#app sylveon
digital-sylveon · 2 years
(Nick fiddles with the settings and stumbles across color palettes) Huh, how'd I never notice this the last time I looked through? Oh hey! This color palette kind of makes you look like a Luxio! Hey APP, what do you think of this?
(Nick changed APP's scheme to Inverted)
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“I don’t know what a Luxio is but it sounds cool!”
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“And yeah! The battle game’s in the Pokewalker Menu!”
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l8news · 14 hours
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Muñeca Pokémon: Pokémon Sleep, la app de Pokémon que rastrea hábitos de sueño, ahora funciona también con relojes inteligentes. La cuenta de Pokémon Sleep en x.com anunció esta nueva función con un video de varios relojes convirtiéndose en personajes de la serie. [x]
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todaysbird · 9 months
used pokemon go for the first time in ages and tried the blended reality thing with my shiny sylveon. he got extremely mad when i petted him, and charged the camera (i took a screenshot that did not save to my camera). then i got an error message saying that i was standing too close to my pokemon, and the app proceeded to just close itself out. This is my creepypasta origin
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warmbottles · 6 months
Do you like video games? I do! My favorites to play while small are...
-New Club Penguin (app that you install that's a Club Penguin private server!)
-Animal Crossing!
-Pokémon! My favorite Pokémon is Sylveon and Rockruff!
-Anything on my 3DS, but especially Nintendogs or My Baby!
-Powerwash Simulator! (This is an interesting one but I just like to make things clean 😅)
-The Sims!
And I recently got Princess Peach: Showtime for my birthday and that's been a lot of fun!
If you play video games while small, what's your favorite? I'd love to know!
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t4tdreamer · 6 months
My mom got me some knockoff Pokémon figures for Easter! They’re so funny! Imma post my faves (CW contains what may be considered a caricature):
1) Zorua! My poor baby there’s no fixing this
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2) Poliwag! So goofy
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3) Jynx! Who’s decision was it to colour in just the chest and controversial original blackface colour? (NOTE: blackface is by no means funny. What I’m laughing at is the obliviousness of this decision)
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4) Cacnea! They put its face on upside down
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5) Sylveon! No idea what went wrong here
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Unfortunately that’s all that the tumblr app will allow me to post at once, I’ll continue in the reblogs shortly!
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hoshikarasu · 2 years
hii! i’m not sure if you’re still taking requests or still writing but i was wondering if you can write anything (literally anything) about late nights in arvens kitchen. (arven x reader dancing in his kitchen late at night listening to his music while cooking together) That’s just what i’d imagine but literally i’d love to read anything! I love your arven fics smsm and the arven blog has been empty for a bit, i’d love to see more of what you write :)
— Late Nights
no pronouns mentioned for the reader ( gender-neutral ) !
It wasn’t unusual for you to be at Arven’s dorm. At this point, you found yourself being there more often than in your own dorm. 
Arven invited you over to hang out and keep him company while he studied. You, of course, agreed and that’s what brought you to his dorm.
For the most part, you were stretched out on his bed while idly chatting with him. Once he seemingly grew quieter, you knew the tells that he was fully focused on what he was reading and redirected your attention to giving Mabosstiff pets and then catching Iono’s stream.
Her stream seemed to be about showing off food, all decorated to resemble Pokémon, at a cafe she was streaming at. The adorable food led you to switch apps and search up more videos, and you knew that you just had to recreate one of these. 
And that you had to get Arven involved.
He seemed a bit confused at your sudden insistence on making food at this hour, making you realize just how late it was. But you insisted there was no better time than the present, to which Arven eventually agreed to the idea.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you accidentally admitted to skipping out on dinner because you were more focused on getting to Arven’s dorm right after your adventuring for the day…
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Somewhere in the midst of finishing the bow-shaped pastries for the dessert, you stepped back and admired your work. The decorations still needed to be done, which you were partially dreading, but you were quite proud of what you’ve accomplished. You only interrupted Arven a couple times and managed to leave him alone long enough for him to focus on making bolognese sauce for the pasta that was boiling. He already completed the Yamper bun aspect for the dish, which definitely made you regret your decision in declaring that you’d take care of dessert instead of the pasta, but it was fine! You certainly wouldn’t offend every Sylveon out there once you began decorating the pastries to bear some semblance to them. 
Deciding that you’ve stalled long enough, you returned back to your spot and went to reach the powdered sugar when you heard the next song playing from your Rotom Phone that hovered above you and Arven. 
You recognized the melody instantaneously and drummed your fingers on the counter. Within seconds, you put your decorating tasks on hold and sung along with the song below your breath. It didn’t take more than a second for you to sway along to the beat.
From the corner of your eye, you caught a smile unfurling on Arven’s face as he watched you from where he stood. The second that you both made eye contact, you wasted no time crossing the space between you two to approach him. You offered your hands to him and he easily slid his hands into yours after he quickly lowered the flames on the stove.
With a tug towards you, you guided him closer and began to swing your connected hands. As the song continued on, you both began to sway your bodies and eventually moved around within the space of his kitchen. It was a bit awkward with the limited space though neither one of you had any complaints.
“Me gusta la cena, me gustas tu,” You decided to sing along once again all while you maintained eye contact with Arven.
You savored the way that Arven’s face slowly bursted into a nice, rosy shade that coated the surface of his cheeks and the tips of his ears. His expression changing to one of surprise was a delight, causing you to miss the next line, but you immediately jumped to sing the following one.
“Me gusta su cocina—”
“Me gustas tu,” Arven finished the line, his gaze had long left you and shifted onto Mabosstiff instead.
Your eyes widened ever so slightly, glints of adoration shining at how Arven joined in with singing. Heat rose up in your cheeks and you could hardly stop the grin that broke across your face from growing. You returned back to dancing, giving Arven the space needed to gain the strength to glance back at you in his flustered state. The blush didn’t leave his face though to be fair, you were certain you were sporting a matching one as well.
Once the song came to an end and started on the next one on your playlist, you and Arven stared at one another. 
“We should probably check back on the food,” Arven said. Despite that, he made no effort in separating from your side or looking back at the neglected food on the counters and stove. 
You nodded your head in consideration though found yourself swaying to the next song. “Hmm, after one more dance?” You asked, giving Arven’s hand a light squeeze, as you looked up at him hopefully.
A sigh fell from Arven’s mouth, but his grin gave away his act. He spared you a quick glance and his expression softened along with his grin, “Sure, after one more dance, bud.”
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invalidragon · 7 months
Kelek’s breath.
Worse than me.
Egg lie. Is lie.
But lies can tell truth.
I’m trying to parse this out, I don’t think—
These are female Sylveon instincts.
These are female Sylveon instincts.
Glad I have the translator… Working this app with my current hands to edit the text is a nightmare…
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f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Octavian’s Pokemon team Hc
I bought the Pokemon Scarlet DLC and now I’ve decided that every pjo character I like now needs pokemon teams. With explanations
Octavian’s team I think came the most naturally. I’ll probably also be including like fully evolved teams and stuff but the first team I thought of (probably like baby Octavian’s team) would be,
Stufful, Poocheyna, furret, snivy, pidove, and evee.
(The pokemon in question from left to right,)
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Why these little guys specifically for his like first team? Well Stufful is a stuffed animal and that’s the Octavian thing (I was tempted to put pancham on here for the joke but no-) poochyena just gives me Octavian vibes, feel like he’s on their wavelength and thinks their cute. Furret also just, feels like Octavian. That is my justification. Snivy is here mostly for the evo and how snooty it was in the anime, probably a family tradition pokemon, also its final evo is Octavian vibes. Pidove is there purely because of Auguries and because I believe Octavian thinks it looks funky and cute. Eevee is there partially because I just like eevee and a shorthand to show Octavian’s pokemon treatment in the future and like pokemon stuff, he probably wants it to become an umbreon.
Now Octavian’s final team in my head ends up being Bewear, mighteyna, serperior, unfeazant, meowstic, sylveon. (Sadly not pictured due to tumblr app restrictions on 10 pics per post.)
Bewear is Stufful’s evolved form, known for being absolutely massive, wanting friends, and then accidentally crushing people. I wanted to keep the Stufful on and I thought it’d like fit with Octavian because of his like constant push and pull in the pseudo-taking into account of canon in my mind of the character. Mighteyna is Poochyena’s evolved form. Octavian just got attached to it and it’s a dog/hyena/sort of wolf canine esque creature and Rome dog parallels. Serperior is Snivy’s evolved form and if you only look up one pokemon from this post look up Serperior because it actually is just Octavian’s pokemon. But it’s regal. Unfeazant, he evolved his little pidove. Just there for his Augury stuff and maybe even the Haruspex nature (a Pheasant is close enough to a chicken or something-). Meowstic is there for its wild psychic abilities, like future telling and stuff. Sylveon is a guilty pleasure because it’s one of my all time favorite pokemon (like many of these are) and it’s showing his dedication to his pokemon and passion and love for like New Rome.
I didn’t add Falinks just because I’d rather give it to other people (Michael Kahale or Reyna). But if it’s definitely a honorable mention along with crobat.
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daiseception · 2 years
Brett has almost been hit by a car 7 times since downloading pokemon go and it got to the point where everyone begs him to delete the app but he insists not until he catches a shiny sylveon
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digital-sylveon · 2 years
Hey um... Sylveon on the screen... If those 💙's are just your general moral and not your health, then... Where is your health?... How do we know you're not gonna... Y'know... DIE on us???
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“Well, my battery can, but I can’t! And the battery just needs to be charged if it dies.”
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ask-imaginary-dreamers · 11 months
Do you have voice claims for any of your characters?
APOLOGIES THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER!!! I didn’t have voice claims set for most of my characters yet, and wanted to get most of the main ones picked before answering.
Flicker: Pomni (Lizzie Freeman)
- I’ve been at a loss for Flicker voice wise for a while, but after TADC came out and I heard Pomni I decided that was the perfect voice. Just the right amount of anxiety and anguish.
- Aster has the same voice btw, it doesn’t change upon death.
Casey: Masumi Sera (Ghia Burns)
- This is a bit of an off the wall choice! But, I like how relatively androgynous Sera’s voice is and I think a voice like this would be interesting for Casey, even if it’s not very close to the voice I have for him in my head. Also unfortunately I can’t find any clips for her dub voice to share and I don’t think her sub voice is fitting so… rip.
- alternatively I think apollo justice could work, quite a different direction from sera voice wise tho lol
Fade: N/A
- Fade is mute. When Fade talks via telepathy, you just kinda know the words in your head. There’s no voice or sound associated with it.
Daisy: Fluttershy (Andrea Libman)
- I just imagine her voice as very soft and quiet!
Begonia: Sunset Shimmer (Rebecca Shoicet)
- from one pony to another… not much more to note about this one tbh.
Zeus: this (Aleks Le)
- I have no further explanation
- I guess an alternative is a high-pitched monokuma-esque voice cause that’d be funny as hell
More under cut. Only Ask-Glorious-Guild and Digital-Sylveon cause I didn’t really want to figure any others out! Maybe eventually though.
Gloria: Sasha Waybright/Gloria Sato (Anna Akana)
- I initially did consider giving her someone with a Scottish accent, but I realized I don’t really write her with one. I do really see her with this voice though!
- As a note, Gloria is 1/2 Galarian, 1/4 Kantonian, and 1/4 Unovan. So I did want to use a voice actor whose part Japanese.
Lint: Sprig Plantar (Justin Felbinger)
- honestly just kinda going for a young kid voice for lint - choosing sprig cause it’s the first that came to mind and I’ve dressed Lint up as him for Halloween before, so I kinda associate the two of them together
- Huey Ducktales also works for them imo!
Ruins: Maki Himekawa (Yuko Kaida)
- basically just need an emotionally constipated mature woman voice and maki’s voice fits that bill. Her dub voice also works but it is so hard to find clips of the dub so uh. No link for that.
Wishbone: Miles Edgeworth (Kyle Hebert)
- Wanted a voice that sounded nice and fits with Wishbone’s more formal speech. So decided why not Edgeworth! Seon King and Christopher Wehkamp’s Edgeworth voices also work, just said Kyle Hebert’s cause that was the one easiest to find a good clip of. Honestly even most fan voices for Edgeworth could also work, like Jelloapocalypse’ or Mornal’s.
- That said, imagine this voice with the same kind of filters people use when doing a Spamton voice for the most accurate portrayal. Even though that is a bit cursed.
Jazz: Axel/Lea (Quinton Flynn)
- not much to say here this is just a fitting voice for them
APP: Hatsune Miku OR Meicoomon (Kate Higgins)
- there are two options here so pick your preference
- hatsune miku cause. digital. makes sense to have a vocaloid as a voice. i think rin or len could also work.
- meicoomon cause I love meicoomon. also the dub voice definitely has the childish androgynous vibe I think of for APP’s voice.
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Weird asks! Numbers 24 and 42?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Ngl I googled "what do people do on rooftops?" Because that's not really something we do in france 😅 how about a little picnic and we can chat about writing fics about firstprince having semi-public sex maybe? ksksksksjs
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Pokemon Go! I've been playing almost everyday since the app came out in 2016, I meet with local players every wednesday for raids and on weekends when there's Community Days. Basically, if I'm walking outside, I’m playing Pokemon Go. I still enjoy the scenery, but it makes the city feel less overwhelming to look at it through my screen when it's loud and crowded. And it's a fun way to discover new places, just wandering around to the next pokestop.
If anyone here plays Pokemon Go, feel free to add me as a friend: 754622537797 I'll be happy to send you gifts from France!
Anyways, here's me and my beloved shundo Sylveon:
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Thanks for the questions!! 💖
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er1c-c4rtman · 1 year
disclaimer I don't ship all of these (apart from patbob) anymore so IVE CHANGED and I shipped these when I was a dumb young kid
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Allow me to explain my placements starting from the top to the bottom:
I find this ship to be cute plus I like the whole friends to lovers trope thing.
Chica x Foxy and Foxy x mangel:
These were very popular ship in the fnaf community back in 2016 or something. Plus, I share many old memories with these ships.
Also, I used to watch those amvs
Back when I loved Unikitty, I decided to search up fanart of Unikitty on my computer and I also used to watch animation memes based around Unikitty. Soooo one day I stumbled upon this ship and I liked it.
On my first days or months of this site, I searched up SpongeBob to see what's in the tags. I saw some good fanart n' some ships. But when I saw some Spongebob fancomic called "When fools Rush in" I just liked the ship and yeah that is my reason basically.
It was a cannon ship and I was rooting for Hawkodile to confess to Dr Fox
Serena x Ash and Misty x Ash:
Grouping these together for the same reason, they were both females with a male protagonist
Same reason as the last one (female x male protag.)
Sylveon x Umbreon:
Back when I was obsessed with pokemon, I used to watch those flipaclip story videos with the same plot and same ending
Plot if the Umbreon x Sylveon story:
-Sylveon has a crush on Umbreon
-Umbreon doesn't know that
-Eyspeon also has a crush on Umbron
-The physic variant proceeds to gaslight Umbreon into hating Sylveon
-Sylveon is now sad
-She proceeds to fight Eyspeon nearby a river
-The Sylveon wins (of course)
-Eyspeon gets knocked into the water and possibly dies
-Sylveon and Umbreon fall in love and live a happily ever after
Wandering around on an account that was Nicktoons Unite centric then just found a compilation of SpongeBob and Zim acting like or being a couple
Do I need to explain what's wrong with this??? I WAS SHIPPING A MINOR WITH AN ADULT and the reason is the same as spandy (female x male protag.)
Also, back when Sony sketch (rip that app it held so much memories) was a thing I used these shipping bases since it was fun for me. I used adorabat and Mao mao to fill them in; over time I developed a love for that ship.
I used to ship this and it was because I was new to the NU fandom and was looking on an account that has Nicktoons Unite art on it. I thought the ship was cute till I came to my senses and stopped Shipping it.
Again, I watched AMVs
Mikey x Raph (2012)
I was pretty young and had no idea what incest was. I was sitting on my Granny's IPad and watching those amvs. I bet she was wondering why her algorithm was full of Mikey making out with Raph (lol) but I'm gonna assume I liked the tough guy x chill guy (I used to like turtle yaoi lmfao XD)
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nymphialamode · 7 months
That's odd. I absolutely didn't have this app installed yesterday. And it's already logged in to some empty account. I don't understand the reference to Sylveon. Or à la Mode.
...Anyways, I'm Zero (he/she/they), and I'm from Kalos. That's all that you lot need to know.
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kopathefox · 7 months
Characters are:
The legend (the fox-spirit like thing, he’s both that black fox spirit trapped inside an orb and the blue spirit)
The chaos (the giant red dragon who trapped the legend in first place)
Altera (the red fox, she’s the Final hope’s protagonist)
Explain time:
SVD (Sabichim VeDrakonim) has multiple stories, the first one introduced is SVD 1, with Fexen, this one is the Final hope, with Altera as protagonist, right now im starting to learn how to be a game developer (in a steam app named “001”, its more easier and less professional but still good, im trying to make it be a platform) and the first games im gonna make are the SVD games (but its gonna have different title, and some changes), so for now lets reveal some SVD lores, this one is the Final hope (as i said), this is based off a dream i had in a random night, i changed a lot of stuff, but here we are, the story is about a female fox named Altera, she is 6 yesrs old and a orphan, why? Cuz she killed her own parents, but not cuz she’s evil, cuz she was possessed, she was possessed by The legend (who was first referred as “Blue” due to her knowing nothing about him), who was also possessed by The chaos (the main villain), who used the Legend as the key to control Altera (there was a prophecy that said Altera is gonna defeat him, so he wanted to prevent it), one day, Altera was sent to a school, kinda like hogwarts from harry poter but they learn how to self defend, some basic knowledge, and all that, there she met Ryker and his group, Ryker was the school’s bully, he mocked Altera for being too quiet, then Umbreon (theres pokemon in this continent) came and defended her, the legends (possessed) told her “i know you want to, go on, do a crime” and made her beat Ryker up, Umbreon then let her join his group (which was all the eeveelutions, non-shinies, only Sylveon was shiny and she’s the only nicknamed one, Sylve), Flareon comes back with an eevee egg which hatches into the tiny but brave eevee, Maltero, then one day. Ryker and his group gets possessed too (but directly by the Chaos) and they attack people there mainly targeting the group, Ms.Bite (the teacher) throws the, a map and tell them to go to the mountain of death (where the Chaos lies) and go to defeat him, then the journey begins!
Now lets meme every protagonist in SVD:
Why not use SVD protagonists? We got:
Fexen - a motherless armored baby with the serial killer father
Kyren - the orphan autistic Animagash (he had a human form and a wolf form) with a overprotective sister
Altera - a orphan teenager with self-control issues who never felt what friendship is until her journey began
(General) Hound - wait, aren’t you like the commander?! Why are you here?! (He’s gonna be the protagonist of “the rebellion” which is the era where they rebelled against the evil president of terrakia)
Erdemos & Sol - besties and a powerful leaders who wants to save their countries from an evil dictator
Chertemo, Urzema & Jeckol - 3 brave people who suffers from racism
Tera - the king of revultions who was outcast
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