#anyways i am a mentor now :] officially not just trade mentor !! so like. if any new players or ppl who wna get into ffxiv see this
astrxealis · 2 years
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rush-wing · 2 years
ahem hem, soooo any OCs you have been ✨hyperfixating✨ on lately? or in general??
where do i start
It’s all d&d characters, all the way down btw. I’m a forever DM so I tend to make characters whenever the whim strikes but these guys never get played much, I just rotate them in my head sadly, waiting for the day…
I might throw you some art for visualisation but I’m still.. eh.. learning so enjoy little extremely stylised doodles
Everyone here you can find me reblogging things for over on @hearthkeep too!
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Is Jaisarie AKA Jaise – she was primed to be in a Saltmarsh campaign but that’s not going ahead now so she’s just sitting on the pier in my head, kicking her feet above the water idly. She’s my undead pirate : ) Jaise started unlife because I got my mitts on the Wildemount campaign guide and thought an Echo Knight’s echoes could make a fun reflavouring as something ghosty. Originally she was a Hollow One, but I’ve since altered her to the Reborn "race", but it’s all dead things at any rate~ She doesn’t know how she died, and isn’t sure she wants to know! Last thing she truly remembers is being dragged out of the ocean as bloated corpse, but the open gash on her neck and her abdomen seems to point to the idea that she was murdered by someone good at their job. Well, aside from glimpses of memories of an old crew she’s fond of, but she couldn’t pick them from a crowd if they stood right in front of her at the moment. I have some ideas for what she was involved in, but the great thing about this is I am pretty happy for any and all of that to go out the window for whatever a good game requires.
Second! Is a constant returner:
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My boy Keats. He was my first PC I have made, so yess it’s trueee… he’s a bit special for me. I’ve played him the most out of anyone (which I can count on the one hand), and every time he’s just such a hoot to play. God I love him. And he’s “just” a half-elf battle master Fighter! (I will throw hands on anyone saying he’s boring for that though--) He’s an acrobat-turned-gladiator and a complete dumbass so he is big on stupid stunts, and most of the time, bounces right back up when he eats the pavement face-first. Honestly I think I just wish I had his confidence and bravado.
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This is the gentlemen who I’ve been playing Thousand Year Old Vampire as - Madieren. He started out as a half-elven scholar from an isolated monastery dedicated to the study of magic, but he decided he liked blood magic and went off on a tangent. So you can call him a “vampire” of some description, but I refer to him officially as an immortal blood mage. I’ve had a lot of fun with him over the past few months, watching him evolve, go through the shit (his only student got murdered, has been kicked out of his home at least three times, oh, and had his arm accidentally cut off, just to name a few things), and eat his own hubris whole. He actually started life known as Alezaren, but due to certain shenanigans he’s shed his original name. Madieren ended his run making up with his rival who’s been chasing him down across the continent (who also ended up immortal due to the influence of one of the other player’s characters) and like there was only so much those two could stab each other before the tension went elsewhere.
And lastly:
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This is Eon! He’s had a nostalgia resurgence after watching something last night and like I want to do something with him now but what??? I have an Eon-sized itch and I cannot scratch it!!!! Anyway, Eon is my sad wizard tiefling. Well, “wizard” in quotation marks because he’s technically an Eldritch Knight. Eon’s a blacksmith by trade, but dabbles in magic because there’s a quiet passion there for it that was nurtured by an eccentric mentor he hasn’t seen in a long time. So, yes, he has the tragic backstory, to the point I somewhat recently realised I gave an 8-year-old PTSD to get him so. Um. Sorry, Eon. He’s got a very stand-offish, stoic exterior, but he really is such a soft creature at heart. Eon’s my nerd. The oxymoronic buff wizard. I have a set of dice someone in my group made from scratch specifically for him so one day I need to play him so I get to actually roll them for him.
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REVERSAL AU - Big Bad Barons
[A transcript of how Risky's first meeting with each baron would go]
[RISKY is outside a cave shaped like a skull, barred from entry by jagged bones with a sickly violet aura.]
???: FOOLISH MORTAL! LEAVE THIS PLACE, OR MEET YOUR DEM-Ooooooo, is that my order?
RISKY: ...erm...yes. I have a TASTY MEAL for one...Lich Baron?
???: Oh, that's me! That's me! Well, don't be a stranger! Come on in!
[The jagged bones lower into the ground, and the cave becomes accessible]
???: And, uh, sorry in advance about the traps - I can't turn those off. Good luck!
[One level later, and RISKY walks into a dark chamber illuminated with an eerie glow. Graves litter the background, and LICH BARON is reclining on a lawn chair made of bones and cobwebs while looking into a crystal ball.]
LICH BARON: Heeeeeey, my food's here! Thanks!
[With a wave of her hand, LICH BARON grabs the TASTY MEAL from RISKY's inventory with purple magic, brings it over, and begins to dig in. She does so over the course of the following conversation]
LICH BARON: No, really- you'ff ghod noh IHDEA- how hard it is to get someone to deliver, you know? With the labyrinth and all that.
LICH BARON: I mean, I COULD have met you at the entrance, but then I'd miss this episode of Fallout!
RISKY: ...what?
LICH BARON: Oh, right, we of the more magically inclined have a little network here to watch shows and such on demand. You wouldn't know about it.
LICH BARON: OOOOO, right in the acid! That's gotta-thaht's goohta stehng-
LICH BARON: Right, payment, payment. I'll get to that in a second. Look, you just- goohta ahppresheat tha lehttl thingss- you know? Especially in my line of work.
LICH BARON: MAN, I remember- wehn I couhld juhst ROHL ihnto tohwn- and people would run away screaming. Free artifacts, right there!
LICH BARON: But nowadays? No one- ish goohna tahk yoh seriohsly- unless you can just DESTROY A BUILDING IN ONE SWING or HAVE AN ARMY OF BIRDS. Blegh!
LICH BARON: Look, love the other barons and all, but they make a tough act to keep up with, you know? I mean, I can raise an undead army, sure, but that's...
RISKY: ...
LICH BARON: ...You seem tense. Are you tense? You should have a slice of this, it's really good.
LICH BARON: ...wait...so you're NOT delivery?
LICH BARON: Wh-HEY! That is MESSED UP! Impersonating a delivery person like that! Those guys have a lot on their plate already, you know!
RISKY: ...you literally steal magical artifacts and scam people for a living.
LICH BARON: Well, yeah, but I don't IMPERSONATE DELIVERY PEOPLE. Yeesh...anyway!
[LICH BARON waves her hands, and her personal items slide off screen. The ground begins to shake, and LICH BARON begins to hover in the air.]
RISKY: Wh-What is this!?
LICH BARON: Oh, that would be the undead crawling up from the dirt. Sure hope that magic seal's worth getting your brains eaten!
[RISKY walks into what appears to be a quaint little campsite. A single tent, some logs, and an extinguished firepit at the center. Also at the campsite, is a tall, intimidating figure, who turns and reveals himself to be WRECKER BARON.]
WRECKER BARON: ...hmph. I've heard of you. You're this town's protector, right? Or you were, in any case.
WRECKER BARON: I assume that bumbling mayor's sent you out to fulfill his half of the deal?
RISKY: Hrgh...yes, I have the deed.
WRECKER BARON: Good. Now hand it over.
WRECKER BARON: ...because he-
RISKY: Why my town? Why my HOME? We don't have any artifacts. We're not rich. It's just a humble little trading town...so WHY?
WRECKER BARON: That's for me to know and me alone.
RISKY: Grrrr...!
RISKY: I heard a bit about you before this, you know. The one-man army, right? The man who can take down buildings in a single swing?
RISKY: Well, looking at you now, I think it's all TALK.
RISKY: I beat a baron before, you know. Just today. The Lich. I don't see why you'd be any different!
WRECKER BARON: ...You don't know what you're dealing with, kid.
RISKY: Oh, really?
[RISKY gets into a battle-ready pose]
RISKY: Well, TO HECK WITH IT! Mayor Scuttlebutt may have fired me, but this is still my town! If you want this deed, FIGHT ME FOR-
[WRECKER BARON lets his prosthetic loose, and then WHIPS it through the air, with it just barely missing RISKY and landing behind her with a deafening thud. A spray of sand flies into RISKY's face.]
WRECKER BARON: I'm not going to ask again. The deed. NOW.
RISKY: I...I...!
RISKY: ...Fine. Here you go.
[RISKY walks over, and, with no small amount of reluctance, hands the deed over to WRECKER BARON, who stuffs it into hammerspace]
WRECKER BARON: Well, glad you came to your senses, heh heh! Really thought I was going to have to take off your head there...
RISKY: ...
WRECKER BARON: Look, sorry for the scare. Nothing personal, just making sure I got my end of the bargain. You get it, right?
RISKY: ...
WRECKER BARON: ...uh, here. To show there's not hard feelings.
RISKY: ...what's this?
WRECKER BARON: Official town PASSPORT. Everyone's going to get one. And, I'll let you in on a little secret: it'll let you get in my BATTLE TOWER.
WRECKER BARON: It's where I store all my artifacts. Get to the top in one piece, and you get to take one home!
RISKY: Really? That seems rather...impractical.
WRECKER BARON: The way I see it, it's free security testing. If someone gets through, it means I've got to up my security.
RISKY: And if they don't?
WRECKER BARON: Well, that means there'll be a slight dip in my tax revenue.
WRECKER BARON: Just flash your PASSPORT at the totem, and you'll get in.
[RISKY walks into a stone chamber filled with birds. Suddenly, the door slams shut behind her, and the birds scatter. RAPTOR BARON emerges from the shadows.]
RAPTOR BARON: HALF-GENIE. You are not welcome here - leave peacefully, and I may yet let you live.
RISKY: You closed the door behind me!
[RAPTOR BARON does a quick call, and two birds fly to the door to open it again.]
RISKY: ...oh.
RISKY: Well, I have no intention of leaving, anyway! I'm here for the magic seal!
RAPTOR BARON: Magic seal...? Where did you learn about that?
RISKY: ...you don't know?
RAPTOR BARON: I made my base up here for a reason. Here, I'm isolated. Alone. No one will find me...no one is SUPPOSED to find me.
RISKY: Well, that's gone out the window, hasn't it? Just do us both a favor and hand the seal over - I already have the other two.
[RAPTOR BARON makes another call, and a bird brings her a pair of odd-looking binoculars. She takes them and examines Risky with them for a moment, before handing the binoculars back.]
RAPTOR BARON: ...you're telling the truth. Hmph. Your mentor should've told you not to mess with forces you don't understand.
RISKY: How do you know Mimic!?
RISKY: ...fine. Have it your way. I'm getting used to the silent treatment, anyway.
RISKY: Look, you seem more reasonable than the others. If I don't gather all these first, then Captain Shantae is sure to get to them, and then-
RAPTOR BARON: Shantae? I-Of course she's involved in all of this...
RAPTOR BARON: Anything between me and that captain is far in the past, half-genie. And I'd prefer it STAY that way.
RAPTOR BARON: That being said...I know her tricks. She has the lamp, I'm guessing?
RISKY: Of course you know about the lamp, why WOULDN'T you know about the lamp-
RAPTOR BARON: Just as I feared. Look. For your own good...I can't let you fall into her trap. Even if it means you never make it back home.
RAPTOR BARON: WRENCH. Search and destroy.
[A massive bird flies into the field and lands in front of RISKY.]
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heartslogos · 5 years
newfragile yellows [616]
Abelas escorts her into what Ellana is guessing is one of the private royal offices, the entire time he has one hand firmly on hers, keeping her attached to his side.
“Of all the days for me to not be released from duty,” Abelas says lowly, “Of all the days for Mythal to grant me momentary leave. It had to be that day.”
“I hope you didn’t get too cross with Lelander,” Ellana says, “He’s wonderful. Behind a desk. With a quill.”
“I assure you, that point has been stressed thoroughly. It continues to amaze and astonish that Lelander wound up in the ranks of Knightood rather than behind a desk in a research setting. No one, more surprised or astonished by this than Lelander himself, of course. When we return you will apologize to him. He’s been — to say the least — a trial to deal with in the wake of your absence.”
“Lelander’s always had the worst nerves.”
“And yet you did this to him.”
“It was a spur of the moment thing, it isn’t as though I was planning on it.”
“You? Plan? I would never dare accuse my lady of such.”
Abelas times that perfectly that he opens the door to the office before Ellana can respond and she’s faced with the brunt of the stares from a…from a rather decent amount of people who have every right to be cross at her and are uniquely situated to make her continued existence incredibly uncomfortable should she choose to attempt to throw herself out of the window now.
Ellana swallows nervously, and Abelas doesn’t need to hold her arm through his anymore because she’s clinging to him for dear life. Ellana mentally wills her guardian, her mentor — dare she think it? Her friend — not to abandon her to this veritable onslaught of disappointment and judgement.
And what does he do? Shove her into the room and close the door, leaning against it. Leaving her stranded all by her lonesome.
“Ellana,” Mahanon says, striding up to her and pulling her into a hug. After a second Ellana’s arms go around him as she breathes in the familiar and unfamiliar smells of him. His hair and skin, familiar with the oils they use from home. The rest of him unfamiliar. Especially in the light blue coat and the brocade.
“You’re dressed in something with lace.”
“The sacrifices I make for you.”
Mahanon pulls back, his expression soft for a moment before dissolving into the visage of a demon hell bent on ruining Ellana’s life as he pinches her cheeks between his fingers and starts stretching her face. Ellana smacks at his arms.
“Ow!” Ellana’s eyes water. “Ow! Ow! Stop!”
“You little brat,” Mahanon hisses. “Of all the idiotic, self absorbed, hare-brained, buffoonery you’ve ever done — and of all the days to do it on — “
And because Ellana has never been one to take anything lying down she starts pinching and stretching her brother’s face in return.
Thankfully, they’re in the presence of friends so there’s no consequences for behaving like children. Oh, Ellana’s not foolish enough to think that she won’t be facing other sorts of consequences, but at least this she’s going to get away with.
Josephine comes up next to her brother and puts an arm on his shoulder, “Perhaps we should all sit down for this.”
Evelyn sighs, standing on Mahanon’s other side. “Alright. Each of you let go on three. Alright? One. Two. And three.”
Ellana was half-tempted to not let go, but she does anyway, the two of them separating to rub their own faces.
“Uncalled for,” Ellana huffs.
“It was the most polite thing I could do in present company,” Mahanon retorts. “Look at poor Dorian over there, he’s so frustrated with you that he’s speechless.”
“Dorian? Speechless?”
“I assure you, I am not, I am merely gathering my many, many speeches and trying to arrange them into some semblance of order,” Dorian says from the writing desk. “Do carry on with your charming idiocy.”
Ellana winces. He’s so mad. She can tell from the crisp cut of his words.
“Dorian — “
“Ah, ah! No. I’m still focusing. You lot carry on over there.”
Ellana’s shoulder slump as she sits between Evelyn and Josephine, her brother across from her.
“What were you thinking?” Josephine says softly, putting her hand on Ellana’s. “We were worried sick.”
“I panicked,” Ellana says. “I didn’t — I wasn’t ready. I didn’t — well. I didn’t think the old fart would have made me his heir.”
“You are the only one who thought that,” Mahanon says. “Literally the only one. Everyone knew that Solas, may he rest in bloody pieces, had you as his successor.”
“He exiled me!” Ellana throws her arms up, barely missing knocking Evelyn and Josephine in the face. “To Tevinter.”
“Tone!” Dorian snaps.
“Sorry! I had a lovely time! But you have to admit that on paper it seems like a punishment! At first we all thought it was a punishment! Mother was so distraught that she was abed for a month and lost two stone weight! Father had a mental break. There was almost an insurrection! You were going to smuggle me into the Anderfels because, and I quote, at least the Darkspawn would make it quick.”
Mahanon’s lips purse together. “He called you back after a year. Your exile was for a decade, on paper.”
“That’s because I was having such a grand time it stopped looking like a punishment.”
“Ellana, focus. Why did you run? What happened?”
“I just ran. I ran as fast as I could, grabbed some baubles I could pawn along the way, ditched my horse as soon as I hit the border. Pawned my clothes, and hit the road along off-season trade routes. And then I started making my way here because I heard that you were going to have a ball for the future consort of the realm.” Ellana turns to Evelyn, taking the other woman’s hands in hers. “And I promised you, didn’t I? That I would be there. I promised you I would be there to give my most sound advice on your future spouse and I meant it. And then I got there and saw that my brother was there and I promised myself to stay as long as possible without being seen and then I ran because I thought I saw Abelas skulking about as he does.”
(And as strange as it would sound — she didn’t want to be caught with him. The Iron Bull. She didn’t want that moment, that interaction, with him spoiled. She wanted — she wanted a great many things. So many things. Too many to list, and all of them ruined.)
“I was quite surprised you know, when instead of you I got Mahanon coming up to the palace as the new ambassador. And then he told me that he got your appointment because you were to be crowned Queen fo the Dales and then you vanished into thin air and he thought you’d come here so he came along anyway,” Evelyn says.
“We were all worried sick. I must have written a hundred letters trying to see if anyone knew where you were,” Josephine says. “And at one point we had to get the vapors for Dorian because he’d worked himself up so much over it that he’d fainted.”
“That is a lie. A complete fabrication,” Dorian says from behind them. She hears his pen stop. “And — I’m very upset with you. The speech will have to wait for later. Right now I need to get this of my chest straightaway.”
Ellana turns to him and his eyes are so solemn when she meets them.
“You could have come to me,” Dorian says quietly. “Of all the things that upset me, of which we both know there are many. Of all those things. It was that you didn’t come to me that hurts me the most. Did you think I wouldn’t help you? That I wouldn’t try? I was in Ferelden at the time, I was closer than here. You could have come to me. And if not me then Josephine or Evelyn or — or any number of our friends. But you went off on your own and what if you had gone off and died and we would have never found you? And — “
Dorian’s mouth closes with a sharp click and he turns around back to the desk. “I can’t talk to you right now. I’m so beyond frustrated. Infuriated.”
Ellana’s heart sinks in her chest and she feels her eyes well up. Josephine puts her arm around Ellana’s shoulders and pulls her into a hug.
“He’s right you know. Through all of the worry and concern and panic, there was a little part of me that stung because I didn’t know about why you ran. I didn’t know anything at all and I wondered if there was something I’d done to make myself unworthy of your confidence.”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” Ellana says quietly. “I was scared. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
This is exactly why Ellana can’t be Queen. She’s not even been officially announced and she’s already caused an international disaster.
Her brother sighs. “I know. But what you mean to happen isn’t always what happens. Enough of this talk for now. I brought clothes for you. Go freshen up and we’ll all have an early lunch and think about what we’re going to do when you get back home. I haven’t told anyone I’ve found you yet. I just wrote back that I have a lead. Ideally we have a vague general direction of what we’re going to do by end of day tomorrow and that might buy us some more time to sort this mess.”
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yoshimickster · 5 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episode 7 “The Grimm Reaper” MicksteRecap-BEHOLD THE NICE BACKGROUNDS!
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Hey everybody, last night’s Christmas party was a DOOZY, sorry I’m late-TIME FOR THE MICKSTERECAP!
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-THE SANCTUARY of the spring relic...which...Salem can just enter any time she wants apparently! Man, maiden powers AND a secret hideout, that’s awesome!
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Hell, she can even invite FRIENDS inside! Just get some chairs, a TV and surround sound, you’ll have a chill pad!
Either way Cinder gives Neo the low-down about how Salem ordered Cinder to take Ruby alive NOT dead-ALL WHILE-
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2:58 ...she...plays with her knife, like a total creep! I ain’t judging, we all gotta stim from time to time.
Anyway, Cinder tells Neo that while she can’t kill Ruby, NEO hasn’t taken ANYONE’S orders, and then the two become best murder friends forever!
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Because we ALL KNOW how well the LAST time Cinder made a deal with a recurring antagonist...also holy crap Neo’s tiny, she’s like a murderous Felicity Smoak!
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3:38 THE BRIDGE FROM EVERY SAMURAI STORY! Don’t lie, you got Samurai Jack flashbacks to. It is HERE WE SEE-
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-absoLUTE cosplay bait! LOOK AT THAT-its glorious!
And you just KNOW what’s comin’ next folks-
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Maria starts out with a bridge back-flip-
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THEN-does a gun-scythe-kama toss-
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SHE FLICKS THE PURPLE SWITCH-oh Mauvisto we fear your dark power-WHICH TURNS OUT TO BE-
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-MAGNETIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC SCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTHES-bitch! Most likely due to gravity dust! She then uses it to FLOAT HER ASS up to the bird!
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She SPINS IN for a shoulder strike-
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AND LANDS-in the shoulder! Lot of shoulder strikes with this bird.
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She then steers it through the anime mountains-
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-creating what LOOKS like a fixed point of gravity-
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-PULLS back her weapons forcing the bird into a quick-stop turn, STEERING THAT FUCKER-
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-RIGHT INTO A MOUNTAIN! FUCK YES-pro Huntresses rule! She also LANDS that bitch-
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She then pulls one of her kmas out and everything is fine-OR IS IT?!
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Nevermore: Hey.
Maria: Oh...hey.
Nevermore: Whatcha doin?
Maria: OH-I was just going to leave.
Nevermore: That’s nice, but how about I eat you instead?
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Maria tries zigging and zagging-BUT-
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4:56 It knocks both her weapon-
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AS WELL AS HER! She’s only got ONE OPTION-
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5:09 DAMN-petrified and then crumpled in MID-air!
After that kerfuffle, Maria than just goes on her merry way-
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Tock: SURPRISE BITCH-I’m a crocodile!
We are then treated to one of the shortest...and MOST epic action exchanges of ALL time! Which starts out with THIS-
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Maria: I don’t think you know who I am.
Tock: Course I do!
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Clock: *Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind-DING!*
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Tock: YOUR the Grim reaper! 
AND YES-there are screws in her croco-teeth, don’t question it, its just awesome.
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Tock: And THESE are the last 60 seconds of your life.
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And yes, the action scene ends exactly SIXTY seconds after she starts glowing, AS WELL as the clock stopping sixty seconds after it officially started and its absolutely brilliant-TO THE FIGHT-
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6:13-Tock starts with a straightforward slash-BUT Grimm Reaper Maria blocks it like a boss-BUT-
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6:16 -TOCK knocks away one of her mini-scythes-BUT MARIA-
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-NOT ONLY gravetizes her other scythe back to her-
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-BUT WHILE BLOCKING SHOTGUN CHARLIE-damn she was great in her prime. THEN-
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-she slashes Machete Jackson RIGHT in the face-
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6:27 Knocks away BOTH of these punks-
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6:30 While knocking Hammer Armond down-LIKE A BOSS! BUT THEN-
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6:31 TOCK comes in with the double slash, grinning like a mad woman.
Jackson and Tock get the jump on her, one zigs, the other zags, PROMPTING MARIA TO ACTIVATE-
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6:44 BO-STAFF MODE-now it has DOUBLE the attack power!
She goes in striking Jackson-
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-BUT TOCK-gets up close and personal-
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And in a SPLIT second-
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JACKSON’S back up and tag-teams Maria with Tock...wait, not like that.
Maria knocks back Jackson again, she zigs, Tock zags, LOTSA ZIGGING AND ZAGGIN UP IN THIS
ALL THE WHILE-the same tick-tick ticking is going on-OOOH-its like a Venture bros scene!
Maria looks like she’s got the upper hand-BUT TOCK-
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6:56 BITES THE FUCK THROUGH her battle staff-
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6:57 HEADBUTTS AWAY-her mask-
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-where it SHATTERS in mid-air, holy SHIT! ALSO-Maria is pretty-HUZZAH!
Either way this LEADS TOCK-
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7:01 -to slash her GOD DAMNED eyes open! All. Within. 60. SECONDS! HOLY SHIT!
Tock high off her victory then starts gloating to the no de-eyed Grimm reaper, mocking her as weak while Maria blindly shoots her gun-scythes-WHILE ALSO-
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-throwing one of her weapons behind her, which Tock isn’t worried about at all...for some reason.
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*KER-SLASH* Dead...presumably.
Never doubt the power of purple folks.
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8:04 FLASH FORWARD to the present, where everyone in the cart being pulled by a SINGLE motorcycle deals with the fact that they were travelling with THE Grimm Reaper this whole time. Seriously Qrow straight up geeks out a little to, admitting he based his scythe on her weapon...well...just the scythe apparently, also his gun is more of a shot-gun where as hers seemed more like glocks AH whatever.
Maria than gives herself a BIG OLD pity party, mentioning that even after she got her new fancy robot eyes she couldn’t bare to go back out into the field, fearing the danger that comes with battle and...I KNOW she’s clearly going to be Ruby’s mentor, but I ALSO hope she bonds with Yang as well, as holy SHIT she’s similar to Yang.
Both lost appendages during battle, both had said appendages replaced with mechanical accouterments, and BOTH are hilarious! HELL for wall we know Maria also had an almost-girlfriend who ran out on her, another almost girlfriend who got shipped off to Narnia, and a little sister who kept battling because CRIME! 
Hell, she PRACTICALLY acknowledges it-
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9:11 Maria: Because some of you are clearly stronger than me all ready.
Yang: *Sad ephiphany face*.
DAMN am I glad she’s part of the group!
After Maria avoids Ruby’s plea to train her to use her magical Grimm zapping super eyes-WE GETS A SCROLL CALL-
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Ruby: I answered the SCROLL Jaune, the answer is clearly yes.
Jaune: I just miss my friends.
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10:20 BASINGSE-I mean-THE WALLED CITY OF ELDIA-wait not...ARGUS-yeah Argus! But FIRST Team RWBYQOM needs to FACE-
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-THE STEEPEST HILL ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET! I mean...LOOK AT THAT THING-its huge! Also I love the design of the trees and the grass, its just beautiful!
BUT-through the magic of television-
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-THEY’RE ALL READY THERE! Seriously I bet it took them like TWO hours inching down that path. I know construction is always lax in Remnant due to Grimm attacks, but someone NEEDS to make that path safer!
But enough about that-BEHOLD-
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-THIS CASTLE WALL-with lots of armed guards on the top! No Titan is gonna sneak up on the city on THEIR watch!
But enough abou that-ITS HUG TIME:
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And a billion shippers hearts, just exploded. 
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Look at all this, Rooster Teeth’s background budget got WAY bank and they are FLAUNTING that wealth!
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This Objects and Oddities lady is my favorite, she’s just SO pissed off, I wander why?
We also see-
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-A MOVIE THEATER-showing such brand spanking new films, INCLUDING-
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TRYST IN THE MIST-a raunchy tale about a romantic affair that takes place IN THE MIST! Given 4 stars by “Incredibly specific affair based movie” monthly!
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...a...MOVIE within a movie apparently...weird.
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DEMON IN THE DEEP-one of several monster movies that SOMEHOW exist on Earth-RWBY. I’m just saying, with all the REAL monster attacks, wouldn’t monster movies seem insensitive? SPEAKING of insensitive-
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THE FALL...of Beacon...I know I’m not the first to say this but too soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.
So bla bla bla, Argus was made to promote trade between kingdoms, bla bla bla, Atlas military has all but abandoned it bla bla bla-LET’S MEET JAUNE’S SISTER!
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LOOK AT HER! FEEL-her youthful and adorable mom energy!
And the REST of the episode is PRETTY MUCH just an assortment of adorable images.
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Yang playing airplane with baby Adrien(THE CUTENESS).
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THE THREE ARMED-flopping Jaune-IN ALL of its glory!
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12:56 -and the women who adore him-
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Okay I don’t know HOW many fan-artists are left on Tumblr due to the incoming purge, but I want some ADORABLE web-comics based on this STAT! LOOK AT MINI-JAUNE-he’s so CUTE! And just when you things couldn’t get ANY better-
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Sapphron: Everyone, this is my wife Terra Cotta.
BAM-twenty gay-TEEN mother fuckers!
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SUBTLE-Renora sandwich time! Look at these two, YOUNG LOVE mother fuckers!
But more importantly Terra asks THE REAL questions-
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Terra: Is that (Bringing students along on dangerous Huntsman missions) even legal?
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Qrow: Er, uh, of course!
And I just...LOVE that both Maria and Ruby have the exact same looks on their faces, their both thinking “The closest thing we have to a real chaperone is a bipolar alcoholic...this is what my life has become”.
After a nice little sandwich lunch, and learning that Terra Cotta-Arc is a hardworking radio engineer being unjustly accused of bad mistakes(if there’s ANYONE to blame its Lionheart), while team RWBY decides the best way to GO to Atlas is with the LOCAL MILITARY BASE-which I’m sure will accept them with OPEN AR-
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Ooooooooooooooooooor not. Hey, its only HALF way through the season, they gots PLENTY of time!
SUMMATION-this easily had one of the BEST action sequences of the ENTIRE season, the backgrounds were BEAUTIFUL and there were just so many cute scenes-TEN OUT OF TEN for me! AND WITH THAT-that’s the end of MICKSTERECAP-if you liked what you read, message me if you want to donate to my Paypal or Ko-Fi. With that I will see you NEXT WEEK-on Mick the Nerd’s a.k.a. Yoshimickster’s MICKSTERECAP! Sorry this one was a bit late!
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Healing // Lee Jeno
spinoff to this
the prompt: could you imagine healer!jeno treating you after you tripped and scraped your knee bc he wasn’t looking where he was walking (he was too immersed in a medical textbook) and bumped into you etc etc
words: 1981
category: fluff
warning: heart attack mention, blood mention
author note: war flashbacks to when my anons all attacked me with fluffy thoughts abt healer jeno. this is for you guys.
- destinee
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All his life, Jeno had been obsessed with the art of healing. The thought that a few rare plants mashed together and boiled could literally stop a person from dying was so amazing to him. When he was old enough to go to a trading school, he didn’t choose knight training like every other twelve-year-old. He chose healing.
He wanted to become someone others could look up to. Someone who could take care of others and make them feel happy and safe. So, as the only student who chose healing, he worked directly under the castle’s healer, Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim was Jeno’s biggest inspiration. He had taken care of the king and queen, and had even delivered the crown prince. He had stopped a plague from starting by simply reversing it and having the entire kingdom drink a special blend of tea for weeks. He was amazing. Filled with knowledge of all kinds, he knew which plant you were talking about even if all you could do was give him the shape. All the information was formatted into his brain like a second instinct. Jeno wanted the knowledge of Mr. Kim.
To get this, Mr. Kim told Jeno that all he had to do was read. Read, study, and memorize until it felt like he was going to explode from all the information he was learning. Also, repetition was key. He was to be quizzed weekly on the things he had studied, all while retaining the practical information Mr. Kim had given him. For three years, Jeno had worked his hardest without giving up once. This is what he set out to do, and he was going to do it no matter how hard it got. People were depending on him.
Especially when Jeno turned sixteen, for Mr. Kim suffered a heart attack and died instantly. There was nothing to do, and no way to save him. Jeno, as the only healer left in the kingdom, was put in charge and given the title of the new castle healer.
He had no time to grieve, really. That was okay, since Jeno really didn’t want time to catch up with him and find him sobbing in a corner. Instead, he threw himself into studying even more. Any time he wasn’t helping someone, he was studying. One of his current obsessions was finding a common way to prevent sudden heart attacks. If there was a way he could make a tea blend to give to hardworking adults that would heal their hearts, he was going to find it. He was going to use every piece of information Mr. Kim had left with him. He was going to make his old mentor proud.
Jeno was lonely sometimes. His parents lived far away in the village, and he didn’t see them as often as he would’ve liked to. He had friends, a group of boys ranging in the highest rank of a prince to the lowest rank of a servant. There were seven of them, all loyal to each other as friends. Prince Jaemin was perhaps Jeno’s closest friend. The prince himself was lonely, as many people heard the rumors of him leaving a mysterious lover behind in the village.
Jeno and Jaemin leaned on each other a lot during their eighteenth year. Jaemin came to the Jeno’s clinic to escape the realities of royalty, and Jeno was able to study for a while as the prince labeled vials and stocked shelves.
Jeno never stopped studying. He never stopped finding new ways to invent news potions and pastes in an attempt to make his own medicine for heart attacks. So far, he had only succeeded in accidentally turning his tongue purple. How that happened, he had no idea. Still, he kept working towards his ultimate goal. This usually meant he could be found walking around the castle, his nose in a book filled with medical terminologies not even the king could understand.
You were a lady-in-waiting with a restless heart. Your mother wanted you to be the future queen, so you were never allowed outside of the castle. You were barely allowed in the courtyards, to be honest. With all of your lessons and fittings, you had no time to go off and do your own thing like the people you always read about.
Adventure novels were your favorites. Stories of men and women who refused to let anyone boss them around. Instead, they broke away from the norm and went off to fight battles much bigger than themselves. You wished to become one of those people. As soon as you were eighteen, you were going to move to the village without a word to your mother. You were going to live life without expectations and duties. Perhaps you would become a fishermen, or a shop owner. Perhaps you would go back to school and become a knight.
It was the weekend, and your mother had slept in. That was how you found yourself prancing around the court barefoot, your hair unbrushed and looking anything but ladylike. You greeted all of the officials and servants with happy greetings as you danced by, feeling the freedom that the wind offered you. You weren’t paying attention to anyone, which was perhaps the reason you were bumped into from behind. You were pushed to the floor, a stinging pain creeping up your legs as your knees hit the stone ground.
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I was reading and I didn’t see you. Are you okay?”
You pushed yourself into a sitting position and looked at the person who had pushed you. Suddenly, it was as if the wind had been knocked from your lungs. He was handsome. Not quite in the way the prince was, with playful glances and bouncy steps. No, this was a softer type of beautiful, and you found yourself liking it so much more.
He offered you a hand, which you took, stumbling a bit. You then pulled up your skirts and looked at down to see blood running down your legs slowly. “Well that can’t be good…” you said casually.
The boy let out a laugh at your unbothered voice. He simply gestured for you to put your skirts down. “Follow me. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
You followed, not quite sure who this strange boy was. Nevertheless, when he smiled at you, you felt he could be trusted. “Who are you anyways?”
“Oh, I’m Jeno.” He offered his arm to you, since you were struggling to walk. “I’m the castle’s healer.”
“Really? I thought it was a man named Mr. Kim.”
“It was.” Jeno scratched the back of his neck nervously as the two of you walked towards his clinic. “He passed away a few years ago.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, patting his arm in consolation. “That must’ve been hard on you.”
“It was, but over the years it’s gotten better.” Jeno pulled you into his clinic, toward the small bed nestled behind a heavy curtain. It was the bed Jeno had slept in for years, but it also served as the only bed in the clinic. If there was a patient, Jeno slept on the floor. He helped you sit on the bed, since it hurt to use your legs. “I’m still so sorry about this.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled at him. “It was an accident.” You lifted your skirts above your knees, and Jeno looked away, his cheeks slightly pink.
“Then, I’ll go get some paste that’ll close it up in no time. How does that sound?” Jeno offered you a shy glance.
“Sounds great,” you said. “However, you should hurry. Once my mother finds out that I snuck out, she’ll kill me.”
“Are you a lady-in-waiting?” Jeno looked surprised. “I’ve never seen you around before.”
“I’m usually busy with lessons, and my mother doesn’t like it when I go around the courtyards. She says it’ll give me ideas.”
“What ideas?” Jeno asked as he searched through the many shelves lining his walls. He finally extracted a jar of light green paste. “Here it is!”
“You know, she wants me to marry the prince. I don’t want to marry him. The usual lady-in -waiting drama.”
“You shouldn’t have to marry someone you don’t want to. Besides, Jaemin doesn’t want a lady-in-waiting.”
“Tell my mom that,” you said.
He bent down in front of you and extracted some paste using a wooden tongue depressor. “By the way, this might hurt so I’m sorry if it stings. It’s the skin pulling itself together.”
You nodded and braced your hands on his shoulders as he spread the paste across your wounded knees. The pain hurt just as bad as the actual scrape, and you felt tears sting the corner of your eyes. “Why does it hurt so bad?” you hissed.
Jeno grimaced. “I need to work in the formula, don’t I? It works, though. Also, when is the last time your trimmed your nails? Because the depth they are reaching in my skin is amazing.”
You released your grip. “Sorry. Although, it’s your fault for making such a painful remedy.”
“You can hold my other hand,” Jeno offered, reaching his hand toward you.
You took it without complaint, squeezing it as he applied the paste to the other knee. He apologized again, feeling his hand lose circulation from how tightly you were squeezing it.
“It’s okay,” you squeaked. “I’m not good with pain in the first place so maybe your paste isn’t so bad.”
“Oh, your pain tolerance is low.” Jeno frowned, “I should make a pill for that. Maybe a little taffy that will give you a better pain tolerance.”
“Maybe you should,” you agreed as he brought out a roll bandages and began to wrap it around your knees.
“By tomorrow morning, there won’t even be a scar,” he said, proudly pinning the bandages in place.
“Thanks,” you said. “I should be able to hide it from my mom until then. So, I don’t need to return for a checkup?”
Jeno looked down, a soft smile on his lips. “No. But you’re always free to come back and see me if you want. You know, the prince comes here to get away from his responsibilities. I wouldn’t mind it if you did as well.”
Your blush matched his as you climbed off the table. “I might just have to take you up on that offer, Jeno. Now, what do I pay you?”
“Hmm?” Jeno was too absorbed in the excitement of you returning, that he almost hadn’t heard your question. “Oh! No need to pay me!”
You frowned. “Well, I shouldn’t get healing for free. How about this?”
“How about wha—” Jeno stopped mid-sentence as you leaned forward and planted a kiss on his left cheek. “—Oh, yeah, that type of payment is okay, I suppose.”
You giggled. “I thought it would be. I’ll try to come by tomorrow and you can tell me about all those weird terms in your book.”
“Oh, you don’t want to hear about those,” he said.
“I do,” you insisted. “Trust me. I want to learn more about you and what goes on in your head.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
Jeno shrugged, “No one really cares about my studies. They all ignore me and say I should’ve been a knight.”
“If you had become a knight, who would’ve taken care of me?” you asked innocently.
Jeno smiled. “You’re right.”
“Keep working hard, Jeno. I believe in you. I’ll bring lunch tomorrow so don’t eat too much beforehand, okay?” You began to leave, satisfied with his short nod.
“Wait!” he stopped you.
When you turned to face him, he smiled brightly, his eyes turning into crescents. “Is it like a date?”
You looked down bashfully, “Yeah. It’s a date.”
~the end~
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joevarnerrouchu · 5 years
what is there to be known about bedroom
what is there to be known about bedroom sets and duvet covers "While today's arrest is certainly a welcome conclusion, it in no way alleviates the pain and suffering Valerie's family will continue to feel for years to come. If time is the bigger issue as in the wait for your bag to come off the carousel you can send your clothing ahead, but that may cost you more to ship than the bag fee. Agents say that was an invitation to kill the informant.Another emoji laden message included the informant's photo and asked if anyone ever sees him, then adds: "If so (shoot) his head."The postings were fantasies, not serious threats, Stanciel said in a July letter to a federal judge asking to be released from jail pending trial.Facebook is "a cyber fantasy community where you can live out any fantasy with no real means or intent of carrying anything out," she wrote. Dr Jelena Goranovic, the programme director of Hove StressBusters, is a workplace stress management consultant. Was 11 when her father, Jay, opened Carytown Coffee Teas in 1979. Tagovailoa and the Crimson Tide (12 0, 8 0 Southeastern Conference, No. THow should we measure changes in an economy's standard of living, or compare living standards across countries? Typically, economists use GDP per capita as a proxy for a country's standard of living, but as International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde, Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson noted at the recently concluded World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, "GDP is a poor way of assessing the health of our economies and we urgently need to find a new measure. Fluker. It also has nearly 1,000 stores that offer same day grocery delivery. Thanks to Instagram we know that Victoria Beckham is just like us when she is up in the air and away from the cameras, as she kicks off her heels and donsthe complimentary slippers.. Stoughton, 36 Mass. They were were a big family and proud inhabitants of Berkeley, California. I don't know what happened over there.""I don't really think it was her," said Lindsey. FOX43 is also Central PA's official Philadelphia Eagles station carrying both preseason and regular season games. The rest of the gang will also continue to battle their inner demons as they're caught between two worlds that are starting to collide and erupt. If the selected winner is not eligible, fails to give the correct Code Word, declines the prize, does not provide required identification or sign and return required documents by the deadlines established by Sponsor, or does not respond within 24 hours of the initial notification attempt (including, but not limited to, failure to return a phone call from Sponsor), the prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate winner randomly selected by Sponsor from all remaining eligible entries (time permitting).. "By the time I turned around, he had Renata [Hill] on the ground," she recalled. Burley is 26 9 all time in Jacksonville and led the Sharks to the 2017 National Arena League title. So, a lot of the things I do are of course faith based, and that where you get your reason for doing them. The man was missing is top and bottom molars and one front tooth, and police believe he had been missing these teeth for some time before he was killed. "Our students come out of very difficult circumstances, but we know that their past does not define their potential," said Chris Slone, president of MMS. S. He hadn't considered playing interleague until the preliminary squad started training. It's kind of who I am right now.". It is the only place it can spin towards the goal. Anyways, as far as Duchene goes, SOMEONE FINALLY GETS IT! I have long given up on management giving a crap about filling the seats (when I still spending $55 including for the second worst seats in the place, I going to assume management could n care less if I there) It coach outlet clearance nice to see someone in the organization actually cares if there people there. She lived and died for this show, and she would be so proud of how hard we worked bringing these criminals to justice. Of today, 12.7 million tons of plastic can be found within the depths of our oceans, Pornhub vice president Corey Price told LADBible. Elizabeth Warren blasted the company in atweet. A mixed bag in a sudden death playoff coach outlet online with American Justin Thomas relegated Leishman to second at the inaugural CJ Cup in South Korea on Sunday. The clarifier is a very simple piece of the process in terms of operations that incorporates mixing, flocculation and the ability of solids removal inone process. If the customer then realised they've left the bag they would be able to call up and arrange for it to be returned to them. A national search for the first director of D2P is underway, and recruiting for mentors in residence and other staff will take place over the coming months.. Recall letter said Auger had 10 days to surrender her plate with the option to chose another vanity plate at no extra cost or have one assigned to her.. The problem is that many don't even know where the recycling centers are in their area. I had to believe," she said. Earlier this summer, the Federal Trade Commission began holding private talks with YouTube officials, part of a burgeoning investigation. Know what? Iron sharpens iron and that what they do to each other, Kotter said. Winn was pushing the action after the hour mark, creating chance after chance for the home side; however, Newton was there at every turn to keep Indy close, starting with a save on Winn's low effort in the 66th minute.
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paullassiterca · 5 years
The Triage Theory — Prolonging Healthy Aging by Optimizing Intake of Longevity Vitamins and Minerals
In this interview, Bruce Ames, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of California Berkeley, currently senior scientist at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, discusses the importance of vitamins and minerals for longevity and explains his “triage theory” of nutrients.
Ames was born two weeks after my dad, who passed away earlier this year, so he is 90 years old. He developed the famous and widely used Ames test, which tests the mutagenicity of compounds. In recent years, he’s shifted from his work in mutagenicity to focusing on nutrition for healthy aging. He recently published a paper1 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this topic.
Nutritional Requirements for Disease Prevention Are Not the Same as Those for Longevity Optimization
In that paper, he proposes the recommended level of many vitamins may be insufficient for longevity. In other words, the levels required to diminish disease may not be the same as the levels required to optimize longevity. Ames explains:
“In 2006, I was getting interested in vitamins. I worked on mitochondria, which are the organelles in the cell that make all your adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the high-energy molecule that drives your metabolism. But one of the side effects is it bleeds out oxidants. Oxidants are mutagenic. They can damage DNA.
They can damage protein and other molecules, just like radiation. Some of the same oxidants that come from radiation also come from your own aging mitochondria. It decays with age. Anyway, I was thinking, ‘If vitamin C and vitamin E do all those good things, I wonder about the other vitamins.’
I started thinking about it, and it occurred to me that the body is becoming deficient in vitamins all the time, because people don’t eat balanced diets. They fill themselves up with sugary soft drinks and empty carbohydrates, which don’t have any vitamins.
You need 30 different vitamins and minerals … Your body cannot make minerals. You have to get them from your diet. The same thing with vitamins.”
In 2006, he published a purely theoretical paper2 in which he postulated that when a cell becomes short on a vitamin, it starts to ration it, favoring protein enzymes essential for immediate survival over those that help prevent long-term diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Each vitamin is found in many proteins. Zinc, for example, is in 2,000 proteins; magnesium is in 300. Biotin, which is in the fewest number of proteins, is in only five. Now, from the time that this nutrient rationing starts occurring, it could be a decade or more before cancer or heart disease (or other chronic ailment) actually develops.
“So, what you’re doing is trading long-term health for short-term health,” Ames says. “You may look perfectly OK, but if you’re not eating a good diet, you’re aging yourself fast.”
The Ames Triage Theory
He dubbed this nutrient rationing theory the triage theory,3 from the battlefield term used by French doctors during World War I. Since they were short-staffed, wounded soldiers were divided into three groups: those who would survive without care; those who would die despite care; and those who might survive with care. The doctors treated the third group, where their time and energy could be of best use.
“Dr. Joyce McCann, [Ph.D.,] in my lab, who is a terrific scientist, said, ‘Let’s test this theory. Let’s [review] the literature on one vitamin and one mineral’ … She picked vitamin K2, which is involved with 16 proteins, and selenium, a mineral that’s only involved with 25 proteins. In nine months, she got a scientific paper4 out showing that both of them have this triage system built in,” Ames says.
“It’s easy to explain for vitamin K2, because lots of vitamin K proteins are involved with blood clotting. Blood clotting is clearly essential for survival; otherwise you’d cut yourself and bleed to death. There are a whole handful of proteins that are vitamin K-dependent proteins that involve blood clotting. Those get [the vitamin K2] first. The same was shown for selenium.
The [proteins] that get starved are the ones that are preventing cancer or heart disease. My new paper5 that just came out, ‘Prolonging Healthy Aging: Longevity Vitamins and Proteins,’ shows that this is going to be a major factor in aging, because we’re eating horrible diets.”
Many Are Deficient in Crucial Longevity Nutrients
In his paper, he rank-orders the nutrients in terms of importance, many of which people tend to be deficient in, based on the estimated average requirement (EAR). For example:
Vitamin D — 70 percent of people don’t get enough based on the EAR
Vitamin E — 60 percent of people don’t get enough based on the EAR
Magnesium — 45 percent of people don’t get enough based on the EAR
That said, the EAR criterion is not an optimal amount, even for disease prevention, as it does not take long-term health into account. Evidence now suggests an ideal vitamin D level, for example, is between 60 and 80 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), which means probably 85 to 90 percent of the population are deficient.
Vitamin D is primarily obtained from sun exposure. It’s called the sunshine vitamin because when ultraviolet (UV) light hits your skin, the cholesterol derivative is converted into active vitamin D. It’s a really important steroid hormone that plays an important role in gene activation.
Ames himself admits taking “lots of vitamins,” but has also eaten a healthy natural diet most of his life. Ideally, you’d get most of your vitamins and minerals from your diet. Magnesium, for example, is found in the center of the chlorophyll molecule, so leafy greens is a good source.
Similarly, folic acid comes from the Latin word “folia,” which means leaf. “My mentor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) first isolated folic acid from 4 tons of spinach,” he says, adding the clarification, “Folate just means the salt, and folic acid is the acid.”
Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio Is Important for Healthy Aging
Omega-6s and omega-3 fats are also crucial for healthy aging. As noted by Ames:
“Omega-3s are very important in the brain. We need both of them. But our cooking oils are mostly omega-6s, and your body cares about the ratio. We’re all deficient or mostly deficient, unless you eat a lot of fish, in omega-3s.
My former postdoc, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, [Ph.D.], recently published a beautiful paper. The genetic causes of Alzheimer’s disease is a gene called Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4). If you have that one copy of that gene, you have three times the risk of Alzheimer’s. If you have two copies, you have 15 times the risk.
If you have one copy and you get a concussion, then you’re going to get Alzheimer’s. It’s really important. She worked out the mechanism, [showing] it has to do with transporting omega-3 into the brain as the fatty acid.
That blood-brain barrier deteriorates with age. By the time you get old like me — I was 90 [in December 2018] — the system for bringing that into the brain isn’t working very well. She marshals the evidence that that’s what’s causing Alzheimer’s.”
The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats ranges from 1-to-1 to 1-to-5, but the typical Western diet tends to be between 1-to-20 and 1-to-50. Most people, especially Americans, are guilty of this lopsided omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and to correct it, you typically need to do two things:
Significantly decrease intake of damaged omega-6 by avoiding processed foods and foods cooked in vegetable oil at high temperatures. Common sources of harmful omega-6 to avoid include corn oil, canola oil, soy oil, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, margarine and shortening.
Increase your intake of animal-based omega-3 fats. Ideal sources include small fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies and herring, along with wild-caught Alaskan salmon, or a supplement such as krill oil.
Other Important Longevity Nutrients
Aside from vitamins and minerals, Ames’ paper also addresses a few other nutrients that appear particularly important for longevity, such as ergothioneine, an amino acid primarily produced in mushrooms, which he categorizes as “conditionally essential.” He explains:
“Some vitamins come from just a few sources. Ergothioneine is something that’s not officially called a vitamin, although a few people have suggested it ought to be. It does some useful things in the body. It happens to come from fungi and mushrooms.”
Other valuable longevity supplements (not all of which are included in Ames’ paper) are:
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis. Many of its benefits relate back to the fact that it helps boost production of glutathione, an important antioxidant your body produces naturally that helps reduce free radical damage and plays a role in the detoxification of heavy metals and other harmful substances.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a derivative of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is a very important coenzyme in metabolism. NAD sufficiency appears to be important for supplying an enzyme called poly ADP-ribose polymerase or PARP, which is believed to be one of the primary repair mechanisms for damaged DNA. Ames explains:
“There are 50 enzymes cruising along your DNA looking for trouble. When they see a bump that shouldn’t be there, they cut it out and fill it in. That helps repair the DNA. They all require magnesium, so magnesium’s going to be important as well. It hasn’t been [determined yet] but I suspect magnesium deficiency gives you more mutations.”
Taking enough niacin will help ensure you have a sufficiency of NAD coenzyme. However, while your body has a very effective salvage pathway that recycles most of the NAD in your body, if you’re abusing your body with exposures to electromagnetic fields and other forms of oxidative stress that cause DNA damage and depletes NAD through PARP consumption, then it may be wise to consider some type of augmentation program.
Carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein and astaxanthin.
Choline, which is needed for detoxification of soluble toxins that we’re exposed to on a regular basis. Even though your body makes some choline, it does not produce enough.
You can take it as a supplement, but it’s typically sold in the form of a phospholipid, such as phosphatidylcholine. One of the primary sources of choline in the diet is egg yolks. Patrick, in her paper on omega-3s and Alzheimer’s showed you can get omega-3s into the brain when it’s attached to phosphatidylcholine.
Acetyl-L-carnitine (not regular L-carnitine), which appears to be particularly beneficial for improving memory. Ideally, you need about 2,000 to 2,500 milligrams a day. Most notice a difference after a few weeks.
Alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant shown to improve mitochondrial health and inhibit Alzheimer’s disease progression.
More Information
Ames is currently working on a paper called “Latitude Mismatch,” in which he discusses the importance of vitamin D supplementation for people with dark skin, as they’re not making enough vitamin D at northern latitudes.
“We’re trying to see whether that’ll explain why African-Americans have higher rates of certain birth defects, as well as more cancer and more heart disease. I think vitamin D might explain it more,” he says. “Vitamin D is turning on and off 2,700 genes. It’s a hugely important substance …
I point out in my paper that nutrients aren’t drugs. If you do a clinical trial on a drug, nobody has it [in their body]. But if you do it with a nutrient, maybe half the population has it, and it washes out your studies, so they’re all negative.
You have to measure it at the beginning and not test it on people who have enough. And then measure it at the end to make sure you gave enough to raise the levels to the right levels.”
To learn more about vitamins and minerals required for longevity, I highly recommend reading through Ames’ paper,6 “Prolonging Healthy Aging: Longevity Vitamins and Proteins.”
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/23/longevity-vitamins-and-minerals.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/181339762951
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jakehglover · 5 years
The Triage Theory — Prolonging Healthy Aging by Optimizing Intake of Longevity Vitamins and Minerals
In this interview, Bruce Ames, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of California Berkeley, currently senior scientist at the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, discusses the importance of vitamins and minerals for longevity and explains his "triage theory" of nutrients.
Ames was born two weeks after my dad, who passed away earlier this year, so he is 90 years old. He developed the famous and widely used Ames test, which tests the mutagenicity of compounds. In recent years, he's shifted from his work in mutagenicity to focusing on nutrition for healthy aging. He recently published a paper1 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this topic.
Nutritional Requirements for Disease Prevention Are Not the Same as Those for Longevity Optimization
In that paper, he proposes the recommended level of many vitamins may be insufficient for longevity. In other words, the levels required to diminish disease may not be the same as the levels required to optimize longevity. Ames explains:
"In 2006, I was getting interested in vitamins. I worked on mitochondria, which are the organelles in the cell that make all your adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the high-energy molecule that drives your metabolism. But one of the side effects is it bleeds out oxidants. Oxidants are mutagenic. They can damage DNA.
They can damage protein and other molecules, just like radiation. Some of the same oxidants that come from radiation also come from your own aging mitochondria. It decays with age. Anyway, I was thinking, ‘If vitamin C and vitamin E do all those good things, I wonder about the other vitamins.'
I started thinking about it, and it occurred to me that the body is becoming deficient in vitamins all the time, because people don’t eat balanced diets. They fill themselves up with sugary soft drinks and empty carbohydrates, which don’t have any vitamins.
You need 30 different vitamins and minerals … Your body cannot make minerals. You have to get them from your diet. The same thing with vitamins."
In 2006, he published a purely theoretical paper2 in which he postulated that when a cell becomes short on a vitamin, it starts to ration it, favoring protein enzymes essential for immediate survival over those that help prevent long-term diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Each vitamin is found in many proteins. Zinc, for example, is in 2,000 proteins; magnesium is in 300. Biotin, which is in the fewest number of proteins, is in only five. Now, from the time that this nutrient rationing starts occurring, it could be a decade or more before cancer or heart disease (or other chronic ailment) actually develops.
"So, what you’re doing is trading long-term health for short-term health,” Ames says. “You may look perfectly OK, but if you’re not eating a good diet, you’re aging yourself fast."
The Ames Triage Theory
He dubbed this nutrient rationing theory the triage theory,3 from the battlefield term used by French doctors during World War I. Since they were short-staffed, wounded soldiers were divided into three groups: those who would survive without care; those who would die despite care; and those who might survive with care. The doctors treated the third group, where their time and energy could be of best use.
"Dr. Joyce McCann, [Ph.D.,] in my lab, who is a terrific scientist, said, ‘Let’s test this theory. Let’s [review] the literature on one vitamin and one mineral’ … She picked vitamin K2, which is involved with 16 proteins, and selenium, a mineral that’s only involved with 25 proteins. In nine months, she got a scientific paper4 out showing that both of them have this triage system built in," Ames says.
"It’s easy to explain for vitamin K2, because lots of vitamin K proteins are involved with blood clotting. Blood clotting is clearly essential for survival; otherwise you’d cut yourself and bleed to death. There are a whole handful of proteins that are vitamin K-dependent proteins that involve blood clotting. Those get [the vitamin K2] first. The same was shown for selenium.
The [proteins] that get starved are the ones that are preventing cancer or heart disease. My new paper5 that just came out, ‘Prolonging Healthy Aging: Longevity Vitamins and Proteins,’ shows that this is going to be a major factor in aging, because we’re eating horrible diets."
Many Are Deficient in Crucial Longevity Nutrients
In his paper, he rank-orders the nutrients in terms of importance, many of which people tend to be deficient in, based on the estimated average requirement (EAR). For example:
Vitamin D — 70 percent of people don't get enough based on the EAR
Vitamin E — 60 percent of people don't get enough based on the EAR
Magnesium — 45 percent of people don't get enough based on the EAR
That said, the EAR criterion is not an optimal amount, even for disease prevention, as it does not take long-term health into account. Evidence now suggests an ideal vitamin D level, for example, is between 60 and 80 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), which means probably 85 to 90 percent of the population are deficient.
Vitamin D is primarily obtained from sun exposure. It's called the sunshine vitamin because when ultraviolet (UV) light hits your skin, the cholesterol derivative is converted into active vitamin D. It's a really important steroid hormone that plays an important role in gene activation.
Ames himself admits taking “lots of vitamins,” but has also eaten a healthy natural diet most of his life. Ideally, you’d get most of your vitamins and minerals from your diet. Magnesium, for example, is found in the center of the chlorophyll molecule, so leafy greens is a good source.
Similarly, folic acid comes from the Latin word “folia,” which means leaf. “My mentor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) first isolated folic acid from 4 tons of spinach,” he says, adding the clarification, “Folate just means the salt, and folic acid is the acid.”
Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio Is Important for Healthy Aging
Omega-6s and omega-3 fats are also crucial for healthy aging. As noted by Ames:
"Omega-3s are very important in the brain. We need both of them. But our cooking oils are mostly omega-6s, and your body cares about the ratio. We're all deficient or mostly deficient, unless you eat a lot of fish, in omega-3s.
My former postdoc, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, [Ph.D.], recently published a beautiful paper. The genetic causes of Alzheimer’s disease is a gene called Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4). If you have that one copy of that gene, you have three times the risk of Alzheimer’s. If you have two copies, you have 15 times the risk.
If you have one copy and you get a concussion, then you're going to get Alzheimer's. It's really important. She worked out the mechanism, [showing] it has to do with transporting omega-3 into the brain as the fatty acid.
That blood-brain barrier deteriorates with age. By the time you get old like me — I was 90 [in December 2018] — the system for bringing that into the brain isn’t working very well. She marshals the evidence that that’s what’s causing Alzheimer’s."
The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats ranges from 1-to-1 to 1-to-5, but the typical Western diet tends to be between 1-to-20 and 1-to-50. Most people, especially Americans, are guilty of this lopsided omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and to correct it, you typically need to do two things:
Significantly decrease intake of damaged omega-6 by avoiding processed foods and foods cooked in vegetable oil at high temperatures. Common sources of harmful omega-6 to avoid include corn oil, canola oil, soy oil, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, margarine and shortening.
Increase your intake of animal-based omega-3 fats. Ideal sources include small fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies and herring, along with wild-caught Alaskan salmon, or a supplement such as krill oil.
Other Important Longevity Nutrients
Aside from vitamins and minerals, Ames' paper also addresses a few other nutrients that appear particularly important for longevity, such as ergothioneine, an amino acid primarily produced in mushrooms, which he categorizes as "conditionally essential." He explains:
"Some vitamins come from just a few sources. Ergothioneine is something that's not officially called a vitamin, although a few people have suggested it ought to be. It does some useful things in the body. It happens to come from fungi and mushrooms."
Other valuable longevity supplements (not all of which are included in Ames' paper) are:
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis. Many of its benefits relate back to the fact that it helps boost production of glutathione, an important antioxidant your body produces naturally that helps reduce free radical damage and plays a role in the detoxification of heavy metals and other harmful substances.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a derivative of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is a very important coenzyme in metabolism. NAD sufficiency appears to be important for supplying an enzyme called poly ADP-ribose polymerase or PARP, which is believed to be one of the primary repair mechanisms for damaged DNA. Ames explains:
"There are 50 enzymes cruising along your DNA looking for trouble. When they see a bump that shouldn't be there, they cut it out and fill it in. That helps repair the DNA. They all require magnesium, so magnesium's going to be important as well. It hasn't been [determined yet] but I suspect magnesium deficiency gives you more mutations."
Taking enough niacin will help ensure you have a sufficiency of NAD coenzyme. However, while your body has a very effective salvage pathway that recycles most of the NAD in your body, if you’re abusing your body with exposures to electromagnetic fields and other forms of oxidative stress that cause DNA damage and depletes NAD through PARP consumption, then it may be wise to consider some type of augmentation program.
Carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein and astaxanthin.
Choline, which is needed for detoxification of soluble toxins that we're exposed to on a regular basis. Even though your body makes some choline, it does not produce enough.
You can take it as a supplement, but it's typically sold in the form of a phospholipid, such as phosphatidylcholine. One of the primary sources of choline in the diet is egg yolks. Patrick, in her paper on omega-3s and Alzheimer's showed you can get omega-3s into the brain when it's attached to phosphatidylcholine.
Acetyl-L-carnitine (not regular L-carnitine), which appears to be particularly beneficial for improving memory. Ideally, you need about 2,000 to 2,500 milligrams a day. Most notice a difference after a few weeks.
Alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant shown to improve mitochondrial health and inhibit Alzheimer's disease progression.
More Information
Ames is currently working on a paper called "Latitude Mismatch," in which he discusses the importance of vitamin D supplementation for people with dark skin, as they're not making enough vitamin D at northern latitudes.
"We're trying to see whether that'll explain why African-Americans have higher rates of certain birth defects, as well as more cancer and more heart disease. I think vitamin D might explain it more," he says. "Vitamin D is turning on and off 2,700 genes. It's a hugely important substance …
I point out in my paper that nutrients aren't drugs. If you do a clinical trial on a drug, nobody has it [in their body]. But if you do it with a nutrient, maybe half the population has it, and it washes out your studies, so they're all negative.
You have to measure it at the beginning and not test it on people who have enough. And then measure it at the end to make sure you gave enough to raise the levels to the right levels."
To learn more about vitamins and minerals required for longevity, I highly recommend reading through Ames' paper,6 "Prolonging Healthy Aging: Longevity Vitamins and Proteins."
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/23/longevity-vitamins-and-minerals.aspx
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