#arabic money
asynca · 10 months
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guess who's sucking Big Oil's dick hard enough to actively allow a genocide
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fuyu003 · 1 year
Donate to help
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
Three soldiers from the Israeli occupation army playing with the Javelin anti-tank shoulder missiles.
There was no danger as they faced the target without any cover, and someone was already filming.
The cost of one missile without the launcher is between $70,000 to $100,000. It was exactly $78,000 in a report by the Pentagon in 2021, and now it's more expensive and could reach $100,000.
This is where the taxpayer's money goes; this is why Israel takes aid from the USA.
A video was published by a soldier named Emil Antonov, who is a tattoo maker in Jerusalem.
‏‎ثلاثة جنود من جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي يلعبون بصواريخ جافلين المضادة للدبابات على الكتف. لم يكن هناك خطر حيث واجهوا الهدف دون أي غطاء، وكان هناك شخص يقوم بالتصوير. تكلفة صاروخ واحد بدون القاذفة تتراوح بين 70,000 إلى 100,000 دولار. كانت تحديداً سعرها 78,000 دولار في تقرير للبنتاغون في عام 2021، والآن هي أغلى من ذلك وربما تصل إلى 100,000 دولار.
‏‎هكذا تصرف أموال دافعي الضرائب؛ لهذا السبب تأخذ إسرائيل المعونات من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
‏‎تم نشر فيديو من قبل جندي يدعى إميل أنطونوف، وهو رسام وشم في القدس.
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expulence · 5 months
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♫𝐅𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲♫
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stuckinapril · 8 months
so grateful to be a balanced mix of arab and american culture. the way american culture handles family is so fucking cold
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3ai · 1 year
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the iraqi republic - الجمهورية العراقية
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crazysnakey · 10 months
Don't forget the reason the U.S. is supporting Israel's genocide of Palestine - hell, 90% of the reason they ever get involved into something in the Middle East is for ulterior purposes regarding oil.
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That and the Ben Gurion Canal project, which you can learn more about:
Also this short video explaining the canal's significance and full history in summary:
Simply put,
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Jon Stewart slammed Arab states for not granting citizenship to the Palestinians.
Stewart said the states were "scared shitless" of all the Islamists they helped foster.
"Look, they're all terrified of Hamas and Hezbollah," Stewart told his guest, Christiane Amanpour
The "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart says the Arab nations have a "dirty little secret" that may explain why they aren't granting Palestinian refugees citizenship in their own countries.
Stewart was interviewing the journalist Christiane Amanpour about the Israel-Hamas war when he ripped Arab states such as Jordan over their passiveness regarding the plight of Palestinians.
"Look, they're all terrified of Hamas and Hezbollah," Stewart told Amanpour on Monday's episode.
"The dirty little secret over there is the Islamists that they helped foster through madrasahs and all those other actions, they're scared shitless of," Stewart said. "They just are."
"Yeah, and they would like to see Hamas get a bloody nose. There's no doubt about it," Amanpour said.
It's not just citizenship. In October, when the fighting first broke out, Arab countries such as Jordan and Egypt said they wouldn't be taking in Palestinian refugees from Gaza.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said then that taking in Palestinian refugees would risk turning his country into "a base for attacks on Israel."
This, el-Sisi said, meant Israel could decide to "strike Egyptian territory" to defend itself.
This isn't the first time Stewart has opined on geopolitics in the Middle East. In a previous episode of "The Daily Show" that aired in February, Stewart said he'd thought of a solution to the Gaza conflict — forming a Middle Eastern version of NATO.
"Israel stops bombing. Hamas releases the hostages. The Arab countries who claim Palestine is their top priority come in and form a demilitarized zone between Israel and a free Palestinian state," Stewart said in February.
Stewart's proposal was met with pushback from experts, who told Business Insider the plan would be difficult to realize in practice.
Amanpour also told Stewart on Monday that Israel didn't seem keen on resolving the conflict via plans such as creating a DMZ in the region.
"So there've been certain plans floated," Amanpour said. "At the moment, the Israeli government wants none of it."
"It doesn't want the UN. It doesn't want the Arab countries," she added.
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lovebites-posts · 7 months
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Look there !
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safije · 11 months
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The state of Arab leaders now
Artist: Safia Latif
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naradreamscape · 3 days
I wish people would stop talking about "World War III" as if it's guaranteed to happen. Like it's just the natural upcoming progression of the human race. You should not want it to happen. The US and the Israel colony project keep kicking at other countries in a blatant attempt to start a wider regional war, and we cannot keep acting like this is something either of them should just be doing
We as a population need to keep asking for this to stop, for Western nations to stop bringing violence to other countries for reasons that don't make any sense to the public. "But they could attack us any minute?" But didn't we attack them first? The only way this is going to get better before it gets worse is if we are all vocal about criticizing Western leaders for enabling the colony. Everybody should care about the Middle East right now: World War III has been treated as an inevitability, even a meme, for far too long, and it's going to be used as a justification of escalating regional violence. The only way that'll stop is if we, all together, point out the US's meddling and destruction in other countries and go, "Hey man, this fucking sucks; stop that"
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gallery-art · 1 month
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zif7ayati · 8 months
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just so we're all clear i do check the fundraisers i reblog to make sure they're legitimate. many of them have the verification in the post itself, ie, "verified by [xyz user]" but i do look just in case.
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essektheylyss · 9 months
what people expect when you sign up for an LIS degree: haha quirky book nerds, so fun, I remember toddler storytime at the library are you gonna read to children
what they actually get when you sign up for an LIS degree: smashing Alexa isn't enough anymore I need to learn how to run my own internet and also build a house on a totally closed circuit system.
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worldhistoryfacts · 2 years
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A coin of the Anglo-Saxon king Offa (r. 757-796) Some of Offa's coins, like this one, were copies of the Arab coins that were the dominant means of trade at the time (with the words "Offa Rex" added) . The coin even contains an Arabic inscription copied from the original dinars, although it was inaccurately copied by craftsmen who didn't know Arabic.
{WHF} {Medium}
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