#anyways i have to get ready for bed
emily-mooon · 6 months
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Me and Michael 💛💙
(Source for Will’s flannel pattern)
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velvetburnt · 21 days
im thinking about sydney and harper's relationship and how its been outright confirmed by purityguy that syd stayed at the asylum at some point, which is the reason they're so "pure" at first meeting while missing quite a bit of their memories
sydney also knows harper, it's safe to assume this is from the asylum times, but we don't know the extent of what happened between them.
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and i want to assume it's because of harper doing their ... harpering, but also: how long ago was this exactly? because ultimately.. harper isn't that much older than the pc, and by extension, sydney.
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paired with this line you can hear from a patient in the asylum, (that i cba to hunt down in the game itself,)
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what exactly got harper sent to the asylum in the first place and how long ago was that? was harper always like that, or was it a gradual change, a weird evolution of sorts from being in the asylum for so long? how old was harper when they transitioned from a patient to a doctor? was harper still just a regular patient when sydney was admitted? were they already a doctor by then?
there's so many variables, which leaves so much room for theories!! and i love cooking my own food!! me personally?? i like the idea that harper wasn't quite a 'proper doctor' yet when sydney was admitted.
darling sydney, freshly traumatized from the loss of their parent, and from potentially having witnessed the rite being performed on kylar's parents.
harper, still a patient, probably around 18 years old or so, maybe a bit older? practicing and perfecting his hypnosis on other patients, including sydney. simple things like.. memory alteration. real convenient!
eventually, that skill lets harper to take up the role of a totally legitimate and licensed doctor. the doctors and nurses who took care of him are now his assistants. they always had been. and those who only knew him as a fellow patient... well, they can simply go ahead and forget about that entirely, can't they?
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mob-choir · 1 year
i’m having so many emotions about teru
that was such a fast-paced, high-stakes situation, and he was thrown so many curveballs he barely had any time to cope with, and he still managed to adjust at impressive speed and never lost his faith in mob.
specifically: that moment right before ???% grabs him by the throat, when he’s kneeling on the ground trying to catch his breath. in that split moment, that’s when the realisation dawns, that this version of mob has no qualms in hurting him even with his bare hands. mob being non-violent to the point of letting himself get choked to unconsciousness was literally how they met, it’s one of the foundations at his core, and teru was well aware of it. having that knowledge suddenly be proven wrong, and all that means for his own safety, must have been a lot to take in. i can’t quite tell if it’s fear that we see on his face for a second, but if it is, that really adds to the element of horror - that sudden realisation that you’re in so much more danger than you thought and your initial plan is not going to be enough.
and then of course: when ???% lets loose his power despite so many people still being around and unable to evacuate. the horror on teru’s face, man. i don’t think it’d really clicked for him what mob being in this state actually meant until then. sure, him attacking teru was unlike him, but teru’s still an esper. he’s in great danger but he can somewhat defend himself. but civilians are different, and you can really tell teru did NOT think mob would put them in danger like that. he’s completely shell-shocked. i think that was another huge moment where he had to very quickly reassess the situation and what to do about it, all while coping with the emotional side of it all, since this is one of his closest friends and someone he really admires. he has to very quickly reckon with the fact that despite the pedestal he put him on, mob is just as human as he is and is capable of making mistakes just like everybody else, mistakes that don't detract from his worth.
which brings me to the point of it all. that DESPITE ALL THAT, teru was still able to 1) understand that mob desperately wants someone to stop him and would never want to harm anyone like this (bc he remembered that mob cried after realising what he’d done to his school....... where he’d only really harmed one person, who had done much worse to him..... if he cried after that, how will he feel when he finds out what he’s causing now?), 2) save all the people caught up in the devastation and get them all out of harm’s way, while being in a lot of pain (his EYES were BLEEDING), and 3) never once lose faith in mob. he saw him go on a (unintentional and unwilling, but teru doesn’t know that) rampage, doing things he would never in a million years think mob would ever do, and still took all of that in in record time considering the situation, and came out on the other side still whole-heartedly believing in shigeo and his goodness, and almost dying trying to stop him. because he knew that being the reason hundreds of innocent people got injured (or worse) would completely and utterly break mob.
and while, knowing teru, he might think he failed since he couldn’t achieve his goal (stopping mob’s rampage), what he succeeded in doing was ultimately just as important. he saved all the people he could, and gave his best for the one person he couldn’t.
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hawnks · 2 years
dabi considers it a privilege to walk your drunk ass home. literally has to fight down a smile the whole way there.
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altruistic-meme · 19 days
HI @spaghett-onaplate YOU SAID YOU WOULD LISTEN TO MY SPEECH ABOUT GEOCACHING SO HERE IT IS :) admittedly, i haven’t really done it in years and also i am going to go mostly off my memory so a lot of the technical aspects will be dodgy since i was. 8 or 9 years old when we started doing it and thus everything was handled by my dad. but. Here we go anyway!!
So geocaching is, at its core, a world-wide treasure hunt. You go around to different locations and look for some type of container that was put there, sign your name in the log, and then put it back to be found by the next person. 
What is a “cache”? What does it look like?  That’s one of the best parts: it can look like literally anything! One of the most common caches and perhaps the most well-known is the ammo can:
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But people will use anything! Other common cache containers include: peanut butter jars, pill bottles, tupperware containers, and fake rocks. Geocaches come in all kinds of sizes, shapes, colors, styles. Things that my family has found used as geocaches include: a literal battery, a bird feeder, fake pinecone, gatorade bottle. As long as you can fit a little bit of paper inside it, it could be used as a cache. 
Some paper? What is the paper? The log! Whenever you find a cache, you write your name (usually your username on the official geocaching website) and the date. This is used as a way to keep track of the cache, who has found it, how long it has been there. It’s really cool when you find one and find out someone had found the cache the same day you did!
Always bring a pen to sign the log!!! For some caches, there might be a pen inside the container, but it is always best to assume there won't be!
Official geocache website? Yep! This is where my knowledge is incredibly rocky, but I did watch my dad using it sometimes. But from what I can recall, the website is where all of the caches are logged so that you can get the information you need to actually, you know, find the cache! And it’s a community as well; people leave comments on the individual caches, saying that they found it and sometimes giving anecdotes about their experience in looking for it (ex. My family went to the bottom of a canyon here to get a cache once, and we were all dying on the way back up because of all of the stairs. We still make jokes 10 years later about the hellish canyon!). And, sometimes, they’ll say that they couldn’t find it, which does happen quite a bit! Either the cache was too well hidden, or a well-intentioned muggle found an old peanut butter jar covered in camouflage duct tape and thought it was just trash in a National Park, so they took it to dispose of it.
(Wait- muggle? Yeah, it’s unfortunate that the term is shared with that series, but muggle just refers to anyone who is not a geocacher!)
How do you know if a muggle has disposed of the cache you’re looking for? Really, you can’t. It can be assumed if, say, there are a lot of people saying they couldn’t find it and no one saying they could. But sometimes it really is just that well hidden. Oftentimes if it starts seeming like it might be missing, the person who originally placed the cache will go to see if they can find it since they know what it looks like and where it was originally hidden to verify if it’s still there. 
It is for this reason it is always advised to put a geocache back EXACTLY where you found it! This is not always possible, and my family has had to semi-relocate caches in the past if the spot it was sitting is flooded or it otherwise seems dangerous for the cache to be there. But as a general rule, try to leave the cache exactly how you found it in the first place so that others can find it after you!
Who can place geocaches? Anyone! I do not know what all is involved in it, but caches are made by people in the community! It’s not as though there is an official group of people who place every cache. There are way too many for that to be the case. 
Are geocaches only in parks? Nope! They can be found anywhere! National/State Parks (at least here in the US) are very common, but some other places we have found caches include: water towers, highway guard railings, the woods just off the highway, cemeteries, parking lots, people’s yards, community centers, libraries, museums. (Let me tell you, it’s really fun to be 14 years old with your dad, standing outside of your minivan looking at the guard railing on a busy highway. We have had people pull over to ask if we need help before.)
Okay, so what information do you need to find a geocache? The information that we used was usually: 
What size is it?
Micro (battery)
Small (pill bottles, fake rocks)
Medium (ammo cans, pb jars, some tupperware)
Large (water jug, birdhouse)
How hard is it? Easy, normal, hard, etc. 
Coordinates As in, the literal coordinates. We had a handheld GPS for this, but from what I can see they also have an official app which should be able to do the same thing – assuming you don’t go somewhere without signal!
Fun fact! Some large enough geocaches will contain swag! Swag is usually just small, cheap items that are a take-one-give-one system in geocaching. I assume it is something used mostly for kids, but it can be fun to see what kind of swag a cache has! I got a few fun trinkets this way. If you are going to look for a cache that is medium or larger, it’s a good idea to carry a piece of swag with you in case something catches your eye!  Travel Bugs are a special swag item! They’re different from normal swag in that you aren’t meant to keep them. They are often on journeys! You can pick up a Travel Bug from one cache, scan it’s tag to see where it’s been before, and leave it in a cache you find later down the road.
Where can caches be hidden? Anywhere – with one exception: caches should NOT be buried. They will never be underground. But other than that, pretty much anything is fair game! One of the most common places is in a UPS, an Unusual Pile of Sticks, which just means a pile of sticks that looks a little too well-positioned to have fallen naturally. But other places include: gardens in front of businesses (the first cache we found!), hanging from a tree, magnetized to the previously mentioned highway railings, underneath the cover at the bottom of street lamps, inside tree trunks. 
What countries do geocaching? From what I know, every country! I have only ever found US geocaches because I have only left the US once and we didn’t get one in Canada, but I know my Uncle has found them in France as well. This is a world-wide game! I hope to get a geocache next time I leave the US :) 
OKAY that is all of the information I can think of right now. I kind of really want to get back into geocaching now, make my own account! My family found I think over 5000 geocaches from when we first started until now, from all across the country, including at one point I think almost every cache in Georgia. So I would be starting way from scratch, but it would be my own adventure :) plus I would get to revisit some places! (maybe not the canyon.)
Questions? I am open to answering further questions, though again I definitely don’t know everything, I just spent a lot of my youth doing this! But, I do also have access to my dad who knows a lot more of the specifics and details than I do. I also recommend looking at the official website for more information as well!
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thegeminisage · 3 months
perpetual chicken and egg question are you not writing fanfiction because you're depressed or are you depressed because you're not writing fanfiction. write fanfiction and find out today
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novelconcepts · 2 months
Being married to someone who also wears glasses, but doesn’t need them HALF as much as I do is wild. Like she’ll just take off her glasses and hand them to me for cleaning. While. She is driving. If I do that? Congrats, I’ve killed us both before the next cross street. With glasses off, my world is shapey blobs of color. I haven’t been able to make sense of distance objects since I was like ten. She? Is fine! (But I’m still instinctively clutching the dashboard in a panic.)
Similarly, she’ll be talking about something in the new shower, and I’ll just be nodding sagely along. And then, five minutes into this convo, she realizes: “You can’t see in the shower, can you?” No. No, my love. I certainly cannot. Saved me SO much stress immediately after surgery, I can tell you. Couldn’t have told you WHAT my incision situation looked like. Also might as well be doing the whole thing with my eyes shut, but y’know. We take what we can get.
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theloyalpin · 3 months
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she’s insane…
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uselessgaywhovian · 8 months
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so how's everyone else's saturday night going
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*Gently takes your hand* If it's late where you are, and you need to go to bed, go ahead and do that, yeah? I know how easy it is to get stuck in the endless scrolling of social media, but it'll be there in the morning, after you've gotten some rest.
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Tide got all the boys stuffed animals on their first night at the base btw. It was a last-minute decision that he had to scramble to find something, and he ended up putting them on the boys' beds for them to find later. He just wanted to try and make them more comfortable, and what better way than a little friend?
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paintedkinzy-88 · 10 months
Hopefully, ima try and set a schedule for myself (for both my own work and fanwork), we’ll see how that goes! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
But for right now, please, if there’s a post you tagged me in, a piece of art you made, a fic you wrote, and I never reblogged it for whatever reason, specifically in my little sorta hiatus moment, TELL ME, SEND THE LINK, SHOOT AN ASK, SOMETHING.
Heck if there’s just something you want me to see, I’ll reblog that too rn, why not, let’s try that for once.
I just wanna catch up on the times! I’ve been away for so long, lurking in a different fandom… its time to heckin come back to my own stuff XD
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yay-depression · 11 months
just found out that some ppl with hypermobility spectrum disorder and some kinds of EDS can carry the same kind of genetic mutations as redheads for metabolizing anesthesia (especially localized anesthesia) … my life makes sense now
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reikunrei · 1 year
i just kinda wanna be ooey gooey about free! for a second.... i always get so sad when ppl who didnt stick with it still harp on it as just being fanservice and “the gay swimming anime” bc like. sure, it is both of those things, but also. you literally cannot deny that the story is something so deeply human and personal and loving.
like, it’s about doing what you love, but making sure it’s good for you, and that it’s what you really want to do. it’s about finding purpose in your life and in the things you enjoy, and the connections you make with other people. and how those connections will forever shape you, for better or for worse, and if you want it to be for the better, you have to put your own foot forward and take it into your own hands.
and it’s about how nothing that you love ever comes to an end. those bonds, those memories, will last forever, and they will always be there to help you.
it was so popular in 2013 when it first aired bc it was “the gay fanservice anime” of the year, but man, the story as a whole... like the actual story is so lovely. and i think it’s such a shame that the general view of it is so closed-minded because the general public didn’t stick with it past season 1. allow the love and whimsy of unshakeable friendship into your heart!!!
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skinreflectsthesun · 6 months
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slusheeduck · 6 months
Slumber Party
Astarion and Gale have a fun night of kicking their feet, giggling, and discussing the all-consuming power they both intend on taking for themselves. “Well, would you look at that. Looks like you and I are going to be roommates.”
Gale, already settled in bed with a book (and a hot water bottle for his aching…well, everything—the luxury!), looked up with an amused smile at Astarion—hair still damp from the bath he’d no doubt enjoyed—as he dropped onto the bed beside him with a long sigh.
“Gods, this is perfect. What a lovely little treat after dealing with a megalomaniacal wizard.” He peeked an eye open to look over at Gale. “No offense.”
“Not too much taken.” Gale shut his book. Astarion was always talkative after a fight; there’d be no reading now. But that was fine, really, considering he hadn’t been able to focus much to begin with. “Though I’m surprised. I thought you’d be in Fal’s room.”
“Well, yes, and I’ll probably move there tomorrow night.” Astarion settled under the covers, looking as pleased as a cat as he curled up beneath the blankets. “But he’s got every intention of spending the night combing through the Emperor’s old hideout to burn off some nervous energy from dealing with Lorroakan. I, on the other hand, am not going to waste the first chance I’ve had at being in an actual bed. He can listen to Aylin and Isobel quote sonnets into each other’s nethers or whatever passes as sex for them when he finally comes up.”
Gale snorted at that. “I thought elves didn’t sleep. You meditate, don’t you?”
“Yes, yes, but it’s significantly nicer in a feather bed.” He gave Gale a pointy grin. “Besides, it’s like a sleepover if it’s just the two of us. We can talk about boys and braid each other’s hair.”
“I can’t braid, and what boys are there? Falerin, who we talk about enough.”
“Well…there’s Wyll.”
“And Halsin.”
“I don’t want to talk about Halsin. This is a bear-free environment.” Astarion made a face. “And I don’t want to braid, either. I’m very comfortable.”
Gale rolled his eyes with a smile. “Then I suppose we should go to sleep.” He started to reach for the lamp.
“Or…” Astarion shifted on the bed, scooting closer to the edge to properly look at Gale. His eyes glinted red in the low light. “We could talk about what you said in Lorroakan’s study. About taking the Crown of Karsus for yourself to become a god.”
Gale’s smile faded, and his eyes flicked nervously up to Astarion. “It wasn’t anything serious,” he said as blithely as he could, rolling onto his back. “That’s just how wizards…talk, really. It’s no secret we’re an ambitious bunch, and things like that can just…pop out as we try to out-think each other. Entirely hypothetical, I assure you.”
He glanced to Astarion again; the vampire’s grin had only spread, and he rolled onto his side to rest his chin in his hand.
“Oh, I know that’s what you want everyone else to think. Just a silly little pissing contest between egos.” His eyes narrowed. “But I know what it looks like to dream of power, know the rush that comes from having it so close.” He looked up, lips curling even more. “I think that’s why we make such good friends.”
Gale shut his eyes, letting out a long breath. “All right, fine,” he whispered. “But nothing I say here leaves this room.”
“Of course not. That’s poor slumber party etiquette.” Both hands were propping up Astarion’s chin now. “So, you want to oust Mystra.”
“I wasn’t lying; it really is for the good of everyone,” Gale said, raising a finger. He sighed. “You were right, back when I was teaching you Mirror Image. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life—however long that is...” He tapped his chest. “…begging for her forgiveness.” He worked his jaw for a moment, staring at the ceiling. “Mystra is the Weave. You can’t love one without the other, not really. But magic carried on without her, and if she falls, it will carry on again.” He looked over at Astarion. “But she picks favorites. I’m not the first Chosen she’s picked up and spat out, and in retrospect, I was foolish for thinking it would end differently.”
“Of course you would, though,” Astarion said quietly. “You were in love.”
“And now I’m not, and I see…everything so much more clearly.” Gale rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. His eyes were bright. “When I was teaching Falerin to reach into the Weave, when I was teaching you Mirror Image, all I could feel was…joy at being able to show you what I experience every day. Even if I’m nowhere near where I was before the orb, the Weave is still there. And so many have no access to it. They could, and if Mystra was even a fraction less selfish than she is, she could go beyond her Chosen. And if I were in her place, if I were the God of Magic, I would ensure that it would.”
Astarion half-smiled. “And the power’s not so bad either, is it?”
Gale shook his head. “That’s beside the point.” He leaned forward. “The fact is, I know what it means to be mortal. More importantly, when it comes to the Weave, I know what it is to be a prodigy, to be Chosen, and to be rejected. I understand. Mystra never will.” He made a face, thumping a fist into the mattress. “And I’m close. I’m so close I can practically taste the divinity.” He huffed a sharp breath through his nose, then glanced over at Astarion. “And you probably think I’m a hubristic fool.”
“Actually, I’m thinking that I have never been so actively attracted to you.” Astarion chuckled as Gale rolled his eyes, watching the wizard roll onto his back again. “Obviously, I kid, but we really are two birds of a feather, aren’t we? You with your aspirations of godhood, me with my plans of ascension. Oh! Imagine if you named me as your Chosen. Gods, think of all that power.” He gave a very sharp, unabashedly evil grin. “We’d have all of Faerûn at our feet.”
Gale puffed out a laugh. “Sorry to disappoint, but—and I mean this as nicely as I can say it—I would never name you my Chosen, Astarion.”
“No? I’m hurt, darling,” Astarion said with a put-on little moue. He shook his head. “I’m already fairly certain of who you would name Chosen, but tell me anyway.”
“Falerin, naturally.”
“I knew it.” Astarion’s cheek went back to his palm. “So, you’d take him from the fey, then?”
“Certainly. He was studying to be a wizard, you know, when he was trying to treat his illness—he only went to the fey because there was a time limit.”
“Ah. He’s already traded autonomy for ability.”
“Exactly. And even after my apotheosis, I would still be myself. Still Gale of Waterdeep, just…improved.” He looked over at Astarion. “I care about him, far more than the fey ever could just by virtue of their nature. As for his illness, plenty of wizards find methods to extend their lives—I’ll guide him to finding his answers.”
“Mm. He does have something of a Chosen One about him, I suppose. And he’d be a hero by the time we’re all done.” Astarion looked up, quiet for a long moment. “Of course, he’ll be my spawn by then. So in a way, I’ll still get those perks of being the God of Magic’s Chosen, albeit indirectly.”
Gale blinked a few times. “You’re…planning on turning him?”
“I’m floating the idea,” Astarion said with a smooth shrug. “I want to keep him safe, when all’s said and done. As an ascendant, the best way to do that would be as my spawn.”
Gale squinted. “Like you are to Cazador.”
Astarion bristled. “No. Not even remotely,” he said through his teeth. He took a breath, willing himself to relax. “I know I won’t be the same after I ascend. I’m not stupid. But…it’s possible that my love for him won’t be the same as it is now. So if I turn him, if I make him mine in a way that goes beyond the emotion of it…I’ll get to keep my heart, and he’ll be untouchable when he’s a Vampire Ascendant’s favorite.” He looked over to Gale, and his mouth twitched. “And now you probably think I’m a monster.”
Gale was quiet for a moment. “I think it’s romantic of you,” he said after a moment. “Granted, romantic in a thoroughly fucked up way. But I’m the last person who could judge you for that.” He let out a sigh. “But we should probably rest up. I can only imagine what’s in store for us if this is our first day in Baldur’s Gate proper.” He leaned over to turn off the light, then laid back. “Good night, Astarion.”
“Good night, darling.”
There was a quiet rustle as each of them settled in, and a mutual pre-sleep/meditation sigh. After a few minutes of trying to sleep, though, Gale’s eyes opened. He stared up at the ceiling, brow furrowing.
“What if Falerin says no? To both of us.”
“No to what we have planned for him, or no to what we have planned for ourselves?”
“Both, I suppose.”
Astarion was silent, not moving a muscle. Gale, of course, didn’t have dark vision, so there was no way for him to read the body language of the dark shape on the bed beside his.
“I try not to think about it,” he finally said. “Good night.”
A clear end to the conversation, so Gale let it lie. And, as he shut his eyes again, he found himself doing that exact same thing.
Casual Banter Masterpost
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