#ao3 kinnporsche
briliantlymad · 1 year
KinnPorsche Fic Rec List Part 2/??
I am back. woohoo
In celebration of Kinn x Porsche being no. 42 on the list of top pairings on AO3!
Let's get into it
Two Shots by Martynax
Rated E. This one is so delicious guys, absolutely fucking amazing. Still updating, its on chapter 8 of 10. Gun for Hire turned bartender Porsche meets Mafia boss Kinn who contracts him for one last job. They fall in love with each other somewhere along the way HNNN its so delicous. the Sex Scenes? GORGEOUS absolutely well written. 10/10 steamy as fuck
Porsche’s eyes are searching him, looking for something in Kinn’s face. His expression is sympathetic, like he understands what Kinn is dealing with, but he also doesn’t offer help. And Kinn deep down had hoped that he wouldn’t have to ask, that Porsche would offer to help. Kinn’s heart thumps painfully in his chest, but he doesn’t avert his gaze.
2. Salt by ronandhermy
Y'ALL ?#>#>$>??? IM ACTUALLY OBSSSESSED WITH THIS ONE SO BADLY. It hits all the right spots. Alternate First Time meeting. Porsche is in his Taekwondo Champion era and Kinn is out here being a mafia boss who's got his eye on porsche for all the wrong (but so so right) reasons. It's written well. absolutely exquisite scenes that transition from one pov to the other, does an great job of translating emotions to scenes and OUF. its dirty bad wrong and that makes it all the more delicious. Dark kinn theerapanyakul in all the best ways that make my head spin.
oh Kinn likes Porsche’s eyes on him. He likes it a lot. There’s a challenge there, in the boy’s eyes. One that makes Kinn want to sink his teeth in deep and take this boy apart. Make him come shuddering and crying while clinging to Kinn and then make him do it again.
3. The Call of the Deep by wicca
A oneshot, Rated E, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, mind the tags, if non-con, dub-con is not for you skip this. Mer Porsche meets Eldritch Creature Kinn who's just as dark as the waters he dwells in. DELICOUS. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Ever since that scene of Porsche in a mermaid constume my brain has been conjuring absolutely all kinds of situations. Wicca gets it. Written Well. The sex scenes are delicious, the tone and mood of the entire oneshot was handled well, i was hooked from the start. I love Wicca. please check out their other KP Fics!!
Porsche starts kicking out his tail to propel himself forward, but he doesn't get very far before appendages are wrapping themselves firmly around his arms, his waist, and finally his thrashing tail. Next thing he knows, he's back on the cave floor with Kinn's tentacles keeping his arms pressed at his sides
4. Neon lights (and Cold nights) by pinkdrinkbarbie
I've been crazy over this fic for a very long time. its 1.5k or less words per chapter but by the gods it feels like its not enough every time the author updates. bodyguard turned bartender Porsche who's out here collecting all the nongs. He finds Kim, adopts him as a nong and all's going well until it isnt anymore. We're almost to the end of the fic, it's on chapter 39/40 and i've been screaming wheezing crying in the author's comment section every time it updates. Patricide with a side dish of Avunculicide for brother bonding and reunions between torn apart lovers. you can't see me but im doing *chefs kiss*
Kim hates feeling like he can't go home. Porsche (unintentionally) gives him a home.
5. Alongside by apathyinreverie
Canon divergence, KinnPorsche's first meeting goes a little bit differently. Kinn is hooked from the start and honestly so am I. Possessive Kinn ? Possessive kinn. BAMF Porsche. I LOVE IT. Still updating, 4/? chapters. THEY'RE FLIRTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY COCKTAIL and im enjoying every bit of it
“Porsche. My name is Porsche,” he finally chokes out, a little put-out to be beaten at his own game.
“Hm,” Kinn hums in vague consideration, eyes still so fucking intense. “Porsche.” A pause. “I think I like sweetheart better,” he finally grins across the rim of his glass.
6. Sunflowers & Orchids by Anon
I AM A SUCKER FOR SENTINAL GUIDE AUS. KinnPorsche alternate universe. it's not rated. 4/?? chapters so far. Possessive Kinn is my weakness, i go ham every time i read kinn that's so so obsessed with keeping Porsche. Guide porsche has been evading authorities cus he doesn't wanna leave his brother, but helping Sentinal!Kinn from a drop ends up unravelling everything.
The man is up and out of his seat, in front of Porsche and hand raised to gently brush his cheek. "You'll get used to it." Kinn's hand slowly skims down to his neck in a phantom hold, the warmth is barely there. 
7. Stumbling to the Edge by FireRisingOverTheHills
Its series! Different First time meeting. AND UGH Every single word of this is godly. i'd etch into my brain if i could. You'l find me screaming crying rolling all over the floor in the comments of each fic because they're all so good. The author writes Kinn's POV so so well. I've been hooked on it. He's falling in love in real time and it scares him but gods Kinn just wants smth for himself and Porsche is so so easy to love T _ T
"Kinn sees his own reflection in the mirrors behind the bar, and he almost doesn’t recognize himself. He looks… relaxed. He’s smiling. It’s a small little thing, but it’s a smile."
"He doesn’t tell Porsche he’s used to the sparkling lights of Bangkok stretching out in front of him and that it’s Porsche that makes the view spectacular to him."
Only 7 today folks, I've gotta scroll through my AO3 and find more but phew its a lot sjsjsjjs
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guzhufuren · 1 year
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KinnPorsche + favourite ao3 ficwriters' tag: No Beta edition (pt. 8/10)
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lambhouse · 11 months
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do it for me
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my top favorite kimchay fanfics
In no particular order
(Even though nobody asked)
dancing with our hands tied by MajorinMonster
After Chay gets jumped by a rival mafia gang he decides he needs a reputation so people won't touch him again. Kim is just there, trying to get back into chays good books.
9/10 recommend
The idiots & idioms series by snickerdoodlles
Chay steals kims official wik account and post absolute unhinged things. Kim does nothing to stop him.
A must read for giggles
Five Minutes by littlemisslawyer
Chays is a doctor and has been sent out of Thailand for many years. The day he comes back and wants nothing more than to take a break from work Kim has the audacity to get shot right in front of him.
Lots of cussing and chay calling kim 'pretty boy' and 'asshole/bastard'. Perfect
Idolistic by ditchlilly
Wik centric fic. Kim likes to post false information of himself from a side account and chay somehow know what of the things he says are true or false. Kim gets suspicious and tries to find out who this boy is.
Lots of TENSION. And kittens. I absolutely love this one. Stayed awake till 3 am giggling so much I thought I would wake my family up. A must read. Definitely in my top 2.
Progression by Azile (WitnessMarks)
Porchay trains to becomes stronger after their break up, kim, meanwhile, doesn't handel it well and then gets kidnapped. Chay is one of the people to come to his rescue. Kim comes back quite damaged and chay is one of the only people he feels really comfortable being around. Both of them are confronted with their still existing feelings for the other.
absolute masterpiece. Read in one sitting, even though it's still updating. Can only recommend. This story is batteling with Idolistic for first place.
The KIM IS SO LOVED series by wayupthere
No comment. Read the tags, you'll know what it's about.
Idle Talk by Iamabudgie
After someone posts a blind item on a gossip site, Kim is forced to confront something he has been delaying for months.
Absolutely amazing. Much deeper plot than you think when you first start it. Updates are months apart, but they deliver every time. Definitely in my top 3.
I Fell for You by @liesineyes
Kims family treats him like absolute shit. Chay and Porsche just want to find out out why, while also planning to show Kim real family love.
Love this story. Not many chapters yet, but beautiful and makes me sad and happy at the same time.
Edit edit:
Back on the Beat by Pens
It's kimchay works, with the most beautiful fanart I've ever seen and it makes my cheeks ache form smiling.
Also check out their tumbler account @shou-jpeg for more kimchay content.
and of course the overall classics like an elegant mechanism by Laughsalot3412, or meet me where the light greets the dark by froginthesun.
I know some of these authors are here on tumbler, but I habe no idea how to tag them in a post, so I will tag them in the comments. Please tell me if I forgot someone. Check out their accounts too.
Also, if you have a recommendation, I'm open for them.
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forkaround · 9 months
all the canon KP ships made it into the Top 50 of AO3 in 2023.
VegasPete is at 30. 2677 fics in 2023.
KinnPorsche is at 39. 2255 fics.
KimChay is at 42. 2175 fics in 2023.
If I'm not mistaken this is the first Thai show to achieve this.
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fandomdynamics · 3 months
The likelihood of some of the Kinnporsche characters being addicts is extremely high.
I know Porsche has experimented since we see drugs passed around at one point and between his bartending job- it would make sense. But I’m going to say he would do drugs socially; for fun. He’s too responsible to hurt his brother and also too poor to be able to afford it.
Between the brothers, again it seems social. Tankhun is a bit eccentric enough I don’t see him ever reaching for it. Maybe even repulsed by the idea of it. He breaches on alcoholism but not drugs.
Kinn leans hard into alcoholism, expressing a dependency at some points during the show.
If one of them would be addicted to drugs, I see Kim doing so. Between his anti-social behavior and his ability to lie on the spot (this is a training tactic but beyond that). He’s the weapon, the one sent to the fights from his father. He would be around the actual drugs being distributed more than anyone else would since he doesn’t handle anything logistical or paperwork.
Kim’s reaction to seeing Chay take drugs as well, that said enough. Of course, he was trying to care for him in his own way. But he immediately knew it what was and became irrationally angry. When he asked, “what are you doing?”, it seemed like a double edged sword. He wanted to know why Chay was trying to ruin his own life and then knew he wouldn’t be able to stop him if he wasn’t going to listen. He had already done the damage and he wouldn’t be able to reverse it at this time.
Being on drugs, such as cocaine could explain the adrenaline as well. He’s able to perform and fight extremely well for someone who supposedly doesn’t do it anymore. Drugs have the effect to help with that.
Understanding his trauma from the books and show helps this idea. If I had been through what Kim went through, yeah I’d probably do the same.
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kp-fandomappreciation · 2 months
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Here we go, this is your first challenge! It's a Bingo card, meaning, you fill any three slots horizontally, diagonally or vertically, yell BINGO very loudly so your neighbours get concerned and then award yourself 5 points for being an amazing fandom participant (the yelling part is optional, the rest is not ;) ).
You get 5 points for your first Bingo and 2 points for every subsequent Bingo (plus one point for every comment, obviously).
It reads:
Leave a comment on a fic that's over 1 year old.
Sent a DM to an author.
Sent a comment to a fic below 5 k (meaning the fic has less than 5 k words).
Leave a comment on every chapter in a multi-chapter fic.
Leave a comment in  your bookmark.
Write a comment that is over 1 k.
Recommend your favourite fic on your social media of choice (Twitter, Tumblr, Insta etc.).
Sent a comment to the  newest fic in your pairing.
Leave a comment to  a fic that's over 10 k (meaning the fic has over 10 k words).
PS: This in no way took one of us a quite frankly ridiculous amount of time and it still looks like this. Oh well.
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snake-and-mouse · 4 months
Regarding the issues surrounding the Kindergarten Mafia discord server, a large fandom server mostly dedicated to the kinnporsche fandom. It is an issue that encompasses multiple events and many other people have been hurt who I do not want to speak for, so this will not be the full picture, just a part of my part. If anyone reads this and has questions, they can reach out to me.
I am Will/Logan, also known as Sweet-William in fanfic circles, and I am not making this post because I have a vendetta, or to be malicious, as some of my previous actions have been called by the moderators of the server. I am making it because I have the right to speak on my experiences (as others I hope will speak up and share theirs, now that they know they are not alone), and because I want to warn people so what happened to me does not happen to them.
I am also making this post because @accal1a aka Hann the admin of the server has refused to delete content created by myself and many of my friends from the server, all of who left because they like me felt unsafe. The original request was sent by proxy as Hann has me blocked, and though they said they would unblock me so we could discuss it, they never did. As a writer I take it seriously when my work, and also details of my personal life, are taken. When I even offered to go through and delete it all myself if temporarily given access to the server, my messages were completely ignored.
The server is not a safe place for people of colour. It is not a place safe from racism, or xenophobia, and its leadership has historically been and continues to this day, to perpetuate racism in fandom spaces and shelter people who have hurt others with no real repercussions, accountability, or transparency.
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The original issue was the result of this conversation between myself and Rachael, one of the moderators. I earlier stepped into a conversation where several microaggressions occurred regarding native american culture. As a Native, it was my right to speak up.
After this conversation I was urged to bring the issue directly to Hann, and from there the issues spiralled out of control. Hann originally was very supportive, and we became what I thought to be close friends. They made many reassurances Rachael would be held accountable, and changes would be made to the server to make it a safer place for pocs.
Rachael was never actually held accountable. Even when it came to light she had messaged me to issue the warning while lying to the rest of the mod team that she had "checked in on me" to see if I was alright after the incident. This was not the only time she secretly issued warnings to people, usually to defend her friends.
She was "demoted" but in actuality, the entire mod team was restructured and she simply was not on the top rung. Over the next two months many things happened, most of which are not my story to tell, and then it came to light Rachael had even further lied and never issued any warning or otherwise spoke to the person originally being racist in a mod capacity, this person being her friend, and refused to show what messages she did actially send.
To avoid any punishment she tried to "step down" as a mod before a choice could be made. And this was allowed. She was allowed to step down and continue to be in the server with no one knowing the actual story or that she couldn't be trusted and had abused her position.
After an incredibly vague statement was posted by the mod team regarding Rachael no longer being a mod, I broke and posted the conversation publicly and laid out the actual events. This was met with an overwhelming negative backlash, where it became clear to me this was a community where I was not safe, and any poc speaking up and calling for accountability would be seen as malicious and rocking the boat unnecessarily, while the moderators just watched on in silence.
The few moderators who were advocating for the poc server members were promptly fired, and though at one point a timeline vaguely outlining the events was posted, it and all evidence of what happened to me has since been deleted. And while Rachael originally left saying I was obviously trying to run her off the server, she has already returned at the urging of Hann.
Protecting people of colour and standing up to racism and xenophobia was never a priority in the kingergarten mafia server. And now that Hann has escalated to stealing work from people of colour that they have absolutely no right to, I am speaking up.
Respect us, be an ally, or face the consequences of what your community looks like with us gone.
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iamfujoshiwe · 19 days
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Me reading this VegasPete fic on ao3. I was cackling aaaaaall the way and the secondhand embarrassment was so strong lol. I can't believe it ended at chapter 2 though.
>>>>Author : BlackwaterVial
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
an incredibly subjective kinnporsche fic rec list
a few caveats before i get into it: i have probably missed fic. this is all my opinion, and if you disagree with it, that’s fine. i’m not giving these fics ratings, or picking out my extra special favourites because that’s just a dick move and inevitably results in writers feeling like shit. (i’ve been there.) if it’s on this list, i enjoyed it enough to remember it. which is saying something because i read a lot of fic. like, so much firefox fucking crashed when i was opening tabs from my ao3 history. i bsod’d my fucking laptop for this. oh and my fic is on this list because hell yeah i recommend it. i fucking wrote it.
these aren’t in any particular order, because they’re mostly in order of my ao3 history. bear in mind that a lot of these were written whilst the show was airing, so they’re not so much canon as canon-adjacent. where i can remember what they go by over on this hellsite, i’ve tagged the author’s in question. if you know any of the handles for authors i’ve missed, feel free to tag them too.
under a cut because there are quite a few here:
A Guide to Living a Mafia-Adjacent Life by puckbaes https://archiveofourown.org/works/39870123
What? Post-canon fic about Chay adjusting to his new life as a mafia-adjacent college student, and making peace with his relationship with Kim. WIP. 20k, 8/11 chapters posted.
Why? This story primarily makes me feel peaceful, to read. Chay’s just trying to get through his life, whilst trying to pick himself up and move on. It’s such a breath of fresh air whenever it updates. Also P’Bank is the best.
for you (i'd burn the world to the ground) by cuteandtwisted https://archiveofourown.org/works/40134927
What? AU where Porsche grew up with the Theerapanyakul’s, and has been Kinn’s faithful bodyguard the entire time. He and Kinn have a tortured relationship. WIP, 24k, 4/5 chapters posted.
Why? This one is not a peaceful read. This one rips out your heart and stomps on it. But unsurprisingly, I’m an angst queen, and I very much enjoy these losers ruining their lives (and each other). Also badass Porsche. We all love badass Porsche, don’t we?
but you’re everywhere (yes you are) by fortunehasgivenup https://archiveofourown.org/works/39221205
What? Canon-divergence where Porsche remembers the kiss on the pier, and talks to Kinn about it. Despite the summary, they are softer than canon. Complete, 90k.
Why? Reading this I kept expecting the other shoe to drop, and it didn’t. Kinn and Porsche fall into each other and figure each other out. It’s just a nice, long canon-divergence fic with low drama and high heat.
within the ablaze by lightshine https://archiveofourown.org/works/39897795
What? A/B/O mpreg AU. Check out the content warnings on AO3 before you brave this one, folks. Porsche gets pregnant, and has to figure out what he’s going to do about it. WIP, 9k, 3/16 chapters posted.
Why? Okay, so only a few chapters have been posted of this one, but what’s there has me intrigued. There’s some interesting worldbuilding here, but again, check the content warnings on AO3. It’s omegaverse, and some of the trope’s more dystopian elements are folded into the world here. This is one of the fic I am subscribed to and am watching to see how it develops.
You picked a dance with the devil, You lucked out by aby01 https://archiveofourown.org/works/39718185
What? A/B/O AU where Porsche is a feral alpha, terrified of being used as someone’s weapon, and Kinn is, well, Kinn. Porsche would like desperately to steer clear of him for forever – there’s just one problem: Chay’s dating Kim. Alpha!Kinn/Alpha!Porsche. Complete, 34k.
Why? Someone tags their fic with Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics and I am there so quickly, you have no idea. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding here. I followed it right from the first chapter and faithfully read every update – I vibed hard with it.
Where Power Resides by Laughsalot3412 (@laughsalot3412 on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/38407180
What? Canon-divergent AU circa episode 2. Vegas demands a steeper price for Porsche hurting his brother, and Kinn ends up going along. Somehow this results in them falling into a BDSM relationship. Complete, 65k.
Why? C’mon guys. This is a fandom classic for a reason. Laughs really knocks it out of the park. The BDSM stuff here is mostly non-sexual, and written really tenderly. It’s really clear what Kinn and Porsche each get out of the relationship, and the way they both come to rely on each other is really beautiful. Also I have a soft spot for Laughs’ Kim, who’s my favourite brand of feral.
The power in the taking by iffervescent (@iffervescent on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/29002584
What? Porsche and Kinn fuck around (sexually) and then find out (about feelings). Kinn’s a dominant asshole, and Porsche hates that that seems to do it for him. Written before the show aired, based on the Filmania trailer, and got a shocking amount really right. Complete, 17k.
Why? Iffy’s a fucking powerhouse, guys. This one is a little darker in tone than the show liked to keep it, but so, so fucking good. Obviously it doesn’t get everything correct canon-wise, but that’s to be expected. It’s still a really good fic.
playing with fire by acrobats (@fractured-ice on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39521733
What? Porsche character study through the lens of smoking. Complete, 2.5k.
Why? A short fic that looks at Porsche and his use of smoking as a coping mechanism. Damn good characterisation. Almost meta, really.
i'm the violence in the pouring rain by theleftboobgrabber (@histypeisnice on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39205392
What? Porsche has a side-hustle on onlyfans. Kinn has no sense of boundaries. Twisty and incredibly hot. WIP, 20k, 2/3 chapters posted.
Why? Um. I have no excuse? I saw a snippet of this posted on tumblr and was absolutely hooked. When I say I want these losers to ruin each other, I think of fics like this one.
tiny spark, mighty flame by BeStillMySlashyHeart https://archiveofourown.org/works/38828970
What? Soulmate AU where your first touch leaves a mark on your soulmate. Gee, wouldn’t it suck if the first time Kinn and Porsche actually touched was when Kinn strangled him in episode two? Wouldn’t it suck if that was how they found out they were soulmates? (Distant laughter.) Complete, 29k.
Why? This was one of the first soulmate AU fic I read that actually approached the matter that Porsche would need a security detail, once it was discovered. Which: I would recommend it just for that on its own. BUT, it’s also a neat fic. There’s a really cool use of the author’s worldbuilding at the end of the fic, which I won’t spoil, but I still think about it. It’s short, it’s sweet, it hits the mark.
Nosy, Nosy by snickerdoodlles (@thecookiemonster77 on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39562044
What? Tankhun and Kim character study. Incredibly in-character, and also incredibly funny. Complete, 13k.
Why? One of the first fic I ever read where the author seemed to just get Tankhun on a subatomic level. This fic is the Tankhun character reference, guys. Also Kim is just so funny to throw at the rest of the cast. Yes, Tankhun. Invade his space. Irritate him. Understand him.
Head.Cars.Bending by hotlemontea https://archiveofourown.org/works/39744693
What? Tankhun ends up halfway across Thailand after a wild night of partying. Porsche and Kinn go to pick him up, and Porsche’s driving puts the fear of God into Kinn. As it fucking should. Complete, 4k.
Why? You ever read a fic that just sets the tone and sticks to it? It’s a simple idea, very straightforward, and utterly sticks the landing. I really enjoyed it. One of the few fic I was able to recall off the top of my head by name when I wrote this list. It’s that good.
Assumptions about you by Sirvaria (@antique-forvalaka on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/38101582
What? Smut fic, Porsche likes being manhandled. Complete, 6k.
Why? Um. UM. I read it for the… character development? Yeah. We’ll go with that. Seriously though, this is the good shit.
gone fishing by snickerdoodlles https://archiveofourown.org/works/39384114
What? Post-canon social media fic. Chay takes over Wik’s Twitter. Complete, 1.5k.
Why? I didn’t realise until I put together this list that this is the same author as “Nosy, Nosy”. It all makes sense. Cute, funny, in-character, which I guess is snickerdooodlles’s trademark now.
A Stacked Deck by Patterpea (@winterberrysea on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40217793
What? Time travel fic where Porsche is sent back in time after taking a bullet for Kinn. WIP, 39k, 4/16 chapters posted.
Why? It’s time travel fic with badass Porsche. Anyone who knows anything about me knows I was all over this the moment it was posted and will continue to be all over it until it’s complete and then probably for a few months after that. This scratches so many itches and I love it to bits already.
fake love and hennessy by yeetlegay (@yeetlegay on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39083298
What? Pretty Woman AU. Porsche is a prostitute, and Kinn hires him for a week. They have a lot of sex. WIP, 53k, 8/17 chapters posted.
Why? This is another one of the fandom juggernauts, and for good reason. The writing’s swell, everyone’s in character, and Yeetle works hard to maintain their title as the ruling monarch of the horny Kinnporsche fandom.
The King's Tree by LuckyDragon (@luckydragon10 on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39298218
What? Soulmate AU where prior to canon, Kinn got his soulmark removed. Porsche didn’t. Porsche is now faced with a reality where his soulmate was so opposed to his very existence that he had him burned out of his flesh. So, he’s not really best-inclined to letting Kinn in on the secret. WIP, 64k, 12/14 chapters posted.
Why? It’s so good. Like. It’s criminal how underrated this fic is, relatively. Whenever this one updates, I drop everything to go read it. You may know Nemi (the author) from the meta doc – but damn can she write. This one rips my heart out on a daily basis, holds it outside my chest, and then returns it, wrapped in cotton wool. I’m not kidding. It’s so fucking good.
Intent to Cherish by Iffervescent https://archiveofourown.org/works/40304811
What? A/B/O AU with shades of sugar daddy thrown in for fun. Porsche is an atypical omega, and hyperaware of that fact. Kinn wants him really fucking bad – but wants to spoil him more. Complete, 47k.
Why? It lures you in with the promise of scalding hot sex (Iffy’s trademark), only to sucker punch you with fascinating worldbuilding and Kittisawat feels. This fic is so fucking good, guys. This Porsche makes me absolutely lose my mind, and Kinn does too.
cover up, walk away by Ronan Vespertine (Akina1521) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39225051
What? Porsche character study, post-diamond auction. Canon-typical content warnings apply. WIP, 5k, 2/4 chapters posted.
Why? In the aftermath of episode four (and episode five, really, too) I had a lot of feelings about what had happened. In order to process these feelings, I went looking for fic, and cover up was one of the first I found. I enjoyed it a lot, and am secretly waiting for the author to finish it.
whiskey sour by cardamon https://archiveofourown.org/works/39632343
What? Post-canon, a little AU. Kinn and Vegas do business. Pete and Porsche come along. Complete, 1.8k.
Why? It was written before the season finale and it shows, but it’s still pretty fun. All very bloody brutal murder boys. I’d definitely recommend it, if you’re into that.
Tiger Tiger by LuckyDragon  https://archiveofourown.org/works/38000350
What? Slight canon divergence, Kinn investigates Porsche and watches him at the fight ring. Small ficlet. Complete, 2k.
Why? I really love Nemi’s Kinn POV. Just a neat ficlet, with a slight AU to it. Could fit into canon.
A Little Wicked by midnightsurge https://archiveofourown.org/works/40197588
What? Canon-divergent AU. Porsche doesn’t sell the watch, and Kinn doesn’t kidnap him to recruit him. That doesn’t mean he’s prepared to leave him alone. Complete, 11k.
Why? I love canon-divergence. It’s one of my favourite tropes. And fics like this are why. They’re so soft in this one – wound-tending, bathing, all the hurt-comfort tropes. And Porsche’s confused horniness for Kinn is great and wonderfully in character – he really gets kissed once and goes, Okay, I guess I like guys now. Good shit.
All for Us by rebellconquerer (@rebellconquerer on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40326297
What? Post-canon character study. Porsche gets a new tattoo. Complete, 3.5k.
Why? rebellconquerer writes these fantastic, short snapshots of character interaction. This is no exception. Wonderful fic, wonderful premise, wonderfully executed. If you want more where this came from, check their tumblr.
wrapped around your finger (is my ring) by kittysawat https://archiveofourown.org/works/40793439
What? Fake relationship AU. Kinn hires Porsche to be his fiancé, to dodge an arranged marriage. WIP, 7k.
Why? So I guess Kinnporsche has cured me of my burning apathy for fake dating because I am all over this shit, and it’s only one chapter in. Author-san I am looking with Both My Eyes for your next update.
Machine Gun Kick by majestictortoise (@majestictortoise on tumblr) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40501785
What? Post-canon fic where Porsche investigates the incident at Yok’s bar during the finale -- and his investigation leads him to Kim. Complete, 14k
Why? I live for the Porsche and Kim dynamic, which we didn’t get to see at all in canon. It’s so much funnier if they actually get along. It’s so good. It feeds us so well. Heartfelt, entertaining, well-written. I love this fic so much.
between the sheets by DasWarSchonKaputt (dat’s me) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39409224
What? Fake dating/bodyguard AU. Porsche is hired to pretend to be Kinn’s boyfriend whilst secretly being his bodyguard. Complete, 70k.
Why? Cards on the table, I wrote this. And I think it’s fucking great. I know that sounds arrogant, but I really do rate this one. If you haven’t read it, or even if fake dating’s not really your thing – give it a shot. For me?
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guzhufuren · 6 months
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KimChay + favourite ao3 ficwriters’ tags (pt. 9/9)
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mousydentist · 1 month
18. kim tongue ring 👀👀👀👀
omfg im gonna eviscerate tumblr ANYWAY i got another ask for this from @xxatlasxx but that has disappeared into the void so im answering this one
OK SO since i got two for this one i wrote a little extra (dont blame yall, that was objectively the best one on the list)
the whole idea from my doc:
kim tongue ring
……yeah thats it lmao. this entire idea was riding on vibes alone and the vibe was horny. so here’s 850 words of horny i wrote extremely quickly as soon as i had a break
Kim has always had several piercings, which Chay adores. When Wik had first appeared with his conch piercing, Chay extensively documented it on the fan wiki. He was there when Kim got his industrial (which he took without flinching) and saw him diligently clean it every morning and night until it had completely healed, even afterwards still taking good care of it. So when Chay finds a little bar with two balls on either end in Kim's bathroom, he doesn't think much of it, and it doesn't occur to him that it doesn’t look like a regular piercing at all. That is, until a couple weeks later, when he sees it’s missing from its spot, likely meaning Kim has it in. But he hasn’t noticed Kim changing any of his piercings, so he asks Kim where it went. And that’s when Kim's tongue lolls out of his mouth to reveal that, sure enough, the little bar is stuck through it. The black ball stands stark against the pink of Kim’s tongue, the very tongue that Chay had had down his throat just that morning, and soon after on his- Chay swallows thickly. “Did I not tell you I have a tongue piercing?” Chay shakes his head furiously, much to Kim's amusement. Then, because Kim wants him to die, he takes Chay’s hand, pulls the tip of Chay’s thumb into his mouth and sucks. Chay inhales shakily as Kim lavs over his finger, the tiny ball pressing into his skin in a way that Chay can’t help but imagine being replicated elsewhere. With the look Kim's giving him, he might not have to imagine. Chay's knees almost give out when Kim hollows his cheeks around his finger, teeth teasing the top of his thumb while his piercing strokes the bottom. Kim does this all while making obscene noises and bobbing his head, excessively so, his exaggerated manner an obvious imitation of something else. Finally, mercifully, Kim lets go of him, pulling off his thumb with a dramatic pop. Chay would be lying if he said he couldn’t feel himself straining against his pants. As soon as Kim lets him go, Chay tangles his fingers in Kim’s hair and hauls him in for a bruising kiss. He needs to know how it feels in his own mouth and- Fuck. Their tongues clash together messily, a spike of pleasure shooting through Chay every time he feels the tongue ring run along his. Kim hooks his fingers through Chay’s belt loops and pulls his hips in to grind against each other. They melt together for long minutes with groping hands and insatiable tongues.
Without letting go of Chay's waist, Kim pulls his head back, just enough to look into his eyes as he licks Chay's lips, one long stripe from his lower lip and up to his cupid’s bow. After everything he’s done with Kim, and everything Kim has done to him, that was somehow the most erotic. It destroys the last remaining threads of Chay’ inhibitions and starts dragging Kim to the bedroom as fast as humanly possible, only pausing for a few brief bouts of trying to eat each other's faces.  Once they make it to the bed, Chay lets Kim take the lead. He pushes Chay's shoulders down to make him sit on the edge, then straddles his lap and dives in for another kiss. Chay’s hands reach around to palm Kim’s ass, and fuck, Kim is so hot like this. Chay lets himself be pushed backwards until he lies flat on the bed, Kim still committing sins in his mouth. Chay's vaguely aware of Kim unbuttoning his pants and pulling the fly down, but most of his brain is mush at this point. Chay finally takes notice when Kim pulls away and starts tugging Chay's pants and boxers off. Chay lifts his hips and shuffles further back onto the bed, allowing Kim to fully settle between his legs. Chay's not surprised to see that his cock is rock hard and desperately leaking onto his abdomen. He flinches when Kim runs just a single finger up his length, pressing into the head and pulling a sticky string of precum with it. “Please, please don’t tease me,” Chay nearly sobs, only getting a smirk back from Kim. It's enough though, because soon after Kim takes him in his hand and presses a light kiss to the tip of Chay’s cock. His head flops back onto the mattress and he lets the warmth of ecstasy roll over him. Kim strokes him slowly a few times, leaving more soft kisses up and down his length, before he finally flicks his tongue out - that fucking tongue - and licks Chay from base to tip. Kim's tongue on any day would already be fantastic, but with the tongue ring lightly scraping Chay’s cock, it’s outright divine. Chay's eyes roll back into his head and he thinks he sees god. When he opens them again, it’s Kim between his thighs, suckling the head of his cock and pressing the ball bearing into it ever so slightly, just enough to make Chay go insane.
dont mean to blue balls you hh but its all ive got rn
(send me a prompt!)
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darcyisdelulu · 10 days
Bit proud of myself
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fleet-off · 2 months
Surprise, sneak peek Stable Delusion chapter drop! A big thank you to @imminentinertia and @vegaseatsass for their comments, guidance, and corrections. Prologue here. Mild sexy scene under the cut.
The cloudy sky hovered like an incomplete task over Pete’s free-floating body. Wavelets rippled over him, comfortably cool where he was submerged, goosebump-raising where parts of him poked above the water. A certain stale weight in the air promised storms ahead.
Pete closed his eyes against the eye-straining white clouds and let soft red light filter through his eyelids. The lake rocked him, buoyed into soothing insignificance.
Pete was on the verge of dozing off when a half-blurred voice interrupted, calling his name as if from a long way off. Other, less distinguishable words followed.
The thought of rising made Pete’s mind feel sodden, heavy. He twitched, flicking the sound away. Surely it could wait.
The voice came again, insistent. Pete sighed and lifted his head. “What was that?”
Lake water drained from his ears. Spots crowded his vision as he readjusted to the light--he blinked hard, but a few insistent floaters refused to dissipate.
“Took you long enough. Thought the lake water might have finally soaked through to your brain.”
At the end of the dock stood a familiar shape with features too dim to make out and a hand resting on his hip. Pete smiled at him. “I’m listening now. What is it?”
“I’m heading in to heat up dinner. It’s getting late.”
Dinner already? Pete squinted at the sky. The cloud-cloaked sun offered no hint at the passage of time. Out of stasis, however, he could feel the hollow weight of his stomach. It must be approaching late afternoon.
“Hold up, I’m coming,” he said. He treaded water, gliding towards the outline of Vegas’s figure.
Vegas shifted on his feet. “It’s not dark yet. You can stay out a little longer, if you really want.”
The lake was too quiet without Vegas’s presence, however little they talked while Pete was swimming. In isolation, Pete’s mind was amplified and muffled all at once, thoughts too muddied to hear but too loud to ignore. Sometimes he could feel his own heartbeat, blood sweeping through his veins like an invasion.
Pete shook his head. “I’ve been drifting long enough.”
He covered the remaining distance in a few strokes and braced his palms against the rough-hewn wood of the dock to heave himself up. From the corner of his eye, he could see Vegas watching him. He played along, flexing his arms so the veins in his hands stood out. Cool water sluiced down his back as he drew his knees up and broke away from the water.
The ripples of his passage faded almost at once, leaving only the lake’s placid empty-mirror surface. Pete kept his eyes on Vegas, who was following the path of water down his chest with focus rapidly warming into intent. He licked his lips. Pete shivered and strained for his towel. “Not until I’ve rinsed off,” he said. “Lake water’s dirty, you’ll get typhoid or something.”
Vegas scooped up the towel and bent to settle it around Pete’s shoulders himself. His hand lingered after Pete took hold of the corners, strolling down to his collarbone. He pressed at its peak. Sensitivity made Pete sway--there must be a bruise there. “Shame. After dinner and a shower, hm? Hose yourself down and come keep me company in the kitchen.”
Pete patted his hand in thanks and stood. He trailed after Vegas back towards the house.
The shower water beat hot against Pete’s skin that evening after dinner, rapidly steaming up a bathroom not ventilated for the warm showers the tankless water heater afforded them. The unit gleamed beside the water-stained showerhead--Pete assumed Vegas was responsible for its installation. His mind played out an increasingly familiar game: had it happened before they moved in, or should Pete remember the plumber’s visit?
Better the latter--he would have liked to tease Vegas for it. He’d have earned his lecture on accepting nice things, met Vegas’s thin-skinned glare with a smile, and only then let himself be coaxed into the tub to be shown what an excellent idea the hot water was.
It would have made a nice memory.
“Spoiled rich boy, too good for the cold showers the rest of us grew up with,” he mumbled to himself. The shower steam sat heavy in his lungs, sluggish with the appeal of inertia. He scrubbed absently at his chest, skin purpled by stains no water could wash away.
There had been a quieter edge to Vegas, of late--a softening in his volatility, an underlying sadness. Pete didn’t know whether to attribute it to the atmosphere around the lakehouse or a deeper, more secretive grief. It left him uneasy, and the unease fed from his full stomach to that crossed wire in his head that sometimes contorted discomfort into vague, aimless arousal. Messy, that. Pete’s hand dipped into the wiry hair above his groin and gave it a tug; with his other hand, he prodded his neck to find the unseen marks there.
Vegas took such pleasure in leaving the signs of his touch. Bites and fingerprints across Pete’s throat and hips and the insides of his wrists; welts down the backs of his legs, sometimes, clean pink lines he could only catch glimpses of if he craned his neck. Wax burns along the arc of his spine. Traces Pete could follow with his own hands later, just for an echo of the original ache and Vegas’s amused delight.
When the marks were refreshed so regularly, the old ones’ refusal to heal was easier to overlook. Pete could pretend it was natural, that he underwent Vegas’s heavy touch too regularly for his bruises to fade green or yellow.
Pete was good at ignoring what he did not wish to perceive, but surely Vegas in his obsessive attentions had noticed. The fact that he hadn’t brought it up yet meant he didn’t want to.
…Which meant Pete probably should.
Vegas would be in bed waiting for him. Vegas would have his answers. He’d know where to direct the apprehension tugging like desire in Pete’s gut--could spin desire into need, need into pleasure, pleasure into satisfaction. And satisfaction would in turn provide passing refuge from whatever heaviness hounded Vegas. Pete heaved a steam-dense breath and shut off the shower faucet. They’d figure it out. He scrubbed the towel through his hair and secured it around his waist.
Vegas startled when Pete emerged from the bathroom, book jostling in his lap. He flipped reflexively to the next page--narrowed his eyes like his own hands had offended him and returned to the previous.
Pete found boxers and one of Vegas’s silky night shirts in the dresser. He left the shirt unbuttoned; Vegas would strip it off for him soon enough anyway. He skimmed a hand down his chest and glanced over his shoulder.
Vegas’s unblinking gaze had settled back on his book; Pete frowned. “You know,” he said, idling towards the bed, “I’m going to run out of unmarked skin at this rate.” He traced the lurid bruises that streaked his thighs. “I look like I’ve been attacked by a wild dog.”
Vegas’s hand stilled at the corner of his page. The lamplight shadowed his face, rendering his expression briefly unreadable.
Then he snapped his book shut and set it on the nightstand, reaching for Pete with a hum. “Really? C’mere, let me have a look.”
Pete let Vegas tug him onto the bed. His shower-warmed thigh muscles settled into an easy stretch over Vegas’s lap. The momentary impenetrability left no trace on Vegas’s features; his eyes flashed with dark amusement, and a familiar crooked smirk twisted his lips.
Pete swayed towards that smirk, all his strings cut loose. His hands landed on Vegas’s shoulders. Vegas squeezed his hips as if to stabilize him, but his thumbs revealed his true intent--they found his sore spots through his boxers and dug in hard. Pete sighed into the redoubled ache.
Vegas pushed Pete’s shirt over his shoulders and sat back to examine him with the self-assurance and tender calculation of a butcher preparing his knife for the first cut. His eyes and hands traced Pete’s sides and chest--then slowed, lingering over each mark in his flesh. Pete tried to maintain focus in the flood of heat under his skin.
“You’re right,” Vegas said at last, fingering the mass of livid mouth-shaped bruises at the base of Pete’s ribcage. It resembled a mauling, like Vegas had tried to tear open his skin to devour what lay beneath.
This was not so far from the truth.
Vegas tutted. “Look at how messy you are, Pete.”
“Like it’s not your fault,” Pete muttered. Vegas blew warm, damp air against his bruises. Shuddery sensation made Pete squirm, and Vegas’s snicker was a vibration in the hollow under his ribs. Pete arched closer as Vegas’s tongue joined his hands.
“It’s been a while since you gave me those,” Pete said, meaning they probably shouldn’t still be that shade of purple.
Vegas grinned up, sharklike and so lovely that it very nearly hurt. “You hold onto my marks so nicely,” he crooned, and then his thumb pressed in hard and it did hurt. Pete whined. “Oh, you like that?”
Evidence of how much he liked it twitched in his boxers. Pete ground down and received an admonishing rap on the hip.
“Already? I’ve barely started.”
Pete swallowed hard. He should ask about the bruises, before Vegas stole his ability to put words into sentences. He should ask, so that Vegas could choose to respond or not--and that would be that. Out of Pete’s hands.
“Vegas,” he said--tried to say, but Vegas already had his hands and was crossing them behind his back. The name stuck in his throat and died on his lips. Vegas didn’t seem to hear; hungry teeth raked Pete’s freshly exposed chest on a path that ended with the dark bruise just under his nipple and a bite that yanked the air from his lungs in a glorious rush. Pete sank into the arousal pooling in his groin.
The world outside Vegas’s touch lay across muddy, clouded waters. Perhaps it had always been so, and Pete had simply never known any different. But within the vague blur of associations and worries, the truths Pete was meant to care about--in that dim, he could see Vegas with razor clarity.
Maybe Vegas’s hands were, as he sometimes claimed, designed only to deal hurt.
Still, they hurt him so wonderfully well.
The sudden absence of touch arrived as a sluggish afterthought. Pete blinked hard--Vegas sat back on his hands, mouth a smug twist. “Yes?”
Pete flushed. “Asshole.”
“And here I thought you had something to say to me.” Vegas fisted a hand in his hair. Pete resisted just enough to feel the tug on his scalp as Vegas guided his head back and to the side. He fought to keep his eyes on Vegas’s face--surrendered at once when Vegas leaned close, grazing the side of his neck. “Do you, Pete?”
Pete tensed in anticipation of a bite. He choked on air when Vegas instead licked a broad stripe from his collarbone up behind the corner of his jaw. Vegas’s mouth brushed the shell of his ear. “Just gagging for it, aren’t you,” he whispered. Then his lips seized Pete’s, and Pete was lost.
Time failed him. He was the sharp of Vegas’s weight, pressing him into the bed--the hunger of Vegas’s mouth, kissing the air from his lungs--the raw friction of Vegas’s flannels against his cock as he was bared, skin bitten and touched in all the tender places Vegas had marked a hundred times before. Vegas fed him on muscle-deep pressure and too-much-not-enough pain, left him shaking and incoherent.
At some point, he was bound spread-eagle across the bed while Vegas pressed methodically at every bruise he could find. At some point, Vegas mouthed at the darkest mark on Pete’s thigh and whispered, “Fuck, you’re so pretty. These are so pretty,” and Pete’s eyes went damp with a coarse-edged fragility he didn’t know how to release until Vegas kissed him again.
The sex was slow, sweet as drowning, and mingled with some far-off lowing noise--eerily sob-like, yet muffled as if by water. Maybe it was Pete himself, broken by pleasure--maybe Vegas, whose face was buried in Pete’s neck where it could not be read. Perhaps it was simply the wind outside the window. It had begun to rain.
Pete was a receptacle, made of and for need; Vegas spilled into him just so. A few strokes had Pete coming into Vegas’s hand and the soft fabric of his shirt.
Then it was Vegas bent over him, breathing hard through his nose--Vegas finding his mouth to kiss him into spinning beams of light--Vegas smiling at him, the only steady in endless deeps. “So sweet for me,” he murmured, stroking Pete’s face. Pete grinned dazedly up at him.
He watched Vegas unhitch the ropes from the headboard and used the new slack to cradle his arms to his chest. He was semi-liquid, now. The knots biting into his wrists kept him from melting away.
Sex with Vegas was a delirious thing. It drove Pete from his body. It made him real.
“Be right back,” Vegas whispered, slipping from the bed and into the unshaped void beyond it. Pete made a wordless sound of protest--but he blinked and there again was Vegas, bent over him with a towel to wipe him clean.
He’d removed his come-stained shirt and pajama bottoms. Pete stared at his chest, the lonely taper of his ribs softened by relaxation and lamplight.
I’m in love with you, he thought. Rain pattered against the roof.
A hand lifted Pete’s head for a sip of water that trickled down his throat and tickled the corners of his clumsy lips. “There you go,” Vegas told him. He thumbed away the escaped water droplets and set the half-empty glass on the nightstand. “More of that after.”
Pete blinked at him. The words hovered over his head, just out of reach.
Vegas popped open a tube and tipped some kind of oil onto his hands. Its unfamiliar, vaguely medicinal scent coiled in tendrils around them. It left a gentle menthol tingle where Vegas spread it over his bruises. Pete sighed and arched closer.
“Feels good?”
Vegas’s chuckle was a wonder, the most comforting sound. Pete wanted a kiss. He pursed his lips, and Vegas obliged.
“You like being bruised up for me, don’t you? Like being claimed?”
Pete didn’t pause to think before he nodded, mostly because Vegas was smiling at him--and it was the right answer, earned him another kiss, earned him that look of contented adoration and absolute focus.
“Love you like this,” Vegas murmured. “Think you’re so sexy.”
Pete felt his brow furrow. Vegas stroked the tension away with his thumb. “Shh. You don’t have to worry about that, you just feel good. I’m going to roll you over now.”
Pete nodded and made to roll over himself. His weightless limbs pushed too hard, sent him sprawling nearly off the bed. He giggled--heard Vegas snicker as he took his hips and repositioned him.
A thumb traced the rim of his hole almost in passing, casually proprietary--then more oil drizzled across his back and down his thighs. Vegas rubbed the oil into his sorest spots first. He returned for a deeper massage after, working his hands into aching muscles. His touch pulled noises from Pete’s throat, a buzz of low-level arousal. Too far gone to get hard, Pete simply basked in the warmth.
At last Vegas nosed at the back of his shoulder, weight settling atop his back. His chest rose and fell. “Fuck,” he said unsteadily. “Fuck, I love you.”
The wobble of his voice sank into Pete’s skin like a cold current, tugging him down. He nudged back. Vegas gave him room to roll towards him.
Hands weighted by rope, Pete reached for his face. He turned it from side to side, checking his expression--but Vegas’s face revealed only warmth. “Vegas?” he asked. Vegas kissed his hand, and sparks of joy set the world spinning dizzily around them once more. Pete beamed reflexively.
“All good,” Vegas said. “You’re mine, aren’t you?”
He was. Pete nodded, concern dropping away. “Yeah.” His lips curled up. “I get to be yours.”
Vegas’s throat bobbed on a hard swallow, and his mouth returned hot and too demanding. Pete surged into it, delighted; his eagerness nearly tipped him into Vegas’s chest.
Vegas laughed and pushed him back onto the bed--joined him before he could protest, affection brimming over. A peculiar levity rose between them. The rain quickened, lashing the shuttered windows, and in their room they were brief and effervescent as foam upon a cresting wave.
At last Pete’s breath ran short from kisses. Vegas withdrew, and there in his hand was the half-finished glass of water. “A little more before we sleep.”
The water slid down easy, with Vegas’s eyes drinking him in. With Vegas’s hand petting his neck.
“That’s it,” Vegas murmured, and, “All mine.”
“Yours,” Pete repeated, floating in it. His cheeks hurt from smiling.
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ticchina · 11 months
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kp-fandomappreciation · 3 months
KinnPorsche Fanfic Comment Event
Welcome to KP Fandom Appreciation, where our deep and abiding love for KinnPorsche is only matched by our zealous desire to infuse cheer and community spirit into the fanfiction world!
There are events for the writers and for the artists, this is an event for the readers! (If you also happen to be a writer or an artist (or both, you go-getter!) you are of course more than welcome to join!).
For this worthy goal, we are hosting a two week fanfic comment event!
April 7th - 21st, on X (Twitter) and Tumblr
Shower old and new favourites with all the love they deserve while letting our fellow readers know what wonderful quality content is out there! You can participate by:
Leaving comments on KinnPorsche or KP-crossover fanfics!
Completing other comment-related challenges (e. g. Comment Bingo). We will post these challenges throughout the event, starting with the first challenge on April 7.
Spotlighting your favourite comment with #FanFicFortnight for all to see!
Since this is a challenge, are their prizes? You bet Porsche's perky little behind there are!
All of us win all the bragging rights!
No, but for real though:
1st place
Take the opportunity to spotlight your fave fic and get one lucky author a comment pile on it (participating authors are absolutely encouraged to name their own fic and say what they especially loved about writing it)! If you want to, share your socials and your favourite comment you left during the challenge! Go you, number one. Amazing!
There will also be smaller prizes for second and third place. How do you win? Excellent question! Wrack up some points. Point system is as follows:
Leave one comment = 1 point
Complete one challenge = 5 points
Completing a challenge a second and each sequential time = 2 points
Posting your favorite comment with #FanFicFortnight on Twitter or Tumblr = 1 point
You want to share the love but finding those first words for a comment is hard? Don't worry, we got you!
In the time leading up to the event we'll post suggestions for comment openers.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please do not hesitate to shoot us a DM! And reblog/retweet (re-x?) so we can reach as many people in the fandom as possible.
Hope to see you soon!
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