmes's reaction! Feels like Zandeh also knows Hilmes isn't going to love what they've done, but as he says, it's the best they can do for now.)
The fact that Zandeh adores Hilmes and can't wait to see him crowned yet is willing to tell it to him straight: calling Sam away from defending the underground waterways to attend to coronation ceremony is a bad move.
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Fucking ouch. At least he didn't tell Zandeh to go and watch the passageways himself!
'The ceremony was a miserable, spare, and unsatisfying one' 🙃
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Starting out strong.
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My boy is so happy!
When Hilmes starts talking about 'King Osroes's legitimate heir', things start to go to shit. He falters, Sam and Zandeh can see something is wrong (and while Zandeh is puzzled, you know Sam knows) and then after failing to get the words out twice Hilmes rips the cloth off his scar and fucking commits to that lie.
I wanted a mask-free coronation for Hilmes but NOT LIKE THIS 😭
Sacrificing Innocentis to the gods isn't going to make that lie any truer, but Hilmes is just grasping at anything that will give him even a whisper of security right now.
Zandeh is very into it, lmao. I love him but am unsurprised to see his rough treatment of Innocentis. If I recall correctly he was excited about the idea of killing him before.
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Filing this away under 'things that should not be hot'. (Also noting that he removed his armour for the ceremony 👀 and that he's abandoned the idea of burning Innocentis alive in favour of a different method.)
Also... how blind can you be, Hilmes? "Thus will I show what happens to those of other lands whose ambitions threaten the peace of Pars!"? Pars is your own country, and you facilitated that. Pars would likely still be at peace if not for you and your ambitions.
Anyway, Innocentis, who is likely delirious with fever from his wound, asks for sugar water, which enrages Hilmes so much he's about to strike him with his sword, when who should burst in (no doubt through those poorly-defended waterways, sigh) than Team Arslan?
(The coronation ceremony is taking place 10 days after Team Arslan set out for Mount Demavant. Chapter 126 says they 'rode East along the Continental Highway for several days' until they encountered Don Ricardo, so it seems a little more time has passed between the events of the first part of the chapter and those of the second).
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This fills me with fear because no way will Hilmes withdraw.
Anyway, there's a panel of Team Arslan entering the room where you can't see what weapon Arslan is holding. Rukhnabad, you there?
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
trying to put my (mostly) child kaeya headcanons in one spot. brace yourself this is gonna be so long
first i think he was around 8 years old when he was left in mondstadt.
before that he lived with his father always moving from place to place. or maybe... i dont know honestly. they didn't live in khaenri'ah (whatever's left of it) because i like the idea that kaeya is the last hope for a place he's only heard stories about. for people he has barely met. and he yearns for it all the same, enough to run away as a stowaway on a ship just for the slim chance he'll get to meet it, to return to a place he only knows through other people's memories... yeah it's a thought i like to entertain. so anyway i dont know where exactly kaeya lived before my headcanons for this are really vague lmao. im torn between making him be raised in some corner of teyvat, or somewhere very abyss touched, or... a secret third thing i dont yet know...
i think his mother died when he was so young he has barely any recollection of her and it haunts him a bit. he cant remember what she looked like. to have an idea he can just look in a mirror though. he's her spitting image.
unsure about siblings... i think he didnt have any
i dont think his father was abusive. neglectful maybe. he was really awful at the father job but mostly because of how emotionally distant he was. he never hit kaeya or went out of his way to be cruel to him, he was just very stern. kaeya was a child who didn't really know comfort. all his basic needs were met, but his father just wasn't the type to hug or say words of encouragement, to calm him down from nightmares, to soothe a fever beyond just bitter medicine and leaving kaeya laid down on the cot alone. i think the closest they ever got to that sort of connection was when he taught kaeya their clan's history, which we know he did from canon. that piece of paper where the handwriting shows an adult guiding a child's hand on the paper makes me. Feel Things. he was not a soft man or a good father by any means but. *gestures vaguely*
and you know what. i think he loved kaeya in his own way. which is to say that he loved kaeya more as a means to an end than as a son. or maybe not. maybe leaving kaeya was more difficult for him than i give him credit for. i cant really decide. either way 2/10 for effort his parenting sucked and left deep scars in this poor poor child BUT he was not a heartless asshole is what im trying to say
anyway kaeya has very bittersweet very mixed feelings about him. he left his own son all alone in an unfamiliar land for unclear reasons. placed a burden nobody should ever have to carry on the shoulders of a child. he never embraced him or told him he loved him. but at the same time we see kaeya in game trying to understand his father's motivations for abandoning him there. that maybe a happier life could have been a factor. his safety. assuming this is, like, true. i headcanon that it is. it's not the entire reason by far. but it could have been part of it. maybe that's called "wishful thinking". we'll find out one day i hope
i don't really know what to make of the entire "you're our last hope" thing. as in, what exactly does that entail. what did his father tell him. im just kinda waiting patiently for them to actually tell us what's up. i can tell you it was a ridiculous amount of pressure on kaeya though. he might have been mature for his age and forced to grow up faster than he should have but a lot of it was simply beyond his comprehension. like, that's an entire seven year old child. he shouldve been playing with toys. anyway. kaeya who has felt guilt as his standard everyday main emotion since he was little
i think kaeya's father taught him to speak, read and write in common, so kaeya could understand people pretty well when he was left in mondstadt and could read basic stuff
an extension of this headcanon: i think each region has their own language besides just common tongue, and that in general people can speak both, especially in the big cities, while in rural areas people will probably only speak the region's mother tongue. i read a mutual's headcanon like this once and it rewired my brain so i borrowed it. also common varies from place to place because there are different dialects from mixing with the nations' other languages. to make it fun!
so when kaeya gets to mondstadt he can't speak mondstadtian specifically but he can speak common and the ragnvindrs can all speak both. eventually as he stays there kaeya learns mondstadt's language and loses the accent (a very conscious effort from his part)
more on the accent: if you listen closely to him nowadays, some word or other still sounds odd, maybe too stiff, the way he rolls his tongue on certain letters- but it's very subtle
kaeya hasn't spoken his mother tongue in so long he inevitably has forgotten certain things, and he was so young when he stopped speaking it that there are things he simply never learned. i think this haunts kaeya sooo bad. he's someone who's always trying to keep little pieces of his past, of things that have a lot of emotional value for him; he's someone who values memories, in particular physical, tangible pieces of memories. and we see him do this with his roots, like adding khaenri'ahn symbols and motifs to his outfits, saving slips of paper written by his father about his family's story, etc..
so anyway the fact he's forgetting bits and pieces of his mother tongue makes him grasp desperately at whatever's still left of it in his memory. i wonder if he writes what he can om scraps of paper, or maybe an actual notebook; i wonder also if he did similar things as a child too? though it's something he'd have to keep insanely well hidden and the paranoia about someone finding it out would absolutely eat him alive
okay back to his childhood. when he's taken in by the ragnvindrs i think he's very quiet and only speaks when spoken to. he is so unfathomably scared and lonely and everything is terrifyingly unfamiliar but any genuine manifestation of fear and anxiety and homesickness is saved for the dead of night when everyone's asleep and won't see/hear him cry. he keeps to himself, acts very polite, doesn't bother anyone with asking for help or for anything beyond what he's already been offered.
diluc was very happy about having another kid his age living under the same roof and almost immediately saw him as a little brother and kaeya simply could not match the enthusiasm. they took it as him just being shy, and to an extent that was part of it, but also he simply did not want to be there at all. no matter how wonderfully kind those people were to him, kaeya missed his father and his mother and the homeland he didnt even know in person but that was his biggest responsibility. it was such an enormous change and he missed the familiarity so much it made him ill. like literally. i think he spent his first or second week with the ragnvindrs bedridden
im very fond of the hc that kaeya took ill easily as a child.
kaeya had nightmares often. i absolutely cannot see him asking for comfort in any direct way. most of the time he'd just hold his own hand through it. other times he'd slip out of bed and see there was still light coming from the study. he'd sit on an armchair next to crepus, who already knew kaeya would hardly ever speak about what was making him upset, and watch him work until he fell asleep again.
i think kaeya was a very scrawny kid who looked a bit younger than he actually was. next to diluc (who im always torn between making just seven months older than him, or a year and seven months older) he seemed even tinier. while diluc was the picture of a healthy boy, all full red cheeks and bright eyes, kaeya was too lean, eyes too tired, sometimes distant, like he's not entirely present, lost in thought. you could see a sadness in him sometimes that seemed deeper than anything a child his age should know. kaeya was quiet not just because he didn't speak a lot, but because he seemed to exist silently. if he disappeared to be alone for a while and didn't want you to find him, you would not find him.
and anyway. i like the idea of him slowly allowing himself to be louder as he becomes more comfortable with the ragnvindrs. and revealing his more sarcastic side lol. he's always been quick witted, he was just too timid at first
child kaeya who was such a weird kid. he spoke in a way that often lacked the childishness expected from someone who's yet to turn nine. said odd cryptic things with zero explanation. banned from sharing bedtime stories after scaring diluc with overly fucked up khaenri'ahn folk tales. normalest child alive. i think he bit into a crystalfly once
oh and kaeya absolutely came up with the whole "i come from a family of pirates" thing as a kid. i think he read about pirates in a book once and was completely enamored with the idea. and one side effect of being a secret agent pawn spy is the ability to spin wild tales on the spot. so anyway did he convince diluc he was toootally a pirate. yes. diluc believed him for way too long
no wonder he's so good at telling stories to kids nowadays. he's had practice
about the eyepatch: i can never settle on just one headcanon!! option one: his eye was fine as a kid and he only wore it sometimes for the pirate roleplay, then he started wearing it everyday after The Fight because diluc wounded him; option two: he always wore the eyepatch because there is something abyss/khaenri'ah related going on with his right eye (don't ask me what exactly. though im fond of the idea that it's connected to his father and it's basically what allows him to fulfill the spy role, in some nebulous way.) and during the fight diluc aimed for it on purpose; there's probably a secret third option im forgetting about. i lean more towards option one these days i think.
okay im out of headcanons for now. i bet that the moment i click post im gonna remember ten more. but its ok. i can make another post if needed. never forget that i can speak about kaeya for literal hours and that, if prompted, i will do so
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sapphicscholar · 2 months
wait can you elaborate on your tag about the conditional tense a couple tags ago i’m so curious
Oh sure! For posterity's sake when my TL gets too long to scroll back, this is the post/my tags (link)!
So okay, in the left hand column we've got this absolutely touching, lovely scene of Ava telling Deborah, "I knew you would" (that is: I knew you'd get the late night host gig). And imo that's something that Ava can believe and feel and experience as true, but it's 100% not the way Deborah lets herself feel--and, more importantly to me, not the way Deborah as we know and love her in canon finds pleasure. Hers is an existence that is, in so many ways, affectively opposed to the pregiven and the easily won. The pleasure comes in the fought-for and the hard-won (akin but not identical to the way JPL describe Ava's S3 challenge to Deborah as arousing and a turn-on, which I fear would spin me off in other directions).
I'll preface this by saying: I don't think this was always the case! The young Deborah we glimpse during her meteoric rise to stardom was absolutely filled with joy and wonder at making it. Yes, she was good, but she was also lucky--something she's better able to recognize by the time we get to canon where she can recognize that Ava might be good, but know better than to think that it'll ever be enough. Young Deborah dared to believe there was an indexical relationship between talent/effort and rewards. She knew she was good, she knew her pilot went well, and she didn't (wouldn't!) dream of it all collapsing the way it did. Older Deborah knows better than to ever think things will come that easily. Because she knows (whether or not we agree with it) that things that come too easily can all too easily be ripped away from her, the rug pulled out from under her feet all over again.
So instead she adopts this defensive posture of always needing to be chomping at the bit for the next big thing. (Her white whale is an ever-moving target!) It's why she tells Ava in S2 that she'll be working til she's 107. It's why Ava tells Deborah in S3 that she's bored, rather than luxuriating in the afterglow of the special's success, because she always needs something to fight for (and, imo, also against).
Deborah needs the uncertainty inherent in the conditional tense - the feeling that there's something she could have, but no guarantee she'll be given it, so she has to fight and work hard and often also play dirty (erasing Susan's name, blackmailing Marty, etc.). And she likes it that way! Because if something is won too easily, it gives way to this anticipatory rehearsal of the pain of losing Late Night all over again. And so even if it works out, it's a deflationary kind of happiness, fleeting and not quite satisfying. But if she's clawing and fighting for it, she's in control. While the opportunity may be theirs to ultimately bestow or deny, the fight is always on her terms, not theirs.
Anyway, this is already so many paragraphs lmao, so I'll stop now! But I'll just flag that (for whenever I get around to fully writing and posting), this is why my post-s3 fic takes the shape that it does! Because I think this attitude bleeds out into so much of Deborah's life!
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harapeveco · 6 months
Rei's house
I’m insane and I know a lot about interior design against my will so I used it to make a rough floor plan of Rei’s house
This wasn’t an easy thing to do for two reasons: 1) the only rooms shown so far are the living room and the hallway and 2) Newo doesn’t know how to draw a house apparently LMAO. It’s something I noticed while skimming through the manga to get references but yeh Newo doesn’t put too much effort in backgrounds unless it’s absolutely necessary, what they do is draw the basics to give the reader an idea of where the characters are. I went through their other art and it’s also that way, tho in their pokemon art it has more detail than in knk but I would argue that since knk has to be ready within a month while their other art doesn’t it shouldn’t be surprising it’s drawn that way
Anyway here’s what I could make out so far
Rei’s house seems to be the kind that’s square rather than rectangular so let’s work keeping that in mind
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The first room would be the living room which as you can see it’s pretty clear how it’s supposed to look however there are a few weird things going on with it, the first one is the couch on the left that has a ? next to it. I put it there bc there’s two panels where it doesn’t appear at all…those panels being these two
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But for the sake of my sanity let’s say it’s there. Then there’s the dinning table and you can tell it’s in the same room since in the front you have the left couch that sometimes disappear. Another thing to take into consideration is the door in the far end, I put it there bc when it opens Rei looks to his right and seeing the direction Tobi is opening it it seemingly opens that way which is weird bc doors usually are supposed to open right next to walls but whatever
Next thing I want to point out is the hallway
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This one is interesting bc it shows what seems to be a door close to Rei on the left side and another door in the back to his left. There isn’t another visible door which makes sense he’s probably covering with his big head but yeh I wanted to point this out bc that either means that door goes to the dinning room which wouldn’t make sense when supposedly theres already a door at the back that takes you to the living room OR Newo accidentally put the living room door in the wrong place, which could be, I don’t think they really are thinking about making it consisten which makes sense, you don’t read manga to see rooms you pay attention to the dialogue and characters
The rest of the first floor (kitchen, bathroom, laundry room) are just guesses on my part. Going on a tangent here for a moment but the reason why I made the kitchen like that has a reason you see, kitchens follow this “triangle rule” where the three most important elements of a kitchen (these being the fridge, the sink and the stove) need to be put in a triangle formation so there can be better mobility. Also important to keep in mind fridges need to be far away from stoves. If you look closely to the first picture you’ll also notice the window to the right has also a curtain. Curtains aren’t meant to be near stoves for the obvious reason that they can catch on fire so I put the sink there and the stove the other way. I’m assuming there’s a window there behind the stove too bc something something air circulation there’s a lot of science behind this stuff
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Also idk if this is relevant but the entrance is also kinda easy to make out for some reason
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Another thing I noticed that made me want to kill myslef is there’s this part where reinochi sits together in what seems to be the couch form the right bc in the front there’s the window HOWEVER in the very next panel you see a window behind them as if they are sitting on the left couch what they fuck 😭😭😭 bitches be rotating….like I know it’s not supposed to be like that and was a mistake Newo overlooked (the same way they’ve overlooked the fact Tobi has a turtleneck in recent chapters but I digress) but after you notice it you can’t just unsee it 😭😭😭
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Anyway this house is a mess that’s why I decided to make my own floor plan that makes sense to me
The living room, dinning room and kitchen I kept them all the same as well as the bathroom and laundry room tho the change I made was the mystery door. Instead of it being in the far back I put it in the same place as the door we saw in the hallway and by the end I put the stairs that lead to the second floor and next to it a closet but now that I look at it maybe the stairs themselves can be the closet 🤔🤔🤔 you know how some stairs have like a door and space inside you know what I mean
The second floor is a bit more simple with Rei’s room right next to the stairs. The bathroom is in exactly the same place as the first floor bathroom bc plumbing is all supposed to be in the same place and next to it the master bedroom bc it’s the biggest room. There’s an extra room that leads to hell idk I haven’t thought that far
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Anyway it’s almost 3 am idk why I did all this but I hope you get to enjoy my insane ramblings uwu
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sssammich · 4 months
box of super pairings for the ask game? :D
oh crap
wrong box
there it is!
lmaooooo alright alright let me think
as usual, read more because i went overboard
the blanket statement that i will say is that kara is not sg's Little Black Dress for me. that, if you couldn't tell, falls on lena luthor. her character just feels more adaptable without having to, like, manufacture Legitimate Reasons to put people in the same room. also, in a highly biased lens, she's my favorite character so she's the barbie i'd wanna have everyone play with.
back to kara: her pool is small because i think it's specifically because of the fact that kara is actually a rather Particular Character so her pool of candidates for romantic partners is small. can you make it work with any of the others, no matter how far or close they are to her canonically? yeah of course, duh. but for me, it's all about how much more work it takes for me to get there. and the reality is that it takes a lot of work for me to get there, i guess
superguardian (or kara/winn) - NO
i mean i think they fumbled that bag so i don't feel inclined to pick it back. the potential is there, but i think the larger disservice to james' character as a whole means that i now have to work twice as hard to get to where i would want for it. which is to say i don't want much of it in the first place. 2 be frank, het ships have potential and it's not like i automatically hate them but it just doesn't bring me joy im so sorry
i do think the existing friendship though works well enough for me the same way that kara/winn also works well enough for me. for all my feelings about s6, i did like their little s1 crew reunion before the SuperfriendsTM truly became what it was, i guess kara and the boys could have truly been a Unit, and for a time, it was
kara and william - NO
here's my thing
the way that lena doesn't know how friendships work and has slept with her three friends, kara doesn't know how friendships work with male coworkers and should not be dipping in company ink. like why is that your immediate dating pool? i know it's because your life is working 2 jobs, but maybe consider not having your one and only dating pool at work (unless of course you've shared a compelling starcrossed lovers family history, in which case, by all means that shit is delicious)
kara and brainy - NO
let kara be friends with guys who want nothing to do with her romantically and brainy succeeds in this so good job
not just because i want to only ship kara with a woman; if anything, i don't have the same issue about shipping kara with a man as i do with lena lmaooo i think it's because she DOES come across as super straight on the show. my headcanons of course have kara a bit more butch, definitely gayer, but from watching her on the show, she's pretty Heterosexual lol
i'd like to headcanon that brainy is the kind of brother figure that i think kara would have wanted with kal. if kal wasn't so much older than him and didn't reach earth before she did. kara has such intense younger sibling vibes that it would have been interesting to get Order Sister vibes from her
kara and monel - NO
i don't care about mon-el LMAO
but! kara and imra is an interesting enough rarepair im happy 2 play with. here's what i'll say: dolly parton's 'jolene' but the gay reading of it
superrojas - YES, BUT
i think it's possible, if you believe in yourself enough (which i do). but i think the Effort required for it requires jumping through a few hoops. the difference between superguardian is that i'm focusing on the ladies. anyway i think their getting together literally needs lena as a connection point. first of all, they exist as canonical foils to lena; the betrayal, the reconciliation, etc etc. lena's best friends who independently broke her heart. there's solidarity there, there's camaraderie there. while lena is getting her happy ending with sam (lol), i think andrea and kara can find love due to the love they lost. the recognition across the table from each other can be fertile ground on what not to do, how not to hurt or be hurt. and i think it's a relationship that exists outside of what's traditional or typical, which i think the both of them are kind of afraid of. because i think the both of them care for that and their potential relationship would exist outside of that and people might not understand it, but they would understand each other. admittedly, one of the hiccups is the differences in their station in life. as i mentioned in the lena-version of this ask meme, lena and andrea are literally just in the freakin .05% of society and so their class status in life is so different from kara. andrea hosts galas and swanky parties and kara rents dresses. the discrepancy of 'from opposite side of the tracks' would be more apparent, which is funny because kara is decidedly middle class LMAO in any case, i also think it can still happen though, in very particular circumstances, especially if we're to focus on a version without lena. and that is actually if i put on a more serious lens to their work dynamics. i think some power imbalance exists there that feels more reasonable to overcome than kara and cat, at least for me. this is where enemies to lovers could really be something here
kara with sam, kelly, or nia - mmm idk i think it literally has to take A Very Specific Instance
for sam: i just don't believe sam would put up with kara's bullshit at all. she has a child already ya feel me? i do think there are opportunities to make this work before the reveal and rift happens. post-rift, though?god sam just doesn't seem the type to forgive on lena's behalf. so it would feel like such an insurmountable barrier to overcome. if i'm not stuck on canonical events, i do think it can happen just by virtue of their personalities. they hit similar emotional beats and function in the Supportive and Loyal departments
for nia: i'll say never say never, but i think they are better off as friends. i think platonic commitment to being friends and to be calling her out on her bullshit is the name of the game. the mentorship between kara and nia could be extended in a way that really puts her to think about her Role and Leadership seriously, both at work (catco) and at work (superheroing). the mentorship is there, but i need kara to step up a bit more, to go beyond her punch first, think later. what is the cost of being a reporter? of being a superhero? as both at the same time? nia is literally following in her footsteps, so how can she make it better for the person after her?
for kelly: i guess for me, i'd want to know who is kelly outside of kara? i think she'll also call kara out with her bullshit, but i would want the military and vigilante tension and the larger understanding of sacrifice and justice to exist as tension points. let them war about it. but otherwise, i think kara just needs more female role models.
supercorp - YES
obviously, i have established that i do
but for a more thoughtful answer, i think for me the biggest thing here is that i just honestly love how their lives are intertwined already, simply by being collateral to the feud of their male relatives. before they knew each other, the lines have been drawn between them. come to find out that they're trying to cancel out the friction between lex and clark and be better than them? let me gobble that shit up. but also, the chemistry between them is great, even with the betrayal. to be the friend who broke lena luthor to such a degree as to seek revenge on behalf of the world? like, who else is doing it like them? they also just have chemistry and history with each other, the foundation for a relationship that, if nothing else, carve themselves in each other's souls, you know? the truth is this: it's like when one partner cheated on the other partner and they have to crawl back out of the hell they fell into to see if there's still a future with them. kara can be stubborn enough to try and go for it (as i choose to believe despite the wrong lesson she learned of washing her hands of her impact on lena) and lena, like i've established before, needs the kind of painful grit to know she's alive. that's so emo and melodramatic, but there needs to be a challenge or struggle of some sort for lena to exist. smooth sailing through and through would hurt her more than help her.
the point is that there are parallels to their lives that i think are interesting to jump off from, but i also think the dynamic of sinner against sinner, perpetrator and victim, friends to enemies to friends to lovers is so good for them
there are others probably but my brain is mushy now so just send it if you remember it
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
hello it's me again! (the one with the J names lmao i'll sign off with anon name at the end. since i'm sure i'll be back often) this isn't going to be as long as the first one but hmm. regarding the lastest update, reading the comments so far etc, I feel like I'm alone in this lmao. but, I just felt a lil iffy at the way Pocket was pushing Sam to spill. But then again, I don't blame her because she just needs that extra reassurance that Bucky wasn't lying since she obviously doesn't trust him and rightfully so.
But also, the thing about Bucky not telling her outright about this part, I don't think it necessarily has something to do with Pocket or his trust with her, but more, his own insecurity? because I would argue, Sam, Steve and even Judas don't exactly hold the same level of importance to Bucky compared to how Pocket does. So maybe he's more comfortable sharing that part about his past because if there was judgment involved, he could learn to shrug it off and deal with it. But when that judgment would come from Pocket (not that she ever would) it'd hurt SO much worse and it'd be something he couldn't live with. That's probably the reason why he was so embarrassed and scared to tell her, because of the "what if she thinks low of me" even if that will NEVER be true, but he's insecure with himself. He already thinks she can do better than him, and this part of him won't make him look good. and to add, a man from the 40s where vulnerability common etc etc.
And I get Pocket is angry right now, so I can see where she's coming from with the way she's taking it personally why he never told her. Because that can be hurtful. But I don't think it has something to do with her at all (and i mean that in a good way), and its more on Bucky's fragility and insecirty than anything else. Also, and I'm probably reaching here, she seems to lack empathy about it. or maybe just, looking at things in Bucky's perspective sometimes. Maybe were not seeing yet because she's running on anger at the moment, but after finding something like that out, especially since she still loves Bucky, you'd think she'd feel a little sad and hurt for what he went through? but yeah, she's angry so idk, maybe that's just me being too much of an empath lol. ANYWAYS, love the short and sweet update. can't wait for more!
— Jnon 🤍 (i couldn't think of anything else lmao)
Pocket definitely does feel horrible about what Bucky went through— or, at least, she will, once she’s able to look past her own anger. She’s suffered her own sexual abuse, so there’s the double pain for her that 1) he seems to have told everyone else but her and 2) as she thinks in Chap 14, she was open with him about what she endured since day one, but she feels he didn’t trust her enough to offer her the same level of openness, and that hurts. She never, ever would have judged him for it, and would have absolutely been supportive, but he took that option away from her and instead left her in a position where she had no choice but to doubt he was even being honest with her. There’s a part of her (and I should have made more of an effort to include it in her thought process; that’s my bad) that wondered if he was bringing up sexual assault as an excuse because he knew that was a sensitive topic for her, and he was using it to garner sympathy. She’s just lost so much trust in him that she can’t think straight anymore and is second guessing everything.
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stars-and-darkness · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
many many thanks to @garglyswoof for tagging m
How many works do you have on ao3? 63. i need to calm down.
What's your total ao3 word count? 747 502. i need to calm down.
What fandoms do you write for? the vampire diaries, shadow & bone, avatar: the last airbender, star wars, marvel. also, that one suez canal x ever given fic, and that one goncharov fic.
Top five fics by kudos: A Queen's Gamble (you know it's an old one if the title is capitalised lmao), make them bow., the fate makes for a lousy poet., where the heart moves the stones, nyctophilia.
Do you respond to comments? i try. i am not very good at it, but every now and then i sit down, crack my knuckles, and go about emptying my poor inbox.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the end. is like ... the only fic i ever wrote that ended unhappily.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? see above, lol, literally everything else. i'm a wuss.
Do you get hate on fics? i mean ... not really? i would mostly classify the rude things i got as entitlement rather than hate. the impression i usually got was that those people liked my writing style, or the plot, or characterisation, or whatever--there was just one thing or several that they wanted to happen differently, and they felt the need to tell me that.
Do you write smut? looooooo, no, my ace ass would probably spontaneously combust.
Craziest crossover: i don't suppose i've ever written an actual crossover, but today i put dracula-the-historical-figure into the vampire diaries universe, so ....
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ... maybe? okay, strap yourselves: a few years ago someone asked if they could translate a fic of mine into spanish and post it on wattpad, and i said yes. (THIS is one of the reasons why i don't allow translations anywhere but ao3 anymore). they did, and they sent me the link. i linked the translation to my fic, the usual. then, a lot later, i actually went to check their post, and i realised that i wasn't credited though the person said they would. yaaaaay.
Have you ever had a fic translated? well, other than the fiasco up there, the incredible @winterandmistletoe, who made the edit that graces the beginning of make them bow., has two chapters of the russian translation of that fic up on ao3. there's also been an offer to translate The Manifesto of a Last Love into russian, but that one hasn't been posted yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have not! and honestly, i don't think i'd be very good at it. i'm a bit of a tyrant, so in an effort NOT to be perceived as such i'd probably be super lenient of whatever the other people came up with even if i didn't necessarily like it. i'm pretty particular in my tastes, and one of the things i love about writing fic is that i have nobody but myself to answer to.
All time favorite ship? ehhhhh, nooo, i can't choose between my children!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? considering that tvd has had me in its claws for two years now, it feels unlikely i'll ever go back to my wips in other fandoms. you never know of course, but it feels that way. i mean. those unfinished wips don't exactly haunt me, but sometimes i remember them and feel awful about it, lmao.
What are your writing strengths? i'm told i do dialogue and humour well!
What are your writing weaknesses? ughhhhh probably action? it's so hard. oh! and my tendency to describe how a character's eyes look in every other sentence.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? SO fun fact that dracula fic that i posted today? the one where half the dialogue is in french? i had originally written it all IN FRENCH, and then decided to take mercy on my readers and just put the english translation into italics. yeah. anyway, rule of thumb, ig: if the pov character understands what's being said, then english in italics (or if it's just a sentence or two the spoken language with a footnote). if they can hear individual words, then the language that's being spoken, without translation. if they hear only gibberish--maybe they're super unfamiliar with the language, maybe it's being spoken very fast or with an accent--then just 'character x says something in z'.
First fandom you wrote in? marvel, for my own peace of mind. star wars is the first one i actually posted for.
Favorite fic you've written? again, you can't ask me to pick between my children.
tagging: @morningstargirl666 @kirythestitchwitch @helpless-in-sleep @marxandangels @purplesigebert @darkestgrays @averseunhinged
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h0tpiink · 6 months
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SO?? TWISTED WONDERLAND OC??? Not my MC, but a pom student!! Her name is Primrose Aurore! (it means first rose at dawn lol. or it would.)
art by me, for me! lol. anyways, I put a lot of effort into it so pls support me (by sending me good vibes. but if you want to commission me i can make a commission page or something idk)
I based her off of Belle (she went to NRC due to it being more "exciting" than RSA. lol)
Grade/Class: Sophomore, Class C (no.?)
Birthday: October 9th (Libra)
Height: 165 cm
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Club: Book club
Best subject: Animal linguistics
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, caring for others
Pet peeves: Judging, lack of common sense, bad live action remakes.
Favorite food: Roses
Least favorite food: Wild game
Talent: Reading while walking
Raised in the Queendom of roses in a smaller town, due to her being "different" (autism spectrum shenanigans, as well as ADHD) she was made a social outcast and bullied (like, egged on so that she would get angry, alienated from peers, etc. she found an escape in books! happy to read her days away, finding escapism in the stories people would tell of heroes and knights and princesses.
She was put in pomfiore because, well I originally drew this as a little self insert thingy, since I got sorted into pomfiore, but I wanna make her a legit character so I found who I could and belle seemed like a good option tbh!! Only thing we have in common though is being seen as a social outcast 💀.
This twisted version of Belle isn't too similar to the original, fun fact. As Belle's "weirdness" only goes as far as her being well red and not wanting to marry gaston lmao. So I put her on the autism spectrum, and had her "weirdness" be a general lack of social skills, issues with communication, etc. Only finding peace in fictional worlds that she imagines. She's rather awkward!! All of her life, she was forced to try to "fit in", and any time she would share her hyper-fixations or interests, she was put down and insulted, therefore she is rather shy when it comes to talking to people, and keeps her nose in a book at all times. Since she's in pomfiore, she's expected to keep a certain appearance, however, she lacks any aspect of self care, having sensory issues that don't take too kindly to it. Despite that, she's still gorgeous (i don't expect the og belle to have very many skincare routines. lol. so her beauty was just from washing her face with water (possibly dirty water lmao)). She gets all hyper when talking about her books though, her smile lights up the room when she talks about the prince who wakes the princess with a kiss, or the battle scene between the two dragons, one fighting for good and the other evil. Curious lady!! always poking her head where she's not supposed to, ending up in situations that could easily be avoided if she just kept to herself. nosy. Is always looking for quiet places to read in peace. She often finds herself in isolated locations that have a surreal feeling to them.
still working on her unique magic, tho o7
She's pals with Epel( both of them are pushed by vil to care for their appearances. Prim has it a bit worse off though, as the sensory is too much for her 😭). Prim and Epel have an alliance since they're both country bumpkins. However, Vil is tough on both of them. She and Epel are in the same spot as beauties that need refining.
Vil is like another mother to Prim. Vil often makes sure that she remembers to do her skincare etc. Vil is harsh on her when it comes to self care, but he knows that she has a hard time with it, so he tries his best to accommodate for her struggles. Prim cares a lot for Vil, and confides in him with her daily struggles, and Vil is happy to listen since he knows that it makes her a lot easier to deal with in the morning.
she's in the same class as floyd leech. Despite being a little afraid of him, they surprisingly get along. Floyd is sometimes happy to listen to her gush about her current hyper-fixation, thinking it's funny how such a reserved and quiet girl can end up so excited over something so silly.
She often bumps into Malleus while looking for quiet spots to read, or when she's poking about school grounds. At first she was scared of him, but then learned that he's not so bad, and that he would listen to her gushing about her books. Eventually, she'd gift them to him to read. (she's happy he's not as scary as she thought he was. after all, judging a book by its cover is bad.)
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"You don't get to tell me what to do"
This is just my Tsams centric blog where I talk about my opinions and about my aus!!! My main is @that-starry-freak! I hope you enjoy~
My tags
Posts and Aus on this blog can often portray very dark or mature themes, such as torture, sexual themes, derealization, suicide, mental health issues, ect.
My aus:
Relo AU
"Relocation au"
(V4) Eclipse, while looking for who created him, decided to pay the lord Eclipse dimension a visit with the help of Spanaird. He never found a pull towards world domination, and wanted to see what that world looked like. However, before he found the lord, he found Servant Sun (who didn't die in this au 👍). After talking with him a bit and seeing his anxiousness, he felt pity and helped him devise a plan to take Lord Eclipse down. It works, and S!Sun uses the stolen star to bring his family back, before destroying it for good.
Eclipse went back to his own dimension for awhile. However, Nexus's insanity only kept growing, and he attempted to kill Eclipse to use him to bring Solar back. He evaided death, however, and told Earth on him. But when the rest of the celestial family confronted Nexus, he ended up killing them all. (Nexus a villain in one of my aus??? Its more likley than you think) All except Eclipse. He tried to go for him too, but he high tailed it out of there and went to S!Sun's dimension (also he brought Spanaird with him!!)
Sun and his family gratefully took Eclipse in. After all, he was the reason the reason they were even still alive. Eclipse ended up changing his name to Solstice, since Ecliose was an uncomfortable name for them.
Sun and Solstice get close, and they both begin to heal from what they've been through. Solstice becomes friends with Earth again. He mourns her and the rest of his celestial family. He mourns Solar, too. They don't understand who Solar is. He gets a bit closer with Moon, and begins to heal from what his Old Moon AND Nexus put him through.
Its a story of healing 👍
"The Dying Sun's Protostar au"
When they defeated Eclipse (v2), the start wasn't destroyed. No one knew this but Nexus, however, and he quickly hid the star and told everyone it was destroyed in order to keep it out of danger out being stolen. However, when Solar died, things took a turn. No, Nexus didn't use the star, but when he tried to use magic to bring Solar back using the remnants of his soul essence stuff. The star absorbed it. This made the star sentient, and it turned into a robot child.Nexus began to raise her, with Sun (and the rest of the family) helping. Nexus never went crazy, becoming too engrossed in raising a fucking child to focus on bringing Solar back. He feels guilty, but he feels like this is what Solar would have wanted. He now has to deal with mourning his best friend, and raising an all-powerful, important, chaotic star child. Yippie
Ask Blog: @the-adopted-star
"I Can Fix Them au"
okay, so- this one doesn't really have a story, rather so just some events I have in my head. This is a newer au of mine
First of all, its an Eclipse x Nexus x Solar au
Second, Nexus does become insane in this, but he isn't the main villain or antagonist in the context of the au- he has a virus
Solar after he's brought back believes in Nexus, and when they see each other he starts to lose hope. So in a last ditch effort he kisses him, and somehow it works, breaking the virus and bringing Nexus back to him. True loves kiss 👍
Also we have forbidden love with Eclipse and Solar cause they can't be in the same dimension (thats why its called tol- true love and forbidden love lol)
Anyway they help each other heal from their attachment issues and trauma (shared Moon trauma lmao, even Nexus-) and bad decisions- and they cuddle and have long talks together and are sarcastic together and build things together- eclipse has had to drag the two away from the lab at like 4 am to sleep lmao.
They're in love your honor
"Save Me au"
Eclipse, while exploring universes, stumbles upon a lord Eclispe dimension long after the lord himself is dead. Instead, he finds a singular Sun possessing the star. Utterly alone, haven destroyed everything but himself. Slowly going crazy
The Sun in question, desperate for company, refuses to let him leave. He forces Eclipse to stay with him, treating him as his even though Eclipse refuses his advances over and over again.
Eclipse wants to get back to his boyfriends. Sun wants him all to himself
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
so something I've never shown off (on tumblr) of Roo is all the alternate universe Roos that I've made. What kind of alternate universe Roos??
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I introduce you to (a very blurry image)
The Roo Purgatory
Continuing this under the cut because this gets lengthy ehehe
Each Roo is from a different area, it started off as just making "American" Roo, as a joke, where I made my discord profile VERY sarcastically America oriented, I don't have a pic of my profile, but I DO still have the PFP I used (since I made it lmao):
The left is my OG Roo pfp, I drew Roo (with nothing but a finger and my phone 💪) in front of the "guess that pokemon!" background, and then just put the MLM flag around him, and the right is Roo but American, which if you don't know, Roo is not American, he is Swedish
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But this went deeper (as you can tell by the Roo Purgatory image above lmao), I made MORE versions (none of them were race-changing lmao), and not only that, but I gave them all different names, so here's the rest of them (with names and stuff in the Alt text):
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I even made art of Roo and Roy!
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I intended to eventually draw every version together, but that was too complicated for me, and I just ended up putting them in the Sims 4! They are by no means "canon," I mean I COULD make them canon, but that would take a lot of effort, as I intended every AU Roo to have a different personality depending on the Area they're from, and considering how extensive his family is and how overbearing I can be on myself, to make all AU Roos canon would be the death of me. Consider this, Roo has 4 siblings, 2 parents, 2 step(? half?) parents, a brother-in-law, a niece and a nephew, and if you wanna go further, three other people significant in his life (which would cross over to other AUs), in total, that's 11 people (14 if you count the three others) that I'd have to completely remake 7 times over, now granted, Mateo is a different race, as well as Rylan, so I would NOT be changing them, as I don't want to whitewash/race-swap them :) But that's still 10 people (12 if you count the two others, and not Rylan), 7 TIMES OVER, that's 70 (84) SIMS TO MAKE, no thank you <3 Maybe I'll REMAKE the 7 other Roos that I've made, but that's as far as I'll go, you can just imagine the others 🫶
Anyways, this was a fun little post I wanted to make, and I like sharing these tidbits that aren't a part of Roo's canon story, I have other art of Roo but I'm not sure I'll share it, this time was just an exception cause I thought it was silly
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amiscreations · 1 year
Seeing Def Leppard and Motley Crue at the Stadium Tour in Bramall Lane, Sheffield - 22/05/2023✨
Ok I’ll try and keep this as brief as possible, but I also want to include as many fun details as possible! also how has it been eXACTLY ONE WEEK since this happened aAAAH??? (from when I'm posting this at least)
Before the Show
So we started queuing at 8:30am, and we weren’t even the first people there! There was a group who had been queuing since 4am!
We immediately clicked with this group and we ended up becoming great friends, and they made the experience much more enjoyable!
I also had a few issues with my ticket, as I needed to print it but never got the chance (story for another day)  so I had to go down to the ticket office like three times😅
Just before we went in the nerves suddenly hit me: I HAD to get my spot that I’d queued 7 hours for.
As soon as I was let in I got the biggest adrenaline rush of my entire life, and although the staff were telling me not to run, I ran, and they didn’t stop me.
And I got a spot at the barrier with my friends! 
it was at this point that reality started to set in...
after 7 months of waiting for this very moment I was HERE 
Vivas came on after about 45 mins and they were AMAZING???
I was just looking at Tyler the entire time tbh bc he looks sO MUCH LIKE SAV ITS AAAAAA
also the lead singer was absolutely losing his mind at how big of a gig this was for them and I felt so happy! His joy was honestly infectious and I think they’re gonna do great things!
Mötley Crüe
After Vivas it was about a 30 min wait until Crüe, and every time we thought they had finished setting up the stage they added one more thing lmao
also Ryan was hanging around in the photo pit and he took our photo AWWW
I saw him the next day and he actually sent it to me, so now I have the very photo that Ryan Sebastyan himself took!
anyways the stage set up for Crue was just a little over the top imo perhaps to compensate whaaaat
they also had this extremely long opera(?) intro which just went on for way too long
and then they had that fuckin aLARM THING WHICH WAS SO LOUD
when the guys eventually did come on I will admit it was incredibly surreal... like tHAT is Nikki Sixx RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME??
Nikki was wearing the coolest jacket at first I want 23 of my own
Vince was uuuh Vince
like he wasn't terrible in person but listening back it is... not great
aNYWAY John 5 was actually so cool and fits in with them really well but he’s just not Mick Mars soz John
he also did this thing where he just drooled over the side of the podium?? like bro that was just so unnecessary JHGFGJK
also the music was just sO LOUD I found it hard to tell which some was which at first aND I WAS WEARING HEARING PROTECTION
at one point Nikki threw a bottle of Fiji Water and it landed right behind the security guard in front of me... I didn't want it😂
about midway through the set Nikki addressed the crowd and actually brought a kid up on stage and took a selfie with him which I thought was really cool!
Aaaand then Tommy addressed the crowd and asked women to show their tits🙃 and of course some did. oh Tommy 
then they played Home Sweet Home and let me tell you Tommy can sHRED on a piano
tbh the strippers (yes for those that dont know they have *female dancers* dancing on stage to some of the songs) were probably putting in the most effort out of anyone up there 
I think my favourite part was when they did the medley of covers, so Smokin’ in the Boy’s Room, Blitzkrieg Bop and Anarchy in the UK
they ended with Kickstart my Heart which was a lot of fun!
Def Leppard
there wasn't a long wait at all until leppard bc I think the show was a little behind schedule
but then when the countdown came on the screen it was the longest 6 mins of my life
and then Joe’s cover of Heroes came on and AAAAAAAH
it wasn't so much of a shock seeing them in person as I had seen them at the signing two days ago, BUT STILLL THATS THEMMMM
And Joe was wearing this soon to be ICONIC Union Jack blazer
Sav was wearing a polka-dot gradient suit (you know the one)
Phil and Viv were wearing THEE most gorgeous suits
Tho I'm kinda disappointed that Phil wasn't shirtless😪(jk)
And Rick in his sparkly tie dye shirt which I another thing I want 245 of
honestly the rest was a bit of a blur but in a good way!
I started losing my mind whenever they would come out onto the catwalk bc tHEY WERE SO CLOSE AND LOOKED ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL
aLSO they're recording the performance for a DVD (I think) so hopefully we will be able to watch back the pro shot version at some point!
also I hope I'm in it bc at one point they were in the photo pit pointing a camera directly at me BBFJKBFJK
oh also Ross Halfin was there I forgot to mention that LMAO
I think during Armageddon It something happened in the crowd behind me bc the security guards were standing on the barrier basically leaning tf on me as if to get a closer look at what was happening 
so yeah I missed the majority of that song LOL and I never did find out exactly what happened, although I did hear that someone got escorted out 
also just before Love Bites my phone died so I spent the first half of that song faffing about with my portable charger which thankfully charged your phone super fast
they also played Promises which for some reason caught me right off guard? it was so good tho and I didn't realise how hard it went until I heard it live!
and then it was the acoustic section which I was looking forward to the most (tho I honestly think it got cut short bc they only played like two songs and the show was behind schedule) bUT IT WAS STILL ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL
This Guitar is my fave off of DSH and hearing it live was just incredible
I love how you can just hear all their voices so well
Joe also said that Steve’s mum was in the audience and I think everyone in the stadium started to cry
and then it was Joe and Sav’s lil duet in When Love and Hate Collide which was so awwww
I can’t believe I actually got to hear Sav sing irl sOMEONE RESUSCITATE ME
anyways moving on, hearing a stadium sing “ROCKET, YEAHH!” is a religious experience I stg and its just something that cannot be replicated in a video
the power that Phil and Viv held while walking out together onto the catwalk playing mf Switch 625
and then they started playing Hysteria and everyone started crying again
also they did the new alternate ending and if you weren't crying before you were then sorry I dont make the rules
The last song was Photograph ofc and thy put a bunch of photos from the leppard archives onto the screens🥺
they also put a bunch of photos that Ryan took of the crowd and tHE ONE WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS WAS UP THERE AAAAH
and just like that, Kings of the World started to play
I felt like my entire life had been leading up to those 90 mins 
it broke my heart to walk away from the spot I had queued 7+ hours for, but my head was now full of incredible memories
bring on Wembley!
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jjungkookislife · 6 months
Another hfth drabble 🥳😍☺️ I missed the gang and my main couple 🥰 The return of Jinnie’s cursed playlist 😂 Idk but I actually wouldn’t mind a car ride with him but I guess I understand Jk just wanting alone time with MC 😏 And he’s also so cute sulking for not being the favorite anymore, i think it’s MC at this point with Jimin just being a close second lol 😂 The random petting!!! I also hate it when I see random people try to pet other people’s dogs without permission, like they’re entitled to it or something. And then when they get bitten or what, they act as if as if they’re a victim 🙄 It just irks me, sorry for the rant 😅 And I just love that Jk showed her his childhood diner (it’s a diner, right?) that their family always went to, cause he’s including her in another family tradition 🥺 And can I just say, I love how the drabbles are just how they spend different holidays. Just like how the title states, they’re always home for the holidays or atleast celebrating it together with friends and/or family. Just love that. Celebrating Easter like this always fascinated me cause in my country, it’s more of a traditional Christian holiday and not this egg-hunting one. Can I ask, if it’s alright, why you guys celebrate it? And is it just like a get-together where you hunt for these eggs? Sorry, the internet just gives so much info that I wanted to ask someone that actually celebrates it or atleast has firsthand experience on celebrating it like that. And excuse me, “almost-lovers”?!?!? I need more info on this 😳 And not Yoonie’s “These are mine!”, acting like a territorial greedy kitten 🤣 I really miss him 😭
And I see you read a story from @/jimlingss, I really like their work too. I just remembered how much I loved their stories cause the story ideas were so unique ☺️
Anyways, I really loved this update, thank you again for sharing it with us. I really love reading about this couple, the gang, and the Jeon family and the happenings after the main story. It’s fun to see all the shenanigans and the lovey-dovey scenes that it makes me always look forward to it every time you gift us a drabble from this story. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your works and the effort you put in them 🥰 I hope you are doing well and not overworking yourself 💜
I enjoyed writing them for Easter brought back a lot of good memories of my childhood. This one was very self-indulgent 😅
I’d be down for a road trip with them lmao we’d need a big van and lots of snacks and Jin on with his playlist. There’s a tiktok I saw ages ago of where the creator would put the boys and why and if I can find it I’ll link it here later on 🤣
But yeah I just wanted an excuse to write “egg-stra special” 🤣🤣🤣
I will eventually get JK and MC on his motorcycle at some point though! I needed him to have his car for the diner 👀 and definitely MC is the favorite now! Aera loves her and Saraí as daughters and Minji adores MC so much bc that’s her baby now 🥰 I always imagined a loving family and in laws so again self indulgent 😅
The diner is something I went to growing up. My parents went there before they met and continued to do so after and I took my husband there as well. It’s also near the church I went to as a child and we’d head there for lunch after.
The part with Luna happened to me and we were both shocked. This random man came up to me 10 years ago and put his hand in my dog’s mouth and asked if she bites. When I tell you I was dumbfounded and so was my dog 💀
Ah the Easter thing, I called my mom/family holiday!catholics bc it was the only time we were in church 😅 for my family it was about getting together and the Easter egg hunt was for the kids. We’d either buy the eggs or go to my grandmother’s house to dye eggs and stuff them with confetti.
I hope I can sprinkle a little more taejin in the next one lol they fight like nobody’s business but they could be flirting 👀
I absolutely loved their story! I have to read more but I’ve been trying to balance reading fanfics and books and writing and video games and tv shows and it’s a lot lol I’ve been trying to read shorter fics for the past few months but I have a long lists of long fics I’d love to get into 👀
Thank you so much! I appreciate it and I always look forward to seeing your reaction 💜 I hope you’re doing well 💖
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