#aquarium siren verse
deathfavor · 8 months
@requiemofrebellion said: "we shouldn’t stick around here ." (kakucho to izana, manila verse)
dusty toybox sentence starters
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The alleyway makes for a scene more out of a horror film than something that real life. Blood stains the concrete, dripping from a few lifeless bodies on the fire escape to collect in puddles besides other corpses. It was the consequence for daring to defy those who ran the underworld these days. A scene of carnage to be broadcast to the underworld as a reminder that they should obey unless they wanted to meet a similar fate.
Kakucho's voice pulls Izana from his reflections as he turns to look up to his loyal servant, giving a hum of acknowledgement.
" You're right. " Izana agrees, turning his back to the scene and beginning to walk away from it. " As powerful as my influence with the police is, I'd rather not deal with that hassle. Not to mention the headache that the press could become if we were photographed. " Ultimately it wouldn't matter regardless. Toman would ensure that that the images never saw the light of day, and specialists like the ones who created this scene would be sent to deal with the unfortunate soul.
They're already several blocks away before the first police car goes speeding down the road, sirens blasting and red lights bathing the street in a morbid glow. Izana finds i to be a twisted moment of amusement. If only they knew what they were about to pull up too. But that was no longer his problem; Kakucho and him had only been there to verify the mission completed anyways. Now they were free from work.
" Hey Kakucho. " Izana speaks again, tossing a glance over his shoulder. But rather than the terrifying look of one of Toman's leaders, there's a rare spark of innocent delight. " The aquarium has a special night event going on tonight. Want to go with me? " He wasn't obliated of course - although Izana was rather certain that he already knew the answer.
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wellfell · 1 year
 the wrong siren was trapped inside the large aquarium that the men carried . usually , it wasn't easy to read the emotions on a siren's face yet this one didn't even blink when it glared at them . if they needed her tears , they were going to work a little harder than this . SHE WASN'T ALLOWED TO STAY OUT OF THE AQUARIUM , but they had out her in the captain's chambers ; ' don't you dare try to come out ' , they sent a guard after a while that night . he was trying not to look at her , probably not into her eyes , and she was bored . so a wet hand reaches for the end of his sleeve , tugging on it once , before pointing at the plate of food on the table . no words exchanged , he must be clever enough to know what the creature meant . her chin lowers , one pale hand rubs her stomach under the water . i'm hungry .
  📼 akina's siren verse starter call. : @lightcreators
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💭 - your choice
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Simon
I love him. I love him so much. I could watch him smile forever. I could kiss his face for hours if he'd let me. I'd kill and die for him. I'd go to the ends of the world for him. I'd do anything if it meant making a better world for him to live in. I don't ever want to be without him. I want to spend the rest of my life by his side.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Simon
He's so cute and so sweet. It's kinda nice having someone like him in the tank with everyone. He's more like me. And it's fun having someone I can tease and play with myself. Plus, he gives nice hugs and it's nice sleeping next to him.
Aquarium Siren!Rachel & Android!Simon
He's my friend! He understands me! He sees me! I don't have to pretend around him and he wants to stay with me. He makes me happy and I want to make him happy, too. I want to see him every day!
Delinquent!Rachel & Undercover Cop!Simon
He's got guts. I'd like to see him again. He's very fun to play with and tease. Cute, too! Wonder what he does for a day job.
Demon!Rachel & Fallen Angel!Simon
I hate him. I love him. I love fucking him. I love being fucked by him. He makes me confused. He makes me scared. He sets me on fire. I never want to be without him. I don't ever want to go back to a life without him. I don't care about anything else but him. I just want him. He's my angel and I'm his demon. God's not getting him back and I'm not Lucifer's bitch.
Yandere!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
He'll understand. Even if he never loves me, he will understand that I am the only one who can protect him. I'm the only one who can provide him everything he needs. He'll see. He'll see that the world is horrible and that I rescued from it. And he'll see that I love him. I love him more than anything and that I would kill and die for him if it meant protecting him from the world that's hurt and tortured him his whole life.
Naga!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
Men are cruel. I've seen it. To women, children, and other men. Though...it's not always men. Nevertheless, I've seen his wounds before. Less frequently, though it breaks my heart to see them at all. That as much as the world progresses and improves, some parts remain the same. And it saddens me that it's the uglier parts. But, my home is a safe haven for people like him. So, Simon has a home with me. With my people.
Guardian Angel!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
Poor thing...he was done so wrong in his life. But I'll be there for him. I'll help him find his own wings and soar. I'll be his guiding light. His star in the night. His friend...his home. Until he's strong enough to live without me...
Hybrid!Rachel & Hybrid!Simon
A bit odd, but a chill dude. Not as creepy as some of the predators I've met and not as aggro as some of the large prey I've met. I trust him. Hope he gets by okay.
Werewolf!Rachel & Vampire!Simon
He's sweet. And kind. And gentle. And so compassionate. I don't think I've ever met a vampire as nice as him and I'm not letting him go. He's my mate and part of my pack, now, and we've gotta look out for each other. And I love him. Wish he wouldn't pretend to throw the stick or film me in the bathtub, though...even though it is really funny.
Vampire!Rachel & Vampire!Simon
Respectable and understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humans and vampires. A true gentleman and a responsible sort. A worthy vampire. Though, I wished he had been more honest about his feelings, I'm so happy that he is honest, now. It was painful living knowing that he'd been neglected for so long. He deserves to be loved as fervently as the others.
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Markus
I used to think of him as above me. Not as a person, but as some sort of judge. A vector for my sense of justice and morality and how that connected to my sense of self. I was so sure I was unworthy of even standing next to him. But now...? I can't imagine doing what I do without him by my side. No matter what, we do everything together. We're partners. And...I love him. For who he is. For everything that makes him...Markus.
Vanilla!Rachel & Pagan God!Markus
I never thought that praying to the void would actually get me an answer. But...weirdly enough, knowing that gods are real brings me a sense of peace. And that one is on my side and genuinely believes in me and wants to help is...nice. It's nice knowing some part of the universe has my back. So, I wanna have his. It's only fair. Besides, he makes for good company and a good houseguest. Easy on the eyes, too, so long as he doesn't break my brain. I think we could be good friends.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Markus
I trust him with my life. He protected me. Kept me safe. Made sure I knew that nobody would hurt me as long as he was around and made sure that the others knew not to hurt me. And made sure I knew I was safe around him. And he's so gentle...so affectionate and loving. I'm gonna miss him whenever we get the hell out of this tank...
RK800!Rachel & Human Detective!Markus
I find him...peculiar. And fascinating. His curiosity and inquisitiveness is infectious, I think. He holds my attention. And he's kind. And...sincere, I think. I like him. Detective Manfred is a good man and a good detective and I value him as a partner. I like working with him and I hope I will be granted more opportunities to expand our professional and personal relationship.
Hybrid!Rachel & Hybrid!Markus
Smug son of a bitch thinks he can get in my pants with a cute little smirk and a playful charming personality and a sensitive artist persona and a sexy voice...well he can, and I'm mad about it. It's not fucking fair.
Naga!Rachel & Naga!Markus
He thinks he can fool me with his innocent act. He seems sincere, but I will not be fooled again by a naga who means to take that which I have guarded for centuries. We will see his true motives soon enough. If his heart truly is pure...he will likely move on and never see this place again...he is a traveler, after all.
Werewolf!Rachel & Werewolf!Markus
He's not an alpha, I don't think. But I feel like I would follow him wherever he went. Like I would do whatever he ordered me to. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust him. He fought alongside me and didn't even expect a reward. I want to know him. To be close with him. I...I want to be a part of his pack.
Frontier!Rachel & Frontier!Markus
Mister Manfred is a good man. A bit cocky and polished, but a good man. Hard worker. Good craftsmanship. Sheriff Anderson's taken quite a liking to him and he stays for dinner a lot. Can't help but feel like maybe I'm letting him get too friendly with me. I can't say the competition's very appealing, though. Besides...he makes for good company. And he's a kind man. A very kind man...I hope he knows how to protect himself out on the streets.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Leo
He's very sweet, but he's kinda intimidating. Though, it's not his fault and he's super gentle and careful with me. With everyone, actually. Which I really appreciate. Besides, even if he doesn't think so, he's nice to cuddle, too. And a very kissable face.
Trans!Rachel (Richard) & Human!Leo
I love him. I love him so much. I still feel so shitty that I didn't tell him I was a cop...I should have. But he still gave me another chance. He still let me in. I won't make him regret it. I swear. I'll be everything he deserves to have in a partner. He's too good for anything less from me.
Guardian Angel!Trans!Rachel (Richard) & Demon!Leo
I don't know how. I don't know why. But, this charming demon is my charge. I will never truly understand the will of God, but none ever will. Not even us angels. And if God wills it so, who am I to argue? Especially if it means I can be myself without having to disguise what I am. And I've never met a demon so sweet and so kind. Perhaps now I understand how others fell in love with Lucifer. There is a certain...beauty to demons I didn't see, before.
Vanilla!Rachel & Human!Elijah Kamski
How in the everloving fuck did I manage to land a multi-million dollar deal beta testing a line of androids specifically catering to monsterfuckers like me? How? ¿Como? Cum? Someone explain when my life got so fucking weird that I am now collaborating with a fucking tech company trillionaire beta testing his new line of androids SPECIFICALLY for monsterfuckers?! How did this happen????
Vampire!Rachel & Vampire!Daniel
Unlike his brother, Daniel is...frustrating. He is archaic, dogmatic, and difficult to tolerate at times. But...I also understand where his beliefs come from and being forced to share residence with what is essentially food that he is not allowed to eat must be frustrating to him. But all he needs is...proper discipline. And attention. And...affection. I do care about him...deeply. I want him to prosper and be comfortable here. I want him to be happy. I want him to feel as though my manor is a home, not just somewhere where he is a guest. And I hope I can achieve that with him, somehow.
Vanilla!Rachel & Vanilla!Alma
I care about him. I care about him more than anything. I cared about him before. I like him. I like him a lot. He tries to hard to learn, but he's actually a really good learner. It makes me upset that he seems so afraid of failing. He won't say it or act like it, but I can feel it. The hesitance and even preemptive recoiling as though him messing up will bring him pain. But now that I understand where it comes from...I just want to protect him. I want him to know how much he means to me. How much I see in him. How much I care about and appreciate him for who he is. The man who looks up at the sky and maps stars in his silver eyes. The man who always asks questions and wants to know more than he already knows. The man with an insatiable curiosity and a kind heart. The man who will hear me rattle on about whatever random thing just because he likes hearing me talk about it and likes learning about it. The man who will do the same to me. I...I just wish that everyone he's stuck with at home could see him for who he really is. Not what they wished he was or what they think he is or what they think he's supposed to be. Fucking cunt doesn't deserve her own invention, if you ask me...
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Alma
I'll admit, he was kinda scary at first. I couldn't see him and suddenly he was inside me. Didn't even give me a chance to catch my breath or anything or prep me. Then, he looked really scary. But then...he got soft. And cute. And I just wanted more of him. Even now, I look at him, and I just wanna hold him. Let him rest his head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat for a while. He's hot as fuck when he's railing me, but god damn, he's so sweet, too. And cute. It's nice to hold him and kiss him. He makes the best faces. Especially when I mess with his lure.
Alien!Rachel & Space!Alma
He's different. So much different than I could've ever expected. I'd heard reports of the ambassador from Earth from the Congress, before. But...actually meeting him was something else. He isn't even human. He's so different from me, but he feels familiar. Comforting. Like...home, almost. And his interest in my people and our culture is hard not to like. Perhaps I can request that my team visit my planet. I think Alma would like to experience Essek for himself. And I want to show him all my favourite parts of it.
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Elianna
She's so pretty. And confident. And fun. God, I haven't been on a date with a woman in years. I really hope I don't scare her or make her uncomfortable. I wanna get to know her and I can't do that if I fuck up and scare her away before I get the chance to.
Vanilla!Rachel & Vanilla!Arda
If she's anything like Alma, I think I'll like her. And probably get just as protective and defensive of her as with Alma. I bet making friends with both Alma and her would piss Dr. Chen off. I wonder if Alma's told her about me...
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Arda
She's...beautiful. Honestly. And so soft and so sweet. I like just floating around the tank in her arms and sitting on her lap. She's just nice to hold and I like listening to her. She's so gentle and so loving. Also helps that she's really good with her mouth. I could fall asleep floating around on her.
Alien!Rachel & Space!Arda
She's beautiful. She's a lot like Alma. Sort of like hatchmates, I think. Though, they're closer than that. But she's very kind and considerate and I like her. I feel inclined to protect her and defend her, much like Alma. I wonder if she'd like to study the flowers on my planet. She seems the type to enjoy interplanetary botany.
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pookacangetit · 3 years
Disney Song!Yuu [Halloween Edition: Pumpkins & Villainous Medleys]
It’s Halloween and Yuu has a treat in store for their audience at the Monstro Lounge. The trick? Yuu's singing the Disney Medley Villains' edition.
Also big thanks to the anon who brought me gifts in the form of It's Tough to Be a God and reminded me of the existence of Disney medleys :D
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Yuu was performing for Monstro Lounge that night, extra cash to be earn with the influx of visitors on the island visiting NRC due to spooky season.
As a playback to their performance a few months ago, Yuu wore a black slinky dress with a slit in the middle, dark purple stilettos and a pair of lace gloves embroidered with roses. Their hair strung into a braid decorated with fake spiders and spiderwebs.
A dead mermaid haunting the sea, Yuu had described their outfit and appearance.
The mistress of Death disguised as a beautiful siren, Azul and many had boldly assumed in the beginning.
The ghostly background music started up as Yuu gently grabbed the mic. The students hadn't tensed up when they noted the lack of backup instruments and singers even though Yuu was the only one onstage. The outsiders who never seen Yuu singing though...
Poor unfortunate souls~
In pain, in need~
This one's longing to be thinner~
That one wants to get the girl~
And I do help them~
Yes indeed~
Ignoring the loud gasps from outsiders who didn't know the Ramshackle prefect knew the lost lyrics much less be able to sing them. The students tensed in their seats and waited for the magic to work, and it did.
From the low classic lights and giant aquarium of the Monstro Lounge, greyish smoke curled around the feet of the listeners like tentacles as the landscape slowly transformed itself into the dark caves hidden deep within the ocean, illuminated with a sheen of purple glow.
The air rippled and engulfed with a dense energy as though they were underwater, with bubbles forming midair and created twinkling lights when popped.
Those poor unfortunate souls~
So sad, so true~
They come flocking to my cauldron~
Crying spells, Ursula, please~
And I help them~
Yes, I do~
Yuu grinned as they sang the last verse, wearing an angelic-looking smile which highlighted the pinkish sheen on their lips and made them resemble a dark angel beneath gold-illuminated lights.
Jade leaned forward to whisper to Azul, "You're not going to faint because how similar Yuu looks to the Great Sea Witch, are you?"
Azul pushed him away flushing, "That was once, I'm not going to repeat that embarrassing incident-"
Yuu smirked, hands stretched forward and pulled upwards as the smoke rose to the air with a green sheen. People started shrieking when they saw ghostly visages of green fire appearing and surrounding the room while the air turned thicker with a fog the colour of brimstone.
The ocean caves from before faded slightly from sight as the walls became jagged and rough at the edges.
Be prepared for a sensational news~
Jade destroyed the champagne glass he was cleaning, "This didn't happen the last time they performed that song."
"No, they're singing a completely different verse from before- what are they thinking?!" Azul frowned.
A chair cluttered noisily to the ground, drawing attention to the pirate-dressed Savanaclaw on the ground, "The- the great one's singing two great seven simultaneously?! Oh seven save me I need to get to the sacrificial pumpkins to appease them-"
Jade broke the second champagne glass he was holding, Azul's glasses cracked at the edges.
A shinning new era~
Is tip-toeing nearer~
(̷̨̛̘̦͕͕̬̽͗͗̈̀́͑̑̇̈̈́̅̾̀Ą̷̧̻̗̇͝ñ̶͙̐̏͆̋͌̇̅́͝͝d̷̨̼̜͎͙̪̝̲̗̘͔͇̹̺̎̾̍͜ ̷̧̨̢̠̺̮͚̥͚̓͋̅͊̈́̆͜͜͠ͅw̵̹͎̺͓̼̞̜̘̉̔ḥ̵̛̙̦͈͓̿̅̆̓̒́̏̄é̷̡̘̝̺̮̰̱̜̬̊͊̑̀̌̐̍̆́̄̅͆ͅr̵̦͉̗̫̙̄̄́̕ḛ̶̡͗̉̐͂̽̽̀̀̋͘͘ ̶̡̢̠̲̯̮̥͈͚͕̹̎̏̈́̈ͅḑ̵̛͓̞̫̟͍̫̰̰̤̠̰͌̆̔̽͗̔̓̅̋̏͠ơ̴̧͍͇͉̙̜̝̫̝͛͋̉̍̌̀̇͋̕͝ ̸̻̲̣̣̻̠͓̩̜͈̖̥̑̈́̉͘w̵̧̛̗̼̯̯̞̘͇͓̓̊̀e̷̛͓͐̓͆̈̐̆͋͒̎̓͘͝ ̵̢̡̰̤̳͕̱̗͓́̈̏̀̿͋̈́̔͐̐̑̈́́͝f̸̢̨͓̣͔̗̹̈́͂̄̃́̓̔͛͘͜͠ͅë̷͎́̌̑̕ḁ̷̢͓̫͈̰̖͙̃̓t̶͎̤͆͛̑͑̆̔̍͐͗͛̀͜ͅṵ̶̢̧͖̼͖̰͙̟̦͔̪̂͂̅̓̒̈̈́͒͂͛̉͜͝ͅṟ̴͍͒̀̿̌͛̾̾͝e̷͇͉̖̫̙͎͔̾̿͂̌̀͌̒͝ͅ?̷̛̛̥̈̌̌̔̒̈̊̑͛̕)̵͖̏̀͂͜~
Just listen to the teacher~
If the Savanaclaw's words didn't inspired mass panic, the clearly disembodied voices filled with manic energy singing the verse which was booming across the lounge did.
People were stuck in their seats out of fear and awe as their surroundings were a dark mixture of smoky caverns and deep ocean caves irradiating emerald and purple lights blended together and centered on the impossibility onstage singing their heart out.
Azul felt his knees go weak, "T-two songs by the great seven combined?!"
I know it sounds sordid~
But you'll be rewarded~
When at last I am given my dues~
An injustice deliciously squared~
Azul and the Leech twins were the only ones to see the light of mischief dancing in Yuu's eyes as everyone else panicked. Grinning, the prefect made a twirl with their arms outstretched to the sky, crooning the rest of the lyrics with a feral smile that sent shivers down the Octavinelle trio's backs.
Beata Maria~
You know I am a righteous man~
More screaming ensured as the room mutated into the catholic version of Hell with a burning volcanic landscape. Yuu was simply grinning as they did a little spin on the stage with their arms outstretched.
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Yuu: trick and treat!! (σ`∀´)σ
Azul: isn’t it supposed to be ‘trick or treat’?
Yuu: *preparing the Disney Villains Medley* I said what I said
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bleusimpstash · 4 years
Oh boy, I’m nervous sharing this but reading a bunch of Kraken!Sans musings from @aka-indulgence got me inspired enough for me to write a thing about it! I’ve got more ideas for this scenario, but since I’m not used to writing longer things (or just getting the courage to do so pfft) I’ll stick to this for now.
READER-INSERT STUFF, so if that ain’t your gig it’ll be under the read more!
As a quick summary, this is HT Kraken boi meeting Reader for the first time! They’re work in a mysterious underwater laboratory, and after singing a little for fun they come to realize that a massive aquarium isn’t as empty as it looked... >:)
You should have known better than to trust that a massive aquarium would be empty, despite how dark and lifeless it appeared to be through the large hallway windows. With it being your first night in this underwater laboratory, and as a janitor no less, how could you have known that something would watch and listen to your every move through the pristine glass?
If you’d known this, you wouldn’t have been singing as you mopped the metal floors, dancing and swaying to the rhythm of the song as you worked. Music was your secret passion, your outlet of emotions often times in a job that allowed you few creative freedoms, and there wasn’t any better time to sing than during your night shift, when everyone was sound asleep in the community dorms! With no one to bother you or critique your voice, it wasn’t long before you’d completely absorbed yourself in your chosen playlist, letting your cadence ring through the halls with no restraint.
However, your voice wasn’t only reaching through the many empty halls and labs of the underwater facility, it also echoed through the glass and into the darkened waters of the containment aquarium… attracting the attention of an ancient, primal horror. A hellish red pupil flickered to life at the bottom of the containment aquarium, drawn up towards the dim lights which glowed through the hallways that lined the enormous cage…
Oblivious you took no notice of the dangerous attention you’d garnered, as your favorite bit of the song came around your voice grew in volume as well, passionately singing along with the words. The scene the music inspires dances out in your mind as you daydream yourself far away from the dark, dank underwater laboratory you worked in, closing your eyes briefly to immerse yourself more in your escapism. Because of this, you weren’t able to notice the massive red light that slowly lifts itself into view through the window, the glowing orb illuminating a partial skull that was too large to fully see through the window, cropped to just above his mangled jawline and below the monstrous crack in his skull. Upon seeing a tiny human singing and dancing about, the sea behemoth freezes in place to closely observe your movements, drawn in by your voice.
Of course, the moment you open your own eyes, you notice the unusual red tint that covers the hallway around you. Puzzled by this you look around to see if perhaps an emergency light had somehow turned on, only to be greeted by something far more worrying when you turn to face the aquarium window.
You stood frozen in view of the massive eye, bathed in its glowing red light that now illuminated the dim hallway. The music was still playing in your ears, but now you may as well be deaf to everything around you, awed by the sheer size of the creature staring at you, and also internally panicking. What was this thing?! Why hadn’t anyone told you this giant aquarium was containing some sort of sea monster, and how had you not seen it earlier when you peered through the hallway’s glass window?
These questions were trivial now, as the red eye (that alone was taller than you were-) appeared to constrict slightly, as if the creature were watching your reaction with great intensity. Your next move was out of pure instinct alone, as you waved your hand shyly at it as if trying to shoo the enormous eye away. “M-move along, there’s nothing to see here…” You tell it shakily, gripping the handle of your mop as if your life depended on it. You weren’t even sure if the thing could understand you, or hear you through the glass, but there was some sort of reaction in how the eye suddenly shrank, making you jump out of fear of having angered this nightmarish being somehow. “No really! I’m no one interesting, just-just cleaning stuff for the night! I won’t bother you, I promise!”
A rumble comes as your response, a sound which gently vibrates through your body before the low pitch reached your ear. Your body shudders in response to the unnatural sensation, before you legitimately began to tremble when a massive clawed hand suddenly pressed itself against the glass, so big that you can only partially see the palm through the window frame! At this point you were all too certain this sea monster was trying to break the glass to eat you and were just about to flee down the hall, when another type of sound suddenly came from the beast…
… a strangely melodic hum, if you could call it that, where through the rumble you could pick up the different pitches and notes the monster was creating. The more you listened to the slow noise, the more you caught on to the fact that these notes were strikingly similar to the song you had just been singing before the massive eye caught you off guard!
Was this thing… trying to sing with you?
Your eyes widened with surprise at this realization, a new emotion blooming in your chest as you gingerly placed the mop against the wall, your full attention now on the red eye as it dilated and grew in size, seemingly having noticed the fear leaving your expression.
“Are you… singing?” You dare to ask, hesitantly approaching the window with newfound curiosity, despite caution screaming at you to run away instead of approach the much larger creature. The hum which shook your entire being ebbed away as you spoke, leaving a moment of silence between the two of you as you stared at one another, though the quiet did not feel so heavy or threatening as it had before. A light squeak from the glass drew your attention as the pale white hand (was that bone?) moved slightly, curling into a fist and allowing you to spot the sharpened claws at the end of this creature’s fingers. And yet… this didn’t feel like a threatening gesture. You focus again on the eye, as it bobbed very slightly up and down. The sea monster nodded.
“...You… heard me singing then, didn’t you?” You dumbly stated, pointing a finger at yourself as you took in the fact that this inhuman looking giant actually understood you and was capable of responding. Another slight nod of the eye comes at your response. “And it… didn’t bother you?”
Instead of moving up and down, the eye and the white socket around it (oh goodness that was bone-) shifted from side to side, a shake of the monster’s massive head. It was responding, giving yes and no answers, this was crazy-!
It was crazy, and yet for some reason you felt so giddy inside. You couldn’t help the wide smile that was suddenly on your face, the dimples you felt on your cheeks almost feeling foreign as you reached up to cover your mouth. When was the last time you’d felt this excited?
“Wow, guess you’re a musician too then, huh?” You muse softly, quiet enough that you wouldn’t think the creature would hear you and yet a brief rumbling… purr, proved you wrong. You labeled this sound a purr, mainly because of the glimmer you could suddenly see swimming about in the giant eye, a glimmer that you interpreted as amusement. A small laugh leaves you before you pick up your music player from the coat’s pocket, browsing through your song selection to pick another one to play.
“Well, I do need to keep working, but if you’d like I can pick something a little slower. Maybe you could... sing along?” You asked as you settled for a familiar folk song, slow but easy to hum along to. “This one’s not too hard, just repeat after me.”
While you weren’t certain how well this would work, you took your mop in hand again and began to sing the folk song of your choice, the notes far more melodic and gradual in pace. The old love song was one of your favorites, and you hardly needed to listen to the recording to know what words to sing, lost instead in the somber violins and rolling tones of the song. Once you had finished the first verse of the tune, already swaying to the rhythm as you mopped, the rumbling of the massive monster soon shook your body once more, reminding you of his presence as you peek subtly in the glass window’s direction, continuing to sing still as a low pitched wail joined you.
He matched you pitch by pitch, perhaps a little off key but still hauntingly beautiful with his own singing. Unlike your soprano cadence that allowed you to reach high notes with ease and confidence, the giant skeletal monster’s voice reached your core before your ears, vibrating with a primal energy that blended seamlessly with his song. Deep, otherworldly, and a stark contrast to your human vocals. You would have stopped in your own melody, feeling unworthy of singing alongside him, but from the equally enraptured glow of that surprisingly expressive eye… You couldn’t help but have the impression that he was listening very closely to your own voice as well.
And so your unusual duet with a friendly sea monster continued, as you slowly moved your way up the darkened hallways, keeping to the routes that stayed alongside the giant creature’s aquarium and allowed him to very gradually follow you from window to window. Once you finished the first folk song, the two of you easily continued onto the next melody, and just as quickly to the one after that. Song after song passed on your playlist, each one giving you and the sea creature a chance to hear one another and become lost in the music the two of you created together. It was… surreal to your own mind, you almost couldn’t believe this was actually happening, and yet every time you would glance to the monster’s enormous face to find him following your every move with a wide, dilated red eye, reality would prove you wrong.
But soon enough, you had to move onto the other sections of the laboratory. You’d get chewed out for a botched job if you didn’t clean the entire facility by the end of the night, and yet somehow that looming threat didn’t bother you as much as it normally would, finishing the last song with a heavy sigh as you placed the mop in the wheeled bucket. The sea monster appeared to catch onto the turn of your emotions, as his rumbling moans soon tapered off into a heavy silence, the red light illuminating the hallway growing more intense as he leaned closer to the glass. Leaning closer to you.
While you knew by now that he was friendly, being under that much scrutiny from a massive entity was still quite intimidating, and you couldn’t help but take a step back in surprise. You were quick to realize that this was likely him trying to figure out what was wrong though, so with a saddened smile you pointed a thumb down the turning hallway, which ventured away from his aquarium and into dim darkness. “Sorry big guy, this is where we part ways. I’ve got to mop up the rest of this place by the end of the night.” You explained with a disappointed tone, turning your focus towards your phone briefly and missing the drastic shrink of the monster’s glowing pupil. “It was nice singing with you though, you have a beautiful voi-”
You were nearly shaken off balance by the force of his clawed hand bashing against the window suddenly, followed swiftly by a deep guttural growl that tore through the air around you. A sharp gasp leaves you as you quickly turn to the sea beast, to see both his hands now pressed against the glass in front of you, his skull now in full view at the distance he was at and his anger all too clear through his beastly expression. It was barely human, his giant teeth were in full view and each one was razor sharp. His socket with the glowing pupil was practically searing the water around it, nearly a pinprick of light now glared at you while his other socket was a hollow black and narrowed. But most alarmingly of all, a detail that had been hidden by how close he’d been to the window before, was how an enormous portion of his skull was just gone, leaving nothing but a cracked husk in the top right half of the monster’s head. As drawn as your eyes were to the gruesome injury, with the beast snarling in your direction and pressing into the glass, you had more important things to worry about.
Such as the cracks you could suddenly hear from the window-
“W-wait! Stop, what’s wrong? Why are you so angry?” You yelped frantically, unwisely approaching the hands pressed against the windows with your own hands stretched out, as if hoping to push him away from breaking the precious barrier. If he broke the glass windows, the whole laboratory could be flooded, and everyone (mainly you-) would drown! “Please, be gentle with the glass, I can’t breathe in water like you if it breaks!”
Surprisingly enough the sea monster appeared to hear you through the ear-splitting growls he was making, and while he still radiated a hot fury from his sockets and far-too wide grin, the clawed phalanges are slowly lowered from the windows. You sigh with relief as the cracks you’d heard go silent, but still faced with an enraged giant you press your own hand against the glass, watching his expression desperately and trying to make out what had upset him. He’d started making a fuss when you said you had to leave…
“Do you… want me to stay?” You hesitantly asked, your eyes widening as his clawed hand returned to mirror your own hand on the glass, practically engulfing you in it’s shadow as his palm loomed over you, each of his fingers far taller than you alone. His face drew closer yet again, hiding his head injury to watch you when his hand had hidden you from his sight. The growls at last quiet down some, and grew more high pitched in tone. It almost sounded like a… pitying whine now, to your ears. You took this as a yes, he wanted you to stay.
“I’m… I’m sorry, I wish I could, but I can’t.” You said honestly, drawing your eyes away from his towering hand and towards his eye with a morose expression of your own. “I’ll get in trouble if I don’t clean the labs by the time everyone wakes up. I’m… I’m the janitor, after all, this is what they expect me to do.” You state the last sentence bitterly, clearly not wanting to be a janitor, but it was all you could do here without having the qualifications to be a scientist in these labs.
Showing your frustration to an already irate sea beast wasn’t the wisest choice however, as his cries went silent all together and a heavy silence fell all around you. His pupil was shrinking even further… Thankfully this time you caught onto his souring mood and tried to turn the tides as much as you could, offering him a hopeful grin instead through the glass and making your tone more cheerful.
“But, once I’m done I can come back! I do want to see you again, it’s not everyday you find a music partner after all!” You said as confidently as you could, watching the behemoth carefully for his reaction. “I promise I’ll be quick, you’ll hardly notice that I’m gone. So don’t be mad, kay?”
From the slight narrowing of his sockets you got the impression he was suspicious of you, but of what you couldn’t say. Perhaps picking up on the pleading tone of your voice though, the sea monster at last appears to relent and lowered his gargantuan hand from the glass, swimming to put distance between himself and the windows while his single red pupil remained intensely focused on you. A silent truce, allowing you to leave despite appearing hesitant about it still.
A wave of relief hit you at this point, though you did your best not to show this and instead gave the giant skeleton a happy grin and wave of goodbye, before beginning to scoot your mop bucket down the branching hallway and further into the depths of the lab. You didn’t stop until you felt the burning sensation on your back leave you, knowing that if you turned to see him watching you leave like a lost puppy you likely wouldn’t have the heart to go through with your janitorial duties. But you had a job to do, and you seriously needed the money, so you’d turn down your own wants for the next few hours until you were done.
After that, you’d be free to visit your bizarre, terrifying, yet exciting new companion.
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river--glass · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recommendations: Monster Edition
In honor of Spooky Season, I wanted to make a list of fics in which one or both of them are more than human. Cryptids and creatures and monsters galore. (This one is for you, monsterfuckers.)
Count the Rings by Lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora). (E, Modern, 63K) When camping with her friends, Rey jokingly decides to marry a tree thats rumored to hold the spirit of a trapped man. Spoiler alert, the legends were true. Featuring accidental marriage, demon deals, and soft soft demon Ben. Sure there’s some angst and danger but this is mostly sweet and wonderful and Rey having dreams come true.
The Hand That Feeds by persimmone. (E, Victorian, 46K) Rey has managed to avoid unwanted male attention for thirty years, until the opening of a mysterious artifact burdens her with an accidental husband. Luckily, her new consort is not the average man. Or better, he's not... human. Featuring eldritch abomination Kylo who is so sweetly in awe and reverent of human Rey despite being powerful and older than the universe. And who also has... a tentacle form.
All The Ashes by neonheartbeat. (E, Modern, 37K) Rey, living in a terrible Brooklyn apartment and desperate to escape, posts a Craiglist ad as a half-joke seeking a marriage of convenience to just get the hell out of the country. It's unexpectedly answered by a mysterious Romanian count. Featuring soft monster Kylo, good friend Hux, and beauty and the beast elements. I loved this soft Kylo and thirsty Rey.
I Will Always Find You by kuresoto. (E, Modern, 24K) Featuring Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo. I love this. They fuck like monsters (and as monsters!) and Rey is the queen of hell and they're so viciously in love. Read It!!
Deliciously by @secretreylotrash. (E, Colonial, 18K) Puritan/Salem Witch Trials/The VVitch Inspired. Witches, demon Kylo, orgies, death... This was WILD.
The Devil’s Lucky Number by Avdal. (E, Modern, 10K) Pure smut. Demon Kylo shows up out of the blue for the sole purpose of making rey orgasm. It’s what she deserves.
The Devil You Know by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 10K) In which Ben finds out the hard way that he shouldn’t play with old magic. AKA, lucky bastard dumb college student Ben accidentally summons himself a succubus girlfriend.
The Demon Within Me by Avdal. (E, Modern, 8K) Shameless demon Kylo smut.
Come To Me In The Clearing And There We Shall Dance by QueenOfCarrotFlowers @leofgyth . (E, 1600′s, 5K) She had been hoping he would find her - her only friend. Kylo. She supposes he’s a demon, or a devil, or one of the heathen gods, but she's never worked up the nerve to ask him and he has not volunteered that information.
Proposal by AKyloDarkly. (E, 4K) Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo.
Mercy by bunilicious. (E, Victorian, 3K) A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Demon AU. AKA, Rey is thirsty for her demon husband and refuses to wait any longer.
For Love of a Flame by thewayofthetrashcompactor. (E, Fantasy, 8K) The shadowy Order has advanced across the forest, bringing darkness in their wake. Rey is hungry and desperate, willing to face the Order themselves to steal back what they've taken from the land. What she finds there is not what she expects. Fairies/mothpeople! Weird! I’m into it!
Drawn to the Light of Your Burning Sorrows by Kyriadamorte. (M, Modern, 7K) Mothman Ben! Curious outcast Rey! This was the first mothlo fic I ever saw. Me when I saw this fic: Mothlo? Mothman Reylo?? God and Ryan Johnson have truly abandoned this fandom. Me after this fic: Mothman Kylo is the best boy and bring on the cryptids.
Macrolepidoptera by ceciliasheplin. (E, Modern, 3K) Rey runs after her Mothman to show him how much she loves him. Nothing like a 3K word fic that hits you in the feels at the same time that it’s giving you mothman smut filth. This fandom is magical.
Nature Spirits
Oh Autumn, Oh Teakettle, Oh Grace by diasterisms. (E, Modern, 31K) Ben Solo didn’t believe in dryads, until one snagged his coats and freed herself. She’s pure bliss and magic and he is captivated. If she has to go 2000 miles back to her tree, he might as well drive her there. Dryad Rey/smitten human Ben road trip! What a lovely fic!
Looking For a Breath of Life by Fighter_for_Solo. (T, Fantasy, 18K) Featuring Elf Prince Ben and human hunter Rey! A really delightful story.
I met you once — ( In a dream ) by persopilliankore. (E, Fantasy, 10K). Where Ben and Rey are soulmates and Ben is more than meets the eye.
Fearless by KyloTrashForever. (E, Fantasy, 6K) Featuring tree Ent Kylo and the softest tentacle porn you’ll ever read.
Sea Creatures. Mermaids, Selkies, OctaKylo, oh my!
Beyond the Veil by dachenbritta. (M, Modern, 40K). Deep within the waters of the Oregon coast, a lone mermaid longs for the man she's watched for years. Her wish of joining him comes true but comes at a cost. This was hilarious and emotional and such a great read.
Sirens by SageMcMage. (E, Fantasy, 21K) In which Merman Ben tries to woo Mermaid Rey by little gifts on her doorstep. Adorable! 
Yn Beisht Kione by Melusine11 @hellomelusine . (E, Modern, 5K) They say a beast roams the sea. Protecting a treasure long hidden in the Headland's caves. Some say it is the soul of a man killed by pirates to protect that treasure. Sailors have been known to throw casks of rum at the beast in the hopes of placating it, so they don't get eaten and can pass in peace. Most people though, don't believe he exists, and Rey is about to find out how wrong they all are.
I Found You by Kyoloren. (T, Fantasy, 5K) In which scavenger mermaid Rey finds a strange black T-shaped object in her waters on Kef Bir and is determined to return it to its owner. Mermaid Rey!Cute little fish people soulmates!
Octopussy by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 5K) Three brothers at the beach plus one horny sea monster equals a lot of holes being filled. Smutty monster filth, no need to look for a deeper meaning than that. You like tentacle porn? Here ya go.
Live by the Sea, Love by the Tide by Twin_Kitten. (E, Fantasy, 4K) Rey and a few other mermaids escape the clutches of Unkar, and stumble into the territory of another pod of mermaids. Ben's pod. Soft caretaking mermaid Ben!
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by HarpiaHarpyja @thisgarbagepicker . (T-E, Fantasy) A Short delightful little series featuring Selkie Ben and explorer Rey! I seriously cannot say enough good things about this author, do yourself a favor and go read EVERYTHING she’s ever written.
Tentacle Dick (that’s it that’s the plot)
Damnably Unbecoming by cuddlesome. (E, Canon-verse crack, 5K)
Froot (i've been saving all my summers for you) by kuresoto. (E, Canon-verse crack, 4K)
In The Dark by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 44K) A Dark Shadows AU!! It’s not “finished”, but it ends well where it is! Featuring vampire Ben who is very sorry about drinking blood and human Rey who is even thirstier than he is.
A Little Death (Goes a Long Way) by crossingwinter. (E, Modern, 23K) A Vampire & A/B/O AU. Weird and dark but I am here for it.
The Lioness by Lilia_ula. (E, Fantasy, 13K) Rey goes bravely to her death after being chosen as the village sacrifice, but upon meeting the beast things don’t go as planned. I love to see Reylo fics where they both revel in who they are and what they are together. Fascinating.
Beneath the Pale Moonlight by bunilicious. (E, Historical Recency, 15K) A fluffy fic about vampire Ben falling hard for Rey! 
The Curious Case of the Aquarist and the Vanishing Walrus by radioactivesaltghoul. (T, Modern, 6K) Rey loves spending time in the walrus enclosure at the aquarium she works at.Ben is a vampire with an unusual ability. This is bizarre and wonderful and just such a fun read. I think about this fic daily.
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves) by crossingwinter. (E, Fantasy, 32K) A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Howl by monsterleadmehome. (E, modern, 2K) When Ben Solo is trying to earn Eagle Scout status, he spends a night alone in the woods. A chance encounter with a werewolf girl named Rey leaves an impression. Ten years later, he runs into her again and this time, they're all grown up.
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pale-silver-comb · 4 years
I read an ask about mermaids and the aquarium version, but I’m curious about the team being merpeople. FYI: love all of your content
Do they start out human and get turned? 
As much as I want to have awesome and exciting headcanons about the team being merpeople, I don’t really have any. Although I do like the idea Nate and Sophie are human while Parker, Hardison and Eliot have some kind of mer-genealogy.
@sophoklesworld and I were talking about the possibility of Eliot knowing merpeople (kind of in the same way it’s hinted he’s fought aliens in the show) and is somehow immune to their siren song after fighting them, and so the merpeople like hanging out with him because he’s in no danger of drowning. Meanwhile, Parker and Hardison get super suspicious because where.does.Eliot.keep.disappearing to.every.third.Sunday.of.the.month? Eliot can’t risk them finding out though because those two are definitely not going to be immune to the siren song and he really doesn’t want to have to harm a merperson - it’s in their nature to kill after all, not their fault- but when it comes to Hardison and Parker there is no question of who he’d protect.
But this is Parker and Hardison. Of course they find out. 
I think Parker would be immune to the siren song right off the bat, which Eliot is both proud of and a little scared by because he had to work at being immune to that song. He had to build up tolerance. Still, Parker would probably just shrug at this, unfazed, and try to poke the merpeople and Eliot would instantly forget about falling just a little more in love with this woman because “Parker, you can’t just poke merpeople.” “Why not? You let me poke you all the time.” “That’s different.” “Why?” “It just is.” “Why?” *cue a grumpy and blushing Eliot who doesn’t know how to say because I’m very soft for you and they are not*
Meanwhile, Hardison wouldn’t be immune but it’s Hardison, so of course he’s going to build some kind of electronic contraption which sends out some kind of subliminal sound wave to disrupt the song, therefore creating his own brand of immunity. This intrigues the merpeople to no end. It would frighten them if it wasn’t for the Soft Looks Eliot was forever sending Hardison’s way, emphasizing how much of a Dork this man is and in no way a threat. (Because of course Hardison creates some kind of merpeople sound machine and never once thinks of capitalizing on it. Dude just wants to hang out with his girlfriend and boyfriend and their new mer-friends. It’s rude that anyone would ever think otherwise, thank you very much. However, if he also wanted to question them about their skills so he can use it in future online D&D tournaments, well, that’s his business....right?)
I realise this has completely gone off topic since I have, yet again, not discussed the team being actual merfolk. But I think I’d truly, honestly much rather have merpeople integrated in the canon verse someway, as opposed to some kind of AU scenario.
(Although, I am not ruling out the possibility Eliot has some kind of merperson connection. That hair is too luscious not to have been blessed by a mermaid.)
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erobret · 5 years
Ami is a lightweight though she rarely drinks
She drops many hints to being a mermaid in her idol career ; costumes , accessories , album covers , songs , photoshoots , music videos
Ami loves to cook. She has a single wall shelf dedicated to cookbooks and binders of recipes found online
Her favourite animal is jellyfish
Her biggest fear is fire
Different kinds of water brings about different siren forms ( which has to be mostly submerged in ); salt water is full siren ( deep water brings on more nightmarish form ), fresh water allows her to take on siren form but with two legs, tap water triggers some of her scales to appear, pool water doesn’t trigger anything
She has the ability to control water ( strongest in siren form and especially during a full moon )
In siren form, if she kisses you, you will gain the ability to breathe underwater until you breathe air once again
On land her voice simply draws the attention of others ( which made becoming a singer easy ), once in water and in siren form those that hear her song ,in the language of the sirens, become entranced
a single tear of hers can heal an open wound, though the tear only has effect in her siren form
She loves sweets
She’s often described as a “little bunny”
She own many different wigs and coloured contacts
In siren form her eyes are reflective
Her eyes turn a vivid blue when using her abilities
She needs to return to water every couple of days else she becomes weak; light headed, headaches, memory issues, very fatigued, and worse cases being the loss of use of her legs
Not many would think about this but being on land in general is painful for her being that the longer outside of water her legs become more and more pained until like the above canon, she loses the use of her legs until getting back into [ salt ] water
Fish are drawn to her and she can sense their emotions
She can play many instruments; flute, harp, piano, acoustic guitar, violin, ocarina
She has been taught many different kinds of dances but she prefers ballet
She can contort her body
She has done gymnastics and figure skating
If she were to join a school sport it would be the high diving team ( her ability to naturally swim faster than a human would be cheating if she joined a swimming team )
She always visits the local aquarium everywhere she goes
She is a multi-genre artist ; main genres are pop and rock . she also does covers of popular tv songs ( voice claim is amanda lee on yt )
Ami is the type to keep snacks and foods for breakfast and lunch and such in her house but goes shopping for dinner everyday
She knows how to knit, sew, and crochet
She burns in the sun easily
She has the ability to let out a screech to stun anything within a 50 meter radius around her but she can only do this in siren form and underwater ---- in great distress it can get to a frequency that can shatter glass
When she transforms into a siren all clothes end up off her ( depending on verse and partner any tops will be replaced with pearls to cover her modesty )
When she’s turning back into a human all her siren features turn to seafoam and wash away off of her
When she transforms into her siren form her body is engulfed in a veil of bubbles and her mermaid features appear
She likes barefoot walks through the woods and on the beach
She loves fireflies at night
Ami gets cold easily and once she gets cold it’s hard for her to get warm again
She loves watermelon
She loves all things pink and cute
She loves musicals
She has a whole book case dedicated to fairytales and fantasy books
She doesn’t like violence or gore ( even though as a siren she’s done some things she’s not proud of from hunting and killing fish to drowning people --- though accidently--- in her youth )
She trusts people too easily
She doesn’t like being alone, loneliness being another fear of hers---as well as being forgotten
Languages she can speak fluently; english, japanese, chinese, korean, ASL
Languages she can speak well but prefers to have a translator present just in case; Vietnamese, Cambodian, French
Language she knows a bit of but isn’t confident in her use of it; German, Spanish, Italian, Russian
She insists upon having an ASL translator with her for every televised interview and if one is not provided she will sign herself as she speaks
Much of her earnings go to different charities
She actively speaks out and stands up for the minorities and one will always see her at any pride events
With that being said she hasn’t thought much about where she stands romantically/sexually but that she loves the idea of love and being loved no matter where the love comes from
She owns a secluded house on the ocean and her own stretch of beach
Her trainer is very strict with her diet, work-outs, and dancing. She’s unaware of Ami’s secret so she thinks that Ami is just a normal, talented human girl. Ami’s able to eat whatever she likes due to her metabolism. Her body is put under a lot of stress during her training and once she starts stumbling during practices it’s time to return to the water
She has a pool that goes from being an outside pool, go through a tunnel and it appears inside as well as if you press a button another tunnel opens up in the outside pool that empties out into the ocean off the shore in the reefs
She’s bought apartments for all her band members and pays for them to live there until they started making enough to afford it themselves or get their own homes
Her band members are a wide array of ages and people; her two electric guitarists are brothers ( raiku and ryuko ), her bass player is a boy fresh out of high school and is the newest member, her dj is a girl in her early twenties, her pianist/keyboard player is an older man in his late thirties, her drummer is the girlfriend of the dj and is also ami’s backup singer
Ami suffers from nightmares of her family’s death and home burning down and if anything traumatic happens to her she will most likely have nightmares about that event as well
Ami’s only combat skills are common self-defense as well as a technique along the lines of chi-blocking like what ty lee from atla where it makes a certain part of the body hit go limp or numb due to hitting a pressure point
Ami has ignored her needs a few times and has fainted on stage during a performance and she had to be secretly brought to her house instead of a hospital so she can recover in water
Ami has the ability to stand and move about on any water’s surface by using her control over water to push against her and hold her up. She’s also able to control the water to push her across the surface much like in a way of ice skating
Ami knows how to play slap guitar
She’s voiced some animated and gaming characters
She doesn’t like to be yelled at and often shrinks away from it when it happens
Besides her brows and the hair on her head as well as lashes ami is hairless since it would slow her down in the water
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mcrmaidscales · 7 years
the mysterious fathoms below || main verse || shipping: open
↬     Ariel is still a mermaid and travels the seas in search of an adventure. She rejects her father’s teachings and finds interest, perhaps an obsession, with the human world. 
*** she may have ability to walk on land, but it is on a plot by plot basis 
and i could be part of your world || secondary || shipping: open
↬    Ariel is walking upright on two feet, but her voice has been taken from her by the sea witch, Ursula,  so communication is based with hand gestures. 
i disdain all glitter and gold || potc au || shipping: open
↬    Ariel is lost from her pod and is swayed into following pirate ships as they are far too often full of so many interesting characters as she has been known to warn of impending tragedy to both pirates and navy men. Pirates and sailors both have talked about the fire haired siren that has rescued them from the depths and has sang them to sleep with the voice of an angel. 
** Ariel can, as well, become human once on land and has stowed away on a ship or two out of curiosity. 
lost in never land || peter pan au || shipping: open
↬    Ariel is caught in the waters off of never land where she watches the battles between the pirates and the lost boys. She never strays to close to the island as she knows of its devious tricks. 
silicone tails || modern au || shipping: open
↬    Ariel is wholly human in the modern world. She works as a mermaid at a local aquarium and sea food restaurant. Occasionally she does modelling in her mermaid tail. 
** this verse is for all fandoms based in modernity and i will delve into more details for each fandom at a later date. 
the dead on the beach || twd au || shipping: open
↬ Ariel lives in a small beach house before the dead rose up to take hold of the world. Her first weapon ever used against a walker happened to be a sharp conch shell, used as a last resort. and it’s become an important item in her bag that she carries every where with her. 
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🐣 + your 🦈AU - from simon-pl600-501-743-923
A typical ordinary day, it seemed. It was slightly busier today than most days, but Rachel didn’t mind. After all, that just meant more attention for herself from the curious faces of the intrigued. She could never get tired of it.
Which was why it upset the siren so much when she saw a baby in one of those nests that the shorewalkers carried their young in. The ones that rolled around on the ground in some sort of strange contraption. They were common. She’d seen those frequently, and from what she could guess, they served the purpose of protecting a youngling before they’re able to walk. And she’d seen how big their young typically were when they were walking.
Shorewalkers were such strange creatures. They took so long to form.
But this squishy youngling was crying out for its mother, who was looking the other way and neglecting her child. She was speaking on some sort of device, something that Rachel had learned was called a “phone,” though she didn’t quite understand how it worked or even what it did.
But to neglect one’s child’s needs over it was wrong. It was abhorrent. And staring at the squishy bundle of tears, Rachel swam down, her cloud of dark hair pooling gracefully behind her scaly head. Tapping on the glass with a claw, she got the child’s attention. She’d seen some parents play some sort of game with them. One where they pretended to hide their faces behind their clawless and webless hands and then surprise the easily surprised babies.
So, she tried to do the same to the child, hiding behind her hands for a moment before surprising the child with a wide smile.
However, the child seemed to only cry harder. Perhaps it only worked when their own parents played with them. Or perhaps the siren was simply too frightening for the child to feel safe around.
Nevertheless, it made Rachel quite crestfallen, her bright amber eyes downcast as she floated idly by the glass of the tank.
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Mer Verse Headcanons
More information on the mer.
Her mermaid form is similar to a Blacktip Reef Shark.
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She grew up completely alone, having never known her parents or ever given a name. All she knows is that she had parents, but she sure doesn’t remember their faces or if she even had siblings.
She has a cave much farther out from the shore and away from civilization where she lives. So far, nobody’s found it.
She’s never seen another of her own kind in all the years she’s lived in the lake. As far as she knows, she’s the only one.
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Lake Verse
Rachel lives in Lake Eerie and hangs around Belle Isle a lot.
She doesn’t actually like to eat and/or kill people like sirens are fabled to do.
She mostly just lures people close so she can make friends.
Which isn’t to say that she can’t be scary and kill people because hoo boy, she can be scary when she wants to be.
She’s seen some messed up shit gone down by the shore and she’s not keen on just letting that slide.
Because there are a lot of androids there now, Rachel actually makes friends with a lot of androids and they keep her secret.
Especially since they’re both races that face persecution by humans.
She sees the families that gather on the beaches on the lake and she can’t help but want something like that for herself.
Aquarium Verse
Rachel’s been caught and discovered and she’s kept in the Belle Isle Aquarium as an exhibit and it constantly studied by the staff and researchers that come there.
She’s particularly soft towards the children that come there because of how excited and awestruck they are by her.
She really hates it when she sees parents mistreating their kids and has often scared them, the parents mistakenly believing Rachel to be dangerous.
She knows Sign Language thanks to the handlers and trainers teaching it to her.
They don’t know she can actually verbally speak their language.
She keeps her true intelligence a secret from them because she doesn’t want to just be discarded, but she also doesn’t want to be studied too hard by them and kept as some sort of experiment.
Which is hard because...she wants friends.
Connor is based on a black halfmoon orchid betta fish with elements of a firefly squid.
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His tail half is black with shimmery bright iridescent blue scales while his top half is pale white skin with a pale blue iridescent shimmer to it when the light bends on him.
He has a long flowy tail and fins on his sides and his elbows and his ears are the same way. He also has a pronounced frilled spine from the back of his neck to partway down his tail.
There’s also a soft flowy seam that runs down his sides from his tips to where his flowy tail tip begins.
Covering his slit are a set of tentacles, two of them being proper arms to grip things with and four of them just for protection.
Connor is capable of giving and receiving eggs, but which one he does changes every breeding season.
He has dark freckles on his pale skin and white freckles on his dark tail. All of these glow a bright blue in the dark.
In-fact, Connor is absolutely covered in secret bioluminescent markings all over his body.
In terms of personality, Connor is a traditional siren.
Charming, proud, flirtatious, and carefree.
He lives a mostly solitary life, but spends his life living day to day without much of an ultimate goal or need for anything else.
He often entices others to him with his song and lays with them, keeping them and taking care of them for the season until his eggs hatch and he can let them go freely.
He can live in both the deep sea and the surface level, as he is perfectly able to camouflage for both.
Cyrus is based on a Leopard Seal.
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He’s covered in splotchy grey fur all over and is very sleek in design. He’s also 13 feet long.
Cyrus does not lay eggs, he would find a mate that can give live birth.
In-fact, egg-laying animals, including egg-laying mers, smell like food to him.
Androids or android mers would simply smell like equipment.
However, he won’t eat other seal mers because they’re either competition or mates.
He does not encounter humans very often, but depending on the circumstances, he may either see them as food, competition, or a mate depending on the scent and how much of a threat they seem to pose to him or his food sources.
In the harsh environment he lives in, he cannot afford to waste food or resources, so he won’t pick unnecessary fights and he’ll take advantage of whatever food or mate he can get.
He’s mostly detached and cannot form attachments to others except for a seasonal mate. Then and only then does he have an attachment, and even then, it’s a temporary one. He views his mate as something he needs to provide for and protect and keep safe and will be very caring towards them during the rearing of his pup. But afterwards, he will lose the attachment.
He’s also a primarily solitary creature otherwise and prefers his own company to the company of another.
Howard is an incredibly prideful siren.
He’s incredibly intelligent and he knows it and often preens his appearance.
He can camouflage with his environments and blend into his habitats.
His lower half bears a resemblance to a two-spot octopus, golden yellow in appearance typically with two false eye spots on either side of his naval.
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Howard is not interested in consuming humans for food or even killing them.
No, all he cares about is finding a suitable mate to deposit his seed in and he’ll find just about anyone to do it in.
Once they’re trapped, they won’t be able to escape his tentacles or his grasp.
He will sing them songs that promise them a life of security, comfort, and unconditional love and adoration. He prays on those with insecurities and self-worth issues.
He's rather drawn to marriage iconography.
Unlike his human self, as a siren, he actually doesn't care what gender his victim is.
He doesn't go inland if he can help it, but if he does, he will spirit his love away and make a journey through the lakes until they reach the open sea where he takes them to his island and they can spend their entire lives together.
What his victims don't know is that there are several skeletons on the island from his previous victims.
Howard can't lay eggs, but he can reproduce with most human females. Though, he doesn't actually care much about being a caretaker. That being said, he will be a decent and serviceable father to his young.
Android Siren Verse
Serena is a custom-made android mermaid.
She was made by a man who was obsessed with mermaids and wanted one for himself.
She was kept by him as his trophy and his personal companion android, except for the fact that she was an aquatic mermaid android.
Despite playing the part, she wants nothing more than to escape from her master and be free, out on the open ocean where she belongs.
She looks a lot more like a typical storybook mermaid. Think Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and that’s pretty close to what Serena looks like.
Once she does manage to escape her master, however, she flees.
She flees and she never looks back and makes a life for herself out on the open ocean.
She ends up becoming a true siren, luring sailors to their doom before killing them and leaving them for dead at sea.
Siren Verse
She’s an incredibly reclusive siren.
She never stays in one place for very long and is always traveling.
If she’s seen, she’s never seen in that place twice.
She tends to lie low in the depths until she has to hunt for food.
Her lower half has the appearance of a vampire squid.
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Dark red with elegant tentacles and membranes between them.
Her song is irresistible and anyone who comes near will meet a swift and painful end by her teeth and barbed tentacles.
Nathan isn’t a siren, he’s just an ordinary mer.
He lives in the lakes and doesn’t really bother anyone and mostly just keeps to himself.
He’s incredibly inquisitive and curious and fascinated with everything around him and he’s most fascinated by new things.
Humans fascinate him more than anything else and he collects as many random trinkets and artifacts as he can from them.
He values books and other things that offer knowledge to him and he hoards them like treasures.
He’s very gentle and soft-spoken and doesn’t act violently very much.
Unlike many of his fellow mers, he doesn’t really concern himself much with finding a mate or having a family.
He’s more interested in just learning for the sake of learning and satiating his curiosity.
Nathan has the appearance of a wild caught axolotl, exhibiting the dark colouration rather than the more familiar leucistic variants often seen in captivity.
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Casually thinking of the Siren verse w/ Rachel.
Specifically if she’s an exhibit at the Belle Isle Aquarium. She’s trapped there as an attraction/research subject, but she loves it when kids visit her!
They’re so excited to see her and she’s so excited to see them! She likes performing little twirls and aquatic acrobatics tricks to impress them and she likes playing with kids through the tank.
So even though she’s not happy with her imprisonment, it’s not all bad.
Although the handlers are still terrified of her and treat her roughly and terribly despite her not actually being a threat to them, so it’s not a fun time. She wishes people on the surface of her tank would actually come closer so she could talk to them and be friends with them, but the handlers always shoo people away from the edges.
I just really like the idea of mermaid Rachel, okay? I’m tempted to write a starter with that idea.
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Thinking about captured siren Rachel and how much she loves the kids that come to the aquarium.
So if she sees kids crying, she’ll do something to cheer them up. She especially hates it when parents make their kids cry for whatever reason. She’s never known her parents and basically grew up alone surviving on her own, yet she understands that humans raise their young for a long time.
If she sees a parent that makes their kid cry, she won’t hesitate to scare the shit out of the parents and then try to console the child. This earns her much worse tests and experiments by researchers, but it doesn’t deter her from doing it.
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Open Starter - Siren Verse
Every day started to look the same to her. Swimming around in the same tank without much change. She missed hunting in the lake. She missed the feeling of her webbed claws sinking into a large fish and tearing its head off before scarfing it down.
And more importantly, she missed the freedom. The lake was her home. The lake was where she was born and where she had grown into a mighty mermaid. And the lake was where she learned of the Shorewalkers.
She learned that there were two kinds. Ones with red blood and ones with blue blood. And she was informed that the blue-blooded ones were made of metal and that she shouldn’t try to eat them.
Not that she ever though she’d want to. They were too similar to herself for her to be comfortable doing so. But the metal ones were happy to keep her secret and be her friends.
While the squishy fleshy ones...trapped her here.
But at least the younglings were happy to see her. They weren’t at all like the adult ones. The adult ones looked at her with scorn, fear, and even greed. But the younglings’ eyes were so full of merriment and wonder. They were absolutely captivated by her.
Before, she’d never thought she’d enjoy company this much. But with the way these younglings, and even some juveniles she’d seen, looked at her with such awe made her happy in a way she couldn’t describe. Made her happy in a way that she wasn’t sure she wanted to give up.
It was almost worth the constant tests done on her. The painful needles and being forced against cold and harsh surfaces in shallow boxes. She could see the lake out of her enclosure and her home taunted her.
And even more, she’d seen some pairs of the Shorewalkers together surrounding the surface of her tank. Pairs that were clearly mates. And it made Rachel feel oh so lonely.
Her whole life, she’d never met a merfolk like herself. She began to wonder if she was the only one in Lake Eerie. And if she was, what happened to the rest of her people? Why was she the only one left?
These were questions she pondered while she idly grazed the sandy and rocky bottom of her tank, the blue light from above filtering down onto her sharklike body and shimmering and glimmering on her grey skin.
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Mermay Verses Spotlight
Because Mermay is a fun time to celebrate all things aquatic, I’m gonna spotlight some of my already existing verses as well as show off some new ones I’ve made!
Mer Headcanons
Rachel - 🦾
Siren Verse -  🦈
Sea Naga Verse -  💦
Ichthyocentaur Verse - 🐬
Pirate Verse - 🏴‍☠️
Howard - 🤑
Collector Verse - ✨
Siren Verse - 🦈
Ichthyocentaur Verse - 🐬
Serena - 💋
Siren Verse -  🦈
Ichthyocentaur Verse - 🐬
Nathan - 🦿
Mer Verse - 🦈
Marine Biologist Verse - 🥽
For the month of May, all threads featuring these verses or other muses’ aquatic verses will be prioritized.
Current Mer!Themed Threads:
Friendly reminder that you don’t have to prioritize these if you don’t feel like it, I’m just saying I’ll be very excited if you do respond to these. But please don’t feel obligated or pressured.
@ask-rk900 - [a brand new discovery] - {Marine Biologist!Nathan} + {Mer!Nines} @generic-connor - [catch of the day] (NSFW) - Rachel + {Fishy Mer!Connor} @the-wonder-wall - [ensnared at sea] (NSFW) - Rachel + {Mer!Cassandra} @the-mind-of-xelyn - [is it nature or how we’re nurtured?] - {Aquarium Siren!Rachel} + Simon @shotdownbutstillalive - [we look the same but bleed different colours] (NSFW) - {Lake Siren!Rachel} + {Android Mer!Sixty} @the-wonder-wall - [as black as the night] (NSFW) - {Sea Naga!Rachel} + {Mer!Willow} @the-mind-of-xelyn, @the-wonder-wall, @shotdownbutstillalive - [mating frenzy] (NSFW) - Rachel & {Collector!Howard} + {Mer!Markus} & {Mer!Alma} + {Mer!Willow}, {Mer!Wyatt, & {Mer!Kelli} + {Android Mer!Sixty} @loosecannon-justice - [a flame in the deep] (NSFW) - Rachel + {Mer!Colin} @generic-connor - [too intelligent for captivity] - {Marine Biologist!Nathan} + {Fluffy Mer!Connor} @the-mind-of-xelyn - [come with me and never leave me] (NSFW) - {Siren!Howard} + {Homeless Human!Simon} @the-wonder-wall - [environmentally friendly] (NSFW) - Rachel + {Mer!Zlat} @lieutenantgivesnoshits - [stranded at sea] - {Siren!Rachel} + {Mer!Hank} @thethreefaes - [more than a mermaid] - {Icthyocentaur!Rachel} + {Merrow!Lyra}
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