#aralas fanfic
raybiesrntcool · 2 months
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Someone write a fic of this if there isn't already one
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le-abdollen · 7 months
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They are very close right now. So close, Aragorn thinks, that they could kiss. And then, somehow, they are.
i’ve had this scene from this fic in my head for the past few days and had to draw it !! i highly recommend reading <3
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queerofthedagger · 3 months
like burning flame
[Aragorn/Legolas | T+ | 1.4k]
(Belatedly) written for @aralas-week Day 4, once again with fantastic art by @magicinavalon <3
Tags: Canon Divergence, Siege of Helm's Deep, Established Relationship Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst
He thinks he had not quite understood his father’s scorn—the one that only buried grief—for the short, frail life of mortals. It makes little sense, of course; they all can be slain in battle any day, an opportunity that looks increasingly likely. And yet. He had never thought of Aragorn as frail. He had, he realises, never thought of Aragorn as mortal. --- Aragorn arrives at Helm's Deep despite everyone thinking him dead. Legolas deals with it as well as can be expected.
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maedhrosdefender · 2 years
this has been so long coming but here is my aralas fic recs masterlist bc i love them so much and there’s too little good aralas fanfiction on ao3
hawthorn by aeolianharps https://archiveofourown.org/works/39137910/chapters/97913703
my favourite fic of all time. 50K, from pre-fellowship first-meeting in mirkwood to post-rotk angst. the most heart-curdlingly beautiful thing i have ever read. will make you sob but also be so glad to be alive
of men by aeolianharps https://archiveofourown.org/works/21775381/chapters/51957199
can you tell i love aeolianharps?? i do. 25K, from fellowship to post-rotk angst but with a happy ending. so hauntingly beautiful oh god.
a ghost story by samarqand https://archiveofourown.org/works/24366931
almost 10K oneshot that goes from pre-fellowship to post-rotk. the most harrowingly forestial sort of love story god i love it so much
the language of the birds by samarqand https://archiveofourown.org/works/25388575/chapters/61564924
exactly 20K from pre-fellowship mirkwood to mid-rotk one of my fav fics of all time, just the most gorgeous portrayal of love and longing and yes.
how the heart approaches what it yearns (series) by sakurashakedown https://archiveofourown.org/series/2827483
38K overall and ongoing, the first fic is 7K, the second 3K and the third 27K, the most wonderful pre-fellowship questing with aragorn portrayal of neurodivergent legolas and just fluff fluff to heal your soul
Now to rapid fire from one of my fav fic writers ever, Nanethoiithil: Rivers of Starlight https://archiveofourown.org/works/41660493 More Lovely and More Temperate https://archiveofourown.org/works/39477444
Whispers in the Dark https://archiveofourown.org/works/39273417/chapters/98273073
A Brief Respite https://archiveofourown.org/works/38184877
Beware of the Sea https://archiveofourown.org/works/37798204/chapters/94374856
Earth https://archiveofourown.org/works/37143091
All by Nanethoiithil, all <15K wonderful established relationship aralas, mid-fellowship questing with the most wonderful fluff and fellowship dynamics and hurt/comfort, except for Beware of the Sea which is post-rotk wrong person wrong time. all so lovely it takes my breath away
In Fading Light by milgarion https://archiveofourown.org/works/822388/chapters/1558852
been a hot second since i’ve read but a full-on 63K developing relationship aralas, great if you’re in the mood for something more ~classic~ with more traditional angst. absolutely fell in love with this and it’ll always have a place in my heart
those are the fics that left a wordless void in my soul once i finished them, that have had such an impact on my life it feels as though they never leave my mind, now here are a few that are less so, definitely i don’t think about them every waking hour of every day, but are still really really good:
elf ears are just ears by yerimheart https://archiveofourown.org/works/43091700 (1500 words first kiss adorableness)
the moon will sing a song for me (i loved you like the sun) by eirvosol https://archiveofourown.org/works/42569739 (1300 words declarations of love, established-relationship, a lil cliché but it’s ok)
Dead on Your Feet by LuvAtFirstRead https://archiveofourown.org/works/42147552 (6K injury/recovery trope, established relationship, also lil cliché but it’s good)
This Realm of Ours by Living_City https://archiveofourown.org/works/41136546 (1700 word established relationship injury/recovery fluff so well written agh)
in dreams i can hear your name by osamugiris https://archiveofourown.org/works/40875900 (4K classic immortal dying bc mortal doesn’t love him back fluff, SO well done)
aaaaaaand of course everything by one of my favs again: himboredfield
burdens of war and love’s embrace https://archiveofourown.org/works/31518371
i had been lost to you, sunlight https://archiveofourown.org/works/25743196
give me how it was, our place under the sun https://archiveofourown.org/works/24639829/chapters/59532244
all by himboredfield, (1400 words, 4K and 20K respectively) all are pre or mid-fellowship super fluffy aralas love confessions, with an AMAZING grasp on archaic language, so tolkien-esque and lovely.
aaaaaand to finish off with some shameless self advo, here’s my fic: at the impasse of the age, we lie in oblivion by u_wear_fine_things_well (me :D) https://archiveofourown.org/works/42924453/chapters/107839779
my 75K word magnum opus, angsty yet bantery lotr rewrite except gayer and sadder and, yk, aralas-er with a bittersweet ending
this post is for everyone who had to wade thru hundreds of not super well written fics just to find some good gd fluffshots of our fav twink archer and his punk, perpetually tired bf!! there are good ones out there (and ones that will rip your whole entire heart out of your chest like the first 4) i promise
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queercodedlunatic · 4 months
Éomer/Legolas and later Aragorn/Legolas.
Tried to write it with a romantic old timey style while it also being filthy smut.
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six-of-snakes · 1 year
A commotion spread through the hallways of Helm's Deep: Aragorn lives, people muttered. Aragorn has returned.
Legolas didn't remember making his way through the crowded corridors to the main courtyard, nor remember who told him that Aragorn had survived.
But it didn't really matter. All that mattered was that Aragorn was alive, gloriously alive, and standing in the courtyard looking half-dead but still stunningly beautiful to Legolas, leaning against his horse like it was all that was keeping him from falling.
Legolas longed to run to him, to touch him and make sure that he wasn't dreaming, that he was really here, and safe, and alive, but something stayed him.
He watched as Gimli pushed through the crowds to Aragorn, watched as they exchanged words. He didn't bother to try to hear what they said, though he could've. All he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding in his ears. Aragorn. Aragorn. Aragorn.
He watched as Gimli stepped toward Aragorn, and pointed him toward the doorway where Legolas stood. He watched Aragorn's face light up as he thanked Gimli and pushed his way through the Rohan to reach him.
"Le abdollen," Legolas said in an attempt at lightness. Aragorn smiled wearily, and he gave up on his smile, letting the fear of the past few days show on his face. "You look terrible."
"Legolas, I-" Legolas slipped his fingers through the ranger's tangled hair, pulling his close. He buried his face in Aragorn's shoulder.
"Goston le fern," he whispered, his voice breaking. Aragorn wrapped his arms around the elf and held him for a moment.
When Legolas stepped back, Aragorn brought a hand to his throat, where a thin silver chain now hung. His fingers brushed the necklace, and he met Legolas' gaze.
"I thought it had been lost," he said softly. "No. Sui vîn meleth, it is not easily lost."
"I am glad," Aragorn said. He ran a calloused finger over Legolas' cheekbone, then slid his thumb under his chin and tilted his face up, kissing him gently, his lips lingering for a long moment before he pulled away.
"But there is no time to linger here, though I wish there was. A great host of Uruk-hai are marching here. They will arrive by nightfall, and I must warn Théoden."
"There will be a battle, then?" Aragorn winced."The walls of Helm's Deep have never fallen. Estelio bronathar sír."
"They must stand. I only wish that we had more time."
Aragorn rested a hand on the elf's shoulder.
"Do not we all? But this is what we have, and I can yet warn Théoden. We will prepare, what little we can."
Legolas rested his hand over Aragorn's for a moment, then dropped it.
"Come," he said, "I'll show you to Théoden."
Legolas stood by the armory wall with Aragorn and Gimli, scanning the crowds who gathered for weapons.
A soldier handed a boy who couldn't have been more than fourteen a sword, and the boy dropped it. Wordlessly, Aragorn picked it up and handed it back to him.
"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no warriors," he said quietly. Legolas shook his head.
"No. They're children. Children and old men. You can't send children and the elderly to war. Natha daged dhaer."
"Then I will die with them. There is no running now. We have fled as far as we can. We must fight."
"Nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri."
"Then we will die trying."
Aragorn paused for a moment, then left the armory. Legolas stared after him, stricken, making as if to follow him, then pausing as Gimli came up next to him.
"Let him go, lad. Let him be."
Legolas was still in the armory when Aragorn came to arm himself. He donned his armor with the ease of long years of practice, and Legolas found himself noticing that the man he loved became the man who wore the armor - a king. Still, the necklace gleamed at his throat, and his fingers drifted to it more often that Legolas would've expected.
Finally, as Aragorn reached for his sword, Legolas stepped from the shadows, handing the blade to the ranger.
"Forgive me," he said softly, "I was wrong to despair." Aragorn stared at him for a long moment without speaking.
"Ú-moe edaved, Legolas," he said at last. There is nothing to forgive.
Legolas tangled his fingers in Aragorn's hair and pulled him into a kiss, this one hungrier and more desperate than the last.
"I don't want to lose you," he whispered against Aragorn's lips.
"Nor I you," Aragorn replied, and deepened the kiss, as if he could keep them together, and safe, by passion alone.
Legolas was quickly lost in Aragorn's eyes, in the feeling of his kisses. For a brief, dizzying moment, he thought about staying here, avoiding the battle altogether. Then Aragorn slipped from his arms, and took the sword from where it was laying on the ground, sheathing it in a single smooth motion.
"It is time," he said, and the armory doors opened.
Huge thanks to @firelightinferno for the Sindarin translations!
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soso3557lo · 2 years
No because it is actually astounding how quick I'll abandon uni work and a normal sleeping schedule to read fanfiction as soon as I get a day off...who even needs sleep anyway???
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vamp-ress · 4 months
The Writer Questionnaire 1/30
I saw this ask game at lordoftherazzles, but instead of making it an ask game, I thought about doing it as a month-long self-interview. So if you don't feel like reading through 10 years worth of Livejournal entries to get a feeling for who I am, here are the cliff notes:
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
My go-to fandoms are always Lord of the Rings and LotRPS. I have branched out from time to time (if it has vampires, chances are high that it will interest me), but even then most of those fics have been crossovers, like “Wish Fulfillment” or “The Advent of Men”.
I write gen and slash. If it’s slash, my favourite pairing is Aragorn/Legolas and Viggo/Orlando. I don’t like Arwen being portrayed as this evil witch that comes between Aragorn and Legolas. Even if she doesn’t end up with Aragorn, she deserves to be a fully-fledged character. In short, I try to do her justice.
A typical fic from me will include some form of angst or hurt/comfort - the angstier the better. I like to make my favourite characters miserable. Usually (not always, though), I will take care to give them a happy ending. Character death is a very rare occurrence in my stories, though it has been known to happen (sorry). I’m usually quite knowledgeable in regards to canon (or I do extensive research for a story), but at the same time I love to play around with canon and diverge from it. A lot of my stories feature a kind of AU element. You can see this in “Passing Through”, “Destiny” and “The Road Taken”.
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mushroomwitches · 1 year
Okay so I am very adhd and have like a ton of drafts started for some fanfic ideas and wanted to focus on one to start with, but I wanted to get peoples opinions because I’m also very indecisive! Below the cut I will explain each option I have that I’ve started to help!
Slight Spoiler warnings
Option 1: okay so this idea is inspired by mamuro-chiba-ua ‘s artwork here on tumblr, though I have seen other talk about in on here, but their artwork and Au made me start to wonder how being the uncle to Vivi would effect buggy! This would focus on buggy as he goes about his life and would be a cross guild (crocodile, mihawk, and buggy! )
Option 2: for whatever reason kaveh and Alhaitham give me the swan Princess vibes. So this story would follow kaveh as he is captured by Dori and given to a mysterious man who changes him into a paradisea by day, only allowing him to return to his human form at night to build for him. Can Alhaitham save him or will he be trapped forever ( featuring Tighnari, collei and Layla as the others trapped with Kaveh and also turned into animals, Cyno as Alhaitham friend and Faruzan as the overly annoyed and sarcastic advisor to Alhaitham )
Option 3: so this one could either be gigolas or aralas, both work and I am a multi shipper who loves both options! I could also tweak this and make it a throuple if anyone is interested in that. But basically I was a total band kid and feel like Legolas would be a color guard member. Now if I do Gimli, that boy is definitely a percussionist, and I would say I could see him in the drum line as a bass player. If it’s Aragorn, I am a little more torn on that, I could see Aragorn as either a low brass player or the drum major! Basically a fun marching band AU (specifically based on DCI (drum corps international) which goes to 21 so they would all be over the age of 18!)
Option 4: so I’ll set the stage. Bilbo is the lead in the local theater companies upcoming production of Les Miserables (could totally see him singing who am I, like the voice of the original Jean Val Jean just fits in my head). But oh no, Bilbo’s babysitter ( *cough cough* Gandalf) didn’t show up and now he has to bring baby frodo with him, but he has to practice. So he call Bofur, his friend from college to see if he could come to watch frodo while he’s performing. Bofur agrees easily, but is also currently dealing with a brooding Thorin after a really shitty date and decides to bring him with. Thorin isn’t thrilled, claiming to hate musicals and only like his metal and stuff he can play with the rest of the band, but sees Bofur won’t let it go and agrees to go. He goes right in time to watch Bilbo practice the who am I song and just is like damn. Basically meet cute here and then just follows their life from there with all of life’s up and downs (plus cute little kids with frodo, fili and kili)
Option 5: okay so shanks and buggy give off like such ex energy, and I just love the idea of they got like married real young and got divorced a year or 2 later because they both wanted different things, but they are forced together like 20 years later (either a job, event, taking care of roger who is sick, something like that) and being to fall in love again!
Option 6: so I feel like this is pretty self explanatory. Basically I have begun taking both the hobbit and lotr and putting them into the star wars universe! The hobbit would include ships like bagginshield and lotr would include ships like samfro, Aragorn x Arwen, and gigolas!
But yeah feel free to answer the poll and comment or pop into my inbox with any questions!
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Yo, today a slightly different poll:
As I may have screamed in a former post, I've got a shit-ton of WIPS.
(Short info about the fics after the poll)
1. Daughter of Kings: Thorin has a daughter, she grew up in our world, accidentally summons him, then follows him to Middle Earth. Includes Fili/OFC, PROBABLY Thorin/Bard
2. How to tame you dwarrows: Company & Gandalf arrive at OFCs apartments & discover the joys of modern health care & democracy, among others. Most likely a Kili/Fili/OFC
3. Cracks filled with Gold & Mithril Hearts: OFC has been to Middle Earth for quite a while, was actually waiting for LotR & Boromir, had only read the Hobbit Book, upon meeting the company in Rivendell decided to join them & save the Durins.
Includes Fili/OFC, Kili/Bilbo, Thorin/Legolas, later Aragorn/ Eowyn (YES I went there)
4. Homeward Bound: Frerin survived but was beamed into our world, arriving in 1850. Includes parts of his life here, but the plot is about him doing a Dorothy with his house& adopted/ foster kids & his butler, landing north of Mordor, and making their way to his family. He has met JRR Tolkien & has unpublished info from the visions that inspired the author, and will save his family, goddamn it!
Will (probably) include: OMC/ male elf (Legolas/ Elladan/ Glorfindel), Frerin/Bard OR Frerin/Elf, Kili/Nori, Fili/OFC, Thorin/Bilbo OR Thorin/Bofur
5. Sansukh - Inspired, no title yet: Only Thorin & Kili die, with Kili instead of Thorin getting 'the gift' (if you know you know, if you don't, GO READ SANSUKH!!!), Fili becomes king.
Will include multiple MCDs, focus on the Lord of the Rings, a different fellowship, probably: Fili/Eowyn, Aragorn/Legolas, Boromir/Nori, Thorin/ Bilbo, Kili/Taurie
Also, Feedback/ Ideas/ Suggestions?
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Me and a friend are currently writing a jewish Aralas fic together! I hope you will enjoy it!~
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celestianana · 2 years
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I'm coming back with another meme. Especially for Aralas fandom because they gave me the most culture shock with their "dead dove" fic theme 😂
Not sorry.
The character here is Lucy from Lockwood and Co. The new good series I recommended you for watching them on netflix ✨
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
deep down rivers (I'll follow you)
[Aragorn/Legolas | T+ | 2,1k]
Tags: Canon Divergence, Spans from Beginning to End of Canon, Friends to Lovers, Feelings Realization, 5+1 Things, Mostly Fluff
And the thing is, in that moment, it doesn’t even strike him as particularly strange. Of course, he calls for Legolas; they have been fighting side by side for far, far longer than the Fellowship has even existed. There is no one else in the world or beyond whom he trusts more to have his back. --- In moments of crisis, Aragorn's first instinct is always, unfailingly, to call for Legolas. He gets it eventually. Or: 5 times Aragorn calls for Legolas, and the one time he no longer has to raise his voice.
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vera-dauriac · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf Characters: Aragorn (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Tent Sex, Established Relationship Summary:
Aragorn and Legolas are both left weary after the Battle for Helm's Deep and the ride to Isengard. Where will they find the energy to finish the ride to Edoras and then, more importantly, finish the war? Perhaps in each other.
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maedhrosdefender · 1 year
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mellethernil · 1 year
Happy Aralas week only tad bit late but here ya go!
Day One Prompt | Crown @aralas-week
just be warned it’s smut
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