#freelance reviews
linkpulsemoney · 4 months
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tychodorian · 9 days
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I just got the BEST review on my Fiverr. I had the absolute pleasure of working with this author on an initial editing pass on their short Science Fiction/Fantasy novel and it was such a great project and experience.
I'm working on the second editing pass with them now, and I'm so grateful that they chose me to work with them on polishing their work.
Thank you!
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Hikaru Digital Song Release 「Survivor」
Released on: 2023-01-31 Lyricist: Hikaru Composer: HaKA Link: https://linkco.re/ZufQmhsv?lang=ja
You can purchase and stream Hikaru’s first digital release as freelancer on various sites (mora, OTOTOY, iTunes etc) and streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc).
Please be sure to ❗SUPPORT HIKARU❗ in any way you can!
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BUY it on mora (TUTORIAL here)
BUY it in your local iTunes store!
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Initial reaction: Ohhhh! We got a song after all! BANZAI!! I had a feeling she would release something (or make at least an announcement about an upcoming release). Such a pleasant surprise! So this is the new song she performed at today’s mini live after the “Ambient Border” stage performance? Since it’s from the same composer who wrote the song “Ambient Border” (included in the H-el-ical// studio album), I guess it’s safe to assume that this might be another tie-in or possibly character-song...? Honestly, I really dig this song. I am not blown away or anything but it works super well for Hikaru’s voice and it perfectly captures the atmosphere of the play (even if it might not be related to it). A solid “debut” for her career as freelancer, the style screams Hikaru to me. Not 100% sure yet but I think in terms of structure I like this more than “Ambient Border” which has an amazing chorus but just okay verses. “Survivor” is pretty strong from beginning to end. What do you think?
Ambient Border Premiere
Mini Live
 Tweets: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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new piece up !! would mean the world if you read, shared, or left a comment!! if you subscribe i'll give you a littttttle kiss <3
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studiohromi · 1 year
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Art vs. Artist 2022, Medical Illustration edition
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heloflor · 2 years
A compilation of all the guys Max has either flirted with or shown some interest in throughout the franchise, and by franchise I mean cartoon + Telltale because I couldn't find other moments or forgot about them/hadn't seen the entry of the franchise they come from yet.
(Btw you can click the quotes under each pic to get more context)
1. Sam (whole franchise)
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"No way, Sam! I could never stop loving you!"
2. Mack Salmon ("They Came from Down There")
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"He's a fancy talker ~"
3. Muskie ("They Came from Down There" Btw it's also the episode in which Max does the "gay hand thing", so whoever was making this episode really wanted to hammer it down that Max isn't straight)
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"Whoo. He's a keeper ~"
4. Hugh Bliss (all of Telltale S1 + 1-2 lines in S2)
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"Who, me? Well, I'm, I'm flattered, but..."
5. Abe Lincoln statue head (one line in Telltale 106)
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"This is all happening so fast! I don't know what to say!"
6. Flint Paper (several dialogues in Telltale S2+S3, plus Max being literally unable to shut up about his "semi-attractive single neighbor" in Poker Night 1)
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"Me too. I really love that guy"
7. Mr. Reaperphone (one line in Telltale 205)
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"Hey, good lookin'! I'll be back to cut you down later!"
8. Grandpa Stinky ??? Not really but the dialogue still kinda shows Max is into guys ? I mean, he's likely being sarcastic but given the fact that it's Max, It could go either ways 🤔 (one line in Telltale 205)
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"Making the moves on an attractive woman instead of a grizzled old man. Weird."
9. Skun-ka'pe (at least one line in Telltale S3)
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"Well, he IS pretty charismatic, Sam. And he's from space, which is a plus."
10. Superball ? I don't really see it as Max showing attraction but just in case some might (one line in Telltale 301)
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"Wow. I feel really very close to you now, Agent Superball."
11. Sam clones (Telltale 304; also the way Max has such a big-ass grin everytime he compliments the clones...)
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"The ghost of J Edgar Hoover is raising an unholy army of sexually provocative Sam clones!"
12. Ash Williams (one line in Telltale Poker Night 2)
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"Even the ultra-rare "naked Ash" variant. Yowza!"
Bonus : Max getting Harry's number for a mission and Sam knowing his partner all-too-well (Telltale 301)
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"Nice work, little buddy! Make sure you wait three days to call, or he'll think you're desperate."
#Sam and Max#samandmax#Freelance husbands#at least for the first one#Flor talks#long post#the fact that I was able to find 12 different guys is concerning#and the fact that one of those guys is a karaoke machine doesn't help#pretty funny actually to go from the cartoon to Telltale#'cause watching the cartoon I was just like 'yeah ok I can see why people view him as gay'#but after seeing Telltale Max; yeah no this guy is a full-on raging homosexual#(and I love it !)#btw fun fact : I made this after seeing people in youtube comment arguing about Max's sexuality but only ever bringing up Sam#or claiming that Max never shows interest in any guys#everytime I'm like '...have you guys not seen anything from the Telltale games ???'#I might edit this post once the S3 remaster comes out and I play the trilogy; in order to use my own footage instead of other people's#like I know this is video-game footage; simply pictures instead of gameplay on top of it#it's kind of like when people make video reviews of something and use footage from other channels or shows#and I could just as easily have taken a transcript and put it there#on top of that I put the links to the videos to provide more context which is a way to credit the people who made said videos#and on top of all that people on Tumblr often post or reblog links to videos; sometimes with the video itself like T/i/k/t/o/k blogs#but still; it feels weird and wrong to use other people's footage like that#idk; I'm just feeling worried about using those screenshots :/#(also yes this footage comes from the same 3 people and the links are just the same 5 videos at different points in time)
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bookouvre · 3 months
"In a world full of temporary things,
you are a perpetual feeling"
— Sanober Khan
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iapwereview · 1 year
Freelance Writing Jobs: Navigate the World Of Endless Opportunities | IAPWE
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Laying the foundation stone of your career is often the most challenging part. It might become a little bit more tricky if you’re planning to choose freelancing writing as your full-time job. Usually, novice writers struggle to find consistent projects. This is why you should join freelance marketplaces and focus on finding new clients from the beginning.    
There are numerous freelancing platforms with secured payment features and consistent project opportunities. This includes platforms like Fiverr, IAPWE, Upwork and more. These platforms can ease up the journey of freelancers who are trying to make their way into the freelance job market.    
Let’s explore these points to understand how you can navigate your path through the world of freelance writing. 
Writing Niche 
You can start your freelancing voyage by finding your area of expertise. This could be anything from blogging, technical writing, copywriting, and more. Focusing on a specific niche might help you build skills that might attract potential clients. 
But this doesn’t mean you can’t work on multiple niches. You can try working on multiple niches and figure out your expertise. Perhaps, you might be able to work on different niches and make that your speciality. 
Pitch Your Writing Services
Instead of waiting for new clients to approach you, take a proactive step and connect with them. You can pitch your writing or editing services to potential clients. You can research about companies, blogs, and publications that align with your skills. You can craft personalized pitches that highlight your expertise. Let them understand how you can add value to their content and business platform. 
Job Boards & Freelance Platforms
Numerous job boards and freelance platforms help writers get freelancing gigs. They help them connect with valuable clients that can pay well. You can register on these job boards and make appropriate profiles on freelance platforms. Upwork, IAPWE, and Problogger are some prominent freelancing platforms. These platforms help freelancers get consistent clients or project leads. 
Indeed, you have to submit appropriate and compelling proposals to win clients. You can highlight your key skills and work samples in these proposals. It can increase your chances of winning projects on these platforms.
The Learning Process
Freelance writing is indeed the sea of endless work opportunities. But you also must keep up with emerging technologies, writing techniques and new industry trends. You can upscale your writing skills by joining or attending workshops, online courses, reading and more. It can give you an elite competitive advantage and provide better services. You have to keep the learning process continuous to enhance your skills and grow as a better writer. 
You can follow these ways or get some ideas from them to navigate through the world of freelancing. Indeed, not all writers follow the same approach to finding new freelance writing jobs. The methods and techniques can be different; however, the end goal is the same. That is to work for high-paying clients and generate consistent income from freelancing. So you can make effective strategies to earn better and register on multiple freelancing platforms.
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Freelance (15): Bad Guys from the Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of "Freelance". #FreelanceMovie. Latin American hocum with John Cena and Alison Brie. 2/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Freelance” (2023). “Freelance”, currently streaming on Prime Video, sets an early bar for the most brainless bit of movie nonsense in 2024. I don’t mind fantasy adventure films… but grounding them even vaguely in common sense is a pre-requisite for me. Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot Summary: Mason Pettits (John Cena) is unhappy in his life. He is ex-special…
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View On WordPress
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Cover Story And Our Favorite Games Of 2023 | GI Show
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-cover-story-and-our-favorite-games-of-2023-gi-show/
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Cover Story And Our Favorite Games Of 2023 | GI Show
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In this week’s episode of The Game Informer Show, special guest Michael Higham (Fanbyte, GameSpot) joins us to discuss our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth cover story, The Finals review, and our favorite games of 2023.
The Game Informer Show #686 Podcast:
[embedded content]
Follow us on social media: Alex Van Aken (@itsVanAken), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7), Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard), Michael Higham (@MichaelPHigham)
The Game Informer Show is a weekly gaming podcast covering the latest video game news, industry topics, exclusive reveals, and reviews. Join host Alex Van Aken every Thursday to chat about your favorite games – past and present – with Game Informer staff, developers, and special guests from around the industry. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Matt Storm, the freelance audio editor for The Game Informer Show, edited this episode. Matt is an experienced podcast host and producer who’s been speaking into a microphone for over a decade. You should listen to Matt’s shows like the “Fun” And Games Podcast and Reignite, a BioWare-focused podcast. 
The Game Informer Show – Podcast Timestamps:
00:00:00 – Intro
00:03:41 – Cover Story: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
00:23:41 – The Finals Review
00:38:08 – Top Ten Games of 2023
01:39:28 – Housekeeping
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
The new Scrooge musical is GREAT! Some clearly rushed animation kinda sketched me out in a few of the earlier scenes but it more than makes up for that with the character designs (by one of my favorite artists), fun colors, dynamic action, and songs that make you want to dance along. There are a few little quirks to the story to keep it interesting too. Highly recommend. 11/10
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begouristore · 7 months
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earthtourist · 8 months
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a decade later, the millenial came running home
Probably the last thing I'd expect myself doing on a Saturday morning: having the most unsettling but exhilarating time re-entering Tumblr a decade later. My earliest memories of this platform was: feeling like a complete gangster using my ole MySpace "coding" skills. Filling my teenage void with angsty quotes. Getting a taste of early "edginess" before social media truly kicked off. A landscape where I could connect with other degenerates who felt alone in the world.
Lovingly enough, despite all the years, Tumblr has maintained its charm. A smaller, supportive, tight-nit community evolved for the better. Sure, it’s filled with some “out there” stuff that some may immediately close their screens on. (*see tip below if you find this bothersome). But the more I dive into it, the more I’ve realized that it’s sort of become Portland's-furry-sister of the internet. Not as formulaic and contrived as Instagram. A much younger demographic compared to Facebook. A raw-dog less sterile version of Medium. I won’t even bother with Twitter/TikTok/Snapchat… It’s sort of… A dreamscape… Or is? Will I find myself doomscrolling into the abyss? Who knows? Fuck it!
What brings me here today, and I’ll probably delve into this further. Is that I realized that the technology age has fragmented our memory and experiences. Every moment has a sense of value, meaning, and purpose in our lives. Whether it be thoughts, photos, songs, quotes, dreams, etc- they all have a place in our world. Even ones that we don’t deem significant at the time, affect and enrich how we interact with the world. Paying attention to otherwise minuet details in our lives fills our life, with not even purpose, but with more love and appreciation.
My hope, with my newfound utilization as a now-adult Millenial, is that I can find that angsty outlet that no other platforms allow us to be. On this blog/site/whatever, you'll find my collages, music finds, rants, and whatever realizations come to mind throughout the week~
*You can easily regulate the content you see by turn on/off certain filters, tags and triggers. Something that seems simple. But is shockingly respectful for a platform to provide for their users. Already, I’ve turned off “Tumblr Live” which seems like a sad progression to other platforms like TikTok, so I’m grateful that there’s flexibility with the interface.
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Hikaru Digital Song Release 「Escape」
Following her 1st digital single release as freelance artist, Hikaru has now released her 2nd digital single titled “Escape”.
Released on: 2023-03-14 Lyricist: Hikaru Composer: HaKA Link: https://linkco.re/bpGvdc19?lang=ja
You can purchase and stream Hikaru’s 2nd digital release as freelancer on various sites (mora, OTOTOY, iTunes etc) and streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc).
Please be sure to ❗SUPPORT HIKARU❗ in any way you can!
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BUY it on mora (TUTORIAL here)
BUY it in your local iTunes store at midnight!
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Initial reaction: Hmmm, on the fence about this. A little too chaotic for my taste so I can’t really get into it but Hikaru sounds pretty badass (especially when she gets a bit shouty and growly) so I like that aspect at least. Other than that, there’s really not much I can say about this. I guess I prefer songs like “Ambient Border” and “Survivor” but I am glad HaKA can also do different stuff for Hikaru. I wonder if we will get more collabs like this in the future. Happy Hikaru has found someone who can support her a bit in terms of composition and arrangement.
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benditlikebechdel · 2 years
If you’re a reviewer/critic/influencer/editor withholding coverage to respect the #HCPOnStrike picket line, here’s how I’m replying to HarperCollins pitches in the meantime. Been sending a bunch of these and thought sharing a template might be helpful 💛
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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when u take a day off from work bc u r moving :D
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