#kp fic rec
briliantlymad · 1 year
KinnPorsche Fic Rec List Part 1/??
Starting off with some that i love, completed, or work in progresses or just freshly posted. some are filthy some are not. And ALL that deserve more love
Pouring Down Crimson Fire by Lilla_Torg
This is a good one guys. Rated M. Right off the bat it hit all the good spots for me when I read fics. Alternate Universe. Magic. Porsche being an absolute BAMF. And it has that distinct Dark! Kinn flavour that I really really love. Obbsessed kinn for the win. get yourself a porsche baby. “You’re mine. Say it.”  “I’m yours,”
2. mirror, mirror by @wiccawrites
Rated E. YOU KNOW I LOVE THE SEXY TIMES. This one is so well written. the scene setting, the lead up to the climax (wink wink) was awesome. It builds up well. definitely one of the best explicit fics written for Kinnporsche being kinky bastards. Mirror sex written well. Orgasm denial my love
 "what if I didn’t feel like telling you what I want?”
“Then I won't know what to do."
3. The power in the taking by @iffervescent
Ah this fic was one of the first few posted for the fandom. and if you haven't read it you've gotta go read it now. It's got the characterisations down to the T. Absolutely love Kinn Porsche who dont talk to each other. also love how shameless kinn is in this like yeah i get that. Rated E and has one of the best written sex scenes ngl
“Pliant…and obedient.” Kinn says. 
“Fuck you.”
4. Alone Together by bewarethetraclepuppies
NOW LISTEN TO ME. I usually don't deviate much from the usual Kinn x Porsche pairing. but this one. ITS SO GOOD. Its Kinn x Porsche x Big. From Big's POV, there is ANGST and there is hurt and there most definitely is | comfort | This bad boy is 20016 words and i will let you know i was hanging onto every word. It just finished updating like. yesterday. SO GO READ IT. getting together in the forest is so onbrand for them.
Porsche rolls his eyes at him and stands up. “I’d slap you upside the head but you’re already hurt. I’m gonna set this snare, okay? There’s this fucking mouse that’s been bothering you at night and I’m gonna fuck it up.”
“I can see you,” Big whispers.
Kinn smiles. “I see you, too.”
5. Silvered Perceptions by @nuwildcat
Now this one. I've been waiting for it since @nuwildcat posted a little snippet for it. AND WOW. I'm a slut for A/B/O universe but i go crazier when its for KinnPorsche. BAMF competent porsche does things to me. Rated E, 3 chapters so far and i've gone crazy over all of them. The characterisation is amazing. the whole thing is well written. and mama theerapanyakul has a lot more influence on this fic's Kinn and that's just delicious.
“Till next time, Porsche.” And with that he’s gone, leaving Porsche behind with slightly shaky knees.
6. Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night by cherry_apples22
Ok so. Alternate universes are usually tricky to read, cus sometimes they don't hit right. but this one does. Its Alternate Universe- Fantasy. Dark Kinn and Dark Porsche. with just the right deliciousness. it is also written really well and makes it so easy to just. visualise the scenes and really get into the overall tone of this oneshot. a lovely little fuck you to korn in there too.
“Don’t let that pretty little head get any delicious ideas…” “…Ideas about how many men and women would kill to have you look at them with those eyes and have that beautiful mouth all over their skin.” 
7. Squeeze a little, tease a little more by @mirrorofprinces
Jae never misses. this oneshot is absolutely delicious, brat porsche is so dear to me. Kinn and Porsche are horny bastards and jae gets it right i love that for me. Written really well, the scene is absolutely fap worthy. And that's saying smth.
"Porsche knows he’s tucked up well under the desk, theoretically completely hidden, but..."
8. darling, you ain't seen nothin' yet by Kai Fennimore
Chaotic competent Porsche lovers riseeeeee. BAMF porsche is a delight to read. Rated G. and it's got one more chapter to go. It's slightly unserious but i love it for that. Porsche collects all the nongs.
"Something feels wrong. Porsche felt it the second the meeting with the Italians ended, the sudden shift in the air, the heavy tension."
9. Ill-fitting and tattred by Vicyvn
Post-canon Mafia head Porsche and how he absolutely rocks a dress. So sexy T _ T you won't believe it but my ears went red reading this fic. Kinn Porsche and how i love that the author shares my love for breeding kink because HELL YEA. "Words on the note are written as ‘Kinn’s spouse’, but Porsche understands they’re read as 'Kinn’s whore'."
10. How do you like it, daddy by @baby-droll
This is a series. And its absolutely amazing. The whole premise is delicous and each of the four fics is amazing. KinnPorsche A/B/O verse. it's toxic and that just makes it all the more flavoursome. Dark Kinn who's out here doing the most to Porsche. Just a list of explicit tags that are my favourite. Porsche gets himself a mate.
"It's one of the better cages he's danced in"
And thats 10. I have more. a lot more. But i only re-read these today.
The rest of my free time was spent reading Orientalism by Edward Said. and studying for my IR and HR classes tomorrow. T _ T
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fanfiction recommendation: bagginshield edition
I didn't know I needed a Bagginshield Music Industry AU in my life, but after finishing this fic I can tell you that I absolutely do. (And you do too.)
Show Me My Silver Lining (M, 277K) by @scary-grace absolutely blew me away. I read the whole thing in like three days because I quite literally could not put it down. The characterization, the plot, the romance - all of it had me completely invested from the first chapter.
Three years after the hostile takeover of his grandfather's record label by one DJ Smaug, lead singer Thorin Oakenshield is ready to give up on his dreams, even if his band isn't ready to give up on him. If Thorin can convince talent scout Bilbo Baggins to sign them, they might just have a fighting chance. Of course this is the night when Thorin gets stage fright. The music industry AU no one asked for.
The way this fic seamlessly weaves canon events/storylines into a modern music AU is nothing short of brilliant. There are hair beads, the modern equivalent of "dragon sickness", and understandable animosity between Thorin and Thranduil. There also a daring cactus rescue, Tentzilla, and an Epilogue so perfect I sobbed through most of it. Plus, you get to read about Thorin playing guitar and singing love songs for Bilbo which is just..... *swoon.*
But, the best part? Once the story is over - you don't have to leave these characters or this world. There are currently 3 - yes 3 - companion stories to this fic.
show a little faith, there's magic in the night (M, WIP, 315K+) pics up at Chapter 27 of Show Me My Silver Lining and is told from Bard's POV with a focus on his kids and his relationship with Thranduil. Plus, it goes past the ending of Show Me My Silver Lining so we get more Bagginshield too.
I am almost half way through this and absolutely loving it. The first several chapters can basically be summed up like this:
Bard: "I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality….that is a very, very pretty man." Me: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
maybe we ain't that young anymore (M, 10K) is a oneshot of Bard and Thranduil's first meeting told from Thranduil's POV that is just utterly delightful. Thranduil is a menace, and I love that for him.
And, lastly Searching for a Heart of Gold (T, WIP, 10K+) is Show Me My Silver Lining from Bilbo's POV. Only the first chapter of this is out so far, but it is a fantastic opening. Bilbo's characterization is *chef's kiss* and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds from his perspective.
So basically what I'm saying is I love these stories and these versions of the characters, and you should absolutely read them so you can love them too.
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mileapoet · 1 year
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written by the fates ; chapter 4/10
kinnporsche fanfic
🖇️: archiveofourown.org/works/43864033
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concealedrecs · 1 year
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Fic: Love’s a Two Day Dream
Author: giraffeter
Fandom: KinnPorsche
Pairing: Kim/Chay
Rating: Explicit
Length: 16236
Recommendation: I’m a fan of giraffeter’s other work and when I saw that they’d tipped their toes not only into the KP fandom but also specifically into writing a dark Kim/Chay fic, I knew this would be my jam. I was so desirous of dark Kim/Chay I actually wrote one, and this fic filled in exactly where it made sense in canon - there is a propensity in Kim/Chay fic to make their relationship cute when it definitely could go in a very different direction. This is the ultimate attic-wife fic in a way that I didn’t expect, and if you’re at all interested in a dark Kim/Chay fic then I’d recommend this one.
Notes: This fic is incredibly dark and has rape, forcible drugging, gaslighting, etc. Classic Dead Dove Do Not Eat - it explains in the tags what the fic is, and if you read it knowing all of those things then that is on you.
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nuwildcat · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Big (KinnPorsche: The Series) Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff, Falling In Love, Romantic Fluff, Flirting, Tenderness, Alternate Universe, Soft Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Needs a Hug, Soft Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Canon LGBTQ Character, Canon LGBTQ Male Character, professional cuddler Summary:
Kinn is lonely and touch starved, so he hires a professional cuddler, and the unexpected happens.
The weather is shit on my side of the world today so here is a fic that is rather like an electric blanket and a cup of cocoa all rolled up into one. You’re welcome! 💜 @kprecfest
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jynxedfanstuff · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun/Time Thaweewat Ratanapakorn/Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham Characters: Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Time Thaweewat Ratanapakorn, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Scarification, Dom/sub, unsafe procedures, Branding, Insecurity, strong emotions, Yep I'm Giving Time to VP, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Its done safely but not safely, Crying Series: Part 2 of KP Rare Pairs Summary:
Time struggles with his inability to control his impulses and his place in his new relationship. Vegas and Pete take extreme measures to reassure Time of their intentions and affections.
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silviakundera · 2 months
Kinnporsche Fanfic Recs
In celebration of the 2 year anniversary, here is an avalanche of Kinn/Porsche fics that I've enjoyed. Painfully incomplete & posted in no particular order. My shipping interests are 100% focused on the K/P couple and that will be reflected in my list, sorry 😘.
Deep Like a Coastal Shelf by Lilla_Torg
(79,000 words) Green Arrow inspired AU. "After five years abroad, Kinn Theerapanyakul returns to find his city under siege by a vigilante known as the Phoenix."
Stain of Sun by Lilla_Torg
(78,000 words) Omega brothers Porsche (hacker) and Chay (grifter) team up to take down the Theerapanyakul crime family. Things do not go as planned. // This marries A/B/O with mutant powers. As long as you're not wholly opposed to Omegaverse, give it a chance. Every one of this author's long KPtS fics is a banger.
Pouring Down Crimson Fire by Lilla_Torg
(119,000 words) Sort of a mutant AU but honestly that underplays how fucking cool this fic is. “I think you know something about keeping secrets,” said Kinn. He flashed Porsche a pocket-ace smirk. “You’re mine. Say it.”
The boy he’d been fourteen years ago would have told him where to shove it. But Porsche had been around long enough to know that the mafia always won. Still, he looked around, searching for a way out, before giving up and turning back to Kinn, those black eyes awaiting his surrender.
“I’m yours,” he said.
a perpetual unscattering by concernedlily
(31,000 words) Canon-divergence AU. “Pissing in bottles behind a cocktail bar,” Kinn said. “But Pa gave him to me, so I’m stuck with him.” To a visibly furious Porsche he said, “You don’t know the minor family? Never come across any of them before?”
“How would I know the fucking minor family?” Porsche snapped.
what a tangled web we weave by fortunehasgivenup
(80,000 words) 1000 Nights inspired alternate universe, fantasy-historical Thailand. // After the betrayal of his first husband, King Anakinn Theerapanyakul vows to never love again. Once a week, he takes a new husband, a young man who will not live to see another dawn.
When a nobleman comes to find a young man to adopt and marry off to the king in place of his own son, Thee chooses Chay.
Faced with an outcome that he refuses to contemplate, Porsche steps in and takes Chay's place. He only has one request for the king - to be allowed to tell his brother one last bedtime story.
Burn Your Name Into My Skin by Everyforkedroad
(72,000 words) In which Kinn visits a high-end sex club and he & Porsche meet under the guise of anonymity for what should be a 1 night encounter. Except not only are they intensely drawn together... things are not what they seem.
Salt by ronandhermy
(49,000 words) Sweat stings because the salt is purifying. Porsche may be in high school but he is still a National Champion in Taekwondo and he catches the eye of the national team's newest sponsor: The Theerapanyakun Family. Alternate first meeting. Leans into the darkness of canon, read the tags and proceed w caution.
how do you like it, daddy by Baby_Droll
(28,000 words) "and ain't shit 'bout me cheap and ain't shit 'bout me free" - our lord and savior, florence millicent. kinn & porsche, and all the other pieces on their fucked up chess board. a sugar baby/daddy au with an omegaverse twist. // This is a dark reimagining alternate universe. Iconic toxic K/P fic.
two shots by Martynax
(81,000 words) AU, different first meeting. Porsche joined the armed forces & became a hired gun. // “So I’m supposed to end a mafia dispute?”
“Something like that,” he mutters, wondering if he’s making a mistake, revealing it to Porsche so soon. Nothing is set in stone, after all. But he has a gut feeling that the man appreciates honesty and simplicity much more than intrigue and schemes.
be the best you ever tasted by Martynax
(90,000 words) an AU where Porsche's life is shit so he shakes his perky little bum for strangers at a strip club and Kinn books him for a private show. Porsche doesn't fuck customers and shouldn't get associated with whatever grey business his boss is trying to run out of the club. But... you know how this is gonna go.
between the sheets by DasWarSchonKaputt
(70,000 words) “And who’s that?”
“Oh. That’s Porsche. He’s Khun Kinn’s live-in boytoy. He’s harmless, mostly. Just a pretty face.”
A boyfriend can go so many places a bodyguard can’t. As the threat of a potential leak in their security forces looms large, Khun Korn hatches a plot to place an added layer of protection around his heir presumptive. Enter Porsche, former bartender, current bodyguard, and reluctant fake boyfriend of Kinn Theerapanyakul.
Stumbling to the Edge by FireRisingOverTheHills
(51,000 words) Of the genre of KP fics where Kinn and Porsche meet-cute in a random bar encounter, instead of a meet-ugly, this one is my fav. I just really enjoy the Kinn PoV with his what?! is?! happening??? vibes as he finds himself irresistibly drawn to someone who doesn't fit neatly into defined roles.
"He makes this all seem like it’s perfectly normal and Kinn is helpless to do anything but go along with it."
Whatever Else that Touches You by technicallyverycowboy
(9,330 words) Tender established relationship and bisexual self discovery, post canon. // "No, it's fine." Porsche shifts to be a little less plastered against Kinn's side, straightens his shoulders and smooths out his jacket with great dignity. "The answer to your question is yes, I have really never been with any other men."  Porsche answers questions, asks some of his own, tries new things, and fills in the knowledge gaps of his own sexuality.
An Elegant Mechanism by Laughsalot3412
(87,000 words) A/B/O AU, Kim centric with some background K/P and dysfunctional brothers & cousin bonding. The only fic on this list that isn't K/P primary. //  "Kim was only an omega when he was luring people closer to his gun. No one had to give Kim a weapon. He was one.  (Kim's mission is to get close to Porchay Kittisawat. Chay is not a typical alpha. Kim is not a typical omega. Kim isn't having feelings and Chay is going to be so normal about all of this.)"
Love and Violence by thewayside
(9,500 words) Beautifully written, post ep 14. // "Love and violence have always been bedfellows for Kinn. Down to how his first proper relationship ended in a pool of blood. Porsche’s beauty might have drawn him in, but he knows in his gut that he met someone in kind that first night, blood coursing through their veins as the fight ended and Porsche led him onto a bike to a road he barely knew."
Burnished night, blood-soaked stars by The_Old_Astronomer
(13,000 words) Missing scene set between the end of episode 6 and the side story (pre-ep 7). Porsche fights to keep Kinn alive after the attack, and gradually realises how much the other man means to him.
Night Call by vesna (mrsronweasley)
(34,500 words) "On Kinn's birthday, Kinn is dragged by Tae and Time to a strip club, where he gets a private dance from a man who calls himself Jom. Kinn is smitten. Things spin out from there." Canon AU, where Porsche became a stripper because bartending wasn't paying enough.
NFWMB by vesna (mrsronweasley)
(18,700 words) There's a rushing in Kinn's ears, a noise he can't shake. It almost makes him miss the next thing Arm tells him. "He was supposed to check in, as per protocol, but—"  "But what," Kinn snaps. A headache is building behind one of his eyes.  Arm's eyes are wide right before he lowers them and says, "He hasn't been heard from in two and a half hours."  Or, post-canon Porsche is kidnapped. Kinn goes through it.
Caught Off Guard by Altered_Ego
(23,000 words) The one where Porsche is one of his escort's bodyguard. Alternate first meeting; Porsche took another path to support his brother.
the less i know the better by mslunita
(45,000 words) Bored Kinn joins Tinder in hopes of getting his rocks off with a different kind of guy, instead of the standard escorts. Porsche challenges him in just the right way. // Alternate first meeting. Basically their canon selves, but this is after Porsche has already had his bi awakening.
XXX curious STRAIGHT boy BEGS for COCK for the FIRST TIME XXX by mirrorofprinces
(35,000 words ) Porn industry AU. “Porsche is extremely close to signing. In fact, he has a final meeting with the execs on Monday morning. The only condition is that he wants to request his first partner, and it’s you.”  Kinn takes a long drink of his whiskey, sets the glass down, and runs his tongue over his teeth. “So you had to meet with me, urgently, to tell me that a beautiful boy wants me to fuck him, thinking I’d say no.” He drums his fingers on the bartop. “Which means there’s a catch.”
paint my kiss across your chest (your touch is like a happy pill) by darkknight
(16,000 words) Episode 8 era. "Porsche discovers different new ways of how good sex can feel, ways that would never even have crossed his mind before meeting Kinn."
quis custodiet ipsos custode by concernedlily
(8,600 words) Porsche being on dangerous missions and Kinn discovering he has Feelings About That. Missing scenes and Post Ep 14.
Wing of a Butterfly by Kalere
(320,000 words) Some years before the canon storyline, two young men have a random encounter at a bar. Their friendship changes everything. // The epic Porsche & Vegas friendship fic.
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suzteel · 1 year
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vivace by @lu-sn
happy valentine’s day @trueplainhearts and @kissporsche
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kerasines · 1 year
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Thank you @kprecfest for making me finally start putting together all the vp rec lists I’ve been planning! (And also just in general, let me say it again, what a fantastic idea I love you.) There are so many amazing fics in this fandom, but let’s start with canon compliant fics set during season 1, including everything except the post-credits scene, which will be a separate list.
Package of a Person by @kat8porgs (E, 2.4k) Pete gets put in the vase's box for shipping to the safe house.
Drowning, and other Metaphors by lewdhandholding (E, 8k) Vegas has never experienced an afterglow that burns like an oil fire, a sudden and dangerous thing that he can’t quite remember how best to put out past the panic. It doesn’t help that Pete’s smile is like a torrent of cool water on his feverish skin, making the flames jump higher. It makes Vegas want to do something dangerous that he’s never really been good at before – it makes him want to take care of Pete. Problem is, he doesn’t really know how.
i want it all by devoutpete (E, 5k) “It’s too hot…” Pete repeated. He wanted to cry. This was taking too long. When their eyes met again, Vegas smiled. It was almost…sweet. “I told you already,” without warning, he poked the blade into Pete’s skin, red peeking from the puncture. “You’re hot because,” he carried on with a sudden, slow drag of the blade spanning a few inches, “It’s inside of you.” — Vegas was sick of Pete's inhibitions getting in the way, but he knew just how to fix that.
take me to your planet by @any-open-eye (E, 1.3k) Pete’s face is doing something. He thinks he might be smiling. He feels fucking high. What the hell is happening to him? He knows afterglow and this isn't it. If it was, he'd be way more into sex. There were people in high school and then one long-term girlfriend a few years ago, but she never—it was nothing like this. This is like… that blissful moment between sleeping and waking when you're conscious of your body but not yet of your mind. Just a vessel of receptors and processes. Electrified meat. “That was good, right?” Vegas's hands are on him. “Tell me it was good.”
(more under the cut, it got a bit... long)
Sharing Different Heartbeats by @raelle-writing (E, 58k) Of course Vegas noticed Pete. But not with much weight. Sure, Pete was hot. But so were all of the rest of Kinn’s bodyguards. That wasn’t notable. It wasn’t worth more than a passing once-over, or an absent glance at the man’s ass in those suits they insisted on wearing. He had a nice ass, but it didn’t stick in Vegas’ mind. It was passing lust, nothing more. And he certainly wasn’t hotter than the other bodyguards– not Porsche, for example. The only thing notable about Pete was that he had a surprisingly soft, cute face, and a sunny, disarming smile. He looked far too soft for his job. But he was Tankhun’s head bodyguard, and one of the men that Kinn often tapped for important missions. Which meant that the cute, soft face was hiding real talent and skill. So yes, Vegas noticed Pete. But it didn’t mean anything. — Or: a retelling of the story from Vegas' POV, from first impressions until after the hospital.
How Deep it Goes by @giraffeter (E, 4k) It’s only been a couple of days but Vegas is already coming to crave the way Pete looks at him when he enters the room, the alertness that enters his body, the wary skitter of his eyes to Vegas’ face. “I want to watch a show,” Vegas says. He sets the tote bag he’s carrying down on the bed. Pete stares at it. “And you’re going to put one on for me.” — Vegas decides to bring some toys for his new pet to play with.
write somewhere deep. by @evashougouki (M, 2k) “All clean,” Vegas says, like Pete doesn’t know what he’s planning. “Am I?” Pete asks, though he’s unsure why he says it, why he pokes. Vegas is silent for a second, silent enough that Pete can hear his breath hitch. His laugh has an air of breathlessness to it then. “You’re such a fascinating creature.” Lips come to lay up against the side of his neck, just resting. Or lingering, maybe. Pete shivers but does not have the energy to fight it. Slippery hands slide between his thighs, pushing stinging soap into the still too-raw burns there. The shock of it is rapturous. — Vegas washes Pete in the safehouse.
ain't nobody trying to save you by @incendir (M, 1.9k) Vegas is splitting Pete open on three fingers when Pete gets the idea. Or, some additional details on KPTS 1x12.
A Close Shave by @fleet-off (M, 4k) The bathroom walls feel claustrophobically tight, and Vegas’s stomach is a ball of leaden frustration poised to turn molten. He wants to shatter the mirror with his fist, to yell at Pete to stand up straight, to curse his uselessness--just another one of Vegas’s failures. The razor sits on the edge of the sink. This was a bad idea. — Vegas gives Pete a shave.
Dare to be Bad by @raelle-writing (E, 7k) “I think you want a reason to have to hide your skin, don’t you, Pete?” Vegas drawled, and Pete made a sudden, surprised, unmistakably aroused noise as Vegas shoved a knee between Pete’s thighs, pressing suddenly, threateningly against his groin. Pete couldn’t stop his breaths from coming a little faster, heart racing, cock already responding in his pants, even as he tried not to let it. Fuck, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this turned on. Vegas’ lips curled up in another lazy smirk, dark gaze still locked on Pete’s face. “Aren’t you tired of playing the perfect little bodyguard, Pete?” he murmured, voice low and sultry. “Don’t you want to be bad for me?” — After failing to mark Porsche at the auction, Vegas runs into Pete and decides to blow off some steam.
An Interlude in the Space Between Light and Shadow by lewdhandholding (M, 3k) One of Kinn’s guards is a step ahead of Vegas’s attempt to flee the diamond auction venue, so Vegas decides to indulge his anger and frustration for a moment. After all, Pete makes such a perfect little chew toy. It might make Vegas feel a little better if he can get him to squeak.
splinter by @lu-sn (M, 2.8k) Pete has managed to lie to Khun — and Kinn, and Porsche — about where he's been. He knows without a shred of doubt that he will not be able to lie like that to Chan.
past the last exit by jumun (M, 1.6k) Pete thinks about Vegas’ face, wonders what Vegas would have done if he’d brought the knife just an inch higher, wonder what would've happened if he hadn’t goaded him. He knows he did it intentionally, because being able to push and prod at someone isn’t something he’s indulged in in years, because it's difficult to talk about that with someone much less have a mutual understanding. Pete did not have a mutual understanding with Vegas.
stay with me a minute (swear i'll make it worth it) by @incendir (M, 2.3k) Pete hadn’t anticipated how much breathing would hurt. Or, an unseen moment in 1x13.
cleans up nice by Lirelyn (T, 2.1k) Vegas likes his pets clean, so Pete gets a shower and a shave. It's fine. Nothing Pete can't handle.
when he comes by Anonymous (E, 3k) “Hm,” again. Vegas has stopped twisting, but he hasn’t let go, still tugging idly, crouched over Pete like a predatory bird. The pain is cold and strange and Pete thinks his dick might be leaking. “I want to eat you,” Vegas says absently. “Cut you open and eat you. How did that feel?”
cut me open and tell me what's inside by @wegathpete (E, 3k) In retrospect, Pete will find it funny. A self-proclaimed man of honesty, yet so unwilling to look deep within himself, afraid of what he might find beneath the carefully crafted and polished surface. Keeping so much of himself locked away, behind bars, like a condemned prisoner, a chained up, feral animal, unworthy of being seen by the world. Is he hiding from himself or everyone else? Would the world like him for who he is or hate him for who he isn’t?
like a trigger (get me ready to shoot) by @veliseraptor (M, 6k) sadism: psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person. (Encyclopaedia Britannica) — As far as Vegas can tell, there are normal people who want normal things, and then there's whatever he's got going on.
First Impressions to Love Expressions (Ch. 12) by @iffervescent (E, 6k) “Don’t try to hide it,” Vegas murmurs, in the voice that has started doing weird things to Pete’s insides. “I know you’re suffering. Let it out.” Pete wants to hit him, wants to scream, wants to yank these stupid chains down from the ceiling and set fire to this house and wants to kneel at Vegas’ feet and beg him to whip him again. And – fuck –  he wants Vegas to cook for him some more. And to sit in the garden together, for a nice reason this time. And to tease him about having stupid books. And to feed him another pill with his breath warm on Pete’s mouth and all that tightly-leashed strength hovering above him and make Pete hard because of another person for the first time in his life.
while I do my thing in the background by @judiwench  (G, 2k) "I have a gift for you. This is Pete."
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kinnbig · 1 year
Hello!! Do you or your wife (aikinn) have any pathetic Kim/ sub Kim fic recs.....for Reasons
hi omg sorry this took me a whole week to respond to! it turns out Bee and I are both terrible at remembering to bookmark things so we had to do some brainstorming - but we do have a few recs. these are a mixture of fics with pathetic Kim (affectionate) and explicitly D/s sub!Kim fics that I like (in no particular order) -
Want and Need by @bisexualbard-writes (Kim/Chay, 10/10 chapters, explicit)
KimChay reconciliation era fic where Chay starts an OnlyFans, ft. baby dom!Chay and sub!Kim. the Kim PoV counterpart to this fic, The Miserable Art of Finding Your Words and Learning to Use Them is also great and has some excellent pathetic Kim content.
the Train to Failure series by 99_9 (Kim-centric with Kim/Chay, various fic lengths and ratings)
post-canon Kim-centric series mostly focusing on Chan & Kim's friendship/paternal relationship (with lots of Kim being kinda pathetic), with a few KimChay focused sub!Kim fics.
Making Assumptions by @snickerdoodlles (Kim/Chay, 1/? chapters, explicit)
KimChay reconciliation era ft Chay's extensive sex toy collection and an incredibly flustered Kim. only one chapter so far but I'm really excited to see where this one goes
diatribes at dinner by @thewholedamnboulangerie (Kim/Chay, oneshot, gen)
Chay stands up to Korn to defend Kim. not sure if this is exaaactly 'pathetic' Kim, but imo the world needs more Chay defending Kim and being protective over him, and this is so so good.
Freezer Bride by williamshooketh (Kim/Chay, oneshot, mature)
several years post-canon, Kim and Chay open their relationship. this isn't Kim/Chay in the typical sense - they're in a very unhealthy relationship, so heads up for that. it is great though.
not tonight, baby by queerebrum (Vegas/Kim, oneshot, explicit)
Kim is drugged. Vegas takes advantage - kind of. not totally sure if this counts but I'm keeping it in because I love it. (check the tags for content warnings on this one - it's a lot and obviously not for everyone.)
Belonging to Him by @cloudburst-ink (Kim/Chay, oneshot, explicit)
an excellent lil sub!Kim pwp
deep in this sleeplessness by bisexualbard (Kim/Chay, 2/3 chapters, explicit)
KimChay reconciliation era, Kim and Chay are cursed to not be able to sleep unless they're together. I think it counts as pathetic Kim (affectionate)!
there u go!! i hope some of these are what you’re looking for!
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chanbig · 2 months
Big/Chan Fic Rec List
These are just some favorites of mine—there are so many great fics out there!
At the end of your fingertips, us by nubeazul; rated M
Summary: “Why didn’t you say anything?” Chan asks, and it’s suddenly very obvious that it was not disappointment what he thought he saw in his expression. It was worry. Concern.
There’s a lump in Big’s throat. He can’t get any air in. “I didn’t think it was important,” he says truthfully, his voice coming out in a whisper.
Something flickers in Chan’s expression, quick as lighting. It’s gone before Big can pinpoint what it was.
Or: Chan helps Big get dressed in the mornings. Big tries to pretend he feels normal about that.
This is what inspired my first bigchan piece!!! Slow buildup through this unexpected intimacy, Big finally accepting care he can’t ask for, Chan running his hands through Big’s hair like we all wish we could 🥺, taking on extra work to lighten the other’s burden. It’s so good!!! Nubeazul’s other fics are amazing as well!!!! I love Beneath the surface of your touch especially 💕
Student Paper Award by clandestinegardenias; rated E
Summary: Chan has no doubt that Big sobs into his pillow every time Kinn hands him back a paper covered in red ink.
That only makes Chan want him more.
Chan’s life working as a postdoctoral researcher for famed criminology professor Dr. Anakinn Theerapanyakul is steady, routine, and proscribed. He keeps his head down, does his work, and occasionally provides friendly, almost paternal advice to the department’s graduate students. His carefully constructed life gets shaken up when he accidentally offers to help one of the rising stars, a stunning young student known as Big, with his submission for a student paper award.
Big is desperate for Kinn, who’s supposed to be his advisor but has been…distracted, lately, to notice him. If that means accepting Chan’s help on his paper for the conference-sponsored award competition, so be it. And if Chan slowly becomes his best friend and biggest supporter along the way, well, that doesn’t change anything. Right?
hnnng I want to eat this fic its so good. ANYWAY. I love that chan, with his controlled and carefully-ordered life, gets blindsided by desire and it breaks him out of his routine. characters that are extremely competent and fair but firm, and their one exception. big having someone who is actually interested in helping him and becoming better and more confident because of it. someone who wants validation and praise and someone who will only give it if warranted–but will also help get you there. PERFECT. plus, academia shenanigans
the vegaspete fic in this series is also amazing!!!!!
Could Stand Some Lovin’ by ThursdayFire (veryrach); rated E
Summary: They fuck, sometimes. They don’t talk about it much, beyond the handful of barebones conversations necessary to set out some ground rules, and arrange their hookups. It’s easy. It’s convenient. It’s perfect, until it’s not.
Fuckbuddies to lovers, I just realized this is less than 6k words long and it contains so much! I love itttttt. The progression from fun, rough sex to soft and emotional sex is perfect and big realizing (if not in so many words) maybe he does have a praise kink and likes pet names and to be treated softly 🫣 plus I love their little snippets of conversations 💕
The Sum of my Body and Yours by littlerietveld; rated T
Summary: “I thought you were dead, Big, when I carried you from that building. I’m not asking for thanks,” he tacks on quickly when Big opens his mouth, eyes still wide and shocked. “That’s not why I’m saying this. I just need you to know that in that moment, I decided to prioritise your dead body over my live one. When you say I look at you differently –”
He cuts himself off. Already, he’s said enough, and Big’s expression is frozen. Grimacing, Chan lets shame lick at his insides; welcomes it, even. This is the secret he was supposed to take to the grave, and here it lies, spilled out over the sheets between them, a mess of blood and bone.
what could have been if chan went with kinn to save porsche from tawan, and ended up saving big instead
i LOVE the way big is written in this fic. it’s hard to explain, but as it’s from chan’s perspective, the opacity of what big is thinking and the way he reacts to chan are so interesting to me–you can see why Chan is drawn to him. plus the scene of chan finding out that big doesn’t have any personal effects because he has scraped all of that away to work for the Theerapanyakul family… 😭 of course I also recommend So lovers say by the same author which is an amazing fake dating fic where chan and big pretend to date to stave off rumors of big's feelings for kinn ahhhhh angst with a happy ending, the yearning is top tier 💘
balancing act by TheSmallestMidget_1304; rated E
Being a bodyguard under Chan, being subordinate to the older man in both occupation and experience, Big is content with this dynamic. More often than not, he subconsciously settles back and submits to Chan without really realizing. It's just the way they are with each other. At the same time, though, he knows that can't be the case 24/7, 365 days a year. There are days where Big will take on a more dominant role, days where Chan is the one who settles back and willingly hands the reins to his younger boyfriend.
Or, sometimes Chan needs to not be in charge for once. When those times happen, Big is more than willing to step up and take care of his boyfriend. In a few different ways.
i love this role reversal from the usual chanbig dynamic to have big take care of chan, the way it shows how well he knows chan and chan just letting himself be taken care of in a way that i feel like he would normally deny himself! very sweet and hot established relationship dynamic that i loooove ahhh 😘
make me yours by tennisuhs; rated M
“You are not dying on me, c’mon.”
Chan is in a state of panic, Big can see his form keeping up with the teal gown-wearing paramedics. This isn’t the first time. It is almost comical how Big has managed to get himself severely injured three times in the past months. All because of Porsche. Fucking Porsche.
Big wants to speak to Chan, tell him it doesn’t hurt that bad (it does) and that he is crushing his hand (he isn’t).
Slight AU where Big doesn't die and gets to live his life with the one who makes him the happiest.
I love this fic and how it shows big and chan through the years from when they meet to after the events of the show, and how their feelings for each other change and grow. it feels like such a natural progression and exactly the kind of ending I wanted for them so if you ever wanted a fix-it fic, this is it!!!! 💕💕
Love is the Arrow that Moves Us by The_Old_Astronomer; rated T
When Kinn encourages both Big and Chan to take leave, Big ends up inviting Chan to his apartment. Chan is surprised because he wasn't even aware that Big had an apartment. But when Big explains that he wants to end the lease, Chan helps him pack everything up. Then Big's ex shows up, and everything goes to hell.
“You could come with me?” Big blurts out, then flushes another lovely shade of peony pink.
“To your apartment?” Chan asks, tone sceptical even as his heart leaps at the thought.
“Yes. I mean, only if you want to, sir. If you don’t have other plans or anything…”
Chan thinks that even if he did have plans, he’d cancel them for Big. For the promise of spending the day with him.
hellooooo the way that Chan and Big care for each other in this fic makes me so feral AGHHJJ it's slow and subtle and I love it so much. this fic is more plot- and action-heavy than the others, with Ken as a bodyguard for the minor family trying to infiltrate the main compound, so there's a lot of great fights and action as well 💗💗💗
@mortimerlatrice I know you were looking for some recs and I had a couple more!!
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briliantlymad · 1 year
KinnPorsche Fic Rec List Part 2/??
I am back. woohoo
In celebration of Kinn x Porsche being no. 42 on the list of top pairings on AO3!
Let's get into it
Two Shots by Martynax
Rated E. This one is so delicious guys, absolutely fucking amazing. Still updating, its on chapter 8 of 10. Gun for Hire turned bartender Porsche meets Mafia boss Kinn who contracts him for one last job. They fall in love with each other somewhere along the way HNNN its so delicous. the Sex Scenes? GORGEOUS absolutely well written. 10/10 steamy as fuck
Porsche’s eyes are searching him, looking for something in Kinn’s face. His expression is sympathetic, like he understands what Kinn is dealing with, but he also doesn’t offer help. And Kinn deep down had hoped that he wouldn’t have to ask, that Porsche would offer to help. Kinn’s heart thumps painfully in his chest, but he doesn’t avert his gaze.
2. Salt by ronandhermy
Y'ALL ?#>#>$>??? IM ACTUALLY OBSSSESSED WITH THIS ONE SO BADLY. It hits all the right spots. Alternate First Time meeting. Porsche is in his Taekwondo Champion era and Kinn is out here being a mafia boss who's got his eye on porsche for all the wrong (but so so right) reasons. It's written well. absolutely exquisite scenes that transition from one pov to the other, does an great job of translating emotions to scenes and OUF. its dirty bad wrong and that makes it all the more delicious. Dark kinn theerapanyakul in all the best ways that make my head spin.
oh Kinn likes Porsche’s eyes on him. He likes it a lot. There’s a challenge there, in the boy’s eyes. One that makes Kinn want to sink his teeth in deep and take this boy apart. Make him come shuddering and crying while clinging to Kinn and then make him do it again.
3. The Call of the Deep by wicca
A oneshot, Rated E, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, mind the tags, if non-con, dub-con is not for you skip this. Mer Porsche meets Eldritch Creature Kinn who's just as dark as the waters he dwells in. DELICOUS. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Ever since that scene of Porsche in a mermaid constume my brain has been conjuring absolutely all kinds of situations. Wicca gets it. Written Well. The sex scenes are delicious, the tone and mood of the entire oneshot was handled well, i was hooked from the start. I love Wicca. please check out their other KP Fics!!
Porsche starts kicking out his tail to propel himself forward, but he doesn't get very far before appendages are wrapping themselves firmly around his arms, his waist, and finally his thrashing tail. Next thing he knows, he's back on the cave floor with Kinn's tentacles keeping his arms pressed at his sides
4. Neon lights (and Cold nights) by pinkdrinkbarbie
I've been crazy over this fic for a very long time. its 1.5k or less words per chapter but by the gods it feels like its not enough every time the author updates. bodyguard turned bartender Porsche who's out here collecting all the nongs. He finds Kim, adopts him as a nong and all's going well until it isnt anymore. We're almost to the end of the fic, it's on chapter 39/40 and i've been screaming wheezing crying in the author's comment section every time it updates. Patricide with a side dish of Avunculicide for brother bonding and reunions between torn apart lovers. you can't see me but im doing *chefs kiss*
Kim hates feeling like he can't go home. Porsche (unintentionally) gives him a home.
5. Alongside by apathyinreverie
Canon divergence, KinnPorsche's first meeting goes a little bit differently. Kinn is hooked from the start and honestly so am I. Possessive Kinn ? Possessive kinn. BAMF Porsche. I LOVE IT. Still updating, 4/? chapters. THEY'RE FLIRTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY COCKTAIL and im enjoying every bit of it
“Porsche. My name is Porsche,” he finally chokes out, a little put-out to be beaten at his own game.
“Hm,” Kinn hums in vague consideration, eyes still so fucking intense. “Porsche.” A pause. “I think I like sweetheart better,” he finally grins across the rim of his glass.
6. Sunflowers & Orchids by Anon
I AM A SUCKER FOR SENTINAL GUIDE AUS. KinnPorsche alternate universe. it's not rated. 4/?? chapters so far. Possessive Kinn is my weakness, i go ham every time i read kinn that's so so obsessed with keeping Porsche. Guide porsche has been evading authorities cus he doesn't wanna leave his brother, but helping Sentinal!Kinn from a drop ends up unravelling everything.
The man is up and out of his seat, in front of Porsche and hand raised to gently brush his cheek. "You'll get used to it." Kinn's hand slowly skims down to his neck in a phantom hold, the warmth is barely there. 
7. Stumbling to the Edge by FireRisingOverTheHills
Its series! Different First time meeting. AND UGH Every single word of this is godly. i'd etch into my brain if i could. You'l find me screaming crying rolling all over the floor in the comments of each fic because they're all so good. The author writes Kinn's POV so so well. I've been hooked on it. He's falling in love in real time and it scares him but gods Kinn just wants smth for himself and Porsche is so so easy to love T _ T
"Kinn sees his own reflection in the mirrors behind the bar, and he almost doesn’t recognize himself. He looks… relaxed. He’s smiling. It’s a small little thing, but it’s a smile."
"He doesn’t tell Porsche he’s used to the sparkling lights of Bangkok stretching out in front of him and that it’s Porsche that makes the view spectacular to him."
Only 7 today folks, I've gotta scroll through my AO3 and find more but phew its a lot sjsjsjjs
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fanfiction recommendation: drarry edition
You know how sometimes you read the first chapter of a fic and you just know that its going to be an all time favorite? That was this fic for me.
The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by @thecouchsofa is a story about Draco and Harry traveling around the British Isles while healing and falling in love. After the war Harry is lost, and his friends don't know how to reach him. Enter Draco Malfoy who has the bright idea for Harry to tag long on his road trip which turns out better than either could have ever imagined.
The way this fic explores the depths of Harry's depression and PTSD after the war is both heartbreaking and honest. It is done with such care for these characters and the lives they have lived. And, the set up of the story allows for the relationship between Draco and Harry to develop slowly (peep the slow burn tag - and take it seriously). They build a genuine friendship while Harry gets to a place where he could even have a healthy relationship.
And Draco? Oh, I adored the characterization of Draco in this fic. He's still prickly, and a little uptight, and hesitant to let anyone in. He cares so deeply, but doesn't want anyone to know it. But, he also wants to do better, to be better. And he wants to help Harry because he realizes that he is the only one who can.
Honestly, these two tags really sum up the fic quite nicely: Draco is down bad, Harry is just doing bad. But, there is also so much joy in this fic as they heal and learn to trust each other.
If you are looking for a post-war Drarry fic that you can really sink into you've got to give this a read. It's got Draco reading muggle maps, arcade games, a plethora of bookstores, a campervan named Bessie...but, most importantly it's got a truly lovely happily ever after. Seriously, the epilogue had me crying and smiling in equal measure.
The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls (E, 256K) by thecouchsofa
Harry doesn’t know how to cope after the War. The only things that make him feel even remotely normal again are taking risks while flying and fighting with Malfoy. It’s not likely to end well. Or, Draco becomes obsessed with ‘Wonderwall’, reads Muggle books, and drives a campervan, while Harry slowly falls in love with Draco. A story about travelling around the British Isles in the late 90s while healing deep scars.
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khunspikesficrecs · 5 months
Title: Happy Holidays, Kinn!
Author: WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Kinn Theerapanyakul/Porsche Kittisawat
There’s an office Secret Santa happening at Theerapanyakun Corporations. Porsche Kittisawat did not expect getting Team Leader Khun Kinn Theerapanyakun. (Or: Frustrated with his boss and clueless on what to get him for Secret Santa, a drunk Porsche sends Kinn some naughty Polaroids.)
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wildelydawn · 1 year
KP Recfest List: Big Centric/BigChan Edition.
Alright friends, I'm going to use all my brave/courage stats to compose this list of Big-Centric and BigChan fic recs for @kprecfest. This list is definitely not complete, and I'm always looking for more BigChan fics or fics that center around Big as a character, so please feel free to rec your own!
In no particular order:
Student Paper Award by clandestinegardenias
Rating: E Pairing: Big/Chan Status: Completed Summary: "Chan has no doubt that Big sobs into his pillow every time Kinn hands him back a paper covered in red ink. That only makes Chan want him more." Why you should read this: Okay, firstly, I'm totally biased here. As someone who has pined after a professor throughout graduate school, I'm almost embarrassed with how much I related to Big here. Almost is the key word here because that's exactly why this story is so brilliant. Clandestinegardenias has brought my KinnPorsche university!AU dreams to life with just one fic. The pining Big has for Kinn is so well done, and how Chan begins to develop feelings toward Big through helping him with his paper is just *chef's kiss.* All the build up and all the angsty moments cultivate into a very explosive and satisfying ending. On top of this, the little details about research, about the tension in academics, the "and they're sharing offices!" addition. My heart! This fic and every part of it is all so well done that I am on my way to apply to another degree. (Jk... unless... 👀) Favorite line: "Later, they share a pizza and toast each other with bottles of Coke, and Chan tells himself it’s enough."
So lovers say by littlerietveld
Rating: E Pairing: Big/Chan Status: Ongoing (5/?) Summary: "big was never actually in love with kinn, everyone just thinks he is, so chan pretends to date him to put a stop to the rumours. feelings ensue." Why you should read this: Alright. I confess. I love fake dating as a trope, especially when one of the characters has power over another. This story takes this classic and beloved idea and adds a very real twist to it: that maybe everyone knew that Big is/was infatuated with Kinn. Big suffers for it, and the author does a really wonderful job with giving us how Big endures some of that gossip and judgement by detailing Big's workouts and his internal dialogue. Then, in steps Chan, who's facing his own budding feelings after proposing the fake dating. The setting and dialogue in this story make my heart giddy and make me want to throw my pillow. Favorite line: "'Give me a hickey,' Big says in a rush, unable to say anything else, unable to explain what he’s feeling, just needing something to prove his and Chan’s relationship; to show everyone that he is not in love with Kinn; to get them to stop believing this godforsaken rumour."
This Symphony is a Dance Between Us by The_Old_Astronomer
Rating: G Pairing: Big/Chan Status: Ongoing (1/2) Summary: "While recovering from getting shot, Chan leaves the medical wing for a walk and a much needed cigarette. He's out on a balcony, enjoying the night air, when he hears music nearby. Feeling drawn to it, he heads in the direction of the melody to find out who's playing. It's not who he expected at all." Why you should read this: Injured Chan?? Big being a pianist??? Is that not enough to convince you? If not, let Astro's beautiful writing be the reason why you join her BigChan agenda because she's doing a damn good job making it happen. First, I love the fact that Chan is injured in this fic. Seeing the head of the body guards at his most vulnerable is galaxy brain thinking on Astro's part. Second, the set up is actually so exquisitely simple but is so wonderfully developed. At the core of this story is Chan being drawn to beautiful music and then asking Big to continue playing. But Astro takes this and so many emotional and beautiful details to it. What can I say? I love a story that takes seemingly small moments and makes them utterly breathtaking. Astro's written another fantastic BigChan fic, so check that out too. Favorite line: "But hope is a tenacious thing. It’s resilient, like a tree; once the roots are entwined with the earth and the branches start growing, it can be hard to cut down. So despite Chan's intensely pragmatic nature, he waits and he hopes."
Drowning Like a Stone by Nyxelestia
Rating: T Pairing: Big & Chay, KimChay Status: Ongoing (7/?) Summary: "Despite Porsche's desperation and Kim's manipulation, Chay was hit hard by the events of Season 1. Five outside perspectives on Chay grappling with the aftermath of the mafia madness." Why you should read this: I went into this fic knowing that Nyxelestia would bring her phenomenal writing and character analysis into the KimChay fandom and I stayed because of that, but now I am absolutely rooted and emotionally invested because of how she develops the relationship between Big & Chay (and quite frankly, I'm adoring these chapters on them and wouldn't mind another 10 or 100 of them.) Nyxelestia gives a lot of depth to Big and also makes him absolutely hilarious. The idea of Big taking Chay under his wing, hearing him out, giving him lessons on the mafia life and more, is something so brilliant but also incredibly poignant because while Chay was betrayed by Kim, Big was betrayed by Ken, and to put these characters together!!! I just!! I am at a loss. After reading Chapter Five, I leaned back in my chair and whispered, "Oh fuck." Nyxelestia explores the implications of both of these betrayals with such great care, and for that, I am blown away. Favorite line: "In the quiet of the small lounge, Big wondered if his breathing sounded as loud to them as it did to him. Once upon a time, he’d wished someone would say those words to him, he’d dreamed of Kinn saying that to him. But now that it actually happened, Big felt…nothing." Runner up favorite line: "What the fuck did ‘stanned’ mean?"
push and pull by Martynax
Rating: E Pairing: Big/Kinn/Porsche, KinnPorsche Status: Completed Summary: "Look,” Big says, finding enough strength in his body to do this. “You don’t have to worry about me trying anything. You don’t have to tell me that Kinn is yours.” He assumes that that’s what Porsche is trying to do. “I know my place." ... Why you should read this: When this fic first came out, I was biting my fist the entire time. In case you didn't know, Martnax writes some top tier smut for the KinnPorsche fandom and Christ on a pogo stick, did they deliver that and more: with a threesome. Please. But before I get to how incredibly hot their writing is, I do need to point out that Martynax built such a painful and believable background and emotional state for post-canon Big in this story; the details about Big's mother, how he joined the bodyguards, his reluctance to talk to Porsche about his actions/feelings. But it's well balanced with the development of his new relationship with Kinn and Porsche. I, for one, could not stop smiling when Kinn and Porsche crash Big's movie night; the description of Porsche with his head in Big's lap is so sweet even though I know my mans is having a crisis. The ending to this fic is wonderful, emotional, and smutty: everything I would want in a KinnPorscheBig fic. Still hoping for a sequel. Favorite line: "The consequences could be too much. But he also understands that if he doesn’t at least try, he won’t ever forgive himself. He’s already poured his soul out to them, handing them his heart shouldn’t be that difficult."
All Along you were Blooming by mortimerlatrice & nuwildcat
Rating: E Pairing: Big/Tay, KinnPorsche Status: Ongoing (2/3) Summary: "Finding a second chance at love isn't something either of them thought was in the cards. Noticing that there was someone in front of you all along, takes something changing to open your eyes." ... Why you should read this: I don't even know where to begin with this one. I only read it for the first time a few week or so ago, and I've already revisited it a dozen times, not just because of the beautiful writing but also because of the jawdropping art. But let's start with the writing first; Tay is given so much voice and life in this story. If you told me his familial details, career, and background from this story are all canon, I would believe you, 100%. That's now much care nuwildcat puts into Tay's development, and you can expect that same amount of care and cultivation in all other aspects of this fic. For example, the cocktails. I know nothing about alcohol, but the descriptions of each drink were mouthwatering and so vivid. Pair this with Tay and Kinn being business associates! Incredible. But they're not the only dynamic duo; nuwildcat has given us a wonderful friendship between Porsche and Big: it begins with reluctance, but by the end of Chapter Two, we see Big, in all his fierce loyalty. Mind you, nuwildcat is writing this all while describing how Big falls out of love with Kinn and begins to fall for Tay. And if being graced with wonderful writing isn't enough, mortimerlace knocks you out with stunning art of both characters. There is something really captivating in mortimer's use of purples and I am loving it. The variants used in the first picture of Tay in Chapter One are exquisite. The details in the flowers are so well thought of. Mortimer's use of detail and line work really shine when it comes to each of the outfits, particularly Tay's lace bodice. However, my favorites have to be from Chapter Two; maybe it's because I'm biased, but something about these portraits of Big just made me blush; he looks that good. All in all, if you want a double whammy of fine art and writing, this is your fic. Favorite line: "...the sincerity in Big’s voice hits him like the recoil of a gun. Tay can’t remember the last compliment he got from Time that didn’t double as a come-on. The ache of that thought is an open wound he can’t help but press on. 'You know, when you say things like that Big, I actually believe them.'" Favorite art piece: Chapter Two's second picture of Big in his suit.
Gonna Fade You Like That Rush by giraffeter
Rating: E Pairing: Tay/Time/Big Status: Completed Summary: "Tay and Time run into Big on his night off. Kinn may not want to play with his own toys, but he's never told them they couldn't help themselves." Why you should read this: Listen. Big has been going through it. I think he deserves to have fun, and giraffeter delivers on that. Was I expecting that fun to come in the form of quick wit, humor, and Tay and Time convincing Big to follow them home? Absolutely not, but holy shit, am I here for it. Because girafetter's right; if Kinn won't have fun with his bodyguards, then maybe Tay and Time should. I love the set up in this fic; Big's at a bar and Tay and Time pounce as soon as they lay eyes on him. I love Big's subtle discomfort while being in a bar and how he's a bit unsure of how to place himself among Time and Tay. since they are Kinn's friends. And to put all of this in a post-Tawan background really amplifies that feeling. I'm obsessed with how flirty and forward Tay is here too, how he demands to be in charge. Not to mention the internal thoughts Tay has throughout the story. All of this is compounded by very hot smut. Big fans are truly blessed and thankful. Favorite line: "He has no idea how long it takes them to drive to Tay and Time's place. He's focused on controlling his breathing, on not shivering apart or coming in his underwear while they touch him in an idle, almost desultory way. Occasionally they exchange a heated look across his body, one that lets Big know that he is completely, totally (and in the best way possible) fucked."
Alright! That's all I've got for you, Big. For now, at least. I hope these lovely authors/creators and the fandom continue to write about you, my favorite bodyguard, the one with the most pure heart. 🖤
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
KinnPorTay Three Way(s)!
I've been very busily teasing about the Great KinnPorTay Launch of 2022, along with co-conspirator @daswarschonkaputt.
We've also been teasing that there would be a little something extra, a bonus treat for the launch, and guess who showed up to the party? 😈 Hi there, @iffervescent. 😽
Which means you can get your KinnPorTay ship fix three ways!
on the rocks, by kaputt, a canon divergence where Tay meets Porsche before Kinn does
Knowing him, knowing you, by iffy, an AU where KinnTay take interest in Porsche
Last Loves, by me, a post-canon story centered around Tay's post-Time journey (and in which he gets close to KinnPorsche along the way)
Go forth and feast!
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