#anyways I think the show will continue to be totally okay with violence as long as it’s committed while raiding European ships
socialistexan · 1 year
Hear me out. Conservatives want to hold pride month at gunpoint, right? Make the consequences for having anything queer in the store so high that they just can't afford to do it. What if we do the opposite? Go out of our way to support anyone who does risk their necks by making pride merch. There's been a trend to say rainbow capitalism is surface level and manipulative and not to be supported, but this year I think it's important to make a statement. Conservatives are saying 'if you dare to sell the merchandise of my enemy I will commit vandalism and pull 14% of your stocks'. They're justifying it by focusing on how we're MARKETING to the CHILDREN! Let's undermine that statement with our actions. If a company keeps pride merch in their store, buy it; certainly favor it over other brands of the same item. Buy stocks, if you can. Make retail workers' lives easy. If you see someone leave a mess, straighten it out. If they ask why - say you're worried about the conservatives messing with stores ever since the violence and arson, and you want to support those who stand behind pride month as it was intended. Because... that's true, you know? Their goal is to scare us into hiding or lashing out at them so they can paint it on a billboard and say 'see! they're just hateful! we're the good guys here, we want to protect your children!' I think the most important thing right now is to stay visible, and specifically to stay visible in a way that people can't avoid the contrast of what conservatives are doing (violence and arson over... kid shirts that say happy pride? 'light binding effect' - so, what, a sports bra? 'tuck-friendly, extra coverage' - so they're mad we're covering up kids' junk better?) versus queer people being... Excessively kind and generous in every way. Which, you know, is hard. Conservatives are making it hard. But they're making it hard out of petty spite because they think they're losing. And to a decent degree - they are. As long as we can call attention to what they're doing, I think we can keep it that way. I dunno. I'm all over the place, and I'm a baby to this community anyway. Trans rights and happy pride.
TBH, I'm pretty much of the same mindset this year.
Like, people want to kind of ignore the cultural power that having allies, powerful allies and the way of showing that we aren't going to go backwards has, but it is absolutely necessary.
I hate to say it but there are absolutely people who are what I'd call soft allies. They don't really keep up with the community and what's going on with the people that hate us, or really don't think of us day to day but are generally supportive because that's the way the culture is moving. They'll defend us and be on our side so long as we hold ground. What could be flippantly called "virtue signalers." We need those people to remain on our side if we're going to fend off this current wave of attacks.
I understand if people in the community scoff at this and why they wouldn't want the support of people like this, but let me tell you, I was an out queer teen (preteen!) in an era where the culture was very much against us and really just beginning to come out of that. It is awful. I was around when not only gay marriage was illegal (and absolutely unthinkable), but being LGBTQ was fully illegal in over a dozen states including my own. I don't want to go back to that, I don't want to see those laws return. The cultural tide turning in our favor was extremely important in that.
I kind of look at the allyship of corporations like Target and Starbucks in the same way I look at allyship of the Democratic Party. It makes thinks so much easier for us, because it signals to our soft allies that their continued support is okay.
Are these cultural powers and instiutions bad? Yes. Should we have to justify our existence through appealing to them? No the fuck we shouldn't. Should we do it anyway before the cultural tides totally turn against us and leds in a very bad direction we can't come back from? FUCKING YES!
It sucks, but we need to stem the tide N O W, because what lies after this should the fascists win this round is not pretty.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 172
Chapter 172: "Free"
Oh, Peter's about to fall alright but it ain't gonna be graceful. Also, so silly of him to think that a knife would be enough to kill Emma. The girl survived being stabbed by Leuvis for fuck's sake, the hell is a small blade gonna do? Ain't no way the boys would even let him get close enough to do any sort of damage to Emma either.
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As much as I hate him, that slight pause he takes before he breaks out into that stupid, over-exaggerated grin is hilarious.
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I love that Emma responds just as passionately as Gillian did at the start of the flashback, showing us how real her feelings are and that she's not just saying this to appease everyone. So many people (within the story and among readers) believe Emma to be this kind and generous soul and while it's completely true that she has a heart of gold, she's also capable of harboring such negative emotions. She's just real good about not always acting upon them.
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This whole page is full of pain and I don't wanna dwell on it long since it'll only upset me, but damn, these kids are gonna need some therapy once they reach the human world.
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She wants the killing to stop so badly that she'll even hold back on any more violence and I love her so much for it. Of course I wouldn't want her to experience such depressing emotions either. Our girl deserves to be happy and free!
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I think of Nigel's words so often, honestly. Also, a rare moment that Ray & Ayshe share a panel. Literally the only reason why I wanted included that row of everyone. Just to look at 'em.
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Emma is absolutely a dreamer and we adore her for it. Seriously, you gotta be so strong to be this optimistic while living in such a cruel world. Being soft ain't bad either, she's just got lots of feelings! And it's great how often the kids bring up doing everything they can so they won't have any regrets. I really gotta start living by that idea. & that panel of surprised Emma & Ray is so precious.
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Okay my Isabella bias it totally jumping in here but I wouldn't necessarily call her or the other moms & sisters weak. If they gave up their lives at the gate when they were shipped, then maybe, but those ladies fought so hard during their caretaker training to stay alive, ya know? Sure they might not have taken any chances to change how the world works, but with how much they feared for their own lives, I wouldn't blame them. I get where Emma might be coming from though, such as being weak in terms of following the orders of the farm system. But yeah, no one really had control over their own lives in this world with fear being such a prominent force behind everyone's actions.
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Kinda amazing how many Emma Ratri fics and fanarts have resulted from this one panel by simply existing.
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I dunno about that, honey. Yeah Peter cries after James' death, but he seemed perfectly fine giving the order to the clan to kill his brother anyway.
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Favorite panel/moment:
It fills me with great joy seeing the boys continue to protect Emma throughout this long conversation. Probably the only reason why Peter held his hands up the entire chapter despite Emma lowering her weapon and eventually dropping it on the ground.
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courtana · 1 year
Long post about the non-con/rape fic author who harassed me by directly sending me a non-con fic. Scroll past if you are not interested.
Trigger Warning: mentions of rape, pedophilia, and stalking
I'm going to continue addressing the bullshit claims that @ns-imagines keeps on spewing after harassing me in my DMs for simply disliking their approach to romanticizing abusive behaviors and sexual assault in fanfiction. Because they continue to twist the story, and now they are @-ing tumblr users who simply said they were sorry this was happening to me. They're misinterpreting my blog and what happened two days ago when they first slid into my DMs and began this fiasco.
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first, the post is totally still up on my blog. you probably cannot find it because either i blocked you or because you're an expert at lying and playing the victim. you can find it here: https://cssndra-cain.tumblr.com/post/723586418512920576/or-yall-could-just-be-fucking-normal-for-once.
Your @ was also never, ever once in the post. I did not even tag cod or Nikto. You are pulling this out of your ass to try to make me look bad and to justify sending me a non-con fic as harassment. It's not working. Even if I did name you, it does not justify doing what you did to me.
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first, you're a dumbass if you think i wasn't going to see what the image you posted was about. i was confused what that picture was even pointing to, and went to your blog to see why you sent me that image. when i saw it was a non-con fic that you had directed me towards, that's when i got physically sick to my stomach and realized it was not just a funny little meme. it was you taunting me with something you know i clearly don't like and that most people would find triggering. it's why people warn each other when they see a movie or tv show that has rape, because most people—even if they haven't been raped—feel awful watching it.
i did not post my life-story on tumblr either or any of my experiences with sexual abuse because it's private. not that you would've cared anyway, because you clearly don't now. either way, sexual abuse and violence is so prevalent that most women have experienced it either way. to send a non-con fic to taunt someone, without it even crossing your mind that 'maybe a not so nice past is the reason why someone has said they don't like non-con & rape fics' shows you're not that intelligent. if i say, i don't like non-con, it's probably because i have a reason to. not just because i'm petty and dislike things for no reason.
either way, you had no reason to taunt me in my DMs either way. you could have messaged me saying, "hey, you used a screenshot of my introduction character post, and it hurt my feelings even if i wasn't your intention. do you mind taking it down? i'm still new on tumblr." and i would've been okay with doing that and apologized. hell, in this very response, i say that although i never once tagged you or included your username, i will admit that maybe using a screenshot was not the best idea. for that i will genuinely apologize. but your reaction thereafter was totally uncalled for and worse than just using a screenshot of one sentence of your post.
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i did reblog a post about how people with violent kinks on tumblr need to be looked at closely because they're often proshippers who encourage rape and pedophilia. but i did not include your username. i just said something in the tags along the lines of 'last time i did this i had some freak come into my DMs' but i did not mention you by name.
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I did post the screenshot of the conversation. You did not just send the meme. You sent me a whole pile of invalidating, insensitive, and idiotic nonsense.
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I mentioned you in the post so people know exactly who I am talking about and what you did. You find joy privately harassing people in their DMs, but once your horrible actions see the public limelight, you feel shameful. That's your problem, not mine. I think it's fair that people in fandom spaces know when someone is engaging in harassment and using non-con/rape material as a way of taunting people, so that they can stay the fuck away from toxic folks.
Lastly, my blog does not complain about NSFW content. I do read smut, when it's consensual and well-written. What I don't like is when the smut portrays rape and abuse (like possessive behaviors and stalking, something you actually portrayed as positive in Nikto post), and other things that impressionable, young people in our fandom should not think is normal in a relationship. I do have the NSFW filter turned on, and i have non-con and dub-con in my filtered tags. But it's almost like this content is so pervasive in our fandom, that it escapes those filters anyway.
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Again, genius, the problem was not that it was NSFW. You're such a master manipulator with words. Very common tactics in gaslighters. My problem was that 1) your character introduction post was glorifying stalking and possessive behavior in relationships and 2) you sent me a non-con fic in my DMs in order to further taunt me instead of simply asking me to not engage with your writing. I don't know how else to spell this out to you. You will continue believing in your own narrative, because it's very obvious you're the type of immature, narcissistic person to put down everyone around you instead of simply owning up to one flaw you committed.
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Follow your own advice, babe. Read that bolded part again, slowly and to yourself, one more time. Slide into my DMs to harass me, and of course I'm gonna fight back.
Also, I never once sent you death threats. And I don't know of anybody you've listed sending you any. Post the screenshots, and I'll make sure to address that. As much as I find you disgusting and annoying, I don't condone death threats and threats of violence, even if you don't have any problem being an absolute pest in people's DMs.
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saiouma post game AU inspired by Taylor Swift music
a thread I started on twitter in March (2021) when I was listening to half of the evermore album ( and a bit of folklore) on loop
ironically, it starts with "closure", from Ouma's perspective who thinks that Saihara reaching out to him now is unnecessary and performatory only to solidify Saihara's good guy look in media's eyes, not out of care and that he only wants closure from him
the idea that Saihara just wants to tie loose ends, be told what he didn't understand and probably apologize for some things that are meaningless to Ouma as long as they ended the game anyway is repulsing to him, so he shuts him out, bc he doesn't want that sense of finality
next up is "gold rush", it's really loud about v3 cast everywhere he looks, but all the credit for HIS plan goes to Saihara and partially to Momota, while he gets the rep of "Komaeda type character" with "you tried" sticker and "are you insane?" looks pointed at him
Saihara totally hates the attention, but Ouma doesn't know that since they DON'T communicate at all, so he's really bitter about how much Saihara is loved, just collecting what Ouma worked for. On one hand, he predicted that Saihara would have to finish the game in his place
he left all those leads for him, because he knew he wouldn't be there for the final, and it's fine, Saihara carried it out the way he wanted him to, so why is he mad? and well, in this song there are so many lines that just... h
"I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush" bitch, you're jealous and distance yourself because you want to pretend you don't care
"Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in" hate to break it to you Ouma, but it doesn't sound like you don't like the gold eyes after all, I meant rush, gold rush Like "jump in"?! hold your horses, take him to a date first, dude
"I see me padding across your wooden floors" Literally fantasizing about living with him, I told you to hold your horses. "My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore" Wait, not like that-
So for him the moment he realizes he's into Saihara he immediately assumes that it'll never be, and he has a lot of anger at Team DR, at all the fans, at himself for being attracted to someone rn (while there are other things he should focus on),
and at Saihara for (what he only assumed is) an attempt to smooth over the problematic persona of Kokichi to get a good ending for the public view. So the *totally* reasonable thing for him to do next is to give Saihara HELL, obviously.
And so the next song is " 'tis the damn season" and I am so vibing with that one, y'all don't understand, it's like, soft violence, the longing, the "we can call it even", I am foaming at the mouth, this one gives me so many scenarios
"There’s an ache in you, put there by the ache in me" aka it's angst time, the pain when, ugh, when you're an idiot hurting your own feelings and messing with your crush's head, because you can't stop yourself from either flirting with him or pushing him away the very next second
(and this is where I said I am gonna take a break and then didn't come back to this until today)
okay, so I can't stress this enough - my post-game Kokichi continues to hide behind his in-game persona and dials it up whenever there's even a chance of publicity. I'd like him to quote "It's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together" to Harukawa but really, he died for those people, he might do something like that in an interview for show, but the attitude from mad woman is directed at TDR and fans... for the most part. He acts like a spoiled celebrity and he's always having a scandal, whether it be getting into physical fights with fans or reporters, or saying something offensive or throwing a fit and trashing a place (like a hotel room or a store) because he got upset, being caught drunk or smoking, making crude comments about other participants of the game when asked at the events they're forced to attend because of their contracts (he won't answer anything if they get to him any other day tho) so in his " 'tis the damn season" era a lot of rumors is born
A lot of them centered around him and Shuichi, most of them having a bit of truth to them. There is something developing between them because deep down it's what both of them really want, but Kokichi is still playing with Saihara's feelings, making it a game of cat and mouse, pulling him along, being the one to seek him out, flirt, but also always the first to backpedal and leave him alone in a rush
but eventually it starts to get through to him that Saihara actually cares and that it's hurting him, so we enter with champagne problems when he realizes Saihara is being genuine with him and the "dropped your hand while dancing" is literal because it's one of the official parties, organized by one of the many anti-danganronpa organizations that ask Saihara to give speeches on their events like this one, and they're waltzing, having a quiet conversation, Ouma's tease backfiring on him and he runs away just like that
Cue him holing up god knows where to mope for weeks, agonizing over worst case scenarios, playing it over and over in his head, certain that he hurt Saihara with his playing and pushed their relationship beyond saving and that's when the last great american dynasty starts playing, because he uses that time to finally sort through his pre-game stuff too, and it turns out they were almost-not-really together back then too, so he blew it thrice and they won't be getting any more fresh starts therefore "Who knows if I never showed up what could've been. There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything :)" bc he read his diary and thinks it's his fault Saihara joined danganronpa (it isn't)
and there's no way to incorporate my tears ricochet smoothly with its literal message but I think about "I didn't have it in myself to go with grace" a lot and if you re-frame it from Momota killing him directly to their whole group scapegoating him and pushing him in the direction of becoming the villain they wanted him to be just to wonder why he doesn't come to group therapy and tell the press they have no idea why he's being hostile with them now that it's all over. It'd be simpler if they still hated him like they were always supposed, but now their eyes are suddenly open to bigger enemies, so they believe he can just... what, sit in with them like it's all sunshine and rainbows? Like his presence doesn't make things more painful? "Look at how my tears ricochet" in a sense of a realization, the same sentiment as "There’s an ache in you, put there by the ache in me", the way he's hurting affects everyone. When he separated himself from the group in game it was noble, but now it's borderline sabotage of their progress out of avoidance, he's withholding closure, denying healing that has to be done, it isn't just about whatever mind games he's been playing with Shuichi, Kokichi is stuck in his game mindset, creating a tear in their group by alienating himself from it. He needs to talk with Miu, Gonta... even Kaito
He has to work out his place in the group and spend some time with friends, doing some healing before he gets back to Shuichi and they actually, finally talk things out, get together.
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2x4plank · 2 years
After the objectively saddest act in the game, we get a bit of a reprieve--both in terms of combat and feelings. This piece is gonna be real long.
Despite her chipper attitude, Ellie is still going through it. We get another moment when Ellie is like, "I want to talk about it!" And Joel is like, "No more sad shit. Boss up." Or however that Twitter post goes. He totally has a tramp stamp with that on it.
But God, how many more atrocities is Ellie going to have to witness until Joel allows her to be vulnerable about them? Girlie, you're forcing your coping mechanism onto your child.
Sidenote: Ellie is so fed up with these pallets.
Anyway, Tommy's Dam. I feel like Tommy and Joel keep up that brotherly attitude until they're alone together. It's not completely false: they're in an apocalypse and who knows when they'll last see each other. On the other hand, Tommy is embittered because he was a witness to Joel's horrible violence--his past life as a hunter. I like Joel, but I imagine that's quite traumatic for Tommy.
Sidenote: I feel so bad for Ellie being passed off to adults she doesn't know. When she has to go with Maria (who seems like a nice lady), you can see she doesn't want to. She's just real used to Joel.
Joel continues his emotion-swallowing crusade as he forfeits the picture of Sarah. I imagine Tommy is understanding of Joel's refusal, but probably disappointed that Joel is always hoeling his feelings up.
When they're alone with each other, they can finally show a bit of that dysfunction. I love how Tommy was ready with that, "Wasn't worth it!"
And then continues the trend of shouting matches being interrupted by calamity (see: Bill noticing Frank). Tommy can hold a grudge, because even when the dam is being invaded, he's still comes with that, "You still know how to kill?" Or something to that effect.
Next, we come around to the center point of this act: Joel learning that maybe not talking things over is a bad thing. Ellie suddenly has this bomb dropped on her that he's thinking of giving her up, and seeing as she was uncomfortable being away from him for a short amount of time, shipping her off like cargo is more than a little upsetting. So she embraces the horse girl within and rides off in a fit of rebellious rage. Understandable.
Now her new uncle and messy father must get her back, which is kind of a cool bonding activity. Anyway, Ellie and Joel pretty much lay their hearts bare in an argument. This girl is so afraid of being alone (or left behind, ha ha) after losing so many people close to her. Understandable. And Joel is just Joel, who is probably both afraid of letting someone else into his heart. I don't really have anything profound to say that isn't already said in the argument. Then it gets broken up by more calamity.
After they take care of the hunters, Joel has a long hard think on the ride back home, and decides to keep Ellie in his usual roundabout way: "Your wife kind of scares me." It's very cute. The electricity starts working so now Tommy's kids can watch Despicable Me.
Next act. The University of Colorado! Okay, so Ellie totally named the horse after one of the Savage Starlight characters. I'm betting on it.
I very much like seeing all of Ellie's first times. First time being in the forest, first time seeing a monkey. Cute.
I also love the notes from this act. I remember one small tidbit that some survivors wished another survivor a Merry Christmas, but the speaker is Jewish. It's very human to me.
The most curious thing in this chapter is that Firefly recording. If you play it in full from Joel's backpack, the dead Firefly mentions the Fireflies lack of success in the past. It kind of colored my viewpoint of the Fireflies in a negative light, and unfortunately, I never came around to liking them. We'll talk about that in the piece after the piece after this one.
Then Joel gets absolutely gored in the stomach (yikes! I hate stomach injuries), and Ellie is in for a world of hurt. Poor girl.
Addition: Ellie's command is really good here! I should've mentioned that, but her taking control when she has to was remarkable.
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OFMD: look at these lovable fictional pirates!
viewers: they’re all killing people?
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dearhargrove · 2 years
Hi! First I want to say that I love your stories and writing style! I was immersed in your Billy Hargrove x reader season 4 one-shot. It was just what I was looking for after finishing the season! Second I was wondering if I could make a request for a Billy Hargrove x female reader?
If not that’s okay but if you do then can I request that the reader is just like El and has the same powers but she also has Pyrokinesis. Billy and reader are together after meeting each other and they understand each other better than anyone else. Instead of Billy dying at star court mall she takes his place to keep him and El safe. So going into season 4, Billy has been feeling so much guilt over your death and feeling so broken that vecna has chosen him as his next target instead of max. Vecna uses you to torture billy and almost kills billy in the process. But what nobody knows is that you’ve been alive this whole time but stuck in the upside down. You’ve been able to survive so long because of your pyrokinesis ability. As billy is about to be killed by vecna(he’s so heartbroken he doesn’t know if he wants to continue without the reader) the reader shows up and saves billy and they start running to the opening to escape vecna. ( As this is happening Max and the others are looking for a song on maxs walkman that will help billy and she realizes that Billy’s favorite song is your favorite song California Dreamin by The Beach Boys). You can finish it however you want and change or add anything that will help you with the story line. You can definitely DM me if you want and I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my request! Hope you have a good day!
→ summary: Losing you was probably, no, definitely Billy's biggest mistake - and he's made a lot of mistakes in his life. Whenever he sees Max and her friends, he thinks back to you saving all of them, in a 'mall fire' as it was known to the public. When the murdering starts again and he travels with the others he doesn't inform anyone when he starts hearing the clock too. After all, death meant being with you in the end, right?
→ request from the lovely @velyssaraptor
→ warnings: whole lot of wounds, sad billy :( , violence, swearing, Vecna, reader has powers (same as El & fire control/create)
→ spoilers season 4 !!
→ word count: more or less 5,8K
→ a/n: this idea… genius. Like this request is perfection, y'all. Anyway I'm hoping I'll be able to meet the expectations of… everyone that's reading this right now. have fun and enjoy <3 sadly, I don't think I've managed to write it that well and missed out on a few opportunities for good moments but firstly I didn't want it too long and second I'm stupid. Overall I deeply apologize if this didn't match your expectations at all :( still, please enjoy if you can!
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Billy likes to think back to the day he met you. You were sitting on one of the lounge chairs at the public pool, seemingly Babysitting your younger sibling and his friends.
You wore a swimsuit in a plain color that suited you well. Sunglasses were sitting on your nose and when you had caught him staring, you reciprocated the look - until breaking it with a small laugh.
He'd later on asked you for a date and you went out to watch a movie and eat afterwards. He still remembers thinking you'd be at least a little like everyone else; going to sleep with him after the date. Instead, you had kissed his cheek and told him to 'work for it'.
From that moment on, he's been totally whipped for you.
And he still is. Even after seeing you die, seeing the life leaving your body while you looked into his eyes, black goo flowing out of your body in worrying amounts.
You'd died a painful but heroic death. Yet, he couldn't just tell everyone of how important your death was. That you had saved the whole town was a secret and had to be kept one. It maddened him - he wanted everyone to know that his girl saved everyone. That she was the reason everyone continued living without worrying.
At first it was really hard for him. Hell, it still is. But the first few weeks were spent in denial, crying and drinking copious amounts of alcohol. He knew you would've scolded him if you saw him like that. But he couldn't help it, after all he was barely alive anymore when you left.
So, when the killing started again he knew from the beginning that it wasn't this random Eddie Munson everyone blamed. He couldn't say why, but there was a certain feeling he had when the Mind Flayer had him possessed. It was like the drop of a rollercoaster but worse.
Which brought him to where he was now. Walking through the woods of Hawkins with Dustin, Lucas, Max, Robin, Nancy and Steve. It was still weird seeing his 'rival' like this - being some kind of parental figure for the teenagers while also fighting a bunch of monsters from another dimension.
"Alright he should be here." Dustin declares when they arrive at Skull Rock. And, indeed, there sat a boy with curly brown hair, eyes big and scared. He wore a denim vest with little souvenirs stuck to it and his pants had chains and a bandana on it.
He put the walkie-talkie next to him, gulping down the water they had gotten for him. "Am I dreaming or is that Billy Hargrove?" He asks, suspicious. "Yes, it's me get over it." Billy grunts and leans against a tree, hands in his pockets. "Oh, someone's cranky…" Eddie says under his breath before focusing on the others.
Billy zoned out while they were discussing their plans, only listening when they started walking again.
"So if I'm right this should lead us to one of the gates." Dustin says and holds up his compass. There's no reaction from the group apart from Steve giving him a thumbs up.
They get going, quickly arriving at… Lover's Lake? Billy has only been here a handful of times and it was always with you. You had loved it here, the calming view and peace was amazing.
You spent the night stargazing while he admired you, thankful for being able to be with you.
He's ripped away from his memories when Max touches his arm, giving him a worried glance. He smiles a little. After the events at the mall their sister-brother relationship had gotten worlds better and by now there were only short moments of bickering instead of full-blown fights.
"I'm alright," he half smiles and she nods, still worried.
They keep walking through the trees before they're standing on the shore of Lover's Lake. Their hike had taken longer than expected and the moon was shining brightly above the calm lake. "So. What do we do now, Henderson?" Steve asks and Billy looks up. "Uh, I'm guessing the gate is somewhere… in the lake. We gotta get on there." He motions to the water and Billy smirks lazily, water was no problem for him - since he started surfing really young he knew basically everything about rip currents and the dangers of water.
"I can go." He volunteers and the group turns to him. "Yeah, we have a boat here. Wait," Dustin walks a few steps to the boat, paddles lying in it. It looked stable and could fit at least three people. "Who's going apart from Billy?" Max asks and Steve, Dustin, Robin and Nancy raise their hands.
"I think that'll fit. I'll give you the compass," he passes it over to Robin who looks a bit overwhelmed at first but takes it without complaint, "when the needle starts spinning like crazy you should be at the gate. Or above it." He explains and gives them all a stern look.
"Don't go in there. We know way too little about Vecna." The moment he says the name Billy is distracted by an unpleasant, distorted clock sound somewhere near. He furrows his eyebrows and turns to look for it.
"Do you hear that?" He asks but when he turns to the others, there's no one. "Guys?"
"They aren't here." He knows that voice. He's spent the past six months missing that voice. "(y/n)?" he's breathless, his heart racing. Was he having some kind of hallucination? "You left me. You left me to die." you say and he finally turns to see you. Your hair is a mess, smeared with a black substance and there's some blood on your shirt.
"No- baby, I didn't leave you, I didn't want you to die I wanted to save you!" He sobs and comes closer to you. His hands shake when he reaches a hand out to touch your cheek. Your eyes, once full of warmth and love for him, were cold.
"I hope you feel guilty for what you did to me. For killing me." you raise your voice and a pained cry comes from Billy. He falls to his knees and tries grasping your hands. "(y/n)..." his whimpering doesn't seem to faze you and you pull your hands away.
"You murdered me!" you yell and he flinches, wincing.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…" he wails and curls in on himself. "I can't live without you, please, come back to me. I can't do this anymore.." he whispers the last statement, sadness and guilt burning at the back of his throat.
The tears run freely down his cheeks and when he looks up it's not you that's standing there. It's something with… tentacles all over it and it's nose seems burned off. Billy scrambles back, scared.
"What- what are you? What did you do to (y/n)?" The creature laughs and comes closer to Billy. "No. What did you do to her? You're at fault for what happened." The monster speaks and Billy swallows around the knot in his throat, averting his eyes.
"Don't ignore me. Come with me and I'll end this pain. I'll bring you to her." it smiles - or so it seems, it's hard to tell - and extracts a hand. He considers it for a while, but then he hears your voice shout 'no' from somewhere. Frantically he looks around, yelling your name in hopes to find you.
The monster isn't happy about that and he growls before turning to Billy. "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not." And then Billy's back to the others, Max shaking his shoulder and crying while Eddie has his eyes open wide, shocked.
"Billy!" His sister cries and hugs him. Billy is completely out of it, eyes slowly looking around before taking everything in. What the hell just happened?
The moment Vecna finds you is the moment your time is most definitely over. When you saw him torture Billy like that it was hard to get into the mind of your boyfriend along with Vecna (you'd heard your friends call him that and it stuck with you).
But when you did, it was to see him actually considering giving himself to Vecna. It had broken your heart when he curled in on himself on the floor - pained cries coming from him.
You slump against the house wall that you were hiding in and for the first time in the Upside Down, you cry. The tears come fast and you hold a hand to your mouth to keep the sobs in.
You missed him so much. His curly hair, perfectly styled, and his stupid smirk he wore whenever he flirted with you.
You even missed the stench of cigarettes most of his furniture carried and his stupidly expensive cologne.
When and would you ever be able to see him again?
Billy leaned against a tree, one arm thrown over Max's shoulder who was dozing off. The group decided to exclude him from the boat 'tour' so he was stuck babysitting the kids.
Dustin and Lucas were discussing some things regarding Vecna and the Upside Down while Lucas was watching Max.
Lastly, Billy took the small pendant on his neck between his index finger and thumb. Your first anniversary you'd gotten two necklaces - for you and him. It was a small round pendant about the size of his thumb with a music note engraved onto the front of the silver metal. On the inside was a small picture of you and him in his room.
Your head was laying on his chest and he was making a silly face while your face was scrunched up in a laugh. The picture was accidental because the camera slipped out of your grasp and captured the moment before it hit you on your forehead.
He smiles fondly at the memory of you having a bump on your forehead for the next two weeks.
It made sense to him now - what 'you' had said. It was Vecna, Max had explained that. And yet he couldn't help but believe it's words. He was responsible for what happened to you. How could he have put you into so much danger?
He sighs and lets his head fall on the tree behind him. God, he thought, when is this gonna be over?
After the first incident it happened nearly regularly. At first a bad headache and sometimes even nosebleeds and then - the clock.
It was always you coming to haunt him.
But the worst was yet to come.
No one exchanged a word when Steve drove to the graveyard where you were buried. Max had made it a weekly thing to come here and tell you about what happened or just listen to music on her walkman while staying silent.
Today, she'd wanted to come again. She urged Billy to tell her about what happened to him and he caved because Max was Max and he couldn't say no to her.
So there he was, sitting in front of your tombstone with his legs crossed.
He didn't know you were there too, flickering in and out of the Upside Down every once a while. Hearing his and Max's voice was like a dream come true and you sat down at the stone, leaning against it and closing your eyes.
"Uh… Max made me do this so I don't have anything… prepared." You heard him nervously admit and you smiled. He's so cute.
"I don't know, I feel like there's so much to tell you." You imagine sitting back in his bed with him, his head in your lap and his fingers fumbling with the necklace.
"There's a new thing from the Upside Down and we all got back together. I think you would've liked to see us all together. We got a new one, kinda. His name's Eddie. He's friends with Dustin and Mike, they play DND together."
Tears leave your eyes when he tells you about everything, especially when he gets to the part where he starts to blame himself for you being gone.
Before he could continue he stops and you, too, hear the clock sounds.
You jump up and hide a few feet away when Billy is pulled into the dimension with Vecna. You can't make out what they're saying, so after a while you get closer.
"...come with me." Ends Vecna and Billy stays silent. "Come with me and forget about her. Forget about your pain. She's here, too. You can see her then." The monster proposes. "Is she really here?" Billy asks and it's the moment you realize he wants to go with Vecna.
"No!" You run out of your hideout without a thought and scramble to stand in front of Billy. "I may not be able to win against you but I won't let you take him." Vecna laughs and raises a hand, vines wrapping around Billy.
He falls unconscious when a particularly vicious vine knocks him out and you nearly growl. You raise your hand and Vecna is being pushed back by an invisible force. "Oh, I can do that too, don't try me."
You scoff, "Show me." It's tiring, the way he can fight all of your advances.
You're barely awake anymore when he puts a hand around your throat, cutting off air.
"No one fights against me and gets out alive." Vecna says and just before strangling you completely you drag your eyes to Billy. His face is scrunched up in pain and you struggle against the creature's hand. You wouldn't let him die like this. Not when he doesn't know the truth.
It's in a few seconds in which you set Vecna's body on fire, take Billy with you and run somewhere to hide. It's another second when California Dreamin' starts playing and another portal opens. You can see Billy high in the air, headphones over his ears. Your friends are gathered around him and Max tries reaching for his legs to get him down again.
Billy's eyes are rolled back, only the white being visible. You shudder and realize you have to get him out or it's going to be too late. Taking his hand you lead him towards the portal, making sure the monster doesn't see you. Billy is more unresponsive than you'd like, limply following you.
When you reach a rock big enough to hide behind in front of the gate, you stop. "Billy?" He moves his head in your direction, seemingly only taking you in now. "(y/n)?" His voice is breathy and his eyes are starting to droop - the vines have really gotten to him. "Yeah, yeah it's me!" You could sob from relief, but the usual sounds from the Upside Down are still present and you need to save him.
"You gotta get back. Max and the others are waiting." You explain and lift a hand to his cheek, caressing his pale skin. He pulls his eyebrows together and takes your hand. "But- you. You have to come back with me." you look down and try to find the right words.
"I'll come back. But first I have to win against Vecna. He can't come back anymore." Billy looks shocked, "No, no come back. We can plan it- we can talk about this but don't leave me again!" He's clutching your arms, keeping you from leaving.
"Billy… there's nothing I'd rather do than go with you. Come home. But I can't. I can't keep letting him win." A lone tear rolls down his cheek and you wipe it away, "Promise. I'm coming home after." You hold out your pinky, waiting for him to do the same.
"I can't…" he sobs, and your heart breaks a little more. Leaning your forehead against his, you look him in his eyes. "Promise. I'll see you soon and we can- we can do whatever you want. But you have to get outta here now."
He tries protesting again but this time you stand up, slowly pushing him towards the gate. "I love you. Remember that." With that you guide him backwards until he's through the gate, the circle leading to your home closing again.
A sigh escapes you and you turn back, walking towards Vecna. "Let's kill this asshole." You think and straighten your shoulders.
While Billy falls back down and is immediately pulled into Max's arms he can't help but feel like it's worse than before. Yes, you're alive. But you're currently risking it all again and he can't save you. Again. "She's alive." He whispers and stares blankly ahead. Now he just has to trust you. He definitely does, but still. Leaving you alone when it's something so dangerous makes him feel like he just lost you all over again.
"Who?" Max inquires, briefly checking for any injuries he might've gotten. Billy mutters your name before his eyes roll back and he passes out, the exhaustion of the situation taking over.
The friends look at each other, baffled. It's Steve, who speaks up. "Do you think he's serious? I mean, couldn't it be that it was Vecna who he saw?" He pushes his hair back and leans against the tombstone, a shiver running down his spine at the thought that this was a burial for someone who was alive.
"He could be right. He got out of there before we played the song, or very quickly at least. If Vecna had gotten him he wouldn't have gotten out this easily. We should believe him." Her eyes are focused on her older brother, his blonde locks falling over his forehead and generally being messed up through all the chaos.
"Let's get him home and then ask him. There must be something he knows." The others agree and they heave up Billy's body and bring it to the car.
Walking around the corner you see the large, looming house. It's covered in the black vines and bats are flying around it. The always-there thunderstorm is raging and the sky switches to red every few minutes.
Stepping forward you open the front door, the inside cold and unwelcoming. Walking through the heavy tension gets more and suddenly a dark voice speaks up. "I've been waiting for you." It speaks and you stop walking, standing in the middle of the foyer.
"Where are you?"
The monster doesn't show itself seemingly preferring to stay in the shadows and, literally, leave you in the dark.
"You don't need to know." you scoff and the voice comes closer. "I'm impressed by how long you've survived. When you sacrificed yourself back then, I was… confused. Why would you do that, I thought. And then I realized. I had never had anything like those friends of yours. Them being able to fight against me like that was impressive to say the least.
You may know why I wanted to get Eleven." He waits for a reply from you, but you stay silent.
"She sent me here." Confusion clouds your brain - how? "Oh, it was easy for her. I wanted to help her. Wanted to free her from Brenner's experiments and imprisonment. He would've let her die and I wanted to help," his voice gets angry and you realize the reason it was your friend group that was always tormented by this dark power.
"Yeah. I've been after her since she escaped and I realized I could use this to my advantage. It wasn't my plan when you arrived, but seeing you're just as talented makes it easier to forget."
This time, you can feel his presence behind you.
"You know, it's senseless to bring her here. What will you do when you get her? Kill her? Wouldn't that be too easy?" it's provoking, but you need to know. It wouldn't make any sense to chase her for so long, just to simply kill her.
"You're right. I want her to have to suffer what I have. I'm alone here. I'm alone and I have to watch the pest that humans are invading nature even more. She will suffer just as I did. And that's where you come into play. Trust me, there was a reason I didn't kill that lover of yours. I know what you two planned and I know his weaknesses so don't try me."
Your mouth goes dry and you step away from him, clenching your hands into fists. "Well… he's not going to wake up. Unless… you bring me the girl. He'll live. But not for long." His voice is menacing and tears gather on your lash line.
"No… let him go!" You yell and spin around to try and find him. "You can't do this to me! Not him!"
Vecna laughs, amused at your pain. "As I've said. The girl. You'll know when the time is over."
And with that, he's gone. You're left alone with your anger, sadness and betrayal. How were you going to fix this? Soon, he would go after more innocent teens and you couldn't let that happen. Not when you could keep that from happening.
When you leave the house a plan starts to form in your mind. If Eleven was able to open another dimension and trap him here there shouldn't be a lot that keeps him living. In fact, the only thing that does is the killing. Closing all the portals would make him weak and in turn you'd be able to kill him.
You mentally pat yourself on the shoulder for the plan before you realize; closing the gates could mean you'll also be trapped here. Not just him. The destruction of Vecna won't mean the end of the Upside Down but the end of the crossing between the normal world and this one.
You search for the safe place you'd found and sit down, using one of your powers to find Billy.
You enter the small hut that once belonged to Hopper, bed still intact. On it lies Billy, sweat shimmering on his face.
Max, Lucas, Dustin, Steve and Eddie (as you'd learned) are gathered around the couch, discussing something. When you get closer, you start understanding their voices.
"No, I think this time we won't be able to help. If there's one person that can kill Vecna it's (y/n)." Dustin says and gestures with his hands. So they know about you. "You're right, but if she kills Vecna… won't that mean all the portals will close?" Max asks, bringing up your earlier concern.
You sit down in front of the couch, one hand holding Billy's. "Yes but no. Vecna may be connected to the portals, but are they connected to him? All the other things are, like the Demogorgon, Mind Flayer etc. They will die with him. But the portals are on their own. She'd have to close them herself, kill Vecna and open one again before closing it when she's here."
You smile at Dustin's incredible talent of quick understanding and his IQ. There's silence for a little before Eddie speaks up. "The lights," he points to the small lamps scattered around the room and how they've started flickering.
Your concern grows and you scoot a little closer to Billy. His sweat gets worse and his eyes move around wildly under his eyelids. You lay a hand on his cheek, knowing this is your time to leave. You mumble an 'i love you' before getting up and leaving, throwing a last look at the group of friends.
Coming back to your reality was like a breath of stale, dust filled air. The weird white particles invade your nose and you cough before getting up. If you had the chance now, you'd start now.
Closing portals required more strength than you expected but with the help of a memory of Billy or your friends it worked out. One by one you weaken Vecna, the last one being closed when you hear him.
"What did you do?" His voice is awfully quiet and you shake a little. "I'm going to kill you for what you did. And you're going to die slowly, painfully."
He throws his head back and comes closer, looking down at you. "Oh, really?" a nod from your side before both of you lift your hands at the same time.
The invisible force hits you immediately and you're pushed back a good two feet before regaining yourself.
You grunt, pushing all of your effort into tearing him apart. He copies you, the bats around your two bodies going wild.
When your legs start cramping you cry out of pain. This wouldn't be a waste. You'd make all of your sacrifices worth it.
A scream tears from your throat and you push yourself harder, a red glow coming from its chest. It starts growing, his powers lessening and you are able to move back forward.
"You can't… kill me." He grunts out before you use your other hand and overstep your limits. Your hands cramp and your feet leave the floor, Vecna slowly falling into dust. His warped face is the last thing you see of him. It's before you pass out that the sudden quiet and peace engulfs you.
The group is gathered at Eddie's place, watching with wonder as the gate heals itself and closes before vanishing. Crazy laughing and high fives are heard when the realization sets in: you did it. You killed Vecna and with that all the craziness that came with it. They celebrate, Dustin trying to contact Mike and Will.
When they come back to Hopper's old hut they see Billy - awake. He's confused, rubbing his forehead after wiping the sweat away.
"She did it." Is the only thing Dustin says before everyone cheerfully explains the situation.
Eddie throws himself on the couch next to Billy. "Quite the girl you've got there. She killed an interdimensional monster and rescued pretty much all of… the world!" He makes an exploding Motion with his hands and laughs.
"Yeah. Just hope she'll come back soon." Billy smiles sheepishly, folding his hands. "Dude. There's no way that if she did this she won't be able to come back here. Guessing she's asleep or something. That had to be exhausting, man!" Eddie stands back up and goes to converse with their friends, leaving Billy with his thoughts.
Yeah, it had to be exhausting for you. He was hoping you'd make it home soon, then he'd be able to finally care for you.
Waking up in the Upside Down is definitely the worst experience. You're glad no weird Upside Down bug crawled in your mouth and that there's none of the crazy bats anymore.
"Let's see…" your orientation has never been the best, so instead of finding Eddie's house you go the way you think is right - to Hopper's cabin.
Finding it was harder than ever and your stomach growls loudly a few times during your hike. You take in a deep breath, getting ready to come back home.
You lift your hand, some reminder blood from yesterday still on your skin. The air shifts and something more tense sets in. Dark particles start swiveling before the red, slimy skin builds itself back up. Your chest heaves with exhaustion and you're sure you're going to collapse the second you're through the portal.
When it's done, or when it's big enough for you to pass through you take everything in one last time. You mumble an ironic goodbye and step through, the gooey substance sticking to you like a second skin. When you're out, it's only seconds before the gate disappears, with that closing.
You fall to your knees and suddenly a bunch of shoes are in your view. Looking up, you see Dustin and the rest of the party (well except the ones in California). "Hi, guys." It's more of a joke and before you know it your arms are full of weeping teenagers.
Looking around you see Billy sitting on the couch, looking fond, yet still exhausted. His hair is matted to his forehead and a bruise is forming on his underarm.
You send him a small wave before focusing back on the teens. "I'm proud of you. I saw and heard how you solved this and- incredible." Especially Dustin looked flustered and the rest of them started talking all over each other.
Nancy, Steve and Robin stood to the side, content with having everyone back together. Eddie, who you so far hadn't talked to at all, looked a little lost but endeared nevertheless.
His hair was wild and unruly, brown curls falling past his shoulders. His eyes were big and his hands full of rings. Attractive, admittedly. From what you've seen, a great friend, too.
When they slowly let you go and stood back up Billy came to stand in front of you. A wave of his cologne invaded your senses and you took his stretched out hand, getting up with his help. His arms wound around you and you buried your face in his muscle shirt clad chest.
"Welcome back, doll."
After all the excitement died down a little Billy helped you to his car, his arm around your waist.
He was steadier by now because he rested mostly for the past days. You did too, but your body wasn't back to full health yet and it would probably take some time still.
He opened the car door for you and you chuckled. "A real gentleman, aren't you?" He exaggerated a nod and bow before moving to the driver's seat.
His music was more quiet during the drive, still heavy bass and loud guitars but you could hear yourself think for once.
"What… if we moved together? With Max, I mean." It's probably random for him, considering you had never spoken up about it before. Admittedly, you've been thinking about this for a while - especially after getting stuck in the Upside Down.
His eyes went wide and he averted his glance from the street for a second, "What do you mean?"
"Well. Neil is coming back tomorrow from his… I don't even know what, and it's just going to get worse, isn't it?" He nods hesitantly and stiffens at the mention of his father.
"I just… The Byer's house has been free since they moved and it's a nice place. Joyce called me a few days before I- you know, and asked whether I knew someone that'd be interested. But obviously no one wants a house where someone went missing, right?" He agrees with a hum and you continue.
"This would be a big- huge step for us but I can't keep seeing you and Max in danger because of him. I really can't. Joyce offered the house for an affordable price and if we both start working again it would easily be manageable. So. What do you say?"
After a few minutes of silence which made you a little jittery, he answered. "Honestly, it's a nice idea. Definitely not something we can just chicken out from but even if it doesn't work out a safe home would be great. And there are tons of jobs now that Starcourt isn't open anymore." He stops before smiling and taking your hand.
"We'll just have to tell Max and she'll be the one to decide, hm?"
Telling Max was filled with nerves and your rambling, but she agreed quickly. She had only been to the Byers house a few times, but it would do as a new home.
Your parents weren't happy with it at first, considering they still saw Billy as trouble. When you elaborated more they slowly accepted it and were relatively helpful with the move.
Neil and Susan on the other side freaked out. Of course Neil wouldn't want his son to leave - who would he let his anger out on?
Susan was unsure, not wanting to be left alone with Neil and his endless anger. In the end, it didn't matter what they said and everything was settled quickly.
Now, now you were happy. Sharing a home with two of your closest friends - or even family - was amazing. You did have trouble sleeping at night, the terrors of the Upside Down still haunting you, but with Billy it was alright.
Living alone was hard but after a while everything became a routine and slowly but surely it became a home.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
What was Muzan's endgoal beyond the blue spider lilies? If he had achieved his goal of conquering the sun, would he have moved towards taking over the world or continued his life as a serial killer vagabond? Would he have still kept the Upper Moons around?
That is a good question, and I think it comes down to what's in Muzan's style. Although he's confined to nighttime operations and that may be what makes him keep his activity low-key, I think Muzan likes the power of low-key affluence, being someone in the background who wields the real power while being surrounded only by social elites, as opposed to the troublesomeness of outright world domination (though I appreciate how his Kimetsu Academy goal is, true to the tone of that manga, "take over Japan").
If Muzan were to gain resistance to the sun in addition to his other skill set, I think he would be tempted to go on a killing spree of the Corp, as Nichirin blades would not pose a threat to him anymore. And he'd want the Ubuyashiki clan wiped out especially, just for having been a thorn in his side. After that celebratory blood bath his might consider world domination, but the thing he's learned about those pesky ants of the Corp is that it's really impossible to get rid of every last one, and for as long as demons need to eat humans (which Muzan is fine leaving as-is, it's not worth another thousand years of trouble to try to fix that), there will always be whiney humans hellbent on silly revenge, so it's easier to continue floating between incognito, but just as powerful roles. And easier to keep demons around to do his bidding, essentially if he can grant the ability to master the sun (or take it away?) as a method to motivate them. So yes, he'd probably keep the Upper Moons around, as long as they don’t bug him too much.
In modern day, Daki would work as an escort (and sometimes a pop idol every few decades?) while Muzan sometimes moonlights as a hostess in an exclusive club to get dirt on his business rivals, as I think he'd remain more interested in business power and influence than political power/accountability. With his language abilities he'd set his sights on global business now that he doesn't have to feel daytime travel restraints. He can make appearances at daytime social events now, thereby widening his sphere. Kokushibo, with his appearance, would probably stay limited to nighttime violence, but Douma would still easily be a cult leader, he'd probably have the sort of cult that makes anime productions too (that's a thing and those anime are weird). Akaza would join MMA clubs but have to float around when his violent reputation proceeds him. He might make friends, but only among guys who assume he's a really dangerous yakuza punk and admire him for it. Ooh! And he should drive a motorcycle. He doesn't need to, he just enjoys it. Good for less suspicious getaways when he kills people while sparring. Muzan gets on his case making scenes in daylight and threatens to take away his sunlight resistance, though. Hantengu would slink around unseen anyway, Gyokko might enjoy daytime trips to the beach but be okay limiting himself to nighttime activity among victims, like killing art critics. Oh man, Muzan would make a killing playing the fine art trade, wouldn't he? And he'd totally be the kind of rich person to finance his own trip to space just to show no one can stop him, and he could start a satellite weapon delivery system--I mean uh scientific research in space yes--which partners with the highest bidders. Muzan's got a lot of FOMO so I think something he'd enjoy about immortality is always being on the newest leading edges of slimy, subversive power, and he'd always be just as willing to make convenient exits.
Basically, the world is his to do as he pleases and no one can tell him no, especially not the Demon Slayer Corp.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Another long one. This one doesn't have so much of the worried reaction, cause I wrote it to fit the Mafia! Jungkook character. It's still fun though ^-^ Thanks again for the request. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: When a loose end breaks into Jungkooks house with guns drawn, you get a first-hand lesson that maybe Jungkook isn't as invulnerable as you had thought.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic violence, gun usage, blood, murder.
Mafia! Jungkook
Fighting to get free, you're kicking your legs. Squirming. Squealing as you shove your hands against Jungkook's chest, pushing him back as hard as you can. Tears starting to fill your eye line.
"Stop, stop, stop," you shout, with no effect. Struggling harder.
"Admit it!" He yells back, a smile on his face.
"Never," You scream. Not able to hold it back anymore. Your screech morphs into forceful laughter as Jungkook continues to tickle you. Your cheeks aching from how widely you're smiling. Your sides hurting as you keep thrashing for release.
"Admit I could beat up the Hulk, and I'll let you go." He insists again, pressing you down with a massive grin.
"Okay, okay!" You squeal, finally conceding. Groaning in relief, when his fingers stop tickling your stomach. Your limbs dropping down to rest. "You could totally kick the Hulk's ass." You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
"Damn right I could!" He bursts into laughter also. Easing back with a sigh now that he no longer has to hold you still. Neither of you phased by the movie that started the debate still blaring in the background.
Roughly you punch your fist into his chest, intentionally knocking the air out of him. Taking advantage while he is caught off guard to push him flat onto the carpet beside you. Straddling his lap, you lean over him pinning his arms to the floor before he has a chance to argue. Not that you think he would. The fun-filled smile doesn't leave his face for a moment. Completely amused by you, while you try your best to put on an intimidating act. Trying to stop yourself from smiling again.
"Jeon Jungkook. You cheated." You playfully scold, "And if you can't have a grown-up discussion, then you can't do other grown-up things either." You accentuate your point by grinding down. Feeling his hips push up as you tease him. Lifting up right away, shaking your head as you remove the contact. "Nah uh. Cheaters don't get that." You smirk.
"Don't be mean just cause I won." He runs his tongue inside his cheek. His gaze showing desire and a want for you to continue. But you're not done toying with him.
"You didn't win." You poke your tongue out, rocking your hips a single time more, "Confessions under duress are not admissible anyway."
"No, but it's good leverage to have." He answers a little too honestly and without thinking. Not entirely talking about your play fight anymore.
Chuckling awkwardly, you shake off the train of thought that wants to evaluate what he just said. Not wanting to let your mind remember that part of him right now. Trying instead, to return to your spirited banter. But he gets in before you.
"Nope," He easily breaks out and overpowers your hold wrapping his arm around your waist, carrying you as he stands up. "you admitted I'm stronger than the Hulk, and I'm never gonna let that go." Bending down, he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass to tease you back.
His shoulder digging into your gut stops you from taking a full breath or making a snippy comeback. So you slap his ass in retaliation instead.
"Come on Kitten, you have to give me a prize for winning." He purs suggestively, carrying you out of the living room into the foyer.
He's going to take you upstairs, but you don't make it to them before both of your heads snap towards the entrance. A flurry of gunshots exploding just beyond the front door. The commotion silencing as quickly as it started.
Jungkook slings you off his shoulder. Becoming another person in an instant. Purely focused. Opening the coat closet, he pulls a Glock from his jacket.
"Get upstairs, now." He barks.
You don't have to be asked twice, running to the stairs. Gasping as the garage door next to the steps opens, two hooded men storming in with guns drawn. Jungkook reacts quickly, firing past you. Shooting one of them, missing the second who ducks instead of firing back.
At the same time, blowing open to the left of you, the front door is kicked in. Swinging wide, four more masked men rush the house. Firing rapidly and wildly. Scarcely missing Jungkook who is moving preemptively and is 3 steps ahead. Running forward he shoots the second man in front of you. Grabbing your arm, dragging you over their dead bodies into the garage with him.
Shutting you in just as bullets explode through the wood door at your back.
Jungkook forces you to keep up, throwing you behind the car. The automatic shots continuing to decimate. The four-wheel-drive being the only thing that keeps either of you from getting shot.
Panting and on the verge of tears, you're crouched beside Jungkook. Watching him, waiting to react to anything he says. Knowing he is all that stands between you and death. But also knowing that with him in this mindset he could do just as much damage to you as one of those other men might.
The gunfire stops. Distorted voices shouting behind the door's remains. Jungkook cautiously raises up, leaning over the hood. He lines up a shot as the door opens warily, taking down another of them. Slouching behind the car as a new wave of bullets comes in response.
In front of you, the shelves covered in storage boxes and the workbench full of tools is ripped to shreds. Things erupting in every direction. Covering you in debris.
Pulling his phone from his pocket he shoves it in your lap.
"Call the first number!"
Your brain is stalling, your hands are shaking, but you follow the order as best as you can. The way your fingers are vibrating making it so much harder.
"What's up Boss?" You can hear the faint sound of his first lieutenant, as the firing ceasing again. Jungkook snatches the phone, speaking lowly and calmly.
"My house is breached and we're under fire. At least 3 guys. Semi-autos. We're held up in the garage and I've got maybe 15 rounds left." He passes the information over precisely. Remaining organized and in control.
"We're 10 out," the first confirms back, yelling orders to people on his end of the phone.
Your head jolts towards the garage door as it heavily clunks, starting to lift along the tracks. Exposing you on two sides.
"Fuck," Jungkook exclaims. "We don't have 10 minutes."
He stands, staying low. Opening the car door, tossing the phone in, followed by you. Your limbs hitting everything as you try to keep up with his pace. Making it onto the seat in an awkward heap.
"Stay down," he growls, slamming it, sealing you in. You're ahead of him this time, already kneeling under the steering wheel. Pressing your chest and head into the seat as flat as possible.
Inside the car, you can only hear the sounds of blasts for a few moments. Heavy things being thrown in every direction amid tense silences.
Outside the car, Jungkook fires off 3 shots, aiming for the legs he sees as the garage opens. The angle is wrong, and he doesn't hit them. Having to retreat back. Throwing the workbench down, using it as a meagre form of barricade. Blocking himself into the corner, hunched behind it. It's barely wide enough to protect him at the front and on the side. The height of the desk only just covering his head. He aims over the bench, hoping to keep the front two from coming in with suppression fire.
However, his attempt is unsuccessful. As he raises up, a bullet wings his right arm. Involuntarily dropping his gun, he shouts in pain. The Glock falling on the wrong side of the table.
It only takes him a second to compose himself, lunging over to pick up the weapon. But it's a second too late.
One of the men charges from inside the house. Booting the table into Jungkook, throwing him off balance. Holding him at gunpoint as he hits the floor.
Briefly, you see the other two men through the window as they pass the car. You're too terrified to move. Your hand cupped over your mouth, muffling the panicked breathes and whimpers that you can't hold in.
Working as a unit, one of the men clears the table out of the way, another picks up Jungkook's gun, while the third ushers him out of the corner and onto his feet, keeping the sights tightly fixed on him.
Getting in his face, the lead man removes his balaclava. Seething hate filling his expression. "You remember me?"
While he isn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Jungkook is certainly perturbed by the reveal.
It was nearly 5 months ago that he had ordered this man and his family killed. It drew far too much attention when he refused a deal Jungkook made him. So an example has to be set. The man's wife, two children and his visiting brother were murdered in the gruesome display. And Jungkook was told that the man standing in front of him now was also killed. But it seems the men charged with the hit got complacent. They didn't confirm the kill.
Mentally, Jungkook was already recalling the four men on task. If he made it out of this they were going to suffer greatly for their mistake.
Seeming infuriated by Jungkook's lack of fear and stoic glowering, the unmasked man slams his fist into the Mafia King's face. Shouting as he does.
Methodically, the three intruders begin to tear Jungkook apart. He put's up a fight as best as he can, but the men are trained and three against one isn't fair odds in this situation. Knocking him between them, they strike with their knees, fists, feet, hurting him in any way they can manage. Beating him into the ground. Pulling him back onto his knees whenever he drops back or falls forward.
Biting your palm you're trying to stop yourself from crying out as you sob into your hand. You can hear the hits. The thumps from him being tossed around. His groans of pain. The slough of abuse they spit at him while they work him over. Cursing him. Mocking him.
Suddenly, the car door jerks open. One of the masked men dragging you out by your hair. Making you produce an ear-shattering scream. One he silences with a fist to the face. Your body collapsing, slapping into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, your sobs can no longer be restrained. Loudly bawling, tear stream your face, hardly able to breathe as you panic.
Your heart aching as you see Jungkook across from you. Hunched over on his knees, he's gushing blood. It's running down his face. Matting his hair to his forehead with the sheer volume of it. He's splitting it up, his mouth dripping with it. His shirt soaked in it. Flowing down his arm from the bullet wound also.
You'd never have thought you would see your Boyfriend in such a state. You've witnessed first-hand the power he has when he's the one responsible for this kind of damage. In your mind, you saw him as invincible. Unbeatable. A cruel monster driven by hubris that could never be stopped.
The times you'd seen him beat people like this, the times he hit you like this, you had privately desired for him to suffer the same fate one day. For karma to return everything he had dished out.
But now that he was, now that he was the one being treated without mercy, even with it being justified, you can't feel anything but fear and sadness. Regretting ever having wished this upon him.
"Jungkook," you gently call.
He's disoriented. Too many headshots having made him dizzy and unfocused. But your soft voice cuts through all of that. Looking up from the ground to you, his eyes go wide seeing you in harm's way again.
"Y/-" he starts to get up, only to be interrupted and held down. The unmasked man's hand coming down on his shoulder. The barrel of Jungkook's own gun being aimed at his chest as the man hovers over him.
"You know, your guys didn't kill my wife right away." He digs the gun tip into the bullet wound on his arm. Twisting and stabbing into the raw flesh making him grit his teeth to bear the pain. "They shot her where he knew it wouldn't kill her. Then they let her bleed out. While I could only watch. While my kids watched." The pure rage in the man's voice is finally softened. Instead, sounding horribly grieved and agonized over the memory. "Someone like you, you're probably not capable of love," he spits, pushing off Jungkook to stand straight. "But whether you love her or not, I still want you to watch her die."
The words register, but you can't absorb them. You can't react.
"Wait. Wait!" Jungkook yells after him.
Your body is throbbing in terror. Watching him advance on you. Watching him raise the gun at you.
The shot hits you in the stomach.
"No!" Jungkook howls. The two men punting him back down as he climbs to his feet. Extending the barrage of hits to impress upon him that he shouldn't try to get up again.
In shock, you delicately dab at the hole in your side. Blood pulsing out of you. The pain is more than you could have imagined. You can't pull in a full breath. Short gasps are all you can manage. Doubling over onto your hands and knees, you weakly shriek unable to deliver a solid scream.
They drag you by your arm, hurling you at Jungkook, your torso landing in his lap. He clings to you, drawing you in tight. His face twisted in anger.
"Y/n." He growls. "Don't you dare-" he can't bring himself to finish that thought.
"Don't worry darling. It won't take long." The leader says above you, sounding genuinely sympathetic. "You though," he redirects, snarling at Jungkook. "you're gonna die slow."
Not able to breathe and the blood loss is making your head light. The room feels like it's spinning. Your eyes rolling back as they close. The reprieve of rest calling you into unconsciousness. And you can't resist.
With his hand held to your heart and his chest tight, Jungkook feels for a beat. The irregular rhythm assuring him you're still alive at least.
"I hope you really did love her. Like how I loved my girl and my boy. My wife. I hope you can feel that type of pain."
Jungkook is shaking. Unfiltered loathing ravaging his thoughts. A murderous expression concealing his heartache as he feels your pulse gradually start to slow.
Moving begrudgingly like it's his duty, the leader pulls one of the few remaining tools from its place on the wall. Wringing the handle of a large Philips Head screwdriver.
Working together, the three of them rip your unconscious body apart from Jungkook. His efforts to keep you close having little impact. Numerous injuries having sapped his strength.
Stretching him out, holding him down, they pin him with their weight. One of them securing his legs. Another holding his arm and torso, the majority of his heft used to force Jungkook's face into the cement. The leader kneeling all of his weight on his left arm to keep it flat.
As the tip of the screwdriver is pressed into his palm, Jungkook grapples to keep his hand closed to no avail. The shank piercing the meat of his palm. Screaming as the length is stabbed in and yanked out. Hissing through his teeth while the sharp point trails up. Reaching about halfway up his forearm it digs into the muscle. The blade slowly forcing its way into the skin, causing him to roar again.
All at once, a shot rings out. One of the intruders taking a bullet in the back. An assault of gunfire spreading across the height of the garage, sending the other two into a panic. Scrambling for their guns. Releasing Jungkook in the frenzy, who cradles his wounded hand for a moment before jumping on the attack. Finally having sufficient reinforcement to fight back.
Picking up the screwdriver with his good hand, he lunges at the surviving masked man. Dragging him off balance. Straddling his side. Stabbing down and around to drive the tool into his chest over and over. Burying the metal in the man's throat as a final strike. His damaged hand slamming down on the top of the screwdriver, forcing it through the other side of the man's neck.
Some of Jungkook's rage having been vented, he falls away panting watching the man, satisfied as he quickly bleeds to death.
The leader of the assailants, the source of all of this woe, is completely unmatched by the dozen men who suddenly surround him. They don't grant him the opportunity to even raise his weapon, shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him down. Incapacitating him and restraining him swiftly as he tries desperately to get loose.
There are a few seconds when the dust settles, where everything is quiet again. Only the sounds of wheezed breathing and footsteps taking any space.
Apart from the few men busy with securing the house and the area, all of them are at attention looking to assist their battered leader. Wanting to help. Waiting on an order.
"Her," he signals in your direction. "Get her to a hospital."
"You too, Boss." His second lieutenant leans down, helping Jungkook stand. Getting him to solid footing.
"I'm not dying in the next 20 minutes. Let's wrap this shit up first." He dismisses the gesture. Shirking off the pain at risk of appearing weak.
"And this one?" His first aims a gun at the intruders head.
"Patch him up. He's gonna die slowly," Jungkook's voice deepens as he repeats the man's own threat back at him.
His eyes following as he gets picked up and thrown into the trunk of one of the cars. The Mafia leader in him already, concocting ruthless plans in specific detail over all the ways he is going to torture him. And how he's going to silence any doubts about his strength that this attack may have caused.
Carried in another man's arms, you're taken to the back seat of a car. The movement string you awake. The pain keeping you immobilized and dazed.
Jungkook limping slightly follows after you. He presses his hand to your chest again, relieved as he feels your heart still beating, as he sees your eyes fluttering.
Your head laying on the seat, he leans over resting his forehead upside down on yours. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispers. His hands bunch tightly around your arms, pulling at your skin. The war of both sides of him crashing together. His eyes going cold, his breath becoming ragged.
Struggling to remain conscious, your eyes close again. Jungkook's bloody hand slapping down on your face, shocking your eyes back open. Tears instantly returning to your cheeks.
"Don't you dare die!" He hisses. His hand curls around your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks. "I'm not going to let other people think they can come at me. Take my things. Try to hurt me." He growls, speaking just loud enough for only you and him. "So you're gonna keep living Y/n. Cause until I give you permission, you don't have the right to die."
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
a lot of people in fandom have this idea that nie sect is some super progressive place and if only MY had dealt with the CQL captain guy better then he'd have had every opportunity to advance and be accepted but it didn't happen for him because he was too sneaky? hiding his 'real' personality? or something like that? what are your thoughts on this bc mine rn are teetering between 'yeah maybe' and being a bit annoyed at the way fandom has decided nie sect is actually perfect and can do no wrong
Okay, so the tone of this question is weirdly aggressive for whatever reason, but let me share my thoughts anyway.
First: the Nie sect is clearly not a place that is wholly lacking in the usual types of biases found in the cultivation world, including specifically against people with "questionable" backgrounds, i.e. Meng Yao's mother being a prostitute. We know this from there is bullying, name-calling, etc., both in the cave and, in CQL, from the captain. This is all bad.
However, this is modified by two things: the fact that there is ample evidence that this is the same everywhere else in the cultivation world (and is indeed worse, including for example in the Jin sect, per novel canon), and the fact that despite this, Meng Yao has managed to significantly advance his career at the Nie sect. Nie Mingjue stood up for him, took measures against those he saw as looking down at him, promoted him and treated him as his right hand man advisor - in CQL, we see him entrust him with his younger brother and listen to him over his own best instincts. He trusted him.
In a system where blood and birth is everything - Meng Yao isn't going to be made an heir to Nie sect because, well, he's not a Nie - Meng Yao has basically reached the highest pinnacle of what is possible to achieve with pure merit. Is there still a hostile work environment? Yes, because that's the culture they live in. But Meng Yao has Nie Mingjue - the big boss - backing him to the hilt. In CQL, we literally see that Nie Mingjue will start yelling at people he learns are putting Meng Yao down because of his birth.
That's the key point here - Nie Mingjue can't do shit about the stuff that doesn't get reported to him. From a modern corporation perspective, Nie Mingjue is basically doing all you can ask for: he's providing the correct tone from the top, he's ensuring that people who violate that are swiftly disciplined, he's modeled a better example through promoting and trusting Meng Yao, and he's provided a route for future complaints by establishing that he is willing to listen to Meng Yao's judgment.
Does that immediately make everything perfect for Meng Yao? Of course not! Nie Mingjue is fighting upstream against not only his own sect's culture, but the entire cultivation world's. But he's doing the best he can, and that, at least, is more than we see anyone else doing. (In CQL, Lan Xichen does something similar by personally modelling acceptance of Meng Yao, though notably, he doesn't take any action to punish those who were mocking him, which in CQL he had the right to do as sect leader. This makes being nice to Meng Yao a personal trait of Lan Xichen that others are encouraged to emulate, which is a good start, but doesn't go as far as Nie Mingjue since there's no reason to stop looking down at Meng Yao if you don't happen to feel like it.)
Conclusion: the Nie sect is a pretty good place to be at for someone like Meng Yao, as available places in the cultivation world go. While gaining acceptance would not happen immediately, there is no reason to think that it wouldn't happen eventually.
Now, onto your point about Meng Yao being "too sneaky" or showing his "real" personality being the issue - the issue, at heart, is not about whether Meng Yao was faking his sweetness. It's that Meng Yao chose not to tell Nie Mingjue about the captain's bullying, despite having previous evidence that Nie Mingjue would likely take his side against bullying, and instead chose to MURDER THE GUY. To be clear, in the modern corporate environment, even if you have a really hellish hostile work environment, even if you think your boss would side with the other guy over you and there's no point in making a report (which isn't the case here), even if all that is true, murder is not an appropriate response.
But it's not a modern corporate environment, it's the cultivation world, where murder happens a lot more casually - well, guess what, even if murder is okay (and it's not), do you know when it's pretty obviously NOT okay? In the middle of an attack on the sect by an enemy.
You don't really come back from that. Sorry. Doesn't really matter what your personality is, if you're willing to do that, you're out at best.
Where Meng Yao not showing his "real" personality comes in is actually later: he pretended to be righteous and just, just the way Nie Mingjue likes people to be (and that's totally okay because righteousness is an act not an intention; as long as he acted righteously, he was righteous, and who cares whether it came to him naturally). But maybe if he'd shown Nie Mingjue his true self, it wouldn't have been such a shock when he murdered a man in cold blood, and would have made it easier to forgive him later.
(I sincerely believe that part of Nie Mingjue's trauma at Meng Yao's action is the discovery that his trusted advisor, someone he thoguht of as a friend, wasn't at all the person he thought he was. I've compared it in the past to discovering that a good buddy of yours commits domestic violence - so often, you get people going "I never would have expected it from them, they were so nice to me" and are shocked and horrified because they feel they should have known, they should have seen signs, they should have figured it out.)
But the key thing here is - when your trust in someone is broken, it's broken. Nie Mingjue knows that Meng Yao isn't what he thought he was, and yet, for the rest of their relationship, Meng Yao persists in continuing to act as if he was that sort of good person...and gets pissed at Nie Mingjue for not believing it. Why should he believe it? Nie Mingjue wants to forgive him and to try to build a relationship with the person Meng Yao really is, and Meng Yao won't let him because he wants Nie Mingjue to go back to not having ever looked behind the curtain. Which is, of course, impossible.
If Meng Yao had been up front with who he was, maybe Nie Mingjue would have known to look for what Meng Yao wasn't telling him and been able to help prevent everything. Maybe he would have extended more sympathy to Meng Yao for the actual act of killing the guy. Maybe they could have made up again later.
Maybe not.
But what is inescapable is that Meng Yao's own decisions are what cost him his position in the Nie sect, and nothing else.
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Apologies if this has been asked for a prompt, but how about one where they discover the real origins of the curse (like how they do in the last one) but in 1978 so they’re able to save Tommy? Can we also pretend it’s early on so he doesn’t end up killing anybody A very dramatic yet happy ending as Cindy ends up living but obvi the reader and Tommy are together and they get their own 70s version of “burgers and the pixies” :)
Hello :)) I love this prompt and this is also technically a semi-sequel to "are you in there?" where basically they tie him up and Cindy and Alice do what they need to in order to break the curse :)
Pizza and Aerosmith (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Warnings: major character death, blood mention/described, axe violence mentioned, devil shit mentioned, cursing, betrayal, attempted violence, minor angst, kissing, not proof read sorry
Word Count: 4.9k
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"Her body wasn't there!" Alice yelled, throwing down her trowel and her walkie talkie. They'd told you about ten minutes before that they were heading back to the cabin, and you'd expected them to be carrying a bag of bones in tow. You and Arnie's heads snapped to her and Cindy, and your mouth fell open for a minute as you tried to think of what to say. Of what to do.
That night, your boyfriend had been possessed. If it had been six hours ago, you wouldn't have believed it yourself. But, after the four of you had found his name carved into solid stone and he nearly went for an axe to chop up Arnie, it was hard to deny.
You'd dragged him to your cabin. You weren't supposed to be supervising color war, so there was no reason anyone should've come to get you. And, well, you couldn't exactly let your boyfriend near anyone. You'd had to tie him up and leave him on your bed, where he continuously squirmed and tried to harm pretty much anyone within a certain distance to him. That alone made you positive that this wasn't your Tommy.
"Well, what do you mean it wasn't there?" Arnie asked as he stood up. They were talking, explaining, too fast for you to catch up. The body was there. The body wasn't there.
"Maybe you dug in the wrong place." You said, trying to be hopeful, and Cindy proceeded to lift up a rock. Written on it was, The witch forever lives. Shit, alright. Maybe they didn't dig in the wrong place.
But, that left the four of you in a deep pile of shit. What were you supposed to do? How would you find Sarah Fiers body? It had been over three hundred years, and Nurse Lanes diary was about the only insight you had! You sat on the bed, ignoring Tommy's jerking and grunts. You reached out to place a hand on his arm as you stared at the wall across from you.
You'd promised him you'd get him free of this. That the four of you would do what you needed to in order to help him. Alice and Arnie had already suggested- You weren't even going to think about it. You didn't care if finding the body sounded impossible. You'd successfully found the hand, and not even Nurse Lane had been able to do that. You could all find her body too. You went over everything you knew of the curse in your mind, and interrupted whatever fight Alice and Cindy were having to say,
"The blood." And they both turned. You looked up, at the three of them. "The blood. Blood falls whenever Sarah Fier is near. We just have to walk around camp and wait-"
"Wait until one of us gets a nosebleed? Are you serious?" Alice interrupted, and Arnie was quick to join in.
"That could take all night!" Arnie said, and you gave each of them a look. It was better than their idea. And, even if Arnie and Alice did seem particularly cynical about everything, for a second- Just for a second you'd seen how much they wanted to end this. For Tommy, for Shadyside. And there was really only one way to make this go faster.
"It wouldn't if you had more help."
At first, they'd thought just you and Arnie, but your plan stretched farther than that. It was why Joan, Gary, Ziggy, and, to all of your surprise, Nick Goode, stood in your cabin, staring at the tied up form of your boyfriend.
"Y'know, when Joan and I were talking about the curse earlier, we were just messing with you guys." Gary said, and part of your stomach sank when Joan agreed with,
"Yeah, this is way trippy." You knew it was going to be hard to convince them. You knew it was a long shot in total darkness but what else could you do?
"We know this sounds crazy," Cindy started, and you were happy she was the one taking over. Out of all of you, she was the one that would never play a prank like this. And if she believed it- Well. "We can even show you what we found, but we have to do it quick. Tommy- From what we know, he doesn't have a lot of time and-"
"I believe you." Nick interrupted, and you watched as Ziggy was quick to turn to him.
"What?" She quickly asked, an incredulous look on her face. And, while the sisters were as different as could be, you could see the resemblance between them when it came to their skepticism. Nick looked at her, even reached out to place a hand on her arm.
"Look at him, Ziggy. That's- That's Tommy Slater. He couldn't even kill the rat they found in the kitchen earlier in the month and now he's-" He glanced over at him just as Tommy let out a particularly hard thrash, and you tried to calm him. You shushed him, pushing his hair out of his face. His forehead was sweaty from all his exertion, his arms straining against the rope. Having more people in the room seemed to aggravate him more, and you watched as his teeth bit the gag in his mouth. "And Nurse Lane attacking him? Really, is it so hard to believe that it's all connected? That it's all..." He didn't need to finish for you to know where he was going, but he did anyways. "Sarah Fier?" For a moment, you nearly swore that you wanted to hug the kid. You glanced back over, watching as Ziggy looked between you and Tommy.
You'd never been close to her. Sure, you were friends with her sister, but, from what you'd heard from Cindy, they were hardly close either. But, you gave her a tilt of your head and you watched as she let out a small sigh and a roll of her eyes.
"What do you even need us to do?"
Cindy and Alice were going to take them to see what they'd found, to convince those that still needed an extra push, and then go find the body of Sarah Fier. You'd explained to them that at least two people needed to watch Tommy at all times, and that's when Nick Goode surprised you again.
"I can stay with him." He offered, and you'd given him a confused look. You and Arnie quickly shared a glance. The two of you had been watching Tommy all night, had an unspoken bond, a similar one to the one Cindy and Alice were building, already. "Arnie can go with his girlfriend and I can stay here." And you didn't miss the glance he sent towards Cindy. She'd been glaring at him the second he seemed just a little too familiar with her sister. You supposed he didn't want to spend the rest of the night caught in her group, and, well, part of you couldn't blame him. Especially when she quickly agreed. While the groups got ready to part ways, Arnie quietly asked you,
"You okay with this?" And you bit your lip for a moment. You should be. The Nick kid, while you didn't know him well, was always the nicest out of the Sunnyvale counselors. And, well, he was the only one that actually believed you. Completely believed you. And you knew that if you were in Arnie's shoes, you'd want to tag along with Alice. Really, you couldn't think of a reason to say no. So, why did you have a pit in your stomach?
"Yeah, sure. Just- Get this over with quick, okay?" You asked him, and he gave you a nod and a smile. He held out his hand for a fist bump, and you gave him one. Last second, you handed him the second walkie talkie that you'd given to Alice before, and quietly told him, "Keep it on, okay?" And, while his eyes had been confused, he'd given you a nod.
You'd been trying to conserve the batteries all night, but, with the pit in your stomach, you didn't want to take any chances.
Cindy, Alice, and Arnie took the others to see the room they'd found. That alone was enough proof the show that they weren't fucking around. That this wasn't some sort of sick prank. Though, as they walked out of the room, Ziggy still had questions,
"Well, yeah- I get this being a curse and all, but who lit the candle? Who wrote his name?" And Joan was quick to add,
"Yeah, like, you guys were with Tommy all day so it's not like he wrote himself." And the three of them paused. They'd been so caught up in trying to break the curse, in trying to save Tommy, that they hadn't really thought about who'd doomed him in the first place.
"This is so weird. And why Tommy? Tommys- Tommy. Why would someone choose him?" Gary asked, and the three of them were stumped. Tommy wasn't a jerk that made enemies with a lot of people. He was nice to everyone, even those that weren't nice to him. And why would they choose a camp counselor? Didn't they know that he'd be surrounded by children?
"I- We don't know." Cindy said, and the six of them walked through the little storage room. Cindy shined her flashlight in front of her as she thought, wondering just who would choose Tommy Slater to be the next Shadyside Killer. Cindy couldn't stop thinking about it even as they broke off in pairs and started looking for the body.
As she walked with her sister, she glanced over at Arnie and Alice, who were heading a different direction. She watched as he played with the walkie talkie in his hands, and, for a moment, she had a small sinking feeling in her chest before she pushed on.
At least with Arnie, you kind of knew what to talk to him about. You were at least sort of friends, since both of you were Shadyside counselors. You could talk about how stupid color war was, about the places back in town. Arnie had even asked you a few questions about Tommy, which you'd been happy to answer.
But Nick? You'd thanked him for staying, and then the pair of you sat in silence as you tried to keep Tommy calm. Gently, you pat him with a wet washcloth to try to cool down his fever. You tried not to think about what Nurse Lane had said as you did. One way or another, you're gonna die tonight. You wondered what would happen if he continued to resist the curse, and your heart tightened at the idea. You shook your head. You weren't going to let that happen. The others had been gone for awhile, almost two hours, so they were due to check back sooner rather than later. Hopefully, one of the groups would have good news. You ran the wash cloth over his cheeks as you said,
"After this, we're gonna get pizza and listen to Aerosmith all night. Watch a few movies, maybe. You like the sound of that?" You asked, even if he couldn't respond. Even if the only thing he sent you was a nasty glare. With a sigh, you wished for the moments where he'd look at you like you put the sun in the sky.
You turned around when you heard something fall, and you stared in confusion as you watched Nick reach for Tommy's bat. He'd left it here once, and you'd put the axe he'd gotten from that room right besides it. You stood when you watched him grip it.
"Nick?" You asked, and you watched as he turned around. He had a smile on his face, the same charming smile he'd given Ziggy, but the pit in your stomach returned. You glanced down at the bat, just as he started to explain,
"Oh, y'know- In case, he gets free." He said, and you glanced down at the way he was holding it again. The way his hands changed grip. You didn't like what he was implying, first of all. You didn't want to hurt Tommy, you wanted to help him. That was the point of all this. You'd lived in Shadyside all your life, and maybe that gave you a better bullshit detector than most. Or, maybe, part of you had become so used to things going to shit that now you could smell it. Quietly, you said,
"He won't get free." And you shuffled your feet. You stood in front of him almost defensively, but, part of you didn't think it was Tommy you needed to protect. He gave you a smile and a shrug, and then you glanced over at the walkie talkie you'd put on your desk. The second you did, the second your eyes left him, Nick moved. You didn't know what was happening, not truly, but you knew that it was bad. You snatched the walkie talkie and ducked out of the way of his swing. You turned it on as you hauled ass to the bathroom, side-stepping him as he tried to grab you, and slammed your back against the bathroom door to keep it shut as you fumbled with the lock. You heard him banging on the door, heard the knob moving as he tried to get it open, and then he stopped. It sent a chill up your spine to hear silence on the other side. Finally, you pulled up the antenna, pressed the button, and yelled into the walkie talkie,
"Code red! Code red!" Came screaming out in your voice from the walkie talkie so loud that Arnie swore he almost jumped a mile. He was quick to answer with a shout of your name, and a,
"What's going on? What's wrong?" And Alice backtracked from where she walked in front. They could hear the panic in your voice as you yelled back,
"Arnie! Thank god! Come back to the cabin right now it's-" And the line went dead. You must've taken your hand off of the button, and the silence sent a chill up both of their backs. The only thing they could hear was the sound of crickets and wind. They hadn't even stumbled across a camper yet, and the woods felt empty and ready to swallow the pair of them.
Alice and Arnie stared at eachother for a moment. They'd been walking aimlessly, the maps Cindy had made up in their hands. A second of unspoken words passed between them, and then they were both sprinting back towards your cabin.
When Ziggy stepped on the red moss, she made a noise of disgust and lifted her foot. It has stained her shoes, and she quickly asked,
"Ugh, what is this stuff?" And Cindy looked up from her map. She'd carefully given each pair a third of the camp to search over. With two people to comb through each section, they should've been able to find it at least within the night. They were supposed to check back She looked around at the red moss, recognizing it as the same moss from the outhouse. From the caves under the outhouse. She glanced around, looking where it grew.
"Holy shit." She said, and quickly walked towards the rock. She looked around, and her sister arched a brow at her. In disbelief, she asked,
"Did you just swear?" And Cindy quickly waved her off. She was spinning around, quickly stepping through the moss with a big smile on her face. She probably looked insane, but Cindy didn't care. They'd needed another sign, another thing to look for. She felt stupid for not thinking of it sooner.
"The moss!" But Ziggy gave a small shake of her head. She didn't understand. Cindy pulled the hand out of her bag and held it up. She pointed at it as she said, "We found this in the red moss. This," She said pointing around. "Might be apart of the curse!" And Ziggy's eyes widened in understanding. Quickly, she echoed,
"Holy shit!" And the pair of them were quick to start looking. It only took a second for them to each get on their knees and start searching through the moss. It only took a few minutes for Ziggy to feel warmth dripping down out of her nose, and she swore she'd never been so happy to get a nosebleed ever in her life. Quickly, she called, "Over here!" And Cindy scrambled over. They started searching through the spot, and when they finally dusted the dirt off to find a ribcage, they were both so happy they could nearly scream. They cleaned it off further, completely unearthing the body of Sarah Fier. And, finally, Cindy held the hand in both of hers and gave Ziggy a look. This was it. Ziggy reached out, and together they out the hand back with the rest of Sarah Fier.
Arnie practically ripped your screen door off it's hinges as they ran into your cabin. He wasn't thinking clearly, wasn't thinking about what he was doing. All he knew was that you sounded like you were in trouble and now-
He ran into Nick. The brunette grabbed him by the arms, and looked scared out of his wits. The words were leaving his lips so fast that Arnie almost didn't have time to process.
"I thought I heard something outside so I went- I went to see if it was one of you and then I heard screaming and now-" And Arnie cut him off.
"Where's Tommy? Where's y/n?" He demanded, and Alice was right behind him now. She gasped when she saw the mess of the bathroom door. It had been axed nearly in half, before being pushed open. She was quick to run towards it, and Arnie pushed Nick away from him to the same. There was a mess of wood over the floor, but there was no blood. And, when they spotted the open window, a glimmer of hope went through both of them.
You were resourceful and smart. Of course you'd gone through the window. It dimmed a bit however when they saw the broken walkie talkie. Alice picked it up. The antenna was barely hanging off of it and the body looked crushed, stomped on. Getting in contact with you was now near impossible, but they had hope that you were still out there. Arnie turned back to watch as Nick paced, seeming to lose his mind over what had happened. He looked like a ball of nerves, and Arnie could understand why. He'd been gone for one minute and everything had gone to shit. Though, as Arnie looked back at Alice, he saw something there. She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, and Arnie wasn't surprised when she asked,
"Did you look for them? Do you know what direction they went?" And, when Nick shook his head, his story started to make a little less sense. The pair of them shared a look, and they had a brief moment of silent communication. How did Nick come back when he heard screaming and not see where Tommy went? Axing down a door didn't take a matter of seconds, it took minutes. And you sure as hell wouldn't have started screaming just before Tommy got the door open. So, the real question was, how did Nick miss you? The couple glanced over at Nick, but didn't say a word. Instead, Arnie asked him,
"So what do we do?" And they were relieved that at least his first idea was to get all the campers out of there.
Your thighs burned as you hid. Outrunning Tommy simply wasn't an option, but your mind was on hyperdrive as you tried to process the last five minutes of your life. Nick Goode was a dick. Whatever he'd been trying to achieve, it had ended up with Tommy getting loose. You thought maybe he was going to do what Alice had suggested at the very beginning of the night. Take care of Tommy to make sure no one else got hurt. Instead, now, you were trying to keep yourself from getting axed by your very own boyfriend. Not to mention, you were trying to keep him away from the direction of the kids. Sure, yes, you were hiding and running from him. But, you were also making sure that you were the one he stayed in pursuit of. It was a fragile balance, and you glanced around before you stood up to find a new hiding place.
You nearly screamed when you ran into someone, but you quickly ripped Ziggy and Cindy down behind a bush. The words left your mouth in a quick whisper as you started,
"Guys, I have so much to tell you. Nick Goode-" But Ziggy was finishing your sentence.
"Is a total douche." Her voice was laced with venom, and she sounded pissed. Betrayed, even. And you gave them each a confused look. You looked between them and asked,
"You know?" Your surprise was laced in your voice. How did they know? How could they know? But, Cindy was quick to explain.
"When we put the hand back with her body, we saw the truth."
"We saw everything." Ziggy added, and you looked back to Cindy when she continued,
"The Goode family is the reason for the curse. They made a deal with the devil, so Sunnyvale could prosper and they've been feeding him Shadyside blood!" And you stared at them. Really, hours ago, you would've thought they were both on drugs. But now? After watching your boyfriend get possessed, finding a creepy bone hand, and getting almost fed to your possessed boyfriend by the Sheriff's son? You'd believe Santa was real.
"Nick Goode just completely fucked everything up, and now Tommy's loose." You whispered, and their eyes widened. The three of you looked between eachother, and then around. You couldn't see anything in the dark, but you felt like an ant trapped under a magnifying glass as Ziggy whispered what you were all thinking,
"Shit." And you gave her a nod. Now that you were thinking about it, you had no idea if Nick even knew. He'd tried to kill your boyfriend to save everyone, and it turns out his family was the reason for the curse? God, how the hell were you going to explain that? You gripped each of them as Cindy continued again,
"But that's not the worst of it." She said, and you gave her a confused look. What could be worse than all of this? Nothing could've prepared you for the words she said. "Nick Goode picked Tommy. He's the reason Tommy's possessed." And you felt white hot anger replace every ounce of your fear.
When Arnie and Alice watched Ruby Lane climb out of the grate in the middle of the kitchen, more of a black sludge becoming the figure of the dead serial killer, they thought tonight couldn't have gotten any weirder. The only way to make it worse was that Nick had run out of the room, and Arnie had to knock his shoulder against the door to stop him from locking it behind him. They had already guessed that he was a back-stabbing little bitch, especially when they had to force him to stay to wait for the rest of you instead of getting on the bus with the campers, but this? Oh, they were going to kill him if they got out of this alive.
When she started to walk towards them, they were quick to head towards the door, only to watch as you, Cindy, and Ziggy ran inside. And guess who was only a few feet behind you? Tommy.
"Shit!" Alice said as they slammed the door closed, and they quickly did their best to stop him from pushing it open and getting inside. But, to their surprise, they watched as you practically snarled,
"You." At the brunette. You ran, tackling him to the ground before he could try to escape. Even if the crazy bitch from the sixties was quick to come out of the kitchen and you had to roll off of him before she slashed you with a razor. You dodged the milkman as Nick tried to run, as the killers quickly turned on Ziggy and Cindy. You knew, to some degree, you were the best person, one of the only people, that could go after him. You'd seen it when you ran from Tommy. He'd specifically tried to go after them, completely ignoring a prime opportunity to swing at you when you tripped on the way over. Because of whatever the Berman's had seen, it was like they had a target on their back. And you had a pretty good idea as to how you were supposed to end all of it.
"Watch out!" Ziggy yelled as you tried to get away from who you quickly realized was Ruby Lane, and as a man in a jumpsuit with a knife tried to slash Cindy. Cindy threw you her shovel, even as she dodged and ran from the man. She yelled,
"Don't let him get away!" And you knew what you had to do. You ran after him, seeing that he was climbing down into the hole below. He looked up just as you went to swing, and, you watched him panic. You watched as he lost whatever grip he had, as he fell into the hole rather than climbed down. You were about to climb down after him, about to make sure this was finished. Instead, you heard- a laugh?
You and the rest of your friends stood above the hole in the kitchen, staring down at it. The killers had disappeared, gone in a poof. The kids were safe on the bus, already heading back to town. And Nick Goode was dead. When he fell, he must've hit his head. Broken his neck. It was a quick death, one that could've happened to anyone. If anything, it could be labelled an accident.
"Should we check?" Alice asked, and the five of you looked between eachother, and then down at the hole. It was tempting. To see the body of the man that had done something so evil lay lifeless. It was Cindy that answered her.
"Nah, just let him rot down there." And, ultimately, you agreed. Arnie reached to close the grate, sliding it in place. The five of you nearly jumped out of your skin when Gary and Joan barged in the kitchen door, and paused when they saw you all standing around it.
"Why's Tommy knocked out outside?" Gary said, pointing with his thumb, and you gave him a smile as the others started to laugh out of relief.
You and Tommy sat on the rock in the middle of the woods. It was the one Cindy had labelled on your map. You'd gotten a large pie of pizza, and his little radio was blasting Aerosmith as you enjoyed the summer afternoon.
The camp had closed, and the News ran with the story. An axe murderer had wandered onto the camp grounds of Camp Nightwing, but, due to the heroism of it's counselors, not a single camper had been hurt. Tommy Slater, in particular, was famed for having distracted and fought the killer long enough to let the campers escape, to the point where certain counselors had at first thought he was to blame. And, when the police asked the only eye-witnesses to the crime, all of them had said one name.
Nick Goode.
It wasn't until a week later that anyone had found the body of Nick Goode in the caves, and the police hadn't known what to make of the discovery. With eight eye-witnesses and a cave full of occult shit, it was hard to cover up or deny. So, now, the News circled with the story of Nick Goode, the first Sunnyvale Killer.
Tommy handed you a bag of fries as the pair of you ate, and you smiled as you looked over at him. In the sunlight, the copper in his hair shined and his eyes practically glowed. The look in his eyes had returned, the one that he gave you. The one where he looked at you like you put the sun in the sky.
"So, this is her, huh?" Tommy said, pointing with his foot at the red moss. You nodded, taking another bite.
"Yeah, she saved us." You said, a small smile on your face. You wanted to visit for that exact reason. To silently tell her thanks, and to meet the girl that saved your lives. Tommy knocked his shoulder against yours, and you looked up at him.
"No," He said with a small shake of his head. "You saved me. You never gave up on me." He said, and your eyes softened. You looked at him, leaning in as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I heard you, y'know. Fighting for me. And I'm sorry I-"
"No, don't apologize." You told him quickly, reaching out to hold his hand. "That wasn't you." You told him, and you watched how the words made him tilt his head. How they soothed whatever ache he still had in him. Whatever regrets. You knew he was hard on himself, that part of him probably blamed himself for giving in. For what he could've done. Softly, you added, "Did you hear all the times I told you I loved you?" And you watched how he smiled, how the clouds of his regret seemed to fade. He gave you a small nod, and you smiled back. He leaned in to kiss you, and you met him halfway.
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diamond-coral · 3 years
The Heist- Part Two
Steve x Reader Chapter Summary: Steve sees you working at a club. Now Steve wants you...and he’ll have you.
Series Warnings: dark, rape/non-con, kidnapping, stripper themes, swearing, crime
Chapter Warnings: male masturbation, swearing, stripper themes, kidnapping, crime, mild violence, threats of rape/non-con, creepy crazy stevo
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Steve had begrudgingly went to the strip club with Bucky and Sam because, as Sam said, ‘Modern women are somethin’ else compared to the 1940’s.’. Bucky was much more enthusiastic to see how much things had changed as a once been ladies’ man from the 40’s even if it meant having to go with Sam who bickered with him every five minutes. And while Bucky’s enthusiasm remained as they entered the club, the blaring music, flashing lights, and women in skimpy outfits had Steve remaining unimpressed.
Until he saw you.
You weren’t on the stage but rather talking to a coworker in the back of the room, a tray of drinks in one hand and a smile on your face that could light up a room. An honest, genuine smile that stood out in a room filled with nothing but empty sultry smiles given by dancers. Your coworker said something, and you threw your head back and let out a laugh that Steve could’ve sworn he had heard ringing all the way across the club over the blaring music.
You were perfect.
While you were still scantily clad in nothing but a light pink shimmery sheer top that showed your bra perfectly cupping your breasts, a pair of barely their black shorts, and black heels that had his eyes dragging up and down your legs, your demeanor and posture was more relaxed, and that’s what he loved. You weren’t sticking your tits out in front of you or pushing your ass back, but were rather slouched a little, eyes shimmering with excitement as you talked. What Steve saw of you was raw and authentic, and he loved it.
Sam’s voice interrupted Steve from his daydreaming, and Steve shot him a look of irritation causing Sam to raise his hands in defense.
“Woah there loverboy,” Sam chuckled. “I was just gonna suggest, you should ask for a dance from that girl you’re ogling over.”
“And before you go over and court her with your righteousness and whisk her away to waltz like prince charming, he means a lapdance, punk,” Bucky says while taking a sip of his drink.
“I- I was’t ogling,” Steve sputtered, but let out a sigh of defeat at Sam’s raised eyebrow. “I’m not gonna ask for a lapdance. Besides, she seems to be just waiting tables. I wouldn’t wanna interrupt-”
“You’re hopeless,” Sam teased as he brought his fingers to his mouth to let out a shrill cab whistle. You turned, and Sam caught your attention, beckoning you over with two fingers.
“Hiya fellas,” you said, and Steve frowned a little at the sultry voice you put on. “What can I help you with?”
“Just another round of drinks, sugar. Oh- and-” Sam leaned to whisper something in your ear and Steve noticed your eyes widening a little before your gaze snapped to him, a small smile on your painted lips.
“Of course,” you responded to Sam. “I’ll be back with your drinks shortly.”
As you turned to leave, Steve frowned at Sam. “What did you tell her,” he asked.
“Oh nothing much. Just mentioned that THE Captain America was looking for a little bit of fun tonight.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a groan. ���Sam you dumbass.”
“Hey, he’s doing more about it than you,” Bucky interjected. “Sometimes it’s just sad watching you when you just sit and do - oh shit here she’s comes.”
“Alright, and I’ve got another round of drinks,” you said cheerfully while distributing the glasses. “And you, Mr. Rogers…” You sat on one of Steve’s thick thighs while placing your hands on the collar of his button up shirt and smoothing it down. “You’re friend told me you’re lookin’ for something… special tonight?”
Steve’s throat was dry and he was sure you could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest. “Oh well...I um-I.”
“What Mr. Womanizer would like to say is that he accepts your offer,” Sam offered, and Steve shot him what was probably the one-hundredth dirty look of the night.
“Well then.” You got off his lap and tugged on his arm. “I’d be happy to oblige.”
Half an hour later, Steve returned a mess. The first few buttons of button up were undone, his hair was tousled, his cheeks flushed, and his heart hadn’t stopped racing.
“Good time?” Bucky inquired with a smirk.
Steve could barely form any words other than ‘where’s Sam’ to which Bucky pointed to the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies where Sam was shamelessly grinding on some woman.
“Oh God, I need a drink.” Steve fixed his hair with one hand while the other dipped into his pocket to retrieve a flask of Asgardian liquor Thor had given him.
“Was she that good?” 
“Well yes, but it wasn’t just the dance. It was her,”  Steve answered while burying his face in his hands. He felt like the scrawny kid from Brooklyn again. Completely flustered as he chased after a girl totally out of his league. “I don’t know Buck, she’s just-she’s just perfect.”
“Stevie, look around you. Every woman here is practically perfect. And they’re goddesses. That girl is just a girl.”
“No it’s just- you don’t understand. She’s just…” Steve let out an exasperated sigh and Bucky’s eyes softened.
“Wow you really like her don’t ya?” Steve just nodded in reply. “Well what if we came back again when she’s working?”
“No that wouldn’t work,” Steve said. “But...I think I have an idea.”
“And am I involved in this idea at all?”
“Maybe.” Steve laughed at his friend who groaned.
Steve then continued to explain his plan. He pointed out the coworker you had been friendly with when he first saw you, and asked Bucky to get some information out of her since he was the less recognizable out of the two. Steve needed to see you again. Not just that...he needed you. You were just so perfect for him, and Steve knew that the moment he laid eyes on you. The genuineness of your smile and laugh, just the way you were so authentic amidst your surroundings just showed you didn’t really belong in this environment or even this time period of imitation and phonies. But you belonged with him. And he’d preserve that authenticity. 
Bucky just simply nodded, and at first Steve was nervous that his best friend was going to call him crazy, but after a bit, Bucky got up and snatched Steve’s flask while flashing him a grin.
“Bout time we got you a girl, huh pal?”
Steve sighed in relief, and as Bucky trotted off, he went to find Sam.
Steve explained to Sam that he was gonna go home while Bucky worked some “wingman magic” and Sam started letting out fits of laughter at how THE Captain America was ‘down bad’. 
Finally, after Sam had finally calmed down, he wished him goodbye and headed home.
He had some things to take care of.
As Steve guided his hand up and down his shaft, all he could think about was you.
Your tits, your ass that had ground on his crotch at the club, your red lips around he imagined on his cock. You’d probably use your skilled hands as well, not being able to fit his entire member into your mouth. 
Steve’s thoughts didn’t stop there.
He thought about how your hips moved while in the private dance room. He thought about how although you were undeniably sexy, you were also so kind to him, once in a while asking if everything was okay and if he wanted anything else from you. He thought about how you simply smiled and let out your angelic laugh as Steve fumbled and stuttered, simply putting your hands over his and telling him everything was okay and he could sit back and relax, not having to take charge after a long day of commanding people. The light pink color of your lingerie was so beautifully innocent as your body moved lewdly in contrast. And he loved it.
Steve came with a shout to the image ingrained in his mind.
A few minutes after Steve had cleaned up and taken a much needed cold shower, he received a call from Bucky.
“You’re right,” Bucky’s voice spoke through the phone. “Two drops of that Asgardian shit and she was completely mentally clocked out. Told me everything about your girl.” 
As Bucky told Steve your name, Steve tried it out on his tongue for himself.
“Also told me a little bit of a little side job they got goin on. Your girl’s a bit of a criminal, Stevie. Sure you still want her?”
“I’m sure she has her reasons.”
“Well you’re right in that actually. According to...Bella-yeah I think that’s her name-,” Bucky recounted. “They steal from people to pay for rent and art school. And I just so happened to tell her about some skeevy old timer government worker who happened to be loaded from scamming low income taxpayers. Who also happens to live at your address.”
“Wait, you want her to rob me?!” Steve exclaimed.
“Will you just let me finish?” Bucky took Steve’s silence as an opportunity to continue. “I told Bella no one would be home while your girl does the job, but obviously you’ll be home so she can’t get away. She’s literally coming to you on a silver platter pal. Could it get any better than that?”
Steve took a moment to consider the situation before replying. “You’re right. Thanks pal. I really owe you one.”
Bucky chuckled. “Well I got one hell of a blow job so I’ll say we’re almost even. Anyway, she’ll be comin in a week, so that’ll give you plenty of time to prepare.”
You awoke slowly to sunlight streaming through your apartment window, your bed feeling more comfortable than usual, and a warm arm wrapped around your-
What the hell?
Your body thrashed as you jolted awake and flung yourself away from the body next to you in the bed that very much wasn’t yours in the apartment that was always not yours. Steve Rogers just sat up on his elbows and gave a groggy smile at your frazzled state.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
You recalled your memory, trying to see if this was some sort of drunken hookup, and it all came back to you. The heist, him coming home early.
“Didn’t mother ever tell you stealing is wrong?” were the words he had said before he had grabbed your hair in an iron grip and smashed your head on the near coffee table. Everything was black after that.
“Oh my God...you,” you began to back away from him.
“I what, sweetheart?” he mused. “Last time I checked, this is my apartment, and you were the one breaking and entering.”
You scrambled backwards off the bed, but just as you were about to reach the bedroom door, something cold and hard pulled against your ankle causing you to topple face first onto his carpet. Turning your head, you observed a metal cuff secured around your ankle with a chain leading back to the foot of the bed. 
Steve used the time you took panicking and hyperventilating to get out of bed and leisurely stretch his arms as if this was a normal occurrence. He approached you cautiously as if you were a wild animal and bent down to softly cup your face with a large hand.
“It’s okay, doll, I didn’t hurt you. Just let you sleep a bit before I caught you up to speed today.”
“Did- did you…,” you sniffled at the thought of what that man could’ve done to you while you slept.
“No. God no!” You nerves calmed a little bit as you were reassured that America’s hero was still the gentlemanly golden boy you met at the club. That was before he tilted your chin to meet his sinister gaze. “I wanted our first time to be while you were awake.”
Your heart dropped. This man was crazy.
You began to frantically yank at the chain on your ankle and your breathing became shorter.
“Hey. Hey! Stop it!” he urged before grabbing both of your hands and holding them in a steel grip. “Listen. I know this is all..new...but you need me. And I need you. When I saw you at the club, you were just so perfect. You’re not like those other women. You don’t belong there. You don’t belong in this life. I can take care of you. I will take care of you.” A tear slipped from your eye at his words but he just brushed it away with his thumb and continued. “You just don’t understand yet. When I saw you, I just knew you were meant for me. You’re perfect, doll.”
All you did was stare at him in disbelief and mutter, “You’re crazy.”
He went to soothe you again and brush a lock of hair away from your face, but you thrashed and said it louder.
“You’re crazy, you’re fucking crazy!”
“Doll, you don’t understand. I love you. And you’ll love me. I promise just give it some time and-”
“No you’re deranged. You’re FUCKING DELIRIOUS!!” you screech as your hand shot out and slapped him across the cheek.
The room went dead silent. You froze, and so did he. You had just slapped Steve Rogers across the face. You slapped the pure muscle mass six foot super soldier and called him delirious, and he looked hurt. His face was painted with a heartbroken look of regret, disbelief, and sorrow. But not from the slap. It’s like your words had hit him like a ten-ton truck, and for a second you saw doubt flicker across his eyes as if realizing that everything he imagined was in his head. And in that doubt was your hope. Your hope that this man would come to his senses and let you go.
“Steve...please, you have to realize this is wrong,” you said softly as he gave you a broken look. In that look you saw the scrawny kid from Brooklyn in the 1940s who only knew rejection, and your heart broke just a little bit. “What you’re feeling...it isn’t love.”
All of a sudden his demeanor changed. Any doubt in his eyes was wiped away in a nanosecond and replaced by a fierce look of determination. His face contorted into a snarl as he yanked you up with him by your hair and spun you around to press your front against the well.
“You dumb bitch,” he growled into your ear. “You think you don't need me when you’re a pathetic thief who whores herself out every night.”
You writhed in his hold but he just gripped your hair harder and let out a breathy laugh.
“You know...for someone like you to stoop so low as to work at that club...it makes me think. You wanna be treated like a whore?” he seethed. “Fine. I’ll treat you like a whore.”
a/n: don’t worry I don’t think working at a strip club is “low” at all. just some classic sexist bs from our good old 1940′s fav
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gohyuck · 3 years
the purge: society
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pairing: firefighter!san x reader
genre: purge au, angst, some fluff
warnings: mentions of violence (especially violence against cops), murder, blood, injury, weapons (guns, knives, metal baseball bats)
word count: 2.4k
note: this was originally meant to be a drabble and it’s still pretty short so i didn’t get to elaborate on the characters but honestly maybe i’ll explore a purge universe with ateez someday because this was fun (i’ve never watched any of the movies though so i’ll have to get on that)
“What the fuck?” 
He hadn’t expected to see anyone left alive on this street.
“Shut up and get down,” You hiss, reaching your good arm up to grab onto the man’s jacket collar before unceremoniously pulling him towards you. He stumbles, falling gracelessly onto you. A scream bubbles up in your throat as he accidentally puts pressure onto your already free-bleeding bicep, but you get ahold of yourself just in time, only letting the quietest of wounded moans escape you. 
“You’re the first person that hasn’t tried to kill me before talking to me all night - oh, shit,” The stranger trails off, swearing when you effectively stop him from speaking further by placing your switchblade right under his skin. It’s only then that he even pauses to take you in: your back is up by the police car door, sure, and your left arm has a massive gash in it, but you’re armed. There’s a pistol laying idly in your lap, kept company by a metal baseball bat. 
Not to mention, the knife at his neck. 
“What the hell are you doing, walking around unarmed and with a first aid kit? Also, how the hell are you unarmed and with just a first aid kit? What the fuck?” You let the questions out in a rapidfire fashion, and he can’t help but clock the slight rasp in your voice. It’s easier to recognize than the pained wheeze you’re trying very, very hard to suppress, but neither escape him. He’s trained to notice the little things, anyways. 
“You need to bandage that shit up,” The man ignores your questions, moving his head just enough to miss your blade but also enough to be able to look you in the eyes. “How long has it been bleeding?”
“That’s none of your business,” You grit out. “Answer my questions or I’ll kill you right here and now.”
“If I answer yours, will you answer mine?” For some reason, he doesn’t seem to be panicking just yet. His gaze is sincere, but it’s too solid to be that of a bona fide idiot. You suck in a breath of air. Threatening him would be so much easier if he didn’t seem like a nice guy. It’s hard enough to live through the night, you don’t need guilt on your hands, and you know you’re going to feel guilty when you kill him. And you will kill him.
You need that first aid kit. You’ll do anything for it.
Anything, starting off with lying. 
“Sure,” You reply, steeling yourself for any sudden movements he might make now that you’re faking amicability. Maybe he’ll believe you to be vulnerable and try for your pistol or your bat, or maybe he’ll be properly cruel and finish off your arm. You don’t want to think about it. He lets out a sigh of relief, and you can’t help but wonder if you’ve actually affected him after all. “Now speak.”
“Not unarmed, there’s a police-issue pistol in my jacket and a tactical knife in my jeans. I’m not totally nuts. First aid kit’s for my buddy, though, I’ll be real, you need it way more than him.” There’s something resembling concern in his expression as his eyes flit between your torn arm and your face, but that barely interests you. You haven’t truly registered anything after ‘police-issue’.
You lean in, pressing the edge of your knife against the skin directly above his adam’s apple. For the first time since you’d cornered him, your mystery purger’s breath hitches. His eyebrows draw together in confusion. It’s no matter. You no longer regret the fact that you’ll have to tear his jugular out yourself. 
“You’re a hog, huh,” You stare him down, any sympathy you might’ve had gone. For a moment, it seems as if he has no concept of what you’re saying. A second passes, though, and his gaze clears. 
“Firefighter,” He responds, though the word is garbled due to him attempting to keep his movements to a minimum. You pull back slightly, very slightly, to let him explain. “I… found a dead cop, jacked his pistol. I’ll show you my ID, if you want.” 
“Let me see it.” You nod your head at him as if giving him permission to live a little longer, though you both know full well that identity theft and identity fabrication are legal, too. Might as well see how much effort he puts into a fake. The man waits until you pull back just a bit more, enough to let him slowly reach his hand into his back pocket before producing a lanyard. 
You grab it out of his grip with your hurt arm, not willing to move your knife too far away from his throat. You simply don’t have a good enough read on - you glance down - San Choi, ACT Firefighter, Employee ID: 018-102-4 to allow yourself any leeway with him. 
His gently smiling face stares up at you from the plastic card, protected only by a clear sleeve connected to a red lanyard. San’s photo has black hair and an undercut, styled so his forehead is on display. A pair of dimples makes a guest appearance, and, overall, he seems like a genuinely sweet guy. The ID looks real, too, so maybe you aren’t totally fucked. 
The San under your knife has bleach blond hair that almost falls over his eyes, though you suppose you can’t blame him for skipping out on the hair product tonight. He seems slightly tanner than his photo, his skin beautiful even now as dust from the aftermath of the explosion starts to settle against it. 
Right. The explosion. 
Recalling the events leading up to you meeting San forces you to remember that you have a gaping, bloody gash in your left arm. You’re honestly lucky to be alive, having ducked and used the car you’re against for cover from flying debris after a building down the block had exploded. You’d just finished driving your knife into a cop’s side - third cop of the night, eighth of your career as a purge cop killer - to make sure that he was dead when you’d heard the bomb go off, and you’d dropped before even thinking about it. Something had hit your arm on the way down, and when the adrenaline had finally left your system, you’d taken note of your blood-soaked sleeve. 
You’d closed the car door after that, sealing your third murder of the night in the vehicle just so you could lean up against the door. It had been 6:31 in the morning then, and you had figured that someone would come by and kill you in the last moments before legality ensued again. You’d assumed that you’d fight, of course you would, but your arm being totally fucked definitely put a damper on your belief in your ability to overcome anyone or anything else. 
Instead of the disgruntled, trigger-happy purger you’d expected to eventually find, though, you’d been found by San Choi. San Choi, who’s currently staring at your wounded arm like it’s grown eyes and can stare back. 
“Come on, let me fix it up,” He pleads, lifting the kit up with the hand that’s farther from you. “You might not trust me, or whatever, but the purge is about to end as it is. I have a paramedic friend, Seonghwa, who’s taught me the basics of -”
“Shut the fuck up.” You tell him, though you’re quickly losing your bite. He obeys regardless. God, your arm really, really fucking hurts. Before pulling your knife back, you check the watch on your wrist. 6:47. Stay alive for 13 more minutes, 780 more seconds. You’ll be fine. You take the shakiest breath you’ve ever taken. 
You pull your knife away from him. 
Nothing happens. 
“I’m going to use an alcohol free wipe and then wrap gauze around your arm, okay? You’ll just have to hold out until we can get you to a working hospital after that,” San speaks as if he’s talking to a child, or a scared animal, and you can’t blame him. He doesn’t seem like a purger, but you technically are one. You wouldn’t put it past yourself to attack on a whim if you were him. He, very slowly and with his hands in your full view at all times, opens the kit and pulls out the requisite materials. 
“Gonna need you to rip your sleeve off above the cut.” He continues, leaning back as you bring your knife up to your clothes and slit the cloth right above your wound. You tear the remainder of the sleeve off your arm before throwing it behind you somewhere. San gently grabs ahold of your elbow - his palm is calloused in a way that tells you he lifts regularly, and you’re sure of this as he discards his jacket and you watch the muscles ripple in his arms under his thin black shirt - and places the wipe against your cut. 
Your reaction is instantaneous: now that you’re completely past the adrenaline stage, the feeling of something, anything against the gash has you reeling to cry out. Before you can even process that you’ve made a sound, a hand presses hard against the back of your head, shoving your mouth against San’s. 
He doesn’t know how else to shut you up. 
His lips are chapped, but the sensation of being kissed so suddenly jars you out of your pain. San attempts to pull back, and you can already feel the apologetic wince he’s about to give you, but he brushes over your wound with the wipe again and your pain doubles back. It’s you that pulls him in this time, pressing your lips to his sloppily but forcefully as if it’ll alleviate the burn in your arm. 
Kissing him only slightly muffles you at best, but you no longer care. The purge isn’t over yet. You could both die at any second. Hell, San could kill you at any second. His hand moves from the back of your head to cup your face as he leans in towards you to deepen the kiss. His lips are chapped, yes, but they’re soft. He tastes like mint and copper: there’s a cut in his lower lip. You don’t mind. 
San pulls away for a moment, but only does so to grab the gauze from the kit. Once he’s wrapped it around your arm once, twice, thrice, he leans back in and your mouth accepts his own eagerly, your other hand coming up to drape over his shoulder. Neither of you know why you’re doing this, kissing a stranger with such fervor as one of you bandages the other up, but you both know that there’s really nothing else to do. 
It’s only after he finishes taping you up that the two of you pull away fully. His eyes are still just as kind as you’d thought them to be at first, though his lips are far more swollen than they’d been mere minutes prior. You admire your handiwork, eyes tracing his features as he admires his own, thumb very, very gently running over your gauze. Both of you raise your heads to smile sheepishly at each other at the exact same time.
Three things happen in rapid succession. 
“Good?” San’s voice is barely above a whisper, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Just as you’re about to speak - 
“San!” A voice, low and hoarse, interrupts you, and you look up to see the barrel of a gun pointed directly at the space between your eyes. You’re frozen in place for a split second before you start reaching for your own pistol. Your fingers brush the grip when - 
The clock strikes seven, and sirens go off all around you, signalling the end of the purge. 
The gun is out of your face. Your hand moves off of your own.
“San,” The owner of the gun pays you no mind, suddenly, his entire focus on San. The gun-owner reaches a hand out, and the firefighter beside you takes it, allowing himself to get pulled up to his feet. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, Yunho, I’m totally good,” San responds, giving the taller man a cat-like grin of reassurance. Yunho’s got a fireman’s helmet on, and you suppose it’s good as protection. He must be a fellow firefighter, then. He’s tall, and though he’d seemed nothing short of severe mere moments ago, he seems softer, kinder now that the purge is over. The transformation is enough to give you whiplash. His right hand is wrapped in bandages, and this catches San’s sight at the same time it catches your own. “What the hell happened to you, though?” 
“That policeman you killed had buddies,” Yunho replies with ease, but you don’t miss San’s wince. Seems like he hadn’t just happened upon that police-issue pistol. You can’t help the small grin that fights to make its way across your face. “They tried to get into the station, we had to fortify ourselves. We’re mostly fine, just that Woo’s lost a finger. He’ll live once he stops whining about it. We were mostly worried about you, honestly, taking fucking forever just to find a first aid kit. Who’s this?”
Yunho moves the topic of conversation over to you so naturally that you barely even realize what has happened before San is reaching a hand out to you to pull you up to a standing position. You grab ahold of your pistol, though you shove the bat off your lap before allowing yourself to be brought up. Without thinking, you practically plaster yourself to San’s side. Now that he’s for sure what he told you he was, and now that you’re no longer in danger of dying, you can’t help but feel inexplicably connected to him even though neither of you know each other. San wraps an arm around your waist naturally, and neither of you miss Yunho’s eyebrow raise. Neither of you acknowledge it, either. 
“This?” San asks rhetorically, turning his head slightly to look at you. He’s smiling again, and you find that you want to see it more often. Maybe you’re experiencing the onset of delirium. You hope not. “This is…” 
“(Name),” You reply, being honest. There’s no need for you to lie. Besides, you owe San answers, right? You stick your uninjured arm out, letting Yunho shake your hand. San’s grip tightens around your waist. 
“I’m (Name).”
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years
The Two of Us. pt 3
Author’s Note; Hello everyone! Welcome back :) Thank you once again for reading The Two of Us, i’m so excited for he directing this will be heading. The ideas are flowing! Anyways, i think this story will be less then 10 chapters. There will be conflict- with some angst so be prepared! Enjoy!!
Endgame Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem! Reader
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
“Wanna hear a joke?” Ellie asked after a couple of minutes of silence. You smiled, somehow feeling nostalgic. Ellie used to have this pun book that she would carry around when you two were younger and randomly tell you jokes.
It was refreshing.
“Alright, hit me.” You nodded, looking over at Ellie who was next to you. Ellie was on Shimmer, riding gracefully. She was looking straight ahead, almost as if she was avoiding eye contact with you.
But she wasn’t. If anything she was nervous.
Suddenly, she leaned over towards you- and smacked you over the head. She retreated back to where she originally was and smirked at you. The look on your face told her everything. “What? You said hit me, so i did. You’re welcome.”
Funny girl. Of course, you couldn’t even be mad or negative. You let out a small laugh. “Ellie, i’m pretty sure that wasn’t the joke.”
“How’d you figure?” With another look that you threw at her, she understood what it had meant. She thought about something for a moment, and then remembered what the joke was. “What did the grape say when it got crushed?”
“I don’t know, something with raisins?”
“What? No- you really suck at this,”
“Shut up and finish the joke.”
“Nothing, it just let out a little wine.”
“Ellie, god that was horrible.” You chuckled out, and continued to grip onto Gemini’s reins. At the moment you were passing a small town. You had no idea what the name was since the vegetation was covering all the signs, growing onto the buildings and overgrown as shit. Everything was so green and lush, but the way it was abandoned made it look scary.
Which made you even more cautious for infected.
“Oh yeah? Well, i’d like to hear one of your fabulous jokes.” Ellie’s voice rang through your ears. You looked over at her, somehow she was now ahead of you. You stared at the back of her head, looking at her long neck, her hair that was tied back and her slender shoulders. Ellie made you forget about the apocalypse.
“Sorry to break it to you but my speciality is pick up lines.” You answered with a smile. You finally looked away from her and your attention fell onto the graffiti on the buildings. But the moment you felt Ellie’s eyes on you, you looked back.
Ellie’s eyes were sparkling. You didn’t know what that look on her face meant, it was the first time you’ve seen her like this. “Really? Alright, i’d like to hear what your ex’s fell for.”
“Ellie, they don’t count since they’re not really ex’s.” You frowned, remember the people who you used to… Well, “hang out with”. There was a time in your life where you denied the feelings for Ellie. Where you thought it was a phase and that you were mistaking your feelings as something else. You thought the interest was you just wanting to be her close friend because god, Ellie was amazing. It took you some time and talking to some friends to realize what you felt was more than wanting to be a close friend.
“Doesn’t matter. I want a good pick up line!”
She seems fine with it, why wouldn’t she? It’s not like it’s something serious. You got this. Playful attitude and it’ll all be okay.
You nodded, and cleared your throat. You stopped Gemini from continuing to walk. You waited for Ellie to stop Shimmer, so she could actually look at you. And she did, she turned shimmer around so she could stare at you. You two were in the middle of the road, out in the open. “Can i borrow a kiss? I promise i’ll give it back.”
Ellie’s face flushed- it couldn’t be helped. That was a good pick up line, she couldn’t deny that. The way you said it, the way you were looking at her and… God, she was helpless. Wait- what was she thinking? She had a girlfriend back home! She swore to get over after realizing you couldn’t have liked her back!
“What? Was that not good enough? Well, i do have seasonal pick up lines. Like, If a kiss was a snowflake, I would send you a snowstorm.” And with that you sent her a small wink, and leaned closer to Gemini’s neck. The look on her face was… Different. You couldn’t really understand her.
“Y/n-“ There was a scream- multiple screams and clicks that brought you back from your little world with Ellie. You felt your stomach drop at the noise. Infected really are a pain in the ass.
“Infected,” You warned, looking around in the town where the sounds seem to be coming from. You noticed a broken window from a grocery store. It was dark, and there was small noises coming from in there. “I thought this area would be clear.”
“They like to wander, remember?” Ellie reminded you with a hard look on her face. You jumped off Gemini, and decided to tie him to an old bike post. “What are you doing?” She asked with a frown.
You pulled out your handgun from your holster, checking to see how much bullets you had in the clip before looking at her. “We have to clear this place, we are on patrol.”
“This isn’t the checkpoint, what are Danny and Axel gonna think when we don’t show up on time?”
“Then we should deal with this quickly. Come on,” You urged, walking towards the broken window and jumped in without hesitation. Ellie quickly followed behind you, trying to catch up.
You get pretty impatient when it comes to clearing areas. She’s not sure where it came from. You were more hostile around infected- with good reason too but it was to the point you would jump in even if it killed you. That’s how bad it was.
From where she was she could see you silently bringing down one of the runners. There was three clickers strolling around the registers while there was some more runners strolling the isles. 7 infected in total- well now six.
She followed your lead, and decided to take down some of the runners quietly. It was much easier than showering them with bullets that you needed. But just in case, you kept your gun close.
After a couple of minutes, you two finished and decided to look around in hopes of finding something good. Which was rare, but it was still worth a shot. You body lead you to the back of the store where a door caught your attention. With your left hand you attempted to open the door but of course it was locked.
“Come on, let’s get going now.” Ellie walked up to you, watching you as you kept your attention on the door. You looked up, finding the entrance of the vent open. Bingo.
“Ellie, give me a boost.” Ellie raised her eyebrows at you, and it seemed like all she wanted to do was leave. First, Ellie promised Joel she wouldn’t take the longer routes and that she would start off with groups patrols but here she is, doing the longer routes and doing paired patrols instead. She just hopes that Joel doesn’t find out. “I’ll just check in there and then we can leave. I promise.” You reasoned, giving her a convincing smile.
She sighed, and nodded. She couldn’t say no to you. She leaned against the wall, and got in position to give you a boost. With one foot you stepped into her hand and she hoisted you up. You climed straight into the vent and crawled into the locked room. The room was bigger than you expected. You thought it was a janitors room but it was actually an office. It was nicely put together for a room that has been locked for what you assumed was years. You were about to walk closer towards the large desk when you heard something, but the banging on the door distracted you.
“Y/n! Open the door already!”
You sighed, and moved towards the door. Just as you were about to unlock it, an ear piercing scream sent you into panic but you weren’t fast enough to react to the stalker who had grabbed you from behind. You were so close to its mouth that you could hear it’s teeth chattering in anticipation.
You struggled against its hold, trying everything in your power to get it the fuck off you because god, this thing was disgusting. “Get the fuck off of me!” You grunted, continuing to fight off against the thing but you don’t remember where you put your knife. You were barely holding the stalker back, but you grip on its neck was the only thing keeping you alive at the moment.
Two gunshot rang out, and the stalker dropped behind you. You fell to the ground, feeling the sick to your stomach. “Y/n! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Are you bitten!?” Ellie jumped down from the same vent that you came through, and kneeled down to you. She grabbed your face and continued to check for bites- or any signs of injuries.
You couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Shit.” You closed your eyes. “I’m loosing my shit.”
“Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here.” She grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the ground. She unlocked the door and lead you outside where the horses were waiting for you. Almost as sensing something was wrong, Gemini leaned into you once you were close enough.
“Hey, buddy. I’m okay.”
Ellie decided to let go of your hand. Your skin was warm and somehow she was comforted by that. But then she remembers that it probably meant more to her than it did to you. It always did.
She could never read you.
“What took you two so long?” Axel asked once you two made it to the dam. You two walked into the building, and straight to the watchtower. Ellie went straight to the couch while you walked towards the notebook and decided to report what had happened.
“Infected, we were clearing the an area and lost track of time.” You explained briskly. Axel nodded, noticing something was off but decided to say anything. Danny and Axel left after packing up.
You looked over at Ellie who was lounging around on the couch that was in another section of the room. She was writing something in her journal. You were curious as to what she was writing. “Watcha writing there, El?”
She didn’t look up and just continued to write. But she was smirking. “Only writing that i had to save your ass… Again.”
You groaned, hearing her laughing from her spot. “Watch it, William. I swear i’ll haunt you from beyond the grave.”
“You’ll never get the chance because i’ll always be there to save your ass.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, yay. My own personal prince charming. What’s next, saving me from an evil queen who placed a curse on me?”
“We’ll, it’s on my list.” She joked, finally finishing up whatever she was writing in her journal. She closed her journal and hides it back into her backpack. You decided to look into the other room, you were looking for something specific. After some scavenging you finally found it. A bong.
“Hey, El! Guess what i found!” You yelled from the other room. You looked at the beautiful glass piece in-front of you.
“Please tell me you won the lottery, i would kill for a cruise ticket!”
“Funny,” You walked into the room Ellie was in, and presented the bong to her. Ellie’s eyes widen.
“How’s you know that was here?”
“There’s always at least one at each checkpoint.” You replied swiftly, giving her a grin. “ Eugene is a very chartable man.” 
“We shouldn’t. Plus, we don’t have- wait, do you have some on you?”
You reached into your bag and pulled out a small bag of bud. You smirked and tossed her the bag. “As i said, Eugene is very charitable.”
Ellie was awestruck. “Jesus, y/n. Since when did you become a pothead?”
You hummed. “That’s a really good question- i’m not going to answer though.”
“Aw come on! I literally tell you everything.” Ellie slightly pouting at the fact that you were withholding information from her.
“Come talk to me when you’re 18.” You responded with a smirk on you’re face.
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Quit being a dick. You turned 18 a couple of months ago and don’t know how to act.”
“Shut up,” You walked over to her and sat on the opposite side of the same couch as her. You pulled out your bottle of water. “So, inside or outside?”
“Outside, obviously. Only one bowl, deal?”
After many hours of waiting, you and Ellie were finally replaced at the dam checkpoint, so you two finished running your routes while riding back to Jackson. It started out rough but at the end of your shift you were feeling better. You had made it through the gates in one piece thanks to Ellie- and she made sure you didn’t forget it.
As soon as you made it to the stables you let out a relieved sigh. You started to stretch out your limbs. “It feels so good being back.” You let out a yawn, after you jumped off of Gemini. Ellie followed after you and stepped off of Shimmer. She grabbed Shimmer’s reins and held out her other hand towards you. You were confused on why she was doing that. “Uh… Is this one of your weird ways of telling me i’m awesome?”
“Psh, you wish. Give me his reins. I’ll bring him in.”
“You sure?” She nodded without any hesitation, so you handed her Gemini’s reins. “I’ll wait for you outside, maybe today’s the day we finish the flood arc.”
Ellie looked just as excited as you- maybe even more. “I’ll hold you to that.” She grinned, which made your heart beat faster. You turned on your heels and waited right outside the stables for her. You shouldn’t get too excited. She’s you’re best friend, your best friend who has a girlfriend. She doesn’t like me back. She doesn’t.
You felt like you were being watched so you looked around, finally finding as Cat walking over to you. She was taller than you and way more intimidating. “Uh, hey?”
She looked unimpressed. “Hey? That’s all you have to say after everything you’ve been doing?”
“Woah! What the hell are you talking about?” You had no idea what she was talking about. You didn’t do anything wrong, at least you don’t think you did. You wouldn’t do anything intentionally.
“Don’t pull that crap. I know you have feelings for Ellie.” She had said it a little too loud, and that’s what made you uncomfortable. You hated how open she was about everything- not everyone can be like that. It was one of the things you envied and hated about her.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Cat. Remember… before anything that Ellie is my best friend. So whatever the hell you think happened- didn’t!”
She scoffed, laughing bitterly. “Right. You expect me to believe that when you’re making Googly eyes at her all the time?”
“Cat! This isn’t the time or place to be talking about this. I’m serious.”
“Fine. Just admit that you have feelings for her and i’ll leave you alone.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms in an attempt to protect yourself from her glaring eyes. “Yeah, right. So you can kick my ass when you hear something you don’t want to hear? Why can’t you understand that what i’m feeling is one sided and that Ellie literally loves you! God, Cat. Couldn’t you have realized that instead of cornering me like this? I cant lie to you.”
You immediately recognized the voice, and you felt sick once again. You slowly turned around to face the girl who had been the cause for this altercation. She knows.
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baecvlt · 4 years
This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Kazuichi Soda X Reader
• smut !
• fem reader
• requested by my irl lmao (they also wanted some hcs so)
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“That asshole.. always getting in the way of Miss Sonia and I”
You smacked Kazuichi’s arm, scolding him,“You need to be nicer to him. He hasn’t done anything wrong”. We were in the Hotel Restaurant and it was obvious that Gundham and Sonia had gotten closer since the last trial. Kazuichi didn’t like that one bit. He sighed, taking another bite of food,“Look at him, though!”. He points at Gundham, who is allowing Sonia to pet his hamsters. “Only likes him because he’s a magical cult freak”. You shook you head, trying to explain.
“You think maybe it’s because, I don’t know, he isn’t weirdly obsessed with her?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What I said”
Kazuichi growled, his expression toning down when Gundham approached you both. “You and Kazuichi seem to be two peas in a pod. Tell me, are you both partaking in an intimate relationship?”. Kazuichi was about to get defensive, you just knew it. “What’s it to you?,” he said, fist clenched. Taking a step back, Gundham explains,“I have no such interest in such topics. Rather, Sonia was curious”. Kazuichi’s eyes lit up,“Sonia’s asking about me?”. Gundham cringed and scoffed.
“You’re getting ahead of yourself over pure gossip. Pathetic”
“Watch it, Houdini. I’ll fuck you up”
“Bring it then, you penniless, mediocre mechanic. I’m awfully frightened”
He launches himself toward Gundham, knocking him to the floor. Gundham gets a few small, yet hard punches in before Kazuichi lands the nastiest sounding backhand on his left cheek, making heads turn. As gasps can be heard around the room, Sonia runs to Gundham’s side as Kazuichi couldn’t handle himself afterward. “You! How could you?!,” Sonia scolded him. For the first time in forever, Kazuichi wasn’t having it. “How could I?! Fuck you!”. Kazuichi got up, leaving a hurt Gundham and an appalled Sonia on the ground. Gundham turned to you.
“Control your lab rat or I will”
You felt shitty, seeing Kazuichi go off that way. It wasn’t good at all, but by the looks of his response to Sonia, it seems to me like she won’t have to worry about him for a while now. He looked that mad. You thought to check on him, even if you were severely disappointed in him. You had no clue where to look for him and made a mental note of possible places where he might be: his room, Rocketpunch Market, and Electric Ave.
And so began the quest to look for him.
Checking in his room was too simple. When he didn’t respond, it didn’t surprise you that he wasn’t there. You knew he wouldn’t be. I headed off to the Rocketpunch Market. Even if he wasn’t there, you wanted to use the opportunity to buy him a bottle of Ramune. When you got there, there were voices present. That’s when you made them out to be the voices of Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, and Ibuki. “So we’re just not gonna discuss what happened back there?,” Nagito intrigued. Everyone sighed in relief. “Finally, you ask something smart,” Hiyoko said,“Yes, we should definitely talk about it! Kazuichi was totally out of line!”. You got closer to hear, without them seeing you. “Are you kidding me?,” Fuyuhiko spat,“I heard the whole thing. Gundham was being a dick. Had I been the one he disrespected, I would’ve killed that bastard!”. “Well, what did Gundham say?”.
“He called him ‘mediocre’, ‘penniless’, and ‘pathetic’. Kazuichi hadn’t once insulted him. If anything, Gundham approached him!”
“I don’t know,” Ibuki said,“That’s still no reason to be violent! Violence isn’t the answer, only heavy metal!”. “Ibuki, what?”. Ibuki shrugged. Nagito thought for a minute,“Did you even hear why the argument began?”. “Well, Gundham pressed him about his relationship with Y/N,” he said,“but Sonia had asked. He made a comment, hopeful Sonia was slightly interested in him. That’s when Gundham called him pathetic”. “Well, it is pathetic,” Hiyoko said,“But harsh”. The conversation then shifted to something completely different. “Why was he so defensive in the first place,” Hiyoko asked, adding,“he could’ve said ‘no’”. Nagito laughed, shaking his head. “Woah! A laugh like that implies, you believe there’s something going on there!”.
“Ibuki, always knows what to say. Always knows what I’m thinking”
“They belong together,” Fuyuhiko muttered,“Its obvious she likes him”. “Is it obvious or did Sonia tell you?,” Nagito asked,“Everyone, in 3..2..1”... and in union:
“Sonia told me”
Hiyoko laughed. “Yeah, but do you see how they look at each other when Kazuichi isn’t thinking about Sonia?,” she asked,“It’s funny, really”. You decided to come out and without saying a word, grabbed the drink and left. No one said a word as you walked by them. Pussies, all of them. Lastly, you took the long walk to the third island’s Electric Avenue.
Sure enough, there he was, putting together a computer (or a different device with a very small monitor of some sort; it looked handheld). You didn’t want to alarm him, for he might still be tense. You lightly tapped his shoulder. “Hey, Kazu”. He wiped his eyes rather fast, removing what appeared to be glasses. You knew he did this so he wouldn’t be seen crying. “Hi”. His voice was quiet and tired. You handed him his Ramune, making him smile. “What are you doing?”.
“Can I watch you?”
“You don’t wanna talk about anything?”
“Not unless you want to”
“Alright,” he said, continuing to modify the device,“Let’s talk”. “What are you doing to that computer-thingy”. He snickered. “‘Computer-thingy’...you’re cute”. Blushing, you were left dumbfounded. “Don’t say that!,” you scolded,“So what is it?”. “I’m making a radio,” he said,“The computer monitor part displays any words that have been picked up by the radio signals. I’ll also make it possible to communicate with them”. You were actually impressed by it.
“That’s so fucking cool”
There was a bit of silence, then he sighed. “Look, Y/N,” he began,“I’m really sorry about what happened earlier. I don’t know what got into me”. You shook your head. “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me,” you explained,“You need to apologize to Gundham.. and Sonia”. He nodded and mouthed an ‘okay’. He agreed that as soon as he saw him and Sonia, he would apologize. Now that Sonia was in the conversation, he got onto that topic. “Sonia and I can’t be,” he said,“I’ve always known this”. You raised a brow and asked why he pursued her for so long.
“She’s a princess. She’s perfect and kind. She never full on said she isn’t interested in me, so I figured she’d go out with me out of pity”
“But wouldn’t that be a loveless relationship?”
“Not everyone deserves to be loved. I don’t. What I fear more than not being loved is being alone”
“You’d rather know someone is there than to be loved by them?”
“Yeah, it’s fucked,” he admitted,“but that’s over now”. While you were screaming internally, you still felt terrible about what he said. If only he knew how you felt. The question is if he feels the same. “By the way,” he began,“I made you something”. There was a small box next to him wrapped in old newspapers and a ribbon bow. “You and Hajime have been my only friends- well, comrades, on this island. So, I made you both these communication devices!”. You opened the box and a small walkie-talkie device was placed. He further explained.
“They work anywhere on the island. Hopefully, when and if we make it out of here, it works everywhere else. So, y’know, we don’t lose touch”
“I won’t let that happen”
He smiled, warmly. He didn’t say anything else. You were both in a trance, looking into each other’s eyes. “Hey!”. Ibuki suddenly came running towards the two of you. You both snapped out of it, seeing what she needed. She fell in front of you, dusting herself off. “No time to waste!,” she said,“Sonia planned a party at the the Titty Typhoon, what a name for a club, don’t ya think? Anyway, its mandatory, so we’ll see you there at six. Ibuki, out!”. Before you could say anything, she ran off. “Well,” he began,“At least now I could apologize to Gun-dumb”. You sighed as he laughed at his nickname.
Parting ways, you headed back to ensure you could shower and ready yourself a little. As you did, you were grateful for the small moment with Kazuichi. Him not wanting to lose touch? Getting over Sonia. It all made you feel so good and now you were head over heels. Finally, you were ready. You opened the door and there he was waiting for you. “Hi, Y/N,” he began,“I was thinking we should show up together, y’know? Avoid awkwardness from earlier”. You smiled and nodded. “Great, come on!”. He grabbed your hand, dragging you along with him.
You got there a minute or two late. When you stepped inside, the music blasted as loud as possible. You noticed the stares from Nagito and Fuyuhiko. “You should find Sonia, then we can deal with Gundham”. He agreed, checking out the room. Finally, he spotted Sonia near the stage. Cautiously, we approached her. “Hello, Miss Sonia,” he said. She turned around, her rather happy expression turning into something bitter. “What do you want?”.
“I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier”
“It’s not me who you should be apologizing-”
“I also wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you that’s occurred from the time we’ve arrived. It was really inappropriate, so I’m sorry”
Sonia was no longer bitter, even if she had the right to be. She smiled, nodding,“Well, I guess when you’re being so nice about it.. yes, I forgive you. However, I really think you should apologize to Gundham”. Kazuichi agreed and explained to her that he was trying to find him. “Well,” Sonia began,“He hasn’t gotten here, but he will have gotten back any minute now!”. As if on cue, the doors burst open.
There he was, as tense as ever.
“Tanaka! I’ve been waiting for you,” Kazuichi said. Once in front of him, Gundham was appalled. “You again? I thought I’ve made clear that I was through with you!,” he scowled, shoving Kazuichi into the stage. “Gundham, let him finish,” Sonia pleaded. “Now you’re on his side? What’s wrong with all of you being so pathetic this day?”. Kazuichi got up, trying to explain.
“Just let me finish–”
“I have no reason to further discuss anything with a lowly, degenerate, and pathetic subhuman such as yourself”
“God, Y/N, I thought you were smarter, but now you’ve fallen for him? You are equally as pathetic!”
“Y/N has a crush on me?”
“God, yes, she does! She is in love with you, you fool!”
“She... loves me?”
Heads were turning and the eyes belonging to them all faced you. There were gasps at first (like this morning), but now there were whispers and small chatter. “Ugh! What’s with you?!,” Sonia yelled,“Kazuichi was only trying tl apologize to you!”. Gundham was the embodiment of the phrase “a face of regret”. “Y/N,” Kazuichi began,“Is this true?”. Your breathing was starting to get worse and worse as you just stood there with an answer, but no courage to confess. You had no other choice, but tear up and say “Kazuichi, no, I-”. You were at loss of words. Then, you ran all the way back to your room.
Once there, you slammed your door shut and locked. You paced around a little, attempting to calm down. When you couldn’t do that, you simply collapsed onto your bed and screamed into the nearest pillow. Your throat hurt and despite having screamed into a pillow, it was still loud enough to hear the scream bounce around the room. You cried into it, for about 5 minutes, moped for 45, then cried again for another 10.
Bing-bong, Bing-bong!
It was time for bed, now realizing that if you didn’t die in your sleep, you’d have to face tomorrow. That was something you didn’t want to do. You began to get ready for bed. Suddenly, there was loud and demanding knocking on your door. You prayed, hoping it was someone here to put you out of your misery upon opening the door, so you opened it without hesitation. To your dismay, it wasn’t the next blackened.
It was Kazuichi.
Your face was all red again and before you could say anything, he spoke. “We need to talk”. You tried shutting the door, but before you could, he forced his way inside. He locked the door behind him. “What?!,” I yelled,“Why are you still here? I don’t want to see you! I can’t-”. He grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. “You aren’t one for words are you?,” he asked and after seeing you blush, added,“Guess I’m gonna have to show you”. He lay you down and began kissing you; you didn’t hesitate against him and wanted this to happen for so long. His lips felt amazing on yours. He began to kiss your neck, stopping at your chest. He lifted your shirt up and pulled down your bra, sucking roughly on your tits. He then made his way down. All that was left was-
“Kazuichi, what are you..?”
He unbuttoned your shorts and pulled them down tossing them aside. Looking up at you, he moved your panties to the side and began to work his mouth on your pussy. You whined at the feeling, shifting a little. He held you down, his tongue focused on your sweet spots. “You like that?”. You hummed, nodding frantically. His arms were locked around your thighs to hold you down. You took off his beanie and pulled his hair. He sucked your clit, whining from his hair being pulled. You knew he enjoyed it as he began to be sloppy. He moved away and wiped his mouth before kissing you again. “Sit on my fucking face,” he growled. You saw the fire in his eyes as he said so. “Are you sure?,” you asked him.
You straddled his face and he didn’t wait. He went at it, desperately this time. You moaned as your legs shook. You didn’t just want to sit there and feel stimulation. Noticing the bulge growing in his suit, you grabbed his zipper and pulled it all the way down. You pulled down his boxers and his hard member sprung out. You stroked him gently and spat on his cock. You heard his muffled voice grunt, finally deciding to blow him. “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, his nails digging into your thighs. He thrust upward as you enjoyed him even more. This wasn’t your first time, but it was the first time it felt so good. You stopped riding his face and lay down. He took off his entire suit and boxers, positioning himself between your legs. You’d given a blowjob before, but never actually had sex. You wanted it so bad. He pulled out a condom, slipping it on. As he did, you wondered where he managed to get one. He teased you with his cock in hand, pushing only his tip in, making you whine.
“Oh, you’re so wet”
He shoved in, stretching you out. “Fuck me,” you cried,“Please.. fuck me so hard”. He thrust into you hard, just as you had asked. It hurt for a minute. You shook, attempting to overcome the pain. Kazuichi gasped, feeling your pussy spasm around him. “H-Hey, are you okay?,” he asked. You nodded, your eyes watering; the sensation was overwhelming and in a really good way. His cock grew harder inside you, twitching. His thrusts were rhythmic at first. You can tell he was holding back, he didn’t want to hurt you. He wasn’t hitting your spot like before, so you wanted to help. “Baby, i-it’s not- fuck!”.
“I know, I know. Let me just-”
His hips went from a direct thrust motion, to motion as if his hips were scooping upward. You arched your back as he hit deeper and deeper. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?”. You moaned a little louder, covering your mouth as you were embarrassed and afraid someone would hear what went on in your room. He fucked you harder and asked,“Why don’t you scream for me baby?”.
“Someone’ll hear us-”
“Rooms are soundproof, be as loud as wanna be”
With that, you begged him to fuck you harder. He lifted your legs over his shoulders. His trusts were so sloppy, so messy it hit all areas of your walls, tightening around him. Your eyes rolled back, near frothing at the mouth. “H-ah! I needed this!,” you cried. You put your legs to his sides, grabbing him by the throat and shoving your tongue into his mouth. He moaned when you did, your grip on his throat tightening. The asphyxiation only further excited his cock.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach grow, you knew you were close. “Hh-oh, God, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned. Your kisses grew more aggressive as you wrapped your legs around him, pushing his pelvis deeper into you. “Harder, please,” you whined. He nodded, pounding you mercilessly. Once again, you choked him, dominating him with your kisses. Your pussy tightened around him. You bit him, feeling his dick twitch again. He was shaking and gasped, shooting his load into his condom. He collapsed on top of you, pulling out of your dripping pussy. “Oh my god...,” You sighed wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with his pink locks. His head lay on your chest and his arms were wrapped around your waist all tight.
“I’m sleepy”
You smiled and kissed him. “Thennnn... sleep?”. He shook his head. “We just had really good sex imagine if I go to sleep after that?”. You snickered, making a deal with him. “Fine,” you said,“I’ll forgive it if you hop into the shower with me”. He got up so fast.
“Say no more, princess. Let’s go”
Afterward, you gave him a place in bed, snuggling up with him the throughout the night.
Third person POV
The next morning, Hajime walked out of his dorm. He thought to check up on Kazuichi, seeing how abrupt he left the party last night. He knocked on his door, waiting. Oddly enough, there was no response. Hajime looked around, noticing someone in the distance. There he was, Kazuichi, walking out of a girl’s cabin? Now, the cabin belonging to none other than Y/N! He saw them laughing by her door, Kazuichi smacking her ass as she walked in front of him. Hajime backed up fast, hoping he wouldn’t be seen. He then noticed that they were not headed to the Hotel Restaurant. Now, it was starting to get strange and he had to tell the others. Once they weren’t in sight, he ran to the stairs then all the way up.
“Someone’s late”
Hiyoko stared at him. Hajime, out of breath, shook his head. “Don’t be too hard on him,” Nagito said sympathetically,“It looks like he had something to say”. “Well, I was gonna say something first,” Hiyoko was defensive as she cleared her throat,“I think rather than worry about the next blackened, we should worry about who’s fucking is gonna keep us up at night because I could barely sleep”. “Fucking? You mean, like, I don’t know... sex??,” Hajime asked. The girl’s nodded. “See, last night,” Sonia began,“None of us could get any sleep due to such erotic noises that went on till early in the morning. “Ah, yes,” Nagito said so casually,“Then I do know what you’re referring to”. Hajime decided to bring up what he’d seen.
“Kazuichi walked out of Y/N’s cabin this morning”
Everyone was paying attention now. “Oh my god???,” Hiyoko yelled. “There could be an explanation to that, y’know?,” Mikan whispered. “There’s only one explanation when you see him groping her and he doesn’t get punched”. Suddenly, two people stepped in. “So sorry we’re late,” Kazuichi said,“Y/N needed help..with...a busted pipe!”. “Aren’t you the Ultimate Mechanic? I never heard plumber,” Hiyoko scoffed.
“I do it all. Tinkering with stuff here and there”
Kazuichi sat down, Y/N sitting at a completely different table. “So,” Nagito began,“That was quite the eventful night, right, Soda?”. Everyone looked around, having thought they had a world-less mutual agreement that it would be avoided as much as possible. “You mean with Gundham? I already tried apologizing, but-”.
“No, this isn’t about Gundham. This is about last night, last night”
“Nagito, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Nagito laughed, his hand motioning that he gives up and thats he’s over it. Gundham bit his lip, wanting to say something, eventually it came out. “Soda,” he whispered. “Yeah?”.
“You know for a room to be completely sound proof, not a single door or window should be open, right?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Go outside and let me know if Y/N’s window was closed last night”
It finally struck him. His face instantly became flustered. “Oh,” he mumbled,“You guys heard all that?”. Everyone nodded. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Nagito attempted comfort,“If its in any consolation, it sounded like it was good. Hell, even I’m a little jealous”. Y/N still had no idea. That was the case until Sonia had talked to her. “So, Y/N,” she sat down by her,“Are you and Kazuichi together?”.
“Why would you think that?”
“Well, last night we all heard, um, something”
“Well, it’s not that serious, but I do have a question”
“The rooms are soundproof, right? Well, are you sure you didn’t leave a door or a window open or something?”
Y/N choked on her own air. “H-How much did you hear?”. Sonia smiled nervously, laughing in a tone that was just as anxious. “Um, everything?”. Y/N put her hands over her face and screamed. Kazuichi approached her and kissed the back of her neck. “So, you fucked and that’s it?,” Hiyoko asked,“Like, nothing comes next?”. Before Y/N could answer, Kazuichi butt in. “T-That’s not true! I’ll take good care of Y/N and I’m gonna love her forever!”. He rushed his lips to Y/N’s, making her gasp. The tension and temperature grew within the room, as Kazuichi promised he wouldn’t let a thing hurt her.
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loki--fics · 3 years
All For You - Part 2
Loki x Reader
Content Warnings: abuse mentions, violence, strong language
Word Count: 2,294
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     Loki had only been partially right the night before - you did have a slight headache when you woke, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he had made it seem like it would be. It's nothing a couple of aspirin can't cure, You thought as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.
     "Well look who finally decided to get up." Your head snapped to the side, your fiancé's voice startling you. "Did you have fun?"
     You sighed. "What are you on about now?"
     "As if you don't know," He scoffed. "Bringing that God back to our room, flirting with him, kissing him."
     "For fuck's sake, Ben, he kissed my cheek," You retorted. "I'd had a bit too much to drink so he walked me back to our room."
     Ben was visibly seething. "Is he better than me? Is that it? Are you going to leave me for him now?"
     "God, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. "I only just met him last night!"
     "What's wrong with me?" Ben shouted, grabbing you by the arm and yanking you off the bed. "I'm not the one behaving like some depraved whore! That's all you, Y/N!"
     You rolled your eyes. "Oh, yeah, because you eye-fucking Nat last night totally wasn't worse than a kiss on the cheek."
     The force behind the resounding crack that followed was enough to knock you to the floor. Your eyes watered as you held a hand to your burning cheek, the sour taste of iron filling your mouth as your head spun trying to process what just happened.
     Touching a finger to your lip, it came away bloody, and you looked up at your fiancé in shock. "Did you just hit me?" 
     Immediately, Ben's face softened as he dropped to his knees in front of you. "Baby, I am so sorry, I- I didn't mean to!" He kissed your forehead and pet your hair. "You know I didn't mean to do that, right? I just… You made me so angry, it wasn't my fault! I- All I could picture was Loki kissing you, and-"
     "Ben, stop," You said, too in shock to cry. "Stop it."
     "And then you said I was eye-fucking Nat, when you know I wasn't, right baby?" He continued. "You were just being jealous, and maybe you aren't as hot as she is but if I wanted her then I wouldn't be with you, okay? I love you."
     You looked at him in disbelief. "Maybe I'm not as hot as she is, Ben?" You asked coldly.
     "Baby, come on, don't be like that," He scoffed. "It's okay, I'm not going to go after her, I love you."
     Shaking your head, you scooted away. "You love me?" 
     His eyes welled up with tears. "Don't make me beg, please? I love you, Y/N. I didn't mean it, I promise. You know I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't made me so angry, don't you?"
     Your resolve broke at the sight of Ben crying, and you placed a hand to his cheek. "Please don't cry," You said softly.
     "Let's just forget this ever happened, okay?" He said. "Don't tell anybody, then they'll think I'm an awful person and they'll try to make you leave me, and you don't want that, do you?"
     "No," You sighed. "I know you didn't mean to, Ben. I'm sorry I made you so angry, it won't happen again."
     He smiled, kissing you roughly. "I know baby. We're leaving today anyway, so let's just get packed up, and-"
     "I'm going to take a shower," You interrupted. "Then I'll help pack, okay?" Ben nodded as you stood, and started to follow you to the bathroom until you turned around. "Alone, please."
     His smile faltered, but he nodded. "Okay, I'll just pack it all up myself then, I guess." 
     "Ben, I'll help when I get out-"
     "No, just go enjoy your shower alone," He said harshly before turning around and throwing your things into suitcases. You let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
     Walking over to the mirror, you inspected your cheek. There was a very prominent angry red handprint, already starting to bruise, and blood was dripping from your split lip. You felt tears burn behind your eyes as you started the shower, undressing slowly before stepping in. You noticed bruises on your wrist and arm beginning to form as well, and it was like the floodgates had burst open as tears poured from your eyes.
     You sat on your knees on the floor of the tub, hunched over as you tried to sob as quietly as possible. You didn't bother with actually washing yourself, you just sat there and cried until you had no tears left and the water went cold.
     Turning off the water, you wrapped your body in a towel and grabbed a second one to dry your hair, ignoring the pain in your wrist as you did so. The bruise on your cheek would be easy to hide with makeup, and you could cover the bruises on your arm with long sleeves, but your split lip was another thing entirely.
     I'll have to come up with a story to explain that, You thought as you went about your routine. You splashed some cold water on your face, hoping to get rid of the puffiness of your eyes, and then brushed your teeth (and in doing so, reopened the cut on your lip). After it had stopped bleeding, you began layering concealer on your cheek to cover the bruise, trying to take your time before you had to face your fiancé again.
     Even with all of your stalling, you were soon finished in the bathroom, and walked back into your room to find Ben sitting on the bed, suitcases unpacked, with a sour look on his face.
     "What's the matter?" You asked. "I thought you said you were going to start packing while I was in the shower."
     He huffed. "There's a snowstorm moving in, we're not going to be able to leave for at least another few days."
     You tried not to show the relief that poured through you at the news. "I'm sorry baby, I know how much you wanted to go home today. This could be a good thing, though-"
     "How is it a good thing?" He snapped. "I don't want to have to stay here, with that slimy snake Loki just waiting to get his filthy paws on you."
     "You're right, I'm sorry," You replied quickly. "I was just trying to see a silver lining, but I guess there is none."
     "Whatever," He grumbled. "We'll just stay in here."
     You raised a brow at him. "Baby, if I have a few more days to spend with my brother, then I want to spend them with him, not hiding in my room." You saw him stiffen, and knew he was getting upset so you quickly continued, "Besides, would that not be suspicious, if we stayed holed up in here for days?"
     He sighed. "I guess you're right. Just… Stay away from Loki, if I catch that weasel anywhere near you, I'll kill him."
     Deciding that now would not be a good time to mention that he, a normal human man, could not kill a magic wielding God, you simply nodded. "Okay, I'll stay away from him. Let's.. Let me get dressed, and we can go eat breakfast, alright?"
     He rolled his eyes, but nodded, and you quickly picked out an oversized, cream coloured turtleneck and black fitted jeans, throwing them on after putting on clean knickers. 
     "Are you ready?" You asked, and he nodded. The two of you walked to the kitchen together, where you were greeted by your brother, who was very obviously nursing a hangover. 
     "How are you feeling, Tony?" You asked. "You must have one hell of a hangover, because you look like absolute crap."
     He chuckled dryly. "I'm surprised you don't, Y/N, what with all that Asgardian wine you drank last night." 
     You felt Ben stiffen beside you, but you didn't dare look up at him. "It's nothing that a couple of aspirin won't fix," You replied, looking for something to change the subject. "Did Pepper make breakfast? It smells amazing in here."
     "Yes she did," Tony said. "She just finished, went all out since you two are here. The whole shebang."
     You smiled. "Well, I'm going to go check if she could use a hand setting the table or anything. Ben, you can stay here and catch up with Tony, tell him about your new job."
     Giving your fiancé a quick kiss on the cheek, you escaped to the dining room, where you found Pepper laying plates down in front of the seats at the table. "Hey! Do you need a hand?"
     "Oh, no, Y/N, you're our guest," She said, smiling warmly. "I'd never ask you to- Your lip! What happened?"
     You felt anxiety prick at your chest as you forced a smile. "I'm a pretty rough sleeper, I must have smacked myself. But please, you put so much effort into cooking, it's the least I can do."
     You felt a wave of relief crash over you as she accepted your explanation and handed you the rest of the plates. When you had finished putting them out, you helped her carry the food from the kitchen, and Tony wasn't kidding when he said she made the whole shebang - French toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, crêpes, and fresh fruits.
     "That's everything," Pepper said, setting down two pitchers of orange juice. "Thank you for your help, Y/N."
     "Of course," You said, smiling warmly. "Is JARVIS going to let the others know breakfast is ready?"
     "Yes," Tony said, walking in with Ben. "But I'm starved, so I'm not going to wait for them." 
     You and Pepper laughed as the four of you sat down, and you filled your plate with some French toast, fruit, and hash browns as more of the Avengers began to trickle into the dining room.
     Everyone chatted amicably amongst each other, giving much deserved compliments to Pepper on her cooking, but you could feel Ben seething next to you. What had Tony said to him that would have made him angry all over again? It couldn't have just been about you drinking that wine, could it?
     Whilst you were eating, the cut on your lip reopened once again, and you had to excuse yourself to the kitchen to clean it up. Dabbing a paper towel to your lip, Loki meandered into the kitchen from the hall, eyeing you.
     "What happened?" He asked, eyes staring at your split lip and noticing the faint discolouration on your cheek. 
     "I'm a rough sleeper," You said. "I must have hit myself in the mouth while I was asleep or something." 
     "Did you hit your cheek as well?" He asked.
     You looked away from his intense gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," You replied quickly.
     He was about to reply when Ben walked into the room, his eyes immediately falling on Loki. If looks could kill, Loki would be dust on the floor - but, to be fair, so would Ben. 
     "What do you want?" Ben snapped. "Here to mack on my fiancé some more are you?"
     Loki looked at you, and you looked at Ben. "It wasn't like that, Ben, we'd all had a lot to drink last night."
     "Yeah, I know you kissed him first," Ben said, his voice thick with barely-suppressed rage. "Tony told me."
     You froze, looking at him in shock. "It was on the cheek!" You hissed. "Ben, please just stop this!" 
     "What's the problem?" Thor asked, walking into the kitchen. 
     Ben visibly paled, and his shoulders sagged. "Nothing," He said, obviously defeated. "I was just leaving." 
     "What happened?" Thor asked after Ben left. "He seemed upset, is he okay?"
     "He's fine," Loki said quickly. "I provoked him."
     A look of understanding came over Thor's face. "Ah, yes, well that does make sense. You need to stop that, brother."
     Loki nodded, and Thor went back in the dining room. Turning back to you, Loki looked at you expectantly.
     "I do believe you owe me an explanation," Loki said. "That is twice now that I have witnessed your fiancé speak to you in such a manner."
     "I don't know what you're on about," You huffed.
     Loki stepped closer to you. "Have you forgotten that I am the God of Lies? You cannot lie to me, I will know."
     "Well, you're wrong." You turned away from him. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
     "Your lip is split open, your cheek is bruised, that oaf you call a fiancé speaks to you like you are his property, and twice now I have had to step in to cover for you." His blue eyes bore into yours, and you were at a loss for words.
     Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly. "I don't know what you want me to say, Loki. You don't know what you're talking about. Ben would never intentionally hurt me, he loves me." 
     "So he's unintentionally hurt you, then?" Loki asked, catching on to your careful choice of words. 
     You pulled your chin away from his grasp. "I would appreciate it if you would stop interrogating me and allow me to finish my breakfast," You said. "You're welcome to join."
     You plastered a smile on your face as you walked back into the dining room, ignoring the dread seeping into the pit of your stomach. Ben was livid, that much was obvious, but you tried to convince yourself that there was no way he would repeat the events of that morning.
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