#app review gigs
linkpulsemoney · 8 months
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crazydiscostu · 2 years
Roadie 3 (Roadie Music)
Roadie 3 (Roadie Music)
It’s been a long time since i was on stage at a festival, one-footing the monitor and growling into a microphone. Since Dynamo ruled supreme gig gear has come on leaps and bounds. Not just that, options for musicians have become infinitely more hi-tech and affordable. Today we’re looking at the Roadie 3 from Roadie Music – a veritable Swiss Army Knife for the gigging and non-gigging musician.…
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mahinuxu · 2 years
I will create professional website UI UX design website mockup web template in figma xd
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Create professional website ui ux design website mockup web template in figma xd by Mahinuxu | Fiverr
Looking for Website Design Services? Then you have clicked on the right gig. 
this is Mahin, a Certified UX and UI designer with more than 7+ years of experience in the design industry.
My Work Process-
Receive your requirement
Research about your products/services and business competitors
UI Design
Delivery of the first version, You review it. I’ll send you iteration(s), we are done together!
A brief description of your project.
Desired colors (if you have any) & logo.
Reference website (If any)
Final Delivery- Final delivery will be source files of the entire design.
I personally prefer using Figma/Adobe XD/Sketch
(No Development included in this gig)
You can contact me via direct message on Fiverr.
Thank you,
Please contact me before placing an order to discuss your needs and preferences.
Key points- Web UI, UX Research, awesome UI UX, unique and creative layout, web template, website mockup, landing page UI UX, web mockup, Homepage, wireframe, mobile app UI UX, modern website UI, professional UI UX landing page, eye catching website UI and UX, webpage layout, expert web designer, fiverr web designer, UIUX, prototype experts
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mtjapblogger · 10 months
How does the TCL 40x 5G do as a work phone for gig jobs compared to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (aka Note 23)? Here's what I've learned.
These days, working gig-style jobs like Doordash, Lyft, Uber, etc, is a great way to earn extra income.  Using my productivity power-house Note 23 for this is a piece of cake. I started to wonder, however, what if I had an average phone instead? Then I realized that I do have an average phone! So I once again said “Hello” to my TCL 40x 5G… my favorite budget phone of the year. I booted it up,…
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thethief1996 · 11 months
Gaza has been completely cut off from the world and from each other. Gazans with Turkish SIM cards have been able to make contact with the outer world and said rescue teams don't know where to go because they don't know where bombings have happened. There's no way to call ambulances. At night, due to the electricity cut, Gazans are left in complete dark only lit up by the airstrikes. They have no way to know what's happening on the next street over. Meanwhile, Israel is publishing AI rendered videos of tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital to manufacture consent for its bombing. Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in Gaza, is housing hundreds of refugees.
This was meant to cut off Palestinians from the world, because we are sympathizing with their first person accounts and it makes Genocide Joe look like a genocide denier when he casts doubt on the death toll (a note on this, Israel has called the Gaza Municipality to threaten them with bombings. They want to erase every record that Palestinians exist in Gaza).
It's not up to us to feel defeated. Israel denies the very existence of Palestinians, and when we turn around and give up hope, we are washing our hands of any work towards liberation and becoming complicit in the zionist narrative. The people of Gaza are alive, the people in the West Bank are alive and the 5.6 million refugees denied the right of return are alive. Mosques are using their minarets to send out help signals. We're being asked to be their voices, so let's be their voices.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe).
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices, looking to inform yourself from the sources. Palestinians have asked of us only that we share, tweet and post, over and over. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera
Anadolu Agency
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Al-Shabaka (twitter / instagram)
Mariam Barghouti (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza. He's been offline since yesterday. Keep him in your prayers.
Take action. You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Ahava cosmetics
Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate. Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN GERMANY: Here's a toolkit to contact your representatives by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN IRELAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN POLAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN DENMARK: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN SWEDEN: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN FRANCE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN THE NETHERLANDS: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN GREECE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN NORWAY: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN ITALY: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN SPAIN: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN FINLAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRIA: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN BELGIUM: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN ROMANIA: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN UKRAINE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Here's a list on tumblr
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
There will a National March on Nov 4th in Washington, with the participation of 200+ organizations. If you can, get a group of friends and attend.
Feel free to add more resources. Check the links, there are too many protests and tumblr has a word limit for text posts.
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dagwolf · 2 years
Recent viral images of Southwest agents getting yelled at and crying have resurfaced a valuable lesson about the nature of our economic system that’s worth examining this holiday season: the deliberate, built-in ways corporate “customer service” is set up to not only shield those on the top of the ladder—executives, vice presidents, large shareholders—but pit low-wage workers against each other in an inherently antagonistic relationship marked by powerlessness and frustration. It’s a dynamic we discussed in “Episode 118: The Snitch Economy—How Rating Apps and Tipping Pit Working People Against Each Other,” of the Citations Needed podcast I co-host, but I feel ought to be expanded on in light of recent events. Watching video after video, reading tweet after tweet, describing frustrated stranded holiday travelers yelling at Southwest Airlines workers, and hearing, in turn, accounts of airline workers and airport staff breaking down crying, is a good opportunity to talk about how none of this is natural or inevitable. It is a choice, both in corporate policy and government regulation. 
There are three main ways capital pits workers against each other in the relationship we call “customer service”:
1. Snitch economy. As discussed in Citations Needed Ep. 118, we are provided with more and more apps, websites, and customer surveys to effectively do the job of managing for management—free of charge, of course. Under the auspices of “empowering” the consumer, we are told to spy on our low-wage servants and gauge the quality of their servitude with stars, tips, and reviews. Uber, DoorDash, Fiver, Grubhub—a new “gig economy” has emerged that not only misclassifies workers as freelancers to pay them less, but hands over the reins of management to the consumer directly. This necessarily increases the antagonism between working-class consumers and the workers they are snitching on. 
2. Automation. Increasingly, even getting to the bottom rung employee to yell at is difficult. Under the thin pretense of Covid, increased labor power has exploded the use of automated technology that creates a frustrating maze to get a simple problem solved or task accomplished. Don’t go to the register, instead download the app and order. Scan the QR code, don’t wait on hold, go to our website and engage a series of automated prompts and maybe you can solve your problem. More and more consumers are being pushed away from humans onto automated systems we are told will “save us time,” but instead exist solely to save the corporation labor costs. So, by the time the average consumer does finally work their way to seeing a human, they are annoyed, frustrated, and angry at this faceless entity and more willing to take it out on someone making $13 an hour. 
One recent visit to Houston’s George H.W. Bush airport portended our obnoxious “automated” future. To cut down on unionized airport labor, all the restaurants use QR codes and require you to order food and drinks for yourself. Per usual, it’s sold as an exciting new technology that’s somehow good for consumers, but really the basic technology is 30 years old. It’s just a screen—the same ones restaurants have had for decades. The only thing that’s changed is the social conditioning of having you do all your own ordering and menu navigation. The waiter hasn’t been replaced by an iPad, they’ve been replaced by you. Invariably, it’s clunky and annoying and reduces the union jobs that airport construction is said to provide to justify soliciting public dollars. The only winner is a faceless corporation with a Delaware LLC and its shareholders living in a few counties in Connecticut and Texas.
Automation not only annoys and adds labor burdens to the customer, there is also evidence that it is a significant contributor to income inequality. A November 2022 study published in the journal Econometrica looked at the significantly widening income gap between lesser and more educated workers over the past 40 years. It found that ​​“automation accounts for more than half of that increase,” as summarized by MIT News. “This single one variable … explains 50 to 70 percent of the changes or variation between group inequality from 1980 to about 2016,” said MIT economist Daron Acemoglu, co-author of the study. Whether or not, under a different economic system, automation could be a force for good is a debate for another day. But what is clear is that, while both consumers and workers are harmed by this trend, there is a significant want of solidarity between them. 
3. Deliberate understaffing. This is a major culprit in this week’s Southwest Airlines meltdown. In parallel with the increased use of forced automation, cost-cutting corporations, facing increased labor power, are gutting staffing to its bare bones and hoping their corporate competitors doing the same will lead to a shift in consumer’s willingness to put up with substandard service and conditions, and overall bullshit. “We apologize for the wait,” the automated phone prompt tells us. Of course a machine cannot be contrite, so the effect is both surreal and grating: You’re not fucking sorry, you don’t exist. You're a recording. But now, who am I yelling at? 
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sidehustlerscentral · 5 months
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catb-fics · 6 months
Hi! I've never bought through them but I've sold tickets on Twickets before and I've found them to be really good. You're not able to list tickets for more than face value so nobody will have to pay over the odds and you have to upload your tickets or proof before you sell. All listings are reviewed by their team before they are made live, so you know its real and not a scam. If for some very unlikely reason something goes wrong you're fully covered too so you will get your money back.
If you download the app and make an account you can set up alerts for artists or specific events so you get a notification and email whenever someone lists tickets. As you get closer to the time tickets will start popping up more regularly when people's plans change and they realise they can't make it anymore. A lot of the time you can even manage to get tickets on the day of the gig quite easily!
Thanks for the tips anon ♥️ I think buying tickets this way seems to be the safest and most reasonable. I’ve sold tickets through Ticketmaster resale before too and it was dead simple selling them so I’m sure buying would be straightforward as well.
I also think there will be lots more tickets up for resale nearer the time as people might have to cancel last minute xx
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mariacallous · 1 year
In 2020, Nazia was working at a data entry office in Hyderabad, but dreamed of being a beautician. Then, on YouTube, she saw a video about Urban Company, a platform similar to the US site TaskRabbit, which promises to connect workers—plumbers, electricians, painters, beauticians, and others—with clients who need their services. Workers who join the platform as beauticians often pay upward of $500 to register and receive a salon equipment kit. For Nazia, it felt like an investment worth taking.
When it launched in 2014, Urban Company was revolutionary for India’s disjointed home services market, providing customers with vetted and trained workers through an easy-to-use interface. Nazia was one of tens of thousands of workers who joined the platform, which grew and grew thanks to consecutive rounds of fundraising from investors including Tiger Global and Prosus Ventures, becoming the largest home services provider in India, valued at almost $3 billion. Then it expanded into the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. In 2023, it launched in the US.
For workers it promised an opportunity to work flexibly, and earn well. In 2020, Fair Work, a research group that studies gig work companies, rated the company the best for workers in India, giving it a score of eight out of 10 on parameters that include fair pay and working conditions. (Uber scored one out of 10).
Nazia got stellar ratings and reviews from customers on the platform—so much so that she was invited to pay $300 to upgrade her account to Prime, which gave her access to better-paying jobs.
“Everything was going great,” she says. “With the money I made, I was able to help my family, buy a two-wheeler, and save money for my wedding.”
Urban Company fostered an identity for itself that was different from other gig work platforms, particularly for women. But since the start of the year, things have gone downhill, fast. Thousands of workers have found themselves arbitrarily dumped from the platform for not meeting new targets that they say have been set unattainably high. Nazia is among them. The platform, it seems, is subject to the same cycle of “enshittification” as its peers, sacrificing the incentives it had offered to get workers onto the platform in order to turn a profit—and abandoning its promises of flexibility in the process.
Urban Company declined to comment.
The first sign of trouble at Urban Company started in 2021, as the pandemic hit the home services business. The company slipped in Fairwork’s rankings, scoring five out of 10. Workers twice held protests demanding lower commissions and safer working conditions. After a media storm, Urban Company published a Medium blog introducing a “12 point program” to “improve partner earnings and livelihood”—which included lowering commissions and introducing an SOS helpline for women’s safety. In an attempt to be more transparent, the company started publishing a partner earnings index, but it also filed lawsuits against four protesters for “illegal and unlawful” actions.
But things got really difficult for Urban Company’s workers in 2023. The platform introduced a new rule stipulating that workers had to maintain an acceptance rate of at least 70 percent, a customer rating of at least 4.7 out of 5, and cancel fewer than four jobs per month. Failure meant being blocked from the app. Nazia managed to keep her ratings above 4.8 until May 2023, when they slipped to 4.69. She was temporarily blocked and put into “retraining”—an online video course followed by 10 bookings that she had to take free of charge in an attempt to boost her rating. Unfortunately, for Nazia, her rating did not budge from 4.69. Since then, she’s been out of work.
“It all happened so quickly,” Nazia says. Now she’s stuck with $2,500 in loans.
I spoke to more than a dozen women like Nazia, all of whom asked for anonymity to protect themselves from retribution and say they were blocked by the platform after failing to meet what they believe were unrealistic expectations.
In Bengaluru, Shabnam—who used a friend’s credit card to pay the $500 joining fee—found that Urban Company started assigning her jobs farther and farther away from home. With rising costs and high commissions, taking these distant trips was “as good as earning nothing,” she says. She turned down the jobs that weren’t economically viable, and soon her response rate—the number of jobs she accepted—dropped to 20 percent. In June, she was dropped from the platform.
Seema, who had worked for Urban Company for five years, had a miscarriage earlier this year. As she was being rushed to the hospital, she didn’t have time to mark in the Urban Company app that she wasn’t able to work that day. Her acceptance rate of bookings fell to 30 percent. She couldn’t get her rate back up to the mandated 80 percent, and she was permanently suspended from the platform. “I went to the office with the doctor’s prescription and everything. They still did not agree to reinstate my account,” Seema says.
In Hyderabad, Sunanda says her account was deactivated earlier this year after a death in the family meant she had to cancel some jobs. She pleaded with a company representative on its helpline and in person—she even submitted the death certificate, but she’s still blocked. “They said they cannot reinstate my account because my rating is not 4.7 or above. I told them my rating is 4.69 and if they give me a chance I will bring it back up, but they refused,” Sunanda, 42, said. “They have given the customers this one weapon: ratings.”
As well as the stick of targets and quotas, Urban Company also offered a carrot for workers: shares in the business.
In 2022, the company announced its Partner Stock Options Program (PSOP), granting shares worth $18 million over the next five to seven years. The following November, they awarded stocks worth approximately $635,000 to 500 partners. But while the PSOPs seemed to be almost guaranteed for workers, the process of accessing them is heavily gamified.
Pratima, an Urban Company beautician, was very excited at the end of 2022 when she realized she’d made it to the top 10 list of workers in her category in Bengaluru. If she continued to stay in the top 10 until April, she was told she’d be granted the company’s stock options that following November. “They call us partners, but don’t treat us like it,” said Pratima, requesting to be referred to under a pseudonym. “I was hoping that if I get a share in the company, maybe then I will be treated like a partner.”
By February, Pratima had completed more than 200 jobs, and she was still in the top 10. Then, a series of low ratings by disgruntled customers pulled down her overall rating, blocking her temporarily and dropping her off the leaderboard. She kept at it, worked back-to-back jobs, and got herself unblocked and back into the rankings. April came around, and she was in the top 10. But then the company seemed to have extended the contest—the leaderboard has kept on counting, but the workers don’t know what’s going on. “It’s like they are making us run a marathon in the name of shares,” she says.
For women who were sold Urban Company’s promises of flexibility and empowerment, the shock of losing their livelihood or being forced to work longer and longer hours has been exacerbated by a sense of betrayal.
“For women especially, a lot of times they have care responsibilities at home, and so there’s hope to find work that’s flexible, that allows them to pick up their kids from school or take junior to the doctor,” says Alexandrea Ravenelle, an author of two books on gig work and a sociology assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. “A lot of these platforms are playing off of that need for flexibility because, for many of the workers who are coming to these platforms, an alternative isn’t a white-collar job in a tech office where they can bring the play pen and set the kid up.”
The mismatch between the promise of these platforms and their reality becomes clear when the businesses move from their early growth phase, in which they are able to burn investors’ cash, to one where they have to start to turn a profit.
When two-sided marketplaces that match workers with clients grow, they try to make things as comfortable as possible for workers to create a deep pool of available services. “The shortcut way to do this is to offer incentives to them—be it sellers, drivers, or other gig workers—showing them that this is a lucrative business,” says Rutvik Doshi, a general partner at VC firm Athera Venture Partners.
Companies spend big on marketing as they try to grow as fast as possible (during the 2021–2022 financial year, Urban Company spent close to $30 million on marketing and clocked a loss of over $60 million), working on the assumption that one day the demand for their services will become organic, the suppliers will start making enough money without incentives, and the platform will be able to raise the commissions it takes off its workers.
But when this doesn’t happen, companies desperately rework their models. When they need to curb spending, or when they struggle to raise new funding, marketing is the first thing they cut. Demand drops, creating an oversupply of workers on the platform. “And the excessive supply on the platforms feels the pinch. That’s the typical cycle with a two-sided marketplace,” Doshi says.
On July 10, Urban Company CEO Abhiraj Bahl released a video to the company’s workers explaining the new strict policies. He said that each year, 45 percent of customers use the platform just once and don’t make a second booking, while 15 to 20 percent of workers leave. “And as a result of all of this, Urban Company is still a loss-making company,” he said in the video, part of which has been viewed by WIRED. “So we are losing customers and we are also losing money.”
He blamed the decline in customers on “poor quality service” and “off-platform jobs”—that is, workers making private arrangements with clients and taking their work off Urban Company, something that’s a serious risk to the company’s model. “It’s kind of an existential question: They need the workers and the customers to stay on their platform in order to remain an intermediary,” says Ambika Tandon, a tech and labor researcher at the Center for Internet and Society think tank.
All of this has led the company to push its workers into a mold that essentially has all the downsides of regular employment but few of the benefits. For workers who joined the platform for its flexibility and autonomy, this reality of platform work becomes difficult to reconcile with.
“Urban Company is trying to imagine an ideal worker for this particular model to be someone who is always available, gives their 100 percent, [doesn’t] cancel at all, has no family responsibilities,” Tandon says. “But a lot of these workers are single parents, who have family responsibility and children to take care of. These are not folks who will fit into this model of having a 80 percent, 90 percent acceptance rate.”
In June, WhatsApp groups used by Urban Company workers were flooded with messages about one of their peers, who had reportedly died by suicide after the company deactivated her account—leaving her with no source of income. Several workers I spoke with said that while the news was shocking, none of them knew the victim. “We were vexed,” Seema from Bengaluru says, “But the problem is that all of us are so isolated from each other. The platform doesn’t have any get-togethers, nothing. We all don’t have any relationships, which is a plus point for Urban Company.”
But, like their peers across the platform economy, Urban Company workers are now getting organized. In June and July, hundreds of Urban Company workers took to the streets in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. Shabnam was present at one of the protests last month in Bengaluru, demanding that the company reinstate her account. With this, they have joined thousands of Indian gig workers from Uber, Ola, Swiggy, Blinkit and more.
There have been at least half a dozen such protests across different cities in India since the beginning of the year—all of them essentially fighting for the same reasons: better pay and working conditions, a ban on unfair practices, and laws governing gig work that workers can lean on for safety and protection. “It’s not just Urban Company that has been blocking accounts,” said Shaik Salauddin, founder of Telangana Gig and Platform Worker Union. “Ola, Uber, Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon, Flipkart—all aggregator companies are doing this.”
Rikta Krishnaswamy, a coordinator with the All India Gig Workers Union, said that the union has had conversations with the labor departments across different cities, including Delhi and Pune. Another meeting is coming up in Mumbai. “We have raised complaints against these illegal dismissals, and the labor departments in Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram have sent notices to the company for a meeting,” she said. “Let’s see if they actually show up.”
Some of the workers whose accounts were blocked have been able to get it reinstated, provided their rating was not lower than 4.7 and they weren’t blocked for trust and safety issues. But, if the video shared by Bahl is any indication, things are only going to get worse by the end of the year. The company has launched a salon quality improvement program called Project Shakti, under which, by December, the performance metrics are going to get even stricter for beauticians: an acceptance rate greater than 80 percent, no more than three monthly cancellations, and “100 percent orders delivered on UC app only.” The rating threshold will continue to be at a minimum of 4.7.
The new policy is being hammered home. Workers whose accounts have been reinstated and those already active on the platform are being called for a meeting to the Urban Company office in small groups of around 10. Some have to watch Bahl’s video. Then they are presented with new terms and conditions to sign, which include consent for them to be permanently blocked from the platform if they miss their targets.
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doctorguilty · 1 year
oh also last night while I was crying from financial stress I got a message from someone on the rover app looking to book me this weekend for $150 worth of dog sitting because he's going out of town and needs last minute care, and I had replied mid breakdown to ask about the details and his needs etc and then he responded (literally 30 mins after his initial booking message) nevermind b/c he postponed his trip
it feels like every potential good news is a punchline like, oh no actually we lied when we said we had everything we needed to approve you for food stamps we actually need more, oh no we lied when we said we mailed your refunded stolen funds we're still reviewing your case, oh no sorry I decided 30 mins after offering a $150 gig I don't need it done, like ........ this is my life? I live like this?
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How to Fix GA4 Google Analytics 4 setup?
How to Fix GA4 Google Analytics 4 setup?
If you're facing issues with your GA4 Google Analytics 4 setup, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix common problems:
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1. Verify your tracking code implementation: Ensure that you have correctly implemented the GA4 tracking code on your website or app. Double-check that the code snippet is placed on all relevant pages and that it is firing correctly. You can use browser extensions or developer tools to inspect the code and verify if it's being executed properly.
2. Check for data processing delays: It's important to note that there can be delays in data processing in GA4. If you recently set up GA4 or made changes to your implementation, allow some time for the data to propagate and become available in your reports. Generally, it can take a few hours or up to 24-48 hours for data to appear.
3. Confirm data collection settings: Review your data collection settings in GA4. Ensure that you have enabled the necessary data collection options, such as events, conversions, user properties, or enhanced measurement features, depending on your requirements. Make sure that you haven't accidentally disabled any crucial data collection settings.
4. Verify event and parameter mappings: Check your event and parameter mappings to ensure they are correctly configured. GA4 allows you to customize events and parameters to track specific actions or behaviors on your website or app. Verify that the events and parameters you expect to see in your reports are being sent correctly from your tracking implementation.
5. Test events and conversions: Manually trigger the events and conversions that you want to track in GA4 to confirm if they are being recorded accurately. You can use tools like Google Tag Assistant or the GA4 DebugView to help troubleshoot and monitor the events being sent from your website or app.
6. Review data filters and exclusions: If you have set up any data filters or exclusions in GA4, ensure that they are correctly configured. Improperly configured filters or exclusions can impact data accuracy or prevent certain data from being recorded. Double-check your settings and adjust them as needed.
7. Check for data discrepancies: Compare the data in GA4 with other analytics tools or data sources to identify any discrepancies. Differences in data can occur due to various factors like data sampling, tracking discrepancies, or configuration issues. Investigate the discrepancies to pinpoint potential problems and address them accordingly.
8. Consult documentation and resources: Review the official Google Analytics documentation, forums, or support resources for additional troubleshooting guidance. The Google Analytics Help Center and the GA4 community can provide valuable insights and solutions to common setup issues.
9. Seek professional assistance if needed: If you've exhausted all troubleshooting options and still can't resolve the issues with your GA4 setup, consider reaching out to a Google Analytics expert or consulting with the Google Analytics support team for further assistance.
Remember to test any changes or fixes in a controlled environment and monitor the impact to ensure accurate data collection and reporting in GA4.
Check my Website: www.freelancermostafizur.com
Check my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/fixga4setupgoogleanalytics4expert
Check LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com
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mahinuxu · 2 years
Hire the Best Mobile apps design Experts. Find the most talented Mobile apps design experts on Fiverr to bring your ideas to life.
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this is Mahin, a Certified UX and UI designer with more than 7+ years of experience in the designing industry.
My Work Process- 
Receive your requirement
Research about your products/services
UX Design
UI Design
Delivery of the first version, You review it. I’ll send you iteration(s), we are done together!
A brief description of your project.
Desired colors (if you have any) & logo.
Reference website (If any)
Final Delivery- Final delivery will be source files of the entire design. File format will be depending on the client's needs.
I personally prefer using Figma/Adobe XD/Sketch
(No Development included in this gig)
Message me if you have any questions regarding my work or have any interesting projects to start.
Thank you,
Mahin :)
Expertise area- Creative mobile app, professional app, modern app UI, psd template, wireframe, app mockup, mobile app UI UX, adobe xd, app mockup, top UI & UX experts, bespoke app UI UX, mobile app, uxui, stunning mobile app, expert app designer using Figma xd, creative app layout. UI & UX expert.
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axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review XVI (Victoria 2022): Transport Matters Party
Prior review: VIC 2018
What I said before: “Transport Matters is not a party of public transport advocates, but an anti-Uber party that exists to air the grievances of the taxi industry.”
What I think this year: Hire-car operator Rod Barton co-founded Transport Matters in 2017 and managed to harvest preferences so astonishingly well that he won a seat in Eastern Metropolitan at the 2018 election off a meagre 0.62% of the vote. This came from the anti-democratic Group Ticket Voting system, siphoning preferences from people who voted 1 above the line for a dizzying array of minor parties. Almost all of these voters would not have distributed their references in the manner assigned to them by each party's group ticket had they been free to preference above the line in the manner of their choosing. A preference spiral like this is literally impossible when people control their preferences.
Honestly, as a member of the Legislative Council, Barton has not been too bad and his party possesses a reasonable spectrum of policies on transport and beyond. It is not a single-issue party any more, with non-transport policies generally being centre-left stuff. Barton, for instance, has been active in parliament on homelessness and wants to see a range of recommendations introduced to expand housing and support services. Health policies are mostly broad motherhood statements about more funding; policies for government transparency are similarly brief; workers’ rights goes little beyond regulating better conditions for gig economy workers (which would be great!). Gender equality policies are limited and strangely all about men. First Nations policies are supportive of Victoria’s current treaty process.
But let’s talk about transport, because this is the party’s ostensible reason for existence—and it also happens to be one of my professional areas of expertise. Frankly, Transport Matters is all over the place here. Regulating Uber and other rideshare apps remains their first policy and top priority. The policy on tolls is hyper-specific, it focuses principally on taxi drivers, and it lacks a big-picture approach to congestion charging. Transport Matters supports the Suburban Rail Loop, a project I also support (both because it will provide the cross-suburban PT capacity Melbourne badly needs and because it will stimulate new activity centres and less sprawling, more sustainable suburban densification in a manner no bus upgrade could). Their other policies for heavy rail contain supportive sentiments but nothing of substance.
Transport Matters want to expand the free tram zone, and I could write an entire book here but all I’m going to say is that this specific proposal is poorly conceived and draws on evidence from Estonia of a completely different policy (Transport Matters tries to justify a modest extension of the free tram zone’s boundary for all passengers by referring to findings from Tallinn making public transport free but only for residents). Worst, Transport Matters supports the complete fever dream that is “trackless trams”, specifically from Caulfield to Rowville. It is ridiculous to dress up a bendy bus so that it looks like a tram and to operate it on an over-spec’d busway that costs nearly as much as an actual tram but can’t come close to providing the capacity or energy efficiency of trams. It is very hard to consider anyone a credible thinker on transport if they fall for trackless tram nonsense.
My recommendation: Give Transport Matters a middling to decent preference. Remember to vote below the line on the large ballot for the Legislative Council so that your preference goes where you want it to go; all ballots with 5 or more preferences marked below the line are valid votes.
Website: https://www.transportmatters.org.au/
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Domain Blaster Review – Automated Website Ranking with Expired Domains
Welcome to my Domain Blaster Review, This is a genuine user-based Domain Blaster review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how Domain Blaster can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Brand New AI App Hijacks Premium Any Expired Domains and Their Entire Websites in Less Than 60 Seconds.
Imagine grabbing high-traffic expired domains with 100,000+ strong backlinks in just minutes and turning them into money-making machines on complete autopilot! Domain Blaster is a revolutionary tool that taps into the power of expired domains, offering users a way to boost their online presence without starting from scratch. Expired domains often retain valuable backlinks, traffic, and authority, which can be leveraged to gain an SEO advantage. Domain Blaster not only helps users identify these high-value domains but also automates content creation for them, making it a game-changer for affiliate marketers, SEO experts, and online entrepreneurs seeking to scale their operations quickly and efficiently. So, don’t miss out! Get your copy of Domain Blaster today and start profiting from day one!
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What Is Domain Blaster?
Domain Blaster is an automated software designed to help users find, acquire, and repurpose expired domains to build content-rich websites quickly and efficiently. These expired domains often retain valuable SEO properties, such as backlinks and authority, making them an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their online presence without starting from scratch. The tool automates domain discovery, content generation, and SEO optimization, enabling users to launch websites in a fraction of the time it usually takes. By leveraging AI-driven content creation and customizable website templates, Domain Blaster is a powerful solution for digital marketers, SEO professionals, and entrepreneurs seeking to maximize traffic and rankings in their respective niches.
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Domain Blaster Review: Overview
Product Creator: Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra
Product Name: Domain Blaster
Launch Date: 2024-Sep-14
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $19 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Visit Official Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “DomainBlaster2” To Get $2 OFF!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
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Domain Blaster Review: About Authors
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Domain Blaster was created by Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra, who bring vast knowledge and skills to the forefront. Amit is known for his extensive knowledge of affiliate marketing, software and ability to create complex automation systems. Anirudh Baavra, on the other hand, is an experienced entrepreneur and software developer known for his ability to devise new solutions that simplify complex operations.
Amit and Anirudh collaborate on vital solutions for marketers looking to simplify their affiliate marketing efforts, such as DIY Niche Sites, DealSites, SoftSites, WP Funnels, Auto Health Sites, WP Emails, Azon AutoSites, WebWise, WP Host, MegaPLR Suite, Web Blaster, TypoGram, Webtri, Bookly Pro, AI GIGS, AI Journey, Power VPN, DFY Blogs, PLR Funnels, many others.
Domain Blaster Review: Key Features of Domain Blaster
Find Expired & Aged Domains with Over 100,000 Strong Backlinks
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Rank Your Domains & Sites on The First Page of Google with Our Automated SEO Ranking Tools
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Fire All Your Expensive Tools & Services
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Commercial License Included – Create & Sell as Many Assets as You Like to Your Clients
Newbie Friendly, Easy-To-Use Dashboard
Iron-clad 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Domain Blaster Review: How Does It Work?
Find & Clone ANY Expired Domain With Over 100,000 Backlinks In Just 3 Steps! And In Less Than 60 Seconds!
Step #1: Find
Login to the admin panel and click on the Domain Finder tab
Step #2: Enter
You just need to enter the search with the keyword in the search bar & You will get high-traffic expired domains from more than 300k domains.
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Start Profiting By Cloning The Entire Expired Domain Website Along With Its Backlinks, Traffic & Everything In Less Than 60 Seconds
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Domain Blaster Review: Can Do For You
Find High-Traffic & High-Authority Websites In ANY Niche In 60 Seconds!
Instantly Clone ANY website on your domain just with the URL – in 1-click
Publish Over 100s of Automated Daily Contents & Blog Posts…
Rank Your Websites On The Google’s First Page With Automated SEO Ranking Tools
The website will search the high-traffic domains from 300k domains
No need for domain and hosting purchases (for subdomains)
Optimized for speed – no performance impact…
Built-in Website Editor with different options like social links, meta options, email, site title etc
Find, Clone & Rank YOUR Dream Website & Start Profiting Like Never Before…
Article (Website Pages) option with add and delete content facility
Step By Step Training Included
Responsive design & Fully SEO optimized
Domain Blaster Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Digital Product Sellers
Business Owners
Bloggers & Website owners
Email Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Online Courses and eBooks
E-Commerce Store Owners
And Many Others
Domain Blaster Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Domain Blaster ($19)
OTO1: Domain Blaster Pro ($37-$47)
OTO2: Domain Blaster Advance ($37-$47)
OTO3: Domain Blaster DFY ($37-$47)
OTO4: Domain Blaster Agency ($67-$97)
OTO5: Domain Blaster Reseller ($97)
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My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Domain Blaster: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Domain Blaster Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Domain Blaster Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: Domain For Sales
Your site visitors who are interested in buying your domain be able to submit their bid and if the amount is above your bid limit, you will get a notification through email, and you can check the bid history from the back office.
Bonus #2: Domain Statistic Tool
It shows you related information about domains such as several indexed pages in Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing), Geo Location, Social Statistics, and more.
Bonus #3: Domain Blaster Hosting Billing & Automation Software
Domain Pro Billing makes it so easy to manage your web hosting and digital service agency business. The robust features automate your customers’ whole life cycle.
Bonus #4: Domain Blaster Notifier For Expired Domains
Domain Notifier is a Windows app that can help you to extract external domains from a website like CNN or Wikipedia and check to see which domains are available to register. This is the perfect tool to register expired domains that have backlinks from authority sites Using this app you can verify a list of domains daily to see if any is becoming available to register. Be the first to is notified about the domains that are not renewed.
Bonus #5: WP FlipBooks
WP FlipBooks is a lightweight and rich-feature plugin that helps you create great interactive digital HTML5 flipbooks. With this plugin, you are able to easily make media books for your site that empower publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content. It provides an easy way for you to convert static PDF documents and image sets into online magazines, interactive catalogs, media brochures or booklets in seconds.
Bonus #6: Site Blocker
This plugin prevents fake, malicious, and spam visitors from entering your site. Blocks Spam Google Analytics Referrer bots. Blocks HTTrack, WPScan and similar malicious bots. Blocks malicious email registrations and comments. and with more features, you can block everything.
Bonus #7: WP SEO
The Premium SEO Pack for WordPress is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website for today’s search engines. Premium SEO Pack contains all the features that you would expect to find in dozens of different WordPress plugins, plus it includes unique features that you just cannot find anywhere else.
Domain Blaster Review: Money Back Guarantee
You’re In Safe Hands With Our 100% Risk-FREE, Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
The deal is that if you buy Domain Blaster and don’t believe you’re receiving what you paid for, we don’t want your money. We’re on a quest to produce a high-quality product with ZERO unsatisfied consumers. And if we fail in any manner, we do not deserve your money. If we don’t fulfill your expectations, please let us know within 30 days for a complete refund. Heck, as a kind gesture, we’ll even offer you some extra software to help you grow your business and sales like never before. So, either way, you win.
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Domain Blaster Review: Pros and Cons
Automated discovery of high-authority expired domains.
Saves time with AI-driven content generation.
Immediate SEO advantage with existing backlinks.
User-friendly interface suitable for beginners.
Cost-effective solution for new projects or rebranding.
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What exactly is Domain Blaster?
A Brand-NEW AI App That Finds High Traffic and High-Authority Expired Domains with Over 100,000 Strong Backlinks and Instantly Ranks It on the 1st Page of Google with Done-For-You SEO-Optimized, Long-Form 100s of Daily Automated Contents & Blog Posts!
Q. Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
Domain Blaster is 100% newbie friendly with easy-to-use dashboard…
Q. What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered… If you don’t see your desired results with Domain Blaster just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny…
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
Q. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the Domain Blaster at the lowest price
Domain Blaster Review: My Recommendation
Domain Blaster is a powerful tool that can streamline the website creation process and help you establish a strong online presence. Its ability to automate tasks such as finding expired domains, cloning websites, and creating content can save you time and effort. However, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks, such as the quality of the generated content and the limitations in customization. If you are looking for a way to quickly and efficiently build websites and generate content, Domain Blaster may be worth considering. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks to determine if it aligns with your specific needs and goals.
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Check Out My Previous Reviews: Affiliate Profitz AI Review, EverHost AI Review, WhiteLabel AI Biz Review,Brand AI Review, Helix App Review, and CloudDaddyPro Review.
Thank for reading my  Domain Blaster Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of Domain Blaster. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, but the one-time fee is $ 19.
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Okay, okay, I'm still on my journey through random shit Andy Zaltzman has done on podcasts in various years, and here's a podcast that did a 12-minute interview with Andy Zaltzman, recorded at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Firstly, last week I was trying to find sources besides David O'Doherty that claim that Jimmy Carr was in the So You Think You're Funny 1999 finals even though he was left off the Wikipedia list, and here is yet another instance of Andy Zaltzman saying he was there, though somewhat amusingly, this time Andy forgot Russell Howard:
They then briefly discuss the Zaltzman and Oliver origins, which I've left in in case anyone who didn't want to read my 13,000-word biography of Andy Zaltzman does want a very quick summary of where he came from in comedy, in advance of him starting on Taskmaster this week.
But then, later in the 12-minute interview, they get into a more interesting topic. Recently on this blog, I have covered various mysteries from the early days of Andy Zaltzman's comedy career. Why did he and John Oliver both answer that 2004 BBC questionnaire by saying they want a head like an orange? Was Jimmy Carr definitely in that competition final with Andy from 1999? Who wrote the "grindingly mediocre" review of Andy Zaltzman's stand-up in 2000? All of those questions have been answered recently. But there is one question that I've wondered about for several years now: what the fuck happened at that one disastrous gig in York, in what Russell Howard called 2006 but I thought was probably 2005, based on other references to it? A few years ago I made a compilation of every reference I could find to this gig:
I thought I'd found all the references that were out there to that show, but then, in this clip from a 12-minute interview recorded from Edinburgh 2011 that Andy Zaltzman did with some guy I'd never heard of, buried deep in the search results of my podcast app:
Well that's the most detailed description of it I've heard so far. It's pretty much what I assumed, except that Andy Zaltzman says it was the first preview they did together, which I assume means it was for their first joint Edinburgh show, which would make it 2004. I'd assumed it was 2005 because Andy called it "about four years ago" in 2009. Russell Howard called it 2006, but he said that in 2017, so long enough after the fact that he could easily have been a year out in his memory. And 2006 makes a lot less sense because while they did write a joint show that year, John Oliver ran off to America before the festival started, and I think he knew by preview season that he was going to America, so I don't think they'd have done previews of their joint show that year, Andy had to re-write it to be a solo show. Though I guess if they hadn't written it yet and were just riffing, that could have been early enough if the season to have happened in 2006. But it wouldn't have been their first one.
So there's some more light shed on yet another mystery. The answers to the mysteries are always out there, no matter how long it takes to find them! Somewhere in the depths of the search results on my podcast app, I know there is a clip of David O'Doherty explaining those wild nights of Late 'n' Live where one time they actually took a pretend cow apart on stage, and here's the story of that...
Anyway, I could have cut that York audio clip shorter, but I had to leave in the bit just afterward when Andy Zaltzman brought in Paul Sinha, who had not been previously mentioned in that interview but apparently just happened to be hanging out nearby, to make fun of famous musicians and famous comedy clubs. So I've posted two audio clips from this interview, and there's an interesting bit in between those two audio clips where Andy discusses the "editorial independence" that The Bugle gets from The Times, which is interesting given this interview's timing of August 2011. A couple of weeks after the time when John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman were ripping apart their Times-based parent company on The Bugle over the News International scandal, and a couple of months before The Times fired them with suspicious timing. Interesting to hear his view of the editorial independence, from the eye of that storm.
I would post that clip, but honestly the whole interview is only 12 minutes long, so at that point I'd just be posting the entire interview. Everyone go listen to the whole interview, it's fun.
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moneymattersdaily · 1 month
How to Make Actual Money with Surveys
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The internet is full of opportunities, and nothing is as easy and available as taking online surveys. Still, what lies in many minds is the question: Can one really make actual money with surveys? The short answer is yes, but much like any other money-making opportunity, it’ll take some strategy, effort, and a bit of know-how. This all-encompassing guide will take you on a deep dive into the world of paid surveys, showing you how to maximize your earnings while avoiding common pitfalls.
Imagine getting paid for your opinion. That sounds a bit too good to be true, right? Well, that is the impression created by looking at the online survey platforms — fast money just by answering questions about anything and possibly everything. Not all opportunities to take surveys are made equal, however. Some will be lucrative; others may turn out to be a simple waste of your time. The key is knowing where to look and how one should approach this online gig to turn it into a real money-making venture. By the end of this guide, you will have the necessary insights on how to start earning real cash from paid surveys.
Make Money with Surveys: The Basics
1. How Paid Surveys Work Before getting into how to go about it, you’ll first need to appreciate how the survey industry works. All over the world, many companies want to access the opinions of the consumers with the aim of refining their products and services. For this cause, they reach out to survey panels that link them to people like you, who are ready to give their candid feedback.
Signing up process:
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The survey platforms work to create a harmonious relationship between companies and survey respondents in such a way that everything is pretty much straightforward and user-friendly. Keep in mind, though, that not every survey will be worth your time. If you would like to earn real money, you have to be choosy and smart.
2. Search for Real Survey Sites
One of the main problems beginners have is finding the survey sites that are real, those that truly pay out. The internet is filled with scammers who promise heaven but give nothing. Here’s how to find trustworthy platforms:
Research: Start by searching for reviews and testimonials of survey sites. Websites like Trustpilot and Reddit can be very resourceful. Proof of Payment: Genuine paid survey websites always have their users’ payment proofs on display. It can be in the form of screenshots or simple testimonials. Search for Transparency: The real sites are very open on how much they can offer and how they process payments, along with their privacy policies. Avoiding Red Flags: Just avoid the trap of the kinds of sites that will ask you to pay some kind of upfront fee, promise you ridiculously high sums of money, or display terrible content writing.
Some of these old but still reputable survey sites include: Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research. These sites are not only reputable but also offer a variety of options for earning income other than taking surveys, which means you have the chance for more income.
Boost Your Earnings
3. Tips and Tricks to Multiply Your Survey Income After verifying the credibility of the survey platforms, you would want to make the most out this opportunity. The following are tried-and-tested ways to make real money from such surveys:
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Focus on High-Paying Surveys Not all surveys pay out the same. Some only pay a few cents while others pay out several dollars. You could find that you are wasting a lot of time for very small pay if you are not taking the high-paying surveys. Use Survey Apps Many of the survey sites also have mobile apps that allow you to take surveys while on the go. It is a great way to use otherwise wasted time like your daily commute or standing in a line.
Refer Friends: This is where some sites give bonuses for referees. For inviting your friends to subscribe, this can pay back your referral fee in terms of a small percentage of their income, thereby increasing your income.
Surveys shouldn’t be considered a full-fledged job by any stretch of the imagination, but these tips and tricks will help you ensure that the time you do spend on them proves to be time well spent.
4. Avoiding Common Pitfalls As much as the opportunity to make some money from online surveys is very appealing, at the same time, one needs to keep away from major pitfalls that may jeopardize one’s efforts. Here is what you should look out for:
Survey Fatigue: With one sitting, engaging in too many online surveys may wear you down. It is always important to do them at a pace, doing only those that one finds interesting or are worth their time. Low Remunerative Surveys: Surveys usually pay less fee, but some of them are exceptions — really low quality. Try to identify such surveys and skip them. Management of Time: If one gets deeply involved in short and monotonous surveys, he or she will completely forget his or her time planning. Make special time within the day to engage in surveys and not in between other engagements. Scams: Be alert for those scams. Avoid any site that seeks personal information which, upon consideration, would seem unreasonable or intrusive. Unrealized expectations: There can be some serious looking sites about high rewards in return, but they never pay up. It’s better to work on the websites that have been credited with good reviews and have a history of paying their users time and again.
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Diversifying Your Earnings
5. Other Money-Making Features of Survey Sites Though taking online surveys is the backbone of every way of earning money for survey websites there are even little other money-making features, as noted below:
Paid Offers: Some websites have sections within the survey platform for a different type of offer. For example; signing up for free trials or purchasing items intending to receive a rebate. Those kinds of operations generally have higher remuneration than regular surveys. Watching Videos : There are some portals which pay you to watch some short video clips. One would not have to put in much effort in this job and hence is a quick way of earning money.
Focus Groups These are slightly more detailed surveys, conducted in groups via video calls. They carry better pay, as high as $100 or perhaps even higher,. Product Testing: You can take a survey company’s offer to test out a product. You keep the item and either get paid or earn store gift cards. Cashback Shopping: A reasonable number of online survey companies partner with online stores to provide cash back. If you buy stuff online, this can be a great way to make money while doing something you normally do. You could find yourself working to increase your engagement in activities across survey platforms, all to keep the experience fresh and interesting and, at the same time, work towards increasing your income.
6. Getting Paid and Managing Your Earnings Cashing out your money is one of the most enjoyable experiences in the entire field of taking surveys. Here are some tips on getting the money into your hands:
Know the minimum payment threshold: Nearly all the survey sites have got minimum payout balances that a person has to reach before given the green light to withdraw earnings. But generally, these values will range from somewhere between $5 to $50.
Select your mode of payment: Payment modes are pretty versatile on 
survey sites: either transfer directly to your PayPal or bank account, take gift cards, or even checks. Please make the one that you find best for you. Track All Your Earnings Keep a record of your completed surveys and how much you have earned on them. This way, you can keep close tabs on how you’re progressing and at the same time not miss out on any payments owed to you.
By managing your earnings wisely, it can help secure a steady flow of income through your survey-taking efforts.
In essence, one can make actual money through surveys, but it really requires loads of patience and consistency. The key to making this an innovative source of money is choosing the legitimate survey platforms, using the tactics to maximize earning potential, and avoiding common pitfalls. One cannot get rich through surveys overnight, but meaningful financial realizations are possible with the right mindset and tactics.
Now, if you truly are ready to start earning, why not give it a try, right? Go ahead and sign up; get to work by taking surveys now and begin your journey towards earning actual money by sharing your views. No need to miss out on the opportunity to make a profit just by sharing your thoughts. Register now and start taking paid surveys. Sign up into the platform now and make easy cash on the side.
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