sivatherium · 1 year
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jame7t · 2 months
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they need to add "revenge" as an option to all interactions on this site
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fadeintoyou1993 · 11 months
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It felt... primal.
BETTY & VERONICA RIVERDALE | S07E14 "Archie: The Musical"
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childhoodgrave · 1 year
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gives you that autism stare
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peachtozier · 2 months
do i add it chapter 2 to my bad movie day watchlist
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saving-stark · 2 months
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I crossed 500 received?!
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vendotlover · 1 year
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tobyfobywoahby · 10 months
happy 5th month {b-day?!-} of the April fools guys!!! Yayaya!!!!! <333333333
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timeisacephalopod · 5 months
It's an extremely stupid pet peeve admittedly but every time I see a grown man's writing and it looks indistinguishable from a fucking grade schoolers I feel an indescribable rage at the lack of effort. It's not even a messy writing thing, I've known messy writers who don't write in a way id easily mistake for a fourth graders writing if I didn't know any better.
Yes this is probably a side effect of a teacher of mine trying to FAIL me in spelling class in the third grade because my writing was "too messy" because I'd BROKEN MY DOMINANT ARM and therefore was writing with my left. She told me she "couldn't read" what I wrote and I looked over at Richard Grover's writing and was IMMEDIATELY enraged because if she could read RICHARD'S hieroglyphics there's no WAY my writing was "too messy" that bitch just penalized me for being a girl. Because I guess EXCLUSIVELY girls and women are expected to learn to write neat and men can go on not changing their fucking writing from KINDERGARTEN well into their seventies and no one cares. Stop writing like a child and make an effort damnit wtf. Must be nice to not be penalized for writing worse than I ever did with my left hand and my mom let that teacher HAVE it as she should have lmao.
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ab-nalka · 1 year
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Ah, April and Truff. My two sweet OC's .
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
Girl dinner this, girl dinner that. What about girl breakfast. Huh. Most important girl meal of the day. It's why it's skipped so often.
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kiir0c0re · 1 year
evil kiiro be like "i kin octolings and absolutely despise rabbits and inklings. i hate playing frontline weapons in splatoon ESPECIALLY the dark tetra dualies, backline weapons are so much more fun and i am definitely patient enough to use them effectively. i cannot draw to save my life. i love romance and need a date so so bad. i hate splatoon youtuber prochara he is annoying and the worst youtuber on the site. his teammates suck too. i think cringe culture is a good thing. i am extremely neurotypical. i am not silly at all and am actually incredibly dull and boring. all of my favorite media is live action."
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necroticblue · 1 year
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okie dokieee had a crash course this morning on how my meds help w emotional regulation!!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Tapir Day
Learn about the highly endangered creature known as the tapir, and educate others, volunteer, or donate to help preserve these fascinating mammals.
Let’s dive into the fascinating world of tapirs with World Tapir Day! Celebrated every year on April 27, this day is all about shining a spotlight on these unique creatures. Since its start in 2008, the event has aimed to increase awareness and support for tapir conservation​​.
Why celebrate tapirs, you ask? Well, many people don’t even know these animals exist. They’re often mistaken for other species, even in places where they naturally live.
Tapirs are crucial for their ecosystems, helping forests grow by spreading seeds. But they’re in danger due to habitat loss and other human activities. World Tapir Day is here to change that by educating people and rallying support for these shy giants​​.
How can we make a difference? Simple acts like learning more about tapirs, sharing information, and supporting conservation efforts can have a big impact.
You can also donate to organizations working to protect tapir habitats or take part in local events and activities. Together, we can help ensure tapirs thrive for generations to come​​.
History of World Tapir Day
World Tapir Day is a unique celebration dedicated to raising awareness about tapirs, those curious creatures that have roamed the Earth for millions of years.
This special day was officially launched in 2008 and is celebrated annually on April 27. It wasn’t until 2011, however, that the celebration really took off, thanks to the passionate efforts of tapir enthusiasts and conservationists who recognized the need to highlight these lesser-known animals.
Their goal was to educate the public about the critical role tapirs play in their ecosystems and the threats they face, such as habitat loss and hunting​​​​.
The founding of World Tapir Day marked the beginning of a concerted effort to put tapirs on the global conservation agenda.
By drawing attention to their plight, the day aims to inspire actions that help ensure their survival. Zoos, wildlife organizations, and conservation groups around the world participate by hosting events, educational programs, and social media campaigns to spread the word.
Activities range from visiting tapirs at local zoos to engaging in conservation fundraising efforts​​​​​​.
The significance of World Tapir Day has grown over the years, reflecting the increasing urgency of protecting these animals and their habitats. All four recognized species of tapirs are currently listed as vulnerable or endangered.
The day serves as a reminder of the beauty and diversity of wildlife and the importance of conservation efforts to protect our planet’s biodiversity for future generations​​.
How to Celebrate World Tapir Day
Celebrating World Tapir Day can be both fun and meaningful with a sprinkle of creativity. Here are some playful suggestions that don’t just stick to the script:
Dress Up as a Tapir: Grab some grey or black clothes, fashion a snout, and maybe even some spots and stripes. Walk around your neighborhood or park, sparking curiosity and conversations about tapirs.
Tapir-Themed Art Day: Gather your friends or family and create tapir-inspired artwork. Paint, draw, or even create digital art—let your imagination run wild. Share your masterpieces online to spread the love for these unique creatures.
Movie Night with a Twist: Host a movie night featuring documentaries or films about tapirs and their habitats. It’s a cozy way to learn about these animals and the challenges they face.
“Adopt” a Tapir: Many conservation organizations offer symbolic adoption programs. Adopting a tapir can be a great way to support its protection and learn more about the specific animal.
Tapir Trivia Night: Organize a trivia night with facts about tapirs. It’s a fun way to educate and challenge your friends and family about tapir knowledge.
Visit a Zoo Virtually or In-Person: If you can’t make it to a zoo, many offer virtual tours where you can see tapirs. For those who can visit in person, it’s a great opportunity to learn firsthand about these animals.
Tapir Treats Bake-off: Get creative in the kitchen by baking cookies or cakes shaped like tapirs. Share your creations with friends or on social media to spread awareness in the sweetest way possible.
These ideas make sure the spotlight is on these fascinating creatures and the efforts to conserve them.
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patchyworx · 2 months
I did a thing!! Now to rest for a very long while
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This took me so long ive worked on it for 33 hours... my wrist hurts.....
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