#Nonbinary nico
coffees4sleepy · 10 months
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Nico posting! They make me so happy.
outfit shoes jacket
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willthespy · 9 months
finally got myself a sword. DONT* take that cishets
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willsimpforanyone · 3 months
nico x nb or female reader smut... please :(( i can't find any anywhere and i love your connor stuff i've read them like a 100 times :(((
i'm so glad u like my connor stuff! he's a lot more popular than i realised he was lmao
this is nico with a nonbinary reader, obviously both of them are adults because they have their own flat and i'm literally jealous
Nico's hair has grown longer, I think to myself. Black and very slightly curly, spreading out over the pillow and easily within reach.
Far, far too tempting.
Cautiously, I reach my hand over the pillow and slip my fingers through his strands. They're silky-soft, and I twist some of it round my finger, smiling softly.
I keep going, combing through more and more of his hair until I'm gently scraping my nails over his scalp and untangling knots as carefully as I can. I'm so absorbed in my task that I don't notice a pair of dark eyes sleepily blinking open, black eyelashes fluttering at the feeling of his hair being played with.
"What're you doing?"
I have a small heart attack, instinctively smacking Nico on the shoulder in surprise. "Jesus- Nico! What the fuck?"
He laughs quietly, rubbing his shoulder where I hit him. "I literally just woke up, what is your problem?"
"You scared me!" I hiss, low and slightly raspy. "I didn't know you were awake."
He laughs again, reaching out and pawing at my hips, pulling me closer under the bedsheets. Nose to nose now, he blinks at me sleepily. "You didn't answer my question," he murmurs. "What were you doing?"
Slightly shy, I flush pink and reach one hand up to move some hair out his eyes. "I may," I whisper. "Have been playing with your hair."
"You don't sound very certain," Nico smirks, thumb absently rubbing circles up and down my ribs. I roll my eyes but grin, continuing to stroke his hair.
"It was just so pretty," I mumble, half hiding my face in the pillow. "You're a pretty guy with pretty hair, sue me."
He laughs quietly, leaning over and kissing my quickly. "I'm pretty, huh?"
"Oh, shut up." I hide my face in his neck this time, playfully tugging at the hair at the base of his head in retaliation. I freeze as I feel his breath hitch, and a wicked smile spreads over my lips.
I repeat the action, a little harder this time, and from Nico's throat crawls a moan that he clearly tried to stifle.
"Oh, that's interesting..." Three times the charm, just to check...
Pulling my head back from the crook of his neck, I look into his eyes, tugging his hair again and seeing his pale skin flare pink as he bites his lip, eyes darting anywhere but mine. Gently, I ease one of my legs between his, my hands running down his body to bring his hips closer to mine.
"Baby?" I whisper, smile playing at my lips. "Is this what you want?"
He flushes brighter, grumbling out his words. "...well I didn't know it was until about four seconds ago."
God, his voice is still sleepy and low, defenses down in this bubble of morning light and sheets and skin.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes." I dip my head back into his neck, this time deliberately to press my lips along his skin. One hand sneaks back up into his hair, tangling my fingers into his long black locks.
I lightly suck at the point just below his ear, pulling gently at his hair, and Nico jerks his hips forward, a soft gasp breathed into my ear.
"That's it," I hum against his neck, tongue darting out and over his earlobe. "Keep going, sweetheart."
With the little encouragement, Nico's hands curl around my hips, slowly starting to grind himself against my thigh. His movements are slightly unsure, but I can feel his heartbeat pounding under my lips and I smile.
My fingers thread through his hair, sending shivers down his spine. I can hear him panting slightly in my ear and I feel heat simmering deliciously under my skin. I murmur soft encouragements into his ear, rocking my hips against him and feeling his cock twitch to life in his pyjama pants.
Mouth watering, I suck the faintest marks into the side of his throat. I manipulate his head, using his hair to pull his head back so I can lave over more of his skin. He gasps loudly as his head is forced back, hips sputtering against me and fingers digging into the flesh at my waist.
"Good?" I ask softly, words breathed into his ear.
Nodding, Nico stammers out a 'y-y-es-' in the softest, sweetest voice I've ever heard from him. Evidently, sleepy Nico is okay with showing some vulnerability. It's painfully adorable and I coo softly in his ear.
"Use my thigh, baby, you look so pretty like this." I scrape my nails over his scalp, loving the low moan that spills from his lips.
His hips get steadily faster, rutting firmly against my leg as he pants, squeezing his eyes shut. My hand grips at his hair, pulling his head further back so my lips can trail under his chin and over the other side of his neck, whispering praise and endearments into his skin.
His breath hitches as I roll us slightly so I'm on top of him, kneeling with one leg still between his, pushing firmly against his cock as he keeps grinding against me.
He looks like a vision, pale cheeks blushing red, soft lips parted and brow slightly furrowed with his eyes firmly closed, so focused on the feeling of pleasure building up low in his stomach. I press my lips against his, capturing him in a firm kiss just because he looks so gorgeous.
"Look at you, so needy," I tease, ghosting the words over his lips. Nico whines, digging his nails into my waist in protest. I laugh lightly. "Okay, okay, not at all needy, this is a perfectly reasonable reaction to having your hair pulled."
He opens his eyes to scowl up at me, and for a split second I remember that this is the son of Hades I have underneath me.
"Got it, I'll shut up."
One hand still firmly in his hair, I use my other hand to hold his hips, helping him ride my thigh. I glance down to see a damp patch on Nico's pyjama pants, precum staining the fabric and I have to swallow down the sudden flood of saliva that fills my mouth. Later, definitely later.
His hips start rocking faster and harder, stomach muscles tensing and I curl my fingers in his hair, experimentally yanking harder than i have before.
"F-fuck-!" Nico swears loudly, head flying back with his back arching slightly, rutting his cock hard against my leg, the material of his pants providing delicious friction. "Mm- I'm gonna... gods above, yes..."
It takes a well-timed yank and a few more thrusts to my leg to have him coming in his pants, warmth and wetness spreading through the material and soaking my leg. He gasps, one hand slapping over his mouth to muffle his noises, the other wrapping around my arm and gripping tightly.
I let him keep using me, grinding against my leg until he's finished. I duck my head to litter soft, warm kisses over his face, smiling and incredibly pleased with myself.
"You okay, Neeks?" I murmur, brushing my lips over his nose.
It takes a moment for his muscles to stop spasming and his breathing to even out, but eventually Nico moves his hand away from his mouth to reveal a small smile.
"Uh huh," he sighs, blinking up at me in a post-orgasm haze. "'m good, very good."
Releasing his hair from my grip, I stroke over his cheek and kiss him sweetly. "Good. Might want to get changed."
Looking down, he groans at the rapidly cooling, cum-stained pyjamas he's now wearing. "Ugh, gross." He looks up at me, grinning sleepily. "You're getting me new pyjamas, by the way. Off you go, the closet is there. You turn me on, you get me off, you deal with the consequences."
I roll my eyes but grin in return, reluctantly leaving the warm bed for the closet. "You're so lucky I love you."
was this good? did i write a good smut? i haven't written in so long i don't know if this is good. anyway, thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoyed!
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bagerfluff · 3 months
You Got Scared By A What?
Nico di Angelo x Non-Binary Half-Blood Reader
Prompt - Scared
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You were sitting on your bed reading a book.
It was midday and a weekend. So you had nothing better to do than hang out in your house with your boyfriend. Nico was laying next to you but he left to make himself some food.
So you were sitting against the headboard of your bed waiting for Nico to come back and reading your book. It was peaceful. There was a half drunk and long forgotten cup of tea on the bedside table.
There was a candle lit, making the room smell like cookies. The window was closed, causing the room to be dark but just lit enough to be able to see.
You loved moments like this.
But this moment was entirely ruptured by a scream. You knew it was Nico’s so you quickly got up and ran to find him. Your book was left open on the floor. You found Nico in the kitchen, staring at the toaster.
There was a piece of toast in it and Nico was looking at it with shock. Nico looked a little scared. You could see that he was glaring at the toaster. His hand hovered over where he kept his sword even though it wasn’t there.
Once you realized that Nico wasn’t dead and everything seemed fine you walked closer to Nico and asked him what happened. “That”, Nico pointed to the toaster, “scared me”. You tried not to laugh. You knew that a lot of people got scared at toasters.
The sudden pop of the toast made them jump. It wasn’t that weird for Nico to be scared either. Nico got scared of a lot of things that were normal to you. He wasn’t used to a lot of modern things.
Spending decades in a casino can do that to someone.
Hell, Nico got scared at the beeping of the microwave once. But you still found this funny. Nico was one of the strongest and bravest people you knew, yet he was scared of a toaster. You were definitely going to tell Percy about this.
You tried to stop yourself from laughing by clasping a hand in front of your mouth but a little giggle got out. Nico moved his gaze from the toaster to you, now glaring at you. “Why are you laughing?”
Nico asked and that made you laugh. You stopped it as soon as you could, you didn’t feel like sleeping on the couch tonight. But Nico still looked angry. Whether he was angry and the toaster or you.
That was a mystery.
“I’m sorry but you are one of the bravest people I know and you got scared by a toaster”, you took in a breath after speaking. Nico looked away from you when a red tint took over his face.
“I was walking by and then it popped, I didn’t expect it so it scared me”, Nico explained. “If it makes you feel better lots of people get scared by toasters”, you placed a kiss on Nico’s forehead.
“Now how about I finish making the snack”, Nico nodded and walked away mumbling something. You could only hear that word toaster and a couple Greek curse words.
When Nico was out of ear shot you let out another laugh.
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incapable-inhuman · 2 years
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wholesome andy moment
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recovering-vamp · 5 months
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autistic-katara · 1 year
stuff i wanna see in TSATS
its just less than 2 months until TSATS comes out and my pjo phase is coming back HARD so heres some stuff i wanna see (idc how popular or unpopular these r)
Solangelo kiss (seriously like all the other good canon couples had one)
explicit use of queer terms (i havent rlly seen anyone talk abt this but as much as i love queer characters just existing u have no idea how happy it makes me to see media, especially kids media, explicitly say the words gay, bisexual, transgender, lesbian, etc.)
Hunters of Artemis cameo
piggybacking off that, Nico’s reaction to Reyna being a hunter (ive wanted to see this since 2019 PLEASE i gotta know how he feels abt this considering yk his past w/ them)
confirmation on whether Will’s gay or bi/mspec (or just simply queer, no specific labels necessary)
a trans/nonbinary character (specifically transmasc)
a Piper cameo
during her cameo Piper explicitly saying her sexuality (which is lesbian, if u think otherwise ur wrong/hj)
Hazel cameo
more Lavinia content (idc how i just need more of my chaotic Jewish ADHD pink-haired Russian lesbian, ok?)
canonically autistic Nico
that Lil Nas X reference we were promised
Nico making more trauma jokes (he just like me fr)
the multiple coming out scenes i heard were allegedly promised
Hades and/or Apollo cameo
Hestia cameo
Jason’s ghost cameo
dead Apollo kids cameo
explicit discussion of Nico’s religious trauma
explicit discussion of just Will’s trauma in general (seriously we all kinda ignore that our “sunshiney golden retriever uwu gay boi 😊🌸✨☀️” actually has some super serious trauma)
both of them coping badly with all this and being worried abt eachother (aka gay angst but more specific)
Maria di Angelo content
Persephone cameo w/ her either still lowkey hating Nico and being passive aggressive asf to him or having had him grow on her in the past few years and is now turning the overprotective mom mode to the max
just some cute, non-angsty moments between Nico nd Will cause goddam we need some queer joy rn ;-;
so much hurt/comfort u physically cant continue living anymore (going both ways not just Will comforting Nico)
a MCGA cameo
Fierrochase and Solangelo meeting and having the same funny interactions they have in the memes (but with the canon versions of them)
discussions of stuff like homophobia and internalized homophobia and mental illness
a relatively happy ending (but not a “2 months later and the world is perfect and neither of them had felt anything close to depression or anything since the ending and if for some reason addiction was a part of this we would we talking abt how they were magically 2 months clean and it would be physically impossible for the thought of relapse to even cross their mind” kinda happy ending cause i hate those kinda endings w/ a burning passion)
setup for another side book (preferably a Piper or Reyna one)
thats all i can think of rn off the top of my head but feel free to comment on any of these or add ur ideas cause 2 months feels like an eternity long wait + hearing other opinions is fun when we arent all in a heated argument over smthn stupid
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skullyragdoll · 3 months
Some Drdt Genderbends
These r really old and I never posted it so most of them aren't the best but I might redraw some of them
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Also I tried to draw David but the pen smudged and I lost motivation with Teruko lol
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Some of them had more effort than others but I hope u like them
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fea-therlight221 · 10 months
The funny thing about the part in Croatia is that Jason acts like he did not know gay people existed before. Yes, he is very supportive towards Nico in the end but five minutes earlier he was doing mental gymnastics trying to understand what Favonius meant by saying he was in love with a dude and why Nico was so scared to talk about his feelings, then had to quickly run it through his mind to decide that hm yes he's chill with that.
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papasfritasas · 1 year
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gatesofember · 1 year
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collecting evidence that Nico di Angelo is enby and just hasn’t figured it out yet
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"When they dig up your bones" When they dig up my bones, they're gonna find a skeleton. Like no shit, is this new information to you?
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
Idk if you still write on here but if you do, may I request some nico x non-binary reader stuff?? I've been searching and you're the only person I've found who writes it!!
i absolutely do still write stuff, this is very much an active blog despite my infrequency of writing due to uni work! i love nico x enby!reader, glad you like it! lets do some affection headcanons shall we?
as i'm sure i've said before, nico is very protective of you
not in an overbearing way and he's not one for public affection
but he'll be constantly looking over at you and checking to see you're okay, everything's good, no one's making you uncomfortable?
if you're taller than him, he will nudge himself under your arm without saying anything, just like a 'hey hug me' or he might excuse it by saying he's cold
if you're shorter than him, he'll casually sling his arm over your shoulders as a way to bring you closer to him and if he's feeling especially affectionate he will press a kiss to your temple
the type of guy that will ask if you wanna go home by muffling his voice into your hair so no one else can hear him
isn't big on gifts, but will treasure and keep anything and everything you give him
he once saw a ring in a vintage store and tried so hard to walk past it but just *knew* you'd love it
hasn't given it to you yet but he will, he's just gotta make a plan first
is one of those guys that burns bright red if you do something for him
like his cabin gets to be a mess and you have a free hour or so while you wait for him so you neaten everything up, put away clothes and stuff
he comes in to you having cleaned his space and just stands in the doorway bright red and speechless because someone?? gave so much of a shit about him?? that they put in effort?? to make his space a better place to be??
you've broken him, the poor boy
not big on public affection, but in private he loves casual affection
like walking past you sitting at a desk and bopping a kiss on your head or slouching over you with his head on yours to ask what you're up to
i'm soft for nico idk if you could tell
ngl i had a crush on nico and then he came out (was thrown out the closet) as gay and i stopped having a crush on him but now i'm nonbinary so i feel safe enough to crush on him again lol anyway i hope you enjoyed!! thank you for requesting!!
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Learning to embrace this. We don’t have to pretend to be who other people see us as in their created narratives, and it’s okay to disappoint people by being someone they didn’t expect us to be. 💜 ~Nico
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Why tf are people always arguing about romantic Ghostflower vs platonic Ghostflower in regards to their variants-Like,NIGGAAAA THERE'S VERSIONS OF BOTH ALL ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE BECAUSE GWEN AND MILES' LOVE FOR EACHOTHER TRANSCENDS SET CANON i thought that was obvious💀
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recovering-vamp · 5 months
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