3scapethevoid · 2 months
A dose of validation for a-spec identities!
You're valid if you're aplatonic and don't have friends!
You're valid if you're aplatonic and do have friends!
You're valid if you're afamilial and aren't close with your family and/or familial figures OR don't have any!
You're valid if you're afamilial and are close with your family and/or familial figures if you have any!
You're valid if you're aqueerplatonic and don't engage in queerplatonic relationships!
You're valid if you're aqueerplatonic and do engage in queerplatonic relationships!
You're valid if you're aromantic and don't engage in romantic relationships!
You're valid if you're aromantic and do engage in romantic relationships!
You're valid if you're asexual and don't engage in sexual relationships/intercourse!
You're valid if you're asexual and do engage in sexual relationships/intercourse!
You're valid if you're the 'stereotype' of your label!
You're valid if you have any label that 'contradicts' with your actions/feelings!
You're valid if you aren't a-spec or don't consider yourself a-spec or don't use labels but are still attraction-repulsed, ambivalent, or whatever!
You can't control what you do and don't feel and no one else should either, be proud of who you are, no matter how 'absurd' or 'unnatural' it is to others. You are all valid! <3
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