I already don't like how closely tied the podcast is to archives considering it was supposed to be it's own thing
I don't need a character from the archival staff joining g the main cast of protocol
Pleeeaaase if there's gonna be a new oiar staff member (which im honestly not to enthused about there are enough characters already) Please let it be a new guuuuyyyyyy
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thephouseplants · 3 months
While DnP playing Dream Daddy again is, in fact, my dream. I would Honestly just love them to play another kind of slightly weird dating sim. like I desperately WANT another dating simulator type series and I WANT them to have Different favorites so while Dan's playing Phil can be like.
" 🥺no say the flirty thing to that guy"
and Dan we will all
"Okay😒" *starts desperately try-harding to get Phil's fav to fall for them in game*
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bokettochild · 5 months
what do u think about Ravio x Legend. like. are they separate people?
Canon wise, they are counterparts. I don't see them as the same- just as Link and Shadow Link aren't the same- but more like a reflection, one that isn't exactly the same, but much similar. I don't really ship them because of this. It's not the same to me as, say, shipping the colors, who are a split (but singular) soul, or even like shipping Link with his shadow, since that's also sort of a facet of himself, or at least is often depicted as the embodiment of his darker self and thoughts (TP manga). Ravio is an alternate reality version of Link, from a world where enough is different that they're very dissimilar, but the fact that they're still counterparts does make my brain stall.
Now, I don't consider it linkcest, but it's more like.... the fact of their being counterparts still makes me balk a little and wonder how much difference there really is. This is one of my main reasons, personally, why I don't ship it. Because while it's not directly selfcest, it does border close to it, enough so that some people might see it that way (as we in the fandom are seeing recently), and selfcest is something I wouldn't touch with a 93 and a half foot pole! So, while I'm not about to trash those who write/draw/enjoy it just because it gives me pause, I do avoid creating it myself.
That all said, I do know why you're asking. I know there's a post going around recently where the author labels this ship as 'disgusting', and I'd like to use this opportunity to remind y'all that, as long as no one's hurting real people, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. We're allowed to say basically anything on our blogs (as proved by the bots T-T), and if we have an opinion, it's not fair for others to start getting mad at us for having our own thoughts on topics/fandoms we enjoy.
If you disagree, just walk away. That's what I do when I see takes I consider "incorrect" on my favorite stories/characters/worlds. There's no need to start drama, I just note to myself that maybe I shouldn't talk with that person on that topic going forwards, and move on.
No one's obligated to keep their thoughts to themselves on their own blog. Our blogs exist so we can express ourselves! They are our safe spaces, and we shouldn't be judged for expressing ourselves within them.
We're all entitled to our own takes on a situation, that's how fandom works! <3
(And Anon, sorry if I come off as aggressive! I'm not mad at you at all and not blaming you for anything, I just feel like this is something we all need to remember right now! I do hope you have the best day!)
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 months
hi!! just read your cake at the craft store fic and thought I'd introduce myself on here :) you're a talented writer and seem like a lovely person!
oh my gosh thank you so much! that's so sweet of you 🥰i'm so glad you enjoyed my work! (and thank you so much for the lovely comment on ao3!) also love your handles on both ao3 and here, i'm a big fan of herons myself 😊
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peachy-doodles · 9 months
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hey so. what if i took the aus and Swapped them?
(ingo ends up getting gifted a greavard instead of a fidough and ozones outfit is the same but slightly darker ^_^)
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cosmicqvake · 1 year
With the episodes of Secret Invasion that Daisy is rumoured to be in drawing nearer… my crippling anxiety about how her potential return (if she returns) is going to pan out is getting worse, so imma state all the things I NEED to happen if she does come back, otherwise… I don’t know if I want her to (after all, her ending on AOS will forever be solid in my eyes too…)
One, this one is a given, but she NEEDS to be played by Chloe Bennet. There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it. Chloe IS Daisy, and vice versa. If it’s anyone except Chloe, we. don’t. want. it.
Two, I desperately like at least some original writers/showrunners/producers/whatever from AOS to be directly involved with whatever project she’s in (Secret Invasion, etc), so that we have people who already KNOW and CARE for Daisy advocating for her character- and so there’s much less of a chance for her character to be “ruined” (my BIGGEST fear). Jed and Maurissa PLS don’t let them butcher her I beg I BEGGG 🙏🏻
Three, I don’t want her backstory erased. Absolutely not. That is another dealbreaker for me. Daisy’s family is what helped make her who she is, and I cannot imagine a world where she doesn’t have them. ;-; This includes making her a mutant. I… NO. Being an Inhuman ALSO makes her who she is, and is such an integral part of her character. I cannot imagine this being erased.
Four, sorta to add on to three, I would actually die HAPPY if we also saw characters like Sousa and Kora again (give us more Dousy, you COWARDS, I once again BEG), and even if they’re not in it, I need them at least mentioned (and that they’re all well and good too). Same as the rest of the team.
Five, they better not put her through more trauma or kill her off or I will personally permanently quit Marvel forever fr. Don’t hurt our baby anymore PLEASE, if I ever ask for anything, let it be this. :,) I NEED HER TO BE HAPPY IN ORDER TO BE HAPPY MYSELF HONESTLY.
That is it I think, sorry for the long-ish post, just needed it off my chest because I don’t see almost anyone else seeming to care about this. ;-; As I’ve mentioned before, I’m simply TERRIFIED they’re gonna do this wrong. As of late, I’ve lost so much faith in Marvel (even more-so after the recent ep of Secret Invasion) so… :,)
Let us just all hope and pray that they do our girl justice PLEASE 😭
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billcyphersballsack · 5 months
“Oh this characters immortal/lives a long time, they should avoid having personal relationships with mortals cuz it’ll hurt to much to lose people over and over” -said by someone who’s never owned a pet
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mirandacaroll · 2 months
the gun’man’ was a 20 year old kid, btw. idk feel like that should be stressed more idk
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stinkykittypet · 4 months
Idk what I expected from the stolitz duet but it definitely wasn't blitzø being autistic
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 months
I'm the last person on earth who would want to compare Spatort to S******k, least of all content-wise, but it's still one of the funniest things to me that they share as much as at least 6 major formal aspects (public tv show, 1 year hiatus, very limited number of episodes, 90 mins episodes, 3-letter-acronymable episode titles, airs/aired in january) which maybe isn't much but you know... it's also weird that it's as much as 6
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b99andsoc · 5 months
Every time Beckett gets kidnapped I text my friend and tonight he said, “Put an AirTag in that woman!”
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
you Will ignore my refusal to ever give these an ending . little tiny late night thing
[bloated tummy, tummy rubs, mild burping]
"Are you alright?"
"My belly hurts," Sunny groaned. He was laying uncomfortably on the couch, pants unbuttoned, bloated tummy sticking up from his slender frame.
"I can see that," said Laurie, nudging his feet out of the way and sitting down beside him.
"Listen," he whined, and patted his belly. It sounded tight and hollow, as though it were filled with air.
"Sounds like a serious bloat," she agreed. "I don't think there's any hope for you, you're probably gonna pop."
"Fuck off, Laurie!"
"Just like a balloon," she continued, poking his belly. He winced and held his arms over it defensively.
"You're so mean," he said indignantly, giving her a light kick in the side.
"Hey, don't kick me!" She grabbed his ankle. He tried to pull away, but his stomach, disturbed by the sudden movement, cramped sharply. He quickly fell still with a pitiful moan, rubbing his aching tummy. Laurie let go of his leg, feeling sorry for him.
"Jeez, Sunny, how'd you get so bloated anyway? I thought it was your head that was full of air, not your stomach." He shot her an irritated look.
"I don't know," he said, letting his head fall back onto the cushion. "It won't come up." Laurie thought for a moment, then held out her arms.
"Come here," she instructed. He looked up at her suspiciously.
"What for?"
"Just come here."
"You better not squeeze me," he said, sitting up. His stomach gurgled unhappily. Laurie moved closer and held him against her, placing her hands on his tummy. It felt painfully tight, and she felt sorry for teasing him.
"Jeez, you really are bloated," she said. She began to rub his belly in slow circles, pressing ever so gently as she did. It gurgled loudly in protest at the pressure. Sunny opened his mouth to complain, but before he could, another gurgle bubbled up inside him and he burped. Laurie felt his distended stomach deflate slightly under her hands.
"How about that?" she said, pleased with herself. Smiling, she continued rubbing his belly, massaging the taut bulge poking out under his ribs. She felt another gurgle rise up under her hands, and he burped again, followed by a soft sigh of relief. He rested his head back against her shoulder.
"Hey, don't get too comfortable, mister," she giggled. "I think you're good to go." He looked up at her with big innocent doe eyes, and she pointedly turned her head away, pretending not to see.
"Puppy eyes don't work on me, Sunshine," she lied. He continued to stare up at her. Still looking away, Laurie took him under the arms and moved him away from her. He slumped sideways against the back cushion and sadly laid his head against it, looking pitifully at her. She pretended to ignore him for a few moments longer, then sighed defeatedly, unable to hold back a smile.
"Alright," she said, extending an arm. Sunny perked up and quickly snuggled up against her side. She draped her arm over him, and he took her hand and held it against his tummy.
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imp-panada · 6 months
Hey send me art requests and I may do em
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latteedrawz · 2 years
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evilneo · 9 months
if my mum doesnt start putting her razor in the holder instead of haphazardly on the soap dish i will PERSONALLY ASSURE SHE WILL NEVER SHAVE AGAIN.
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mychanicalbrides · 6 months
YALLL i am not a wille defender anymore.. this man does not recognize his privilege AT ALLL LIKE COME ONNN
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