#anyways rant over. i hope seeing the gamers when school starts up will make things easier
quitedisastrous · 1 year
school's in two days for me! which would be cool and all if my bookbag didn't give me hip pain (on top of my current mattress not helping with that) and yknow. my brain deciding the mere concept of going there is a very rational reason to experience anxiety as if i were in a life or death situation. shatters into two million pieces
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
(I was about to ask you if you can do Nagito with an S/O who’s like Leviathan from obey me but since you don’t know the game, I will just describe his personality for you.)
So basically S/O is an otaku who usually spends most of their time on the internet and doesn’t usually talk to people unless if they really have to. They usually rant about whatever anime or game they’re interested in to their closest friends and they tend to use internet slang even if they’re speaking to someone (ex: “Someone go grab the popcorn lolol”) Despite them revolving their reputation around being an otaku, they don’t think very highly of themselves and is very insecure. Since Leviathan represents Envy in the game, S/O is also easily jealous and often talks about how “unfair” or “lucky” others are. They also like to invite their closest friends to events in video games. They are also a mix of shy and energetic since they have a lack of social skills but they also gets angry when they get jealous or ecstatic when they see something rlly cool happening.
I feel like that sums it all up, I hope the request isn’t too hard.
Thank you for describing the personality in such good detail! I can definitely work with this!
Nagito with a S/O like Leviathan.
You were known as the ultimate otaku! You spent most of your time on the internet. Had very pricey anime merch and manga. Your room look liked an anime paradise. You also played video games.
When you got accepted into hopes peak you weren’t the most excited. You were homeschooled mostly, you hated going out in public and being ‘social’. You were pretty awkward in public.
You knew you didn’t have to go to the school. It wasn’t necessary to attend. But your parents practically forced you to go. They threatened to take away your privilege to buy anime merch and manga for 4 months if you didn’t go. You couldn’t live that long without being able to buy the things you like. So you reluctantly went to hopes peak.
You arrived the first day and you felt extreme social anxiety. You sat in a chair and noticed a girl with a game in her hand. You saw she was playing (insert random game.) you actually really like that game.
“You play (game name)?”
“Yes. I do, I like the story and design of this game.”
“I must agree the story and design are pretty great. I personally like to play games with a story like Kingdom of hearts it’s one of my personal favorites, the first one was good and I like the second one. I can’t wait for the third.”
“I really like that game too. It’s such a fun story and the mystery behind it is so much fun. What’s your name? I’m chiaki nanami the ultimate gamer.”
“Oh I’m f/n l/n the ultimate otaku.”
“So you like anime and manga I’m guessing.”
“Yeah I do. I also don’t do to well with social interactions, unless I’m online. I honestly didn’t want to come but my parents would cutoff my ability to buy merch and manga. So I really didn’t have a choice.”
“You don’t seem to be too bad at interactions. I mean your talking to me just fine.”
“Well that’s because we’re talking about something I’m really into. Normally I have nothing to say that isn’t consider to most people as nerdy or geeky. Sorry for uh wasting your time, I going back to my desk.”
You sat back in your desk and pulled out your phone talking to your internet friends. When somebody walked next to you. You noticed but that’s all.
You looked to see a boy with very white hair and a smile on his face.
“Uh hello…”
“I’m Nagito Komeada the ultimate lucky student! If I may can I know your name and ultimate?”
“Um I’m f/n l/n the ultimate otaku…”
“Oh wow! That’s mean you probably have a lot of anime merch and manga right?”
“Yes I do…Um…not to be rude…but is there something you need?”
“Oh no. I just wanted to know introduce myself even though you will probably forget trash like me.”
“Hehehehe well there’s something we have in common. I doubt you’ll remember a loser like me lol, Ugh it’s so unfair, I can’t believe I’m an ultimate for something so lame. There so many people with such better Ultimates.”
“What! If anybodies ultimate is lame it’s mine!”
“Yeah…totally… being super lucky is so much worse than a loser who just watches ‘cartoons’ and collects figures that super expensive all day.”
Before he can respond you pull out your headphones put them on and started listening to your favorite anime openings. You just wanted to go back home and play video games.
Throughout the day you overhead everyone’s amazing Ultimates, you couldn’t help but think you didn’t belong there. These people had all these amazing skills and what are you an otaku. After a while you walked out of the class and went to a hallway and looked out a window.
You looked over to see Nagito.
“Oh hey.”
“What aren’t you in class with everyone else?”
“Cause I don’t belong in that class.”
“But your an ultimate!”
“So what. My ultimate is so boring compared to the others. I just want to go home and play video games.”
“What kind of games do you play?”
“Oh I play games with a story and good graphics. But I also like games that don’t have a plot like, Minecraft. It extends my creativity. I’ll also watch a random anime while playing. Normally if I’m playing the anime I put on is death note. It’s one my favorites no cap.”
“No cap?”
“Sorry I tend to use internet slang even in real life conversation.”
For the next hour or two, you mentioned the type of games you play, anime you watch, and some merch/figures you have. Nagito was mentioning a game you played very often, you told him that a event of the game was coming up. You invited him to join you and he agreed.
When joined in one the event, you sounded so much more happy and very enthusiastic. He got to see a new side of you, the both you had a quite a bit of fun. He even learned a bunch of new internet slang. (Even thought he probably not going to use it.)
You guys were now really good friends. You two just got along very well. You two would play video games, watch anime, read manga together.
When you two played games with each other online. Sometimes he glad he can’t see your face. Cause you get jealous and angry when somebody beats you. In public if your jealous which makes you mad. You silent rant on the inside of your head. But online, it’s like a explosion of yells. Nagito tries his best to calm you down when you get like that, he’s learned not to say ‘it’s just a game.’ Cause that just makes it worse.
You kinda developed on a crush overtime. You realized you liked him when he gifted you a manga, that you couldn’t get cause you got in trouble with your parents.
You didn’t know how to tell him. There was no way you could do it in person.
You thought how something cute and something he might like. He really enjoyed the game Minecraft. So on Valentine’s Day you texted him to join you in a game. You spent about maybe a week making the little Valentine’s Day confession.
“I know it’s not the most romantic thing in the world. I was also to scared to tell you in person…I really like you Nagito.”
“Aww s/o…this is so thoughtful of you. I really love it! It so you! I would be delighted to be your valentine.”
“Really! Wow! I’m just so…!! How about we meet up at our favorite cafe?!”
“Yeah that’s sounds great!”
You two went on Valentine’s date. It was great. You guys went on more dates after that, and soon became each other’s significant other.
A few relationship headcanons
He is the only one allowed to touch any of your expensive manga’s or merchandise.
You get so easily jealous of other people when they flirt with Nagito.
You and Nagito have anime marathons. Like a movie night but anime.
He loves to see your excited face when new merch for you favorite animes or a new/sequel to one your games comes out.
You and Nagito get matching anime outfits
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Nagito also helps with your insecurities by showering you with compliments while also degrading himself. For example while you were saying how uninteresting you were. You told he could probably do better. he responded with ‘don’t say that, it’s amazes me that someone as worthless as me. Is given the privilege of calling someone as amazing as you my significant other!’
You also give him compliments and shower him with affection. You also do anime classics like a kabedon.
When you did do a kabedon he almost passed out by how flustered he got.
I really hope I got the character right! So komeada-simp37 if I got it wrong or wasn’t really what you were looking! Sorry! Anyway hope you have a nice day!
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
Hinanami ship meme
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Moving onto the Danganronpa 2 ships, Hinanami. I like Danganronpa 2 ships in particular, so I’m excited for this.
Who confessed first?
Chiaki did it one day while they were playing video games. It seemed to come out of nowhere, she just randomly said I like you, which made Hajime fall into the fountain where they usually play games.
Who initiated the first kiss?
Hajime did after Chiaki jumped in after him.
Who asks the other out on dates?
Hajime asks Chiaki, since it’s a good way for her to be less of a shut-in person.
Who is the bigger cuddler?
Chiaki likes hugs a lot.
Who initiates holding hands more often?
Hajime sometimes gets the urge to hold Chiaki’s hand randomly. Sometimes it’s the most inconvenient times, since she needs both hands to play her game. She doesn’t really mind though.
Who remembers anniversaries?
Hajime usually remembers these things pretty easily. He’s got a good memory. Chiaki remembers their anniversary and Hajime’s birthday, but sucks at remembering other dates.
Who is more possessive?
Hajime honestly. He can get a little possessive of Chiaki and wants to spend as much time with her as possible when she’s not being the class rep.
Who gets more jealous?
Hajime is always a little jealous of Chiaki, since she’s so good at so many things, not just video games. He hopes to one day be as good a leader and role model as her.
Who is the most protective?
Hajime is protective and will literally suplex you if you try and pull anything funny. Chiaki is similarly defensive of Hajime, but doesn’t really show it all that well.
Who initiates sexy time the most?
I think it would be funny if Chiaki was the one who initiated sexy time more often. Hajime probably has those desires sometimes, but Chiaki isn’t exactly a very “sexual” character.
Who dislikes PDA (Public Display of Affection)?
Hajime does, but the problem is Chiaki does it way too often. She’ll randomly grab Hajime’s hand or arm or kiss him without a care in the world, which can embarrass him and annoy everyone else.
Who kills the spider?
Hajime. Chiaki just leaves it alone.
Who asks the other to marry them?
Hajime would do it, and I don’t know about you, but I picture it being the most smooth proposal ever. Go my boy!
Who buys the other gifts?
Hajime. Hajime’s gifts usually come in the form of a new game.
Who would first bring up the idea of having kids?
Chiaki probably would. I think after seeing so many couples walk down the street or near the school gates with their children, she’d propose the idea to Hajime of starting a family of their own. I imagine it coming out of left field, so Hajime would originally be flustered, but he’d quickly recover and consider it himself.
Who is more nervous to meet the others parents?
How does Chiaki’s family work? Technically, the Chiaki from the games’ only parent is her father, who is actually Chihiro Fujisaki, so is her family like Chihiro’s her dad, Mondo and Taka are uncles and Alter Ego is her brother/sister? Anyway, I don’t know how to answer this one. I don’t know what type of parents either of them would have, so I’m just going to say Chiaki, because she’s worried her personality will be too nerdy for Hajime’s parents.
Who sleeps on the sofa/couch when the other is angry?
Chiaki sleeps on the couch normally sometimes, but arguements between these two are pretty rare.
Who tries to make up first after arguments?
Arguements between these two don’t usually even count as arguements. Hajime will just sometimes get a little too frustrated and go on either a rant or he’ll end up breaking something accidently. Chiaki keeps her distance until he inevitably comes in and apologises for his actions, since he’d never want to drag her into any of his problems.
Who tells the other they love them more often?
They both do equally.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling it or vice versa?
Chiaki probably, but I see Hajime doing it too if he’s in a hurry.
Who doodles little hearts over the desk with their initials inside?
Hajime, which leads him to be picked on by the other reserve course students, particularly Natsumi.
Who starts the tickle fights?
Similarly to Makoto and Kyoko, when tickle fights start Hajime usually loses, because Chiaki isn’t that ticklish. There’s a certain spot on her body that makes her roll over laughing, but Hajime has yet to find it. Usually he starts tickle fights in order to find that spot. 
Who starts the pillow fights?
Hinanami pillow fights are really wholesome. Chiaki usually starts them.
Who is the last to fall asleep while watching the other with a warm smile?
Hajime, obviosuly. Chiaki’s a person who just randomly falls asleep.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning?
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Who let’s the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?
Chiaki doesn’t wake up for the loud beeping sound.
Who comes up with the cheesy pickup lines?
Hajime, simply because Chiaki doesn’t understand most pickup lines. Most of Hajime’s pickup lines are pretty smooth to be honest.
Who rearranges the books in Alphabetical Order?
Chiaki rearranges her game cases in alphabetical order if that counts.
Who licks the spoon when baking?
Who buys candles for dinner, even when there’s no special occasion?
Probably Hajime. I think he’d try and make it more professional when they get takeout.
Who draws little tattoos on one another with a pen?
Hajime draws them on Chiaki.
Who comes home with a souvenir/fridge magnet whenever they go on holiday?
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys that you usually find on the back of magazines?
Neither of them really care for them.
Who has the other as their phone background?
Hajime has his gamer girl waifu.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
Hajime, but Chiaki rarely ever understands why.
Who asks if they can join the other in the shower?
Chiaki usually asks Hajime if he can scrub her back for her.
Who loudly proclaims their love while drunk?
In a rather hilarious manner, Chiaki actually has pretty low alcohol tolerance, and she can get quite loud and brash when she’s drunk. She’s the answer to this one.
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gamexplained-blog · 5 years
The Current State of Affairs of Identity Politics in Gaming: A Canablization of the Industry
Hey everybody! Before starting this post, I want to give a very fair warning that this post is going to be reminiscent of a post a couple weeks ago. Yes, I will be talking about politics again. However, I’m hoping and praying that it will be in a more positive light. After taking a couple more classes, thanks to my Professor Denise Ayo, I feel comfortable in calling myself liberal. Granted, it’s not to an extreme extent where I’m busting down people’s doors and ascribing “privilege” to any individual who is different than me in a neo-liberal or “leftist” fashion. I do, however, feel far more comfortable and open to understanding and recognizing where privilege occurs beyond just the obvious category of wealth. I even recognize some of my own privileges in certain regards and will continue to understand more and more of these kinds injustices. However, one thing does remain certain in my mind: regardless of any type of privilege, whether it be ascribed or evidential, people should treat each other with love and kindness regardless. Now with that sappy explanation out of the way, let’s jump into this week’s reading.
For this week, the class was tasked with reading  Scalzi, “Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is” (2012) and I implore you to read it for the sake of context as I will be talking about it at length in this post and will be difficult to understand without that background knowledge. In this post, Scalzi sets up a metaphor of “The Real World” in which people who play have no agency over the difficulty they play at and it is ascribed to their identity. Granted, people on harder difficulty settings are able to be more successful than individuals on lower difficulty settings, but the settings themselves are defaulted and immutable. He sets up an interesting metaphor that is very easily digestible...in terms of physically reading. On personal matters, one’s mileage may vary. Personally, for me, this post was ludicrously taxing to read for multiple reasons which I hope can explain why it was so controversial and moreover had such a volatile response (and don’t worry, I’m going to relate this to gaming later down the road).
The first, and quite honestly biggest, point of contention is how it's written is incredibly condescending. If you start off your post/rant/blog or whatever with “I’ve been thinking of a way to explain to straight white men” then you have immediately done an injustice of alienating the people you are trying to make your allies. This type of language makes my soul cry every single time I see it when it comes to identity politics because it feels like yet another proof as to people being so at the ready to not only make them the other but to such a degree that is tonally dehumanizing. To use the above example, the phrasing feels deliberately malicious (as proven later with the later comparison to vampires) because it sets up straight white men as a collective that deserves to be talked down to like their inferior toddlers of some sort who deserve a spanking. He does have a very fair argument in the regard that there is a tendency for many straight white men to just be unaware or uneducated of concepts of privilege that need help in order to understand and can and will be better off if they are. In fact, there are plenty who desperately need said education because they have done wrong things in their life because they have deliberately refused to be empathetic to marginalized groups of people or have refused to recognize certain privileges. However, to immediately go the attack and drill that anger throughout the whole point does nothing more than push those individuals further from you and further put them into an “other” category
Secondly, the huge issue fundamentally with the post is the allegory used itself: it almost feels like a cheat. Before I begin, I want to say that I agree with a whole lot of what Scalzi says, though I don’t condone the condescending language and methodology he uses in the post. I am a believer that many people, because of their identity, are unfortunately worse off than other individuals. However, the huge problem with the analogy of the MMO RPG “The Real World” is that in order to accept the argument and recognize the validity that has, the reader has to outright accept the premises at face value without question. Scalzi might do a good job as characterizing the difference performance in the game and the execution of being in certain identities, but he never explains as to why those things are. No straight white man is going to understand why he has privilege if you don’t point to specific examples or pieces of evidence, especially when the assertions of the premises are being done in such a volatile way. He might be right about the premises, but for his argument to make sense, he has to explain why he is right. Otherwise, that audience he may want to rope in for allyship isn’t going to want to join him and is likely to push themselves even further. Which leads me to allyship in gaming.
A huge problem with the communication of identity politics in gaming is that it comes heavy-handed. From my own perspective, as I had mentioned previously before, I had never thought that gaming had anything to do with politics or identity. I just thought they were fun things to play and enjoy with friends. A larger community to be a part of. So a few weeks ago, if someone is was going to come up to me and say that much of gaming culture or video games are explicitly sexist or racist, I’d be incredibly confused and honestly pretty mad especially if they then go and ascribe my defense of said games to my own identity. And I would even more so feel worse if I saw a game or franchise that I hold in my heart dearly to be changed for a political narrative or agenda that seems completely irrelevant to the game. This is the terrible push and pull for much of the male gamer side of the coin. In all honesty, much of the time it feels as though male gamers are being accused of horrible things they didn’t do because a massive collection of teenage boys ruined the gaming industry by saying and doing horribly offensive things in online multiplayer games. Being accused of something you aren’t is one of them most frustrating things to deal with. And this goes both ways! I imagine there are plenty minority individuals who are just as easily painted with a similar brush by male games as a form of counterculture by labeling them as “neoliberal fascists” that want to censor perfectly fine games regardless of them being offensive or not. In all honesty, I used to be one of those people in high school who would make those kinds of accusations because I wasn’t educated enough on the experience of the other side or rather that my mind was too closed as to have the empathy to open up to those people and understand their plight. This is a big problem with these conversations: people are too afraid of admitting they’re wrong. Even I was still struggling with this until a couple weeks ago!
But on a lighter note, this is why I love gaming so much, Borderlands 2 in particular. Granted, the game does serve some of my own values or interests of liking violent gameplay and dark and offensive humor. At the root of the game, it potentially provides an equal opportunity for everyone to play. While I can’t speak for online multiplayer games, as there are plenty of problematic issues in that vein, nothing is stopping an individual from actually playing a game other than how much that person may internalize the agendas other people throw at them. Sure, a female could absolutely internalize the harassment of pubescent teen boys when they shout “haha gamer girl” at her, leading her to stop gaming altogether. Or, the more likely scenario, she plays the single player game she loves to play anyways for the sake of her own self-interest and happiness. I believe on of the biggest misconceptions for many gamers is that if the games they love change, they won’t love them anymore. Not for the sake of excluding any oppressed group or for deliberate malice, but because their afraid that the good memories and experiences they have since childhood on their consoles are going to be rendered mute. But that’s the beauty of video games: they really can be a force of uniform good. No game is going to kick you out because you’re female, colored, or queer. I sure wouldn’t play Borderlands 2 if it did that. You can play it regardless of your identity and ascribe your own personal value and meaning to it how you want it and that’s okay! Please everybody just be kind to one another! And just remember two important notes. Just because someone takes part of a game you find problematic, doesn’t mean they’re a bigot. And just because a person thinks that the game you play is problematic, doesn’t mean they’re calling you a bigot. Peace and love friends! Game with an open mind and an open heart!
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The Dream Requires Good People
Sup folks, it’s been a pretty normal week I guess and despite a few minor hold ups. I’m in the mood to create and write. I have so much work to do ahead of me that I hope to get finished this next week or so that no matter how productive I am, it never seems to be enough. But I’ll say more about that after the main blog post. Let’s dive right in.
So the Gamer dream is the idea of having all consoles; Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo and PC to all play games together without limitation. The Gamer Dream is also to have a group of tightly knit friends and community to play games with. A community that is not toxic or full of trolls. The idea is to have a like minded group of people who have a strong bond and relationship with who you can enjoy working together to overcome enemies and various challenges in the gaming world. Now thankfully Microsoft has been slowly bridging the gap between PC and Xbox but sadly Playstation is not in the loop and Nintendo well… they are doing their own thing these days. Of course Microsoft would rather leave Playstation out of it so they have a leg up. Unfortunately money is the main reason why consoles and PC won’t all be compatible together, but that’s not the point I will be leading up to in this post. However to add to this, if we want all players to be able play together equally despite the hardware they are on then I have an idea. On PC every game has setting as to how high or low the graphics quality is. If you have a weaker computer then you turn these settings down and your computer will run it better but the graphics will be worse. If you have a big strong computer then you can have these settings higher or maxed out and the graphics will be as good as the game will allow. But what about really weak computers or lets say a first an Xbox One wants to play a game that would require the power of a supercomputer, not just a gaming computer but a really overkill type of gaming computer? I think games should start coming with the option of a “Low Polygon” style of the game that is fully compatible with the original version. An example of a “Low Polygon” graphic style game would be The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. The reason it was designed with that art style wasn’t because they thought it was better but simply because the Wii U and the Switch can’t handle realistic looking or even high detail graphics on a large open world scale. So the elegant solution was to use the low polygon art style for the graphics. You can also make games that have even less polygons than Breath of the Wild that will still look good. So if all games (or at least most games) came with the option of the low polygon style then my weaker laptop would be able to play more newer games at only the cost of highly detailed graphics. I would like to think we can all agree that graphics don’t make a game and even if we did think that was true, there’s no harm in making another version of the game for weaker hardware. Plus it would open up more jobs because someone would have to reskin the game and maybe even have to rework lighting and some game mechanics in order for it to work well. Anyway that’s  just a thought that would help bring gamers together and help make gaming more affordable which is a complaint for some people.
Anyway let’s get to the point of this post. Gamers all want to play in a comfortable community and make relationships with others who all share the hobby and passion for gaming. This is because gamers feel like they belong in the gaming world more than they do in the real world. Everyone wants to belong somewhere and everyone wants to connect and be friendly with the people in their community not just gamers. With the online world though it’s hard because people can be toxic and act like trolls and be jerks because they are only on a server with you for a short time. People can be like this in real life too. People are rude at restaurants or at stores because they have no obligation to be a good person to the staff or others there because they think it’s no big deal since they won’t see them ever again and if they do, no one will remember who it was. Also the mental health and emotional well being of people in the first world is getting worse and worse creating worse and worse people. Who would rather blame the world around them and take out their anger on them instead of trying to be the best they can be for others and themselves. People also have a tendency to ignore their problems and let them pile up while they try to cope with it in a non-productive and unhealthy way like getting drunk or high. This is causing people to be a huge problem. There is no system that we can put in place to fix people and make us safer or happier in social environments because we, us, the people are the problem. I know people who when someone does something that hurts their feelings in the slightest, they just burn that relationship and try to avoid the problem but it only fills them with anger, bitterness and a pile of grudges which they put so much effort and stress into holding against others. The people make themselves bad friends. By that I mean because they don’t work at making themselves a better person or put themselves out there to learn and they are not willing to take any criticism. This holds them back from growing and learning so they just stay the exact same and never try to be better and this affects both them and everyone around them because they are a crappy person to be around. My sister is like this and it sucks to live in the same house.
Now how do we fix this? How do we convince people into not being ass holes? How do we get them to be open to growing and trying to be the best person they can be, instead of being selfish and just trying to get everything they want as easily as possible? I
I don’t know.
I’ve spent all of my life (at least the parts I can remember) trying to be the best version of me, that I can be. I worked hard to get new skills, be nice to others, not assume the worst in others but still be realistic, I try not to be unrealistically positive or negative. I even went through depression because of many reasons but a big one is watching people, like my family, refuse to be open minded and be considerate because they’d rather sit around and pat themselves on the back by comparing themselves to others that they think they are better than. These types of people don’t become better, they just become bitter to anyone who they are convinced might be better than them and they will spend their conversations trying to convince themselves that they are better. This is all in the name of Pride and Greed. This holds back relationships, it destroys relationships, this makes relationships fake and it ruins our potential for true joy and happiness because we can’t admit that we aren’t perfect…. FUCK people.
I guess that was a bit of a rant eh?! Sorry about that. Anyway the point is we will never have our dream come true if we don’t accept our faults, believe the better in someone and do our best (no matter how hard) to be the best versions of ourselves that we can. Now I know this isn’t easy and for those of you with mental illness I can say from experience it seems to be the hardest thing in the world. Also guys basically just don’t gossip. It’s that simple. It makes up about 90% of conversations and it’s toxic, shallow and not helpful in the slightest. I was/have been depressed for over 4 years and getting out of bed was always a terribly painful experience but I knew that if I wanted to get anywhere in this world and to get there happily and as the great and good person I hope to become. I knew I was going to have to try my hardest no matter how crappy I felt, no matter how worthless or tired or how much pain I was in. I needed to keep a strong moral compass, have good integrity and simply be a good person through and through and not just on social media or to someone’s face but to always be a good person and work hard. My family has done a great job at making me feel worthless and has tried to bring me down and tell me that my moral compass is wrong and has never stopped questioning my worth ethic or integrity but somehow I survived long enough to literally tell them to fuck off. Here I am now with a truly amazing relationship… I have the great honor of being a good person who someone considers to be a great guy because I worked through the pain and unpleasant times to become who I am today and I am proud of who I have become. My girlfriend and even her family all see me for what I have become and they see that through all resistance I have worked hard to grow. My girlfriend seems to think I’m a good and great person, someone who she can imagine spending the rest of her life with. But I didn’t become that person by sleeping around at parties or gossiping at school or ignoring my problems. I didn’t chase many of my human desire for pleasure. I stood my ground with my morals and I learned through reading and church sermons. I have books, Church and God to thank for steering me right. I’m not here to through Jesus stuff at the internet but I would seriously recommend opening up to the idea of Jesus. The catch is though, if you have any questions or doubts, dig deeper and don’t ignore it and let it just sit there. You have to find that answer! It helps enormously. For this I went to a Bible college but honestly it could have easily be replaced by books, internet research and studying my Bible better. Of course when finding info from a source that’s not the Bible I’d suggest double checking that it’s true because you don’t want just anyone speaking into your life about what kind of morals you should have.
Anyway my girlfriend is am amazing young women who has also stood her ground in the face of our immoral world. She has abided by the same morals I have and we have both put our time and effort into being the best we can be for others and those around us, even when it has been hard and costed us.  This outcome has given us the best relationship I have ever seen. I honestly can’t think of a better relationship than ours. We have been only dating for a year and we are young be we are seeking wisdom and guidance from those who know better and from God. Honestly folks when you see posts online about failed relationships that’s because one person in the relationship or even both people in the relationship are trying to put their own wants, needs and desires before the other’s. I would elaborate but I think I will hold off on giving relationship advice for a while longer. I think I need to get wiser first.
So to wrap this up I want to add to when I mentioned at the beginning of this post. I said how much work I have ahead of me and that’s very true. Anyone who has read this blog over the past 6 months or so knows that I have been accumulating ideas for content and stuff for a website that I’m building that will having all of my creations. Whether it’s a simple drawing, blog post, my book, gaming news, gaming blog posts, art, Faith based stuff, comics (in pixel art style) and even a small gaming community that I will run in the later hours of the day... AND even more along with merchandise. I have big hopes and dreams and heck if all is going well I may even be able to get enough ad revenue and donations from anyone who actually finds and likes my content to be able to make a job out of it. It would be a dream come true and it’s a long shot but by using my spare time to the max, it just might be possible. Of course I must start small and slowly add different content as things go on and even if my site doesn’t achieve high hopes it will still act as a great portfolio to any future employers. I want to have my book done and site mostly running on a schedule by the end of spring or sooner. However… I have burned myself out a little bit and need some time to recover from all the work I’ve already done trying to get things done. So I am aiming to have my book finished and ready for close friends to read by march break (or spring break for americans). Then I want to enjoy my march break as much as I can by doing my more low key and enjoyable things. Since everything I will be doing for my website is stuff I enjoy I will still technically be productive but I will certainly let myself get lost into the gaming world and sleep in or whatever. Not working for a deadline but any work I do will be just for kicks. Like a vacation. I won’t be going out with my family to any fancy restaurants to listen to their shallow conversation bull crap, I will be just doing whatever I want and relaxing. I will hopefully be visiting my girlfriend a bunch and hopefully it will be nice and relaxing (sometimes it’s busy when I go there due to helping dumb/poor people or a small child is jumping on my head). Anyway yes, I will be taking a vacation, a free vacation that doesn’t require spending money. I actually wrote a blog post a long time ago talking about how you can get that stress free vacation feeling without the need of a cruise or resort or spending any money. Anyway folks, it’s been fun and I have a great fews days ahead of me. Peace out and be sure to work hard everyday to be the best version of you that you can be. Take my word for it, it’s far more important for you to be a good person then to be a smart one or cool, strong, etc. The world doesn’t need that kind of person, the world needs good people. People who are genuinely good through and through.  
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animeride-blog · 7 years
Gamers Season Finale Review/Overall Thougths https://animeride.com/blogs/7144/gamers-season-finale-reviewoverall-thougths/ #Aguri, #Amano, #Chiaki, #GamersAnime, #GamersFinaleReview, #Tendou, #Uehara
New Post has been published on https://animeride.com/blogs/7144/gamers-season-finale-reviewoverall-thougths/
Gamers Season Finale Review/Overall Thougths
Good Morning Everyone I am back once again to actually wrap up a series that I have thoroughly enjoyed far more than I was expecting in Gamers! This last episode was very ironic because they were actually SELF-AWARE which means they knew actually what they were doing in this episode. However, this series was filled with a shit load of misunderstandings like my god. Anyway, Iet’s talk about Gamers as a whole by focusing on the characters starting with amano..
Ohh amano man are you some cliche light novel protagonist or something? I mean constantly we see amano completely oblivious to his surroundings and of course to other people’s feelings. Early on in the series, he gets an invitation to join the gamers club by none other than tendou-san(more on her later lol). The thing that took me for a loop was that he actually turned it down (ehhhhhhh) in front of the class too. It was like he rejected a love confession with the way that they did that scene which was priceless but god damn amano.. Can you really be any more oblivious to the mood of the situation or the fact that what you say or how you say it can really have an impact on how people will interpret your message. But in all fairness, he was pursued by tendou-san so I can’t really blame him but I do respect his honest answer that he gave her. At this point, I thought we had some hope that amano would be an interesting character but nope I was wrong. His mind seems to always be in the gutter when it comes to reading the mood or vibe of a given situation. For instance, chiaki started to develop feelings for amano and he did not notice it at all that she was the online friend he had become familiar with. He was in her room and saw the computer screen with her avatar and name on it and did not once even thought to consider maybe guessing that chiaki was actually that online friend that you hold dear to your little itty bitty heart. This is not a rant on amano but this is not a positive write up because his character just gets to you at times when a situation for something obvious to happen and this dude does the opposite…(facepalms). Well he does grow a set of nuts and actually goes out with tendou-san after he had reportedly had a tough time talking to her (oh yeah I’m sure you did amano..). The relationship of amano and tendou has grown I mean in the last episode they were holding hands how cute…
The more and more I see her, the more and more I laugh. I mean it is always great to have such an interestingly vivid personality but wow tendou you really were obssessed with amano. This series showed an episode of the life of tendou karen before and after she fell in love with amano. When we see how our daily activities are disrupted by her developed feelings for amano, there is some truth to that. Love can do silly or strange things to people and tendou clearly represents that. If she was given the chance to sniff amano’s underwear then I’m sure she would.. Of course I am just kidding or am I? Well anyway, tendou is the popular girl in school that almost everyone respects and admires since she does everything possible to convince them of that. She is the leader of the gamers club that she so desperately wanted amano to join and was heartbroken when he did not join at first. The funny thing about that was tendou did not like that and she was persistent with amano in the way she followed him around and pretty much stalked him. It came as a shock to her that anyone would dare deny a request from the great tendou karen I mean please… But in all seriousness, tendou brought so much life to this series with her personality I mean who can really not like a cute red tomato. To some people, I can see why she could seem as this annoying character that takes things the wrong way all the time but you gotta understand that tendou is not used to being the hunter but rather the hunted..
Aguri is a character that questions and dare I say challenges the philosophy of all gamers in the sense that she is not a true gamer herself. Aguri is the type of girl that is your average girl who will change her hair color if you tell her it needs to be done. It is clear, she cares a ton about what people think or may see which is natural tendency for girls so it is really nothing surprising. She is also kind of clingy with the way that she is kind of always around uehara who is her boyfriend. Aguri loves uehara a lot and it is clear that she cares about what he is thinking or doing. Thus, this causes the friction in their relationship when they encounter a deadly disease in the case of Misunderstandings. What I say in the intro represents the main point or idea of this series because my god like can you just talk to him to find out what is up. But no I mean all of our characters are socially inept to some degree but it isn’t too severe for aguri. Aguri constantly wonders about the values of gamers and again represents the person who basically knows nothing about anime yet hangs out with you anyway..
Uehara is the funny character that actually narrates for us how blind amano can be at times. He is definitely a cool guy that courageously tries to set amano up with an obvious love triangle scenario. Uehara is essentially us in those type of situations because his thoughts jibe with a lot of people’s thoughts so he brings the common sense to the story in a sense. Sure he is apart of that huge carousel of misunderstandings but he is a cool dude that not only took the time to get to know amano but also tried to help him out in own way. Uehara is a likable and silly character that also brings life to the series with his inner monologue and funny faces that he tends to make case in point in the picture above. I mean all of these characters make funny faces but his are just plain stupid funny..
Last but not least, we bring ourselves to a character who represents what online gaming can do to a person’s social capabilities. Man it was evident right away that chiaki was very quiet and struggled to make friends in a school setting so you can imagine how her character would be. She is universally seen as a shy character that easily misunderstands a situation or take what a character says and think its a confession. She really develops feelings for amano after she figured out that he was the online friend she had made and feel in love with. It was like she fell back in love all over again but seriously struggled to convey her feelings to amano. She eventually grew as a character and worked up the courage to at least let amano become aware that she had feelings because you know amano was never gonna figure that out. It took her younger sister to push her to finally stop holding in those feelings and just let it out and that she did…
Score: 7/10
Final Thoughts
I feel that this series was definitely enjoyable and it showed a lot of character interaction and funny moments that one could not help but laugh even just a little. The usage of the characters is what really makes this series pretty good instead of just ok because if it wasn’t for the characters then this series would be average and forgettable. Overall, I thought this series surpassed my expectations and I look forward to seeing what people have to say about this series as a whole so with that being said its been fun now time to close the book on yet another anime series..
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