#online opportunities
bemarketers · 2 months
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This article serves as a detailed guide to achieving significant financial goals. It covers essential aspects like mindset, entrepreneurship, investment strategies, online opportunities, personal finance, and networking. Each section provides practical advice and actionable steps, making it a valuable resource for anyone aiming for financial success.
(via How to Make $1 Million in the Next 36 Months: A Comprehensive Guide)
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linkpulsemoney · 8 months
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fashionably-forgetful · 11 months
Looking for an online writing opportunity?
There are various online writing jobs that offer daily or quick payments. Keep in mind that the availability of such jobs can vary, and you should always be cautious when seeking online employment. Here are some types of writing jobs that may provide daily pay or quick payouts: Content Mills: Some content mill platforms pay writers for articles or blog posts upon acceptance. Examples include…
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lawandlearning-786 · 1 year
Earn Cash from Home
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dailylifehacks-xyz · 1 year
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mentormaven777 · 1 year
The Fastest Way to Earn Money Online, Shorten Links and Profit!
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Looking to make quick money online? Look no further! One of the fastest and easiest methods to generate income is through link shortening and affiliate marketing. By utilizing this strategy, you can earn money by simply sharing shortened links that include your affiliate code. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage link shortening services to maximize your earning potential in the online world.
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Link shortening platforms, such as Bc.vc , offer a simple and efficient way to make money online. These services allow you to take long and cumbersome URLs and transform them into concise, shareable links. By signing up as an affiliate with a reputable company, you can incorporate your affiliate code into these shortened links, enabling you to earn commissions for each click or purchase made through your link.The Fastest Way to Earn Money Online:Shorten Links
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sleepsucks · 4 months
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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starrysharks · 8 months
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"it happens all the time, it happens all the time", a tautology of self-delusion - a one-way love affair that turned me into a weak rabbit
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geryone · 9 months
If you’re a poet/writer/artist looking for a place to submit your work submissions are open at the online journal Riggwelter! They accept submissions of poetry, short fiction, short scripts, visual art (of any kind – photography, collage, traditional art etc.) experimental/mixed media, essays and reviews!
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jadesabbat · 2 months
It occured to me today that being kinda shitty online will haunt a person longer than actual crimes will, at least in the us. As an example, let's look at some statutes of limitations in Texas, a state I assume is tough on crime:
Felony theft - 5 years
Arson - 10 years
Forgery - 10 years
Endangering a child - 5 years (or maybe 10? Idk it's listed twice)
Trafficking a child for labor - 20 years after the child turns 18
Being a huge asshole online - Oops that one's not a crime, but people sure will make sure that shit follows you to your damn grave. Once your reputation is sunk, there's rarely a second chance; your name is forever associated with what you were up to when you were a young idiot. I've personally heard people tearing a man to shreds for shit he'd said twenty-two years prior, with no regard for of he'd changed his behavior since. The state of Texas is more forgiving than online social media, and that is so wildly fucked up
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suntails · 5 months
I’m going to paint you a picture of modern communication, and how it is fundamentally broken.
Let’s look at one friend. You chat pretty much everyday, and mostly talk to this person on twitter and discord, with occasional tumblr DMs. That’s three places you talk. But that’s actually not true, because you also have each other’s priv twitters and talk there as well. That’s four. Now account for, let’s say, one post reply per account per person, in addition to your DMs. That’s eight. But that’s ALSO not true, because not only do you talk in discord DMs with each other, but you’re in a friend group server as well! And you talk in those channels together! That’s nine.
This is one friend.
Now look around you. How many friends, how many mutuals are you in contact with. A few, a handful, a dozen, more? How many accounts per person do you have, how many places can you send each other posts, devolve into separate topics and conversations? How many people text you as well. Friends, family, coworkers? What do you do day to day around catching up, what IRL commitments will rip you away long enough to let the pile build again?
I can’t do it. I cannot live an actual life in the real world and balance this much interaction, it’s crushing. I reply to a friend’s post because I’m interested in the subject, I want to have a discussion! I WANT to talk about it with them, but I immediately kick myself for adding another conversation to the pile. Day by day, I ignore messages for hours on end and watch mountains pile around me, to reply en masse at the end of the night to let the cycle repeat. I wake up to six discord DMs and as I clear the third, the first replies back again.
We weren’t meant to have thirty simultaneous conversations. We weren’t. And you know in your bones that the number isn’t an exaggeration.
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1eos · 1 year
like PERSONALLY i have no desire to be in places where im not wanted 😭😭😭😭 if a creative only wants skinny white ppl im not gonna fight to be in this space 1. bc im too good for it and 2. they're not gonna accept me like why waste that time and energy? esp bc even if you demand a place they might let you in to LOOK diverse but they're gonna treat you like shit while still benefiting from the level of ~diverse~
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aurorangen · 9 months
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Since coming out of the hospital and learning of the spy, Vincent has been more vigilant of his surroundings. He felt uneasy that someone might still be following him...even in another country. After resting he was a bit more alert, so just to be cautious, he asked Jay if he had any hats to wear to hide his face, especially in the busy town centre.
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Some paintings in the building caught Renee's attention and she took some photos. One stood out in particular. It had a plane statue and she could see some people in the background. Armed with weapons.
Renee: Jay do you know what these paintings are of? Jay: These are of Chestnut Ridge and the plane one…I dunno. Maybe the next town? Or made up? Renee: Oasis Springs doesn't look like that. I wonder if that's Strangerville.
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lilithism1848 · 6 months
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thefirstknife · 2 months
I want to be optimistic about the future, but as somebody who has been through 4-6 EoS events and witnessed several others friends have gone through, with a lot of the rumors/news breaking about future plans for the game itself, and some changes introduced in TFS I'm slowly starting to get a bad feeling about things. I'm not giving up on the game, but it's feeling hard to be hopeful when I'm starting to get similar vibes to the other EoS events I've been through.
I'll mostly focus on this article from Jason Schreier because I don't really trust any other rumours that are floating around. I know a lot of people are super depressed about everything and it's easy to spiral into doom and gloom, which I want to avoid because it just stresses people out, over things they can't really change, and primarily over things that are far from confirmed.
Obviously we don't know anything for certain yet, but from what little the devs told us when this happened:
While our team is taking time to help support each other, we want you, our community, to know that we expect no disruption to all of our previously communicated content plans. Our content roadmap remains unchanged. This also includes our future plans for next year and beyond.
Nothing is changed and plans are clearly in place. It goes without saying that this can be flipped on its head at any point, but it also has to be said that it would be quite strange for a franchise of this scale to simply go down without an honest attempt to keep it going. Obviously various media ends all the time and studios are shut down and all that, but I feel like people are jumping on that conclusion way too easily and simply over unconfirmed rumours which puts people in a mindset that "the game is over." According to devs and Jason's report, it is clearly not planned to be over. We have yet to see if that works out.
Either way, we're set for this year for sure and there's clearly a plan they've already hinted for next year. What concerned people the most, I think was this (more under):
The company also plans to continue updating Destiny 2, although it will no longer pursue regular paid expansions as it did in the past, according to the people familiar. During one recent meeting, a company leader told attendees that sales of each expansion had declined year over year, including June’s The Final Shape, so they would be moving away from an annual release model. Some staff said they’re optimistic about the vision for Destiny 2 under new director Tyson Green, a Bungie veteran who took the helm earlier this year. In the coming months, the people said, Bungie will look to retain and attract players with smaller-scale content drops modeled after Into the Light, a well-received update in April that added a new mode to the game. Rather than selling this content, they said, Bungie will aim to release it for free along with overhauls to activities that it hopes will appeal to hardcore players. Other vague plans for the future include a storyline that will feature characters and worlds that Destiny has not yet explored.
Personally, I don't necessarily see this as something bad. I've actually been in favour of stopping yearly expansion for years. A big expansion every year is a big thing to commit to and it simply cannot be up to the best standards every single year. Some years will simply be smaller or "worse" and they won't engage people as some others. To this day people are still demanding expansions the size of Forsaken, every year, and that is simply mathematically impossible to make. So we get stuff like Shadowkeep and people flip out (Destiny died back then too). In my opinion, I think expansions every 2-3 years with smaller content drops in between is much better and healthier, and would result in better expansions.
We don't know if expansions are ever happening again; this report seems to imply not, but nobody really knows what state Destiny will be in 3 years from now, if it still exists. Until then, I'm perfectly fine with smaller content drops and updates. Obviously we don't know what that will look like; maybe it will be bad, but maybe it will not be bad. We simply don't know. I think people just heard "no expansion every year" and assumed that it's all over and no other content will ever be interesting or engaging ever again, which is something I simply don't see. For example, this episode has quickly become one of my favourite content in Destiny ever and it's not an expansion. I feel the same about some seasons which I enjoyed more than some expansions.
This is a matter of preference of course. Some people only tune in for expansions so for them "no expansions" effectively means no more Destiny. A lot of people also wonder about stuff like raids, which launch with expansions; what about those? Are we ever getting a raid again? We don't know, though it's worth noting that some raids have launched with DLCs and seasons, so launching a raid without the expansion could still be possible. We'll simply have to wait and see.
A lot of people are also concerned about the confirmation that Destiny 3 was never in development. I don't find this surprising at all and firmly believe that people who believed in D3 in the first place have not been fully aware of just how much devs never wanted to make another game from scratch again. This is from when they announced vaulting back in Arrivals:
With Destiny 1, we solved the “ever expanding, exponential complexity” problem by making a sequel in Destiny 2. We left behind all of Destiny 1’s content and many of the features players grew to love. We believe now that it was a mistake to create a situation that fractured the community, reset player progress, and set the player experience back in ways that took us a full year to recover from and repair. It’s a mistake we don’t want to repeat by making a Destiny 3.
I don't think anything has changed about their opinion on this over the years. It may have become even stronger actually, given how much content exists in the game right now and how much content would permanently disappear, alongside everyone's progress and collections, if they restarted everything. Not only that, but they know that a new game would have to launch with basically no content that would have to be built up over the years and would result in the same anger from players that plagued D1 vanilla and D2 vanilla. Nobody would enjoy going from 9 raids (maybe 10 if there's a reprised this year?) to 1 raid. Like I'm not sure if people realise this, but D3 will have no content in comparison. People were exceptionally mad about Beyond Light which reduced the amount of content and items due to vaulting; D3 would have less than that.
So I'm not sure why people expect and want D3. I never vibed with that idea. Not in any foreseeable future. I don't want to restart my progress, I don't want to lose everything I collected, I don't want to wait for years to get more than 3 strikes in the game. So the confirmation that this was never in development is not only super obvious to me, it's also relieving.
I think these are mostly the things that people are panicking over, from stuff that is now known a little better from Jason's report. When it comes to other rumours and leaks, we simply don't know if they're true and how detailed they are so I will not be stressing about them and I'd advise everyone else to not stress about them either.
We all love the game very much and the idea that it will end one day is very upsetting, but it will. One day it will end. Is that in 2 years or 20, we don't know. I'd like for people to definitely move away from the doomposters on twitter, to not latch onto any rumour or leak, and to give developers space and patience, as well as do anything we can to support those that were laid off.
I personally also think that the content creators with the biggest platforms should use the current anger and despair to pressure Bungie or Sony into making meaningful changes. Instead of posting about how "it's so over, goodbye everyone, Destiny is dead," I think they should be encouraging fans to bully these corporations with the one thing they understand best: money. Hey corpos, we ARE still interested in Destiny, we WANT to keep playing, we WANT it to keep going and we WILL bring our money if you do something about this situation. Because I don't trust any of these people who are claiming they're big fans and also how their livelihoods depend on making content for this one game, but are so easy to doompost and give up and say that the game is now over. How would anyone seeing this feel other than concerned and in despair?
Is it possible to change anything? No clue. Corporations can obviously be bullied into action, but we simply don't know how much effect we have here. Still, I'd rather try.
And I'd definitely try to stay positive, or at least neutral. We currently have no confirmations about anything being over, and plans for future content exist. Things will likely be different, but that doesn't always mean worse. And if it is? Well then it is and people will stop playing.
And of course, if anyone lost interest over this and over these reports, that's understandable. Taking a break from it all is recommended. Whatever happens, happens. If the game is still there and the interest is regained, everyone can always come back. No one has to decide right now whether they'll keep playing or stop forever. We can change our minds later depending on any new information and the state of the game.
The point of this whole thing is basically; we don't know anything for sure and overthinking about what-if scenarios that are years out is not very helpful. Venting concerns and talking to others can help though, which is why I want to try and stay as reasonable as possible in a situation where we genuinely don't have any proper confirmations.
We'll see! I'll keep playing while there's something to play and while that something is interesting to me, no matter how small. I hope this helps keeping people at least a little bit less stressed about the whole thing.
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