#anyway- it's way too late for me to be up right now so goodnight/morning/evening my goblins <3
mellowmistt · 3 months
The Sleepover-Chris Sturniolo (Part 1)
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Summary: (corny, basic ahh title I know) You are good friends with the sturniolos and at their house, unabe to catch an uber late at night you are offered to stay the night on the couch, however you could not sleep and someone with the same problem comes to join you..
Warnings: smut;unprotected sex; handjobs; swearing; mentions of alcohol; NO use of y/n!
A/N: I don’t use any degrading kink language with characters (e.g slut) or overusing of words such as baby, bc idk bout you guys but it kinda cringes me out when i see that in other fanfics, okay back to the story :)
I took the last sip of my coca cola before saying goodbye to a couple other friends who were leaving.
"For fuck's suck." I say, a little too loud as I could see Chris and Nick abruptly glance in my direction in the corner of my eye.
"Whats up?" Nick asked
"There are no uber's available for another hour, like how is that even possible?" I exclaimed, adding a small smile at the end, I didn't want to bring down the good vibes that everyone had for the past six hours.
"Hey you know you're more than welcome to stay the night, I would have made Matt drive you but you know how much he had to drink tonight, plus he's probably out of it right now."
"No, you don't have to do that anyway, i'll check some other taxi websites theres gotta be one available righ-"
"Hey it's fine, just stay on the couch, its way too late now anyway i wouldn't want you out there alone." Nick explained.
"Okay, thank you so much you guys are the best!" I say, scanning the room to meet eyes with Chris, who was watching our conversation from the kitchen counter as he was clearing away the plastic cups and chip bags.
"Okay, now that's settled i'm going to bed, i'm wiped" Nick says as he grabs his phone from the other side of the couch. Chris followed with a quick "Me too, goodnight" before hurrying down the stairs.
"Theres more blankets in the basket down there if you need, goodnight!" Nick says before trailing up the stairs, turning off the main kitchen light.
About fifteen minutes had gone by, I somehow wasn't even sleepy even though it was nearing three in the morning. Maybe i had too much soda. I grabbed my phone from my bag and began scrolling through tiktok. I figured after a while of scrolling my eyes would get tired.
Suddenly the dim living room light turned on, I flinched as I saw Chris's silhouette approaching the couch. He sat down about a foot to the right of me.
"Can't sleep?" He asked, in a quiet,almost whisper.
"Nope." I reply, switching off my phone and placing it behind my pillow.
We both stared at eachother for a moment, Chris had a curious look on his face, as if he was dying to ask me a question.
"Hey i thought you said you were wiped, like twenty minutes ago." I say, narrowing my eyes teasingly. I knew the smartass reply he would say.
"I never said that actually." He replied, a small grin forming on his face, returning the teasing mannerisms.
"Well you said same when Nick said, and I quote,I'm going to bed, I'm wiped". I said, smiling knowing this would just egg him on for a lame excuse. Mine and Chris's friendship had always been like this, teasing and joking around, he never failed to make me laugh.
"Well, maybe thats just what i wanted him to hear." He replied, staring back at me with a grin, waiting to see my confused reaction.
"What are you doing?" I asked, half serious now.
"I figured you'd be lonely down here by yourself in the dark, so I came to stay with you."
"You're drunk" I state.
"You're sober." He replies, stating the obvious.
"Yeah well remember last week when you were holding my hair back as I was puking in the toilet? I learnt my lesson and thought i'd give myself a break tonight." I replied with a small chuckle.
"mhmmm" He mumbles. "Besides I didn't drink that much myself actually, definitly not as much as Matt." He states,clearly proud of him self and awaiting my approval.
"Wooowww" I tease, indulging into his ego.
He then moves closer to me, and squeezes up close, moving me over and laying next to me, pulling the grey fluffly blanket over us. We look deep into eachother's eyes for a moment again. His eyes were so beautiful, a crystal clear blue, which accomodated to his warm smile. That damn smile. It always triggered a comforting feeling, like i could never feel negative again when i saw it.
He was moving his head closer to mine, I watched his eyes as they were flickering from mine to my lips, which he was slowly approaching. Without warning I felt his soft lips touch mine, and i unexpectedly started to get lost in the moment, and i placed my hand around his head, gently running through his soft hair. I slowly pulled away from his lips.
"Wait what are we doing?" I whispered,coming back to my senses as i realised that maybe he had liked me all along when i have liked him.
"I thought you knew I had a mondo crush on you, I know you have one on me too, I can feel it in your energy whenever we're close." He said quietly, smiling that he had just outed my secret.
I didn't know what to say, I just gazed back into his eyes again, inspecting his playful look. He slowly put his hand on my stomach, which made me let out a gasp.
"See, I make you nervous" He said with a grin, before trailing up to my chest.
"Oh yeah, no i definitly knew" I replied sarastically, smiling at both my joke and the touch of his hands on me.
He let out a soft laugh before trailing his hand down to my waist, meeting the waistband of my shorts.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked, serious look on his face now awaiting my answer.
"Yes" I whispered, kissing his lips again to confirm. He pulled away and smiled, before trailing his hand down to my panties, moving inside of them and meeting my arousal.
"See, I knew you wanted me" He whispered jokingly into my ear as he starting moving his fingers in slow circles around my sweet spot.
I smiled at him, before moving my head back and closing my eyes in relfex to the pleasure he was inducing on me, as he was speeding up. I let out a few deep breaths.
"Ch-chris.." I whispered. "We can't, not...here what... if they hear us" I said, stuttering through deep breaths.
"Shhh, they won’t. They’re both out of it remember?" He whispered back. He stopped moving his fingers, which made me open my eyes.
He moved in to kiss me again, moving his body slightly closer again, alerting me of his hard-on against my thigh. I reached my hands down to the waistband of his shorts. Still kissing, my hands made contact with his shaft, I started moving my hand up and down, slowly speeding up the pace. He drifted away from mouth to let out a deep breath in reaction to the stimulation.
“Fuck” he whispered.
He moved my hand away, which at first confused me, until he started taking off my shorts, and then his own. He repositioned himself until he was hovering on top of me. He started burying himself into my neck, painting it with kisses. Again, I had tilted my head back to indulge in the moment.
“You ready?” He whispered, lifting his head up.
I nodded eagerly, at this point I was desperate, I had never imagined that this is how the night turned out, but this rush of everything was just what I craved for right now. I felt his tip brush against me, and the slow but intense entrance of himself inside of me. We exhaled loudly, though this made me feel conscious that one of his brothers could hear us again, I tried to put that feeling aside for now and just enjoy the moment, enjoy him.
As his thrusts increased in speed it was becoming more hard to stay so quiet. Chris noticed how I was trying so hard to suppress moans, and put one of his hands over my mouth gently. The other hand interlocked my left hand above my head. His deep breaths alone were just setting me off more. His eyes squinting as the climax was nearing. Small, muffled moans left my mouth, thankfully Chris’s hand was suppressing the evidence, I don’t think it was a noticeable enough sound for Matt to hear, even though he was just down the hall in his bedroom.
The thrusts were rapid, I began gently moving my hips along with the alignment of his to amplify the pleasure. This made his breaths become more louder, so I put my free hand over his mouth too. We were now gazing into each other’s eyes, taking in the moment, the euphoric feeling which was shared between us. Our eyes struggling to stay open as we were both so close to finishing. Our palms became sweaty from the exhales. Boom. There it was. That indescribable feeling which illuminated throughout my whole body. Throughout his whole body. As the thrusts slowed down into a halt. We looked deeply into each others eyes again, lay still for a few moments as we uncovered our mouths. Deep breaths still escaped our mouths, but we tried to keep them quiet.
There it was again. That smile.
“I think I might… I think I might love you” he whispered through exhales.
“Shut up” I quietly laughed, still breathless.
He kissed me once more, his soft lips were the cherry on the cake, I never wanted him to let them go off me. He exited me and lay on his back next to me again, his hand in mine.
I opened my eyes, the warm sunlight melting through the blinds. I reached for my phone, with two texts from my mom, asking if I wanted to go to lunch with her. The time was 10:48. I looked to my right, and sure enough Chris was lay next to me. It was real. It actually happened? Holy shit.
“Chris?” I whispered.
No answer.
“Chris” I whispered, a little louder and slightly nudging him. This alerted him and he opened his eyes.
“Oh hey sexy” he said, his morning voice was raspy, but also kind of a turn on. Fuck.
“I gotta go, and you should probably go downstairs before Nick or Matt come out here and wonder why you were on the couch with me” I explained. He still had his eyes shut, but he slowly started to shift, so I knew he was listening.
“Mhmm, okay” he mumbled before sitting up.
We both put our shorts back on and he put the blanket back.
“Okay, my mom wants to meet me for lunch so I gotta run, I’ll see you soon”
“Sure thing, we should do that again soon” he said with a smirk, before trailing down the stairs to his bedroom.
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bearbunnycheetah · 24 days
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Note: Stuffs been going wild so I posted this WAYY later than I wanted, but I hope you guys still enjoy!
Percy reaches for her keys and opens the door, turning on the lights to her apartment. They flickered to life and illuminated the space. The sisters both looked inside, it was a pretty nice looking place all things considered. 
A small living room to the left with a tv, an open kitchen to the right, and what appears to be a mini hallway leading to three doors infront of them. Percy’s home had a nice dull blue wallpaper covering mostly everything. Molly looked at a clock on the wall, 10PM. Way past her bedtime at this point.
“You two need some rest, we can discuss the layout of my apartment and other things in the morning. Are you two sureyou don’t wish to take my room for the night?”
“Sleeping in someone elses room is weird.” Lorelai said, crossing her arms as she looked around.
“Yeah, we can take the couch or the floor. We don’t really mind! I promise!” Molly smiled apologetically, Lori rolled her eyes.
Percy nods. “Alright, please go ahead and sit down. I will go ahead to get some pillows and blankets for you two.” She smiles at them, then leaves the room.
Molly waits for Percy to be completely gone, then lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She sits down on the couch, then grabs her phone from her pocket. Molly opens the group chat she has with her friends, and starts typing.
Molly: Hi guys, anyone still awake?
Molly: Oh, hi Trixie! I’m assuming Feenie’s asleep cause it’s her bedtime?
PoPPGoD: Yeahh probably! Why are you up so late anyway? Did something happen?
Molly: Yeah, my dad got arrested.
Molly: Trixie…
PoPPGoD: Oh whoops, sorry- what happened?
Molly: The cop that interviewed me a bit ago about the museum apparently found out about my situation and took me and Lori in. Currently in her apartment right now.
PoPPGoD: I dont trust them coppers… but as long as ur OK, im OK! >:D
Molly: Thanks Trixie… I’ll see if I can go more indepth on what happened tomorrow at school. I’m getting sleepy.
PoPPGoD: Oke, sweet dreams!
Molly: Night!
Molly leans back into the sofa, then smiles. Hopefully she’ll be able to go to school tomorrow and talk to them.
“I’m back, apologies for the wait.” Percy walks in holding several pillows and blankets, all in mostly blues, yellows, and whites.
“Dibs on the couch!” Lorelai said, grabbing some pillows and immediately making herself comfortable. Her knight costume poofed out of existence in a flash of glitter into her normal outfit.
“But- aw, fine...” Molly sighed in defeat, standing up from the couch.
Oh well, the floor is probably fine. Considering it’s Percy she probably keeps it pretty clean. Theres a rug too so maybe it’s a bit comfier..? It takes a few minutes for Molly to finally get to a comfortable enough position to lay down.
“Goodnight, you two.”
“Goodnight, Percy!”
And with that, Percy turns off the lights and goes to her room. Immediately falling asleep when she lays down in bed. The noise of the city melting together into a cacophany of sounds that were oddly comforting, she’s probably gonna take a few days off from work to help the two adjust. 
Percy should wake up early tomorrow, her usual breakfast was just toast and some water but these two probably needed more food than that. Maybe something like cereal? No, far too sugary. She wasn’t even sure if she had anything like that. Toast, water, orange juice, eggs-
Wait, eggs?
There was a smell of something being cooked from the kitchen, Percy stirred and opened her eyes. Oh dear, it was morning already? She looks at her alarm clock. 5:40 AM. How peculiar, she gets up from her bed and puts on her slippers to investigate.
Percy walked into the living room, the pillows and blankets were folded neatly and placed on the coffee table. While the couch where Lorelai was sleeping had an… iridescent bubble in its place.
It clipped into the floor and couch as if it was a bugged model in a video game. She stared in utter confusion for a bit before a voice from the kitchen piped up.
“Morning Percy!” Molly said, holding a pan. Why was she making breakfast?
Percy flinched, completely forgetting that she got up to see who was awake this early. “Ah! Good morning to you too, Molly.” Percy turns to her and gestures to the bubble. “May I ask why your sister has turnt into a sphere?”
“Oh, it’s just an epithet thing.” Molly puts the pan in the sink. “Lorelai can make these things called ‘dream bubbles’ where she makes these fantasy worlds, sometimes she just sleep-inscribes.”
“I see… Why are you up so early?”
“Oh! Well… I wanted to repay you for letting us stay here so I thought I should make breakfast!” Molly points at the table. There was buttered toast and eggs, either boiled or sunnyside up. “We should probably go get groceries and stuff, there wasn’t a lot in your fridge to work with…”
“Noted. But thank you for this, Molly.” Percy goes to sit down, then picks up a boiled egg and inspects it closely. “So, about your sister…”
“Don’t worry, I can go wake her up.” Molly looks at the bubble for a second, then walks over to the couch.
Percy watches in curiosity, she knew Molly and Lorelai had epithets from their files. “DUMB” and “AUGMENT” respectively, but she’s never seen it in action. Percy watched as Molly knocked on the bubble for a few seconds, calling Lorelais name repeatedly to wake her up. After a few minutes she rolled her eyes, reaching her hand out as a small green glow appeared. 
Molly moved her hand closer to the iridescent surface and a hole appeared like a rift in the air. Slowly the gap grew bigger until it was about the size of Molly herself. She entered the bubble and the hole dissapeared along with her.
Percy decided to go and make some coffee while she waited since she still felt a bit tired from last night, more and more time passes and… POOF!
The detective turnt around, alarmed at the sudden sound. Then there stood a groggy Lorelai and a mildly upset Molly.
“Good morning, Lorelai!” Percy said, grabbing her drink without looking and returning to the small dining table. Honestly you probably couldn’t even consider it a dining table, more like a table for one that crammed three chairs.
“Yeah, morning.” Lorelai wiped away the fog from her eyes, then quietly went over to the table grabbing a plate. Molly followed.
“I decided to go ahead and work from home while you two get settled here.” Percy takes a sip of coffee. “Since you two have school I will be responsible for your education for the time being.”
“Me and Lorelai usually change between having to work and having to go to school. I attend school on odd days and she attends school on even ones so that means-” 
“You have to go to school and I get to stay here and relax!” Lorelai interrupts her and grins, Molly scowls at her.
Percy thinks for a second, she never thought the situation was this bad. Who on earth would let a child work instead of attend school!? Oh wait, Martin would. “I… suppose we can still use this system, even for just a few days as you two adjust.” She smiles. “And since I’m not very well acquainted with Miss Lorelai, then perhaps we can use this as a bonding opportunity!”
The three of them continue talking. Percy explaining the layout of the house, the chores, and potentially getting the two of them a room to share, more and more time passes till they all finish and go do their own thing.
Lorelai made another bubble in the corner of the living room, Percy did the dishes, and Molly got ready for school.
Molly already had her schoolwork in her backpack, so she had no need to go back to the emporium to retrieve her things. That was nice! She sat at the couch waiting, when Percys voice piped up.
“Are you ready for school?” Percy asked, walking up to Molly.
“Uh, yeah! Are you gonna drive me there?” 
“No need, your public school is conveniently just a short jog away from my apartment! If you count 20 minutes short, I mean.” The detective held up a metal lunchbox, it had the SJPD logo on the center, so that probably meant it belonged to Percy. “I’ve also taken the time to go ahead and make you some lunch.”
“Really..?” Molly walked up to the lunch box and grabbed it from Percys hand, staring at it. “Theres… Really no need to do that, I usually just ask my friends or buy some stuff at the cafeteria.”
“I personally do not think the cafeteria food they serve is enough for a childs daily diet.” Percy explains. “You can just think of it as a thank-you for making breakfast.” She smiled.
Molly stopped staring at the lunchbox realizing that was probably weird, then turns to Percy to smile at her too.
“Well then, I’ll go ahead and drop you off at school. I’m assuming your sister will be fine if I leave her for a few minutes?”
“She can last in bubbles for hours, she’ll be fine.” Molly explains.
And then the two of them leave the apartment. The streets here were much, much louder than Molly expected. She covers her ears as she walked, which Percy took note of. More time passes and Percy drops off Molly at school. 
Molly waved goodbye at her as she walked away when a sudden jingling bell sound grew closer and closer until-
Phoenica Fleecity and Trixie Roughhouse hugged Molly as tight as they could, which was less bone-crushing and more soft and fluffy due to Feenie. “Trixie told me everything! We’re so glad you’re okay!”
“She did?” Oh right, Molly sent a message to the group chat. 
“Really happy that dad of yours is outta the picture now!” Trixie said, grinning.
“Haha, yeah. I am too…” Molly hugged them both back, the hug lasted for a few seconds before the bell rang.
“…How about I tell you guys everything when lunch comes around?” Molly asked.
“Oh sure! Stay safe Molly!” Phoenica smiled even harder then let go of both of them, walking off to her class.
“You do too…” 
“…So did Lorelai get arrested too?” Trixie piped up.
“Trixie!” She playfully shoved them with an elbow. “Don’t be like that!”
“Yeah yeah, I know! Just checkin!”
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Note: MAKING THESE CUSTOM BACKGROUNDS WERE SO TIME CONSUMING. IT LITERALLY TOOK LONGER THAN THE ACTUAL CHAPTER ITSELF AND DELAYED IT FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS DEAR GOD. Hopefully now that this is out I can go back to answering asks for the characters and posting art too! Super proud of this one!
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ham-st4r · 10 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪����𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽. 5 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞Pairing: heeseung + fem reader!
Warnings: mentions of mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, mature jokes.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung
Note: just a lil filler chap hope you enjoy!!!
Number of words: will add later
Find your way around!
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It was early in the morning by the time you and Ethan had finished your little mutual masturbation session, and you were both tired and exhausted after sharing multiple orgasms back to back, but that didn't stop you guys from texting each other back and forth till sunrise he wanted to talk to you on the phone some more, but you were too shy after everything you did with him so you decided texting would be better.
Heeseung: So I feel like we rushed into this a little fast, so maybe if it's okay with you, we could talk and get to know each other better.
Your heart jumps at the thought of him actually wanting to get to know you. When you first called him that night, you never even thought of something like this happening, but you weren't complaining either.
You: Sure, I'd love to
He smiles, fingers dancing across his keypad to reply
Heeseung: So, I guess I should get this out of the way first. My real name is actually heeseung and not Ethan.
You cup your mouth in shock while reading his text.
You: There's no way.
Heeseung: Why? Do you not like it? You can still call me Ethan if you want. I just thought I'd let you know.
You: No, I do like it, but I just moaned your fake name for the past hour. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Heeseung: Sorry, angel, but I do have to admit I love the way you call me Ethan.
You: But what if I called you by your real name?
Heeseung: Fuck don't say that now. I'm gonna get hard all over again just thinking about it.
You: Not saying it 😬
Heeseung: So, are there any secrets you're hiding from me or things I should know before we start talking?
You: What, no, why would I?
Heeseung: I'm playing Angel, so tell me more about yourself. You had me intrigued since day 1
You blushed, kicking your feet excitedly as you went on to tell him more about yourself. Some trivial things and, surprisingly, a lot of personal things that normally you found hard to open up about, but with him, it was so easy, especially cause he opened up to you about a lot of things as well.
The sun was up while the two of you texted away with each other, talking about an array of various topics until you both had to go to sleep. Finally, you had school in the morning, and he had worked at a sandwich shop he had told you about earlier.
Heeseung: Angel, I'm so sorry. I gotta go now. I have school and then work tomorrow, but if it's okay, I'd like to talk some more.
Your heart flutters, still not able to comprehend the fact that you were actually talking to the guy you met on a phone sex site, and on top of that, he was actually interested in getting to know you.
You: I'd love to. I'll be home by three my time.
Heeseung: Okay, I work part-time in the afternoon, so I'll call a bit later, okay, Angel?
You: Okay, goodnight etha- I mean heeseung
You tease.
He chuckled at the text, eyes burning from staying up and talking to you for so long, but it was so worth it.
Heeseung: Goodnight angel
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Heeseung: Morning
Heeseung texted you first thing. He knew you'd probably still be asleep after staying up so late, but he knew you'd see his text at some point today.
He was right cause you woke up hours later and saw his text responding to him immediately.
You: Morning Ethan
Heeseung: Look who finally decided to show I was so lonely without you. 🥺
You: Please as if 🙄
Heeseung: Wow, here I am, trying to be cute, and you just diss me. That's cold, especially after I sent nudes. 😔
You: Aww 😀
Heeseung: Rude
Heeseung: So anyway, are you still at school? Was it fun? How is your day going so far?
You smile at your screen, getting all giddy because he's actually taking an interest in what you're doing.
You: I'm walking home now, but yeah it was fun but also kinda boring if that makes sense.
Heeseung: It totally does, angel, and I'm happy you're finished. You deserve a break.
You: Thank you
Heeseung: Wait, you don't mind if I call you angel, right?
You: Of course not. I love it when you call me that.
Heeseung: Good girl.
You: *blush*
Heeseung: Cutie, so I was thinking maybe once I get off work, if you'd like to chat for a while, are you still up for that?
You: Hmmm, sure, I'd like that.
Heeseung: I get off at five, is that okay?
You: Works for me.
You: But wait, aren't you supposed to do your other job?
You ask after finding out he worked two jobs along with school.
Heeseung: Shh, haha, yeah, but like, of course, I'm gonna skip it for you duh🙄
You: Heeseung, don't do that.
You reply, letting him know that you shouldn't be his priority over working.
Heeseung: It's whatever, just something I do for quick cash cause I'm good at it. Besides, missing one night isn't going to break the bank.
You: If you say so.
Heeseung: I do say so. I'm gonna get back to work before my manager scolds me for being on the clock while on my phone. Expect to hear from me later, though, okay?
You: Okay! Have a good rest of your shift. I look forward to hearing your voice again😉
You add, attempting to flirt a little.
Heeseung: Keep talking like that and watch the way I walk off the job so I can go home and call you.
You: 😬
"So, angel, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" You were both home relaxing on your beds while you FaceTime each other, except he was the only one showing his face.
You go on to tell him where you're from, and as soon as the words leave your mouth, his face falls completely flat.
"You're joking? Like, please tell me you're joking."
"That's hours away from here," he pouts. "Like thousands of miles."
"So?" You shrug.
"So? I was thinking about meeting you, obviously not this soon, but like maybe later down the road once we get closer, but I guess that's probably not gonna ever happen."
"That's what FaceTime is for," you chuckled, trying to hide your happiness. You couldn't believe he had actually thought about meeting you.
"I can't touch you through the phone," he deadpans as your giggling comes to a stop.
"O-oh," you whisper shyly.
"What? Something wrong?"
"Nothing, just trying to get used to your forwardness."
"I can tone it down a bit since we haven't known each other that long, you know? I just thought since we already you know it'd be okay, but if not I'll stop."
He rambles on and on.
"No, it's fine. I like it, and I feel really close to you already, like two peas in a pod." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah, we covered a lot of ground last night," you laughed.
"We sure did," he smirked, and by that look, you already knew he was about to say something. "So, how about you let me put my pea in your pod?"
"Stop it." You covered your face, cupping your cheeks that were burning from embarrassment.
"You're so easy to tease," he giggles. "So is it like cold where you are then?
He asked instead of teasing you some more.
"Yes, and it's a bit past midnight already," you groan.
"Midnight? So, should I let you go now?"
"I think that would be best, yeah."
He popped his mouth. "Dang it, well, okay. I can call you again tomorrow if you want at the same time?"
"Same time. Goodnight, Ethan."
He rolls his eyes jokingly. "Night night angel"
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback! -🐹
Permanent taglist @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist " @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus @heesquared @skzenhalove @wildflowermooon @get-a-guitar bold can’t be tagged
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loz-3 · 1 month
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An Unwilling Operative - Part Two
Pairing: Loki x female reader Word Count: 2,257 Warnings: strong language, forced confinement, violence, forced sedation
Tags in the comments!
Part One
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Consciousness ebbed and flowed like the tide. At times, you were only aware of colours and muted sounds, but sometimes a word would swim to the front and make some form of sense to your addled mind. Nothing spoken was ever in English, so while you could recognize spoken language, the meaning was lost. Deep within, you were aware that these were Hydra agents and whatever was happening was probably terrible. Moments passed, maybe hours, even days without respite until your vision cleared and you fully woke.
"What a fucking nightmare…" You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. Glancing around, you were at home, on the couch, still wearing your work clothes from the day prior. You looked down at your watch, noting it was almost time to get up anyways. You tried to remember what the nightmare was about, but it was gone. Last thing you could recall was bidding Loki goodnight at the end of your coffee date. Scowling to yourself, you got up, scratching absently at a raised bump on your neck. You must have been bitten by something last night.
Once showered and dressed, you made your way to the office, not bothering to stop at the café. It was too overpriced for cheap, shit coffee anyways. You arrived late, which was very atypical for you. The receptionist waved and smiled, as she usually did, but you didn't even look up nor acknowledge her presence. Her face fell as you passed her desk silently, giving you a happy boost of serotonin.
The elevator was crowded, people shuffled to allow you a spot to stand, offering up “good mornings” and other pleasantries. Your scowl deepened and they kept their distance the best they could. ‘How on earth did I put up with this shit before?’ you thought, reflecting on the major shift in your attitude, ‘Fuck this place..’
When the doors opened on your floor, you pushed out of the elevator and set up for the day. Normally, you would organize the returned items, and prep paperwork ahead of the rush, all while cheerfully humming to yourself. Today was different, you felt the shift. It was like your eyes had been opened to reveal the truth about how shit your job was, and how greedy and corrupt S.H.I.E.L.D. was. Based on the tech you had access to, they obviously weren’t spending their government funds on bettering things for agents or the team.
Your day chugged on as you slowly descended into dubitation and general mistrust. As noon rolled around, you opted to close up for lunch. You just stepped out into the hall and locked the door behind you, when you noticed Loki loitering at the corner towards the lobby. With a huge smile, you went straight for him, grabbing the front of his leathers and pulled him down into an aggressive kiss. His eyebrows scrunched together, hesitantly pulling back. "What? I am not good enough for you now?" you spoke harshly, accusatorially, pushing off your grip on him.
He raised both hands in an effort to keep the peace, "Where is this coming from, Y/N?". Concern coloured his tone but he didn't lower his hands. He had noticed something was off earlier, having chalked it up to a bad day, but now he knew for sure that something was wrong. "We were starting slow, you did not want to rush…"
"Ah, of course! It's all my fault then!" You got right up in his face, arms crossed.
Loki lowered his hands to his sides, making sure to not touch you, "I did not say that…"
“But you thought it! ‘Stupid little Midgardian, couldn’t possibly know what she wants’!”
He sighed, gently placing a hand on each of your shoulders, “Please, listen to me…I..”
You cut him off, "Maybe you should just mind your own fucking business, if you're going to be like that." You turned your back on him and threw off his hands, striding part way down the hall before rounding back, "Know what? You and your massive fucking ego can fuck right off. Don't bother with tech requests anymore, I'll just get them sent directly to your room… saves me having to look at your narcissistic fucking face."
His jaw dropped in shock at your outburst, but he quickly composed himself, "I take my leave then." His eyes were steel as he headed around the corner, jamming the elevator button with enough force to crack the plastic. Your words had cut him deeper than you knew, but true to his nature, he buried the hurt.
You continued to pace the hall, a twinge of guilt flooded into your heart. '…I've never spoken to him like that before…' You thought, shaking your head in an attempt to organize your feelings, '…no..no! That's on him for leading me on!'. You retreated back to your office, slamming the door behind you. "What a dick…" muttering to yourself, you opened the shutters to the empty hallway.
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Finally your day in this hellscape of an office was over. You slammed the gate closed, swiftly locking it and the door behind you as you swept from the building. You didn't encounter anyone on your way out, nor did you hope to. The goal was home and a bucket of whatever drink you had at there. Which, if you were honest with yourself, probably wasn't much. You walked quickly down the street, pausing only to glare at the little coffee shop on the way. "What a dump," you muttered under your breath, "and what a shit date THAT was…". Shaking your head to push out the memory, you hurried along, arriving at your door shortly. You stalked up the stairs to your apartment, noting the deadbolt was unlocked but not really caring that much. "If there's someone in here, you might as well just fuck off. I'm not in the mood for this today."
A man stepped into the light from your living room, leaning against the door frame, "My, my… aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" His grin was ominous, growing more sinister as you rolled your eyes at him and flipped him off.
"I say again… you can fuck off."
"But we have an offer for you, my dear." A second man stepped out from the hall to your right, you hadn't even noticed him at first so you stepped away in shock. He made no further move, however, allowing you to relax a bit.
You turned towards the first man, shifting your hands to rest on your hips, "What kind of 'offer'?" Just as the words passed your lips, a wave of déjà vu hit. You frowned, bringing a hand up to press against your brow, confusion ringing in your head. The man in front gave the other a quick nod and he grabbed a hold of your arms, allowing the other to inject something into your neck. "What the fu…"
The chemical in the syringe doesn't knock you out completely, but makes you very easy to maneuver. The two men escort you to the couch, speaking to each other in a language you don't understand. You are plopped down hard onto the middle cushion, staring up at the men. The first, wearing a dark jacket with a Hydra insignia, crouched down and grabbed your face roughly, "I need you to listen, we are here to help you…" You tried to nod, but the grip under your chin didn't allow movement, he carried on, "дальний, обзор, иль, винить"
At the last word he uttered, you felt your confusion melt and the whisper of the memory was gone. "I just work in a office, I'm not sure what I could do for you… especially after you broke into my apartment…"
He chuckled darkly, "And we apologize for that. We're the good guys here! Your 'employer', well, they're a front corporation. Every conflict, every war in history was started by them.. for profit. You had wanted to help people, but now you sit in a tiny room, under constant surveillance, giving their living weapons all the help they need to destroy and murder." His compatriot nodded along, somehow pushing those intrusive thoughts home within your mind.
"I…did. I do!" You pulled yourself forward on the couch, urgently grabbing at the hand he had dropped from your face, "What do I need to do?"
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When you return to work the next day, you are armed with a pair of tiny flash drives. The first one, once inserted into any computer at S.H.I.E.L.D, would eventually break through their security systems and install a program that essentially would open a data tunnel for Hydra. After a few hours, you'd be able to switch out the drives and the second one would transmit all data via the latent tunnel program.
You thankfully avoided meeting anyone on your route to your station. The last thing you needed was more stupid conversations with your idiot co-workers. Once you clocked in and started your day, you popped in the first of the two flash drives.
Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to you, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s security system was far more advanced than Hydra had anticipated and the attempt on breaking in got flagged immediately.
"What in God's name is happening?" Nick Fury stormed around his desk to confront the agent standing in his doorway. "What do you mean, 'we have an issue'?" "Sir.." the agent began, stuttering as Fury's good eye glared down at him, "Sir, we had a breach in the digital security sector but we don't know where the anomaly is originating from, aside from within the complex on level five." "That's most definitely an issue then." "Yes sir… we've managed to lock down the floors' server access and have isolated the program, so it thinks it's working properly." The agent stepped back as Fury swept from the room and strode to the main security terminal. Every camera had been pulled up on the screen and he could easily see that there was only a few staff currently on duty on level five. 'Now we wait…' he thought. Someone would eventually make a move that gave them away. Squinting at the screen, he noted that everyone on the floor were veteran staff. Why on earth would one of them sabotage S.H.I.E.L.D.? He shook his head, not giving in to the thoughts of having a traitor in the mix.
A few hours passed. Finally the first flash drive had finished its task, the little light on it had changed from blinking red to solid blue. You gripped the drive and pulled it out of the computer, dropping it into your pocket for destruction later. Slipping the other drive out, you leant forward and gently inserted it into the USB plug. Suddenly the gate on your window slammed shut.
Rushing to the window, you found it was locked externally. Same with the door out into the hallway and the door back into the tech storage/repair area. 'Shit shit SHIT!' You were trapped…just like the rat you were.
As if your situation couldn't get any worse, you heard the click of something engaging beyond your sight and a yellow mist slowly began to descend from the sprinkler system. You pulled your shirt over your face and covered your mouth, knowing that nothing good ever came from inhaling mystery chemicals. Huddling in the corner of the room, you tried to avoid the mist but it was no use. Soon the whole space was hazy from the gas and your vision faded to black.
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Now you were…here…wherever here was.
This place…as it turned out, was a very bright, very sterile-feeling square room with a single low slung cot and an awfully flat pillow in one corner. The rest of the space was windowless, colourless, and bleak. A large door took up most of the far wall, opposite the cot, and there was a little camera above the door frame. It was also very quiet. Most definitely a S.H.I.E.L.D. holding cell of some sort.
When you had awoken from unconsciousness moments ago, your body was curled up on that cot, facing the bare wall. Every muscle, ever fibre of your existence hurt. It was like a truck had rammed headlong into a tree, and you were that tree. 'Ugh, what the hell…' your emotions flitted between panic, hysteria, and pure rage, 'Now, how can I get out of this place?'
Glancing down, you realized your normal clothes were gone…replaced with a horrible grey-coloured jump suit. The shoes were plain white slip-on style and no socks. Very minimalist but at least they let you wear something. Being naked would have made this little adventure of yours so much worse. You pulled on the door…it didn't budge. Slamming your fists on the metal, you growled in frustration, knowing you were in a ton of trouble.
Turning your attention to the camera, you asked aloud "Well, what the fuck do we do now?". The light on the camera flickered once, as if it was trying to reply but no voice accompanied it. You sank down to the floor, back against the wall and waited. Knowing S.H.I.E.L.D, it was only a matter of time before someone came to question you.
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Notes: I'm so sorry for this portion, I had to end it on a hard note but a third part (maybe the final?) will be up early next week!
дальний, обзор, иль, винить - Russian (further, overview, il, blame)
Part Three
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vamossainz55 · 1 year
carlos sainz x reader and “aw, did you miss me?”
maybe, just maybe - carlos sainz jr
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summary: over the phone confessions after a night out. a/n: a request from my drabble party i opened ages ago (sorry for it being so late). i hope you enjoy anon and thank you for requesting! (+ kind of hate it so don't be surprised if it randomly dissapears one day lmao)
Carlos wakes up to the beat of Sexy Bitch ripping him out of his dreams. He lets out a low grumble as he awakens, shifting from one side of the bed to the other before reaching out to his side table. 
He feels around the table, groaning into the pillow as he struggles to get ahold of the phone. The music only gets louder, and he wonders why on earth had he let you persuade you in picking your own ringtone.
Soon enough his fingers graze over the vibrating phone, prompting him to turn over to his back. He takes this moment to look at the time, squinting when the light shines a bit too bright. 
He blinks to adjust his vision, looking over the glaring numbers on his phone. The numbers are mocking him. 5:55. He knows he needs to be up in less than three hours but he slides the green button to the right, pressing his phone to his ear. 
He’s greeted to the sound of a soft breath, followed by a Oh. 
“You called?” Carlos asks, rubbing his eyes quietly as he tries to wake himself up still. He can hear some stumbling from the line, soft music playing in the background of the call. 
“I thought you were asleep,” There’s a soft slur to your words as you speak and Carlos can’t help but smile in amusement. 
“Are you drunk y/n?” The beat of silence is enough of an answer, but if he had any doubts about it you confirm them anyways. 
“Maybe…” Carlos shakes his head, chuckling softly. “I’m sorry for calling- I didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“Of course I picked up.” Carlos answers before thinking, and he could blame it on his sleepy state for wearing his heart on his sleeve like that, but it’s not like you both don’t know. You had danced between the thin line of the will they / don’t they debacle for months now.
It had started as something casual- an easy way to release stress whenever any of the two of you needed it, but over the last few weeks you both knew the dynamic had started to shift. Carlos tried to bring it up- but you had always been the first to shut it down. 
That is exactly why he’s surprised that he’s on the receiving end of a call when you’re both thousands of kilometers away from each other. 
“Why’d you call? Are you safe?” He asks, sitting against the bed frame as he puts his phone on speaker.
“Yeah. I got home from the club, a guy tried flirting with me.” Carlos’ jaw clenches a little at the mention of another guy, but he can’t say anything, not when you two aren’t even a thing, far from exclusive. 
He is surprised by what you say next though. 
“I realised I didn’t want him.” 
It’s Carlos’ turn this time, simply answering with an “Oh?” before his pride rolls in. “And who did you want then?” 
“You know who.” He feels a stir in his stomach, it’s not the first time you both had to make things work when apart. He considers it. For a second. Before remembering the time and his early training session. 
“It’s six in the morning y/n, I’m not sure if I can do that now.” 
He’s only met with more silence, and he wonders whether this is the end of it and you would just apologize and wish him goodnight. Instead though, the next thing he hears from you isn’t a farewell. 
“I- it’s not that actually.” He almost feels embarrassed when you say that, feeling a heat forming in his cheeks but you continue before he can apologize. 
“I uhm- wanted to hear your voice.” There’s a hint of shyness in your tone that has a small smile forming on Carlos’ lips. It’s enough to have him picture you with flushed cheeks, hands covering your face. His silence prompts you to continue. “It’s just- we haven’t seen each other in weeks now and-“ and Carlos just has to interrupt. 
“Aw. Are you saying you miss me?” He waits for your answer, nodding his head when he receives it. 
“Maybe…” He smiles, allows himself to savor the satisfaction he gets from hearing you admit it. 
“How about I call you tomorrow?” He offers, pulling the sheets as he lays back down. He stares at the ceiling for a second, taking a deep breath. 
“Could you?” Carlos nods even if you can’t see him, murmuring a mhm. He makes sure you promise to have water next to you and a paracetamol for when you wake up.
Once you grab everything and you’re in bed as well you both say goodnight to each other, and his thumb hovers over the red end button. 
Before he hangs up, he makes sure to get the last word in though.  
“By the way, I miss you too.” 
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Coming Home | Joshua
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Pairing: Joshua x (f)reader 
Genre: smut, fluff
AU: established relationship, idol!au
Wordcount: 4.4k
Summary: Your boyfriend’s flight is delayed and he won’t be home for Valentine’s Day. Your boyfriend is also a notorious liar. 
Warnings: Language, pet names (pretty girl, baby) oral (f receiving), fingering, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), Shua’s a little shit but we love him
Rating: M/18+
AN: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY @baljinciaga I hope you enjoy Shua loving up on you. Thank you @playmetheclassics for beta-ing & @classicscreations for the banner. 💜
Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee?
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“Say that again?” Your voice trembles just a little, enough to let him know you’re upset. You almost drop the moisturizer container on the counter. 
“My flight is delayed until tomorrow evening.”
“You can’t just take another flight?” You’re being irrational, and you know it. You’re fully pouting, and although he can’t see your childish behavior, he can picture it correctly, so he lets out a breathless laugh. 
“I’m sorry, baby. The weather got worse, so they delayed every flight until tomorrow.” 
“But this was gonna be our first Valentine’s Day together, Joshua.” The container makes its way safely to the counter as you scoop out enough moisturizer, staring at it in your hand, still pouting. 
“I know, y/n. And it’s killing me that we won’t be together. But hey, I remember you saying you never liked the day anyway. So we can have Valentine’s Day the day after. We’ll get all the chocolate for half off, and make a day of it. We’ll go out when there’s not a million people with reservations. We’ll go for a walk, come home, have a spa night, I’ll tell you how much I love you over and over. It’ll be perfect.”
It does sound perfect, but you’re still an irrational child right now as you huff a breath out in annoyance, rubbing the moisturizer across your face. 
“I only said I didn’t like Valentine’s Day because I didn’t have someone to spend it with. Now I have you, and I was looking forward to it…” you take a deep breath, temper tantrum dying as the moisturizer melts into your skin. “It’s okay. You can’t change the weather, and you’re right. We can have the day after be our day.”
“I’m sorry, pretty.”
“It’s fine. But next year. Next year, you are doing the whole nine yards of cheesy Valentine’s Day.” The laughter from the phone’s speaker makes your heart flutter. You love that laugh so much. You love everything about Joshua. It’s a little sickening. 
“I promise, my love. The whole nine yards.”
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, okay? And then we can celebrate in our own way.” 
“Okay. I love you, Shua.”
“Love you too, baby. Bye.”
“I also bought a sexy lingerie set for tomorrow. Sucks you won’t see it. Okay byyyyeeeee.” Your words stick together as you say it all in one breath, leaving just enough time for him to start saying what before hanging up on him. You go back to getting ready for bed, giggling at the influx of text messages from your boyfriend.
Shua🧸: you bought a what now?
Shua🧸: I wanna see.
Shua🧸: Pretty Girl. 
Shua🧸: Answer me pls. 🥺
Oh, the damn pouty emoji with the nickname wins every time. 
You take the set out of the bag, laying it on the bed and instead of getting into it like you know he probably wants you to. But it’s late, and that’s just too damn bad. 
You send the picture of the set off to him, and not even a second later, your phone is a mess again. 
Shua🧸: …
Shua🧸: Baby please put that on and let me see. 
Y/n: no
Shua🧸: 🥺
Y/n: nah nah nah. The pouty face won’t work twice in a row. Come home and maybe you’ll see it. 
Shua🧸: I’ll fucking fly the plane myself if it gets me home sooner. 
Y/n: good luck with that, Shu. Goodnight 😘 
You silence your phone, getting settled into bed with a smile on your face. You’re bummed about not seeing him in the morning, but it’s always fun to tease your boyfriend. Maybe you can wear the set and send some photos tomorrow. 
You fall asleep thinking of ways to make a shitty situation better. 
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The next morning, you decided to follow through with the plan, getting ready for work and wearing the pretty little lace thing you bought underneath your pencil skirt and a flowy blouse. You took a few photos before finishing getting ready and sent them off to Joshua, and left for work. 
Work sucked, however. 
Until today, you were unaware of how many of your coworkers were in relationships. And until today, you were not aware of how horrifically stereotypical some people could be about Valentine’s Day. It really wasn’t that many, but it felt like every hour, a flower delivery would happen for a few of your coworkers at a time. But it grew more confusing each time because it was almost always a dozen roses for each coworker. 
Except when the delivery person comes by your cubicle with a small vase with a few beautiful sunflowers in it and a tiny card attached. 
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
The sputtering laugh was completely unintentional and surely scared some of your coworkers, but you didn’t care. You whipped out your phone and took a photo of the flowers and card arranged nicely on your desk and sent it to Joshua with a few heart emojis. As it was sending, however, you noticed he never responded to the lingerie photo. It just said it was seen. 
You toss your phone in your desk drawer, feeling self-conscious, and ignoring it the rest of the work day. 
The bus ride home sucked more than work did, with couples holding hands on their way to their crowded dates, and couples on their way back home and being a little too handsy with one another. You stay seated, annoyed with yourself for forgetting and leaving the sunflowers at work. 
You check your messages again to find nothing from Joshua. The stupid read receipt shows under the photo but no replies. You put your phone away, instead focusing on the city outside the window the rest of the way home. You start to zone out until you hear a small voice. 
“Excuse me, lady?” You turn away from the window, finding a little boy, at least five or six years old, smiling ear to ear. 
“Hi?” How the hell do you respond to children? Especially stranger children? 
“This is for you!” He exclaims, handing you a single rose. 
“Oh?” You hesitantly take the rose from him, eyes scanning the rest of the bus until you find what you assume to be his mother sitting across from you, smiling at you and her son. You smile back, nodding your head to her before looking back at her son. 
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you!” You grin, nodding your head to him as he does to you. 
“I don’t have a Valentine. Will you be mine?” He asks, and you have to bite back a laugh, sharing another glance with his mom, who just shrugs with a laugh. 
Well, he did give you a rose. 
“Sure! What’s your name, Valentine?” 
“Ahh, nice to meet you, Min-su! My name is y/n!” 
You two talk for another ten minutes. Or, rather, you let him excitingly tell you about his day at school and all the things he and his friends did while you and his mom share looks of amusement. When it’s time for them to get off the bus, he quickly reaches in his backpack and takes out a small pack of Sour Patch Kids, shoving them in your hand. 
“Thank you for being my Valentine!!” You laugh, thanking him back and waving at him and his mother as they get off the bus. You sniff the rose, holding it close to you and smiling the rest of the way home. 
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You climb the stairs to your apartment, still playing with the rose in your hand, and come to halt at your doorstep once you unlock the door. 
You didn’t leave the lights on, did you? 
Why does it smell like the oven is on? 
Why are there candles lit?
Before you can do or say anything, someone rounds the corner from the kitchen and into your living room. 
“Ah, crap! I thought I had more time!” Your boyfriend. The boyfriend that said he wasn’t going to be here until tomorrow. That boyfriend. Is somehow standing in your living room, wearing a simple white shirt loosely tucked into his jeans. 
“I don’t suppose you can, like…go back outside for ten more minutes so I can get everything set up, right?”
You glare at him, still not moving an inch as you try to figure out what the hell is going on. 
“No. I can’t. It’s like 10 degrees outside.”
“Right, right. Okay…then uh…” he looks around the room for a second. “How about your room? Wait, no. I didn’t finish setting up in there. Please don’t go in there.”
“Setting up?”
“Maybe the bathroom?”
“Yeah, the bathroom…”
“It’ll only be like a few minutes, I promise.”
“Joshua!” You yell, finally silencing him. His mouth parts in shock, switching back and forth on his feet, hands playing with one another. 
“What the hell is going on? You said your flight was delayed.” 
“Oh…uh…” he fidgets in place before looking at you nervously. “I lied!”
“You lied?”
“Yeah?” He can sense you getting mad, remembering how much you hate when he lies, even if it’s as a joke or surprise, and switches into defense mode to quickly explain himself. 
“But it was part of the surprise! I was gonna have all the cheesy Valentine’s Day stuff ready to go when you got here. I have your favorite meal going and your favorite wine. I was gonna put out a bunch of rose petals leading to the table and the bed. I was gonna light more candles, but then it got too stuffy in here, and I know you hate that. And then I got you a teddy bear, one that looks exactly like the emoji one you use in your phone for me. And I got a heart-shaped box of chocolates, I sent you the flowers…whe- where are the flowers?”
“I accidentally left them at work…” you both look down at the rose in your hand. 
“Oh. Why do you have a rose?” 
“My Valentine on the bus, Min-su, gave it to me and a pack of sour patch kids.” You pull the candy out of your pocket, placing it and the rose on the table by the door.  
“You’re cheating on me?” You roll your eyes, kicking your shoes off. 
“He’s like five, Shua.” You groan, hanging your purse and jacket by the door. 
“You’re cheating on me with a five year old?”
You scowl, giving yourself a moment to calm down. 
He’s here. On Valentine’s Day. He lied to surprise you.
Your heart’s going to burst. 
“Shut up and hug me before I start crying.”
“Say less!” He rushes over to where you’re still standing, wrapping you up in his arms.
God, you missed this feeling of his arms tightly around you, keeping you safe. You tuck your face into his neck, breathing in the scent of him, and you don’t want to cry, but when you take another breath, a soft sob escapes you. 
“Is this why you didn’t respond to me all day?” Your question gets muffled against his skin. 
“Yeah, my love. I’m sorry.”
You pull away from his neck, quickly wiping the tears from your cheeks. His hands drop to your hips as he kisses your forehead.
“Okay. I was worried you didn’t like the photo.” You hiccup, face flushing in embarrassment. 
“Oh, pretty girl,” his fingers dig into your hips, pulling you flush against him. 
“That was the first thing I saw when I got off the plane,” his hands riding up your waist, “and it took everything in me not to just go straight to your office and have my way with you there.”
Your breath catches in your throat when his hands stop, his thumbs pressing against your rib cage just below your breasts. He can feel the wire lining of the bra and he sighs almost in relief. 
“Are you still wearing it?” You nod slowly. “You wore this even though you thought I wouldn’t be here?”
“I wanted to feel good. My boyfriend wasn’t going to be home to do it.” You smirk, and he’s the one glaring now. 
“I really want to take this stupid skirt and blouse and throw you on the bed, but I made your favorite meal and so it’s gonna have to wait.” 
“What a shame.” You joke when he gives you a quick kiss, letting him lead you to the kitchen. 
He makes you wait at the table for him to finish preparing everything. You smile watching him dart from one room to the next and back and forth to the kitchen to make sure everything is cooking correctly. You offered to help various times, but he ignored you, telling you just to sit and be pretty while telling you how he planned this whole thing and the shit he had to go through to travel here unnoticed. 
When he wasn’t looking and fiddling with the Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen, you snuck away to your room, trying not to look at the over dramatic Valentine’s Day set up he made and just heading straight for the dresser, pulling out a little fabric bag, stuffing it in your bra, before quickly returning to the table before he noticed. 
The dinner was amazing, and you insisted on helping him do the dishes, saying you could go to the bedroom a lot faster if he let you help.
Of course, that worked, and he was soon practically dragging you to your bedroom, no shame in being ready to rid you of your office attire. 
The room is straight out of a romance movie. Valentine’s Day decorations everywhere, rose petals leading to the bed that form a giant heart across the mattress. There are a few candles lit, both real and fake, but most of the light is coming from the fairy lights you had painstakingly put up when you moved in.
He doesn’t give you much time to admire his work, hugging you from behind the moment you step into your room. His lips attach to your neck while his hands wrap around your middle, teasingly pulling your blouse from your skirt. 
“I’ve missed you, pretty girl.” He pants in your ear, “I’ve missed being able to touch you, I’ve missed the sounds you make when I do, I’ve missed this fucking body and the way it reacts to only me.”
You whine when one hand grabs one of your breasts, pulling you closer to him. You rest your head back against his shoulder as his hands continue to wander your body, slowly unbuttoning your blouse. It’s when he gets to the last button that you remember the bag. 
“Wait. I have. A present for you.”
“It’s in my bra.”
You look up at his confused expression with a grin, your hand pulling the little bag out from your cleavage and handing it to him. 
“It’s not much, but I thought you might like it. It’s subtle enough that you can wear it without suspicion.” 
His hands leave your body, opening the bag and letting a small bracelet fall into his palm. It’s thin, silver, and has two very small gems on it that you would only notice if you actually looked.
“Are these?”
“Our birthstones? Yes. It’s crazy amounts of cheesy, but I suck at getting gifts, so I don’t know. I thought this would be cute? You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to. I can try to get a refun—”
You’re cut off by suddenly being turned around and lips crashing against yours. His big hands, still holding the bracelet, cradle your cheeks as he deepens the kiss, backing you towards the bed. 
Your body is eased down onto the bed, one of his hands quickly scattering the rose petals from under you, laying you down in the center as he positions himself over you, lips barely leaving yours for more than a second. 
“It’s perfect. And beautiful. Thank you, my love.” He peppers your face with his lips, both of you being sent into giggle fits as he sits up, straddling you as you help put it on his wrist. 
“I have a matching one, see?” You raise your wrist, shoving off the matching bracelet as he puts it on. 
“I didn’t even see it earlier.” 
“Exactly. It’s perfect for us.” His fingers wrap around your wrist, bringing it to his lips to kiss where the bracelet sits. He looks down at you, lying underneath him, your blouse unbuttoned, and finally showing him the bra you sent a photo of earlier today. A small groan escapes as he leans forward again, pinning your arm above your head, your other arm naturally following without being touched or told. 
“I like the sound of that.” He whispers above your lips. 
“What sound?”
“Us.” He kisses you deeply, nipping at your lower lip before leaving a trail of kisses down your throat. “You. Me. Us. You’re mine, and I’m yours. I like it. I love it.”
You don’t fight back the moan he coaxes out of you when he finds the sensitive part of your skin between your neck and shoulder. You arch your back to try to get closer to him, desperate for his touch against your skin. 
“Shua.” You whine, feeling his lips curve into a smile. 
“What do you need, pretty girl?”
“You have me.”
“Touch me, please.”
“Only because you said please.” He lifts himself from you, sitting up and finding the zipper to your skirt, slowly pulling it down. 
“You know your hands aren’t actually tied up, right, baby? You’re free to move.”
“No,” you shake your head as you lift your hips. “You get angry when I do.” 
He smirks, harshly tugging your skirt down your body, tossing the fabric off the bed. 
“Only when you’re being bad. Right now, I just want to love you.” He hums, ripping your stockings and laughing at your gasp.
“I’ll buy you new ones.” He quickly says before you can yell at him. 
His hands slowly slide up and down your thighs, gently pushing them open. His eyes dart straight to the wet patch of your matching underwear. 
“Baby, you’re soaked.”
“Please.” You rasp, your hands no longer above your head as you try to reach for any part of him. He notices your grabby hands and offers one of his, and you take that perfect opportunity to pull him back on top of you. 
“Just fuck me. Please, Shua. I need you inside me, or I’ll lose my mind.” It’s almost embarrassing how fast he reduces you to begging as you bring his lips to yours, molding together perfectly. 
“You don’t want me to prep you?” He asks with a hint of nervousness. “I don’t want to hurt you, pretty.” 
“I’ll be fine,” you shake your head, completely ignoring one of his hands sliding between you both, “just want you right now, plea- fuck.” You curse when two of his perfectly long fingers move your underwear to the side and immediately start to finger you roughly, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. 
“I’ll give you whatever you want, pretty. Just fall apart for me once first.”
His fingers curl inside you, pressing in exactly the right spots to make you shake underneath him. Part of you thinks it’s embarrassing how fast he can make you come, but then you see how happy and proud it makes him. How that cockiness makes him a little less gentle with you because he knows his pretty girl can and will take it. 
A jumbled mess of words and curses escapes your lips as he continues his attack with his fingers. 
“Too much, Shua. Too much,” you whimper, but he doesn’t stop, his open mouth hovering above yours, the evil smirk barely showing. 
“You can do it, baby. One more for me.” You lift your head up to kiss him, but he leans back just far enough.
“Nuh-uh. Come on, baby. Focus.” He chuckles when you whine again, leaning down to kiss your neck again, his fingers hitting inside you a little harder.
“You said only once first,” your voice raises in pitch, your fingernail digging into his biceps. 
“I’m feeling a little greedy tonight.” He rasps against your throat. 
“So just one more, and I promise,” your back arches as his fingers somehow get even deeper inside of you. “I promise I’ll give you what you want.” 
This orgasm hits harder than the first and without warning. He has to smother your screams with his lips, fingers leaving you, quickly rubbing the tips of his fingers against your clit, coaxing you to continue to squirt. Your hips raise, desperate for his touch to continue as the rest of your body shakes. 
“You’re okay, pretty. You’re okay. Come back to me.” His fingers slide back in, slowly pumping as you come back down. “You did so good for me.” He leaves a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Shua,” you pant, grabbing his wrist and pushing it away from you. “Please.”
“Okay, okay.” He chuckles, bringing his fingers to your lips. You lock eyes with him and wordlessly open your mouth, allowing his fingers in, and suck the taste of you off him, your tongue swirling around his digits. His other hand slides under your back to unhook your bra, pulling it off you and tossing it aside. 
“Fuck, you’re everything and more, my love.” He murmurs, quickly kissing you after removing his fingers and then shedding his clothes. You reach out for him, letting out a small groan when your arms start feeling heavy. 
“Hold on.” He laughs, crawling onto the bed, fist stroking his hardened erection, smearing his precum along the way. 
“Can you get on your knees for me, pretty?” You make a fuss, both of you smiling as you flip yourself over. Your arms and knees wobble slightly, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Joshua. He grabs two pillows and tucks them under your stomach, and hands you another to hold onto. 
He leans forward, kissing the spot where your neck meets your back. 
“Just relax, baby. Let me take care of you.” He murmurs against your skin, sitting back up when you relax more in the position, the pillows helping keep you up. 
He pulls your underwear to the side again, one of your arms reaching back to hold it. You moan at the feel of his tip sliding against your folds, gathering your slick and rubbing against your clit. He doesn’t wait for you to beg for him before he’s sliding in in one thrust. 
“Fuck, Shua.” You cry out, the feeling of him stretching you so perfectly adding fuel to the fire burning inside you. 
“You take me so well every time, y/n. Such a perfect pussy. And all for me and just me, right?”
“Just you.” You think you say it coherently, but it’s more of a muffled moan into the pillow as you try to raise your ass to meet his hips. 
His fingers dig into your hips when you press against him, trying not to come already and letting out a low groan. His grip loosens as his pace picks up, one arm reaching around your waist, the other reaching for your throat, pulling your body up to him. 
“You okay, baby?” His lips find your ear, his panting making you clench around him. He hisses in your ear, adding a little pressure to the hold on your neck. “Talk to me, pretty girl.” 
“I- ah, I’m okay. Feels so good, Shua.”  You whine, reaching behind you to grab his hair, your other hand’s nails digging into the forearm around your waist. 
“Gonna come all over my cock, right baby? Give me a third?” 
You nod, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from being too loud. 
“Come with me, Shua. Please, baby.”  
“Where do you want me?” He growls in your ear, but he already knows your answer, his hips snapping to yours a little harder when you mutter the word inside. 
“If that’s what the pretty girl wants.” He grins, kissing the space under your ear. 
A few more thrusts and you're warning him of your impending third orgasm.
“Let go.” He whispers, and you do. You lean your head back on his shoulder as he buries his face in your neck, and you clench around him. It takes three more sharp thrusts before he buries himself deep inside you, groaning against your skin as he fills you up, your walls milking him for everything. 
You feel yourself go limp in his arms, allowing him to maneuver you to lay back down on the bed. You both groan as he pulls out of you, his fingers quickly taking over to shove any escaping cum back inside. 
“You keep that in there for me, so I can taste it later, yeah?” You grunt in response, an exhausted smile forming as tired arms reach for him. He’s quick to give you what you need, laying beside you. You run your fingers through his hair, caressing it softly at the base of his neck and giving him goosebumps. 
You adore him. You love him. He’s yours, and you’re his. There is no better feeling than being loved by Joshua. 
“I love you.” A whisper escapes your lips, and he hums, his head leaning into your palm. 
“I love you, too, pretty girl.”
“I’m still mad that you lied, though. Don’t think you’re getting away with that by being a perfect boyfriend.”
“Oh, I’m aware. And I will do whatever you need me to do to make up for it.” You scoff, pulling your hand away from him. 
“Oh, you will. Later though. For now, I want my Valentine to cuddle me.”
“Min-su? He’s a kid. I don’t think that’s appropriate, y/n.”
“Ugh. You’re the worst.” You grumble, flipping over on your side so your back is facing him. He doesn’t hesitate to respond, curling up against you and kissing any part of your face he can reach, making you giggle. 
“I’m the best, and you know it. Min-su could only dream to be even as close to the best as I am.” 
You don’t respond, not wanting to entertain his bit. You reach behind you for his wrist, the bracelet wrapped around him perfectly and hold his hand close to your chest, enjoying the visual of the two pieces of jewelry connected. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispers it in your ear as you fall asleep, the happiest and most in love you’ve ever been.
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hwaslayer · 1 year
project: make you love me (jyh) | two.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 3.6k
—chapter content/warnings: nothing too bad since we're still in the beginning stages of things lol, cussing, friends being supportive, friends being instigators and projecting!!, hwa still being hwa, yunho being shy and awkward but very caring
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You scrambled to get your literature review done, almost forgetting that you had to send it to Yunho before officially submitting it to your professor. It's a bit past midnight when Seonghwa decides it's time to drop you off— even if it gets incredibly late, he'd prefer to drop you off at home rather than let you stay.
All Seonghwa's bullshit plans.
You yawn as you quietly step into your shared apartment, careful not to wake your roommates as you pull out your laptop and finish your lit review on the kitchen island in the dark. It fucking sucks that absolutely nothing is coming to you for this review because now, Yunho is probably going to think you're just flat out dumb for not being able to see what everyone else sees.
"Hey." You whip your head up so fast you almost give yourself whiplash. Seungmin groggily walks out of his room and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. "Why are you working out here in the dark? Did you just get home?" You nod.
"Mhm. Forgot I had to finish that literature review and send it to Yunho."
"Forgot already?"
"Shut up, okay? Not my favorite assignment to work on. Besides, I wanna give him some time to review it and chew my ass if he needs to. Rather him than Dr. Nelson at this point." You type away, probably hella nonsense and gibberish about the movie at this point.
"Hm." Seungmin hums as he quickly drinks his water. "Don't stay up too late."
"I won't. Just gonna give this a few more words then send it off." You sigh. God, you almost regret asking Yunho [out of all people] for help. He's super smart and he always knows what he's doing. Was this the right route to go? Maybe you should've just asked Dr. Nelson and dealt with it.
"Mkay. Goodnight then, Y/N." Seungmin yawns as he drags himself back to his shared room with Soobin. You decide that you're gonna take another 10 minutes to finish off the review, giving it everything you can think of right now. If it needs tweaking or any additional details, Yunho can surely step in and help. You feel exhaustion hitting you quickly, giving your review the last bout of energy you have left before you shower and call it a night.
"Done." You say to yourself, sending it off to Yunho as an attachment. 
He probably won't look at this until later.
You make sure to double check your emails and assignments, keeping track of everything that's due and needs to be turned in—
You peep the notification that pops up on the bottom right of your laptop screen.
"1 New Email from: Jeong Yunho ([email protected])"
"What the fuck?" You mutter to yourself. It hasn't been a whole 10 minutes since you sent the email. You click on the notification anyway, letting it bring you to the new email in your student inbox.
— do you have time to meet really quickly later today? i wanna go over your review with you. cool if you can't though, just prefer to talk to you in person instead of marking up your page without any explanation to back it up.
You sigh and sit there, trying to remember your schedule for tomorrow. You do have a 45 minute break in between your morning classes. Hopefully, he's free.
— sure! i'm free from 10:15-11. does that work for you?
"1 New Email from Jeong Yunho ([email protected])"
— yup, i don't have class till after lunch. i'll be working at one of the booths in the library.
You sit back and respond, feeling a bit of relief.
— cool, see you. :) thanks for your help.
Yunho sits at his desk, feeling a bit awkward and nervous even though you can't see him right now. It's probably a little pathetic at how quick he opened up your email, but to be fair, you seemed like you really needed the help and that's what he wanted to give you. You aren't necessarily writing bad reviews, since you're hitting all the right points. But, he has Dr. Nelson figured out. He doesn't want just the facts— he wants you to think outside of the box, write out the emotions, feelings, outcomes of all the actions, give examples, state what your thoughts are on how this effects the surroundings, other characters. You just need to add that little umph to your reviews and give him more than the bare minimum. Yunho gets it though, it's not easy to tap into that all the time. That's why he's here to help. 
He's hoping he can be the help you need.
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"Did you come in pretty late last night or was Seungmin sleep walking?" Soobin scratches the side of his head as the two of you walk towards the library.
"No, that was me." You chuckle.
"Did Seonghwa at least walk you to the door? Cause that's late."
"Yeah right." You scoff and Soobin shakes his head. "Whatever though, he drops me off as close as possible to our building."
"Still. He should at least walk you halfway."
"Mm, yeah." Is all you respond with. "Anyway, lunch later? I have to meet with Yunho to talk about this review."
"Oh? You're actually meeting with him? That's new. I feel like that's something out of the ordinary for Yunho."
"He asked if we could so that he could explain better instead of just marking up my review." 
"That's nice of him."
"Yeah, hopefully I'm not too much of a pain in the ass."
"Doubt it. You just need a little guidance, that's all. Sure he'll be super helpful." Soobin smirks. "He seems to not go out of his way for people, maybe he likes you."
"Are you serious right now? All because I need help over a literature review." Soobin laughs.
"Just saying. I already like Yunho way more than Seonghwa."
"Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you later." You roll your eyes and enter the quieter side of the library where the booths are located. It's easy to spot Yunho, especially with that towering figure of his even while sitting. Today, he's wearing a navy and white flannel, with a grey shirt underneath. His hair falls to his face as he leans over to write some notes. He has one finger placed on a page in his textbook, while the other hand is busily writing away. He glances to and from every now and then, only looking up at his surroundings when he feels you approaching.
"Um, hi." You awkwardly stand near the booth with your books tucked against your chest. He simply looks at you before giving you a tiny, pursed smile and returning his attention to his books.
"Hey." He moves his book and notebook closer to himself in order to give you some room. "Sorry, just need to finish this right quick."
"That's okay. Take your time." You slide in awkwardly and set your books on the surface of the table. "Thanks for going over my review."
"No worries." He says softly before finishing up his notes and shutting his books closed. He brings out his laptop and types away to unlock it, pulling up your document before turning the laptop towards you. "So."
"Sorry, I know it was bad." You look at him, a little shy and embarrassed. He tilts his head a bit and furrows his brow while looking at you.
"Huh? No, it wasn't bad, Y/N." He lets out a small chuckle. "You're hitting the right points, Dr. Nelson is just super complex and wants you to use these facts a bit more." He points at a line in your review. "You talk about the characters feelings here after an upsetting moment, which is right. But, how does it affect their surroundings? Their actions, the people around them, what they get themselves into to cope. How does feeling bad branch out to all these things? Why? How does it contribute to their overall attitude, to the overall character?" You nod. 
"It seems so easy to talk about, but I don't know why I have so much trouble doing it. I feel kinda dumb." He shrugs.
"You're not. You just have to dig into the details a little more and use those examples instead of staying safe and stating what we know already. It's easy to stay safe because you know what you're stating is gonna be right. Dr. Nelson just wants a little more than that, is all."
"Thanks, Yunho." He gives you a toothless smile.
"Of course. Uh," He scratches his temple. "Let's go through everything else? So, I can be of better help to you?" You nod.
"Only if you're okay with it."
"Yeah. Just wanna make sure I help you out correctly." He lets out a shy chuckle before thoroughly going through your literature review with you. He asks you the right questions, allowing you to edit your own document on his laptop while the two of you continue to converse. He shares his thoughts and the things he's included on his review, making it easier for you to understand what you were missing and leaving out in your own.
Literature was never your favorite. You partially didn't care enough to put in enough effort, hence the lack of patience and understanding with the assignments— the lack of patience and understanding with your own professor.
As 11 closes in, you sit and look at your fully edited review feeling content. You look at Yunho, a small toothless smile on your face while he awkwardly glances around the library to avoid long eye contact. He gently taps his hands against the surface of the table, waiting for you to break the silence.
Which, you eventually do.
Thank god.
"Yunho, I feel so much better about this." You slide the laptop over to him. "Thanks for helping me, seriously. I don't know what I'd do if I had to see Dr. Nelson's comments again."
"It's not a problem." He shrugs. "I um, can continue to look at your reviews if you want?" Your eyes light up as you nod delightfully.
"I have to repay you somehow, that's too much on your plate isn't it?"
"It's not. I wouldn't offer if it was." He chuckles a bit.
"Lunch one day?"
"You don't have to."
"I would like to. Or, if our schedules don't work, we can always meet for coffee and go in on the café desserts."
"Sounds good." He smiles and pulls out his phone to slide it towards you. "Mm, do you think I can grab your number? Sorry, don't mean to be lame about it. I just figured it'd be easier instead of emailing each other. Unless that's what you.. prefer?" You chuckle and shake your head.
"No, this is totally easier. Don't worry." You plug your number in before sliding it back to me. "There."
"That's me." He says after giving you a quick ring so you can save his number on your own phone. You start to gather your things to start heading to class when you hear a familiar laugh come from one of the aisles to your right. You turn over your shoulder to catch wind of the noise, finding Seonghwa deep in conversation with another classmate, another senior girl [actually this one is probably Hyeri?] She seems to be laughing at his jokes, even though they probably aren't that funny. Somehow, the way he looks at her [along with any other female who isn't you] breaks your heart.
Breaks your heart even though there isn't anything else left to break.
Seonghwa briefly makes eye contact with you before his eyes quickly dart to Yunho, then back to Hyeri in front of him. You quietly continue to gather your things and swallow the lump forming in your throat, unsure why you allow this feeling to completely ruin your mood. Yunho takes note, for sure though. Again, he's not sure if he should feel bad because you surely knew what it was like getting tangled with Seonghwa. That was no secret on campus. However, he's an empath, and seeing that you've been kind and calm around him— he can't help but feel bad. A tiny bit sad, upset even, that you continue to let yourself mess around with Seonghwa when you deserve so much more.
Yunho challenges Seonghwa a bit though, letting his eyes linger on him until Seonghwa breaks away first. He checks on you and parts his lips slightly because he wants to say something, anything— he's just not sure what. Eventually, he settles with:
"Are you okay?" It's clear you're not and Yunho immediately feels stupid as fuck for settling with that question.
"Hm, yeah. Just tired, is all." He nods, watching as you slide out of the booth and swing your bag strap over your shoulder.
"Don't hesitate to text me if you need anything else. I'll try and help." When he says it, he's hoping you can catch onto the fact that he's someone who could listen to your troubles. He's not good with words or opening up to people, but he thinks he could at least offer that after seeing the way you sank in front of him. His eyes dart back up to you when you tuck your books back to your chest and smile at him.
"I will. Thanks again, Yunho. Lunch or coffee soon, okay?" You say sweetly before leaving him back to his lonesome. 
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"How was your date with Yunho?" Soobin asks as he forks his salad and takes a big bite. You glare at him before shaking your head.
"This is how rumors spread, you idiot." Chaery smacks him on the back of the head, making him laugh but slightly wince in pain at the same time.
"I'll whoop your ass if you say that word and Yunho in the same sentence one more time." You roll your eyes. "My literature review session with him went fine. He did help me out a lot, practically added another page to my review from all the edits we made."
"That's good." Soobin says, laughing. "Are you gonna have him review your literature stuff from now on?"
"Probably, it comes so easy for him. Or, maybe I just lack the patience." You shrug. "But, his help would definitely be nice. I need to push my grade up."
"Mhm." Soobin wiggles his brows.
"He's pushing this Yunho agenda so much." You point at Soobin while looking at Chaery and she shrugs.
"I mean don't get me wrong, I'm on the same bloat." You glare at her. "But, I'm on your side more than anything!" She quickly bounces back, making you sigh.
"I give up." You mumble as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand. Suddenly, your phone vibrates off to the side, making you lazily tap your screen to see who the notification is from.
"Better not be Seonghwa." You glare at Chaery once again.
"I'm taking this to the couch." You stick your tongue out before grabbing your phone and walking over to the couch in the living room. Because it's not, and you don't really wanna deal with your teasing friends even more.
yunho: btw, i like this website if i don't really wanna dig too deep into the details
yunho: it's a good website that summarizes a lot of the themes in books, and they have a huge catalog
You smile and respond back, feeling appreciative that he thought of you.
yunho: srry for the triple text, hope i didnt bother
you: you didn't. thank you, yunho :) i'll bookmark this that way i won't have to bother you so much lol
yunho: you're not a bother haha but np. have a good night!
you: you too!
Then, another comes in. And of course it's Seonghwa. But, the message isn't your typical message, no. It's a message that easily rubs you the wrong way because why? Why does Seonghwa like to pull this shit?
seonghwa: since when did you talk to jeong yunho? lol
you: why does it matter?
seonghwa: it's a simple question?
you: you're ridiculous, you know? we're in the lit same class. again, not that it matters .. ?
seonghwa: how am i ridiculous? lol
you: whatever seonghwa
seonghwa: why are you upset, baby? i'm just asking. i don't see what yunho's point is
you: he has no point, he's just helping me out.
seonghwa: okay, sure lol do you wanna come over? could use your company ): 
you: not tonight
you: maybe you can call hyeri, or whatever her name is. i'm spending time with my roommates
seonghwa: baby, seriously? i was talking to a classmate. can we not fight over dumb shit again?
you: goodnight seonghwa
You sigh out of irritation, tossing your phone aside. It's a bit close to 10pm, but you feel like getting some fresh air and taking a quick walk around the complex would do you some good. 
"Chaery, can we take a walk?" She looks at you and nods.
"What about me?" Soobin asks with a mouth full.
"You're eating."
"I can take it with me."
"It's girl talk." He cringes a bit and shakes his head.
"Nevermind. Be safe, come back soon." You chuckle just as Chaery walks out of your shared room in a hoodie. She has one of your jackets in your hand, handing it over as she gets closer.
"It's a bit cold tonight. Jacket?" 
"Thanks." You smile at her as you throw it on and zip it up, sliding into your slippers before walking out. Chaery is right; the air is colder, crisp. It has a little bite, especially against your skin. Chaery wraps her arm around yours, pulling you close for extra body heat.
"What happened, babe?"
"You told Soobin it was girl talk." You laugh a bit and nod.
"Oh yeah, right. It is." You sigh as you hold her close. "Nothing, it's just Seonghwa. He texted me just to ask when I started talking to Yunho and what his point was. Got on my nerve."
"Ew, what's his problem? Y/N, seriously. You can do so much better than him. I know it's not easy, and I know he has his moments with you. But baby, you deserve someone who is always sure about you and who will be happy to flaunt you off."
"I know." You sigh. "It's like every time I think about leaving, he does something to keep me close."
"But, it shouldn't be this way, you know? You shouldn't have to wait for these moments. It should happen every day if he really cared about you."
"Yeah." Is all you can say because what can you say? It's hard to break it off with Seonghwa because this is your routine, something you've gotten used to— his presence is something you've gotten accustomed to. Even if it he isn't necessarily the best, he keeps you company. The kind of company that you like.
"How was meeting up with Yunho? Did he help you with your review?"
"A lot. He is super helpful, and he offered to keep helping me."
"Aw." Chaery giggles. "That is so sweet of him."
"He's actually really kind, and patient. I offered to take him out for lunch or something one day."
"Cute. Yeah, you should! Get to know him. Maybe he just needs a little pushing out of his shell, you know? You could probably help him in return." You shrug.
"Maybe? He's still—" Suddenly, Chaery's eyes shoot up to the figure ahead. She does a little gasp before making a cute noise and dragging you closer.
"Yunho!" She says, waving at him. He looks a little startled, but he stops in his tracks and waits with his hands in his pockets— a shy, small smile creeping at the corner of his lips. "Wait, oh my god! I didn't realize you lived here, too! I mean, so does the majority of campus, but still!" You sure as hell didn't know either, and you feel a bit bad that you just probably never noticed. 
"Uh, yeah. I just live over there." He points at his building.
"Who do you live with?"
"Kang Yeosang." Chaery nods.
"Ah, cute. What a pair." You give her a look before shifting your attention back to Yunho. He quietly waits for the next part of the conversation, his eyes softly gazing over you. 
You're cute.
"What are you doing out here this late?"
"Could ask the same for you two." He chuckles and nervously scratches at the nape of his neck. "I, uh, can't sleep sometimes. The walk kinda helps."
"Ah, I see. Makes sense."
"So.." He awkwardly says, shifting weight from one foot to another. "Also couldn't sleep?" You shrug.
"We just needed to get out and get some air." Chaery cuts in for a follow-up to avoid any Seonghwa talk. Though, she knows Yunho wouldn't do that to you. 
"It's getting late though, and pretty cold."
"We're just gonna walk to the end then walk back."
"Hm, okay." 
"It was nice running into you." Chaery smiles. "I hope you can get some rest tonight!"
"Hopefully. Have a good night." He looks at her, then you; he gives you a very tiny, very subtle nod of acknowledgement. With that, the two of you walk past to continue your walk, Chaery praising how gentle and good-looking Yunho is until the end of the walk. Yunho knows the community is safe, but he cuts his walk short just to head up to his building and get a better view of yours. He hangs over the railing near the stairs, catching sight of you and Chaery. He watches as you circle back around to your building, slowly heading up the stairs. He can hear your laughs from where he stands, and he's glad you seem to be okay tonight.
It's good that you have great friends by your side.
When your figures disappear into the hallway, Yunho feels content, relieved— knowing you've both made it safely home. He turns on his heel to make it to his own apartment, greeted by a dark living room with echoes of Yeosang yelling at his PC.
At least you're okay. 
At least you're not outside, waiting in the cold.
At least you're with good company.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie [bold = can’t tag 😭]
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wonijinjin · 1 year
falling for u
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author’s note: inspired by the song ‘falling for u’ by seventeen. this is the second part of my work ‘thinkin’ about you’. the first part of this fic can be found here.
synopsis: you drinking a little too much and calling joshua to take you home wasn’t the best idea, or was it?
word count: 1.6k | genre: fluff, mutual pining, a little bit of angst, close friends to lovers | pairing: joshua x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk, the curse word ‘fuck’
joshua almost dozed off, but being the only one awake in the car with his thoughts gave him a reason to be on alert even though it was late in the evening. 15 minutes after parking the car he decided on waking you up so you could finally lay down in your bed, which would probably be more comfortable than a carseat. “wake up sleeping beauty, we are here.” he said, softly caressing your arm. you stirred and opened your eyes, trying to register where you were exactly. “huh? i fell asleep, didn’t i? i wasn’t gonna, you probably had a boring drive as i was not awake to entertain you with my fantastic jokes.” you giggled. “yeah, actually i let you sleep a bit more, you were knocked out bad for real.” he explained, opening the door to get you out. you managed to climb out of the vehicle and the two of you walked to your front door. you pulled out the keys and tried to open the door, failing miserably. “you know what? give me this, i will open it.” joshua said after a minute of you not being able to get the key in the hole. you laughed at this. “sorry shua.”
you got into the house, leaning on joshua as you felt dizzy from all the alcohol you had consumed through the night. “woah y/n be careful, i will have to carry you on my back or something if you continue to make this more difficult than it should be.” he lightly joked while manoeuvring your tired body towards the bedroom. “i wouldn’t mind that. my prince in shining armour coming to rescue me from the consequences of my poor decisions.” you chuckled, to which although you couldn’t see it, his cheeks grew bright red. “okay let’s just get going, you need to sleep, you are drunk.” he said in a hushed tone. while you changed into your pajamas he went to the kitchen and prepared a glass of water and a painkiller on your nightstand to take in the morning, because you would probably need them to soothe the hungover symptoms. “are you okay in there?” he asked, standing in front of the bathroom door. “of course silly, i am so perfectly okay, more than okay.” you shouted as the door burst open and you left the room. “well i can see that you still have energy, but too bad for you, i don’t, so come on, to bed you go.”
he tucked you into bed and was ready to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve. “what? you know i know this place like the back of my hand, if you are worried that i won’t find my way out you don’t have to be-“ “joshua shut up, i know you can get out by yourself.” you slurred while looking up at him. he raised his brows at this. “then what do you want?” you grinned. “i want a goodnight kiss.” he froze at your words, eyes wide. “y/n you are not acting like yourself, you are saying nonsense right now.” he whispered in the dark, the moonlight from outside shining on his face, confusion all over it. “and what if i mean it?” you replied “what if when i say i love you i mean that too shua?” you mumbled to yourself, voice barely audible. you thought he didn’t even hear it, little did you know he did hear the last sentence too. his lips formed into a thin line “you don’t mean it y/n. i should really go, i will lock the door when i get outside, i have a spare key anyways.” he said, turning on his heels to walk to the door. “please shua.” you pleaded for the last time. he didn’t say a word, just stepped next to your bed, and crouched down beside it. “close your eyes and hurry to dreamland y/n. please.” you did as he told you, already regretting your request, even though you knew he thought you said this because you were still very drunk. you were embarrassed for sure, not wanting to look him in the eye ever again.
while you were lost in thought he hovered over your head, slowly bending down and giving a tender, soft kiss on your forehead. you gasped in surprise. when you felt his lips on your skin you didn’t want the moment to pass as quickly as it did, him standing up after a few seconds, leaving in a rush. “goodnight y/n, sleep well.” he whispered from the doorway.
the next morning when you woke up you found the medicine and the water joshua left for you and the events of the previous night flashed in your head, however you didn’t remember what happened after you fell asleep on the way home. you sat up in panic, and checked your phone. you saw a missed call from joshua with a text message saying you two needed to talk. you were scared to answer the text so you left him on seen thinking you could reply later, but as you were to get up your phone rang again, it was joshua of course. with shaking hands you picked it up. “i saw you saw my text. we need to talk y/n.” he sounded serious. you gulped. “about what? i am so sorry about last night i shouldn’t have drank that much at the club.” he sighed on the other end of the line. “you don’t need to apologise, but we need to discuss something, in person.” you were freaking out at this point, you didn’t say anything hurtful to him, did you? “did i say something that hurt you? i really hope not, gosh i cannot even remember how i got into bed and-“ “y/n, stop. i will be at your place in a few, okay?” you couldn’t say no to him because he hung up, so you just hoped it wasn’t something really serious that happened last night.
few minutes after the call your doorbell rang, which upon opening revealed a tired joshua; you could see bags under his eyes like he didn’t get a wink of sleep at night, hair messy, breathing heavy like he just ran the marathon.
“did you mean it?” he asked immediately as you opened the door fully. “meant what? shua come inside let’s talk there-“ “no y/n. i need to know. were you being serious? that you think about me a lot? that you love me? do you mean what you said, or were you just too drunk last night?” you stood there in shock, still in your pajamas, with messed up hair, looking like a zombie, not even fully awake to be ready to process this. your mouth went dry, already regretting everything you did and apparently said last night. “why? would you not want to be friends with me if you knew i loved you like a best friend shouldn’t? would it change how you view me? would you be disgusted by the fact that your best friend fell for you?” you questioned, tears welling up in your eyes. you were not ready to let him go, to let him avoid you because he knows about your feelings, but looks like it was already too late to back down. “yes, i meant it. every word. i love you joshua hong.” your cheeks were now wet, you didn’t realise that you were crying. you shut the door before he could answer, not wanting him to see you in this state, an emotional mess. “y/n open the door.” “i don’t want to hear it. now you know my secret, just go away. i know i messed up shua, i know. i shouldn’t have fallen for you, my best friend who clearly wouldn’t ever return these feelings.” there was a moment of silence, only your sobs could be heard. “who said i don’t return them?” you stopped crying for a moment. “look shua i don’t need your pity-“ “open the fucking door y/n. right now.” he said in a soft but still firm tone, and you did. he caught your form in his arms, cupping your cheeks. “you are such an idiot. i have loved you for so long y/n. you don’t know how many nights i spent thinking about you, everytime i see you i am falling for you even deeper. when you said you loved me before i left i couldn’t believe my ears. i have been so sure of the fact that you are not looking at me in the way i look at you that i thought it was just you being drunk. i love you y/n.” he held your hand. “i needed to make sure you were serious. to make sure you were mine and i wouldn’t have to let you go when you sobered up in the morning.” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
you had no words to say, you couldn’t form sentences correctly. so you let acts speak for you; you leaned in and kissed his lips. he kissed back, pulling you closer into him. it was a soft and quick kiss, but to you it had everything. all the love you had been holding for each other, you could sense it.
“y/n, will you let me take care of you the way you take care of me without even realizing it? will you be mine?” he asked when you managed to catch your breath, to which you replied with a peck on his lips, smiling when breaking apart. “is that a good enough answer for you, gentle sexy?”
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ikeromantic · 9 months
Wanted to send a fun a little ask from the prompts you posted!
Pit trap
Black licorice
A little thought I had.
( nothing SUPER specific bit thought I'd share anyway) But please, do whatever you feel would fit the choices and scenario best!!
MC is mad at clavis for who knows what, like REALLY mad and clavis just wants to fix it as soon as possible. He can't have his lovely MC mad at him forever after all!
So maybe after trying desperately to talk to her, they both accidentally end up in one of his traps that he had forgotten about. Certainly, I would give them time and space (lol) to talk things out, however upsetting the conversations may be. But it's necessary, and they get through it
You know I adore Clavis ^_^ Here is approx 1300 words of Clavis in a pit trap of his own making . . . a little angsty, a little sweet, a little salty. IkePri New Years Event story!
“I’m not your toy.” She stomped her foot, fists clenched at her sides. Despite her fearsome stance, her eyes were damp with unshed tears.
Clavis chuckled. “My dear, of course you’re my toy. Why else would I play with you, hm? Think about it.” He hoped to tease her out of this snit, and in the meantime, her reaction was simply adorable. Such ferocity!
She let out a long, slow breath, and her shoulders slumped. “You know what? I’m not doing this tonight. I’m tired and I’ve had too much to drink.” Her hand swiped at her eyes, wiping away a tear before it fell. “Goodnight, Prince Lelouch.”
“Lelouch? Since when are we on - hey! Where are you - wait!” Clavis chased after her as she rushed away, down an empty hall. She turned left, then right, trying to lose him. Which was ridiculous. This was his manor, afterall and he knew every nook and cranny. Including - “Don’t go that way! There’s a -”
His warning came too late. His lover tumbled down the hole and landed at the bottom of a pit trap. This one wasn’t too deep, but the walls were angled in and slick. Impossible to climb out of without help. 
Clavis leaned over the edge of the hole and peered down. “Are you alright?”
“Would you just leave me alone?” Her voice was full of hurt, and he though he couldn’t see her face, he was fairly sure she was crying.
He sighed, shrugged, and hopped down after her. The landing hurt a bit more than expected, and he made a mental note to add more padding to the bottom. It wouldn’t do to injure a guest, afterall. 
She looked at him, her eyes wide and her mouth open. “You have got to be kidding me. You followed me into the pit? Seriously?”
“Of course. I’m a gentleman. I can’t let my beloved fall into a pit trap by herself.” He ignored her frown and rolled eyes. 
“Great. So now I’m stuck with you.” She crossed her arms and slumped to the floor where she could rest her head against her knees. 
The position reminded Clavis of a hedgehog, all rolled up, every angle warning him not to touch. Which, of course, made him want to touch even more. Besides, he felt . . . unsettled. She was truly upset with him and it was a bit like having a pebble in your shoe. If the pebble was a hot knife and the shoe in question was your heart. 
“Just until morning. Cyran always does a full check of all operational traps. He’ll find us.”
“Great,” she muttered. 
“It really is! Now I have you in a place where you can’t run away.” Clavis knelt down beside her. 
She peeked at him over her knees. “What do you want, Prince Lelouch?” She said his name and title like an insult, and from her it really did hurt. 
“I want to know why you’re so - so -” his mind ran through possible words. Hurt. Angry. Sad. “bad at taking a joke.” Clavis seized on that one, the one that didn’t make his chest tight and his eyes ache. The one that didn’t whisper, she will leave you too, in the quiet parts of his mind. 
“A joke?” She raised an eyebrow. “You told that nobleman I’m your plaything. Your words! And I . . .” she took a deep breath, wiping furiously at her face as the tears began to fall in earnest. “I thought I meant more than that to you.”
You do. The words didn’t come out aloud though. “I did say favorite plaything. You see? You’re very important to me.”
“See? That. Right there.” She stopped trying to erase the tears and just let them fall. “I like your sense of humor. Your adventurousness. I like that I never know what to expect from you. You upend everything. Turn all the rules on their heads.”
“Yes. I am a very amazing and wonderful prince . . .” Clavis cocked his head. He hadn’t expected compliments. Didn’t understand where she was going with this.
“I love you. I love all those things about you.”
He nodded. “And I love you.”
She gave an exasperated sigh. “But you act like I’m just a toy you own. Replaceable. Something you’ll play with until it breaks and then go out and get a new one. And even if - if you don’t mean it -” Her tears turned into heart rending sobs and the words, whatever they might have been, were lost.
“But . . . there is only one you.” Clavis set a hand on her leg and was surprised when she brushed it away.
“Th-that nobleman doesn’t think so!” Her eyes were red-rimmed, cheeks flushed with emotion. “H-he thinks you can go to town and p-pick up any common girl. I’m j-just some worthless piece of p-pretty trash!” 
Clavis felt his heart clench in his chest. Was this what she thought he meant? Was this how she felt? Her words cut into him, a wound that bled like fire. “I . . .”
“I can’t do this anymore,” she added quietly. 
That calm statement froze his insides. Ice and fire together, burning him. Clavis didn’t care what some nobleman thought of his lover. But her hurt was real. He wondered how long this sorrow and anger had been eating at her. And he hadn’t noticed. He felt dumbstruck. A fool, just as Chev always said. 
“W-when Cyran comes . . . I’m just going t-to take my things. And go.” She sniffled. 
The air left his lungs, and for a moment Clavis was truly struck dumb. He struggled to breathe, to speak. Everyone he loved, left. He would be alone again. “No.”
She pushed the hair out of her face. “What?”
“No.” Clavis reached out and grabbed her hands, ignoring the way she tried to pull back. “I won’t let you go.”
“What are you going to do, tie me up?” A rebellious smile appeared under her tears. 
He smiled back, his heart thudding in his chest. “If I have to.” Clavis swallowed. He hated showing his genuine emotion, his soft heart, but for her . . . anything. “But first, I - I’m sorry.”
Her eyebrows shot up. 
“I’m sorry for calling you my plaything in front of someone too ignorant to understand what that means to me.” He squeezed her hands gently in his. “You are my toy, my most favorite diversion. My very own, irreplaceable, priceless, one of a kind, beautiful, smart, silly, amazing -”
“Clavis, you’re being excessive.” She frowned at him but he noticed her tears were drying up.
“I am never excessive. As I was saying - amazing, wonderful, sweet -” he cleared his throat, “woman, that I love. And I can’t -” he coughed again, “I can’t imagine doing without you.”
Her gaze softened, the anger and sadness in her eyes wavering. 
“Please. Stay by my side?”
“I . . . I don’t know. People are always going to think I’m only in it because of who you are. For the money and privilege.”
Clavis snorted. “No one who knows me will think that. Besides, who cares what idiots say? We’ll just sic Chev on them. Tell him they dog-eared a book page or something.”
She laughed then, and he knew he had her. Relief flowed through him like warm honey, sweet and thick and golden. “I don’t know if I’d want them to die like that,” she mused.
Her smile was everything, he thought. “Well, maybe not dog-eared then. Perhaps . . . cracked the spine a bit? Dropped some coffee on it? No?”
“Pretty sure all of those are a Chevalier death sentence.” She paused and took a shaky breath. “This is why you’re so bad for me, you know? I can be rightly pissed off at you, and you still make me smile.” She shook her head. “It’s bad for my heart.”
“Well. I like your smile. And you are cute when you’re angry so . . . I’m not sorry. I can’t ever be sorry.” Clavis smiled at her. “As long as I get to keep you by my side.”
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cinnam0roll143 · 1 year
*Gasp* could you do more oneshots of operation true love and reader? Maybe just some really tooth-rotting fluff like the reader and Eunhyeok are cuddling and the reader is scared of a thunderstorm? Idk anywayssss tyyy (ofc you don’t have to do this if I don’t wanna)
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Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good evening to everyone! I'm sorry if I made it female! If you'd like it Non-Binary or male, that's okay!
Go Eunhyeok x Fem!Reader Oneshot
Reader POV:
I am currently on my way to Eunhyeok's apartment. While walking I look up to see that the sky is gray meaning there might be rain soon, after walking for like 10 minutes I feel rain drops, so I open my umbrella. I just hope it doesn't get much heavier than that.
I'm almost at Eunhyeok's apartment, so I close my umbrella and take the stairs. I knock at Eunhyeok's door and wait for him to open it. Seconds after, I hear footsteps and the door unlocking. "Hey! Eunhyeok!"
"Oh hey *insert reader*, you're here early."
"Well, I wanted to spend time with you more." I smiled while entering his apartment. "So what are we gonna do? We can't do a picnic since it's raining." I frowned. "It's okay, let's do that some other time, do you wanna watch a movie. You can start finding movies to watch while I microwave some popcorn." He answered.
Eunhyeok's POV:
Currently, I am microwaving popcorn for our movie while my girlfriend is in our bedroom. Suddenly I hear faint footsteps coming towards me.
"*insert reader* why are you here?" I asked while turning around, "Hey, Eunhyeok.. Nothing, it's just. I felt a bit scared alone in our bedroom. Can I stay with you?" She responded. "Of course, you can get a bowl for our popcorn while I get the popcorn out of the microwave." "Okay, I can do that."
Time Skip♡
*insert reader* and I are on my bed cuddling and eating popcorn while watching a movie because a thunderstorm and heavy rain suddenly occurred. It started with light rain until it got heavier, and we couldn't spend the day outside. *reader* was disappointed because we couldn't do our plans for today, so we decided on just watching a movie.
While we were watching. Every time a thunderbolt strikes, she flinches. And I felt *reader* shaking, "My love, are you okay?" I asked. "Mhm, I'm fine." She answered, but the shakiness of her voice and the way her hands were tightening around my waist. Which is making me worry.
"You can tell me what's wrong. I'm here," I reassured her. "It's just I'm afraid of thunderstorms." "Is that so? Is there anything I can do? Anything I can give you to make you feel okay?" I stated while looking at her and rubbing my hands on her back. "Can you turn the tv up more so we can hear the thunderstorm less? and maybe move a little closer?" She replied, "Anything for you, my love." Kissing her forehead and turning the tv up.
From time to time, I look at *reader* to see if she's okay and trace shapes on her back to keep her focused and relaxed. All we can hear are the voices from the movie we're watching and the light raindrops outside.
Time Skip♡ (Again T.T)
Halfway through the movie, I hear *reader* yawn "Tired? We can finish this tomorrow if you'd like. It's late at night anyways." I blurted out. "Okay, Please don't leave me.." She mumbles as she buries her head onto my neck. "I won't *reader*. Goodnight, I love you." "Goodnight, Eunhyeok. I love you too."*
HELLOO! I hope you like itt!! I just realized that this request was from march 1st and I am so so soo sorry for only doing it right now huhu T.T, It's been like 2 months. I can't think of any ideass right now, so keep sending your requests so I can write them!! I love you all♡
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
please leah, jonathan comforting reader who is having trouble sleeping?
this is such a soft prompt for my soft boy. 🥺
you’re sitting up in bed, knees tucked as close to your chest as you can get them. your feet are tucked under the covers still, gathering warmth from the thick fabric as you sit in silence. you were supposed to have gone to sleep an hour and a half ago, having kissed your boyfriend goodnight and curled up in bed. you can hear the soft murmurs from the television in the other room, jonathan probably watching whatever late night show or movie he could find that would hold his interest. he was a night owl, as were you usually, but you had to be up early the following morning.
you had to be up early, and yet. here you were, wide awake in your shared bed, staring blankly into the dark room surrounding you. you should have gotten jonathan right away. you should have, and yet you didn’t. you’ve allowed yourself to sit here alone for the past hour, body unwilling to slink into slumber. you hear him try and fail to stifle a laugh at something on tv, and your heart aches suddenly.
you need him.
pitifully, you slip out of the bed, bare feet shuffling across carpet. you grab the door handle, pulling it open. light from the living room seeps down the hallway and into the bedroom now, casting whatever it can reach in a soft glow. you trudge down the hall, arms wrapped around yourself.
“baby?” you murmur, impossibly quiet. jonathan heard you anyways.
“hey, what are you doing up?” he asks, concern evident in his tone.
“dunno, I couldn’t sleep…” you say softly, barely meeting his gaze.
“c’mere,” he beckons, opening his arms just for you. you walk over to where he sits on the couch and settle onto his lap, curling in on yourself.
safe, strong arms wrap around you, fingers soothing your skin. a kiss is pressed to the top of your head, and your muscles relax.
“you okay? what’s keeping you up, angel?” your boyfriend asks, calm and sweet.
“I just couldn’t relax. my thoughts are racing, I kept tossing and turning. I don’t even know, it’s just frustrating,” you huff, your voice is still so quiet, so pitiful. you want to be doted on, want to be coddled. like a child who wakes their parents up after a nightmare.
“oh, sweet thing,” he coos, rubbing your back softly. “want me to come lay down with you? I can hold you, or read to you if you want.”
your heart swells, your fingers clutching onto the soft fabric of his shirt instinctively. you want to keep him close to you forever.
“mhm, that sounds nice,” you admit, looking up at him shyly.
“want me to make you some tea, too?”
you nod, giving him a tiny smile. he presses his forehead to yours, reassuring.
“okay. go get comfy in bed, alright? I’ll be in soon,” he says, urging you off of him so he can stand.
you do as he says, trailing back to your room, curling up under your fluffy comforter. he joins you not long after, a steaming mug of tea in his hands. he picks up your book from the bedside table, shuffling into bed beside you. you lean against him, sitting up enough to sip your tea safely but leaning back enough to be able to get tired.
“why don’t you reschedule your plans for tomorrow morning,” jonathan suggests, noticing the way you glance at the clock anxiously. “you know robin and nance will be okay with it.”
you nod a little, it’s not a horrible idea. your friends won’t be mad if you tell them you’re just having a difficult night - hell, they wouldn’t be truly mad even if you blew them off without reason.
“I guess I can reschedule,” you say, taking another sip of your tea and snuggling further into your boy’s body.
jonathan gives a small smile down at you, before flipping your book to its bookmarked page. he starts reading, his gentle voice soothing you. he reads at the perfect pace, gives feeling to his narration while still being quiet and comforting. your tea gets long forgotten on your nightstand, your eyes growing heavy by the minute. your limbs begin to feel as if they’re weighted down, your head too heavy to hold up so you slump against jonathan’s shoulder.
he’s barely finished reading one chapter by the time you’re asleep on him. he slides you off of him, so so slowly, laying you down on your pillows and tucking you in properly. he gets up only for a moment - to go in the other room and give robin a call (she’s always awake at ungodly hours). he lets her know you’ll need a little extra time tomorrow morning, she doesn’t press or pry, just understands.
and then he’s back in bed with you, pulling you right to his side, smiling to himself when you subconsciously cling to him. he’s always there, always your safety, always your comfort.
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multiversefanfics · 1 year
To The Stars
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Summary: You've known Sam all your life but when you two were younger, your parents moved you halfway across the country. You wrote, texted, facetimed, everything just to keep in touch but once he joined the Avengers he got busier and busier, and soon there was no time for you.. until now.
Warnings: smut (F!oral receiving unprotected sex), cussing,
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: It’s been a minute, but I’m gonna try my best to make this all make sense I don’t know where Im going with this.
"Well, isn't this a lovely reunion." You heard a sarcastic voice behind you, you all looked to see who it was. Everyone was shocked. Sam walked towards her “Nat, what are you doing here?” She smiled as Sam pulled her into a hug “I need my boys.” You knew exactly what that meant, Sam was being pulled off to deal with some unknown force, you couldn’t help but get a little upset, you just got home and now he’s leaving probably for a couple days. You tried your best not to show that you were upset but Bucky saw it “Nat, I- Is there some way I can sit this out?” Sam looked between you and Natasha trying to figure out a way to stay so he could spend time with you, he promised he wouldn’t pick the Avengers over you again. She shook her head frowning “I wish there was, but Stark requested both of you and was very clear that he wanted you both.” Sam’s shoulders fell as he walked back to you “I am so sorry Y/N, please forgive me.” You shook your head, caressing his cheek “It’s okay Sam, just make it up to me when you come back.” Sam smiled and leaned down softly placing his lips on yours, you were taken aback but kissed him anyway, he quickly pulled away running behind Bucky and Natasha. You stay there still shocked from your first kiss with Sam, you never expected that and for it to happen so sudden you definitely weren’t ready. You turned and looked at your parents, blushing hard as can be “Bout time that boy did something.” Your dad exclaimed while picking up a plate and putting food on it. You rolled your eyes, you and your parents sat there eating and catching up even though not much has changed in the last month, but in the back of your mind all you could think about was Sam and Bucky you knew they could handle themselves but you couldn’t help but still worry. It was getting late and you started to pack up the food and head inside. “I’ll take that.” You took the tray of food from your mom and headed inside, putting all the food away. “Goodnight guys, Im gonna go unpack my stuff I’ll see you in the morning” You kiss both of your parents and head upstairs to unpack your things, your phone buzzed and you started searched around for it. “Where is it? Buzz again please” Just as if it was listening it buzzed again, finally you found it. It was a text from Sam
Sam: Hey just checking in, how are you?
Y/N: Hey Sam, Im good I just unpacked everything, we’ll almost everything. How’s the mission?
Sam: I miss you, I need to talk to you.
And just then your phone started ringing, you happily picked it up “Hey beautiful.” You heard Sam say on the other end “Hey handsome, how are you doing?” You heard shuffling on his side like he was walking somewhere “I’m good, I miss you a lot and needed to hear your voice.” You smiled wide and started blushing if he could see your face right now he’d make fun of it “I miss you too, Sam. When are you coming back?” There was silence “Sam?” More silence, you started to panic a bit. “Sam?!” You said a bit louder but not too loud because of your parents sleeping across the hall. “Yeah, yeah I’m here sorry. If all goes well I should be home tomorrow night.” You sighed but ultimately understood, he had stuff to do, people to save. “Y/N? Are you there?” You finally zoned back into reality “Yeah yeah, I’m here.” You heard him chuckle on the other end “Goodnight, love I will see you tomorrow night.” You smiled and said goodnight back to him, you hung up the phone and smiled to yourself Sam was the only one that gave you butterflies, all the guys you’ve dated Sam was the only one to make you feel special and happy and loved. Next thing you knew, you were fast asleep, counting down the minutes until you get to see Sam again. For some reason, that night you couldn’t get comfortable and stay asleep. It was humid, sticky and you kept tossing and turning, soon you sat up in your bed groaning, while ripping the blankets off. “I need a drink” You mumbled to yourself getting up to walk downstairs. You felt your way through the darkness trying to be as quiet as possible but you know how that is when you’re trying to be quiet it seems like every small step is a stomp, every creak echoes. Finally you reached the kitchen searching the fridge for a water bottle, just one. You found one basically chugging the bottle, the cold water quickly relieved the dryness in your throat you leaned against the counter thanking the gods there was one in there, you looked around for a moment taking in your childhood home and how great it was to be back although you missed New York and the friends you’ve made this was home, it always has been. Nothing felt quite like it, even though you tried it just wasn’t right. You were tired again so you decided to go back to your room and try to go to sleep, you couldn’t wait to see Sam, Bucky too, you two have grown so close which from what you heard was a shock, he didn’t get close to anyone but for some reason he could tell you anything that was on his mind no matter how you took it, maybe it’s because you didn’t judge him and he knew genuinely that you cared for him. You slowly drifted to sleep smiling to yourself that you get to see Sam tomorrow.
The next day came and you woke up ecstatic, hopefully Sam comes home today you were hopeful and couldn’t wait to see him, you two weren’t even together officially but it felt like it and you wanted nothing more than for Sam to call you his girl. You got dressed and went down the stairs to meet your parents “Good afternoon” You smiled at the both of them they returned the good afternoon as you sat down on the couch next to them “Oh, honey there’s something out back I need you to get, can you go get it please” You nodded and got up and started walking to the backyard, you looked around for what your mom wanted you to get, she wasn’t specific you figured you’d know when you got out here. Just as you were about to walk back inside, Sam walked around the corner “Hey gorgeous.” You squealed and jumped into his arms “Sam!” He picked you up and spun you around “Oh I missed you!” He gently set you down looking at you “I missed you too, baby.” He smirked and raised his eyebrow “Baby?” You bit the inside of your cheek, you didn’t know why you said that but it also felt great to finally say it. You blushed and nodded “It slipped.” He shook his head playfully pinching your cheeks “No it didn’t, and i liked it don’t stop saying it” You nodded and stepped back “How was everything?” He sighed and leaned against the house “Tough, but I’m so glad to be home, now I can take you on a proper date” You smiled and kissed his cheek “Okay, when?” He looked at his invisible watch then back at you “How about now?” You thought for a second then nodded “Sure, let me change real quick.” He shook his head grabbing you hand “You look great, come on.” He dragged you down the hill to a cute picnic area near the lake where Sam basically saved your life, you couldn’t help but giggle a bit remember the scene from that day “What’s so funny, you don’t like this?” You shook your head giggling some more “I love it, It’s just I remember you saving my life a month ago and you brought me back to the same place” Sam chuckled and rubbed his thumb against the top of your hand “Yeah, well this is where I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world.” You blushed again as he helped you sit down on the blanket, you watched as he pulled out multiple sandwiches, drinks, and snacks for the both of you “Sam, this is amazing.” You kissed his cheek watching a big smile spread across his face “I figured after we were done eating we could look at the stars” He remembered how obsessed you were with stars and the moon. “Of course, you know me so well.” The two of you sat there for hours catching up, laughing, and just all around having a fun time, it was starting to get dark and you were getting excited. You two laid back and started pointing out stars, you even saw a shooting star and told Sam to make a wish, Sam was now laying on your chest, you rubbed the back of his head listening to him tell you all the constellations he knew the names of, you assumed you rubbed his head just right because he let out a small moan which surprised you a bit, you continued the motion earning more small moans and even a little louder one “Y/N, stop it, if you continue I won’t be able to control myself.” You took that as a challenge and slid your hand down the back of his shirt gently gliding your nails against his skin earning a low groan from him “Y/N..” You looked down at him humming in response “What are you trying to do” You shrugged, digging your nails deeper into his skin, in one swift movement Sam was now on top of you. “You don’t know what you just started.” You smirked up at him placing your hands on his lower back “What did I start, baby?” Sam dipped his head into your neck leaving, soft, wet kisses from your neck to your shoulder, he made his way up to your ear, whispering lowly into it “You look beautiful laying below me” You watched as he pressed your bodies together closing the gap between you, you bit your bottom lip watching his every move, you knew what you were doing you’ve wanted to do this for so long now but didn’t know how Sam would feel.
You felt Sam’s hand guide its way down your side, to your hip, and he stopped at your thigh, he looked up at you, you knew he wanted your consent to continue which you gladly gave him, I mean come on it was Sam Wilson, you’ve had a huge crush on him since you were kids, now that you’re adults you could do everything you imagined. He slid his hand under your dress, surprised to feel that you weren’t wearing any underwear underneath he looked up at you “Oh you was ready for me huh?” You bit your lip and watched him lick his lips, he dipped his fingers between your wet folds, rubbing small circles on your clit. You gasped arching your back a bit “Oh fuck, Sam” He started to rub faster, watching you squirm under him “That feel good baby?” You nodded squeezing your eyes tight “Oh no no, eyes open baby girl” You strained to open your eyes but you eventually did making eye contact with Sam “That’s my girl.” You let out a soft moan just from his words, you couldn’t control yourself Sam made you feel so good no one has ever made you feel as good as Sam does. He retracted his fingers, licking his fingers not breaking eye contact with you. You watched as he moved down between your legs “Sam are you sure?” He nodded and looked at you “Are you?” You nodded and he continued, he put your legs onto his shoulders, kissing up and down your inner thighs, you watched Sam move closer and closer to your core just waiting for him to give you what you wanted. You took a deep breath, feeling his breath against your skin “Sam” You whined, he chuckled rubbing his thumb over your hip “Patience princess, Im going to take care of you.” Just when you were about to respond he leaned down, dipping his tongue where his fingers previously were slowly flicking his tongue against your clit, you arched your back letting low moans escape your lips, you bucked your hips up wanting more but he pinned your hips down, sucking softly then swirling his tongue where he was once sucking, you moaned out his name opening your legs to give him more access “Fuck Sam” He smirked against your skin “You taste so good baby girl” You moaned and rolled your hips against his tongue chasing your orgasm trying not to cum too quickly although the way Sam’s tongue was you couldn’t hold on any longer, your legs began to shake you knew it wasn’t long before you came all over his face, still shaking from your intense orgasm. You watched as he sat up wiping the corners of his mouth “You look so beautiful.” He started to unbuckle his belt, and slowly slide his pants and boxers down “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid my eyes on you again.” You smiled and watched him lean up to kiss you and slowly slide his hard, throbbing member in you, you gasped against his lips feeling him fill you up with all of him. He groaned, rocking his hips against yours “You feel so good, Princess.” You arched your back already feeling your second orgasm. Sam looked so good above you, you couldn’t help but dig your nails into his back, knowing it drove him crazy when you did that, you felt his cock pulsate inside of you, tapping against a very sensitive spot, Sam moaned out your name, sliding in deeper and deeper until he could go any further, your walls tightened around his cock, giving him instant pleasure. Your nails dug deeper into his skin as you rode out your orgasm, your legs shaking once more indicating to Sam that you had just came and that it was his turn, you felt his cock twitch inside of you and before you knew it you felt him fill you up with cum, Sam slowly pulled out leaving you aching for his touch even though you were super sensitive already, he collapsed beside you, breathless. “You are amazing.” You turned your head to look at him smiling wide at the satisfaction spread across his face “Thank you, for the date and the multiple orgasms” He chuckled as you leaned over and kissed his shoulder “You are so welcome, we should do this again sometime” You giggled and nodded, “Oh, I am so sorry I didn’t know you two, wow I’m sorry” Sam quickly threw a piece of bread at Bucky as he ran away.
A/N: hope you guys like it😉
Tags: @megamindsecretlair
Main Masterlist - Sam Wilson Masterlist
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pooplyface1423 · 7 months
~Hidden love ~
Warnings : Murder, usage of a gun
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"Please al have mercy.......we won't ever say anything about this, never we promise," says one of the men gossiping bout Al the day before
"YOU three should have thought that before talking," says Al with a smug grin in his face
One of the three was d e a d body cold and limp instantly. That made the other two plead more and whimper, trying to save themselves from this tragic situation. But Alastor wasn't going to hear their pleads. Two more gunshots were headed to both their foreheads.
"Good morning Al"
"Oh good morning to you too y/n"
After the small greeting, you both went into his host room to get things ready.But before anything else could be done, your manager came rushing in, saying that 3 staff members were missing. How? You asked
"I don't know, they won't answer, and I just came back from their houses and didn't find any of them"
"Oh my, what should we do now?" You asked with a worried expression in your face.
"Well, the broadcast will be a little late today since most of the other staff don't know how to operate the equipment correctly," says the manager
Then, after a 30-minute delay, Al finally got the green light and started the broadcast
"Good morning, everybody. It's quite the pleasure to have you allhere listening. Anyway, sorry for the small delay, and let's get started with the rest of the broadcast, " says Al as he looks over at you and gives you a warm smile, one that doesn't feel forced
"And that completes today's broadcast till tomorrow. Thank you and GoodBye "
After the broadcast ended, Al came up to you
"Hey y/n, I know we've just I known each other for less than 2 weeks, but would it bother you if I asked you out for a devine date?"
"Oh, sure! Today?"
"Yea, today I'll pick you up at 9:00"
While waiting for Al, you dressed in your beautiful red dress, so lost in the thought of going on a date.💃 . Then, a soft knock at the door got you out of your thoughts.
"Wow - you look beautiful, dear," says Al as he grabbed your arm
"Thanks, you look nice as well," you said, wrapping ur arm around Alastors.
The date was going amazing. You both talked a lot about the same things. You both liked the same things, or so you thought
After the date, which if I didn't mention it went great, he walked you to your house and when he was about to leave he kissed your forehead wishing you a good night's rest.
"Oh my, don't even think about it y/n" you thought right before kissing him in the cheek and also wishing him a careful way home and a good night's rest.
When Al got home, he quickly went to the bathroom and saw the slight pink in his cheek, which was the light tint of your lipstick.
With a slight blush in his face, he washed his face before being interrupted
"Baby, what happened?" Said Al's mom as she came up from behind, cupping his cheeks in her hands.
"Oh nothing, mom, I'm fine," says Al, clearly lying thru his teeth
"Oh no, I know when something is up, so tell me know before I find it out myself." Says his mom, still cupping his cheeks, but this time slightly harder
"Ouch, fine. I'll tell you, just stop holding my face so hard, " says Al after the pressure his mom was putting on him
"I went on a date with someone"
"Aw, my baby has a girlfriend. When will I meet the young lady who has my son wrapped around her finger? " says his mom, getting all excited
"She's not my girlfriend... yet"
"Oh well, tell me more bout her tomorrow, but for now, go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, mom, good night," says Al, as his mom gives him a small kiss on his cheek
"Good night," says his mom, walking away
Hello, I finally finished pt 2. Yay! Randomly got inspiration to finish.
Anyway, I hope to finish pt 4 of the luci x reader fic soon
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
ONEWE & Gravity lyrics
A/N: In celebration of my listening to the whole album and something about my brain chemistry being altered...
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Even if it's dangerous to die I wanna be, wanna be, wanna be with you
Leave it to Yonghoon to both make you never second guess the choices you make and yet somehow, at the same time, always make you doubt them. Case in point: tonight. 
You weren’t sure if the leather jacket was a good idea, it looked different than what you usually wore. A little too bold for you, even if you aren’t one to avoid pieces like that. You pair it with some simple shirt and jeans with scratches and patches of torn fabric that are comfier than you’d guess. Looking into the mirror, you look good. It makes you feel confident. But it’s also new and it makes you unsure. The glint in Yonghoon’s eyes the moment he sees you, though, tells you everything you need to know. You should’ve known the moment he told you to wait for him to change into something that will match with you better that some ridiculous idea has popped into his head. And here you are.
What was supposed to be a wholesome arcade date, one with playing games and silly bets and Yonghoon finally fulfilling his promise of getting you a plushie from one of the claw machines turned into much more. You’re used to him being flirty, but not to this extent. And as much as you love when he slips into his confident, cocky role, it’s surprising he can keep it up this long. He acts like he owns the place, unless you need to talk to the staff or interact with the other people visiting and then he’s your well-behaved boyfriend again. But otherwise? Honestly the way he’s acting you’re surprised nobody has yet scouted him to be the lead of a drama. 
He lets the character slip off slightly when you’re playing together, and it’s cute. He’s cute. The constant changing from your softie of a boyfriend and the bad guy persona he’s playing for the entertainment of you both. You love his long talks about a motorcycle he doesn’t have, you love that he makes Kanghyun a professional hustler and that he makes Harin a bouncer of a club that they don’t own. It’s more fun than you’d expect building this entire alternative universe of the guys being a gang with him. 
Then a pair of teenagers passes by and his arm is around your shoulders immediately, pulling you into his side protectively. He turns his head back to glare at them, but you notice the second of uncertainty while he checks noone is looking.
“Your life is just one long skit, huh?” you chuckle fondly, leaning your head back on his shoulder.
“Ah,” he hesitates, his eyes growing a little softer, “You don’t like it?”
“No, I do,” you smile, hugging him from the side, “It’s so much fun.”
“Well,” he grins, pulling you even closer and kissing the top of your head, “It’s just me and you against the world, baby. We better make it fun.”
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I can't ignore to call it love Something meant to be
What are you?
A question you’ve asked yourself a thousand times before and that you’re asking yourself once more. If only there existed such a thing as clean cut categories for human relationships. Family, friends, lovers, enemies… Just pick one of those and be done with it. Simple as that. Life is such a messy thing anyway, why make it even harder. Yet nothing about your emotions right now is as simple, or really as complicated, as it seems.
You love Harin.
There can be no doubt about that. There doesn’t exist a word that could ever be enough to describe exactly the feelings you have for him but from your options, love is the one that comes the closest.
You’re aware of it when you wake up to his texts in the morning, and when you wake up earlier than him and immediately leave some texts for him to wake up to, and you’re aware of it late at night when you say goodnight. You know it to be true when your heart aches when you see him exhausted and struggling, and when it flutters as he feeds you soup when you’re sick and too weak to move.
You love him. Unconditionally, without any fear or doubt, from the day you met and until the end of time.
And as much as your insecurities and demons inside your head want to tell you otherwise, you know Harin loves you too. Honestly, at this point the only way you could be more like a couple is to move in together instead of constantly sharing each other’s living spaces. Or to confess. Actually officially become a couple. But there’s something about that that seems just so wrong.
“What are we?” a whisper spills from your lips as you sit facing each other in a small café. It’s a question shared with your mug of warm liquid, yet the answer comes from the man it concerns. You hear him smile before he speaks.
“In love,” he says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. Your head shoots up, you almost drop the mug but he’s quick to steady your hands. So familiar with your behavior. You meet his eyes and you feel like you have a headache without the pain. All your thoughts are locked behind a wall of fuzziness.
“That’s all?” you ask, shy and uncertain. You feel a little stupid, a little confused, and the way he avoids your eyes for a second tells you so does he. 
“Do we need more?” he replies eventually. Something clicks into place. You don’t. You love each other, and for now that’s enough. You shake your head, and yet… some doubt lingers. It is enough, more than enough. Still…
“Soon, maybe?” he suggests with a knowing smile. You swear that if people are really made of stardust, you were together before the Earth even existed.
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I'm a gravity Pulling towards us, you and I
When someone asks you how the two of you met and got together, the best and most truthful answer is to say that it’s an interesting story.
This, of course, never satisfies anyone but the whole tale seems too personal, too intimate to share with just anyone beside the people closest to you, and so the most they get out of you is that it was fate and a small shrug. Kanghyun and you enjoy the sense of mystery it creates around the two of you. You almost think that at this point some of your friends have little meetings every now and then to piece together new slivers of information that you’ve let slip. Most people that stay in your lives get to hear the full story anyway, and those who don’t have no use for it, do they?
Anyway, it fills you with warmth when occasionally someone mentions that watching you, they do believe the thing about fate. 
If only they knew.
And nothing stops you from telling them. You could tell them about the boy you kept seeing on the bus to school who always seemed lost in his own world. About how one day you’ve gathered all your courage to sit next to him and you found out his voice is really nice and his face is so pretty, and that despite how shy he was, he was easy to talk with. And how the next day you got your heart broken because he no longer took the bus and you were sure you’d never see him again.
You could also tell them about your first part-time job and the number of various bands trying to make it that occasionally busked in front of the building. There was one of them, you see, that you could never quite ignore and that you’d often sneak out to listen to. The guitarist was handsome and talented, even if it seemed he wasn’t yet quite used to all the attention. For some reason though, as time passed you’d swear you saw him relax any time your eyes met accidentally. 
And of course there was the possibility to skip all that and jump straight to the fateful library and the only copy of the book you both desperately wanted to read. You could tell the history from that point, sure, but that wouldn't be the true story of you. It would tell them nothing of the destiny that binds you.
"Were you my fate or were I yours?" Kanghyun asks, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. You look up from your book to see him already looking at you. It's a quiet evening after your friends left after a quick coffee together.
"Hmmm," you hum, squeezing his hand, "I don't know, but I think it's because of you we kept meeting."
He looks surprised, huffing shyly before meeting your eyes again.
"Why? You always made the first step," he wonders aloud. You smile.
"I've told you before," you remind him, leaning closer, "I always gravitate towards you. I don't know how, there's just something about you that draws me in."
Kanghyun chuckles with a shake of his head. He picks up his book again, yet his hand never leaves yours and you think he holds it just a little tighter.
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Without you, there's no life I call you the one
You should stop, you’re being creepy - despite reminding yourself, you can’t bring yourself to close your eyes or turn away. 
The headache that made you go lie down has ebbed away and you feel pleasantly warm and relaxed. Grateful most of all, if you’re being honest.
Dongmyeong was worried when you suddenly got so weak and quiet, and so he insisted on watching over you while you napped after taking some pills. He must’ve been tired too, seeing as he fell asleep himself. And maybe you aren’t being creepy. After all, he’s also probably watched you sleep even if only because he wanted to make sure you’re alright. You only want the same.
It’s hard to remember a time when he wasn’t such a big part of your life, harder still to remember when he wasn’t in your life at all. Through thick and thin, the good and the bad, he stood by you and you by him. You’d like to say that the majority of that time was good and happy, but well - life happens. At least things are looking up now.
You stretch your hand towards him. He doesn’t stir at all, his breathing remains even and eyes closed. He couldn’t look more like a fairy if he tried. You smooth some hair away from his face and behind his ear. He still doesn’t react, sleeping soundly. You wonder if he stayed asleep if it was anyone but you. You’d like to think not.
You look at the clock as you caress Dongmyeong’s cheek and note that it’s late afternoon. It makes you frown to realize how long you’ve slept. Even though it’s good since you feel better, it’s a shame you weren’t able to do much today. You could of course get up now and get some cleaning done, but that would mean abandoning your boyfriend and that you just can’t do.
You like to write it down to being young and in love, or maybe to the limited amount of time you’re allowed to be together without responsibilities, but nothing seems intriguing without him. You can function, of course. It’s not like you can put your life on hold until you can be together. When he’s here, however, you can’t bring yourself to enjoy yourself without him by your side. Maybe you’re just clingy. It’s not your fault, though, that his presence is like sunshine and doing chores with him, watching dramas with him, living with him is much better than doing it all alone.
You jump when you feel arms wrapping around your waist and a warm breath on your neck as your boyfriend giggles.
“Did I make you wait?” he sighs, settling so close to you it’d be hard to untangle. Not that you’re complaining.
“No, it’s alright,” you say as you hug him even closer, “How do you feel?”
“That’s my line,” he pouts and only responds when you reassure him you feel better. “I had a nightmare. You weren’t here when I woke up.”
“I’ll always be here,” you press a kiss to his forehead, “You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” he smiles as he takes your hands into his, “That’s why I woke up and wasn’t worried at all.”
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My heart gets possessive 'Cause I feel that I'm cooped up
It’s somewhat of a routine. Your friend groups gather together, delicious food is eaten, drinks are drank, karaoke is sung, jokes and stories are told, and it’s a good time. You meet people you haven’t seen in a while, what with everyone caught up in their own busy lives.
As you make rounds around the room, making sure no one leaves without chatting with you, you always end up the center of CyA’s attention. Sometimes it’s only a brief exchange of smiles, other times he comes up to you and hugs you or checks on you. Usually it’s short and sweet, but as the night gets late, he tends to stay with you for longer and longer. He’s not that big on affection in public, but at times like these his hand never leaves yours as you move from one group of friends to another.
You know he trusts you, and that he feels guilty about his behavior. He doesn’t want to hover, really, nor make you feel like you can’t hang out with your friends without him. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, and he doesn’t. You find it strangely heartwarming for the most part, honestly you only worry about him. It must be uncomfortable for him, to feel like he does.
He’s explained it to you once. Since he doesn’t have that many friends and there’s only one you, he feels nervous about losing someone. You’re all dear to him, especially you. And when everyone gets together, it feels strange to see everyone hanging out with other people. You most of all… It’s not that he wants to get jealous, but it’s strange to suddenly be out of the center of your attention. You’re his. He knows that. And he knows his friends won’t easily abandon him either. And yet…
Emotions can’t be controlled, you know that very well. Still you wish he’d see that you don’t mind. It’s good that you get the chance to speak with everyone, but it’s all the better when CyA’s with you. He’s your person, after all, and his presence gives you a chance to relax and hear him tell your stories from his perspective. It’s fun. It’s a reminder of you sharing your lives together, and is there really anything you’d enjoy more than that? You don’t think so. Safe for when everyone leaves and you go home and it’s just the two of you again. Just you and CyA in your own little bubble that might as well be heaven.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers into your ear as he hugs you from behind, swaying slightly to the rhythm of the music playing in the background, “I just don’t like thinking about losing you.”
“Then don’t,” you tease gently before turning in his hold, “You have nothing to worry about, Giuk. I’m yours. And honestly, I really like it sometimes - when we’re out and you pull me closer and hold my hand.”
“Really? I don’t want to be too much,” he leans his forehead against yours, smiling when you lean further into the touch.“You’re not. It makes me feel protected. I just want you to know I’m not going anywhere,” you remind him, kissing the corner of his mouth. He nods, blindly following your lips until they meet his. Finally he relaxes, melting into the kiss and into you. How could you ever so much as consider leaving when this, he, is your home? 
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captainmarsupial · 4 months
another fanime for the books! the weekend isn’t over, but i most likely won’t be going tomorrow, so im gonna grieve it like it’s over right now even if i do end up going lol. had a ton of fun even if my wallet hates me for buying so much stuff :’D
yesterday we got there kinda late, around 11:30 maybe. registered and then went to get food since we only wanted to check out the artist alley and dealer hall but they weren’t open until 2. so we got tacos and then walked to get some coffee and matcha at academic. artist alley was cool, it was like wading through treacle as always but snagged some really awesome art!
i ended up seeing a print and regretting not buying it, then deciding to walk all the way around the whole thing again to find it and that taking forever. when i finally found it there was a girl there talking to the artist, and eventually she moved aside to let me place my order. she noticed my bag (i wore a clear bag &put some pcs in it) and recognized the kyu pc i’d brought where he’s eating in n out and wearing the paper hat lmao. she was like “IS THAT…….” and it turns out we both love suju TT-TT and 2nd gen groups in general. we fangirled together over snsd a little bit too lol. tbh i get a little nervous showing my suju stuff in public just bc kpop stans are so vicious online. but i was happy to make another 2nd gen friend :))) anyway, besides the print i also got a couple of gifts for my siblings.
then we left and got food again bc we were hungry already. and then returned for dealers hall!
dealers hall was super tame since it was day 1. bart had a booth so we got some merch and freebies including a cute station stamp! also found survive said the prophet’s merch booth n bought a sick ass looking shirt. tbh i was amazed fanime was able to pull them, they’re super good. as for the rest of the hall, i managed to control myself for the most part even tho there was sooo much stuff. after wandering all the aisles we went home, &i managed to squeeze in the gym after all of that.
day2! we got there hella early, like 930? and went to academic again for coffee. then we returned to the artist alley to beat the crowd, and somehow i ended up buying EVEN MORE. a couple more prints, a few mini prints and some jjk stickers. then we went to the car to put our prints away but decided we were already hungry even tho we both ate before leaving home. after lunch we went to this kpop random dance thing, which was fun but i didn’t recognize any of the new gen stuff… after that, we went to one panel about detective conan and another one about jpop oricon hits of the 2000s. soo much nostalgia from that one! i forgot about music i used to listen to like morning musume and arashi and more. and old dramas like hanayoridango. middle school me was very satisfied.
after that we checked out a car hall, got some dinner and snacks, then went to see survive said the prophet! they put on a fucking show. soo good. we were legit lucky that that was just included with our ticket, like wtf. so worth it! &really glad i brought earplugs, bc rock music is louddddd.
after the show we went to one of the dance halls and just spent some time dancing around. a girl gave me a kandi matching my haikyuu hinata cosplay, which was such a sweet experience. i’ve never been to a rave so i’ve never received kandi before! she even gave me a hug lol. maybe that’s standard practice but i thought it was so cute and kind!
then we went home. i made a sandwich bc i didn’t realize how little i’d eaten all day. &now im exhausted afffffff so goodnight!
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kimberkingrivers · 1 year
I’m sitting outside and I want to cry, I really want to cry.
Yesterday it was the Halloween decorations at the dollar store that nearly made me break down, and today it was seeing your mom. She ask why I removed you, I didn’t admit to anything. When she ask if we were still friends I wanted to spit out and say you should ask her because I think she’s made her choice pretty clear, but I didn’t I just said we hadn’t talked in a while. When she said she was asking me because I was the one that removed you, it kinda felt like she was blaming me for this, but I guess it doesn’t really matter.
I guess you were right, one day I was gonna be done with your BS. But I wasn’t done for the reasons you think, I wasn’t done because of the crazy wild adventures or the new hair color every 3 months. Because we disagreed on marriage, or how to raise a family, even how entertainment and media is supposed to work and how it does, it wasn’t because of my family or yours.
It’s like that song what he didn’t do. It’s not about what you did, it wasn’t you didn’t do.
Everyone has a way they react the things, they also have trauma responses. I learn to work with yours instead of against them. But mine, they didn’t seem to matter. I use to check on you, I did my best to communicate if I couldn’t talk, or I needed space. I checked to see how you were doing every time he hurt you, every anniversary. I’m not saying I was perfect but tried my best.
I did my best not to upset you I walked on eggshells sometimes, but on the days I was upset it didn’t matter you pushed me anyway to shit I didn’t want to do.
I realized there two reasons I don’t go to you when I’m upset. First is the trauma response, I don’t want to be a burden on someone especially if I know they are already going through a lot. And second is because when I did you didn’t dismiss what I was feeling but it didn’t feel like you really cared if I was okay or not.
The day you overdosed I had written you a letter, now I can’t bring myself to read it because a lot changed in 24 hours. It’s still saved on my computer. The night you called and told me, what the fuck did you expect me to say, you ask if I was okay, but there was no emotion in your voice.
As I sat there trying to keep from crying and to keep my voice from cracking. That night I realized I’d already lost you. I screamed and cried, on the balcony of my hotel room, not caring who heard me. It just became more apparent over the next 2 weeks, that I didn’t loose you that night, I’d been losing you for a long time, I’m starting to wonder if I ever had you to begin with. Months of frustration and hurt, finally left.
Then we went to New Mexico, and we talked. But that’s all it was because it’s all bark and no fucking bite.
There were days I didn’t feel like talking, I didn’t have enough time in the day no matter how early I got up or how late I went to bed. When I was over a thousand miles away. I still made sure to text you good morning and goodnight. And to let you know I was busy but I’d talk to you as soon as I could. Life got busy for you and I wouldn’t hear from you from weeks unless I texted first. It was too much to handle, you said. Well if this is too much to handle your adult life is gonna be Hell.
You change every time there’s a new guy or girl, and then after they leave you don’t recognize yourself because you changed for them. So you had to rediscover yourself. Maybe you did the same thing for me. If so I’m sorry. I didn’t ever want you too. You can’t go through life changing every time the people around you change, not the extremes you did. You don’t know who you are, not really. If you stripped away every relationship you have, I don’t think you know who you are. I think people are like pottery clay, easy to mold and shape, the people around them can shape them into just about anything using the clay the have, you. But once you know you are, and what you are, the people around you can’t change you. You can still change it just takes more work, and more time. You can add or remove clay with a little bit of water, but it’s going to more difficult to completely change the clay. You’re a piece of wet clay, still unmolded. You have to decided when that clay dries, and who gets to mold it. God, you, or the people around you.
So yeah, I removed you so I didn’t see your face and chat at the top of my phone every time I opened it as a reminder that you still hadn’t texted.
I removed you on my social medias and that’s when your mom noticed. But she’s not asking you about it she’s asking me.
Yeah I removed you. I’ll say it again. I removed you and restricted you on my social media. You can call me a coward or whatever else you want to but I don’t care. I can’t look at your face every time I open my phone.
You can make me the bad guy, and play the victim again but I don’t care. I walked away because you tied my hands and told me to walk.
So yeah, I’m sitting in the car ready to cry, writing this out because if I try to say it I will cry. I cry because I miss what I thought we had, the picture that was obviously so wrong. I miss what we were supposed to have, the inside jokes, the plans we were supposed to make, the dreams we were gonna see happen one day. A bigger part of me doesn’t care, I don’t care that you’re gone, I don’t care that we don’t talk anymore, I just don’t care. I don’t care because I care so much there’s nothing left.
You use to say, it didn’t matter where we went because we always found our way back to each other, I don’t think that’s gonna happen this time. This is where the road splits we both have to make our choice and I already know mine.
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