#aoyama x everyone
pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 422 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 差しのべた手で送り出してーー さしのべたてでおくりだしてーー sashinobeta te de okuri dashite-- Sent off by the hand that reached out to him--
1 青山くん! あおやまくん! Aoyama-kun! "Aoyama-kun!"
2 走れ☆‼︎緑谷くん はしれ☆‼︎みどりやくん hashire☆!! Midoriya-kun "Run☆!! Midoriya-kun."
3 白く… しらく… Shiraku... "Shiraku-..."
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1 攻撃が通じない‼︎固すぎる‼︎ こうげきがつうじない‼︎かたすぎる‼︎ kougeki ga tsuujinai!! kata sugiru!! "Our attacks don't go through!! He's too hard!!"
2 AFOと違ってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! オール・フォー・ワンとちがってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! OORU FOO WAN to chigatte MABOROSHI ni MAJIRESU shitekuN dake do! "Unlike All For One, this guy is mad-seriously responding to my illusions!" (Note: The slang Camie uses here, MAJIRESU, means "a serious reply on a message board such as 2ch.")
3 "道"をつくるんだ‼︎ "みち"をつくるんだ‼︎ "michi" wo tsukurunda!! "Make a path!!"
4 死柄木に至る道を‼︎ しがらきにいたるみちを‼︎ Shigaraki ni itaru michi wo!! "A path that leads to Shigaraki!!"
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1 「全因解放」 「ぜんいんかいほう」 「zen'in kaihou」 "All Factors Unleash,"
2 その本質は"感情任せ"に膨れ上がることではない そのほんしつは"かんじょうまかせ"にふくれあがることではない sono honshitsu wa "kanjou makase" ni fukure agaru koto de wa nai "the essence of which is not to leave all to my emotions and swell up."
3 数多の力を"抑し" あまたのちからを"よくし" amata no chikara wo "yokushi" "It's to suppress numerous powers"
4 "支配"してこその故 "しはい"してこそのゆえ "shihai" shite koso no yue "and control them."
5 数で勝ると思うなよ かずでまさるとおもうなよ kazu de masaru to omouna yo "Don't think you've outnumbered me!"
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1 葉隠X はがくれX Hagakure X "Hagakure! [line cut off]" (Note: This text line is cut off. I assume the full text is "Hagakure-san!!" which wouldn't change the meaning here.)
2 光線の類Xわたし こうせんのたぐいXわたし kousen no tagui X watashi "The type of light rays X me." (Note: This text line is cut off. Based on the context, I can only guess she's saying something to the effect of "No matter the type of light rays, I can refract them!")
3 電磁投射砲! でんじとうしゃほう! denji toushahou! A railgun!
4 用意 ようい youi "Ready."
5 ウェイ UEI "Oui!"
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1 小賢しい こざかしい kozakashii "Clever."
2 これ以上皆をーー これいじょうみんなをーー kore ijou minna wo-- "[You won't hurt] everyone any more than this--!"
3 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! ぜんしんズタボロだろ!おんぞんしろ! zenshin ZUTABORO daro! onzon shiro! "Your whole body is in tatters! Preserve [your strength]!"
4 あいつに届く力はおまえだけだ‼︎ あいつにとどくちからはおまえだけだ‼︎ aitsu ni todoku chikara wa omae dake da!! "Only you have the power to reach that guy!!"
5 俺たちが禦ぐ‼︎ おれたちがふせぐ‼︎ ore-tachi ga fusegu!! "We will defend!!" (Note: This word for "defend" is the same All For One used in chapter 363 when he said that heroes are the ones who "defend/protect.")
6 行け‼︎ いけ‼︎ ike!! "Go!!"
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1 ママ!お姉ちゃん‼︎ ママ!おねえちゃん‼︎ MAMA! oneechan!! "Mama! Big Sis!!"
2 パパお姉ちゃ‼︎ パパおねえちゃ‼︎ PAPA oneecha!! "Papa, [it's] Big Sis!!"
3 梅雨っ つゆっ Tsuyu "Tsuyu-!"
4 ガンバレお姉ちゃあん ガンバレおねえちゃあん GANBARE oneechaan "Do your best, Big Sis!" (Note: From this point on, understand that I am using "Do your best" as this chapter's translation of ganbare. This word is something shouted when cheering someone on, such as at a sporting event. It could be translated in many ways into English, including "Do your best!" "You can do it!" "Go for it!" "Hang in there!" "Keep at it!" "Good luck!" "Give it your best!" etc. etc.)
5 障子くん… しょうじくん… Shouji-kun... "Shouji-kun..."
6 がんばれ障子くん…! がんばれしょうじくん…! ganbare Shouji-kun...! "Do your best, Shouji-kun...!"
7 俺たちの機動力じゃこの猛攻をかいくぐるのは難しいが おれたちのきどうりょくじゃこのもうこうをかいくぐるのはむずかしいが ore-tachi no kidouryoku ja kono moukou wo kaikuguru no wa muzukashii ga "With our mobility, it will be difficult to evade this onslaught, but"
8 少しだけあなたを運ぶことぐらいなら すこしだけあなたをはこぶことぐらいなら sukoshi dake anata wo hakobu koto gurai nara "if we can carry you just a little..."
9 障子くん しょうじくん Shouji-kun "Shouji-kun!"
10 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! "Tsuyu-chan!"
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1-2 根性‼︎ こんじょう‼︎ konjou!! "Guts!!" (Note: I think they're shouting this word to hype themselves up.)
3 鋭ちゃん‼︎ えいちゃん‼︎ Ei-chan!! "Ei-chan!!"
4 三奈‼︎ みな‼︎ Mina!! "Mina!!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 頑張ろ‼︎ がんばろ‼︎ ganbaro!! "Let's do our best!!"
7 うん!!!!!! un!!!!!! "Yeah!!!!!!"
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1 何だ なんだ nanda What's this?
2 屍肉にしか見えぬ者共… しにくにしかみえぬものども… shiniku ni shika mienu monodomo... These people I can see as nothing but dead carrion...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 死なない しなない shinanai won't [they] die?
5 ろくに動けていないのに ろくにうごけていないのに roku ni ugokete inai noni Even though they can't move very well,
6 目玉だけが めだまだけが medama dake ga only their eyes-- (Note: He's saying that the most they can move is their eyeballs, or in other words, they can only watch and do not much else.)
7 目玉をギョロギョロさせるだけの めだまをギョロギョロさせるだけの medama wo GYOROGYORO saseru dake no Helplessly watching on...
8 出来損ないに渡ってしまった事が間違いだって できそこないにわたってしまったことがまちがいだって dekisokonai ni watatte shimatta koto ga machigai datte Conferring this power to someone so worthless was a mistake! (Note: Text from speech bubbles 7 and 8 is a flashback to chapter 287.)
9 そうか緑谷 そうかみどりや sou ka Midoriya So that's how it is, Midoriya.
10 緑谷出久… みどりやいずく… Midoriya Izuku... Izuku Midoriya...
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1 緑谷!!! みどりや!!! Midoriya!!! Midoriya!!!
2 おまえの omae no Your
3 弱さが よわさが yowasa ga weakness
4 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 オールマイトにはなかった OORU MAITO ni wa nakatta is what All Might didn't have.
7 頑張れ…! がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
8 弱き強さが よわきつよさが yowaki tsuyosa ga The strength of weakness
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1-2 こいつらを何度でも立ち上がらせているのだ こいつらをなんどでもたちあがらせているのだ koitsura wo nando demo tachi agarasete iru noda is what makes these guys stand up again and again
3 おまえがその足を止めぬ限り おまえがそのあしをとめぬかぎり omae ga sono ashi wo tomenu kagiri so long as you don't cease your steps.
4 射出座席は切った筈X ベイルアウトはきったはずX BEIRU AUTO (kanji: shashutsu zaseki) wa kitta hazu X "Must have bailed out (read as: ejection seat) X" (Note: This text line is cut off.)
5 あんたの仕業だな あんたのしわざだな anta no shiwaza da na "This is your doing, isn't it,"
6 オールマイト OORU MAITO "All Might?"
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1 あの子らが目指したのは… あのこらがめざしたのは… ano kora ga mezashita no wa... "Those kids were aiming for..."
2 完全勝利だから… かんぜんしょうりだから… kanzen shouri da kara... "a complete victory, so..."
3 喪うものは少ない方がいい… うしなうものはすくないほうがいい… ushinau mono wa sukunai hou ga ii... "it's best if we lose fewer people..."
4 どの口が… どのくちが… dono kuchi ga... "Look who's talking..."
5 緑谷少年…あの日君が駆け出したから みどりやしょうねん…あのひきみがかけだしたから Midoriya-shounen...ano hi kimi ga kakedashita kara Young Midoriya...because you dashed out that day,
6 私も体が動いたんだ わたしもからだがうごいたんだ watashi mo karada ga ugoitanda my body moved, too.
7 あの日からずっと君はーーーー あのひからずっときみはーーーー ano hi kara zutto kimi wa---- Ever since that day, you----
8 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ! がんばれ! ganbare! "Do your best!"
10 初日の下校を思い出す! しょにちのげこうをおもいだす! shonichi no gekou wo omoidasu! "I remember when we left school on the first day!"
11 今なら彼女が言っていた事もよくわかる気がするよ いまならかのじょがいっていたこともよくわかるきがするよ ima nara kanojo ga itte ita koto mo yoku wakaru ki ga suru yo "Now I feel like I really understand what she was saying."
12 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san"
13 もう病院つくから… もうびょういんつくから… mou byouin tsuku kara... "is already headed to the hospital..."
14 頑張れ…皆も頑張ってる がんばれ…みんなもがんばってる ganbare...minna mo ganbatteru "Do your best... Everyone is doing their best, too."
15 でも demo But
16 「デク」って 「DEKU」 tte "Deku," well…
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1 「頑張れ‼︎」って感じでなんか好きだ 私 「がんばれ‼︎」ってかんじでなんかすきだ わたし 「ganbare!!」 tte kanji de nanka suki da watashi (literal translation) I like how it's got a feeling like, "Do your best!!" (official translation) It just screams, "Do your best!!" I kinda like it.
2 がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
3 今すぐ全ヒーローを日本へ向かわせろ! いますぐぜんヒーローをにほんへむかわせろ! ima sugu zen HIIROO wo nihon e mukawasero! "Have all our heroes head for Japan right now!"
4 しかし大統領AFOが勝利しー場合 我が国の保 しかしだいとうりょうオール・フォー・ワンがしょうりしーばあい わがくにのほ shikashi daitouryou OORU FOO WAN ga shouri shi-- baai wagakuni no ho- "But Mr. President, if All For One is victorious, our country's protection-"
5 知るか行けえ しるかいけえ shiru ka ikee "Who cares? Go!"
6 皆の声が みんなのこえが minna no koe ga Everyone's voices,
7 聞こえる きこえる kikoeru I can hear them.
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
3 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
4 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
5 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
6 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
7 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
8 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
10 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
11 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
12 がんばれっ ganbare "Do your best!"
13 私の最高のヒーローだったよ! わたしのさいこうのヒーローだったよ! watashi no saikou no HIIROO datta yo! "...you were my greatest hero!"
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best,"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
tagline 1 No.422 緑谷出久:ライジング 堀越耕平 ナンバー422 みどりやいずく:ライジング ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 422  Midoriya Izuku: RAIJINGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 422 Izuku Midoriya: Rising Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 仲間が拓いた道の先ーーー みんながひらいたみちのさきーーー minna (kanji: nakama) ga hiraita michi no saki--- Ahead of the path paved by everyone (read as: [his] comrades)---
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haruka-norikoyo · 6 days
Monoma x reader who is Mirio’s younger sibling
Okay, ya’ll know how Mirio out-of-pocketly told Eri that Monoma is the bad part of UA? Like bro was being insane but damn— Eri was scared of him for a while cause of that 😭
So like, what if he kept that energy up cause reader, his younger sibling, is dating Monoma? He would be hilarious as a passive aggressively protective older brother. Poor Neito, LMFAO
Part 1/?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s bedtime for the students of class 1-B. Most of the students in the dorm are sound asleep, or at least, in their rooms getting ready for bed. But for Monoma, this hour is his only opportunity to sneak into the common room window now that everyone lives in dorms to meet with his significant other. Why the secrecy? Well, you so happened to have been put into 1-A after they both graduated middle school.
“I might not be able to bring you back until the dorms, but I could at least walk you halfway, you know?” Monoma says was he rests his arm out the window, his fingers threading against your up-stretched hand. “I wouldn’t want you walking on your own.” “Well, you could always be the one to visit me,” you tease, knowing he would never be caught dead within the premises of your class’ dorm. He scoffs, squeezing your hand as he looks away. “I would if your stupid classmates didn’t have godforsaken sleep schedules…”
Unlike his classmates at 1-B, Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Hagakure and Sero wake up in the most random hours, or stay in the common room and play uno until the devil’s hour. Tokoyami is basically nocturnal. Aoyama sometimes goes out of his room for a midnight cheese. Koda has a pet rabbit, so he sometimes wakes up to get food in the kitchen for it. Bakugo sleeps at 8:00pm on the dot, but he, Iida, Midoriya, and YaoMomo are early risers, which too, throws a wrench in your star crossed lovers charade. Technically there is a curfew, but Aizawa himself cherishes his few of hours of sleep, so he doesn’t bother badgering them to go to sleep. If they end up coming to class sleepy, well…
Your only solace is the 1-B dorm, where everyone goes to bed at a reasonable time, with the nigh nocturnal students like Kuroiro at least staying at their rooms. “I guess that’s true…” you smile wryly. “But you know, we could always make our relationship… known..?” You look up at him a little hopefully. The two of you got together near the end of middle school, so you never got the chance to announce it to anyone, especially here at UA with the class rivalry going on. Monoma rests his chin on his hand. “…you know I’d look like the biggest idiot if after all I’ve said, I turned out to be dating someone from 1-A.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” you smile sweetly, standing on your tiptoes to lean in and peck his cheek. “Mwah.”
“Gee thanks,” He rolls his eyes, pink dusting his cheeks. He pauses a second, moving your hand up to plant a delicate kiss on your knuckles. “…I’ll think about it.”
You smile. “Thank you, Neito.” As you withdrew your hand, his fingers follow yours for another second of your fleeting touch. You squeeze his hand one more time, and let go, using it to wave. “See you again tomorrow.”
Monoma sighs, and smiles. “See you again.” He waves. You retreat back to your dorm. Maybe the humiliation he imagines would be worthwhile if he gets to spend another moment with you. But, he’ll think about that another time.
He yawns, heading back to his room. The lights are all off, but he manages with the flashlight on his phone. The dorm hallway is nothing eerie. At least, as long as he doesn’t notice the pair of eyes watching him. Monoma reaches his room. He’d already brushed his teeth and changed to his sleepwear previous to meeting with you, so all that’s left to do is go to bed. He reaches for the covers.
“Wh— eahhh!!!” Monoma screams, tripping on his own feet as he drew back from the face within his pillows. Wait a second, where is the body?!
He calms down, taking deep breaths as he stared at the face peeking out. The face stares back. He stays staring.
“What’re your intentions with my younger sibling?”
“Huh?” Monoma blinks. Bitch who the fuck? He doesn’t know anyone in particular who’s a younger sibling that he might’ve wronged. Is this 1-A messing with him? He doesn’t think a villain would get into UA. “Who even are you?”
“My name is Togata Mirio, nice to finally meet you,” he responds, still with only his face peeking out of the pillows. “Togata..? You don’t happen to be… (y/n)’s older brother..?”
“Ah jeez, you’re already in first name basis?”
Monoma stares at the face poking out of his pillows. (Y/n) did mention having an older brother who’s in the hero course… but they look nothing alike!
“I bet you’re thinking that we don’t look anything alike, huh?”
Can he read my mind?! Monoma shakes his head. This is his first time meeting his partner’s family, he’s gotta pull himself together. Standing up, he dusts himself off. “I assume that you’re here to see if I’m worthy of (y/n).”
Mirio stays silent, his unreadable smile remaining on his face
Monoma takes a deep breath. “I intend to cherish (y/n), and treat them with all the respect they deserve. I’ll continue striving to be a hero by their side so that I may be the one to protect them when they’re too focused of protecting others. I intend to spend the rest of my life with (y/n).” He sweats. Mirio’s expression did not change at all in the time he’d said all that. “I see. Those are very big claims,” Mirio says. “I don’t doubt (y/n)’s judgement. They’re a capable kid. However…”
Monoma gulps.
“To be frank, I do not like you, or anyone with the chance of breaking my little sibling’s heart for that matter. If you ever hurt (y/n), I’ll beat you till your mama don’t know ya.”
Huh? “Hold on a second, that phrase…” He smiles wryly, his formalities going out the window at this revalation. It’s the phrase he’d been teaching the exchange student, Tsunori, while Kendo wasn’t looking.
“Yep, that’s right Monoma Neito. I’m in your walls. Haha, literally.”
With one eye twitching as he smiles, he asks, “That’s a breech of privacy, is it not, Onii-san? Why would you tell me this as an aspiring hero?”
“Because no one,” he could see the evil intent in those round eyes. “will ever believe you.”
“You evil bastard—”
“Monoma!” yells Awase, who’s in the room beside his. “The walls are thin! Stop talking to yourself! It’s 12:00 am go to bed!”
He turns. “I’m not talking to myself I— wait…” Monoma turns back to his pillows, and the face is gone. He snaps his head around his room. “Holy crap he’s in my walls…”
“Are you going insane?” Monoma shakes his head after looking around one more time. He shuts off the lights and tucks himself under his bedsheets. He stares at the ceiling, half expectingly to see Mirio’s face appear to stare down at him, but it seems like he’s left. Or did he?
He may never know.
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serxinns · 5 months
Scarlet which reader x Yandere mha extras: Badass darling
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Requested by @roxanndrummond
(the reader has to be gn cause the scarlet which readerismeant to be gn for everyone)
Context: You and ur classmates were fighting a bunch of villains until you were surrounded by ca group of villains but you took them down with ease by going HAM on their asses doing swift kicks and punches to the nose doing your Kudo moves you learn from youth
•Your class is beyond AMAZED at this discovery the girls were squealing while the some of the boys were just cheering you on and Iida is best-selling at you to be careful and lecturing you about not being reckless
•Bakugo was yelling at you insults and compliments at the same time like "YEA NICE ONE DUMBASS" feeling very proud while Kirishima is just rambling about how many you are to the group Mina and Denki are hugging each other cheering for you to go go go and sero is silently watching in amazed
•Tsuyu is a bit worried don't get her wrong you are an amazing fighter in training and when it comes to the battlefield but she can't help but feel nervous so she asks Iida if he can come with him to slowly you down iida is just lecturing and complimenting you about not being reckless while secretly just fangirling about how amazing you are but won't ever admit it todoroki is just looking like he was watching those pro heroes fight the bad guys Ochako is like "Hell yeah kick ass mode!" and decided to join u as well floating the other villains towards you whole to make it easier for u to get to them!
•Jirou is also cheering at you with her first in the air saying "I believe in you y/n san!" while drilling two other villains' heads with her ear cords things (idk what they're called) Aoyama is just hyping you up saying "YASSSSSS" while blasting villains with his laser while Sato is planning what type of cake he should make for you while fighting the villains, Koda is worried that you might get hurt so he sends in some dangerous and protective animals just in case of things get nasty hakagure is just waving her arms cheering
•Keigo is just looking at you like a proud father he's so gonna brag about this to Aizawa when they get back while Miriko is just jumping around cheering and yelling repeating saying "THATS MY KID THATS MY FUCKING KID RIGHT THERE" showing off her fans about you they were so proud of you they couldn't wait to coddle you with love after this and your classmates just can't wait to celebrate it and cherish it meanless to say they're extremely proud of you
You panted checking to see if you defeated all the villains you looked around to see that all the villains were either on the floor with bruised-up bodies or broken machines you destroyed while fighting them suddenly your classmates started to tackle you cheering for you and holding you up you felt like you were in a crowd wave ton and tons of praises while you're just looking at them wondering wtf is going on Miriko is just holding you jumping you around in her arms while hawks ruffled you and tokoyami's head saying that he was both proud of you
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multifandomxreader · 1 year
I come to your aid, my dear writer!
an idea would be an adhd!gn!reader that always manages to survive, but no one understands how.
they get distracted easily, can't concentrate for too long when someone is explaining the plan, and start wandering off to explore, etc.
everyone think they survive only thanks to the rest of the group
but chishiya is the only one who sees the truth (reader finds important clues at early stages of the game while wandering off, they try to explain what they believe is the right answer (normally being the right answer) but no one manages to understand what they mean because reader doesn't explain their full thought process or forgets to add context, asking simple questions out of curiosity and sometimes helping the group realise stuff, their previous fixations on random hobbies being useful, etc)
also, the reader is usually calm and unbothered about the situation, always in a good mood
people underestimate them a lot
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gn reader with adhd x Alice In Borderland
It was time to play another game, you had only two days left on your visa which left you with no other choice. Hatter teamed you up with Kuina and Chishiya, something that made you feel safer. You drove to the location of your assigned game, a mansion in the Aoyama area, one of the wealthiest in Tokyo. You enter the entrance hall and each grab a phone off the table. In the room are two other players waiting for the game to start. A man fitting the aesthetic of the area, wearing an expensive watch and an even more expensive-looking suit is tapping his foot impatiently on the marble floor. And a posh older woman who could easily be your grandmother, fidgeting with her pearl necklace. 
Chishiya immediately starts analyzing the people and the room while Kuina greets the other players. The registration closes and an arrow appears pointing to an opening door, everyone hurries inside and the door closes behind you. On your phones appear the ace of clubs and a voice starts explaining the rules. “Game: escape room. Find clues and get out of the room in time.” You laugh “An ace? We’re definitely gonna ace this” you look at your friends to see if they got your joke, Chishiya rolls his eyes while Kuina snorts. They got used to your humor by now but you never skip the opportunity to make a cheesy joke to lighten the mood. 
“Thirty minutes left.” You look up at Chishiya as he begins speaking: “Okay, the room is big so let’s split up to cover the ground faster. Share everything…” You look around the room as your attention is pulled to a big bookcase. You tilt your head to read the titles. “I loved this book, ooh, Kuina you will really like this one!” “... and lastly we need a code to open that door.” Chishiya ends his little instruction talk. Everyone splits up to look for clues, the room is basically a large living room. Decorated with lavish couches and baroque art. After scanning the shelf with books you notice an aquarium with a small turtle. You smile as you watch it move, becoming hypnotized by the cute animal.
Meanwhile, the others were searching frantically for the key that would open a box. You got taken out of your trance when someone yanked you backward. “Search the fucking key you idiot” the posh asshole swears as he grips the front of your shirt. Immediately Chishiya and Kuina come to your aid. “Look violence isn’t gonna solve this game, so leave him alone” Kuina speaks. The guy lets go of you and points at the box, “We need a key to open it, search for it.“ You take it from Chishiya’s hands and examine it. It’s a wooden box, decorated with flowers, one flower stands out, a carnation. “Hey, Kuina did you know that a green carnation used to be a symbol to show that you were queer. It was popularized by…” You rush to the bookshelf as the others stand in confusion, your fingers trace the names of authors until you find the one you’re looking for: Oscar Wilde. You take it off the shelf and read the title. “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” you exclaim “I loved this book! The way Wilde portrays the dark side of humanity…” “Y/N!” Kuina signals. “Oops sorry. Does anyone have a knife?” “I do” the old woman proclaims while waving her purse in the air. She pulls the knife out of it but hesitates to hand it over. “What are you going to…” Chishiya snatches it from her before she’s able to finish her sentence. “Just trust them.” 
He gives you the knife and you walk determined towards the portrait hanging above the fireplace and slash it. Behind the canvas a key appears, you grab it and toss it at Kuina who opens the box. “Ten minutes left.” The box contains a riddle that gets rapidly solved by Chishiya, the riddle leads to another clue. It keeps on going like this and it looks like you were almost there. You slowly gravitate back to the turtle. 
“Five minutes left” the voice chimes. Behind you, the others cheer because they found the final code. You join them as Chishiya types it in. The door opens but you were met with another one. A sorrowful sigh left the older lady and the man punches the wall. The door was beautiful, so would have been escaping but you could just as well admire the craftwork that went into making the door. Beautiful curves, leaves, a turtle. A turtle. “One minute left.” You reach for the wooden turtle and start pushing it. It moved. You copy the unusual trail of the actual turtle, which had made you so interested in it in the first place: a triangle. 
The door opens and everyone leaps through just in time before the floor collapses. You look at your friends in shock before grinning widely. “I fucking love you y/n” Kuina sighs as she pulls you into a hug, Chishiya pats your back “Well done.”
notes: I hope you enjoyed it! it was fun writing a reader with adhd and putting some of my own special interests in it ;) (queer history)
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frickingnerd · 10 months
aoyama breaking up with you
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pairing: yuuga aoyama x gn!reader
tags: spoilers for season 7, angst, break up
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during his time at UA, aoyama had always tried to keep his distance from everyone
he couldn't get attached to anyone, knowing he would eventually have to betray them
but you had still made friends with the boy. no matter how annoying he was, no matter how little effort he had put into the relationship, you still stayed his friend 
you were too kind and despite his original plans to keep his distance, he fell in love with you
yet time and time again, he had to betray you. put you in danger. sell you out to all for one
you got badly hurt during the USJ incident, because he told the league of villains that his class was going to be there
during the summer camp, the same thing happened again. he cowered behind a bush, as he watched you desperately fight the villains
all those times you got hurt, it was his fault. and you didn't even know!
you fell in love with a guy who did all those horrible things to you. you fell in love with a filthy villain like him
things seemed to be looking good between the two of you, when aoyama broke up with you out of the blue
you didn't understand why. had you done something wrong?
aoyama never gave you a clear answer. he told you it just wasn't meant to be
it isn't until much later when he's revealed as the traitor, that you slowly start to understand what had happened
despite that, you were still in love with him. you had been even after he broke up with you. you always would be in love with him
the boy you fell in love with, that was the real aoyama! you knew he was a kind person, who never wanted to hurt anyone…
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megukins · 2 years
Naughty Mischief
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𓆩♡𓆪 Katsuki x satan's daughter!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 genre: smut
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n: I wrote this trash a while ago so I'm sorry if it's bad. Also you guys are like 18-19 here and you participate in it too so your bf won't be the only one.
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: You tease the fuck out of you boyfriend during NNN to see how long he can last before he cracks.
𓆩♡𓆪 warnings: smut, dubcon, mentions of cum, dry humping, marking, masochism, rough sex, public sex
𓆩♡𓆪 words: 1.9k
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You knew what you were doing was tormenting him. Which is why you got a kick out of it. You told your boyfriend about the challenge No Nut November where you go a whole month without cumming or masturbating.
You knew it was a lunch break right now, so it was your chance to send a bold message. You run to the bathroom, pull your shirt down a little to show some cleavage and stick your fingers in your mouth back and forth, sending a "I wish this was your fat cock instead." 😩 You shake with anticipation to await the hot head's reaction. Five minutes passed and still no response.
"The fuck is he doing, taking a shit?" You mumble.
You tap your foot impatient, finally receiving a response after around 10 minutes, which read "Wtf, you didn't even give a warning! Two can play at that game"
You roll your eyes which was typical of him since he's so competitive.
You've been sending your boyfriend daring messages all of yesterday through today, knowing the impact it had on him. He avoided making eye contact with you as it would only make it worse. His friends were worried about him trying to ask him what's up.
"What's the matter, Bakugo? I've noticed you've been avoiding Y/N. Did you two get into a fight or something?" Kirishima asks, Kaminari standing over his desk too to see what's up.
"It's none of your fucking business!" He scowled.
"Typical reaction from him..." Kaminari mumbles.
Mr. Aizawa walks into the class with his usual expression and monotonous tone.
"All right, everyone settle down. We'll be having a training course today, so get your hero gear on."
Everyone rushes to get changed.
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You take this time to tease him again, which was perfect. Your outfit was quite revealing, almost more revealing than Momo's since your quirk is demonic powers and you're the daughter of satan.
It didn't help the situation at all. All the boys were staring at you, a few either having nose bleeds or blushing red. You always wore a cloak over your hero costume so they had no idea what you truly looked like underneath. The costume accentuates your curves.
"Whoa, I had no idea Y/N was that sexy without her cloak on." Mineta practically drools.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing wearing something revealing like that!?"
He wraps his arms around you to cover your exposed flesh.
"It's part of my hero costume, Katsu. Is that a problem?"
"Hell yeah it's a problem! Take it off!"
"Mm, what happens if I don't?" You place a finger on your chin.
"Then I'll fucking take it off myself!"
"And let everyone see me naked? I thought only you could see me exposed."
"Enough you two." Aizawa speaks up, you two break apart.
He then explains how today would go and what to expect from you all. Everyone had to split up in pairs. It's 5 groups because the number is uneven, Todoroki, and Momo, Deku, Mineta and Uraraka, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari, Tokoyami, and Shoji, You and Bakugo, Iida, Tooru, and Ojiro, Tsuyu, Jiro, and Mina, and Sato, Aoyama, and Koda.
You two wander off in the woods somewhere, afraid you're lost.
"Uhh, Katsu? Are we lost? We probably should've stayed close by." You say, receiving no answer.
He shoves you up against a tree, pinning your wrists.
"Now we're alone. Listen here you little shit, I'm tired of your bullshit! It's driving me insane!"
He grips your wrists harder.
"Katsuki stop gripping my wrists so hard! The little messages you gave me made me on edge as well!" You confess, biting your lip hard trying your hardest not to look at his muscular figure.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to ya!" He grabs your chin. "This is all your fucking fault. I've had to endure so many hard ons and couldn't relieve myself because of this damn challenge." He spat.
"You don't have to do it if it's too much for you~" You tease.
You narrow your eyes towards his crotch seeing that he has a boner right now. He cups your left asscheek hard, eliciting a moan from you.
"I should punish you for not covering up, letting them see you like this. That damn nerd got a nosebleed and I saw Icyhot staring too. Shit, even Shitty hair had a nosebleed. I bet you enjoyed the attention being on you." He starts.
His large hand cups your other cheek, activating his quirk. You push your head into his chest to muffle your moans. He lifts your head up, pulling on your tail.
"If I were to just pull on your tail-"
"KATSUUU NOT THE TAIL!" You squeal, beating on his chest.
"So that is one of your weak spots." He gives his signature shit eating grin.
He rubs it up and down slowly.
"S-seriously, stop! What if someone catches us!"
"Then I wouldn't give a fuck. The poor fucker would just have a nice show." He says bluntly.
He continues pulling on it, enjoying the face your making.
"Ka-tsu-ki stoppp..."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll make you cum right now so you can lose this stupid challenge. Be ashame if that were to happen. I mean, it is only the sixth day." You say hoping it works.
"I'm not losing that fucking fast, if anything you are!" He retorts.
"How so?"
"Your sex drive is higher than mine! Your fucking horny every single time you look at me!"
"That's so not true at all!" You fold your arms.
"Oh yeah? Then look at me right now. Go ahead, prove me wrong which you can't, you never can."
He puts his hands on his hips waiting impatiently.
"Uhh I can't because um-"
"Because you proved my point! Every time I'm near Shitty hair and the others you tug on my arm so we can go into the bathroom to either make out or so I can eat you out!"
"What about when you want me to blow you hm?"
"It occurs every once in a while! With you, you always expect me to eat you out which ends up messy then they wanna know what the fuck I was doing all this time." He finally finishes.
"It's not my fault you're so damn fine."
You don't dare look him in the eyes knowing it would boost his already huge ego even more.
"That so?" He smirks, cupping your chin forcing you to make eye contact with him.
Your eyes shut tight not wanting to succumb to him.
"Fine you win! Asshole." You mumble the last part.
"Of course I did. I always win no matter what." He flaunts.
"Give me your hand right quick."
He raises his brow but doesn't question and complied anyway. You make him grab your breasts, tweaking your nipples and start to grind against his crotch, moaning.
"Fuck!" He nearly chokes, letting go of your nipples.
"What's the matter, my 'big' explosive king?" You say in a tone trying to sound innocent yet seductive.
"If you wanna make me cum, you gotta try harder than that, babygirl~"
He pins you against a tree again. He bites your neck hard to leave noticeable hickeys so they know you belong to him and only him. He discards his costume, yours following soon after.
You look at him with lust in your eyes, licking your lips. He smashes his lips against yours, the kiss starting out passionate but soon getting sloppier and spicer. You ruffle your hands through his spiky locks, your tongues doing the salsa.
"I can't handle this shit anymore."
He bends you over, slamming his cock slowly into your asshole while pulling onto your tail. You hiss at the new feeling but then gets used to it.
"Wait Katsu, w-we're doing this right now?" You bite your lip trying not to moan.
"You need to learn your fucking lesson. The only way I can do that is by fucking you since your so horny all the time." He explains, speeding up his thrusts.
He flips you around to face him, placing his hands on your shoulders and rams his fat balls inside your pussy.
"A-ahhh~ do it harder..." You practically drool as your masochist natures starts to kick in.
"Tch, fucking masochist."
"Well you're fucking this masochist." You say back smoothly.
He ignores you, adding more force into his ramming. He rams into you at a more animalistic way, your ass, thighs, and boobs jiggling uncontrollably. Your eyes start to roll into the back of your head as you felt like you were in heaven.
"Fuckk me faster daddy~" You say desperately, knowing that got him for sure.
"I'm gonna fuck a baby into you if you fucking call me that again."
He rams faster, sweat dripping all down his face and arms. Your tongue hangs out, you end up moaning his name louder and louder for everyone to hear. You felt he was close, as he tries his hardest to hold it in, but ends up failing and pulls out of you quickly, his cum dripping over your tummy. The sight was too much for you to bare, as you cum right after him, both of you all sweaty and panting hard.
"Looks like we both lost." You chuckle.
"I'll win next year for sure!"
"Good luck with that... Let's hurry and put our clothes back on before someone sees us." You rush to put them on, admiring his nude body.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He says, eventually putting his clothes back on.
"I could say the same thing to you earlier." You roll your eyes.
"Damn I probably should've nutted on your ass instead." He cups both cheeks again, squeezing them roughly.
"Leave my ass alone!" You squeal while puffing up your cheeks.
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You two were the last ones to return back to the location Aizawa requested.
"What took you guys so long?" He folds his arms, tapping his finger on his arm.
"We got lost and almost got ambushed!" You blurt out.
"Is that why you were screaming earlier?" Bakugo asks, smirking.
"Yes, it was." You glare at him.
"As long as you guys are back then everything is okay." Deku sighs in relief.
"It's not like anything could happen as long as Bakugo is with her." Iida says, relieved nothing happened to you two.
"What exactly were you two doing?" Tsuyu asks, curious.
"N-nothing at all!" You immediately get flustered at the memory.
"Judging by the stuttering I'd say it was something naughty." Mina smirks, nudging your arm.
You walk up to Bakugo whispering something that would get him riled up.
"Next year I'll go above and beyond, this was just childs play." You whisper to him, seeing how it's still November but it's no point since you both lost on the sixth day.
"Then I'll make sure to have you cum the first day!" He says confidently, everyone staring at him weirdly.
You hide your face in your arms from embarrassment.
"I feel like living under a rock for the rest of my life..." You groan trying to erase the embarrassing vibe you're feeling off.
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© 2022 this work belongs to @megukins DO NOT repost OR plagiarize on any other social media
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fumiyami · 20 days
1. Yuga supplies Fumikage (and dark shadow) with endless shiny items to keep the silly birds happy
2. they became official friends when Fumikage went to comfort him after Yuga has a bad day or is in a bad mood due to something which I WONT MENTION FOR MY SANITY. :((
3. Fumi likes to sleep in Yuga’s room since he knows that dark shadow won’t go wild in there due to it being super bright
4. Yuga does Fumi’s nails
5. dark shadow has tried to preen Yuga’s hair on several occasions
6. Yuga first became close to dark shadow secretly so that he could in turn be in Fumi’s good book
7. both LOVE horror movies (which people find to be surprising in Yuga’s case) and watch one horror movie a day in the month of October leading up to Fumi’s favourite on his birthday (October 30th)
8. pet names are a big thing!! I wanna think Fumikage calls Yuga something like “my love” and Yuga calls Fumi cute french couple names (which Fumi always looks up on google translate later)
9. speaking about French!! Fumi learns a bunch of French phrases and surprises Yuga with them on his birthday
10. their quirks are perfect since dark shadow, despite also being afraid of it, likes naval laser (shiny thing!!) but it can also calm dark shadow down when they get too wild or berserk
11. both have the favourite colour purple!! (different shades but still purple!!)
12. both artists!!
13. I don’t know if I fully headcanon this one but!! yuga kinda admires pro hero hawks (this idea came to me from seeing how his red goggle things on his hero costume look like hawks’s wings) and Fumikage is hawks’s favourite teenager ever so they’ve met each other before!!
14. they try on each other clothes despite having completely opposite aesthetics
15. they got together because Mina and hagakure convinced the whole of 1A that they’d be cute together so nearly everyone tried getting them together
16. Fumikage definitely fell first due to Yuga being a shiny thing and his silly little bird brain being attracting to shiny things
17. fumikage, before they started dating, would have to stop himself from accidentally staring at yuga
18. Yuga is the only one in class 1A who is allowed to be in Fumi’s room whenever he wants (Fumi gets territorial if it’s anyone else)
19. Yuga was the first person in 1A who ever saw Fumikage smile with his teeth willingly (there was a part somewhere that wasn’t in the anime that got Fumi to laugh using Miss jokes quirk and we saw him smile with teeth then but that wasn’t his doing😢😢)
20. fumikage gives Yuga cool crystals and stuff (kinda like penguins giving out rocks!!)
21. yuga was put in charge of organising a secret halloween themed birthday party for fumi with the rest of the class
22. nightly movie nights
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wotcherangie · 4 days
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🐈‍⬛⚔️ Masaya Aoyama - Tokyo Mew Mew | Arcane redesign AU
Adopted by one of the ruling house at the age of 3 years old, Masaya Aoyama became soon the prodige kid of Piltover, known by everyone as the perfect demonstration of what a poor child of Zaun - grown up in a wealthier place with access at education - could become. 
Kept in the dark about his humble origin, Masaya grew up as confident and well educated as lonely and full of doubt, knowing - deep down - that something wasn’t right and that his parents kept hiding the truth from him.
First of his class and the younger cadet graduated in the Academy of Piltover Police, Masaya soon joined the Warden and made a name of himself as sheriff, known as the Blue Knight: lethal with criminals but full of kindness for the less fortunate, always keeping an eye on the poor people of Zaun.
It was during one of his patrol in City of Iron and Glass that he met Ichigo, the first person in his life that acted spontaneous around him and treated him like a human being. 
Unfortunately - as soon as he realised he fell in love with her - something dark from his unknown past knocked at his door.
Character Sheet on Cara
TMM X ARCANE AU (more info here)
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Bakusquad comfort
Total word count: 3323
Parings: Bakusquad(minus sero) X Transmasculine! reader
Summary: Monoma is a dick, outing you to the entirety of classes A and B. How does the Bakusquad comfort you?
Warnings: Transphobia, Monoma is Dick, talks of binding and testosterone, canon typical violence mentioned, Monoma is an ass, some cursing, I think that’s it let me know if you notice more.
A/n: This is just a few little drabbels of how different members of the bakusquad respond to a Transmasculine reader being outed by Monoma, full disclosure I do not like Monoma fight me on it. Anyway some of them may be a little ooc but I haven’t written for them yet so this is what i got. Can be read as platonic or not. Enjoy, and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate. REQUESTS ARE OPEN
     Being a student at U.A. has been a dream come true. I’ve been able to use it as a new start, people know me as Y/n the guy who has an earth manipulation quirk and not the girl who thinks she’s a guy. The only reason I say that is that none of my classmates know I’m Transgender. I haven’t told anyone, not because I'm embarrassed but because I’m scared of how they will react to the truth, especially with how long I’ve kept it from them. I feel like I’m lying to them in a way but I don’t want them to hate me for it, so I’ve just kept quiet. I’m sure I’ll tell them when I’m ready.
    On a different note I do truly feel like I belong here, like people see the real me, a fun, energetic guy who just wants to help people. The group I hang out with the most is the Bakusquad, consisting of Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero and Me. We are a strange group for sure, being unofficially led by the stubborn Bakugo, and the rest of us being somewhat over energetic, but we get along well. Having movie nights in the living room of the dorms, and messing with Bakugo in our free time. I couldn’t ask for better friends.
    Though everything came falling apart when we went to training ground gamma to face off against class B. We had been separated into 5 groups per class and paired off for battles. I had been placed in the fourth group and so I had to sit back with the rest of the students as group one started their match. We had for the most part stayed with our own classes, not mingling too much, just commenting on strategies and predicted outcomes.
    Everything seemed fine until the match ended and the teachers were prepping for the second match. Neito Monoma decided to pop off with some absolute bullshit. 
    “The scum of Class A only one because of Shinso, I bet if it was the other way around Class B would have prevailed. Class A isn’t anything special.” He said with a laugh not caring that he was being a dick. “I would wager the rest of the matches will be a clean sweep.”
    As the second set of teams left, I started getting irritated because he just kept going. Going as far as to insult Aoyama. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I snapped. “You know, even if he doesn't have great control of his quirk, Aoyama is ten times the hero you will ever be. So why don’t you shut your pathetic mouth and be respectful.” I said getting in his face, surprising the rest of the students around us.
     Realizing we had everyone’s attention, Monoma decided to take advantage of the situation. “Oh, the liar of Class A wants to lecture me on respect.” He laughed out, confusing everyone including myself. “You think you’ve been sneaky about everything, but I figured it out. Visiting Recovery Girl every few months to fix your ribs, the giant hoodies you wear in the evening when you walk around campus, and the pharmacy deliveries every couple weeks. It’s a miracle your class hasn’t figured you out yet, but then again they aren’t the brightest.” Those comments wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else but I knew exactly what he meant. I watched in silent horror as my classmates tried to figure it out, and he just smirked. “That’s right Class A your dear Y/n has been lying to you this entire time. SHE is transgender and has been lying to you about it. Wanting you to believe she is just a normal guy going to school to be a hero, But how can you be a hero if all you do is lie to your so-called friends.” He announced to both classes, outing me to everyone.
     I froze for only a second before bolting out of the training grounds, ignoring the commotion that was caused and the calls from my teachers to come back and work things out. One of my biggest fears just came true, and they wanted me to talk it out in front of everyone, not happening. I was going back to my dorm and locking myself in, no one should have to see me after finding out I lied to them for months.
Word count: 662
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    I had barely shut the door to my room before I heard near constant banging on the door. “Go away, I’m not talking about this.” I shouted at the person, moving to hide under the covers of my bed.
   The banging continued for a moment before I heard a very familiar sigh. “Open the door right now you damn extra, or I’ll blow it up.” There was no mistaking that It was Bakugo on the other side especially when sparks followed the statement.
   Rushing to the door I swung it open right as he raised his hand to blow it up. “Don’t break my door. Now what do you want? To tell me that I’m a horrible person for lying to you, tell me you want nothing to do with me? Or let me guess tell me I’m mentally ill and should be in a mental institution?” I ranted out moving into my room, not noticing the tears rolling down my face.
   Hearing heavy foot falls behind me I turned back to Bakugo as he approached me. “You know for one of the top members of our class you can be dumber than dunceface.” He said, reaching up, wiping the tears from my face. “Why would I be mad at you for keeping any of this a secret? It’s completely reasonable, you had no idea how any of us would react. I just wanted to make sure you really are ok.” I was relieved he wanted to check on me and wasn’t mad at me, but now I’m mad at myself.
   “I just feel so stupid. How could I be so reckless that fucking Monoma was able to figure it out? It’s not like I was trying to hide everything, but I kept my binders out of sight when you guys would visit my room, wore oversized hoodies when I had to take a break, tried to dispose of my T supplies where no one would see it, and visited recovery girl when no one was around. How on earth did he notice any of it?” I started ranting again.
   Taking me by surprise, he pulled me into his chest to shut me up. “Everyone makes mistakes, that weasel probably caught you on bad days when you thought no one was around.” Bakugo said. “But you really are stupid if you think no one else figured it out.” I could tell this comment wasn’t malicious but more of just stating facts, though I was confused by what he meant. Sensing my confusion he continued, “I started to piece things together at the training camp when it was super warm in the evening but you insisted on wearing a hoodie, and slept in a separate room from all the guys. At first I thought you were just being weird, but then we got movies to the dorms and you always wear a hoodie around the living room even when most of us chill with t-shirts. I put everything together and figured something happened in the past to make it hard to open up, so I never said anything figuring you would tell people when you were ready.” That was the most I had hear Bakugo talk in a long while.
     Not sure how to respond I just let out a quiet “thank you” Before he started talking again. “And don’t worry about that pompous ass who tried to embarrass you. The rest of the extras have promised to show him how Class A sticks together, even the nerd. For now let's just relax, movie night just you and me, ok?” I nodded as he led me to sit on my bed. He was about to step out of my room to grab snacks before he turned back to me, “While I’m getting snacks, you need to take off your hero costume and get into something comfortable. That includes taking off your binder.” He said matter-of-factly as he left leaving no room to argue.
Word count: 660
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     I had been in my room for about ten minutes when I heard a gentle knock at the door. Not wanting to face anyone's disappointment I just curled further into my blankets. It was silent for a few seconds before there was another knock followed by a gentle voice. “Hey Y/n, I know you  probably don’t want to talk about what happened but I brought some chocolate and some tea if you want it?” It was Kirishima, he was always so kind to everyone and worried about everyone’s feelings no matter what.
     Reluctantly I stood up from my bed and slowly opened the door, the thought of candy and tea did sound relaxing. As soon as the door opened Kiri pushed his way in, setting the tea on my desk and pulling me into a hug. “Listen you don’t have to say anything, I just want you to know that no one is upset with you over this. In fact I think Bakugo was being held back by Midorya when I left, he looked like he was gonna blow up Monoma.” He said with a sincere chuckle. “I know that nothing can fix what he did or change what he said, but we all love you just the way you are. It is the manliest thing ever to face the world and tell it ‘screw you I’m not who you say I should be, I’m me.’ I hope you know that.” He pulled back and wiped the few tears I didn’t realize I had shed from my checks. “You are the manliest person I know, now go change into some pajamas and I'll get stuff set up to watch a movie, ok?” He gently nudged me towards the door.
     I nodded, grabbing my pajamas, and stepping out of the room towards the bathroom. Changing out of my hero costume was difficult today, hating that I had to take my binder off because it’s not safe to sleep in it, after what happened during training I didn’t want to face that part of me. Eventually I got into my baggy pajamas, and was about to head back to my room when I realized I forgot my hoodie. It’s not that I didn’t feel comfortable with Kirishima now that he knew the truth, I just needed the comfort of it. Deciding that I had to leave the bathroom either way I opened the door only to pause when I saw a red hoodie folded up on the floor. I quickly picked it up and put it on.
    Entering my room I couldn't help but ask about it. “Is this your hoodie Kiri?” 
    The redhead just smiled before responding. “I noticed you forgot to grab one of your hoodies before you went to change and I figured from all the time you wear them, they make you comfortable, so I decided to bring you one. I couldn’t find one of yours though so I just grabbed one of mine. It's ok if you don’t want to wear it, I just thought it would make you feel more comfortable.” He rambled for a minute and I couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness. 
    “It’s great, thank you. If it’s ok I’d like to wear it for the rest of the day, I promise I’ll give it back after I get a chance to clean it for you.” I said sitting next to where he was sitting on my bed.
    He just laughed, “Don’t worry about it, you can keep it if you want.” He then leaned on the headboard of my bed before starting the first of many movies of the evening. “Just relax, and don’t worry about training, Aizawa said you have a pass for today's exercise because of all that happened.” he informed me as I leaned into his side. Deciding that I needed a nap after everything, I drifted off knowing that my friends had my back no matter what.
Word count:625
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    Heading for the dorms I lost focus on what was going on around me. I just wanted to reach my room and close myself off. In my haze I didn’t notice the lip in the sidewalk until it was too late. I braced for impact only to feel a pair of hands grab my shoulder and pull me up right. Turning around I was faced with the blonde hair of everyone’s favorite pikachu. Not wanting to face anyone in my class, not even my closest friend, I pushed him away and went to head back to the dorm, only for him to grab my wrist.
    “Hey stop, I know what happened was bullshit but locking yourself in your room isn’t going to fix it. The truth is out there and you need to talk about it.” It was harsh but the truth, and I didn;t want to face it, but before I could respond Denki beat me to it. “Don’t deny that you were going to hide hoping we would all forget or ignore it. We don’t care that you’re trans, we just want you to be safe, and knowing you now that you’re upset you are going to be dumb. So, we are going to go back to the dorms, you are going to grab a hoodie and sweatpants, then shower. After that we are going to go sit in my room and A) talk about how you’re feeling or B) raid Sato’s candy stash and watch cheesy movies until Bakugo yells at us to go to sleep, understand?” He said with a completely straight face. Out of everyone I didn’t think he would be the one to be so serious.
    Not wanting to argue, I nodded and let him lead me to Heights Alliance. He waited in the doorway of my room while I grabbed my change of clothes and then stood outside the bathroom while I showered. It was somewhat comforting knowing he was there waiting for me, like he was worried something would happen and wanted to protect me. As I stepped out of the bathroom he looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. “What are you looking at?” I was confused by the quizzical gaze.
    “Not to sound creepy but please prove you didn’t put your binder back on after your shower? I was doing research while you were showering and everything says you need breaks from it and shouldn’t sleep in them.” He paused for a second before blushing. “Not that I’m asking you to show me your chest just like maybe show me that your binder is in your pile of dirty clothes that’s in your hand?” He rushed out, it was obvious he was just concerned for my safety and wanted to make sure I was being safe.
    I couldn’t help but laugh at his flustered state. As I walked past him, I grabbed the requested article from the middle of the pile and held it up. “I did not put my binder back on, I may be upset but I know my limits.” I said as I heard him rush to follow me, hearing a small ‘ok good’ from the blonde. “But thank you for looking out for me. When we get to your room I think I just want to watch some movies. If that’s ok with you?” I asked as he caught up with me.
   He gave me a thumbs up and a quick smile. “ Ofcourse, whatever you want to do is fine with me. Just remember that whenever you’re ready to talk I’m here for you.” With that he led me to his room and we settled in for an afternoon of movies and raiding different classmates' rooms for snacks.
Word count:638
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    As I rushed up the steps of Heights Alliance I heard the shouts of my pink best friend. “Wait Y/n, slow down.” Having an internal debate with myself I froze for a second, unintentionally giving the normally bubbly girl a chance to catch up with me. “Hey, are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?” Mina asked as she lightly grabbed my shoulders.
    Looking anywhere but her I let everything out. “How can you stand to talk to me, why are you worried? I lied to you, all of you. I can’t call myself a hero if I can’t even tell my closest friends that I’m transgender. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to tell you all, I really did but the right time never showed itself. And I would understand if none of you wanted to be my friend anymore, or if you even wanted me to leave. Just tell me now if that’s what everyone wants, I’ll understand and go pack my stuff.” I let out with tears rolling down my face.
   It was silent for a moment, worried that Mina had just decided to leave during my rant. I turned to face her, being greeted with the sight of my best friend attempting to hold back tears. “What makes you think we would want you to leave? Everyone is worried about you. I’m pretty sure even Ida was about to punch that asshole. No one and I mean no one thinks you’re a monster or a liar. You didn’t tell us when we first met for a reason, and you’re right there was never a good time to bring something like that up, but I’m positive you would have found a good time to tell us. So stay here and keep having fun learning and training with us please? And if this is the only thing you take from this, know that I love you just the way you are, whether you are Y/n the guy who like pissing off Bakugo and stealing fancy cheesy from Aoyama, or if you are Y/n the guy who is trans and proud of himself for it. Even if you still want to keep it on the down low and want people to ignore it for now, I’m proud of you, and everything you have been through.” She said tears were rolling down her face as she went on. It was shocking to hear such emotions and statements about the situation.
   Not being sure what to say I wiped my eyes before collecting my thoughts. “Thank you, Mina. I’m sorry I blew up on you like that, it’s just so frustrating having you all find out in such a way. I wanted to tell you, and I just never got to it. I think for now I want to just process the fact that it’s out there now and wrap my head around it.” She just responded with a nod, signaling me to keep going. “Would you mind just sitting with me for a while in my room while I work things out in my head, you can watch movies and eat my snacks if you want. I just don’t think I should be alone with my thoughts right now.” I said looking towards the doors we were stopped in front of, realizing that we both had mini breakdowns outside where anyone could see us.
  Mina smiled gently as she reached to open the doors. “Take whatever time you need. When you’re ready to talk let me know. And I’ll gladly sit with you, But first I’m grabbing face masks and nail polish from my room and we are going to have a relaxing friends night once you decide you’ve had enough thinking for the day.” She said returning to her normal bubbly self.
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bouncybongfairy · 10 months
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Miscommunication Part 3
Izuku x Fem Reader
Summary: After telling Mina about your new found relationship with Izuku, things become heated. You noticed this when Uraraka and Mina become team captains for a training exercise and they pick you last. Mina also starts giving you snarky comments about your appearance and your relationship. You tell Izuku about the confrontation you had with Mina in the locker room which upsets him. During dinner, Mina tries to make you insecure and Izuku snaps at her. After the big blow up, a certain somebody knocks on your door.
Word Count: 2k+
Part 4 Now Posted!
You didn’t know how to respond to Mina’s message. Izuku noticed you were taking a while to get water and approached you, ensuring you were okay. You showed him the text and explained the situation. He advised that you give a truthful and straightforward answer; you guys didn’t hook up but were starting to go out. She didn’t text you back which you thought was weird because usually, Mina had quite a bit to say over text messages. You didn’t think much of it because she was probably reporting back to Uraraka. After you guys were done working out, you went by a local market and picked up a few snacks for your dorm. It was Sunday so everyone was tucked away in their rooms, rushing to finish the stack of homework they ignored all weekend. You still had some work left but were happy that most of your work was done. It allowed you to rest for tomorrow, Mondays usually were really intense when it came to training and school work. You know Izuku told you a simple answer and left to leave it at that but it was weird that she didn’t text back. You sent a message asking if everything was okay but didn’t hear back. 
The next morning, you felt very optimistic about the day ahead. This was the first day you had class since you and Izuku had made things official. You ironed your uniform and spent a little more time getting ready than usual. On your way to class, you were feeling extremely confident and prepared. All your homework was done, your hair looked great and you were well-rested. Once you got to your desk, you noticed that none of the girls were looking at you. Usually, they would sit at your desk and talk briefly until Aizawa entered the room. You started to feel a pit in your stomach form. You reassured yourself that it was just your anxiety projecting. The girls may have seemed jaded after you told Mina about your newfound romance. Izuku walked into the class and gave you a kiss on the cheek, breaking you out of your thoughts. After greeting each other Aizawa came in and handed out the assignment for the day. It was just a packet about stabilizing a victim in a high-risk area. The class reviewed the material together before suiting and doing hands-on training. 
You had just gotten your new costume that Midnight helped you design. It was a dark purple leather body suit that had rhinestones that looked like stars; you wanted it to look like the night sky. Aoyama was the first one to compliment you. This made you extremely happy because you admired his style. When the training started, Aizawa instructed that the class would be split into two teams: Heroes and Injured Civilians. The civilian is lying down in a fabricated high-risk area. The hero would then stabilize and carry the civilian to safety. The team captains were Mina and Uraraka. It was then that you realized your gut feeling was right. You were picked last Mina which made you feel some type of way but you didn’t let it show. Izuku being who he is, volunteered first and conveniently Uraraka’s hand shot up to be his partner. You physically had to bite your tongue in order not to say anything. Behind you, a couple of the girls were snickering which was really driving you crazy. Izuku looked back at you and started the exercise. It did bother you but at the same time, you were a pretty secure girl. It’s not like he’s going to fall in love with her because he trained with her in class. It was just irritating that she was trying to make a statement, it just seemed super petty. 
“God they’re so cute,” you heard a voice squeak from behind you. 
“I know when they are going to get together,” someone else responded. 
You then moved on to basic attack training. This time Aizawa was in charge of making the pairs which made you let out a sigh of relief. You were paired with Kirishima, and part of you felt smug because you knew him and Mina had a thing. At the same time, you didn’t want any type of problem and obviously didn’t feel the need to be shady. You were throwing attack after attack and it was apparent he wasn’t budging. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat while you were fighting as hard as you could when you reached your limit and excused yourself for a water break. He complimented you on how far you’ve come and you thanked him. The next exercise was two teams against each other, essentially playing capture the flag against each other. Mina started hailing down attacks on you, yes she would let up here and there but damn. It was starting to feel really personal, you were dodging and were proud to say none of her acid got on you. You were sweating and breathing heavily as you pulled your hair into a bun. The class was then dismissed for the rest of the day and all the students made their way to locker rooms. As you were changing you could hear Mina talking about your new suit. 
“Oh, you don’t like how it looks? I figured you were trying to get my attention because why would you be talking about me when I’m 4 feet away,” you said pulling your hoodie over your head. 
“I was just pointing out that your costume seemed to change right after you got with Deku. I wonder if there’s a correlation,” she said, packing her bag up. 
“You knew I was getting my costume redesigned with Midnight because I’m planning on being her sidekick when I get my permit. So no need to wonder, save that energy for your training,” you said. 
“I just think it’s convenient for you and Deku-” she started when you interrupted. 
“Oh my- do you want to date him? Do you stalk him? I just don’t know why you have such an obsession with us. If you don’t want to be with him then don’t talk to me about it Mina. If a certain somebody has an issue then surely they’ll come tell me about it right? Okay then,” you said, turning your head to Uraraka who made eye contact with you for a second before looking away. Throwing your backpack over your shoulder you walk through the doors. Izuku was waiting for you outside the boy’s locker room, he could tell in your face that you were upset. 
“What’s wrong? Are you hungry?” he asked, offering you the other half of his sandwich that he was about to eat. 
“Just unnecessary drama that Mina is trying to pull me into,” you huffed while taking a bite. 
“About us?” he asked, nodding your head in agreement. 
“What about though did like- Uraraka say something?” he asked. 
“No I think Mina is trying to like- I don’t know, confront me for Uraraka because she doesn’t want to,” you sighed. 
“That’s weird, why doesn’t Uraraka just talk to you or me even?” he asked. 
“What’s what I told her before I left? I don’t want to talk about this anymore, it’s just too much to handle right now,” you said. 
You walked back to the dorm talking to each other about different homework assignments. Also considering different plans for the upcoming weekend. Once you were in your bedroom you immediately turned on the shower. Today was not only physically straining but mentally as well. You were already feeling a little homesick and now you feel super uncomfortable. That sick feeling in your stomach when you know people are talking about you. You stepped in and felt gross when you could taste the sweat on your upper lip. You went to turn up the hot water and realized it was as hot as it was going to get. Turning your body, you looked up at the ceiling and let the water run down on you. Dissociating here and there while thinking about various things. After getting out and doing your skincare routine, you hear your phone go off from your bed. It was Izuku letting you know that everyone was gathering in the kitchen for dinner. You brush your hair, throw on some comfortable clothes and make your way out there. Everyone was already in a line with their plate, waiting to get their serving. You stood in line with Izuku leaning against him as time went on. 
Everyone was sitting around, either on the sofa or sitting on the ground next to the coffee table. Izuku was sitting on the couch and you were sitting on the floor between his legs. He playfully rested his plate on top of your head for a second which made everyone laugh. You noticed Mina giving you dirty looks but ignored it, you didn’t want to make a scene. Mina however was feeling quite confrontational. Everyone was talking among themselves but she spoke just above the general volume of chatter.
“So Y/N where did you head off too after the dinner we had on Saturday? I stopped by your room but nobody was there,” Mina said, pretending to be clueless. You knew she was referring to the night that everyone thought you and Izuku hooked up. You were about to respond but he beat you to it. 
“Mina why do you keep asking Y/N about me. Don’t play dumb about it because you texted her and asked about what happened that night. So it’s pretty clear you;re only asking her to be petty,” he said, setting his plate down. Everyone was now starring, Mina’s face was bright red, the same as yours. 
“I just- you lead Uraraka on. You know she doesn’t have the courage to tell you, especially after you hurt her-” Mina started. 
“You can’t be seriously accusing me of purposely hurting Uraraka by getting with Y/N. I’m not with her for the same reason I didn’t know she liked me, she won’t communicate. Even now you’re trying to have a problem with my relationship on her behalf. It’s weird, now you’re giving Y/N a hard time because we're together? Oh but you wanna be a hero right?” he asked rhetorically, his voice raising. 
“Alright just chill out guys,” Kirishima said. 
“I’m completely chill, it’s not like I'm saying anything that isn’t true,” Izuku said. 
Everyone was feeling awkward now, especially because Izuku never got mad at other students. 
“You’re telling me not to speak for Uraraka but you’re speaking for Y/N right now!” Mina said standing up and taking a step or two towards the both of you. 
“Um.. I told you in the locker room that if Uraraka had an issue she would have come to me about it. You texted ME and asked if we hooked up, I thought you were asking as a friend not to spread my information around. Seriously, what is your problem?” you asked while standing up and taking a step towards Mina. 
You were now arguing at each other, nobody being able to understand what was being said. Pointing fingers at each other, getting louder and slowly getting closer. Izuku was now in between you and Mina, that’s when Kirishima got in front of Izuku. Once they started arguing, Bakugo got in between them pushing them apart. Both boys stormed off and the entire class disbanded. This was horrible, the one fear you had was that dating him was going to cause drama. Izuku starts pacing in the hallway so you lead him to your dorm. He was bright red and breathing hard, he sat on your bed and you joined them. 
“I’m so sorry that all this drama is happening,” you said. 
“It’s not your fault. Mina has always been over dramatic. She shouldn’t be rude to you on Uraraka’s behalf,” he reassured you. 
“I know but I still feel bad especially because you ended up getting into it with Kirishima,” you sighed. 
“It’s really not that serious. Kiri is a cool guy, I'm sure he won’t be bothered,” he said. 
“Hopefully now there won’t be a problem, now that everything's out in the open,” you said. 
“Yeah, it’s not like you started it,” he said. 
“Thank you for defending me, I made me feel really secure,” you said. 
“Well of course, You’re my girlfriend,” he said, giving you a peck on the lips, you giggled and moved a piece of hair out of his eye. You got a knock on the door and when you answered, Uraraka was standing playing with her hands. 
“Can I talk to you?” she asked you to step out of the room, leaving Izuku inside.
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^ Thank you for reading! I really appreciated the feedback you've given. You guys are the coolest! ^
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪: 𝙄'𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Two months ago: The day the outbreak started
Class 3-A shook as the news on the tv displayed had gotten to them. Some silently cried while others boarded up the windows and doors, and others repeatedly told themselves that this isn't real, this is all a dream. Cass 3-A was days away from graduating, they only had a week left. 
Some were going to college out of state, and some planned on working, but it seemed the world had different plans for them.
"Barricade the doors with couches, chairs, tables, anything!" Shota Aizawa, their teacher, demanded his students as he was busy piling up chairs near the window. Over a little while ago, Denki Kaminari had came into the dorms with bloody clothes and a panicked, frightened look. 
The students had asked him what was wrong and what's going on but Denki had only replied with a shaky voice, "I don't know, people are just ea–eating each other." 
Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu tried to comfort him, but he was shaking badly and kept repeating Minoru Mineta names. It was a hunch, but the blood on Denki’s clothes belonged to Minoru. 
While Denki was in the corner freaking out, Shota grabbed his phone from the pocket as it kept ringing. Seeing it, he received a notification from Toshinori Yagi and his friend Hizashi Yamada. The message had said to report to the highschool and to not let any students follow him. 
Although he was a bit reluctant to leave his students, he imagined that there were other students trapped at the school and needed help. So he turned to the student and tried to remain calm, "I need you all to listen. I need you all to stay here till this is over. I imagine a rescue team will come, so until then stay here and be safe."
Ochaco stood from her spot and looked to Shota with a worried look, "Where will you be going?" 
"There's other students that need help, staff as well." Shota pointed to Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya, "You two will be in charge. Do not let anyone out or anyone in, got that?" 
Izuku shook his head, "You can't leave, it's dangerous. We don't know what's out there!" 
Katsuki walked over to his teacher, "I'll go with you. You'll need help!"
"No!" Shota shouted, he then rubbed his face and whispered to them as to not let the others hear, "The worst case that happens is I don't come back. So I need you two to keep everything calm."
 With a solemn look he continued, "I know it's gonna be hard, but I can see that you guys are leaders, you can handle this. This class will fall apart without you. So please, keep everyone and you two safe." 
The two males nodded and watched as Shota left the building. Katsuki quickly ordered Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, and Mashirao Ojiro to barricade the door. Izuku ordered Tsuyu Asui, Yuga Aoyama, Mezo Shoji, and Kyoka Jiro to gather supplies from the dorm and bring it to the living room as tonight they all planned to sleep here to watch over each other.
But as he did so he saw his other classmates with terrified faces and couldn't bear to see them look so sad. To ignore his thoughts he ordered the rest of the class that weren't doing anything; Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, Koji Koda, and Rikido Sato to try and contact the police or a rescue team. 
"Oh, my." Izuku heard Ochaco say, "You guys, look." 
He looked to where Ochaco was looking, it was the news. Izuku heard gasps as the news had said that everything was being closed down meaning there was no way to leave and every other channel said the same thing. It also showed burned down buildings, explosions coming from Musutafu, and people being eaten alive.
The last message it had said before the power was cut off was to stay indoors and to not be seen. At the mention of the last message, Class 3-A turned into chaos, “What are we going to do!?”
"I need to call my parents!" 
 "My family's worried for me!" 
"Please pick up, pick up!" 
"I need to leave!" 
Izuku's heartbeat was racing, What about my mother? 
Ochaco and a few others raced to the doors, "I got to leave, my parents are out there!" 
Katsuki responded back, "No! We have to stay in here were it's fucking safe!" 
The class had begun to shout, demanding Katsuki to move and to let them out. Izuku couldn’t stand their terrified yells and walked towards Katsuki, “Kacchan, let them go.”
Katsuki scoffed, "Are you fucking crazy!? Did you not hear what Aizawa just said? It’s not safe out there!”
Izuku then pointed at everyone, "Look at them! They're scared. They just want to go to their families! I want to go see my mom! See if she's alright." 
"No fucking way, Deku!" Katsuki shouted at him, "You'll die out there. They'll all die out there."
Ochaco stepped up, "We'll take our chances!" 
Katsuki scoffed once again as he stared at everybody, he then shook his head and told Eijiro and Tenya to open the doors, "Fine, but the second shit falls you all come back here."
The class nodded and one by one everyone left, the only few who remained were Katsuki, Tenya, Eijiro, Denki and Izuku.
 "What now?" Denki asked as he stared at his friends. 
"I'm going to look for my mom." Izuku said as he began to leave the dorms. Katsuki stopped him for a second, he nodded to Izuku, "We'll be here." 
Izuku nodded and stared at his friends for what was about to be the last time. He then left the dorms and raced his way home. 
The first time Izuku ran into a rotter he fell on his back. He watched as it ate another person. Of course he was mortified but he couldn't do much as it was already dead. He shook his head and ran to his home as fast as he could and when he arrived it was empty.
 His mother's shoes, Inko, weren't at the doorsteps, her purse, phone, and wallet was gone. 
“Did she try to go after me?” Izuku asked himself. He walked further to his house and tried ringing her but noticed that he had no service. He tried using the home phone yet only the deadline was heard. He turned on the tv only to be met with static, "Weird." 
He headed straight into his mothers room to see if she left anything, like a note as to where she might have been but there was nothing. Izuku sat down on her bed, his eyes catched a photo frame that was placed on the nightstand. It was a picture of himself, Inko and his father, Hisashi. 
Little by little, he felt his eyes begin to tear. What is he gonna do now? Where's his mother? What about his father? Is he safe where he's at or is it just as bad as it is here? 
Not knowing what else to do but worry, Izuku cried as he hugged the photo frame. He hugged it tightly as if it were to run away if he lets go. He sniffed and shut his eyes as he repeatedly told himself that this was all a dream.
He repeated it for two months until that day when Izuku sat on the roof of a police station. He had found a R93 rifle in the police station. He cleared the place out and stayed there when he found out that the police had its own sewer system. 
He took a shower there, ate can food, had enough ammo to last him for a couple weeks, and found a radio repeating the same thing, "Seek sanctuary."
Unfortunately, he had to leave his apartment as bandits came through. He grabbed the same photo that sat on Inko's nightstand and his notebook. Over the days, he wrote down every classmate's name, his friends name, and his family's name as a way to not forget them. He also wrote down how his days went to keep time moving. 
As Izuku sat on the police station's roof, he peered down as he heard shuffling footsteps. His heart stopped breathing once he saw who, or what it was. Her green hair wasn’t in a bun like always, instead it was messy and matted and contained dried up blood. 
She walked awkwardly. Her left foot didn't move; it just scratched itself against the floor and her other foot was bent, a bone sticking out. Her neck had visible flesh shown with dried blood. Her clothes were dirty yet it seemed to have fresh blood.
 It was clear from her mouth that was filled with fresh blood, she had just eaten someone. 
Izuku moved away from the edge and crumbled to the floor, he could feel his eyes beginning to water as he noticed his mother in such bad conditions. He gasped and rushingly wiped his tears, "That's not my mom, not anymore."  
With a heavy sigh, he sniffed and looked at what was once his mother. He perched his rifle on the edge and looked through the scope. Once he had a clear shot of it, he took a deep breath in and let it out, with a finale 'I love you', he let his finger press the trigger. 
Successfully, the bullet went through its head and Izuku watched as it fell.
He stared at its corpse for a few moments before getting up and going back down inside the station. He filled his yellow backpack with supplies and walked the opposite direction. With his mission finished, it was time to leave Musutafu.
 He walked the silent roads until he saw a figure laying down in the middle of the road.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
↱ twin suns ↰
➘ summary : yuga aoyama is more happier than his usual self, wonder why?
➘ a/n : just some wholesome content
➘ yuga aoyama x sister reader
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The classroom buzzed with activity as Class 1-A settled in for another day of hero training. Among the students, Yuga Aoyama seemed to radiate an even brighter energy than usual, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Hey, Yuga, what's got you all hyped up?" Kirishima asked with a grin, leaning over his desk to catch Yuga's attention.
Yuga practically beamed as he leaned in to share his news. "Guess what, everyone? My older sister is coming back from overseas today!"
His announcement garnered the attention of his classmates, and soon, curious faces turned towards him.
"Your sister?" Ochaco echoed, her curiosity piqued. "Tell us more!"
Yuga's grin widened, and he enthusiastically shared, "Her name is (y/n), and her quirk is just like mine! Well, sort of. She shoots lasers from her eyes! That's why she always wears those special sunglasses. They shield her eyes from the lasers but also help her see her surroundings and other people!"
Kaminari's eyes lit up. "Lasers from her eyes? That's pretty cool!"
"Yeah, like superhero stuff!" Sero added, his enthusiasm mirroring Yuga's.
Excitement buzzed around the classroom, everyone except Katsuki catching onto Yuga's contagious joy. Even the normally stoic Todoroki looked intrigued.
"Will she be coming to the school to see you?" Todoroki inquired, his expression softening.
Yuga's smile faltered slightly as he shook his head. "Nah, unfortunately not this time. She'll be picked up by our parents and taken home."
The atmosphere in the room was a mix of excitement and anticipation as Yuga's news sank in. His family's unique quirks had always intrigued his classmates, and now, the prospect of meeting his sister who shared his distinctive abilities was an exciting thought.
As the day's lessons continued, the thought of Yuga's sister lingered in the minds of Class 1-A. They couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and excitement, ready to welcome a fellow student's family member into their extended hero family.
The next day, the U.A. dormitory was buzzing with students going about their morning routines. Yuga Aoyama, as usual, was his exuberant self, chatting animatedly with his classmates. But little did he know, a surprise was about to unfold that would leave everyone in awe.
As Yuga's friends chatted with him, a car pulled up outside the dormitory building. The door swung open, and out stepped a familiar figure – a girl with a vibrant aura that seemed to match Yuga's own energy. With a pair of special sunglasses perched on her nose, (y/n) Aoyama stepped out, her smile as bright as the sun.
Mr. Aizawa, their usually drowsy teacher, stood beside her with his usual deadpan expression. "Yuga, your sister's here," he stated in his monotone voice.
Yuga's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and delight flooding his features. "My sister?!" he exclaimed, his voice reaching new heights of excitement.
As (y/n) walked towards him, her steps infused with the same enthusiasm as her brother's, the air seemed to shimmer with their combined energy. Their personalities were like twin suns, each radiating a brilliant light that drew everyone's attention.
"Whoa, they're like sparkling stars," Ochaco whispered to Tsuyu, her awe evident.
Tsuyu nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like they bring their own sunshine with them."
Mina's eyes widened as she shielded her face from the brightness. "Their auras are so intense, it's blinding!"
Mintea, sitting a few feet away, rubbed his eyes dramatically. "MY EYES!"
Meanwhile, Yuga and (y/n) met in a joyful embrace, their energy colliding like fireworks. "I can't believe you're here!" Yuga exclaimed, his voice bubbling over with happiness.
"(Y/n)" echoed her brother, her voice carrying the same vibrant enthusiasm.
Their reunion was a sight to behold, a burst of positivity that seemed to infuse the entire area. The students and faculty couldn't help but be drawn into their magnetic energy, the air around them charged with excitement.
As they embraced, (y/n) finally removed her special sunglasses, revealing her own sparkling eyes that matched Yuga's. The brightness of their auras seemed to amplify, illuminating their connection and their shared joy.
And so, as the moment unfolded, (y/n) and Yuga Aoyama shone like twin stars in the sky, lighting up the dormitory with their energy. The world around them seemed to fade away as their reunion created a radiant aura that couldn't be ignored, even by the comedic complaints of a certain Mintea. It was a moment of pure happiness and connection, a testament to the power of family and the bonds that brought light to even the darkest corners of their world.
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todoroki-waifu · 11 months
Todoroki x F! Reader
Warnings: Everyone is aged up appropriately! Mentions of alcohol and female reader.
Scenario: Drunk confessions.
Word Count: 773
Genre: Fluff
"Happy birthday, Mina!" The entire class 1A was gathered at Hagakure's house, throwing a surprise party for the pink hero. It had been so long since everyone gathered together so it was nice seeing everyone at the same time. 
However, you were glad that you and Todoroki continued to see each other often even after graduating from UA. It was hard getting everyone to one location due to conflicting schedules. 
You always hung out with the half and half hero at least two or three times a week, especially on Fridays and weekends. You both would exchange texts frequently as well.
Todoroki wasn’t the only one you closely connected with after UA, but he was different. You had the biggest crush on your close friend. It was so hard to read him so you could never determine if he returned those feelings.  
Ah, if only you knew the truth.
"You okay, Todoroki-kun?" The half and half hero directs his gaze towards his green haired friend.
"Ah, yes. Sorry, I was. . .distracted." He sips on his beverage, Midoriya looking towards where Todoroki was focused on. He sees you talking with Tsuyu, Uraraka, Aoyama, and Iida, most likely catching up with the four. He looks back at his friend after hearing him sigh quietly. Todoroki had his cup to his lips becoming distracted again by your laugh.
"You haven't told her yet, have you?" Midoriya asks, fully aware of his feelings for you.
"No, not yet. I'm not sure how to approach it nor am I sure of her feelings for me." Todoroki lowers his cup, his slightly sad gaze directed downwards.
"I-I'm sure she feels the same! You two are pretty close, huh? She's not really like that with anyone else. Besides, if she wasn't that comfortable with you, she would've said something."
"I suppose."
"But no pressure, Todoroki-kun! C'mon, let's just enjoy and see what everyone else is up to." Midoriya knew how madly in love both of you were with one another. 
He had been harboring this secret for quite some time and it has been killing him. He promised both of you to not say a word but it was so awkward being in the middle. He just wanted his two friends to be happy!
A couple hours have passed by and you were enjoying everyone's company despite it being a little loud. But you didn't mind. It was filled with joy, laughter, and some good music.
You and Todoroki found yourselves in the kitchen, taking a celebratory shot with the birthday girl. Once she finishes her drink, she leaves to find Hagakure and Jirou.
"Oh boy, I'm gonna need a break." Todoroki hears you say and he glances over to you, seeing your face more flushed than usual. You had both your hands on your cheeks, feeling the heat radiating off your skin. He could also feel his own face increasing in temperature, but it was more due to how cute you looked rather than the alcohol.
Your adorable pout, the blush across your face, and the cute expressions you made in reaction to something made him weak. He diverted his thoughts back to your comment, not wanting to get caught staring.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, of course! I'm with Todoroki, Shouto, the best person in the whole, wide world and my biggest crush!"
"E-excuse me? Crush?"
"Mhm! I love Todoroki, Shouto! He's the sweetest, kindest, and most handsomest man I know. He's also really smart and an amazing hero. I love watching him fight, but I hate it at the same time because I get really sad when he gets hurt. But he's so cool when he goes whoosh with his right arm and them bop with his other. He's just so.. so perfect!" You giggled to yourself.
"Is he now? Sounds like a good guy."
"He's the greatest! But you can't tell anyone, okay?" You held up a finger on the tip of your nose and lips, trying to enforce how important that your secret stays quiet.
"Of course not. Your secret's safe with me." He chuckles, attempting to control the smile that was trying to stretch across his entire face. He then sees you fanning yourself and immediately grabs a cold water bottle from the fridge. He opens it for you and advises you to take a sip.
Once you were hydrated and the drunken fog was fading, you realized that your thoughts had escaped from your lips. As soon as Todoroki sees a mix of horror and realization in your eyes, he quickly leans close to your ear.
"Don't worry, I heard Todoroki loves you, too.”
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serxinns · 5 months
Scarlet Witch reader x Yandere Mha extras: Carnival
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•The Class and a Couple of teachers decided to take a trip to the carnival to have some fun
•You were pulled around like some toys by your classmates bickering and begging you to go on a ride with them
•"cmon gumdrop" let's go on that roller coaster!" Mina said grabbing your arm trying to pull you there "No Let's go play some games and win some prizes!" Sato said trying to tug you away from the pink hair "but y/n promise to go on the spinning tea cups with me" aoyama said clearly irritated "No they should go with me they even said that this ride was manly" Kirishima chimed in coming out of nowhere the
•while the rest of the classmates were busy invisible hand tapped you on your shoulder you turned to see it was hakagure "Push let's sneak on the Ferris wheel before anyone notices" You nodded both giggling mischievously you both ran over to the Ferris wheel "all according to plan~" as she thought while the of you headed towards the ride surprisingly nobody was at the line so the both of you dash into a random crate and the ride started the both you giggling and imagine the look on your classmates faces when they realized you were gone
•During the ride hakagure was getting closer to you until y'all were shoulder to shoulder when you questioned it she said she was scared of heights and u didn't mind she started slipping your hand into yours and dazed into your eyes while you weren't focusing on her and was staring at the view while hakagure starting to daydream imagine her 1st kiss
• The 2 of you staring into each other's eyes ever so dreamily while caressing her face so gently and every touch makes her melt even more into her seat, you tell her how much you love her giving her all sorts of cheesy nicknames the moment was all perfect the view of the sunset, flower petals flowing in the wind, Your hair dancing against the wind making you look oh so beautiful and attractive the carnival music was playing her favorite romantic song the time was perfect, you took her face and was trying to lean for a kiss she was shocked and flustered at your sudden boldness but didn't mind at all matter of a fact it made want u more as you were inches between her face she closed her face bracing for it couldn't wait for her dream to finally come tr-
•A sudden stop made Hakagure stop her daydream and you were a bit shocked "Aww man why did the ride stop?.." you whined hakagure was irritated or dare they ruin her daydream it was getting to the best part! That's when you hear the sudden announcement "The ride currently not working please be patient so we can try to fix this issue and stay in your seats" "Ah shit..." While the two of you waited til help arrived hakagure was still upset about her ruined daydream and then she realized she could have a chance! She could confess to you right here right now! The time is still right just without all the other stuff but that doesn't matter it could still be a game changer! She thought
"Uh y/n I have something to tell you..." you turned your face to her hands fiddling with your legs wouldn't stop squirming around and you noticed her look down "What's wrong are you sick? We should call-" "No No! I'm fine it's just it's during these times I always like hanging out with you ur so kind, smart, and funny, even at times you can be a bit crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world," hakagure said softly as you tilted your head in confusion "I just wanted to say y/n that I li-"
•"Y/N!!!" A couple of familiar voices said at the same time Hakagure and you looked down to see that it was your classmates all looking up at you with mixed confused and worried faces
•"Oh hey guys!" You waved happily at your friends not caring that you were on top of ferries wheel as it rocked back in forth in a slow paste
•Sero and Tsuyu tried to make the 2 if you use their tape/tongue for a zipline down but you were too high up Bakugo tried destroying the Ferris wheel but everyone else immediately stopped him Mina wanted to help but doubted that acid was gonna helpful so she tried to reassure you that everything ok But then ochako got an idea she got shoji to float up there to where you were at momo created a safety net just in case "
Aizawa: Dont worry kids we'll get you down
Hakagure: No actually we're fine haha! It's all good we'll get down ourselves!
Iida: No need! that's super dangerous plus we already got Shoji floating your way be careful!!
Hakagure: *clicks teeth* You ruined the fun 😮‍💨
• After that the class checked to see if you were ok iida scolded at both of you to be careful and mostly blamed it on Hakagure and because he would never blame his darling Bakugo flicked your forehead calling u a dumbass and tried to force you to stay with his squad but Izuku his squad argued that you should stay with them and Ojiro and his gang tried to sneak you off but was caught so now the whole class is arguing Again while ur over here eating cotton candy with Aizawa
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ennael · 1 month
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My pages for the @conanredraw Project! From Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama. I only tried to draw one (1!) manga page before and it was about ten years ago so it was a clear improvement X) The second page was a last minute one but I'm glad I took it, made me try other things than with first page even though I'm not happy with it all ^^ It was fascinating to see how I could rework the layout while keeping the original story and my own style. The project was a lot of fun too, it was so cool to work with everyone on a same goal! Thanks to the organizer for their huge work managing and formatting this project!
Some pages steps under the cut :
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OMG CAN U DO MIDORIYA X READER SOULMATE AU? Maybe they are connected with one for all somehow. (Doesn’t need to to anything canon) oh and i don’t care if reader is m or f.
maybe something where deku feels connection to reader and is overprotective but doesn’t first understand why.
your stories are lovely btw <3
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Midoryia Izuku x GN!reader
Thank you, hun <3 I had too many ideas for this, so I made a small drabble instead. Hope you enjoy!
Everyone say thank you to Soup for editing this for me!
Deku was never sure what it was that drew him to you. 
He could ramble on about you for days.  Flowing like a raging river with no sign of stopping. On and on about your favorite things, habits of yours not even you had picked up on, how your hairstyle suits you, your flaws and your perfections, and so much more. His ramblings would never end.
But if you were to ask him why he felt connected to you?
He stops. 
Like something had blocked the flow in the river. Was it a giant rock? A dam? Had the water dried up? What stopped the boy who never stopped talking from talking?
Perhaps that was just the effect you had on him.
That's how crushes worked, right? They left you breathless? Unable to explain the feeling that burned in your chest? Left you at the mercy of the special person who had stolen your heart?
But a crush was elevating. Left you floating high in the sky, away from the harsh reality as you paraded around in your own little heaven where life could do no wrong. 
And Deku felt that, don't get him wrong. You gave him a different kind of high that left him stumbling and unable to think clearly. 
It was just that the burning sensation wasn't alone. The welcomed feeling of love was joined by something stronger. Something that didn't elevate Deku, but instead grounded him. A strong tug, forceful and demanding. Almost like a mini Bakugou had invaded his mind, yelling "TALK TO YOUR CRUSH. TALK TO THEM!" everytime you come near. 
Just like the real Bakugou, this voice was the center of his frustrations. 
He crouched down, stretching his legs. They were currently fighting against class 1-B in one of the natural disaster training grounds. The mission was simple: you had to steal the other team's flag and make it back to base with it.
He and the rest of his class had come up with a formation to ensure they would win.
Ashido, Sato, Jiro, Koda, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Todoroki would stay behind to protect the flag.
Iida, Denki, Bakugou, Hagakure, Shoji, and you would go on to try to steal Class 1-B's flag.
Asui, Uraraka, Oijiro, Aoyama, Sero, Mineta and himself would hide in areas by both bases. Their job was to either help their classmate get to base if they were successful in capturing the flag, or stop a class 1-B member if they tried running off with theirs.
He stood hidden between two buildings, stretching his legs and arms. While he should've been thinking about how much of his power he should use, his thoughts got redirected to you. You were strong, Deku knew this, yet he couldn't help but feel uneasy about you going off for the flag.
When Momo had first proposed the formation, he had been hoping to be put in the same group as you, but she had other plans.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you, Bakugou, and Todoroki have become the top 3 in the class. You're leaders. Each group needs a leader."
Momo said Deku could switch places with Bakugou, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. There was no way he'd comply with being back up.
And you switching groups wasn't an option either. You looked so excited about the position you were given. Deku couldn't take that from you.
Logically, he knew he was overreacting. This wasn't a war, it was training. They weren't fighting power hungry villains, they were fighting class 1-B in a safe and controlled environment. Nothing bad would happen.
You would be fine.
You would be fine.
You would be—
"I GOT IT!" 
Your voice-
Deku glanced over to see you and your team making a run for it. You used your quirk to get by as fast as you could, members of class 1-B following close behind.
Deku crouched, making eye contact with his team. He leapt forward, his teammates following suite.
While class 1-A had the advantage of having real experience with villains, class 1-B had improved their quirks significantly.
Deku found it difficult trying to keep up with their quick moments. The fact that he kept looking over to see where you were didn't help. 
He couldn't stop himself, he needed to know if you were ok.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Shiozaki launching Shoda. He was heading straight for you. 
(Author's note: if you don't remember who these people are: Shiozaki is the girl with vine hair, and Shoda is the guy with the Twin Impact quirk!)
He hit your side and yelled the one word Deku was afraid of hearing: 
An invisible force sent you flying into a wall, class 1-B's flag slipping through your fingers.
It was like time froze.
Deku couldn't see anything or anyone other than you—
And the man who hurt you.
Anger burned in his veins, everything within him screaming to do something.
That intense tug returned and it pulled him towards you. 
Always you.
Using 25% of his power, he ran after Shoda.
His black whip wrapped around Shoda's waist, and using the same force he used on you, he threw him.
"Ugh, my side…" You muttered. Though your voice was quiet, Deku heard it. It stuck out from the chaos around him and he found himself making his way to you. 
You held onto some rubble and wiped your bloody nose.
"Are you ok?" He grabbed your arm and put it around his shoulders. He thought about wrapping his free arm around your waist, but embarrassment held him back. 
"Yeah, it's just my back."
"It's not bad, is it—?"
Deku jumped and you groaned in annoyance.
Bakugou stomped his way over to you, "The hell are you doing?! You didn't grab the flag butterfingers over here dropped! Now we have to go steal it all over again!"
Deku opened his mouth to ask him what he was talking about, before remembering the situation they were in. He had completely forgotten about the flags.
Guilt swarmed his stomach, he let his team down. What was he doing? 
"Get your head back in the game before I pummel your ass!"
"That's what she said—"
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Class 1-B won the flag game unfortunately. Everyone blamed Deku for their loss. He didn't blame them. 
This time it may have been a harmless game, but in battle he couldn't let himself get distracted so easily. He felt embarrassed for messing up.
All because he was worried about you.
He sighed as he finished brushing his teeth. His classmates were all currently yelling at Mineta because he said something inappropriate again, not that Deku was paying much attention.
He was exhausted and his muscles ached. The only thing he was focused on was making it to his bed, though he failed that goal because the second he closed his bedroom door behind him, he collapsed on the floor and fell asleep.
He felt warm and comfortable. Floors have never felt so good before and as he drifts off to sleep he wonders why he even has a bed...
Deku looked around to see the familiar ghosts of the past. The past users of OFA.
Their faces were blurry and unclear. They all stood quietly, watching Deku carefully.
And in the center of it all was you.
You stood in the center, eyes trained on him.
"You may not be alone…one more is connected to you."
The holder's voices sounded muffled, but their words were clear.
You had some sort of connection to OFA.
How so, Deku wasn't sure,
But this was the tug that pulled him to you.
This was the connection you two shared.
And from that moment, he knew he had to get closer to you.
He needed to find out your connection to OFA.
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