#anyways this is basically one big 'fuck you' to the way canon writes the relationship between Miryam Jurian and Drakon at the War's end
bougiebutchbinch · 7 months
EDITED TO ADD: yes, I 'know what abuse looks like'. Yes, I have personal experience. I can't believe I have to shake my Trauma Credentials in front of Certain Rabid Ed Stans so they won't make weird unbiased claims about my personal life and experience.
Take a good, long, hard look at yourself. Is that really the person you want to be? Is that really supportive of other survivors, to make them dredge up their own trauma to defend a freaking fandom opinion?
I think the whole 'Ed isn't REALLY an abuser tho, because [extremely convoluted reason that victim blames and glosses over abuse]' thing from certain Ed fans is melting my mind a little. I say, as an Ed fan.
You can like a character who has done shitty things! You can like a character who does not take any actions to try and become a less shitty person! I certainly do! I love Ed! He's the reason I started watching the show, and he was my fave character all the way through Season 1 and for some of Season 2! He's great fun to write and I am so eternally fascinated by him. That love is why I'm so annoyed about what they did with his character.
But y'know what? Even if you hate exploring the mere possibility that Ed is, canonically, an abuser, it's possible to create a wholly different fanon if you wanna!! No one is forcing you to accept canon within your fanworks! That's what fanworks are for, and why I'm writing Season 2 fix-its, lmao.
But maybe don't deny what is very clear text within canon itself, just because you stan a character? Just... take a step back???
Like...... I ship Cross Guild. Clean Cut Clown Abuse in canon (if you know anything about One Piece). I choose to ship it as a consensual and fun silly BDSM relationship, rather than the Very Fucked Up Work Situationship it is in canon, because I think Buggy deserves 3 Big Hott Boyfriends (Yes, They All Smoke Weed).
But I'm not.... gonna deny...... that in canon he's in an extremely shitty abusive situation that's played for Comedy Purposes...... just because I love Crocodile and Mihawk.....? I'm not gonna say that people who really, really don't like the ship because of the abusive overtones are 'making stuff up' or 'just don't understand literary devices', or (heaven forbid) that 'it's okay actually because Buggy is a villain and therefore he deserves it'?
Hell, I love the Joker as a character (in certain franchises). But I'm not gonna pretend he isn't an extremely abusive, fucked-up and dangerous guy?
Obviously these are very different characters in very different tonal settings, but just -
You guys realise you can like characters who would be inexcusable IRL, right?? You guys realise that it doesn't make you a bad person, so long as you don't start claiming their victims 'deserved' it, or that these actions would be acceptable in real life?? When a show clearly shows Your Favourite Blorbo abusing people and acknowledges that the survivors are badly mentally affected by this trauma, then does not show your blorbo putting any meaningful work into changing... You can accept that this will make other people dislike his character, while still personally caring for him, yeah??? We've all accepted those basic principles as a fandom, right???????
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Amy Rose
WAUGH okay so basically like everyone villainizes her when shipping Sonic with any other character (and 99% of the time its Amy being villainized against a m/m ship ://) but yeah Amy canonically has a "crush" on Sonic and stuff (which is weird in its self cuz age gaps and things but creators smh) and anyways any time people write Sonic in a relationship with other characters they always make her super upset and mad that Sonic isn't dating her etc etc and basically make her a pouting 12 year old because her super hero crush doesn't date her instead of writing her as a supportive best friend to sonic WHICH SHE SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS !!!! and uh yeah if you couldn't tell this makes me so upset because amy is such a good character people should stop ruining her
sonamy isnt even real but people still hate her for her pink girl swag and crush on sonic. amy rose forever victim of girlhatred among sth fans. charm points: big hammer. cute. sillay. constantly in positions of power that make you go how is this 12 year old so responsible.
Mia Winters
she's Ethan's wife and Rose's mother, and I tend to see her villainized in fanfiction (especially chris/ethan and ESPECIALLY karl/ethan) because shes a genuinely traumatized and complicated character, but people turn her into the shitty, abusive wife or the dead wife trope for the sake of her technically getting in the way of their ship. The best I've seen her written while still placing her out of the story was her being casually divorced but like, co parenting. 
people are so mean to her just so they can push Wintersberg (Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg). she's not the best all the time but the evil forces r so bad to her. so i don't think it's her fault. Mia Winters haters DNI!!!!!!!! 
Mia Winters is a secret agent, researcher and BOW handler who is married to Just Some Guy. When she accidentally lures her white bread husband to a spooky den of mold monsters, she sacrifices herself to save him from the mess she made (god forbid women do anything). Chronic victim of getting fridged or turned into a third wheel so one or more of a handful of men can play house with her husband and daughter.
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jovenshires · 5 months
hi katie jovenshires im a big fan. if ur ok with sharing, what ships are in the botb au and what are the vibes for each 👀
thank you so much!! <3<3<3
hmm i've been thinking about this and i think i'm only deadset on spommy, ianthony, kolivia, and amangela as far as like. my canon goes. not sure what if any other ships im gonna include... ive gone back and forth with shaymien and shaynse too but not sure!!
but, i will say, for the most part the edits are mostly left up to interpretation so you can all decide whatever ships you want really!! (or if you don't want any ships at all that's cool too <3) like i've said to me the botbau is a little collaborative barbie world that we can all make whatever we want out of. like i told someone the other day - if you wanna write a fic or make an edit or something for this and it doesn't exactly line up with what i might write or think ab the au... PLEASE go for it. it is out there, public domain now, do with it what you will. and i will love and eat it up no matter what!!
as for the vibes in MY head, i will throw them under the cut so this post doesn't get too long KFNLKNKFNF
spommy: i've covered this a little before here so if you want the full version check that out but BASICALLY spommy is kind of rivals-to-friends-to-lovers except tommy has an Extremely one-sided beef and spencer just thinks he's cool and wants to be buds. eventually spencer wins him over and then... uh oh! love! once again skimmin some details that, if i ever Write A Fic for it, will be spoilers. but that��s the idea you know
ianthony: taking this directly from my dms to lilac but basically. ianthony botbau my beloveds....... to relearn how to co-pilot something with someone that should come so second-hand to you but you're both different people now but your feelings carry through anyway for who they were and are and will be........ yeah theyre everything to me. in a way it's a mirror to life/what actually happened to them with smosh (art imitates life) but the divorce era was even MORE famous because they're like a household name so it was a lot more pressure. idk yet if they were together beforehand and then broke up and now they're getting BACK together or if they had unresolved feelings they never dealt with and now they're struggling to reconcile them with their renewed friendship AND reunited band/the fame that comes from that... but either way they are Messy. im obsessed.
kolivia: kolivia in this au fascinates me because in my head keith is kind of known for being a player and fucking around but i think he stopped that Ages ago because. these two are basically dating. like they don't put a label on it and it's not public and i don't even know if THEY know how in love they are. but they live together. they sleep together "just to blow off steam" (come on now). they don't date other people. everyone can see it but them type beat. olivia's like "he's not my boyfriend" and then picks up the phone and is like "hi baby do you want chinese for dinner" NDLFKNANKSFLN like they are exclusive and they have deep feelings for each other but they are both so deeply in denial that they swear they're not dating. they have realistically been in a relationship for like five years.
amangela: RIVALS TO LOVERS AGAINNNN i have talked about this one a Lot with baflegacy bc like. they are my roman empire. at least these two have met on multiple occasions and actually fought with each other - they keep meeting at gigs/in bars and bickering. angela "clearly abba is the best band ever" giarratana and amanda "WHAT about fleetwood mac you DUMB ASS" lehan-canto. like they meet a bunch and EVERY time they end up bickering. meanwhile angela keeps seeing thirst traps of amanda on tiktok and being like "why are all the lesbians obsessed with her she SUCKS" and chanse and arasha, who have heard this three million times, are like "yeah okay buddy whatever helps you sleep at night." meanwhile amanda is living her bliss <3 and then they realize they're both in battle of the bands and uh oh! things come to a head!
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quinloki · 1 year
For the kink game how about cuckolding/frottage/chastity devices with Kid, Killer, and a free space if you feel like it❤️and specifically with the first one I’d imagine Kid/Killer being each others other person but you could also write with someone else if you want
I almost, almost deleted this - because I was under the mistaken impression that cuckolding was entirely a derogatory term. I had not heard it in any context outside of someone using it to put someone else down.
Fortunately for both of us, I did a little digging and a little questioning and found that's not the case for this phrase at all.
It is, at it's core, sharing one's partner. This can come with a humiliation bent - i.e. "He can't do you right like I can." whilst the usual partner looks on. It can also have a win-back or competition vibe to it as well.
Not to rabbit hole too much (I love words and word origins), but it's an OLD ASS WORD that was basically a label a man received when another man slept with his wife (or his wife bounced and slept with other men).
Obviously, in a healthy kink setting there's no cheating/adultery involved, and there's not always a humiliation/competition bend to it either.
So anyway, now that I've sorted all that out for my own education (and yours now too if you didn't already know xD) let's get into it.
We'll toss Donquixote Doflamingo into this as the offered free space, cause I have ideas.
Eustass Kid:
Cuckolding - FUCK Yes - He enjoys the change in perspective. Whether you're riding the other person, or being ridden by them, he'll sit back with that cocksure grin and patiently wait his turn. Knowing that he already knows your body so well, there's going to be no contest (assuming a contest of sorts is part of the agreement). No matter the parameters, you're just beautiful to him in the midst of pleasure - but nothing tops him topping you and pulling all the sounds you can make from you.
Kid/Killer Cuckolding one another wouldn't work in my PERSONAL head canon, but only because if they're having that kind of thing, then what's actually going on is a poly situation. I can 100% see a Kid/Killer/(Reader/OC/etc) relationship happening very easily.
Frottage - Yes - He's not against it, but he's not going to be too energetic about it. Well, that's not the right way to put it, he's going to be into it, cause Kid doesn't half-ass anything, and certainly nothing in bed. But it's not going to be the cake. Icing, maybe, a little appetizer prior to the main meal, a way of teasing the hell out of you in public when no one's looking.
Kid's not big on PDAs, but he is 100% here for walking the line of maybe getting caught as he teases you in public. If you give what you get expect it to escalate >.>
Chasity Devices - Oh god you don't even know - No one who knows Kid would call him a patient man, but when it comes to teasing and denying he has a hell of a Long Game. He can be nearly cruel in denying you and using Chasity devices. Hearing you as a begging, shivering, drooling mess, wanting nothing more than release - that only he can provide - it's almost as good as hearing you lose your mind to back to back orgasms.
He loves to wring you dry, but letting you marinate in need is good too, and you can be sure that the Chasity pieces won't be the only devices you have to deal with.
Cuckolding - Sure - He doesn't mind sharing - whether it's a vetted hookup, or a relationship structure, he's okay with it. Well, more than okay with it, he's perfectly fine with it, but he's not a big fan of sitting back and watching or waiting. Despite his vast patience in other things, he doesn't really vibe it in this situation.
If anyone's going to make you sing in pleasure, it's going to be him, and any kind of competition vibe just makes it a little less in his mind. He'll indulge you though, if it's your kink, so long as you don't go "surprising" him with it.
Frottage - FUCK Yes - Killer's a toucher. He likes to touch you. Hugs, hand-holding, idly playing with your hair, kissing your cheek, unless you're uncomfortable with PDAs, in which case he'll hold back. But he's very hands on and very comfortable with it. This tactile desire bumps the whole concept of frottage up the meter for him. Behind closed doors, or out in public, he enjoys being in contact with you and your body. He usually leads with his hands, but he can easily rub his whole self against you.
The details are as flexible as he is, and considering his acrobatic style of fighting he is very flexible. He'll have you a flushed and flustered mess if he has leave to do it in public. No one will catch him in the act, so all the curious looks and questions will be directed at you.
Chasity Devices - Yes - Killer likes to play the long game. Not as much as Kid does, but there's still pleasure to be had in it. Usually his preference is more hands on, and not using any devices, but he can easily and happily include them.
If he's bringing Chasity Devices into it, then he's bringing other devices into it. It's a pleasure he picked up from Kid - there's just something extra about watching you squirm while he adjusts the vibrator's settings with the small remote in his pocket while you're out running errands. The added level of control makes up for the hands on feeling he usually prefers.
Cuckolding - Oh god you don't even know - There is no universe in which Doflamingo doubts he satisfies you. But he loves the idea of you either choosing someone or him choosing for you, and watching while you enjoy yourself. That itself is hot enough, being able to watch you from a different perspective, but the true goal for him is railing you better. Whether the other person sticks around or not, he doesn't care - he's not proving his point to anyone else but you (and whoever can hear you screaming your pleasures into the air.)
Frottage - Yes - I think as close as he gets to this is when he gets, we'll say, bored cuddling. His body and hands will start to rub against you, teasing and caressing all the little places that get your attention. This kink is, at most, a means of segue for Doffy. He'll certainly utilize it to tease you when others around - out in public or just around the family, but he's not going to be satisfied stopping there.
If he brings you to orgasm from it, his view on it will likely shift, at least a little. But once he knows he can, he's going to have it as his goal going forward.
Chasity Devices - Sure - Doflamingo's only plays the long game, or even teases the idea of it, if you're being punished. He's a busy man, and he wants to enjoy every moment he gets with you, so he doesn't waste any of it with the idea of Chasity. He might get you some devices to use and wear when he's not around, denying you from pleasuring yourself while he's away on business, but he's only going to do that if you've earned such frustration.
Kinky One Piece head canons
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lambergeier · 23 days
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LOL hi girl!! thanks for reading!!!
okay my thoughts on this line specifically:
“Oh, shut up,” Miles says, and buffets Phoenix with an old memory, rubbed near to loving smoothness, of: Phoenix Wright, newest technician at the Los Angeles Shatterdome. Big wounded eyes, crisply-starched uniform, the way he’d tottered to attention like a baby flamingo every time Miles Edgeworth passed him in the hall, like if Miles would just spare a look for the razor-thin crease in Phoenix’s slacks he might drop to his knees right then and there and—
thought 1: phoenix wright voice if i just stare at him with huge wet pathetic enough eyes surely he will fall in love with me. phoenix wright voice haha fuck yes it worked 👍👍
so yes lol we never put SO much thought into how the events of the trilogy translated to the pacrim AU back when writing the main fic and i did not put much further thought in when writing this fic, but basically the backstory is that miles was some kind of famous wunderkind of the PPDC in his early 20s, phoenix joined up to try to meet him again, phoenix fantasized hourly about being so good at wearing his uniform that miles would just HAVE to give him head in a public hallway, and then that actually worked out pretty well for him, minus all the problems.
miles, as described, remembers this incredibly, incredibly fondly. like it sure it kinda wigged him out at the time, as did 99% of all interactions with other people, but now he's like. aw babe you were 24 and in love with me. that's embarrassing. and phoenix is forced to admit that it was, because he Did Love in the most embarrassing way known to man. lol.
one interesting thing about the narumitsu backstory in pacrim, which emma talked about in her prequel fic and on twitter/tumblr at the time from what i remember, is that the pacrim setup really doesn't allow miles any chance, once the relationship begins, to run away/try and kill himself/pretend to kill himself and run away instead, which obviously makes up most of his schedule during the canon trilogy. i firmly believe that contributes to how noxious his mental health is by the time of this fic and the main pacrim fic. he hasn't been able to run away from his problems so many times that he gains the knowledge that running away from your problems Solves Very Little, so he's still trying quite often to run away, which is a thing he physically can't do, so he's like hmmmm offing myself is like running away! and phoenix, also in his brain, is like jesus christ buddy.
anyways lol, thoughts on what removing 1-5 thru 2-4 from the narumitsu backstory does to the narumitsu relationship!
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
congrats on 50!!! 🥳🥳 could i get L for A?
death note reborn
thank you! I'm very excited, when I was on Tumblr last year it took six months to get 20 followers, and when I was first on Tumblr I got about 5 followers after a year and a half xD
so I'm very grateful and I love you all!
All my thoughts on L? I could go on for days man. I'll go with the most thoughty thoughts I have.
L is such an interesting fella. He acknowledges his own flaws but as far as we can see in canon, he makes no effort to improve them. I know he's a terrible person but I also am a— what do they call them — L Lawliet apologist. Except for the Misa thing what the fuck was that, I mean L's the smartest man in the world and he doesn't realise torture is one of the LEAST effective methods of gaining information? it's inhumane and weird and I think it was written as fan service?? anyway I had to, not rewrite.. add writing to it in my au because it's top five things I hate about dn.
ANYWAY the point I was actually going to make was: I think the reason he doesn't work on his flaws is that Watari raised him to ignore his morals in the name of justice. which is. wow imagine if the death note characters had therapy. that's basically Rie's role to help them all get better and happy because I'M A SUCKER FOR A HAPPY ENDING. (if you know what I'm referencing I love you)
Other thoughts about L, mostly, he acts both very mature because that's how he's always been in personality and in training, but also very childish in ways because he never had a proper childhood and thus never got to learn his way out of some childish habits. other childish habits he has are just because he's neurodivergent and I'd like to project onto him thank you very much :>
he probably acts like a 2D guy even when dn canon is rewritten because he's scared to know who he is. he's so high masking even he himself cannot see beyond the mask anymore. he hides his emotions so much he forgot how to feel them.
that made me sad so here's a happier headcanon: he acts like a puppy when he's in love because I do think he can fall in love and form other genuine relationships, it just takes a VERY VERY LONG TIME. but he has almost no experience (he's probably tried dating for experimental reasons or on a case) so he doesn't know how to act when he feels.. whisper.. emotions. so he stares with his big black eyes. out of the corner how dogs do too ahahahha. he trails around after whomever he likes. honestly he'd probably sit at their feet at some point. holy shit he's such a weirdo I love him.
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autisticjoshrusso · 11 days
Oh also !! What about "vanishing act" ??? (I really like the title btw!!)
Thank you!! I'm glad you love the title too, I'm obsessed with it personally, not to brag or anything FSKJDHJKSFD
Gotta be honest I've been reticent to share anything about this one because of how high tensions are running in fandom right now! Like, the need to put tons of disclaimers and over-explain myself is crazyyyy... anyway yeah disclaimer I don't think any of this will be canon, I'm not anti-tommy, not personally big into shipping bucktommy but also don't mind if you do, I multiship like crazy, and I love when men are fucked up and evil. That should cover it hopefully.
So yeah anyway Vanishing Act is my Evil!Tommy fic JKSFKJ. Basically just like the Jonah evil reveal recontextualized all his previous actions, the fic extrapolates and reinterprets Tommy's canon behaviors in a new, darker direction. Essentially, after realizing that both Buck and Eddie are inextricable from each other, he sets his sights on Josh, who is by his own admission already incredibly isolated. And boy, does it work.
I'm planning on either three or five chapters, and the first two are definitely going to be Maddie POV, still not sure whether or not I'm going to keep it that way for the whole fic or switch over to other POVs for later chapters. I don't have the later chapters worked out nearly as clearly as the first ones alas.
There's a lot of angst about Maddie and Josh's relationship getting more tense, and her thinking maybe she's wrong but what if she's right, and what can she even do, and what if she's going to lose her best friend to the same thing that almost killed her? And yes, there will be direct parallels drawn between Doug and Tommy. You see why I need the disclaimers. It's an AU! I don't think that's what he's actually like I promise! I will be writing Good Timeline fics where he isn't evil for those who aren't into this sort of thing. I have a diversity of content and like playing with lots of different, incompatible ideas.
(And if it wasn't obvious by the description, the title is a reference to "vanishing" into a toxic relationship/losing who you are and pretending that everything is fine to everyone, even yourself.)
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happyk44 · 10 months
Having written yet another Percicobeth drabble (or ficlet? Probably? Like the difference is in word count, right? And I'm idk how long that one was but feels long-ish), I'm thinking about comments I've gotten (and ignored) on my other Percicobeth stuff, people complaining that Nico is gay so he can't be in a relationship with Annabeth and ofc my first instinct is to go "I was here long before Nico was gay, and shipped this ship, I'm not gonna abandon it just because the owner of the boats made up something new. I've been in this boat for over a decade. You think I give a shit if the owner suddenly says my boat isn't made for the deep waters I've been taking her into this whole time?"
And that of course is totally valid. I don't think people need to give up ships or headcanons or whatever else they've had for a long time just because something changed or became official in canon. But I also don't think it matters what people ship, irrespective of canon anyway. Like, yeah, in the heydays of fandom, shipping canon gay characters with female characters was really frowned upon because there were so little canon gay characters, it was annoying to see them scrubbed out for a m/f ship, but it's not really like that anymore. But also, tbh, as annoying as it was, I never really gave too much of a shit because fandom is fandom. People like what they like. And most of the time they retconned them to be bi, not straight so who gives a shit 🤷‍♂️ just block that person if you want and move along
But that also reminds me that I did get a comment complaining that by making Nico "bi", other people will feel like it's okay to make him straight, which a) that's not how that works and b) I'm not making him bisexual, I'm saying Annabeth is his exception.
In all my years of being in the PJO fandom, the only two girls I've ever shipped Nico with was Thalia (whooo, go early days PJO!) and Annabeth. And Thalia/Nico was never a big ship to me tbh. I think I may have actively shipped it for like a few months, and even then I didn't really seek it out. If I did read it, it was usually because they were a secondary relationship in a fic with a really fascinating plot. Like the only two fics I can remember reading with them as a pairing was a time travel kidfic, and this fic where the gods faded due to lack of belief so the kids had to take their spot as gods. And both fics had an ensemble cast and a plot I wish I remembered more.
So basically - it's really just Annabeth.
And truly and honestly, and this is just for me, I don't care how you guys approach it, but I never write Percicobeth with intention of Nico being bisexual. Even in the way back, when canon gay Nico was just a dream, I always just saw Percicobeth as "Nico is really gay, but Annabeth is hot so it doesn't matter for her". And I think a lot of people saw the ship that way too.
And for all that people talk about sexuality being fluid, it's really baffling to me that some people can't wrap their minds around a fictional relationship where a gay male character hooks up with a girl he really likes, but otherwise isn't attracted to other girls.
It happens in couples where a person transitions but their partner stays with them because they love them too much. Would they look at that gender on other people with the same vibrant romantic/sexual attraction? No. But on their partner it looks good, and that's all that matters. And all the jokes about gay men kissing twinks that turn out to be lesbians thinking they were kissing another lesbian.
Also I swear when I was, like, thirteen or so, people used to use the label homoflexible/heteroflexible, which basically meant "I'm gay/straight, but if you're hot enough, I might be interested". I wonder what happened to it 🤔 but yeah, anyway - sexuality is fluid, people kiss and date and fuck who they want, and sometimes who they want is not always what their label says, and it's really up to them if they want to change it.
So in summation. Yeah, I know Nico is gay. But I've shipped Percicobeth for over a decade, and I'm gonna keep shipping it because it makes me happy. And when I write the ship, Nico is still gay, but either Annabeth is hot enough that he doesn't care, or they end up having a really deep connection and friendship outside of their relationship to Percy, that they end up hooking up anyway.
Also sometimes I write Percicobeth as "she fucks Percy and he fucks Percy, but they don't fuck each other, they just scheme together different ways to fuck with Percy", because sometimes that's what polyamory is! Sometimes it's "I'm dating X, and X is dating me and Y, but I'm just good friends with Y, and Y is just good friends with me" and that's okay too. It doesn't always have to be everyone is in love and dating each other.
The world contains multitudes.
And at the end of the day, I write what I want.
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psychewritesbs · 3 months
"Yes! It's kind of neat how Gege has crafted these parallels. Also... this is not to promote clamp but... you guys have no idea how Tokyo Babylon and x/1999 coded these ships are. But ok, shipping glasses off..."
If you don't mind of course, can I ask why you think this? Because you are the first person that I know of (and follow) that see the parallel between JJK and CLAMP works....and it's so interesting (especially for those 2 ships).
Also, yes, as a shipper, I'm excited when reading that ask from anon, too (sorry if I'm kinda weird).
You're not weird tho.
Ok so... let me try to summarize it as best as I can. Basically Kurogane and Fai represent the same trope as Geto and Gojo. A pair of Moon and Sun characters who are also the strongest (although it is not explicitly stated that they are).
More under the cut...
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Kurogane and Fai are also kind of like parental figures to Syaoran and Sakura, whom they travel with, the way Geto and Gojo each "adopt" children.
Compared to stsg tho, and even as subtle and hidden in subtext as it is, kurofai is on your face without ever explicitly stating that they are canonical lovers.
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Fandom collectively thinks of them as husbands, because they are... and they share very deeply intimate moments in complete silence.
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It's fucking amazing.
This is one of my favorite clamp ships because it's very different to ships like seisub (doomed star crossed lovers) because these two become good friends and that's kind of the basis for their relationship.
So it's all surface level similarities to stsg as you can see, but they are there, and it's kind of interesting to notice.
Anyways. I've been sitting on an ask asking me to elaborate on kurofai as a ship. I'd like to sit down and brainrot about them when I'm done with school in May. Stay tuned if you want to read more.
But another fun example that may or may not be clampspiration that Gege borrowed is seisub and syaosaku where you have these two pairings where one of them is told something that the audience is not privy to (syaosaku being the exception) by their pair in their last moments alive:
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Which may or may not remind you of Gojo's words to Geto, which the audience is not privy to...
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Geto actually has a similar reaction to Subaru in x/1999 who says "you never say the things I expect you to say" or something like that.
I think these are the major ship similarities I can think of right now. Hope this helps, and enjoy away because if Gege has read clamp (which I wouldn't be surprised if he has because clamp was big back in the 90s) and has taken inspiration for his ships from Okawa's brand of sadistic high romance, well, we're in for a treat if Gege ever decides to write a story that has more overt romance in it.
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sugarepoxy · 10 months
hey sorry if this is weird but this is @chip-and-the-bastards (it's a sideblog so I can't ask with it) and since we're up against each other for the jrwi au showdown I wanted to ask about Blood in the Deadwood‼️ it seems like a cool au but tumblr search function isn't showing me if you have anything for it on this blog! So here take this as an opportunity to ramble about it and also maybe give some propaganda!
anyway feel free to ignore if you don't wanna aha :]
well first of all @tobeywobey was also very involved in making it so make sure you also give them creds ! ! He worked on a LOT of the lore so i really wanna give them proper creds lol. Also the search didnt work because both toby and I haven't post much of anything publicly about it LMAO
BASICALLY its the prime defenders characters but in a kind of Galloway/Deadwood hybrid place if that makes sense. Each character fills the role of another character(s) in blood in the bayou (for example cantrip basically plays the role of Becky in this au.) its pretty cannon compliant to the events of blood in the bayou, except for a few changes, like things happening for different reasons and events being changed. Also there is no superpowers in this au :)
the thing Toby and I changed most was probably the events leading up to the main three going back to deadwood. In this AU Dakota is the one that knows Ashe the best, Will and Vynce are less acquainted with her. This is because she fills the role of Rachel so we wanted it to closer match the relationship that Kian and Rolan had with her when they were younger. so basically Dakota introduces Ashe to the other two a couple years before the events of this AU take place in deadwood, and they all eventually leave for w own reasons. Will dies like in PD canon, is resurrected as a bug sorta like how Rolan is, except he knows that he's a bug and keeps it secret. Ashe goes missing suddenly and Mark immediately starts investigating. The boys talk to mark about any leads or information, and it all leads to Deadwood. Also somewhere along there Williams "parents" die. Some more noatable things that happen in these few years is that vynce and cantrip have a relationship thats more like a situationship, and the three of them start a dnd campaign but never finish it.
They all go to Deadwood Because of Ashe's disappearance but vynce and will also have other reasons. Vynce really wants to finish this fuckin dnd campaign, and will felt the most obligated to go because he's part of the hive (and also his parents funeral was happening there anyways.) Will is also the one that is the most hesitant to go in the first place.
Then the BITB cannon stuff happens! They greet Doug (who plays the role of rat in this AU,) go to quickstop, see The Horrors, all that stuff. They obviously react in different ways and do different things than the BITB pcs, but it all still leads to them going to points of interest and having the big events happen to them the same. One notable change is that Will sees doug in the alley, pasteified, but is really curious about what actually happened to him instead of being horrified of the human sludge (Will is so fucking insane in this au.) Another is that will convinces Dakota that they need to leave (like how kian does) but while they are driving away will and dakota get into an argument wich leads to dakota grabbing the wheel from him and they end up swerving into the membrane wall.
Unfortunately thats where we stopped writing stuff down lmao so for the propaganda section of this ramble i will be taking from the character info toby wrote
Vyncent is a huge fantasy nerd and he has those hot topic elf ear cuffs. Half of his character motivation is wanting to finish that godamn dnd game!!!
William wisp is 10x more insane
wiwi carries a shotgun around locked and loaded from the very beginning
vynce gets some cool buggy limbs :)
Ashe is trans mtf and in the notes we referred to getting bugged as "contracting malaria" so we called her "our malaria girlfriend" and now in my head ashe will always be my favorite malaria girlfriend ❤️
Mark kind of plays the role of John Rand and he is also in love with that stupid caveman show
Mark and tide have a perry and doofenshmirtz dynamic. They both have radically different theories on what is happening to the town and argue constantly, but when they aren't being crazy people they get along
Tide fills the role of Mr. Dickman and he has a secret bunker chalk full of beef stroganoff. He also has a huge fucking blackboard where he writes all his theories (he just has "MALARIA" written down in all caps)
Tide has a little bit of a crazy old guy reputation in town
Cantrip gets fucking shot by William because of a one sided rivalry wiwi has had since middle school
This concludes the ramblings, i wish everyone happy voting and good luck in the au torment!!! :D
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the-batgirl · 2 months
I'm sorry I'm venting in your inbox but I'm so frustrated rn. Feel free to ignore.
I haven't brought a Catwoman book since the failed wedding because I didn't like how Selina was being written, I was hoping to wait it out until a good writer came in. Tini Howard will not let go of Selina and I was hoping the pause in the Catwoman run meant another writer was taking over. Well I was kinda right only to be more disappointed because it's one of my least favourite comic writers, Leah Williams, she's writing a goddamn Gotham Sirens series. The series sounds terrible, it mentions half naked cowboys, a bunch of new oc villains, and Punchline. I'm so tired of Catwoman content being so rubbish.
I think 'okay it's not all bad after all', when Batman: The Caped Crusader screen shots are released. Only to be let down again after Selina's background description says she grew up as a millionaire heiress with a silver spoon in her mouth, her father lost all the money, now she steals stuff because basically she loves money. How have they fucked it up that bad. It sounds more like Penguins origin then Selina's.
I didn't always love how Tom King wrote Selina, but I thought after the Batcat wedding they'd be a different writer to take over and we'd get something new and interesting. Only for the cluster fuck that was that entire event and it ending with Selina being written so horribly, to getting the complete nothing burger that was Joelle Jones Catwoman run which added nothing, to Tini Howard just making to worst decisions possible. Even in Batman related books it's either Selina from another dimension/timeline or she's just there as a reminder she exists (sometimes in a way that is disrespectful, like when Ram V had Bruce talk how much Selina is important and means so much to him only to then turn around and sleep with another woman- why bring up Selina then?!)
It's even worse because apparently despite the success of The Batman the next live action Batman movie isn't using Selina. Idk I'm just mad.
I know exactly how you feel anon, it's looking like it can't get much worse, and then it dose
I'm incredibly frustrated with the way catwoman comics have been for YEARS now. Her classic stories are getting big reprints along with heros like Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Superman, Batman- and her modern comics are just....ugh they wouldn’t even feature her in the pride event!!!! SHE IS A CANON BISEXUAL AND A MEMBER OF THE BATFAM and she got NOTHING
I saw that news abt Caped Crusader as well :/ the copy paste of Penguins origin when Selina already has MULTIPLE origins that make so much more sense for who she is as a character!!
I so so miss having a writer that understands and respects Selina
I wasn't totally shocked that ram v couldn't resist having him sleep w T*lia, disappointing and ooc, but ultimatly it's somthing that every title that isn't tec could and probably will ignore lol, most of the time it feels like none of these writers are reading each other's comics, you can never tell if something is going to have consequences or be completely forgotten and all the bat related series really do feel like they’re in different dimensions (in a bad way) and as much as dc jerks them around, they capitalize big time on batcat. the statues, makeup collections, celebration books entierly about their relationship, jewelry- it's the bat and the cat forever even if dc is too scared to commit to anything these days. They know who their 2nd most popular couple ever is. If they could only find good writers💀
On the bright side...Selina will probably be in dkos: allwinter, and the ongoing batman dark age features a nice version of her as well!
But anyways yeah FUCK GCS all my homies hate gcs, the people yearn for Lois&Selina !!!!
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mothman-can-write · 3 months
heya! one of my fav questions to ask smut writers - would the characters you write most would ever fuck a clone (or AU or time travel) of themselves? alt and slightly more fun question - would they be in a threesome w/ their clone (other) and their current partner?
This is such a funny question lmao. Strangely enough I've never actually thought about it, and now that I am there is a bunch of different ways i could interpret this. I write fanfic, my hobby is basically just overthinking into a word document. So anyway, please enjoy a far more in depth thought process into my three main girls than you were probably expecting. Also to preface, I'm going off of MCU canon rather than anything shippy or the way I have actually written them in fanfics (if you ask me again a month from now my thoughts will probably have changed, I am incredibly inconsistent with character opinions like this lol)
Somehow, she was the first answer that came to mind. If you asked her straight up I think she'd say yes and follow through. Her reasoning would be that logically, who is going to know what she likes better than herself, plus she doesn't have to deal with all the social and emotional aspects of one night stands or relationships. It's efficient. Being the director of SHIELD doesn't make for a great sex life. As for a threesome, I think she'd probably say no and I don't know how to explain that one. She's not into the clone, so she doesn't need them there if she's already got another partner.
Just for fun, I think if Maria was introduced to a clone / forced to live with one in a regular context, she'd probably just recruit it to help her get work done and half her chores. Maybe they'd use each other for some cuddle therapy because god knows she's not emotionally mature enough to ask anyone else. Sex would maybe be a thing if she was particularly pent up, but purely in a physical way
Nat's a little harder, but I think if you asked her she'd say yes BUT if you actually gave her a clone she'd be wigged out. I don't think she'd sleep with a clone at all, but honestly I don't actually think she'd sleep with anyone unless she felt particularly safe with them (if we're talking Nat who has healed a little by the start of the MCU, past Nat who can barely function might be more likely to fall into past tricks)
A threesome is also out of the question, though somehow I think she'd think about that one a little longer. (She'd probably love to be in a Maria sandwhich though.)
As for simply living with a clone, I think she'd hate it. I think it would creep her out big time. That girl already has trust AND identity issues, she does NOT need another person who looks exactly like her running around. In the comics she literally has her identity stolen and misused MULTIPLE times, she does not need this in the MCU, even if the the clone is inherently good. She's not trusting it. If she is forced to live with it, she is ignoring it at hard as possible.
Wanda took me so long to decide on, and it might be because I haven't written much about her in a long time. I could honestly still be presuaded the either way so I'm going to look at both. Firstly, my brain says I just don't think she likes herself enough to put up with it in a lot of what we see of her. Especially post Wandavision, I think looking at the effects of the Darkhold would probably be painful. HOWEVER, maybe if you asked AoU Wanda she'd say yes, because she thinks it'd be fun to try it once. What could go wrong? It's only herself. Wandavision Wanda would probably say yes (I'm imagining Agatha asking her as a bond building game haha, and Agatha definitely says yes.) And maybe post DSMoM Wanda would say yes, because she believes that no one else would be safe around her, though I think sex is probably the last thing on her mind HAHA but, that's what the question's about so! Basically I think my thoughts come down to: Wanda is a very curious person, and if she's not too busy wallowing in selfhatred and depression, then she'd say yes because it'd be interesting to see what it's like.
As for a threesome, honestly I think she'd be down. Marvel could say she learnt how to duplicated herself just to make it more fun for Vision and I'd believe them. A clone is basically the same sich, right?
And finally, I don't think she could live with one. I think she'd probably just deny it's existence entirely which would probably also desintigrate it literally too. The worst case I can imagine is that she has to see herself doing things that she picked up from Pietro, seeing the way that he lives within her and reminding herself in a horribly roundabout way what it was like to live with him
Bonus round: Clint would say yes immediately to all of the above. For science.
Honestly I think I could write an entire essay for each character on this topic, thanks for asking!
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themanofgloom · 3 months
Oscar Mannington UPDATE
// Yes, I'm still dead on this blog. Yes, have Oscar update anyway
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Oscar's still got a bigass family, though their names and identities are highly underdeveloped for now. He has around 5 siblings, all adopted, and two very loving (and financially stable) parents. His very toxic relationship with his ex, Alice Little, still happened, and his strained relationship with others and his family due to mental instability still happened. Still has a big interest in theatre, and I think the only big change career-wise is that being in theatre is his career. Maybe not as much as a commercial performer anymore, but either working on costumes or tech.
The biggest change in general is that...the Earth-power verse he has is now canon! It's still underdeveloped, but still as cosmic-horror-y as it used to be. Basically, he has this horrific hivemind that's connected to him. It doesn't actively harm him, but the state of the planet certainly impacts the hivemind itself -- which then impacts Oscar. Is it actually the Earth living inside of him? Probably not. Maybe it's some fun alien shenanigans, who knows.
(Personality below)
I remember I used to write Oscar (and Ormad, for that matter) as very emotional, rather immature characters. I didn't realize at the time, but they were like that because I was a mentally unwell teenager, and I was very heavily projecting myself into them. Now that I'm officially 18 (and much better mentally), I can look at their personalities in a more accurate and individual manner.
Oscar is a big introvert. Not shy, like he used to be, but he just doesn't like talking to people. Still suffers from a lot of anxiety due to GAD, but he makes sure to keep up with his meds, and he no longer uses his mental disorders as an excuse to act like a dick to people. That being said, despite him being rather antisocial, he is still compassionate and moral. Still loves his pet cat Marley and his pet goose Greyson, too.
He's got a nihilistic view of the world, but nihilistic in a "Nothing matters so let's do whatever the fuck we want" kinda way. He has some trouble expressing his emotions, too. If you give him a gift he is very grateful for, he won't naturally smile or laugh. He kind of has to force it because he feels bad for not reacting as one expects. Yes, he would feel incredibly grateful and happy, but it doesn't immediately travel to his face and body language. You can tell when he's super comfortable around you when he only has the tiniest expressions and doesn't react much. In that scenario, if you get him to laugh loud, you are really funny.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
I completely agree with you saying we shouldn't listen to most of what actors say because from the stuff i've seen..... they're either completely missing the point, writing a fanfic or just making a joke out of the material — no other explanation for the stuff they say. I do like Ewan's interpretation of Aemond and Vhagar's relationship but saying that he's not close to his family is a bit strange... Anyway, what i wanted to say is that from what I've heard them say so far I only like the way Aegon'a actor (forgot his name now, i apologize) sees his character and i feel like the things he says make sense and that he actually cares about staying true to the source material as much as possible
I agree whole heartedly with you on that account.
It annoys me to no end, in any show, when the actors don't show proper respect to the source material or the fandom. It is one of the reasons I have such a problem with Olivia Cooke and Emma D'arcy. They rather enjoy being careless and ignorant of established canon and things that other people care about. They've shown no respect to anyone nor anything and are basically in it for themselves. They make shit up, they don't hide their contempt for the material, and they take pride in all of the things listed like it makes them cool or badass that they don't care. I fucking can't stand the smug arrogance of Emma D'arcy has in all of the press tour, like she couldn't be bothered to try to hide her contempt and lack of caring for the whole thing. She oozes of "I don't give a shit, now where's my award?"
Like I've said, I don't ever expect anyone to love my niche nerdy thing as much as I do. But I fully expect someone to take pride in their work and craft. And both Cooke and - especially - D'arcy come off as smug, arrogant, narcissistic, London hacks, who only care about the exposure of the project and can't be bothered for anything else. Cooke's interviews are pure fucking torture ... that girl is so dumb she couldn't spell "Cat" if I spotted her the "C" and the "A".
What I adore about Tom Glynn-Carney is that he's clearly read the source material, did a deep dive into that character, and sees the value of him. Not only that but he actually watched and dissected "Game of Thrones" to add depth to the world that Aegon lives in. That dude has gone above and beyond to bring Aegon to life - and you can tell by his panel as the GOT Con that he actually cares. I've become a big fan of how much he commits to a role. I really loved him in "Tolkien" as Christopher.
Such a great nuanced character actor.
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jennyandvastraflint · 3 months
Would you like to answer either/both of these?
4. what about their personality i like
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
(I know nothing about Osgoods backstory tbh but I imagine you might know more? If not feel free to answer with a headcanon OR for Vastra instead :) )
Thank you for the fugitive Doctor ask!!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
So first, let's begin with Vastra!
4. what about their personality i like
Gosh, where do I even start! So, one thing I love about her is how direct she can be, cutting out all the nonsense she doesn't care about in conversations, and I looove her sarcasm. She is so witty, while at the same time absolutely horrendous at talking about things about her past and trauma and emotions, and hnnng! I also love how utterly in love she is with Jenny, and that she can and will bite someone if Jenny is in danger.
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
I don't think I can name just one singular moment, I love all the scenes that show her and Jenny's love so plainly. I think that's a general rule of thumb: if Jenny and Vastra are happily flirting, I'm happy as well. One particular moment I have in recent memory is a scene from the first Trespassers boxset in which Jenny and Vastra lie in bed at night. Jenny can't sleep and Vastra asks what's troubling her, and as her mind begins working, she asks Jenny to get her butterfly book. Jenny refuses because she's sleepy, and Vastra whispers a "Good night, sweet one" to her, and when I first heard it, I legit burst into tears and sobbed for twenty minutes. In the show, I think I'd have to say the painting scene? XD It's a classic, really. But they don't get that many comedic scenes in the show, it feels like. Most are given to Strax. Am I rolling my eyes at the scene a bit? Yes, because they are impossible. But I'm also over here kicking my legs.
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
Okay, so I have two, technically, one for THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL and one for Oh my god she truly is such a classy, special silly, I love her so much.
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Also, death on the catsuits, death, death! Vastra would FREEEEEZE in them... Also they're ugly and impractical. Just look at how HOT she looks in the Demons Run look!!!
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
Vastra communicating openly about her emotions.
No, I'm joking. I think it might be (this is something I dislike about Big Finish as well at times actually) that people believe she's the one in charge in the relationship with Jenny. Because... No, this is where our opinions differ. I will say, though, as the fandom is rather small, I know pretty much everyone who does write fanfic/draw fanart personally atp (or most of you anyway), so we share a lot of opinions due to our negotiating.
And now, I'll follow up with Osgood!!
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
I have bought "The Wintertime Paradox" by Dave Rudden because of Osgood's story (without realising it has the wonderful story "A Perfect Christmas" about the Paternoster Gang as well), so if that counts? Oh, actually, does Big Finish audio count? If not, just as well. I don't think I have any merchandise with Osgood specifically, but I do have a lab coat that could be used as part of an Osgood cosplay. Most of my Doctor Who stuff though, is audios and books!
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
I think it's at least brushed upon in the show as well, but her (lack of) relationship with her family? Osgood has a sister who's basically better at everything, and they feel a bit pushed to the side. I unfortunately don't remember the precise details, but in "The Wintertime Paradox", Osgood is working on Christmas Eve, and that's made me a bit emotional... Also that they struggle with self-worth which is brought up in a few audios! Oh, and obviously the entire thing with the second Osgood and how they are both and neither, and everyone always asks Which are you? (I think I've written a bit of that into... Uhhhhh... One of my fics. One of the fairytale AUs)
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Gosh, Osgood isn't in that many scenes of the show, hu! I think it's the bonding with 12 in the Zygon episodes. In extended media, there is much more, but it's been too long since I've listened to it all.
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
I love that despite Osgood being a sort of "fan character", they aren't turned into a mere mirror, but Osgood is a character in their own right. One of the little quips throughout the audios that stuck with me and definitely influences my perception of them as some form of enby, is that Osgood tells people quite a few times that she wants to be "just Osgood", no Miss, or whatever. It's just a really nice thing for me personally to hear. Oh yeah, also that Osgood is totally autistic-coded.
I hope my answers satisfy! Thank you again for the ask!
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orchidsangel · 4 months
okay okay okay ima have to explain a loooot then 😭😭 BIG SPOILER ALERT THO!!!!! (don’t put this in the jason tags or anything just in case bestie)
so first about this current hook up, i literally get you 100% i’m not a big fan of most jason ships like he’s most of the times written so ooc to fit in (also does not belong with anyone but me but that’s besides the point). overall there’s literally nothing going on with that girl (the comic is called red hood: the hill btw), they met minutes prior at jason’s housewarming party, they flirted like 2 lines, and in this preview they’re making out while jason’s best friend is in danger (so it’s basically not gonna end up being good for jason anyway),,, based on the sollicitations for the next issues of this mini comic, it’s mainly gonna be focused on jason’s and his best friend’s vigilantism activities, so like i said: big doubts on this hook up turning out to be anything more, and to further point out this, in the first issue of this mini, jason is clear that he does not plan to stay in that part of gotham and he’s just here to visit his friend and help. now i just want to let you know that based on the this mini’s writer’s latest interview, it sounds like he doesn’t know jason’s character very well, and plans to just make him another case of making him question all his morals for the sake of his relationship with bruce. so i’m not particularly hyped much for the rest of this story but we’ll just have to see.
now for artemis, and here’s when things get a bit messy, i already mentioned that this mini is set to be 3 years ago, and that’s because this is actually a direct follow up to the red hood and the outlaws comic. after joker war ended and the outlaws split up, red hood was supposed to continue solo and he got a new writer (the one currently writing this mini) who introduced brand new characters for him. why is it coming out now? well first of all, it was cancelled back in 2020 because dc had this big alternate universe event scheduled for the first months of 2021: future state. they basically put on hold allllll the comics that were on the main timeline. and so this comic (which at that time was called red hood issue #51 and #52) was put to a hold. after this event ended, practically all the comics were picked up again or new ones were made, except this one. why? well because it’s dc and if there’s one thing you should know about dc is that they absolutely hate jason todd at their worst, and at their best they just don’t care about him and shove him here and there. so that’s what happened, he was shoved into a batfamily event (as always) where his relationship with bruce was once again the topic and ended horribly for him (sparing the details because i chose to ignore most of this shit they put him through). and after that, a new comic came, and another one, and that “red hood” solo comic was completely forgotten about and left as an open arc with no closer. so i’m guessing that the writer had kept some pressure on dc to continue his story and was granted a 6 mini series to get it over with. so here we are now, getting this mini story that has happened right after jason and artemis fucked and decided to both take their own separate ways (they haven’t been together nor interacted in canon since 2020, yet they’re still the most popular jason ship 😭), and currently artemis is under the wonder woman editorial and had a little cameo in batman the brave and the bold, other than that we don’t see of her much :((( (yes, jason is hooking with this new girl literally days/weeks after he did with artemis with whom he had a lonnnng situationship 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 idk what to say i swear)
now to conclude this, if jason 3 years ago was hooking up with a stranger in his new apartments, where is he now? well he’s in main gotham with the batfamily, his last appearance was the gotham war (horrible horrible horrible event that served no purpose and just completely destroyed his character for no reason) where he basically got lobotomized by bruce so that everytime he gets a rush of adrenaline he gets so scared that he can’t do shit, and then he was “fixed” by joker toxin,,, and beast world (he was an adorable wolf yes it sounds really weird but he was adorable so that’s all that matters), the last look of him in the main canon is in batman #145 which came out earlier this week and he’s well, a punching bag as usual, no one but the batfam with him, still horrible characterization but that’s nothing new, dc does not care about jason enough to actually give him anything that’s good or anyone that will actually put effort into his story so we just have to take what we have and twist it into our own little thing ig,,,, this was a lonnnnng explanation but it was just to put everything into context sorry😭 some fans. got overly excited with the previews which ig good for them and everything but yeah she’s not his gf back then (so far) and certainly not currently,, anyway mwah much love and i love your writing 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
i read this ENTIRE thing the minute you sent it in nonnie i just got distracted by my mom and forgot to respond.
ig jason’s in his slut era, i guess he’s feeling a little whore-ish lately. good on him for rebounding after artemis (my eyes twitching and i’m on the floor sobbing)
thank u for this rundown of everything going on bc i haven’t gotten around to reading that outlaws run yet or gotham war. even tho i knew what happened in gotham war bc it was all over tumblr and. oh my god. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM 😭😭😭😭 just so sick like they’re genuinely out to get him it’s so nasty. free my man!!!!
it’s so crazy that dc treats him like this bc there’s so much they can do with his character and they just…choose not to? it’s so weird to me bc if his story was in my hands it would be so epic.
i’m so glad you enjoy my writing, sorry i haven’t been putting anything out tho 😖 i hope to start again soon!
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