#aph soviet family
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Hetalia Sticker sheets for a con/artist alley this weekend! Can you spot all the historical references?
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honda-nihon-kiku · 5 years
Ukraine: Some people just need a high five!
Belarus: in the face
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dodush · 7 years
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aph-imagines · 4 years
APH Allies pet headcanons (which pet/s would they have) please^^
Here you go anon! These would be on top of the canon pets they have :)
America: Knowing America, he probably somehow brought a bald eagle and while he regretted it at first, kept it because “look how cool he is, dude!”  and to harass England whenever he visits. He also has two dogs, one being a Labrador gifted and named by Canada. The other is a descendant of President Kennedy’s dog Pushinka/Fluffy. Since Pushinka had been gifted by Russian President Krushchev, he let Russia name the pup. 
Canada: While Canada is known for spending a lot of time with his wildlife, he also volunteers regularly at his local dog shelter. Over the years, he’s adopted quite a few dogs which, like him, often got overlooked by adopters. Nobody really has an idea as to what breeds they all are, but that doesn’t matter much to him. The Netherlands gifted him a rabbit as his own personal gift when his royal family first gifted Canada tulips post-WWII and since this, he has kept a couple at a time.
England: England’s brothers have dogs which he has dogsat in the past, but whenever they’re picked up, he realises how much he prefers his cat. The two are pretty compatible; both are pretty independent but love a good fuss every once in a while. He also loves to work on the farm when he’s not busy since it’s a break from the diplomacy and formalities being a country involves. And since the British monarch owns all swans and dolphins in UK waters, he’ll claim they’re his pets too.
France: France doesn’t own pets but he’s an absolute pet grandma. There’s always a ton of birds around his property he’s in because he has a penchant for collecting fancy bird feeders/houses. But if you need a pet sitter, France’ll almost certainly say yes! He loves pets and animals in general, but he’d rather not have one in his home 24/7. Despite his distaste for technology, if he does see a cute dog (especially a French breed!), he’ll snap a photo on his phone.
China: China loves animals which he thinks look weird but cool (evidenced by the episode in World Series). It all started after he visited a pet shop when he was bored and now he has terrariums and tanks scattered around his home. Mostly he keeps reptiles but after visiting the same pet shop to buy supplies, he got too attached to a hamster he kept seeing, so eventually brought it. Russia likes to jokingly point out how it’s a Russian dwarf hamster but he’ll always counter and say that they’re native to Manchuria too!
Russia: Russia has kept both dogs and cats in the past, but rarely at the same time (with the exception of his Nekotalia cat). Ever since the former Soviet Union members left for their own homes, he has reverted to dogs to help him get out of his large, empty house more often. He’s loves borzoi’s since they’re big but fairly introverted like him. He usually goes overboard with pets and then regrets it, so has settled for two borzoi’s and a former stray (a homage to the initially stray Soviet space dogs) at the moment.
- Mod Door
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katemarley · 4 years
AO3 fic writer tag meme
Tagged by @lithugraph - thank you! ❤︎
AO3 name: Kate_Marley
Fandoms (that I write for): Hetalia, Discworld, Harry Potter
Tropes: power couples, “star-crossed lovers”, angst, hurt/comfort, irony/humour, history, (classical) music
Number of fics: 47 on my main account on AO3, 9+3+3 on the pseuds; subtracting the translations (3): currently 59 in total (but some are drabbles). There are a few more on my fanfiktion.de account that only exist in German, though.
Fic I spent the most time on: “Wanted: Escort for a Wedding Party”, I assume... Didn’t track the time I spent on my fics tbh.
Fic I spent the least time on: Not sure, but it must be one of my drabbles. They’re usually quick things that I jot down in a few minutes’ time.
Longest fic: “Wanted: Escort for a Wedding Party” (38,402 words)
Shortest fic: I believe one of the “Draco Drabbles”; they’re all 100 words each.
Most hits: According to AO3, my Hetalia short story collection “Awesome Heroes, Just Like You and Me” (2940 hits)
Most kudos: my Drarry fic “Don’t Keep On Pretending” (159)
Most comment threads: “Awesome Heroes, Just Like You and Me” (27)
Most bookmarks: “Don’t Keep On Pretending” (24)
Total word count: 164776 (on AO3)
Favourite fic I wrote: Probably “Wanted: Escort for a Wedding Party” because it fulfilled my own craving for an AU set at Lake Geneva and for one more longer SpAus story (among only few others)
Fic I want to rewrite/expand on: My latest one, “Golden Apple”. I’ve written it for one challenge with a time limit of one hour and another with the specification “500-1000 words”, but I feel like I’ve got a lot more to say about Austria and Turkey...
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
These are the first three paragraphs of a Hetalia WIP called “Lingering Memories” that I started about one year ago. It’s basically GDR-Gilbert and USSR-Ivan reminiscing about ye olden days (aka the 18th century):
Gilbert knew he was stepping from one nail in his coffin to the next as he walked out of the Kremlin with Ivan. They had witnessed a rather lengthy and somewhat tense meeting between their bosses. Then Ivan had invited him to what he had called a “family gathering”. The term usually meant that there would be several other Soviet satellite states and far too much vodka.
Gilbert disagreed with the whole family thing, but he did agree with a bit of alcohol. Emphasis on a bit. If his previous experiences with this kind of gathering were anything to go by—and they were plenty—he would be hammered by the end of the evening, and he had already dutifully watered the potted plants in the conference room he had just escaped.
Russians rarely ever seemed to drink except during official meetings and family reunions, but official meetings and family reunions were all he ever came for ... except for that one time when Ivan had invited him just to show him the city, but that had been more than two hundred years ago. That meant Gilbert’s more recent visits to Moscow usually ended with him getting hammered.
Tagging: @salytierra @aph--lietuva @hagebutt @thefreakzone – only if you want to, of course!
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hetalia--edits · 8 years
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aph Kievan family phone wallpapers for anon!
- don’t repost! - like/rb if you use! - please send in requests!
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cillaivory · 6 years
I decided to take a break from packing and do something historical, based on @aph-fanficchallenges​ writing meme and the #6 one, “a historical piece.”
I feel like there isn’t much in terms of the actual history, but from a character introspection or whatever. The backdrop to this is the Slovak National Uprising, which took place from August 29 to October 28 in 1944.
I’m not going to take up all the pre-story notes so I’m going to drop a few links to read up on it, because a few key events are mentioned or alluded to:
Wikipedia | WWII Database | European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Uuuuhmmmmm a lot of things are said in this story that idk would ever be said by a nation to their leader, but I like to think nations probably have snapped on a leader before, because they also represent the people and also, they too have emotions and morals and opinions.
Ondrej (Slo) just is also so very tired of the bullshit.
There are mentions of Velvet Pair (because this garbage trash writer likes them too much). You should all know Ivan, and Tereza is Cze.
August 30th, 1944
Smoking had been a nasty habit that he knew she never would’ve approved of, even in the times they were not together.
The cigarette hung from his lips as he watched the buzz around him, catching a few words of conversation here and there. The words “Fascists” and “German” were tossed around a few times, but currently, they were riding the high having taken Banská Bystrica. As a man, he felt proud of these brave souls, fighting for the rights they deserved.
But as a country, he felt useless.
The Lieutenant Colonel approached him, saluting him as he held his gaze. “Pozdravy,” he welcomed. “It is nice to see you out with the true people of the nation.”
And ouch, that hurt pretty bad.
He kept an icy exterior, trying to let the comment roll off his back. “I have been feeling a bit of tension, I figured I should see what exactly is going on.” The man sneered, as his eyes darted around the headquarters. “Are you prepared for a counteroffensive strike against your efforts, Lieutenant?”
“I have the spirit to fight for the land I long for, Sir.”
He smiled. “Then that’s all I can truly ask from you.”
September 1st, 1944
The Lieutenant Colonel had become a general the day before, after having been disarmed on August 31st.
He had heard the news before he went and sat in the office of a man he could honestly say he did not care for - even if he was a man of God.
The cross against his skin ever so slightly burned. He thought about the man before him, how much tension he had caused. Many people - good people; good husbands and wives and mothers and children and brothers - had been sent to their death by this man’s hand.
If he squinted, he could faintly see the strings on his hands that once upon a time, Tereza had pointed out. He smiled, remembering her sweet, elegant voice as she pointed.
Ondra, look. The puppet strings are moving, ever so slightly. Must be hard, when the master is all the way in Germany.
“I received word you went to Banská Bystrica prior to our disarming of it.”
He blinked, nodding his head gently. “Áno, sir. I felt the tension and they are my people.”
His president scoffed. “Well, those people are trying to destroy the sanctity of the state you and I are working hard to create. No matter, those who were caught, were shipped off to Germany.”
He did not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what that meant. He clenched the arms of his chair, realizing this man, the man that was dubbed Vodca, was sinister, in this regard. People were caught and with no regards to any family or friends they may have had, were sent to be killed.
Well, if he were completely honest, he knew the man before him was just there in his fancy office with his fancy titled for formalities sake. He was just there because he could be, because it made it look like Slovakia was actually in control of his own land and actions.
"Vodca, sir...?”
“I have no time for idle chat, please. If you must say something important, say it now.”
He bit his lip and shook his head. He rose from his seat, leaving the room without a second word.
October 5th, 1944
His body was tired. His body was weak. His heart was heavy and he realized that deep down, everything was falling apart.
Ivan was a terrible man - or to him, he was, in this very moment. He had no regards for the fact that his own people were trying to do what they could to resist this occupation. Ivan had no compassion.
There was a promise, and prior to this, Ivan had apparently always been a man of his word, until the support never came on time. He kept asking the man what was going on.
September 8th came and the next thing he knew, the Dukla Pass Offensive had started. He was furious the offensive came too late, in his opinion. Ivan had said it was foolproof and that it wouldn’t take long to get to Slovakia.
The next thing he knew, it was October, and the Soviet forces had yet to reach him.
He assumed it was not all on Ivan’s shoulders. The 1st Czechoslovak Army in Slovakia (also known as the former rebel forces), without a doubt, had began to split and fracture. Nobody could seem to agree. He could feel as if his limbs were being ripped apart.
He rolled over onto his stomach and reached under his pillow, examining each and every envelope he had saved during the last few years. The neat handwriting formed poetry on the page, trying to play it off as if everything were better than it would be.
And soon, my love, you’ll be by my side again.
He knew she was currently trying to secure more support. He knew that when all was said and done, he’d be with her again, under the same roof. That was the plan of the Army. That was the plan of the Allies.
But this plan seemed more like a dream. He crumpled the letter, biting his lip.
“Please,” he choked out, “don’t let this be a dream.”
October 26th, 1944
“I did what I could, Ondrej.”
Ondrej knew that seeing her was dangerous, even though he still loves her, but right now, he is Slovakia. He is a state, protected by German forces, who have viciously taken down the people who created the 1st Czechoslovakia Army in Slovakia.
“It’s hard being Czechoslovakia without my Slovakia,” she whispered, leaning closer to him. He frowned.
“Terezie, my love, what happened?”
“Ivan’s boss focused his energies on Hungary and Poland. The other Allies... there was no support. I couldn’t...” Her voice cracked. “Your people are so brave, Ondra. So very, very brave. I wish I could have done more.”
“So many of my people are dead, and nobody will have closure.”
Tereza’s eyes widened as she stepped away from him, looking up. He probably looked a bit of a mess, with his hair wild and tangled, dark circles under his eyes, and his uniform unkept and messy. He wished he could’ve cleaned up a bit, for her sake.
But, he knows he’s too tired, and to be fair, she looked like she had also seen better days.
“It hurts to see you like this, lover,” she muttered, taking his hands in hers
“The resistance is done for,” he told her. “Or, for the most part. But I think my people have fight left in them still.” She laughed as he brought her tiny hands to his mouth. She flushed.
“I feel that soon enough, this war will be done for.”
He hopes, for his sake, she is right. Because he didn’t think any more people needed to die.
October 30th, 1944
He stands next to his president as he holds the celebration in the city it all began in. Two months ago, he walked the streets to see the leader of the resistance, to see what the people felt.
Now, he stands before the people, as the Vodca rambles about the German soldiers who bravely stopped the uprising, and how he, as a great leader, will make sure the lives of the Slovak soldiers are spared.
Ondrej looks on into the crowds, his heart empty. From his lips hangs a cigarette (a nasty habit, really) as he tries to fill the hole with something. Some people are proud and celebrating, but he can’t figure it out.
Somewhere, his people are sad.
When the celebration ends, he’s on his third cigarette and he turns to his president. He claims he had saved Slovakia from a bombardment, that he was able to save lives. Standing on the streets of Banská Bystrica, he feels nostalgia wash over him.
“I was here when it started,” he whispers. The president gives him an odd look. “I was here and saw the soldiers that were deported. The ones you knew about. Now, you want to save them?”
“With that rebellion ended, I can safely say I will try,” the president replies.
“The main part is over, but my people keep fighting.” He looks up to the sky. “The Germans will kill collaborators. And you know they won’t be the only casualties that will occur.”
“We do what we need to do.” The president eyes him, dangerously. “As a nation, I thought you understood.”
“Nation or not, I have feelings and morals.”
“As a nation, you are to sit down and do as your told.”
That is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The president is glaring, but Ondrej - no, Slovakia, shakes his head. He cackles, sending chills down his own spine when he realizes how cold he sounds. The president steps back as he crosses his arm.
“How many more people have to die in order to appease your puppet master?” he snarls under his breath. “You immoral, son-of-a-bitch. You broke up Czechoslovakia, you participate in the murder - genocide - of my people, and you expect me to sit and be quiet? You may be the president, the Vodca, but you are nothing more than a placeholder until the Germans take over.”
The president sputters, as if trying to control the nation. He grins, eyes dark with hate. He feels the spirit of those who keep fighting surging through him. He thinks of Tereza, of Czechoslovakia, of himself, of the people, of the God he prays to every night to make it through to the next day.
He knows that Tereza is right. There is no denying that what happened with him is part of the larger scale, that Slovakia has also made a mark on the war. A war, he can feel, is coming to a close very soon.
“The end is near, and when it comes, I’ll be back on the streets, holding a celebration.” He declares this boldly, pointing to his president. “And when I hold this celebration, I will present the people with your fucking head on a stick.”
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honda-nihon-kiku · 5 years
Russia: I wish I could block people in real life.
Ukraine: All you have to do is sho-
Belarus: Murder.
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the-karadeniz-blog · 7 years
Hey! Good time and thanks for the interesting blog! I'm curious to know, maybe the guys-cities have communication with Georgia (like APH character)? It's almost a parent for them.
Hello, anon! Thank you for being the first to ask both anonymously and about the concept of the blog! I’m going to give a nice long answer for you! :D
Yes, I do think that they would have connections to Georgia! Especially Artvin, Rize and Trabzon. I think Trabzon as the Trebizons so I can easily imagine them as friends/allies/family and I guess Rize and Artvin need no explanation :) I need to tell that I don!t have a Georgia character sadly so these are my genuine thoughts about their relations!  
To understand the (family) dynamics of Eastern Black Sea you need to consider the historical factors… And then compare them to today (after the Trabzons(/s) became predominantly Muslim and after the Soviet influence) I believe that you can get a clear picture!
I will start with the Trebizonds since most of the facts we know about their relationships are about the Empire of Trebizond-Kingdom of Georgia relations.
The Kingdom of Georgia more than helped the creation of the Trebizonds, I will not mention the family relations and all of that, so from the start, they were friendly with each other. Some even claiming that Trebizonds of that time was a Georgian puppet state, though that would be an exaggeration. I can’t help but imagine Georgia as at least a bit heartbroken when Trebizond became friendlier with Western Europe (Especially Genova) and when those relations came crashing down on Trebizond they’d feel bad for them but since they had their own problems they couldn’t do much!
But their relations would get severely damaged when Western Georgia invaded Trebizonds in 1282 - we don’t know why they did it, but they did - after that their relations were almost non- existent for a couple of decades… Until the last days of the Trebizonds when they had friendly relations again, at this time the both of them were struggling to keep their nations together and I have sad plots in mind. Since the two were so similar in culture and religion I can easily imagine them considering themselves family. At this point in time, Trebizond has lost most of his siblings that he swore to protect (the Genoese even burned down most of Kerasous -Giresun-) I can imagine him being very depressed and hopeless. Around 1458, the last emperor of Trebizonds started exchanging letters with the dukes of Georgian regions, a lot of letters, though the letters were about the threat of an Ottoman invasion. Trebizond at that time clearly knew what was going to happen and I can imagine them exchanging goodbye letters…
We need to keep in mind that the Trebizonds and the Kingdom of Georgia had similar interests but different ways to achieve them.I’d like to talk more about Artvin and Rize’s situation as well but I don’t have enough information on the subject just yet I’m sorry— I will probably touch on that subject in the future!  As for Giresun and Ordu, I’d say that since they host a lot of Turkish Georgians they would like Georgia.
As for modern relations, the two are still very similar in culture if not in religion. The influx of Georgian refugees in recent history only got them closer and since you don’t need to have a visa, or even a passport to cross the border I can say that they are still very friendly. I’ve heard that the Turks from Eastern Black sea make up a huge portion of Adjara’s tourism sector! All in all, I treasure our friendship with the Georgians as Eastern Black Sean peoples even though the relations can get a bit messy sometimes :)
I hope I was able to answer as well as I can–
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m--ars · 7 years
I'm in the mood to write a hetalia fanfic
A shipless, fluffy, family-centric fanfic
Which group should I do first?
-British Colony 
-Romance (the language group, not the topic)
There's also a chapter where Hungary makes herself some brownies and the aph girls come over, though that'll be the last chapter.
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nastoychivost · 7 years
Name: no don’t Nickname: mittens Zodiac sign: scorpio Height: 5′4″ or something but I cheat with my GIANT WEDGE FLIP FLOPS Orientation: panromantic asexual Ethnicity:  if we’re getting specific my family mostly came from germany and luxembourg. so... white. Favorite fruit: every fruit just wishes it had been lucky enough to have been a clementine Favorite season: weather that is not hot Favorite books: anything by orwell tbh I loved 1984 and animal farm too much although i tried reading homage to catalonia and that was. uh. something. i also adored the great gatsby, and it’s not really fiction but if you’re into death and gory american civil war stuff this republic of suffering by drew gilpin faust was a++++ Favorite flower: it’s kind of a tossup between columbines or irises but i lean towards the former Favorite scent: LISTEN..,, I LOVE CHERRY BLOSSOM SO MUCH IT’S MY SHAMPOO AND MY DEODORANT AND MY LOTION AND BUBBLE BATH IT’S JUST. SO GOOD Favorite animal: everything i do i do for cats Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? tea probably but tbh i usually just drink water and i like to pretend it’s because it’s ~healthy~ but i’m just that fucking lazy Average hours of sleep: it can be four or it can be twelve it depends on how many assignments i’m putting off Cats or dogs? everything i do i do for cats (but dogs are cool too i guess) Favorite fictional character: ivan isn’t really aph russia anymore but i still like aph russia, i also love malachite from su she deserved a better end Dream trip: literally anywhere in russia i don’t care where just anywhere at all When was your blog created? original was in 2013, i remade in 2014 What do you post about? vaguely interesting content relevant to russia and rps every other five months if you squint lmao i’m sorry @ my followers  Do you get asks on a regular basis? when i’m actually active yeah kind of Aesthetic: soviet propaganda poster-chic Favorite band/artist? mumford and sons <3 Fictional characters I’d date: i... have no idea. i don’t really care Hogwarts house: i never read or watched harry potter, so
Countries I’ve lived in: usa Favorite fandom: not actually a big fandom person if i’m being honest Languages you speak: english, i also took three years of spanish and french, and i guess i know enough russian to get around moscow without crying, probably Favorite film of 2016: does it have to made in 2016? because i don’t have one in that case but i watched 1776 in 2016 and i loved that Last article you read: something about mileva maric i think it was? Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:  oh death- noah gunderson, age old blue- alela diane, run boy run- woodkid Last thing you bought online: a t-14 armata model tank kit ;> How would your enemies describe you? “does she do anything but cry” Who would you take a bullet for? my friends 
Tagged by: @annuitcoeptis nice meme toma thank u ;* Tagging: @hailcolumbia @pannazsinihkvetak @marching-man @atobylotak @t3485 @raindrops-on-summerday if u guys want idk
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himbusnor · 8 years
Fly Away Home
I have entered another level of aph hell...
okay first of all, i don’t know if nursery rhymes are public domain or whatever but yeah
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home, you house is burning and your children are dead
All except one, and that’s little Ann, who crept under the warming pan
“Like, Ohmigod, the economy’s failing ‘cause of Chernobyl and like I really think we should, like, leave.”
Five pairs of eyes looked back at Poland, also known as Feliks Łukasiewicz. Hungarian, Bulgarian, East German (Prussian! No, like, obviously East German), Czechoslovakian, and Romanian.
“Uh, I mean, like, Communism helped us out of a sorta tight spot after World War Two but now it’s being like really suckish and besides, I think Ivan’s losing it too, so he probs won’t like, go after us.” The Polish nation clarified.
“Last time I tried to leave, I was met with a horde of Red Army soldiers” Hungary pointed out.
“Yeah, but that was like back with bitch ass Stalin.”
“And now Russia’s boss is letting us run ourselves, so we’ll be fine. I want to see mein bruder again.”
“Okay, but-”
“Just think about it! It’s been better after Stalin, but once we leave we won’t be oppressed anymore!”
“We don’t have to listen to our bosses!”
Hungary’s protests were drowned out by chatter. Past experience told her to be uneasy, but she knew that, if she wanted to, she could leave.
1989, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Bulgaria leave the Soviet Bloc and the Warsaw Pact
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children shall burn.
“I’m leaving, YOU HEAR ME?! Boss, I don’t care if you approve or not. You know what, I don’t even care if these people die. The economy’s been crumbling, and I want to GO!” Romania was yelling among the rebels in Bucharest.
He hoped the transition would be peaceful, but his boss was stubborn.
And so he was dragging the president out by his arms, to be hanged.
Slipping the noose over his fat neck.
Letting go.
The former Socialist Republic of Romania was left with a dead body and the cheers of his people.
1989, Romania leaves the Soviet Bloc. He is the only one to violently overthrow his regime.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is burning and your children are gone.
All but one, and that’s little John, who lies under the grindle stone.
The wall was crumbling.
For a year already Hungary left, and she broke down her part of the wall. Most of his people were leaving that way, to West. She had to return most of them, for the sake of diplomacy. Those same people started demonstrations.
We want out, they said.
His boss finally let them go, at the price of their citizenship.
He could care less. It was nearly fifty years since he talked to West. He just wanted to be with his kleiner bruder again.
Running, running to the wall. The opening gates, his people with his brother’s, family and total strangers all talking in the same language.
It was beautiful.
At the back of the crowd he saw a pale crème scarf. Russia. Or Soviet Union.
He could never tell. Red eyes on purple, a bittersweet smile, the ash blonde head nodding towards the now open border. Mouthing three words.
I forgive you.
It felt like a weight was taken off his chest. He was no longer a nation, but no matter what happened to him, he knew he left no regrets. If he was slated to die, he would die a free country.
1990, fall of the Berlin Wall. East Germany (Prussia) reunites with West and marks the beginning of the end.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire and you children are gone.
All except one, her name is Nan, and she hid under the porridge pan
“We’re going” Estonia said, back in 1988.
They all understood the problems the Union had, what they were trying to fix. Many of Lithuania’s people were sent to the gulags back during Stalin’s reign, resulting in whip scars on his back. Russians targeted by intelligence immigrated to Latvia, explaining his constant trembling. Their arms were dotted with fading heroin marks from when there were food shortages twenty years ago. 
Recently the days were better, there was less suffering and less fear.
Russia would often hide it, like he used to hide the fact he did drugs to provide them with more food. He was following a pipe dream, and he was dying because of it.
Lithuania acted first, electing a new leader and declaring his independence.
Then Estonia, declaring that the USSR’s occupation of his country was illegal.
Latvia, though completely traumatized from his time being Communist, was able to bring up his treaty with Russia from 1920. “You said my independence was inviolable, for all future time.” He whispered
“Personally, I wish you all the best of luck”, Russia admitted. “But politics are selfish, he’ll try to keep you in.”
That was the truth, the army stormed their capitals and killed 21 people. Russia eventually convinced them to let the Baltics leave.
Their departure was quiet, without any ceremony.
1990, The Baltics declare independence from the Soviet Union. Troops reacted violently to resistance.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are gone.
All except one, and her name is Aileen, she hid under the soup tureen
The Chernobyl Incident was the last straw, really. Ever since becoming Communist Ukraine didn’t do very well. She loved her little brother, she really did, but nations put their people first, even if it meant abandoning him.
Belarus knew how her big sister suffered under this regime, how her brother basically built his own gilded cage and trapped himself in it.
Both hands on the staff of her red and white flag, banned since she joined this Union, running through the streets of Minsk with protesters. Demanding additional cleanup for Chernobyl and resignation of her boss.
Neither of them wanted to leave Vanya, but it was the only way they could go.
1900, Belarus and Ukraine leave the Soviet Union.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire and you children are gone.
It’s only me now.
They all left, and for the better.
The Soviet Union is dying, and I deal the killing blow. But I never understood.
Was I the Union, or was the Union me?
No matter what, I die.
7:30, 12/26/91
I secure the ligature and tie a running knot.
7:31, 12/26/91
I slip the noose over my head
7:32, 12/26/91
I jump.
When Karl Marx was on his deathbed, a maid asked for his last words. He said: “Get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t spoken enough!”
If that is so, Marx, then we are all fools. We all say something before we die, be it a complete speech or a single word.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire and you children are dead.
You are at a meeting with the rest of your NATO allies. You feel a part of you suffocate, and you know that He is dead.
“Do you feel it?” You ask
Everyone nods.
The Cold War’s over.
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calkestiis · 10 years
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honda-nihon-kiku · 5 years
Ensemble: Work Work!
Estonia: Estoniaaaaaa
Ensemble: Work Work!
Lithuania: Lituaaaaania
Latvia: And Latvia
Ensemble: The Baltic States
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years
Aph Peru 🇵🇪 ❤🇲🇽💍🌨🩸
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Name: Pahanna Aiko Aguilar Age: 201 year's old(physically 20 year's old) Personality: very sweet, headstrong and a fighter. She's really close with all of her friends and allies around the world. She has very complex and sad history with the Soviet Union and her harsh relationships with her neighbors like Brazil, but overtime she'll learn to forgive and forget and make better relationships with everyone. Due to her flag design She's often mistaken for Canadia if one doesn't look closely at their respective colors and forget that Canada has a maple leaf on his flag. She and Mexico were already great friends with a secert  crush On each other. Before they finally confess and started dating. Soon getting married in 2020. Snice then they have a great life and act like a real life romantic movie couple with lots of i love you's kisses and beautiful romantic date's around the world. She loves her new family with all her heart and wouldn't trade it for the world. Although, she's still a bit worry about the ex-soviet countries. And more closer to her north American and European allies the most. Likes: Her friends and family, her husband, her people and music. Dislikes: Being reminded of her past, being mistaken for Canada. Notes: Has her natural bird as a pet, dressed very punk rock but is the sweetest person on earth. Qoutes: "Mon amour is the kindest person ever!" (Her gushing over Mexico) "I'm not Canada, I'm from South America and I don't have a maple leaf on my flag! Stop mistaken me for him!" (To anyone that mistaken her for Canada) Aph Peru 🇵🇪 ❤🇲🇽💍🌨🩸
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