#arón piper fanfic
guccifrog · 8 months
Why is there no arón piper fanfics?!! LIKE THAT MAN IS SO FINE!!!!
idk who that is educate me 🫦
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
jealous | arón piper imagine
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a/n: sorry for the mistakes. english isn't my first language. requests are open.
starring in a netflix tv show has been one of your dreams ever since you started acting. when you got a role in the famous show, élite, you were ecstatic. you were so anxious on your first day, because you came when they started shooting season 3 and the cast already knew each other. even though at the end of the day, you were there for work, not to make friends. that would be just a nice bonus.
and it was a nice bonus. amazing one actually. there wasn't one person you wouldn't like. everyone was sweet and nice. they all made you feel welcomed. you knew you'd be friends for a long time.
you were shooting with arón the most since you were playing a character that was ander's new best friend. that meant you spent a lot of time with him. not only during the scenes, but also when you were on breaks and you shared rides home. you weren't best friends only in the show, but also in real life. but you started to catch feelings. who wouldn't after spending every day with someone. and you knew he felt something too. he had to. you weren't oblivious and he wasn't good at hiding it. every time you had to kiss someone on the set, he either just stared at you and then wouldn't talk to you for a while or he left the room.
it was like this until the final day of shooting. hanging out every day, flirting constantly. you wanted him to make the first move. but you were also getting bored. so you thought why not prove that you're right. and there was only one way to do that. to make him jealous.
after the final scene, you all decided to go to a club to celebrate.
you all were starting to get a little drunk. arón was searching for you with his eyes all the time. that's when you decided it was a good idea to do what you were about to do.
"it's show time, ladies." you said as you looked at estér and danna who knew about your plan and your feelings the whole time.
you went over to a random guy and started dancing with him. really closely. you didn't expect arón to come over as quickly as he did. he grabbed your hand and pulled you outside.
"y/n, are you out of your damn mind?" he yelled. "that was a stranger. he could've assaulted you or something."
"and why do you care?" you got him exactly where you wanted.
this caught him off guard. "i don't." he turned around and went back into that club. you didn’t expect that kind of response. you thought he’d confess his love for you.
those two words made your night worse. you returned to that club, danna and estér already waiting for you with a drink, assuming what happened since they saw arón storm in.
"why does he have to be so stubborn? why can't he just realise that he likes me?"
"maybe this is all new to him or he's just scared of admitting his feelings to himself and to you." estér said.
"you should go and talk to him." danna added, looking at arón sitting in a booth with a drink in his hand.
you stood up and made your way over to him.
"i'm sorry." you said while sitting down.
he just looked at you with a weak smile. "i've liked you for some time now and i thought you liked me too. so i tried to make you jealous, but obviously it didn't work." you said while looking on the ground. he was silent for a while.
"hey, look at me."
"i like you too." you both smiled and he leaned in. "and you did make me jealous." you chuckled at his remark and smashed your lips onto his.
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
ex's and oh's - aron piper imagine
requested by @fashphotolife​.: I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but if you are can you write an Aron Piper imagine where his gf finds texts from his ex while they’re together & it causes them to get into a huge argument but at the end they stay together. Thank you!
a/n: thank you for requesting again! i hope you’ll like it and I hope you have an awesome day! <3
disclaimer: english is not my first language, i may have mistakes, please let me know if i do! poor writing and poor Spanish lo siento :’) 
im sorry if your name is gianna, i searched google for most uncommon names and there was gianna :) i love that name tho <3
warnings: angst! happy ending tho (god yes happy endings djfjdfs) crappy writing :’)
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It was a classic day in quarantine. You and Aron were staying together. You had woken up early today. You looked at the cloudy skies and how amazing they were. You tried to change your position to look at Aron, trying not to wake him up. You looked at him with admiration. His admired his features. His curly hair, beautiful face and his cute lips you wanted to kiss so bad. With all the admiration you possessed, you decided to make pancakes that Aron loves.
You went to the kitchen, and opened your favorite songs. Danced and cooked through the process. While you were dancing, Aron appeared behind the door frame as he watched you as you danced. He quickly wrapped his arms behind your back and whispered “Te quiero mucho, amor”
You turned around and kissed him. 
“How did you sleep baby?” you asked while flipping the pancakes trying not to burn.
“It was fine before you left.” He said pouting and making puppy dog eyes. You couldn’t resist his cuteness and pecked his nose. Aron blushed by this action of yours because you made him go crazy.
“Well, I’d like to apologize with pancakes and blueberries? if it’s okay with you Mr. Lover boy” You said laughing as you started to set the table up.
“Hmmm, let me think. You can apologize me in the bedroom, if that’s okay with you bebe?” He put a devilish grin on his face looking at you. You punched him by his arm. 
You guys had a great breakfast. Aron literally finished all the nutella in the jar. You kept eating blueberries. Talked about everything, it was so cute. Everything was going great and to make it cuter, you decided to show your new ukulele which you got it online. You told Aron that you’re gonna be back with a surprise, so you go back you guys’ bedroom. 
While you try to find the ukelele and mumble “Where could it possible be?, you heard various buzz sounds. It was from Aron’s phone. You weren't the type of the girlfriend who would look at your boyfriends phone like a psycho but it was buzzing nonstop so you couldn’t help yourself but look at it. 
When you saw who it was, you couldn’t help but sob. It was from her ex-girlfriend Gianna
Gianna: heyyy aron
Gianna: where should we meet? 
Gianna: im so excited to see you
Gianna:you have the things i’m looking for 
You couldn’t help but throw the phone to bed, and cried. Aron was worried since you didn’t came for long, and he decided to check up on you. When he came to your bedroom, he saw you crying snuggling into a blanket.
“Hermosa, que pasa?” Aron asks worried, he doesn’t like it when you’re sad.
“Maybe you should ask that to Gianna, I think she can give better answers.” it didn’t make any sense, but you couldn’t care less. 
Aron slowly realized what’s going on and he was in shock. He saw you packing your bag.
 “Y/N, bebe que pasa?” His voice was rising a bit.
“Stop calling me that.” 
“But Y/N, I can explain-” 
“NO Don’t talk to me at all. It’s clear-” you zipped the bag and start to walk away.
“You’re not helping and where do you think you’re going” He grabbed you by the arm and gave you a serious glance. You shot him the same look and pulled it out.
“It’s better if we break up.” you said while tears filling in your eyes. Aron was dumbfounded by your words. But you guys said I love you to each other that’s not true or it shouldn’t be true. 
“You’re not saying this. this is not y/n. is this what you want?” Aron asked crying. You nodded.
“Fine, I NEVER WANTED YOU, Gianna was better.” He didn’t meant any of those words but said it anyway. You just slammed the door.
You couldn’t believe what he said. It wasn’t possible. But you thought he was the one. He thought you were the one. Maybe he got bored of you in the quarantine, you thought but that was a nonsense reason.
You called your best friend Ester because she was the only person you could talk to right now. She opened in five seconds.
“Y/N, bebe, que tal?” she asked happily but when you didn’t answer and sniffed, she got worried.
“Y/N todo bien?” she asked again.
“Ester can I stay with you for a few days?” you asked while sobbing.
“Don’t ask me that question again just come mi casa es su casa! now, just come. you’re worrying me and you’re gonna tell me everything.” She said almost yelling because she was so worried about you.
When you got in Ester’s place, you saw Itzan going out. He shot you a smile then left the building before you could tease them. Ester literally ran when she saw you and hugged you. While she nudged you and made you sit down, you explained what happened between you and Aron. She knew how could Gianna be a bitch because before Aron and you started dating, since Aron and Ester are cast mates, she saw what happened between them.
“He’s an ass, I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I don’t know why Aron did this though, I thought he loved you.” she said confused while hugging you between your sobs. Ester knew something was wrong with this situation.
A day passed, two days passed, three days passed. You only ate and watched romantic movies while staying at Ester’s place. After the third day, you heard the door ringing, Ester asked you to open it so you did, but guess who it was.
It was Aron, his face was a mess, eyes were puffy from crying, wet nose and four tissues in his hand looking at you. You couldn’t help but and cry in front of him.
“Y/N Please let me explain.” Aron asked while looking at you. You nodded and brought him inside. You sat on a couch, didn’t care about Ester at all.
“muy bien, pues, you know, she couldn’t move on, we’re not public and i know how you don’t like to. So she threatened to expose us and she wants to hurt people i love, i contacted her and we made a money deal. But you got it the wrong way. I would-” He was cut off by your soft lips mixed with salt tears.
“I think I owe you so much and an apology, I’m so sorry, I didn’t listen to you. I love you so much Aron.” You said while hugging him.
“I love you you owe me nothing. Let’s go home.” He said kissing the top of your head. You packed your bags and saw Ester peeking through the door frame. You went to hug and she hugged back. You thanked her for everything and left the house.
“Querida” Aron asked while driving the car. 
“Yes, honey” you hummed looking at him.
“You said you owe me anything. I think you can pay that in our bedroom.” 
“We’ll see about that” you said smirking.
Who knows what will happen ;)
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ferrstappen · 5 years
lighters l arón piper imagine.
(a/n): is there any arón fanfic on tumblr? well, i haven’t seen any and i really want to read one. I hope you like it! <3
summary: A bar in Madrid in the middle of the night wasn’t a good idea, until Jorge told Arón he was bringing a friend. 
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A cigarette was hanging from Arón’s lips while he waited for an Uber near his apartment complex.
It was almost midnight when his friends, Danna and Jorge, called him, telling him that they were arranging a small group to go out and celebrate that one of Jorge’s close friends was in Madrid and wanted to get to know some people. Danna and Jorge, knowing their friend, knew he didn’t need any excuses to agree to a couple of drinks and a good time. 
He noticed the familiar mop of curls when he got out of the car, laughing with a woman that had her back facing him, but he knew it wasn’t Danna because this girl was taller. 
Jorge noticed him and greeted him enthusiastically, hugging and patting his back. 
“How are you? It’s been too long!” Jorge released the smoke from his lungs. “Fuck, I missed you, dude!” 
Arón laughed. “So did I, cabrón.”
The girl laughed at the exchange, earning their attention. but right in that moment she had Arón in the back of her hand, because she was absolutely breath taking. 
“Right! This is (Y/N), the reason why we’re all gathered here,” She giggled and Arón sweared his heart stopped beating. “And this is Arón, Spain’s most recent heartbreaker.” 
Arón laughed shyly before kissing both of her cheeks. “Pleasure tu meet you.”
“I think the pleasure’s mine, since you are... you know, Spain’s heartbreaker.” She said it like it was a secret, making Arón laugh. 
Jorge noticed something was going on between his two friends, cockily raising an eyebrow before telling them to go inside. “I’m waiting for Danna so you two just go ahead, the table’s under my name.”
Arón led the way and asked her what she wanted to drink before ordering two beers. He couldn't notice some people staring at him, but nobody got close or made a move to ask for a picture. 
While he waited for the beers he noticed (Y/N) absentmindedly smiling while sitting on her own. He could hear her accent from the bar and wished for the barman to hurry so that he could spend some time alone with her before their friends arrived. 
When he arrived on the table, she was looking for her lighter. She thanked him for the beer as he offered his own lighter. 
“Thanks, I don’t now where I left mine.”
“Here, let me help you.” Arón said as he noticed her struggling because of the air coming from the window near. 
He stood so close he could make out her perfume under the light cigarette smell that lingered. 
“Looks like you’re an expert.” She said blowing the smoke. 
He smile, lighting up his own cigarette. “More than you can imagine.” He smiled. 
He was so close that (Y/N) could make up the soft dimples on his cheeks and a mole decorating the skin under his eye. 
“You should get this a lot, but you are incredibly handsome.” (Y/N) said, taking a sip of her beer. Arón shook his head and looked down. “Oh, so you’re a shy one.” She smiled while he hid his face on his hands. 
“Stop it!” He said, noticing the warmth spreading down his cheeks. 
She giggled while Arón moved his hands before taking long sip from his bottle. “I think I have to say that you’re beautiful,” Arón said and she looked down. “Hey, now who’s the shy one.” He playfully said, his eyes wildly searching for her own. 
“You’re just saying that, you don’t mean it.” She rolled her eyes, not noticing Arón was moving on the booth, slowly getting closer to her. 
“I do mean it, I don’t lie about that stuff.” He said while taking a drag of his cigarette.
(Y/N) was going to add something to their flirty conversation, but they both heard Danna’s voice, who ran to hug them booth as Jorge ordered drinks.
The night went by quickly, too quickly for their liking. Especially for Arón, who was trying to muster the courage to make a move.
He wasn’t one for taking things slowly; the moment he saw her he knew the next step was crashing his lips against her inviting ones, maybe even taking her home to keep drinking. Hell, if she wanted to he’d gladly take off his clothes and spend the night together. 
After more than a couple of cold beers and almost a pack of cigarettes, they decided to head out; Jorge lending his jacket to cover Danna as Arón followed (Y/N) closely as the air hit their faces. 
Jorge and Danna had already called an Uber since they were staying together, leaving Arón and (Y/N).
“How are you leaving?” Arón asked her, but she shook her head with a sly smile. 
“Do you want me to leave? I could feel your stare on me for the entire night.” 
This time Arón didn’t feel shy or intimidated, he just took a step forward, leaving their chests almost touching. 
“No, I don’t want you to leave.”
(Y/N) smiled before placing her hand on his cheek. Anticipating her moves, Arón placed his lips on hers, relishing on the soft sound that left her mouth as his tongue asked for permission to explore her mouth. 
He didn’t feel the need to move his hand from her neck and cheeks, only pressing hard against her lower back when she separated herself to catch some air. 
“Should we take it somewhere else?” He said trying to catch his breath, his body on fire and his mind fixated on her lips.
She smiled before pecking his lips again. “I think you need to at least ask me out another day before you get the complete show.”
“Let’s go get McDonald’s right now.” He said, still agitated from their previous actions. 
She giggled, biting her lip. “Tempting, but I think that’s my Uber over there.” 
“When did you even get your phone out?”
She winked before leaving a last kiss on his lips, this time Arón squeezed her hips, making her shudder. 
“Good night, pretty boy.”
Arón mumbled something as he watched her leave. His entire body was burning up as he noticed he didn’t have her number. he cursed before texting Jorge. 
Hey, I need (Y/N)’s number. 
He was already on his way home when his phone rang. 
Fuck, I knew it! Danna said it was all on my mind. 
Go get her, cabrón!
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
tiktok | arón piper x reader
a/n: hi!! this is an idea i came up with at 1am when i was trying to fall asleep :) i'm working on all of the requests i have, but this was something i wanted to write. english isn't my first language so i apologize for any mistakes. also sorry for this being so short.
warnings: maybe a teeny tiny bit of angst, fluff, a few curse words
you downloaded tiktok just as a joke. like everyone else. but you slowly became more and more obsessed with it. once again like everyone else. you loved to just sit down after a long day and scroll through tiktok. it was your guilty pleasure. and especially all of the couple videos. well just the first few seconds of them. then you realised how single you actually were and how hopelessly in love you were. with your best friend.
it was weird, being in love with someone who knew so much about you, but was so oblivious and didn't notice that you were in love with him. you didn't really blame him. even though you hung out almost every day, you didn't really give him any signals and let him know about your crush. but it lasted for a long time.
all the scenarios you created in your head, all the times he broke your heart when he talked about his recent hook ups, all the times you stared at him with heart eyes and he never noticed.
you didn't know if you wanted him to notice. you had been best friends for a longer time than you'd had a crush on him. and the idea of you ruining your friendship was terrifying. but your heart crumbled every time you looked at him and realised he couldn't be yours.
that's why you decided to do the tiktok challenge. it was a simple thing. to kiss your best friend. well, it seemed simple. but it was actually really scary. and you'd also have it all on camera. but you assured yourself that it was better than doing nothing.
you were now in the bathroom at arón's place. he was probably thinking you were having some problems, judging by the time you spent there. but you were not mentally prepared for kissing him.
"you have to do this, y/n. you're doing this for yourself. so your heart won't shatter any more. or maybe it will. who knows, right. fuck. what the fuck am i doing."
giving pep-talks wasn't one of your best traits.
"hey, are you alright in there?" arón knocked on the bathroom door and asked.
"yep, i'm great." you answered.
"i picked the movie already so hurry up."
you gave yourself one last glance in the mirror and went to the living room. he was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his lap.
after you watched the movie, he decided to wash the dishes. which was the perfect opportunity for you. you hid your phone, already filming and sat on the kitchen counter.
"arón." he looked at you.
you grabbed his face and kissed him. well more like quickly pecked his lips because of how nervous you were.
you opened your eyes to find him looking at you with wide eyes. you realised that maybe it wasn't such a good idea like you thought.
"please say something." you said.
"um...ha oh well-" you left him speechless.
"okay got it. i think it's best if i go home."
"wait!" he grabbed your wrist and smashed his lips onto yours.
"i like you, arón."
he smiled at you. "i like you too, y/n."
you kissed him again, forgetting about everything.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
lucky | arón piper x reader
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a/n: hi!! i'm sorry i wasn't active for such a long time :( this is kinda short, but it's a fluff so 😋 also english isn't my first language so i apologize for any mistakes. requests are open!
you opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was arón. he was still sleeping but a smile was plastered on his lips. you admired his features and you couldn't believe how handsome he was and how lucky you were. you always thought about how you met for the first time.
working at a café was not your dream job, but it was something you had to do so you would have a roof over your head. it wasn't so bad, but some people made your days there really annoying.
"oh my god! do you see that guy? that's the one that played that gay guy in élite!" your coworker said.
"in what?" you asked, completely unfazed by what was happening around you. you looked up and saw a very handsome man walking towards you. he had a scowl on his face that made him look unapproachable, but when he came closer to you, he smiled and that made your heart flutter.
"hi! what would you like to order?" you gave him a smile.
"one black coffee please." that was your first time hearing his deep voice and it made you weak in the knees.
you didn't even know this guy and you were already smitten by him. but you knew that after he'd drink his coffee, you'd never see him again. it stung a little, but you weren't upset about it. it's not like he'd actually want you.
you smiled at him once again and gave him his order. he sat down and started typing something on his phone.
it took about 5 minutes for him to finish his coffee and you were staring at him the whole time. he returned your look and you quickly looked down, ashamed by your actions.
he left a bill on the table with an unused napkin and an empty cup. you took the bill and reached for the cup when you saw the napkin. it said "text me" with a smiley face and a phone number. you were so busy with watching him that you didn't even notice him writing something. you pulled out your phone from your back pocket and the rest was history.
your hand went to his hair, which always felt so soft. you just simply caressed his cheek and were still smiling like an idiot.
"good morning, beautiful," he opened his eyes.
"good morning. did you sleep well?" you asked him.
"i always sleep well, when you're next to me." he said with a raspy voice and your heart melted.
"i love you," you looked in his eyes with a smile on your face.
"i love you too, y/n." he kissed your lips.
you spent the whole morning in the bed with him. and you've never felt more appreciative of your life.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
could u make an imagine with ander? where he is always acting like a playboy and he flirts with everyone at the disco until he saws her and he imediaty falls in love with her and then she’s new to the encinas high school and he does everything to get her attencion but she is acting difficult and one day he finally gets the chance to go on a date with her and kinda messed up that
a date | ander muñoz imagine
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a/n: thanks for your request! i don't know if this meets your expectations, but hopefully i didn't disappoint you. english isn't my first language so i apologize for any mistakes. hope you enjoy! :)
this imagine is gender neutral
warnings: fluff, bad writing, lowercase intended
moving back to your hometown would never be easy. all the memories came flooding back. and especially memories of people you've left behind. you never wanted to move in the first place, but your parents insisted. three years went by and you went back. and you also had to transfer to las encinas. which terrified you. of course you'd have friends there since you were friends with them before you moved, but it'd be so strange. being the new student, having to adapt to a different setting. that's why you decided you needed to relax a bit and went to a club. you texted lu and carla, who were still your best friends even after all that time. you all agreed on meeting there. without you knowing they were throwing you a surprise welcome back party.
saying it was crowded would be an understatement. there were so many people and you didn't know at least half of them. you spotted lu and ran over to her.
"y/n! i've missed you so much!" she said while hugging you.
"i've missed you all too. i'm back for good now." you smiled.
"well that's great. we have a lot of time to rekindle our great relationship." said ander.
"i see you haven't changed one bit, ander." you smirked. "but that isn't going to happen anytime soon." you added.
"and why is that?" he asked. he missed you two flirting. he missed you in general. you were his first love. and when you left he was heartbroken.
"because you just want to get into my pants and i'm just not that kind of person." you winked at him and left to the bar to get a drink.
but ander didn't hesitate. he was still in love with you. so he just kept bothering you until you gave in.
"would you like to go out with me?" he asked while you were sipping your cocktail.
"will you go on a date with me?" he asked while you were dancing.
"will you go out with me?" he asked on your way home.
"hell no."
"please go on a date with me." he said with puppy eyes on your first day in las encinas.
"fine, but only if you stop bothering me."
"really?" his eyes sparkled with happiness. "if you don't like the date, i will leave you alone."
you knew it was a mistake to agree since ander had a bad reputation. he was known for just hooking up and never dating. so you were surprised when he wanted to go on a date with you. but carla said you should give him a chance so you did. because deep down you knew you missed him too. you missed his cute smile and his curly hair. you missed his jokes. you missed everything about him.
so you just hoped he wouldn't screw it up. because he was also your first love, but you were scared to have your heart broken.
the date was interesting to say the least. you went for a simple walk, catching up on your lives. you have probably never smiled so much. you felt so happy. so free. when the sun was going down he took your hand and kissed it.
"i had a good time today. thank you." you said with a real smile on your face.
"we can have even better moments together. you just have to answer yes." you looked at him confused.
"will you date me?" he asked with a hopeful smile.
"yes," you said without thinking about it. without hesitation. it went from your heart and you were the most happy you've ever been.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
would you be able to write an Aron Piper imagine where his girlfriend (the reader) isn’t feeling well & he goes to take care of her & they realize she’s missed her period so she takes a test with him there & it’s comes out positive you can add what you want to it :) who wouldn’t want to have Aron Piper’s baby’s 😩🥵
pregnant | arón piper imagine
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a/n: thanks for the request! hopefully this meets your expectations. english isn't my first language so i apologize for the mistakes. also i don't even know if i described the pregnancy symptoms right, but let's just go with it. yes i know i could have googled it, but i'm LaZy so don't come @ me. hope you enjoy!!!
you haven't been feeling well for a few days. you were feeling nauseous all the time, not wanting to eat anything, and also feeling very sleepy. you didn't think it was anything major, because the flu was going around at this time. and you also didn't want it to be anything major since you had to work. but you had to call in sick when you started throwing up. your boyfriend arón was very worried about you. all he wanted to do was protect you all the time. you were already living together so that made his job easier. now that you were sick he held your hair while you were throwing up which you hated, because you felt disgusting, but he assured you that you could never be disgusting for him. he cooked you soup. he went shopping and bought you all the things you needed and more plus some medicine. he was the best boyfriend you could ever imagine.
you've been so busy this past month that you didn't even notice missing your period. you were so caught up in work and moving. now that you were lying in bed, feeling nauseous again, you started thinking and got goosebumps. it didn't have to mean that you were pregnant, but there was also a very high possibility. you decided to wait until arón had to go to a meeting and go buy a test. you didn't want him to worry even more until you weren't sure.
the stress of waiting for the result was undescribable. it was something that could change not only your life, but also arón's life. you didn't even know if he wanted kids. you were both still young and having a baby is such a big responsibility. you looked at the test and it was positive. you had no idea what to do first. you didn't know whether to be happy or sad. it wasn't something you planned. and that was scaring you. but then you imagined little you or arón running around and you felt warmth in your heart. you were already in love with the little fetus in your belly. but now the another less scary part was telling arón. and you didn't know what kind of reaction to expect. you decided to wait until he got back home, because you wanted to tell him the big news in person.
you heard the door open while you were watching the tv.
"hey y/n, are you feeling better?" he asked, a little surprised that you weren't in bed.
"yeah, a little. how was your meeting?"
"it went well, but it was very tiring. i was so happy when it ended so i could go home and cuddle with you." he smiled at you and sat down next to you.
"we should talk." you suddenly said with a serious tone to which he just looked at you weirdly.
"i'm pregnant." you smiled, hoping for him to be happy.
he was quiet for a while, trying to process the information you just told him. but you felt like he had been quiet for too long.
"i knew you wouldn't like it. we're too young, we still have problems with taking care of ourselves and now imagine we'd have a child." you felt like crying.
"don't say that babe, i'm thrilled. i can't believe i'm going to have a baby with someone as beautiful and amazing as you. you're going to be a great mom."
"and you're going to be a great dad."
"wow i can't believe it. i'm going to be a dad." he said with a little confusion and happiness in his eyes to which you chuckled.
"i love you." he said looking deeply into your eyes and in that moment you felt so much happiness. the idea of raising a child no longer troubling your mind because you knew you'd be great parents.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
crush | arón piper x reader
a/n: hi!! thank you so much for reading my first imagine. i really appreciate it. i'm really new to writing imagines or writing on tumblr in general. i apologize for any mistakes, english is not my first language. oh and to the person that sent in a request - thank you!! you really made my day. i will write it, but rn i'm posting a different imagine. who wants to be friends, send me a message :) thank you for reading :)
warnings: female reader, fluff, bad writing, spanish words
you have been best friends with danna ever since you were little kids. she knew everything about you and you knew everything about her. so when she landed a role in élite you were happy for her. for real. she was so talented so she deserved that role. and she was made for it. when you binge watched the first season you were amazed by her acting. but someone else caught your eye too. someone who played ander. after lu, he was your favorite character. but you didn't know whether it was because of the boy who played that role or because of the character. probably both. so when lu told you there was a party for the élite cast and they could all bring a plus one you were ecstatic. you were wearing a red little dress that beautifully showed all the right areas with black high heels. you were getting ready in your bathroom, putting on your makeup on when danna came in.
"y/n, you look so hot! who are you getting so dolled up for?" she asked, but you had no idea that she already knew the answer. she knew that you stalked arón's instagram almost every time you were on that app. she saw you zoom in on his pictures and have heart eyes. that's why she knew she needed to get you to that party. that's also why she was obvious with showing you to arón. she posted a selfie with you on instagram and tagged you so arón would see how beautiful you were and she kept talking about you to arón and just kept hoping that he would like you. she knew that liking you because of your personality would not be a problem. you were a really sweet and a funny girl, but the problem was that you had an issue with opening up to strangers. you would really open up only if you'd click. so danna really hoped you two would click right away.
"no one, i just wanted to feel pretty." you said with a sheepish smile.
when you arrived to the party it was a little crowded, but you didn't mind. your eyes were searching for that one person that has been on your mind for some time now. when your eyes met, you felt electricity run down your spine.
"wow," you were amazed but what you saw. he was so handsome. you saw that he was checking you out.
"let's get a drink and i'll introduce you to all of my cast mates," danna said, interrupting your thoughts about kissing arón's lips.
"oh and also wipe off your drool, chica," she said with a smirk on her face.
you looked at her with a questioning look. because there was no way she knew who you were crushing on.
"i know, amiga so let's go and i'll introduce you to him." she winked at you while you were already blushing.
after a few drinks later, danna introduced you to everyone except arón. you hit it off with everyone pretty quickly, already laughing and chatting about anything.
"hola," a man standing behind you said. you turned around and saw arón.
"sorry for not introducing myself earlier. i'm arón."
"i'm y/n." you smiled.
you were having so much fun that night. you made so many new friends. and arón couldn't keep his eyes off of you. you were dancing with danna and estér when arón came and started dancing with you. then he asked you, "would you like to go somewhere quiet?"
you just nodded and went outside on the rooftop. it was beautiful outside, a little chilly but you didn't mind.
"hey, so i wanted to ask you something," arón said a little nervous.
you looked at him waiting for his question.
"would you like to go out with me sometime?"
"yes, i would love to," you said with a sweet smile.
he smiled relieved because he had been really nervous to ask you.
after that you stayed outside for hours, just talking. and it felt wonderful.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
hard times | arón piper imagine
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a/n: sorry for this imagine being so short. it's just a little scrap i wrote. i really like it tho. as always english isn't my first language so i apologize in advance.
warnings: maybe a teeny-tiny bit of angst and a lot of fluff
you were standing on the balcony of an apartment you shared with your boyfriend in madrid. it was a beautiful day. the sun was shining. you were dreaming about being able to go outside. the streets that were full of people all the time, were now empty. even though it was sunny, the atmosphere was depressing. hopeless. you loved being home. and especially because you could finally spend some time with arón since he was either shooting or having meetings. but it felt so weird. so unfamiliar. suddenly your normal life stopped. and you didn't know for how long. the only thing that was pulling you through all this madness and making sure you didn't lose your mind was arón. he came behind you and hugged you.
"what are you doing, love?" he kissed your neck.
"just thinking about stuff. and you of course." you chuckled and turned around to face him.
"hey, it's going to be okay. don't worry. at least we're in this together. safe and healthy. and in love." he smiled at you.
you caressed his cheek with your hand. "i love you so much." you said with a big smile on your face. feeling a lot better knowing that you were not alone. knowing that you were with your best friend, the love of your life.
"thank you."
"for what?" he asked, a little confused.
"for being the best boyfriend in the whole world." you giggled.
"i love you." he said and pulled you into a kiss.
even though the world was a little crazy right now and your normal lives nonexistent, you felt happy in your own world with arón.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
Hi! I’m not really sure if this is the proper way to request a fic but here it is anyway! I was wondering if you can do an Arón Piper imagine where he and the reader have a friends w/ benefits relationship and the reader ends it bc she’s developed feelings but doesn’t tell him so he’s super hurt and angst ensues but eventually they both confess and everything works out in the end. Also, loved ur first fic! Thank youuu
friends with benefits | arón piper x reader
a/n: thank you for requesting this! english isn't my first language so i apologize in advance. hope you'll enjoy.
warnings: fluff ig, little angst, spanish words, bad writing, female reader
it all started with an innocent kiss. you were friends with arón for just a few months but you always felt like you had known him forever. you met him through your mutual friends at a party and you two clicked right away. there was never any awkwardness between you. not even the time when you kissed and especially after. you were hanging out with him at his place, playing video games, listening to music and laughing at your inside jokes. you two were teaming up against some other people and in the end you won. you were so happy that you started jumping and arón was happy to see you so excited so he started jumping around with you. then you sat back down on the sofa and just stared into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. you both felt the sexual tension, but neither of you wanted to admit it to yourselves. in the end it was weird, wasn't it. wanting to sleep with your best friend so badly that you both dreamed about it almost every night before sleep. that's why you both leaned in and started making out. it was very passionate and lustful. you can guess what happened next.
you woke up the following morning feeling ecstatic. probably because you just had the best night of your life. you went to the kitchen. arón was nowhere to be seen. but you found a note on the fridge saying that he needed to go to an interview and told you not to wait for him, because he'd go to a meeting later. so you went home. a week went by and you both were avoiding each other. you were scared that it'd be too awkward. after all you did see each other naked. but there'd be no more avoiding since you were all going to hang out at your friend's place. it was something that had been planned for weeks now so neither of you could just cancel. that's why you tried to avoid him there. you decided it was a good idea to go to the bathroom when you saw arón walking out of there.
"hola," you smiled at him. "so long time no see right?" you laughed awkwardly.
"yeah," he also just laughed awkwardly. honestly it couldn't have been more awkward. but then arón pinned you to the wall and whispered to your ear: "wanna go to my place?"
you suddenly felt very weak in your knees, arón making you all hot and bothered. all you could do was just a simple nod. after another amazing night you both decided that you needed to talk. so you did. you also set some rules. well one rule. no strings attached. if one of you caught feelings, you would end it. and that's when you became friends with benefits. it was wonderful for a few weeks. you suddenly felt so free, so excited. spending every other night either at yours or arón's place making love. but you knew something was wrong when you started to feel the butterflies in your stomach. when you started to feel too excited when you were about to meet up. that's when you decided to end it. of course you didn't want to admit your feelings to yourself. after another wonderful night you decided it was a good idea to tell him.
"arón, i think we should end this." you said while laying on his chest. hearing his heartbeat made you feel at home. and that's exactly why being friends with benefits was a bad idea.
"what? why?" he asked confused.
"i just don't feel the sexual attraction and tension anymore. i'm sorry." you lied. your mind knew this was for the best, but your heart ached.
arón stayed quiet for a while. you didn't exactly know why. you didn't know that he was also catching feelings. that maybe he was ready to confess his feelings to you. that he thought you also felt the same way. what you just said broke his heart into little pieces. but he wasn't ready to give up. he was so sure you felt something too. it couldn't have been just some stupid creation of his mind.
"y/n, stop with this bullshit! you know it isn't true. you know the spark's there. in fact, it's even bigger and more intense than it was in the beginning. so why are you doing this?"
"because i fell in love with you! that's why i'm doing this, because we had a rule!" you yelled, feelings the tears in your eyes.
"don't you know that rules were made to be broken, cariño?" he just sweetly smiled at you.
"i love you too y/n. i don't want this to end. will you be my girlfriend?"
"yes!" you looked at him excitedly. you had been imagining him asking you ask that for such a long time. after that, you kissed, but this time it was full of love.
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
Your writing skills is soooo good even though you aid that english is not your native language it's so soooo good !!!!!! and pleaseee can you do a oneshots when aron and reader break up and what happened after that ? thank you and for the last time i like your writing
break up | arón piper imagine
a/n: thank you so so much for saying that. i really appreciate it a lot. i really enjoyed writing this one.
warning: this imagine is just angst, literally nothing else. only a big fat angst. so i apologize for people that don't like reading angst (me). and it's also a bit short :/ sorry.
if someone told you a few months ago, that you and arón would break up, you wouldn't believe them. you thought he was the one. you could see yourself with him for the rest of your lives. your wedding, your kids. you could see it all. but all your dreams shattered into little pieces along with your heart. you both just couldn't do it anymore. the constant arguing over the smallest things. the jealousy. the no spending time together. it was a good decision. but your heart ached. so much.
you were sitting on the couch, watching tv. arón next to you, typing on his phone and smiling.
"who are you texting?" you asked, annoyed.
"no one." he said with boredom in his voice. he was bored of your pointless fights. bored of having to apologize.
"some girl, right?" you asked, with irritation in your voice. but inside your heart was on the verge of breaking.
"what? no. why would i be texting some girl?"
"why can't you just tell me the truth?" you said, your voice raising up a little.
arón was quiet for a while. "y/n, i think we should talk. this just isn't working out anymore. and you know it. it's tiring. for both of us. the constant fighting. the jealousy. i didn't want to admit it to myself, but there's no spark anymore. i know you agree. i think i should just go, i'll pack my things and crash at jorge's place or something."
all you could do was just a simple nod. you were trying so hard not to cry. not to break down in front of him.
as soon as you heard the door slam, you broke down into tears. you were having a panic attack. you couldn't breathe properly. you were shaking. and all you could think about was him. and the way you would never stop loving him.
the thing that scared you the most was that you could never love someone again. or at least not that much. he would have a part of your heart. a big part. and you couldn't help but wonder how he's dealing with this. you both cut off each other from your lives. he was feeling miserable too. he couldn't get you out of his mind. but you both knew it was a good decision. the relationship was starting to be toxic and you just couldn't handle it. neither of you. it would break you both. maybe even more than this break up.
you didn't know what to do with yourself. you felt like your soul left your body. like you were just a walking corpse. you felt only sadness which later developed into emptiness and numbness. you didn't feel like doing anything, just lying in your bed all day. and you didn't know if all this pain would just disappear one day. but you didn't have the power to fight against it. you were just too tired. too tired of existing. too tired of existing without arón. you got attached so quickly to him that now you couldn't get unattached. you knew you would get better sometime. but not anytime soon. and that scared you. having to think about him anytime, anywhere. just the thought of him could still make you feel the butterflies, but also the breaking of your heart. it was the right thing to do so why couldn't your heart realise that? why couldn't it realise that it was over? that you would no longer be the number one for him. his first option. the person you'd see first when you woke up wouldn't be him. it was terrifying. the thought of you being without him was scary. and you were dying inside.
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
forever together - arón piper
Requested by @fashphotolife: Hiii I wanted to request an Aron Piper imagine where him & the reader have been broken up for a while because he thought it was the right thing to do but somehow they see each other again & she tells him how at the end it’s always gonna be him & one way or another they’re back together
A/N: Thank you for requesting! love the idea I hope you’ll like it! have a nice day <3 Also i changed one thing!!!
warnings: angst, fluff at the end
disclaimer: english is not my first language there might be some errors please let me know if i do! poor spanish also lol :))
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It was 5 months since you’ve last seen him. The most painful time you’ve ever gone through in your life. 
The weird thing was everyone was extremely shocked about your guys’ break up because everyone knew you loved each other. 
You met him through your best friend Jane’s fiancée, Leo. What a coincidence that Aron is Leo’s best friend too. Since they love you both and don’t want you guys to stay single they set you guys up on a blind date. You were so hesitant about it.
But that blind date was the best date you could ever go to. 
It was all amazing. You guys dated for 8 months it was going all perfect. You guys even met each other’s parents. 
Until he started acting and spending so much time on set, you working and not being able to spend a lot of time together. Both of you were hurt. After many fights, you guys decided to brake up because you both thought it was the right thing to do. 
Was it really?
You tried dating some guys over the months, Jane set you up on various blind dates but you never felt right with the poor guys. You always politely declined their second date proposal.
He was the only one who felt good and right.
Here you are now, getting ready for Jane and Leo’s wedding. You were so happy for your best friend. Leo proposed to Jane when Aron and you were together. You, Leo and Aron set up the proposal and it was so heartwarming. 
It was the wedding morning, you, Jane, her bridesmaids and mom were getting ready for the wedding. You were so excited and happy for it because Jane and you always imagined getting married since you were kids. 
The place was magnificent. It was simple but colorful, the smell of fresh flowers and the astonishing decors were perfect.
“Y/N, I’m getting married today.” Jane told you while she was getting her hair ready. You can feel by her voice that she was getting emotional by tears filling in her eyes. This also made your emotional personality surface.
“I know Jane, it’s crazy, you’re not gonna be my hot single wingman anymore and we won’t be stalking hot guys.” you said while laughing with your tears. She sobbed more emotion pouring for her eyes and told you to shut up.
“Remember when we used to plan our weddings, you always picked Leonardo Di Caprio and I always picked Brad Pitt, we were going to get married in Hollywood and it would be the perfect wedding?” Jane claimed with nostalgia.  Leonardo Di Caprio was your biggest celebrity crush in the entire world. You laughed and sobbed together as you remembered your old memories.
After hugging and comforting each other Jane spoke ,“You know he’s gonna be here.” You knew exactly who she meant. The one and only Aron. You weren’t sure you’re ready to see him but you didn’t want to ruin your best friend’s most special day.
“We’re not gonna be thinking about my problems today, it’s your day carina!” You said trying to change the subject and hoping she would forget.
“Y/N, baby, I think you guys should talk again it’s clear that you-” Jane couldn’t even finished her sentence someone interrupted her.
“Jane, come on it’s the time, we’re going.” her mom said. Wow it was the time.
Meanwhile in the grooms room Leo was getting ready.
"Wow, my man is getting married!" Aron said excitedly walking into Leo's room
"Isn't it weird? Like me getting married?" Leo claimed joy filling in his voice.
"Cabron today is gonna be awesome and you're gonna marry your dream girl, also the honeymoon is a perfect time!" Aron reminded smirking, cheering up his best friend. He was very happy for his best friend and tried not to remember his dream girl.
"She's also gonna be there Aron." Leo told him.
Aron was feeling the same grief, over you. It wasn’t over for him. Leo and Jane knew that and they always talked about how those two precious human beings are suffering for no reason.
Aron had the most painful time of the year when you guys broke up. He felt weird because he never felt that way with a person in his life. He always teared up when he heard your name. He always bottled up his emotions but Leo knew he was sad. 
Aron looked at his phone while trying to ignore what he said about his ex, and then he realizes it's the time.
"Cabron it's the time we gotta go!" Aron said rapidly.
"Ah shit we should go! But you gotta talk that girl Aron please" said Leo before going. Aron ignored his comment but couldn’t help but think what would happen if he did
After Leo and Jane said their yes' and speech, you were legit sobbing out of happiness. Their wedding was perfect. You couldn't help but think of him cause you thought he was the one, he is still the one.
"Y/NNN IM MARRIEEEEEDDDD YAYYY!!!" Jane screamed hugging you from the behind while you were talking something with a friend.
"I KNOWW IM SO PROUD OF YOU I CRIED SO MUCH DUMBASS" You claimed expressing your happiness.
"Thank you Y/N, now it will be weird being introduced as married" Leo said while laughing.
They looked at the dancing stage, the people were waiting for them so you let them go. They danced with Louis Armstrong, Stevie Wonder and many romantic artists’ songs.
You looked around to see if Aron's there. He was there.
He was watching Leo and Jane dancing but there was another girl trying to flirt with him. You were furious for no reason. He wasn't even yours.
Aron also looked around to see you. He did see you but a girl was trying to flirt with him but he ignored her and continue to look for you.
After many songs there was it. That song was playing.
"Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now"
After that lyric, you looked at Aron and he looked at you.
"Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same"
"When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down"
"Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name"
You looked at Jane and Leo. They set this up of course it's their job.
"It all sounds like ooh, ooh hoo hoo"
"Mm, to young to dumb to realize"
"That I should have bought you flowers"
"And held your hand"
"Should have gave you all my hours"
"When I had the chance"
"Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance"
The accuracy of this song made you sob through the song and you ran to the bathroom.
That song always made you cry. It was fricking Bruno Mars.
"Get yourself together Y/N, it's over, are you dumb? Stop doing that! Stop making yourself sad!" you mumbled taking mental notes to yourself.
You were alone in the bathroom but then, you heard someone's footsteps. It was clear that it was a man you understand through the sound of the shoes. But who is it?
It can't be him, right?
"Y/N hey, can we talk please?" Aron said knocking on your door.
"Aron? Is that really you?” You asked feeling your heart feeling pain through your chest.
"Yes, please open your door and come here" Aron's husky voice and you can understand that he was also crying.
You opened the door, walking in front of him, taking a tissue, cleaned your nose while looking at him. He looked back for a second. But then he stopped.
"How are you Aron?" You asked feeling the tense.
"Fuck Y/N! Ever since you've gone my life had been hell!" he started to cry.
There was an awkward silence but you decided to talk.
“Aron I always went to many dates but no one is like you. I can't stop thinking of you." He stand there, trying to process what you were saying. He didn't say anything.  You felt an immediate panic. "I don't know I probably shouldn't have to say these. I'm sorry!" You said while feeling the guilt so bad.
But then when you're leaving, he held your wrist.
"Y/N it's always gonna be you. No matter how many girl i see, hook up or be girlfriend with will never be like you. You're the one. It's always gonna be you."
You felt sudden urge to kiss him. And you cupped his cheeks, wet from crying and kissed his lips.
The kiss was so long but it was so passionate. You could taste Aron's lips. It was full of grief and it was itchy because he always bite his lips harshly.
"Soo, does this mean we're back together?" he smiled between the make out session.
"Hmmm.. You could say so" You smirked stopping the kisses and hugging him tightly.
"I missed you so much cabron you have no idea" Aron told you so seriously.
"I missed you more but you’re here now" You defended yourself with wide grin on your face
That moment last 5 minutes more and then you and Aron decided to go dance on stage and announce you’re together again.
Jane and Leo were worried for you while they were dancing, cause they saw you crying. They knew, that song was your sweet spot because Aron and you always listened Bruno Mars. They opened it open purpose but it wasn’t to hurt you. It was for you and Aron.
Then a while longer, you weren't still nowhere to be found, Jane was almost going to leave the dance stage. But then she saw two familiar faces walking to the stage.
"ARON? Y/N? HOLDING HANDS?" Jane yelled at Leo.
"Oh my god baby! We're match makers!!" Leo yelled back.
"Hi guys!" you shyly smiled at the newly married couple. They were still in shock.
"We're back together. Thank you for helping us." Aron said holding your hands tightly.
Leo and Jane couldn't help but hug you guys tightly.
It was a perfect night.
After sending Jane and Leo to their honeymoon, you cried again. Aron cried with you. Everyone was so happy. Weddings as usual.
"You know it's the best day of my life today." Aron said, hugging you before leaving.
"I know, our best friends got married, and we got back together. Isn't that the best thing?" You smiled with full of happiness. You continued to hug.
"I'm hungry, we should get food" Aron broke the silence. You couldn’t help but laugh so hard. He was a whole mood
"Let's go get McDonalds?" You asked with amusement.
He looked at you smiling and said "McDonalds date it is!"
Best things in the whole world. Food and your boyfriend.
He was the one,
He was your man,
It's always gonna be him.
Song Credits: When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars
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iwriteimagines · 4 years
arón piper
sadness (fluff, you have been in love with arón ever since you became best friends, but then he finds a girlfriend)
crush (fluff, you go to a party where you meet your celebrity crush)
friends with benefits (fluff, you have a fwb relationship, but you develop feelings for each other)
jealous (fluff, you have feelings for arón and you decide to make him jealous)
hard times (fluff, a blurb about quarantine)
break up (angst, breaking up is a hard thing to do)
pregnant (fluff, finding out that you’re pregnant)
lucky (fluff, feeling grateful, just a short fluff)
tiktok (fluff, you decide to do the ‘kiss your best friend’ challenge)
ander muñoz
a date (fluff, gender neutral, moving back to your hometown and reuniting with your first love)
drew starkey
paris (fluff, you’re a model in a long-distance relationship)
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loveforaron · 6 years
Hey everyone 👋🏻 My name is Emily.
To be honest my English isn’t perfect, but I’ll try my best to write amazing stories. I hope you’ll enjoy my work. Bye bye 🖤
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
birthday surprises - arón piper imagine
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the positive comments I’ve got on my last headcanon im so happy sdfjsfhds okay anyways here’s the actual first fanfic here we go people!!
SECOND NOTE: There was a problem with my laptop so it doubled a paragraph i’m so so sorry :(( edit: I fixed it
you can read my headcanon here
warnings: nothing. fluff i guess ah and maybe a tiny angst in the beginning
a short disclaimer: i dont know any of these people personally! english is my second language i may have mistakes (let me know if i do) . also i dont really know how to speak spanish so im sorry!!! 
anyways enjoy!!
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“Do you think he’ll be here?” you asked your sister painfully while sitting on the table eating lunch. Your birthday was tomorrow and you were in your hometown to celebrate your birthday with your siblings and some friends from your childhood nothing much. But your boyfriend, Arón was in the shooting for Elite.
“Honey he’ll try his best but I don’t think he will. He’s a successful actor you know that.” your sister Maya said.
You tried to understand but you didn’t feel happy. You and your family adored him which is a good thing and this made you so happy because he meant a lot to you. But he was the only person you actually wanted to spend time with
“I’ll kill him and punch his face if he doesn’t show up! He’s a cool bro but tell me if you need anything.” your brother Leo told you.
“Leo calm down, stop planning on the poor boy!” your sister Maya defended him.
While they were arguing. You stared at the outside from the window, rain pouring down from the sky. Raindrops on the ground, the fresh feeling of rain, the smell of nature just made you feel better. 
After staring at the beauty of nature, Aron called. You immediately run to your room and accept the call from with your sweaty hands.
“Hola, amor”
“Hi aron, i miss you”
“Yo tambien amor, please forgive me but I won’t be able to make it to your birthday can we celebrate it later?” he says in the phone but actually suffering cause he hates it when you’re sad and not be able to spend time especially special times together.
“oh, okay sure” you said while tears pooling in your eyes trying not to make Aron notice. You tried to find an excuse to end the call “then we’ll talk later i gotta go mom’s looking for me.” 
“bye carina” you ended the call without hearing him saying bye but you didn’t want him to understand you’re crying and sad because you support his work and you didn’t want him to think you’re a baby (WHICH HE DOESNT I PROMISE). You sat on your bed cried for hours eating ice cream, hugging your dog and watching romcom movies with your sister. (A/N. typical lol)
Meanwhile in the Elite set:
After the call, Aron was actually very unhappy. Miguel and Omar tried to cheer him up. Their work was only waste of time because they know you’re the only person that could make him happy.
You met the elite cast in the first month you started dating Aron which right now it's been 6 months since you've started dating. Everyone loved you and very happy that their friend Aron is dating such a wonderful lady.
"I have an idea. Let's go all together. Aron call her Y/N's sister immediately we have a surprise to do!" Danna chirped.
"But how are we gonna go all together?" Aron asked still sad, in the verge of crying.
“Also The director said we can’t go.” said Claudia with a sad expression.
“I’ll go talk to him we can all have a day off can’t we?” Omar tried to cheer everyone up. He is one of the most cheerful person in the cast which this was the one of the reasons why you loved Omar. After the idea popping up, Itzan and Omar went to talk with the director.
10 minutes passed Aron was still stressing out and feeling unbelievably sad (a/n: this baby cares about you so much ahh sdfhsh <33). Danna and Ester being completely positive they tried to plan the surprise.
After 30 minutes Itzan and Omar came back with good news. They explained that they can have the day off but they begged the director so bad that the director was going to explode. 
“That cabron was being so rude! But he’s nice that he accepted so let’s go!” said Omar.
“Madre Mia, Aron you owe us a favor!” claimed Itzan laughing while watching Aron jumping in his seat.
The cast was extremely happy.
The car ride was so fun but weird at the same time. Maria and Jaime couldn’t come but they promised to celebrate it later. Jorge and Miguel partying in the background. Itzan and Aron chatting about rap. Omar and Alvaro sleeping. Last but not least all the girls were sitting together planning everything.
“Aron, what are the things she like? Like what’s her favorite movie?” Ester asked curiously so she can get an idea and brainstorm about the surprise.Aron answered with a low husky voice “She likes dogs, music, and her favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. Mi amor loves oldies.” he smiled while thinking of what you like. He likes every single one of you. I guess this is called love. But are you also in love with him? Are you guys ready to tell that you guys love each other? Rejection. Fear. Concern. Little did he know that you felt the same.“oohh but 10 Things I-” Maria was interrupted by Aron.
“Ay dios mio! I have the perfect idea!” Aron said excitedly. He explained his dearest friends.
They called Maya and Leo to make the surprise possible. They were too happy and they told Aron that you were so sad he immediately felt like an evil and stopped talking. But the plan made him felt better.
It was going to be perfect.
Anyways after 8 hours of the car ride. Everyone was tired. They went on the ride at the night and now it was morning.
Aron was coming.
For his love
The girl he loved.
For you.
The Birthday Day
“WAKEY WAKEY Y/N IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!” Your sister Maya and brother Leo shouted. They were so excited for the surprise. 
The party was going to be in the house so Maya had to take you out of the house until night. 
(A/N: Just a side note sorry for interrupting but your parents are not gonna be in the party!)
You grumbled and mumbled a few curse words under your mouth and woke up.
“Today we’re gonna shop, go meet Y/B/F/N and go to the movies!! It’s gonna be so much fun!” Maya said excitedly.
You smiled at your sister and grateful that she wants you to be happy. You tried to forget Aron for that day and have a nice time. 
After eating breakfast you went out. Your phone was blowing with birthday messages and some dm’s from instagram about Aron’s arrival to the hometown by fans but Maya immediately caught the phone while she sent you to get something. 
The day went great, you went to see Avengers Endgame which is one of your favorite movies, you went to shopping, bought a sunglasses, ate junk food, done silly stuff. But Aron was nowhere to be found for you. There was no message or calls which made you feel so bad inside. 
On the other hand, the house was crazy, people trying to cook, plan, decorate the house... It was already a mess.
After the effort that almost 25 people given has done and it was the time that you were going to be taken back home by Maya.
“Y/N it was a great day. happy birthday te quiero mucho. Now go to house I’ll be back i’ll park the car ” she hugged you in the car, then you went out. While you were trying to open the door you heard a similar melody.
“You’re just to good to be true,”
“Can't take my eyes off of you“
“You’ll be like heaven to touch,”
“I wanna hold you so much”
“As long as love as arrived”
“And i thank god I’m alive”
“You’re just too good to be true,
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
You saw Aron walking to you singing. You ran into him and kiss him so passionately. You were almost crying. Also he knew your favorite movie and always wanted to be surprised like this. 
“You’re here Aron! You’re here and you’re singing like Pat did to Kat.”
“Would never miss it, mi cabron!”
Then you heard a crowd shouting and singing happy birthday for you. You see the elite cast running for you. You hug every single of them and thank for their effort to come there.
You were so grateful to have such friends, family and a boyfriend like that.
It was too good to be true.
Song Credits: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Frankie Valli
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