#anyways id prefer if a guide exists for it to be of my own making just for the sake of accuracy u know
mamadarama · 9 months
I feel like at some point I should personally hold it upon myself to do the mamadarama enstars memes cinematic universe relationship chart after scrolling through all the memes so I can start my comprehensive guide to your memes
do yall want a guide ??? cuz i can make one ... it wouldnt be very hard since everything on this blog is my own hcs . i just make the memes and whatnot bc its easier and more fun than writing them down since i am not a fanfic person and drawing is a lot of effort . this is legit just a personal sideblog , nothing more nothing less .
also you can always ask me about a specific character . or about myself , or like anything related to this blog honestly . i put all my hc stuff that isnt in meme format under #whiteboard btw , so i kind of already have a guide !!
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dionysusdecent · 11 months
Heathcliff ID Sin Analysis
Woo, first post, and its about Heathcliff. Alright straight to the point. Its as the title says, this is a Sin Analysis on all of Heathcliff’s IDs. This was made awhile ago before R Corp. Meursault was revealed. And yes, that does somewhat have something to do with R Corp. Heath. Anyway, this was made using @lu-is-not-ok‘s guide to Sin Analysis....mainly because its much more in-depth than what I could have done on my own. This doesn't include any E.G.O. because my brain can only do so much. But here it is, my official Heathcliff ID Sin Analysis and how R Corp. Heath has the weirdest Sin affinities when looking at the ID in this light.
LCB Sinner Heathcliff
Envy - Heathcliff’s whole thing is Revenge. His bat has Revenge written on it, clearly showing that getting revenge is his thing. This sin showcases that he wants to get revenge on someone, something or multiple people/things. Due to him being a backstreets kid, he most likely wants revenge on the rich, though its also possible, he wants revenge on whatever got him into his position as a Sinner. This is unlikely to be Catherine due to his last sin affinity.
Wrath - Wrath is about as obvious as Envy. Heathcliff was born in the backstreets and grew up there. His Wrath is his want to defy the rich and prove that even those born in the backstreets can be as good as them, similar to Rodion.
Lust - Lust once again, is obvious. In all honesty, base Heathcliff has pretty basic and obvious sin affinities. The reason that Heathcliff has a Lust sin affinity is due to his want to be with Catherine again.
N Corp. Kleinhammer Heathcliff
Envy - N Corp. Heathcliff’s version of Envy can be seen in two ways. First is the same as Base Heathcliff. He wants to get revenge on the rich for being a backstreets kid. The other is a sort of distorted want for revenge against those with prosthetics. This would fall in line with N Corps. Ideals, but this also falls in line with another N Corp. ID, N Corp. Faust. NFaust also has envy as one of her sins. N Corp. Faust seemingly has no reason to want revenge on anything, but she could want a form of retribution against those with prosthetics, making N Corp. Heathcliff have the same reasoning behind his Envy sin affinity.
Gloom - N Corp. Heathcliff’s Gloom sin affinity represents his past. This version of Heathcliff seems to be much more sad and depressed than most of Heathcliff’s IDs. This is due to both the events that led to his separation with Catherine and his current situation, that being his brainwashing at N Corps. hands. He actively fights against the brainwashing but is slowly failing, as seen through multiple of his voice lines and dialogue.
Lust - Lust for N Corp. Heathcliff would actually be the same as Base Heathcliff. It represents his want and desire to return to Catherine. He directly calls out to them on his Death and even mentions in his Extra Conditions dialogue, that if he keeps this up he will be able to go back one day, almost certainly meaning his want to be with Catherine again.
Shi Association South Section 5 Heathcliff
Lust - Shi Heathcliff is interesting as he shares all the same sin affinities as Base Heathcliff but reversed. Lust for Shi Heathcliff seems to represent his Lust for combat and death, similar to Ryoshu. He doesn't seem to have any desire to be with Catherine again, if this version of him ever met or was with them in the first place.
Wrath - Shi Heathcliff’s version of Wrath could represent that he doesn't really like how the Shi operate. He prefers getting personal with his kills and gets bored with the typical fast kills. He would rather do his own thing than actually be an assassin.
Envy - Shi Heathcliff still has a bit of his Revenge attributes in him. He mentions how he will make another Shi member pay for having slept through their alarm. This shows that this aspect of him still exists but to a much lesser degree than his other IDs. Its likely that Shi Heathcliff is still a backstreets kid but it isnt made clear if he wants the same revenge on the rich as his Base ID does.
R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff
Wrath - Wrath is interesting for R Corp. Heathcliff, as it almost seems to be the opposite of him. He doesn't care about doing anything other than fight, which is exactly what he exists for as a R Corp. soldier. He likes what he does so its interesting that he has a sin that represents defiance.
Gluttony - Gluttony in context of R Corp. Heathcliff is similar to Lust for Shi Heathcliff. They both want more combat, they want to fight and kill more enemies. R Corp. Heathcliff is a soldier, his existence is combat, even more so due to him most likely being one of R Corps. Clone soldiers.
Envy - Envy is also interesting for R Corp. Heathcliff. Due to him most likely being a clone, he shouldn't have any reason to want revenge or retribution for anything done to him. He almost certainly doesn't want to be with Catherine and definitely doesn't even know who they are. He has everything he wants or cares about. 
Its interesting that R Corp. Heathcliff has two sin affinities that seem to go against his existence. Maybe this is an example of our version of a sinner bleeding into a mirror worlds version, meaning that R Corp. Heathcliff’s version of Wrath and Envy are actually Base Heathcliff’s.
Addendum: 7/11/23 - Since originally writing this, R Corp. Meursault has been revealed, and through his trailer, a pseudo-confirmation that the R Corp. IDs are indeed clones…….which brings in so many other questions when it comes to them, but does make what i said about RHeathcliff, his sin affinities and him being a clone a bit more concrete……it makes it more confusing that he has these affinities since hes a clone and doesnt/shouldnt care about things the other Heath IDs do.
Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower Heathcliff
Envy - Envy for Sunshower Heathcliff represents his disdain for Technology. As a member of the Technology Liberation Alliance, he wishes to “liberate” all technology and return to a time before it. But he doesn't seem to truly care about this.
Gloom - Gloom is easy to understand for Sunshower Heathcliff. All of his friends have died in some way. He doesn't have anyone and is alone. He roamed the backstreets before joining the TLA and currently does. Its also possible that parts of his sadness are brought about by his E.G.O equipment, as he mentions having cold and dark feelings rush into him when he first put on the E.G.O equipment.
Sloth - Sloth is also easy. Sunshower Heathcliff mentions sleep and sleeping a lot. He is constantly thinking about falling asleep or finding some dark alleyway to stay in, away from everything and everyone else. He doesn’t truly care about anything other than sleeping, after the death of his friends.
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amothersmagik · 2 years
Merry Meet!
So, I am climbing up on my soapbox today. I see it asked all the time: "where do I start?"
And every answer seems the same: Research!
Great! But what does that mean? How and where do I research?? ... Starting out in The Craft is both easy and extremely challenging. Prior to the internet, research meant knowing or hoping to randomly meet other Practioners who could guide you. Or, if you were brave, checking a local library. At that point, starting was hard because getting access to information was hard.
Now we have the internet. And the problem exists in reverse. There is now SO much info available that it can be overwhelming at times. It certainly was for my nerodivergent brain. So I have typed up a "brief" summary of my process so that mayhap it will help others::
Research research research! There is so much out there and it can be so overwhelming. How i personally suggest you start? First, accept that you dont need fancy tools and ingredients to be a successful Witch You are enough as you are.
From a research aspect:
1. Look up the major types of spell work. (Candle, Kitchen, Jar, Offering, Sigils, Simmer Pots, Intention Spells, Oils, Sachets, Sprays, etc). This will give you an idea just how broad actual Craft and spellwork can be. Also, it will strike some examples of what to research and give you an idea what you will be most interested in. For example, I primarily love jar spells, sigils, and simmer pots.
2. Make a list of a couple types of spells or works that interest you. Like healing, self love, cord cuttings, etc. This will give you a list to work of to then build your research plan/database.
PLEASE NOTE, I PERSONALLY RECCOMEND THAT YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OF THESE SPELLS YET. I AM SUGGESTING YOU MAP THIS ALL OUT SO YOU HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE BREADTH OF THE CRAFT. It will also help you decide what kind of Crafter you will likely be. Personally, I am eclectic, and grey with very white leanings. I am not actually Wiccan, though the Wiccan aspect plays a huge role in my Craft.
Huge massive tip in looking stuff up? Using google or your fav search engine, type "metaphysical properties of____" or "magickal/magical correspondences of____" or simply "_____ Correspondences" and you can either read the articles and links or simply look through the images section. Though not everything will have extensive info available.
3. Pick a random spell. Anything. Now RESEARCH what doing that spell would entail. This will give you an idea of what kinds of things to research and where you want to put your emphasis.
For example, I wanted to do an anti anxiety spell. So I researched that. Discovered I have a flair for sigils. Then quickly realized I am an AVID Jar spell kinda gal 😅😁 So I then went searching for jar spells for  anti anxiety to see what would be required. Then realized how many different ways there are to do one. Which lead me to research crystals and herbs to find what ingredients to use for what. Which lead to me making my own comprehensive hard physical copy (alphabetical, might I add) of all the herbs and plants I could find and their many uses. Did the same with crystals. Then candles and their color meanings. Which lead to color magick research.
(..... It has now been 3 years since I went looking for that anti anxiety spell and I haven't performed it yet. I HAVE found so much peace within myself as I have settled into my Craft by learning. Because remember, witchcraft is NOT always JUST about performing spells. Anyway... back on topic)
I quickly realized how much info there was out there to learn and how to go about it.
Id also research the sabbats and all they entail.
Research deities for future knowledge. Though I suggest waiting on actual deity work until you are further down your path  but that is a personal preference.
Research cleansing types and methods.
At the end of the day, your path and your Craft is your own. Follow your intuition and instincts. Follow your heart and soul. And do as much as you can to research something before casting. Google is your friend. Also, i have a list of books. If you want it, just as a place to start, let me know :)
Once you start spell craft, I found it easiest to start with Sigils, once I got the hang of those, I moved on to simmer pots and candle magick (easiest ingredients to get ahold of for me). After getting comfortable with those, I moved on to Offering Spells. Then Jar Spells. I have more or less stopped there in my actual spell progression, as I have found I excel at and greatly enjoy Jar Spells. I have also ventured into oil rollers, sprays, sachets, etc. And I occasionally do rituals, like cord cuttings or ritual baths, but have not overly ventured in those directions. As such, I research as needed for those types of spells.
Shadow work and observing the Sabbats were also a huge learning opportunity for me.
People always say "do your shadow work" and it took me forever to realize they mean working on yourself. Facing your inner demons. Accepting your faults and working to correct those you can. Accepting yourself for who you are and learning to love yourself and be happy with who you are.
Researching the Sabbats and how the many cultures celebrate and honor them gave me another way to research and learn and then work that new knowledge into my craft. People jump over a fire during Beltane. Why? There is a good research topic for you. Yellow flowers, why are they important in the spring? Why are apples associated with fertility. What kinds of activities are engaged in for Samhain? Why?
And along the way of these activities and researching, you will find yourself learning things that can help you elsewhere. Like learning about the color green and its importance at Beltane will later help you in health and fertility spells.
I think I started actually performing spells about 1/4 of my way through all this research. Once I had a good enough basis to understand the materials I was working with and knew my energy and magic enough to feel comfortable and confident in my workings.
I still perform lots of research regularly, but have reached a comfort zone in my Craft where I don't do big things every day, or even every week, but I work my craft in in little ways, sometimes even unconsciously. I have found I am happy, comfortable, confident and at peace with my self and the life I live. And a stable and reliable Craft is a great addition to that peace, if not outright the building blocks for it in my case.
My inbox is open if anyone has questions. Wants to chat. Wants a new witchy friend. Etc. As a Polyamorous, Pansexual, Christian Druidic Mother and Wife who is 420 friendly...... I am an open book with nothing to hide and virtually no judgement left in my brain. I don't care who you are. Do no harm, take no shit and we will be a-okay :)
Merry Part and Blessed Be
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upagainstthesunset · 3 months
Every once in a while i look for DC Metron stuff to buy. Its extremely limited, and ive held off on most.
I have the mattel signature collection figure that comes with the mobius chair. Holy grail item. Won the ebay auction for it in the middle of a costco.
I dont have the dc direct figure. Id prefer it out of packaging but with the stand, mostly bc im going to open it and i feel bad destroying the blister pack when there are collectors out there who want it in untouched condition. Not that id be selling mine, just id rather not hurt anything if i can avoid it.
I also dont have the heroclix figure and card. Would love to get those, and actually would love a whole little set of them. I havent bought it yet bc im afraid itll open the floodgates of little guys for me to buy.
Besides that theres an impel trading card ive talked about before. Would be cool to have, especially with how much i love his facial expression on the back.
Um thats it for merch afaik.
There are books he's in like the dc rpg guides. I doubt theres more than a short blurb about him though bc i have seen some scans. But some of those books are kind of cool anyway and i am a sucker for coffee table books.
There are some artist sketch or ink prints out there. Thats kind of cool, but not necessarily something i need to own. Ive seen someone make an enamel pin design but its not available, idk if it will be. Um and ive made a shirt design on redbubble, which obviously i do have that.
There are in existence actual kirby pencils and other art, but whooo boy i think very few are for sale, and the ones that have been in the last two decades are a tiiiiiny bit out of my price range.
I think after that there are the single issue comics, and collections. I will admit ive looked at some graded new gods #1 issues before. They go for just about what id be willing to pay. While itd have a lot of cool factor, part of me really thinks comics grading is kind of lame bc you cant open the book to look at it. For cards it makes perfect sense bc you can see front and back. But comic books with pages? Yeah it just becomes a plastic case to look at the cover. Id really only have it as a status thing, which is not high on my priority list.
And that might be about it! If you know of any other Metron merch, let me know!!
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letsjam-art · 4 years
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then... this is goodbye, tifa
until we meet again...
just a lil comic i had floating around in my mind for a while
the lifestream is one of my favorite moments for a multitude of reasons, but what always grabs me first and foremost about it is that like... its open communication taken up to 11, that is, alot of the inherent barriers of human communication are kinda gone, tifa gets to exist in that inner world of someone (their mind/soul), which can only be communicated in the physical world with talk, expressions, action etc but even then those are only the closest equivalents. im a sucker for minds and hearts connecting beyond the limitations of communication i guess, across any media im drawn to stuff like that
its also incredibly satisfying that of all people to experience this, its cloud and tifa. who are both notoriously shy, prefer to run from problems, and insist that everything is fine when its definitely not, and both arent very free with their true emotions alot of the time, so to see them fall into an event where they both kinda have no choice but to let the truth come out, i think is very entertaining, and of course at this point in the story they both want to find the truth, or i guess theyve both made the choice to stop running
i find it all incredibly gentle though, sweet, heartfelt and rather poignant. you have kid!cloud (the representation of cloud, or the part of him that survived through all the crazy happenings and alien virus shenanigans that knows the reason behind his own self made illusions) guiding tifa through it all. and shes finally free with herself to be honest about her memories, wanting to help someone she cares for after a very very low point for both of them, which is awesome for alot of reasons, especially since shes been so confused and downright scared the entire game, doubting herself/her memories over and over, not helped by her being an indecisive person, so to see her make the decision to not let the fear control her... is nice i think
its funny too, cause visually we see kid cloud (who we know from tifa and other flashbacks wasnt the most emotionally calm/mature person) as this leader who is strangely emotionally mature and quite honest with his feelings, contrasting his appearance. whereas the cloud we’ve played as the entire game, is the adult who has once again fallen back on his rather pathetic and childish habits, habits he never made the choice to overcome or had the chance to.
anyways i wanted to draw something sweet between these 2, ive always understood by a few lines kid cloud says in the lifestream that the real cloud wont be aware of everything that transpired, so i think tifa like has this window into someone she cares about that no one else can ever see again... not even cloud, but they are the same person of course...  and as such they love their companions a whole lot, so i thought id draw a bit of that 😊
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airis-paris14 · 5 years
Dress Up 1
Summary: She’s not his fiancee, but no one else needs to know.
Warnings: None
A/N: Before we get started, I know the Xhosa is not translated. That is done on purpose, as you read I am sure you will understand why. It was a deliberate stylistic choice. I hope you guys enjoy as I am truly having a blast writing this story, Redemption will be back soon. I’ve just gotta take a moment to get myself back on track with that story. Please Reblog, like, and comment! I love hearing what you guys have to say. Much love. 
“Eh, you’ve got another letter to mail?” The post office clerk smiled as the young woman made her way through the front door. “Actually I’ve got three for you today Mrs. Zula.” Sirobie grinned, her hand buried in her art bag. She emerged a second later with three sealed envelopes. “I would just like to let you know, that you, are single handedly keeping this post office open.” the clerk teased, a gentle beep emerging from her tablet as she scanned each of the envelope postmarks. “You do know you are in Wakanda right? Most technologically advanced country in the world ring a bell?” Oni Zula teased, jumping out of her chair to sort the letters into the appropriate bins.
“Yes, I just prefer to write my parents the old fashioned way,” Sirobie shrugged. “So you aren’t in here mailing letters to your secret lover every week?” the older woman teased, climbing back into her seat. “Ha ha ha, very funny,”Sirobie frowned. “Well are they gonna write you back? It’s been two months and I haven’t gotten any letter back for you.”
“It’s complicated.” Sirobie frowned. “Well, you know my offer still stands. My and Ebram’s front door are always open,” Mrs. Zula smiled. ‘I’ll keep that in mind.” Sirobie waved goodbye, her bag flapping against her as she began her trek to the park.
The city was alive around. Children's laughter floated through the air. Mixing with the throng of voices floating towards her from the market. Gossip, bartering, and lover’s sweet nothings glided through the air. Sirobie sighed deeply as she came upon the large expanse of green space in the city center. The midday sun reflected off of the glass of the palace before her. She shaded her eyes, and choose to settle under a large tree in the corner of the park. She quickly set up her easel and unpacked her supplies. A cardboard sign advertising watercolor portraits for $10 dollars attested to her existence. She pulled a tiny clipboard from her bag and canvases the area around her. A mother and daughter dancing a short distance from her draws her attention. She begins to sketch the two dancing.
“Excuse me,” a voice broke through the sound of her pencils on the parchment paper. “I’d like a portrait,” Sirobie pulled her braids out of her face. She squinted up into the sunlight, unable to make out the face of her customer. “Umm sure, she gestured at the stool in front of her easel. It’ll take about 20 minutes,” she began to explain. She observed her subject before pulling the appropriate watercolor pencils and beginning to outline her portrait. “You’re not from around here are you,” the lady asks.
“Is it that obvious?” Sirobie quickly glances at the woman once more. “Many of our artists don’t do this kind of work.” the stranger replies, “ I saw it once in an American movie. You are from America, yes?”
“Uh yeah,” Sirobie stutters, her mouth falling slightly open as she actually looks at her subject for the first time. Her large brown eyes sat nestled in her face the same way Sirboie’s did. Her round face accentuated the cupid’s bow of her lips and her box braids were parted in the same manner as Sirobie’s. “Um, yeah. I am an exchange student from Howard University in DC.”
“That is the place where your president lives correct? That’s a state but not really a state?” The woman smiled. Sirobie froze, the woman’s  smile was eerily reminiscent of her own. “Yeah, I guess,” she finally answered, finishing off a basic sketch of the woman’s face. “What is your classification?”
“My what?” Sirobie, shook her head out of the daze. “Your classification. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior? I was under the impression that American universities and colleges did not refer to students by year,” the woman explained. “Oh yeah, I am a senior. I graduate in about two months.”
That must be exciting,” the woman smiled. Sirobie nodded, grabbing her pencils and beginning to fill in the woman’s face. “It is.”
“How long are you in Wakanda?”
“Another two  months, then I head back to finish preparing for graduation. Sirobie worked quickly and efficiently to spread color to the rest of the sketch. Relishing in how the subject  came alive on the page. “We have quite an uncanny resemblance do we not?”
Sirobie snorted, “I don’t think that even begins to describe it.”
“It seems like we could almost be sisters,” the woman insisted. “Yeah, we could,” the artist smiled. She sat back to admire the woman on the page. “Would you like to see it?” she offered.
The woman moved to stand next to her. “That is beautiful! How much do I owe you?” the woman opened her purse to grab her wallet. “Ten dollars please,” Sirobie replied leaning close to sign the work of art.”
“Shoot, I knew I forgot something at the house,” the woman cursed. “Here love, take these,” the woman replied handing over her kimoyo beads, “now hand me your student ID.”
“What why?” Sirobie frowned. “As collateral. Proof that I am going to come back and pay you. I have to come back and get my kimoyo beads from you as well. I am just going to run to my house and grab my wallet so I can pay you.”
“I don't know,” sirobie hesitated. “Trust me, it’s not like I am going to leave the country with it. This is  Wakanda. You are a foreign exchange student. Your ID would not be of any use to me anyway.”
Sirobie sighed and handed over her ID. I’ll be back in ten minutes,” the woman ran off into the crowd. “Wait! I don’t even know your name,” she yelled after her. Once she had disappeared into the crowd Sirobie sighed, settling back into sketching the mother and daughter.
The smell and sound of her charcoal pencils calmed the young student. She gently wet her brush opening the expensive paints that sat at her side. She glanced up once more, then proceeded to begin painting the mother’s clothes. She lost herself in the intricate pattern of the fabric. The darkening of the sky around her startled her out of her focus. “Oh you found it,” the student smiled, wiping her hands on her rag before looking up. “Oh I’m sorry, I thought  you were,” Sirboie closed her mouth as the soldier in front of her began speaking. “Ubuphi?
Bakukhangela kuyo yonke indawo.”the bald headed woman fussed. She motioned for two of the other women to grab her things. “Wait what are you doing?” Sirobie fought back. Grabbing her things from the women’s arms. “Ukusinda kwakho okuncinci sekuphelile. Sifanele sibuyele kwibhotwe ngoku. Ube efuna wena.”
“I don’t speak xhosa!” Sirobie yelled as the leader physically restrained her. “Udala indawo,” Okoye hissed. “You have the wrong person! I do not know what you are saying!”
“UNksz Kamyra, nceda uze nathi ngokuthula. U kumkani akayidingi isikhalazo esingaphambi kwesango lakhe,” Okoye calmed, leading Sirobie away from her seat in the park.
The guards encircled the woman as they walked through the park. Sirobie shrunk in to herself as she was marched through the streets. The miniature procession caught many the wondering eyes around the marketplace. The 23 year old had never ventured this far into the city. Often opting to stay within her own triangle of comfort. Her apartment, The Zula’s home, and the park.
“Where are you taking me?” The fine arts major asked again. “The palace,” the leader replied. “So you understand English?” Sirobie exclaimed.
“Yes. And you know this. What I do not understand is why you refuse to speak your native tongue,” The warrior scowled. “English is my native tongue!” Sirobie insisted. The warrior led Sirobie up the grand staircase at the palace before pulling her aside. “Look Kamyra,” The woman hissed. “You’re hurting me,” Sirobie whimpered.
“I do not like you. I know you do not like me either, but T’Challa is my friend. And for some reason he insists that he must marry you. I do not know what game you're playing. But stop it this instant. You have worried everyone in this building sick for the past few hours. Now the game is over. Your engagement ball is tonight. So you have four hours to get your act together.”
“I am not Kamyra,” Sirobie cried once more. “Kamyra, I swear to Bast if you do not stop this instant…”
“Okoye, did you find Kamyra?” An older woman stood at the top of the stairs. Her headdress stretched up towards the sky. She looked very familiar but Sirobie could not place her face. A teenager emerged from the palace to stand next to her. “Queen mother,” Okoye bowed her head slightly, “Yes, we found her in the park but she insists that she is not herself.”
“Okoye thrust Sirobie out in front of her. The poor girl went stumbling. “What do you mean?” Ramonda frowned, eyeing the young girl. “She only speaks in English.”
“I have yet to her her speak,” Ramona replied. “No good morning today?”
“I am so sorry, but you all really have the wrong girl,” Sirobie tried to explain. Ramonda raised both eyebrows, she glides down the stairs to Sirobie’s side. She gently raised Sirobie’s chin. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sirobie Johnson,” the girl replied.
“I believe you. But if you are here, the where the hell is my daughter in law,” Ramonda frowned. “Okoye,send a search party.”
“This is not my son’s fiancée.”
The general signaled for the rest of the Dora’s to leave. The women marched off in a professional line, as the Queen guided Sirobie down the palaces intricate hallways. The Queen pulled Sirobie rather quickly, ushering her into an empty bedroom.
Sirobie settled in a chair, as did Queen Mother. Shuri opted for the couch and Okoye stood behind them. Sirobie gulped under their gazes. Bowing her head, her fingers suddenly very interesting.
“The resemblance is uncanny,” Queen Mother murmured, one finger perched under her chin. “They look exactly the same,” The teenager added in.
“I see how you got them confused General,” The queen sighed. She pulled off her crown and set it on the table beside her. Her gray locs fell from their bun down her back.
 “What is your name?” The teenager asked moving closer. “Sirobie,” The college student smiled slightly. “Shuri,” The teen smiled. “May I?” She gestured at the bracelet. Sirobie nodded.
“Where did you get these,” Shuri pulled the beads off of her wrist. “I think the woman you all are looking for gave them to me.”
“You saw Kamyra?” Okoye asked, moving closer to the woman. Sirobie backed away, nodding. “She never told me her name. She asked me paint her picture. She said she was going to get her wallet to pay me. She took my student ID in exchange.”
“Where exactly are you in school?” The older woman asked. “I attend Howard University. In the States.”
“With your ID where could she have gone?” Shuri asked. “Nowhere really. It just grants access to my dorm room. You can’t buy anything outside of the cafeteria with it.”
“Queen mother, should we alert T’Challa?” Okoye asked. All eyes fell to the older woman. “Whatever for general?”
“Mother, his fiancée is missing,” Shuri frowned. “What do you mean? She is right here,” Queen mother smiled at Sirobie. The student’s eyes widen as everyone began to grin at her. “No, No. No! I am too young to be marrying anyone,” Sirobie dismissed. “Kamyra is only a year older than you. T’Challa is only two years older than you.” The queen moved to sit next to the young woman. “Still. I haven’t finished college yet. I’m only here for two more months.”
“We just need you to pretend to be Kamyra while we search for her. We hope it will not take that long to locate her.” The queen reassured. “Wakanda will owe you a great debt.”
“This all just sounds a little too crazy to me,” sirobie waved her hands. “How are you paying for your education?” the queen asked. Sirobie bit her lip and looked down. “Loans,” she murmured. “If you do this, Wakanda will pay off all of your schooling debt. No questions asked. You will also live here in the palace and live the life of a princess.”
“Are you joking?” Sirobie looked up. “No. Why would I be joking? This how Wakanda will repay her debt to you.”
“Please?” Shuri spoke up from the corner of the room.
“You’ll let me go home after you find her?” Sirobie asked again. “If that is what you desire,” the queen nodded.
“I’ll do it.” Sirobie sighed.
The three women broke out into grins. “Okoye, please find the nearest maid and ask her to fetch the stylist, hairdresser, and make up artist. As well as send someone to grab a late lunch for Shuri, Sirobie, and myself. I have a feeling we are going to be here for a while.”
Okoye saluted the Queen. She tapped her staff twice before leaving the room.
“Now, Sirobie. Tonight, my son is throwing a ball in honor of his fiancée. All eyes will be on you and we must prepare you for that. Physically and mentally. First, I suggest you get a quick bath while Shuri and I find a dress for you. We’ve got much to do. With little time to do it.”
Sirobie nodded quietly. “The bathroom is right through that door. Please be quick, but do everything you need to do.” The Queen gestured to the door. “Thank you,” Sirobie half curtsied. “Please, don’t do that tonight,”  The Queen grimaced, “We’ll work on that later.” The young woman blushed before fleeing to the bathroom.
“Do you think she can do it?” Shuri moved to stand by her mother. “I know she can.
Transforming Sirobie into a royal fiancée was very easy. Physically at least. Following Kamyra’s routines turned the student into a carbon copy of the woman.  Until she spoke. Or ate. Or moved, at all.  “Now, you move your spoon away from you at all times.” Ramonda demonstrated, tilting the spoon in the opposite direction in the empty bowl. “That just makes it unnecessarily complicated,” Sirobie sighed copying the queens movement. “It is to help deter you from overeating.” Ramonda explained.
“No when do you stop eating?” Ramonda quizzed, signaling for a maid to switch out the dishes in front of them. “I have to stop?” Sirobie sighed, letting her head fall into her hands. “Please Sirobie. I know this is hard, but you’ve got to try.” The Queen soothed. “I don’t think I can do this,” the girl murmured into her hands.
“My Queen,” The stylist called. “We have one hour till the party, we must dress the lady soon.”
“Of course,” Ramonda sighed. “Sirobie, I believe in you, we all do,” The Queen whispered the girl’s ear. Sirobie smiles sadly as the queen stood. “Shuri, let's give ,Kamyra, some privacy. We will be back before T’Challa arrives to escort you.”
“I have to walk in with him?” Sirobie paled.
“Yes! He is your fiancée,” Shuri laughed overzealously. Her apology written all over her face. “We’ll be back soon.”
After much prodding and poking. Shape wear and fashion tricks, Sirobie looked absolutely regal. The white fabric fell in waves around her. The center of the dress adhered to her figure, carefully outlining every curve perfectly. The silver thread and diamonds littering the bodice of the dress glittered in the light of the setting sun. The student spun slowly as the beauty team observed her appearance. The college student ran her hands over the embroidery. Gently fingering each of the flowers and vines that traced their way over the gown.
“I think she is ready for the final touch,” the lead stylist nodded. The others murmured their agreement and watched as she walked over to a black box.
The woman walked over to her box and pulled out a  set of jewelry. “These are royal family antiques,” she explained, gently displaying the large drop diamond earrings. “Queen mother wore these necklace on her coronation day.” She gently lifted a simple diamond necklace from the box as well. “Those look perfect,” Sirobie smiled. The seamstress nodded beginning to adorn the student with jewelry. When she was finished she lead Sirobie over to a large full body mirror. Sirobie bit her tongue to keep her jaw from dropping open. She allowed a small grin to slip through. “Thank you so much,” The 22 year old smiled at each of the staff in turn. “It was a pleasure your grace,”She smiled before two knocks rang through the room.
“Come in,” Sirobie called. The Queen and Shuri walked into the room and smiled as Sirobie came into view. “A carbon copy,” the queen smiled. “Just one more thing,” the queen approached, her day wear replaced by an elegant blue gown. Her crown had also changed,now draped in the same fabric as her dress. She gently grabbed sirobie’s left hand and slid a large diamond ring onto her finger. “There, absolutely breathtaking.”
Sirobie smiled sadly at the ring. “What’s wrong my child.?” Ramonda raised the woman’s  chin. “I had just always hoped,” Sirobie sighed, fiddling with the ring, “That the first time i wore one of these, it would be from someone I love.”
“Oh, my child,” Ramonda cooed, “I know it’s dumb. Im literally living the life of a princess and I am complaining,” Sirobie rolled her shoulders back. Ramonda gripped her hands gently, “ you have every right to any emotion you may have right now. You will meet him someday, and it will make you feel just as joyous as you hope. That is was love does to people, it brings you indescribable joy.” The queen smiled, gently cupping the student’s cheek. Sirobie smiled back.
“Actually it’s perfectly describable.” Both of the women turned to the sudden interruption of their conversation, “ You know love releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. It’s all one big cycle of chemical reactions in your brain. Reactions which are catalysed by the stimulation of certain neurons in the temporal lobe. All of the reactions happen instantaneously, or almost, hence the butterfly feeling. Studies have shown that the feeling can be considered comparable to the same high that is felt when one is doing cocaine. So if you want to feel it now, it is much more convenient to just go and get high on the closest thing. I mean obviously not cocaine, but maybe we-” Shuri trailed off. Her mother’s frown quickly causing her to back track, “ I mean not that I have ever tried it myself. I mean-” She turned to Sirobie and mouthed, “I’ll explain it to you later.”
Ramonda and Sirobie burst into laughter.“My love,” T’Challa’s voice sailed through the door, “I can hear that you are having a good time but, we will  be late if you do not,” The king froze as he noticed his mother and shuri in the room. “Brother, you are early.”
“No you all are ten minutes late. Is everything alright?” T’Challa strolled further into the room. “Everything is fine. Why would it not be?” Ramonda glided over to her son to place a kiss on his cheek. The king allowed her to pull him close as he eyed Sirobie. “You all tell me,” the king started moving closer to Sirobie. “No greeting today my love?”
“Hello,” Sirobie replied cautiously. Shuri facepalmed behind her brother. “What is going on,” the king demanded, his eyes never leaving Sirobie. “T’Challa,” Queen Mother started, moving to stand next to the girl. “Meet Sirobie. Your fiance.”
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a language that i never knew existed before - Day 12
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For @dawninthemtn, who asked for a modern AU in which “Ben Solo keeps trying to cancel his Book-A-Month subscription service, but just can't seem to say no to the friendly customer service agent”.
This was so much fun to write, especially since it allowed me to sneak some epistolary storytelling into this collection. Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy the ficlet!
Reylo fam! ‘Tis the season for giving, so come get your very own holiday ficlet right here!
25 Days of Reylo Also available on AO3
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Cancellation/refund
My friend used my credit card to sign me up for a one-year YA subscription as a prank. I didn’t realize until the first box arrived today. I’d like to cancel the subscription and just pay for the box I’ve already received, if that’s okay.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Cancellation/refund
Hi, Ben! I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with our service.
Our refund policy allows you to change your mind anytime and get a full refund for boxes not yet received. But might I suggest changing boxes instead? At $29.99 per month for a box of three books with a combined retail value of up to $59.99, we’re the most affordable book service in the country! If YA isn’t your thing, we offer eleven other standard boxes, along with an option for customization.
If you’d like to give us a second chance, please take this quick quiz to determine the best box for you. The results will automatically be emailed to me upon completion, and I’d be happy to guide you through the selection process.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: First box!
Hi, Ben!
Your first sci-fi/fantasy box just shipped out today, and should reach you within three working days. I hope you enjoy the selection, and thank you again for choosing to stick with us!
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: First box!
Hi, Rey.
Three working days, just like you said. Everything looks okay, thanks for your help.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
I’m glad to hear the box arrived on time! If you don’t mind, please keep me informed on how you like the selection. I’ve got a few other suggestions for you based on your quiz results, and I’d be happy to switch your subscription if you’re not absolutely pleased with the sci-fi/fantasy box.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hey, Rey.
I think that might be for the best. Sci-fi just isn’t what it used to be. Or maybe I’ve changed; it’s been a while since I last read anything in that genre.
Of course, if that’s too much trouble you can always just go ahead and process my refund. I’d hate to take up more of your time.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
It’s no trouble at all! I first joined Resistance back when it was an actual store, and I’ve always loved matching readers up with the right book. As long as you’re okay with it, I’d like to keep going until we find you the right match.
My next suggestion for you based on your quiz results is one of our non-fiction boxes, the history/anthropology combo. Please let me know by the 23rd of this month if you’re interested in that so that I can arrange for the switch and shipping.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New box
Hi, Rey. The box just arrived today, and the selection is perfect.
So perfect that I already pre-ordered all three of them earlier this year.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this service and I just aren’t meant to be, as great as it is. I really do appreciate all of your help, especially you taking the time to discuss books with me off the clock, but it’s probably time to call it.
Unless you’ve got a third suggestion?
Sincerely, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: New box
What can I say? I’m good at my job – too good, in this case.
I’ve got at least three more suggestions for you, if you’d like to keep going. And your box should have come with a return ticket, if you’d like to send it back; I don’t see the point in you keeping the duplicates, unless you have a friend with the same unique taste in books? I’d be happy to process the return and credit it to your account. Same goes for your first two boxes; I’m sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.
I’ve actually really missed talking about books with someone, so really, thank you for humoring me. If you ever feel like debating the SWEU again, feel free to reach me at 555-3494. I like that things can get heated when we talk about those books, but it’s probably for the best if I don’t argue with a customer on my work email.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
Rey: So technically we’re not supposed to tell anyone about this yet But Wait You still collect comics, right?
Ben: You make me sound like a teenage boy. I collect graphic novels, yes. Why?
Rey: You say potayto, I say potahto ANYWAY I know you’re not 100% happy with the customized box
Ben: They’re your picks for me, of course I’m happy with them.
Rey: Ben
Ben: I am! I’m just not happy with the fact that I barely get any time to read. And when I do get an hour to myself, my brain is too tired for anything intellectual.
Rey: You cutthroat lawyers and your ridiculous endless work Back to my point
Ben: You have one?
Rey: Very funny, Solo Okay so next month we’re announcing a special new box Limited time only And we’re only opening it up to 200 subscribers
Ben: Sounds like a big deal. What do we get, hand-bound manuscripts?
Rey: Even better Two trades and a hardcover, no extra charge
Ben: You’re kidding me.
Rey: Nope Completely serious You in?
Ben: Hey, Rey? No offence but that’s the stupidest question you’ve ever asked me.
Rey: Whatever, nerd I’ll sign you up
Ben: You’re my favorite person right now, thank you.
Rey: Careful, Solo Keep saying nice shit and I might actually start to like you
Ben: And we wouldn’t want that, of course.
Rey: Of course
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Congratulations!
Hi there, Ben!
Your assigned customer service representative recently entered you for a chance to win one of our 200 limited-time-only comic box subscriptions.
We’re very pleased to let you know that you made the cut! As of next month, you’ll start receiving two trade paperbacks and a hardcover volume each month for the remaining duration of your subscription. We also noticed that you have seven months left with us, and as a sign of our appreciation we’d like to offer you the chance to add on another five months at the standard rate of $29.99 per month in order to receive a full year’s worth of comic boxes. If you’re interested, please contact your assigned customer service representative by the 31st of this month.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy your boxes!
Best regards, Paige Tico, Head of customer service, Resistance Books.
Rey: Did you get the email???
Ben: Just read it. Can’t wait for the first box. Thanks, Rey. By the way, sign me up for the extension thing.
Rey: Can you believe how far we’ve come? It feels like just yesterday that you were trying to cancel your subscription at every turn
Ben: For what it’s worth, I’m glad I didn’t. So fucking glad. I wouldn’t have gotten to know you otherwise.
Rey: Stop, you’ll make me cry Ben? I’m happy we’re friends too
Rey: Is it there yet?
Ben: Rey. It’s been two hours. I haven’t even left the office yet.
Rey: Okay, NOW is it there yet?
Ben: Still at work. You’re the one who shipped it, can’t you track the package or something?
Rey: I could But I think I prefer it this way
Ben: Of course you do. You’re lucky I have no other friends.
Rey: As if you’d stop talking to me even if you had a hundred other friends I’m your favorite
Ben: Says who? Maybe Poe’s my favorite. I’ve known him since childhood, after all.
Rey: Poe is a prankster and you fucking hate him
Ben: I wouldn’t say hate.
Rey: Ben He stole your credit card and signed you up for a year’s worth of YA books
Ben: And if he hadn’t done that, you and I would never have met.
Rey: We haven’t Met, I mean Shit I don’t even know what you look like BRB, I’m gonna go stalk you on social
Ben: Honestly, I just assumed you already did.
Rey: Wow, I’m offended HOLY HELL, BEN
Ben: So you’ve found me. If this is about the ears no, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on there either. No one in my family does.
Rey: What ears? Your ears are FINE, silly I was talking about your hair Christ, do you shampoo with unicorn blood or something???
Ben: That would be very soulless lawyer of me, wouldn’t it?
Rey: Shut up, you’re not soulless Funless, maybe, but I’d like to think I’m helping with that
Ben: You are. In the interest of fairness, I’m going to stalk you too.
Rey: Not much to see, but go right ahead Ben? Wow did I scare you off already? And here I thought that was a decent picture
Ben: Shit, sorry. Got pulled into a meeting. It’s a great picture.
Rey: You don’t have to say that
Ben: Well, it is and I mean it. And… I hope this isn’t creepy but I love your smile.
Rey: Not creepy at all By the way I like your eyes
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Come celebrate the holidays with us!
Hi, Ben!
Did you know that before Resistance Books went online and became the #1 book delivery service in the country, we were a tiny little indie store known as Gatalenta?
This holiday season, we’re returning to our roots – and we’d love for you to join us! Resistance Books will be participating in the annual Coruscant Christmas Market with our very own pop-up store from the 15th of December onwards!
This is a great time for you to come on by and check out the full range of our diverse offerings. And if something catches your eye, you’ll be able to bring it home with you for the same incredibly reasonable rate you know and love – pick any three books from our store for just $29.99!
We hope to see you there!
Warmest wishes, Amilyn Holdo, Founder and president, Resistance Books.
Rey: Hey, did you get the email about the pop-up store?
Ben: Yeah, I was just about to text you. I just realized your boss is a friend of my mom’s. Anyway, this is probably extremely unlikely but Will you be there?
Rey: Seriously?? That’s so weird And yes, actually I’ll be helping out 21st-25th, 11AM-8PM
Ben: You’re working on Christmas?
Rey: You know me Not like I’ve got anything else to do
Ben: Okay, feel free to say no but… What if I go on Christmas? We’d get to discuss books in person And maybe after your shift we could hang out? I haven’t been to the CCM in years, but Maz’s Cantina used to make the best hot chocolates.
Rey: Books, hot chocolate, and finally getting to meet my mysterious Internet stranger? Ben Solo, you’ve got yourself a date
Ben: Great! I mean Cool. I can’t wait. See you then.
Rey: See you!
Ben: Hey, so I just woke up and you’re not here Which is fine, it’s your choice to make And last night can be whatever you want it to be But… Rey, I know what I want it to be I know we moved fast, but yesterday meant a lot to me You mean a lot to me I just… I just want to make sure you know that before you make a decision And the decision’s yours to make, completely I’ll go along with whatever you want As long as we’re at least still friends Because I don’t think I could bear to lose you entirely, Rey Fuck, I don’t think I could bear to lose you at all Shit, sorry, that’s too much I’ll stop now Just… text me back, please?
Rey: Babe I’m in the kitchen Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold And Ben? You mean a lot to me too ❤
This is a little over two thousand words and stopped being about tsundoko about halfway through (if it even was in the first place), but it was such a fun idea to play with and I hope the format doesn’t get in the way of the story. I thought emails and texts would help me keep things short, but obviously that didn’t pan out.
Anyway, thanks for reading as always and I hope you liked it. Please don’t hesitate to like/reblog/comment!
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blogeve913 · 3 years
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With an all-new design that looks great on macOS Big Sur, Xcode 12 has customizable font sizes for the navigator, streamlined code completion, and new document tabs. Xcode 12 builds Universal apps by default to support Mac with Apple Silicon, often without changing a single line of code.
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Document tabs.
The new tab model lets you open a new tab with a double-click, or track the selected file as you click around the navigator. You can re-arrange the document tabs to create a working set of files for your current task, and configure how content is shown within each tab. The navigator tracks the open files within your tabs using strong selection.
Apple Xcode is part of these download collections: View XML, Edit XML, Open XML. Apple Xcode was reviewed by George Popescu. DOWNLOAD Apple Xcode 12.4 Build 12D4e / 12.5 Build 12E5244e Beta 3. This enables Disqus, Inc. To process some of your data. This version includes the SDKs for iOS 14, iPadOS 14, macOS Big Sur, tvOS 14, and watchOS 7. Download the beta. Xcode Download and Install for your computer - either Windows PC 10, 8 or 7 and macOS 10 X, 32/64-bit processor, we have you covered.
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A new completion UI presents only the information you need, taking up less screen space as you type. And completions are presented much faster, so you can keep coding at maximum speed.
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SwiftUI offers new features, improved performance, and the power to do even more, all while maintaining a stable API that makes it easy to bring your existing SwiftUI code forward into Xcode 12. A brand new life cycle management API for apps built with SwiftUI lets you write your entire app in SwiftUI and share even more code across all Apple platforms. And a new widget platform built on SwiftUI lets you build widgets that work great on iPad, iPhone, and Mac. Your SwiftUI views can now be shared with other developers, and appear as first-class controls in the Xcode library. And your existing SwiftUI code continues to work, while providing faster performance, better diagnostics, and access to new controls.
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Updated automatically
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Test multiple architectures.
On the new Mac with Apple Silicon, you can run and debug apps running on either the native architecture or on Intel virtualization by selecting “My Mac (Rosetta)” in the toolbar.
Multiplatform template
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A guide to installing OS X El Capitan on a PC UPDATE: This was removed earlier because it's technically piracy, but HackinDoge suggested I put this back up anyway (thanks!). This is for those Windows users who just aren't able to get access to a Mac, and don't want to use highly modified distros either. Oct 22, 2018 How to download Mac OS El Capitan I need to download the El Capitan to install on my Mac computer. What is the best place to download the El Capitan dmg or El Capitan iso. Sep 30, 2015 Download El Capitan OS X is also significant since it’s the last version of Apple Mac OS X releases as its successor Sierra was released in the year 2016 under the brand macOS. El Capitan is a rock formation found in Yosemite National Park, which gives out the meaning that the new release is a solid version of its predecessor, Yosemite. OS X El Capitan 10.11.4.iso (7.14 GB) Choose free or premium download SLOW DOWNLOAD. FAST INSTANT DOWNLOAD Download type. Iso el capitan os x.
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Xcode is coding software or to precisely say is an app development software for Apple devices created by Apple Inc. The devices like iPhone, iPad & MacOS can use the software or applications developed using the Xcode. The Xcode IDE (Integrated Development Environment) can easily analyze the project made by the user and even identify the mistakes or issues that can arise because of an incorrect logic or syntax. But still, you can’t use the application because you do not have a system having MacOS and you want to download Xcode for Windows now.
So, today in this article I will help you install Xcode in Windows PC Can i download netflix on my mac air. if available and if not available then will let you know what are the best alternatives instead of Xcode.
2 How to Install and Run Xcode on Windows?
3 Windows Alternatives for Xcode
Is Xcode available for Windows?
Since it is developed by Apple, meaning that it is not officially available for Windows platform to develop applications and users can use it for Mac OS only. But, though there are some ways using which we can use Xcode in Windows.
Below, in the next point, I will discuss a few methods using which you can install the Xcode for Windows OS. Just follow the steps that I provide and you can install Xcode easily and start developing applications for various Apple devices.
How to Install and Run Xcode on Windows?
Apple has not launched any software or application using which one can use Xcode on Windows and create applications for iPhone, iPad or MacOS. Meaning you would need MacOS to run the Xcode software and create your own apps. So, you should install MacOS in your system first and then you can install Xcode for your Windows.
1. Virtual Box.
A Virtual Box is a software developed that allows users to use multiple operating systems in one single operating system of a PC. You can use any operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac, whichever you want to use and the best part of using this app is you don’t need to remove your old operating system.
You can download the Virtual Box software from here.
Install the software and run it.
Open the OS that you want to open using the Add button in Virtual Box. But you need to download the Virtual Box image file of that O.S. in your system beforehand.
After the O.S. is added you can use the Xcode software to create the apps of Apple devices howsoever you wish.
Apart from Virtual Box, there is another similar software for using multiple operating systems i.e. VMWare Player. If you have already installed VMWare then you can use it for the installing Xcode for Windows.
2. VMWare Player
VMware player is also the same as Virtual Box and can be used to install any operating systems on a single PC and run multiple OS at the same time. The steps for the installing VMware would be the same as those of Virtual Box but for your reference, I will guide you using these simple steps:
Download the VMware using the link.
Install & run the software now.
You must have download OS image file (MacOS image file for VMware) already in your PC.
Add the OS using the add button and after installation is done, you can start using it.
You can now create applications for various Apple devices like iPhone, iPad or Mac or if you are a beginner then you can start learning & creating applications slowly.
3. Boot Windows to Mac OS
In this method, you can download and create a bootable drive(like pen drive) to install the MacOS on your Windows PC. You can use the devices as an external bootable drive to use it for MacOS(but it should have a large space of more than 16GB) or you can boot it into your device keeping or removing your Windows OS during the process and install MacOS.
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The whole process can be followed using this link.
After the MacOS is installed using any of the above mentioned 3 methods, you can now download and install Xcode software to your MacOS.
The link to download Xcode for Windows is here.
Using these methods you can download Xcode for Windows 32 bit or 64 bit and use it for developing the apps. But an important note – Apple has not legalized the use of MacOS in Windows by anyway yet and using the Xcode in Windows is illegal.
Windows Alternatives for Xcode
Now since we know that Xcode is not officially available for Windows and so, we can use some alternatives instead of Xcode to develop applications for Apple devices.
1. These applications/platforms might help
React Native – Uses JavaScript to build native mobile apps for Android & iOS.
Xamarin – It uses C# language to build mobile apps that you can deploy natively to Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems.
Appcelerator – It can also be used to build native mobile apps using JavaScript.
PhoneGap – It builds a hybrid cross-platform mobile app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages.
Flutter – Flutter is a mobile application development framework created by Google to develop applications for Android and iOS.
These are the best alternatives available in the market which can develop apps for both Apple & Android and some can develop for Windows too. But using them to develop applications for Apple devices won’t be of worth because as a result, you will be needing the Xcode software to check the application & also you would need an Apple developer I’d to add the application to the Apple Store.
2. Other Alternatives
Rent the MacOS over a cloud – The cheapest way to use MacOS for those who can’t afford to buy the MacOS system then you can use MacOS by renting it through the cloud. You can just google rent MacOS using cloud and there will be a bunch of results helping you out. Review the site properly before renting the MacOS and then only pay. Using this method, you can use MacOS and complete your needs for a short term period.
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Buy a Mac – The best option and the last option left is to buy a system from Apple and use it for developing applications for Apple devices. The easiest and legal way for those who can afford the system.
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schwiftit-blog · 7 years
Can I get a Rick/reader where the reader is a young scientist that stumbles into something Rick had also been working on and they meet because of it? More on the platonic side of possible? Sorry if this is confusing. Love your writing btw!
(Thank you!! Uh, so, I really got carried away with this and its so long lol. Like, 2000 words long. Hope this is what you were looking for though! It got a little fluffy at the end, but still stayed in the sphere of platonic interactions soooo)
The threat of Time Prison as an indefinite sentence scared you half to death. It was rare you ventured out into the galaxies for materials, much preferring to see what you could do with what earth had to offer first. The anxiety of your upcoming mission was a thick sludge restricting your wind pipe, making breathing hard and your hands sweaty. You were shaking as you dressed in a simple set of black gear with two guns at your sides, a backpack slung over your shoulders, and your teleporter in hand. 
You press the launch button and feel yourself disintegrate into thin air, only to be reassembled somewhere else. The sensation was similar to a limb falling asleep and you hated the buzzing that always seemed to linger an hour after teleporting. However, what you were sought after was more than worth it––For you, this would be the breakthrough of the century.
You find yourself in the center of a high ceiling building, alien technology lining the walls. Thick circuits and wires wound and braided were intermingling into a colorful waterfall of loose cables everywhere you looked. There was a deep blue tint to the metal walls, a flashing red light whirred through the spacious room, and you could smell the heavy intoxication of alien and human anti septic. 
You swallowed audibly and rubbed your hands together in an effort to steel yourself. You were here for a reason, you had a purpose, a mission to complete and your fear was not an option. 
You set off quietly into the thresholds of the room, unsure exactly of what sort of intergalactic, high security building you were in. You had found the coordinates with fine calculations, rechecking them several times before setting out on this adventure. The time and location was right, you just needed to find it.
You kept your breath hushed and your actions nimble, scouring the room for what you knew was here: A crystallized athenite otherwise known as  a time crystal. The situation was dire and you were near positive this would crack the code to, well, time travel itself. That was still a working theory of yours, but if the athenite was being this heavily guarded, it would prove useful no matter what.
You find the crystal in a suspended glass case an hour later. It took many hallways and turns, the stealing of a gromflamite guard’s keycard to access several different rooms, but you had finally found it. Your hands were clammy again beneath your gloves as you carefully stalked forward. 
At this point, you were fairly sure you were in the clear. Your heartbeat quickened and anxiety flushed through you like a cold sweat. You were just so close.
After matching your stolen ID to the case, the glass slid away to reveal the crystallized athenite in all its looming glory. It shone like a beacon, the pink light bouncing off the walls and you couldn’t hold back the small sigh of relief as you held it in your––
“S-Shit! Shit! Get the––Get the fuck out of the way! M-Morty! Over there, over there, fuck!” 
You can hear the screaming from down the hall and panic grips your heart. The alarms blare throughout the building not even seconds later and suddenly the place is on lockdown. Its chilling, the facility going dark and illuminated suddenly by only red alarms. You can hear an army’s worth of feet rushing towards you and you whip out your teleporter as soon as you see blue hair round the corner.
You hear the guards shouting a name, Rick Sanchez, over and over.
“W-Who the fu-fuck are you?” The man shouts, anger and frustration and annoyance mingling on his face to produce the world’s angriest grimace. 
There’s shouting and then you blip out of existence, crystallized athenite in hand and the man’s blue eyes boring into your core. When you reappear in the center of your messy apartment, the pulsating crystal in hand, you slump to the floor and almost laugh hysterically at the fact that you managed to pull this off. 
You knew the man from the gomflamite security building was going to pursue you. When you’d caught a glimpse of aged skin and blue hair, you knew the man was from earth and was definitely also in pursuit of your time crystal. It was only a matter of time before the man found you and tried to steal it away. So, you set to working on your new and improved portal gun with a fervor you hadn’t manifested since last year’s college finals.
Within a week you had found several uses for the crystal: Freezing time, hooking it up to your cable box for unlimited channels, and utilizing it on your laptop to find intergalactic sites. However, you couldn’t seem to make it do much more than that in terms of actual time travel.
Two weeks later you were entirely too frustrated. A month later and you were near calling it quits. In a rush of true frustration at the three month mark you set off to finding the coordinates of the blue haired man, hoping maybe by presenting the athenite crystal for him, he’d be willing to teach you what he intended to fucking do with it.
You manifest within the threshold of some small garage. There are gadgets on every wall, lining the shelves and the workbench. Some of the alien technology you recognize, most of it you do not. After all, you were young and had had little exposure with aliens seeing as you were still nervous about traveling between the galaxies. 
You swallow, realizing how horribly this plan could go. Not wanting to intrude on the person’s home much further, you decide to wait it out in the garage until––
Who you believe must be the Rick Sanchez from the facility and a redheaded girl walk into the garage chatting. Rick notices you first, the girl second, both looking equally shocked at your unexpected arrival.
“Woah th-there, who the fuck…” Recognition flits over the older man’s face. 
You pull out the crystal before he can say anymore, effectively silencing him for mere moments.
“My name is ___,” You begin, “And…Well, I’m here with a proposition. Of sorts.”
Rick rolls his eyes much to your disbelief, “Not interested.” He says before you can continue, his tone sharp.
“B-But you haven’t even heard what I––”
“Don’t care. R-Rick Sanchez doesn’t––I don’t do collabs.” He scoffs, brushing you off as if what you’re offering is some crude science fair project.
For a moment you are at a loss for words when the redhead speaks up on your behalf, “Grandpa Rick, you’re being so rude right now. I’m sorry he’s being rude, he’s been day drinking. Look,” She turns her attention to you, “What are you offering? He’s been whining about that crystal for the last month. So, I know he wants it.”
“S-Summer––” Rick shouts, exasperation thick in his voice.
“I’m offering the time crystal in exchange…Like, interning with it. I wanted…What I needed to do with it isn’t working. I realize I need help with it. I’m willing to offer you whatever other useful things my own lab may have to help.”
After that fateful day, you felt you were practically indebted to Summer Smith for life. The discussion had quickly turned into a fierce argument about the likelihood of time travel after Rick asked you to explain what you wanted to do with the crystal. But, eventually, Rick was able to prove that it was, indeed, an impossible feat. Once that was squared away, you two had immediately gotten to work figuring out what information either had in an effort to put your individual talents to good work.
The next step was Rick going through your lab, gathering some of the materials you had. You knew he was taking more than he actually needed, but you recognized his genius as priceless and were willing to part with much of your items in exchange for vast knowledge.
“W-Wait, you’re telling me it took you a week to make that toaster?” Rick asked as he held the kitchen appliance in hand.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “Yeah, what of it? It makes perfectly toasted toast. That takes time and patience to perfect. Its an exact science.”
“Toast isn’t a…It isn’t a fucking science.” He grabbed it anyways and you cocked a brow, “Toast is stupid. Its just…Just recooked bread.”
“If its so stupid, then what are we going to use it for?”
Rick shrugged, “Morty’ll get a––Get a kick out of it once I recalibrate it to make h-his idea of perfect toast.”
Its late on a school night several weeks later when you and Rick decide to call your nightly tinkering quits. The project was coming along nicely, but it was nowhere near completion even with both of your geniuses at hand. 
At some point Rick had convinced you to run to the store for more beer, and by the time the two of you had cracked open the third pack, you had a severe case of the giggles. Rick himself seemed to be in a lighter mood as well and he’d pushed away from the bench and guided you to the living room. 
After a long pull from his flask and hooking up the crystallized athenite to the cable box, Rick had put on Ball Fondlers in an attempt to relax. You sat on the couch, long legs taking up the majority of the couch as you laid your head on the armrest. You were drunk, completely and utterly, and you realized it had been a long time since you’d just kicked back with someone.
Even if that someone ended up being a seventy year old man.
“You know? I did this too. I think this might be the best use for this stupid fucking crystal.”
Rick nodded, passing his flask over to you. You take a small sip and pass it back, lazy smiles on both of your faces.
“Y-Yeah, that means something coming from the girl wh-who thought time travel was possible.” Rick teased, turning up the volume some.
You snatch the last beer and stick your tongue out at him, the fuzzy glow of the tv softening both of your features.
You don’t remember falling asleep on the Smith’s couch, but you do remember a bit of beer being spilled on your face, followed by a string of curse words and a blanket being thrown over your body. 
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markjsaterfiel66 · 5 years
Enginursday: A Beginner's Guide to Sourcing from Alibaba
Alibaba is the Wild West of product sourcing - a freewheeling, international bazaar offering low-cost bulk parts and products that range from the mundane to the, well, bizarre. Here, the risks are high but the potential benefits manifold. You may seek your fortune reselling low-cost goods (or finding low-cost parts for your widget), but you may find yourself flim-flammed, hoodwinked and yes, even bamboozled. But oh, the rush when your diligence pays off!
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It seems excited.
I will begin with an important disclaimer: at this stage in my procurement career (and in SparkFun’s history), sourcing from Alibaba is basically the last resort. SparkFun has worked hard over the years to develop a list of trusted vendors. Many of these companies have locally-based representatives, knowledgeable sales contacts and field application engineers we can meet with face-to-face to discuss all our latest needs and quirks. Others are vendors in China, Taiwan and other countries whom we discovered via Alibaba eons ago, and have since built long-standing relationships with.
If you already have a supplier with whom you have an established, trusting relationship, love and cherish them all the days of your life. Understand also that their capabilities may extend far beyond what’s reflected in their catalog or line card. If there’s something specific you need, ask your existing contacts. At the very least, they may be able to provide you with a referral. I also highly recommend ThomasNet as an alternative starting point for finding reliable, quality sources for components, hardware, equipment, you-name-it.
That said, onto the fun. If you’re starting from scratch as we once did, or you simply like to walk on the wild side, you may be ready to plunge into the wacky world of Alibaba. Let’s begin with the search bar.
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Don't look at my search history.
This part is pretty straightforward. Here, you can search for parts by keyword or toggle the little arrow to search for particular suppliers. As with any search, you’ll want to find that sweet spot between specificity and generality. It’s also important to know what that thing you’re looking for is called! That seems obvious enough, but keep in mind that there are different synonyms out there for the same type of product (e.g. “coin cell” vs. “button cell”), and businesses in other countries might have different naming conventions than you’re used to.
You can also browse items by market (at left) if you have a vague idea of the type of things you’re looking for and just want to peruse the marketplace. There’s also a new image search feature (the camera icon at the right). As it turns out, you can even search for products based on the current status of your life:
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Time to hit the gym!
Once you’ve honed in on a thing you might want to buy in quantity, you’ll see on the product page a handy little pricing scale, info about shipping charges and lead time.
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How many horse masks will you require today?
Great, right? Well, ignore it. IGNORE IT ALL. It could be accurate, sure, or it could be that the supplier just put random information in there because honestly-who-really-knows. If you want to know how much the thing costs, ask.
But first, try to learn a little about the supplier by clicking on the supplier name at right and perusing their company page. Alibaba is far less Mos Eisley Cantina-ish than it once was. They have a variety of verifications and certifications to help you sort out the legit from the sketchy, although there’s always some risk regardless. I like to see a high customer satisfaction rate, “Gold Supplier” status (multiple years is always a plus) and a decent rate of response.
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Lookin' good.
Once you’ve achieved that nice, warm, fuzzy feeling, feel free to message away. At the bottom of the page you’ll see the box you can use to send a message to the supplier. I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep this first message as simple as possible. I’ve found that I’m far less likely to get a response if I include multiple questions, customization requests, lists of products, sample inquiries, etc. I know, it’s hard to imagine that somewhere a sales rep is perusing their inbox and smashing that delete button every time a message is more than three sentences long, but there it is. Here is the basic template of what I send:
Dear Mr/Ms [rep name], Hello, this is [name] with [company name]. Please quote me for [quantity] pcs of your [product name or part number]. Thanks and kind regards, [name] [email address]
That’s it! This is not to imply that Alibaba suppliers won’t send you samples, customize their product, give you quotes for multiple pricing tiers and multiple products, discuss terms, etc. This simple first email jus gets the conversation going, and you can feel free to move on to all those subjects and more once the wheel has begun turning. Alibaba has a messenger feature, but I always include my email in the signature of the first message to emphasize that I’m okay with them emailing me directly. Personally, I prefer to communicate this way, but to each their own. If you do include your email, you will eventually get spammed, so be ready. You can also make a “business card” on Alibaba, which includes your contact information, and you can choose whether to share it or not with each message you send.
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Yes, there is such a thing as too much squid.
You may find you’re not satisfied with a quote or minimum order quantity (MOQ). $1,400 per ton of giant squid tentacles may be more than you are willing to pay, or perhaps you only require 10 tons of them instead of 25. Again, ask away. Alibaba reps often have room to haggle. If you have other quotes or retail pricing to show them for comparison, go for it. Just don’t be a jerk about it. Consider what you might be able to offer them to make it worth their while.
If an MOQ is higher than you’re willing to commit to, it doesn’t hurt to see if the supplier has some flexibility there, too. Maybe they can lower it if you commit to purchasing multiple different products (giant squid eyeballs?). You might also consider committing to multiple smaller orders spaced out over the course of a year, assuming you’re confident in your volume projections. If you have a slew of questions, I recommend putting them in a numbered list to avoid important details getting lost in a big block of text.
I always request at least one sample before agreeing to purchase an item in quantity. Usually, suppliers with whom you do not have an existing relationship will expect you to pay for the sample, and that’s quite understandable. Sometimes they’ll just request that you cover the shipping. I usually ask them to send an invoice with a PayPal ID/email, but you can also pay directly via Alibaba. It’s important when requesting a sample (as with a full order quantity) to confirm what it is you’ll be receiving before committing to it. Some product pages display multiple products, or have multiple versions of a single product available with varying specs. Requesting a datasheet, manual, or any other supporting documentation is crucial.
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This may require some vetting.
Once you’ve received, evaluated and approved a sample, you may be ready to commit to a full order. I won’t dive too far down the rabbit hole of payment terms, but most Alibaba suppliers will expect money up front, often via bank wire transfer (“T/T”) or PayPal, at least for your first order. Be wary of Western Union, as it offers relatively little protection against scams.
Alibaba also offers its own Alibaba Secure Payment platform. I haven’t personally used it for more than small dollar (usually sample) transactions, but it does offer a path for disputing transactions. You will also want to work out your shipping method and terms with the supplier. That is yet another topic that could be a post unto itself.
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No, we don't make scooters.
A final word of caution: be wary of copyright, trademark and patent infringement. Even companies that are generally open source still aren’t exactly thrilled with companies impersonating their brand. It’s one thing to build off an existing design, but it’s another thing entirely to copy it and slap another’s logo on there. Knockoffs tend to hide quality and reliability problems behind the mask of others’ hard work and diligence. And they leave the real companies’ support personnel scrambling to field questions about products that end up having nothing to do with them. So once again, don’t be a jerk.
Moreover, should you choose to be a jerk nonetheless (or inadvertently stumble into jerkhood), customs often stops shipments of knocked off products, and you as a reseller are potentially liable for the things you choose to put on the market. Some violations are harder to spot than others. Did you know you can trademark a vague color combination? Well, neither did we!
Which leads me to another thing: educate yourself on product compliance issues (RoHS, CE, FCC, Prop 65, etc.), export restrictions, etc., or consult with someone who can get you on track in that vein. There’s a whole prairie full of rabbit holes there.
Anyway, if you want to source on Alibaba, just remember the five Ds:
1) Don’t take anything for granted 2) Documentation, documentation, documentation 3) Don’t be a jerk 4) Do do do due diligence 5) Dkeep it simple
And here is my Comprehensive List of Things Not to Buy on Alibaba:
ICs (take our word for it)
Uranium (this happened)
Human hair (because yikes)
Endangered species
Stuff that will get you sued
Things you otherwise can’t legally resell
Bulk mayonnaise (I mean why)
Doll heads (self-explanatory)
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This cannot be unseen.
Be careful out there, folks. Take my timeless wisdom into consideration, trust your instincts and you will (probably?) do just fine. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I will emerge from my meditation cave to reply as soon as the Alibaba oracle bestows her answers upon me. Happy hunting!
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karen9610hicks · 3 years
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glopratchet · 4 years
only you can decide Year 60 "Remember, according to his former students, what Tarkin lacked in empathy he made up ten times over with strategic vision Well, Sixous? Are you seeing the analogues here amongst the contestants? Surely someone as obviously intelligent as yourself can make the connection well enough to tell us which systems to attack first By the way, would you prefer I address to call you Mads or professor?" "I honestly don't give a rat's tail at this point count I am merely humoring you because my colleagues insist on maintaining at least some autonomy in our dying days as a free nation It's like a cachectic patient who has been given a few weeks to live, we've seen what the future holds as far as the caliphate is concerned Ever since that Cow assassinated our former dear Ms Warnovitch we've had to endure wave after wave of these blood-crazed fanatics carrying out horrifying suicide attacks by day and then being executed by those muscular mustached men by night And to think I was actually impressed by their ideological purity during my trip to Kalhu Huang when we attempted to stay in the good graces of our allied nation If only we could've made peace with those monsters *snort* and survived under joint fascism as intended perhaps we wouldn't be in the crumbling situation were in right now *sniff* or maybe aha! Yes! I spoke to soon it seems! By attacking us they have run out of time and the greedy hand of capitalism has destroyed them as it's done before and it will do again!" "If you're finished by posing a rightwinger speech, I'm afraid we don't have time for a diagnostic, your former queen has completely ruined her nation through state control and managed to anger every one around her it's time guys Be on your guard, I've taken down the stealth system for now but they'll probably get it back online soon Just keep alert and do not head to the surface unless yourselves or someone else comes under direct attack, travel to the planet is still not safe No promises though, their high-tech protective fields are making things difficult They may have noticed us already and are just sitting back observing before striking Well, let's begin today's atrocities Discordians, Scientologists worship of the unholy lottery you call "trickle down" will not lead them to victory over the oppressed masses! Long live the revolution! Praise Cthulhu! I'm cutting out now " "What a mad man! I always thought he was evil but reading that he's actually gone mental Poor old Count Grey was right I'm surprised they've bought into such superstition " Count grey is explaining to the rest of the council room "I imagine they're desperate for hope and peace my good friend " Replies Elizabeth "Well you can tell them that *Snort* hope and *snort* peace won't be *Hic!* happening any time soon (hic!) Anyway I guess we *hic*! should get this *hic*! started before I'm too drunk to care! Too *hic*! late anyway fine You lot! Yes you! The big fella, smart one, ugly one and woman what the hell are you doing here still!? get out there and show those cthul Mongols why they shouldn't threaten airships! Except you *hic*! you lovely woman come here and give this old man a kiss!" Elizabeth tries to walk away in disgust but Grey holds out an arm and prevents her Ardanovich, Stravinsky and Tavenier laugh "You won't be laughing when society falls into anarchy because your high and mighty ideals didn't allow you to compromise for the greater good because you wanted to hang out with fat drunk greedy old men who can't control their vices! You're supposed to be a professional! You, the intellectual mind guiding the royal society of learned individuals! What ever happened to the pursuit of knowledge!? The research to better mankind? *Sigh* I give up " "Wait! Where are you going?" they ask as you abruptly stand up to leave This is a waste of time and your purpose here no longer matters now that Calvin has abandoned the research platform "We're not finished here!" "No, but you are I'm leaving and I'm sure if Count Grey was fit he would likely do the same I've got more important matters to concern myself with now Thank you for your time Good day You walk away from the open-mouthed 'leaders' of Centopoulos' last arcology His body may be dead, but the information you received from Calvin should keep you occupied for a while Let Count Grey and his Societies worry about the coming Mongolian hordes There is one thing that annoys you about Calvins note There are more important matters The bit where he tells you to meet him at his arcology It just seems like too much of a risk and you doubt if you'd be able to withstand an entire assault team from the Spetsnaz if they provoked such a visit You decide to just use his research and take none of his advice on this occasion He is no longer here, and he won't be here in the future He exists only in the past now --- Praise cool water for quenching thirst and quick relief from the intense sunlight as you cross the sun baked sands in search of your next potential customer You look around again Nothing but sand, sky, cactii and your hoverbike for as far as the eye can see At least you won't have to worry about highway tolls It's desolate out here You hope you bump into someone soon You have food and water for a few days, but you'd rather find your next mark in much less time Catalina's wandering seemed to be paying off Her idea of leaving a major city without telling anyone and travelling out into the vast nothingness of the world outside it's boundaries had proven itself to be correct Afterall, how could you expect to find people if you never left the city walls? Most people travelling by hoverbike preferred sticking to the major roads that could take them anywhere their hearts desired Not many dared riding out into the untamed wilderness, and those that did certainly sought freedom from the rigid rules and bureaucracies of the city-state they came from Farmers sitting on untapped oil fields also went out to the wild parts of the world, but that wasn't your concern and you steered clear of such individuals for fear of being mistaken for a oil prospector The wasteland of untamed wilderness was a haven for desperate types, loners and those trying to escape the law Some were good people, some you figured were bad Most were probably somewhere in between your general average Anywho, it didn't matter You were in need of assistance of some kind, just like them In fact, struggling folks might go out of their way to help someone in need due to their own humble origins as opposed to some fat cat city slicker Whether or not this proved to be the case didn't matter to you What DID matter was finding people who required your assistance and getting a steady supply of creds in your account at the end of each month You hoped that you actually found these types out here because while you had a two month supply of food and water, that wasn't really the sort of thing you wanted to be carrying around while you looked for potential marks That was a quick way to contract all sorts of diseases and not really merchant like at all Fortunately, you'd found a few potential marks within the first week of your travels through the desert and were on your way to meet with them today No reason to waste time though, so you took off early Who knows what sort of ghosts or demons from the past you'd encounter if you left things to chance by staying around the campfire too late! First potential customer was an older but strong Terran woman who ran a little farm on the corner of her husband's family property They were Terra-born and had been living on this planet for several generations You found them via asking around town and following your HUD map to their marker According to records, they owned quite a bit of fertile land with good soil Their earnings from the local cooperative weren't too bad either, so you figured you'd at least meet with them The second encounter was more exciting While trudging through sand dunes to find the path to their property in this big circle around town, you ran into a group traveling by SUV Four younger people were in it and they seemed excited to commandeer your help! Seems their vehicle had broken down and they needed to get it back to a garage in town Scanning it with your eyes and using your special vision as an EQ gave you an idea of what was wrong immediately Of course, using your magic to animate the machine's components and getting it to rights wasn't really a simple process You could tell the four were shocked by your ability to heal their broken down ride just by twiddling your fingers When it was fixed, they were all smiles and flirted with you on the way back By the time you made it back to the inn where you were staying for the night, they'd invited you out for a drink and to celebrate their new-found operational vehicle You turned them down of course, but it goes to show that there are some nice folks out here Especially when they have the ability to acquire free transportation without much effort at all! That only leaves part of a day before your meeting with the Terran family for possibilities of work Maybe you'll see if the SUV gang wants to hang out and drink tonight They seem like an upbeat bunch Not much else to do so you scan the shipyard and surrounding areas again with your x-ray vision and secret identity protocols in place Seeing nothing out of the ordinary sets your mind at ease and allows you to concentrate on vamping yourself up for the night ahead Oh yeah, and don't forget, you need to get the gate code from those workers! Making use of your affluence, you go out and buy the fanciest, most Italian leather wallet you can find to hold the three IDs you have made thus far Later when you're in costume, no one will ever know you're packing around fake-ID in a wallet Then it's off to get a suit! Of course, while you were busy pumping iron and perfecting your abilities, everyone else was working and earning so suits aren't cheap anymore! You have to spend a small fortune to outfit yourself in order to fit in With all that out of the way, you take a second to focus on the spell you're going to use for your physical transformation tonight before bundling yourself into an overcoat and heading out the door Ah well, maybe Chris can spot you the cost later The last thing you want is to have people see you without clothes on! The walk to the shipyards is a short one and when you get there, you see several ships fitting the description given to you They're large seacrafts capable of carrying at least a half-dozen vehicles each so you have no doubt that the Terran Republic sent a decent part of their fleet to this planet Re-policing the downtrodden is a thankless job, but you suppose they need to do it Grabbing a piece of metal lying around, you skim over to one ship in particular that seems to be in charge of the fleet Poking your head in the open doorway, your x-ray gaze immediately locates the captain lounging in a desk on the other side of the room "Hey!" He snaps to attention when he sees you "Who are you? This is a restricted area!" Putting on your best smile, you make your way to the man "Greetings sir! I apologize for the intrusion, I am Agent G603C of the Inter-Global Meet and Greet association I was just wondering if you needed a tour guide while you're here " The man seems confused at first, but seemed to understand when he took a good look at your clothing and then back to your grinning face He scratches his chin a bit before speaking again I'll bite Why should I hire your services?" " " okay because we're the best!" Comes a shout from without You hadn't noticed the shill outside, but you can hear his voice perfectly!--Well no duh, you magically increased your lung capacity when you raised on your coat after all! "Ten-percent off if you sign up now!" Who said advertising doesn't work? The man seems more than a little interested by this You can see dollar signs in his eyes already "Okay then, if he's the best then I'll take him!" He calls to the shill without looking Guess he trusts that you won't try anything in front of his employee but don't think I won't report you if you cause any trouble! We're here on business after all " He finishes with a frown You nod--well as much of a nod as you can with your new found physique that is "Come on, I'll take you to meet the engineers--they're always looking for human contact " He finishes You shoot him a cheeky grin in response He takes you through several hallways and up (and down) a few ladders until you finally come to what appears to be some sort of machine housing "These are the engineers He says simply before turning to leave and head back up "Remember, you break stuff, you buy it!" You hear before the elevator lifts him from view You turn to look at two men staring at their computer screens with intense concentration One notices you first "Who the hell are you?" He grunts not looking away from his screen The other man takes more interest and looks you up and down critically--More like physically--before talking "Huh, not bad for a bureaucrat " You don't take his low-brow comment too much to heart, the only criterion for being in the engineering department is an Ego greater than 0 Still, you'd rather be complimented on your outfit so you ignore his statement and go straight to the point "You were recommended to me as the ones to talk to about fixing the ship " You say with practiced politeness "Well then Time to turn on the water works, bullies are easy to tame when they think you're weak You know enough of their personality type that you can get away with murdering them if need be, but ideally you won't have to Easier to get away with things if there aren't too many witnesses after all "B-b-but I don't know what I'm doing!" You protest stuttering "One of you could get hurt!" You quickly try a different tactic when you see the sadistic grins on their faces, new bullies are easy to tame when they think you're a fragile flower Just act timid and meek and most likely they'll take pity They probably ran out of servants to harass long ago maybe you've found your real talent? "Don't worry so much my little bureaucratic friend, just try not to hit any important gauges or anything " He laughs pushing you towards the ship "You start on the right side and make your way around, and be careful with the power tools, don't want an accident now do we?" And without waiting for an answer he shoves you inside Meekly accepting your role you head inside and begin searching for the things that will make the perfect gemstones It takes a few hours, but you make one full lap of the machine housing and find one single gem in the rubble It must not have been important to the machine for it to be abandoned like that, though the engineers didn't seem to notice--or care Clink A small piece of metal lands on the off-colored tile flooring and bounces a few times before settling down You pick it up and examine the small bit that held so much potential If you'd had this from the start, you might have been given a real purpose Well no use crying over spilled milk, or abandoned gemstones in this case But what now? You have a small pendant with an uncut ruby the size of a marble This lonely gem has little to no value alone, and you've just spent the past several hours dismantling the cooling machine that was housing it for you If you were a betting man, you'd say that the engineers are probably going to notice their handy work is missing a part before too long So if you were a betting man, you'd say to get out while you still can Though perhaps there's another option? You think to yourself Once more back on the streets, you ponder the options before you With a closer eye this time, you notice there's even a store that sells some of the equipment you saw in Escaperym science fiction movies There's no uniforms like in the movie, but nowadays clothing is so standardized it's practically a uniform anyway Though you suppose that these would stand out and draw attention What if the bad guys find out you stole from them? Just an added bonus of taking the gems, though you suppose this does bring up an important question: Just who are the bad guys here anyway? You're just pondering your shadow problems when you burst into Hospitality Suite 206B Tanya looks up f rom her desk and raises an eyebrow "When did your facial recognition software update?" She jests "Technology that doesn't rely on stupid wristbands works every time, unlike some people I could mention," you respond You rummage through your pockets before pulling out a small wine glass with the gems sitting in a red powder She gasps in surprise "And I thought I was the last one " She walks over to you, dodging stray notebooks on the floor, and sniffs the contents of the glass vial "Have you considered what we spoke about?" She asks confidently "Yes " You respond in a morose voice Her cheeks flush red in response as the sclera of her eyes begin to show more white A side effect of not enough oxygen reaching her brain, she's infuriated by your response "Why do you insist on being difficult? Must I spoon feed all my plans to you?" "Probably," You respond bitterly with a smirk You know how much she hates that But something's different this time Her anger seems almost Playful? She grabs you by the collar and pulls close to her face, staring into your eyes You can smell the prawns she had for lunch And hers are gorgeous "Right then," Her voice has suddenly dropped an octave sending a chill down your spine, "It's time to bring you into the fold Will you join me or not?" "Are those my only options?" You test She pulls away from you and begins tapping on her desk's computer After a few moments the tapping stops She looks up at you and says, "It would appear you only have two options: Death and service " She then stares at you expectantly You look into her eyes as a multitude of thoughts run through your head Three years ago You read the ransom note for what must be the hundredth time: "We have your brother Retrieve the gem in our possession and return it to us, and he shall be released unharmed The Red Scales rarely extend such generous offers, so do not disappoint — Lord Vladi That name is vaguely familiar, but you know you've heard it before "Argh! When word of this gets out he's posthumously pissing off the entire Thieves Guild Not that he needs more motivation to do so already You have a lot to contemplate and your throbbing head is getting in the way of doing so Besides, sleep is your friend right now " Does Dad's name mean anything to you? Should it? You're so tired Several days later You slowly wake up from an uneasy sleep Just as you're about to get up, the taste in your mouth reminds you why you needed to sleep in the first place Sighing, you sit up and see exactly what caused you to sleep in so late An oxygen tank sits on the floor next to your nightstand, empty, discarded tubing hanging uselessly That explains why you've woken up feeling refreshed even after sleeping this long Speaking of sleep, Mom's asleep in the recliner in the corner, snoring softly The newest model iPad sits closed on her lap and you don't have to guess whose it is Looking around, you see that the fire in the living room has long since died out Your tongue realizes this before your mind does A dry mouth results in shallow, rapid pupils—all a side effect of mild Sherlockcoholism You cough as a tickle in your throat forces you to grab your inhaler, take it with the taste of ramenthol With newfound deep breaths of air through your lungs, you go to survey the damage done last night The mini liquor bottles strewn about the floor and nearby coffee table all confirm your guesswork You examine the mess as you try to recall what happened last night Long ago, a woman gave you a mysterious manila envelope Within it were clippings of negative reviews that Dad's organization or one of it's subordinates had written for Glip Magazine, in which she wrote for Getting drunk off your own supply, you confronted Mom about it At some point after that, the both of you and Sister were arguing in the back room when you started throwing wild accusations at each other—you don't remember what exactly, though Eventually, things got too intense and someone—you have no idea who—set the fire Why not use the front door? The hell if you know The family adheres to strict rules about "ganging up" on another, but you don't think anyone's going to give the matter a second thought in light of the fact that someone died Let's see who died? Death then Your lazy eyes scan the living room, spotting a pair of half-finished dice and some playing cards mixed in among the mess on the floor The game must not have been going well since as you continue to look for other signs of it, you don't see any lying about Is this the way greed goes? Hardly fun when it results in dead bodies; or only one in this case Not counting the one upstairs, obviously—his soul has already moved on as far as you're concerned In any case, Dad should be up by now You'd all but forgotten about it since you avoided home and he never left the place You half wonder if he undid it just to come see you in private, but either way He catches his breath as you move towards him, hanging back and giving a little smile He returns it with a sad one before speaking Dad: I guess you saw everything, huh? You: Yeah, how could I not? Dad: I suppose you have a point I think it's best if you heard it directly from me that, I'm no longer part of the family but, that's pretty much it Dad'll still take care of you all I should be mad since this all started with such a lie but, in all honesty, I'm happy he's free of Mom if only because Melancholia will follow Well, soon anyway Of course, you can't say that I mean, you didn't like Glip and home anymore You: Well It's probably for the best So, I'm really happy for you, Dad Wish we could have celebrated this together when it happened Dad: It's okay, Junior Your sister seemed to jump to conclusions about what I told you She just lied to all of you about the details because she didn't want you all mad at me I didn't even need to speak about anything when you got here, really A simple nod would have been fine You: Wait She knew you lied? Dad: Yeah, and apparently there were others at home that knew as well Oh, you know how feelings get hurt easily around the holidays Anyway, your Mom was really upset about It all Truth be told, so was I I didn't want to continue the feud, but if I thought it would make your mom even mildly happy, I would have done a lot more You: What? You were willing to bend backwards for Mom but not us?! Dad: No!! Not like that! Look The feud didn't make anybody happy and I was always willing to put a stop to all of it But your mother? She thought stopping meant everything went back to exactly the way it had been before He lets out a dry chuckle before scratching at his unkept beard He looks into the distance as he recalls all of this Dad: Unfortunately I couldn't do that Or, maybe I just didn't want to The feud was dumb, yeah But the times leading up to it, and everything involving it Made me the man I am today And I wouldn't take any of it back if it meant losing your mother Dad: Oh, she would deny it up and down if you asked her right now Even got so far to claim that I was the bad one in our relationship! Which is complete and utter bunk Though, another lie she told was that all this happened because I wanted kids and she didn't Which contradicts the original starting point of this mess You: Wait You didn't want kids? Dad: Well, no Not really I mean, I like you to some extent and I'm sure that if I had my choice our family would be getting a new addition rather than the conflict that started all this You: But Why didn't you tell her then? Dad: I did! I told her multiple times! She knew from the very beginning that I wasn't interested in being a father Honestly, why she wanted so bad to have a kid with me is beyond me I just chalked it up to her being young and adventurous, as well as idealistic Your mother always had these brilliant dreams I wasn't exactly against them I was just content of where I was and knew I wouldn't achieve anything greater by playing some army wife or work in an office job Of course, that's only my opinion I suppose this was one of those moments for her Your mother holds equally high ideals but has always managed to take bigger risks than I have Eventually your father falls silent and the two of you enter the house He grabs his things and bids you goodbye As he makes his way to the exit he stops for a moment and looks behind him to see you by the doorway Dad: Just don't be like me or her son Be better than both of us You have so much potential Whatever you do in life, be motivated for it Don't just exist He suggests the school since his parents are making him take his little sister to her kindergarten class He's already there when you arrive, standing in the middle of the playground equipment grid You try to start a conversation You: Sooo What's going on? You wanted to see me? Alan: Yeah, I'm bored of thinking about the game we're going to make I think we should make an online massive multiplayer shooter instead! That'd be way cooler there isn't a lot you can do in that genre alone I'd be fine with it if we made a turn based strategy game You could be doing something like that right now, why haven't you started already? Alan: I'll get to it later Anyways, you should know that Chris and Owen blabbed to the rest of the school about what we were going to do Everyone is super hyped about it They're all saying how they wouldn't mind a newschool shutting down if it was shut down because our game was better than any public school You: Did they really have to say all that? Now I'm really nervous about doing this now! They expect so much now Alan: It's ok You'll be fine And those two are an exception, trust me The jocks are always loud in the first place, but deep down they're really nice, supportive guys The popular girls are a little awkward at times but they're cute and cool so that makes up for it Everyone is eager on this project, so it isn't really a problem finding help Alan tells you that it will take several meetings before you can actually start fine tuning the idea you'll want to go on with He recommends going out somewhere to just talk more there instead of doing it all on Facebook chat You decide that The Corner Cafe would probably be good for this sort of talk If not there, then maybe you could go rent a hotel room or something if it really comes down to needing privacy You: Actually for now, just pick somewhere quiet that we can speak privately Alan: Ooo! How about the school? It's empty now seeing as it's summertime and most students are gone We could sneak into the digital art building once they leave and get to work! Just gotta hide out until nightfall You in? After about 15 minutes the school is in sight The entire drive you also noticed Alan WAS texting, mostly to Allison and random google searches about green screens and other things, a few times he showed you the results on his phone You really didn't want to know what he was up to Still not sure "Alan!" you yell over the music while nearing the school He takes it down a few notches coincidentally when you wanted it to be quieter "Why the heck are we going to the school?" Alan: "Hm? You said to pick a private place to speak, where better than my school? As my Gamer I trust you realize how this will help our upcoming project " You: "You realize if we get caught it could hurt thatproject don't you?" Alan: "Nah Don't worry about that If we get caught problems solved " You mull his words over in your mind for a while Makes sense, you ARE his problem after all "Alright Fine " You answer with a frown Alan's face lights up and he turns the music up before beckoning you to follow him out of the car; he seems pretty happy with himself Which makes you feel a bit creeped out tbh Either way you follow him to a back door into the school where he pulls out his phone and unlocks it You think you see him use an app of some sort before the door clicks open He tosses the phone to you and you catch it in reflex, then he pulls you inside a lit hallway He immediately starts jabbering on about the precautions he took and how there is no way that anyone can pin anything on him for sneaking you in or whatever You just nod at everything which causes him to do a double take before shrugging and returning to his ramblings tbqh The walk to the Digital Arts Building is uneventful Along the way you read some comments on his post, a few persecute him for bringing in a 'Renegade' but he just downs them with a couple of insults followed by a taunt for them to try reading the basics of grammer Others seem pretty chill about the whole thing and just talk about things The discussions are pretty interesting for the most part, you make a mental note destroy Alan if he turns into some weird cultist surrounded by troll accounts Really though it does confirm what you thought, Derris-Kharlan has some serious mind control going on You can either put up with it and live a slightly different life or overcome that by yourself and live happy but alone Maybe you could have something in between?
0 notes
ethan1220world-blog · 5 years
Audience Studies (3P18) Blog Post #2 - Ethan Limsana
Although I spoke a lot about how mass media power and advertising has made rap music an important part of my life, it is one of hundreds of different medias I use to gratify my individual wants and needs for a variety of constantly evolving reasons. After all, modern advertising relies on understanding what I want before I ask for it. Through self-examination, I use movies, tv shows, video games, multiple social medias, and books for all different reasons depending on genre, length of time, level of engagement, etc. This week, for example, I bought a new phone online that I’m very excited for. To deal with my higher than usual amounts of hyperactivity and lack of attention span, I’ve watched countless amounts of YouTube videos about the products in comparison videos, unboxing videos, and reviews. Also, to deal with my energy, I’ve stopped playing slower role-playing video games, and I’ve spent more time playing fighting games where all my thoughts are in the moment and fast paced, where most other times these games are too intense for me to feel comfortable. This also effects my music listening to be faster paced EDM, or rap music as an interesting side-effect. In this way, I’ve used media to gratify my individual, particular needs as an active user. Deeper, is looking at what specific needs each of the medias I used gratified. The comparison and review YouTube videos gratified my cognitive needs by giving me more knowledge about the phone before and after purchasing the product; how to use it and how it performs in comparison to other popular phones people are buying. My affective needs are met by listening to music that accompanies my emotions, making my overall experience more pleasurable. Advertisements of the product make it look extremely clean, and expensive which meets my integrative needs that give me the feeling of higher status for owning this new piece of technology. My social needs are not particularly met by any of these actions, but the phone itself represents the media platforms I will use to become even more social which is at the height of my excitement. Also, my escape needs are met by video games, being able to put off the thoughts of homework, chores, and other responsibilities to allow my mind stay at its’ preferred state.
In these instances, I often have with the media as a tech enthusiast, I act as both a ritualized audience member and an instrumental audience member depending on the context. In this scenario, I am seeking for these specific types of content to fit my needs, but overall, accessing each of these mediums for media is performed most days anyway. The cycle of consumption of media for myself is highly ritualized while the specific motive for interest changes daily. If it were not the excitement of buying a new phone, it may have been the excitement of a new video game, album, movie. The best way to understand why I act in a cycle like this would be to understand the “expectancy value approach”. This looks closely at what my gratifications sought in relation to my gratifications obtained; the higher success of my gratifications obtained over time will increase my dependency on the place (media) that I sought for gratification. Going back as far as I can remember, my gratifications for media were first met with video games by my family. My uncle was extremely influential in my childhood as I grew up without a father and no other siblings, his interests were passed onto me as I spent time with him. He valued video games at that time, and they quickly became a source of family bonding for us and served as a learning space for me when I started playing at around 3 years old. Since then, they were rooted into my childhood, meeting my emotional needs and my proficiency over time has met my own personal fulfillment. Since technology for us today has been evolving and improving at such a rapid pace, video games have always obtained my gratifications and my dependency on them today is very high. As video games have improved, viewing them on online sources like YouTube have become incredibly popular while the medium of television has not aged like this. Most of the online influencers on YouTube who are interested in video games are also interested in tech, and through the grapevine of gratifications obtained, my tech interests have shaped my job choice to Best Buy and opening the opportunity for working in mobility and smartphone enthusiasm. This observation of my life with video games and technology also show me that my individual needs are not static, but constantly shifting and developing over the course of my life. It also shows me that my uses of media are reflected by my society, being influenced and shaped by the people around me who I grew up with and who I currently interact with.
         Needless to say, my life has had many times of instability and struggle whether it be for financial issues in my family, or personal emotions during high school, my integration with media has always been stable. Even to the point of having important impacts on my life like determining my interest in tech which is now a vital part to my personality. By examining the uses and dependency approach, it is understandable why I am dependent on these cycles of using multiple outlets of media based on emotion and interest. If I were to look to other sources for gratification like going out to parties, travelling, or working out; although I don’t feel I cannot do these things, I am not guaranteed the same satisfaction, so they are not as addicting as my use of media. In this way, I am acted upon by advertisers in the media, but I also act as an agent of free will. The issue is that the factors that guide my freewill may not be healthy. Even though my interests were originally guided by my family at a young age, the way it has shifted has been a product of addiction and less time spent outside of technology.
 Now that I’ve established myself as an agent over someone who is purely acted upon by advertisers, it is important to know how I decode and make meaning of these messages I’m exposed to. Interpretations of semiotics is what determines my understanding of any text I encounter. To best describe how this affects me, for this week’s blog I will closely relate my understanding to media in relation to my parents due to generational gaps changing our understandings of media texts. Since I’ve been using a personal computer daily since getting one for myself in grade 8, I’ve engaged in many different online communities including reddit, 4chan, and video game communities like Minecraft servers. These have been sites of social intertextuality which has cultured me during my developing years, my mother, in her developing years would have been restricted to physical social gatherings and more patriarchal types of media like daytime television and big budget films. To connect with her I sometimes show her funny memes I find online to hopefully make her laugh, but I’ve learned that much of my humor is not understood by her and I choose to share with her. I’ve shown her the popular icon “pepe the frog” in humorous portrayals and she has no clue what it is outside of an amateur drawing of a frog with human-like features. I see the frog as a template that anonymous users add to and alter to share their emotions, or what’s called “reaction pictures”. On the other hand, some political points of view may see the icon as in sighting terrorism or right-wing ideology which may be because of the influence of 4chan’s anonymity and history. Screen theory suggests that films include embedded ideologies from the filmmakers, and that films work to deny their existence as merely text and therefore become normalized to us. Despite each of us interpreting this one picture in different ways, the meanings we create are abstract due to our history with film and media so none of our interpretations are wrong, so each of us are right.
In the encoding/decoding structure, the creator of the version of the picture is encoding a message by his alteration of the picture, the time and place of the post, and the message via text that may accompany it. Due to my prior knowledge of the frog being used as a comedic representation, whether the frog has a birthday hat, is crying, or id holding a gun, I’m heavily influenced to decode the message as a comedic gesture. For a left-wing figure, they most likely have been the receiver pro-gun activism, or anti LGBT communities who use the frog in posts from time to time. As my mother the understanding of having little context to the figure causes her to have a neutral position.
         Here, I can see the asymmetry of meanings from the encoder to the decoder. Due to the abstract nature of memes today in our society, I can’t always be too sure of the creator’s true intention, but the fact that decoding is polysemic, means most of us have different outcomes of meaning than what was intended. For this scenario, I’m probably right due to my position in relation to the broadcaster. People posting memes online should be assumed to be within my generation because of the surrounding medias that attract my age demographic to websites like reddit and 4chan. My connotations should therefore include most of the intertextualities of the creator themselves which include video games, older posts on the website, and social media. My mother doesn’t know these same intertextualities, so her reaction is more on the denotative level, taking the message for its literal meaning which holds little value. The left-wing figure brings connotations of real-world issues the online platform, taking an oppositional position to the post.
There are three different positions audience can decode messages; these are described as dominant, negotiated, and oppositional. If the left-wing person is repurposing the encoded message to fit their preferred view that the text exists as a political message, they’re taking an oppositional view to the message. I am younger and have been influenced by this type of media in the way the creator intended with little difference, I am a dominant reader. My mother, taking the information for what it is in reality as a post that has little significance in her life, she has negotiated the meaning of the text.
         Intertextuality is what drives my interest for most of the entertainment I consume but I don’t have a strong background in music which separates my understandings of music from my friends. Take Drake’s song “mob ties” for instance. When this song came out, I thought it was enjoyable because it was repetitive and catchy, but my friend Eric liked it for an entirely different reason; the meaning behind the lyrics. Through keeping up with Drake’s social media pages and recent news, he knew that there was drama within the community and that Kanye West had been producing music for other rappers that were making fun of him in their newest music. Avid fans were waiting for Drake to acknowledge this, and to fit their preferred narrative that Drake would come back and release a great song that would solidify his position as a stronger, more influential rapper. Recently I’ve gotten a new coworker who used to be in a rock band, and now does music a hobby. When I’ve asked what he thinks about my music tastes, he usually turns his nose up; not because it is a different genre, but he cares more about the history and culture of the music which is expressed through sampling and remixing of sounds. He finds that they don’t feature enough creativity in sampling, but result to choosing an interesting sound, and repeating it which he thinks is an insult to other artists who put in more effort. Intertextuality has caused us to understand and react to music in very different ways depending on our context. I can see how simple differences of gender, race, and age these same effects with all sorts of media can have, but I have little first-hand knowledge.
Media reception theories give me some more context about uses and gratifications by taking a look at the contexts of my media consumption. In order to understand the contexts of my media viewing, I will examine the rituals of an average school or workday for myself. Studying film, I feel it is my duty to fill as much of my free time with viewing online content in order to be efficient in learning about film while enjoying my leisure activity in the domestic sphere. In the beginning of my day at 7:00am, I spend an hour of my time on YouTube to procrastinate getting up, while keeping myself from falling back asleep; watching esports highlights or tech enthusiasts. This is the least important content as I don’t want to wake up to anything intense. While I am getting ready, my visual attention strays, so I turn on podcasts until my drive to either work or school is done. These podcasts give me the experience of socializing without being present. Once I’ve arrived, I switch to music and space out, attempting to change my mood to either excited or relaxed, until I’ve stepped into my kiosk or my class. Once there, if I have free time, I know I won’t be able to devote much attention, so I either glance through online shopping to ease my mind while doing something productive by planning how to save money. After I’ve made my way back home, I do my homework and play video games simultaneously. Often, I lose my attention because I feel too energetic, so I resort to using fighting video games to temporarily put my brain through intense excitement to calm myself down and work. This process also works as a reward system that for every hour I work, I play half an hour of games. Finally, at the end of my day I try to watch either a TV show or movie depending on how tired I am.
In this examination, just about all of the types of entertainment I consume have been chosen to best fit my social and situational contexts and the amount of attention I have free to give. I am naturally introverted despite being very outgoing and talkative in sales, so my preferred leisure is done with full attention to detail and in isolation. I would way my use of video games as a reward system for homework completion is a gendered dynamic when comparing the ways my girlfriend procrastinates. She is less concerned with violence and gore, but traditional female roles, so she likes to procrastinate by watching cooking videos online. I also prefer to avoid spending time with my parents because my mother has married into very rude male which has extremely changed gender dynamics in the household. In the living room, I have lost the ability to watch my preferred content and, in my room, I’ve lost the ability to have volume on mt TV at night. Fully utilizing my smartphone as a medium for entertainment and communication is the best way for me to deal with these social contexts within the home, which affects my physical context as a result. In order to watch my daily entertainment, it is most beneficial for me to stay in my room for long periods of time, or while I’m on the go. They often get into loud verbal fights which put me out of the mood for longer content like movies, so I will instead view shorter YouTube videos that take less attention. In this examination, the media has dominated my free time by the active choices I make to fit entertainment around the structure of my day.
My generation and younger ones either have more introverts, or introverts are better enabled than ever before with the use of new smartphones and on-demand video platforms with fast internet speed. The text uses the term “time-space distanciation” which is used to explain the phenomenon that individuals are becoming increasingly able to experience social interactions without ever being physically present by the use of social media. Smartphones provide me instant links to speak directly to the most famous people in Hollywood as well as my family members who may just be in the next room. This instant feedback is even faster than walking to that next room, resulting in the technology changing the situational geography of my life; I no longer need to make appointments with people to speak with them, so I no longer need to structure my days with those restrictions in mind. I do not need to attend a seminar to receive guidance from real directors. I do not need to even walk to the Livingroom to speak with my parents.
We do still have positive rituals and interactions in the home during few occasions, one being dinner. We all use our smartphones in similar ways, meaning most of our knowledge and topics are influenced by what we have done on our phones. Often, I bring up a topic of technology, my mother talks about what her friends are doing, and my stepfather talks about prices for things he’s seen online. In this way, smartphones as a transactional system have shaped the conversations, we have with each other. We have each bought our phones from our carriers. The important part of integration has been their objectification; they fit on our persons at all times of the day which makes their incorporation into our lives easily manageable. Once they have been personalized, they serve as the conversion that brings us new information we wouldn’t otherwise have, resulting in giving us topics to speak of that avoid conflict. In the same way they can cause conflict, but we have learned to filter out topics which start conflicts.
 The text often relates to the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft when making points about the heights of audience member’s engagement with a online text, building a community and participating in a virtual society. This game was extremely dominant in a time where I would have thought the stereotypical geek would be male, socially awkward, low income, and ugly. Although these stereotypes are still around just like any other, popular opinion has shifted to appreciate fandom and subcultures and to embrace the forming of new communities through meetups, conventions, and media involvement. The most engaged I’ve ever been as a fan was during the 6 years, I played League of Legends, a game that changed the way I saw online games forever, with a peak of 27 million active players at the same time. At first, I was peer pressured to play the game when I didn’t want to, but I eventually started and was exposed to the largest, exciting online community I’d ever seen. What got me hooked initially as a consumer was the prosumers of the game. YouTubers who played were uploading comedy shorts, highlight reels, lowlight reels, professional games, and everything in between. Since these online influencers were using YouTube, the site offered me a comment section to talk with other fans. These Youtubers’ popularity was so high, communities formed around the game and each of these individual personalities which brought in a maximum number of consumers to be part of the community. In this time there were so many active members that nearly every new type of interpretation and reinterpretation of texts within the game were poached and played with: community drawings, fan fiction, sexual repurposing, music that used samples from in-game sounds, etc. The game itself seemed much smaller than the community around it as everyone was distributing their unique works, supporting each other either socially or financially, and playing with imagination gained. Within one year, I became so engaged that I became a prosumer myself, working to make good plays and post them on my own channel for people to comment and post on Reddit. I mainly played a character named ‘Wukong’, which I made guides on how to play, made my username, and criticized other players who didn’t play him the ‘right’ way. This was an act of textual poaching because I inhabited the character and learned everything about him and gained a sense of ownership of this character, I spent countless hours with, resulting in creating a prescribed way for others to play the character. This sense of accomplishment and mastery even made me feel different about my personal life; I felt I was belonging to somewhere better than others after the school bell rang.
Within two years, I enjoyed one of the social aspects by attending my first Fan Expo at the Metro Convention Centre which had huge fan meetups where many fans dressed up as ‘their favorite characters and most booths sold only League of Legends artwork and apparel.  Here, I saw the hierarchy of the subculture in person. Popular Youtubers and cosplayers sold their autographs and photos and were chased down and treated like celebrities by fans. Lesser known cosplayers, especially sexualized females, were treated second to the online influencers as many gave them tips and asked for photos. At the bottom was whoever wasn’t visually noticeable like me, not dressed up. Although I was at the bottom of the hierarchy, the culture was socially safe; I could dress like a female character and people would probably be excited about it and I would have a great time away from reality for the day.
As a huge fan by my third year, I played many more characters within the game and was challenging the institutional producers of the game. As I was highly ranked and well experienced, I decided to offer my concerns and wants on a weekly basis on the developer’s forum pages. In many occasions I would directly email them and receive feedback within a day or two. The game was updated every couple weeks and my notes would be about what items and characters I felt needed to be stronger or weaker and provided reasons why. As an activist, it was really rewarding to see how my contribution as a community member had the effect on a multibillion dollar video game company which is a crucial reason of why I was engaged for so long. Though many times I was reminded that as merely a community member, I was powerless when others decided against me. As the game matured, many of the YouTube influencers felt they were entitled to special treatment in the game for the work of creating large fanbases that played the game but again, they were a powerless elite, and one by one, most of the biggest celebrities in the community left for other games, leaving the professional esports as the last of the community and micro-celebrities.
With these big changes in the community, during my final days playing the game the community was still large because of the number of players addicted to the gameplay, but the variety of fans had diminished, leaving only the esports fans left. This showed the dark side of fan identity and group cohesion that made me leave the community. Identity shifted from a hierarchy that valued overall participation, to competitive ranking. If you weren’t in the top 1% of ranking, you didn’t have an opinion. The best players in the world were praised while community members who had been active for years weren’t valued because they weren’t good at winning. The game also became much more about money too; in order to fit these new standards of the community you needed a fast internet connection, expensive computer, and enough wealth to not have a job in order to perform at the top level and become a celebrity. As the second wave fan scholar would find, although I escaped into a virtual world for multiple years, I was not able to escape the systems of hierarchy as they were recreated by the community.
An interesting view of my experience with League of Legends is the profit of productions by the community. The reason for such a large audience, as I mentioned, is because of the online content creators, bloggers, and vloggers. While I gave my thoughts about the game to the company, I was acting as a part of crowdsourcing; an integral part to the way the game is made and its updates. I and countless others avid gamers would specifically tell Riot Games what was too strong and too weak, and they would fix the game on their terms. The community was working every day, putting in collective hours to create a cycle of media entertainment around the game for others to see and join, while the company itself did not sponsor or pay for these activities. Looking back at it, Rot Games for a long time worked to coexist with prosumers; accepting free advertising, in fact, expecting free work from people like me as the audience members became an important part to the structure of maintaining the game’s popularity. When big community members expected special treatment from the company for their free labor, they were not rewarded because they didn’t own any of the product they were remaking and mass distributing. For myself, the same is true and the time I spent contributing to the community was just free labor, giving away my intellectual property.
To examine how these online influencers brought hundreds of millions of fans to play the game, a modern look at the way we’re using technology to our advantages will explain these possibilities. There are many games made from big producers who invest much more into the creation of their games: EA, Activision, and Ubisoft. The reason League of Legends is able to have so much more success is because its style isn’t hardware intensive, allowing for nearly anyone with a computer the access of playing. It is also free to play with online currency structures; removing the only financial barrier from not playing the game. Our society is heavily digitized since tech is becoming cheaper and cheaper to the point, I could have a smartphone and a computer to play games for around $350; less money than a couple weeks of groceries for some. These two technologies allow access to all types of entertainment which transforms us into an engaged community for the game who act across a multitude of online communication mediums, create, remake, and distribute our own work. This is a form of fragmentation; although the video game only exists as one type of entertainment, fan span far and wide across the internet on YouTube, Twitter, Wikis, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, 4chan and others while I have access to each of these within any convenient context, always seconds away from either my phone, iPad, laptop, desktop, and smart TV. These technologies allow for audience autonomy where I can interact by posting a video by using my webcam, or comment on another’s user generated content. These enabling social media platforms include the means to watch the video, give feedback through likes and dislikes, and offer comment sections where the audience can interact with the producer. Early content creators were rewarded for their creativity in a new subculture and placed them higher than developers in the perceived hierarchy of the game. One of my favorite creators, ‘Videogamedunkey’ is an example of a creator who saw early success and even after his departure, is realized by the community as it’s king by many. He was a potentially dangerous figure for the publishers at the time because his content often including remixing of other online content where the game is being compared to any number of copyrighted medias, and his words engaged more fans than the official game’s accounts on social media. When he was filming a new video of him trying to win games and gain a higher rank as opposed to his usual comedy content, his internet fame stopped him. Many times, when he would play, others would recognize him and stop trying to play competitively, starstruck by seeing the youtuber in their game. Videogamedunkey became the target of trolling and in one of his games, verbally abused another player for their actions. The game has strict rules on friendly communication, and certain words and phrases result in automatic bans from playing the game. Videogamedunkey felt entitled to special treatment because of his status and free labor for the company and requested he be unbanned to finish the video. He was denied this treatment and slandered the entire company in a single update video and his departure from the community. This instance showed a crack in the participatory culture around the game; it was a visual-audio representation that community members are nothing more than consumers for the large billion-dollar company. Many who followed the YouTuber across his social medias and creators similar left the community as a sign of protest. This movement showed a new folk culture; players reflected on their efforts and revalued their time spent in order to make the cultural move of finding new games to replace League of Legends. In the “read-write” culture, gamers followed a single person who through interaction with fans, was able to change and influence and small portion of the culture within the community. In the broader context of the success of League of Legends, this instance lost them only a small percentage of fans but was soon replaced as the most popular game in North America by Overwatch, and soon, Fortnite. Videogamedunkey has also kept most of his fans at around 6 million YouTube subscribers, although has not risen in popularity since. League of Legends is still an extremely popular game and that success should be thanked by the participatory culture that is rooted in its beginnings and what still continues today through content creation of professional players across a network of fragmented audience members viewing all mediums of social media.
This effective use of transmedia production has become an expectation of modern participatory audience members. Taking a broader look at the  
To conclude what I’ve learned about media audiences and how they operate today and, in the future, I will look at my current favorite content creator Marquez Brownlee and the advertising technology of Google. I’ve explained earlier that I enjoy watching videos based on new technologies and smartphones, and that I use my own smartphone as a tool to structure entertainment viewing and media participation throughout my entire day as a constant ritual. Marquez Brownlee has gained my subscriptions across many different media platforms because of his expertise in transmedia production. My gratifications as a fan are gained through intertextuality and interactivity, rewarding me as a fan for paying attention over the course of time, understanding references and being able to interact with the creators. Marquez does this by his use of different media platforms. On his main YouTube channel, he is a very cinematic smartphone reviewer who occasionally reviews other tech like headphones, smart home products, and tesla. For me, Marquez exists as a paratext; he is able to offer me meanings about new products and I trust his opinions. Based on his review on a phone, I’ve placed it on my shopping list, sold my old phone, and bought the new phone as a discounted black Friday price, effectively making money while getting a new expensive piece of tech which gratifies my needs including my social status and entertainment with a larger screen to body ratio, making movies more vivid on the go. Due to my understanding of buying and selling applications like Kijiji and my use of paratexts, I am able to use this information to become an informed consumer and profit from trade to gratify many of my needs as a consumer.
Marquez’s content is also becoming increasingly important to my daily rituals because he makes content which is able to fit my free time due to his understanding of fragmentation as a creator. He creates content that seamlessly travels with me during my daily activities. I watch his cinematic reviews when I can give visual-audio attention to learn about my new phone. When I’m driving to work, I turn on his podcast to listen where he gives a more in depth talk about the new technologies he’s reviewed over the week. Once I’m home and I want to scroll through some social media before going to sleep, he’s active on Twitter, excited to talk about what upcoming tech he’s going to try out in the near future, so I have something to look forward to in the coming days. The structure that is being used on me is one that fully embraces fragmentation in the new media landscape. I am always seconds away from viewing his work and it offers seamless transitions of entertainment based on my own special, social, and time contexts while offering me intertextuality between the texts by ‘continuing the conversation’ among all of these different media platforms. Even in the last 10 minutes of his podcasts, he dedicates time to mention questions his community has asked and give’s shout outs to other people’s content in the community. This fills my need for interactivity as a community member, which instills the feelings of fandom I previously found in League of Legends. This utilization of medias fits what audience members like me expect and big companies are realizing this and building similar structures; having multiple social media accounts, creating videos, blogs, and interacting with fans. As an agent of my own consumption, this structure works the best for now until my needs evolve again which if anyone can guess what that is, it is Google.
I’ve been selling Google products for a few years and I need to know how they work and their business model. I own a Google smartphone, use Google software in the form of search engine and YouTube. I also own smart thermostats, speakers, TV’s, and Light bulbs. Most importantly, I heavily rely on Google’s voice assistant to perform hands free tasks. Something interesting is that physical Google products, despite dominating software, don’t include great hardware, but this is on purpose. Google’s phones are known for having the best cameras, but they are also much lower in cost to produce. This is because Google has invested in machine learning technologies across all their platforms to fix our issues as consumers. If my photo doesn’t look good, machine learning has look at billions of photos and knows what feature should stand out and offers me a DSLR quality photo without any work or production value. In other words, since I have given Google access to look at my photos, I gain the benefit of better-looking selfies. Similarly, if I give Google consent to my viewing habits, I can watch unlimited on-demand YouTube videos that are catered to me, or if I give my location, I can find the cheapest gas near me while driving if I ask the assistant. Google is an advertising company and all this information that is taken is used to give to machine learning that advertises me things based on my history as an audience member. Since it is a software, this advertising is able to track me through my accounts across the fragmentation of using different devices on different websites. No type of advertisement other than Google’s can be as successful because they have no way of tracking audience members fragmentation like Google can. To explain the cycle of my latest smartphone purchase, Google advertised Marquez’s review of the Oneplus 7 Pro on YouTube, Google gained the information that I viewed the whole video, then went online to do further research on the product, and within a week, my Google news feed that is built into my phone advertised Oneplus 7 Pro black Friday deals as the top story curated for me. As a salesperson, the informed buyer is the hardest person to sell to. Google’s software is able to become a new type of salesperson that is consistently making the right offers and denial of services means the loss of being an active member of the modern media. 
Sullivan, J. L. (2020). Media audiences: effects, users, institutions, and power. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
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yesterdaysdreams · 6 years
Our New Source For Making Family Photo Books
Ever since MyPublisher shut down last year, one of the most frequent questions we’ve been getting is “who are you going to use to make your family photo book now??” For months and months, we had no good answer because we only print these annual “family yearbooks” in January, once the previous year has wrapped up (you can see examples of them here). But now that 2018 is here, we’ve officially added our 2017 album to the stack and we are VERY happy with the result.
We’re no experts on photo printing services by any means, but after becoming dedicated users of MyPublisher for YEARS (we purchased our first annual album from them back in 2011) we had become pretty accustomed to their service and (more importantly) had built a nice uniform stack as each year passed. And judging by the response from you guys, we weren’t the only ones who were upset to see them close up shop last spring.
But we got TONS of suggestions from you guys (hundreds of recommendations on Instagram and Facebook when we asked what you used and liked) and many of the more common suggestions included Blurb, Mixbook, Artifact Uprising, and Shutterfly (the service MyPublisher was absorbed into). After weighing all of them, we noticed that Blurb seemed to be recommended the most often (closely followed by Mixbook) and Shutterfly was often mentioned but seemed to be polarizing (many people chimed in to say they tried it and didn’t like it).
So just based on all of your feedback, and a bit of poking around on a few websites, we opted to try Blurb. I can’t speak to how it stacks up to the other suggestions (since all we have to compare it to are our MyPublisher albums), but I can say for anyone else who is familiar with MyPublisher and their quality and varied photo-layouts, it’s a pretty close match. In fact it’s even better in some areas. And this isn’t a sponsored post or anything like that (they don’t know us from Adam). We paid for our book and waited impatiently on the front porch just like everyone else.
For starters, the spine of their Standard Landscape Photo Book measures just 1/2″ shorter than the old standard size from MyPublisher we used to order, meaning it stacks really naturally on top of our existing collection (it’s the one with the yellow spine below). It’s about an inch and a half less wide too, but you can’t usually tell that when they’re stored flat like this (or leaned vertically now that I think about it) since that’s in the back anyway. I know this seems like a weird thing to obsess over, but part of the fun of making these books has been watching the stack grow. So we’re glad to have found something that allows us to keep building on the same pile.
The final price of my Blurb book ended up being around $43, which is about $5 less than what I typically spent for our MyPublisher albums, but I did use 15 fewer pages this year so it’s admittedly not a perfect apples-to-apples comparison. A lot of our cost for MyPublisher was paying for extra pages (we always used their max of 99 pages, which one year could’ve cost me nearly $130, so I always waited to order our album until their “Free Extra Pages” promotion came around, saving me about $80). Blurb’s discount codes didn’t seem to be quite as generous (I got one by email that saved me 30%) but their base pricing was much cheaper. Without discounts, I would have spent LESS THAN HALF of what MyPublisher would’ve charged (around $60 versus $130).
Layout & Software
Like MyPublisher, Blurb allows you to download free software to lay out your book offline. Theirs is called BookWright and it had fewer bells and whistles, but also performed much faster (it used to take me FOREVER to upload all of my pictures into the MyPublisher software). It was pretty slim on preset photo layouts, but you can save your own custom templates easily to solve that. It also wasn’t quite as easy to swap photos around and I didn’t discover until AFTER I ordered our book that you can turn on the “trim area” guides (the purple border below pops up to help you prevent any text or faces from getting trimmed off). So some of my pages ended up being a little more closely cropped than I would’ve liked, but now that I know how to activate that feature it won’t happen again.
Again, I’m no printing aficionado, but I found no discernable difference between Blurb and MyPublisher’s final product. In fact, I like how Blurb’s spine was a little sharper than MyPublisher’s – although maybe that’s the difference of it being 15 pages shorter.
The photo-wrapped cover and the insides all met my standards for color and crispness, despite BookWright warning me that many of the iPhone photos included were too low resolution. A true photographer or graphic designer studying it with a magnifying lens might be more particular about how their images were reproduced, but to my (somewhat picky) naked eye, which you know has a lot of opinions about undertones and lighting, they definitely look great. No complaints about a single photo – and the book contains over 400!
I’m probably forgetting something, but I feel like I’ve blabbed on enough about this random topic. Again, I’m still surprised by how many people cared, so I wanted to give you guys a full report. I think the most important thing is that we’re really grateful that we can carry on our “Family Yearbook” tradition since they’ve each become so important to us. The kids are frequently asking to pull them down and look through them, and it’s always an exciting day when the new book arrives and we can “read” it together for the first time.
Thanks again to everyone who recommended Blurb to us! Happy Yearbooking!
P.S. To anyone wondering why we prefer this system over photo albums, here’s a post all about how much space & money they can save you. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Our New Source For Making Family Photo Books appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2BKvRQO via IFTTT
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shashikant86 · 7 years
Beginers Guide to iOS Continuous Integration with Xcode Server
Apple has very comprehensive documentation on Xcode Server and Continuous Integration with OSX Server (app) and Xcode Server (Xcode within the server app). You might be wondering what’s the point of this post if everything is documented in the guide. However Apple’s guide still reads as OSX Server than macOS Server but Apple has released new macOS Server (5.2) with some improvements in the Automated Xcode Builds. Anyway this is small tutorial aims to setup a Mac to run as a macOS Server with Xcode Service and Setup basic Xcode Bots for the macOS Server with Xcode 8 to perform Continuous Integration. We will cover
macOS Server basics and setup
Configure Xcode to use Xcode Service of macOS Server
Setup Development Xcode to use Xcode Server on macOS Server
Create a Xcode bot with example of XCFit Swift Package on Github
Run Bot Integrations and Analyse Results
In order to setup Continuous Integration using macOS Server and Xcode Service, we need
Mac or Mac Mini with macOS Server 5.2 app installed. Download it from App Store
Xcode 8 installed on the Server. Download from App Store
Make sure Swift 3 is installed
Xcode Project repository hosted on Github (optional for the tutorial)
Another Development Mac from which we can trigger Xcode bots (optional for this tutorial)
What’s new in macOS Server 5.2
Apple has renamed their old OSX Server to macOS Server which has lot of new things like profile manager, Caching Server, NFS , Xsan 5 etc etc but let’s focus on what’s new for Xcode Service.
macOS Server isn’t supporting old Xcode versions. It supports Xcode 8+
macOS Server isn’t support old Swift version. Support Swift 3+.  Read here
Xcode bots running on OSX Server and Xcode Server are broken when server app is upgraded to 5.2 i.e macOS Server. Read customer reviews of the server app
This means using there are some significant changes in this release which can affect current CI system with Xcode Server. New macOS  Server will have following features.
Custom environment variable
This isn’t new but Xcode 8 will now allow us set environmental variable without creation of extra schemes.
Advance trigger editing
macOS Server will now have two types of triggers, script triggers and email triggers. We will have now control over how to set email contains.
Issue tracking and blame
Xcode Server will send email to person who broke build. We cab now configure bots instead of changing code.
Upgrade integrations
Xcode Server now re-integrate the your project if it fails using same revision. It also prevent blaming for the broken build.
Configurable integration user
Xcode Server will have now it’s own user called Xcode Server which give you full control with password as any normal macOS user. Setting new user seems fairly easy in the Xcode Server.
Now that, we will see how to setup macOS server for our fresh Mac or Mac Mini.
Setup macOS Server
Assuming, you have already downloaded Xcode 8 on the Mac also downloaded macOS Server 5.2 App which might cost some money but if you already have developer account then you might able to redeem that product for free.
Start Server app
Once downloaded, we can launch “Server” app from the Applications Or Mission Control. macOS Server will start
Once launched it for the first time, it will show you entire tutorial how to use new macOS Server for all services.
You can read more about macOS Server services in the tutorials.
Choose Mac
Next step is macOS Server will ask to “Choose Mac”, select “This Mac” as we are setting the same Mac for Xcode Server
Select User to Run Integrations
Now next step is to ‘Select User” to run Xcode Bot Integrations, we can use same use which is logged in but we have a option to use another user ‘Xcode Server”. There will be an option to create new user.
We will use same user to run test to avoid user swapping. My username is “shashi”
Now, macOS Server will take some time configuring and then we will be able connect to macOS Server.
Configure Xcode for Xcode Service
macOS Server has lots of other services but we need ‘Xcode’ service which is a ‘Continuous Integration’ service to automate static analysis of code, build app, run tests, archive app, report code coverage, report test results, send notifications etc etc. Now that developers working on Git repository can trigger integrations by creating Xcode Bots. Xcode Integrations can be triggered manually, after code change or periodically.
Now we have various setting like choosing Xcode, setting up user permissions, configure development team and development devices.
Choose Xcode
Next Step is to  configure ‘Xcode’ service from macOS Server to run our integrations. Now Select ‘Xcode’ service from the Server app and Choose Xcode 8 app installed on Mac.
Choose User to Run Test
Now we can select use here to run out test or Integrations triggered from Xcode “bot”. We have already created “Xcode Server” user but it can be any user. We can switch user if we with to. It isn’t good idea to give that user Administrative rights because it’s not required.
Choose Development Team and Devices
Now it’s time to configure details of our development team with our Apple ID. We need provisioning profiles, certificated to configure this. We can add real devices to the Server as well. Once provisioned devices connected to the Mac it will start appearing in the device list.
Add your Git Repo
Assuming you are team of developers working on the GitHub repo. We can add GitHub repo to our Xcode Service. We can setup ‘Repository Access” with SSH or HTTP. “Repository Creators” and finally there is button to add multiple repositories to be hosted on Xcode Server. You can do it from “Xcode Bot Setup” as well which we will cover later in the post. Let’s add Swift Package called “XCFit” as Git Repo
Turn ON Xcode Service
Turn on Xcode Service by Clicking on the button once we have everything setup. You should see that in the notification service as well as shown below.
At this stage, our Mac with macOS Server will be accept any Integrations triggered by the Xcode Bot. Now that, developers can create Bots as per their need and our Mac will be capable of running those integrations.
 Share Server Details with Team
We have just completed all the nessesary setup to run Xcode Bot on our Mac. It’s time to share the server details to development team so that they can configure macOS Server on individual Xcode installed development Mac. The details are on the main Server tab. Details will be
Host Name and IP address
SSH access with username and password
Network To be used
The developers will use these details to configure the local development Xcode to connect to the Xcode Server.
Configure Xcode to use Xcode Server
Now that, we have our macOS Sever fully setup for running our Xcode ‘bots’.  We need to configure the local development Xcode to connect to the Xcode Service installed on the macOS Server. We have all the details of  the Server to configure. We will configure the same Mac to connect to the local Xcode Server but ideally there will other development Macs connecting to the Xcode Server.
Add Server
In order to add macOS Server to Xcode, launch the Xcode project you are working on and Select “Xcode -> Preference -> Account” at the bottom, click on “+” sign to see  “Add Server” option.
There will an option to select a Server or connect to host. Select the Server that we have just configured.
Add Integration User
The next screen, we will see option to login to the user on macOS Server. We have to login with the user we have setup to run integration otherwise Xcode Server will show an error. We have configured my user ‘shashi’ to run integrations so lets login to server with that user.
Once user is successfully added, we should see screen with Server status “ON“. It should look like this:
At this stage, we have configured our local Xcode to use macOS Server. We should now able to create Xcode Bots.
Create Xcode Bots
Xcode Bots are similar to the Jobs in Jenkins or Projects in TravisCI. We have to configure set of automated instructions to checkout source code, build, test and notify etc etc. The benefits of the Xcode Bot is that we can configure the Bot straight from the Xcode. We can see all the created Bots in the ‘Test Navigator’ of the Xcode. We will use “XCFit” GitHub repository to configure bots.
Clone the Project from the Github and Open the Project in the Xcode.
$ git clone [email protected]:Shashikant86/XCFit.git $ open XCFit.xcodeproj
This will open the project in Xcode “Product -> Create Bot” and name the bot as “XCFit Bot”
 Add Repository with SSH Credential
Next step is to add Github Repo to the Bot. We have to add Git Repo with SSH. Xcode will ask you to trust the identity repository. You have to select “Trust” and use credential of existing SSH Key
Once successfully authorised, we should able to configure build.
Add Build Configuration
The build configuration is main stage to configure what we want to perform as part of the build. Xcode Bot has some options like
Scheme – Xcode Scheme to build
Actions – We have to tick ‘Perform Static Analysis’ and ‘Perform Test Action” with code coverage enabled. At this stage we don’t need “Perform Archive Action” as it’s just a Swift Package.
Cleaning and Configuration : Keep this default to “Never” and “Use Scheme Setting”
That’s it to build our Xcode Bot.
We can then Schedule the build whenever we want to build Xcode bot. There are three major options to build Or Integrate Xcode Bot.
Periodically : This has option to integrate Xcode Bot “Daily”, “Weekly” and “Hourly” at specific time.
On Commit : After Every commit to Git Repository this Xcode Bot will be integrated.
Manual : We have to manually click “Integrate” to perform Xcode Bot integration.
There is an option to select the device to run an integration on. We can run test on real device or simulators. The provisioned devices attached to the Xcode servers will appear on the list. We have various OS combination to run integration on like macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS.
In our case, we don’t any iOS device or simulator as it’s Swift package and can be run on Mac. In case we are using iOS App then we can select specific device or iOS Simulators. Now we will select “macOS” for this Bot.
Environment Varibales
There is an option to use custom environment variables or use predefined variables to perform integrations. Full list of Xcode Server environmental variable is here. In our case, we don’t need to select any variable.
Triggers are set of actions to be performed before or after Xcode Bot Integration. Xcode Bot has following available triggers
Pre-Integration Script : We can add bash scripts to run before integration starts
Post-Integrations Script : Bash Script to be executes after integration is finished
Email On New Issues : Email notification when new issue comes up
Periodic Email Report : Email notification after regular interval.
We don’t need to select any trigger for our XCFit Bot. You should now see message that we have successfully configured our Bot.
Run Integrations & Analyse Result
Once Xcode Bot is configured, it will automatically start Integration. The typical integration will checkout source code, and perform all the actions defined in the ‘Build Configurations” At the end of the integration we will see a summary of the integration.
We wil also have option to view “Tests”, Code Coverage an Logs.
 Xcode Bot in Action
Now let’s watch everything we described in an action. You can watch Youtube Video about this here Or watch animated gif.
Congratulations. We have successfully configured Xcode Bot and Performed Integrations.
WWDC Tips for Xcode Server
Assign dedicated user for the Xcode Server
Never give admin rights to the Xcode Server user
Stay logged in and disable screen lock
Customise needs such as advance provisioning and simulators
Hope this article is useful for you setting up Xcode Server as Continuous Integration Server for iOS. Thanks for reading. Let me know if you have any difficulties setting that up. Happy CI
The post Beginers Guide to iOS Continuous Integration with Xcode Server appeared first on SHASHIKANT JAGTAP.
via SHASHIKANT JAGTAP http://ift.tt/2jklRA3
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shashikant86 · 7 years
Continuous Integration with Xcode Server on macOS: Setup Guide
  Apple has very comprehensive documentation on Xcode Server and Continuous Integration with OSX Server (app) and Xcode Server (Xcode within the server app). You might be wondering what’s the point of this post if everything is documented in the guide. However Apple’s guide still reads as OSX Server than macOS Server but Apple has released new macOS Server (5.2) with some improvements in the Automated Xcode Builds. Anyway this is small tutorial aims to setup a Mac to run as a macOS Server with Xcode Service and Setup basic Xcode Bots for the macOS Server with Xcode 8 to perform Continuous Integration. We will cover
macOS Server basics and setup
Configure Xcode to use Xcode Service of macOS Server
Setup Development Xcode to use Xcode Server on macOS Server
Create a Xcode bot with example of XCFit Swift Package on Github
Run Bot Integrations and Analyse Results
In order to setup Continuous Integration using macOS Server and Xcode Service, we need
Mac or Mac Mini with macOS Server 5.2 app installed. Download it from App Store
Xcode 8 installed on the Server. Download from App Store
Make sure Swift 3 is installed
Xcode Project repository hosted on Github (optional for the tutorial)
Another Development Mac from which we can trigger Xcode bots (optional for this tutorial)
What’s new in macOS Server (5.2)
Apple has renamed their old OSX Server to macOS Server which has lot of new things like profile manager, Caching Server, NFS , Xsan 5 etc etc but let’s focus on what’s new for Xcode Service.
macOS Server isn’t supporting old Xcode versions. It supports Xcode 8+
macOS Server isn’t support old Swift version. Support Swift 3+.  Read here
Xcode bots running on OSX Server and Xcode Server are broken when server app is upgraded to 5.2 i.e macOS Server. Read customer reviews of the server app
This means using there are some significant changes in this release which can affect current CI system with Xcode Server. According to WWDC talk “Advance Testing and Continuous Integration” new macOS  Server will have following features.
Custom environment variable
This isn’t new but Xcode 8 will now allow us set environmental variable without creation of extra schemes.
Advance trigger editing
macOS Server will now have two types of triggers, script triggers and email triggers. We will have now control over how to set email contains.
Issue tracking and blame
Xcode Server will send email to person who broke build. We cab now configure bots instead of changing code.
Upgrade integrations
Xcode Server now re-integrate the your project if it fails using same revision. It also prevent blaming for the broken build.
Configurable integration user
Xcode Server will have now it’s own user called ‘Xcode Server” which give you full control with password as any normal macOS user. Setting new user seems fairly easy in the Xcode Server.
Now that, we will see how to setup macOS server for our fresh Mac or Mac Mini.
Setup macOS Server
Assuming, you have already downloaded Xcode 8 on the Mac also downloaded macOS Server(5.2) App which might cost some money but if you already have developer account then you might able to redeem that product for free.
Start Server app
Once downloaded, we can launch “Server” app from the Applications Or Mission Control. macOS Server will start
Once launched it for the first time, it will show you entire tutorial how to use new macOS Server for all services.
It’s worth spending some time on reading this tutorial for some of the other services to see what’s new there.
Choose Mac
Next step is macOS Server will ask to “Choose Mac“, select “This Mac” as we are setting the same Mac for Xcode Server
Select User to Run Integrations
Now next step is to ‘Select User” to run Xcode Bot Integrations, we can use same use which is logged in but we have a option to use another user ‘Xcode Server“. There will be an option to create new user.
We will use same user to run test to avoid user swapping. My username is “shashi”
Now, macOS Server will take some time configuring and then we will be able connect to macOS Server.
Configure Xcode for Xcode Service
macOS Server has lots of other services but we need ‘Xcode’ service which is a ‘Continuous Integration’ service to automate static analysis of code, build app, run tests, archive app, report code coverage, report test results, send notifications etc etc. Now that developers working on Git repository can trigger integrations by creating Xcode Bots. Xcode Integrations can be triggered manually, after code change or periodically.
Now we have various setting like choosing Xcode, setting up user permissions, configure development team and development devices.
Choose Xcode
Next Step is to  configure ‘Xcode’ service from macOS Server to run our integrations. Now Select ‘Xcode‘ service from the Server app and Choose Xcode 8 app installed on Mac.
Choose User to Run Test
Now we can select use here to run out test or Integrations triggered from Xcode “bot”. We have already created “Xcode Server” user but it can be any user. We can switch user if we with to. It isn’t good idea to give that user Administrative rights because it’s not required.
Choose Development Team and Devices
Now it’s time to configure details of our development team with our Apple ID. We need provisioning profiles, certificated to configure this. We can add real devices to the Server as well. Once provisioned devices connected to the Mac it will start appearing in the device list.
Add your Git Repo
Assuming you are team of developers working on the GitHub repo. We can add GitHub repo to our Xcode Service. We can setup ‘Repository Access” with SSH or HTTP. “Repository Creators” and finally there is button to add multiple repositories to be hosted on Xcode Server. You can do it from “Xcode Bot Setup” as well which we will cover later in the post. Let’s add Swift Package called “XCFit” as Git Repo
  Turn ON Xcode Service
Turn on Xcode Service by Clicking on the button once we have everything setup. You should see that in the notification service as well as shown below.
At this stage, our Mac with macOS Server will be accept any Integrations triggered by the Xcode Bot. Now that, developers can create Bots as per their need and our Mac will be capable of running those integrations.
 Share Server Details with Team
We have just completed all the nessesary setup to run Xcode Bot on our Mac. It’s time to share the server details to development team so that they can configure macOS Server on individual Xcode installed development Mac. The details are on the main Server tab. Details will be
Host Name and IP address
SSH access with username and password
Network To be used
The developers will use these details to configure the local development Xcode to connect to the Xcode Server.
Configure Xcode to use Xcode Server
Now that, we have our macOS Sever fully setup for running our Xcode ‘bots’.  We need to configure the local development Xcode to connect to the Xcode Service installed on the macOS Server. We have all the details of  the Server to configure. We will configure the same Mac to connect to the local Xcode Server but ideally there will other development Macs connecting to the Xcode Server.
Add Server
In order to add macOS Server to Xcode, launch the Xcode project you are working on and Select “Xcode -> Preference -> Account” at the bottom, click on “+” sign to see  “Add Server” option.
There will an option to select a Server or connect to host. Select the Server that we have just configured.
Add Integration User
The next screen, we will see option to login to the user on macOS Server. We have to login with the user we have setup to run integration otherwise Xcode Server will show an error. We have configured my user ‘shashi‘ to run integrations so lets login to server with that user.
Once user is successfully added, we should see screen with Server status “ON“. It should look like this:
At this stage, we have configured our local Xcode to use macOS Server. We should now able to create Xcode Bots.
Create Xcode Bots
Xcode Bots are similar to the Jobs in Jenkins or Projects in TravisCI. We have to configure set of automated instructions to checkout source code, build, test and notify etc etc. The benefits of the Xcode Bot is that we can configure the Bot straight from the Xcode. We can see all the created Bots in the ‘Test Navigator‘ of the Xcode. We will use “XCFit” GitHub repository to configure bots.
Clone the Project from the Github and Open the Project in the Xcode.
$ git clone [email protected]:Shashikant86/XCFit.git $ open XCFit.xcodeproj
This will open the project in Xcode “Product -> Create Bot” and name the bot as “XCFit Bot”
 Add Repository with SSH Credential
Next step is to add Github Repo to the Bot. We have to add Git Repo with SSH. Xcode will ask you to trust the identity repository. You have to select “Trust” and use credential of existing SSH Key
Once successfully authorised, we should able to configure build.
Add Build Configuration
The build configuration is main stage to configure what we want to perform as part of the build. Xcode Bot has some options like
Scheme – Xcode Scheme to build
Actions – We have to tick ‘Perform Static Analysis’ and ‘Perform Test Action” with code coverage enabled. At this stage we don’t need “Perform Archive Action” as it’s just a Swift Package.
Cleaning and Configuration : Keep this default to “Never” and “Use Scheme Setting”
That’s it to build our Xcode Bot.
We can then Schedule the build whenever we want to build Xcode bot. There are three major options to build Or Integrate Xcode Bot.
Periodically : This has option to integrate Xcode Bot “Daily”, “Weekly” and “Hourly” at specific time.
On Commit : After Every commit to Git Repository this Xcode Bot will be integrated.
Manual : We have to manually click “Integrate” to perform Xcode Bot integration.
There is an option to select the device to run an integration on. We can run test on real device or simulators. The provisioned devices attached to the Xcode servers will appear on the list. We have various OS combination to run integration on like macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS.
In our case, we don’t any iOS device or simulator as it’s Swift package and can be run on Mac. In case we are using iOS App then we can select specific device or iOS Simulators. Now we will select “macOS” for this Bot.
Environment Varibales
There is an option to use custom environment variables or use predefined variables to perform integrations. Full list of Xcode Server environmental variable is here. In our case, we don’t need to select any variable.
Triggers are set of actions to be performed before or after Xcode Bot Integration. Xcode Bot has following available triggers
Pre-Integration Script : We can add bash scripts to run before integration starts
Post-Integrations Script : Bash Script to be executes after integration is finished
Email On New Issues : Email notification when new issue comes up
Periodic Email Report : Email notification after regular interval.
We don’t need to select any trigger for our XCFit Bot. You should now see message that we have successfully configured our Bot.
Run Integrations & Analyse Result
Once Xcode Bot is configured, it will automatically start Integration. The typical integration will checkout source code, and perform all the actions defined in the ‘Build Configurations” At the end of the integration we will see a summary of the integration.
We wil also have option to view “Tests”, Code Coverage an Logs.
 Xcode Bot in Action
Now let’s watch everything we described in an action. You can watch Youtube Video about this here Or watch animated gift
Congratulations !  We have successfully configured Xcode Bot and Performed Integrations.
WWDC Tips for Xcode Server users
Dedicate a new user to run Integrations from Xcode Bot
Avoid using administratiove accounts for Xcode Server user
Stay logged in with Fast User Switching
Disable Screen Lock in order to avoid UI test failing unnecessarily.
Customise need such as Simulators, Networks and advanced provisioning
The post Continuous Integration with Xcode Server on macOS: Setup Guide appeared first on SHASHIKANT JAGTAP .
via SHASHIKANT JAGTAP http://ift.tt/2iwOg71
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