#anyways look at my fingie
misty-missdee · 1 year
wound reveal.
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bellbones1207 · 1 year
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*shyly kicks feet* hi hello I have made fanart for @onippep as I love Red and Oni, ehehe- this was gonna be a hug at first but it kinda turned into Oni holding Red lol
Sketch version under the cut bc I kinda like it :3
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sanchoyo · 1 year
trying so hard to embroider and have it be a Relaxing Fun hobby but getting really pissed bc I keep stabbing my fingers bc the needle is RLY hard to pull thru the fabric im using. idk if its an issue of the needle size or needing a thimble or what but my god i am actually having such a bad time. like it sucks bc I wanna have a Good Time and Love Embroidery but ngl at this rate i might just end up ripping off the fabric i already sewed and painting on the pattern instead of embroidering it bc im getting SO frustrated. i though this would be like sewing like oooh nice lil thing to keep my hands busy while i watch stuff!! but no. the Anger
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another Fucking appointment tomorrow
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cedarspiced · 2 years
boss just sent me home to nap for being too sleepytired to work. W for sleepytired girls across the nation
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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♡ part 2 of random hc ♡
☆ starring ☆
König aka my beloved giant unfairly underrated and overlooked
Tw: mature language, mentions of anxiety, tiny bit of angst like you have to squint really hard
A/N: first i have to thank @bloodlst for giving me so many ideas and for dealing with me and my endless rants about this absolutely scrunkly babe. I SHOULD BE DOING REQUESTS AND YET HERE I AM WRITING FOR A MAN I'VE KNOWN FOR NO MORE THAN A WEEK OR SO. Media is ruining my chances at a normal relationship fr ANYWAY ENJOY
Listen this fucker is the definition of disney Prince when he gets comfortable enough around you
Everytime he talks about his s/o instead of saying you're his he says that he's yours
He feels like it's not as intimate and accurate as he really feels around you to say that you're his
And BTW he brags about you and your public displays of affection to everyone and anyone
Bro has not an ounce of embarrassment in showing he loves you and you love him
He's so charming and smooth but with that sprinkle of awkwardness that makes him ridiculously adorable
He is quite literally a gentleman and worships the ground you walk
In general he's very respectful and lovely with everyone
That's why he tends to like make people crush on him
Which he totally doesn't notice like ever, this man can and will think they're just being overly nice out of pity
He is literally so good at dancing, like it's almost annoying
One could think that him being so tall would make him really stiff and awkward when dancing but he's not
He's as graceful and elegant as ever
Is the only time he gets confident and shows off a little bit his physical appearance
He definitely prefers more elegant dances like waltz and tango ecc
He has a really hard time at being funny cause he always worries that maybe his jokes are not obvious enough or that he's just straight up not funny
Like he has a shit ton of puns and jokes in his head but says none of them cause he doesn't really knows if people will get it and it's scared of coming off as weird
Most of the jokes are dirty jokes BTW, this man is an absolute child and is making deez nuts jokes left to right inside the confines of his really strange mind
Has really large hands, like not quite big but really long fingers and they're slightly crooked AND EVERYONE WHO HAS LONG FINGERS CAN CONFIRM YOUR FINGIES GET CROOKED
ALSO ALSO when he buys a new phone he doesn't even cares about it being good or not
He has premature grey hairs. Like he has starting to get them when he was really young
Which ends up in him always having to dye his hair
He loves to go to get groceries
Like he actively gets excited about new products or new things to buy and overall he just enjoys how relaxing and calming is to go to the supermarket
I feel like he's one of those people who are really good at card games like poker ecc
He either ends up broke af cause everyone is merciless with him or he's unbelievably lucky and ends up winning every hand but doesn't takes the money cause he feels bad
It really depends on the day
With board games tho he's definitely a sore loser
Like have you seen how pissy and sarcastic he gets in the game sometimes? You can not tell me this man doesn't hates losing at monopoly
Me and my fellow könig simp @bloodlst have come to the conclusion that he has an involuntary resting bitch face
The fact is that as I said before he clenched his jaw almost always due to anxiety which makes him look like really scary but insanely hot
The moment you make him smile tho it's like you're witnessing some sort of shapeshift witchery
He has gone through the most traumatising injuries ever but never seems to notice (?)
Like he has big ass scars in his body and when someone asks about them he tells the story all chill as if he's not talking about him getting fucked up in every possible way
and he like never realises how serious his injuries are in the eyes of everyone else so he's always so confuse as why everyone looks so concern
He chooses his words wisely cause he values the meaning of certain words and doesn't likes to use them lightly
Like he tries not to tell his s/o I love you too lightly or too much cause he wants the phrase to always feels as special as it is for him and not something you said just because
And about that when he's arguing with someone he never says anything he does not mean
That means he will say 100% the truth even if it hurts
That doesn't mean that if he realises he's wrong he won't apologise
He will and will genuinely own his mistakes and take responsibility without using excuses
Like I said before könig is not one who gets angry easily
He has unwavering patience and deals with things very rationally
Like he is used to people treating him as if he was dumb, bullying him and just overall making him feel like bad about his anxiety or himself so it's not surprising he can handle people bring arses very well
He gets upset but always hides it really well
When he does gets mad tho he is going to make you cry
Any filter or shyness goes away and he just snaps and gets really mean really fast
Mean because although he's being honest, he's particularly brutal about it and says things as harsh as possible
But like I said is really hard for him to get that angry
The most that one can do to him is force him to politely excuse himself to go somewhere else and cry it out
He's a really sensitive person and most often than not he just gets sad, he won't stay sad for long but when he does he feels like absolute shit
The things that make him go absolutely apeshit is mostly when people mistreat his loved ones or when people take advantage of someone weaker than them like they used to do with him
When he was younger he used to have a lot of anger issues
He used to feel frustrated all the time with how unfair everyone was with him because of his anxiety
Never got into physical fights but would end up snapping and saying really hurtful things to people he loved
That's why now he tries to be careful with words
He's very proud of the person he has become in some way
He has come a long way and now he's a healthier person than he used to be
He forgives but never forgets even tho he's not the type of person to use past mistakes against someone
He just keeps in mind the thing that had happened and if he doesn't sees any change then he just acts consequently
Hates mint flavour beverages or ice cream and can't understand why people enjoy it so much
I don't know why but I feel like he grow up with his grandparents
He absolutely loved his grandma and used to call her almost everyday
When he buys clothes he doesn't really care about the brand ecc he likes to buys what makes him feel confident or good
Not even what others might like or stuff like that nono
He just buys whatever his funky brain finds pretty
And surprisingly it leads to him having a really good style
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shoukiko · 10 months
How the TF2 Mercs would react to you wanting to paint their nails <3
a/n: I hope you guys will appreciate this, TF2 holds a special place in my heart, I've loved it for years so doing this makes me all giddy inside. If you have ay requests, please message me! I do CoD and TF2!! Enjoy! <3
Would be like "I ain't into that type of things, Toots."
After some convincing would let you paint his thumb and only his thumb.
Perhaps he sees you all happy while doing it and says it's okay for just *one more* finger.
Square nails, I don't make the rules.
Which then turns into his whole hand.
Shows it off to the team because YOU were the one who did it and they should be jealous.
Would pick off the nail polish as a habit during briefings or when he's not paying attention.
Feels bad coming back to you with his awful manicure.
"Don't be such a stick in the mud, at least you get to hold my hand." Dick
Would love to have you paint his nails, but he thinks it would cause issues during his procedures
Ya know, cuz he doesn't wear gloves....for whatever reason
"Please.... :(" "Oh... Meine Taube.. How can I ever say no to you?"
100% Short round nails. Maybe not slender/skinny fingers, but they're def on the thinner side.
Ends up forcing himself to wear gloves just so they won't get ruined.
He thinks your careful and skilled hands are very attractive and "intriguing" as you paint them.
He's weird like that, You love it.
He loves you....maybe too much....He'd probably cut your hands off if you said yes.
He's the type to ask lol
No again
Stop asking
He wears gloves anyways, why do you want to so bad?
He doesn't have time for these silly games!!!!
"Mon canard, Please. This is too immature for me" "So you're saying you don't love me?" *Smug look*
You win
He has very nice nails by the way. Perfect nails, perfect slender hands.
He doesn't really say much, but you can tell from his eyes he enjoys such an intimate moment.
He tells noone and shows noone, but he likes to be in his room jsut looking at them, thinking of you.
Would do yours if you asked....nicely
I mean this is obviously a yes.
The gloves are off before you finish your sentence.
Scarred hands, maybe missing a nail on a finger, but that's okay.
Picks the colors, they want pink. Lotta pink.
Get's excited when you bring up stickers.
Rocks a pink and purple manicure with a flower sticker on their missing nail.
Becomes a weekly thing, your little spa day. :)
Skeptical, but why not? Couldn't hurt.
Lot of surface area, dudes hands are bigger than your face.
He finds it amusing that your hands are so small compared to his.
He's letting you paint his nails, but he'd like some dark colors.
Maybe not black, more like blue or maybe red occasionally/
"One sticker?" "No sticker, thank you" "Okay one sticker" "...Okay, for you"
"If it'll make ya happy, doll."
Falls asleep as you paint them.
Rough hands, tan lines from his gloves, he has dirty finger nails :Gross:
You throw in some....cleaning... just cuz you care.
I love this man so much, but oh my god I just know he's musty.
You give him plain black nails, one white nail on his ring fingers
You don't do his thumb, you notice the big bruise under his nail, idk what those are called.
I looked it up it's called Garand Thumb (It's so canon)
You fight with him because you wanna know of it's like a hematoma or not (Gross I know, but I'd do it)
Well it's not something he'd find himself doing on his own, would probably think it's silly until he met you.
"As long as I don't look all frou frou after, I'm fine with anything Darlin' "
Thick fingies, like fat hands a bit, slightly rough because of how much he works. Only slightly because he still wears gloves.
I like to think his hands are covered in oil/dirt most of the time, He does wash them, but he's just always workin on something.
Would wash them before you paint them though. Lovely little you can't be getting your perfect hands dirty.
He wants yellow, give him yellow nails. Like sunshine yellow, like his hat.
He thinks it's "Just lovely lookin' "
You don't ask, you just paint them while he's passed out drunk.
You give him rainbow nails, Glitter top coat. You're so mean
Surprisingly soft hands, Big and thick, very soft. My goodness you're even jealous by how nice they are.
He even has the perfect nails for painting. What doesnt this man have?
Oh wait
He's PISSED when he wakes up.
Probably calls it gay (But like....worse)
Sees you sad because of how he reacted.
Slumps in his chair, "They're 'right...."
Grows to like them (more like live with them)
Maybe in like 2 weeks to see hims again, they're still painted, just a bit withered away.
He loves em
You offer to do them in the colors of the American flag
He accepts obviously
You do it standing up cause he is just...there. Stiff as a board.
Wide nails, Rough knuckles, calluses.
When you're done he salutes you.
"Well done, Maggot. Now I won't have to kill you." Sure buddy
I hope you guys liked it!!
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delta-gambit-au · 3 months
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“We were a good team. They knew the best strategies and they listened to my ideas with an open mind. It was the recipe for their success, earning a nice promotion within the company and making me proud. Being the talk of our co-workers was the cherry on top.” — Spam
It takes effort to create something that was never seen before. It takes guts to keep pushing forward with that never before seen idea that is not aligned with any of the current trending standards. You know that people will not take it seriously, but that shouldn’t deter you from delivering more and more of it. In time everything will click into place, and you will be glad that you haven't stopped when you started to hesitate along the way. It’s daunting, and at the same time, discouraging. But moving forward is the only way, the only path. I think the Addisons of my AU has shown me a lot of that, that ideas can’t bloom if they aren’t sown before, even if they look ugly and dull at first. To keep nurturing them alone is very hard, but one day the effort will pay off and no regrets will come to bite you back.
Anyway, the backstory of Spamton and his Addison co-workers has a very storied past. Slowly I’m gleaning some of what he was, how he got to know his friends, why the White Addisons are a dying breed and why he was forced to change his name and his own archetype to stick it to the system. You might be surprised of all the stuff Spam needed to do in order to survive, but for now, concept arts of ideas and research is all what I have to share about that.
I’m weaving a very deep story behind the origins of Spam and the forces controlling the market of Cyber World and the life of the Cyberians, and why the law forbids any direct contact with Lightners (that was before Kris and friends dropped by). Spam here is just a number, subject #451, one of many. All look the same. All do the same. All have no interests beyond the success of the company in which they grew up to become another white-collared walking utility. Everything would change when he receives an invitation to a cyber-grill to meet with one of the marketing groups he was assigned to. It was the beginning of change, and the start of his voluntary corruption. That's as much as I can say 👀 Oh, also I found out while sprucing their profiles that Sears and Spam share the same birthday day, 3rd of May, though Sears is 5 years older than Spam as they were born in 1973 😅They are the oldest of the Addison group, and that makes them the butt of jokes sometimes.
I need to explore some art-style in order to give substance to this part of the plot and tweak its world-building, which will be unlockable flashbacks in the visual-novel. There's also a new character villain I'm trying to breath life to who appears during the epilogue of the first season. I hope people will like to see a new villain Darkner. He's also another walking DAEMON like Spwatchton but this one works for the LOCAL-SYS whereas Spwatchton is one of the undercover rebels.
Sorry if my content is coming out slow or half-baked. I'm still concept-arting and being nagged at the same time by RL more often than not. Yesterday I had yet another doctor appointment to go to and this week should be my ophthalmologist...
I also... joined the Art Fight of this year... My first time doing this. Though I'm not sure if I'll be able to be very active, I'm going to fill everything with Addisons and other Darkners from my AU to force myself to make their character profiles and see if anybody would do fanart of them (who doesn't like to get fanarts of their OCs? 😅)
As of other updates, we are expecting a final interview with a good company next week that seemed pretty interested in us as we fit their profile well. Fingis crossed! 🤞
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gooeykit · 1 year
smeel my fingy 👉
you only want me to do this because you pooped a little but not all the way and there was poop at the very rim of your butt and you put your finger in it and wiggled it and then took it out and got back up and didnt wash it but you wiped it off enough to make it look like theres no poop at all on it well thats not right because its covered in a fine layer of poop from your butt and you havent even pooped all the way yet so its very lucky you arent getting skid stains unless you are anyways i am not going to smell you or yours poop finger.
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wendigoruble · 3 months
Lazytown, Soccor Sucker:
My thots and feels on one of my favorite episodes. Mostly pertaining to Robbie and Sportacus ofc. [Long post]
The episode opens with Pixel and Ziggy playing a soccer video game when Stephanie invites them to actually play outside. This leads the kids into kicking their soccer ball so hard that it flies into the hatch to Robbies lair.
Meanwhile, Robbie is just trying to eat cake, drink soda, and watch the shopping channel... Then his cake gets splooted.
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I'd be upset as well. This leads Robbie to realize what the kids are doing when he gets a convenient ad for the Soccer Bot.
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I can't get over his stance as he leans on the railing. He looks like a crab 😭
So Robbie orders a robot, and his mission is to stop the kids from playing soccer. This is really important. Enter Sportacus. He sees the kids are playing, and he needs to warm up before joining them, obviously.
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This is really important for soccer. After a banger of the musical number, Sportacus finally joins the kids. They're playing together, and it's really sweet and cute, then Robbie gets punished for lurking on them the entire time
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His poor fingies! After a little rant, he decides to confront Sportacus and once again has the ball kicked at him. Further punishment for lurking.
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Okay for one look at the way Sportacus was running the heck are his arms doing.
But also I just really like their interaction in this section of the episode. Robbie pops out from behind the wall with a "Hello Sportacus!" As catching the ball. Sportacus returns the greeting with a very chipper "Hi Robbie!"
For some reason, that just sits so softly in my heart. It's so precious. Not to mention, when Robbie challenges them to a game, Sportacus is quick to invite Robbie to join their team. He wants to include Robbie, and that's just 😭💜🩵💜🩵💜🩵 Plus. Stephanie and Ziggie are also willing to have Robbie on their team, so thats just extra!!! AHH
Anyways, Robbie challenges Sportacus to a one on one game. All the while, Sportacus is smiling and looking back for approval to let Robbie play. And it's so precious!!!!
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Look how happy he is to play with Robbie!! (Hah) Now I know Robbie told Sportacus he wouldn't be playing him, but you can't tell me Sport didn't know Robbie was in the soccer robot. Just a couple scenes later through a speaker in the robot Robbie calls him "Sportaloser". He has to know its Robbie then.
Also.... Notice something really important.
ROBBIE DIDN'T CHALLENGE WITH THE USUAL "SPORTACUS MUST LEAVE IF I WIN!" Robbie just wanted to win! (All be it to get the kids to stop playing, but still!)
Sportacus is slightly intimidated by the robot, but he doesn't back down, of course. He happily takes on the challenge, and when they get down to actually playing, Sportacus is having fun.
Robbie is tripping him, pushing him, and overall playing extremely rough (inside a giant metal suit, no less). But literally the entire time, Sportacus is smiling. He even gets up after being pushed down, and he shakes his head with a most gleeful smile. During this entire thing, Robbie yells, "I love sports!!" And Sportacus loses 7 to 1.
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Their game closes with Stephanie concerned that Sportacus lost and Sportacus just happily stating "I did it best!" And I honestly think he's just happy he finally got to play a game with Robbie
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
Yeah man so this rich guy heard about my cloning operation on Instagram so he sent me a sample of some DNA found on the Shroud of Turin and wanted me to make a clone of Jesus Christ, so like I show him the preview and he's like, disappointed that he's not white, says he doesn't want it to be "too political", I know you can't tell this over the phone but I just did quotation marks with my free hand. Anyway so like he gives me a bonus to modify the genetics and uh... he came out... kinda feral? Like yeah he looks like the white Jesus from all the paintings and shiz, but he like, awkwardly gallops on his hands and feet like a Half Life 2 fast zombie sometimes and only speaks in re-arranged bible verses. Yeah. Like a YouTube Poop. Anyway aah... he got out, he bit me... or, it bit me if I'm being honest I looked into its eyes and eye-dee-kay if it even has a soul. So to hunt it down cause im like not gonna turn a profit if I don't get this bad boy down to Arkansas by July, I pulled some strings and got some DNA allegedly belonging to Lucifer and Judas and I like, synthesized an anti-Jesus to hunt 'em down but like I only had enough juice in the machine to make her 15 years old- wuh- yeah, she. Look trust me I'm transgender, that and when I was trying to comfort her 'cause all she does is cry, and scream to the heavens for forgiveness, and she straight up asked me "Why didn't you make me a girl?" that's more than just "egg behavior" if you ask me. Yup I did the quotation marks with my fingies again. Anyway if you've seen the shit they're showing on Fox, I'm pretty sure people are doing like, Bigfoot sightings of ol' JC and I'm pretty sure he's living exclusively off the flesh-meats of evangelical hikers. So aah. I got my new daughter on the 'mones right now, dunno what to name her yet. I was thinking "Judy" or "Lucy" but that feels kinda wrong I mean I picked my own name when I transitioned but like, that's besides the point. Does your uncle still do karate lessons? I have to like, train her to subdue the Jeezy Beast but also I think it'd be a huge boost to her confidence!
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
"You are kinning a little too close to the sun."
Two different friends after I texted them about the new u-treasure rings coming up, and told them about how I now have the same rings as Mammon (both the official replica and a pinky ring (and ring of light but that's MC))
The universe heard me say I wanted to be a ring girlie and delivered 😭 now I gotta work extra hard to prove myself for this promotion and hopefully get a raise !!
i swear I was going somewhere with this, do you find yourself sharing any similar traits with your faves ??
- ✨ anon
Hello there, ✨ anon!
I looked briefly at the Ring of Light when it was available, but I seem to remember it being far more expensive that I thought it'd be? I don't know, it was a while ago so I could be misremembering lol. I haven't checked the price on the new ones!
I think you'll have a ring for every finger. If you've got one for each of the seven brothers, then two of Mammon's, and then also the Ring of Light, well you're set for all ten fingies! (Not that you'd actually wear them all at once...)
And yes, I find that I do have some similar traits. In fact, an anon on this very blog accused me of being a Solomon kinnie because I like it when Barbatos scolds people. Needless to say, I think about that a lot because I can't deny it lol.
I actually think that I'm kind of a mix between Barbatos and Solomon. Like I'm not as strict as Barbatos can be, but I do enjoy taking care of other people. I also like tea, but ya know, I'm not sure if that counts. But I definitely can get obsessive like Solomon - staying up all hours of the night working on something. I also have a silly streak, but I'm not as much of a tease as he is. So I think I'm a bit of both.
Mammon is actually one of my faves too, but I think we have zero traits in common. He's so energetic and I am just... not that. He also strikes me as an extrovert what with the partying and such like and I am very much not that either. I may have written a little drabble about this that I forgot about and never posted... oops. Maybe I'll post it sometime.
All of my faves are a lot more confident than I am in general. I like Levi a lot, too, but I really had to come around to him because his anxiety reminds me so much of myself.
Anyway, good luck getting your promotion and raise! I hope you're able to get all the rings you desire!
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yoiku · 9 months
Ah i went longer than i thought so i'll put it under a
Got my invitation to an evaluation process that's supposed to give some clarity on my capability for work, on that lovely official government and welfare level. It's going to take 6-11 days of filling forms and talking with a plethora of people from different areas of expertise. I am going to be absolutely knackered. Part of me wants to be hopeful that I'd get some viable options to aim for from it, but at the same time I fully expect to be met with a group of social and medical professionals that are truthfully only interested in making the statistics look nice. I was told they often work with neurospicy people, which i guess is supposed to make me feel reassured. I dunno. I know they will try to get me to go study for "a new career path" again firsthand. But I dont have the spoons to go to school again. Maybe if it was something that lasted a year at max and could have reasonable pacing. Oh, and actually interest me. The only thing that comes to mind that I'd love to learn how to do aside from any art stuff and could maybe be a job i'd be able do, is building and taking apart computers. I like tinkering. and it's kinda on the cusp of not being too taxing physically. I actually had some plans of my own i wanted to look more into with the people there, but the most recent government decisions concerning unemployment welfare just fucking gutted all of it. Honestly the things those rich right wing shitstains sitting in government have been deciding this year have made me think of giving up on any future plans and just waiting in welfare limbo until i am allowed some sort of retirement. But i guess that would mean I let them win. If I one day end up committing tax fraud just because I am not allowed to even try to make some scraps of income on my own on the side while i struggle with unemployment and health issues, then my consciousness is crystal clear. I am trying to survive and have something to live for ✌
Anyway hopping back on the rails, we'll see how all that evaluation goes. Fingies crossed it's at least worth something.
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puppym4z4c4r3 · 1 year
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srry had to say it- anyways here's my Radford drawing I lauv it sm and wjjeheh I just can't get over how good it looks!! I'm rlly happy bcauseee *drumrolllll* I DID IT WIF MA FINGY yes da finger dis is ma new style and next I'm drawing Kevin so watch out ;3 anyways just wanted share!! I do have hc but here I hc them as a afro-latino who's a transmasc :33 anyways enjoy!!
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
being late for cs weekly is just gonna be my thing now, yeah? im just fashionably late always <3
anyways, its time for: the duke of vermeer caper!
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aka the zack messes up and has to cover his ass caper lol. just kidding- he does a pretty damn good job. i also love seeing chase and julia acclimate to acme in this ep! ONTO THE NOTES!
going to talk about the intro being soo hot forever
pls they try so hard to pretend for a minute that the duchess isn't carmen. her first moment onscreen plays carmen's theme song
i like how it goes from our usual personal camera angles to the security cam footage!
it is carmen sandiego, actually
"we had no record of her existence until she showed up here. but we do know what she's called somehow"
fuck you devineaux i love learning about vermeer. good on chief for throwing chase under the bus
i always think of julia as veyr bookish, but she's extremely tech savvy. she's on a tablet or a phone pretty much the entire first episode, she nails acme tech immediately...
blue is totally ur color girl you can rock anything girl
love how they just have that painting out. no protection, bare fingies all over it. carmen "all history is a treasure" sandiego, yet again
it totally is ivy you could rock blonde i think
carmen "here's what we know but i'll explain it to everyone again for the audience's benefit" sandiego
love mime bomb breaking the 4th wall jhgdsajgsh he would
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you can compare girl with a pearl earring here to the real one i used for my header. considering they had to animate the paintings, i'd say its a job well done translating them to cs style! maybe somewhat less vibrant, but again- style.
Fun fact: the Dogs Playing Poker wikipedia page mentioned CS
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and also calls cleo a princess
player's so proud of his terrible light pun i love him
what a fucking crime that zack deprived us of a high-stakes undercover episode with one of the faculty and a hoarde of dangerous operatives all while carmen was dressed like THIS
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quality is terrible sorry but you know. actually what a crime
i love the terror on everyone's faces when everything immediately goes to shit
the thought process zack went through to think that he called, they made and delivered the food within five fucking minutes,,
EVERYONE HIDING IS SO FUNNY TO ME poor ivy has to go back in the closet </3
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dash haber is fucking stupid (affectionate)
CARMEN POPPING UP FROM BEHIND THE BAR AND JUST STARING AT HIM IS SO FUNNY SHE'S LIKE Z A C K i also like how zack immediately goes "UH GOTTA THINK OF A COVER UH WE'RE MARRIED" the thought process was just. good job
zack's facial expressions in this episode are so good honestly
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i also love how zack went "yeah im from boston" and immediately covered up his boston accent he's so silly
poor carmen wheeze
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she went "NO DONT LET HIM DO THAT" and zack threatened murder
imagine only have 33 of vermeer's paintings and not 34 what a loser
the tiny eye flutter dash does when he hangs up is so funny pls
carmen is so chill about what just happened khzghsdgh
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idk thought it was interesting i never knew what that was
player what do you think the not so good news is. really and honestly what do you think
the grimace on carmen's face progressively getting deeper as zack fails to not be bostonian is so funny shes just like. eugh
also what did moving his chin possibly help to accomplish
they did zack so dirty with that monkey suit joke shdfjsagsh
carmen is REALLY calling on her cleo childhood for this one. also. poor zack actually
the obsession with making him eat fish please just let him tell them he's allergic
CARMEN IS SO FUCKING HARSH WITH HIM IM SORRY she's like "cleo's going to fucking feed you to her dogs" and then zack works overnight to make this happen and when he comes out all ready she's just like 👁️👄👁️ showtime
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its literally 7am i feel so bad for him
"park the fork in my mouth" plays in my head constantly i dont even know why
they didnt go over zack not wearing a tracker before or
pls neither of the girls can drive
girl i know it is impossible to look behind you with the side mirrors in the passenger seat nuh uh no way in hell did she even see devineaux well enough to turn it. also you just took away one of ivy's mirrors nice job carmen
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shes so
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i wonder, considering carmen's other aliases, what carmen and the crew registered as. did julia see "rogue scarletina" and go hmm might be the duchess
poor julia this season wheeze
"old admirer" youve known about him for one singular week
a "klick" is apparently a kilometer. who knew. its also apparently a military term.
LITERALLY POOR IVY carmen is not treating her crew well this time around
"ahh a drawbridge" WHAT. OTHER KIND OF BRIDGE CAN YOU HACK INTO you wouldn't download a bridge
ivy has some good expressions too actually
i laugh every time at how outraged chase gets between the second and third slo-mo shot of him turning around in the car
the direction you wish to eject is so funny to me. ejecting out the bottom <3
i love how theyre just standing there like "hmmmmm is devineaux drowning??"
oh my god ivy's driving stick i would be terrified too
i would kill someone to have heard haber say "the hostess with the mostest" pls also he looks so sad about being cut off
okay so.. zack actually can speak italian and i totally forgot about that. he says "good evening, my beautiful countess" which. everyone probably knew already
he's just vomiting back up what carmen said in the hotel jhdgsgsh
the dogs ARE so cute
i love dash he's such a rightfully petty bitch about everything
the cleaners do everything
not the three digit code for the room containing 34 vermeers
have i mentioned that they FLY through this dinner party because holy shit
or i wonder if its because zack and ivy are registered citizens and if their fingerprints were found on the vermeers they would be put on wanted lists??
why ivy isn't three centimeters away from the stand with the replacement i will never understand
zack you're literally on the edge of the table you have the easiest water glass to remember
that naughty comment 😭
pls that very polite chuckling around the table
love that they switch from ivy putting the fakes down to carmen doing it. makes. more sense
also the shape of the vermeer room changes??
cleo glares at her champagne thats so funny
they were so wrong for that closeup of dash's lips
ooomg so suspiscious...someone has a different taste than urs??? what the fuck augh
dash is saying the word puke but im staring at his eye makeup its so good. look at that eyeliner and mascara
cleo the worst hostess ever doesn't tell her guest to stop when he looks like he's about to vomit
the meat cleaver contrasted with the rolling pin
something about how silent that button was is so satisfying
acme has blue gas, vile has green gas, damn carmen needs something
also love how they had the masks at the ready. nice. i wonder what it would have done. knock out or more sinister?
yes i believe the phrase is actually implying that two MUST dance that tango
duke of vermeer bad ending: chase gets mauled by dogs <3
love how chase went: hm yes. the woman who just stole 34 paintings is probably on that snowmobile, which has no cargo
lmaoo the calling card
scarlet ski demon
at least she sort of offhandedly told him he nailed the role but thats literally the only praise he gets this episode
chief is so disappointed wheeze
i wonder if this case is especially aggravating to chief, considering the last time she watched a vile member's property go up in flames was dexter's house
carmen's already gotten around the world with those puppies
i thought the public wasn't supposed to know that vermeers were even gone hgdashgdsgh
i would have killed for a s4 moment where julia was like "ah your allies! a pleasure to meet you! is the duchess still among you" and everyone just kind of is like. whos gonna tell her
transition sentence <3
this is set up so much like a weekly release show its hard to believe its a netflix exclusive. that cliffhanger with grey is such a week-to-theorize thing
anyways aur naur its crackle
okay yeah. solid episode, not my favorite, some shining moments just like i started with. sweet! sorry its so late anddddd see you next week for the opera in the crikeycore caper
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hermitw · 2 months
Seeing the new theories on Yuuji's domain is driving me feral bc
Once again idk what Gege is doing!!
Points are being made and it's so weird bc
My interpretation of the 1st anime opening and my prediction for Yuuji's domain are so different (and I think mine have more evidence but I also spent months collecting that so I'm biased).
Also my interpretation for the false memories around Yuuji is different (kenjaku is also Todo's parent, specifically that Coach Takagi is his other parent).
But memories being involved in Yuuji's domain along w my cryogenic prediction could fit together. It feels like the photography in Link Click, now that I think about it...?
Idk man I stand by what I said before.
But if I have to read into what happened in 264, this is my take on it [spoilers ahead]
The train station's significance....
I think of the train car with transfigured humans.
The way that Yuuji and Mahito loathed each other, and the way that Yuuji said "I'm you."
The train cars being the cryogenic chambers makes so much sense to me. He would be sending off people in the opposite way. To undo the disfigurement.
The train station was significant, it was a place of intense trauma. But I think it could also be a place of redemption. Idk if it's modeled after a specific location. BUT I know that Sukuna's domain can be translated as the place where meals are prepared for the emperor (a reference to his time spent as a slave), or as a small Buddhist shed for storing tools (I'm not sure of the way Sukuna spent his life, but considering the way that he died and some potential irl lore, I believe that Buddhism was a helpful thing for him). I think the duality of his domain is intentional, and it might be similar for Yuuji.
There's also the hand sign for Yuuji's domain, and the prioritizing others' wellbeing over his own.
Anyway, in the opening, the train seemed to he taking Yuuji to someplace he was unfamiliar with. The fish represents Junpei, the water is up to his knees but not in the palm of his hand. He's taking it too easy, u bothered and clueless. I made a post before explaining that I think water in JJK is used to represent the world of jujutsu (it's hard to put into words).
So it makes me wonder if now, this train is taking someone out of the world of jujutsu. Whether as a type of protection, or if he could pull something like Aang in ATLA stealing fire.
I've also talked & reblogged a lot about Sukuna... I really, really want him to just have his own body and autonomy and be able to live a chill life, and not be bothered by anyone as a deity or a monster to hunt or as someone to control.
Maybe we'll get a talk-no-jutsu moment and Yuuji will realize that his body was crafted to be a cage for Sukuna, that he never bothered to listen to Sukuna of all people, and maybe they can work something out. Idk what was in that book of soul stuff that he read. Idk what would happen to Sukuna without a body (maybe he'd just go back into the fingies).
To be clear I do love Yuuji and Megumi and almost all of the characters, but God, killing Sukuna isn't the answer. And to kill him would mean killing Yuuji or Megumi, anyway, (unless Yuuji's CT is going to eliminate Sukuna's life).
Idk what's going on or how coherent this is, I just needed to ramble, I'll update w links later but lmk if you're looking for anything specific and I'll prioritize it.
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