#apollo proopsios
sag-dab-sar · 8 months
Divination Shelf
Apollo Proopsios is in the center of the divination tools.
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I actually managed to fit everything from the previous post into this bookcase!!! Except I chose 2 (possibly 3) more to give away.
My divination section is now rather....uh...crowded. I have a few books that would go on this bookcase so it technically doesn't fit everything the bookcase is for— but things would fit if I moved my night light (big orb).
One bookcase done (3 to go) in my Bookcase Sub Project, tah dah accomplishment!
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differentsoulsweets · 2 months
Απολλων [Apollo] God of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease
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Epithets: ⟡ Proopsios [Foreseeing] ⟡ Phoibos [Bright] ⟡ Akestor [Healer] ⟡ Alexikakos [Averter of Evil] ⟡ Theoxenios [ God of Foreigners ] ⟡ Pythios [Slayers of Python] ⟡ Chrusaor [Of Golden Sword] ⟡ Daphnephorios [Bearer of Laurels] ⟡ Loimios [ Deliverer from Pague] ⟡ Moiragetes [Leader of Fate] ⟡ Pagasios [Pagasaean] ⟡ Hekaergos [Far-shooting]
Domains: ⟡ Prophecy & Oracles ⟡ Light ⟡ Music & Arts ⟡ Song & poetry ⟡ Archery ⟡ Healing & medicine ⟡ Plague & Disease ⟡ Protection of the young ⟡ Boys ⟡ Sudden Death ⟡ Knowledge ⟡ Herds & Flocks ⟡ Protector of Fugitives
Devotional acts: ⟡ Donate to medical charities ⟡ Draw or Paint ⟡ Read poetry or listen to music ⟡ Sing or play an instrument ⟡ Go to the library
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Symbol: ⟡ The Lyre ⟡ Silver bow & Arrows ⟡ Dolphins ⟡ Swans ⟡ Crows ⟡ Ravens ⟡ Lions ⟡ Wolves ⟡ Mice ⟡ Griffins ⟡ Hawks ⟡ Snakes ⟡ Laurel wreath ⟡ Fire / flame ⟡ The sun / Light ⟡ Tripod ⟡ Apples
Element: ⟡ Light
Color: ⟡ Orange ; yellow ; Gold ⟡ Red ⟡ Pure white ⟡ Pink ⟡ Purple ⟡ Green ⟡ Blue
Crystals & stones: ⟡ Sunstone ⟡ Amber ⟡ Honey ; Yellow Calcite ⟡ Rutilated ; Clear ; Rose quartz
Fruits,Vegetables,Flowers,Herbs: ⟡ Cypress ⟡ Laurel ⟡ Larkspur ⟡ The-apple-tree ⟡ The palm tree ⟡ Hyacinth
Animal: ✧Swan ⟡ Raven ⟡ Tortoise ⟡ Serpent ⟡ Wolf ⟡ Dolphin ⟡ Mouse
Incense: ✧ Bay ⟡ Frankincense ⟡ Cypress
Food & Drinks: ⟡ Red wine ⟡ Olive oil ⟡ Water ⟡ Fruit ⟡ Honey ⟡ Almonds ⟡ Citruses ⟡ Cinnamon ⟡ Coffee ⟡ Herbal tea with Honey cakes ⟡ Bay leaves ⟡ Anise
Day, Season, Time of Day: ✧ Sunday ⟡ Middsummer ⟡ Midday ⟡ May
Tarot: ✧ The Sun ⟡ The chariot ⟡ Strength ⟡ Temperance
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seleniangnosis · 2 years
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Deity Aesthetic: Apollo
Greek God of prophecy and oracles, light, music,art, poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young.
Hellenic Epithets:
Thearios (Of the Oracle)
Proopsios (Foreseeing)
Mousêgetês (Leader of the Muses)
Klêdônes (Omen in Words and Sounds)
Oulios (Of Sound Health)
Paiôn (Healer)
Lykios (Of the Wolves)
Delphinios (Of the Dolphin)
Alexikakos (Averter of Evil, Harm)
Symbolism of Apollo:
The Lyre
Laurel Tree
Laurel Wreath
The Chariot
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Apollo/Απολλων epithets
Hekatos - Shooter from Afar
Klêdônes - Omen in Words and Sounds 
Mousêgetês - Leader of the Muses 
Oulios - Of Sound Health
Paiêon - Healer 
Proopsios - Foreseeing 
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sag-dab-sar · 6 months
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Diviniation Shrine to Apollo Proopsios March 25, 2024.
Quite a big improvement from the crowded one (link) I set up during this book cases' reorganization. I finally added the purple thing back for Apollo Proopsios's shrine to elevate him.
Divination tools include a lot of 78-tarot decks, oracle cards, lenormand, playing cards, dice sets, pendulums, set of runes, and a scrying ball. All the books, most not shown in photo, are all divination related. (I also have an ouija board but its below this shelf because it fits no where else)
I hope he's happy with his shrine finally being properly set up.
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
🧡 Shrines! 🧡
Now that I have reconsecrated idols, consecrated idols, and blessed representations.... which I planned to do in January and it became a year long project apparently.....I can set up my shrines again!
Household Boundries Shrine
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Hermes, Hekate, Apollo Argyieus
This is a super Work In Progress, its a brand new desk so different spacing. I need a better cloth for them so I can make a bit more space. Hermes does have his compass and coins at least. I even have a libation holder but not receiver whoops. Soteria is sometimes honored here without a representation.
Education Shrine?
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Ares, Athena Ergane, Ninĝirsu, Geštug Nisaba, Nabû
This is actually kind of an odd shrine to set up for me. Not sure its exact purpose anymore. However, not only do I like having this "set" of Gods together. They seem to want to have their own shrine [Meaning I felt uneasy keeping them on main altar which dissipated when I placed them on their own shrine 🤍]. The vase with Greek art I inherited from my papous. There is a closed compass and LED candle lights.
Divination Shrine
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Apollo Proopsios
I actually changed this shrine a little by adding the tarot deck's companion books. No bells and whistles to this shrine—like libation vessels or lightning—just all the tools and his representation on top of the purple platform.
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sag-dab-sar · 11 months
Trick or treat? 🎃
Treat 🎃
I pulled out an oracle deck, shuffled, and asked Apollo Proopsios to give me a card that may be helpful to you in this moment. Here was the card from "The Daemon Tarot" Oracle Deck
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Text on Card (generated by iOS): "Bufonite, or toad-stone, is a magical stone said to grow within the head of a live toad. The stone, harvested from a creature who was used as an ingredient in many poisons, was said to be a powerful antidote."
Here is its page in the oracle companion book:
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Text on page (generated by iOS):
Bufonite is another symbol of magic and power (see also Brooms), but this one is far more legendary in nature. Bufonite, or toadstone—first mentioned in mythology around the time of Pliny the Elder—is a magical jewel that was said to grow inside toads, and is a cure to all poisons much like a bezoar found in the brain of a toad. Like bezoar, there is no scientific basis for the belief that bufonite was any sort of antidote, but jewelry was created from gems supposedly harvested from toads to ward against ills.
Perhaps there is no scientific basis for the claims that bufonite is an antidote, let alone that it existed at all (many bufonite amulets were, in fact, fossilized fish heads); but as a metaphor, it is still quite powerful. Toads were often described as witches familiars, and their skin was thought to be used in all manner of magical poisons. Yet, from inside the head of those toads, folklore also invented a cure.
Focus on finding worth and beauty in circumstances or items that others may regard as ugly.
Hopefully there's something useful, or at least a bit of fun
🧡Trick or Treat🖤
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
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October 26, 2022. Ritual to reconsecrate Hellenic Idols & bless representations.
It went well, I chose not to gift any representations as idols and only keep those I currently have. I don't have any energy to maintain idols that haven't already been established. ... This altar with this intent was set up in April 😩 at least I finished it before the new year.
On altar left to right (idols bolded):
Athena Ergane, Ares, Hermes, Hekate, Apollo Argyieus, Apollo Proopsios, Hera Oikos, Hestia, Zeus Herkeios, Zeus Ktesios (empty jar needs to be refilled), Hera Antheia, Epione, Asklepios, Hygeia, Akeso, Iaso, Panakeia, Aigle.
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
March 2nd 2023 Shrine Care
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Gods L to R: Gunida Nisaba; Bau; Nanše; Hera Antheia; Gibil (candle); Nanaya; Enki (plaque on wall); Gugal-ana; My Queen Ereškigal; Namtar (white pendant on her wing); Inana; Ĝeštinana, Dumuzid (white and black beads); Nanna (Blue moon disc on wall); Nirah (snake); Asklepios; Akeso, Iaso, Panakeia, Aigle, Epione (beads on Asklepios); Hephaistos; Hygeia; Enlil; Ninisina Gula; Damu (snake ring); Ningirim (bell).
This is the first altar with Gugal-ana on it after the lovely @helvetica12point helped fix his will-be idol 🤍 This is also my first altar ever with Hephaistos
I've been trying to "declutter" my main altar because it was getting longer time-wise and physically more difficult to change and set up. So I moved the Oikos Theoi to my boundaries shrine (below) and have removed candle representations of the Asklepiads + Epione in favor of bead only representation. I didn't make a "new" altar so didn't have to drag any boxes out or anything, still trying to figure out how to make my altars without physical pain.
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Gods L to R: Hekate; Apollo Agyieus; Hestia; Zeus Ktesios (jar); Hermes. In front: Zeus Herkeios; Hera Oikos.
Offering vessel with hearth symbol lovely gift from my friend Grima.
My shrine with Ares, Athena Ergane, Ninĝirsu, and Geštug Nisaba hasn't gotten any TLC yet. Apollo Proopsios' shrine only had a minor change. So thats why no photos.
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
🏺Gods & Spirits🏺
That I worship in my practices.
Sumerian deity names in posts are spelled using the ETCSL's proper noun list or Handbook of Gods and Goddess of the Ancient Near East by Stuckey. Sumeriam deities: Diĝir / Diĝirene.
Hellenic deity names I try to use Greek transliterations spelling rather than Latin-derived forms for example Asklepios not Asclepius. Hellenic deities: Theos / Theoi & Daimon / Daimones.
Epithets translations are in brackets [ ]
Three practices: Hellenic & Sumerian Polytheist Revivalism; Shinto; Maryolatry.
🟣 Devoted To
🔷 Ereškigal
My personal God in context of Sumerian tradition.
I always refer to her as My Queen, in Sumerian it is Ninĝu Ereškigal'am, 𒎏𒈬𒀭𒊩𒌆𒆠𒃲𒀀𒀭 I add an apostrophe before -am since its a suffix and I want to make that clear.
Namtar her sukkal is worshipped due to their relation.
Gugal-ana her husband worshipped due to their relationship and upg.
🔷 Amaterasu-Ōmikami / The Sun
I am devoted to Amaterasu-Ōmikami specifically.
I may also worship just "The Sun" as a life giver and sustainer. The Sun captured my heart near the beginning of my practice and has always remained important.
If I am worshipping another solar god, such as Apollo & Utu, I deliberately do not worship them in their solar aspect.
🟣 Household Gods
Zeus Ktesios [of the House]
Zeus Herkeios [of the Fence]
Apollo Agyieus [of the Street]
Hera Oikos [of Household]
🟣 Health Gods
Ninisina Gula [Great]
Nanše - Inspired by Hymn To Nanše Lines 20-31
The Asklepiades:
🟣 Additional Diĝirene & Theoi
Worshipping Gods on my altars or shrines only requires a identifiable reasons. No interpersonal relationship required.
Athena Erganê [Worker] — I have dedicated my education to Athena since high school. I also fully believe she has been with me my whole life and witnessed my birth.
Apollo Proopsios [Foreseeing] in relation to my divination practice
Gunida Nisaba [Hulled Grain]
Geštug Nisaba [Wisdom]
Nirah — Purification. Temple protection at Enlil's E-kur which was among the most important Sumerian temples thus he represents altars to me, also a ritual protector. I believe there are other Nirah(s) but I'm specifically speaking of the one in the E-kur temple
🟣 Not Represented on Shrines
That still deserve a mention, due to importance I place on them or how often I invoke them:
An — Sky & Heaven and most supreme in Sumerian pantheon. His cuneiform is "Diĝir" 𒀭 the divine marker for deity names. One of my devotional necklaces to represent me as a Sumerian polytheist is a pendant with that sign.
Uraš & Gaia — The Earth
Rheia — as Mêtêr Theon (Mother of The Gods)
Namma — as Amadiĝirdiĝira (Mother of The Gods)
Zeus as: Patér [father], Basileus [king]
Hera as: Mēter [mother], Basíleia [queen], Antheia [of Flowers]
Athena Phrónēsis [Practical Wisdom]
⛩Shinto Kami
Kami is not a direct translation to "God/Deity." I personally believe the two Amatsukami 天津神 I worship are "Gods."
Amaterasu-Ōmikami 天照大神
Ame-No-Uzume-No-Mikoto 天鈿女命
🗡️ Maryolatry
I worship Mary under the same principles I would Worship "heros" in.
Our Lady of Sorrows — Mater Dolorosa, the primary aspect of the Virgin Mary I worship.
Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia — Our Lady of Altagracia, the Virgin Mary as protector & spiritual mother of the Dominican People.
🟣 Misc
Guabancex, Gautauba, Coatriskie— (Taino Zemis) — It is silent, important, and fearful recognition of their power not an active honor/worship
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
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April 26th, 2022. Altar to Bless Hellenic Idols & Representations
"My stuff including idols, statues, and other items have all been packed away for awhile. I haven't liked most of my altars and shrines recently so I thought I'd cleanse all the representations & idols of the Gods. I'll have one altar for Sumerian and one for Hellenic." Explanation from previous altar post which was for the Sumerian Gods.
This is for the Hellenic Gods. Athena Ergane, Ares, Hestia, Hera Antheia, Askelpios, and Hygeia are all idols. I'm probably going to keep it that way and not consecrate any more, the rest will be blessed and offered as representations.
Left to right-ish is: Athena Ergane, Ares, Hermes, Hekate, Apollo Argyieus, Apollo Proopsios, Hera Oikos, Hestia, Zeus Herkeios, Zeus Ktesios*, Hera Antheia, Epione (blue candle), Asklepios, Akeso, Iaso, Panakeia, Aigle (4 white candles), Apollo Paian, Hygeia.
I really wanted Rhea here too, however I don't have a printer for the artwork I want so that'll be later on sometime.
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sag-dab-sar · 3 years
Worshipping Many Gods
Anonymous: Hi, I want to ask how do you serve so many deities? Most pagans I see only mention 3 or 4, sometimes more but not over 30. You can just delete this if its too invasive.
My immediate response is just— with love. I serve them with love and faith.
Importantly service and giving your best (whatever that may be) in terms of offerings & praise, are the most important aspects of Mesopotamian tradition and thus have no limits on the number of deities. Being your best self, Arete, and giving and receiving from the Gods, Kharis are among the most important aspects of Hellenic tradition and thus have no limit on the number of Gods.
For me as I recognize each one as important and have an identifiable reason to have them in my daily worship (some on my Altars/Shrines some not) and that is enough. Thats literally it.
"My best" can be simply saying their names during and activity because I am so disabled. Make sure what you do is within "your best" and never push yourself beyond that. But this is still a post I want to reupload.
Please note that I am a Sumerian and Hellenic revivalist with my cosmology(?)/theology/practice-ish is based more on Sumerian religion as the core but also includes Hellenic religion. So this post comes from that perspective.
Please note when I say things like “Hygeia claimed”, “Hera demanded”, “I’m not allowed.” I mean experiences like these, that are hard to put into words so I simply described what it felt like. You don’t need any sort of communication, sign, signal, vision, etc to worship the gods. Ever. I just happen to have some of those rare experiences described in the linked post.
If you’re asking how I do ritual with that many deities I simply address each of them at the start and end of rituals. I address a god directly by name if a particular offering, request, gratitude, or action is for them. Offerings are usually joint except Ereškigal who receives an additional offering, specifically just for her.
Some may think a ritual with that many gods would be overpowering. I simply feel like it’s beautiful when I’m in those moments. It can definitely feel powerful but its not a bad thing. If I did feel out of my depth, like I could not worship them properly due to number, or stressed out by it, I would simply have a ritual with fewer gods. I have scaled back in the past when I’ve felt overwhelmed.
I don’t know how to explain it beyond that.
Altars (eventually full temples) & especially idols are extremely important to the Mesopotamians. Thus my altar, the idols, and representations, are a core aspect of my religion**. If I can do something at the altar it will be done there. If I don’t feel totally impure, but still feel wrong approaching the altar, I can simply look at the altar while I pray. I can look at the altar if I want to emphasize a task is for or related to a specific God. If I had my own home, I could walk to the altar with my meal pray over it there, then head back to the table. I’d probably have a few different shrines and a main altar if I had my own home. For example, Apollo Proopsios was on my divination shelf not my altar.
**If I cannot have an altar thats not wrong of me. If I have an altar but cannot tend to my altar thats not wrong. You must consider your situation and health. I personally believe the Gods understand this, and would not want us destroying our health or endangering it—for they know we are humans and have limits. I re-evaluate what is "my best" as I mentioned (via link) at the beginning of this post. My altar is still extremely important to me and I have one that I don't tend to— and if I really can't I simply leave a jar candle on the table as just a sign "I know you'e in my life".
This might explain why I choose to have so many Gods physically in my worship. Of course I can pray to or acknowledge any God even if they aren’t on my altar. Still, the altar, idols, and representations hold immense importance to me—especially from a Sumerian standpoint—they always have
I make sure each idol or representation is picked with sincerity and meaning and not just “I want this God on my altar *looks around* meh whatever this will do.” No, whether idol or representation, it takes contemplation to choose. And that contemplation is done for each God.
Each idol is as the God wants it to be (assuming the rare occasion of UPG “letting me know” described in the post I linked at the beginning.) For example:
Hera "demanded" flowers be represented on her idol before I was allowed to use the epithet Antheia [of Flowers].
Ereškigal has the contents of her previous idol placed on her new one in a pouch. I just felt like she would not animate the statue I bought for her without that pouch.
A small pouch of lavender I placed on Hygeia, just because I thought it was nice, can no longer be removed since she decided to “claim” it.
Then there is making sure that each God, whether idol or representation, is put on the altar with individual respect and individual attention to details:
I always make sure to have Hygeia’s vanilla candle located near her.
Epione is a blue candle to separate her from her daughter white candles.
No idol or representation should obscure other ones from my view.
I also consider how the Gods relate to each other:
Namtar is placed on Ereškigal.
Ĝeštinana and Dumuzid share a representation and are both on Inana.
The health deities are usually placed together
If something feels off then I almost always make sure to change it. If it feels really off I assume a God is unhappy with it. Its rare but it happens.
I (usually) provide that each idol be given full consecration with their own individual ritual, because an idol is such a precious gift from them. A God deserves my undivided attention when I am offering it to them. A joint ritual is possible with each God receiving its own specific section of the ritual with my undivided attention; I simply prefer separate when I have the energy. Always remember — its whatever your best is.
Daily Life
My prayer each day is literally me reciting their names with a small opening and a small ending. I stand before my altar to do so but I can also do it away from my altar if needed. Usually this recitation is only the Gods I have on my daily altars; I add others as needed.
So it kinda goes: Small opening -> recite the names of all the Gods on my daily altar -> (add in any Gods not in the altar that I want to address) -> give my prayer requests if I want-> small ending. Both the opening and ending include words of praise.
At meal times if I am offering it up to the gods I address “all Diĝirene and Theoi,” at the end. If I’m up for it energy wise and can be pure a very simple water libation at the altar is an option to offer all 30. See here for low spoon and zero spoon ways to offer.
From my Sumerian perspective specifically: we are the servants of the gods in Mesopotamian tradition but that needs to be modernized. We do this service every day. I still think offerings of food/liquid are a very important parts of Mesopotamia tradition even if its the low spoon or zero spoon version.
But why so many?
Gods are woven into life. Each God is placed on my altar for an identifiable reason. It can be a relationship to another God, relation to life/society, has a specific role in my life, or is cosmologically important in some way.
I remember seeing something about “God Hoarders” back when I was into neo-paganism and it was said in a disparaging way— as if having more gods cheapens your worship or something. I don’t need to have a deep personal connection for a God to be on my altar, just a genuine reason. These are Gods, they enjoy worship, you don’t need a ‘relationship’ at all. And again, the altar is core to my religion so of course I want to recognize them there.
Here are few examples:
My Queen Ereškigal - I am her devotee and she is my personal God (one of them at least) based on Sumerian tradition.
Athena Ergane - because I’ve dedicated my education to her. And I believe Athena has been with me my whole life.
Hestia & Zeus Ktesios - food & cooking, the concept of the home. Hestia especially as domestic worship.
Ningirim - goddess of incantations. I ring her bell every time I address a god. Also before and after my recitations.
Enki - giver of fresh water, friend of man, establisher of social order.
I am not listing reasons to shame people for only worshiping 1 god or 2 or however many. Your practice and altar/shrines are yours.
There may be times I remove some deities, add other deities, or create separate shrine.
Its not huge. I know maybe this post seems like it but to me it really is just love, faith, respect, and recognition.
Original Post October 25th, 2020 — Heavily edited ?twice) to reflect updates to my practice and ideas. The "30" in the question had come from an altar upload I had made.
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