#apollo's short af
my-name-is-apollo · 22 days
Have you seen Apollo with his cool swan-lyre??
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Well now you have 🦢
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catindabag · 8 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (74)
*How to avoid getting bitten by a rainbow snakey snake*
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Anderson, please tell me one interesting fact about District 9.
Androcles: Ok! District 9 is known for its illegal rice cults!😀
Prof.Demigloss: Correct! Another point for Mr. Anderson.
Androcles: Yey!
Lysistrata: That’s not fair. That’s too easy, Professor.
Prof.Demigloss: Fine. I’m deducting 10 points from everyone but me.☺️
Lysistrata: Sir!
Livia: That doesn’t make sense.
Festus: 10 points?! But I only accumulated 8 points this year!
Gaius: I only have 4.
Apollo: I have 2.😀
Prof.Demigloss: Yey! A negative!
Lysistrata: Professor, you can’t do that! That’s not fair!
Prof.Demigloss: Do what?
Lysistrata: Deduct our points!
Prof.Demigloss: I can do whatever I want. I’m a dinosaur.😊
Lysistrata: I’m telling mother!
Prof.Demigloss: Yey! Demerits for everyone!
Domitia: Lizzie!
Livia: Thanks a lot, Vickers.
Lysistrata: I did nothing wrong!
Clemensia: I’m telling the Dean!
Diana: Really?
Clemensia: No. I’m telling Lepidus Malmsey and Capitol News.
Felix: Is that even allowed?
Prof.Demigloss: I’m going back to sleep now. Wake me up before my next break.
Coryo: Professor, please! I need my points back! I need to land on top!
Prof.Demigloss: Good for you, Crassus Snow. Goodnight.
Coryo: Professor!
Sejanus: I can always land on top of you, my love!😍
Coryo: Not now, Babe!
Sejanus: Kiss!😘
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Plinth!
Sejanus: Yes?
Prof.Demigloss: If you and your sugar baby want to “make love” in front of the class-
Coryo: I’m his fiancé!
Prof.Demigloss: Sugar baby.
Sejanus: What should I do? Should I get a camera? 5 cameras?
Lysistrata: I have a camera!
Domitia: Take mine too!
Prof.Demigloss: Then please return my beloved Mr. Fluffy Feet-
Sejanus: I can’t.
Prof.Demigloss: Why not?! I need him! He’s my spy cam teddy bear!
Sejanus: Not anymore.
Prof.Demigloss: Return my expensive teddy bear! He belongs to me!
Androcles: No! Mr. Fluffy Feet belongs to me now! I’m his new best friend and partner in crime!
Prof.Demigloss: I bought him with my own paycheck, you thief!
Androcles: I found him, I keep him!
Prof.Demigloss: How could you?! You stole my poor teddy bear from me!😭
Sejanus: But Mr. Fluffy Feet is currently hiding in Dr. Gaul’s lab.
Prof.Demigloss: That’s why you have to return him to me. I’m scared.😞
Sejanus: Can’t. Sorry.
Prof.Demigloss: You’re not sorry.
Androcles: Sorry not sorry.
Prof.Demigloss: Is this because I illegally sold all of your pretty feet pics without the government’s permission?
Felix: You sold our feet pics?!
Prof.Demigloss: Online.😊
Gaius: You have my feet pics?!
Prof.Demigloss: Professor Sickle gave them to me for free.😊
Vipsania: My auntie gave what?!
Prof.Demigloss: She collects them. It’s her new secret hobby.
Livia: Ew. Were they ugly?
Prof.Demigloss: Half of them were either pretty or blurry.
Livia: Was mine the prettiest?
Prof.Demigloss: No. Snow’s, Creed’s, Ring’s, and Ravinstill’s were the prettiest of the bunch.
Livia: Of course they were.🙄
Diana: Which Ring?
Prof.Demigloss: Apollo Ring.
Diana: Figures.😔
Apollo: Yey! I’m pretty!
Hilarius: How about mine?😀
Prof.Demigloss: Ugly AF.
Vipsania: I don’t want to know!
Hilarius: How much?
Prof.Demigloss: How much what?
Hilarius: How much money did you make?
Prof.Demigloss: A million bucks.
Hilarius: One million bucks?!
Prof.Demigloss: I even auctioned off some of them last week.
Felix: You can legally auction off our feet pics without President Gran Gran’s permission?!
Prof.Demigloss: My dearest Felix, your granduncle was even one of my top buyers.
Felix: Nevermind. I don’t want to know.
Prof.Demigloss: I even auctioned off some of your old red skirts last month. It was fun.
Apollo: Is that even allowed?
Diana: I bought the skirts.
Lysistrata: Diana, how could you?!
Diana: I’m a skirt collector.
Lysistrata: Give them back!
Diana: No.
Festus: I want my shares!
Gaius: Mine too!
Coryo: But who the heck bought our pretty feet pics online?!
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Heavensbee Sr.
Coryo: Of course he did.😑
Peacekeeper Joe: *runs in and salutes* Professor!
Prof.Demigloss: Hello, Officer Jovilius! How are you? How’s life?
Peacekeeper Joe: Stressed and underpaid as always, Professor.
Prof.Demigloss: Good for you.☺️
Peacekeeper Joe: Dr. Gaul wants to see Mr. Snow and Ms. Dovecote in her “totally legal” laboratory right now.
Prof.Demigloss: What for?
Peacekeeper Joe: I don’t know.
Festus: Is she going to buy our feet pics too?
Felix: I hope not.
Peacekeeper Joe: Are they still available?
Everyone: No.
Peacekeeper Joe: I’m sad now.
Felix: Thank Panem.
Peacekeeper Joe: Well, I still need Mr. Snow and Ms. Dovecote to come with me.
Sejanus: Can I come too? My beloved darling Snow Bae needs me.🥰
Peacekeeper Joe: No.
Coryo: I need my rich sugar daddy. I’m scared.
Festus: Me too!
Felix: And me!
Lysistrata: Let me join the fun!
Peacekeeper Joe: You can’t.
Clemensia: Officer, they’re my idiots. Please let them join us.
Peacekeeper Joe: I said no.
Coryo: Hilarius will give you his pretty feet pics for free.
Hilarius: I will?
Coryo: Yes, you will.
Peacekeeper Joe: Fine! All of you may join us!
Everyone: Yey!
Peacekeeper Joe: But be careful, be quiet, and behave!
Gaius: No promises.
Prof.Demigloss: Can I-
Peacekeeper Joe: No. You’re old. Dr. Gaul hates old people.
Prof.Demigloss: But she’s old too!
Peacekeeper Joe: And you’re a crusty dinosaur who needs to retire.
Prof.Demigloss: Crispus is sad now.
Apollo: Bye, Professor! See you later!☺️
Prof.Demigloss: Goodbye, children. Bring me 3 blueberry waffles and a cup of expensive coffee on your way back.
Gaius: Sure! Livia will buy you 10!
Livia: Ew. No.
*2 hours later, inside Dr. Gaul’s creepy “totally legal” laboratory*
Apollo: Yo, guys, look at that!
Coryo: Look at what?
Apollo: That! *points at a random glass jar* It has an ugly lobster monster mutt inside!
Festus: Cool! Let’s touch it!
Apollo: Maybe it can even slow dance and sing a song for us!😀
Felix: I hope not.
Livia: I’m telling mother.
Androcles: I’m going to steal that lobster monster later.☺️
Felix: Good for you.
Diana: Guys, look at that! It’s a big ass glass with a lot of wiggly candy worms inside!
Lysistrata: Those things aren’t wiggly candy worms!
Diana: Yes, they are.
Lysistrata: Those are baby snakes!
Coryo: Rainbow snakes.
Livia: Obviously.🙄
Festus: Let’s talk to them!
Androcles: Let’s steal one!
Felix: Where’s Dr. Gaul?
Peacekeeper Joe: She’s still in her private break room sipping hot tea.
Festus: Good! Let’s feed those rainbow snakey snakes before that crazy doctor kicks us out!
Coryo: With what?
Festus: What what?
Coryo: What are we going to feed them? Our limbs?
Sejanus: *pulls a body bag out of nowhere* I have a large sack of gumdrops and bread crumbs with me.
Coryo: Ok. Let’s feed them- Scratch that. Let’s feed me first.
Festus: And me! I’m hungry.
Coryo: Babe, feed me.
Sejanus: Anything for you, my love!
Gaius: *takes out his lunchbox* But can I feed them these tiny cheese cubes?
Festus: Do snakes even like cheese?
Gaius: Everyone likes cheese.
Coryo: Where did you get those cheese cubes anyway? Did my crazy cousin and her annoying cheese fairies gave them to you?
Gaius: No. A drunk Professor Click gave them to me for free!
Coryo: Well, that’s unfortunate.
Gaius: Why?
Coryo: I’m pretty sure that “Miss Alcoholic Click” laced those cheese cubes of yours with either posca, whiskey, or both.
Festus: At least it’s not cyanide.
Sejanus: Or rat poison.😀
Gaius: But can a baby snake even become a proud alcoholic like Professor Click?
Coryo: I don’t know.
Festus: Let’s test it out!
Gaius: Yeah! Alcoholic baby snakes! Let’s go! *throws the cheese cubes inside the snakes’ enclosure*
Hilarius: I have a question!
Clemensia: No.
Hilarius: Do rainbow snakes like to eat apple tarts or banana bread?
Lysistrata: I have an apple tart!
Diana: Can they eat oranges?
Apollo: How about grapes?
Hilarius: I’ll throw a banana just to be sure.
Clemensia: Sure of what?
Hilarius: I don’t know. I just want to throw a banana.
Coryo: Just throw everything in.
Diana: Ok. Whatever you say, Snowy!
Everyone: *throws every snack available inside the glass cage*
Gaius: Look! They’re all eating my tiny cheese cubes!
Hilarius: And my banana.
Clemensia: Shouldn’t we be worried about our own safety?
Gaius: What safety? We’re just feeding Dr. Gaul’s baby snakes.
Coryo: Clemmie, do you want to feed the rainbow snakes too?
Clemensia: No.
Coryo: You can feed them a gumdrop.
Clemensia: Fine. One gumdrop and we’re done. *throws a red gumdrop inside the glass cage* Happy?
Coryo: Look at that, Clemmie! They ate your red gumdrop.
Clemensia: Really?
Coryo: They’re now happy!
Sejanus: Have another one, Clem.
Clemensia: Give me the whole sack.
Sejanus: Yey!
Androcles: I’m still stealing one.
Peacekeeper Joe: Well, you do you. Goodbye. I’m going outside. Peace!
Lysistrata: Bye, Officer Jovilius!
Peacekeeper Joe: Just call me Joe.
Coryo: Bye, Joe.
Peacekeeper Joe: Bye, losers.
Dr.Gaul: *walks in* Ah! Mr. Snow! Ms. Dovecote- Why the f*ck are you all here?!
Gaius: We’re feeding your rainbow snakey snakes for free!
Apollo: You’re welcome.☺️
Dr.Gaul: Get away from my babies!
Felix: That’s rude. We’re still feeding and they’re still eating.
Dr.Gaul: Stop feeding my snakes!
Festus: Why? They’re happy!
Dr.Gaul: You’re ruining my project!
Hilarius: They ate my banana.
Dr.Gaul: F*ck your banana!
Androcles: Guys! *grabs a snake* I can hold and hug them now!
Dr.Gaul: Don’t touch-
Diana: Andie, get another one! I wanna hold a baby snake too!
Apollo: Me too!
Androcles: Here you go. *gives Diana a snake* A yellow and blue baby snakey just for you.
Diana: Yey! He’s mine now!
Apollo: Let’s name him Scamander!
Diana: Our pretty baby Scamander!
Felix: Can I have one too?🥺
Androcles: Sure! Here’s a pretty pink one just for you, Class Pres! *gives a cute snake to Felix*
Felix: Thanks. I’ll name this one ✨Little Saturninus✨.
Coryo: That’s a cool name.
Sejanus: Let’s name our firstborn son ✨Saturninus✨, Coryo!
Coryo: Sure. I approve.
Sejanus: And let’s name our firstborn daughter ✨Cassiopeia✨!
Coryo: I like Cassandra better.
Sejanus: Cassiopeia’s better.
Lysistrata: Cassandra Cassiopeia Lysistrata Plinth!😀
Sejanus: No. Your name is too long and too complicated, Lizzie. Sorry.
Lysistrata: Really?
Coryo: It’s also connected to an old but infamous viral disease.
Lysistrata: Which one?
Coryo: Rabies.
Lysistrata: I knew it.😔
Sejanus: Cassiopeia Plinth it is!
Coryo: Babe, my love, you can name our firstborn son ✨Saturninus Xanthos Plinth✨. How about that?
Sejanus: Saturninus Sejanus Xanthos Plinth?!🥹
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want.
Sejanus: Whatever I want?😍
Coryo: As long as I name our firstborn daughter ✨Cassandra Coriolana Xanthe Plinth✨.
Sejanus: Deal!
Dr.Gaul: What the actual f*ck.
Androcles: Yo, I got my rainbow snake! Let’s go! *runs away*
Dr.Gaul: F*ck this. I’m going home.
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noah-of-new-york · 9 days
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!! Intro !!
Hiii, I'm Noah, and this is a list about me >:D
(Ooc: I didn't tag any other rp blog that wasn't my own.)
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Name: Noah Starry
Age: 15
Sexuality: pansexual :)
Gender: boy (🏳️‍⚧️)
Height: irrelevant. (he's short af-c.t.s) <- >:[
(Adoptive)parents: Caleb and Oliver starry. (Love you guys<3)
Biological/godly parents: Apollo, mirabelle sew.
Siblings: cleo ( @cleotheforbidden ), they're my older sibling :>
Cabin at chb: 7, the apollo cabin (best cabin). (Also allowed in persephone cabin bc I'm a legacy of her)
Single/taken: single (waiting for my knight in shining armor😔)
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Weapons: I'm really good with a bow, but I usually keep a sword, too.
Powers: nothing insanely special, besides being great at playing guitar and healing small cuts.
Weaknesses: my family and friends, short distance fighting
Fatal flaw: gullibility
Noah goes kaboom - Noah
Cleo spouts shit - Cleo
Caleb speaks (for once) - Caleb
Oliver spills the wine - Oliver
Noah gets possessed momentarily - Ooc
Image creds: pinterest
Divider creds: @strangergraphics-archive
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tamaruaart · 8 months
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Grant us your oc’s delicious lore, anything that comes to mind first-
Ah tysm for asking
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(btw I apologize for this being long af 😔)
So I feel like I should prep this by saying before I figured out about LMK I was super into OPS's jttw series. So I made Zhao with the context of the book, and the book doesn't sugar coat things so Zhao's backstory is a bit uhhh, mature? There's no nsfw stuff but there is a lot, lot, loottt of angst (even though the backstory is kinda "simple"), so forgive me :'(
I did change up her backstory a bit for the LMK version because it is a kids show and I don't feel like the creators would stick with the dark tone of the original. Whenever I write OCs for sertant shows I try to write it with the context of "How would the creator tackle this if my oc was a Canon character?" Yk? You don't write a depressed, emo, Greek hero for a light hearted magical girl show.
So ye, this first segment will be her JTTW backstory sum-up and I'll note what is changed in the LMK version at the end👍
JTTW/original backstory(this is long, read at your own risk)-
-Zhao wasn't raised in the best household.. Not only was her father a total womanizer with 3 wives (at the time of her birth, by now he has 7) and who knows how many mistresses, but her elder family member were pretty verbally abusive. I mentioned before but Xiaotian and Biao-Qi (Zhao's father and grandfather) wanted Zhao to be born as a male because in their clan its essential for the first born of every generation to be a boy, so when they found out about Zhao being a girl they were really salty and thought of her as "The disgrace" of the family. (hence why Zhaoyan is a name generally given to Chinese boys, which yea Xiaotian is the type of douche-bag to chose the name of the child at the start of his marriage without the mothers approval)
-Zhao was the one basically raising her younger siblings because her parents couldn't be bothered to, Pangfua (Zhao's mom) couldn't even bare to look at Xiaotian's face so the last thing she cared for was some random children of him and his mistresses, and Xiaotian's other wifes didn't really care for the children either. However, Zhao ADORED her siblings because she was always good with little kids. But as time went on and on, with so many children coming in to the household she started getting tired, but what could she do? At the time she was barely a teenage girl, if she complained to her father she could legitimately be at risk to lose her head. Like I said, Xiaotian couldn't care less about Zhao, he doesn't give a damn if she likes taking care of her siblings or not.
-Eventually Zhao grew too tired of her family, and decided to leave. This might seem selfish but holy frick, the girlie felt like a maid, and it's not like she doesn't care for her family, it's that they couldn't care less about her. All of her siblings were old enough to take care of each other and the other family members treated them well, why shouldn't she be able to "go live her own life"?
- The first place she went was to a temple dedicated to the Chinese tiger spirit- Hu Ye. The reason she went to him specifically was because he was sort of the protector/symbol of Zhao's family (for context think about how Apollo was the protector of the Trojans in the Iliad), she prayed to him all night, she asked humbly to become a Jade Maiden that serves Guan Yin (because that was probably the best option. Also just so you have context- Hu Ye blessed the girls in Zhao's family with a healing gift. So basically they could heal any illness, wound, missing limb etc...). But to her surprise Hu Ye saw what she did as "unforgiving". You shouldn't leave your family who loves you so much, not cool >:( (cut him some slack tho, whenever to family would worship him they would make them self's seem like the most perfect people ever). And so in short he gave her flaming orange hair so she never forgets that she is a Tiger Maiden (bcz orange=tigers and he just be petty like that bro).
-Eventually she went to the woods but she was found by Lánhūa- a forest spirit. Lánhūa took pity on her and decided to take her in as one of her nymphs. Because Zhao had the healing gift she was a great addition to the palace Lánhūa lived in, Zhao was always the one making sure everyone was healthy and the worst someone suffered was a common cold, and even those wouldn't last long.
-However one day while she was collecting fruits for the palace she stumbled upon a strange noise near a mountain, she went to check what it was and wouldn't you have guessed its good ol' Sun Wukong. The pair fairly quickly became friends, Zhao would often tell him stories and keep him company and Sun (who was under that damn mountain for 346 years by the time he and Zhao met) would listen and tell her his life stories.
-At the early stages of the jttw Monkey actually did try and convince Zhao to come with him and the other pilgrims, she would be the one taking care of Tripitaka and making sure he stays healthy. Zhao refused at first but after some time she agreed. Her and Tripitaka were very close because they were both kinda the "sane ones" of the group and Zhao took her position very seriously. Sanzang eventually noticed that this was a bit weird considering how layed back the other pilgrims were, so he confronted her and Zhao opened up to him. And that's how I'd show her backstory in the book.
So in short: Girl leaves abusive family and prays to god, god makes her a ginger and she gets adopted by a hot forest spirit. A monkey befriends her and convinces her to give free health care to his friend **emotional**
Holy crap that took so long to write/ Notes on how her backstory would probably be changed in the lmk version:
In the lmk version I think they'd tone down how bad her family was just a bit, again it is a kids show. I think the start would generally be the same but that Hu Ye would grant her wish. But instead of a disciple for Guan Yin I think they'd change it into a Peach Maiden, so that she could meet the brotherhood and befriend Wukong like she did in the original backstory. They'd probably remove Lánhūa as well (because she is a very minor character in Zhao's backstory). So yea in short of what I think the creators of LMK would do with her character: -Hu Ye grants her wish of becoming a Peach Maiden. -Orange would be her natural hair color(bcz tigers woo). -I honestly think they'd give her a sort-of survivor's guilt because of the whole "leaving your family" thing instead of "Ama give u tiger hair so you never forget how you left your family >:(" -She meets the brotherhood through their lil' rebellion -Healing powers would probably be toned down a bit so there's still some risk
So ya-
Again thank you SO much for the question and thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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hollysoda · 2 years
Who are your favourite characters and why 💪💪
My dear friend, my good buddy, my homie, you have awakened a power deep within me. I will now proceed to go apeshit
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short king
has a cat (the most important character trait)
love is stored in the forehead
he do he kinda silly tho, perhaps a little bit pathetic (affectionate)
his bf is hot
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she just like me fr
silly robot go brr
named after a greek goddess +++ (same for pollo I guess)
girl liker
very traumatised therapist who needs therapy herself
has a cool brother/uncle (bruncle??)
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has not left my brain since 2020 (the original blorbo)
pink and fluffy
BASTARD (affectionate)
I want to squish him like a fucking grape
owns a sylveon and a unicorn >>>>>
the only well written rival in swsh
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has weird expressions
the sassiest mfer you ever met
he can control the wind and that is so cool imo
I would actually put all links in here but I have some restraint
And in a similar boat (pun intended) to the previous:
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can and will stab you in the gut
tiny pirate
the floofiest hair you will ever see
he’s just so littol but he’s so strong I’m so proud of him
has too many dads
he’s already stolen all of your money
Tumblr mobile has forbidden me from adding more but honourable mentions go to Prince Sidon, Susie (Deltarune) and Arven (Pokemon)
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r8tykearrays · 1 year
R8 tyke’s Adventures: A Bored Racer's Gauntlet
Note: All content depicted belongs to their original owners. The MUS timeline is a collaboration between myself, TF2014, Fred-104-Centurion, and Azelfland, and it is not intended to alter the canon of the original sources. Some ideas are only intended for entertainment (and meme) purposes and are not intended to do harm to others.
Check them out here:
One day, in the basement of R8 tyke’s house…
Mario: Whatcha doing?
R8 tyke: *Groans* Ya see, I am trying to put together the W12 Mk.2 (yes, I christened my W12 as the W12 Mk.2 instead of W12 X). I tried 2023 rear wings, 2023 front wings, ZERO-PODS, a combination of the latter two, and none works! Other than adding W11-spec parts to it.
Luigi: But that means it is perfect! You gave it the best touch already. Don’t make it worse.
R8 tyke: I guess you’re right. And don’t get me started on the Solus GT that came in pieces –
Peach: But did you miss Azelfland’s duel date, like, he said he practised many times –
Peach: Anyways, why though? Didn’t you beat him ages ago?
R8 tyke: Because he’s now making headlines everywhere, and I *WILL* need to remind him who’s boss! Also, no one will be happy if they see me out of shape, but that’s another story.
Daisy: That’s petty af. Just leave this man be.
R8 tyke: Don’t care. Let’s go! IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!
Later, at F1 Hungaroring…
The other guy: So you say there is a very fast guy you want to pit me against… to see how fast I am.
Azelfland: Yeah. There he is. (Points at R8 tyke)
The other guy: HIM? Looks like some fresh meat in an office.
(R8 tyke gave him the death glance)
Azelfland: Tio, don’t talk about him like that. He’s the guy who beat me 1-2 years ago.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: What? I bet that was just YOU being slow that time.
Azelfland: *sigh* Take it away.
Azelfland: (As he lines up his 2016 Ford GT with standard tyres on the grid) Hopefully the track selections I made will make him see something else.
Rosalina: Hey! Check this Ferrari out.
R8 tyke’s 458 GT2: Augh, it’s been a LOONG while since someone drove me.
Azelfland: Geez. Not you again.
R8 tyke’s 458 GT2: Hey, don’t judge. First of all, I don’t hate you as much as before. And second, I’m the meta here, despite this set of hilarious-looking rollers.
Rosalina: Especially with *me*.
Azelfland: Wait. There is a ‘meta’ in this story?
(Azelfland looks back and saw the rest of the gang using mostly F1 W07s and 458 GT2s, all equipped with roller tyres, except Mario, who is driving an AMG One with standard tyres)
Azelfland: Are those the Yoshi Inkstriker counterparts? Also, where’s R8 tyke?
R8 tyke: (Off-camera) Over here!
(Azelfland turned back, and he saw R8 tyke in the seat of a carbon black Apollo IE, equipped with a set of slim tyres)
Azelfland: If this is real physics, you will burn these out already.
R8 tyke: Eh, it’s Mario Kart physics.
Azelfland: But the hitbox. Look at the F1 cars. Compare those to yours. Yours is as big as an iceberg!
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Ooh, quite a nice collection here. I think my R35, despite not as flashy as these cars, will still hold a place.
Azelfland: I’m worried, Tio. At least this being Mario Kart physics will slow this guy a bit, if I’m not wrong…
(As the race starts, everyone pulled out, with Rosalina leading the pack, and the rest followed her into the first corner and the first item box set)
[BGM played: DS Shroom Ridge (MK8D remix)]
Azelfland: There is a corner coming up, Tio.
(Everyone pulled off the line)
R8 tyke: I should have gone for the slicks.
(Before Tio’s R35 can have a chance, the W12 immediately tucked itself into the apex of the corner with a smooth drift, before releasing a short mini-turbo and hopped a few times before drifting into the next corner.)
Azelfland: That is tough.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: I got a can of NITROUS!
Azelfland: Be careful: If you popped it, there is no stopping it!
(Meanwhile, R8 tyke, after getting a red shell from the item box, smacked the hell outta Daisy with the red shell)
Daisy: R8 tyke, you sneaky jerk!
[Lap 2]
(As the Mercedes tries to catch the Ferrari, a VW Golf GTi suddenly appeared from the pit lane, forcing R8 tyke to take the corner slower and wider)
R8 tyke: I thought we –
Rosalina: Yes, before I ask, this is a public track day, and people will emerge from the pits. That’s the only way to create traffic on a racing circuit.
R8 tyke: Eh.
Half a lap later…
R8 tyke: (As he takes out Rosalina with a stolen star from a Boo) Finally, race leader!
Daisy: Er… Mexican-sounding-name guy? Do something. He’s gonna pull away.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Wait, you don’t have the blue shell thingy?
Daisy: Um… the further behind you get, the lesser chance you get a blue shell.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Ne’er mind. He couldn’t get far, right?
[Lap 3]
(The sky darkens as rain pours on the track as traffic retreated)
R8 tyke: Oh no, it’s a wet track. I hate this so much.
Azelfland: It’s raining! Hopefully we can catch up –
(Smash cut to the end of the race, where R8 tyke crossed the line after slightly extended his lead instead of falling backwards)
Mario: (After crossing the line at 5th) He is tough…
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: (Crosses the line dead last) This combo doesn’t fare well in such appalling weather! Worst of all, y’all keep backspamming your shells and bananas! I will get you next time!
Azelfland: And so, let’s vote on which race is next, shall we?
[F1 Yas Marina Circuit]
Azelfland: Ah, this circuit is the second one. How ironic that it is almost always the final race of a real F1 season.
R8 tyke: Hey, the anti-gravity is still present! (In this story, that is)
Azelfland: Hmm, I just wanted to see this reprofiled circuit with my own eyes.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Why is it another circuit track?
Luigi: What did you expect appearing in this man’s stories? He likes them. And if you don’t master them quickly, you’ll be toast.
[BGM: DS Wario Stadium/Waluigi Pinball (MK8 remix)]
Azelfland: This time, I can fight! (Throws a green shell at R8 tyke and lands a successful hit)
R8 tyke: *Sigh* Why run? I can catch you.
Azelfland: (Gets on the slanted back straight and activates anti-gravity) I would like to see you try!
(The duo entered lap 2 in a tie at the final glider section)
R8 tyke: Where’s that guy anyways?
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: I’m so slow at these corners!
Rosalina: (Hits Tio with a red shell and took third) Can’t help. Bye.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Curse you, blonde woman! (Gets hit by Mario with a star afterwards)
Later, the race ended with a close call between R8 tyke and Azelfland as they dueled the whole race, with Rosalina coming in a distant third.
Azelfland: (While viewing the replay) I’m nervous.
Rosalina: See, your GT got slightly behind of the front wing of the IE. So… victory is yours.
R8 tyke: *Smug face*
Azelfland: You may win by centimeters this time, but –
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Can we just take a break from these circuit tracks? I hate those. My car is built for fast street racing, not these low-level racing circuits.
R8 tyke: Alright, the people will decide our fate next race.
[F1 Miami International Autodrome]
Inside Hard Rock Stadium…
R8 tyke: Ah, the people answered our call. Some street racing action.
Azelfland: It’s half a street circuit, half racing circuit. At least Tio won’t be fuming this race.
R8 tyke: But you’re all playing the road game and I’m at home field.
Peach: That American football pun is dirty, racing driver.
[BGM: GCN Waluigi Stadium (MK8 remix)]
Azelfland: Can anyone tell me why it is the stadium theme instead of a circuit theme?
R8 tyke: (Points to Hard Rock Stadium)
Azelfland: I see.
(Half a lap later, Tio catches up the IE and overtakes it with a mushroom)
R8 tyke: Interesting.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: I’m faster in raw speed, hot shot!
R8 tyke: Don’t get too excited. (Takes out a super horn and uses it on Tio on the corners, which hits)
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Darn, I’m careless!
Daisy: (As she navigates around the now-tamer chicane) Bye, illegal racer –
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: That is not correct!
(Right after the chicane comes a drop towards a storm drain with half-pipes mounted on the top of the slopes)
Mario: (Tricks off a half pipe) Hey, half-pipes!
Azelfland: If someone’s riding the half pipe here, I’ll be REAL mad –
(R8 tyke proceed to ride on the half-pipe)
Azelfland: (As he navigates the final turns that leads him back to the starting line) I SAID, NO HALF-PIPE RIDING!
R8 tyke: Sucks to be you, but no one cares.
(R8 tyke rides on the half-pipe for 2 more lap and won)
Daisy: Mad disrespect here.
Rosalina: The next voting session decides the final track. Cast your votes, people!
[F1 CoTA]
(The crew arrived at a Wild West-themed CoTA at night, illuminated by newly installed floodlights)
R8 tyke: Look at the very western styling, just like Texas 200 years ago!
Azelfland: Yeah, since T blew this place up some time ago, we kinda fixed that. Texas style.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: It’s high noon, ladies and gents.
Azelfland: Not today.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: What?
Azelfland: This place is that guy’s ‘home’ circuit.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: I know, and he’s RUBBING THAT IN MA FACE! Look, he has plastered his face all on the ads on this circuit! (Points to a Western-styled wanted poster with ‘Wanted: R8 tyke (the 2020 champ)’ written on it, and then points to the dynamic 2D illustration on top of the pit building, depicting a smug R8 tyke in shades flashing a victory sign, and then points to the screens on the position tower, with a ticker reading ‘R8 tyke no.1’)
Rosalina: Augh, I bet he wasted a lot of time on advertising. So ‘in-your-face’, like a certain ex-meta character. Couldn’t blame him.
Meanwhile, at the grandstand, Waluigi, knowing that Rosalina just roasted him out of nowhere, leaves with a sad ‘Wah’.
Peach: Those wanted posters are the try-hard references we made to summon R8 tyke to the (Real Racing 3 version of) 2019 US Grand Prix. But you know how the story went. He didn’t race and hid in the pits like a weakling, just like a certain character cut from Mario Kart 7. Other than those, he set those up.
R8 tyke: Anyways, wanna hear how I pushed my McLaren P1 to top 20 in this circuit –
Everyone: STOP!
[BGM: DS Wario Stadium/Waluigi Pinball (MK8 remix)]
(As the race starts, everyone raced towards the first corner, except R8 tyke, who did a little donut at the grid)
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Yo, what is he doin’?
Rosalina: Must be up to no good.
(Meanwhile, R8 tyke got a star and triple mushrooms from a double item box at the set of item box after the first turn)
R8 tyke: (As he chases the pack) Still got time.
(2 laps passed, and R8 tyke is now at 7th place, equipped with a Bullet Bill and a shock)
R8 tyke: Perfect.
Edgar "Tio" Marquez: Oh good lord, I’m winning!
Azelfland: I have a bad feeling about –
(Soon after, the shock was activated, shrinking the field. As Azelfland tries to put a bit more distance, he heard the droning jet noise of the Bullet Bill dying out, and the regular-sized Apollo IE soon smashed him flat, knocked Tio away, and sailed to victory)
R8 tyke: As I expected. Rather disappointing.
Azelfland: Then what did YOU expect?
R8 tyke: Next time, we’ll go on a tour, and I will bust out the toy box. Watch your back. (Drove away in his F1 W12 Mk.2)
Azelfland: …Geez. I’m looking for some help. (Leaves in his Ford GT)
Meanwhile, back at Miami International Autodrome…
R8 tyke: *Chuckles* The real show begins.
To be continued…
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musical-attorney · 2 years
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Text: I tried to make the guys look as cool as possible in this illustration. Even Apollo seems to manage to pull things together, as if feeling the pressure to look good when standing beside the Gavin brothers. Klavier was originally supposed to wear glasses in the courtroom and sunglasses everywhere else, making the Gavin brothers the "glasses brothers" as well, so I took this opportunity to show them the way they were meant to be. I'm usually fighting an uphill battle when it comes to art for the "Ace Attorney" series, but the simplicity of this layout allowed me to take my time with details, so I am very happy with how it turned out. I especially like Klavier here, as I was able to draw him in greater detail than I did for the screen art. (Kazuya Nuri)
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griponthenews · 3 years
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[ID: A series of tumblr text posts edited to feature Ace Attorney characters. 
The first picture shows a photo of a bed with a Pokemon duvet cover and shows Apollo Justice looking bashful next to text that reads “I’m 22 years old, I work for the law and this is my bed.” Below him is a picture of Phoenix Wright next to text that says “maybe the law is in better hands than I thought”. 
The second picture shows Athena Cykes with a tired expression next to text that reads “I’m on medication that can make me spacey af, which can be a problem when I’m driving-like yesterday, for example, when my best friend was trying to help me avoid a pothole. He said ‘to the left,’ and I just mumbled ‘take it back now, y’all’ and hit the pothole straight on”. A low opacity image of Apollo Justice looking shocked is shown over the text.
The third picture shows Athena Cykes with a confident expression. She is next to text that reads “theres a knight in my backyard stabbing the ground with his sword trying to render my soil barren by killing all the worms but luckily ive trained them all in classical ballet and they keep pirouetting away from the blade”. A low opacity image of Simon Blackquill is shown over the text. Beneath this Apollo Justice is shown reading a document next to text that says “you can’t get sentences like this anywhere else”
The fourth picture shows Phoenix Wright next to an ask that reads “any guilty pleasures”. Beneath him Miles Edgeworth is shown next to the response, which reads “every humanly indulgence makes me quake with shame and humiliation”
The fifth picture is of Franziska von Karma next to text that says “honestly my dad is such a freak he never says goodnight like a normal person he just says ‘i’ll be back’ and he goes upstairs and when you ask where he is or go looking for him hes asleep and the next morning when you see him he just says ‘good morning im back’ like what is wrong with him”.  A low opacity image of Manfred von Karma with a smirking expression is shown over the text.
The sixth picture shows Feenie next to text that reads “Imagine someone reblogging your selfie with #omg you look so cute! #ugly tw #sorry i had to add that for an anon #i dont agree though #lies tw #sorry again” and a low opacity image of Dahlia Hawthorne is shown over the text.
The seventh picture is of Ini Miney next to text that says “i eat 15 apples for breakfast then drive myself to the hospital just to watch the doctors get blasted backward into the drywall bc they cant withstand my aura” and a low opacity image of Turner Grey looking angry is shown over the text.
The eighth and final picture shows Trucy Wright next to three text posts. The first says “if you ever look up to me youre wrong” then Trucy is shown with an annoyed expression and text that says “this isnt cause im short im not short” and finally she is shown tipping her hat with text that reads “this is cause today i was at the beach and i forgot what sand smelled like so i decided to stick my nose into the sand and snort and it went absolutely not excellent”. /End ID]
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sugar-petals · 2 years
Hi Caro! How are you? I hope you're good and in a place where it isn't very hot (my friend living in England had a very rough time). I'm just here wondering why my type is cute subby twinks, and why is close to impossible to find them in Argentina (I still remember the day I took one of those online test about the type of men you like and the answer was twinks and I was like WELL DAMN I FEEL ATTACKED). My name is Victoria, idk if I ever told you, but everyone calls me Vik or Vicky (usually the first one, I guess it's more gender neutral so it fits me better). Sorry that I'm ranting, I really enjoy talking to you.
more than glad to answer, vic! 💙 hm... a philosophy on twinks and why they're appealing. time for a little essay.
first off, i wish there was a bi and straight term as well, they're not 100% the same as e.g. pretty boys or femboys — those categories are even more particular to a certain femdom aesthetic. pretty boys are defined by face, femboys by clothes hair and body, twinks by both.
my suggestion for a word would be "prince". it's positive, people get the gist intuitively, and it's derived from the groundbreaking artist who invented this whole game to the fullest after greek culture laid the foundation, shoutout to apollo. before leo (90s) zac efron (00s) and taemin (10s) paved the way, there was prince in crop tops, heavy makeup, heels, and poses few guys dared.
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so, a prince, they're usually the anti-jock/bear, right. more petite in frame, often fashionable like an it-boy (see lucky blue smith), frequently gnc, and found in a 20-30 age group with some exceptions. but i think that's why they are appealing to us, it's a generation thing. just like t. chalamet, lil nas x, and troye sivan hit it big among gen z by sheer exposure, or the eboy/softboy fad in hetero media, although that one wasn't really femdom in spirit and just another brand of manipulative nice guy syndrome.
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princes don't come across as physically imposing, they're more tongue in cheek and seductive or cute, the link to your zelda. that caters to somebody with a taste for subs/bottoms who'd rather have them sat on their lap than getting choked out by them which is almost treated as a given, same with spanking or rough sex. so, that notion of twinks has opened the door to something less compulsive gladly.
a prince can come with an edge, twinks and brats may have some overlaps depending on the guy, but at the end of the day, they're subs, both hard and soft. jonghyun has set quite the tone for it artistically, major credit due. he's broken the mold to say that it's so boring and restrictive to be a dominant guy and there's more out there than what the societal landscape offers.
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thank god taemin has carried that on and continues to inspire others.
in recent times, the word also becomes more and more open to guys who are tall / fit or conventional-looking. i see this in how european football is received on tumblr where calling your favorite club `#twink fc (affectionate)´ is a thing on here 😆 and it's true. you haven't seen more collective prince energy as in the german national team. the gorgeousness is real and the ladies who date them... lucky af.
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(^kai havertz - plays for chelsea fc)
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(^joshua kimmich / leroy sané - play for bavaria fc. they both have 2+ kids with their gfs lmao you don't have to be a DILF or daddy, twinkness cannot be concealed 🤘)
the whole idea is not to be conflated with power bottoms, see aquaria on drag race who looks like a twink but tops, by the way. which is why taemin generates so much traction, he plays with switching and walks the line but always winds up with a submitting conclusion. ten, or yoongi, they’re mysterious to people in that regard, too. or wonho, who follows a jock aesthetic but offers himself as a fantasy with an 'open mind' and a cute personality in the mix, neither gentle giant, himbo, nor a skinny short king, just doing his own thing.
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a twink or prince is easy on the eye for anyone who likes androgyny and is usually in favor of being gnc themselves, or is bored/turned off/disappointed or even frightened by the mainstream. argentina hasn't had that scope of pop culture industry to inspire trends, and prevailing structures of machismo and chivalry prevent androgyny in dress and behavior, especially outside larger cities as is also the case where i live (southern germany where christianity rules ��� you can imagine, it's not berlin).
where binaries, monosexuality and hypermasculine/homophobic/biphobic conduct is exaggerated, you won't find a twink able to do their thing or getting attention. sure, gnc people are always there and the world is slowly catching up in some places, although it feels like we're going ten steps backwards as a backlash these days which is unacceptable. that's why k-pop is such a refreshing element in the way that male performers present concepts and a female pov is embraced. nobody deems it punishable or strange if you walk up like this, in fact it's celebrated.
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it also bursts the bubble of twink/prince = white and goes even further than just one specific aesthetic. it changes constantly and incorporates actual elements of kink culture rather than leaving men's submission unspoken as an ultimate taboo. it may be commercial, but it is also literal and encourages nonconforming styles and body types as the rise of shinee, skz, or nct exemplifies. the next generation prince/twink trailblazer is sure to be found there, my bet is on taeyong or felix, they're really owning the princeliness.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (19)
*How Dr. Gaul gave up on grooming Coryo to be her successor*
Felix: As your beloved Class President because of nepotism, we, the people must address the hottest issue of the day!
Iphigenia: And what is the issue,
Class Pres? Is it about our class fund? If it is, I’m innocent.
Felix: What was that?
Iphigenia: Nothing~.😗 I had nothing to do with that. *quickly hides her new lipstick*
Felix: Unfortunately, no. It’s not about our poor class fund.
Iphigenia: That’s great-
Felix: Which we will eventually address. So if anyone of you-
Gaius: Spit it out already, Class Pres! Me and Vipsania have yoga lessons today.
Felix: Fine! It’s about Snow!
Coryo: What about me?
Felix: Sejanus told me that Dr. Gaul is kinda (obviously) grooming you to accept her insane opinions or whatever.
Coryo: I don’t even like her! And to be honest, I really don’t care what she thinks!
Felix: We know. However, your super clingy boyfriend won’t stop nagging about it all week!
Sejanus: I wasn’t nagging! I was just-
Androcles: Yes, you were, Plinth.
Sejanus: I disagree.
Androcles: Yesterday, you even called Felix in the middle of the night and cried until dawn.
Sejanus: How did you even know about my secret phone calls?!
Androcles: I was there for a super secret sleepover.
Felix: Sleepover?! I didn’t- Andie, where exactly were you?!
Androcles: Under your bed.😌
Felix: What the heck, Andie! I told you not to sneak inside the Presidential Palace without my permission again!
Androcles: The President gave me permission.
Felix: My granduncle was asleep!
Androcles: He gave me permission in his dreams.😀
Felix: Anderson!
Coryo: I thought we were talking about Dr. Gaul?
Felix: Oh, yeah. Clemmie, please take the stage.
Clemensia: Thank you, Class Pres.
Urban: Hey! I thought it was my turn to-
Clemensia: Coryo, that woman is crazy, insane, unhinged, and inhumane! Have you seen her lab with the little colorful snakeys?!
Coryo: Ugh! Fine! I get it! But what do you want me to do?!
Gaius: Ignore her?
Coryo: I’m freaking scared of that woman! I might even be punished if I accidentally offend her!😭
Androcles: Oh c’mon, bro! We have ✨Ravinstill Nepotism✨ on our side!
Coryo: True. But we are talking about crazy Dr. Gaul here-
Androcles: Besides, the school won’t let her experiment or kill us, right?
Livia: I’m pretty sure she won’t do it to me. However, as for the rest of you-
Apollo: To be fair, She doesn’t even like us.
Androcles: She won’t turn us into some poor helpless Avox or lizard creature, right?!
Juno: Oh, you sweet summer child.
Lysistrata: Well, maybe we can all play stupid? You know, act dumb when she questions us.
Felix: Yeah. Maybe that could work. She did say that she hates idiots like Festus and Sejanus.
Festus: Oh, thank Panem! I don’t need to act. I’m already dumb as a door nail!
Coryo: Me act dumb? How do I even do that?!
Io: Me too! I’m too smart to act like a dumb fool!
Urban: And She knows I’m a genius!
Coryo: Urban, to be fair, everyone in school knows you’re a genius.
Livia: Oh, please! You guys are already stupid in my book!💅
Dennis: We can always ask Festus and Sejanus.😌😉
Sejanus: I heard that!😠
Felix: Alright! Settle down! We can just agree to disagree. But as your beloved Class President, I command that all of us, especially Coryo and Urban to do their very best to rationally act dumb and intentional play stupid whenever Dr. Gaul is in our vicinity.
Everyone: *sighs* Yes, Mr. President Ravinstill.
*The next day, in Dr. Gaul’s class*
Dr.Gaul: So tell me, my extra tribu- I mean, Mentors. What does Panem need in order to survive?
Everyone: *Is silent AF*
Dr.Gaul: Don’t be shy now. I know you guys are usually loud and annoying.
Everyone: *sweats profusely*
Dr.Gaul: *sighs* Do I have to give a hint for you to answer? Very well, I’ll be merciful today. It starts with letter “C”~.😌💅
Juno: *raises hand* Children! Panem needs more children to survive!
Dr.Gaul: No, Ms. Phipps. That is incorrect.
Juno: But-
Dr.Gaul: Pet, put your hand down. Anyone else would like to guess?
Florus: Kindness? Is it kindness?! That starts with letter “C”, right?
Dr.Gaul: Mr. Friend, did you accidentally hit your head multiple times before entering my class?
Florus: No-
Dr.Gaul: Then shut up.
Felix: Is it Courage?!
Lysistrata: Charity!
Diana: Connection!
Apollo: Communication?!
Urban: Care?!
Io: Charisma!
Livia: ✨Cats✨💅!
Vipsania: Community!
Iphigenia: Cuteness!
Dr.Gaul: One at a time, children! ONE AT A TIME!
Festus: Ah-ha! I get it now! Panem needs more color and creativity!
Dr.Gaul: Mr. Creed, are you a clown?! And Ms. Moss, how could f*ckin’ “cuteness” be your answer?!
Iphigenia: *nervously smiles* It technically starts with a-
Dr.Gaul: Get out, Ms. Moss.
Sejanus: *raises hand*
Dr.Gaul: No. Not you, Mr. Plinth.
Sejanus: Why?!😫
Festus: Can I-
Dr.Gaul: Anyone not named Plinth or Creed would like to answer?
Coryo: *nervously raises hand*
Dr.Gaul: Finally! Someone with a brain! Give us the true answer, Mr. Snow!
Coryo: ✨Cuddles✨! Panem needs more cuddles in order to survive.
Dr.Gaul: That’s right- NO! That’s f*ckin’ wrong, you fool!
Coryo: But cuddles-
Dr.Gaul: I’m giving everyone a f*ckin’ demerit! This mentorship is a waste of my time!
Coryo: Is my answer correct though?
Dr.Gaul: Why did I even consider you?! You’re just a stupid orphan!
Vipsania: Wow. She really went there. Poor Snowy.
Dr.Gaul: And you’re also useless like your dead father!
Coryo: But-
Felix: Ah-ha! Is the correct answer chicken? Everybody loves chicken!
Dr.Gaul: Ugh!😩 Why am I even trying?! These kids are dumb as a door nail!
Felix: So it’s chicken, right?
Dr.Gaul: Just f*ckin’ get out of my classroom!
Festus: But the bell-
Dr.Gaul: Who wants to become an Avox today?👿🔪
Everyone: *quickly runs away*
Dr.Gaul: That’s what I thought, you stupid cowards!
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
If Apollo/Ares and Athena/Artemis each had a child (tanks to god stuff) what would they look like and what would be their personality ?
Athena x Artemis = Mazria, tall and lean, pale gray eyes, wavy black hair, pale AF, she is pretty shy and keeps to herself, very protective of her mothers, clingy, a kind person when you get to know them, can be very frightening if you hurt those close to her
Ares x Apollo = Zaro, strong boy, dark skin, short blonde hair, red eyes, he is very violent, and poetic, and plays guitar and piano, a very outgoing person like his fathers, only affectionate to Hera and Mazria, scared to death of rodents, polly scares the shit out of him
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spazztrapavacado · 3 years
Okay, so, we know Trucy is 5'0", and Apollo is also 5'0" (not counting his hair), so that leads me to believe their shared parent, Thalassa, was probably also around 5'0".
This becomes hilarious if you imagine Jove is 6+ feet, and fully expected baby Apollo would take after him height wise, maybe even going so far as to tease Thalassa that she'd be the shortest in the family not knowing our boy was gonna be short af
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Random silly question..what’s it like in the UK? 😃
It’s. nice? I mean I like it lmao. I’ve never had any plans to move elsewhere in the world (or in the country really) cause I’m perfectly happy where I am. 
But UH to be more specific! I can’t speak for the entire UK, obviously, but the part where I live is. satisfyingly in the middle of ‘in the city’ and ‘in the country’. It’s ‘in the city’ enough that anything we could really need isn’t at all far - got the essentials like schools, a hospital, a GP, fire station, entire streets of shops, even got a goddamn crematorium, and then the more entertaining stuff like parks, cinema, bowling alley/arcade, takeaway places, all that sort of stuff, and they’re all a short distance away. But it’s also out of the city enough that there’s just. space y’know? We don’t get the hustle and bustle of traffic, there’s tons of room for especially dog owners to take their pets cause all the parks are massive, and nothing really. happens around here, heh. I hear the occasional shouting from people in the street (either happy drunk shouting or loud argument shouting; I won’t try and claim everybody around here is super chill or ‘we all know each other’ or anything like that), but we rarely ever have anything ‘big’ happen around here. 
Not to mention, where I live is just easy to be in. It’s not uncommon to go out and for there to be next to nobody else in the street. Easy to navigate and find things you need. Lots of buses have routes through the place, so, hey, if riding on the trademark double decker buses is at all an appeal of being in England to you, well *gestures to the bus stop* there they are lmao
It’s worth mentioning that London is. ehhhh nrgnrng. Like I do get why people go there, especially since it’s the Big Guy in terms of locations in England, but personally? Meh. London’s just very…busy. Everything’s expensive, it’s noisy, it can be a BITCH to navigate, and - in my opinion - it just feels…claustrophobic. Not to mention, London at night is like. borderline dangerous ngnrgnr. I don’t mean to discourage anyone from going, but London just ain’t for me, personally
HOWEVER, there are still locations in London that are pretty cool. If you go there for anything, go there for the theatres. I won’t lie to you; I dunno how it is elsewhere, but theatres in London are known for being aahhhh pricey, especially when it comes to stuff you can buy in there (eat before you go, and bring water), but there’s lots of cool theatres in London and they sell awesome merch for the plays you go and see (my favourite hoodie is the one my mama bought me when she went to see Wicked with her sister). The Globe and the O2 are obviously big names amongst them (and are cool af; I’ve been to both), but my favourites are the Hammersmith Apollo and the Shaftesbury Theatre. Have some good memories of those places.
(Special mention to the Shaftesbury for having a pop culture shop around the corner from it that has. fuckin anything comic book fans could ever need like holy shit. Has an entire floor dedicated to printed comic books and another dedicated to the merch. I could’ve spent hours in there if Mum and I didn’t have a musical to go and see)
And as much a reputation as the River Thames has (because, yes, the water isn’t great; people are trying to work on it), it really is nice to just sit and chill by it, and there’re plenty of places in London to do that. One of my favourite memories with my friends is when we sat on a small hill by the Thames after going to the Tate Modern (art museum), ate pizza and just talked for ages. Was a very calm time.
But, hey, if more ‘touristy’ things appeal to you, you can always listen to Big Ben once they finish up fixing everything in the tower (Big Ben, by the by, is the bell; Elizabeth Tower is the clock tower it’s in) or go on the London Eye or into the Shard. If you’re scared of heights, ahhhhh don’t go on the London Eye or into the Shard nrgnng
Weather-wise: obviously, we have a reputation for it being very. rainy in England, but honestly? It’s not that bad. If anything, it’s just cloudy more often than most, but it’s not like we frequently have the ‘dark storm clouds’ or anything like that. Still bright out. And maybe it’s because I’ve lived here all my life, but the weather is perfect for a guy who in a game of Would You Rather would say he prefers to be cold than hot because yeah England is rarely hot. It’s why those heatwaves took us the fuck out.
Our summers - not counting the most recent one - can be pretty bad by our own standards, but they’re manageable, and nice to people who look forward to em. Winters are pretty harsh when it comes to temperature; we used to get pretty deep snow when I was a kid, but nowadays we more often get just. slush and ice and sometimes hail. The wind can get pretty bad some years too - we’ve had it knock down trees and one time it destroyed the fence between us and our neighbours. But, again, it’s all manageable. Floods are really the only natural disaster we get, and even then, I’ve never experienced one; we don’t get earthquakes and we’ve had like two hurricanes in the last three decades or so (which lemme tell you, for someone with a fear of natural disasters, is fuckin great). 
The part of England where I live is, unfortunately, one of those that doesn’t really get stars. I’m lucky if I look up and see the smallest lil dots of stars at night, but I still enjoy the atmosphere that nighttime around here gives me. It’s cool and quiet. Most noise you'll hear is maybe the odd get-together in a neighbour's garden, and even that's the soft beat of whatever music they're playing and the distant chatter. Can sometimes hear owls hooting from the park nearby. There’s something very comforting about the glow from a bus at night, when it’s opening its doors to let people on.
But, uh, yeah! That’s what it’s like in my neck of the woods, at least c: We definitely have our problems over here (*SIDE EYES OUR GOVERNMENT REAL HARD*), but I’ve honestly never rly wanted to live elsewhere. Maybe it is just because I’ve been here since I was born, but it really is just kinda. perfect for me, y’know? c:
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magpiefngrl · 3 years
another 2021 end of the year book tag
Thank you @bloody-wonder!! <3
did you reach your reading goal for the year (if you had one)? my goal was around 60 books and I read ~100, so I did well :)
what are your top 3 books you read in 2021? Piranesi, TGCF, We Have Always Lived in the Castle. (more on '21 here)
what’s a book that you didn’t expect to enjoy quite so much going in? Tana French's In the Woods. I knew it as a murder mystery, a detective story (it is) but didn't expect the lush prose and deep character study.
were there any books that didn’t live up to your expectations? I've been a great fan of Alix E. Harrow ever since I read an incredible short story she wrote a few years ago so I was really looking forward to her novels. i didn't love either of the two (The Ten Thousand Doors of January, and Once and Future Witches) as much as I thought I would.
did you reread any old faves? if so, which one was your favourite? I am a huge rereader. this year I reread the first three Apollo Trials novels so I could refresh my memory before finishing the series. I'm sorry to say that Riordan is not for me anymore; I was bored af. I also reread Spectred Isle a few weeks after reading it for the first time in Jan because I loved it so much.
did you dnf any books? yes, 3, which is 3 more than normal. I'm compelled to finish books even if i don't love them but these were particularly bad.
did you read any books outside your usual preferred genre(s)? i already read widely and in a variety of genres
what was your predominant format this year? ebooks by far. i can't remember how to hold a physical copy in my hands
what’s the longest book you read this year? TGCF. 2.2k pages on my Kobo
what are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases? none. i read some recent, hyped novels this year and was disappointed so i'm staying away from brand new books until the dust settles. that being said, there is one I'm going to buy as soon as it's out and that's the new poetry collection by Ocean Vuong.
what books from your tbr did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022? god loads. I'm hoping/excited to finish the Lymond Chronicles, finally, and also the novel I'm currently reading, The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.
Tagging: Would you like to do it, dear reader? Yes, you! No, don't look behind you, I mean you. Do it and tag me so I can have a look too :))
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
different anon but i know this is a little more what you hc for nico and i adore it and maybe the other anon will too: headcanons for nb nico who is fairly fem? idk feminine nb nico makes me so happy 🥰 i love that you make a fair amount of content for it i truly love to see it on my dash, i appreciate you so much
Firstly, thank you for the compliments; and yes anon, you would be correct, femby Nico is something I'm so down for:
So originally Nico doesn't know he's trans, he doesn't even know the word trans exists
He's one of those people who is like "most people don't care about gender it's not a big deal it doesn't matter" and he's quite confused when people enforce rules based off of sex/gender
He's stands there going, "okay?? but it doesn't matter?? it's not real??"
Gender just straight up confuses him
Anyhow, I think Nico definitly gets his further slightly more in depth explaination of queerness from Will, and Will is like "yeah then trans people-" or maybe Will is trans and tells him after they've been dating a short while
Either way Nico is like "oh, that's cool!"
Anyhow Nico doesn't really think about it for a long time, and kind of carries on without thinking about gender much.
If Will is trans in this as well, then Nico learns more about himself through learning about Will's gender... But if Will's not trans then maybe Nico finds out Lou Ellen is trans (I have a whole bunch of trans Lou Ellen and trans Will headcanons I need to write with Cecil too)
Anyhow basically Nico knows someone who's trans and there's a conversation of gender at some point where Nico's like "but gender isn't real?" or something similoar because he just doesn't understand the idea of feeling male or feeling female, it confuses him
So eventually he has a conversation with some friends who are cis, and he realizes that even they know they're a boy or girl, and so Nico is confused because "why does everyone have this figured out?"
So he starts asking more questions, and finds out about nonbinary and he gets nervous because he knows Will likes boys, but what if Will won't like him anymore because he's not 100% a guy
So he does eventually work up the courage to tell Will how he might be feeling and Will is super chill about the whole thing and he's like "Nico I like boys and girls, and most of all I like you" and Nico's happy because Will isn't going to break up with him
Anyhow they have a long conversation where Willl is like "please don't worry about coming to me with stuff I love you very much okay?"
Eventually Nico begins to try out different pronouns but just when alone with Will because he's not comfortable telling everyone yet
He decides he likes he/him, but she/her is nice too, and he dables in xe/xem pronouns but he has mixed feelings on them
In my last trans Nico post I said Nico would like alternating pronouns but maybe I don't think so... I think he would tell people what pronouns he wanted when/what day or he would say "you can use he/him or she/her" or something
and some people would use one set, and some people the other, and some people would mix his pronouns
So Nico starts getting more involved in fashion around this point
Mitchell and him are friends and Mitchell's dad is a fashion designer so free stuff!
Anyhow Nico finds all of this stuff fun, and eventually one day she gets the courage to try a skirt on and it quickly becomes her favorite type of clothing
Nico likes to wear skirts with tights and combat boots
Nico also falls in love withe leggings because "they're just so soft!"
He never really comes out he kind of just chooses to live life and if people know or find out whatever
Like he'll be somewhere with Jason and someone would ask for her pronouns and she'd be like "he/him or she/her is fine" and Jason is getting whiplash from how fast he turned his head to look at Nico and Jason's stumbling over "he/him" while looking at Nico because he wants to say congrats so bad
Or maybe Will is like "my girlfriend" and Percy's like "you have a girlfriend too?" and Will's like "no??? I mean Nico??" and Percy is confused af because he didn't even know people could be gay until recently- but people can be trans too?
(Percy has his own gender questioning that happens, although a bit smaller and he decides he/they and that dresses and heels are fun)
So Nico's friends all eventually know but they just sort of find out rather than a big coming out (this is how they all found out Nico was gay too, Nico was like “yeah so me and Will Solace are dating” or “my boyfriend” because Nico has a hard time saying “I’m gay” or “I’m trans” so he finds ways around it to make himself more comfortable).
Nico struggles a little bit with the concept, not as much as he did with being gay but there’s still obsticales there for him to overcome
When Hades finds out he’s just like “mhmm good for you okay love you… daughter?” and that makes Nico happy because he’s still trying to be a good dad
Anyhow immediately after Nico leaves Hades runs to find Dionysus or Apollo and is like “trans what does it mean? Daughter was the correct word right? I’m sorry tucking is what now??”
He’s confused af but also supportive af
“Nobody says that about my son-err daughter?”
“Both are fine, Papa”
And Will and Reyna are in the background silently giving Hades thumbs ups
Sometimes Hades buys Nico weird shit and is like “it’s for your gender” and Nico doesn’t need the stuff but his dad cares so she appreciates it
Dionysus is super chill about the whole thing when he hears it through the grapevine (ha!) and he’s like “new name or same one kid?”
Nico’s like “oh um, same name, just new pronouns”
And Dionysus is like “great sit your ass down you have therapy to do”
(Dionysus always gets trans kids name right and never even jokingly messes it up so he always asks)
Also, Nico loves little hair clips, you know the little ones that tik tokers wear? Yeah those he has hundreds of them!
Cloth headbands are also her best friend, she has so many of them… (they’re like square cloth pieces you tie and wrap a specific way and roll your hair around it… I don’t know the right word they were popular in the 50s)
Nico ends up growing out his hair because he likes being able to put it in a messy bun on top of his head and he likes having it in braids down his back too
She learns to do makeup from Hazel (Hazel had a makeup face and likes kpop I don’t take criticism on that) and it looks great tbh
Also in public all the time when people see Nico they’re like “Boy? Girl?”
And he’s like “yeah both is good, but also neither, I have all the genders and also no gender”
And Will’s standing in the background laughing his ass off at the confused look the cashier has on their face
Just imagine Nico and Will’s kids calling Nico both Mama and Papa interchangeably ~
She does end up changing her name from Nicolò to just Nico because Nico is gender neutral
So much jewelry… so much of it, Nico loves it
Nico ends up getting a leather jacket with “give us our roses while we’re here” printed/painted on the back of it and little roses built into the actual jacket as well
Nico always seems to have some new hair length going on, like sometimes her hair is down to her waist, sometimes it’s at her shoulders, and other times she has a mullet, while other times she has an eboy cut
He ends up dying his hair all the time, at first he does gold and silver highlights in really small spots so it looks like his hair sparkles with glitter when he moves
After that Nico does half of her head in blonde and the other side in black like a split down the middle type dye
And he ends up drying his hair a swirled blue and pink color as well when it’s short
When he grows his hair out long, he dyes it with the little egirl dye in the front
She also does that thing where you have a rainbow under your hair and a normal color on top
Nico gets an undercut at one point where she leaves enough in the center top to put it up in a bun or leave it down to her shoulders
He dies his hair a blue-green one time while lit’s long too and Will gets an ombre at the same time using his natural blonde and a bubble gum pink in his like “bangs” area (Will has like a halo of pink hair when he does that dye)
And yeah idk I’m out of ideas but nonbinary Nico is great actually
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. Zeus would make a much more compelling character if RS grounded his obsession with gaining respect in the context of his childhood: He could’ve been Rhea’s favourite kid and grew a huge ego/sense of entitlement as a result while feeling deeply under appreciated by his brothers and Hera for his instrumental role in rescuing them and his care for her respectively, unable to look past his own trauma and ego to see that they too are struggling with their own demons rather than neglecting him.
2. I’m gonna have disagree with that one anon saying narrators are always a sign of weak storytelling because that’s not always the truth. Hades the game for example has a narrator and it’s used very effectively to give it an fairytale-like feel, a funny thing for zag to comment on because he can hear them and he will often comment on the rude things they say, and also provides a bit of world building. A narrator is also good if it’s established beforehand who is saying the narration, such as a storyteller or prophet, and it can establish to the audience they are viewing something from the past, and they can speak when there are major shifts in the story, not throughout the whole thing. A narrator in LO isn’t even a bad idea, the issue is it should have been established much earlier, maybe even episode one is we’re being honest, instead of just coming out of nowhere to speak of stuff in the future? It’s also pretty purposely only being there to be a cliffhanger instead of even putting in effort to make it interesting enough for anyone to care or come back without the narration there basically begging them to care what’s going on. It’s very strange and shows a lack of confidence and effort in her writing to be so literally spelled out like that.
I agree with the other comments too. The font is atrocious. LO is usually really good with fonts and they picked one that was visually very ugly and hard to read with an even worse color. I didn’t even think the fonts would degrade too like the art, and yet here we are!
3. I love how rachel dropped the cover for vol 2 of LO and its just a treasure trove of book design failures. her name is on top, giving the impression both she is the title and she cares more about getting her own name out there over the actual story, empty space where the title should be, the title covering most of hades, the title being cramped so much to cover him, persephone being covered by volume two, the list goes on. the first cover wasnt much better, but this is much worse.
4. RS is willing to change aspects of the story according to fan speculation but isn't down to do anything that would retcon out the offensive stereotypes, the homophobia, or the character-assassination of apollo.
5. I’m pretty sure Hera and Echo will have an infidelity arc followed by betrayal thanks to Echo’s role in Zeus’s meddling. It’s already established that Hera is just as willing to cheat as Zeus is and Echo’s blue colouration and short hair is clearly reminiscent of Hades. Given how RS has stated that character colour palettes are symbolic, I wouldn’t overlook this detail (the one instance of RS actually sticking to her colour rules lol). Also, Ares’ comment just seems to imply it!
6. Yo I just saw RS Insta story- SHES ALREADY MAKING A VOLUME TWO BOOK???? When the first volume isn’t out yet?????? Tbh, I never expected this 
7. Daphne has more personality than Persephone. Though both came from the same deprives mortal realm background, Daphne is thriving. Unlike Persephone, she’s confident and willing to take control over her own life (though this is only illustrated in the context of her dating life which is sad af, female characters never get any other kind of agency in LO). Perse would be a more interesting protagonist if she had Daphne’s (still limited af) personality.
8. There seems to be a lot of infighting here regarding Myth Hades and Persephone and it's 'modern retelling' or butchering by RS.
All fighting aside on whether Hades was a good husband and Persephones role (or lack of agency) in the myth of the Kidnapping - what is actually wrong with appreciating the myth as is?
(Isn't the myth there to give an explanation as to why the seasons change? As well as being a story of a mother in grief over her lost daughter? And her fight to find her?)
Also, in that context, is there really something wrong with liking the... lets say more "modern" adaptations of the Myth where Hades and Persephone loved one another, so long as one understands and respects the original canon (sources) and culture from which it originated?
9. The way Daphne is drawn went from sweet girl-next-door to model with overfilled lips and too many surgical alterations to increase her sex appeal.. Her lips look like they’ve been stung by several bees in the latest FP what is up with that? It’s especially irksome since RS normally draws very nice looking full lips (I.e Persephone) but they just look so off on Daphne.
10. So Minthe being in the story so early on (and already dating Hades) is lets say an "interesting" narrative choice. Mainly because it feels like RS did this because she doesnt want to acknowledge that Hades may have loved someone other than Persephone.
Because (as far as I am aware) Minthe does not show up until after Hades and Persephone are already married. And Hades did care about Minthe (as I believe one anon mentioned - he named a mountain after her?) - and she was stomped on by Persephone for daring to say that Hades liked her more.
It feels like RS made this narrative choice because she wanted to (mess with the myths) showcase that Persephone is Hades 'One True Love' and the only way she could think do to that was to make Minthe a vicious abuser. Which is unfair.
11. Uh …. Why are they already publishing a volume 2 or LO only four months after the first one? If they keep that rate up won’t they catch up really quick to the actual comic and run out of stuff to publish? I would be pissed to get a book with a cover with effort put into it just to get rushed nonsense in the actual book. Girl take a break.
Also the logo is literally covering up half of the couple while there is a giant empty space above them so her name is the main focus. Either Rachel is shit at book cover design (likely) or she needs to stroke her ego real bad and make sure her own name is the main focus. Good lord. 
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