#anyway. ceasefire now (and for longer). free palestine.
Think it's confirmed that Israel's participating in Eurovision 2024, so I'm gonna be boycotting it. Sorry I haven't boycotted sooner, will probably make a post closer to the event, but I can't in good conscience support them anymore, especially since they banned Russia in 2022 when the war was in the forefront but they're not doing anything now that Palestine and Israel are in a similar situation and level of intensity
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magz · 5 months
Note: If aren't going to participate in Pro-Palestine action, do not mention it!
For accountability:
This is how Magz plans support Palestine during Global Strike January 21 to 28.
Am going to put more Palestine posts in queue, with more focus.
Am going to not spend on anything during week, nor go out (rare anyway).
Am going to not publicly post our arts and promos (of art freelance work).
Am going to read and learn more on Palestine - as there still more can learn.
Am going to be even more visibly pro-Palestinian.
Am going to continue keeping up with what's happening in Gaza.
Am going to continue boycotting products and services on BDS' Boycott List, including not giving free social media promo and good impressions.
Am going to try learn Palestinian Arabic.
Am going to describe, transcribe, and alt text posts on Palestine when possible - to make it more accessible (Am Multiply Disabled).
Am going to share ways to help.
One of shorter checklist options:
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Longer checklists:
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But really just do *anything* that support and raise awareness *more*, learn, or contribute. Whatever can manage do n able sustain.
If wasn't able to prepare in time, can still participate for rest of week. Is not "all or nothing", don't have to give up. Keep Palestine in your thoughts and actions !
Some links:
Popular Palestine Accounts:
(Has graphic footage) https://www.instagram.com/eye.on.palestine/
Some Useful Posts:
Hussyknee's Palestine Masterpost
PaliPunk's Palestine MasterList
SulfurCosmos' "Palestinian Owned Companies" List (for later)
Paradox_Punch's "Pro-Palestine Brands" Twitter Thread (for later)
SulfurCosmos' "Preserving Gaza's Universities"
LoveLetter2You's Learn Palestinian Arabic Masterpost
How To Archive For Palestine
(rest of Magz's #palestine tag)
(#AltTextPalestine on Twitter)
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st4rswrld · 6 months
I’m no longer going to speak about the triplets situation. There’s not much left to say anyways, I really do still have love for them and all and I will continue posting about them even though i am disappointed. I do hope at the very least educate themselves in private. Regular content will resume.
What we should continue to speak about though is the Palestine situation. Women , children and men are dying right now as i type this.
We need to spread awareness. We need a ceasefire. Let’s speak out for those who can’t. They may not hear your voices but they need them.
Here’s what you can do to help:
1. Hit the streets- go to protests in your areas, even schools are doing walkouts right now (maybe even start one)
2. Post on social media- we live in a world where thousands of people can hear your words from touch of a button. The more you speak about it, the more people aware, the more support.
3. Call your representatives - Call, email , text i don’t care. Force it down their throats we need a ceasefire!
4. Donate - Even a dollar helps
5. Educate yourself - The more you know the better, don’t go spreading misinformation please.
Theses are sites/ accounts to follow to stay updated and educated
Instagram accounts:
Sites/ Links:
Al Jazeera
Palestine Chronicles
Finally please feel free to dm me if you have any questions. Even asks in my inbox are open 🫶🏾
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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fancylala4 · 5 months
Something I was thinking about…Palestine was the tipping point for so many of us. So much evil in the world. So much internalized helplessness. We voted for the less evil tyrant and hoped he’d win.
but now…we are done! We boycotted a billion dollar franchise out of a place. We will make the others leave too. We scared them. We scared even the president. We called for a ceasefire. We threatened out politicians. We refused to vote for Biden even if the other option is Trump. We called and emailed.
We are done being helpless and feeling that way! Palestine will be free, and everywhere else too. We will make it so America knows we will no longer accept ‘better than tyrant 2’ we will make it so America knows that we are the ones in charge we will make it known that we don’t accept oppression and we will stop it! That they cannot get away with this!
That’s the spirit! People are doing everything they can to show support and help anyway they can. They don’t care if the other side will accuse them of being bigots (despite the fact that it makes zero sense) or threaten them. They still are blocking roads, disrupting events and actively making the lives of the public officials responsible for it uncomfortable. People are rising up and there is nothing the media can do to stop it.
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arctic-hands · 2 months
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[Image Description: a bottle cap (bigger than usual), crudely flattened to be a bit lumpy and concave, and handpainted. In the middle, over a big pink heart shape, is the Palestinian flag (three horizontal stripes of black, white, and green ,with a red triangle facing right on the left side). The background is white with a black fishnet pattern. There is a paint marker (standard pen length, but thicker) next to it for scale. End I.D]
Finally finished this after 3 days because I kept messing it up and having to repaint. It was originally supposed to say "Free Gaza" in gold posca, but the paint was thinner than I expected and it didn't show up at all. My only other poscas are silver, black, white, and light blue, so none of them would have shown up well, and my hand isn't steady enough to hand paint small letters with a brush.
Used a modified soda tab method for the back, since the cap is so big (from a bottle of Calypso juice). I needed two tabs, both bent at a (roughly) ninety degree angle, with the edge of the bottle top crimped over the flat side and a safety pin run thru the raised sides. I might need to get a longer safety pin tho
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[Image Description: the back of the pin, as described in the previous paragraph). End I.D]
I'm proud of Baltimore because I'm seeing "Free Gaza" and "Ceasefire Now!" all over the city, and there have been marches and demonstrations (I can't participate bc of my health). Couldn't buy an authentic kufiya because I missed the latest Hirbawi restock (from what I've seen it didn't take long to sell out), so I tried to du the traditional kufiya fishnet pattern, because from what I've learned the netting pattern is to honor the fishing community that keeps Palestine, and especially Gaza, fed.
Anyway I've been told we need to be in-your-face about supporting Palestine, so in lieu of a kufiya I made this on top of donating to Gaza. Sorry if it looks a little messy, I'm still not skilled at making bottle cap pins
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 7 months
hello everyone! just like in my own fashion: late posting again 🤣 assignments pouring in nonstop but i think i found my rhythm now, and even calling it truce with wire bending - we're cool now! school has been going well, me and my ten classmates just having fun and overcoming things together 🤩
this month has been good to me - no, scratch that - it's given me yet another surprise i didn't even dare to imagine or let alone think about... (disclaimer: not love life related lol) but i can't really talk about it now, it'll be revealed next month 😉
October marks the very last month i get to live at Panglima Polim, feeling very bittersweet about it because i've lived there for six full wholesome years, where i achieved quite a lot of things (finished my first degree, graduated as a dentist, AND got accepted for postgrad program) not to mention the house is located in the heart of South Jakarta, next to prominent public transportation stations... i'm gonna miss the house so much, though not the cleaning and maintenance part haha the only reason i don't like having grand spacious houses. if you know me, you'll guess correctly because i absolutely procrastinated packing my things up. the way that i also knew in my bones i'd finish everything in a few hours yet still i sparsed it out into two full blown weeks, ha! but i emptied my bedroom all the same, and boy oh boy. the stuffs i've forgotten and found again! i think me revisiting old memories while organizing and selecting and taking things out of my closet was taking much longer than the actual tidying up part.
i'm moving to my Brisbane cousin's home, which from now on we'll dub as Kebayoran Lama/Bendi house and is also my childhood home. it belonged to my maternal grandparents but my uncle bought it back in 1998. i lived here since i was born until i was six years old and i moved to Cibubur. the nostalgic feeling i get every single second i spend in this house though... all the happy childhood memories resurfacing, especially the ones where my maternal grandparents and my uncle were still alive are the highlights.
technically it's still quite a distance to my campus at Salemba, but it's definitely better than commuting from Cibubur. also i'm close to Pondok Indah Mall where i used to go almost every weekend during my childhood days! not far from here there's a public cemetery, train railway, and my old kindergarten... it does feel like i'm back as a child. can't believe i'm back living here again after twenty years! so many things coming back to me in this odd yet fascinating exhilarating way, many many many years later. again enforcing my belief that good things do come all in good time!
as i typed this it's my mum's birthday and ten (10!!!) days to go to Coldplay Jakarta and 83 days to Coldplay Singapore night 4! ✨ sooo excited and i will definitely update you guys!
anyway, this moving out permanently thing got me thinking. the silver lining in the cloud is that in order to 'move out', not only i have to 'carry on' i also have to 'leave behind' :) i do not need to bring along the burden of the past, i'm keeping it away at where it came from.
would like to end this post to urge everyone to talk about Palestine. call for ceasefire, donate for aid, boycott (refer to BDS Movement's instructions), share any post on Palestine. from the river to the see, Palestine will be free!
see you on the next post x
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