#anyways yeah I edited this myself but I just put the skins on it got the template off of YouTube
duckmumbo · 2 years
I still haven’t finished the Fake Monarch au post so have this to tide you over
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jsprnt · 1 month
Americano PT. 9 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: phew! this took me five million years and a bag of candy to write. remember when I told you to remember the house layout? 😉 Enjoy!
small mention: I absolutely love knowing you all are curious about the next chapter of this series. I appreciate and love all comments I get, and try to keep all my promises I make. but, trust I’m human too and need some away from writing. Though, when rude and harassing words are used in my inbox- the joy of writing this series gets absolutely sucked away. (If I’ve answered your message, this isn’t about your comment 🫶) so, please keep your rude words to yourself or I’ll turn off anonymous inbox messages and block you the next time :)
W/C: 4.016
part eight
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"I should've just taken a break to go on vacation."
Lina sighs, poking her salad with her fork, and guiding the mixture of greens and dressing up to her mouth.
"Didn't you take a trip to Paris last international break?"
Luis says, raising a brow at her words. He turns his head towards me, nudging me under the table.
"Can you believe her?" He asks, an exasperated chuckle leaving his lips. It causes me to jolt out of my half-asleep state, my eyes widening in surprise.
"What? Who?" I ask looking around and bring a hand up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
I had rushed out of the house this morning, which meant everyone got the chance to admire my bare skin today.
Well, my stress-induced breakouts were on full display, but having some pimples wasn’t the end of the damn world anyway.
"Are you okay?" Lina joins in, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, just dozed off- been sleeping horribly." I reply, eyeing my lunch with a grimace.
"Are those exams still keeping you up?"
"More like waking me up.. Do you know how many nightmares of failing an exam a person can take?” I say, my words coming out harsher and louder than I intended. My eye twitches in irritation, and I give them a crazy look.
"Woah, you have an attitude today.." Luis mutters, shifting away from me.
"Don’t piss her off.." I hear Lina say, nudging Luis.
"Never mind, I'm going back to work." I state, quickly putting my tray of food away and walking out of the cafeteria.
I mutter curses under my breath, trying to look as normal as possible to my coworkers when I pass them in the hallways.
Exam season was practically sucking the life out of me, and the added pressure of the upcoming Champions League home game against Napoli was multiplying the stress.
Thankfully, it was international break, which meant that my normal workload was cut in half. Some players not playing for in the national team had requested leave for vacation, so the training center was pretty quiet and empty today.
I only knew of injured players being here for their scheduled recovery appointments.
I finally get back in my office, sighing in exhaustion when I get to my desk. I plop down, rubbing my face to wake myself up further, before starting to work on some more content.
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"Why are you grinning like a creep?"
I turn to Luis, chuckling at his choice of words, and let go of the computer mouse.
"I just got a notification that said I passed my written exam." I beam, giving him a cocky look.
"Yeah, ninety-four percent..” I say, turning my head to look at the editing program. The training video we had just shot halfway edited already.
"You've been snapping at us for no reason, but I guess it was worth it- good job.." He says, shooting me a smile, and leaning in to give me a side hug.
"Yeah, sorry about that.." I apologize, fixing my wrinkled shirt. I move my hand towards the mouse again, cutting off a piece of blurry footage that we couldn’t use.
"It's fine, I guess it's payback for making you do random tasks back when you were a newbie.."
"You know, I haven't forgotten how you made me carry that heavy ass bag every morning..”
"I'm sorry, alright. You should've told me earlier that Ancelotti is basically your uncle."
I grumble at his words, jabbing his ribcage with my elbow, sending him a warning look.
"Stop talking and help me out with this.." I mutter, passing him the mouse.
He winces a little, rubbing his stomach, before snatching the mouse off of me with an attitude.
"Didn't know you were allowed to use your privilege to inflict such violence."
I roll my eyes, focused on the moving images on the computer screen. Starting to unconsciously pick at a fresh scab on my hand. Only noticing the damage I’ve done when I look down to see blood trickling down the back of my hand.
"Shit, made myself bleed.." I say, making Luis glance away from the dual monitors.
"Go to the physiotherapy room. They have a shit ton of bandages and bandaids.” He suggests, his hand going up to fix the curls falling in front of his eyes.
I nod quickly, getting up from my seat and walking out of the small, soundproof meeting room. I close the glass door behind me, hurrying over to the physiotherapy room.
I pass the glass panels facing the multiple pitches outside, the sun had been shining brightly this afternoon. Even though the sun had been setting quite early due to daylight saving time.
I knock twice when I arrive, only opening the door when I hear a loud 'come in' in response.
I clear my throat, realizing how silly it is to get a bandaid for a wound like this, but still walk in.
I'm greeted by the sight of first-team physiotherapist Iván, he smiles when he notices me, waving for me to come inside.
He was one of the nicest people working with me at Real Madrid. It would be especially fun when he would bring in his little two-year-old son with him. I couldn’t count on one hand how many times I had carried the cute boy around the training center in my free time.
"Oh, y/n. What brings you here?" He questions, shoving the white privacy curtain out of the way, only to reveal a shirtless Jude lying on the treatment table, his eyes opening to peer over at me.
The personalized shoulder brace he'd been wearing for the past couple matches, was taken off for obvious reasons, and placed on the other side of the bed.
I look away a moment later, feeling my chest tighten, internally wincing at the thought of Jude having a dislocated shoulder and still playing football. Despite all of the aggressive and offensive play we had gotten used to this season, he was handling it well- but I wouldn’t ever utter it out loud.
Because- who wants to inflate that ego even more? Or was that even possible?
"Hi, Iván.. Just wondering if you got a bandaid for me?" I avert my gaze to the physio, and raise my brows. I hold my hand up to show the wound, and smile when he nods in response.
"Yeah, just a second.." He shoots Jude a quick wink, washing his hands before coming over. He begins to rummage through the cabinet, flipping through a pack of bandaids before handing me one closest to my skin color.
"Here you go.. Do you need anything else?" He asks, eyeing the blood on my hand.
"Nope, only this. Thank you.." I smile, quickly wiping down the blood from my hand and gently placing the bandaid on my wound.
I throw the bloody wipes and wrappers in the dedicated trash can, turning around again when I’m done.
I make accidental and involuntary eye contact with Jude instead of Iván, who's already across the room busy with some paperwork. Probably documenting the progress of Jude’s injury.
My eyes automatically dart down to his shoulder, and unbelievably, my eyes slip to his chest, then to his-
I stiffen when I regain consciousness of what I’m doing, and look away with haste. I fight the urge to smack myself in the face, instead biting the flesh of my cheek when I notice him smirk at me.
"What are you looking at?" He questions, voice low and his cocky tone too obvious to ignore.
My eyes widen slightly when he speaks, and I take a step forward as if to say I’m not intimidated.
"Just- looking at your shoulder.." I say, cringing at the way the words leave my mouth.
"So, you’re worried about me now?"
I give him a look of disgust, a chuckle of disbelief leaving my mouth.
"You wish, Bellingham. I heard Ancelotti is confident in putting you in the starting lineup on Wednesday. You better put your best foot forward, and if we don’t end up winning..." I trail off, threatening him slightly with my tone. I then turn around and leave the room.
I couldn’t lie, being rude to him after he'd dislocated his shoulder and still played made me feel a little guilty.
Though, he had a huge gift of being the ultimate douchebag, even when he’d been having his 'decent' moments lately.
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“He’s only turned nineteen two- no three months ago, and he’s already scoring in the Champions League..” Luis gawks, grabbing the equipment bag out of my hand.
“I know, it’s so fun to see young players flourish..” I mutter, mentally recalling the interview I just did with Nico Paz. Since it was his first goal for Real Madrid, we had just done an interview in celebration.
“He is a year younger than you.. Is he really that young to you?” Luis teases, pushing me away when I pretend to kick him.
“What? Are you trying to undermine my accomplishments?” I question, trying to kick him again.
“Hey! See, this is how immature you are.. Step back, dude get off…” He says, and I scuffle with him for a moment, gasping when he tries to put me in a headlock.
“Okay, you always do this- stop everyone is looking..” I mutter, squeezing his arm.
“How fuckin’ childish are you?” I hear a familiar voice say. I snap my head up, Luis’ arm loosening as he immediately lets me go.
“As much as I want to be...” I state, my hand traveling up to fix my hair and clothes.
I hear Jude scoff, he gives me a nasty look before taking a step forward, but I notice him freeze in my peripheral vision when he hears someone calling out to me.
“y/n?!” The person shouts, and I look around for a moment before my eyes land on…
The guys from Naples?
What’s his name again?
“Chris?..” I say, my voice low and as enthusiastic as I can manage to pretend.
Fuck, I never even answered his DM’s..
Well, should I really give a guy who looks like trouble a chance?
My common sense says: NO.
I watch him bring an arm around my back, his hand resting on my shoulder blade when he hugs me tightly. Like we’ve been friends for freaking years…
“How have you been? Thought I’d see you here..” He beams, his hand going up to fix the fluffy mop of blonde hair on his head. Aussie accent undeniably mesmerizing like last time.
He is so pretty, but the kind of pretty that told me he was a full on man-wh*re..
“Hi? Good, what are you doing here?” I ask, trying to stop the grimace forming on my face. I lean in, taking a closer look at the badge hanging from his neck.
Surprisingly enough, it says ‘VIP’- I look up at him with a questioning look, waiting for him to explain.
“Oh- this.. someone I know gifted me this pass..”
Yeah, very believable.
He smiles nonchalantly, the skin of his cheeks denting as his dimples show.
I nod as if I understand, glancing at Luis, so he can get me out of this conversation.
“You’re the drunk guy from that night!” Chris suddenly exclaims, pointing at Luis.
Could this get even more awkward.
I tune out the stupid conversation they have, shuffling backwards only to bump into Jude.
Thankfully, not against his injured shoulder.
“Oh, sorry..” I whisper, not even registering his response before he’s rudely interrupted.
“Man- no way you’re the Jude Bellingham..”
I close my eyes in embarrassment, turning around to face Jude instead of both Luis and Chris.
I raise my brows at Jude, giving him a look only readable as ‘send this man away’..
He immediately plasters an all too good, fake smile on his face. Stepping behind me to greet Chris, and begins talking to him about the match.
I can only hear a jumble of both Brum and Aussie accents, it making me want to burst into a fit of laughter. Though, I manage to keep it in, looking at Luis to see if he’s still present in the conversation.
He isn’t, as expected. No surprise, he’s fidgeting with his damn camera again.
I stand there like a statue for the next two minutes, looking back and forth between the two accented men.
It’s a comical sight, especially when I can’t even understand some words.
I sigh in relief when Jude pats Chris’ shoulder, careful with his injury when he goes in for a handshake.
I watch Jude leave swiftly, his facial expression falters immediately, and his hand goes up to rip the shoulder brace off his body, harsher than I’ve ever seen him do before.
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"My brain is going to explode, fucks sake.."
I mumble, stretching my arms and legs. I get up from the dinner table in order to walk around the backyard for a moment. Trying to get some fresh air, even though it's past midnight already.
I loved studying at the dinning table way more than upstairs in my room. It felt less lonely- especially since my dad had been gone for a couple weeks now. His work and the case had taken an interesting turn, which meant that his stay had to be prolonged.
I didn't mind, in fact, I loved living alone. Except for when I heard random noises at night. It could've been a bird flying against the window, and I’d still be paranoid.
Since it was our day off, after winning 4-2 against Napoli yesterday- I thought I'd go ahead and continue cramming for my last exam I had in a couple days.
I yawn and stretch my limbs, looking up at the clear sky and stars. It had gotten so much colder since December was almost here.
My pajama shorts are not providing warmth, but I can’t be bothered to go up and change when I’m going back inside in a minute anyway.
I can hear my back cracking when I turn to stretch, making me chuckle. I was only twenty, but those hard ass chairs and sitting in them for long periods of time, made me feel like I was double my age sometimes.
I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring loudly from the dinning table. I jog back inside quickly, throwing my slippers off my feet and snatch my phone. Confusion settling on my face when I read the caller ID.
I immediately pick up, pressing the phone against my ear. Worrying about something horrible happening in the middle of the night.
"Dad? It's late, something wrong?" I say in one breath, left hand clutching the backrest of my chair.
"y/n, nothings wrong. I just need you to listen carefully..”
"Okay." I spit out, just wanting him to get to the point, my brain making up all types of things.
"It's concerning one of my clients. Something unexpected just happened, and he's going to have to stay over at ours for a while."
I pause at his words, frowning in confusion, even though he can’t see my face.
"What? So, you're calling me- because I need to let an unfamiliar guy into our house- so he can sleep here? Is it a criminal?”
I gasp, hand gripping my phone tighter.
“A murderer?! Dad! How can you-”
"-y/n.." He cuts me off, voice stern, but I’m able to hear the grogginess of his tone. He'd probably been sleeping before he was awakened.
"It's no stranger- it's Jude, okay? He's not safe in his own home- relating the case I took on. I offered for him to stay over out of concern for his safety. So, he's going to have to stay with- you for a while."
I stay quiet, taking in all of the information he's giving me. I can already feel a migraine creeping up on me, letting go of my chair to massage my temple with one hand.
"I have to get the guest room- ready?" I say, processing everything and trying to understand what I’m supposed to do.
"Yes, I know you two are- friendly. Please be understanding and responsible. I'll call you in the morning, just get him settled and go to bed. You got that, honey?"
"Yeah, I got it. Uh- I'll get the room ready.." I say, already walking up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.
"Good, again- I'll call you in the morning- good night, sweetie.."
I quickly hang up after saying goodbye, running around, and making the bedroom look presentable. I change the bedsheets and wipe the dust off the vanity with a swift motion. It takes me about ten minutes and a sweaty forehead, before the doorbell rings repeatedly.
I run down the stairs, almost tripping due to my haste.
I take a deep breath when I reach the front door, trying to collect my thoughts and feelings before swinging the door open.
Jude's house was unsafe to stay in, so he's staying here- right..
The front door squeaks when I open it. An exhausted-looking Jude entering my sight, his black suitcase is on the floor, to his right- looking like it’s about to burst at its seams.
Cold air greets my face and naked legs almost instantly, making me curse internally for not changing clothes earlier.
I was too stubborn for my own good..
"Hi- umh, come in?" I say, my voice hoarse as if I hadn't spoken out loud in weeks.
He nods awkwardly, mumbling something incoherent as he begins rolling his suitcase inside.
I motion for him to take his shoes off, which he promptly does without hesitation. I turn away, grabbing some house slippers for him to wear out of the shoe rack.
I throw them next to his feet, watching his eyes flicker up and down as he steps back for a moment.
"You alright?" I ask, worried about the lack of words he's using.
It was unlike him, whether we’re arguing about some stupid shit or I’m filming an interview- he always had something to say.
"Yeah, I'm fine.." He mutters, looking up and finally making eye contact with me.
"The bedroom is upstairs.." I trail off, reaching over to grab his suitcase, but he snatches the heavy luggage up with one hand, immediately making his way up the stairs.
I watch the muscles in his arm flex as I walk behind him. I stop dead in my tracks when I realize what I’m doing and practically start running up the stairs to catch up to him.
I walk ahead of him when we reach the top of the stairs, opening the guest bedroom door for him.
"This is your room, bathroom is there, and the laundry room is over there." I point, turning around to face him.
"Thanks.." His Brum accent is thick, and he looks at me like a lost man in crisis.
I clear my throat, unable to pick between being nice and acting like how we normally interacted.
"Are- do you want to go shower?" I mutter, raising my brows.
I only realize how wrong my sentence sounds the second it leaves my mouth. To cover my embarrassment, I clear my throat again, putting my hands behind my back.
"Yeah- I should.." He responds, and I step aside to let him in the bedroom.
"I'll be downstairs.."
I inform, running down the stairs the second he shuts the door behind him.
I rub my eyes aggressively when I walk into the living room area. Sitting on the couch, I wonder if this is some delusional fever dream.
Maybe it’s just a different genre of dreams, next to those nightmares I had about failing exams.
I mean- who can make this up?
I get up to my feet again, walk up to the fridge, and begin filling up a huge glass with water. I bring the cup up to my lips, and slowly sip on the cool liquid, hoping it will help me feel grounded again.
I exhale deeply when I'm halfway through the cup. Going for my last gulp of water again, I fill my mouth with the rest of the water. My cheeks almost exploding from the amount of water in my mouth.
Suddenly, I'm absolutely- fucking-scared shitless as I'm poked in between my shoulder blades. I turn around in a shift motion, accidentally spraying out the water in my mouth- onto a shirtless Jude's chest.
My eyes almost bug out of my head in shock. My jaw slacks open when I observe the aftermath.
He can only look at me with a blank face. I can’t detect any emotion in his face, but he’s probably equally as mortified as me.
"Shit- sorry.." I blurt, turning around, and grabbing a kitchen towel. I scramble for a second, and start to vigorously..wipe.. his..chest..
I only realize I'm rubbing on his chest like I’m giving him a damn massage- mid-wipe and freeze.
My body goes rigid and my hands are resting on his now dry, naked chest.
I look up at him, only seeing part of his face with help from the dim lights in the kitchen. My breathing slows down, and he looks down at me in return.
I can feel my heart pounding in my ribcage, and I'm sure anyone within meters of me could hear.
His skin is soft and warm underneath my fingertips-
"I- was going to ask how the shower works.." Jude whispers, his warm breath hitting my face. I can make out his brown eyes peering into mine, a series of unspoken and caged words behind them.
His words make me stop breathing for a moment. I remove my hands off of him at lightning speed, the kitchen towel falling to the floor mindlessly and I step back immediately.
"Oh- yeah, sure. Follow me.." I scramble a couple words together, my brain working overtime. I walk up the stairs again. Leading him into the bathroom, noticing he had left the lights on, his discarded shirt on the bathroom counter.
"Here- left is hot, right is cold. This is the best temperature.." I instruct, pointing when necessary and don’t dare to look up at him as he stands behind me.
"This button is for the radio and this one for the ventilation.." I say, pressing some buttons to show him how they work.
"Okay.." He breaths out, his warm breaths hitting the back of my neck. I can practically feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head.
I finally turn to look at him, dragging my gaze up to make awkward eye contact with him.
"Anything else?" I ask, voice low and I begin fidgeting with the hem of my shorts.
"Not really..” He replies, sentence dragged out by his accent.
"Umh- okay.. laundry hamper is there. I'll be in my room.." I trail off, pointing my thumb behind me, and walk out of the bathroom without saying anything else.
I quickly clean up the mess I - no, he caused in the kitchen. I wipe everything down properly and grab my laptop and stationary off the dining table.
I carefully lock the front door and windows on the first floor, setting up the alarm and going back upstairs.
I can hear some noise coming from the bathroom. I begin averting my gaze, just in case Jude walks out of the bathroom half-naked again.
I finally get into my bedroom, jumping into my bed. I try to distract myself with my phone until he's done with showering. So I can finally wash my face and brush my teeth after a long day of studying.
Only, this time- my phone doesn’t seem to be all too interesting. Not even those brainrotting and attention grabbing TikTok’s.
Nothing, and I mean nothing- could distract me from anything that had happened within the past thirty minutes..
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buzzyb33 · 5 months
Hey!! Could I please request a fic for Danny Aarons?! Nobody writes for him and they should because he is absolutely beautiful! Maybe where you’re also a YouTuber and friends with Danny and pretty much everyone in the uk YouTube scene and it’s the night of the sidemen 10 year party and he confesses he loves u. Thank u!!!🫶🏻🫶🏻
Of course!! This is a great idea and I love my boy Danny.
Prompt: in request.
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, bit long, detail on reader appearance.
I sit at my desk as I record a Fortnite video with Danny, Simon and Josh.
I go through my locker as the three talk.
“Y/n hurry up and pick a fucking skin” Danny groans.
“Shut up Danny wait..” I respond in a distracted tone.
I scroll through my locker and settle on panda team leader.
I ready up and sip my water.
“Simon don’t take all my kills again either.” I shoot as I adjust my position.
Josh laughs and Danny speaks up before Simon.
“Wait- you two play together?” He asks a little confused to which Simon laughs.
“Thanks for watching my videos mate.”
Later on when playing I look at Josh’s skin and do the high five emote, Simon is still recording and he does the emote with me.
Josh laughs and pipes up “you coming to the party next week? I know you said you might but..”
“Hm? Oh yeah probably don’t wanna miss that- it’s important for you lot so-“
Danny cuts in quickly. “Can we go together y/n you don’t live too far away from me.” Simon hums in acknowledgement at Danny’s eagerness.
“Sure okay- I’ll message you, you can come mine and have some pre drinks with me.”
After that recording I did a few more on the same scenes to clear my schedule knowing how pissed I’ll get, recording a video with Deji just a simple TikTok reaction:
“Eugh- dej! That guy is so- mmmm- eww look.”
I say as beavo eating rice comes up.
“When I first saw him he actually made me physically gag at my phone- he’s rank.”
I say in a passionate tone and he laughs loudly.
“Would- you do the same content?” He cuts himself off from his laughs.
I chuckles and shake my head.
“Nah then I’d have to pay for an editor because I can’t watch myself do that..” I shake my head.
“Wait you edit all your own videos?” He says to me sincerely.
“And your other channels?”
“Yeah! I edit for my main, second and I mod my own social medias, while I pay Danny Aaron’s editor to do my twitch shit so- yeah,” I hum as I adjust my hair.
“Oh cool- Kay then.”
The next day when I was getting my clothes ready for the next day I got a FaceTime call from Danny, answering it wouldn’t be a problem, would help me pass the time.
I answer and smile into the phone, propping it upon my monitor as I logged around my room, AirPods in.
“Hey Danny!”
I call as I look for a dress.
“Hi- what you doing?” He responds, taking an inward breath.
“Pickin’ an outfit for tomorrow dunno to go for pink or white..” I let a ghost of a smile wonder on my lips as I shift through my many clothes.
“Pink- you look p- pinks a better colour especially in dresses, anyway.”
He says and I pop my head back into frame, my freckles dusting my face and light blue yes looking into the camera.
“Alright- yeah you’re probably right I’ll pick some stocking then we can talk, yeah?”
I pick a light pink play suit, white stockings and white flats, I put my outfit down and talk to Danny through it, after that I sat at my desk and spoke to him, a gentle tone in his voice which seemed to be only present around certain people.
“What’re you wearing Danny?”
I say after a couple minutes of silence on the call, my attention taken up by the sims.
“I dunno- cargos and a shirt. Yeah.”
The next day as I get out the shower, I put my clothes on and start on my makeup I get a knock on my door.
“Come in Danny! I’m in my room!”
I shout and I hear my door open and footsteps ascending toward my room.
He leaks his head round and gives me a cheesy grin.
“Hey y/n.”
He was in a crisp white shirt with a blue spray paint font smiley face at the back. He was in black cargos and to match his shirt, crisp white airforces.
“You look smart, Mr Aarons.” I smile and he smiles back, sitting in my bed.
“You look pretty, miss l/n.” He retorts, the grin not leaving his face.
We speak as I do my makeup, about videos, friends, family, us.
Mad I finish my makeup I order him to get the drinks from my kitchen as long as some glasses.
I smile as I face my chair toward the bed where he sits, pouring a vodka coke.
“You excited? I’m looking forward to it.”
I Say with a cheeky grin, leaning forward slightly and sipping it.
He smiles and nods.
I lean back and smile, flicking my light brown hair behind my shoulder.
“When should I call the Uber, n/n?”
“15 minutes let’s get the buzz.”
I grin at him.
Over the next 15 minutes, the two got laughs in, and Danny even getting a confidence boost.
In the taxi, Danny let his arm hand loosely across Y/ns shoulders.
Getting out the car and getting let into the party the two going their separate ways for a bit, the boys had rented a decent club in north London at a lot of people were there, A LOT.
Y/n went to go talk to george Clarkey and then Talia.
After mingling around she was getting tipsy and when in this state she got very giggly.
“H-hey-“ I turn around and find Danny’s eyes, his ones deep and hazy, clearly already intoxicated.
“Hi darlin’…” he murmured as his hands find my shoulders, his head falling slightly.
“Danny? You okay?” I say as I inch closer to him.
“Y/n- I just-“ he says and closes his eyes briefly.
“I think-“ he sighs
“I can’t help falling in love with you..”
I look at him and feel my face flush, I get on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek.
“I love you too..”
He smiles lazily and brings me into a passionate kiss, oddly coordinated from the intoxication.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he keeps moving his lips with mine, meanwhile, Ethan goes up to josh and elbows him slightly.
“Never guess who I just saw tonguing it on?” He says with an almost proud look.
“What? Simon and Talia? Vikk and Ellie? Uh- Lannan and ilsa?” He replies sipping his drink and side eyeing Ethan for a confirmation.
“Nope- Danny Aarons himself and miss Y/n l/n”
Josh sputters and looks at Ethan “fuck off.”
The next morning where Danny had stayed at Y/ns their words weren’t forgotten, a simple but gentle feel to the air, a new found tensions, just bellow awkward.
Finally approaching him as he was getting ready to leave she spoke with reluctance.
“Do- did you mean what you said or- well, and did, or was it just the alcohol, Danny?”
With no hesitation he shook his head: “I meant it, every word, every kiss, I- do love you- if that’s okay?”
I smile and feel my face heat up again.
“That’s okay..”
Finishing up a request then another zerkaa fic!!
Requests are open!!
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narastories · 2 months
catching up about fandom stuff
Oh, hi! Do you mind if I ramble a bit?
I feel like I've been a little distant and antisocial in the past few months due to personal stuff (mainly because my trauma bucket got kicked over many, many times, but also I've been trying to get the ball rolling on a few things I've been meaning to do for a while). And I know I'm not the only one who has been having a hard time. But now it's spring here, and I'm feeling a little hopeful and a bit more inspired. Is it just me? Do we dare to be hopeful??
I'm reminding myself that both of my favorite urban fantasy series, and main fandoms nowadays are due a new book maybe this year, and that is exciting and very much things to look forward to! It also makes me want to quickly write fic ideas I have before the canon status quo changes lol (Not that it matters. I believe you can write whatever you want. But with both of these series, we love to theorize about what is going to happen, so it feels like things are just not going to be the same when we get new pieces of information, you know?)
I'm also acutely aware that I haven't posted a Harry/Nic fanfic since the OTP challenge in NOVEMBER 2022 wtf. And uh, yeah. If you needed any further proof of my poor mental health then it is probably proof enough that I haven't touched my favorite obscure little OTP.
The good news is, that I have actually been inspired to write lately. I'm doing a little re-read of the FPA books, and also Skin Game, and it's all putting me back in the mood for fanfic. And I have been typing away for the past few weeks, trying to get back into it.
The bad news is, that I don't feel like posting things yet. I just want to be kind to myself and create without having to worry about sharing it. I know this might sound hypocritical bc I just shared a post about connecting in fandom. At the same time, sometimes it does good for a story to just let it sit and simmer a bit.
There is this expression (that I don't think is actually very popular in the English language) "to write for the drawer" and I never thought that was a bad thing. Sure I write very niche stuff so you would think it doesn't matter either way, but a story is never the same after you release it out into the world. So it's okay to keep it to yourself for a while and tinker with it and enjoy the process.
I also discovered gif making for myself. (If you have seen the gifset I posted yesterday, no you didn't :P I put it on private bc I wasn't happy with it yet. Mainly bc of the subtitle thing. I either have to figure out a clever overlay or venture out into the foreign planes of the internet to forage a little bit more lmao) I think the popularity of gifsets on tumblr is so fascinating, bc it's a format that just isn't very popular elsewhere (or convenient lol). When I was younger in fandom I never had a good enough computer to do this kind of editing. So now it just made me so happy to realize that my computer can do it, and I found it a relaxing activity.
I already dipped my toe in it with that Hellraiser/DF quote gifset, but now I figured out a method to make it look a lot better. And with open source tools too! That made me especially happy lol But I also realized that if I want to post gifsets then I might have to break my "no sideblogs" rule... Anyway, this is just one more thing that I will probably experiment with privately, and then we'll see if I put it out there or not.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: creative hobbies are important. And if you can bring yourself to do them even when you feel like shit, it usually helps to feel a little less shitty. And that I will incubate my little projects for a while longer and then maybe I will feel like sharing them.
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
Danny Phantom Randomness (Various Vlad's)
Man, sometimes my imagination is too active for my own good. I can’t sleep so I got to thinking about how I made my Good Vlad AU basically by drawing him more like how he looked immediately after the first ghost portal accident. And earlier I was watching a clip from “Reign Storm” just to be sure I was remembering something right and at least to me Vlad’s hair looked lighter than usual so I started messing around with some screenshot edits and...
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...Yeah, it’s not a huge difference but this made me think of what Vlad would have looked like early on at least after he ‘recovered.’
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Then there’s these. I definitely got carried away but it was fun! So in the middle is classic Vlad and then I just made some slight tweaks to more or less show how he might have shifted from his original ghost form to the vampire-like one we’re more familiar with.
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As for the last set I was originally going to post the ‘black fire’ hair one separately but decided to put it together with the final edits because...I mean come on, Vlad literally looks just like Dan. Or, more accurately, Dan would look just like Vlad if he had this kind of appearance in ghost form.
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When I realized Vlad and Dan looked so similar when I made this edit it kinda gave me chills. Originally I thought he wouldn’t be able to pull off the teal skin and white hair as well but I was wrong. Anyways, just wanted to share this randomness before I try to distract myself some more until I can finally try to get back to sleep. Wish me luck!
Bonus Edit:
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futuremrsdrcullen · 2 years
Hiii me again! Sworry I’m just so obsessed with your Carlisle insert reader series. I found it maybe two weeks ago and I was like wooo this is going to take me a month to read! I finished it in 4 days 🙈 literally stayed up to like 3 in the morning reading, I just couldn’t put it down!!! I know it takes a while to write and I want to thank you for putting your best effort and love into it. Can’t thank you enough cause it’s fantastic, literally the best I’ve EVER read. So thank you again. It deserves way more love. But anyways! I had another blurb idea I thought I’d share. I was thinking of someone basically where the reader just stares at him, admiring his beauty. His hair, his eyes, his skin, just in awe at the beautiful, compassionate, gentle, yet dangerous creature in front or next to her. Eventually he snaps her out of her trance and she says something sweet to him, maybe points out what she loves about him. Just an idea!
Honestly so glad you love them. It makes me so happy to see just how much people are enjoying the things I'm creating, and the fact that you are enjoying them so much that you are asking for more means more to me than I can put in to words.
When I got this ask I got really excited to write it and I wrote the first draft in like hour. I spent a few more hours editing and trying to figure out what part I'd written that was bugging me. Sent it to my editor who said it was perfect.
So now I'm just going to post it in hopes that it isn't awful lol.
As always I do not own Twilight or its Characters all right go to S.Meyer.
~ Claire <3
Blurb Title: Golden
Word Count: 625
No warning just super heartfelt fluffy. Rot your teeth out fluff. Kinda fade to black smut but not really. But kinda. I do that a lot lol.
It was the completely mundane things he did that would catch me off guard. I was so used to him; I was used to what he was, and how that affected his movements. But it was the moments when he seemed the most human that always got to me.
When I got out of the shower, I didn't exactly know where he had gone. I followed the only sounds I could hear in the house and eventually found him in the kitchen, handwashing the few dishes Bella and I used the night before. The radio behind him played his favorite station and a soft Jazz song filled the room. I completely froze in my tracks, if he noticed me he didn't look up. He hummed along to the music and I let myself take in the sight of him.
There was light trickling in from the windows and he looked golden, but also just so incredibly human. The light in his hair, in his eyes, even dancing along his skin, was so beautifully golden. Of course I knew the dangers of our closeness but I never even worried about my safety.
Because I knew this is who he really was. He was golden, inside and out.
The first song ended and the next began as I watched him. His eyes floated up to meet mine. It took my breath away. Even now, when our eyes met, it felt like the first time. He softened, like he felt it too; the rush of butterflies, the sparks of electricity between us. A part of my soul leaped out of me to reach the part of his that did the same. It felt right.
"Y/n?..." His voice- soft with concern but also amusement- pulled me out of my daze. "Are you alright, Dove?"
"Oh…yeah. I just got lost in thought." I practically skipped across the room to meet his outstretched hand. It didn't even bother me that it was wet. He kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful." I whispered.
"I think I should be the one saying that to you."
"Yeah yeah, you tell me all the time." I took a second to contemplate my words as he drained the water from the sink. "You're golden… Your hair, your eyes, even the light reflecting off of your skin is golden."
I could see right through his calm chuckles to the confusion that still lingered there. I continued, "It's more than just physical too. You're compassionate and caring and you put our family above anything else. You make me feel more loved than anyone else has. You have all of this power and yet you're still the kindest person I know. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you. You're just…. Golden." My face flushed when I realized I said all of that out loud. 
He grinned at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. It made all of the embarrassment from rambling wash away. 
He always kissed me like it could be the last kiss we would ever share. And every kiss made me forget the world around me. To me, he was the only thing that mattered and in turn, he made me feel like I was the only thing that mattered to him.
He lifted me with ease and set me on the counter, breaking away from my lips just to place his on my neck. "You deserve to be worshiped. And I plan on showing you how much I love you-" He kissed my neck again. "-need you, by doing just that." He practically breathed the words into my ear and I felt a shiver run over my skin. 
Then his lips were on mine again. 
Taglist: @jakanddexter67 @a-not-so-poetic-poet @bridge597 @cestlavie03 @gaymazinglula @short-potato
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seokmattchuus · 2 years
Wei as long-distance idol boyfriends
A/n: I remember I did one for Ateez way back when and I thought I'd do it for other groups, too. This is also my trial run to see if y'all would be okay with Wei content. I know there's Yohan content on my blog but like, Wei as a whole. Anyways, yeah. Enjoy if you want? P.s. I don't know if I proof read, my bad.
Daehyeon: Likes to have over-the-camera dates when it's late at night and he's in the studio because it's afternoon for you and he knows he won't be disrupting anything. Asks for your opinion on whatever he's working on and really considers any feedback you provide.
"Babe, stop stressing and go to sleep." You said softly as you watched him pout. "Or at least let's plan out what to do when you come over?"
"Don't even worry about that." He smiled. "I already have some stuff planned." He paused as he realized he said too much. "Pretend you didn't hear that."
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Donghan: Clears most of his schedule when you visit so he can take you out with him when he's supposed to be shooting vlogs because he can use it as an excuse for dates. Tries not to get distracted but can't help but look at you every now and then since he hasn't seen you in so long.
"This strawberry lemonade is the best thing I've ever had." You said out loud before putting a hand over your mouth, Donghan looking at you with wide eyes.
*A few moments later.*
"Okay, but this new cake they have is incredible, isn't it?" He smiled as he turned to you, a choke following when he realized he had to refilm that. "Whoever's editing this, I'm sorry."
"Should we just start over at a different café?"
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Yongha: Always tells you when he's planning on doing a vlive so you can get a heads up on being able to send in requests. Treats these the way he treats any other over-the-camera date and replies mostly to you. He knows he's being obvious by giving you extra attention, but he really doesn't care. (little lovesick puppy god I love him)
"Can you do the ottoke song?" He laughed as he read the comment aloud, his face reddening as he started the song. "Maybe I should do more songs. Any other recommendations?"
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Yohan: Always the first person you see outside the airport since he's adamant on picking you up. Doesn't let you touch your bags. Or the door handle. Has your favorite food ready at the dorm along with a bunch of new movies and a full schedule for your stay.
"I also got us tickets to a standup show tomorrow night," He smiled excitedly. "So, we can watch all of these and sleep in tomorrow."
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Seokhwa: Refuses to do any skin-ship in front of the guys because he's still shy about it. So when the guys are around, he just sits and watches as you guys talk. He'll get jealous when they get a bit too playful and he'll make little remarks, especially when you get playful back.
"At least threaten me with a better member." He cleared his throat as he watched you and Yongha laugh over the show you were watching. "He's pretty boring, y'know."
"At least he spends time with me." You huffed. "Unless you wanna join?"
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Junseo: Tries his hardest to plan any phone dates because he swears the boys are trying to steal whatever time he manages to get from you, even going as far as locking the door to his room. It never lasts because someone always has to interrupt.
"I can't wait to see yo-"
"Is that y/n?!" Donghan cut you off with a yell as he overheard the conversation, taking it as a 'yes' when he didn't get an answer. "Hi y/n!!"
"Will I ever get you to myself?" Junseo laughed as he shook his head.
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azureaqua · 2 years
Giving the Ikesen guys modern outfits (because I can) <Pt. 1>
Yeah, we’re doing this. I've probably put way too much thought and time into this. But at this point I have to share it. Why the Ikesen guys, you ask? Because they have the most traditional clothes, especially seeing that nowadays western-style fashion is present everywhere! Let's get it!
How did this post even came alive? Tbh, I was just browsing Pinterest and one of my secret hobbies is that I like to thirst over fashion runways and designer stuff. Not that I would ever buy them, or have the money to buy them, but I still enjoy it for some reason haha. So one time, I was looking at an outfit and suddenly a warlord popped into my head. That's when I decided that I'll do a full detailed research on this. Inspired mainly by their armors and color palettes. (First I thought about drawing the outfits myself, but my drawing skills are questionable, so I edited them instead. My editing skills are better, I promise.)
Also, as I said; these are from fashion runways, so almost everything is from luxury brands and/or quality designers. So not the 'typical' street fashion, because I figured it would be more interesting this way. Plus since I needed a lot of jackets and blazers for the guys, I'm thanking Balmain, because most of these are from their shows XD.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
I started with him for some reason, when I decided to put together the collages (?). I don't know why, because when I searched for materials and inspiration I was a bit gutted when it came to him. Nonetheless I think managed to craft a decent outfit! A light traditional-looking top, nothing too fancy. Then these cargo pants that can connect as a top as well, in a garish orange color. I just had a vibe that Hideyoshi would rock it. Also it can be very functional! Then boots, to not slip in the hallways. Some leather gloves, to protect the hand and the skin (and he sometimes gives it to Nobunaga, bc he's worried.) And a bigger bag, because he packs for two people usually; Mitsunari and himself.
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Maeda Keiji
The free, sometimes unhinged party guy. Who dresses as if the concept of summer had raided a party store. So I wasn't afraid to give him something unusual! Big, loose-legged pants that ventilate well. Some chunky white basketball shoes, that you also see in street dance videos. A traditional-looking top as well, with a kimono-like neckline, even simpler than Hideyoshi's. A magenta belt for good contrast, looks as if it's made out of satin! And to top it off, a leather jacket with an interesting opening! I admit, at first I wanted to use the jacket with nothing under it, making Keiji shirtless... But then I didn't. 🤫 Nonetheless, he rocks it anyway!
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Mouri Motonari
I admit, this wasn't the first setup for him. I changed almost all the things, when I revisited it, since I did his outfit early on. I changed everything except the shoes lol. But for the better, since my first attempt was a disaster. I like his tailcoat the best, since it makes me remember sailors and the navy - you know, seeing he's a pirate -, with it's design. Also, it color IS navy blue, so plus points for that. The pants are quite simple, but still got that nice blue color, like the sea. I also wanted to honor his tassels, that are on his main design in the game, and I like the harsh red accent color, it matches his eyes! The top under the jacket is a simple long-sleeved black shirt, with a little extra cut in the front. He's got nice, lace up boots, with some animal printing on it, I believe? I liked the shape haha. And I added his gloves on, since we know he needs them.
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Naoe Kanetsugu
I won't lie, he looks like a K-pop poster boy, but I just got these vibes from him, when I was putting this together. The black-and-white contrast is strong, I'm not sure why it's him out of all the warlords, but it was intuition haha! His outfit is fairly simple with the thight black pants, and black shoes. He has a longer, leather belt on for important design elements. His top/shirt is the most extra, with the half-and-half form! I think overall it's pleasing for the eyes. Not as colorful as Keiji, but still cool and collected!
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Sanada Yukimura
I wanted only black and red pieces for him, strictly. Especially some harsh red, since he's that kid who speaks his mind no matter what and has a strong sense of honesty and justice. So red seemed appropriate and in-character for him. The details are very sharp-edged and abstract on them, mainly the top. Yukimura is also like that in a way. The pants got a red add-on as well, and the boots' laces are blood red too! Then there's this weird harness thing and the shoulder blades (?)... I was trying to mimic something like an armor, not sure how I did, but it has the rough-around-the-edges vibe - literally -, that I was going for. Then gloves, and a baseball cap too, because he's the town's cool kid!
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Oda Nobunaga
My first idea was a big, epic mafia-boss fur coat. Then it ascended into something feather-like, since he has Haguro. Then it became this fancy black feather thing, on his shoulders. Another tailcoat, probably from the same runway as Motonari's XD. With luxurious black velvet design, with some nice accent blue details, and the materials mix on the belt, which is good contrast! The pants are a big baggy which I don't mind, but they're simple enough to tone the outfit down. And lastly the tall boots, which I was a bit hesitant to give to him, but it was a good decision! It's aesthetic is still very boss-like, so I'm happy that I achieved my goal!
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Imagawa Yoshimoto
Did I went overboard with the idea that he has a pet peacock? Yeah, but if it's Yoshimoto, he needed something fab! He looks like a crazed bird lady, but I promise he's a crazed bird lady at a fashion show, so it's not forever. I found this photoshoot where the models had peacock themed coats, shirts and everything, so it was meant to be. I didn't put anything under his big coat, but let's pretend he wears a thin shirt, for good measure. Also, the main piece is the poncho-like thing, so I made the pants simple as well. The neckline is an intricate lace, to mix textures. And on the sides I tried to mimic the colorful feathers of a peacock. It's obvious the coat was put together from many separate pieces, but it's special. As a last touch I gave a hat to him, to add to his gentlemanly side.
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Date Masamune
The huge urge to dress him in those cool dragon-patterned clothes! I had a blast finding pieces like that! I wanted to give him a loose, care-free outfit, to capture the real reckless side he has! Although the top and the pants aren't that compatible; since the top is a more elegant suit jacket and the pants seem like a pair of trainers, I still think it looks good! (Also because I definitely wanted to use that top and refused to let go.) I found this another harness thing I believe, and I wanted to mimic his armor with it, and I think it certainly makes the full picture better! I gave him gloves too, but fingerless ones this time. Also I found this super cool, over-the-top mask that made me remember an ancient dragon so it seemed like a good accessory. Instead of an eyepatch. 😅
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This was a long process, and we're only halfway in!
The others are in part two, due to picture limit!
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bitchkay · 3 months
How’s that line art going broskie
Its been 4??????and a half hours????????
I'm not gon lie stink
I spent the first hour with ramen and started a backyardigans marathon
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No cus its literally the fact that you can see photoshop open in the background💀💀
I was tryna convince myself this was multitasking💀
That backyardigans video is 5 hours long too and that's only season 6, the way imma find the others for the other seasons and binge that shit, you literally will not hear from me
n e ways
After that I managed to hyper focus for three straight hours
In silence like I was tunnel visioned bitch
If my lack of sleep didn't start to catch up to me I well would've been all night
Its almost 2am rn
I managed to finish the grueling line art stage and put together the page set up
This what it's looking like
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I'm making illustration to make colouring sheets for an event at my college plus preparing actual prints for a sale the following week
It's not for a few weeks still but I have to hit a printing deadline so I can get all my shit together and ya know printed
Since I finally finished all the line art I've started laying on base colours for each character, heres what I got so far
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This is not the finished product whatsoever💀
However I've done the hardest part already so really im like three quarters done
I was also preparing other things I've done into printouts/colouring sheets which is really me extracting the line art, some things work better than other tho so it's either trial and error or mild edits
This one I'm debating on including just cus the original has more intricate details than not
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and I actually like it alot less without colour so theres that--
but I like the composition so wtv
I'm also gonna start a new drawing as well as digitize some other work for this too...
I like giving myself too much work yall dont @ me if I dont have new sensory stimulati I will kms anyways-
I also have like 20 painting in the studio at the school a few I need to start
It's so crazy how with art I convince mysethat I'm falling behind when the reality is I've got more artwork made in these past 4-5 months than anyone else in my program
I also get new ideas really fast so when I have an idea for a paint I have to stretch the canvas immediately so well now I have to do it and if I dont I cant focus on anything else and I claw at my skin in anticipation cus this will in fact be my best painting ever actually, all of the 19 in counting painting in my corner are not ba in my eyes this will become my favorite thing ever
and then I start painting and I hate it.
Anyway yeah, that is what I've gotten done in this time, I got alot done I think
I think I can get my shit done by the end of the weekend and if I don't well good luck charlie
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hello and why
Hi I’m Kristyn, and I have decided to watch all of the Simpsons, probably up until around season 10, possibly further - time will tell. 
I am a long time Simpsons fan, in the way that I watched it on tv as a kid fairly frequently and was very familiar with all seasons up until around 10, and then I probably watched new episodes on a weekly basis until around season 13. I probably saw various new episodes as they aired on tv off and on and also had a few seasons/episodes downloaded (within the season 5-10 range - I considered anything before season 5 weird/depressing/creepy and anything beyond 10 too unfunny and otherwise dumb to be worth watching again) from the time I knew how to/was able to download tv shows.
I was in university when the Simpsons movie came out and at that point I hadn’t seen a new episode in a long time, but I downloaded and watched it by myself and I was like "welp I didn’t really need to have watched that, that was bad". And that confirmed for me that the new content was indeed still awful, like a different unfunny show wearing the skin of a once good show. 
As an adult, as a general rule I remained in what I consider to be the safe “golden era” zone of seasons 5-9. My boyfriend Sam will put on new, present day episodes from time to time and they are almost always still really bad.
And I want it to be good! I truly am open to a possibility of it being good. I don’t want to be a person that just shits on episodes just for not being the old episodes (although as a general rule, most shows get bad around the double digits of their seasons, if they go for that long).
For a while, my friend Mike and I were recording a podcast where we watched two episodes of the Simpsons on a similar topic/theme, one “old” (season 10 or earlier) and “new” (season 12 and beyond. I put "new" in quotation marks because some of what I refer to as "new" is still from like 20 years ago).
Again, I didn’t want to just be like "NEW EPISODE BAD" every time we watched and talked about a “new” one , and sometimes there were funny jokes or ok episodes but I’d say it was probably ~15% good 35% bad 50% neutral. Or maybe more bad than that because neutral is bad in the context of a tv show - no one wants to watch a boring show, that 35% is really more like explicitly cringe or ...bad. 
Anyway, regarding the podcast, we got out a few episodes but since neither of us know anything about podcast-ing it was taking me a lot of time to put each episode together because we were recording in a way that I thought made sense but ends up was actually insane. And then the pandemic happened so we couldn’t get together to record and Mike had connectivity problems that did not support remote recording and we never got back to it - it was fun and perhaps we will again some day but yeah it was taking very long to “””edit””” (I put that in quotations because I truly didn’t/don’t know what I’m doing just smashing stuff together in GarageBand) each episode (was it because we’d record for a really long time and then I’d try to condense it? Who knows, but that was surely part of it.)
So why am I doing this? Why now? Who asked for this? No one, but I mentioned that I considered pre-season 5 the creep-zone: what I mean by that is, that if you are familiar with the first season (and possibly second?? I couldn’t even tell you off the top of my head what episodes are in season 2, but I know the vacation one where homer almost kills the family driving off a cliff and possibly a weird thanksgiving one?? Also theres one with like, a war with the kids?? And the fish with 3 eyes? That fish is fucking gross and I don’t look forward to seeing it).
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Anyway, it is aggressively different than even season 3, which I can now say with confidence after otherwise not touching season 3 for a long time. Season 3 has episodes that I have always considered really good ones, like the flaming Moe episode which feels like it is comparable to any of (my personal) “golden era” episodes. And duff gardens where Lisa is the lizard queen, thats a fun one. 
Anyway, I haven’t really watched the Simpsons much since we stopped recording a few years ago. It was just Halloween though, so I guess I had them on my mind after watching my golden era treehouse of horror episodes and I thought, "I should really poke around more in season 3 and 4 and possibly even 2 ….and 1…??"
I’ve seen all of them on tv for sure, most of them many many times probably, but I’m guessing that I haven’t seen any of season 1 or 2 since the early 2000s when I may have seem them on tv, on channels that played episodes seemingly at random from any of the current and past seasons of the show. We had this circuit where we got to watch the Simpsons twice a day since it was on two channels at like 5 and 6 pm, so I saw the show a lot, for many years, in addition to a new episodes weekly until I stopped finding it worth watching. 
So again, a roundabout way of explaining how I came to doing this project: in wanting to rewatch episodes, and discovering that episodes in season 3 and 4 are indeed good - I started thinking about other episodes that I never watch due to my memory of not liking them.
EVEN WITHIN my radius of episodes that I’ve always watched, there are STILL episodes I hate that I always avoid - like the one where Bart shoots the bird or shoplifts - I consider them "downer" episodes.
But I suspect maybe they aren’t as bad as I remember, or that even if the overall episode is bad, that maybe there are still good/funny jokes in there, and content that I will understand much more as an adult than as a 10 year old when I last saw it.
Sometimes when I want to rewatch another show that I like, I just start at the beginning, but I’ve never done that with the Simpsons - I just watch the golden-non-“creep”-non-“new”-minus-“downer”-episodes (particularly over watching the ones I know I like). 
Another paragraph later, here I am again to say that I arrived the decision to watch all episodes from season 1 episode 1 onwards (I know there were some other ones before that?? I dunno, maybe one day, not now) - HERE IT IS: because I haven’t in a long time and I suspect I may be wrongfully never watching episodes that perhaps have been good this whole time. Or if they’re not, I will know again for sure. And I thought writing about them would be a fun lil project for me.
So join me, won’t you, for a frosty chocolate milkshake or whatever it is that happens in the early creep zone season 1, onwards to the  ???season 2??, season 3-4 which I’m pleasantly optimistic about and otherwise haven’t seen most of in a really long time, *golden era season 5-9*, decline-in-quality-but-still-generally-ok-as-per-my-current-memory-but-maybe-I’m-wrong season 10-13, and then the “new” (unfortunate general synonym for bad) seasons and subsequent seasons. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! I’m not even that qualified to say that it's all bad since there are very few, relatively, episodes that I’ve seen in the season 14(~?)-beyond range. My 15% good 85% bad (revised from 35% bad and 50% neutral, I really mean more 50% bad and 35% really bad) judgement is based on whatever assortment of episodes I have seen.
So that is all to say that I have no idea how many episodes/to which season I will watch, and when I will stop, so a tentative end will be season 10ish but who knows, maybe I won’t get that far for whatever reason and this will be another abandoned hobby, who’s to say. 
OK lmao what a long intro to explain what chunks of a cartoon I have watched and why I am watching them again now. Thats all, here we go. Thanks again for reading whoever you are xoxo Kristyn 
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thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
Things Have Changed
request: Can you plsss do a Peter x reader relationship where the reader is a family friend and Peter has always had a crush on her and idk ends up admitting it to her at night or something and things get very heated like smutty or whatever.
Did I decide to edit this a day early because I'm procrastinating my school work? Perhaps. But anyways, I hope you all like this fic!
warning: smut below the cut
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I could feel the beginning of sweat start to drip down the side of my face as I squinted my eyes trying to see the others in the water. The sand was at the border of being too hot to stand on in bare feet, causing me to walk closer to the water where the cold ocean had cooled the ground. “C’mon (y/n)!” Lucy shouted over the sound of the waves crashing into the shore. “The water isn’t even that cold!”
This was a lie and we both knew it. The icy water brushed the tip of my toes as I held back a shudder. At least the water would help me cool off from the unforgiving sun. As I stood contemplating what to do, I felt a hand graze my back. I turned to see Peter walking by me, a grin on his face. “Too scared to run in, (y/n)?” he asked. That was enough to kick me into action as I started to follow him into the water.
“Of course not,” I replied, holding back the instinct to let out a gasp as the cold water wrapped itself around my stomach. Both of our parents stayed by the towels and umbrellas, leaving the ocean to their children as they drank and talked about whatever it is that adults talked about. The blue house that our families had rented stood tall and proud behind our parents, overlooking the beach and whatever sat beyond what reaches of the ocean we could see.
Peter and I came to a halt as we reached where Lucy and Edmund were. “Where’s Susan?” Ed asked as Peter dunked his head under the water.
“I believe she said she was taking a nap,” I replied as Peter’s head reappeared from the dark water. His blond hair was now pressed against his forehead and had become a few shades darker from the weight of the water.
“Watch out! Big wave!” Lucy just managed to shout out the words before my vision was painted white as the wave crashed down on us. I lost control of my body as I let the current drag me around like a rag doll until I felt myself crash into something solid. At first, I thought it was a rock before I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my chest.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” I heard Peter say as my head broke the surface. I gulped in a deep breath of air, the oxygen reaching my lungs as I wiped the salt water out of my burning eyes.
“Thanks,” I managed as the taste of salt water danced down my throat.
“I think some of the water went up my nose.” I heard Edmund say while Lucy was pushing her hair that had been plastered in front of her eyes out of her face. I turned my head to look at Peter whose arms were still around me. The sudden realization of the situation finally dawned on me and I felt my face warm at the close proximity. Suddenly his arms felt like iron chains around me and I couldn’t ignore the feeling of their weight on me. Peter seemed to have also become aware of the sensation of our bodies pressed against each other as he slowly removed his arms from me.
“Sorry,” he said softly, his face now also a light shade of pink.
“Yeah, no worries,” I said quickly. I was suddenly thankful for the large wave coming our way as I turned to face it, focusing my thoughts on not being drowned by the rushing water.
“I almost drowned!” Lucy exclaimed as we all sat around the dinner table. It had been my mom’s turn to cook dinner and so she had made us all steak. I started to cut into the meat as Lucy told Susan all about our adventures in the water. Peter and I had become a bit more quiet since the incident in the ocean. I felt myself stealing glances at him every now and then. Sometimes he had already been looking at me too.
“I’m so happy you guys decided to join us here in the states.” I heard my mom say to the Pevensies’ parents. “I feel like we haven’t seen each other since we moved to America.”
“I know, it seems the kids are having a lot of fun hanging out again,” Mrs. Pevensie replied. I turned back to the conversation but could feel the burning glances Peter occasionally threw at me throughout dinner. I was thankful when dinner was over, trying to wash the dishes as quickly as possible and avoiding being near Peter as much as the confines of the kitchen allowed. The parents had disappeared, most likely to the balcony that overlooked the water to drink some more and catch up on what they had missed in the past five years. As soon as the dishes were done, I excused myself blaming my exhaustion on the sun and went to my room.
I was surprised when I woke up to a dark room. I had expected myself to be unable to sleep and instead toss and turn until the rest of the lights went out in the house. I got up from my bed, checking my phone to see it was around three in the morning. My stomach growled as I turned on my lights. It seems that pushing the food around your plate does little to actually satisfy your hunger. I paused at my mirror before leaving. I brushed out my hair and checked to see that the pajamas I wore were acceptable to be seen by the public. I wasn’t sure if I would run into Peter, he was most likely still asleep, but I wanted to play it safe. I wasn’t sure why I was so concerned about my appearance around him. When we were younger, before my family moved to America, I could have cared less about what he thought of my appearance. But then again, we had been younger then. Five years younger to be exact. We had grown since then. His shoulders had broadened and he had become taller. My body had developed curves where it used to be straight and I had finally grown into myself. We weren’t how we were back in the UK. We were older and more mature.
I shook the thoughts from my mind and opened the door to my room. I walked as quietly as I could past my parents’ room and then past all of the Pevensies’ rooms before reaching the stairs that led to the living area that held the kitchen. I opened the fridge as my stomach automatically growled at the sight of all the food. The best part of being on vacation was the fact that the fridge was always filled with leftovers from dinner. I settled on some of the mac and cheese, spooning some into a bowl before putting it into the microwave. I stood patiently as the whir of the microwave filled the silence that had settled into the room.
“What are you doing up?” I jumped at the voice before turning to see Peter standing by the entrance of the kitchen.
“I was hungry,” I said while pointing my head to the microwave. He walked over to me and I was suddenly thankful I had spent the extra time on my appearance before leaving my room. He wore only a pair of grey sweatpants. I couldn’t help myself and let my eyes wander his exposed abs. He definitely did not have those five years ago.
“I missed seeing you,” he said, causing my eyes to jump from his abs to his ocean blue eyes which I could easily drown in if I weren’t careful.
“Me too,” I replied, my voice much softer than I expected it to be. I cleared my throat before speaking again. “I missed having someone I could annoy like an older brother.” Peter’s face scrunched as he shook his head.
“Please don’t call me an older brother. That’s weird.” I raised an eyebrow at this, my heart racing. All this time I had thought he saw me as another little sister. But if that wasn’t the case, what did he see me as?
“And why is that?” I questioned. Peter’s face seemed to have reddened. I wasn’t sure if it had already been red from the sun and I just hadn’t noticed or if he was blushing. Before he could answer the microwave went off causing me to jump. Peter opened the door, taking the bowl out as steam rose from the food.
He set the bowl down on the counter before turning back to me. His eyes seemed to be studying me. I subconsciously bit my bottom lip in anticipation. I watched as his eyes followed the movement. “You’ve grown a lot since I last saw you,” he finally said.
“And so have you.”
“The thoughts I have about you…” Peter started as he walked closer to me, stopping so that we were almost pressed against each other. “They are not thoughts a brother has about his sister.” He leaned down towards my ear, his hot breath brushing the bare skin behind my ear and sending a shiver down my spine. “That is why it’s weird for you to call me an older brother.” My face must have been the color of a lobster at this point, and I was no longer afflicted with hunger. Instead, lust coursed through my veins. He paused for a moment as if in thought before pressing his lips on the same skin his breath had just caressed. I let out a soft sigh allowing my hand to grasp onto his strong bicep. My other hand had crept around to his stomach, tracing the abs I had just moments before been admiring. He moved his lips, kissing down my neck as I moved my head back to give him more access.
His hands wrapped around my waist before he lifted me into the air. I let out a gasp in surprise before my ass met the cool counter. His eyes looked me up and down, filled with lust and desire. “Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?” he asked. His hands were by my hips as his thumb traced shapes on my thighs. I found myself blushing at his words. Many people had called me beautiful before but the way he spoke it was the same way people sing praises to the gods they worship. He stepped towards me and I opened my legs for him so that he was as close as physically possible.
He stopped for a moment, his eyes meeting mine. They seemed to be saying all the things that had been left unsaid since we had reunited. You’re different. I’m different. These emotions are different. I love you. I wrapped my legs around him, forcing him closer (something I had not thought possible). His hands moved so that they were on either side of me, resting on the counter. My own hands were on his shoulders. I moved one so that it caressed his face. My mac and cheese sat patiently on the counter next to us, expecting to be eaten soon. I had a feeling the bowl would be staying there until the morning. Peter brought his face closer to mine. He paused for a moment, his eyes moving from my lips to my eyes. I gave a slight nod. Then, he kissed me.
We kissed and suddenly I understood what the authors of the romance books I used to read were writing about. He was like a drug. With each touch I needed more. With each kiss I craved just one more moment of the taste of his lips. My hands traveled to his hair as we continued to kiss. His hands wandered my back, traveling beneath the fabric of my t-shirt. I didn’t want to pull away. I wanted to stay like this for eternity. On the other hand, I wanted more. I wanted to connect us even more. I wanted him to fuck me.
I pulled back just long enough for my shirt to be discarded. Then I immediately reconnected our lips. I kissed him hungrily, as if those few seconds apart had left me famished. His hands slipped between us, holding my breasts. A small shudder went down my spine as his thumbs brushed my nipples. His hands continuously moved, as if they weren’t sure what to do with all the newly exposed skin. He squeezed my breasts before letting his hands travel down my stomach, gripping my waist harshly as we continued to kiss.
I could feel a growing wetness between my legs. The feeling of something hard being pushed against my inner thigh informed me Peter was just as turned on. He disconnected our lips, tasting my chin and then neck and then collar bone until he reached my tits. I attempted to catch my breath as his tongue flicked across my nipple. I let out a soft gasp as my back arched in pleasure. He started to suck on my tits, making sure to show great care and attention to both of them. His grip on my waist tightened and I was sure there would be a slight bruise in the morning. I couldn’t bring myself to care at the moment as that slight pain was the only thing keeping me grounded as pure pleasure pulsed throughout my body as Peter continued to kiss and suck and bite on the sensitive areas.
He stopped abruptly, standing upright and looking me directly in the eye. His erection that had been increasing in size and hardness was now protruding from his pants and pressing into the soft skin of my thigh. “When I was younger, I had always felt an attraction to you, (y/n),” he said. His voice was lower than usual and he seemed to be slightly out of breath as he spoke. “I never knew whether it was a friendly attraction or something stronger than that. But the moment I saw you for the first time in five years, I knew the feelings I felt for you...it wasn’t something most people feel. It was something so strong it took everything in me to not fall to my knees in defeat. In a happy defeat where I surrendered my heart to you.” I felt as if my heart was going to burst from my chest as I listened. “My body burns with desire for you (y/n). Please. Let me show you how you make me feel. Let me love you.”
I licked my lips, suddenly aware of how dry my mouth felt. I took a deep breath, hoping some of the fresh night air would clear my lust-clouded mind for a moment. “Yes,” I said. “Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes a million times.” I could feel a large grin growing on my face and Peter was wearing a matching one. He grabbed my face in his hands before bringing us together for a kiss. It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen as his hands left my face and traveled down my bare top before playing with the band of my shorts. I inched towards the edge of the counter before sliding off, our lips parting for a moment as my feet hit the ground before immediately reuniting.
He roughly pulled down my shorts and panties in one motion, letting the clothes hit the ground. I followed suit, pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. We parted for a moment, the moonlight shining through the window that sat over the sink allowing enough light so that I could see the true length of him. I had only a few moments to admire him, the thickness of his cock was sure to stretch me out deliciously, before he turned me around. I bent over the counter, the cool stone pressing against my naked skin. His hands gripped my hips to hold me in place before he pushed into me.
I let out a loud moan, causing him to put a hand over my mouth. He stayed in place, leaning over so that his mouth was next to my ear. “We have to be quiet. Unless you want both our families to see what we’re doing.” I nodded in understandance as he stood up straight again. He started by moving slowly. He pulled out halfway before pushing in all the way to the base. I felt my pussy flutter around him. He continued this slow rhythm for a while, testing out the water while stretching me out to fit him completely.
Once I felt myself start to adjust he started to go faster. I could feel the edge of the counter dig into my stomach each time my body was thrusted forward. My breasts moved in rhythm with Peter, my weight being supported by my forearms which were propped on top of the counter. His fingers dug into my hips as he fucked me. The kitchen was filled with the sound of skin slapping skin and our muffled moans as we did our best to stay quiet. The smell of sweat and sex hovered in the room. The moon acted as a spotlight for our indecent act. My vision was obstructed by my hair which was now a mess, strands of it sitting in front of my face.
“Peter, please,” I moaned quietly. I could feel myself getting closer, my legs now weaker than before as my arms were the only thing holding me up. Peter sensed this, using his hands that were on my hips to lift me up. I felt my mouth open, but no noise came out as my mind became overtaken with pleasure. I could hear Peter let out a groan as I felt myself collapse around him. I let my head fall forward as I attempted to recover from my orgasm. The pleasure started to become more bearable as Peter continued to fuck me. His thrusts were becoming more desperate. Just as I started to think he couldn’t be any rougher, he pulled out.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded. The way he spoke brought butterflies to my stomach. He spoke much more forcefully than before, his voice laced with lust as he was too concerned with his own release to speak gently to me. I obeyed, opening my mouth for him unprompted. I started moving my head for him, wanting to make him feel just as good as he made me feel. His head fell back as his hip thrusted forward. I fought back the reflex to gag as his cock buried itself deep within my throat. His hand pushed on the back of my head, keeping me in place as I felt the beginning spurt of a warm and bitter liquid shooting down my throat. I swallowed all of it greedily, wanting to have as much of Peter as I could.
As the last drop of his cum slid down my throat, he slowly pulled away. I wiped away the small dribble of drool that had fallen down my chin. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, a smile on his face. His hand ran down the side of my head before caressing my face. I slowly got up, my legs still slightly weak. “Wow,” I said, slightly out of breath. Peter let out a soft chuckle before pulling me in for a kiss. We quietly got dressed. Peter grabbed my hand, leading me to his room. Our clothes didn’t stay on for too long as they quickly found their way to his bedroom floor. The night was filled with whispers of confessions of love, hands in hair, and lips pressed on naked skin. The next morning I would wake up, afraid that it had all been a dream before I turned to see Peter’s face on the pillow next to me. Then, a smile matching Peter’s sleepy one would form on my face.
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ur-jinji · 3 years
touch me
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jean kirschtein x f!reader
warning: nsfw (18+)
summary: an innocent game of twister can lead to anything.
word count: 3.2k
a/n: been having severe jean brainrot recently so i had to write this. it’s a lil sloppy but it’s honest work lmfao
“who the fuck brought apples to apples jr?”
“shut the fuck up, jean! it’s a fun fucking game!”
“okay but junior edition? really? you couldn’t buy the normal one?”
you were sat with your legs criss cross on the floor in front of the television in jean’s apartment, playing mario kart with connie. you twisted your head around to see what all the commotion was about, and sighed when you saw eren and jean practically foaming out the mouth as they argued. you shook her head and turned your attention back to the game.
“connie, you fucking snake. you did not just use a red shell on me as soon as i looked away!” you yelled, shoving the boy next to you roughly, hoping to mess him up. he was now in first place after sabotaging you.
“you snooze, you lose,” connie shot back before crossing the finish line right before you.
“okay, well at least i don’t play as waluigi,” you mumbled.
“what? and yoshi is any better?” he questioned.
“yeah, yoshi is better, you cuck,” you replied, throwing the remote at him as you stood up. you quickly made an escape to the kitchen before connie could retaliate. gathered around a small dining room table was armin, sasha, and mikasa playing apples to apple jr. you chuckled lightly before jean appeared beside you, who scoffed at them.
“we’re playing twister, y’all,” jean announced before hooking a finger in one of your belt loops, pulling you teasingly into his side. you yelped at the sudden movement, whipping your head to look up at him. he simply smirked before releasing you. you bumped your hip against his and walked back into the living room, where eren and connie were setting up twister.
“i call doing the spinner,” you told them, not really feeling like partipating.
“uh-uh. you’re playing,” jean’s voice said behind you. you sighed loudly.
“fine,” you replied, rolling your eyes at him.
“i bet jean just wants to see you bent-“
“watch it, jaeger,” jean abruptly interrupted eren. you didn’t really know how to react, but the possibility of jean wanting to see you in compromising positions was....interesting, to say the least. you made your way to the couch and plopped yourself down. jean followed you closely and sat beside you, throwing his arm to rest behind you on top of the cushions. you weren’t sure why, but he was always attached at your hip when you were with him, especially when you were in groups. you certainly didn’t mind.
“can i at least be in control of the spinner for the first group that goes?” you begged as everyone began to gather in the living room. you were granted permission, and the spinner was handed to you. the first group was sasha, connie, and armin. the three of them stood around the twister mat, waiting for their instruction. you couldn’t help but notice jean’s fingers grazing your shoulder with the arm thrown behind you.
“okay, connie,” you started before spinning. “right foot on blue.”
after about ten minutes, sasha and armin were battling for the win. connie got the short end of the stick after having to snake under sasha, and quickly met his twister demise. armin was completely arched backwards trying to keep two hands on red and two feet on green while sasha was in a frog-like crouch, keeping her hands and feet on every color.
“armin, left foot on red,” you announced. he sighed sadly.
“how am i suppose to do that,” he muttered before attempting, and then suddenly collapsing. the room erupted into laughter as sasha jumped to her feet.
“hah! take that, armin!” she shouted, taking in her sweet victory. “i’m next on the spinner!”
you groaned, not wanting to give it up.
“alright, who’s next?” sasha asked, taking over your position.
“i guess i’ll go to get it over with,” you replied, standing up from your place on the couch.
“i’ll go, too,” jean quickly said, following suit.
“me too,” eren said. “i just want to beat jean.”
“i’m a twister master, bro,” jean said to eren with a bit of hostility. you shook your head at the pair.
“next game night we’ll have to play ‘take a shot every time jean and eren start arguing,’” you joked, earning some chuckles and agreements. after a few moments, you stood on one side of the twister mat, with jean next to you and eren across from you two. sasha cleared her throat.
“okay, okay. eren, left hand on yellow,” sasha instructed. eren smugly bent down, placing his hand on yellow.
“y/n, left hand on red.” you moved over to the corner jean stood at, which was directly in front of red. you crouched down and put your hand on a red circle. jean was then told to put a foot on blue. after some time passed, the compromising positions you found intriguing before the game began felt like a curse. you muscles were beginning to ache, as you were completely bent down, both hands on green circles and both feet on blue. meanwhile, jean decided it was a good idea to remain in the same area as you. there was no doubt that he was enjoying the show of your ass in the air. he was getting it very easy while you and eren were struggling. he somehow kept only having to move his left foot.
“i’m in pain!” you yelled out. “sasha, hurry!”
“damn, okay! jean, right foot on blue.”
you dropped your head down, seeing his left foot on red. he now had to move to a blue circle without moving his other off of its spot, but the only possible way to do that was for him to put his foot directly next to yours, which he did. and now, his crotch was in contact with your butt. your eyes widened and your head shot up as your limbs began to shake. you felt something twitch against your ass, and suddenly you were falling to the floor.
“damnit!” you cursed, looking to eren who looked satisfied that he was one step closer to beating jean. your face felt hot, recalling the few seconds that lead up to your collapse. you slowly glanced up at jean. he had a small smirk painted on his lips, and a familiar feeling pooled in the pit of your stomach. you looked away and stood up, taking a seat in front of the couch. you covered your rosey cheeks with your hands as you watched the continuing game between the two boys. eventually, jean became the victor as the difficulty for eren was amped up. the winner fell beside you on the floor, his body turned towards you.
“impressive win, huh?” he commented, moving his knee to press against yours.
“mm-hmm,” you hummed.
“wanna stay behind and help me clean up after everyone leaves?” he offered, a hopeful glint in his eye. your mind went blank, and the feeling low in your stomach started again. you hesitantly nodded.
and about an hour or so later, you did just that. the apartment was cleared of your rowdy friends, and they had left a bit of a mess.
“i have work in the morning, so i can’t stay very long,” you told jean as he started grabbing empty red solo cups around the living room.
“did you have a good time?” he asked.
“yeah it was...fun,” you responded, nerves evident in your voice when your mind started to wander back to the game of twister. you didn’t know why you were so nervous. this wasn’t your first time alone with jean, but he was rather bold tonight. he was normally pretty bold and clingy anyway, but something was different. and you liked it.
“i’m glad you could make it,” jean said as he put the cups into a trash bag. you picked one up and tossed it to him before sitting gingerly on the couch. it takes him no time to join you.
“you’re clingy tonight,” you commented. you waited for him to throw his arm around the top of the couch, but instead his hand fell to your knee. he gave it a light squeeze. you turned your head to him, and he’s already looking at you with a soft expression.
“what, you don’t like when i’m clingy?” he questioned teasingly, leaning his shoulder into yours.
“i never said that,” you said, your volume much quieter than you intended it to be. he rested his chin on your shoulder, tilting his head slightly.
“i just couldn’t keep my hands to myself tonight,” jean uttered as his fingers started sliding up your leg, pressing on your thigh. they dipped down, gripping the inner fatty flesh. you bit back a pleased sigh. he must’ve known this was driving you crazy. just the warmth of his breath tickling your cheeks was enough to make you want to let out a moan. he really must’ve known how his touch and closeness was making you feel, because he abruptly started to lean in, closing the small gap between you. his lips met yours, and you hurriedly responded to it. his other hand came up to gently grip your jaw as the other remained in between your thighs, squeezing the flesh. his movements were needy, and hungry, and your energy was identical. his lips moved quickly against yours, and he softly tilted your head back to gain better excess, swallowing your moans. he smiled into the kiss before slipping his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around yours. after a moment, his moved out, but yours darted into his mouth. but instead of letting it explore, he pulled away slightly and wrapped his lips around your tongue, sucking it hard. you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, an unexpected groan escaping your throat.
he leaned away and pulled you on his lap, and you swung your leg to the other side of him so that you were straddling him. you could feel a very obvious and large bulge against your core. you rolled your hips against his which immediately made him groan. his hands moved to grip your ass tightly.
“you’re so fucking amazing,” jean muttered before burying his face into your neck. he planted a few kisses before focusing on one area just below your ear.
“oh, my god,” you moaned as he started to suck on the skin, his nose tickling your earlobe. shockwaves sent throughout your body, your eyes half-lidded, high on the sensation. he pulled away eventually, his lips looking pretty and swollen after marking you.
“i have work tomorrow,” you whined, raising your hand to touch the sensitive area he had went to town on.
“i don’t think you were complaining,” he teased as his fingers began toying with the pants’ buttons. “let’s get these off.” you crawled off his lap, standing up and dancing your way out of your pants. jean leaned back, enjoying the view of you in just panties and a tshirt. you stood in front of him shyly for a moment, positioned in between his legs, which were spread wide.
jean’s hands grabbed your hips, turning you around. he firmly pulled you down to sit in between his legs, holding you tight against his chest and wrapping his arms around your front. your ass pressed firmly against his covered hard cock as he moved his hands down to your panties, gently toying with the hem. a quiet moan escaped from your lips before he slid the tips of his thumbs inside, slowly pulling down the lacy fabric. once they were cast aside on the floor, his hand found its way in between your mid thighs, pulling them apart. he shifted backwards on the cushion, pulling you with him, sitting you up straight against his chest and bending your knees to prop your legs on the couch. his hand took no time to move to your pussy. he started rubbing gentle circles on your clit. you moaned softly, your head falling back to rest on his shoulder.
“fuck,” jean whispered into your ear. you whimpered as his warm breath tickled the sensitive area. “so fucking wet for me, huh?” you nodded, your eyes half-lidded once again. his pace on your clit began to speed up, sending your back arching. he used his other arm to hold you down from squirming, his hand gripping your tit, before slipping a digit into your pussy. you moaned as his long finger fucked against your sweet spot.
“you like that? huh, baby?” he asked, and god his tone could be enough to make you cum. you nodded again, the repeated stimulation practically turning you into putty. he slipped in another finger, and you felt a climax start to creep up.
“use your words, princess,” jean ordered gently.
“yes,” you managed to croak out, squirming against his restrictive arm.
“yes what?” he pressed, quickening his pace.
“it feels so good,” you groaned, inching closer to orgasm.
“touch yourself, princess,” he told you, moving his arm from your breast to hold your hair out of your face. you quickly complied, darting your hand to massage your clit as he continued to fuck you with his fingers.
“you gonna cum for me?” he questioned, his hand falling to your jaw to turn your face to his.
“uh-huh,” you replied, staring into his light chocolate eyes.
“then cum for me, baby,” he whispered, his grip on your jaw tightening and his eye contact piercing into you. and with his command, you came undone. your eyes rolled back as you let out a soft moan, your walls pulsing around his fingers.
“fuck,” you breathed out once you came down from your high. jean removed his fingers and held them to your mouth, completely drenched in your slick. you leaned forward, wrapping your lips around them and sucking them. you pulled away with a pop! sound and fell back against his chest.
“good girl,” he smirked. “you want more?”
“mm-hmm,” you hummed lewdly. you crept off of his lap and onto the floor, positioning yourself between his legs. he peered down at you, surprised. you moved your hands to the bulged zipper of his pants, dragging it down slowly, revealing a pair of blue boxers. jean sat up, pulling his pants and boxers down to assist you, his hard cock springing out. you stared at it with wide eyes, surprised by the length and girth. a thick vein ran down the length of it. you glanced up at him as he gazed down at you with anticipation. you hesitantly took him with a gentle fist, leaning forward. precum spilled from the tip as your mouth wrapped around him. you swirled your tongue around the pink tip and looked up at him with lewd eyes. he let out a sigh and gently grabbed the top of your head, holding a fistful of your hair.
“god, i can’t wait to fuck you,” jean breathed out, watching you begin to bob your head around his dick with hollowed cheeks. the grip on your hair tightened, guiding you up and down. “fuck, y/n, you’re doing so good, baby.” he lowered your head down his shaft slowly, all the way to the base, his tip poking the back of your throat. tears stung your eyes as you tried not to gag, threatening to spill out. he held you there for a moment, loving the sight of your swollen lips around him. he finally released you, pulling your face away as you gasped for air.
“c’mere,” he said, pulling you off the floor and standing up with you. his hands found their way to the bottom of your tshirt, discarding it and leaving you in a white tshirt bra. if you had known you’d be getting fucked tonight, you would’ve worn a cuter bra, but jean certainly didn’t care. you could wear a burlap sack and he’d still want to fuck your brains out.
jean sidestepped and walked behind you, grabbing ahold of the back of knee to bend it and prop on the couch. you did so with the other knee, holding yourself up with the back cushions. he unclipped your bra and tossed it aside.
“you gonna take my cock like a good girl?” he asked, leaning forward. his hand met your cheek and tilted your head, planting his lips on yours. you nodded into the kiss and that was his cue to ready himself. he pulled away and you watched as he lined himself up with your opening. you moaned when you felt the tip tease your entrance before slowly sliding inside your slick walls. you bit back another moan and felt tears form at your waterline as his cock stretched you open. once he was balls deep, he gave you a second to adjust to his girth and placed his hands on your hips, slowly thrusting. you bit down hard on your lip. his fingers were no doubt going to leave little bruises on your hips, but you didn’t care.
“fuck, you’re so tight,” jean commented, starting to quicken his pace. “feels so fucking good.” your fingers gripped the couch cushion as his thrusts became harder and deeper. you could practically feel his cock in your stomach. his hands tightened on your hips, pulling your ass back to meet with his hips as his cock pounded the back of your walls repeatedly, sudden and staggered moans escaping your lips with every hard thrust. your neck began to ache as it was thrown back and forth, so you dropped it down to rest forward on the cushion, but jean was quick to remove a hand from your hip and grab a fistful of your hair, forcing your head back up. you arched your back, perking your ass up more, giving him more access than he needed. he fucked you into oblivion, and you quickly felt another orgasm begin to creep over you.
“‘m gonna cum,” you said, your voice sounding extra whiny.
“cum, baby,” jean cooed. “cum all over my cock.” you moaned loudly as he continued to abuse your pussy. tears stung your waterline again as it grew closer and closer, his dick slamming into your sweet spot.
“oh my god!” you shouted, a powerful climax washing over your body. your entire body shook and your walls pulsated around his cock as he rode you through your high. he moved his hand back to your hip, gripping it tightly as his thrusts soon became sloppy. he groaned and suddenly removed his cock from your pussy. he jacked himself off for a moment before releasing his warm cum onto your back. you twisted your head around to see his face. his mouth was gaped slightly, his eyebrows were scrunched, and his lustful eyes stared back into yours as he came. once he finished, he took a deep breath. you sat down on your bent knees and sighed.
“we should do this again,” jean blurted out.
“get something to clean me up and we’ll talk about it,” you teased, chuckling at his eagerness. he nodded and scurried around to find his boxers, which were in a ball a few feet away. he slid them on and you admired the view. he was built like a god.
he made his way out of the room and came back a minute later with a rag. he stood in front of you and handed it to you, opening his mouth to talk.
“so.....how would you rate your experience?”
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harcove · 3 years
you uh. wouldn't mind an angst request would you haha because I have had this one scenario stuck in my head where leon (probably resi 6 leon) has been drinking a lot more and has been neglecting his s/o and they finally call him out on his shit
anyway ooga booga they fight and decide it's best they give leon his space and take a break and maybe he finds them at a bar he goes to to get wasted to already find them drunk off their ass
Angst is absolutely one of my most favourite things to write and to read like damn I do be out here making myself CRY. So I definitely don't mind angst like hell yeah!
I was gonna end this was a happier note- but uh, I really love angst so I left it semi-open ended but also pretty sad I think. Also not really dialogue-heavy, more like... I write too much detail-heavy :,) Also this isn't edited, I spent days on this cause I was overthinking it and felt it was just not good so oof I'm sorry!
Length: 2k
Request: in the ask
Warnings: angst, drinking, lowkey it's alcoholism on Leon's part, being drunk
Leon x Reader - "I know."
How long had it been since you had held your boyfriend's hand? Since the two of you had really sat together and done something together, fully, completely, involved, and focused on one another. You didn't even remember, which was agonizing to think about.
You had been through so much with Leon. And you knew where his deepest thought lay, but you could never truly know. And it didn't help that over the years the two of you had together, he had started to become more distant. And instead of finding his comfort in your arms, he found it in some glass bottle.
At first, you didn't really protest much, you didn't say much about it. A drink every once in a while couldn't hurt. Yet, it wasn't every once in a while. It was more often than you'd have liked. And he was using it to forget. To focus on anything else but his life and his memories. Your soft words trying to talk to him didn't do much to stop him or dissuade him. He brushed you off more often than not. It tore you up from the inside out that you couldn't help him, that at some point a bottle was his chosen form of comfort over you.
The guilt mixed with sadness, and then with anger. And in the end, those feelings came together and created an explosion between the two of you one night.
Your throat was hoarse as you swallowed as much air as you could. You couldn't exactly remember what the argument stemmed from but you knew it had to be related to him drinking.
"Will you just listen to me?!" You shouted, the words coming out uneven as your throat begged you to stop, "put that shit down Leon, and look at me!"
The man sitting at the aisle in your kitchen put the flask he had down in front of him, but still had his hands on it. He turned his head to look at you, barely even moving at all, and his eyes were looking at you like he was unimpressed or annoyed.
"I'm listening."
You wanted to pull on your hair and scream because he wasn't. He wasn't listening, and he hadn't been, at least not for a while.
"No you aren't, you are not listening to a word I say, you never do!"
He scoffed, turning back to his drink and taking another sip.
"Where am I going on Friday?"
"What?" He looked at you incredulously, completely lost as your voice went from yelling at him to speaking relatively peacefully, but there was no peace in your voice.
"I said, where am I going on Friday, Leon," you repeated with clenched fists, "if you listen to me if you even bother to pay attention to me, you would know the answer. So where am I going on Friday?"
The silence was your answer, as you expected it to be, you just hadn't expected it to be so painful.
"I'm going to visit my family in the town over," your voice was low and tired, and you wanted to cry but you couldn't even find it in you to do that, "I told you that a thousand times Leon I..."
Biting your lip hard, you felt yourself break skin, and the metallic taste of blood invaded your taste buds. You were so angry at him moments before, angry enough you had been yelling. But suddenly you weren't angry anymore. You were just so sad; sad for yourself and sad for him. He wasn't going to listen to you, not right now, that much was clear.
"I've been busy Y/N-" whatever he said was wasted on deaf ears as you drowned them out unintentionally, your eyes trained on the flask he nursed.
For once, you knew you had to let it be. You had to give him space, and give yourself space.
"I'm sleeping in the guest room," you offered lamely after the long silence between the two of you after he had finished whatever he had said. Leon looked up at you, with a look of surprise, and confusion, "we both need space. From each other. I just... Don't stay up drinking all night."
"Y/N-" his words once again fell upon deaf ears, and his fingers just missed your arm as you turned and went upstairs to the room usually used by people like Claire, or Chris, sometimes Sherry.
When morning came, you had gotten up later than usual, Leon was already gone as he usually was early in the morning with his job and everything. Your heart felt heavier as you walked into the empty kitchen and noted the vodka bottle you two had been given as a gift was half empty. Something in you asked if it was all worth it; did it really do so much that he drank more than he should've? Did it take away the feelings of hopelessness, like the one you were currently stuck in?
Those were the thoughts that followed you the entire day as you went about your routine. They followed you all the way to the spare bedroom of one of your old friend's homes as you decided you and Leon needed to take a break. If you didn't do that, you feared you would only lose him completely. Or lose yourself. It was exhausting.
But what was even more exhausting was not seeing him. You worried for him, and even if you sometimes felt like he didn't, he worried for you.
It would take about a week before something would crack, before the storm that had been brewing between you two, the one that laid dormant after you walked out to take from your relationship, would begin to thunder again, but in a much different way.
"We're here to have fun," your friend who had been letting you stay over said as she pushed a shot of... something into your hands, leaning against the bar from your side while you said on one of the barstools, "and loosen up. You specifically."
You rolled your eyes; this wasn't in your plan for the day, going to a bar. But it was more than you had done in the past week now. Your routine consisted of going to work and heading back to your friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
You wanted Leon. But you couldn't have him right now. You were still upset, and you didn't even know if he wanted you right now. Everything was a mess.
Things seemed to blur together over the course of the night in the bar, your friend insisting on you trying each new drink she got, some not new too. You had had one drink that you ordered of your own volition, and it had been a regular bottle of beer. But the shots your friend got for you two, and the sips of the drinks your friend ordered, culminated into more than you realized and you could say you were a bit more than just tipsy.
For some reason though, your friend seemed to be chugging along much better than you, you must've been a lightweight.
You hadn't even seen your friend in a while, but you also were so out of it that you couldn't exactly comprehend time properly at that current moment in time.
A hand on your arm and a familiar voice seemed to sober you a bit as your eyes met familiar blue, but they were clouded over with pain, with worry. Confusion too, and a bit of shock. Your fingers twitched, aching to touch his arm. His face. To smooth the furrow that seemed to be etching itself into his brow, threatening to become a new and permanent feature.
But the sober feeling you experienced also stopped you from doing any of the above. Rather, your body stiffened a bit and you pulled away from his touch, only barely missing the look of hurt that glided over his features as you did so.
"L-Leon?" the alcohol in your system made it sound more like you were questioning if he was real rather than saying his name, "What are you-"
The question you were going to ask didn't even need to be finished. It didn't even need an answer from him, because even if you were drunk, you knew Leon. And you knew why he was there.
"Oh," you couldn't help but scoff, "you want my drink? It'll start you off-"
Leon wasn't going to pretend that he hadn't come to the bar to drink away his sorrows; to forget all the pain he held onto and the nightmares he couldn't escape, and now the pain of not having you around. But when he walked in and saw you? Something in him stopped. Something in him twisted and he felt nauseous and for once it wasn't because of a hangover, but it was because of you.
You looked so miserable. Not that you realized you were wearing your heart on your sleeve at the bar, with the dejected look on your face and the limp hand holding onto a beverage you clearly didn't enjoy. Whilst at the same time, you looked empty.
Is that what you saw? Is that what he looked like to you when he was drinking? When he was at home or at a bar, focusing on anything but reality?
Leon didn't want a drink anymore, he wanted to get you out of a place that didn't suit you whatsoever. He wanted to take you home, he didn't want you to be him.
"You didn't come here alone, did you?" He cut off whatever you were trying to say as he looked into your eyes sternly.
"What? N-no I'm not stupid... I came here with a friend."
It didn't take long for Leon to figure out the friend because he spotted her coming near the bar, and recognized her.
"Hey, I'm taking Y/N home," Leon tried to not sound aggressive when he spoke, but it may have only made him sound more upset.
"Leon? Oh, ya, of course. Are you two...?"
"We'll be fine," Leon replied as he helped you stand up, "thanks for being with them."
He hadn't just meant in the bar but in the past week. It was left unsaid, but it was laid bare.
As much as you wanted to pull away from the man who gently wrapped one of his strong arms around your waist, and used the other to hold your arm behind his neck, you couldn't. You didn't have the strength to, and you missed him.
Leon was glad he had taken the car and not his motorcycle. There was no way in hell he would've been able to keep you on a motorcycle all the way back to your home that you shared, or well, you hadn't for the past week. But that wasn't the point.
"You're so mean Leon..." you mumbled as he helped you get into the passenger seat of the car. He all but carried you into it like a child and leaned across you to put your seat belt on. You leaned your face into his neck as he did so, breathing deeply.
"I just... Want you to be happy," you continued sloppily, "but you won't... Let me in..."
Leon's breathing stopped for a moment as he stilled, his hand still on the seatbelt he had just finished putting you in. He quickly pulled himself together and pulled back, adjusting the belt on your body so it wasn't digging into your lazy form, but it was still doing its job.
"I know."
There was so much more he could say, but he couldn't.  He wasn't sure if he ever could.
He settled himself into the driver's seat and got ready to start the car up.
"I still love you though..." your words were slurred as you rested your head on the car window, feeling your eyes grow heavier.
"I..." Leon's hand was turning white at the knuckles from how hard he was holding the steering wheel. He didn't deserve you. And you didn't deserve this.
"I know..."
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Little Scratches
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Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader (she/her)
AO3: link
Word Count: 828
Warnings: description of injury, blood
Summary: Dean gets himself scratched up by a few harpies and the bad bad road so Y/N insists on helping with the clean up.
A/N: I wrote this in under twenty minutes, it's not edited so please ignore any spelling mistakes. I had to get it out there lol
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"You stubborn idiot, just let me help you!" Y/N was throwing up her arms in despair by now.
Dean on the other hand, refused to turn around at all or, well, acknowledge that she had talked to him and kept picking splinters and stones out of his arms. Because he was too proud to let a girl help him apparently. Especially after the girl in question had told him to not jump out of a driving car.
And now here they were, Y/N frowning down at her boyfriend who sat on the motel room chair that he had pulled under the window to actually see what he was doing to his skin. Sam was on his way to get more bandages as they had run out of clean first aid packages. Yeah, they should probably start thinking their hunts through a little more.
The hisses and grunts finally got too much to deal with so Y/N simply grabbed Dean's wrist and pulled it away from the mess that was his left forearm. A glare that would have melted stone was her reward. "I can deal with that myself, sweet cheeks."
Y/N rolled her eyes, her firm grip staying the same even as he started to push away (which really did nothing beside hurt the other arm). If she wanted something, she usually got it; she was probably just as stubborn as her boyfriend in these cases.
"Well but I'm here so let me," she stated, only half played anger lacing through her voice. This boy was about two seconds away from sharing a bed with his brother again.
Simply to make a point, Dean kept his determined frown a little more. Then, he caved and relaxed the muscles in the arm that she was holding onto. "I swear to God if it gets infected-"
"Then I'm also nursing you back to health you big baby," Y/N said curtly and got to work.
That shut him up pretty fast. Well, aside from the occasional curse word when she accidentally picked at a more sensitive spot. Y/N wasn't that mean, she would never hurt him on purpose just to make a point. It was a perk though that he couldn't utter the no doubt naughty comment about short nurse costumes.
And Dean was a big boy so he could handle a little bit of pain. Who thought it was a great idea to shoot at the harpies circling the Impala anyway? While it was driving??
Dean apparently. Yeah, impulse control usually was what Y/N had to pose as for these two. But hey, she loved them so she put up with it. Most of the time.
"You done already?" Dean asked through gritted teeth, every tendron in his arm tensed up while Y/N was picking through the hurt flesh carefully.
Luckily the most of the blood wasn't fresh anymore and the cuts were shallow. Still hurt like hell from the expression on Dean's face. Y/N patted his thigh in reassurance and got up to get a washcloth to clean the blood up to bandage it up properly later. "Almost, Baby."
"Don't say that in that condescending tone!" He shouted after her, just the edge of a joke in it that told her that he was feeling better again. Thank God.
"I would never!"
The washcloth in hand and a smile on her face, Y/N came back into the room, intending to sit back down on the chair opposite to Dean. What she didn't expect was for him to pull her down on his lap. Y/N did not squeak.
Also, the angle was much better for gently scrubbing at the drying sticky mix of mud and blood. She could feel Dean hunching on her back just then, as if he was allowing himself to breathe for the first time since they entered the motel room.
So she let her fingers linger a little longer on the spots that she knew weren't hurting him and leaned back. Dean would never say how much he needed that closeness in times like these, not wanting to make this into 'some huge unnecessary chick flick moment'. Y/N could deal with that as long as he accepted her comfort like right now.
His breath tickled the side of her neck where it puffed little clouds of air as the last of the adrenaline left Dean's body. The uninjured arm rested around her waist, his hand holding her opposite hip to anchor her in place and Y/N tipped her head back to let it lie on his shoulder. They just breathed in the other's company, content in the moment.
That was how Sam found them, twenty minutes later, Y/N with a stiff neck and Dean with fresh back pain to bitch about. He allowed her to use the newly acquired bandages to wrap his arm up and then demanded mind destroying TV to 'wash out the visual of the harpies'.
No one had any objections to that.
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General Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee @fandomfoodiedancer
If you want to be tagged as well, click here or drop an ask/DM
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shousimi · 2 years
My S ranks chapter 409
SO much happened in this fucking chapter. There were some good SHJxHYJ moments overlapped with STWxHYJ moments ahhhhh. click read more to see spoilers (edited MTL)
First of all, Han Yoojin is somehow really attracted to muscles, and you know who has muscles? Song Taewon. For the second time, HYJ was practically salivating at his muscles when he took his top off hahahahaha
With a short sigh, Song Tae-won entered the bathroom. Only the top was still naked. Blood soaked under the collar, and the skin was stained weakly. And really.
Wow, really. Wow… … . Really, wow, wow.
"I will take care of it myself."
"Oh, yes. Then, I'll put it in front of the bathroom when you get dressed. "
"Thank you."
And then we have Sung Hyunjae absolutely noticing and calling Yoojin out.
I came out of the bathroom and closed the door. Only then I started to feel sorry. I was going to tell Chief Song about the regression.
“Don’t you like it too much?”
"No what am I."
Seong Hyeonje stared at me. Why why.
"… I'm envious. I'm envious. It's just like appreciating a work of art. "
"If it's a work of art─"
"Oh, I know you are handsome. Yes, if I put it you up at the Louvre, no one will realize that you’re is alive. I'll donate it in my name, so I wrap it around and put it in the packing box."
Could it be jealousy? can’t confirm lol. And then we have this two in one moment where Song Taewon retells Yoojin and Moon Hyuna told him who marries who the future. Yoojin believed it until he got to Sung Hyunjae marrying Evelyn hahaha.
“The Seseong Guild Leader married hunter Evelyn and the Haeyeon Guild Leader to hunter Kang Soyoung—"
"… Yeah?"
Huh? What? No wait.
"Sung Hyunjae never married!"
I yelled, opening the door wide open.
This man, Han Yoojin, just opened the door to the bathroom while Song taewoon was bathing. In rage. Because he was so in disbelief about SHJ (and YHY) and their marriages.
Anyways, he opens the bathroom door and then....slips....(bc he has an injured leg)
My feet slipped in the water on the floor. Normally, I will not fall, but the balance is not good.
"Han Yujin!"
The sound of water was loud, and the sound of a part of the tub breaking. Song Taewon's hand held me down and supported me.
"Thank you, were you joking?"
Mr. Song's joke. I should have recorded it.
"This was said by Moon Hyun-a Hunter. And Han Yujin. "
The heavily sunk eyes looked down at me.
"That’s not a lie"
He is holding Yoojin while NAKED. askjdhasjdgayjsgadgahgdvahdvada
thanks for reading bye 
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vinniesgff · 3 years
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...
𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴. vh.
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now playing: (all i want for christmas is you) ││✎. ° (mariah carey) ││ 1:07 ——4:50
warnings; none. <3
sorry for any incorrect grammar mistakes, i’ll edit it later. <3
⨾ y/n.  ❞
today was the christmas lighting ceremony in my hometown, and every year my family and i go to it.
today felt like a good day for some reason, i had no clue as to why. it just felt different. i decided to dress sorta nice. i usually just go in my sweatpants and hoodie, but today i got dressed up, and even put on makeup.
i got in my car, while my parents would drive my siblings, and drove to the spot where they would light the christmas tree every year on the day after thanksgiving.
i made it to the place where i’d suprisingly, meet my celebrity crush vinnie hacker.
i grabbed my coat from the back seat of my car, and got out of my car.
the wind kissed my skin. leaving me to shiver. i debated with myself for a minute about putting my coat on.
i decided it was probably a good idea, since it was super cold out. it was literally below freezing, and i was wearing such a cute outfit too. yet i had to put a coat on over my damn cute ass shirt.
i was walking around, trying to find one of the hot chocolate stands that they have every year.
when i finally found one, i ordered my hot chocolate, and waited for it to be done.
that’s when a tall, dirty blonde- hair dude, clad in a black turtleneck, black jeans, black coat, and a pair of nike shoes. walked up.
he kind of reminded me of vinnie. i looked at him for a minute, but ripped my eyes away when i saw him turning around.
when he turned around completely, i started internally fangirling. i guess i zoned out for too long, and he ended up tapping on me.
i looked up at him, and said,”oh, um, h-h-hey,”
“hi, sorry. you zoned out for quite a bit, and i just wanted to make sure that y’were completely alright.” vinnie said.
“oh, yeah, ‘msorry. i was just too deep in my thoughts.” i managed to croak out,
“you’re completely fine. i just couldnt help but notice y’kinda looked upset. “ oh, he’s so caring.
“um, d’ya maybe y-you know, um, wanna um, hang out?” i muttered softly,
“of course. m’here with my friends jett, and jack. they’re probably off fucking some bitches right now anyways.” he laughed.
oh my god, his laugh was so contagious, i started to cackle a little bit. he smiled at me. HE FUCKING SMILED AT ME. OH MY GOD. SORRY IM JUST FANGIRLING.
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vinnie and i were currently walking around, and talking about how much the two of us loved christmas, but hated the weather.
how we loved giving gifts to our family, and friends, even if we dont recieve anything back. how we loved christmas movies, staying in out pajamas all day, how we loved making christmas cookies, and more.
we also talked about how we loved animals. and what our favorite animals were.
vinnie and i were in a deep conversation about how i knew who he was, and that i was a fan of his, and he seemed pretty surprised. i guess i hid it pretty well, since he had literally no idea, when we were walking around to find my mom, when she said she had got there.
my mom loved him, and so did my siblings. they got along really well, and he even promised my little brother brody, that he’d play fortnite with him. i swear he jumped for joy.
we got settled on my big fluffy blanket i had layed on the ground, and i wrapped one around us.
when the tree was lit up, vinnie and i looked at each other, and smiled.
my mom wanted to take a picture of us. so i handed her my phone. she guided us to where she wanted to take the picture at.
when she had taken it, she handed the phone back to me. i was looking at the picture when i realized had vinnie looked over my shoulder to see it too.
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(pretend its yall.)
vinnie asked for my phone, and i handed it to him, he typed in his number, and sent himself the picture, before saving his contact name as ‘the vinnie hacker lol😛’ , it made me laugh when he handed it back and i saw that.
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