pietroalviti · 1 year
Papa Francesco lancia un appello per la crisi climatica a tutte le persone di buona volontà
Ha scelto il giorno della festa del santo poverello di Assisi per rivolgere un appello a tutti coloro che sentono l’urgenza di impegnarsi per impedire la catastrofe climatica: lo ha fatto pubblicando l’esortazione apostolica “Laudate Deum” il cui testo completo potete trovare qui . Con il passare del tempo – scrive il papa – mi rendo conto che non reagiamo abbastanza, poiché il mondo che ci…
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
APOSTOLICA Release Video for Third Single 'Gloria'
Photo Credit: Andrea Falaschi Heavy metal heretics APOSTOLICA have released a video for ‘Gloria’, third single taken from the new album ‘Animae Haeretica’ to be released on September 22nd via Scarlet Records. Heavy metal heretics Apostolica have founded a new cult based on a mysterious, intriguing image, a bombastic and pristine sound, ultra-catchy riffs and plenty of unforgettable hooks.  The…
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eusouleandrobueno · 2 years
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Palavras Humanas ajudam, decretos divinos resolvem. Cono esta a sua aliança com Deus? Deus tem decretos divinos para resolver todos os seus problemas lembre-se disso otimo sábado🚀🔥🙏 #decretos #decretosdivinos #deus #leandrobuenooficial #eusouleandrobueno #viral #mtk #marketing #leidaatração #abundância #leidagratidão #biblia. #evangelho #igreja #apostolica #transformação #riquezaprodutiva https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXzYyOgvYy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vulnerasti-cor-meum · 2 years
In 1896, after a long study by a papal committee on this question [of Anglican orders], Pope Leo XIII (who disagreed with the conclusions of the majority of the committee he had appointed to study this matter) published a bull, Apostolicae curae
Hmmmm sounds familiar cough Humanae vitae cough
(Michael A. Fahey, in Systematic Theology, Roman Catholic Perspectives (Fiorenza & Galvin, 2011))
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San Pio X agli Orientali: posto d’onore a tutti i santi Pontefici e Dottori dell’ Oriente
Ai Prelati Orientali giunti a Roma per il XV centenario di San Giovanni Crisostomo 13 febbraio 1908 Ringraziamo vivamente Lei, Signor Cardinale [Vincenzo Vannutelli] e con Lei gli egregi del Comitato pel molto che fecero onde render splendide le feste quindici volte centenarie dell’ insigne Padre e Dottor della Chiesa S. Giovanni Grisostomo, e con Voi ringraziamo il Venerando Patriarca e tutti…
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miguel-castro70 · 7 months
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giuseppearagno · 1 year
Salvini, fascioleghista, seminatore d’odio, secessionista, mandante morale di stragi mediterranee e stolker pericoloso, abusando del suo potere, tenta di distruggere la reputazione e la carriera di chi gli ricorda che anche il governo è sottoposto alla legge. “Lenuccia“, Sezione dell’ANPI di Napoli, esprime la sua solidarietà incondizionata alla Giudice Iolanda Apostolica. 
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sauolasa · 1 year
Papa Francesco è arrivato in Ungheria: visita apostolica di tre giorni e incontro con Orbán
Il Pontefice, arrivato in mattinata a Budapest, è particolarmente atteso in Ungheria, dove si era già recato nel settembre 2021. Nella visita di tre giorni, previsto un incontro anche con il premier Orbán
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mixbrasilcombr · 2 years
Após ser expulso de casa e passar por "cura gay", pastor funda igreja inclusiva no DF
O pastor gay Chlisman Toniazzo (31) resolveu fundar a igreja inclusiva Arena Church para acolher pessoas LGBTQIA+ no Distrito Federal após ser expulso de casa e ser submetidos a tratamentos de conversão da sua homossexualidade. Toniazzo foi criado em um lar evangélico e, durante anos, tentou negar que era gay, passando por diversos procedimentos que visavam alterar a sua orientação sexual. Aos 15…
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ultramontanism · 2 years
Pope Pius X:
"Do not let yourselves be deceived by the subtle declarations of others who do not cease to pretend that they wish to be with the Church, to love the Church, to fight for her so that she will not lose the masses, to work for the Church so that she will come to understand the times and so to win back the people and attach them to herself. Judge these men according to their works. If they maltreat and despise the ministers of the Church and even the Pope; if they try by every means to minimize their authority, to evade their direction, and to disregard their counsels; if they do not fear to raise the standard of rebellion, what Church are these men speaking about? Not, certainly, of that Church established super fundamentum Apostolorum et Prophetarum, ipso summo angulari lapide, Christo Jesus: “upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone” (Eph 2:20). So We must have ever before our mind’s eye that counsel of St. Paul to the Galatians: “If we ourselves or if an angel should teach you any other Gospel than that which we have taught you, let him be anathema” (Gal 1:8)."
From: Pope Pius X, Address Con Vera Soddisfazione, May 10, 1909; in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol. I (1909), pp. 461-464. Translation taken from Papal Teachings: The Church, nn. 716-720; italics given. Quoted here.
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cuties-in-codices · 11 months
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androgynous christ
in john ridewall's "fulgentius metaforalis", bavaria, c. 1424
source: Vatican, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1066, fol. 243r
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jeannepompadour · 5 months
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Vergil's Aeneid from the Vergilius Vaticanus illuminated manuscript kept in the collection of the Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana. MS lat. 3225. fol. 33 v; by the Master of the Vergilius Vaticanus; 5th century AD
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
APOSTOLICA Release Second Single 'Skyfall'
Photo Credit: Andrea Falaschi Heavy metal heretics APOSTOLICA have released ‘Skyfall’, second single taken from the sophomore album ‘Animae Haeretica’ to be released on September 22nd via Scarlet Records. Stream the single here. Heavy metal heretics Apostolica have founded a new cult based on a mysterious, intriguing image, a bombastic and pristine sound, ultra-catchy riffs and plenty of…
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hey have you guys ever looked up depictions of octopodes in medieval bestiaries because
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what’s going on here
(shelfmarks in order from top left: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, KA 16 (Der Naturen Bloeme), folio 108v; Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg.lat.258, folio 25v; British Library, Additional MS 11390 (Der Naturen Bloeme), folio 60r; British Library, Additional MS 11390 (Der Naturen Bloeme), folio 54r)
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portalibis · 1 year
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Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1885 Alchemistische Illustrationen — Süddeutschland, um 1570-1580
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retroactivebakeries · 4 months
Although the proximate cause of the Peloponnesian War was a disputed umpire's call in a game between the Spartans and Athenians, this incident got lost in the numerous retellings of that celebrated conflict. As proof, we find no mention of it in The Iliad. Fortunately, its author attained lasting fame anyway by his discovery of the homer. Many other useful additions to baseball were made by the Greeks in the years that followed, such as the treiska miasmos (three-strikes-and-yer-out), the spheros entroadyton (passed ball), and the treiska katabasis (ground-rule triple) which was reduced to a double in 1708 by the Queen's Commissioner of Spherical Bodies, Sir Isaac Newton. In turn, baseball had a salutary effect upon Grecian culture. When the early Olympic games suffered from a drop in attendance during an extended Reading Period, the fast-food concessionaires, afraid of losing their livelihood, lobbied vigorously to get baseball included as an Olympic sport. Their initiative saved the Games. A veritable gaggle of Greeks poured into Olympia, and T-chitons with team logos did a brisk business. But the best sellers were red-figure baseball cards featuring players in the nude. Today, alas, only the Vatican has a complete set, which is kept in an electrum-and-alabaster shoebox in the Original Attic of the Penitenteria Apostolica's Librorum Prohibitorum.
Anthony D'Amato, The Contribution of the Infield Fly Rule to Western Civilization (and Vice Versa), 100 Nw. U. L. Rev. 189, 191 (2006)
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