#aphmau eric
p0pcorn-hearts · 5 months
PDH AU but it's the parents
Sylvanna is the main character with her eight siblings (yeah, that's canon btw) and the main friend group is her, Zianna, and Eric. There aren't any Shadow Knights, but Gene and Dante's parents probably show up. Sylvanna gets into boy trouble like once but overall is a pretty regular student. Zianna is also, but she's thought of as the prettiest girl so she is constantly telling Sylvanna about how a new guy took a liking to her. She never really got it. She was content with just her little friend group. Rachel and Derek are there too. Rachel is the student body president and has been for the past few years. Derek, on the other hand, is almost constantly in detention. That's where they met. Rachel would often watch detention instead of the usual teacher and they'd exchange playful banter, like Rachel asking "in here again, Lycan?" and Derek answering with a smirk "you know it." Elizabeth also went there and she met the main group on prom when she asked Eric to dance because her date left her. Sylvanna and Zianna always got a bad vibe from her, but Zianna (Irene bless her soul) didn't want to be rude and reject Elizabeth
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It's them
If you look super close Zianna has a dusting of freckles
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Here are some completely random pairs of characters, which do you think are the most interesting?
First note, These pairings are not specifically Romantic, I just put characters on a wheel and spun it. Just felt I should clarify that.
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gaybae1021 · 10 months
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Day 13: Comfort
A great fluff prompt, so I of course decided to make it angsty.
Helpful Katelyn info here
It always felt weird that Katelyn never went to find her family after the timeskip. In my rewrite that’s the first thing her and the gang do. Though it takes some trial and error they eventually run into Kacey, who brings Katelyn back home.
Up until this point Katelyn has been a very stern and well put together character. The only one who’s ever seen her facade slip was Aph, and even then she was always quick to pull herself together.
Growing up, even when she had to take on extra responsibilities in caring for her brothers, Eric always let her know that she could come to him when things got to be too much. He tried his absolute hardest to let Katelyn just be a kid, even with the pressure they were both under. It broke his heart when Katelyn joined the jury and felt like she couldn’t talk to him anymore, and Katelyn carried that guilt with her for years.
But he was here now in front of her. Older, but still here. She had feared seeing him again, of seeing the look of betrayal and judgement on his face.
But there was none of that. There was just her dad, as strong and solid and kind as he had ever been. And Katelyn can finally let it all out, collapse under the weight of all the pressures put on her. Because she knows her dad will catch her.
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aphmaurewrite · 1 year
Eric Fire-Fist [Rewrite Overview]
elizabeth’s overview was short so i’m also posting eric’s. also i’m gonna be possibly drawing out a relationship chart in the near future so keep your eyes out for that if thats something youre interested in :]
-He/Him [Cis]
-47 [May 4th]
Eric’s past isn’t super important, however as an adult he met and married a woman named Elizabeth, and the two would go on to have two children together: Katelyn and Kasey Fire-Fist. Elizabeth would abandoned the family, leaving Eric a single dad until years later when he would meet Sylvana Shalashaka. Him and Sylvana would get married, blending their families together. He’s close with his eldest daughter, Katelyn, however his relationships with Kasey and Aphmau is a bit more complicated given Kasey’s issues with their mom leave and Aphmau’s strained relationship with her mother.
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This post is a desperate attempt of keeping this account alive, I'm rating ships cause I'm bored.
Derek/Rachel. 8/10. They're definitely a power couple and all but Derek's an asshole to her so she kinda deserves better.
Derek/Aphmau. 6/10 because it could work. Maybe. As they are both fucking dumb.
Derek/Zianna. 3/10 could never work cause Derek is too much of a.. idk Garte simp to have an affair with his wife? Maybe in an au though.
Derek/Garte. 9/10 would be there if there was more chemistry, but there is only weird puppy love.
Derek/Rowan. 1/10. I guess Rowan's not his real father but I doubt that Derek would wanna be with the same exact person who raised him? I don't know Derek's weird so maybe there's a small chance? The one is only there for the chance.
Derek/Michael. 0/10. Would only ship for the angst and problems of it. Derek is an asshole and all but Michael is way worse to him so I don't think they should actually be together in a romance[the genre].
Derek/Zack. 10/10. It's a lot of angst and stuff but also it could genuinely work out without being abusive. They both seem to know how to push each other's buttons but also calm each other down, the ship is basically top tier.
Derek/Terry. 7/10. A little bit boring but I guess it could work?
Derek/Elizabeth. 4/10. I'm confused on what to do with this ship.
Derek/Eric. 6/10. Yes.
Derek/Sylvana. 2/10. Absolutely not. I love Sylvana and all but she's.. weird like her daughter[You know.. the werewolf thing?]
All of these were Derek ships for a reason, and that's because he has small amount of ships. Which makes him perfect so I don't have to spend days on this post.
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lucindasthighs · 10 months
Elizabeth isn't the woman Zach cheated with.
First off the features don't match up.
Zach has brown hair, Elizabeth has blue hair and Ein has black hair. It's canon that the blue in Ein's hair is all purely dyed. So him having blue parts in his hair doesn't make him related to Elizabeth. The eyes also don't match up. As Elizabeth has a medium blue eyes, Zach dark brown and Ein light gray (sometimes medium gray too it dependson the season but whatever)
Second off the timeline doesn't match up.
Ein is older than Kacey. So if Ein was born and very clearly not Eric's child (a werewolf, black hair and a whole different skintone). Then why wouldn't their marriage be in shambles? They were fine, fine enough to get Kacey. How would Elizabeth go about having an affair baby without it being noticed. And why would Eric just directly get a kid with her anyway just after that?
She also talked to Zach (while referring to Ein) about HIS kid. Not THEIR kid.
Oh okay these are all really strong points. I just remember that the biggest fandom theory was Elizabeth being the mom and like. Didn't really think about it.
I guess that theory was more for tying up loose ends together (why Elizabeth left her family, Zack's affair, all the adults' weird connection to each other) rather than like super solid evidence.
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goat-guy-tm · 11 months
My Street ships that are T4T brcause I'm trans and I say so;
Note; a few of these are ships that make no sense but I adore, you deal with it.
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Kenmur literally has so much T-boy swag and you can't tell me I'm wrong.
Kim×Ein (this only works in my rewrite of mys yes I know but listen the way I write them, I'm weak for them)
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Slyvana is specifically enby in my personal opinion. A true they/them mother
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jacob-the-human · 1 year
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gonedreaminggg · 9 months
I'm rewatching mystreet love love paradise and OH MY GOD IM LOSING MY MIND
If I'm gonna let anyone or anything profit off of homophobia and queerbaiting it would be love love paradise
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risingblackmoon · 1 year
Oki OC time here we go
BUT BEFORE WE DO. I GOTTA TELL YOU A DISCLAIMER. These characters are sourced from a formerly multi-media roleplay I do with my boyfriend!!! I have been doing this roleplay for ~10 years, and we recently changed it to be entirely OC-Centric!!! While they always have been OCs, they were heavily connected to popular media! This is especially evident in the designs of two of the three characters, who were formerly connected heavily to Eddsworld!!! I got attached to certain parts of their designs!!! OH also warning for death! That's a big topic here! Body snatching, too. We clear??? Sweet. Proceed!!!
I LIED MWAHAHAHA here's some background information before we begin.
These guys live in a magical world that got REALLY fucked up after the god-dragon hybrid child of the God of Life and the Dragon of War... well.. attempted to annihilate all life on the planet. Now the only habitable place on Earth, aside from the sea, is Last Hope Island; a group of islands with one large one in the middle. Surrounding Last Hope is a magical barrier- a gift from the God of Life before he disappeared. It protected the inhabitants of the island chain from the Divine Hybrid's wrath over 500 years ago, and now it serves to revive them should they die within its walls. The amount of times they can be revived depends on the fragility of the individual's soul.
OK! Let's start with my golden girl; Mayflower Trace Harley, or "May" for short. She's a big ol' optimistic, plucky, british werewolf girl! Who has never had anything bad happen to her in her entire life!!! Never!!!! (Lie)..
When May was a child, she had a best friend named Christine. A shy, nerdy, blonde human girl who always wore her hair in a loose bun with her bangs always covering her right eye. Through years of friendship, the two kids forged an unbreakable bond. Maybe it had even begun to blossom into something else..
On the day of May's first transformation, Christine accompanied her family in escorting her to the woods. It was there that Christine would make May promise to come back safe, and once she had, the blonde girl gave her best friend a quick kiss on the lips before she left. It was a sweet gesture, one that turned May's cheeks bright red. Unfortunately, she didn't get the chance to discuss it with her friend, as the next day Christine had mysteriously passed away after being rushed to the hospital that very night.
But that was years ago. She's 21 now, and she's the lead singer in her own band dubbed "The Misfits"! She's also a member of Last Hope's military- one that really only exists because of the God of War's angels' insistence on it. There's not really any outside threats left, though... if you don't count the remaining gods, that is. But the Gods seem more keen on nurturing the people of Last Hope than anything else. Hm.... Anyway! May is currently living with two of her long-time friends and... another guy.
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And that other guy is TL! An AI entity that formerly resided in May's head and has since been transferred to an android body crafted by a strange, immortal snake man named Dr. Serpentes; a rogue scientist who has apparently been helping his kind for years. You see, long ago before the Draconid War that ravaged the land, technology was advancing at a rapid rate- namely artificial intelligence. AI that, by merely existing, upset the God of Life. Before TL had made it out of his ALPHA stage, the building was brought down at the hands of the disconcerted god. While some of his fellow AI made it out by miraculously transferring themselves into the mangled bodies that littered the floors, TL wasn't that lucky. It wasn't until 5000+ years later that one of the AI who had escaped returned, barely managing to power up a section of the dilapidated ruins and taking a select few files back with him. One of those files housed TL, either luckily or unluckily depending on how you want to look at it. It was then after that he'd transfer his consciousness into May's body, and eventually gain his own.
And what was the first thing he did with this new body? Try to slaughter an innocent god, of course! Cyprus, the God of Love... a god created by the God of Life himself. An extension of the god who ruined TL's life. Cyprus wasn't even around when his father laid waste to the building, but that didn't matter much to TL. Neither of them died, but they both lost something that day; TL his arm and an eye, and Cyprus the luscious wings on his back.
After that stunt, it's safe to say that he isn't very well liked on Last Hope Island. The people don't particularly care for Cyprus much either, though, the poor god's reputation being one of the few reasons TL is even still around. Now he's forced to live with May so that she can monitor him, and therefore Jason and Eric- two fellow AIs with the latter being the one who "brought him back to life." Aka May's "friends."
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Speaking of Eric, this is his brother Mic! They transferred into the bodies of two half siblings, and that was enough for Mic to claim the cold and calculating AI as his own. Unlike his brother, who doesn't want to forge relationships with mortals, Mic has spent his immortal life among them doing any job he finds interesting enough. Currently, he's the manager for the pop idol Dorian!
Although Mic's life is nowhere near as "exciting" as... whatever his brother has going on, he has felt his own share of pain. The AI are immortal, and so he has grieved the loss of friends more times than you can count. Tragically, Dorian is the closest he's ever felt to another person.. And that terrifies him. Mic has willingly put himself through loss and after loss, the pain nothing in comparison to the love he has felt for his many late friends and family. Yet... He doesn't know if he'll be able to manage losing Dorian.
Aside from being willingly trapped in a never ending cycle of love and loss, he also loves hanging out with his little brother! His brother who is only now accepting his fate after 5000+ years and begrudgingly tolerates him.....
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May is British that's not a joke. Britain existed at one point. She has the accent.... she also doesn't know what Britain is.
May's favorite food is pancakes! She also likes M&Ms, but M&Ms are bad for werewolves.
Speaking of, werewolves and vampires are very closely related. They also both have 4 total separate forms! (Humanoid, Half-Shift, Wolven/Chiroptern, and Lycan/Vampyr. The latter cannot be controlled. Werewolves shift into Lycans on the full moon, and Vampires shift into Vampyrs due to starvation which tends to occur on the full moon more than any other day. Hence why May went into the woods!)
TL would cut the sleeves off of that shirt if he could, but unfortunately all his clothes belong to May. He also refuses to buy his own clothes.
TL, due to never making it out of his ALPHA stage, is prone to intense emotions and impulsive actions.
Mic doesn't know who he is without other people around him.
Mic's eyes can dilate like a cat! He can also purr and wag his tail.
Bonus: Mic loves his baby brother soooo much!!!! Unfortunately for him his brother is like a cat.
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And here's the outfit TL's clothes are based on ↓
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aphverse-confessions · 11 months
If all of the cannon ships were sinking and I could save only one, I would pick Slyvana x Eric in a heartbeat. (✿❛◡❛)
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wish1lava · 2 years
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Why do they remind me so much of laurance and garroth 💀💀
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fuckyeahzanvis · 11 months
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jurysbane · 2 years
pdh katelyn drinks orange juice after brushing her teeth in front of her mom out of spite because elizabeth gags if she does it herself.
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Being real, would Sylvanna be fuck buddies w Eric and Elizabeth just to fuck w Zack or bc she’s interested in them? She must know about his hundred children running around
Anyone who doesn’t want to see this kind of content from me, please block the ‘Aphmau thirst’ tag. That’s the easiest way to avoid this, if you want to, and if you don’t. Fine, whatever tickles your pickles homies.
It’s a bit of both, since she’s been into Eric since highschool and all, but she knows that Zack knows that, so sleeping with him would piss him off. And Elizabeth works with him, so sleeping with her would also piss him off, and get him bullied at work. It’s like one third genuine interest in them and two thirds hating her husband.
And she does know about their kids. She’s very strict about contraception whilst engaging in activities with them because of these children.
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