#mostly in the way i just find them facinating
misty-missdee · 1 year
wound reveal.
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grox-empire · 9 months
Sorry for bugging with questions again, but I was curious about two unrelated things about your daybreak grox fellows. I may or may not have gotten a tad inspired, I will say.
What is the typical naming scheme of grox? When looking up the three names I recalled off the top of my head, 2/3 were greek, and I was unsure if that was coincidence or intentional. Is there a limit of length or syllables within a name? Are surnames present? Code names? Are fodder grox addressed by name or by some form of serial code?
Is there a specific style to the the cybernetics that grox have? Are there any design taboos regarding those? Are limbs able to be designed to be plug-n-play, or are all artificial parts permanent?
Thank you for your time, and I do apologize if the paragraph worth of questions was a bit much. I just find the world you’ve created to be facinating, and want to learn more.
The whole greek naming thing was wholly unintentional. I mostly just choose Grox names based on what I feel fits them, And a lot of those names just so happened to be greek because I liked them. In earlier drafts I did attempt to stick to the scheme but ran out of names INCREDIBLY quickly, and also realized it made no sense. But there is in-universe reasoning for their names! A grox typically chooses their name themself (like in Epsilon's case) or it is chosen by their Progenitor(s) (In Altair's case.) Celeste is a special case... She's trans! She had another name (Which I can't say because 1. I would feel bad deadnaming her even though she is a fictional character and 2. It's a spoiler) but chose "Celeste" herself. A name is seen as a form of privilege, That unfortunately, Lower-class grox don't often get. Fodder grox are addressed by serial numbers, Whereas higher ranking grox do have serial numbers, but they are typically "cleaner" and addressed by name instead. Epsilon's full serial number is ZYG-NTL-ZV005-1568945-EX-540169-062T1R1661, Usually shortened to EX-540169 when he is being addressed. Decoded, This would mean: ZYG-NTL = Zygote Natal, The company that owns the nursery he was created in. ZV005 = Facility 005 on Zuvius-9. 1568945 = 1,568,945th Batch produced by Facility 005 EX = Expendable 540169 = His personal serial number and what he's most commonly reffered to as by higher-ups 062T1R1661 = Date of creation. Which can be further decoded as such: 0.62/1 | R1661 A.E (Born 62% of the way into third 1 of rotation 1661, After Erebus. Would put his birthday sometime in late june to mid july.) (This would make him a cancer and that is hilarious to me for reasons that only my friend group knows but that's besides the point) Grox have a fucked up date system i'm probably going to go into on another post.
No, Not really! Most artificial parts are permanent, Attached directly to the nervous system. Grox are a near perfect balance between biological and inorganic, If you were to dissect one you would see a near perfect entanglement of organs and mechanical bits. Even a young, seemingly fully organic grox kitten born with all parts intact would be biomechanical- Nanobots build their internal cybernetics as they're developing. Most fodder soldiers and other low-ranking grox have fairly unspecialized cybernetics, While higher ones will often have ones made for practical (Like Altair's arm, Which (I don't convey this very well) has a hand that is able to be swapped out for a gun) or purely decorative purposes (like the gold-colored claws seen on Gula). The style of a grox's cybernetics depends largely on the manufacturer and planet they live on. Rather predictably, As a result, Grox culture is focused heavily on body modification. There are huge underground markets where even fodder soldiers are able to get some, But these are often seized. The sunrise rebellion has all of these restrictions lifted, They tend to paint or modify their cybernetics as a form of protest. One final tidbit: Both a mostly organic, intact grox with only internal cybernetics and chestplate and a grox that has had their body almost wholly replaced by cybernetics are seen as being of high status.
Not need to be sorry for these questions! I love answering them :)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
"Have there been purges on the Russian language sites yet?" We have one big archive which is for profit so they are shady at best. For example they had a "no mature content with characters under 16" and only R for chara" (which is yuacky as itself) and then they have (payed) moderators who can delete your fic because "yes you said that he's sixteen there but also you wrote that he looks younger that he is so it's still counting". They also deleted fics that had mentions of russian attac on Ukraine. Not in fics (site has a policy about "not writing fics about major tragedies until it's six months over" which I found restrictive but understanable) but like in notes as "pls donate to Ukraine" or "pls protest". And when goverment made last censor lgbt+ ban which now forbids not only "propaganda to children" but "all propaganda that can make same sex relatioships as equal to hetero", they lost their shit and made another site named slashbook that won't show up in russian search engines and won't assosiated with first archive in any way and then was like "we will drop ALL works containing slash and femslash there" but they had such a backlash after that that they kind of stopped this? But maybe will do it if giverment will send them angly later. Btw owners of site is not in Russia and servers are not in Russia too. They just scared about losing money from ads. Suckers. We also had two? I think? Smallish and still beta-ed (or more like alfa-ed) fannish archives but a) they ugly b) they both had the same "no sex with minors" and not clear in many ways rules so I'm not happy with them either. So it's mostly ao3 for now, but smallish fandoms have little to no fanbase there + it's just sad to lose place that was your TO-GO place for so long. I mean it's not the biggest problem in the world with war and distopian laws etc, but after long day of shit work and then volunteering and then reading upsetting news person should have a right to go to fanfic archive and just mindlessly scroll in search of perfect omegaverse and not think that some fuckers could sunk this ship if it's stop being profitable. Also there's some useful things in this archive that ao3 doesen't have and I will mourn them. Sorry for the long rant! Just thought that in can be interesting as I find other people talking about how fandom works in their countries facinating
Very interesting!
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I have this idea...
that I'm never going to write because I'm me but... The eclipse today had me thinking.
An alien who has decided to take a liking to one Kate Stewart. Kate is showing the alien these detailed-best location-live recordings of the eclipse from inside Unit Headquarters. Huge HD screens everywhere. The alien agrees politely that it is really neat, mostly because she knows how excited Kate is about it but then she asks Kate if it can record and be watched on the screens later. Kate tells her yes and the alien follows up by leading Kate by the hand outdoors to stand with all the other civilians staring through their eclipse glasses.
She hands Kate the single pair of glasses to use first. The glasses black out everything but the eclipse itself, so Kate is surprised that the alien is busy looking around at all the people in a facinated/pleased way when Kate removes the glasses to hand over. (She'd completely missed the earlier bit with the alien staring at Kate with an affectionate smile.) The alien declines when Kate offers her the sunglasses and says she likes it well enough but the sun itself doesn't interest her all that much in comparison to the hype. The part she likes is what happens down here, gestures all around them.
"I mean look at you lot. Not hiding or cowering...instead you all come out to stand together and watch. Filled with curiosity and wonder of the unknown; even after you find out what it is, out you come, to experience it time and time again. It's just so...human." Kate's face changes into one of understanding: the alien thinks it's cute.
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cecilnightvalepalmer · 6 months
Why do you want to talk to an anti? I don't consider myself rad queer or an anti but I'm very curious.
Couldn't fall asleep and decided to check Tumblr before taking some meds and saw this so I thought I'd answer (Hitoka and Tommy, if you see this after I told ya'll goodnight, no you didn't- I promise I'm going to bed)
Its complicated tbh. It is mostly due to the fact that I want to educate and teach antis about radqueers and the community anf answer questions, but also, I simply find antis facinating in a weird way. I just cannot wrap my head around some of their mindsets, it feels like im a completely different species from them sometimes. I just enjoy having conversations with them, and wish I could do it more, simply for the fact that is is joyous to me.
So its a mix of wanting to educate and wanting to just talk to them out of curiousity. I want them to reach out firdt though because I don't like breaking DNIs and it feels disrespectful, but most of the time, they don't reach out first, so I'm kinda stuck feeling a little sad about it.
Maybe I'm simply weird. I also think having discussions with people outside your community is activelt healtht bc it gives you new perspectives and information, even if you disagree with that person and don't actively change your mindset after the conversation.
So yeah, I'm just weird. And if any antis see this or you, anon, share this with an anti (idk i never check to see if my posts get shared), please reach out! (Or if you, yourself, have questions anon! I dont bite!)
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sillyandquiteawkward · 3 months
Ignatius and CC facinate me as a couple honestly. I wanna hear about them so bad. They have something wrong w them and I think they can see it in each other. Putting them under microscope
theyre both allergic to commitment, so they work well with each other i think, mostly in the short term. not to mention they both crave attention and affection.
i dont think iggy is hooking up with cc to get at his brother. its just how it turned out. hes pleasure seeking in a stressful time bc his ideal family reunion has not gone to plan and hes sad and angry and confused and guilty and wants to just not think about it. and cc is very nice on the surface (but oh so frustrating in other ways lol) and hes also. very willing. so thats a plus.
i think its interesting to think about how iggy would propose cc stay with him, but i think thats an entirely selfish desire on iggys part, and also not something he Actually wants. he wants to keep cc close to make him feel good, but isnt really thinking about all the little things cc does that take him out of the no thoughts head empty, and bring back all his fretting.
in the short of it, ccs problem is... [gestures to all of him]. the tangled mess of his aloof yet devil may care attitude mixed with his toxic attachment to artemus....hes almost finding an emotional scapegoat in ignatius. on his side of things, it does feel a little bit more maliciously deliberate that he seeks out another bayley to receive praise and affection from when his bayley wont. and thats just not right to base a relationship off that.
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beanyboobee · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Oh! I love these types of questions of course! Well my favorite character tends to change every once awhile, so I'll just sort of throw out a few. I don't know if I have 10 because it's been awhile since I've watched anything properly! But here we go! In no particular order-
1. Noe Archivisite: Noe is my favorite character in media at the moment. Specifically Noe in the Manga as opposed to his Anime counterpart. There's just something so interesting abiut him. How he is written to sort of be the eyes on the world. Also his excitement for making new friends and his ability to get lost even under the simplest of circumstances [I can relate to way to much]. But mostly I adore him because his character development is subtle but real, he is flawed but that doesn't make him a bad person. And how he veiws those around him is facinating to read. Honestly I could write an entire analysis of his character . But we would be here all day.
2 . Daisy Buccanan from The Great Gatsby.[book] Though we don't see much of her perspective, what we do see is facinating. She's almost caged in this mystery. We learn enough about her but not everything to the point of understanding her. She's an enigma on writing that cannot be tied down by any accurate term but if I were to try and pair a word to who she is. The first word that comes to mind is. Melancholy. She's a very Melancholic character. Complex in a way that can be read as she is on paper or looked into and explored more deeply.
3. Viktor Frankenstein [from the book] it is no secret to my friends that ti hold a very big place in my mind for deep diving into Frankenstein and the character that is Viktor Frankenstein. Having read the novel 5 times. Each time I find myself with a new outlook on the character. I've grown tired of this narrative that Victor's the villian and honestly I never understood it. Similar to Noe I could make an entire analysis of his character but I doubt very many would be interested. But as a quick run down, I veiw his character as a young boy who is grieving and doesn't know what to do with that grief. A boy who didn't give himself time to greive proper and so threw himself into an old forgotten passion and created something horrifying in the making. A regret he cannot take back that leads to tragedy after tragedy. A character that realised the error of his ways too late and even when he is old. Is not too proud to not admit his wrong doings and even saves another from losing themselves to passions. He is a complex character who I deeply admire and am saddened to see often watered down when it comes to films.
4. 4. Wei Wuxian [The grand Master of Demonic Cultivation] another one everyone probualy saw coming, but I adore the complexities of his character, mainly I adore the entire story but specifically how they push Wei Wuxian as a character that has motivation behind every action. A person who I at least veiwed- As the one good person in a way full of those looking for someone to blame. He isn't all good of course not innocent in the slightest. There's blood on his hands but as the book unravels and we see each life event of his you cannot help but admire him. For what a bright and cheerful person he remained to be even after coming back from the dead. After everything he never once wishes ill upon those who wish it on hom. Insted always bringing it back to how he deserves their erie. He is a facinating character with way to much to say about him that kne simple post can take.
5. Deirdre of the Sorrows [A legend from my country] A tale about a girl that was apperantly cursed before she was born. A prophecy made that everyone took incorrectly that resulted in the death of not only Deirdres lover and brothers in law but herself too. Kicking off one of the biggest wars in Irish Mythology. The Character of Deirdre slowly eroded with time as did many women in irish myths but what remains is still enough to say she was a smart woman who's broken heart and beauty was enough to spark a war. There's many differnat variations of this tale. Some where she lives others where she dies.
But the one in which the scream that was heard from her mother's stomach before she was born. Is the same scream she let's out before dying of a broken heart is my favorite characterisation of her a tragic heroine, who loved so deeply she couldn't live without it.
6. Cinderella [from Disney cinderella] I wrote a whole essay on her for a college paper of which I will not go back into. But basically her character inspired little me to become a better person and for that she is always one of my favorites.
There's definetly more I just can't think of them at the moment
My brain has now gone blank and it's 1 am so I'm afraid this is all I got-
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mrfroag · 1 year
any chance you'd be willing to share why you made some of the design choices for the scret soulmate fusion?- it always facinates me to see why artists do certain things and your design is especially cool👀👀👀
Oh watch out you've unlocked the froag unskippable cutscene you're not safe from my abnormality about rocks now >:))))
For real though, there were a couple reasons I picked Apatite for the secret soulmates fusion, but. I'm going to put this under a cut because this WILL be long:
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I'm honestly not sure how people usually find rocks to look for for gemcyt fusions, but for me the thing I found most simple was to just. Scour geological and gemology websites for any information I could find about blue gemstones. I had a couple criteria in mind- since Grian and BigB's current designs are opposite ends of the blue spectrum (Bigb leans more ultramarine/warm blue, while Grian leans more turquoise/colder blue) I wanted to look for a stone that ideally had a good mixture of the two, and preferably with spotting or interesting color patterns to sort of match the speckled nature of blue quartzes [also I wanted to potentially give them freckles. I'm a weak guy]. So I spent a few hours looking around on various websites, comparing gemstones for their hardness, chemical properties, what their cuts were, etc? I probably went a lot deeper than I should for. A rock to make a funny little fusion guy out of, but it was basically me squinting information about a rock and thinking "hmm. can I see secret soulmates in this rock" until I found some that clicked. By the time I was done with that I had Apatite, Sodalite, and Larimar as my top three potential choices, and eventually picked Apatite:
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Number one, it looked like a really fun gemstone to pick colors from!!! It has a lot of interesting color patterns, and I especially liked the little bits of gold you could pick out in it, which would be fun to mess with. And secondly, Apatite is actually pretty fragile as far as gemstones go- it only has a rating of 5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and isn't often used for jewelry because of how brittle and easy to break apart it is. And that was a little interesting to me. Grian and BigB choose each other as soulmates, they trust each other, they go against the fate of the game to swap gifts and resources and be together. But there's also the way in which at the end of it, Grian still kills Ren and doesn't even realize he's killed BigB until it's already over. Something about the way that even if they choose each other that isn't enough to change the way the game goes, or fully break the other alliances they have. So, it was kind of inchresting to connect that fusion to a rock that's a bit softer.
In terms of the actual DESIGN for Apatite though, it was mostly just me messing around sketching until I hit something interesting? I knew before I picked the gemstone that the weapon was probably going to be some kind of bubble contraption- I was originally going to go for some kind of detachable bubble sword where you had the physical hilt, and then a bubble/water blade that could shift shapes, but that was before I dug into BigB's design and found out he actually uses a chakram [which is a sick as hell weapon btw]. So it ended up being the perfect shape for a bubble wand fusion!!
The chef theme was a silly little homage to how Secret Soulmates started because Grian and BigB exchanged little cookie gifts and promised to exchange food, and also just because. Look at these two goobers. I feel like they'd be moderately competent chefs together and it made me giggle to think about, so I went with it! Plus, having a little chef theme and tilting the bubble wand so that you could move it a bit like a frying pan, giving it exploding bubbles that could look like food- it sounded like something a little goofy and silly, which is the main theme I was going for lol.
The three sets of arms was honestly more of a whim kind of thing- I'm still sketching out and designing this dude in my brain so i might add on or take stuff away later when i give it a second pass. But I knew I wanted at least one of the sets of arms that Grian contributed to be water hands? Firstly because it'd be kind of fun for a silhouette, it'd match up with the chef theme (give this guy so many sets of hands he can be his own sous chef), and also because it'd kind of match up with the trickster, multiple sets of repeated limbs motif that other Grian fusions like marblegroves' Charoite design have, which I thought would be cool. Gonna be real most of it is because I thought it would be cool or funny.
I think that mostly covers it so uh. Hope you enjoyed unskippable cutscene if anybody has made it this far criminy. Hands you a gold star or something I guess if you're down here ^-^"
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ant1quarian · 7 months
How you think they're going to react to Fem Keigo Takami/Hawks from MHA who randomly got teleported there by a villain and they think she's one of them (There was a head cannon going around that Hawks feet are somewhat like a bird kinda like than and I also do believe he had a tail that was snipped off at one point due to her parents)
It can be for male too but I just wanna see a fem very included
I can absolutely do this. (Had a mild facination with MHA at some point- Hawks being one of my favourite characters, the silly goofy KFC-eating gremlin.)
Assuming her Quirk allows her to have the same sort of "feathers detach and controlled using pure brain power" ability, btw. And also assuming she has a similar personality to Hawks.
Classic is like "WOAH" as soon as she appears. She's probably been dropped from the sky or something, but too low down that she sorta just falls through the canopy. She probably nearly landed on Classic, who had to do the split-second movement to jump out of her way before she hits the forest floor. Once you've landed, he doesn't hesitate to hop over and study you. There are some differences (very few), but not enough to tip him off that you could very well be from the "Human-inhabited islands". He most probably gets along with you pretty well, helping you to you feet and showing you how everything works around here. He does question why you need to use visors when you fly, and grabs you by the shoulders when you use your quirk. Big Curiosity. Once you tell him about what happened, he's going to help you to get back. Mostly to get his vengeance against the villain that hurt you.
Red saved you from back-slapping into the large pond in his territory, and probably dampened the edges of his feathers (which he isn't happy about) having to tug you back onto land. It's that whole cliche "i've kinda sorta pinned you by accident whoopsies isn't this awkward" thing as soon as he's got you back onto land. He helps you recover from the fall, probably showing you how to hunt and questioning why you sort of cringe when you hear you've got to eat raw meat. Once he finds out everything about your reasoning and shit, he decides to take the massive risk of flying over the massive stretch of ocean, craving the blood of those who were assholes to you.
Dust catches you out of the air. He doesn't know why, but he does. Once you've been placed back on land, he probably fucks off to go ahead and do his own thing- leaving you to scramble to keep up. You learn about each other slowly, and when he finds out that you were mid-battle when you got 'ported here by accident, he offers to take you back to the human-inhabited continents. He's pretty chillaxed while he does so, stopping every now and then for you since he could basically get there in under half a day- vs. other avian's five-day-flight. When you touch down there, he's got an entire world he's got to learn about- including laws, that tell him he's not allowed to murder people. (Which he does anyway.)
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corrieguards · 1 year
shopping... who would help you shop and give their opinion? who would be a terrible shopping partner? who would you end up buying stuff for even though you went for yourself? who would carry your bags for you? who would insist on getting matching clothes?
send me a random anon ask 🖤
Omg this is such a cute question!! Anon I love you for this🤍 Tysm for sending it and letting me ramble.
I'm going to try and include as many boys as possible but I'm def going to miss some so apologies in advance for that
Will be constantly telling you just how beautiful you look.
If you ask him to choose between two outfits he'd be the type of guy to insist that you look great in both and that he can't possibly choose.
You keep catching him giving you sappy love eyes through the mirror. If you ask him about it he'll just say it's because you're just so gorgeous.
Insists on carrying all your bags.
All. Of. Them
Surprisingly very good taste in clothes.
Has so much patience.
Will sit and watch you + give his opinions for as long as you want.
Unabashedly looks up and down and smirks every time you show him a new outfit.
100% would be the type of guy to ask you to do a twirl
mostly just because he wants to catch a look at your ass
Will sneakily slip some lingerie in your 'try-on' pile just to watch you get all hot and bothered.
Is initially a little hesitant at going with you because he doesn't want to get in your way.
Once you convince him that you actually want him there and want his opinion he relaxes and starts enjoying himself more.
Is a great shopping partner because he won't hesitate give you his honest opinion.
Will tell you if he thinks it looks good, as well as if he thinks it doesn't.
Is absolutely facinated by all the options.
Definitely insists you buy matching outfits, preferably something in 501st blue.
Keeps trying to peek into the changing rooms while you're changing.
Wolf-whistles you constantly.
Is an all round menace
But still hypes you up and makes sure you know just how good you look.
Is your personal hype man.
Has no shame in telling you just how hot you look.
Starts off srrong but ends up wondering off and getting distracted by all the clothes options.
Finds more clothes for himself and you'd be mad if he didn't look so fucking hot in them.
Somehow makes everything look better just by putting it on his body.
You know those people that would even look great in a trash bag? Yep that's Jesse.
An all round great shopping buddy.
Will bring you the best finds.
Has a great eye for fashion and is somehow always right.
If he hands you something saying you'll look good in it, then don't even have to bother trying it on because he will be right.
Will be shy about picking stuff up for himself, but with a little encouragement he can definitely get very into it.
Would be very very enthusiastic.
Maybe a bit too enthusiastic.
Would pick up so many clothes to try on. As many as he can carry.
Quickly gets bored and just starts messing around.
Picks out some of the worst outfits because he thinks it's histerical.
His snickering is contagious and eventually makes you start giggling too and you both just start messing around.
Probably ends up getting the two of you kicked out.
Neither of you end up actually getting anything you went there for in the first place.
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gloomforrestrunes · 1 year
I think 🤥 and 👻 for the main cast + Nex? Standard RUNES or Human Au is cool 👀
"Are they good liars? Do they have tells to show they're lying?"
Laxo - he's a terrible liar, he hates doing it and is just generally bad at it lmao. his only saving grace is that it can be argued that he's nervous all the time so him acting nervous while lying can help him out a little bit. but i imagine that some of his tells are biting his lip, his tail(or hands for the human au) shaking, and avoiding eye contact.
Kane - its not really that kane is a bad liar, he just hates doing it. it makes him feel icky. i imagine that he laughs a lot when he's lying, mostly out of general nervousness.
Kenta - shes a relatively good liar! she only does so out of her own safety or others, however. she probably scrunches her nose and her voice tends to go flatter when she's lying.
Maya - she could be better at it! i think when she's just lying in general she's pretty good, but when she's called out on it she gets overly flustered and defensive, which pretty much tells that she lied.
Nex - horrifyingly good. master gaslighter over here. he'll do just about anything to maintain that control he loves, which definitely includes lying.
"Do they believe in ghosts? What are their "ghostly experiences", if any?"
im doing these in the context of the human au!
Laxo - i imagine he does, but mostly for comfort reasons. he probably likes to think that his dad is still around in that sense. he probably doesn't have much paranormal experiences out of just hunches and feelings.
Kane - i definitely see kane believing in ghosts! but not in a way that he's like- terrified of them or something. i imagine he just sort of finds peace with the concept of it.
Kenta - she would definitely be into paranormal stuff in general! i think the entire concept would deeply facinate her and i see her going to alleged haunted places to check them out and see for herself.
Maya - i like to imagine that she's terrified of the concept of ghosts but tries to pass it off as her not believing in them.
Nex - he wouldn't believe in ghosts, thinking the concept is beneath him.
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
OC development question prompt 39?
39. How superstitious your oc? Do they end up following them ‘just in case’? Or are superstitions incredibly important to your oc? What are some that they believe? What about the ones they don’t?
Jay grew up in what could be explained as a very steryotpical, somewhat religious family. Just her and her parents. So in a way he is somewhat supersticious, small ones like black cats bringing bad luck Jay thinks i sutter bullshit because black cats are small voids of space that you can snuggle! how the fuck would they bring bad luck?!" As a teenager Jay, growing up in England, learned things like breaking mirrors are bad luck and how you shouldnt point at fence posts otherwise it brings bad lukc and Jay even if thinking that superstitions are kinda funny, she still follows them. Like if someone tips the salt shaker over, the salt will go over his right shoulder. Most of the time, he follows them for postearty.
Adam is however very supersitious mostly because it gives his brain a small thing to latch onto. They make him happy and Jay follows them with him if he does them first. like if he knocks on wood, Jay will also to refraim that it isnt weird that he believes in that kinda stuff. Jay will do anything to see his partners happy
Jay doesnt believe in any of them apart from breaking a mirror, shoes on a table. But he finds learning them abouting them [superstitions in other countries/cultures] facinating and tries to follow them if she ever goes to that country. Like when she went to Japan, zey learned not to leave chopsticks face up in a bowl of race] Jay also has the nerves around calling rats well rats. Since when he was 14 regal took them to the isle of man and in that place, they call rats longtails. For some reason thats stuck with zem.
ask game // requesting rules // list of wips // ask box
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asavt · 2 years
Out of curiosity do you have any headcanons for N? I love how you draw him tbh
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Thank you!! I do have some~
-Ok first, lemme start with some songs that just lead me to think about this guy™. He shares one song I relate to Hilbert (but that's because I have this thing of imagining small animations in my head when I listen to them and each one of the Unova gang shares one song with Hil) and it's MILABO. Besides that, I think Ready To and Night Running fit him as well.
Also this.
-After N left the Pokemon League in BW1, he talked to Reshiram/Zekrom, and asked them to leave him. (Something along the lines of him thinking he is not worthy of having the legendary pokemon at his side).
They never left.
-He was also hoping to find the BW1 protag again too. But never went to search for them himself. Fear? Maybe. Perhaps he didn't want to see them again until he felt he was ready to, until he felt he finally got a good grasp on who he really is and what he wants to do with what happened at the pokemon league.
Those two are more general headcanons I think. I mean that... they can fit with either version and protag.
Now with more specific ones...
-He plays with the bracalets he has on his left wrist. Mostly when he gets truly nervious, but sometimes when he isn't really doing anything and it's bored.
-I like the "N is a Zoroark", tho not in the way of he is one playing as a human. More in the sense that, when he was a child and was still living among pokemon, there was a zoroark that took care of him (besides other pokemon aound).
From here also comes the idea that yes, he has a zoroark brother.
-Adding to this. He doesn't cut his hair, and if he does it's only ever a bit of it. It's his way of feeling more connected to his brother.
-The unova gang plus some other people are constantly introducing him to new things. Sure, in the time he was gone roaming around the Unova region he was able to do things for himself. But I think there's some charm in having others (his friends) help him experiment new things too.
Bianca and Rosa introduced him to nail polish and he is a bit facinated with the fact that he can paint his nails red.
-Did I say I think of him as nonbinary demiro?? no??? Well there's that.
-Thinks of the BW protags as little siblings. Specially Hilbert.
-Knows Red, gets along pretty well with him. He is quite surprised of his ability of comunicating with his pokemon without the need of words.
Blue is a bit angry at the fact that N could understand Red after just a few minutes of meeting him.
-He was the one to send 100 requests to Lear's desk for the construction of a ferriswheel in Pasio, each one with detailed information about them and full of formulas the prince didn't quite understand. Lear appreciates N's enthusiasm.
Hilbert was laughting so hard when he heard about it from Cheren.
-Iris thaught him the art of storing things in his hair. He finds it really usefull.
-Besides that, he spends some of his time around the Unovan Champion. He truly respects Iris not only as the champion and trainer but also as a person. She is like... an excitable little sister that at times feels like an older one.
-Gets along really well with the subway bosses. The three of them have gotten into full six hours conversations about trains.
-The Unova Gym Leaders (first game) and the Elite four check on him every once and then. A bit like the same treatment they give Cheri.
N is confused at their kindness, but he is greatfull for it.
-"Granpa Alder" and "hey gramps...".
-Yes he bonds with Cheren through Alder. They share a granpa.
-They both recieve very painful back pats.
-Nate looks up to him, and he also worries about him, a lot.
That's all I have for now!! I hope you like these~!
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thinking about tim schafer's raw power that basically ran a game studio on chewing gum and toothpicks, loving his creation so much that he kept trying to make it for YEARS. yes, there are supporters and dedicated fans, but psychonauts 1 is still mostly a "cult classic". The people who love Psychonauts made Psychonauts 2, and didn't just *make* a sequel, but a sequel which was updated for the times (i.e. the accessibility settings, the user warning and link to mental health site, the story being *slightly* less kooky to give space to heavier ideas.)
Idk where but I think there is an interview with Tim Schafer where he essentially says that this game is for the players of the first one who grew up with and since the game, which I totally felt while playing. For Raz it's been a few days, but the player is back, is older, and maybe there are ways they DON'T fit into the world anymore, without some childlike wonder.
Maybe you're like Cassie now; tending to something from your past without making the steps to move forward
Maybe you're like Compton now; Anxious about the judgement of your peers, even those that you love
Maybe you're like Otto; you are adjusting okay to your adult or older life, but you've lost touch with those you used to hold dear, and still have some lingering regret
Maybe you're Bob; coping poorly with the weight of life, or trauma, or loss. Feeling alone on an island, or pushing people away
Maybe you're Helmut; you've lost some sense of identity, or felt lost yourself, or become overwhelmed with life in the present
Maybe you're Ford; You hurt so deeply you completely shattered your sense of self, and have hard time recognizing or being proud of the you that is left
Or, maybe, you're Lucy, and life has hurt you so terribly that you decided to Hurt Back.
The game feels like it got older with me, and every moment made me Feel So Intensely because while the story is mostly about trauma and how Bad Action is not the same as Bad Person, it really feels like a story, to me, about growing up, and aging out of the world you were used to.
For me, since I was a little kid when I played the first game, it felt like the game was saying "hey, you know all of the stress and fear you get from growing into an adult? How you can't be as close to the people you care for anymore? How things you knew as fact suddenly Aren't? It sucks, but it doesn't have to. We can still find joy, and whimsy, and love in all the dark places of ourselves and others. Life is different now that we're older, but we can adapt, too. We can find the people that lift us up, grow from our hurt instead of revel in it, and, just maybe, at the end we will Learn to Swim"
brb im gonna cry
While I didn't quite grow up with Psychonauts in the sense that I never managed to beat the game - it has always been with me in one way or another. I think I watched my brother play it, then it was one of the first LP's I ever watched on youtube (pour one out to the guy's channel I don't think theyre findable anymore this was like. Late 2000s/Early 2010s).
So for me playing the sequel felt like. Getting to know an acquaintance I've known my whole life after seeing each other and learning we both ended up growing up into the weird artsy person. And becoming friends!! and learning it's a small world and people are more complicated than you think. And finding out in some way you'd been drawn to each other for some kind of reason that makes sense in the end.
This whole game and experience has just felt very special to me. I feel, seen?? I feel like the story looked at me and says hey you also have your own world inside you and that's facinating and beautiful! There's people like you who go thru heartache and it doesnt "make them stronger" but they get through it and have ppl who love them.
that's just, really cool... much 2 think about
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dafukdidiwatch · 3 years
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
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Not a musical no matter what the first 15 minutes tell you.
This was a pretty interesting movie. It is told as a series of vignettes who’s common theme was that they were all set in the old west. Well that and death. There’s 6 in total and each one of them has a different but interesting vibe to them. There were a lot of quiet silent moments in the movie, hardly any background music to it unless it was a beginning or end of a segment. But it definitely allowed for the scene to just breathe and revel in the moment. It also had some beautifully done cinematography showing the landscape and vastness that is the old west. It’s hard to generalize it because like I said before, each story has it’s own vibe to it that is different from one another.
With that, I’m just going to give my basic feelings of each of the stories shown. So yeah, Spoilers.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: Wow this guy. I deadass thought the whole movie was a musical because the first story was this guy singing constantly. And when I looked it up on youtube all that popped up was the songs. My sister put it right with saying he is a violent Bard in a D&D campaign. I was getting the vibe if Mr. Rogers had a dark underbelly of being psychotic. He is smarmy, oddly charismatic, and the more I watched him the more I hope someone killed him. And they did, which made me very happy. The song numbers were fun, and damn the deaths were brutal. But a very good start.
Near Algodones: I call this story “Pan Man” because holy crap the greatest character ever was in this movie. This nutcase banker who, deadass told the bank robber he shot a man’s legs off and kept him in the bank vault for 3 weeks, comes running out covered in pans screaming “PAN SHOT” every time a bullet gets deflected. Truly the highlight of the story, which is sad that he doesn’t really show up for the rest of the story. Which follows a bank robber going from one horrible situation to the next from trying to rob a bank. Which, if the guy was telling a whimsical story of how he kept a man locked legless in a vault, maybe you shouldn’t rob him to begin with. I also found out where the “First Time?” picture set came from. Good to know.
Meal Ticket: This one is probably my least favorite just because it was so sad. This wandering troupe of an old man and the limbless storyteller traveling around trying to make a buck via entertaining stories. It was very quiet, hardly anyone talked outside the stories being told. It made me feel...pity I think. Mostly because I didn’t know if the old man actually cared for the kid as a person, or just used him as a means to an end to make a living. It doesn’t help that the kid never speaks outside of the act, so I don’t know whether that’s an artistic choice or the kid doesn’t really know what he’s saying. Audience interpretation I guess. Then when we get to the chicken, and yeah all doubts are thrown out the window over how the old man saw the kid. It’s sad and tragic. Not every story has to be a happy one, but not a lot of happy endings so far.
All Gold Canyon: This is probably my second favorite. All it is is just a lone man panning for gold in a beautiful valley. The landscape is gorgeous. You see this old man, coughing from illness or old age you don’t know, just meticulously panning and trying to find that vein of gold. Facinating really. This is definitely the most silent out of all the films because it is him by himself, but it really sucks you in just watching if he will be successful or not. And then when the shadow passes over him...well....even though I said spoilers, I don’t want to give too much away.
The Gal Who Got Rattled: This is pretty much a 20 minute romance novel. Sister and brother travels out west, but sister finds herself in dire straits after her brother dies. She turns to the man heading the wagon train for help and they slowly but surely fall in love. Well...I don’t know if it is love exactly. More like, a gentle comfort. Where they can confide in each other for a pleasant life and simple pleasures. I was watching this with my sister and we were both trying to sus out why we felt “off” throughout. Like, if the wagon boy had killed the brother to steal the money, trying to sus out the criminal. Lol we watch way too many crime shows. The end is a tragedy, we can’t all have nice things. Which if we are keeping count there is really only 1 happy end in this movie.
The Mortal Remains:  I actually really like this story. It’s just 5 people sitting in a carriage just talking about things. Life. I could listen to the Trapper guy for hours he has very interesting stories. And seeing how they just bounce off of the purity woman, the french guy, and the two polite yet terrifying bounty hunters. It also had this more terrifying feeling as the sun sets and that the carriage driver doesn’t stop. This is probably my favorite.
Overall: This was a very enjoyable movie. There was some funny moments, heartfelt moments, sad moments, quiet moments, action moments, basically emotions all over the place. It was a fun watch but since their vignettes you can probably watch them separately in chunks instead of as a whole movie. I would recommend it, it’s a cool take to see on the 1800s West.
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depths-of-your-soul · 4 years
please pleaSE- I LOVE YOURE WRITING OMG but,, can i get a tall reader who has a lot jumpers and oversized tops and like the boys like to steal it and wear them? with bakugou, shigaraki and kirishima? i don’t know if you have a character limit so if you don’t add denki? thank youuu
Tall!s/o with jumpers and oversized tops
Notes: I don't really have a fixed amount of characters, only that I would have to split the post into have if need be haha
Anyways, I hope you like this! It was fun since I love writing soft headcanons
Also, thank you so muchh!!! >w<
Katsuki Bakugou
• Katsuki has seen you fashionably dressed at any occasion
• What strucked him the most though, is how adorable yet cool you looked wearing all those oversized shirts and those jumpers
• Not to mention how your style matches perfectly with him
• Have I told you how adorable you look?
• He won't confess it to you, but he has worn some without your knowledge
• He almost got away with you not realising it if it weren't for you suddenly asking him where your top went while he was wearing it
• He would keep telling you that you just somehow got a very similar shirt as him while quickly getting ready to leave
• Have I mentioned how the length of it made Katsuki look cute?
• No one mentioned it to him, but they all thought the same
• Like a kid stealing from their older sibling's closet
• Don't tell him though, if you want to see him wear more of you shirts thinking you had no idea
Tomura Shigaraki
• He would just constantly stare at you whenever he sees you wearing that particular jumper he eyes upon
• He didn't know why, but he found you so facinating and cool wearing that piece of clothing
• It was as though it was calling for him
• He decided he had to get his hands on it at least once. Hey, what's yours is his, right? ;)
• When you went out with your friends on a particular day was when his plan commenced
• He wore jumper, your scent embracing him
• You can't blame him, he missed you already. So he had to do something about it
• He would go about his day treasuring his chance only to forget the fact that he was wearing them
• When you got home, he immediately went to you to welcome you back, fully dressed with your jumper
• It was adorable you almost had a nosebleed
• Don't mention about it to him
• Who knows? He might decide to try on you tops next-
Eijirou Kirishima
• Eijirou talks about manly stuff
• But that doesn't mean he won't do adorable things as well
• He saw the amount of shirts and jumpers you had and thought you wouldn't mind a few disappearance
• He would constantly go about his days wearing your oversized shirts, thinking it looked cool on him
• Say sike rn he is too adorable aghhh
• He is so confident of you not knowing that is was your clothes, but you can't even bring yourself to too him otherwise
• He decided to wear your jumper during one of your dates and you almost had a heart attack because of him
• Keep complimenting him and you shall be rewarded more :)
Denki Kaminari
• Denki's fashion is mostly 'cool stuff'
• He loves seeing you wear those 'amazingly cool' clothes
• Like- how can you be so perfect in everything you wear??
• You don't know how, but he just somehow get access to your clothes without you knowing
• Okay but- when the hell did he get those shirts??? And when the hell did he wash and place it back?? Wtf???
• Either way, he somehow manages to look cute and cool with your clothes
• So even you can't complain
• There's a sign to find out what he will be wearing the next week though
• If he compliments you on your top/jumper specifically, you can be assured that it will disappear in your jacket and reappear on him
• This cute dork loves your shirts I mean- you
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