#anyways thank you to the anon who sent me an ask like last week ur the reason im back
saviorsbookcafe · 2 years
ohhhhhh my god its been so long since ive like. been here.
first things first is i have updated my info page for all details on getting the manga/light novels etc. to be updated properly but also wow. tumblr killed my page so it took me forever to figure out how to make it work (hint: it had javascript in it) so it unfortunately no longer has my neat askbox included feature but alas.. what can you do (i just added a link at the bottom)
volume 5 of the manga came out recently (does a month ago count as recent?) with a very very neato pamphlet bonus if you can get it (digital is also available) which includes a colored! comic of tsukina and ill post-volume 5 storyline very cute highly recommend (link on that info page)
but anyways due to the above and also getting caught up in trying to make myself a little timeline of where all the events in this series take place (super productive day i am very into excel) i ended up not getting like any actual work done on the next chapter except realizing its a cool 21 pages that i am like only 7 pages into i was Really hoping it was short or like not 21 pages
i know its been like. forever. looking at the published date on the light novel its been like 2 years since it was released and i am pretty sure its been a year and a half (maybe the full 2) since i started translating this light novel and obviously it has been very inconsistent.. but i do truly want to finish this translation if you can believe it lol so bear with me.. i am gonna try to work on more of chapter 9 tomorrow and maybe i can at least get some progress done.. and for tonight im gonna.. look at my asks! after years of waiting lol although i think this post will mostly sum up how things have been
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
hi mikey!! spotted your rb about scars in movies vs scars in real life and... would you like to tell us the story of how Steve got that one scar from preserum that for some reason wasn't healed when he got a New Body? (other than his nose ofc 🥰)
what?? the serum keeps them totally unmarred ? cant hear you
sure, a back alley fight would make sense but I can just feel something different– maybe it's angsty, one night him and Buck sneak a few drinks from the hidden liquor in Steve's Ma's room while she's at work and when Steve starts getting all in his sad feels he picks a fight with Bucky and no matter how much Bucky tries to talk him down it ends in broken glass and wooden splinters?
or maybe it's dumber than that and it's Steve washing up after a really fun night of...of whatever I dunno it doesn't have to be smutty i just didn't know what to put there and he's so busy staring at Bucky while cleaning the dishes that he doesn't realise he picked up the knife by the blade until Bucky's eyes go wide and look at the basin "Steve what are you doing"
...or something else i guess anyway love ur work (your asks/rb's have been hitting the SPOT recently, my dash missed you) xoxoxo
Okay so FIRST I'd like to say that I have So Many thoughts about the serum/scarring/how much it ACTUALLY heals Steve. I have a whole THEORY about how much it actually helped him in the ice-- it was working hard enough to simply keep him alive, I really doubt it could have healed all the frostbite, nerve damage, blunt force trauma, etc...
I'd really like to make a post about that sometime, someone remind me.
Anywhoooo SCARS. Let's do this. I'm taking your first scenario and twisting it a bit.
It's 1935, and Sarah is ill-- already sent off to the TB ward. Steve and Bucky are in his tenement, alone, and Bucky managed to find some cheap whiskey to sneak over. Steve never loved drinking, or being around people who drank, because his dad messed that up pretty bad. But his ma's illness hangs like a dark cloud over them, and he doesn't think he's been this stressed in his whole life. So he drinks and they both gradually relax.
Shirts get shed, they're laughing, slumped on Steve's lump couch and watching the ceiling spin above them. For a brief, awful moment, Steve thinks he gets why his father drank so much-- it's nice. An escape. His teeth are tingling, he feels light, and nothing really hurts.
He pushes those thoughts away, though. Best not go down that path. Until...
"Where'd ya get that scar?" Bucky asks, and Steve lifts his head to see Bucky pointing an unsteady finger at his collarbone and-- oh.
Steve looks down at the scar-- clearly a result of a deep wound, and still a little pink around the edges, despite it having healed completely. He lifts an uncoordinated finger of his own and traces over the raised skin, laughing.
"My fucking dad," he says, hand dropping to his lap and head lolling backwards on the cushions. "Fucking-- shoved me into a table. Was, like, eight I think."
Bucky's speechless for a moment. Distantly, he'd known that Joseph Rogers was mean-- there was a reason Steve was always allowed over, no matter the time of day, and he was always nervous around George when they were younger. But for some reason, Bucky never put two and two together all the way.
"Steve..." he says, sitting up and scooting closer.
Steve just shakes his head. He's still laughing.
"Ya know, I swore I'd never get drunk 'cause of him," he lifts his glass, some amber liquid still at the bottom. "Guess I fucked that up, too."
And then he's crying, face crumpling from laughter to grief; pain. Pain that he'd known since as long as he could remember.
He looks at Bucky, eyes wide and wet. He's so drunk, and it's all spilling out of him now, because he'd never told anyone. He couldn't have. It was a secret, and no one could know, or he and his ma would only hurt worse.
"I was relieved when he died, you know? Watched his fucking liver fail in front of me, and all I could think of was how fucking thankful I was that he was finally gone."
And Bucky's jaw clenches, because Steve was nine when his father died. No fucking nine year old should have to feel emotions that big.
He doesn't know what to say; how to make it better. And Sarah isn't doing well-- the pain he's seeing in Steve now is far from the last. So Bucky holds him and prays that one day he will be at peace.
Of course, that doesn't happen. For either of them, really, and seventy years and a walk through hell later, Steve is standing in front of the mirror in their en suite, fingers tracing the white, puckered scar on his collarbone. The serum fixed a lot, but it couldn't fix everything, and he still is littered in marks and old pains-- bullet wounds and knife cuts.
And this. The oldest scar he has.
Bucky sees him standing there, only in a towel. There's a vacant look in his eyes-- it's been a hard week. Nightmares almost every night, and a panic attack that Steve needed his meds for. But it's alright. They're working on it.
He approaches him softly, and sees what Steve is looking at.
Steve's eyes shift towards him in the mirror, then down to the vanity. Eye contact is so hard for him.
"I thought it would get rid of the last of him, you know?" Steve says. "The serum, I thought..." he shrugs.
Bucky's heart cracks in his chest. They've been through so much since Joseph had a hold on Steve, but he'd been there in the formative years, and much like the scar, those pains don't fade so easily.
"I hear you," Bucky says, because he doesn't have anything to say to make it better-- make it okay-- but he knows how important it is to be heard. He smooths a hand across Steve's back, pulling him into his arm. "You didn't deserve that, Steve. You were just a kid."
Steve melts against him, and Bucky can feel his shoulder getting wet where he cries. He holds him, just like he had when Steve had told him about the scar. It hurts-- it might always sting-- but Steve's a survivor, and he'll stand back up again. He always does.
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ndiecity · 3 years
idk ur still doing the confessions thing but anyway. it's not really wild or anything, i just needed to get it off my chest lol (you can ignore this if you want this gets pretty long and confusing i think so buckle up)
also shoutout to the 6th grade anon, i had a similar 6th grade exp. middle schoolers are the worst. i literally had little no friend AND was bullied lol.
anyway there was this one girl in my class that was like a sorta popular girl i was friends with. so during 6th grade, i had no friends except for her (i dont think she saw me as a friend tho or were even friends in the first place?? idk) and i would always crave her attention. i didn't know i had a crush on her i think.
(side note: i would rate the girls in my class based on how pretty and nice to me they are, (i think i put her on 2nd lol))
so then whenever she was absent for the day i would feel sad and all that shit. whenever she was around i always do anything to please her or make her think im cool or something (i was not cool, i was a loser). we would talk endlessly on messenger, talking abt random shit, how shitty her mom was, how shitty my mom was etc. one time during our first class for the day (which was about 5am i think) she was acting weird, i asked her about it, she said her stomach hurt. so me, being all lovesick and shit gave her my lunch ( i didn't have lunch money and only had sandwiches lol) when she thanked me for it, and said she felt better, i felt so proud. idk i just felt so happy then
fast forward to end of 6th grade, we were graduating. by that i mean transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade. anyway. so we graduated, kept in touch, still messaged her on messenger, and then school got in the way and my phone got taken away cuz i failed sum classes in the 2nd quarter. never had it back since. so we didnt talk for about 4 years.
so back in 2020, my parents got me a laptop for school, and i made a new mess. acc. i reached out to her again. we talked, talked abt shitty moms, i found out she's bi and i told her im a lesbian. after a few days i asked her if she'd ever had a gf or bf or whatever (like the idiot i was) and said she didnt have to answer if she didnt want to obvi. she said yes she's had bf's before. i said, cool. then she asked me why i was asking i told her i was just curious.
then came out of nowhere, she said, "wanna try?" so then my brain shut off and i didnt reply for minutes then she just sent a "haha"
and she was like, "oh sorry was that weird? sorry😬"
but i said it was fine and shit. we didnt talk about it for about a day.
then we were talking again and i was like, "so this is gonna sound weird but do you ever like, like someone and would want a romantic relationship with them but wouldn't like, mind being their friend instead? like youre in the middle?"
and she said "yeah, i have" so then i was like "oh cool, cool"
then she asked, "why? have you?" and i said yes.
then she asked who. and my brain shut off again lmaoo so i was just like "you" the speech bubble appeared multiple times lmao then i followed up with like, "sorry! that was weird! please just forget about it!"
then she was like, "no no, it's fine. i feel the same way" (and i beliived it. how naive was i?)
so then i was like, "really?? cool cool cool" (im a really awkward person okay)
then after a few minutes of talking again (you know when you're like flirting as a joke but then it's not a joke anymore? lol) she was like, "so wanna be my gf?"
my brain shut off again. i didnt answer for a few minutes cuz my brain was dead. then she was like, "um was that too fast? that was too fast sorryy"
by the time i read that my hand was shaking lmaoo (from nervousness or shock i dont know) so i hastily replied with, "nah its fine. i would love too" after overthinking it and shit
does dating count when your just talking over text? what is dating????
anyway we flirt a lot, saying goodnight, i love you's and shit. she said i was her first gf, i said she was my first relationship and what not. i was genuinely happy. i had a person who understood me, and liked me, and i was happy. she even said she saved my bday on her phone
so then like about a week and a before my bday was when shits started to go down.
i messaged her, said a quick goodmorning cuz i had classes and how i wanted to kill myself and shit like that (dont worry, im not actively suicidal and she already knew this) she replied and i quote "Good morning, love. I love you."
then like after classes, i messaged her, asked how her day was, told her about my day etc. i waited about an hour. (she doesnt typically reply for about 10 - 15 minutes cuz duh she does have a more eventful life than mine) so i thought none of it. thought she was just busy. so it was nighttime and still no word from her. so i said good night and wished for her to be safe.
morning came, i checked my messages, still nothing, she didnt even see it yet. i went on with my day thinking nothing of it. told myself she might have some problems at home and all that. by the 3rd day, i was pretty anxious and i couldnt think properly. my brain conjuring up scenarios where her mom found out, and her phone got taken away. anything just to convince myself what the dreaded truth was.
it was the 5th day was when i gave up. i saw she changed her pfp, and captioned it like she would normally caption it. replied to the comments, that kind of shit. so then i was so mad by then so i commented too. ofc she didnt reply. i spent days worrying over her safety, when in reality she's just an asshole. and i really thought she really like me you know? i really thought she'd at least considered me as her friend, i guess not
my bday came, we had a party but i wasn't really feeling it ya know? by then i'd already spent the past week crying myself to sleep. no one noticed a thing.
a few months ago i saw she had a bf, and by that time i already felt like my old self again, no longer the broken pathetic shell she left. i was back to square one. so i cried again.
present day, i still see her posts, her ig stories, (i dont think she blocked me). and i cant bring myself to block her either. like idk on one hand i'm so mad that she just left me hanging, that her relationship with her new bf lasted longer than we were together and on the other i knew if she ever reached out again, i would latch on to every inch of her. (that's probably bad lol)
anyway have a nice day/afternoon/night!!!! i hope i havent troubled you too much lol sorry!
Damn that's a lot to take in, I'm sorry 😔
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: i dont know what blue lock is but that art you just posted is making me interested lol
AHHHHH please getting people interested in it is all my life is about lately hahahaha it’s a sports manga about soccer! Kind of!! Definitely has all the good sides of sports manga, but it’s also different enough from the usual sports manga that I know people who aren’t huge sports manga fan who loved every second of it, please do give it a try if you find yourself with the time for it! It’s such a cool manga!!!
Anon said: I don't even like BNHA anymore, haven't for more than a year, but your blog still has me shipping the characters somehow. I live for your KiriBaku content (and your KamiJirou stuff, when you post it!)
Gosh, I’m glad I can make you like them still!! It’s such a compliment, honestly ;A; <3
Anon said: so i was looking through your art and stuff and was wondering "hey i wonder if theyve ever drawn voltron stuff" and tbh, i didnt expect you to have
To be fair, if you checked it means that at least a little you thought it was possible lol I haven’t watched anything past s1 of it though, so the chances of me ever picking it up again are less than zero
Anon said: You... are one of the loves of my life... and also the main reason I check tumblr everyday lol.
Anon!!! You’re gonna make me blush here!!!!! ;;;; thank you so much!
Anon said: i started reading bluelock because of u and now im obsessed soooo,,,,, thanks!❤️😭
Anon said: Hii, do you have a Spotify account? If you do, can you share it? I really like the songs u use on your arts, and I would love to see your Playlists Sorry if it's already on your FAQ, I didn't find it And sorry for my bad English ps. I LOVE YOUR KIRIBAKU ARTS THANK YOU
I don’t! I listen to all my music from youtube, because I’m that kind of person lmao happy to hear we share music tastes, though! And thank you so much!!! <3
Anon said: What's your favorite arc of ToG both story wise and art wise?
SCREAMS I don’t know!!!! I’ve been thinking about this ask since getting it I have genuinely zero clue I love all arcs so much for so many different reasons!!!!! The first that comes to mind when I think about it is the workshop battle arc, because I love Viole with everything I have and the whole arc (plus the build up to it too!!) hurts in the most wonderful way, but then I keep thinking about it and I realize there’s so many character I live for that don’t appear in it - I love the floor of death arc SO MUCH cause for one, there’s nearly all my favorite characters in it, and also because it’s such a good, dynamic arc?? everything that happens is so much fun and interesting?? also Hockney is there, and Urek is there, and Garam is there, and the Hell Train gang is all there, so!! AH and the hell train as a whole is so damn good (the dallar show???? my whole soul rests in there, Khun’s trust in Bam!! the coin flip with rachel!! Bam’s whole everything!!!!!!!! GAH) but my fav part of it has to be the hidden floor?? because!!!!!! it’s perfect from start to end, everyone in it is wonderful, Bam’s growth in it!!! GODS! My favorite scene in the whole webtoon is in the hidden floor arc, it’s how much I love it - THEN THERE’S YAMA and the whole arc there is so so SO good too, and the latest arc!! how good is the latest arc!!!!!
so yeah I can’t pick - art wise I think it goes without saying that SIU’s art has only gotten better, so the closest to the newest update you go the more I like the art.... though, my favorite Bam is still the short haired one from the Hell Train arc haha
Anon said: Oh, wow, how stupid of me. Like 2 months ago, I sent you a message telling you how much I loved your work... and I didn’t see it on your page, or anywhere else. Finally today, I discovered I had an inbox where you answered me... 🤦‍♀️... I still love your work, by the way...
AHHH yeah I always answer off-anon asks privately! And thank you so much for still liking my things!!
Anon said: Have you read the last haikyuu chapter? How did you feel about it?
I’ve reread it at least twenty times and then I went and reread the whole of the last game again and it’s been three weeks and I’m still thinking about it more or less constantly and feeling giddy happy about everything that manga has ended up being, genuinely one of the best manga I’ve ever had the pleasure of following till the very end - that’s how I feel about it <3
Anon said: I really like looking at your art it’s so therapeutic it’s wonderful please keep drawing I want to support you on Kofi and patreon and yet I am broke please just know I love u very much ok bye
Ahhhh it’s okay anon! I try to keep as little completely unavailable for my followers as I can, and I’ll do my best to keep drawing! Can’t promise the fandoms will always be stuff you care about though haha
Anon said: This is my FAVORITE art blog. Is blog even a word that ppl use anymore?? Idk but anyways your kiribaku gives me life and cures my depression so ily and thank u
I’m so so happy to hear that! Thank you so much!!! TTATT <3
Anon said: just now realizing your oc looks like the human version of kamakiri
To be fair the only thing they have in common is the green mohawk, but I get where you’re coming from! I was very happy when Kamakiri’s official colors came out exactly cause he makes me think about my boy, after all xD my love for Kamakiri is definitely biased, in that sense haha
Anon said: Just wanted to let u know im very gay for ur oc giulia that is all thanks
Anon I’m gonna cry I’m so glad you like her!!!!!!!!!! She’s one of my oldest OCs out of that group, it’s always so thrilling to know people like her ;A; <3
Anon said: I really like how you draw kirishima’s hair
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I have a lot of fun with it, though it does mean it ends up being kinda off canon more often than not haha
Anon said: hi! just a random question but how’d you come up with your name?
Fran is my name! Erid comes from Eridan from homestuck! Art is what I try to do! And that’s the incredibly interesting story behind my screen name haha
Anon said: Heya, so i sent the ask about the person who i suspect either heavily referenced or traced your art (i sent another ask about this tho im not sure if it went through) anyway, it was posted by ****************** you'll know it when you see it i think
Ahhhhhh sorry for how long this took me to answer, I went to check and it’s!!! fine, I mean, would have preferred if they had credited but I don’t think it was completely traced so I don’t mind too much, I used to copy art of people I liked too back when I was first starting, after all haha
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
What headcanons you have in request box actually? I'm really curious lol. Have nice day btw, I love your work!!!!!
Okay, so usually I put some in a doc and then like figure it out from there so if you've sent one in and haven't seen it, don't worry, it'll be done and added once I make a dent lmao. These are also a mix of hc and fics. Some I'm like part way through so ye
There also might be some that I might not do because its vague, like I'm given just the prompt and I don't know what to do with it or there's just no ideas that come to mind so I really am sorry.
Upcoming ones:
Met with Dia and he said “how else will you please me?” And I think it awoke something in me?? Can I request Diavolo with a bashful innocent MC and him just laying back and letting her have his way with him? But of course he’s a total dom so he’s gonna take control but just has a little fun letting her take the reins to start with? Hi. I just found your stuff and you write so well for Obey Me. Could I request a fic with Barbatos and a female MC? Maybe she's staying at the palace for whatever reason and when he goes to his room he hears her moaning his name so he checks on her but she's sleeping. The next day he hints that she must've had a good dream much to her dismay. That night he goes to her room and she's awake and they end up sleeping together. With some praise and maybe even some tail action. Thank you! Can I please get a uuuhhh possessive/borderline yandere Leon please :3c maybe it’s after a big match for her and everyone’s fawning over her and he steals her away and reminds her that she’s his? 💕✨ I saw those headcanons where Jin and Shigaraki became parental or sibling figures to the reader sooooooo how about headcanons of a fem!reader being a mother figure to the league? Just an ordinary citizen in her late twenties until she met the LOV unexpectedly, during the time where the league had to hide and the reader's place is conveniently open (then again I'm sure they'd bust in if it wasn't) and she didn't rat them out. This happened quite a lot of times to the point where the reader is used to it by now and just lets them in, even if they weren't hiding from anyone and just wants to stay for the night. When she got closer to the league, she starts to show care and love for them in a way a mother would the reader isn't a member of the league, but they already consider her as family :'D I just really want them to get care and love since they've been through so much Last week I literally sat down and read your writing for like an hour and a half LOL It’s just really good and I love your characterization! I was wondering if I could request Twice and Shigaraki with an s/o who tries to be cute and surprise them by wearing their clothes when they return from a mission but maybe the clothes are a bit too snug cuz they’re a little pudgy :( could also be nsfw if you’re ok with that!! Thank you so much 💜💜 I like the Lucky!Cat!reader hc. Could you do some for the LOV, with a Male Cat s/o? Thank you! You're the best!! I've been obsessing about flowers and their meanings or what they symbolize soooooo. How would the LOV react to their s/o giving them a certain flower and then finding out what the flower means/symbolizes? Hope this passes! It's a request for OM. Can I have headcanons of the brothers + Diavolo (if you don't mind) of their s/o dancing "Paradise Lost" by GAIN? Provided you a link to the video for reference 😁: https://youtu.be/4i32ANEa5mk Headcanons where the LOV has an s/o whose like a literal ball of sunshine. Always happy and bubbly, smiling and laughing, they just seem to epitome of joy. Until one day, they just break down, being so emotionally drained from different factors that they can keep up the act of being happy anymore Last week I literally sat down and read your writing for like an hour and a half LOL It’s just really good and I love your characterization! I was wondering if I could request Twice and Shigaraki with an s/o who tries to be cute and surprise them by wearing their clothes when they return from a mission but maybe the clothes are a bit too snug cuz they’re a little pudgy :( could also be nsfw if you’re ok with that!! Thank you so much 💜💜 hey!! hru? i have a question do you think shigaraki would like a threesome? what if his s/o didn’t want one bc she’s like possessive of him (in a non toxic way) hey plush, can you do a reader x Shiggy and Dabi whos crying to them/grabbing their shirts and burring themselves into shiggy and dabi/ about their verbally abusive ex, how theyre so different from them, so much nicer and softer, how they(the reader) never thought they could be loved or deserved kindness? its been one of those days, i just need some comfort. thank you♡ heyy!! ^^ can i request some headcanons for hawks reacting to his female s/o belly dancing for him? :3 Heyo this is beetle juice anon idk if u remember me I’m the person who said shiggy sounds like beetle juice, I swear I couldn’t get that thought out of my head so can I request shiggy and reader getting hit by a quirk that forces them to do a musically ( idk I just want shiggy to sing honestly lmaoooo) idk maybe both of them being shocked that both of them can sing hey, i absolutely adore your writing! i love going through all your work, they’re my comfort fics! 💞 i was wondering if you would mind writing something for tomura with an s/o who is insecure about her body and how skinny she is? she feels too flat, like she doesn’t have enough curves or that she’s grown into her body enough and it makes her feel less of a woman, that tomura could do better. and it makes her anxious when it comes to initimacy and being exposed to him because in her eyes he’s so perfectly handsome and she just feels inadequate... it’s something i’ve had to deal with pretty much my entire life, getting called names like stick insect and coat hanger, but lately it’s been eating away at me more and more. you can totally ignore this if you feel uncomfortable writing about this stuff, though! 💕 So, like. Hear me out. What if, with Bakugou and Dabi (separate) : MC is super innocent and cute, blushes at the slightest flirt, and “doesn’t get” dirty jokes, but as soon as they’re alone with their s/o? They are the kinkiest most vulgar bottom they’ve ever seen. Nipples pierced, collar under the turtleneck, chain strung between the piercings and the collar, all out kinda slut. The duality of man. (Gender neutral) Hello so may i request shigaraki with a s.o whos warm loving and protective and very innocent basically a s.o whos like mitsuri kanroji both personality and look wise Female pronouns,maybe they are out on a date getting ice cream and the s.o is so happy shiggy came, they hold hands and people start giving him odd looks only for her to stand up to the bullies who are saying things about shigaraki, it ends with her kissing him infront of everyone to prove a point,and when the get home she tells him she doesnt care what people think and makes love to him topping hin while telling him all the reasons she fell inlove with him,(omg im so sorrry its so long if you have tpo many requests or dont like the idea please tell me) hey, i absolutely adore your writing! i love going through all your work, they’re my comfort fics! 💞 i was wondering if you would mind writing something for tomura with an s/o who is insecure about her body and how skinny she is? she feels too flat, like she doesn’t have enough curves or that she’s grown into her body enough and it makes her feel less of a woman, that tomura could do better. and it makes her anxious when it comes to initimacy and being exposed to him because in her eyes he’s so perfectly handsome and she just feels inadequate... it’s something i’ve had to deal with pretty much my entire life, getting called names like stick insect and coat hanger, but lately it’s been eating away at me more and more. you can totally ignore this if you feel uncomfortable writing about this stuff, though! 💕 could we get a fem reader cock warming Dabi throughout the night and get morning sex >//< // ik youre a busy bee so dont feel obligated to rush or anything, take ur time plushie!♡ can we please get a shiggy x reader and the reader asks him to teach her how to game and she ends up being better than him and whatnot (inspired by that “a simple wager”) fic (if you ever decide to make a sequel to that i will ve DECEASED Can I request a sub shigaraki with a mommy kink getting pegged by the reader ( I just want to make him beg and cry honestly) reader is a female Omh give us noncon/somno w scary eraserhead plsss / aizawa and aphrodisiac smut pwease ( ;∀;) Overhaul and Chrono punishing quirkless reader for being an undercover reporter/agent but like orgasm denial... (Idk if you write this stuff but anyways do it if you want have a nice night) Can I request something like “Peaches and Cream” but with Piers instead? I know you’re busy with other requests, so don’t worry if you don’t have time for this one! I love love your writing!!! Hello beautiful can I just say how amazing ur writing is loll, can I request shigaraki having a crush on the reader and she knows about it, like one day shiggy just goes to her room when there on a mission and just steals her stuff and humps her pillows, but she has cameras in her room so she saw everything, long story short she shows him the videos and humiliates him (shiggy of course a mess and is close to crying from how embarrassing that is, lowkey turned on ) the reader takes care of him ( sorry I’m really bad at endings 🙏🏻😅) the reader pegs him until he’s a crying mess. By the way the reader is a female and shigaraki is a sub has a mommy kink and the reader is dom of that’s ok of course I love your writing!! May I ask for Diavolo x F!Reader with borderline disorder? 👉👈.. Lately it has been very difficult for me to deal with this alone and Diavolo is mine comfort character.. (NSFW Talk, If your a minor..then why are you even reading this?? Get off this 18+ page?? Anyways-). I am a huge sucker for overstimulation, biting and crying, (many of my past partners have called me a sadist-) and I just 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒 the idea of Tamaki’s cute face streaming with tears and drool as Male Reader vigorously overstims the fuck out of him. And he would look so 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 with his mouth gaping open in a silent scream of overwhelming pleasure because M!Reader gave his sensitive dick a handjob while he roughly railed Tamaki’s pretty little ass. (While abusing the fuck out of his G Spot, of course). I can just imagine him squirming and begging for mercy while M!Reader lovingly wrecks his body, taking him hard & fast in multiple different positions with each one making Tamaki wail with pleasure. He’s just so adorable, I just wanna see him get 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑢𝑝~ Lusty ❤︎ -Anon. Bonus Points if you could have M!Reader be super fuckin tall, muscular, strong and also be absolutely PACKING. (This man has a godly dick, and it’s honestly a surprise Tamaki can take it so well without literally breaking in half) ahhhh hewwo could you maybe write something with dbd ghostface going full apotheosis for his crush? as in,, he starts to elevate her to a status of divinity and even when she's just cowering in fear in front of him or conversely stabbing him and causing him lots of pain he just keeps viewing her as some sort of deity and  can't stop obsessing over her and wanting more from her
Again. I deeply apologize for not doing some. I wish I could, but (and this is not to guilt trip any of yall or anything, I understand that it'll sound like that it but it ain't it) sometimes the work I put into something and the feedback I get is sometimes not it. Like I'll work hard and get nothing and listen, I get it, its fanfic, there's a bit more stigma to it rather than art but yeah. Its a ramble, and basically, I don't wanna put work into something that I'll only get a few likes on. So yeah. Agains this isn't guilt tripping, I get it. I'm a consumer of it and I get the gist of it but yeah. More thoughts later, when I can properly sit and write as I am currently in a home depot 
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We very much appreciate your last answer! May I ask for some headcanons on Maglor, Maedhros and the twins, post-third kinslaying? Thank you 😊
- Captain Anon
Hello! We very much appreciate your patience this last week an—
Ok first, for the life of me, I can’t decide on why Maglor took the twins, or why Maedhros agreed to keep them. So here’s a couple of theories I’ve seen as well as one that’s more mine:
The good old “can we keep them” + 🥺🥺 = “fine” followed by “what no they are hostages and I have no emotional attach- wow! you made that? That’s amazing! Can you teach me?”
The Twins 2.0
I think Mags deciding to keep the twins is the start of his character arc (he’s late to the party but oh well)
My interpretation is he’s always been a little short sighted, not really prone to introspection, trying to ignore that he and his family are all kinda… monsters, at least until this part of the book. (That probably comes from how he barely shows up in the story.)
He probably shows up to the kinslayings in a very detached “its one of those days” manner.
Maybe he realizes its time to face up to everything once the 3 Cs die. Or maybe it really does take Amrod and Amras for the introspection gears to start turning. Either way, who/what their family is can’t be ignored anymore, and it’s time to take the route that takes down the fewest bystanders as they go to their doom.
Ok so at first the twins are very much not gonna talk to the creepy murderers thank you, even if Elrond already knows they aren’t going to kill them (Certainly his foresight would notify him of his own death. he hopes). They’re 6 but they know what’s up and you bet your ass Elrond can hold a grudge. Plus Elros says They’re creepy, and Elrond’s gotta agree.
Maglor is pretty stumped cause ofcourse it makes sense the kids aren’t talking to him or anyone, but that can’t be good for their health and he does actually want them to be happy. He goes over to Maedhros like “oi help” to which Maedhros is like “bro ur so fucking dumb, listen to them, they sing 24/7 just like u.” and Maglor is like “oh. right. singing. i do that. ok.”
It’d be really cute if he went and started singing a song that’s meant to be easy to join into, one of the silly dumb ones that are entirely out of place in a war but make everyone laugh and be happy and just forget for a minute. It takes a while, but Elros’ voice quietly joins in. Then Elrond’s. Unfortunately its one of those ditties that gets stuck in your head, and with the twins and Maglor singing it, the whole camp has it stuck in their heads for *ages.* And I mean ages. In the fourth age, people are sitting in the halls of Mandos, almost to a peaceful state of mind, when freaking “the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon” gets stuck in their head again and fills them with Pure Rage (they only remember one verse! it’s not even a full verse!) (it’s been thousands of years dammit). It would be really sad if Maglor started singing a lullaby Feanor taught him, only to realize Finwe sang it to Nolo, who sang it to Turgon, [insert generations], who sang it to Elrond and Elros, who sing it back to him. Even cooler if Elros sings it to his kids, and it becomes an ages long game of telephone until one day in the 5th age Maglor hears it on the beach and is about to cry, but then realises it’s in the wrong fucking key, and half the words are mistranslated, and is annoyed instead.
Not sure exactly why, but singing together brokers a kind of peace. As for Maedhros, he isn’t exactly a singer, but he’s not tone deaf, and if Maglor’s a kid who sang 24/7 Maedhros is the older brother who knew how to deal with it. (in other words he’s very good at encouraging artistic talents, even when those talents seem to consist solely of being annoyingly Loud.
Anyways fast forwards thru hugs and kisses and kinda questionable parenting (but with good intentions!) and lots of love. I head canon that M&M “kick out” the twins like “you have to go because uh… we hate you very much” which would have been believable but they also sent them away with a guard on the road and carefully packed bags, plus once M&M were gone, a lot of their old followers showed up in rivendell like “This is Maglor’s child and we love him very much.” Which was a very interesting diplomatic incident to say the least, but reminded Elrond they did actually care about him and his brother. (Dunno if elves are going to Numenor)
Elrond, Elros, Celebrimbor (and sometimes Gil-galad, depending on his father of the week) have monthly parent crisis meetings. They are also all cousins and friends. I don’t make the rules. Thanks giving dinner is a hoot, I’m sure.
Also, unrelated note: but wouldn’t it be cool if Elros was the one with stronger foresight, and it’s because of that long view of life that he chose to be mortal? Like Elrond would see maybe a few years, or a century ahead, but Elros sees the millennia stretching out before them, all the destruction and futility and just nopes right on out.
again thank you so much for your patience with me while I was doing AP tests. I had quite a few ideas written out, but needed the headspace to organize them. Ily! Have a great day :)
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virtuemoired · 4 years
i'm not sure if anyone has asked this already but can you do a top 5 best costumes for scott?
hi anon, i thought you’d never ask! today was a pretty rough day, so hopefully this cheers u up, anything 2 share my thoughts w the class! enjoy :’)
5. umbrellas small town boy: 9.2/10
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starting off STRONG bc umbrellas!Scott was truly a sight to behold. in this picture, he is 20 years old, and all i have to say is that they don’t make ice dancers like that anymore. EVERYTHING about this look is *chef’s kiss*, from the collar right down to the carefully sewn chest pockets. scott moir woke up at the crack of DAWN to carefully roll up those sleeves to perfection, and made sure to tuck in his shirt precisely into his cottage boy pants to really sell the program. this is au naturale soft scott, only rivaled by mahler!Scott and latch!Scott WHICH WE WILL GET TO. in my humble opinion, 2008-2010 scott is peak scott, no matter what latch!Scott supremacists might have u believe. it is ONE thing to be a good ice dancer, but it is another to completely EMBODY the character of Guy Foucher and skate ur HEART out to the soundtrack “i will wait for you” over and over to tessa virtue. this costume never missed a beat, and i thank my lucky stars everyday for it.
4. latch: 9.5/10
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latch!Scott is just one of those things where you can’t not include it, bc it is so ICONIC. if i’m speaking w 100% honesty, the real star of the show is his hair™️, but bc it is all about the full ~package~ we are gonna include his hair as being part of the costume. u know how v/m always say that they let their skating speak for itself? well i think that scott let his HAIR speak for itself bc when i was coming up w this list, my first thoughts were “latch scott” before i was like wait. what did latch!Scott even WEAR? for the life of me, i couldn’t remember. it was only until i googled that i realised he was wearing a blue costume (pictured). when scott said that his job was to get people to focus on tessa, he was lying bc his hair overshadowed his plans, and ended his own career. he thought he was smart wearing this unassuming blue shirt but we know ur game, moir. ur hair had more flow than dare i say tessa’s latch dress, and that’s the tea on that.
3. mahler: 9.7/10
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u must be asking urself, what could possibly top latch? in which case, dear reader, u are in for a TREAT. you see, while latch!Scott had the best hair, mahler was the og soft scott. umbrellas was just the beginning, and i am so glad that mahler!Scott came through with this LEWK. i feel v strongly about the fact that we rarely ever got a chance to see scott in white with black pants, bc i personally love the pure, can-do-no-wrong vibe™️ going for him, right down to the cut at the back of his pants that NO ONE appreciates, but i do, scott moir. i do. 
2. great gig turtleneck: 9.9/10
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legend has it that if you look up the definition for perfection, great gig!Scott will show up in the results. if tessa’s green dress was revelatory, black turtleneck scott is quite possibly the GREATEST thing that has EVER happened to ice dance. this is the creation by the hands of FATE, bc if their suitcases hadn’t gotten lost we would’ve NEVER had the honour of appreciating this MASTERPIECE in all its 1080p glory. it was truly divine intervention and if u look at the men’s and ice dance field now, every single skater has tried at least ONCE to accomplish even HALF of what scott did here, but NONE of them have even come CLOSE. not even scott moir HIMSELF could replicate this iconic gem, and today we send our thoughts and prayers to this work of art sculpted by the skating gods to get them on the worlds podium. truth is, turtleneck!Scott is a mirage and quite frankly i ask myself everyday if it really did happen. he would fit in at a patisserie in paris, france and no one would bat an eye. i feel like this picture deserves to be hung in the LOUVRE, so everyone can appreciate this underrated chef-d'œuvre of a costume. look, he even got me speaking in a foreign language, the POWER. don’t even get me STARTED on the hair, bc this is i-just-woke-up-and-oh-my-god-i-have-a-competition-in-5-mins scott moir hair and i am HERE! FOR! IT! he said, screw it, let me show u the greatest serpentine lift and WATCH US get onto the podium w minimal practice and DOMINATE. the BDE of it all. one of the commentators said that they had the cheapest costumes in the entire competition, and while that MAY be true this was the beginning stages of carmen!Scott and for that we should all bow down to it.
1. long time running: 10/10
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tessa virtue can claim the colour green, and scott moir could OWN the black long sleeved shirt any day of the week. this was turtleneck!Scott 2.0, and i’ll gladly take what i can get. carmen!Scott walked so this look could run, and i’m so glad their last skate at the olympics was when scott was looking his absolute FINEST™️. the simplicity of it all is just too beautiful for words, but i’ll try anyway. 
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this is the person u take home to meet ur parents, the kind of guy that ur grandma wants u to marry, and who all ur other boyfriends will be relentlessly compared to. take long time running!Scott and put him with tessa virtue wearing her stunning red dress, and ladies and gentlemen, you are seeing whatever greets u at the gates of ice dance HEAVEN. i fully believe that angels were sent down to bless us with this look, and scott’s hair here is really just the icing on top of cake.
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scott often talks about “showing tessa off” and so everyone pays his costumes DUST, but when the commentators said “they made ice dance a little more classier”, this is EXACTLY what they meant. the whole i put this on as a sign of respect for the last skate of our careers on olympic ice energy really speaks to my SOUL, and as i previously said i am a SUCKER for a can-do-no-wrong vibe™️ so this ticks ALL my boxes. this is like the AU of moulin rouge, and it is the place i would put under the “mentally i am here” meme. i just think it’s so beautiful how, like turtleneck!Scott, we only got to see this finished look ONCE during the olympics, and then never again. but that’s okay, because this look watered my crops, fed my soul, and made me believe in true love again.
let me tell u, it was a journey to get to this look, a long time running if u must, but u know what? HE WAS WELL WORTH THE WAIT *mic drop* 
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hungline · 5 years
I saw ur post abt taking prompts. Idk if you can do this but on @hybridfanfictions blog their most popular post was about a bee hybrid fic one and I though it was rlly cool....
honeycomb for a heart
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pairing: yoonminjoonseok 
genre: fluff, light angst, hybrid au, rated pg13 
warnings: trans male character, mentioned misgendering and transphobia 
a/n: hi anon! so i saw the queen bee prompt by @hybridfanfiction and instantly fell in love with it. sorry this took so long to do, but i hope you like it regardless! title is taken from rupi kaur’s “the sun and her flowers” btw!
words: 1402 
summary: Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.
+ tag list: @jooneos​​ @kirtikagarg​ @disrespectfulkookies​ @roseyjongdae​ @reeneryu​​ @joonsvalentine​ @smoochkook​ ✨
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Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.
Technically (legally, he means), he is a Queen Bee in name only. It didn’t matter if he petitioned to be listed as a King Bee instead, in the government’s eyes, Yoongi is and always will be Min Yoonji.
He doesn’t let that get to him though. Yoonji was a fine name and he liked it and all the special attention he garnered at first, but then his Queen Bee died. After that, he began wearing his late father’s clothes and went exclusively as Yoongi.
Bee hybrids aren’t rare, but they are uncommon. The only bee hybrids Yoongi has ever met were his mom and his uncle who soon passed after their Queen did. Knowing this, Yoongi was certain of the fact that even if he did meet another bee hybrid, they wouldn’t want to build a hive with him. Bees need their Queens. For bees, females are the ones with all the power while men are simply meant to worship and follow their stead.
Some days, that knowledge alone makes Yoongi want to crawl right out of his skin because he knows that his assigned gender at birth isn’t what he actually is, but it will be the reason he never gets to experience love and the special bond of a hive. Other days, it’s a burden he is able to carry without strain. And on every other day, Yoongi focuses on his garden, on the hives he keeps to produce honey with regular bees and the nursery business he inherited from his uncle.
He has decided to expand recently though, deadset on opening up a honey themed cafe he hopes will have more humans interested in bees. Maybe there will be a surge of requests for more bee hybrids to be made or maybe some will even walk right into his cafe and instantly want him to be their King. He’s heard of the stories on the internet after all. How all it takes for bees is one look to know who their true Queen is. It isn’t that far-fetched of an idea for him and a bee to exchange glances before the bee gives their loyalty to him.
(A bee could dream anyway.)
As a result, Yoongi had contacted an accountant that Seokjin, a panther hybrid he went to school with, highly recommended to him. His business card introduced him as Jung Hoseok, the sunnier half of the MonoHope partners and Yoongi hadn’t even bothered to do further research on him before reaching out. They had exchanged emails for the better part of the week and today was when Hoseok, along with his partner, would finally meet with Yoongi in person to hash out the main aspect of Yoongi’s desired business plan and expected profit. Yoongi was sitting at the table in his favorite nursery, checking the ledgers and running through the numbers once more while waiting for the two to arrive, pen tapping lightly against his lips.
Yoongi became so engrossed in his task that he was distracted enough to miss the texts Hoseok had sent him and regretted that as soon as the door creaks open and Yoongi shoots up out of his chair, eyes flickering towards the three figures suddenly entering the nursery.
It takes Yoongi a moment to realize that the men in front of him are bee hybrids who are incredibly attractive. Their antennae are long and the wings are thick, the fuzz on their heads closer to gold than yellow. Instincts that he hasn’t felt in a long time begin to build within him, running through his veins and make his heart pump with anticipation. His own wings start to flutter, antennae twitching as a mantra of hive, hive, hive starts up in his head.
He is able to ignore those instincts though when Yoongi realizes that more than a few minutes have passed with no one speaking a word. The three men standing before him just won’t stop staring at him and he’s beginning to feel nervous and self-conscious about himself when the tallest of the three drops his suitcase and bows down to him.
“My King,” he says, his voice rough.
Yoongi doesn’t even have the time to react before the other two men follow suit, bowing and murmuring a quiet, “My King.”
They stand back up slowly, eyes roaming all over him and before where Yoongi felt anxious under their gazes, he feels nothing but warmth now. They know that he is a Queen Bee, but they called him King anyway. No one except Seokjin has ever acknowledged that without being prompted. And yet, these three perfect strangers felt what only a bee could and paired it with what they saw before they gave their fealty to Yoongi properly.
Yoongi steps forward, steeling himself. He has a hive now, these three are his hive and he isn’t about to let them go.
“What are your names?” he croaks, wincing at the sound of his own voice.
The tallest smiles at him though, bowing again before he says, “Kim Namjoon, at your service, my King.”
Yoongi wants to tell him not to bow, to treat him like he would anybody else, but those instincts he ignored earlier are back at full force and will not allow that.
“Jung Hoseok, at your service, my King,” the man beside Namjoon introduces himself, smiling after he has straightened from his bow. “We exchanged emails, but it’s very nice to finally meet you, Your Majesty.”
Again, Yoongi wants to speak up and tell Hoseok that he need not bother with the official titles, but his instincts fight him and Yoongi decides to give in because he knows a losing battle when he sees one. He focuses on the last man to introduce himself instead, head tilted to the side in confusion. He’s pretty sure Hoseok didn’t mention bringing someone other than Namjoon with him for their appointment.
“And who might you be?” Yoongi asks, patting himself on the back for keeping his voice gentle when the short man startles slightly and flushes under his gaze.
“Park Jimin, at your service, my King,” Jimin replies, hesitant and obviously nervous, but his voice is steady and Yoongi finds himself smiling over the fact that he didn’t bow like the other two. “Hobi-hyung invited me along because he wanted a banker’s perspective on your plan. I hope that isn’t a problem.”
“I see,” Yoongi says with a nod. “It’s not a problem at all. Thank you for coming.”
Yoongi bites his lip, hands twisting together in front of him as he looks over these three men who know nothing about him but are now his anyway. “Are you certain this is what you want? All of you?”
“Of course,” Hoseok answers immediately. “You are our King.”
“But wouldn’t you prefer a Queen?” Yoongi cannot help but ask, wondering why he is questioning this so much. “You must know that I’m not… that. I will never be a Queen.”
Namjoon steps forward then and holds his arms out hesitantly. Yoongi stares at his hands for a moment before he takes them in his own, drawing closer. Out of the corner of his eye, Yoongi can see Hoseok and Jimin approaching as well but keeps his primary focus on Namjoon in front of him.
“We’ve gone our whole lives without a Queen,” Namjoon says this so matter of factly that Yoongi can only blink up at him in surprise and a bit of awe if he is going to be truthful. A worker bee growing up without a Queen? That’s traumatic, to say the least. “Now we have found a King and we do not intend to let you go, Your Majesty. Don’t you want to start a hive with us?”
And damn it, when Namjoon looks at him like that with his eyes huge and imploring, how is Yoongi even meant to say no?
So Yoongi nods and tilts his head up, accepting the chaste kiss Namjoon presses to his mouth before striding towards Hoseok and doing the same. Jimin surprises him by stepping forward when Yoongi has pulled away from Hoseok, sweeping him into his arms and giving him the filthiest kiss Yoongi has ever received in his life. It leaves him reeling, his wings fluttering and face warm as they separate.
Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
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totopopopo · 4 years
not the last anon and im really sorry for their tone, im a mutual but i really dont know how to have this conversation with you face to face and im so sorry for that. if a minor is sending you sexual jokes its your duty to shut that down, you really shouldnt encourage stuff like that because it leads to a really weird power imbalance between adult and minor.
oop idk when u sent this bc I don't get notifications abt asks like 60% of the time sorry abt that. idk if you’ll see this but might as well throw this out there anyways. 
its very strange to call a 4 year difference a power imbalance when like, as a college student, many of my classes consist of a range of 17 year olds to 23 year olds, and we are all... genuinely peers. Like on equal levels. We all have different life experiences, sure, and we’re all coming at life from different perspectives and with different levels of maturity and trauma and baggage and responsibility and things. but it’s not like the seniors are not allowed to talk to the freshmen or vice versa because that would be a power imbalance between an adult and a minor. Again, things get more difficult when u get into romantic/sexual interactions, but I don’t think I can stress enough how not! every! interaction! between someone below the age of 18 and above the age of 18! is! inherently! sexual!!!! and again, even in the context of how this blew up, if you actually look at it, you can see it was innocent joking between friends using ridiculous internet meme speak. That was it. 
More importantly, I would really fucking appreciate it if you could talk to me face to face, as you say, rather than hide behind anon. It’s impossible to have any semblance of a conversation when one person is an anonymous ask (and not just because Tumblr is garbage and I didn’t see this til now like 3 weeks later?). You want to talk about power imbalance? How about the power imbalance that comes from you know exactly who I am, and where im coming from, but I have absolutely no idea who I’m talking to or interacting with? And the fact that we can ONLY ever talk on YOUR terms? Like I have no way to talk to you (I don’t even know if you’ll see this)! Do you understand how that isn’t productive or helpful to anybody? Whether or not you’re a mutual, but tbh honestly especially if ur a mutual bc it means I know/interact with you, if you have something like this to say, don’t do it on anon. Talk to me face to face. Don’t fucking hide behind anon. 
This is the last anonymous ask I’ll answer about this particular thing. If you want to fucking engage with me, I get to know who you are. We get to start on equal footing. Thanks.
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kinktae · 5 years
what were NOT gonna do is drag rose into this, when she obviously isn’t involved in the situation.
Anonymous said: Please don’t let that anon get to you rose! If you want this to be your happy place then we should all respect that. I see why they might feel that way but it’s not for us to decide how you deal with the situation
bigbangtansonyeondan said: Ew that anon is so gross. Rose is not even involved aside from just knowing the people. We all have friends who done shit and do shit and it’s your personal choice whether to stick with them and shape them up or ditch them. No judgement here Rose. Don’t let stinky anons mess with your happy place.
Anonymous said: hey u don’t have to post this but the other anon was really insensitive about the situation especially when u just mentioned u were going through anxiety. like do THEY agree with their family and friends 100% of the time? no, no one does and people can make mistakes. also they don’t know the situation behind the scenes and only see what’s posted online
Anonymous said: Disregard all the anons telling u to stop being friends with ur friends!! This whole thing is just messy and has many sides let’s just all be happy and hope this is settled / will settle soon
Anonymous said: People stop dragging Rose into the arguement. It was not her that made the mistake, and you can’t tell her to break her friendships, because that’s not your decision to make. It’s hers! Anyway… search up anxiety relief(ver) on spotify. You’ll find a few good playlists with songs that will help you sooth your anxiety. Love you ❤❤
Anonymous said: Im really sorry you have been suffering with anxiety at the moment.I know how you feel I’ve been through some tough times recently. But don’t worry i will get better.🥺🥰
Anonymous said: Hey! I hope you’re doing ok w this whole drama bs! I hope to see it resolved soon and honestly fuck ppl who are trying to drag u into it!!! It has nothing to do w u! I wanna spiritually give you a hug and a lil kiss on the head 💖 bc ur too sweet for this world (despite writing Amazing smut) I hope the rest of your week goes better!Anonymous said: Hi i am just here to send you some love. I know there was a messed up situation involving your friends but ultimately it’s not your place to worry about it. You have made your feelings clear and the rest is between them and that person. People need to get off the cancel bus and chill for a sec about issues that aren’t theirs, and stop dragging bystanders like yourself into the mix. Try to focus on you, on calm, happy and safe places. Lots of love 💕
bl00bts said: ok that last anon better back the fuck off. ‘If you don’t denounce their actions then you agree with them’. What A-class bullshit. Listen, your friends, yeah they sound like assholes but they’re still your friends. I can’t force you to not hang out with them, you guys are close. They’re very important in your life, I completely understand that. I just hope that you recognize that what they did wasn’t okay. Honestly, you shouldn’t be dragged into this, you weren’t doing anything wrong.
Anonymous said: hihi, you don’t have to respond to this, this is just for your solace. i don’t think you did anything wrong with all that’s happening. your friends are their own persons who make their own decisions and behave in the manner they choose. being friends with them doesn’t mean you agree with or condone their actions, and i can see how hard this must be for you because people expect you to take sides. i hope you can catch a break and your anxieties easy away :( ❤️
Anonymous said: i just want to say that i’m so sorry that people are giving you a bunch of shit on things that you have no control over. i honestly have no idea what’s going on and i really don’t want to know but i just want to say don’t listen to them and please don’t let them get to you 💜
Anonymous said: (this is continuing the other ask) but like how are u gonna call someone a clown and essentially insult them if that’s what u were against in the first place. it makes no sense. please don’t take it to heart ur a great writer and im sure a great person
Anonymous said: That anon was quite rude to you. You chose to not get involved( and weren’t even involved), and allowed them to “resolve” their issue amongst themselves. That anon IS NOT you in this situation. They don’t understand how you feel, so to come and say what YOU should do regarding this situation is not their place. I hope people think about what they say before they come to you with their opinions on a situation they have no direct involvement in.
Anonymous said: Y'all sending her hate is really uncalled for. She’s not involved in the situation. Y'all sending her shady shit via anon is the same thing y'all are getting mad at those writers for. Don’t say one thing then do that same thing. It ain’t cute. Leave her be.
Anonymous said: Hi Rose🥺 Ik you don’t know me but I love and support you and hope everything works out for you. You deserve the best. Tumblr isn’t a place for negativity. It should be a safe haven. It should just be a place where people come together for the things they love.
Anonymous said: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: Hey Rose! Im sending you lots of love and support 💜 you're loved and important and Im sorry you had an anxiety attack. Lots and lots of love
minyoongibabygirl said: Hey look I might not quite understand what's going on, but I'm going to always support you, you don't deserve the hate your getting. I love you, I purple you
Anonymous said: A) you’re amazing and b) I’m sorry people are harassing you about all this drama. Your friends are important and I can say that I don’t agree with everything my friends do but that doesn’t mean I end our relationship. You’re an amazing author and an even better person.
Anonymous said: I hope you’re doing okay right now, I have panic attacks too and it takes me a while to recover from them 💜
Forget what i said about tumblr being my happy place. You guys are my happy place. thank you to everyone who sent me in anons of love and to those that pm’d me privately to help me through my mental health shit. and again, i’m so so sorry for worrying you all. Please take care of yourself everyone
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justkpopjokes · 5 years
Vampire!Minghao || PART 2
A/N: I’M BACK WITH VAMP!HAO!! Also this was almost vampire politics lmfao
Requested by: 4 anons + sunflower anon + @riptidethepen + a blog I can’t tag (y'all sent in asks wanting for a pt.2!! this is dedicated to you♡)
NOTE: for those of you who have read my Vampire!Mingyu AU, the lore is changing! There’s new canon since that au was written so long ago. It’s just small details that are changing, the end of that au is the same👍
part 1
Imma pull some Incredibles 2 shiz with the start right after part 1 stuff
Are you ready? no? too bad
Minghao is red as blood once you lean away from ur kiss
He's having an internal meltdown like hhhhh they agreed to that 2nd kiss
y'all just take some of his knitting stuff and get back to your room so you can cuddle learn how to knit
Mr. Xu is abt to walk in but then he yeets himself outta there after seeing y'all cuddling knitting v close together
For the rest of the week, your teeth grow out a bit more and Mr. Xu teaches you how to use ur fangs properly
Basically biting into apples n other foods for practice
Mr. Dad (ik what I wrote) also makes Minghao practice because this boy turned you into a vampire from not being able to do this properly smh
After that practice is done, you get oddly sick to your stomach again, meaning ~the transformation is almost complete~
(Wow finally it's been like 2 months now)
Minghao just stays next to you as long as he can to make sure you're feeling alright and don't bite yourself
You have to get smth like a mouthguard so you don't bite ur lip in ur sleep
And after that passes…
Congrats! You've graduated from Vampire school👏
VHS'19 go bats!🦇 my new instagram bio
The whole process wasn't actually as painful as it sounds, but it's just… what do I do now
Well Minghao surprises you by dragging you outside
Minghao trains you more (rip), but it’s fun this time bc you get to run around with super speed
and climb trees!!
mainly bc you remembered Twilight vaguely and were like “wait hao can we do that stuff”
the answer is h e l l  y e a h
Yea so you climb trees and run around, essentially playing tag with hao
Until he tackles you to stop you from running
he barely manages to stop you before you get onto a forest trail leading to some buildings
You: “Wow… we're far from your house...”
Hao: “Yeah. Let's head back home.”
“Minghao, do you think… Will I ever be able to go back?”
“What do you mean?”
“To the city”
“Well, you won't have too, don’t worry. My dad arranged your stuff to be kept somewhere until he can pick it up”
“But what if… what if I want to?”
Minghao gets a little confused because he doesn’t understand why you’d want to go back
he thought you loved it here?
confused boy is like “wait what's wrong with the mansion??”
“Nothing, Hao. I just miss home.”
it’s a little hard for him to understand, having lived in the mansion his whole long immortal vampire life…
But he doesn’t want you to be sad, so he asks his dad if he can take you to Vampire Square!
which is just the vampire night market lol
Also,,,, Minghao has a plan to make you even happier ;)
so before you wander off, he takes you to this tailor who takes your measurements
Then you go out to explore the market/square w/Hao while the tailor sews up a surprise
Minghao treats you by trading books for some cake since you can finally eat sugary stuff!! also coconut water since your body has enough blood in it again
((I realize I never really explained shopping in my other vamp au, but they don’t really use money lol they trade objects or favours since everyone knows each other))
it’s a small, chill night market, so there are lights everywhere and you get to watch tiny vampire kiddos and spot a few other creatures roaming around
it makes you realize how… human they are
yknow… hahah… just humans… who have to drink blood or coconut water… and have superhuman abilities… yeah
After ur nice cough cough DATE with Hao, he takes you back to the tailor who has prepared some fancy clothes for you!!
The tailor is like “a stunning outfit for a stunning vampire! I assume it’s for the ball, yes?”
and ur like. what ball lmao
Minghao answers for you and explains to you what the ball is on ur way home
Which is via CAPE TELEPORTATION btw!!
(some capes allow for teleportation and other capes help you turn into bats, etc etc (it’s how Mingyu teleported in his vampire au btw))
So every year around Halloween, there's this Vampire Ball™ for all the vampires at the Vampire Prince’s castle, aka JUNHUI’S CASTLEEE
Btw if you haven't read my Vampire!Mingyu series, note that Jun isn’t king bc his mother is technically queen still but she’s in hiding rn
he’s coolio but anyway
His Royal Highness is a bit mad that Minghao bit someone on the streets since it’s illegal
...but with Mr. Xu’s lawyer skills and the fact that Jun is a nice person (also the fact this has happened recently but was resolved well *cough* Mingyu) you were allowed to live!
and that’s how this almost became vampire politics akjfdh anyway
The night of the Vampire Ball, the 3 of you in the Xu residence change into formal clothing
Hao looks so fine, he’s got a suit on that’s accented w/a red carnation in his pocketand of course he’s got his cape on bc he looks heckin c o o l with that on
functional and fashionable eheh
he has a real proud dad who’s like omg did you get y/n a matching outfit? (yes)
you’re the last to get ready and do that slow walk down the stairs to where Minghao & Mr. Xu are waiting
Hao is obviously like o shit okay okay don’t panic don’t pani—
Mr. Dad: “Minghao, your jaw is physically dropped, please be polite and close your mouth”
Eventually, you get to the castle, which has been decorated w/shades of red
it’s real fancy and all these vampires are dressed up and have nice accessories,
it’s like you’ve been transported back in time to another century!
there are vamps playing classical music and everything
like oh is that a dude on double bass?? hell yeah, you fine sir
and Prince Junhui proposes a toast to another year of living!
Mr. Xu goes off to talk business with some older vampires
So you get to spend time with Hao and dance!!
he was able to get you to ballroom dance with him uwu
Finally, you could be at peace and live in a dream
but peace doesn’t come that easy around here…
there’s obviously gonna be some wine, and you get kind of intoxicated oops
you get a bit moody and start thinking of home back in the city
as much as you love being here with Hao, it’s probably caused so much trouble with your friends/family who’ve likely reported you as missing at this point
Hao notices you looking sad and looking up to the moon in the centre of a garden of roses
he steps next to you and takes your hand
a section of the roses starts to glow, but he ignores it bc he just wants to understand
he can’t really know firsthand what it feels like to be far from home, but maybe you can help him understand that?
maybe then he could feel human?
so he wraps his cape around you and teleports you somewhere else
When your eyes adjust to the dark, you see city lights and trees
Hao just whispers to you, “We can’t be here for long, stay close to me”
you’re at an empty park at the edge of the city, sitting close to Hao on a bench
“Wha—Minghao why are we here?”
“I want to know what it’s like to be far from the mansion. This is the deepest part of the city I’ve been in… And I thought you’d want to be closer to home, too.”
“Thank you, Hao”
You sit silently with him, slowly falling asleep on his shoulder until he has to take you back to the garden
When you return, there’s a small crowd gathered around you
Mr. Xu is in shock or smth, “Minghao did you—was this you?”
You’re obviously like. uh what
but there’s a whole prophecy or something and because of your little trip to the park,,, you’ve got another scheduled appointment at Vampire Court™
but don’t worry, you’ve got a vampire lawyer and a vampire boyfriend by your side~
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ASKS (28)
Anonymous said: Hi ily💓
I love you too! There is love in my heart and you may take some
Anonymous said: Hey hey hey Amesssss!!! what was the first fic you ever wrote?
Well. Technically the first written piece was a play I wrote at around 13? It was about all of the characters from the Percy Jackson series watching Disney’s Hercules together
My first bat fic was this one, back in I want to say 2014
Anonymous said: You are a snack . So cute ❤❤❤❤
[Lizzo voice] baby I’m the whole damn meal 
Anonymous said: You may’ve done badly but you looked fine as heck doing it. (I’m aroace—I’m not hitting on you, I promise). Besides, everybody has off days. Even lawyers.
akhfasufgdlfeas I appreciate the clarification <3
Anonymous said: For my summer job I went through a lawyer’s disaster of an office and let me tell you. 90% of it was Westlaw printouts. Those things are the effing best. They tell you what’s going on, they give you the info you need, they’re not weirdly complicated and hard to find—Westlaw. It may be prohibitively expensive and a symptom of the flaws in our legal system, but by golly it’s the best option.
When you hit that “forms” button......... the magic....... the beauty.....
andromeda270 said: My legal research class got us two free weeks of westlaw(I’m still in college) and when I didn’t finish a paper I made a free trial for the wrong site but they emailed me anyway asking if I was interested in buying and could they talk over the phone. I fessed up and they gave me another free week to work on a paper for some class
That’s how they get you!!!!
collidinglegends said: Lexis is shinier, WestLaw is better
Amen babe
Anonymous said: Please sleep
Who’s got the time
Anonymous said: hi !! quick question . I’ve followed you for a while and i think i asked you this previously but im not sure... do you write Duke ?? would you be comfortable writing him if i sent in a prompt including others in the fam ?
Sure, if I like the prompt. I write Duke every once in awhile, although I wouldn’t say I’m confident doing it. He’s a fairly new character and I stopped reading weeklys about the time I hit law school three years ago
Anonymous said: Hope you feel better soon... I'll pray for you
Ah thank you friend I appreciate you
areverieofchaosdreams said: I'm probably pretty late to this cause I'm not great at time, but your thing is making All the Feelings tm. But in a good way. You and dapanda were the first batfam blogs I ever followed, and it's been a helluva ride. Your way of writing things just pulls me in a way that few do, so thank you. :)
A single tear falls from my lashes, followed by several more because I cry a lot 
hades-in-a-handbag said: Your thing is being the embodiment of goth mom energy Don't know if it's just your literal handle or what but you're so encouraging and motherly and also dark and emotionally scaring with your writing. Very sweet, very spooky
goth mom energy 
Anonymous said: Omgggg ames, ginny is so grown up!!!!!
She is! She’s a teenager 
morallyunequivocal said: not a prompt but oh no i just made myself sad with that last ask
that’s a mood
Anonymous said: You make plushies? Wtf, how did you get to be so talented and adorable at so many things. You’re amazing and I hope law school goes well.
Oh you’re so so sweet
Anonymous said: What law school things have you learned that you could see the bat family deals by with?
Well, I’ve had to take classes about forming and maintaining businesses, finding tax loopholes, writing and litigating contracts, and real property. Those are all things that WE would deal with on the regular. I also took classes on juvenile and adult criminal law, evidence, and police misconduct, which all seem Bat-relevant. At this exact moment I’m taking family law, which would include adoptions, and I have in the past taken classes about trusts and estates.
Anonymous said: Noooooooo no nono 🙏🙏🙏 dont ignore her 💔
Bad kittens get ignored instead of cuddled
crayolapumpkins said: hope the printing isn't too boring !! + I'm loving the fics , your work is always *chef's kiss* !! thank u for ur hard work ✨✨✨
[heart eyes]
Anonymous said: Since you have a big brother and a tiny sister, with that huge gap, what do you feel when you see those Dick & Damian fics or headcanons where Dick sees Damian as both a brother and a son? I know it's kind of canon now, but fandom has even gone as far as having Dick adopt Damian in various situations. Their age gap and their positions in the family allows for that kind of dynamic and I know it's reality for a lot of people too. But what's Your opinions on this? And maybe your brother's?
Huh, that’s a good question. My littlest brother and I are ten years apart, and Dave will tell you flat out I’m his favorite sibling because when I’m home we do everything together. I think the thing those fics are collectively missing is that there doesn’t need to be a brother/father hybrid because the role of Older Sibling With Age Gap is already its own distinct thing. 
Dave and I don’t have the same dynamic as the kids I actively grew up with. We had very limited contact during his growing up years, because I was off at school. Now that he’s a teenager, we communicate like adults but with the caveat that I am In Charge. I dictate the agenda, and I make the decisions unless I choose to delegate them. 
I’ve indulged a request about an adoption before, but I don’t really like that idea very much. Like I said, I don’t feel the need to add “father” into a dynamic that already exists on its own. 
hollyhock13 said: Listen. You’re a middle kid, but not the middle middle kid. You’re towards the older end, but not the oldest. Maybe second or third, depending on how many siblings you have
Anonymous said: That is the coolest blanket I've ever seen!!
Isn’t it just 
Anonymous said: We're having a big adoption event tomorrow in Houston and we sent all the animals in our shelter down there. Our supervisors are in Houston too so us few kennel techs left at the shelter are scrubbing the place from top to bottom. We have music playing on the loud speaker and just ordered pizza. It's a great day. :)
Anonymous said: Pls continue the Tim and hallucination Damian thing im on edge
Anonymous said: Bls bls bls continue the tim hallucinating dami fic, bc its killing me in the best way. My heart. It hurts. That shit hurted.
Anonymous said: Ames, thoughts on the new joker movie?
I haven’t seen it, although I probably will when I get the time
Anonymous said: Idk if this is a secret, more like a guilty confession. I really, REALLY hope Damian turns out asexual, or at least romantically unattached. I LOVE that most of his good interactions are with his vaious Bat siblings, Jon, Maps and his pets. Everyone loves shopping him with varuova characters and it makes me hesitate to share my opinion incase I'm looked at weirdly. But having a character I look up to be asexual would be amazing.
I would really like that too anon
Anonymous said: what do you think about Drake & his new outfit?
Anonymous said: Alfred Pennyworth is the baddest bitch
You are not incorrect
bruciewayneisbatman said: Amy and Kenza are the bittersweet queens of this fandom. The both of you are absolutely evil and tooth-rotting sweet at the same time. I love you two for that, btw.
<3 thanks Esther 
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ajw720 · 6 years
More important context re: m/ikita comment—remember that A/lla is JTF’s PR rep. And to ur “open relationship” anon—1) in hwood/bway, everyone “knows” someone/has an acquaintance/colleague/cousin/etc. Pro tip for any future “insider” anons: if u haven’t signed an NDA/aren’t getting pressured to keep ur mouth shut or delete stuff on SM about ur “info,” then at BEST, ur only privy to a partial truth anyway. Also D’s bearding is barely an open secret. It’s like open fact. Hardly concealed.
Thanks nonnie, you just gave me a new fact. I was wholly unaware that A/lla rep’ed JTF. And for the record JTF and I are like besties, so i totally have inside info on him.  Not only did i see him in Spelling Bee a million years ago, but i sat behind him at Shaping S/ound (T/ravis W/all is one of the most gifted choreographers alive) and I now i feel like i know everything about him:)
Kidding clearly, i doubt he even saw me at that show.  
BUT you tidbit it adds a lot to the JM comment.  First, even without the additional context, you don’t type “gay icons” if you know one of the three people pictured is straight while the other two are openly gay.  That would be just wrong on so many levels.
But adding the connection to A/lla, an amazing PR person who actually works for her clients, I would say he was doing D&C a favor. A lot of things about this lavender marriage are not clear to me, but one thing I am very comfortable saying after almost a month, it is not what D wants and he is rebelling as much as he can. And i am happy to see people actually helping D&C, because sometimes the list of users seems endless.  It is really refreshing and it is good to know that some people care more about the truth and D’s well being then the consequences of dropping a hint.
On to my insider, thanks for that tip. I am actually laughing as said insider has sent me 3 subsequent messages to plead his/her case, even though s/he has no “race in the horse” and therefore, not sure why this individual would care what i think. I am fully aware that any person that says they have info because someone they know, may know d, likely is either not telling the truth OR has been lied to by said insider. Fact, no one would be able to hide their sexuality if there wren’t legions of people around them willing to lie.  D is bearded, his friends or acquaintances aren’t going to start telling people otherwise and if they do, there are consequences.   I honestly have no faith in that source.  And i am fairly certain this is the same person i blocked about a week ago for making similar comments on a post of mine. 
Some of the funny things anon has said as i think my readers and you nonnie would enjoy that should not be taken with any seriousness as in my opinion anon has a clear agenda:
I don’t know him well at all! I know of him through a friend, I know of some of his hook ups last year & I know he’s allowed the odd hook up as is she. She could be a beard, I know nothing of their marriage aside from what I’ve said here. 
Jesus Christ! Why would I lie? If I was going to say I sort of knew someone famous and knew something about their marriage do you think it would be some c list actor who peaked on a show that finished airing years ago and was a joke by the time it finished (the show, not D)?
Can we just discuss these quotes and how nonnie can’t even keep his/her story straight?
First nonnie tells me D&M are in an on again off again open relationship and that the exes have been over the past 8 years but they are each others primary person (paraphrasing i deleted the ask when it was clarified that it was not sarcasm). That was yesterday’s ask “confirming” their relationshit is real. 
BUT NOW, nonnie tells me that she is unsure if M is a beard, just that D hooks up.  Now which is it?  It cannot be both ways. Either D and M are a couple  in an open relationship OR she is a beard and that would mean that who he dates has no bearing on their business relationship. One does not have on “open relationship” with their beard as that is not a relationship based on love or intimacy. So if D is hooking up with “both men and women” as nonnie tells me, it has no bearing on his business relationship with M.  
Then we have quote two where nonnie seems to think that D has done nothing since G/lee. Guess s/he missed the E/mmy, GG, CC, and S/AG award he just won for his critically acclaimed role in ACS.  Or s/he is tryig to intentionally discredit D.
Point being, I know what i know and no one with “insider” information is going to sway me. I actually had the nicest M/iarren tell me she had “insider” info as well and even listed the people in her life that confirmed m/iarren is real. And i had the same reaction, of course, if they know the truth, and i think some may actually not be close enough, they are going to confirm the relationshit, that is the public narrative.  And this person in my opinion was a thousand times more trustworthy than the “open relationship” nonnie and I truly believe she believed what she was told.
And of course D’s bearding is an open fact in Hollywood,  I mean if I KNOW and so many other FANS know, i would imagine all of Hollyweird knows and many have likely actually seen him with his actual partner.
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omgxiaoch · 6 years
I loooooooooooved Gangster Jooheon!! Do you think you could do a Gangster Changkyun/I.M?? Please and Thank You :))
a/n: i hope you like this anon! i really enjoyed making this :) thank you for requesting it!!
Tumblr media
gang groups have never been that big of a problem in your community
until this MX gang decides to trespass your community 
however, the thing is
nobody has seen the face of the boss of MX
if you were the boss of MX, would you even show your face
and just go out there like “hello b*TCHES ITS ME UR DOOM”???
well, heck no
you’re just one of those students, well university student to be exact
working on a part-time job and taking the night shift since class dismisses late
it was one of those nights where the tv just serves as a white noise
as you study for your upcoming finals this month
however, in the middle of your studying, the hourly news catches your attention
and even the fact that your mother just texted you at the same time the news came up
just sent chills running down your spine
there was a sighting of the boss of MX 
and the police weren’t able to catch him nor see a glimpse of the man
but, being you, you just simply  shrug it off and continue studying
it wasn’t that much of a big deal since the sighting was on the other side of town
and well, finals >>>>>>> MX’s boss
you were in the middle of studying and jotting down notes 
when the bell rang, indicating a customer has entered
you looked up and greeted the customer with a smile which was one of the worst decisions that you’ve ever made
well, the man was staring at you with a smirk 
and it sent your ‘stranger danger’ alarm going wild
you don’t understand why he was staring at you 
like wtf is wrong with you, brUV?! 
you were about to press the emergency button under the counter
when the man just parkoured his way to you and knocked you out 
the moment you wake up, you groan in pain as your body felt sore 
from being tied up in your chair for how long God knows
you looked around until your eyes lands on the door that was just meters away from you
thinking of ways to escape, you were interrupted when the door slammed open
revealing one handsome young man with his eyebrows furrowed
and is actually being followed by a man who’s whimpering in fear
“what’s your name?”
you don’t reply and just stared at him
he heaves out an exasperated sigh and removes the cloth wrapped around your mouth
“does she even look like her, Johnny?”
“w-well, she… the picture–”
“does she even look like the person that we were looking for, huh?!“ 
“for chrissakes, Johnny!!! SHE DOESN’T EVEN LOOK LIKE HER.”
“b-but boss, the picture–”
the man smacks Johnny on the back of his hand countless times
and you just couldn’t help but stare at them in confusion
however, at some point, your mouth just betrays you on the spot
and just blabber something that made the man look at you
“you… won’t report us?”
“yEAH… i mean, yeah… just let me go so that i can study for my finals.”
the man continues to ponder on your offer for how long God knows
and when he’s finally made up his mind 
he nudges Johnny to untie the ropes around you 
“i’ll let you go but don’t think that i won’t have my eyes on you.”
you nod your head in response and gave him your word
to be honest, you’d be wondering why the boss is escorting you out of their HQ instead of his men
but you couldn’t care less since you’RE FREE NOW
“my name’s changkyun by the way… but you can call me I.M”
he introduces himself out of the blue and you were caught off guard
you introduce yourself to him out of courtesy and just watched him open this luxury car’s door and urges you in
and before he closes the door, he reminds you once again
“don’t let a word slip out from that pretty little mouth of yours or else i’ll come running after you”
and with that, the car drove off 
it’s been weeks? months? since you’ve last seen Changkyun
well… it’s not like you miss him or anything but ever since that day their gang seems quiet…
“hey, have you heard anything about that gang.. MX?”
your friend asks out of the blue which made you look at her with surprised eyes
“you know, MX gang? they’ve been pretty quiet lately… i don’t like the thought of it.”
“o-oh… yeah.”
you didn’t really take the topic seriously and just nodded along 
that night when you were walking home
you couldn’t help but wonder where you were
where am i? wHERE’S MY HOUSE AGAIN?? 
you were now frozen on your place as you try to recall the way to your house
but what you didn’t know was that a number of men were waiting for you
and before you know it, you were already surrounded
“huh, you’re that girl that I.M’s been eyeing now?”
“i wonder what he sees in you but he’s been pretty quiet now…”
“what’s so special about her though?”
“well, we’ll know when we take her hostage.”
the men start to lessen the space between you and them
you tried to dodge their attacks and escape
but you were then caught by one of them
yes, one of them
the man starts laughing hysterically at your cute little attempt
they start to tie you up and they even took videos of you for them to send to changkyun
finally, when they finished taking videos, they were about to bring you to their van
when everything just happened so quickly
the men that tried to take you in were thrown down and some of them were even bloodied
and before you know it, you’re already in the arms of–
“you’ve been causing a lot of trouble, [y/n].”
“w-what do you mean?”
changkyun doesn’t bother answering you and just gets you to his car
you’re quite surprised to see a pretty normal house
it wasn’t luxurious or anything like those being represented in movies
but it was changkyun’s humble abode
you look around as you wait for changkyun 
and you notice that he even keeps pictures of his family and friends on his wall
“you’re quite the troublemaker, aren’t you?”
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been causing a lot of trouble, [y/n] ever since that day you’ve met me.”
“is… studying trouble?? *squints your eyes at him*”
“do you remember the girl you’ve talked to a while ago?”
“what about Heeni?”
“she’s the daughter of the man that sent those creepers.”
“no way.”
“wait, stand up.”
“just stand up, for Pete’s sake!”
you quickly obeyed and changkyun didn’t waste any second
he begins to tap and check every nook and cranny in your body
but you were, of course, embarrassed at what he was doing 
so you tried to stop him, only to receive a snarl from him
“stop squirming!”
after a couple of taps and touches, he’s finally found a tracking device behind our collar and destroyed it in just one go
“what was that?”
“a poorly made tracking device that can’t even track you when you’re away from that friend of yours.”
ever since that day, changkyun’s kept you by his side no matter what he does or where he goes
you’re always by his side since he wants to keep you safe from other potential danger
and to be honest, the two of you have actually grown closer to each other
whenever the sun finally sets, the two of you would just lounge around his living room and enjoy a glass of wine and just talk about each other’s lives
just getting to know each other and such
and you, being the person that you are, take care of those around you
whenever changkyun's in his office and he's burning the midnight oil
you would always make sure to make some snacks and hot milk for him
and maybe bring a blanket and pillow for him to use when he rests
"*knocks on the door* hey, changkyun. can i come in?"
"go ahead!"
"*enters the room and smiles* i brought you some snacks."
"you d-didn't have to but thank you... *blushing*"
"*drapes the blanket over his shoulder and pats him on the back* don't work yourself out, okay? take some rest from time to time. anyways, i'll head out first."
"alright, good night [y/n]."
that one time when changkyun comes home bloodied
you didn't think twice but usher him towards the coach and get all the first aid kit and a small basin of water and towels
"what happened to you? *carefully removes his shirt* c-careful.."
"*groans* we were ambushed... but thankfully none of the boys got hurt and we were able to divert their attention and escape."
"*disinfects his wound and starts treating it* could you stop worrying about the others for a second and worry for yourself? changkyun, i know how much you cherish the boys but please take care of yourself... we're only given a couple chances to live."
to be honest, changkyun has never felt like this before
well it's been a while since he's last felt this feeling
he couldn't understand why his heart keeps on skipping a beat for you
and why the butterflies in his stomach would go wild when you smile at him or even when you're not doing anything?!?!
when the chaos started to die down, changkyun actually sends you back to uni for you to finish your studies
he'd actually check on you from time to time until the day you've finally graduated!
but to be honest, ever since you're no longer in his house with him
he actually felt lonely
well, it felt empty without your smile or you in general
you, yourself, were also not exempted
you also felt lonely when you've gone back to university and there as no day where you wouldn't think about him
well, let's just say, ever since that day when he saved you and continued to shower you with care and support
your heart has been skipping beats for him and your butterflies were already unleashed from their cages
in the last weeks of your university, you've really felt empty without him and you actually missed him
there were times when you retracted your fingers from calling him since you didn't want to bother him
however, once you graduated, you've been thinking of what you wanted to do
the only answer that you've received was from your heart
and that is to be with changkyun
before you know it, you're already standing right in front changkyun's house with your luggage with you
the moment you pressed on the doorbell, you could hear the scrambling of feet and groans from almost falling down behind the door
the door flung open and you were greeted by haggard!changkyun's surprised eyes
"[y/n], w-what are you doing here?"
you didn't bother answering his question and went right in his house with your luggage
he just looks at you with a confused face before closing the door behind him
"what brings you here?"
"well, i missed you too changkyun."
"w-wait... you missed me?"
"you missed... me??? you missed a gangster... like me??"
"*rolls eyes* i don't care if you're a gangster or not changkyun, you're still the changkyun that...i missed."
"but... what's with the luggage? *looks at your big-ass luggage*"
"can i stay here?"
confused as ever, changkyun looks at you with a calm expression
but deep inside, his heart was beating like crazy that it felt like it was going to explode any moment soon
he starts to think about your question but his heart decides to do what it wants
"well, can you stay with me forever?"
surprised by his sudden action, he starts to panic when he sees you looking at him with mouth agape in surprise
"w-well... u-uhh.. w-what i meant w-was---"
"i would love to stay with you- no scratch that-- i would love to be with you forever, changkyun"
"be with me f-forever? does that mean that you.. like or love me?"
"well, do you?"
"i-i do, ever since i've met you--"
"well, i do too. i've loved you the moment i grew to know you despite the fact that you just took me in with just a little knowledge of who i am."
"yeah... well, aren't you going to ask me? *teases him with a smile*"
"oh right! w-will you be my girlfriend and stay by my side no matter what happens, [y/n]?"
"i would love to and besides, i have to protect you from all those bad guys out there! *quickly places a kiss on his cheek*"
"*blushing* h-hey! it should be me who's going to protect you though. *pouting*"
"so much so a gang boss. i love you too, changkyun."
and that's how you ended up with gangster!Changkyun
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franeridart · 7 years
I just found your profile and I love your style so much!
Anon said:From kami's-hair-is-hard-to-doodle anon from a while back: I finally got it! Thank you so much for your advice - reading and rereading your tips kept me practicing! I'd also like to thank the Academy /orz
I’m glad it could help you at all!!!! :O Kami keeps on being a mystery to me (and Horikoshi himself ???) too so don’t get too down on yourself for it taking time haha
Anon said:Ive sent you a couple of asks before but Im just so in love with the content you produce. Like not only is your art style so cute and stuff, but the plot/story (Idk) of each post is just so original and adorable. Im just so blown away by everything you post. Thank you for sharing your art!!!! Have a good week!!
Anon said:Hi! I’m new to your blog but love your art, I think your very talented which is why I’d like to ask a question. Do you have any advice for posing? I noticed your very good at it and wondered if you have any tips. If you do answer this, Thank you!!
Firstly, thank you so much for the compliments!!! I don’t know how useful exactly any advice I could give you will be, since most of it comes from drawing a lot and watching drawings even more, but in general to pick a pose usually what I do is think of the scene as if in movement? As in, what the characters are doing, and how they’d move if I were looking at them while doing it - keeping in mind the characters personalities helps me with this a lot too. 
Take for example the confessions drawings I’ve posted a couple of days ago: it’s true that there’s no words nor movement anywhere in them, but as I drew them I had a pretty clear idea of what they were saying and how the characters would react in those situations - Jirou’s shy and easily flustered, so she’s averting her eyes, unable to keep eye contact, and closing in on herself a bit, hiding her face and so on; in the concept, Kaminari was the one who confessed, so he’s holding her hand, tentative, because he’s unsure about how she’s gonna answer (it’s all stuff that didn’t actually make it in the drawing, how he reached for her hand, how he’s gonna close his other hand around her knuckles, but in my head it was a complete scene and I just picked one frame of it all to draw). The same goes for Bakugou and Kirishima - they’re rowdier, louder, more assertive and inclined to take everything as a fight, so this time around I went for a scene in which Bakugou straight out yells his feelings at Kirishima and Kirishima answers me too (again, I had the before and after in my head too, I just picked the frame that best coveyed what I was trying to do)
As I said I’m usure about how much this might help you orz it’s just my way of doing things, and it mostly comes from the fact that I was originally a writer honestly, so thinking of a whole scene makes things easier for me #rip
Anon said:Can I say, I really like the colors for your confession pictures! :>
THANK YOU??????? H E C K ;O; 
Anon said:hi~ i just went through literally everything in your sketches tag and i just wanna say i love your art and your comics and stuff. also because i went through everything, i want to bring attention to how cool it is to see how much your style has changed! your lines seem more confident and your characters more dynamic in the last few years :D
HECK THANK YOU SO MUCH it’s always so damn nice to know people can see my stuff getting even just slightly better oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnn *sob*
Anon said:can we repost your art if we give like 100% credit
Nope, sorry, I’d prefer it if you didn’t do that
Anon said:those "confessions" must be the lewdest thing I've ever seen
why would you use that word tho
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that I love your art and it always makes me a little happier when you post something! No matter if it's your comics or colored pics or "simple" doodles, I love all of them! (Though soft stuff is the best, hehe) I just hope you know that you're very appreciated, and I hope you only have wonderful days!
GODS THANK YOU SO MUCH I’m so so so happy I can make you a lil happier ;0; I hope you’ll have every possible wonderful day too, anon!!
Anon said:I just spent the last few hours of my Sunday going though your entire blog. It’s beautiful and I hope you know that you have ruined my life because of that beauty. God damn it.
That wasn’t the intention but I’m!!!!!!!!! glad you think so???????? sob oh my g od you all are too nice to me ;^;
Anon said:Tododeku?
It sure is a ship, isn’t it - I’ve drawn for it in the past, I most probably will again in the future! :D
Anon said:you're honestly one of my fav artists on here! i love your style it feels so unique and is so pleasing to look at (((:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M CRYING THANK YOU
Anon said:Your art has this unique quality about it... its really hard to describe but there’s something so dynamic and god damn pretty about your work. It’s fantastic and you inspire me to keep on creating! I hope your day is absolutely wonderful and thank you for blessing us with your art!
I’m!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad I can make you want to create stuff, anon!!!!!! that’s the best thing anyone can ever tell me, oh my god ;^; thank you so much !!!
Anon said:I love it when you draw cuddly bakugou!! Its wonderful!!
THAT’S!!!! super great to hear cause I could probably draw only that for the foreseeable future and not mind it one bit holy smoke
Anon said:all ur comics are fucking delightful and make my day everytime. i ve read them all like too many times? i read each multiple times in a row and im still giddy? i love them i love u
Anon said:*sigh* soft-phisical contact lover bakugou save my week. And kiri is the most wonderfull sunshine and no one cant discuss that *sit down in the floor and manly crying*
Kiri is the brightest sunshine isn’t he ;^; the sun to Bakugou’s moon, it makes me weak and I cry a lot
Anon said:I never knew I could be so weak for kiribaku omg fran what have you done to me, on that note what little things do you think theyd do to take care of each other? Like kinda lowkey stuff theyd quietly do? Ahh anyway thank you so much for all the wonderful drawings, hope everything is going well for you :)
Well, this is just the feeling I got, but I’d say they do plenty for each other quietly and softly in canon too, don’t they? Bakugou especially, pointing out to Kirishima his strength when he can’t see it for himself and always trying to find a way to cheer him up when he’s down and giving him space when he needs it, training together, studying together, worrying over one another, Kiri making sure to always know what’s up with Bakugou and following him to help him, just generally being there for each other so that if and when they need they’ll know they’ll have someone they can lean on - their relationship is really mutually supportive, isn’t it? I cry so much they make me so happy ;^; *sob*
Anon said:When season 3 comes out wouldnt it be fun if krbk fans filmed their ch.90 being animated reactions?? I think it'd be so cool/cute to see all the emotions! What do you think?
You know, I’m pretty sure that IS gonna happen? People make reaction videos for so many things! It’s nice and fun, honestly, I love it~
Anon said:I really love the way you draw spiky hair! It looks so floofy and soft.
Boi thank you!!!! Spikes are super nice to draw, though admittedly I make them less spiky then they’re probably supposed to be haha
Anon said:As someone who adores Sero Hanta And is a die hard krbk fan can I just say how much I love you? Like I was having a rough-ish day and I can’t stop smiling now because of your latest comic. Seriously, I love you and your art is everything.
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THAT ONE!!!!!!!! I adore Sero if I had any better clue how to draw him I’d draw him all the time always, true story, he’s such a fave ;^;
Anon said:OMG Fran!!! I want Bakugou's name tattooed on all their faces now!! Hahahaha!
You know, one of my first krbk fanarts was Bakugou writing his name on Kirishima’s forehead, actually....................
142 notes · View notes
okjimin · 7 years
🍯 mutual appreciation post!! 🍯
✨🌙⭐️💛💫 to all my lovely wonderful kind friendly amazing hilarious mutuals!!!! i’ve only been on tumblr for a short time but Listen i love u all soooo much thank u for brightening my day everyday!!!! 2017 was such a shit year for me but spending the last few months on tumblr dot com rly cheered me up and i hav u all to thank for that!!!!! to all of you that celebrate christmas, i hope u have the best christmas EVER and for all of you that don’t i hope your day is filled with warmth happiness and love!!! and i wish all of u a happy new year, i hope 2018 is an amazing year for u all, u all deserve it sooooooooo much!!!!✨🌙⭐️💛💫 
(i tried 2 do this in order of oldest to newest mutuals !!!!)
💌 @1jmins: dia where do i even begin?!?!?! i cant believe we’ve only known each other for like a few weeks honestly that’s INSANE bc it genuinely feels like ive known you forever!!! we get along soooo well and you’re so easy to talk to, we are basically the same person like???? still cant believe we were literally put on this earth to love each other??? im still struggling to get over the fact we were born a day apart, our natal charts are pretty much identical, wow amazing.......soul mate Goals......anyway did i mention how hilarious, sweet, kind and warm and just all round perfect u are?!?!?!? i live for our 1am wattpad reading sessions and when we dub bts performances with stormzy and craig david!!!!! still cant believe bts invented british grime like???? u make me laugh sooo much and honestly one of the highlights of my day is talking to u!!!! i love u soooosoosooooossosoos much bb and i hope we get even closer in 2018!!!! and u know that when bts finally come 2 the uk me and u are going to spend £300 on tickets and flash our tiddies for jimin.........pls dia i Love U!!!!!!!!!! have a wonderful xmas and new year!!!!!!! sending u so much love bby!!!!! my actual twin sister and soul mate!!!!!
💌 @ktheaven: nadine u are soooo sweet and lovely!! i could write a 2000 word essay on how kind you are! you’re one of the first people i ever spoke to on here and im so glad we got talking bc youre seriously such a lovely, warm hearted person!!! youre so thoughtful and caring!!!! also, youre sooo hardworking!! im sure all your hard work at uni will pay off and you will get the teaching job of your dreams!!! i love u lots and i rly hope you have an amazing 2018!!
💌 @kimtaethebae hannah!!! youre literally the first person i ever spoke to on here!!!! youre so cute and bubbly and funny, we havent spoken that much lately but i hope youre doing well and that you have an amazing christmas and new year bc you deserve it soo much!!! im sending u so many positive vibes bb!!!
💌 @43hy adreana bby!!!! you were one of my first mutuals on here!!!!! a true og!!!! your blog is sooo cute and your posts make me smile and always brighten up my day!! i hope 2018 treats you will and that you have an amazing christmas!!! 
💌  @rainpjm hannah you were my first mutual ever i think!?!?? i literally love ur blog so much u make me laugh so hard with ur censored posts bc im like binch SAME.....ur sooo cute not to mention amazingly beautiful!!!!!! i hav a crush on U!!!!! u totally deserve to have the most wonderful christmas and new year angel!!!! 
💌  @piedparkjimin dakota!!! another one of my first ever mutuals!!! listen i love u youre soooo sweet and kind and i really do wish all the best for you in 2018, you honestly deserve all the happiness and warmth in the world and pls remember im always here if you wanna talk!!! your txt posts always make me smile so much thanks for brightening up my dash bb!!
💌  @inkcanaries henlo gi bb!!!!!! yet another og mutual!!!! Listen ur so fuckin funny i stg ur txt posts are hilarious catch me scrolling through your blog at 2am pissing myself at ur hilarious self.....although im sick 2 death of seeing that ugly ass pic let me not lie lmao........ur so sweet bb and im still not over ur gorgeous curly hair!!!!! have a super christmas and new year bb!!!!
💌  @joohoens hannah ufewqpfioqe youve changed ur url so much lately i was soo confused!! well only true 90s kids will remember yoongjis.....you were one of the first ever ppl i spoke to on here and youre sooooooo cute, youre always leaving cute happy messages in my askbox and pls know i appreciate it so much!!! youre such a ball of sunshine and i hope youre doing well bc we havent spoken in a while! ly bb!!!
💌  @jinsasleep hello jess!!!! u were one of the first ppl i EVER followed here @ tumblr dot com lol i had a different url when i first made this blog tho but i remember i sent u an ask saying i was a new blog and if u could rec some blogs and u sent me soooo many, many of which are now some of my fav mutuals!!! i totally admire u from afar i think youre an amazing person and that youre so lovely and sweet!! all the best for 2018 bb!!! ALSO!!!!! susan is so cute Bye
💌  @cyphriv clodagh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN ur an ACTUAL ray of sunshine u make me smile SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! the official irish mutual™ i literally find u so hilarious and ur so nice 2 me and wow also so beautiful i truly dont deserve u.....i lov my fellow little mix STAN (cant believe i still havent seen them live lol we will hav 2 go together!!!!!!!!!) thanks for making my day better whenever u come online!!!! luv u!!!!!
💌 @je0n hi anna!!!! we havent rlly spoke before but youre one of the first blogs i followed and i just wanted to include you in this bc not only is ur blog and content amazing, i think youre a truly wonderful person with a HUge heart!! i always see you giving advice to anons and your replies are always so long and detailed and :((( you just seem so sweet, kind and caring and i honestly hope you have an amazing holiday season and wonderful 2018!!! U deserve it!!
💌 @megjinglebells meg!!!!! well firstly let me just say youre an actual supermodel, youre so gorgeous its insane!!!!!!! on top of that you are also such a warm, kind and lovely person who truly deserves the world!!!! your blog is so cute i love it soo much and your love for jin is so adorable!!!!! all the best for 2018 bb!!!! u deserve to have an amazing year!
💌 @gothsyub hi bb!!!!! your blog is soooo cute!!!! we havent rlly spoken before but i get such lovely, friendly vibes from you and of course i love ur yoongi content seeing as tho i had swerved into his lane as of late......all the best for 2018 bb!!!!
💌 @honeyyjeon hello angel!!!!!!!! firstly let me say you are SOOOOO lovely, your blog is full of such cute content and ahhhhhh i love it so so much!! your posts really genuinely lighten up my day and u seem like such a friendly and approachable person!!!! have an amazing 2018 honey!!!
💌 @jeonsberry asya!!!! not only are u stunningly beautiful but youre also super cute and kind and wonderful!!!!!! your love for jungkook is so sweet and Wow i can relate bc that boy.....he is rly something........anyway back to u......ur so so so lovely and definitely deserve to have a brilliant 2018!!!! 
💌 @cloudjeon hello debbs!!!!!!! Listen ur so funny!!!! ur blog is truly hilarious and i know that when youre online my day is going 2 get better 1000% guaranteed!!! youre such a cute sweet angel and we aint talked that much lately but pls know that i lov u and i rly rly hope you have an amazing 2018 but i also hope that u sort ur sleeping schedule out!!!!! binch1!!!!!!!! u always awake how u do that!!!! ly my nocturnal bb!!!!!
💌 @cryjeon sara!!!!! my time zone twin!!!!! youre such a little angel i stg, you make me smile sooo much!!!! you’re honestly just such a nice, kind person and i hav so much love in my heart just for u!!!!! if anyone deserves to have a wonderful 2018 its u bby!!!!! 
💌 @dn-a hiya lee!!!! ur super cool and u literally make me laugh at least once a day how u do that.......i live for ur tags and txt posts theyre so hilarious!!! we dont rlly talk much but you come across as soooo lovely and kind!! all the best for 2018!!!
💌 @christmasjins hey elana!!! the jin mutual™ i love ur blog so much its nice to hav a healthy daily dose of mistre jin let me not lie!!! anyway ur such a wonderful person, youre so friendly and lovely and i just wanna give u a big hug!!!! 
💌  @jiminsgothbf VIC listen the rumours are tru im in lov with u........ur soooooo funny honestly wish u would get drunk and mssg me more often bc ur actually hilarious!!! i hoenstly love ur blog so much and im so glad i followed u!!!! cant wait for Jenna and Vic Take Leeds its gna be fkin wild !!!!! ly bb and all the best for 2018 u deserve to hav an amazing year!!!!
💌  @merryblondekth shan giefowugrieof Listen ur funny af but also wish youd let me live sometimes.......Anyway ill let u off bc youre an intellectual as you know that blonde tae is the best tae.....hes comin back in 2018 i can feel it in my bones and also my puthy.....ur always starting discourse which i love however only tru 90s kids will remember dickcourse.....hav an amazing 2018 bb!!!!!!
💌  @taetaez hi gio we dont rlly speak much but u seem rlly nice and i love ur blog so much!!!!! i love all ur posts ahh!!!! also i see u swervin into yoongi’s lane just wanna let u know i fully support that!!!! all the best for the new year bb!!!
💌  @4agstd hi angel!!!! you often tag me in yoongi stuff and let me just say real quick i truly appreciate that so much as he is the actual love of my life.....anyway ur blog is super duper cute and u seem like a rly lovely person who deserves a whole lotta love!!!!!
💌 @mistlemochi hannah im screaming i love ur blog SO MUCH ur so fuckin hilarious ur txt posts and tags literally hav me DYIN.....ur love for jimin is sooo pure and cute!!!! also ur so fuckigngng pretty like how can a person b that gorgeous Binch bye.......all the best for 2018!!!! ly!!!
💌  @beaniebangtan hi anita!!!! your blog is so nice and i think youre a lovely person!!! your art is also honestly so amazing?!?! like binch how u draw like that!?!??! i rly truly hope u have an amazing brilliant wonderful 2018!!! u deserve it1!!!
💌  @bbyboyjiminies megan!! we dont rlly talk much but i get such positive friendly vibes from you and your blog honestly brightens my day so so much!!! i wish you all the best for 2018, you totally deserve to have an amazing year bc of what a lovely person you are!!! 
💌  @strongjeon cami!!!!! youre such a wonderful person and i rly truly mean it when i say i love ur blog!!! i think youre such a sweet person and also ur so so beautifull Binch how u do that ?????? all the best for 2018!!! sending u lots of positive vibes for the new year! 
💌  @gingerbreadchan cherry1!!!!!! i rly love your blog SO much even if you talk about piss kink and feet 98% of the time !!!!!!!! pls youre so cute and lovely and just an all round wonderful person!!! you truly are a ball of sunshine i hope u know that!!!!! ur so loved bb!!!! i rly rly rly RLY hope u hav an amazing 2018!!! and pls know im always here for u angel no matter what !!
💌  @blueyoongles well miss cg one thing for sure is that i LOV U!!!! ur so so so funny and literally support me so much lmao??? if i reblog an ask meme i know ur gunna be there validate my ass and ur always replying to my posts with funny comments and wow i just lov u i hope we speak more in 2018!!!! ur so kind and sweet and thoughtful and im still waiting for ice cream date pt. 2!!!! usually cancers and leos wouldnt mix but we rlly out here proving the stars wrong huh?!!??!
💌  @honeydewjimin dax!!!!! Listen im lov u.....sooooo much......ur such a cutie and ur just so lovely and cute!!!!! even if u do send me weird shit sometimes origuhwefijwqego also an astrology Genius???? cnt believe you invented astrology wo w amazing......i hope ur 2018 is as wonderful as u are and i hope we speak more in the new year bb!!!! ly!!!!!!
💌  @ofsugas ahhh ur so so so cute and i LOVE ur blog!!!! axis ur so sweet i love how much yoongi content u provide on my dash!!!!!!! but also a jimin enthusiast? wow you and i are truly kin.....i hope u have a wonderful 2018 angel, u deffo deserve it! keep on bein the lil ray of sunshine that u are!!!
💌  @foryoubybts heather!!!!!! Listen ur blog is so positive i love it soooooo much!!! i must see you post at least once a day about how much you love and adore bts and im just like Binch......SAME!!!!!!!! ur so so cute and lovely and seem like such a kind warm hearted wow pls be my bff!!!! ALSO ur gorgeous and id do anythin for ur lovely red hair :((( all the best bb!!!!
💌  @poutyjimin hi luisa!!!!!! Ur sooooo fucking funny i swear i die at ur txt posts ur a true comic genius!!!! thanks for making my dash a better place with ur funny posts!!!! i hope your 2018 is as wonderful as you are!!
💌  @snowglhobi re listen ur an actual ray of ACTUAL sunshine!!!!! ur blog is amazing and so cute and wow i just love it so much :((((( noah fence but im in luv with u!!!!! also boyinlub is such a god tier url doeifqwod miss her so much cant wait 2 see her again in 2018!!!! wishing u all the best angel!!!!
💌  @jeonbye salla we dont talk much but ur sooo funny!!!! literally u make me laugh so much and ur blog is so cute and i get so many positive vibes from u!!!!! So guess what!!!!! im sending all those positive vibes right back at u!!!! have a great 2018 bb i hope the year treats u well bc u deserve it!!!
💌  @mewwychwistmas nestle, wow, i lov u!!!!!! ur my favourite brand of chocolate!!!! also ur love for shrek is so pure and wholesome, it’s so beautiful to see how much you adore him!!! efuqiwoef lol for real tho ur so funny and hilarious and the sun is literally jealous of u bc she could never be as bright and wonderful as u are!!!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST FOR 2k18 BB!!!!!!!!! (im a master bby....wish ur toes)
💌  @jikooksgf hey zara!!!!!! listen!!!! ima only say this once!!!!! i love u and ur blog a lot!! i literally live for u aesthetic posts like binch so fuckin pretty!!!!! ur so sweet and seem sooooo lovely i hope youre doing well bb!!! also rly hope that 2018 treats u well and that u have a brilliant year ahead of u bc u deserve it!!!
💌  @kkultae hello!!!! firstly lemme just say ur super talented!!! ur art is amazing suwiojdw like its literally so good binch how u draw like that i cant even hold a pen.....ALSO ur so pretty wow pls be my gf :( i rmr u called me ur tumblr crush once and WOW my heart burst when u said that let me not lie.....anyway hope ur 2018 is as wonderful and amazing as u are!!!!! LY!!!!
💌  @sleepiemoon hi bb!!! we dont talk all that much but i genuinely get such lovely, positive vibes from you!! you seem like a wonderful person, and just wanna say i love ur blog and ur posts, they make me smile sooo much!!! all the best for 2018 angel <3 
💌  @winngs elena !!!! every time i see ur name i think of the vampire diaries lmao guwefiqwdo ANYWAY this binch (me) loves u and ur blog a LOT and she also thinks u deserve all the warmth love and happiness the world has to offer in 2018 bc guess what!!!!!! ur an actual lil ray of sunshine and u deserve it!!!! all the best!!!! 
💌  @firemv sarah wow OKKK name a more positive, lovely, amazin, caring, funny tumblr user than firemv i’ll wait.............ur honestly such a babe and i love u a lot!!!!!!! also ur a taurus so bonus points for that!!!! seriously tho i adore u, u literally invented languages like???? multilingual queen over here??? u honestly brighten my dash and u truly deserve to have a wonderful 2018!!!! all the best bb!!!
💌  @sailorjoon fy!!!!!! youre such a warm, lovable, friendly, amazing person but rly am i surprised?? i mean ur a cancer and all cancers are amazing lol!!!!!! honestly tho i think youre such an amazing person, your blog is soo wonderful and cute and wow me??? so in lov with u???? its more likely than u think!!!! jenfy 2k18!!!! ly bb!!!!
💌  @clownjimin stefi we dont talk tbh but fhbwdjq LISTEN ur so fuckin funny and ur blog is not only hilarious but also super cute !!!!!! have a wonderful 2018 im sending u lots of positive vibes bb!!!!!
💌  @starprincejimin  anna! we dont talk that much but you seem like such a lovely, kind, cute person and wow i just admire u so much from afar.....my new years resolution is to get to know u better bc ur literally just so amazing!!!!! all the best for 2018 angel!!!!
💌  @jeonpalette hi bb!!! ur blog is definitely one of the cutest blogs i follow!!!!!! we dont talk all that much but u seem so genuine and lovely and i rly wish u all the best for the upcoming year, u deserve to have an amazin 2018!!!!
💌  @clairelions chiara!!! you are honestly one of the most lovely, genuine, kind, talented and friendly people i have met on here!!! im so glad we got talking bc you are soooo cute!!! i love all ur edits too, they’re so incredibly beautiful just like you!!! all the best for 2018 bb, you honestly deserve to have such an amazing year!!
💌  @suransgf hey nura!!!! ur suuuuuuper cute and sweet!!! also ur mobile themes are also aesthetic af im always like Yes ma lov it when u bless my mobile app with that minimalistic look!!!!! ur rlly lovely and i hope ur 2018 is as wonderful as u are!!!!!
💌 @jeonggok hiiii bb!!!!! Listen ur so cute and i rly love ur blog a lot!!!! one of my new years resolutions is 2 get to know u better because u seem like a lovely person and ye lets be best friends!!!! all the best for the new year angel!!!!
💌  @byungjoo / @acustd laura listen i would be NOTHING without u......ur always out here responding to my incessant ask memes and let me just say i appreciate u binch!!!!!! ur sooo lovely, cute, funny not 2 mention drop dead gorgeous!!!! i rly hope ur 2018 is amazing bc u honestly deserve it so much!!! ly!!!!
💌  @daisyguk kiara!!! firstly ur name is so pretty!!! secondly!!!! we dont talk a lot but id love 2 get to know u better bc u seem rlly rlly sweet!!!! also so many anons have a crush on you like???? ur so loved wow????? hope ur 2018 is amazing bb u rly deserve it!!! sending u lots of love and warmth and positive vibes!!!
💌  @jiminnight hi jo!!!! (is it ok to call u thathwdjieufqw) listen up!!!!! U !!!!! ARE !!!! SO !!!!!! CUTE !!!!! AND !!!!! I !!!!! LOVE !!!! U !!!!! A LOT!!!!! SO !!!! JOT THAT DOWN!!!!! u seem like such a wonderful person and i see u spreading a lot of love and i just wana say i think ur amazing!!!!!!!!! all the best for 2018!!!!
💌  @g0thbug hi hazy!!!!! we aint ever spoke before but listen!!!!!!!!!!! ur blog and u are super cute and wow i love u a lot!!!! hope ur 2018 is brilliant!!!!!
💌  @dimples anna!!!! ur so lovely, i love ur blog a LOT!!!! ur so kind and sweet to everyone and you just seem like someone who spreads a lot of positivity and i lov that about u!!!!! we dont speak all that much but i’d love to get to know u better and thems the facts!!!! hope ur 2018 is as sweet as u are <3 
💌  @gfmp3 hii!!!!!!!!!! we aint ever rly spoken before but wow i lov u so much already!!!!! ur blog is so aesthetic and cute and yeh!!!!! i love it a hell of a lot!!!! ur a little ball of sunshine, thanks for brightening up my dash everyday!! all the best for the new year!!
💌  @vanillalattaes hi angel!!!! u seem like such a positive, loving person and i just wana say i lov u and ur blog A LOT!!!!!!! i hope get to know ech other more in the new year if ur up for that!!!! thanks for being a cute lil flower and making my dash a better place!!!! ly!!!
💌  @seokchiminie henlo!!!!! we only recently became mutuals but lemme just say ur such a lovely person with such a kind, warm vibe!!!! listen binch i lov u!!! and i hope ur 2018 is as wonderful as u are i rly mean that!!!! 
💌  @raplinesgf hi gio!!!! we only recently became mutuals but im SOOO glad we did bc i love u and ur blog soooooo much!!!! i truly hope your 2018 is full of love, warmth and happiness bc that’s what u deserve !!!!! also!!!!! UR RED HAIR IS SO GORGEOUS!!!! 
💌  @deletaed hi kris!!!! let me Not lie i’ve been admiring u from afar for a while now!! i think youre a really great person and pls know that i love u and ur blog a whole lot!!! im sending u lots of happy positive vibes for 2018, u deserve to have an amazin year!!
🎀🌹💓💗💖✨💕a few honourable mentions (i love u guys a lot!!!!! i could honesly write a cute lil paragrpah about u all but if im being honest ive ran out of steam at this point lmao !!!!! ur blogs are amazing and honestly brighten up my day!!!! i’d love to get to know u all better in 2018!!!! pls hmu any time !!!!!!! lov u!!!!!)🎀🌹💓💗💖✨💕 
@etudehaus @spicekook @1honeyoongi @jjkboo @ohjiminn @1taesgf @wvaterlily @hqjeons @repackages @taelilies @lovlesbians @9yoong @peachiichiim @acciosugas @parkjimin2 @dwjjk @milklattaes @ilyjimn @yyouth @jurassicjimin @lipsmp3 @taev-gucci @gayminyoongi @taetle @pjmin @lovelytaeh @6apricorn @01nochu @rosyhoseok @mitaesoro @christmasyoong @princessyoongi
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