#anyway. a few people know what headcanons this one probably came from
leewritestoomuch · 6 months
I’m sorry for all the requests but Dr.stone brain rot is killing me 😭:
May I order a headcanon (once facking again) where their s/o’s family was extremely poor in the past, so when Ryusui made currency they spent the least amount of money, rarely eating out of habit and trying to not make the same mistake their family did before?
If there was a Tsukasa part I believe that would only fuel his anger more for the rich and greedy ngl 😭
Anyways, if you do my request once again. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart! And remember to always take care of yourself pookie <3
- Sincerely, 🍙 Anon
Reader’s Family was Poor in the Past
Hi!!! Thank you for the request! :) and do remember to take care of yourself too! Sorry this is so late to when you sent this in 😭 there is so much in my inbox, I jump around.
I chose Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Ryusui for this.
Senku Ishigami
He wasn’t too concerned with what everybody was doing, but your behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
He watched as you picked through almost thousands of drago and only spent a few, and it almost seemed like you were scared to.
Ryusui had practically thrown drago at you because you were nearby and he complimented you and gave you plenty of money, so why were you spending SO cautiously like you were down to nickels and dimes? (I know nothing about Yen so I don’t know if there is an expression equivalent in Japanese)
You have nothing to really save the money for, so why were you debating so hard over spending it on a shirt. You wanted the shirt, didn’t you?
Eventually, he’d found out from somebody that knew you that your family was poor. He had thought something like that must have been the case, but now he knows for sure.
He’d likely encourage you to spend a bit more. Either that, or he’d bluntly tell you there is no reason to keep the money so close to you anymore.
Gen Asagiri
If he had that much money, he’d be blowing it.
You had thousands of drago that Ryusui had just handed you. And you were clutching onto it like you’d be robbed of it and be left for dead without it if you loosen up just a little.
You hesitated to get cotton candy, despite how much you said you missed the taste.
He watched you and soon noticed your behavior was like those who were less fortunate to have to ration to survive.
You didn’t need to do that here, the money isn’t that important. At the end of the day, the hunters in the kingdom of science would bring home food rather people paid them for the meat or not.
The community doesn’t run off of money, so your behavior is unnecessary. So he’d probably talk you out of it.
He’d come stand beside you, talking to you softly.
“Money isn’t that important here. You don’t need it to pay for a house. And the beasts of people we have here do the hunting for us, and never once have they asked for money. Nor would they deny you food if you couldn’t pay. You can save some… but maybe spend half? Plus…” he leans in to whisper, “Ryusui would gladly pay for you if it ever came to it. I’m sure a man like him will never run out of money.”
Tsukasa Shishio
Dragos have been around for a while, but you’re still clutching onto them like it’s life or death.
Francois doesn’t make you pay them for food. The hunters (him, Hyoga, etc) don’t make you pay them for meat or anything.
So your behavior has got to be engraved into you.
He might be on the side of kingdom of science, but deep down, this rise of currency and capitalism bothers him.
watching you struggle to let go of money makes him angry.
The world they used to live in had brought you to this point, and that pisses him off.
He knows what that’s like. He fought for money. He became famous for money. All for money for Mirai. Just so his sister would live.
He had to pay people to keep his sister alive.
And old men paid for the rights to land and he had no grounds to even do anything about getting beat down by one for picking seashells. That man OWNED those seashells.
He doesn’t know exactly what you went through, but he’s got an idea.
He doesn’t say much, but he makes sure to give you plenty of food and he’ll buy things for you and give them to you.
Honestly he’s so sweet.
Ryusui Nanami
Spend money, get bitches. Yk. (This man would hate the word bitches for sure. But I had to say this. Like side note, but he’s an advocate for the word to be offensive when leaving a man’s mouth)
Ryusui gave you thousands of drago and stepped back. He expected you to spend it, give to the economy, etc.
But you held onto it like you were gonna need it soon.
He doesn’t really know what that’s like. He’s always had lots of money.
Well, once he had a smaller allowance, but even that would be a lot to most other people. He doesn’t realize this so much, not until he sees you.
He’s confused at first.
What else is there to do in life than get all that one wants when they want it? Get your money up, keep your money up, spend your money up. Yk. The 3 pillars to life. (This is not what they are)
He gives you more money.
But you try to deny it.
He insists. Then he watches you clutch onto it like you’ll need it all in an hour.
He probably goes over to encourage you. Telling you to see things how he sees it.
And then you probably explain why you just can’t. You’re scared you’ll end up like your family was as a kid.
He begins to see what you mean, and he’ll probably spend some money on you.
“Don’t be scared. There isn’t anything to worry about money about here. Even if everything had a cost soon, I’d pay for whatever you needed. And all these people would surely do you a favor even if.”
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directdogman · 7 months
Hello Hound!! Since it's Dialtown's 2nd anniversary, I've been planning up a few "general" related questions about your series that I've been meaning to ask, but I decided to save them up for the big day because why not? Anyways, here's what I've got, these were meant to be fun to answer so don't sweat it :]
1: How do you feel about Dialtown's success? Are you proud of how far you've come? 
2: Which character was the MOST fun for you to write, and which was the most PAINFUL?
3: What is something you wish more people would talk about or just know about related to Dialtown in general?
4: If you had the opportunity to write a FULL complete, detailed life story of any of your characters, who would that be?
5: What's a character you wish you could have given more screen-time or just in general content? (Considering iirc you were trying to make sure Dialtown wasn't TOO long, so I was wondering if this ever came to mind)
6: From what I know, you've been doing the job of cosplaying several characters in the game and acting out their sprites, which one was the most fun to act out?
7: Speaking of sprites, do you have a sprite you could consider your favorite, out of ALL your characters?
8: Do you have a specific line of dialogue you could consider your favorite throughout the entire game?
9: Could you ever see Dialtown expanding into perhaps sequels or maybe even prequels? More DLCs mayhaps? Heck, maybe even a Dialtown 2 or a Chapter 4??
10: If you could make any fan-made interpretation (such as headcanons, designs, or ships) canon if given the opportunity, what do you think would be your pick?
11: What was the MOST fun part about developing Dialtown? Coming up with new characters? Writing them? Adding all the bizarre dialogue options?
12: And last but not least — on a scale of 1-10, how fun was developing Dialtown just in general?
That's all I have for now, and I'm really excited to see your answers!!
I normally don't answer this many questions, but... alright, sure, tis the season!
1: How do you feel about Dialtown's success? Are you proud of how far you've come? 
Yeah, of course! I'm a lil proud, admittedly, but I'm aware of how comically little I really have to do with it all, even if I did make the game. Luck does play a LOT into it, of course. Granted, I made my share of predictions that wound up being useful, but it always comes down to lady luck at the end of the day. I've seen good projects fail and bad ones go viral. It's really all just a hodgepodge of probability and whimsy. That being said, I am very pleased with DT's success, and the community that's formed around the game! It caught me by surprise!
2: Which character was the MOST fun for you to write, and which was the most PAINFUL?
Gingi's always fun to write. And Mingus. Most painful is tough to say. Maybe Crown. I got a little weird when I wrote his full backstory, kinda caught up in the emotion Norm talks about. Never been a fan of stories getting cut short. You gotta wonder what would've happened if he'd made different choices, y'know?
3: What is something you wish more people would talk about or just know about related to Dialtown in general?
Honestly? Karen, probably. She's super underrated for sure. The fandom still loves her, but she doesn't get the same kind of attention as Oliver, Gingi, Randy, Norm. She's worth it.
4: If you had the opportunity to write a FULL complete, detailed life story of any of your characters, who would that be?
Oh, I already have. I have this monstruous 30-40 page document detailing Crown's life and entire career. It's quite a read. and quite a mind-fuck if you don't know Dialtown's universe too well.
5: What's a character you wish you could have given more screen-time or just in general content? (Considering iirc you were trying to make sure Dialtown wasn't TOO long, so I was wondering if this ever came to mind)
Oh yeah, a few characters had scenes that were cut. Stabby, Shooty, Mingus, Bunny, even Bigfoot! There's also the game's cut 6th datable, who was an interesting character with ties to other characters in the cast who I wanted to do more with. Ah, maybe one day.
6: From what I know, you've been doing the job of cosplaying several characters in the game and acting out their sprites, which one was the most fun to act out?
Bigfoot. I made the ape noises in the suit. Had to. It felt right.
7: Speaking of sprites, do you have a sprite you could consider your favorite, out of ALL your characters?
I quite like Norm's set, Mingus' too. Karen's poses too are quite good.
8: Do you have a specific line of dialogue you could consider your favorite throughout the entire game?
That answer probably changes every day. I like pretty much any scene where Mingus loses her temper.
9: Could you ever see Dialtown expanding into perhaps sequels or maybe even prequels? More DLCs mayhaps? Heck, maybe even a Dialtown 2 or a Chapter 4??
I'd love to make sequels one day! I've got a lot of ideas for where the characters/story would end up. By the time DT1 wrapped up, I'd conceptualized way too much stuff to put in one game (without it taking another few years to finish), so if I ever wanted to make sequels, I'd 100% know where to start! But, that's a later down the road conversation.
For now, I'm gonna keep working on the Roger DLC and if there's demand for more, I can go from there :)
10: If you could make any fan-made interpretation (such as headcanons, designs, or ships) canon if given the opportunity, what do you think would be your pick?
I guess I COULD do that with, like, anything. Nothing immediately springs to mind, since, y'know, I'm in control of the canon anyway. I will say, I've seen headcanons and theories that ARE scarily accurate to canon, to the point where I've feared people would just think I'm lifting stuff from the fanbase! It's a good thing I talk about these things with collaborators, huh? I've got a PAPER-TRAIL!!!
11: What was the MOST fun part about developing Dialtown? Coming up with new characters? Writing them? Adding all the bizarre dialogue options?
Finishing a new scene and realizing how stupidly long it was (without me realizing it) was always a treat. But yeah, writing the characters had to be it. Specifically any scene where a character the audience knows meets someone the audience doesn't know well (or at all), with the dynamic changing. Those are fun to write.
12: And last but not least — on a scale of 1-10, how fun was developing Dialtown just in general?
Hard question to answer. I do really wanna give a high number, but truthfully, a lot of game dev actually isn't super 'fun'. Some tasks are, granted, but many parts are a slog. Sitting and formatting dialogue, and then adding text pauses and pose changes isn't exactly a super thrilling activity. The engine itself also has some issues which I have to work around that adds to the workplace. Play-testing a scene for the 4th time isn't super fun either, or trying to figure out why the game crashes on some PCs and ONLY very rarely... Those tasks are Sisyphean to some degree.
...But, while most of those parts aren't fun, it's all still rewarding. There's a sense of accomplishment when you finish a scene. You get to look back at your hard work, remember the hours you spent typing dialogue into a text box and formatting mass amounts of pngs, painstakingly + manually getting the game's awful pre-loader to deal with the sprites right, etc... and suddenly, at the end, you've got this lil experience that people can play and enjoy. Somehow, the sum of all of those not so fun activities has created something that's going to make people laugh, feel happy. That's special. and even if some parts of development weren't super fun on their own, that's always what I remember. That in the end, all of those not so fun days mattered.
The route I agonized the most over was Oliver's. I went through a few weeks of writer's block, and now, it's one of the most popular routes in the game! Crazy how that happens. I was SURE for about a week that people would rank the route at the bottom! That's what I mean, all of the stress I went through trying to figure it out amounted to something people connected with! To think I almost CUT the route entirely!!!
And y'know, God knows Dialtown gave me something to throw myself at during a time where I REALLY needed the outlet. I'm very grateful to the project for that. So, I'll give DT an honorary 8 out of 10, even if it wasn't a consistently 8/10 experience making it heh heh! Sure glad I did, though and I'm very glad if any of you reading this had a really good time playing it! :)
Thanks for the questions!
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toffeebrew · 3 months
Any errink headcanons? :D
Tumblr hates me so I had to rewrite this, anyway... [Note: all my hcs ofc nothing is canon but some may be based of canon information! Sometimes I may refer to non-canon past rps :P]
Error and ink do dumb rps with his puppets together, they've made a super dramatic soap opera plot.
I think Ink realizes Error would never change and he's content with that (sigh as much as I would love to say he would).
Ink finds error's six tongues fascinating, rather than gross. In a similar way, error is fascinated by ink's star eyes (I wonder what that hc came from).
If they ever kissed it would be the most disgusting revoltingly thing ever because error doesn't know how to kiss at all and he also has 6 tongues.
If you asked them how they became friends they would just look at you and shrug. Not even they know how to happened. All they can say is they "get eachother." Error deep down has always wanted a friend and Ink gives him that. Ink is willing to deal with error's bs and error is willing to deal with ink's. Ink can feel a little lonely in his own role and among a world that is fake and Error being an outcode like hin understands him a way others wouldn't. Not even mentioning their story parallels but I gotta stop my self before I start rambling. They're some of the only people who know some of other's deep insecurities.
Ink found Error's crashes funny before he knew how absolutely painful they were. Although not sure if he would ever trigger them on purpose even before he knew ngl.
more yapping under the cut
I would define them as whatever happens when you cross a friend an enemy and a partner.
Ink loves all of his shipkids and error... feels very conflicted about all of them.
They also think the other is a freaky than them when in reality they're both freaks.
Error still thinks about when Ink proposed to him at loveball, ink doesn't think about it at all. Ink also proposed to him with a ring pop that he found in the candy bowl in my head LOL.
Ink doesn't mention his dads to him .. maybe out of fear
Other people still make fun of Ink for proposing to error at loveball and ink always goes "IT WAS ONE TIME!"
Error and Ink are both quite short, Error is only a few inches taller than Ink.
Due to loveball, Error is always scared (in a playful way) when Ink starts drinking.
Error does feel guilty for the time he left ink in the antivoid. Not all of the time, but at times when hes sitting with Ink in the anti-void he can't help but reflect on it. If he would ever admit it? Probably not.
Error and ink's dancing at loveball was a beautiful disaster. Ink is actually an okay dancer but because Error was really nervous it threw him off and it was so off beat. It was really cute though, regardless.
Ink finds errorink ship art very amusing and he shows it to error just to freak him out sometimes.
Error always kills ink first in among us. Error also always blames ink as the imposter even if he isn't.
They have a "close but not too close" rule just close enough to feel the warmth of the other person but not enough to touch. (do skeletons give off warmth?). They do hold pinkies though fr fr. Also Error does lay his head in Ink's lap sometimes, typically when they're watching something. Ink may also give Error forehead or hand kisses.
I like to think Error runs quite hot, because he crashes all the time, so hes warm like a computer LOL. Ink who in my hc has a lessen sense of touch and runs sorta cold due to be soulless lovess sitting around him because of it.
Crack headcanon, when error's eyes glitch up or hes about to crash if you really listen you can hear the sound of computer fans going ham.
Ink will often just... walk up to error and put him a different outfit. Something about his being "too basic" and "his outfit has an ugly color palette".
If you know my pinkie sense ink hc Error doesn't know HOW it works but he fully believes him every single time. Even when ink is trolling, LOL!
Error and Ink call eachother "Ruru" and "Kiki" but only to annoy the other. Specifically if ink is pleading for something he'll do it to annoy him "please ruru :(" They also call eachother glitch and squid in a movking as well LOL.
They have friendship rings? platonic rings? idk if those are a thing made from blue string.
In my own error design, he has a big tooth. Because of it ink calls him a "big kitty" to make fun of him.
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
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Secretly dating
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tarzan, Eugene, Nier ]
[ Tarzan ] [ Tangled ] [ NieR Replicant ]
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Wuuuuu I like your idea, I start to think that this is one of your favorites prompts since I had saw you write it often
Anyways, thanks a lot for requesting it!! I had a lot of fun while writing, since I saw the request I been quite excited to write it!
Besides, i love Nier!!!
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For Tarzan everything he does with you is a new and learning experience, he is a quick learner so it won't take him much time before learning about the whole thing that is dating (if you guide him he mostly just follow what you tell him, besides with the gorilas he learned about mating so even if it isn't the same he isn't completely cluelest)
Tarzan doesn't feel shy nor ashame of his feeling for you, it would take him a while to fully understand his feeling (or express them to you, he does tries to be sweet while doing it, he does know a little about courting), however, as much as he doesn't have any problem with being open with his love he understand that it may not be the best idea to tell his friends and family about it
Kerchak doesn't trust the other humans, and he barely accept him in the herd, Tarzan fears a little how he would react knowing that he not just went against his orders by approaching them but also start dating one, so he chose not to say anything for now
Tarzan finds himself stuck between wanting to be with you, wanting to learn more from you and even show you his own world, and wanting to be with his family and protect both sides, it could be a little difficult for him to find an balance between the two parts but at the end of the day he manage to make it work
If you are interested on him and his family he will be hesitant to even talk about the topic, for his wish to protect you he just keep the problem to himself until he manage to order his thoughts and explain the situation to you (he needs some time to talk to you about it because he wants to be able to make you smile, and bringing this troubles to you will probably upset you, or even worst, make you feel guilt)
This situation probably won't last much time, or at least he won't hide it for a long time, the first days he can easily come up with an excuse but soon he will have to explain it at least to his friend, Terk and Tantor, and his mother, they know him too well to don't know that he has something in his hands, it can be a difficult for them to understand and accept it (specially for his mother) but at the end they will be really supportive over it (as long as you don't wish harm to him or anyone else from the pack or try to take him away from them), Terk and Tantor will even try to help him cover up and come up with excuses to all the time he's away from the herd or inform him if anything happens in home
He doesn't talk about it much but Tarzan is well aware that he can't keep it as a secret forever and has to think a plan quick, there is the risk of you having to return home, his family finding out or even his family having to go further in the jungle, searching for a safer place to be in. He tries to came out with a plan himself, not wanting to bother you with it
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Flynn Rider
Flyn has a lot of reasons to why he should keep your relationship as a secret, he is a thief, he is searched by the authorities and has to constantly sneak, hide and run away, and not just that be he has some enemies, criminals too, since he had betrayed some people a few times, and last but most important reason he cares about you and a lot, he can't help but want to keep you away from his criminal life, even if you were a thief or something of those lines he still want to protect you
Flyn will not admit it out loud but he is scare of the posibility of something bad happening to you, you are too important for him, it upsets him and makes him anxious when you are in distress or even hurt (if something happens to you because of what he does he won't be able to live with himself)
If you two are in a serious relasionship is because he trust you a lot, he will only allow himself to be in a relationship when he is sure that he loves you, that he can trust you and that he actually want to spent his life with you, it took a long time but he let himself be more open and sincere in the relationship (soon or later he will even tell you his real name), his relationship with you is almost the only thing sincere and genuine in his life and that is why he wants to keep it safe
Besides, not all is bad, he does want to keep hidden from the world his love out of security but it actually doesn't take long before he start to like this kind of dinamic, the idea of having to be hidden, giving you quick kisses and hugs to show you that he love you but having to be quick so no one see you two, having to be sneaky but flirty (he just can't stop being teasingly and flirty whenever he has the opportunity, specially if you are more shy or easy to flustered), or even just having to make plans for dates in places that are far from the crowds, somewhere is just the two of you, he end up loving all of that and even have a lot of fun while doing it
But just as he start enjoying being sneaky he start to crave more and more your company, as time pass the desire to have a more open relationship with you grows more and more, at some point he start thinking on having a change, thinking that having a peaceful life without all this problems, having a life where he can be with you without having to worry about you getting hurt or having to run away in any moment will be actually good (but he doesn't really say it out loud), he wonder if he will enjoy having that kind of life too, but is more likely that he already knows the answer (although, he is an ambitious man, he also wants to have quite a lot of things because he doesn't want to have to worry or limit non of you in what he can offer)
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First of all, it wasn't even Nier's intention to keep your relationship as a secret, is just that he was soo busy and anxious that he forgot to tell others. Also, at first it took a while for him to accept and get used to be in a relationship, losing Yonah and Kaine was too much for him and he was just scare to drag you into the danger, but at the end he couldn't deny how happy you make him so at the end you start dating (is also to Weiss' insistance, saying that he shouldn't punish himself, that everything in his life doesn't have to be lost and sadness)
Nier isn't the most affectionate in public just because he is more focused on his work, on searching the Shadowlord and fighting the shades, he keeps the display of affection when is just you two (normally Weiss leave you alone to give you space, but is always with the excuse of not wanting to see you two all lovey dovey), where he can relax and feel like everything will be alright because is just the two of you
As well, if you two travel together that lead you two to have more time together and Nier has no problem with giving you little kisses or holding your hand, although he does it when he knows there is no threating around (he is too scare of losing you too)
Despite not being so affectionate in public is kinda obvious that there is something between you two, whenever you two are together you are always really close, sometimes even Nier has his hand on you (back, shoulder, arm, depending in how he feels), and even if you were affectionate it won't be so strange because even before dating Nier used to accept the affection without much troubles, but what make it even more obvious is the look of pure adoration and love he has whenever you are having time for yourselfs. But at the end, if non of you say something about it, it will stay still in doubt if you two are already together or not
Besides, traveling with you two it feels like a big family, even before you two were dating, so that fact make it even more unsure but at the same time obvious
Since it is still unsure if you two are together or not is more probably that Devola and Popola will try to set the two of you together, they love both of you and despite everything they cherish for your happiness, they try to don't be so direct while helping you two get together or while giving Nier some advice to what to do (for what he probably won't think much of it or take it as just a little advice about dating, in any case he just thank them)
Nier just asumes that the others (or at least the people he cares about) knows about your relationship if they don't ask, so is just up to you to clarify it or until they end up finding out (although, if they ask Nier, he won't even hesitant in confirming your relationship)
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Requested by @frickingnerd
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luffyvace · 9 months
How aizawa courts you/relationship headcanons
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y’all seem to really like the crush headcanons i did so now i’m doing him when he actually tries to court you and when your actually together :)
this is still going to be canon aizawa btw
also still fem reader in mind
okay so now that aizawa is trying to court you, like in love and wants to date
he’d be forward about it
probably waits until your at his place or yours
then as your doing whatever he’ll ask
“y/n i have something important to tell you”
“yeah? what is it, it’s not bad is it?”
“no, i actually just wanted to know if you’d like to go out somewhere with me. a date.”
your reaction may vary from shock to a knowing smile
either way you accept politely (how could you reject such a fine man?)
so you both talk about the date and end up planning it out right then and there
you decided that weekend would work fine
so after that’s settled you talk about each other’s feelings, how and why they came to be
you figured out you fell first but he fell harder :)
so your first date would be out somewhere simple yet fun and with a little less people
so there’s this place called cat island in japan
its perfect
(i hope your a cat person)
it’s exactly what you think, there’s cats everywhere search it up
there’s more cats than people actually
its heaven for him
you guys have a fun field day with cats then head back to your house
chatting and looking at the pictures you took
and yeah!
again he’s straight forward with courting
so now we’re on relationship
you guys are definitely closer now
i’ll go through a normal day for y’all then relationship things
aizawa gets up early for his job
he’ll get ready and text you to see how your doing then go to work
if you work at ua with him and live together
he likely gets up first if not y’all are up at the same time
when he’s ready he’ll wake you up if you like to sleep in
and warm the car while he waits if it’s winter (yippie he’s freezing so you don’t have to)
y’all drive to work together
you can text him throughout work but he won’t reply unless it’s important or a genuinely good question
he won’t slack off the job (EVEN THO HE SLEEPS ON IT)
if you work with him he’ll text you on break if your not already in the staff room
or if you have separate jobs he’ll still text to check up on you
makes sure you eat something
is today stressful so far?
why? vent to him.
he truly cares about your physical and mental health
once you both get home from work he’ll run you a bath and cook dinner
he’s a average cook, can cook basic things
if y’all don’t live together he’s more likely to order take out though
not always junk food sometimes he’s just tired and orders a salad. he’s upset because he knows he can make it himself but he’s just so tired
so he appreciates if you turn the tables and treat him to a bath and hot meal (if y’all moved in together)
but if y’all got your own places sometimes if your both still energized you’ll come over to one another’s house
if y’all live together he falls asleep real fast
won’t mind if you snuggle next to him
except for when he gets hot
then he turns over 😭
sometimes he’ll try to stay up to have those late night convos with you but don’t get mad if he falls asleep, it’s by accident. y’all can always continue the next night :)
he won’t snuggle you btw
just because he naturally stays on his side of the bed
he ain’t a wild sleeper
he flips from side to side
its rare to catch him on his back for more than a few minutes
if you are tho
he’ll get annoyed the first few times but he won’t say anything about it
after a few nights he just gets his own blanket
if your a wild sleeper this annoys him more than hogging the blanket
he’ll tell you, you keep kicking him and slapping him in his sleep and it wakes him up
yknow your boy likes some good sleep so he doesn’t stand for you wakin him up
suggests to get two beds
but you don’t like that idea
so he’ll probably end up putting pillows in between you or sleeping in his sleeping bag on the floor 😭
if y’all stay at different places tho
its rare for y’all to have a sleepover
he doesn’t see the point in having two different houses if you just want to sleep at his
would think about moving in together
but he won’t bring it to the table unless he see’s a opportunity or feels you’d feel comfortable/like that
if you do manage to convince him he’s not staying up and playing or smth he’s literally going to sleep
if your a wild sleeper he won’t do it again
otherwise you may be able to convince him like 2 or 3 more times
dont tell mic though if mic teases him he’ll never do it again
not to spite you but out of annoyance from yamada (mic)
he just won’t feel like it anymore
btw keep your room clean or be scolded
”clean your room y/n there’s no reason you should have clothes and clutter everywhere.”
“you don’t even need half of this stuff, just clean it.”
now to genuine relationship things
well for one i’m telling you he won’t call you pet names
”why should i call you ___ if your name is y/n”
doesn’t see the point in them
you may be able to convince him a few years into the relationship to call you “babe” or anything simple and sweet but that’s it
maybe a “n/n” occasionally
if YOU call HIM pet names tho
he wouldn’t mind :)
still doesn’t get it tho
just don’t make it anything too sappy
he’ll funny look you if you do
especially at work
or around mic and all might
would prefer if you stuck to the simple ones or a nickname tho
another thing
if your a hero, a reckless one at that, he’ll worry for you and scold you if you get injured
please don’t give this man a heart attack
”you need to be more rational”
if your already a rational person thank goodness
he’s glad he doesn’t have to babysit a whole class of students and you
if you like coffee or tea he’ll make you some before/when you get up
if you don’t live together he’ll bring you a cup if you both work at ua
if you work on weekends (idk how some people do it) he’ll bring you a cup on your lunch break
giving each other massages>>
he’s really good at it too
he’s a good person to vent to as well
especially about the stress of work because he felt that
he’ll take you on dates randomly even if y’all are in a relationship
not every week
but he’ll take the time out to spend it with you if he has some
he’s a traditional gentleman
and by that i mean buy you flowers and gifts
but not just “roses 🤓☝️“
he’ll actually take the time to learn your favorite flowers and buys you reals ones to take care of
if you don’t have a green thumb how else will you learn?
so he’ll buy them anyway
helps you take care of them though
he waters them and reminds you to if you live separately
he buys you little trinkets and gifts that BENEFIT you
not just something that’ll “collect dust” as he says
like if you tell him your vacuum breaks down every few months
he’ll RESEARCH one that doesn’t, is inexpensive and cleans well
and buy it for you :)
overall he’s a 10/10 boyfriend 100% green flag
ladies and gentlemen (and whoever’s in between)
get yourself an aizawa
enough said
have a good day/night
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S7 Runaan
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I gotta look at him. I gotta look. What's he got
His hair is still dungeony. He hasn't redone it. Is he expecting to meet Ethari soon and he just wants his husband's hands in his hair again, like always? Is he grossed out by his dungeon hair and doesn't want to touch it? Is he ashamed of his long assassin hair? (put it in a bun, sir!) Has he just. forgotten it's there. Dork.
His hair is waiting for Ethari, that's all there is to it.
HE HAS A SHIRT. MY BOY. Runaan deserves dignity. It looks like a very Moonshadow shirt, navy blue and gray with swirls all over it. He's rolled up the sleeves, which is extremely hot of him. And it is a bit short at the waist, too (thank you TDP for that visible slice of Runaan's hip).
Headcanon: this is Lujanne's Rayla's own shirt and it's nice and tight and a bit too small for Runaan's tall rangy body but he'll take it because it's soft and comfy and better than nothing.
Runaan isn't carrying his bowblade. We know Rayla has it, somewhere. Which means he is choosing not to carry it/be seen with it, in Katolis. He's making a choice to come with empty hands instead of a weapon, hoping not to be stabbed or shot on sight. Good luck with that, my man, they will NOT be happy to see you. But what else can you do to begin your amends?
I think Rayla might still have it somewhere, ready for him to use in a sudden moment of danger, but he could be doing the same thing Viren did with his staff. Viren didn't want to pick up the relic staff again because of what it represented to him - his own self, darker, harder, and making choices that hurt people. Runaan's bowblade has the same kind of weight. He may have it close to hand, but he may not want to touch it, let alone wield it, anytime soon.
That's not to say he won't be forced into a situation where using his bowblade would make things better - but also worse. I mean, this is TDP.
The situation that's giving him this pose may be that exact situation already. He's recovered his Hard Assassin Eyes here, even though his hands are empty and Rayla is actively guarding him with her swords. They've run into someone, or something, that's threatening them, and Rayla has to take point on defense. And Runaan is letting her, at least in this specific moment.
Who have they met? Judging by events earlier in the show, it could be Amaya again, which would add the whole layer of an Amaya vs Rayla repeat showdown at the Banther Lodge. At this point, Amaya and Rayla have hugged and become friends, nearly family. But Amaya's whole job when the assassins came was to try to save Harrow - and she wasn't in time. Being back at this location would probably put her in a very particular mood, and I don't think it'll clash well with Runaan's presence. Not at all.
Will I be getting my long-wished-for fight between Amaya and Runaan? Even if it's interrupted and no one is truly hurt, I would LOVE to see them go at each other. Their tactics are so different, I just want to see a silly lil skirmish, plssss.
Pure speculation here, but it's possible that Amaya and Janai flew Ezran to Katolis to help - since their hotcats are here with him against what looks to be human architecture. And then Amaya departed from Ezran's location to the Banther Lodge, possibly for supplies for the wounded and survivors. Leading to this second screenshot serving as Amaya bringing Runaan back with Rayla, and we get to see the mixed expressions of these characters. Callum's in particular - Rayla would not be parted from Runaan willingly, so she could still be standing beside him, possibly arrested with him, and Callum has to stand behind his brother the king and see her trying to defend the indefensible, her stabby dad who killed Ezran's stabby dad.
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I'm adding a few more grains of sand to the scales in favor of it being Runaan because of this other screenshot from S6, which turned out to be him facing down Viren - another adult who helped ruin his life.
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Anyway, whatever happens here, we will see it in four months! FOUR MONTHS UNTIL RUNAAN WITH A SHIRT Y'ALL AAAAHH
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
AAA CONGRATS ON GETTING 2K FOLLOWERS!! 😭🥰 and thank you for the event! it looks fun :0 can i request rindou haitani + enemies/rivals to lovers + stuck together or 7 mins in heaven please? i cant choose between the moments so i’ll leave that one up to you if that’s okay :0 headcanons please! i don’t have anything specific that i wanna add for this request, so i hope this gives you more wiggle room to write how you want it to go ☺️ thank you and congrats again!! ❤️
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—rindou haitani // enemies to lovers // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ little rindou moment . i do not have much to add on to this, so enjoy !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.0k+
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“just so you know, this is entirely your fault.”
“my fault?! how the hell is an elevator shutting down, my fault?! do you think i spoke to god for a second and said, ‘hey, can you make this elevator stop working right now?’” you argued, sarcasm thick in your voice as you spoke. rindou shrugged nonchalantly, a look of boredom in his eyes. 
“who knows? maybe you’re one of those kinds of people.” 
“i am not, for your information! if anything, this is your fault! if you can recall with your idiotically small brain, you’ll remember that you’re the one who asked for a favor! from me! on a weekend! i should be financially compensated for this!” you exclaimed, pointing a finger in accusation at the boy sitting next to you. “i should still be sleeping right now!! it’s 5 in the damn morning! what was this favor you needed, anyways?!” 
“jeez, you’re so loud.” was all rindou responded with, making you even more frustrated with him. you decided not to respond though, just letting out an angry sigh as the two of you waited for the maintenance people to get you out of the elevator. 
the silence hanging over the two of you in the elevator wasn’t tense, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either. honestly though, you didn’t really care about whatever rindou wanted, you were just pissed that he was somehow trying to pin this situation on you. 
what have you ever done to him?! literally nothing. you even had the decency to come all the way over to roppongi at 5am to see what he needed help with, even though he always acts like you’re just an annoying thorn in his side. you get that he’s emotionally stunted, but seriously, what was up with him?
a knock from outside the elevator door brought you out of your thoughts, instead bringing hope that you would finally be out of this elevator soon. 
“hello! we are the maintenance crew for this building, and we will get you out shortly! sorry for the inconvenience!” 
“don’t worry about it; thank you!” you called back, relieved. you stood up from your spot on the floor, stretching a bit since you had been sitting for a while. “ugh, thank god! i’m so hungry, i could eat a three-course meal right or somethin’...” rindou continued sitting on the floor, the same stoic expression on his face as the two of you waited for the elevator to open up. he was a bit more quiet than usual, but you wrote it off as him also being tired, (who wouldn’t be tired at this early time?). 
“oh yeah, but seriously, what’s the favor you need? if it’s gonna take long, i wanna get breakfast first.” you asked, a bit more curious as to what favor he was going to be asking of you. 
“you’ll see when we get there.” 
“man, stingy…you can’t even tell me how long it’s gonna take?” 
“no.” you frowned at his answer but decided to let it go for now. 
after a few minutes, you sat back down, wondering how long it was going to take to open the elevator. you wanted to ask the people outside, but you didn’t want them to feel like you were rushing them, so you just sat and waited, feeling a bit awkward with rindou. 
looking at him from the side, you couldn’t deny that he was beautiful. he would probably kill you if he ever heard you say that about him, but in your mind, it was true. it was the first word that came to mind whenever you saw him, no matter how much of an ass he was being in the moment. his tanned skin suited him well, providing a contrast from his blonde and baby blue hair, which always seemed to frame his face damn near perfectly. how was that even possible? there hadn’t ever been a time when you’d seen him look bad, which sometimes made you wonder if he was from another world. 
“you done?” rindou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“hm? what?” 
“you’re staring at me; it’s creepy.” you scoffed at his words, immediately remembering his personality. 
“yeah, my mistake. you would be prettier if you weren’t such an ass, y’know.” you cringed a moment after you spoke, realizing that your words probably just gave him a major ego boost. 
however, when your gaze cautiously found him again, all you could see was his flushed cheeks and that he was looking away. 
huh? no way…
you reached your hand out, poking his cheek. 
“hey, what’s wrong? look over here.” he continued ignoring you, which made you just want to mess with him even more. “hey. hey. yoohoo.” with each word, you poked his cheek, finding amusement in the growing annoyance in rindou’s face. 
when you went to poke him again, his arm suddenly shot up, hand grabbing your wrist right before your finger was going to poke his cheek. 
“hmm…?” you could hear the threatening tone of his voice, but all you could see were his red ears. “if i didn’t know any better, i would almost say that you’re maybe…oh, i don’t know, embarrassed? flustered?” at your words, he let go of your wrist instantly.
“whatever…” rindou muttered, turning his head even farther away from you. 
you paused for a moment, wondering if you’d gone too far with the teasing. there was no way, right? ran definitely poked and prodded at his younger brother more than you did, so why was he acting like this? 
well, you suppose that you can make it your problem. 
you leaned your head to the side, resting it on his shoulder as you let out a sigh. you held back a smile as you felt rindou suddenly tense up, his head finally turning back towards your direction, (you found it impressive that he had managed to sulk for as long as he did). 
“you’re so emotionally stunted.” 
“shut the hell up.” 
(the ‘favor’ was having breakfast on the rooftop, but you didn’t end up getting out of the elevator until noon).
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veren-cos · 2 months
Hi!! How are you?? :)
I'm not sure if you're still up for taking requests, but I'm gonna try anyway!
This is actually the first time I've gotten myself to read Stardew Valley stuff, I was looking for content and came across one of your posts (the comforting after a rough day one) and I just couldn't help but keep reading. I love the few I've read so far honestly!!
I have a very specific topic in mind for the bachelors that you could use for headcanons; it would involve the farmer being asexual, the bachelors' reaction to that knowledge and how they'd act towards the farmer from that point on in their relationship (already dating), since I know that some people actually feel weird about it after finding out (needless to say that I'm in fact ace myself)
You can decline the request if you're not open to that at the moment but most importantly if the topic makes you uncomfortable in any kind of way, I'll understand and accept it right away :)
I'm a really awkward person so since I don't really know what else to say, thank you so much (even for reading this) and keep up the good work!! <3
Coming out as asexual to the bachelors
These are assuming you are already in a (relatively new) relationship.
These are also more for sex repulsed aces. Not really a tw, but Alex's section is a little more angsty than the rest?
• Would not have heard of asexuality at all.
• He honestly gets confused for a second and thinks that you didn't like him at all.
• But once you explain that you just don't want the sexual aspect of a relationship, he is actually pretty chill about it.
• He wasn't expecting anything to happen with you for a while because you'd just started dating.
• So it really took the pressure off of him because he was really nervous.
• Nothing really changes with him! He would probably just show you a lot of nonsexual physical affection. Like a lot more than before.
• There is no pressure to go any further. I could honestly see this guy being ace himself, but regardless he loves you.
• Sebastian would probably be like. One of maybe 3 Bachelors who have heard of asexuality.
• And he would by no means have any problems with it!
• He would just love on you by sososoo many cuddles.
• He likes being intimate with you physically, and doesn't want to pressure you at all.
• He understands that you definitely still like him, you just don't feel the sexual attraction or want to have sex.
• Like Sam, I could see Sebastian being ace. He just wants to be with you, in whatever ways you want to be with him. <3
• Okay so I love Alex. And I like to think of him as accepting. But he basically canonically has internalized homophobia.
• I don't think he would of even heard of asexuality.
• It truly depends on how much character development he has had.
• So basically. He would either be like chill about it, or break up with you (and not because he doesn't like you! That's important!)
• If he was chill, I think the relationship would progress just as normal!
• He would just hold your hand, and give you so many kisses.
• He would try and learn ways to show you affection without crossing your boundaries.
• But if his character hasn't developed, I could see him breaking up with you. And it's not because he wouldn't like you anymore. Please don't get him wrong, he really likes you.
• He just seems like the kind of guy where sex would be the epitome of intimacy. I don't think he would know what to do, and he doesn't want to pressure you.
• If he hasn't had character development, he would want to go back to just being friends. He wouldn't know how to express how he feels about you in a non sexual way.
• Alex would, however, much come to regret that. So once he has a grasp on his own emotional needs and learns more about emotional intimacy, give a relationship with him another try. He will be great :)
• Harvey!!
• Harvey would be so respectful.
• He probably wouldn't have heard of it before? Not in like a sexuality way anyways. Maybe like in the science way tho. So he can guess.
• He wouldn't want to push you, and he hadn't made any sexual advances in the first place so it's not like there would be any backtracking.
• He loves you for who you are, not what you can do for him.
• Once you explain what it is, or for your specifically what it is, he just hugs you and tells you he loves you.
• Harvey is a sweetie.
• Shane wouldn't care.
• It's your business lol
• I couldn't see him being ace himself, but I could see him having a really low sex drive.
• Depression can often decrease a sex drive if ya didn't know 🤠
• Soo yeah, it wouldn't be a big deal to him :)
• He, like Sebastian, would just give you a lot more cuddles instead! Shane just likes to be close to you
• Elliott would be so amazing with it?
• He just wants to love you the way you want to be loved. And if that means never having sex? He us okay with that.
• He was already the king of nonsexual intimacy.
• He would love taking baths with you, washing your hair, etc.
• He wants to make sure you know he loves you, and is incredible respectful of your boundaries and sexuality.
An* To my ace readers ilysm!! Aroace-spec identities are so underrepresented. So I was so happy to write about it! I love giving fiction for underrepresented subjects. Hope you enjoyed!
And to you who requested thjs, ty! I'm glad you like my writing, that means a lot to me :) I'm always open for requests, they just take me a while- so feel free to send more if you'd like :3
If something about this fic is iffy or weird, please let me know. I'm not ace (I don't think? But that's a different topic lol) so I don't know if I wrote things right. I'm mostly iffy about Alex's response. So if you have a suggestion please do lmk. 🤠👍
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schizoidcel · 11 months
Hello! I saw you were taking requests for TADC and thought I'd send one in if it isn't too much hassle.
This one has been itching at my brain since I saw the pilot
Pomni, Ragatha, and Zooble (Separately) encounter a newcomer to the circus (reader), who was their S/O in the real world.
Perhaps reader had come looking for them to find out what happened, only to end up getting stuck with them?
Anyways, thanks for your time! I hope you are well!
Idk how yall find me wit my posts not showing up in the tags but OMG HELLFIRE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? Dw bestie it's no hassle ong ong. HOPE U'RE DOING WELL TOO LOVE <3
warnings :: None, angst if you squint on Zoobles part. Also not proofread I'll do it in the morning kissy
♪ POMNI ..
She's probably taken aback first.
It's just been a week after she arrived? And there's already another person???
Though for some reason, and even if you two barely talked, Pomni already feels more connected to you than with everybody else in the circus. Even with Ragatha, even though they've helped her through everything, like on the first day
She finds it weird, but she dosen't mention it at all.
Your presence is just soothing to her and calms her down, which is enough of a reason for her to keep being near you
Over time, you 2 grew very close, seeing as both of you are new to this whole thing.
And Pomni already feels like she has grown a crush on you .. Cmon girlfail it's been like a couple days.
The way you just are ... You makes Pomni feel like you've supported and comforted her all her life, even though you guys just met a couple of days ago
Once you and Pomni were calming down after a really exhausting adventure, you both were pretty beat and when you initiated conversation it somehow came to how you both ended up in the circus
You explained to her how you ended up here because you wanted to try and escape reality after your lover went missing, obviously not expecting to get trapped in a literal VR game ...
Pomni felt saddened at the mention of you having a lover, but at the same time, she felt like something snapped inside her
Didn't she have a lover too?? Was that you? Because it would explain alot .
And when you said how Pomni kinda resembeled your partner, was when she realized :
Pomni IS your partner
She literally immediately started to try and explain to you how she is probably your lover because of how you and her ended up here, and because of the entire thing of her feeling more connected with you
You didn't seem like you got it from her extremely fast no pause explanation, which caused her to have a meltdown infront of you ... (goodjob girl!)
Though, that meltdown looked abit too familiar. Immediately you knew that "Damn! That's my girl!"
Just as soon as you realized, you held her and reassured her that you got what she meant, and that you're happy she managed to connect the dots you couldn't
Pomni seemed happy from the praise, but she seemed even happier from the fact that both of you are together again.
And now she is clinging on to you like idk a panda on pumpkin.
Expect her to be clingy like this for a few days, maybe even weeks. Fuck girl maybe FOREVER
The days she was there, even with Ragatha helping her the best she can, Pomni still felt isolated as she had begun to slowly think that maybe none of these people are real in the first place (jesus girl)
But now that you, her S/O, someone she KNOWS that is real is here with her she feels SO much more calmer
She does feel bad that you're stuck with her now, and she definitely feels abit of guilt. But exactly because of those reasons, Pomni wants to get out even faster now. She still wants to have a little apartment with you, after all!
With you being new, Ragatha makes sure that like with Pomni, your 1st day is as good as it can be!
She seems to be abit more hooked on trying to make it perfect, though ...
I wonder why that is?
Well she sure don't know. Anywho!
Even if she does want the day for you to be more flawless than ever, she really didn't give it any thought, therefore she automatically is not aware why she wanted it to be 100% ideal for you
She's been in here for awhile, and though she faintly remembers having a partner, she doubts her partner would ever end up in the digital circus like her (uhmm... news flash bae...)
Ragatha realizes from day 1 that she gets along with you really well, and that immediately caused you two to hang out alot!!
The longer you hangout with her, the more Ragatha feels like she is developing a crush on you .. (wuh woh ...)
And not even a few hours after she realizes she has this crush on you, you started talking about how you ended up in the circus in the first place
She was sad at first, but tried not to show it. Instead, she comforted you, and told you stuff like "It's OK!" "Maybe we'll find a way out, then we can find your S/O!" (the irony I can't.) basically words she hoped would stop making you look so sad and make you smile instead .. (cutie)
Out of nowhere though, you started crying
She was so . shocked?? GIRL WHY ARE YOU CRYING
You try to tell her through your now lowkey stuttering voice how your S/O acted JUST like her
The touch, the words, the voice, all of it was really familiar to you .
After you tell that to her, Ragatha realizes that it's the same for her towards you.
How she feels like you and her knew eachother for years with how fast you two got along when you first met, surely it can't be a coincidence.
Ragatha begins to tell you about this and how she feels like she knew you for a very, VERY long time
.. Which leads to a guessing game of both o yalls fave things.
Though Ragatha has forgotten most of the stuff in her life back on the real world, she "coincidentally" knew EVERY one of your favourite things.
And you did hers??
You two didn't know how to react and were shocked.
After the shock died down though, both of you were just hugging eachother, and the both of you telling eachother how lonely it was without the other one by your side really aint gon stop those tears.
Zooble DEFINITELY wouldn't even realize or care about you
Ofcourse not because they hate you, they're just kinda tired of new people coming in and in, especially this fast (chill girl god damn its only 2 people!!)
Zooble starts to find you WAY more tolerable the more Caine throws you into adventures together, though
They find the aura around you more inviting, so to speak
They even slowly start to think about how they prefer you over all the other members of the circus
You two only spoke around 4 times, but all have been extremely smooth going and fun conversations, something Zooble wouldn't expect to have with someone. ESPECIALLY a new member ..
On the other side, you find Zooble extremely likeable aswell! Sure, they might be dry or blunt, but they have a warm side, like every cold person usually does
You probably like talking with Zooble more than everyone else aswell .. Not cus everyone else is boring, you just find Zoobles personality and perspective on things to be more intriguing
Once Caine made you all go through another adventure yet again, which turned out to be a "partner" game
And wouldn't you know it, fate loves you and puts you and Zooble into a pair!
On that day, you two managed to tell eachother the mutual interest you have in one another, therefore deciding to become closer friends.
Or actually lets just start with being friends in the 1st place.
Ofcourse after that game, you two would normally be seen together more often now (BESTIE TIME)
Which ultimately leads to you telling Zooble how you got in the circus in the first place
Zooble didn't really know how to react to you having a S/O, they didn't really feel hurt, but at the same time they did? It was confusing, really
Once while in your room, you told Zooble how some of the antics they make is similar to what your S/O used to do
You immediately snapped and thought about how lowkey weird it is to say that, so you apologized immediately ..
To your suprise though, Zooble even took it as a compliment (they didn't expect it too.)
Zooble feels like a part of their identity has been put together the more you guys hang out with eachother
They want to know why they feel so completed with you, but that'll probably be something that can only be figured out once you two (if you can) get out of this circus (word for word ...)
But for now, they'll enjoy your company, the energy you give off, and your comforting presence.
They wont step over the line, since they know you already have a partner, but it wont hurt if you're just best friends, right?
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
Ugh this was so much fun I am LIVING for these little babes. I'm really proud of these hello ?! Might make a short scenario version since I love this ask sm.
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Slightly Stabbed | The Lost Boys x Reader
Plot:  you get a little bit stabbed.  oopsie? [The Lost Boys x GN!Reader]
Word count:  3807
Warnings: first aid, stab wounds, blood, the reader has some issues but it's ok
A/N: this is literally a fanfic in headcanon form, holy fuck.  tumblr almost couldn’t handle this thicc thing
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Sooooooo, here’s the thing about dating a group of vampires
They uh
They can smell blood
At least not today
No, today we’re discussing the fun challenge that is Hiding Your Stab Wound From Your Four Boyfriends
(five boyfriends if you want to add michael, and five boyfriends one girlfriend if you want to add star)
Either way
All these bitches can smell your blood, which makes hiding injuries Difficult
It literally doesn’t matter how little blood there is, the second that red shit escapes your flesh prison, they Know
It makes papercuts very difficult, because you’ll be reading, you’ll get the papercut, and then one or more of them will just Appear behind you like
“Hi, could I offer you a band-aid?  Or perhaps you could offer to give me a sip of your blood?”
It’s a fuckin
Also, RIP to you if you ever get scratched in the face by something, because some of these fuckers
(paul and marko)
Will just
Lick your face
They don’t even give any warning, they’ll just lick you
It’s an experience, to be sure
It’s even more of an experience if you go with the idea that they have forked tongues
But anyway, we aren’t here to talk about little injuries
We’re here to talk about Stab Wounds and How To Hide Them
Short answer: you can’t hide them.
Aaand that’s it, thanks for coming to the TEDTalk everyone, rmr to like and subscribe, blah blah blah
Long answer:
Let’s start with how you got the stab wound
Because that’s very important
There are lots of ways to get stabbed
The boardwalk isn’t the safest place
And i mean, you’ve seen the “people are strange” sequence, there are missing posters fucking everywhere
And yeah, all that murder that could be just the boys, but also
There could be other killers wandering around, you don’t know
There are also vampire hunters
And random delinquents
And people who just
Don’t Like The Boys
And by association, don’t like you
Whatever it is, whoever stabs you
They manage to get you one of the few times you’re on the boardwalk alone
To any passers by, it just looks like a fist fight- probably something that came out of harsh words and youthful anger
But alas, the sharp stinging in your side says something else
Actually, it’s less saying something else, and more screaming it
Nevertheless, you manage to fight off your attacker, and then you’re left standing on the boardwalk, your hands covered in blood as you try to put pressure on your wound
It’s a very strange experience
You’ve got a hole
In your side
You’re leaking blood
And you almost don’t know what to do next
But you know you can’t exactly go home like this, so you end up walking through the crowds on the boardwalk, fighting off shock and trying to ignore the bright lights and joyful screams around you as you try to find a bathroom to clean up in
If anyone notices that you’re hurt, you don’t notice them
Eventually, you find a bathroom, and once inside, you lock the door behind you and take a look in the mirror
As you stare down your reflection, you silently pray that the wound looks worse than it is
In part because it looks really bad
Like, bad enough to freak you out
But you’ve also got your fingers crossed that it looks worse than it is because, uh
If you die alone in a random boardwalk bathroom, David will kill you.  
And yeah, the thought of an angry david sobers you up pretty quickly
You start doing first aid on yourself
You’re no pro, but you do your best with what you have
You clean the excess blood off of your wound with paper towels and tap water
At first you’re so focused on speed that you forget to be gentle
You regret it
But you quickly learn how to get shit done efficiently without needlessly torturing yourself
And thank fucking god, the wound does actually look worse than it is
The stab wound isn’t deep, and it didn’t hit anything important
It’s just gross
Once the bleeding stops, you frantically wash all of the blood off of your skin
And then you realize that you don’t have much to patch yourself up with
You end up using your jacket, which was already stained with your blood beyond repair
You rip it up for bandages, and then you realize that you’re uh
You’re probably going to have to get another shirt
Because yours has Noticeable Bloodstains
And not only will your Vampires notice that
But so will the General Public
So yeah, you buy a dumb t-shirt from the boardwalk
It says, “i survived the murder capital of the world and all i got was this stupid t-shirt”
You find it hilariously ironic that you are using this shirt to hide the fact that you almost didn’t survive the murder capital of the world
You yeet your old shirt into a random fire, and then you head on back to the cave, hoping for the best
(hoping for the best here means: hoping that you don’t start bleeding again)
You don’t
And hey, when you get to the cave, it looks like the no one’s home
So that’s another win for you!
You walk on in and let yourself collapse onto one of the couches
And i mean, you instantly regret it, because ow
But it’s nice to feel something soft and comfortable after the time you had
You can’t relax, though
For one thing, every time you close your eyes you’re back there
Either getting stabbed by a stranger on the boardwalk, or shaking in the bathroom trying not to bleed out
You can feel your breath coming faster as the adrenaline in your system fades away and you start to realize that you were just stabbed
Someone pulled a knife on you, and they stabbed you
They could have killed you, you could have died, and you’re lucky you didn’t, but also, you’re not super lucky because you still got stabbed
And you really liked the shirt that you had to burn
And for another thing
There’s a vampire standing in front of you
When you open your eyes it makes you jump and scream a little
Which irritates your stab wound
Which makes you scream more and curl in on yourself
It’s very confusing to poor paul, who was already very confused because he could smell your blood even though none of your vampires bit you that day
Also, it’s not super relevant but you should know: he does kind of look like the “mom i frew up” meme
Or at least he does at first
Because the second you start to curl in on yourself, he is on you
Usually he’d apologize for startling you, but right now?  Right now he can tell something’s up
Your boys might be dumbasses, but they’re more than smart enough to know when something is wrong
So, paul goes all
“Hey pretty thing, are you okay?  What’s wrong?”
And you
You don’t want paul to worry, and you don’t want him to get mad at you for letting yourself get stabbed
And you really don’t want to talk about your stab wound in general
You just want paul to go so that you can have a panic attack over it in peace
But he doesn’t go
So you respond with
“I’m fine!  Totally, totally fine, I just slept on my side weird and it’s bugging me, that’s all”
And y’know what, you’re actually mildly convincing
Too bad he can smell your blood
Thanks to that fun vampiric trait, he knows you aren’t telling him the truth
So, he leans in a little further, eyebrows furrowed, and he says
“You can tell me, baby.  What’s wrong?”
Luckily (depending on who you ask) you don’t have to answer him, because marko drops into the cave
Yeaaaah, you were lucky enough to come home like, two minutes before the boys did
Anyway, it doesn’t take marko long to notice the scene on the couch
You’re curling up into the armrest and paul is leaning over you
It looks weird
You’re clutching your side
And paul looks concerned, so like i said, these boys may have like, three solid brain cells between them (three and a half if you want to count star) but they fucking Know when something’s up
Especially when something’s up with you
So, marko bounces over
And now he’s asking what’s wrong
He leans over the armrest of the couch
So he’s standing like, behind your head
And he asks, “What’s up, hot stuff?”
You lean your head back so you can look at him, you roll your eyes at the pet name, and again you say
“I’m fine.  Paul’s just being a dick”
And paul, who now looks majorly offended, collapses onto the couch by your feet and goes
“I am not!  I’m being a concerned boyfriend, you’re being a dick!”
Paul picked the wrong place to sit, because you kick him in the leg as hard as you can without hurting yourself
It’s not super hard, but paul acts like you stabbed him, ironically enough
While you and marko grin at his dramatics, david and dwayne drop into the cave
And uhhh, they’re much harder to distract, so good luck with that
Literally from the second they get into the cave, they’re both honed in on the smell of your blood
They make their way towards the couch you’re all crowded on, and as they do, david says
And he projects a bit, so the sound echos off the cave walls
“Why do I smell blood?  Paul, Marko, did you start something without us?”
His tone is chiding, maybe a little teasing
But the second he sees their faces, his taunting demeanor drops to something much scarier
And now david says your name
And his voice gets a little deeper as he asks you why he can smell your blood
As you struggle to come up with an answer, david and dwayne make their way over to the couch
Dwayne, Known Sweet Boy, comes up behind the couch, takes your hand and kisses it
He doesn’t ask you anything, but he also doesn’t let go of your hands
You don’t look at his face
If you look at his face, you know he’s going to look back at you with an expression that is 100% concerned puppy dog, and you will crack like an egg and tell them everything
And then it’ll become a huge deal
And they won’t leave you alone
And you’ll probably cry in front of them
And you’ll make them waste their night taking care of you
And then you’ll get yelled at for being stupid, so no
You do not look at dwayne
Instead, you focus your attention on paul, who’s focusing on david, who’s focusing on you
And for a second, everything is silent
Then david kneels at your side which is fuckin
He likes to feel tall, kneeling is the Opposite of that
But he does it nonetheless
And he says your name again, and you Don’t Look At Him, you just keep your gaze straight and pretend to be somewhere else
Of course he says your name again, sounding more irritated this time
And he asks
“Why can we smell blood outside of the cave?”
And you relent a bit by answering
“Hey, it’s not like I’ve never bled around you before.  Remember that time I fell?  Or the time I gouged my shin open?  Or the time one of the pigeons bit me?”
Yeahhh, even you know it’s a stupid argument
No matter how much blood you’ve lost around them, you know it doesn’t match this
And marko puts your thoughts to words
He legit says
“Yeah, but it’s never been this bad before, babe.  What’s wrong?”
And after that you’re just
Bombarded with the boys asking some variation of “What’s wrong?” over and over
You cling to dwayne’s hand as their voices start to overwhelm you
But then he pulls away
And you just can’t take it anymore
So you yell
And you don’t mean to yell it, you just want to be heard
“OKAY, OKAY, fine, I’ll tell you”
They shut up, and instantly your voice drops like
A million decibels
As you say
“I… I may have been… lightly stabbed.”
There’s a beat of silence and then
“I’m sorry, you were STABBED?”
Dwayne breaks his silence, looking horrified, which is almost funny, because you know his methods of killing are a little more brutal than “stab the victim with a knife”
But then again, he’s never tried to kill you, so
Anyway, dwayne’s outburst is followed by paul and marko both shrieking some form of “excuse me”
(“I’M SORRY, WHAT?” and an actual, “EXCUSE ME?” respectively)
David is silent now as the other three just
Lose their shit
Paul is demanding to know where the wound is
Marko fucks off to go hunt for first aid supplies, but you can still hear him shouting about it
Dwayne has taken your hand back and he looks into your eyes as he asks
“Who did this to you?”
And quietly, you go
“Some douchebag on the boardwalk- look, guys, I was only lightly stabbed-”
And there’s another outburst
Paul and marko both yell that being “lightly” stabbed still isn’t good
Dwayne looks like he might kill someone or start crying, you aren’t sure which, maybe both
And that’s when david grabs your jaw
He’s surprisingly gentle with you- though, considering the stab wound, maybe that isn’t really a surprise
Either way
David makes you look at him, and he asks you
In a voice he reserves for quiet moments, which this isn’t, and special occasions, which this technically is
“Where’s the wound, baby?”
With a sigh, you tear your eyes from his and gingerly lift up your new shirt to reveal a blood-soaked makeshift bandage, which itself covers the shallow wound in your side
Haha, fuck
You wince at the sight of it
But your boys remain stone faced- if anything, they look angry
Except for paul, who also winces, but in a split second he goes from wincing to pissed like everyone else
And you let out a groan, because this is the one thing you were trying to avoid
Anger and concern
Just as you open your mouth to apologize, marko slams a small box of first aid stuff on the floor by the couch
You move to reach for it, but instantly, several pairs of hands are on you, pushing you (gently) back onto the couch
Roll Your Eyes
Fuckin vampires, always treating you like glass
“Hey, I’m not four years old,” you say, trying to sit up again, “I can treat my own stab wound”
Yeah, as you say it you manage to catch just how absurd your words sound
‘I can treat my own stab wound’ who says that?
You do, i guess
And you intend to follow through, but hey
You get pushed back down again
“Stay still, wouldya?  Goddamn,” Marko fuckin growls as he pins your shoulders down, “We’re trying to help you, so stop moving.”
You give a very defiant wiggle.  No one is amused but you.
With an irritated sigh, you resign yourself to staying on the couch
But it doesn’t stop you from trying to get them to leave you alone
“Look, guys, I’m fine.  Don’t you have anything better to do than poke at me?  Seriously-”
“Ha, you’re cute,” the response comes from paul this time
Paul who has, by the way, taken to holding your legs hostage
He continues with a very blunt
“But seriously, shut the fuck up and let us fix this, ‘kay?”
You glare at him, but with your legs and shoulders pinned, it’s not like you have much of a choice
So you just
Lie there
And try to pretend that this whole thing doesn’t make you want to break down crying because fuck, you couldn’t just almost get murdered, you also had to be a burden
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
As you lie on the couch, the night’s events replay in your head
And as your emotions build, every shitty thing that happened to you that particular week also replay in your head
As marko starts to patch you up, and dwayne takes over pinning your shoulders down, and david starts plotting the murder of whoever did this out loud, you just
Try to stop them from seeing that you are Not Doing Okay
And here comes second, even tougher challenge:
Hiding Your Feelings From Your Four Boyfriends
Yeahhh, you fail at this one, too
Paul notices the tears in your eyes right the fuck away
It helps that he’s looking at your face, and not focusing on the marko medical drama going on at your side
He reaches up towards your face and he just says
In the softest fucking voice
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?”
And you just
The tears come to the front, just a bit, but it doesn’t stop you from yelling
“Jesus fuck, CAN YOU ALL JUST FUCK OFF SO I CAN CRY ABOUT THIS ALONE?  Go hunt, or something, just- just go away.”
They do not just go away
They don’t really know what to do with that
They just know that you’re hurting and it’s bad
And they Don’t want to leave you alone
So instead, paul and dwayne give your leg and shoulder a squeeze, respectively
In like, emotional solidarity
And david leans in towards you so that you can hear him say
“If one of us was stabbed, you would be upset, right?”
You nod and he continues
“So why is it any different for you?  You’ve been stabbed, you’re allowed to have emotions.”
You’re in the middle of processing that when marko
dear marko
Gives your shoulder a very awkward pat and says
“Besides, crying is sexy!”
And he states it so matter-of-factly
And he does it with this little smile, that you’re sure is supposed to be comforting, but oh my god
David smacks him on the back of the head for that while you just
Start to giggle
It’s which devolves to a weird mix of laughter and tears
It’s like
Mostly laughter
Meanwhile, paul just starts to openly mock marko for his, “crying is sexy” comment
And before you know it, your side is properly bandaged up
But of course, it isn’t over
Less yay!
You’re finally allowed to sit up, and immediately paul yoinks you into his side
He clings to you a little bit, too, like he’s not sure he’ll get to hold you ever again
And yknow what it makes sense, you’re human, and fleshy, and easily breakable, and you got stabbed
He’s allowed to be freaked out, too.  They all are
The second you’re up, david is on his knees in front of you again
His hands are on your thighs, and now it’s his turn to ask
“Now tell us, baby- who did this to you?”
You give them best description you can, and just like that, they’re all headed for the exit
Except for paul, who’s still clinging to you
But before they can leave you call out to them
And you say, “I’m sorry.”
Every single one of them freezes
The next voice you hear is david’s
He asks
“Why would you apologize?”
And you take a second to answer
Because in your head you have several answers for him, but it is
Very difficult to express them out loud
And as you figure out how the fuck you’re gonna verbalize any of your feelings, the boys come right back to you
Marko plops down on your other side, dwayne stands behind you, and again, david is in front of you
But you can really only focus on david, because once again, he’s on his knees with his hands on your thighs, and he’s looking at you with a mix of confusion and sadness that you rarely see on his face
And finally you say:
“I- um.  I’m making all of you worry.  And it was stupid of me to get stabbed in the first place, because I could’ve gotten myself killed, and then I fucking cried everywhere, and-”
And that’s where you get cut off
Because david leans in (and moves his hands up your thighs) and he says
“Now, why would you ever apologize for all of that?”
You look up and meet his eyes as he continues, but he’s turning to look at the boys around you as he says
“I mean, if we apologized for being stupid then Paul and Marko would never stop apologizing- and if we had to apologize for getting stabbed, well-”
Everyone looks at marko
And that little shit just grins like he didn’t almost get murdered by a bunch of teenagers, and he says
“I’m not apologizing for that.”
It’s a little shit thing to say, but david nods and says, “Exactly, so you don’t apologize either.  It’d be stupid to apologize, okay?”
You nod a little bit, and he smiles and says
“That’s it, babe,” he kisses you on the forehead and he stands
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we have to go commit a murder.  We’ll be back, don’t go anywhere.  Paul, you’re good staying?”
Paul promptly buries his face in your shoulder and gives david a thumbs up
Marko stands up, stretches, and starts to bounce away
Dwayne leans down and kisses your temple before he also walks away
Marko then runs back to you to kiss your cheek (he got excited about the oncoming murder)
Aaand that leaves you and paul alone
You turn to face him
(you fail, because he’s not going to move his face from your shoulder until he wants to_
And you ask
“Hey, don’t you want to go do some murder?  Doesn’t murder sound fun?”
And i mean it does
But that’s not the answer you get
The answer you get is a very stressed sounding
Yep, you and marko really did a number on this poor guy
So, that starts challenge three
Not Getting Stabbed For The Mental Health Of Your Four Boyfriends
It’s an easier challenge, you succeed at this one
Idk about marko tho, marko’s probably gonna get stabbed again.  Not necessarily by a person.  Maybe by a fence.
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mimasroom2 · 1 month
Poolside fun ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა
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I went to the pool today and I was UNASHAMEDLY checking out this HOTTTTT mom. Like guys if you saw her omg. So that’s where this idea came from😇 I feel like I keep writing the same thing every time it’s just build up and then Ellie fingering you LMAO but it’s a classic. Wanted to make a more relaxed fic, I always end up adding plot. Started as headcanons but then it got too long.
C/w: Smut lol. Ellie is older in this one but reader is 19. Also Ellie is lowkey a perv…. like imagine if a man was doing this..🤢 it’s okay tho it’s Ellie so it’s automatically hot😜 Ellie the cougar LMFAO RAWWWWRRRRR. Mommy kink😞
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You’re not really shy changing in front of people, especially if they’re strangers. I mean ur never gonna see them again. You still turn away from people and face the corner. You’re not like… walking around with ur pussy out for everyone to see😭
Ellie feels soooo lucky she decided to come to the pool today. She was debating not to, but when she saw your bare tits in the locker room she knew she was staying. She tried so hard to be discreet, so she waited a couple minutes until she followed you out into the pools (she set a timer LMAO). When she left the locker room she was pretending to decide which area to go to first, but she was really scanning for you and your sexy black swimsuit.
You decide to go into the main pool first and swim a few laps since you haven’t gone swimming in awhile. Ellie discreetly watches you from the next pool over and tries to gauge if you’re an extrovert or introvert so she knows how to best approach you. She decides you’re probably an introvert, so she thinks it’s best to keep her distance for awhile.
You see a bunch of kids and parents going down a tall ass water slide and ur like “why not” so you go get in line. Ellie is WAY TOO prideful to go down the slide, so she just sits on a bench and pretends to stretch until she sees you come out the bottom. You’re all smiling and giggling as you fall into the water, and she thinks it’s adorable.
OH YEAH! She’s wearing a black swim top sports bra type deal,,, and swim shorts that have dinos on them (the pic I included)
You finally see her as you get out of the water.
You have to do a double take because DAYUM she is hawttttt. She’s standing there all cool crossing her arms AND HER TATTOO OMGGG the pool is not the only thing that’s wet.
You decide to spend some time in the hot tub. There’s not a lot of people but the jets and everything drown the other conversations out, so you close your eyes and relax. You’re a couple minutes into your spa time when you feel someone’s thigh up against yours. You open your eyes and HOLY SHIT it’s the hot masc you swear was following you around.
She actually grins at you, “Sorry. Did I scare yah?”
You guys end up just making small talk about the pool and stuff. She says her name is Ellie. Turns out she’s a huge ass gym rat and likes to come in here to wind down (or.. at least that’s what she said.)
“You got a girlfriend?” You’re actually honestly shocked at how direct she is, so you stutter a little but end up saying ‘no’.
“Shit.. with a body like that I’m surprised no one’s snatched you up.” She looks you up and down and you swear your face would get hot if you weren’t already in a hot tub.
“How old are you anyway?” You ask and uhhh! Let’s just say you did NOT expect her to say 25. Good thing your cut off for milfs is 27😇
Her eyes widen and she fucking laughs when you say you’re 19. You try testing the waters (heh) and playfully splash her to which she pretends to be offended.
She makes you tell her more about yourself and when she thinks you’re not looking, she stares right at ur cleavage. You swear you see a fucking glimmer in her eye when you say you haven’t had a girlfriend in awhile. She may as well have giant lights that say ‘POUND TOWN’ behind her😭
You remark that the hot tub is getting to be too much and you’re probably gonna get out soon but you really don’t want to leave her
“I guess the hot tub isn’t the only thing that’s hot in here.” She knows it’s fucking cheesy and stupid but she smirks anyway.
You genuinely cannot hear her over the jets “What?” You scoot closer to her.
“I guess the hot tub isn’t- fuck.. just come with me. Okay, darlin’?” She stands up and waves at you to come with her.
You follow her into the locker room and there’s HELLA people so you’re all ‘really this is where we’re gonna do it?’ She walks out of the locker room and looks you up and down before she opens one of the massage rooms. She tells you she swiped the key from a worker who was clocking out :0. So she opens it and everything and WOW is this straight out of your fantasies.
“Take this off.” She closes and locks the door. You turn around to face her and start peeling off the wet swimsuit from your body. She leans against the door and watches you.
Once it’s finally off Ellie walks up to you and starts unashamedly grabbing your tits. You bite your lip, trying not to make any noise at the most basic contact. She looks into your eyes and then smashes her lips against yours, reaching down to rub your pussy. You moan and she slips her tongue inside your mouth. It almost makes you feel disgusting, with how vulgar this whole situation is. She’s sucking on your tongue while she continues palming you.
She leads your body over to the little massage bed. “Already so wet just from that, huh?” She smirks and slowly spreads your legs open.
“Not my fault you’re experienced and hot- oh fuck mmmh”
“Whoever said it was a fault?” She says and swift pushes two fingers into you without warning. You arch your back and start breathing even heavier, even though she’s going so slow. She has her head close to your pussy and is basically staring at how her fingers look going in and out as she’s fucking you. “Stretch you out nice n good.”
“Fuck.. please Ellie gimme more..” she makes eye contact and glares at you. She definitely doesn’t want you talking over her.
She speeds up her pace, until her fingers are slamming inside you over and over again. Part of you wants to tell her to stop so that it can last longer. Your moans start becoming more audible, and both hands are gripping the soft blanket beneath you.
“Come on. Mama’s got yah.” You never thought you’d find a mommy kink so attractive, but you feel yourself fucking clench around her fingers. When she can tell you’re about to cum, she puts her lips around your clit and starts to suck on it, you scream and whimper until your orgasm arrives. You let out guttural moans, and you couldn’t even care if other people at the gym can hear you with how much you needed this.
“Cmon, let’s get yah back in the hot tub so you can properly wind down.”
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gatitties · 1 year
So how about this.... some king, saitama, genos and tatsumaki (Separate) headcanons with a reader who's an A class hero and their power involves video games physics. An example of that would be where reader had the power to interact with the world as if it is in a video game which as you may know has these:
The System
Video Game/Game Mimicry
Video Game Imitation/Mechanics
Virtual Reality Mimicry
The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all video games. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities like he can use a cheat code from a real game to trick his foes and avatar manipulation that creates modulate personality character identities (Think of it as a character customization except irl). Reader also has an instant learning ability so anything reader sees or wants new information they acquire, they can immediately learn and master any form of knowledge that can comprehend with ease. There's also a dimensional storage ability that reader can store anything inside their item box and can summon them back with relative ease. Actually just to make this quick I'm just gonna have to send this link so it would better explain everything: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Video_Game_Physics anyways for personality I imagined reader to have a more laid-back attitude and relatively has a lot of patience when it comes to dealing people that can anger others quickly yet he's also confident and outgoing that likes to hang out with people no matter what you are as long as you don't try to harm him. Reader works a bartender and tends to meet other heroes (or villains who happens to visit that place) they always put on a polite behavior despite the mistreatment they'd often receive from other customers. also they never lose to a single game match like ever! No matter how professional you are at a video game or how much you do speedruns. reader is always one step ahead of you and even if you cheat they would immediately spot it. and speaking of speedruns, they also have a streaming channel on youtube in which they do all sorts of challenges. Other than that reader is pretty much the person you'll love to hangout with.
─King, Saitama, Genos & Tatsumaki x hero!reader
─Summary: just a few headcannons of your relationship with these heroes
─Warnings: none
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─ He probably met you from one of your streams early on, then you saved him from a monster he was completely terrified of, only taking a quick look at his 'character' stats to detect the terror behind that straight face.
─ You found it so amusing that you indirectly encouraged him with a drink at the bar where you worked, after which he became a regular customer.
─ Although you had to change the meeting place because there were many King fans who came to ask for autographs, there were only a couple of people who wanted your autograph, and it was not even because you were a hero, but because of your streams.
─ Anyway, you found yourself at his house every time you had free time, when you found out that he played video games and watched your streams he desperately tried to deny it, you didn't give it any importance and now he's one of your most competitive rivals.
─ Luckily you can give more life to the games you play, King is used to playing against npc or Saitama and it's always very easy to win, so his mission right now is to beat you.
─ He will definitely run towards you if there are monsters nearby, you have incredible power and despite being A-class, he thinks you can eradicate any kind of threat or at least aspire to more than A-class.
─ Your relationship is based on a constant fight to break records in any game, whether it is the best streak in Valorant, speedruns in Mario 64 or winning in Mortal Kombat, although the rivalry increases much more in Mario Kart, peace was never an option.
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─ He met you in the middle of a battle, completely fascinated by being able to change your 'character' and appearance, he asked you if you could change his appearance too, although you could 'program' reality in a certain way, his change would not last forever.
─ After that silly situation, he found you at work and stayed for a while chatting, which made him visit the bar more when he needed to get away from Genos for a bit.
─ He takes care of all the people who have a bad treatment towards you when you work, although you simply don't care, he insists that you should not let disrespect pass.
─ He encourages you to change some parameters of reality to play some jokes on bad customers, you only get carried away sometimes changing the appearance of those people to something ugly.
─ Smoke comes out of his head whenever you play games because you are unbeatable, more than once you let him win to see his happy face, although if he rubs it too much in your face you will not let him win again.
─ You feel a little envious of his great power, it's not that you complain about yours, but sometimes it's tedious to have to think of a video game mechanic to transfer it to reality and fight, it's not so easy to change weapons from a shooter to sorcery from a fantasy rpg and he just has to throw a punch.
─ You are somewhat similar so when you both need calm or are saturated you get together to have a tea or coffee without the need to start a conversation, you just enjoy the program that is on television.
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─ You became a Saitama 2.0 for this boy when he saw you fight, you will have him as a puppy in your work until you agree to train him once and for all.
─ However, no matter how much you explained to him that you only had powers by copie stats from video game characters to use them to your advantage, you couldn't help him much for that, so you simply supported him in the silly ideas that Saitama invented.
─ He didn't care that you were a class lower than his, after all Saitama was C-class and was his trainer, he thought that having two would only make him stronger.
─ He's not that big a fan of videogames, so unfortunately you spend more time having small battles against him in your free time, you weren't as good in combat as you were in videogames but luckily Genos was easy to read and distract with reality bending.
─ He won't tolerate a single disrespect towards you when you work, even though you don't care about the bad comments, you don't even have time to blink and those people are kicked out.
─ He'll put on your streams in the background while he cleans house, he's probably subscribed and donates from time to time to ask when you're free for a rematch.
─ Probably you will lend him some robotic parts or weapons from some games like Metroid, Megaman, Metal Gear Solid or Call of Duty, although they will not last infinitely in the real world.
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─ She started a rivalry with you because you started to get the attention of some of the administrators of the hero association, you were just an A-class, you weren't that great.
─ You decided to ignore her silent threats during meetings, although when it was your turn to battle together she always did something to stand out from you, you really didn't care, it's not like you put in that much effort in battle.
─ After a while she left the childish attitude and found herself frequenting your bar, at first it was to follow you closely, then for chat with you.
─ She will begin to admire your fighting method because it's never the same and you learn quickly about your opponents, coming to imitate their attacks, you always change the game mechanics to your liking, although she will not admit it out loud.
─ At a certain point she offered you a class upgrade because you really were much better than a simple A-class, but you turned it down, you had enough work already and being a hero was only an occasional thing, she got mad at you for saying no.
─ She doesn't like to lose so she won't waste her time playing games with you, nor will she admit that she watches your streams and that's why she knows that she won't be able to beat you in any video game.
─ She makes a competition for everything she can think of in what she can beat you, you don't give a shit about her tsundere attitude and you just flow with it, if she wants to compete, it's never a bad thing to have a healthy rivalry with someone.
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valley-of-headcanons · 4 months
If I can request, you did the way the bachelorettes react to ex-stardom. I enjoyed it so much and would love to see it for the bachelors too?
I love your writings ;u; ♡
bachelors reacting to your ex-stardom || headcanons
being in the limelight was fun for a while, but settling down is definitely what you needed. but how would your partner react to your past? part one here!
warnings: nothing that i can see! :)
requested by: anon! hii, thank you so much for the request! this topic is pretty interesting, and i really enjoyed writing for everyone! be sure to check out part one, it adds a little more context and i think it's super duper cool and you're definitely missing out. anyway! hope you enjoy :)
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• You and Alex were on the beach, resting after tossing around the Gridball. He got on the topic of his dream of playing Gridball professionally, and how although he wanted to make it big and turn his passion into a profession, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He's been such a shut-in these last few years, only really hanging out with you and his grandparents. The fame sounds so scary. But ... you knew that all too well. He didn't know that, though. Maybe it was time.
• You slowly told Alex that you knew a lot about being famous, before explaining who you were. “Wait- what?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I love your music! Genuinely, like I listen to it all the time ... I know it's not really the manliest choice and it's my guilty pleasure- not to say men shouldn't listen to your music! Oh my yoba- sorry- ... I love your music. That's what I'm trying to say. It's really really good.”
• As you explained why you left the limelight, Alex nodded understandingly. “Yeah, Gridball will always be a dream of mine, but the people I'd be around are probably not good. Maybe staying in the town isn't such a bad idea, huh? I don't think anyone could really beat hangin' with you, grandma, and grandpa.”
• Alex soon opened up about which of your songs was his favorite, and asked in depth about them. There were some that really spoke to him emotionally, and he had a really bad time dealing with that sort of stuff. The fact that you created something he relates to makes him happier than ever! He scored pretty good, if he says so himself.
• Regardless of your old fame, he's still deeply in love with you. He admires your talent, but that doesn't overshadow how you've helped him in his life since you've actually been in it. He will still listen to your music, but maybe a little more publicly. He wouldn't tell anyone unless you said it was okay, but he'd totally be bragging about you if he were allowed.
• Elliott was not having a great writing session. He invited you over, incredibly stumped with his latest novel. He was bouncing ideas off of you left and right, but nothing would stick! You mentioned that music could be an inspiration, and it was like a lightbulb smacked him in the forehead. He raced over to his stereo and turned on the radio. A cheese-y pop tune ... YOUR cheese-y pop tune. He was embarrassed over the pop playing and immediately turned it, but he did notice your expression and inquired.
• You explained that the song on the radio was a song that you wrote and sang yourself. He was startled at first. “I didn't know we had such a big star in our midst! Are those your lyrics as well? I didn't pin you as such a wonderful writer, but I am so grateful! Someone that shares my writing prowess! I knew some invisible string brought us together!”
• As you continue to explain your past and why you came out to Pelican Town, Elliott nods along, hearing your story. “I didn't realize how similar we are. I understand wanting to get away from it all, that's why I'm out here as well. I suppose you came here to get away from your work, and I came to get closer to it. How awfully poetic that is, don't you think?”
• He asked a lot of questions, really diving deep into your mind. Of course, he only asked if you were comfortable with it. He loved analyzing people's minds, especially if they were different from his own. He may or may not use some of these aspects of your life in his new novel. With your permission, of course. You've always been his biggest muse.
• Elliott is invested in your life, like any good partner should, and admires your creative talent. This only heightens his view of you, as you are an artist, just like him. Despite the different mediums, you two share a lot in common. He would love you regardless of this aspect, but this only draws you two closer.
• Harvey was giving you a check-up, which was a bit unethical now that you were dating, but eh. He's the only doctor in the town and he's very worried about your health. He noticed that you mentioned a previous injury when checking your knee reflexes. This injury has occurred in a rehearsal for one of your tours. You didn't want to lie to your sweet boyfriend, so you had to admit the truth.
• As he wrote on his clipboard your reasoning, he stopped for a moment. “Tour? Popstar? Is this one of your sarcastic comments that I'm not getting? ... oh, really? You've never mentioned that part of your life before. Please, if you want to open up about it, show me some of your work once we get home. I hate to admit, but I'm fairly curious,” he said with a soft, caring smile.
• When you two get home after the checkup, he starts to cook dinner. “Please, keep me company while I cook. If you'd like to share some stories ... well, only if you're comfortable with it, I know that you got away from fame for a reason, but ... I want to know that part of your life, just like I know this one. Indulge me, if you would, my love.”
• He tries his best to support this part of your life, even if he wasn't involved. He ends up purchasing a lot of your old music and keeping a collection, showing it as a sign of affection. He listens to it while he does household chores, humming along to your songs happily while you're away.
• Harvey didn't mind this aspect of your life. It was another thing that made you the person he loves. He listens to everything you say and pays attention, specifically to the parts of fame you enjoyed and didn't enjoy. He only asked about the stuff you liked, and allowed you to open up about the hard times on your own, when you were ready. He was incredibly careful about the whole thing, and wouldn't dare make you uncomfortable.
• As you and Sam were relaxing in his room one day, he was fiddling with his guitar. He seemed super stumped, strumming random chords to try and make some sense. Nothing was working ... he eventually showed you something that sounds sort of functional? But this rhythm was VERY similar to a song you put out a long time ago. You let out a soft giggle, which left Sam confused. You had to explain now.
• You drop the fact that you were a popstar in a nonchalant manner, trying to make it not a huge deal. But it's Sam. Of course it's a big deal. “No. Fucking. WAY! You're kidding, you've gotta be fucking with me! And you didn't tell me?! For SHAME! As punishment, you've gotta tell me all about it and I will refuse to change the topic. Now SPILL!”
• You explained who you are and why you left everything behind, which Sam thought about for a moment. “Wow ... I never really bought about fame that way. That must've been a lot, and I really do get why you came all the way down here. I'm just glad you're here now, y'know? ... but if you do end up getting the itch to create some music again, with no strings attached to fame, I'm always here. I'd love to create somethin' sick with you.”
• Sam always asked questions about the parts of fame he didn't know much about. Did you go to any parties? Was this person actually chill or were they a dick? He was so curious and asked probably the weirdest questions imaginable, but they were refreshing. And if you weren't the first person Sam showed his music to before, you were now. He always asked for your approval, and asked how to improve. It was extremely sweet.
• Even though he was excited about everything you had presented to him, he tried his best to be respectful. If you asked him to stop, he would with a nod and a quick apology, giving you a small kiss before putting the topic to bed. He still loved you for you! This aspect about you is just so cool and interesting to him. He adores you regardless, and wouldn't trade the current version of you for anyone else.
• Sebastian had just finished working for the day and needed to relax. He flopped down on his couch and pressed the button on his radio. The pop station came on, and he was about to turn it before you walked in. You were shocked to hear your own song playing, staring at him with wide eyes. He makes some sarcastic comments about how this is actually his music taste and you just don't understand him. He doesn't understand why you're so shocked, though.
• As you slowly drop the bomb, he lets out a little chuckle. “Hah. Funny. You can drop the act, I can tell you're fuckin' with me ... are you really a world renowned superstar with several albums with hundreds of chart toppers? Like I believe that! Why the hell would you choose Pelican Town of all places to live, huh? This is the type of town you need to run away from.”
• You eventually have to explain why you left, why that lifestyle really wasn't you. He's actually at a loss for words for a moment, before nodding. “I didn't expect that out of you, you really are full of surprises. Tell me more, if you wanna. I'd be willing to listen. If you don't wanna talk about all that shit though, it's fine. Whatever you wanna do,” he said with a welcoming smile.
• Your music was FAR from what Sebastian listened to commonly. His Radiohead collection can attest for that. But ... he decided to take a listen to your music. He's very picky usually, so this is a pretty good feat. He actually kind of enjoyed it, for once. Maybe you're leading him down the path of liking something that's not edgy. Hmm. That's nice.
• Sebastian found this part of you incredibly interesting, but he didn't ask many questions. If you wanted him to know, he would, and he respected that. He loves hearing you talk about anything that you're passionate about, or just hearing you talk in general. It's arguably one of his favorite past times.
• You and Shane were sitting by the pier one night. This was Shane's safe spot, attempting not to start drinking again. You two spent several afternoons sitting under the glow of the stars with an old cassette player and some of Shane's favorite songs. One of these nights, he mentioned that his childhood dream was to be an actor, and how weird fame seemed. He would hate being famous ... and you did too. This would be a perfect time to drop this bomb.
• You mentioned your past to Shane, but he brushed it off. “Uh huh. And I'm actually a famous bowler but I fucked up my arm and now I'm destined to live the rest of my life in this little shit hole. Oh, my poor dreams. How sad,” he said, his dry humor biting with sarcasm. He noticed your facial expressions ... they weren't sarcastic. “... I'm sober right? You didn't spike my drink or somethin' and you're tryin' to fuck with me ... huh. Now that's a topic.”
• You explained everything, mainly about why you came back here. You figured Shane wouldn't really know much about who you were, that's not his type of music anyway. “Huh. Nice. I figured you were just some corporate big league who got tired of the white walls. A lot of things make a lot more sense, I guess. You're a lot more talented than I thought ... sorry, that was mean- let me rephrase ... you are talented. I really am tryin' to get better about that ...”
• Shane didn't ask much about it further, but would listen if you brought it up again. He ended up stumbling across your work ... it was way better than he imagined. Maybe because it was you. It was a source of comfort to him, and he often listened to your beautiful voice when he was in a dark time. It helped him through a lot.
• He didn't mind your past, you had a lot less skeletons in your closet than he did. He liked hearing your voice, so it was a win-win. He got this down-to-Earth side of you that he enjoys being around, but he can also listen to his star-studded partner whenever he wants. He wouldn't tell you that, though. That's his little secret.
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rose-n-gunses · 10 days
Okay so there's all the headcanons and AUs about Chrissy lives and helps the party clear Eddie's name but what if they failed. She's alive but he gets arrested anyway.
There's zero proof that he did anything (because he didn't) but in a small town in the middle of nowhere, confirmation bias has gotten the best of them. Eddie's lawyers are doing their best but there's only so much they can do against Jason's family and Fred's family and Patrick's family and all of their lawyers, not to mention the fact that the entire town has turned against him except for Hellfire, the Party, his uncle, and Chrissy.
The trial's a shit show, the judge is an asshole, the prosecution are assholes, the population of Hawkins are fucking assholes. And he loses. Of course he does, because there was never any other way this could have gone. Not when the real suspect is an interdimensional mind demon thing. Not when the entire town has been itching for an excuse to see him locked up. It's like blinders on a racehorse; they had him in their sights, finally, and he has no way out.
Chrissy had spent enough time in Hawkins' "high society" to know that these people fear and abhor that which they do not understand. They couldn't understand him, she could see that now. She watched them tear through his room, his car, his family, his history, his entire life, only to come up empty but still point at him and say "he did it" anyway.
It makes her furious. She wants to tear the limbs off of everyone in that courtroom, but she can't. So she does the next best thing.
She goes to law school.
She'd never really had the best grades, but now she has something to work for. It takes some time, but she never stops advocating, never stops fighting. Nancy's a big help, too. She's a journalist, she's got contacts in the industry that are helping to get the word out.
She writes him letters the whole time, too. By the time she graduates, damn near at the top of her class, she's realized that while she started this thing because of that deep-rooted sense of injustice that came out of watching the boy who saved her life get torn to shreds on the stand, it's turned into something else. Now she's fighting for him because she loves him (and maybe she had all along).
Eventually they get enough support from enough people, from enough big names (fucking Metallica, for one -- she couldn't tell them exactly how Eddie used their music to save her life, only that he did) that he's granted a new trial. This time, he doesn't get a shitty state-appointed attorney. He gets Chrissy fucking Cunningham, and she's not going down without a fight. (She feels it's the least she can do. She loves him, she owes him, she still feels like it's her fault, in a way.)
It's a long and gruelling process, appeals and analysis and arguments. She calls a probably record-setting number of character witnesses, brings the Party in to provide an alibi. (They all remember that week down to the last detail, even after all these years. Scars might fade but those memories don't.)
She's determined to beat this thing. She can tell that it's almost beaten Eddie, she knows that if they lose again he's going to give up, and she's not going to let that happen.
Finally they make it to trial and it's nowhere near as cinematic or dramatic as she had been imagining it for the last few years. It's the same agonizing slowness as the first time around, only this time there's hope. A glimmer of hope, a flash of hope, a blinding fucking beam of hope.
The place is packed this time, too, but it's mostly people there in support. Eddie nearly falls out of his chair when he sees James Hetfield sitting there. For him.
Chrissy finally gets to tear apart everyone that had been in that courtroom, only she gets to do it the way she's always done it best: with her words. She's got the odds stacked against Hawkins. They had no investigation, no evidence, just a hunch. They couldn't figure it out, couldn't explain it, so they called it a cult killing and found somebody weird!
The jury is appalled, thankfully. How could anyone possibly get convicted on such little evidence? The verdict is a unanimous not guilty, and then...it's all over.
Well, it's not over.
Eddie's released, he's reunited with his Hellfire, the Party, his uncle. Chrissy.
He loves her, too. Always has. How could he not, after all she'd done for him? He tells her he wants to marry her as soon as she'll let him and she says that he could've asked any time in the last however many years and she would have said yes in a heartbeat.
But first, she leads him away from the chaos for a moment of quiet. He thanks her and she shakes her head. She'd done it all for him the same way he'd stood on top of his trailer with his guitar.
And she tells him that. She'd been telling him for years, even if he couldn't hear it. She'd said it when she graduated high school, graduated college, passed her LSATS. She'd said it when she passed the bar and walked at her law school graduation and right before she walked into the courtroom. She says it again now, just so he knows she means it, because he'd meant it and he means everything to her.
Eddie, this is for you.
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writer-freak · 2 years
male Valorant agents walking in on you changing (gn reader)
Characters: Yoru ,Chamber, Sova, Phoenix, Cypher
Warnings: gn reader, headcanons, can be read as romantic or platonic I think, characters walking in on you, mentions of reader being shirtless or just in underwear, english isn't my first language, probably ooc,
I just got into Valorant just a few days ago I still need to get to know the characters a bit better so this could be ooc but I wanted to post it anyways I will probably also do a version for the female agents if people would like to read that Inspired by some random tiktok I saw about horror icons walking in on you
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated 🖤
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He just tends to forget to knock 
Normally that isn't so terrible because you're just in your room resting or something like that
But this time was different
You just came back from a mission, and sweat completely through your clothes
You just wanted to get them off as quickly as possible before taking a well-deserved shower
Imideatly after walking into your room and closing ou door, you started stripping out of your clothes
Yoru was already searching for you earlier before hearing that you were on a mission
When he saw you close your room door so he went over
When he opened the door he was greeted with the sight of you taking off your shirt
Flustered Yoru incoming
You were also embarrassed but you couldn't say anything because he quickly closed the door again
He shouted through the door "Lock the door next time!"
You could still hear how flustered he was and that made you giggle 
You retorted "Maybe you should learn to knock" 
Then finally getting your shower
In the Vp, there were occasional company parties
Some fancy events were people had to attend as a cover for the Vp
Today it was your job to attend one, and your partner for the night was Chamber
You were already running late and now trying to get ready as quickly as possible
You had informed Chamber to get you from your room
So after getting ready he made his way over
You were still frantically searching for something not having put on your clothes
Chamber knocked on your door but in your search, you couldn't hear him 
He opened the door and found you only in underwear
He cleared his throat trying to get your attention 
"Chamber get out!" you shouted while throwing some clothing article at him
He is such a sweetheart 
You two often conversed about food and he raved about how good his babushkas cooking is
You of course said that you would love to try some
So the next time Sova took time away from the Vp to visit his babushka 
He talked a lot about you in general but also mentioned how you would love to try some of her cooking
She gave him some Kotletki for you
He was never this excited to be back at the Vp but he couldn't wait to give you his babushkas cooking
In his excitement, though he forgot to knock on your door 
You just got out of the shower and were putting on your clothes when Sova barged in
Sova was very embarrassed, to say the least
He quickly apologized before closing the door again
Seeing a flustered Sova was definitely a sight to see 
So after putting on your clothes you went out and Sova gave you the food
You two one day just decided to walk into each other rooms unannounced
You don't even remember how it started but until now it didn't make any problems
Today Phoenix got some new shoes and wanted to show them off to you
You on the other hand were out the entire day and just got back to your room
He opened your door while saying "Hey" but the rest of his words ended up being stuck in his throat
You were just about to change into something more comfortable and pulled down your pants when he opened the door
Phoenix turned around and closed the door at the speed of light 
For you, it took a minute to follow what just happened but when it registered you finished changing 
Then you went to search for Phoenix
You have a lot of knowledge in different areas
So sometimes Cypher asks you for some information instead of searching for it himself 
He had a pretty important question for you and quickly went to your room
You on the other hand were changing your clothes
Noticing that you couldn't find the shirt you wanted to wear right now
You were turning your whole wardrobe upside down
That was when Cypher barged into your room
You didn't notice him at first having your head entirely in your wardrobe
He on the other hand just saw you shirtless rummaging through your closet
But he quickly apologized and closed the door again which brought your attention to the door
He will probably make you some Moroccan tea as an apology later
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Thank you for reading I appreciate it
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Moonie-chan , do still write for oshi no ko and nier automata?! If yes !!! Could you do ai hoshino, Ruby hoshino, 2b, with male reader ( if you don't mind) who's have cheerful,dedicated guy,very optimistic, with dreams and bright world views.experienced a great sense of freedom and tried to experience everything life had to offer with childlike optimism. Please.... You so lovely moonie-chan, love you 💋🫂❤️
Cheerful and optimistic S/O has a great view of live
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ai, Ruby, 2B ]
[ Oshi no Ko ] [ NieR Automata ]
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While I was writing it i just understood how much im bothered by this kind of people (the ones that are extremely optimistic), nothing personal I juts hate life so i despise the extreme optimism, or at least I don't tolerate it much from strangers (thats the reason why I hate Rengoku)
Anyway, please remember I only write for gender neutral, I want everyone to feel included while reading, u know?
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Ai Hoshino
It could be easy to think that you two have a matching personality for how Ai always acts in public, but the reality is that you two are quite the opposite, Ai isn't really optimistic and cheerful, she just put a facade for everyone when deep down she is filled with insecurities and saddness
Ai actually like a lot your personality and is a little envy that all that cheerful attitude is natural for you, but at the end she likes it, and having a relationship with you give her the opportunity to stay with you all she can
Ai end up learning to imitate your own cheerful and optimistic personality, taking a few quirks of you and adding them to her facade, trying to play a even better role as an perfect idol for her fans, but deep down she feels a little flustered because this way she can feel you closer (specially since for her work you two can't be together much time or even just make public your relationship)
Honestly, Ai likes you more than she could understand or even admit, your cheerful attitude is the complete oposide from what she truly feels, you are what se doesn't have, what she doesn't feel, and thanks to your relationship she is slowly learning new pleseant feelings, feeling of happiness and love
You are kinda what Ai needed on her life, she is surrounded by pressure from her work, envy and mistery, but you are so natural and loving, your smiles are never fake and your optimism came from the botton of your heart, and she can't help but feel fascinated, is something completely refreshing to her usual enviroment, it makes her heart skip a beat sometimes because of how real you are with all of this, or whenever she remember that this person she admires and loves so much loves her in return, and loves her for real
Ai feels like the way you see the world is kinda childish, she knows a world too diferent from the one you seem to know, Ai's life is surrounded by pressure, insecurities, she is exposed to harsh coments and claims on her person, asking to be more and more, even herself is a lie, the Ai the world knows is a facade, while you see the world with brightness, your eyes sees beauty and hope in everything, always saying that even if today was a bad day tomorrow can be a better day. Ai can't help but think you are amusing and silly, but that doesn't stop from liking the way you see the world
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Ruby Hoshino
Ruby tent to be more cheerful and optimistic, even a little childish, so your personalities normally just match with each other, understanding each other in their view of life
Since Ruby wants to be an idol is more probably that you two will have to keep your relationship as a secret, still with your personalities matching you two can easily be seen as best friends if you don't make too obvious your relationship. What, at the end of the day, isn't too wrong, you two can easily considere your relationship as best friends and lovers
Your cheerful attitude can either be loved or be hated for your friends, because whenever you two are together that attitude just multiplies, for example Kana gets easily annoyed (specially if you are being affectionate) while Mem-cho kinda like it, constantly just matching your own energy and end up be like a group of caotic teenagers ready to eat the world. In the other hand, Aqua isn't too bothered by it, he just likes seeing his sister happy, but will make sure you don't mean any harm to her or that your stupidity blindful optimism doesn't lead you two to troubles
As much Ruby is optimistic and childish she may not be as much as you are, and there are a lof of things she admires of you, your great view of life is something of that, she does tries to don't think the worst of people but for what happened to her mother and for being in the media she is exposed to criticism, hate and even people who tries to make her see bad on everyone, so having you is quite refreshing, your great view of life lead her to have one too, influenced by your own she tries to see things in a bright light too (much to Aqua's annoyance because he is trying really hard to protect her sister, and this just trigger his overprotectiveness since he is the literal opposite)
Even in moments that she is more calm and wants just to relax she likes talking with you and asking for your opinion, truly interested on hearing it and discovering more of your point of view of diferents things, is probably that at some point she will also ask you what you think about what happened to her mother (without telling you who is in reality)
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2B feels troubled by her relasionship with you just because it brings her so much joy but sometimes she feels like she doesn't deserve it
At the start it was dificult for you two to get together for 2B's insistance that feelings are forbidden for a YoRHa unit, but no matter how much she used to repeat it that would never stop her from falling in love with you, deep down she always knew that not feeling anything it was imposible, specially with you around. It took a while but at the end 2B accepted her feeling and finally accepted to be in a relationship with you
2B feels completely fascinated by your personality, even when most of the time she is serious and even just focused on her duty she just can not be infuenced by your cheerful attitude, she doesn't admit it much but she like having you around when she go out of the resistance camp because she likes the way you see the world, even when she seem like she isn't paying attention or that is too focus on her surroundings she is actually paying attention to what you say or your reactions, she loves just hearing you talks or see you whenever you find something new or something catched your attention (and if 9S is there with you two is even more fascinating! your personalities match really well, but sometimes is too much for 2B's heart)
Even when she doesn't look like it, 2B sees a lot of herself on you, your way to see the world one so hopeful and beautiful, you find the world fascinating and even with all the dangers you always thought it was a world worth of living on, and that is something that goes straight to 2B'S heart because, even when she doesn't feel exact the same, she also things that despite the danger and the reason why she was created, despite what YoRHa was doing to her, she also thought the life was worthy to living because she has you and 9S. She normally doesn't say much about your way of thinking, and if you ask she normally answer that she doesn't know or isn't sure because she doesn't want to tell you all that troubles her heart, but your way to see the world really brings her a lot of hope
2B grows really protective over you, she loves you with all her heart and, honestly, she thinks that you are more that she could even ask for, even sometimes feels like she doesn't deserve you (mainly for her truly purpose), so she tries to overcome her insecurities and determinated for her love she had promised to herself to protect you and your bright heart to all cost, no matter if you are a android or human, even if you are a machine she will protect you, always with the hope of having a peaceful life with you, someday somehow
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