#arat fanfic
artoriyasart · 1 year
Im trying to write a new story but at the moment I am unsure of which ship to feature for a future story. Help a girl out. I'll include pairings I haven't written before or rarepairs that I haven't seen. Some I really didn't know who I'd pair them with and i can only include ten. Can I do more? Hmmm....
I know I mostly write Sylvaina but if you want something different go ahead and vote.
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fireember345 · 2 years
Deal with the Fangs of the Shadowlands prompt
A world of Warcraft Prompt
Do not own WOW
Anyone can use this
Anduin x Sire Denathrius (One-sided)
Anduin x Prince Renathal
Anduin X Arator the Redeemer
During the Battle of Azeroth, Anduin feared the loss of the war and prayed to anyone who helps save his people
Denathrius answered his call after feeling his Anima
Sire Denathrius hears his plea and offered him a deal to defeat Sylvanas and save Azeroth, in return Anduin would marry him and leave for the Shadowlands
Anduin struck the deal, not caring what happened to him and only wanting to save the people
When Sylvanas fled, Anduin knew it was Denathrius’ doing and knew he would have to leave Azeroth Forever
It broke his heart to leave, never telling Arator how he really felt, but he faced it without fear
When the Shadowlands opened, Denathrius came to where Anduin and Genn were, visiting Varian’s grave
Anduin said goodbye as he went willing Denathrius
Genn tried to stop him, causing the elemental to strike him down but not kill him as he took Anduin away
Zovaal demanded why Denathrius did what he did, he told his brother that he went to collect his bride
Denathrius placed Anduin in a palace-like dollhouse to keep him there as they prepared the wedding, enamored by his Anima and beauty
Renathal became the bodyguard and escort to Anduin as they toured Revendreth, slowly becoming enchanted by Anduin
The Alliance and Horde members who were kidnapped by Sylvanas were afraid of where Anduin was and what was happening to him
Arator followed the hero in hopes of rescuing Anduin
They soon discovered that Anduin isn’t in the Maw but Revendreth and so did Sylvanas
When Zovaal learned about Anduin’s mass Anima, he sends his forces to kidnap him
Jaina feared Denathrius kidnapped Anduin, but he told them all he made a deal with him to save his people and was going to marry him
When Denathrius was revealed, Anduin was taken to the Maw, Zovaal lying about keeping him safe when he turned him into a mawalker
Once Anduin was freed and Denathrius was imprisoned, their marriage was annulled and Anduin finally confessed his feelings for Arator
When Anduin chose to stay in the Shadowlands, Arator chose to stay with him, deciding to elope with a private wedding with just the two of them
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speakviolence · 4 months
can someone please write more neal gamby x lee russell fanfics im getting desp arate
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adavellis · 3 years
Over the past week I managed to upload the rest of Part 3 of Measure of the World, which brings to a close the Shadowlands arc and sets to rest all the more dangerous conflict that’s been looming over our characters. There’s quite a bit of action in these six chapters, and the mood starts to lighten a bit! The story isn’t quite done but there’s no major cliffhanger at the end of part 3
I’ll be heading out on break now for a while to revise and wrap up the end of the fic; might be a month or so, might be more, hard to say! But the end is near
Take care folks!
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walkerwords · 4 years
“Firehouse Blues” Part 1 of 2 - Negan x F!Reader
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Request from anonymous:  can you do a negan imagine where the saviors find a woman who's living alone in a huge building and has a lot of supplies and guns and the saviors try to take the supplies but she used to be a engineer and has a strong security system so no one can access the building. and one day she meets negan and agrees to a trade. thanks :)
Word Count: 3448
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “It’s A Man’s Man’s World” by Jurnee Smollett-Bell
Note: Another two part request! I was originally going to post this as one, but I wanted to post something for ya’ll so here you go. I had a lot of fun with this one. Mostly cause I love writing flirty Negan! Part 2 will be up soon! Thank you!
Reminder: If you want to be added to my main taglist or individual lists, just let me know!
The first time you met the Saviors, you had given them a single warning. 
It was early morning when the trucks first rolled up to your firehouse. You had been living in the old fire station for about a year now and it had quickly become a fortress. With a mixture of scavenging and inventing, your home was not only well-armed but equipped with sophisticated security systems that included both machinery and the Dead. Being an engineer before the Turn, when you found the firehouse, it quickly became your new project. 
A multitude of traps, alarms, and mirrors was placed around the property. From certain vantage points, you could see every entrance and it would be a miracle if anyone or anything could breach your walls. The collection of Dead was your most recent idea and so far it was working. It had taken you a few weeks to get everything perfect, but soon enough, you kept at least ten Dead ones confined within the entrance area of the firehouse. If anyone was to get through the front door, they would have to get through a group of the Dead that you could release with a single pull of a lever.
When you heard the caravan of vehicles approaching your home, you acted quickly. With a few adjustments and two pulls of a lever, two large hoses deposited gasoline out front of the building, ready for you to ignite it if necessary. The entrance to the main yard out front was lined with two large fire engines that blocked the other traps that you had set up, two tripwires that would activate a loud siren, calling any Dead within a few miles towards the building. You were safe behind your brick walls, but your enemy wouldn’t be so lucky.
Sliding down the fire pole that was just off your makeshift bedroom, you crept towards the main area of the station. In the main garage, you could hear your Dead on the other side of the door as they waited in the administration area. It had taken you a while to get used to the noise, but now if you didn’t have the constant groans of your hungry companions, everything felt too silent. 
Climbing up one of the fire ladders, you looked through one of the windows at the top of the accordion door. In the bright sun of the morning, five trucks parked just behind the fire engines. Armed men and women exited the vehicles and gathered around your barrier, looking up at the firehouse in confusion.
You were aware that there were groups in the area. Some were considered safe havens, but of course, there were those who wanted what others had. Based on their weapons and how each of them carried themselves, you were certain they were the latter. 
You climbed down from the window and ran for your armory. You kept your weapons in many different places throughout the station, never all together in one place. In the garage was where you kept most of your smaller pistols as well as your explosives. Grabbing two pistols, you slid them into your holsters. You also grabbed your parabolic listening device. You had found the long-distance microphone on a run a few months ago. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked great when listening to conversations that were right outside your home. 
Making your way to the top level, you checked your traps along the way. Your Dead were secure, the tripwires fully ready, and every door was reinforced alongside automatic weapons that could be triggered with a few tugs of a rope. You then headed for your main “nest” as you called it. On the top floor of the firehouse, you had a full view of those who threatened your home and that is where you waited.
Peering through a rifle scope, you watched as a man with a rather impressive mustache exited the last truck. He walked with a swagger and a cocky grin on his face. He stared up at your fire station with gratification as if he had just won the lottery. Switching on the microphone, you held the disc towards the slightly open window and you listened.
“You know, when our new friend said this place was well-guarded, I thought he meant by actual men,” the man said. A woman to his left followed his line of sight with a frown. 
“Maybe he was wrong, Simon,” the woman said. The man, Simon, shook his head and walked between the fire engines, gauging his surroundings. You watched on in silence. 
“I don’t think so, Arat,” Simon said. “He said this place was a fortress. A fortress with guns,” he said with a wicked smile. At his words, your stomach turned. You knew who he was talking about. You had invited someone into your home a month earlier. His name was Justin and he had been starving, weak, and in need of shelter. He was a former Sailor with the Navy so you had offered him sanctuary. Clearly, that had been a mistake. The bastard had betrayed you and brought these pirates to your doorstep. “Spread out!” Simon ordered. “Find a way in.”
The men and women nodded to their leader and began fanning out over your property. You ignored the teams that went to the sides of the building. They would need a bulldozer to get through your doors and even then, you were prepared to take on any intruders. Your main focus was the man with the mustache. He seemed too confident in trying to take your place by force.
You watched him carefully, gauging all his reactions and how he scanned his surroundings. There was a moment when you considered taking him out. A single bullet to the heart would kill him and allow you to add him to your collection downstairs. However, you had a feeling that if you did, the cavalry would return and conflict was not what you were aiming for here. 
Simon picked his way towards the front of the building. You were surprised to see that he noted your tripwires almost instantly. He didn’t bother to disarm them as he stepped over each one and placed his hands on his hips. “I know you’re in there!” he sang, smiling up at the windows you sat behind. “Why don’t you come on out and we can discuss this like friends?”
Your eyes went to the gasoline that shimmered in the sun. Simon noticed it as well and toed it with his boot. “Careful, Simon,” Arat said, still behind the barrier the wires provided. 
“Something tells me, we aren’t going to get the full welcome wagon,” Simon sighed. “Okay then! Guess we will have to do this the hard way!” Simon then whistled and three of his men approached with a battering ram. You were annoyed when they also took care to avoid the wires. Clearly, you had to do a better job at camouflaging them. The men placed themselves at your front door, ready to take it down, but all you did was smile. Reaching over to your left, you pulled up on a yellow-painted-lever and released your Dead.
As soon as the ram broke down the door, ten lumbering Dead men and women attacked your intruders. You heard the screams first. Two men went down as the Dead converged on them. “Fall back!” Simon yelled, running back to avoid gnarled hands and teeth. In his hurry, he didn’t avoid the wires this time and instantly your home lit up with a fire siren. 
Simon and the others panicked as the Dead began appearing around corners. You had purposefully baited them with dead animals whenever you could. You found the Living avoided highly populated areas of the Dead so it played in your favor. Panic ensued instantly as the men and women retreated to their vehicles. You pushed open your window and leaned out slightly, making sure Simon could see you. Meeting your eyes, he glared, cursing. You smiled widely at him and then lifted your middle finger to the sky.
“You might wanna hurry up!” you hollered at him, “I don’t think they’ve eaten in a while!” you shouted, gesturing to the Dead that stumbled towards his people. Simon looked as if he wanted to shoot you right there, but he made the smarter choice and ran for his truck. 
“Go!” he yelled, jumping into the passenger seat and slamming his hand against the roof. The trucks raced away from your home, firing at stray Dead as they did. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched them flee. However, it was then that you realized you had to reset all your traps and you sighed in annoyance. The Dead would be easy to replace, but it was always a hassle to reset the wires and disperse the hungry bodies that surrounded the area after the siren. 
Speaking of which, you ran to the other side of the room and slammed your hand against the emergency shut-off button, turning off the deafening sound. Listening to the increased groans of the Dead, you picked up a length of chain that hung on a hook. “This is gonna take all night,” you said with a deep sigh, but you knew it was worth it.
You were considering adding more than ten this time. The only thing that would make the situation better was if you could get your hands on Justin and hang his traitorous ass on the front gate as your first warning. Perhaps one day you would get the chance, but for now, you had work to do. 
It was two months later when you finally met the man in charge.
You were on a run for parts to fix a radio you had found in the boiler room when you heard the sound of clashing metal. Running towards the sound, you saw a supply truck tipped over on its side and the Dead circled it like sharks after prey. You thought about turning away. It wasn’t rare for people to come through your area of town. They would get into rough situations and either they lived or they didn’t. You never felt as if it was your duty to intervene. However, when you saw who exited the truck, you reconsidered. 
Climbing out of the passenger side window, a tall, handsome man slid to the ground. In his hand, he held a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat, and as soon as he got his bearings, he swung it, crushing in skulls immediately. You watched this man fight through the small herd of Dead as they attempted to make him their lunch.
His leather jacket was splashed with black blood and it seemed as if he was limping heavily. You figured he was injured from the crash, but it didn’t seem to stop him. It was clear to you that he was a survivor and that was what made you pull your weapon. 
You ran towards the man, firing on the remaining Dead. He turned to you in surprise before going back to swinging his weapon. Neither of you spoke as your dispatched the rest of the corpses. You then found three feasting on a body that hung limply out of the truck’s windshield. You pulled your knife and took them out, stabbing each of them in the back of the head.
When all was quiet, you turned to find the survivor bent over, leaning on his bat for support. “You alright?” you asked, slightly out of breath. 
“Am I alright?” he asked, slightly amused. “Shit, Darlin’, you’re the one who went all fucking Rambo on these dead assholes. I am more than alright considering how much badass I just witnessed,” he said and you found his deep voice incredibly soothing, even when he was swearing like a sailor. 
“Your injury,” you said, pointing at his leg, “is it a bite?” 
“Nope, just your average big ass cut,” he said, pulling up the leg of his pants. The wound looked deep, most likely from a piece of metal. Looking around, you made a quick decision. 
“I can patch you up if you want. My place is just around the corner,” you said, already regretting it. He looked at you for a moment before shrugging. 
“Figure I don’t have any other options,” he said, “Lead the way.” You went to his side and pulled his arm around your shoulders, giving him support. 
“Ya got a name?” you asked as you pulled him towards your firehouse. 
“Negan,” he grunted, clearly in more pain than he first led on. “And what can I call you, my white knight?” he asked, smiling down at you. 
“(Y/N),” you said, “and I’m no white knight. Just figured you’ve already had a shitty day. No need to make it worse.” Negan laughed, a broad smile encompassing his bearded face. 
“I’ll take it,” he said and you smiled slightly. You took Negan through a back alley and then down the main street that led to your home. As you got closer to the fire station, Negan swore under his breath. 
“What is it?” you asked, suddenly on alert for any danger. 
“You’re her, aren’t you?” he asked. 
“You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific there, bud,” you said, hauling him down the pavement. 
“The firehouse chick,” he explained. “My men tried to take this place a couple of months ago and you unleashed a shit ton of corpses on them!” he said, extremely exuberant. “Simon said you were a spitfire, guess he was right after all.” Hearing Simon’s name, you jerked away from Negan, throwing him to the ground. “Shit!” he swore. You pulled your pistol and aimed it at his head. “Whoa there!” he said, raising his hands.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shoot you and mount your head on my wall?” you asked him, releasing the safety on your weapon. 
“How about the fact that you’re all about defense and not offense?” Negan offered as he stared down the barrel of your gun. 
“And how would you know that?”
“Simon said that everything that happened that day was all bells and whistles. Shit worthy of a badass and a badass you are,” Negan said. 
“Your men tried to rob me, take my weapons, and they didn’t seem to care about whether I had people inside,” you told him. 
“And did you? Have people?” he asked, his eyes flashing between the gun and your face. With a sigh, you dropped the gun.
“No, I prefer to be alone. Tried to have someone with me once and well, he went and told your boy Simon about my place. Haven’t seen him since, but I plan to gut him from head to toe when I do,” you said, holstering your weapon. “Do I have to do the same to you?” Negan grinned once again. 
“No, ma’am,” he said, wetting his lips with his tongue. “I’m quite fine with whatever you decide to do with me.” You rolled your eyes at his innuendo. 
“If I bring you inside, are you gonna try to take my shit?” you asked, your hand still resting on the pistol at your side. 
“Wouldn’t dream of stealing from the woman that is offering to nurse me back to health,” he said, tilting his head to the side. You offered your hand to him.
“I’m holding you to that,” you said and he took your hand. You helped him to his feet and resumed your earlier position. “I meant what I said about mounting your head.”
“I have no doubt that you did,” Negan said. “All the more reason for me to behave,” he said with a wink and you tugged him along with a jerk that had him tripping on the buckled sidewalk. 
Arriving at the station, you took him through the side entrance.
Negan leaned against the brick wall as you unlocked the steel door with a series of latches and the help of a small crowbar. “What the hell did you do before all of this? CIA?” you looked up at him, annoyed. 
“I was an engineer, genius,” you explained, and with a kick, the door opened. You grabbed his arm again and hauled him into the building. 
“Yeah, I guess that makes more sense,” Negan said, leaning heavily on you. You closed up behind you and then took Negan down the hall towards the stairs. 
“If you fall, try not to take me down with you,” you said. 
“Have some faith, Darlin’,” he said as you started to ascend the stairs. “So, why a firehouse?” he asked. 
“It was convenient,” you explained. “And I like the area.” 
“Prime apocalyptic real estate, huh?” he joked. 
“Something like that,” you said as you finally made your way to the top level. You dragged Negan over to your bed and dropped him. “You’re a lot heavier than you look,” you panted. 
“It’s my big...personality,” he said with a suggestive smile. 
“More like your big ego,” you said before heading over to the cabinet on the wall. Negan peeled off his jacket, dropping his bat by his feet. You grabbed your first aid kit and a bottle of water and went back to him. Negan leaned back against the wall and you sat at his feet, prepping a bandage and antiseptic. “Roll up your pant leg,” you said. “And no, you do not need to take your pants off,” you said before he could say the lewd remark that you knew was on the tip on his tongue. 
“Damn, you’re good,” Negan said, but did as you asked. Placing a towel under his calf, you cleaned the wound the best you could. You were right before, it was pretty deep.
“Needs stitches,” you said, grabbing the sewing kit. 
“Go for it,” Negan said, placing his hands behind his head. As you stitched his wound closed, he almost seemed content with the situation. 
“You don’t get a lot of downtime, do you?” you asked. 
“How can you tell?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Because you’re practically asleep while I tug your flesh back together.”
“I got people to lead,” Negan explained. “Doesn’t allow much leisure time.”
“Right, the people that you lead to steal the supplies and homes of others,” you said bitterly as you soaked the freshly stitched wound with alcohol again.
“We all do what we have to in order to survive,” Negan said, his tone more serious. 
“You don’t have to be a looter,” you said, wrapping his leg. You tightly secured his wound and then gathered up your supplies. You gave Negan the water and got up, turning your back on him. 
“Why are you alone?” he asked after a few minutes. You leaned against one of the steel columns and stared at him, trying to make your mind up about the man before you. 
“I stopped trusting people years ago,” you told him, “And every time I decide to try it again, they screw me over. No people, no problems.”
“Sounds lonely,” he said, his eyes softening. 
“You get used to it,” you said, pushing off the column and going over to your work desk, fiddling with pieces of tech. You were bent over the radio, trying to rewire it when you felt his presence behind you. “If you rip your stitches, I won’t redo them.” Negan laughed and took a seat in the chair by your desk. 
“I want to offer you a deal, (Y/N),” Negan said, watching you with curious eyes. 
“I nearly killed your man, Simon, what makes you think I want to make a deal with you?” you asked. 
“Look, Simon, he means well...sometimes and while he is my right-hand, he’s not me. My men do many things in my name, but when it comes down to it, I’m the one who should be shaking hands and kissing babies.”
“And that’s what you want to do with me?” you questioned. 
“I think you and I can have a very beneficial relationship,” he said, running his hand over his chin. “Strictly professional, of course.”
“Of course,” you mocked. “Negan, I appreciate that you want to make some kind of deal, but I don’t deal with people that prey on others.” Negan leaned forward. 
“Darlin’, I am more than happy to go by your rules,” he said slowly, “but I want you to hear me out. Who knows, maybe you’ll find I’m not that bad after all.” You leaned towards him as well, staring him down. He glanced down to your lips. Quirking a brow, you smirked.
“Don’t hold your breath, Darlin’.” 
TAGS: @thanossexual​ 
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don’t let in the light. [x]
Gerard Way ft. Ray Toro - Hazy Shade of Winter // Bring Me The Horizon - sugar honey ice & tea // AViVA - Blackout // Call Me Karizma - Monster (Under My Bed) // The Score - Born For This // grandson - Stick Up // Adam Jensen - The Hunter // Mad At Gravity - Burn // The Everlove - Cities in Dust // Red - Start Again
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The Camp Crystal Lake Walker
A/N: This fic was done for @embracetheapocalypsewithme‘s 400 follower Negan challenge! My prompt was horror, so I decided to have Negan tangle with Jason Voorhees. I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 2,028
Warnings: Swearing, monster showdowns, blood, gore, dismembered heads, death.
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“But when the boy went to open the car door for his girlfriend, there was… a bloody hook on the door handle!”
“Dwight, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard,” Negan said with a groan.
“It’s kind of old too,” Arat chimed in as she kicked around some dirt at her feet.
“You all asked for a story, and I gave you one,” Dwight grumbled as he poked the wood in the campfire around with a stick.
“I thought it was good,” Joey chimed in.
Negan rolled his eyes. “No offense Fat Joey, but you couldn’t fucking say a mean thing about anyone, not even if someone was stealing your shit right in front of you.”
Simon had just returned with another armful of wood and tossed it next to the fire for later before taking a seat next to Negan. The five of them had gotten stuck on an overnight supply run and were trying to find ways to pass the time.
“Why the hell are we wanting to tell each other scary stories when we’re practically living in a post apocalyptic horror film?” Simon asked.
“Because we’re bored and there ain’t shit else to do,” Negan responded. “Besides, we can handle walkers easily. It isn’t like there’s masked murderers marauding around in this fucking forest somewhere.”
“I don’t know, some of those serial killers are like… part walker,” Simon said.
Negan raised his eyebrow at Simon. “The fuck are you talking about now?”
“You know, Jason Voorhees is technically a walker. He died and then came back to life and killed more kids,” Simon said.
“But it’s not like Jason Voorhees is real,” Arat said.
“And you all thought my story was dumb,” Dwight interjected.
Simon pointed his finger at Dwight. “Shut up, I didn’t say anything bad about you. Besides, we never thought walkers would happen, and yet here we are,” Simon said.
The group sat there for a moment, contemplating what Simon had just told them. If anything, that thought was eerier than any ghost story they could have come up with on the spot.
At the sound of crunching twigs in the forest, the five Saviors all looked at each other with wide eyed expressions. After a moment of silence, Negan snorted and shook his head. The rest followed in suit. They were just getting jumpy, that’s all.
Before anyone could come up with another topic of conversation, Joey suddenly collapsed on the ground in front of them, a machete sticking out of his back. The four of them jumped up out of their seats and swiveled their heads around, looking for the direction of the thrown machete.
They heard loud hulking footsteps in a darkened part of the forest. Negan raised Lucille in his grip, while the other three stood their ground. When the source of the machete walked out into the clearing, Negan lowered Lucille in shock.
The figure was a large looming presence of a man. His arms hung by his sides as he stomped forward, his features highlighted by the light of the fire. His clothes were tattered and torn, almost like they draped over his huge frame. And of course, there was the hockey mask on his face that shone pale like a beacon in the darkness.
The four of them didn’t wait for Jason to approach further, and instead they made a mad scramble in the other direction.
“What the fuck kind of Stay Puft Marshmallow Man bullshit did you do!?” Negan yelled at Simon as they ran into the dense forest path.
“Are you saying this is my fault!?” Simon shouted. “Are you fucking kidding me!?”
“Shut up or else it’ll be easier for him to find us!” Arat berated them as they continued forward.
They heard a sudden thump behind them, and heard Dwight call out, “Shit, I think I twisted something!”
“Sorry Dwight, you’re gonna have to be a martyr here!” Negan called out behind him as he kept running. “It’s under the “sudden-serial-killer-every-man-for-himself clause!”
“Fuck you Negan you son of a bitch!” Dwight shouted out.
“I’ll take care of Sherry for you!” Negan yelled and caught up to Simon and Arat while they heard Dwight slew curses behind them.
After what felt like hours of running, Negan, Simon, and Arat slumped against the thick trunk of a tree. They panted and caught their breath, trying to assess the situation before them.
“Look, I know that the real life Jason Voorhees is on our tail, but was it cruel leaving Dwight behind?” Simon asked.
“Did you trip him?” Arat asked Negan with a raised eyebrow.
“Fuck no! I’m not that much of an asshole,” Negan said. “He’s skinny but he’s not that skinny to lug around with the Goalie from Hell chasing us.”
“Fair enough,” Simon said. “Still feels shitty though.”
The other two nodded in agreement. Negan suddenly turned to Arat and said, “Well, since we’re operating on horror movie rules, I just figured I should tell you. I never thought I’d say this Arat, but don’t try to fuck me or else we’ll both be dead.”
Arat punched Negan in the arm as he snickered. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re cracking jokes at a time like this!?” She growled.
“Shut up!” Simon hissed. “I hear something.”
They calmed down and listened for what Simon was talking about. Silence was all that came to their ears. Taking a deep breath, Simon leaned out from behind the tree to check to see if the coast was clear.
Simon shouted and made Negan and Arat jump. Simon recoiled back against the tree just as something whipped past his head. Negan didn’t hesitate in running after what had been thrown, walking backwards towards the object as he held Lucille in front of him.
There Jason was, standing a few yards from them, his bloodied machete held tight in his grip. He held a body in his other hand, the arms and legs hanging limp. Negan only looked away from Jason to pick up the object from the forest floor.
Negan held Dwight’s head in his palm, the gruesome expression on his face making Negan’s stomach turn. Negan might not have liked Dwight that much, but he didn’t deserve to go like that, and neither did Joey.
Negan set Dwight’s head back on the ground and turned his attention back to the present threat. He pointed Lucille at Jason, who only tilted his head in curiosity at him. “Alright you big motherfucker, you’d better not be feeling too ahead of yourself because I’m going to bash your skull in with my lovely lady Lucille over here!” Negan said.
“That was in horrible taste!” Simon shouted at Negan.
“I didn’t mean to make the head pun, I swear!” Negan shouted back before pinching the bridge of his nose. “It doesn’t fucking matter though. This fucker’s going down, immortal or not.”
“But do we have a plan!?” Arat shouted as Negan ran towards Jason, Lucille raised in his grip.
“Kill him until he’s dead!” Negan yelled as he dodged Jason’s machete before it could connect.
While Negan ducked below the blade, he swung back and slammed Lucille into Jason’s side. He barely flinched, the only movement he displayed was dropping Dwight’s body from his grip. His arm shot forward, grabbing Negan by the back of his leather jacket and throwing him down onto the ground.
Negan’s mouth opened, trying to groan in pain but no sound coming out. He’d had the wind knocked out of him. While he scrambled to back away from Jason as he slowly approached with his machete raised, he cursed himself for not coming up with a better game plan.
Out of nowhere, a sizeable rock thwacked against the side of Jason’s head. He stood stock still for a moment, confused at the sudden impact. When he turned towards the direction it came from, another rock collided with the front of his mask, making him stumble backwards in shock.
“Over here ugly!” Simon shouted, trying to distract Jason.
It seemed to work, as Jason changed his focus onto Simon and skulked over to him. Before he could get too close, Arat launched herself onto Jason’s back with a shout. He reached behind him to pull her off, but she was too quick for him. She drove her knife into his thick neck, black blood spilling out over the wound.
Jason groaned at the pain as he successfully elbowed Arat off of his back. She fell to the ground with a thud and rolled away from his machete just in time before he slashed the ground where she had landed.
As Arat scrambled to her feet, Simon drove his heel into the back of one of Jason’s legs. Jason dropped to the ground, but swung behind him with his machete. Simon jumped back with a yelp, clutching his arm. The machete had barely grazed him, but still nicked him nonetheless.
Jason pushed up with his good leg, trying to turn around and face Simon to take him out once and for all. But his eyes widened as Negan’s imposing figure came into view. Jason tried to slash out with the machete, but Negan swung faster. Lucille’s barbed wire tore into Jason’s wrist, causing him to release his weapon as it flung itself away from his grip.
“Should have paid attention to me first, you fucker,” Negan said as he cracked Lucille down on Jason’s skull.
He didn’t go down so easily at first though, and Jason gripped the lapel of Negan’s jacket and brought him down with him. Negan never lost his footing, his knees pressed against Jason’s chest as he slammed Lucille down over and over. The two were in a struggling embrace, Jason trying to reach Negan’s neck but being unable to with the assault on his face.
The hockey mask cracked, and Negan drove home Lucille once more to crash down on his already deformed face. Again. Again. And again he swung, not losing concentration from his task even as Jason’s hands fell limp from Negan’s jacket.
After a few more solid cracks, Negan pulled himself away from the still body underneath him. Without hesitation, Arat stumbled over with the discarded machete and hacked at Jason’s neck. The two men watched as she finally made it through the thick skin and bone, Jason’s head tumbling away from his body.
When the men stared at her, she explained, “So he doesn’t come back.”
“This fucker for a fact won’t be coming back,” Negan panted, leaning over the body and picking up the bruised and bloodied head of Jason Voorhees.
The three stood for a moment in awe of the situation. Then, without a moment’s notice, Negan swung his arm down as hard as he could, smashing Jason’s head into the ground one last time. “Goal, motherfucker!”
“Okay, you just ruined the whole damn mood of the story!” Simon shouted across the poker table at Negan. Simon had gotten used to telling his stories late at night with the rest of the Saviors, but they never seemed to understand where he was coming from.
“No I didn’t, you keep making these stories of yours so damn depressing by the end. I’m just improving them,” Negan said as he leaned back in his chair.
“I still don’t know why I couldn’t make it to the end. Joey’s the only one that’s really dead so his makes sense, but I’m still here!” Dwight snapped at Simon.
“It’s to up the stakes! Horror movies aren’t scary when everyone’s still alive at the end! It’s like none of you know how storytelling works!” Simon exclaimed.
“Stop being such drama queens and get a room or something,” Arat said, rolling her eyes and standing up. “I’m going to bed.”
“Why’s she pissy, she got to decapitate Jason!” Negan pouted and crossed his arms. “I wanted to have the final blow.”
“Unbelievable,” Simon sighed. “Why do I even tell you guys my stories if you act like this every damn time?”
“Because we’re all you got,” Dwight said.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us,” Negan said with a grin.
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
A Question (And More) on the Matter of Human-Elf Relationships
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I’ve had this thought in my head for a while, and I’ve spoken of it somewhat in notes from a couple Windrunner-centric fanfics, but I wonder if the Sylvanas novel will touch on the subject of human-elf relationships. It’s a trope that is popularized from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy with Aragorn and Arwen and dates farther back to Lord Dunsay’s The King of Elfland’s Daughter with Alveric and Lizrael, which is most commonly attributed to a male human/female elf pairing, and World of Warcraft is no exception with the likes of Alleria and Turalyon, Sylvanas and Nathanos (however this may be interpreted), and Vereesa and Rhonin.
However, it should not come as a surprise that whenever the Windrunners are brought up in regards to the tumultuous strain Sylvanas - and, by extension, Alleria - have put on the family, the men in their lives are often brought into the fold in snide, disparaging tones. More than once I’ve heard the cracks that “they [human men] are taking away our women!” from blood elf players, remarks that the Windrunners are only known for being arm candy despite having their own goals separate from the men, making assumptions that Arator would be into men the same way his mother and are despite having little development, and calling Giramar and Galadin (and just these two, since AFAIK no one ever brings Arator into this) “abominations” for simply being half-elves. This last part especially hurts me on a personal level since I, as well as my older brother, are of mixed heritage, our father Italian and our mother Mexican with Native American ancestry, and while I’m positive I haven’t heard anything of the like from either sides of the family when they were dating it’s no secret that neither grandparents - or at least my maternal grandparents - weren’t particularly keen on seeing my parents hook up after dating for three months. Or rather my mom’s siblings didn’t want to see her get with my dad; it’s a literal crack ship made real, my mom being someone who’d fit right in with a cheesy Hallmark movie that fits every trope Under the Sun and my dad being cut straight from the cloths of Italian-American gangster period pieces and stoner flicks (and much more that fit into this topic, but for the sake of this piece let’s preserve his youthful years in this particular image).
But I digress. You get the idea.
However, I do wonder how this would translate in-universe with the Windrunner family. We don’t know of Sylvanas and Vereesa’s reactions to Alleria developing romantic feelings for Turalyon in the Second War, but since we know that Vereesa and Rhonin raised Arator once Alleria and Turalyon departed for Draenor and went missing thereafter we can assume the reception was positive. Sylvanas being close to Nathanos, however, whether or not it’s romantically reciprocal on her end or merely of a deep, platonic, unspoken fondness, is met with scorn: Nathanos was always at odds with Lor’themar in life from the moment of his induction as a Ranger Lord (a position that Kael’thas, Renthar Hawkspear, and Halduron were against, if we are to take In the Shadow of the Sun as canon), was discriminated against by the people of Silvermoon in life even as rumors began to spread of the possible romantic developments he and Sylvanas may have had, and in death is callously if rightfully disregarded for his role in the Fourth War, again by Lor’themar. This is especially odd now, in a time where we have the inclusion of an interracial couple involving Lor’themar, a blood elf man, falling in love and committing himself into a relationship with Thalyssra, a woman who was once a night elf - two races that have locked horns and butt heads with each other as far back as ten thousand years ago and were just as recently fighting right outside Suramar’s gates. However, neither is human, but this does bring up the question as to why a blood elf/nightborne coupling is acceptable but a high elf/human is not, especially when you take into account that blood elves and pre-Void ritual void elves are at their most basic high elves in all but magical and political affiliation. Let’s also not forget we also have LGBTQIA+ inclusion with Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind - but again, they are a human/human coupling, not a human/elf, so this throws this double standard into a more glaring light.
Obviously we can assume that the reason why human/elf relationships might be frowned upon in elven society is because of the discrepancies of their longevity. Elves in media are either long-living or immortal and humans maintain their mortal lifespan (unless you’re of the race of Men from LotR, then you’re going to last over two centuries). An answer to this question can be found in the Warcraft RPG, where the scorn and prejudice half-elf offspring face is boiled down to disapproval toward human-elf unions as well as profiling because of their ethnicity: humans are jealous of the half-elf’s extended lifespan, the high elves see the half-elf as proof of their bloodline being diluted, and the night elves are suspicious of the half-elf due to having high elf blood, as mentioned here in this section. Unfortunately the RPG and its supplemental guides are rendered non-canon; the night elf-high elf schism remains, but nothing is spoken of toward human-elf relations, save that the honorbound pact they had established in the Troll Wars waned and then deteriorated after the Second War (although some elves remained in Lordaeron and Dalaran among their allies, disagreeing with Anasterian’s edicts to return to Silvermoon).
This leads me to believe that part of the distaste is military ability, at least where Nathanos is concerned. He was, after all, the first and only human Ranger Lord in Quel’Thalas. But Nathanos is just one person that is seen in a negative light in-universe, whereas Rhonin and Turalyon are looked upon more favorably. If only briefly, I would like to read how Lireesa and the Windrunner patriarch responded to Alleria and Sylvanas getting close to Turalyon (and perhaps Nathanos; while we don’t know what happened to Papa Windrunner, the timeline is very inconsistent in that Lireesa has three separate instances of death that contradict each other at; if we look upon Tales of the Hunt from the Trueshot Lodge, then we can assume Lireesa died during the Second War, so she may or may not have known about Turalyon).
Perhaps through the upcoming novel, we may get a more in-depth look at human-elf relationships through the context of the Windrunner family and how this extends to the blood elf, night elf, and human perspectives. Through them we might have a better understanding how this will affect half-elves, few and rare as they are in Azeroth, emotionally and where they stand in the world in canon proper, and if the same racial prejudices that we encounter in real life are either matched or nonexistent.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Twitter kpop and tictok kpop is so polarizing like one second I see a tictok claiming twitter army’s look like the crazy fandom and need to do better- the next I’m checking in on my favorite comic on twitter where jk is a werebunny, the next I’m seeing a tictok claiming they’ve never seen a toxic c*arat- and then I log into twitter to see one of my favorite creators getting missgendered and death threats because they said bts deserves an award over seventeen 😷 like just chill and go back to tumblr where it’s litterally just gifs and fanfics. Sure there’s no way to monatize but look this post has more than 144 charterers and if I post a picture tumblr won’t crop out 3/4 of it automatically.
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weapon13whitefang · 3 years
top 5 least favorite twd characters and why?
Huh… So I never fully thought about this before so I had to sit and weigh the characters. For this I’m gonna use old cast that’s gone too!
These aren’t in any particular order either!
Maggie Greene-Rhee : Since Maggie came onto the scene she never struck me as someone I would get along with. As the years on the show go by, I find I’m right. Maggie has done a lot of good for everyone around her yes. She helped save Judith and birthed her, she can be strong and she’s generally reliable… But she’s selfish and she lets her overall emotions take over things to the point people get hurt or she gives up. I understand the giving up is her way of protecting what mental health she has left, but it’s frustrating still. I’m talking about her simply forgetting about Beth and expecting that her sister wasn’t strong enough and died with the prison or on the bus. She was so focused and reliant on Glenn that Maggie lost faith and sight for family. And as for selfish, Maggie got Daryl to help her drag Rick out into the middle of nowhere and then Rick gets hurt trying to lead a hoard of walkers away. Why? Because she didn’t get her way with Negan. Rick shouldn’t have made the final call on his own I agee to that, but Maggie put people in danger and she’s still pulling crap and mean mugging about Negan when she HAD the chance to finish him in his cell. But she backed out. And people got hurt and taken away. So yes, people can call Daryl out for his own roll. But Maggie made the calls. Just like she did for Oceanside and Arat and the others. Her pain and anyone’s personal pain should not give them the right to take lives and break pattern to play judge and executioner. And if she goes about doing just that to Negan in S11, then she’s letting Hershel Jr see that “oh I can do what I want in this world like mom”. And he’ll become the brat he is in the comics… I just don’t really vibe to Maggie at all. And I’ve tried. Like I said, she’s done good and I respect that. But… Idk. No vibe.
Queen Carol/Carol Peletier : This one upsets me honestly. Carol is suffering from the brutal loss of another child. She’s drawing into herself and away from what was healthy for her. But that doesn’t excuse putting people’s lives in danger! She got Connie trapped and left for dead, she about caused the war to start early with the Whisperers. She is taking over and making choices that she deems right but gets other’s hurt and especially hurt Daryl, who has been trying so hard to help her and be there for her. She shit on him. Multiple times. In multiple ways. It’s upsetting. And I know. Her mental health isn’t in a good place. But mental health is not an excuse to be a piece of shit and hurt your family and friends. She’s always pulled stuff like this and it’s annoying. I did bad stuff when I was mentally breaking down, but my amount of apologizing doesn’t make it better or take away what I did. Actions show growth. And I’m not seeing any with her.
Philip Blake/The Governor - This man got on my nerves instantly. A lot of people say he was the best villain and he was the best season. I think he was absolutely annoying. He was some charismatic dipshit who fell just like Shane and many others did. But because he had a leadership position he comes off as “menacing”. He just annoyed me honestly. The episodes just about him are my least favorite episodes. Sorry. He’s fun to make a villain in fanfics but I don’t like him.
Morgan Jones - I know he’s in Fear now. But when Morgan came back to Rick and then went all “we mustn’t kill and be peaceful” and then fell and went wacky then ran off… I had no use for Morgan on the show. His back and forth with Carol was interesting at first but it was always gonna fail and that just annoyed me. I personally didn’t understand why he was brought back when there were other mentioned and past characters left on “IDK” that I feel would’ve been more interesting to bring back. Lenny is great. Love him. But I was glad Morgan went to Fear (I don’t watch Fear. Watched S1, gave up on it, don’t vibe with it…)
RJ Grimes - I’m horrible I know! I’m sorry. I think it’s cute Rick and Michonne have a kid but it seemed like a throw in to make Rick being gone sadder than it already was. And it does make it sad, but RJ isn’t really used. He’s not used like Judith is. Judith is older I know I know. But RJ doesn’t do anything that makes him stick out. He has scenes where they could write him out and reshoot the scene and you’d never know the kid was supposed to be there… I kinda feel the same about Hershel Jr too but we haven’t had much with him yet for me to feel him out besides think “Awww Glenn would love you to pieces” or “Beth would be such a good aunt to you” or “Hershel would absolutely cherish you”…. I know it’s to represent the future and finding peace to raise a kid in an apocalypse etc etc but… Meh lol 😅
I know some of these are gonna get my ass beat up. Sorrry… But anon asked and I’m gonna be honest sooo… Sorry kit sorry?
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thran-duils · 5 years
In Your Arms (Chapter 2)
Summary: Alone and pregnant, in the post apocalyptic world after your Alpha died, you’re found by the Saviors and brought to Negan’s doorstep. Negan may be the answer to your loneliness. Pairing: Omega!Fem Reader x Alpha!Negan Rating: Explicit Words: 1,610 Warnings (for the whole fic): Smut, fluff, ABO dynamics, some angst sprinkled in
Chap 1 || Chap 3 || Masterpost || Fanfic masterpost
Cradling your stomach, you followed Simon into the building meekly.
The walkers outside had set you on edge and you were immediately regretting your decision of coming back with them. You doubted they would let you leave with your RV, they probably assumed it was theirs now. And who were you to fight back? One against many? Plus, you knew Beta and Alpha attitudes towards Omegas. Even if you tried to stand up for yourself, would they just laugh? Or would it anger them you were challenging them? You had not thought this through.
But you had not seen this many people – alive at least – in months. Or had it been a year? How had you and your Alpha gone so long without coming across communities like this? You were staring, you realized at everyone person you passed. You half expected them to lunge at you, suddenly turned, wanting to take a bite out of you.
And they were staring at you too. Mainly, your abdomen.
You tripped slightly and focused back on where you were walking, turning your eyes down, following Simon.
Reaching a staircase, you took it a step at a time, pacing yourself.
“Where’s Negan?” Simon asked a random person on the first landing, and they told him a meeting was going on. “This way,” he directed at you heading to another staircase. “Sorry about all the stairs. It does help to keep groups separate and if need be, an escape if anything ever happened.”
An escape? Running up the stairs is the last thing you would do if walkers somehow got in here. But you kept your mouth shut. He knew the layout of the place and you did not.
“Where are we going?” you asked finally as he led you down a hallway.
“Meeting room. Meet the big boss.”
You were not sure you wanted to meet this boss. The further you went into the building, the more you wanted to retreat and hack it on your own. But, you knew that was not an option. Simon had made a point out there on the road. You would need help and need it soon to deliver this baby.
Simon stopped in front of a door and opened it without knocking. You stood in the hallway, unsure if you should follow. Whoever was in the room stopped speaking when Simon entered.
“Well, fuck, finally,” whoever had been speaking said. “Where in the hell have you been? You were only visiting the Kingdom.”
“Got sidetracked,” Simon responded and reached his arm out, meeting empty air. He turned back and saw you were still cowering in the hallway. He gestured for you to come forward, “Come in.”
Forcing yourself to walk forward, you crossed the threshold. There were people sitting at a long table, all eyes on you. You downcast your eyes, trying to avoid their hard stares. You scented another Alpha in the room besides Simon, your anxiety ramping up. Simon had kept his hands off you so far, you wondered if this other Alpha would do the same.
The room was silent, and you shifted uncomfortably. You risked sneaking a look at Simon. He was not looking at you, his gaze was at the head of the table.
The same voice spoke up, “I think you’re all making the lady uncomfortable. Get out. We’ll finish this later. Not you, Simon. You stay. Dwight, stand outside the door.”
Chairs squeaked as everyone at the table got up and moved. Your gaze flicked around at all of them quickly, trying to memorize their faces. They had to be important people if they were in the room for a meeting with the boss. Remembering who they were might come in handy later.
All that was left at the table was him. The other Alpha.
He stood up as well when the room was empty and stalked over towards you and Simon.
“Well, well, Simon,” he practically purred. “What have you brought back?”
“Found her on the road. Alone.”
You did not miss the glimmer in the man’s eye at this piece of information.
“Hmm,” he said, eyes narrowing slightly. “Can you talk?”
“Yes,” you whispered.
A small smirk, “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Y/N. Nice to meet you. I’m Negan.”
“The boss.”
Negan chortled at this and you feared you had said something wrong. “Yes. The boss. Over-fucking-see everything. ‘Scuze my language. I try to rein that in a little bit when I’m first around people. Don’t wanna scare them the hell off with it. Especially a quiet little mouse like you.” He shifted, “You out on your own?” You nodded. “Nobody else with you at all?” You shook your head. His eyes briefly swept over your stomach and he pointed, “Even whoever helped put that there?”
“They’re gone,” you said quietly.
Peering down his nose at you, Negan drank you in slowly. His gaze was intense, and you turned your eyes down, finding staring at the ground more comfortable. Even it was just a little bit because you could still feel him staring, tearing you a part with his eyes.
“Well,” he said finally. “You sure as hell can’t work to earn points.”
“I –”
“That wasn’t a question,” he cut you off and you closed your mouth. “I’m not gonna make a pregnant woman – especially one as far along as you – work for anything. Little thing growing inside you is the goddamn future. Not worth risking for some measly points in order for you to eat. You can make it up as soon as you’ve delivered that little bundle of joy. You got any skills, darling?”
You shifted, mind racing. You had been a stay at home wife, all of your skills were homey. You had prepared a comfortable home for your Alpha, readied yourself to provide the two of you with children.
Hands behind his back, Negan leaned in close and you stiffened. His said quietly, “Ya don’t gotta be shy. What are you good at? Everybody’s got something.”
Your eyes met his, your lips parted, staring into his eyes. His lips were curled into a smirk, waiting for you to say something.
“I… I stayed home,” you got out in a voice barely above a whisper. “I cleaned. Cooked. Did laundry. Organized social groups in the neighborhood.”
Negan said, “You kept house.” You nodded, feeling inadequate in the face of his question. What skills would that have now in this new world? “You know what I think you would be perfect at?” You gave a slight shake of your head. “Just that. You have a lot of practice. And taking care of that baby. And possibly others in the future.”
Your heart was racing at the insinuation behind that wolfish smile.
“I think you were made perfect for that.”
“I guess,” was all you got out.
“Give yourself some more credit, Y/N. You are lovely and an important piece now to this place,” Negan stated, straightening up.
You blurted, “But, whose place am I cleaning?”
“This whole goddamn place is mine,” Negan chuckled, leaning back against the table.
Pressing, you asked, “So… future babies…”
Negan let out a bark of a laugh and your cheeks tinged red at it. He noticed your embarrassment and apologized, “Sorry, doll. I don’t mean to embarrass you. I was just saying if in the future you find yourself again being… intimate, you would be the perfect choice to bear another young one.”
Did he not mean with him? Your brows furrowed in confusion at his words. Usually Alphas would try to pin an Omega down immediately, not leave it up to chance who would be the one mating them.
He sensed your discomfort and came close again. “I’ll keep my eye on you,” he told you reassuringly. “No one will get next to you that you don’t want next to you.” His tone changed, firm, “And if anyone does, you let me know. And I’ll knock their fucking head off. I don’t tolerate that shit. You understand?”
You nodded.
“You’ll be sleeping around our quarters, safe and sound upstairs. There’s actually a room that just opened up next to Arat’s. I’ll have Dwight show you around. He should be standing right outside. Look for the fucker with half his face burnt. Do you got any questions?” When you shook your head in response, Negan said, “You think of any, don’t be afraid to ask. I’ll check in with you later tonight before dinner.”
Taking this as permission to leave, you said, “Thank you” before turning on your heel and walking to the door.
“So, what do you think?” Simon questioned when he was sure Y/N had been taken off by Dwight.
“Any fucker you see trying to bully her or force her, you let me know and I’ll knock their head off like I said,” Negan replied, his eyes still on the door where Y/N had just walked out.
“I’m taking that as you’re pleased with her,” Simon chuckled.
Negan’s gaze slid to Simon, a salacious smirk on his face, “She’s exquisite.” He clapped Simon on the shoulder. “A little timid for my taste normally but I think I could coax her out of that little shell. Perfect that whoever knocked her up is dead. God, she was fucking me up just standing there.” He rubbed his mouth and said, “Anything she wants, let me know. I’ll keep her happy.” He saw Simon looking at him, eyebrows raised. “So, anything you want in exchange for that beautiful gift? I know you’ve been itching to beat in that fucker’s head at the Hilltop.”
“Accepted,” Simon returned with a wide smile.
Tags: @daniissuchadani 
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artoriyasart · 2 years
I don't write enough of these two.
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fireember345 · 12 days
Prince Charming Anduin Fanfic Prompt
A WOW Prompt
Do not own WOW
Anyone can use it
Alpha/Omega/ Beta Dynamic
Varian x Kyrestia the Firstborne
Varian x Tiffin
Tiffin is Kyrestia in a human avatar
Anduin is a Demigod
Omega Anduin
Anduin has a Harem
Anduin x Wrathion
Anduin x Arator
Anduin x Baine 
Anduin x Orc Character
Anduin x Nizrek
Anduin has many children from many partners
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 6)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Negan has a surprise for you, but things don’t go the way you planned
Word Count: 2,791
Warning(s): Language A/N: Finally a lengthy chapter to thank you all for waiting patiently! I wanted to have a little mentions to the reader’s past in this chapter so it just ended up kinda long. There is also quotes from the show in this chapter, but I didn’t quite make it go the exact way it happened in the show, so I apologize for continuity errors! Masterlist is here. Enjoy!
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Three loud knocks rapped on your door.
You sat up, incredibly confused because there was no light streaming through your window. No one normally came to wake you up this early and you began to wonder if something was wrong.
You sat up quickly and approached the door cautiously. You took a deep breath and held it before opening it.
“Hope I didn’t catch you in the middle of a wet dream, darlin’.”
You let out a sigh of relief.
“Jesus, Negan. The sun’s not even up yet!”
He smirked, leaning on your doorframe.
“So this is what you wear to bed...gotta admit, I was kind of fuckin’ hoping it was nothing.” He looked over you in your tanktop and underwear. You suddenly felt self-conscious.
“What do you want?” Your tone was growing impatient. It was way too early for this.
“Get dressed and meet me outside by the gates, but don’t take too fuckin’ long.”
He gave you a final wink and left you standing at your door, still reeling in bewilderment.
The air outside was close to freezing and the thin jacket you were wearing wasn’t really cutting it. You started to wonder if Negan’s ‘surprise’ was really worth getting up this early.
When you reached the front gates, you saw Negan talking to a group of men standing in front of several vans that looked packed and ready to go. His eyes quickly darted to you when he saw you approaching.
“Well, well, there’s my girl! You ready to head out?”
“Where are we going?” you frowned.
“Seeing if you can fuckin’ handle a run. Now, come on.”
Negan whistled at his men to disperse and waved you over. They all climbed into the trucks and you followed Negan to one. 
Your heart began racing. Finally you were getting a taste of the outside world again. He trusted you enough to come with him, or rather he was seeing if he could trust you. He was finally giving you a chance.
You climbed into the passenger seat, almost grinning from ear to ear. Negan entered on the driver’s side and glanced over to you as he buckled himself in.
“Well shit, if I had known this would make you this happy I would’ve done this a long time ago.”
“I didn’t think pleasing people was your strong suit.”
“Darlin’ you wish you could see the pleasing I can do.”
You leaned back into your seat, quickly turning to the window so he couldn't see your blushing cheeks.
You heard him chuckle to himself and start the engine, the truck roaring to life. You watched as several vans pulled out of Sanctuary and your van followed them past the gates and down the road. You drove down the dirt path for a few minutes and you watched as it slowly began to get lighter outside. It was nice to see the sunrise again and it had been several months since you had taken a ride in a vehicle.
“You're sure fuckin’ quiet. You nervous or something?”
Negan finally broke the silence, taking his eyes off the road to glance over to you.
“No, I'm fine. Just glad to get out that's all.”
“Well I'm sorry to keep you cooped up like some caged bird or something. It's just that I've had a lot of runs go wrong with a lot of different people, so I'm a little fuckin’ cautious about who I send out.”
You nodded quickly. “No, I totally understand...I really do appreciate this Negan.”
“It's nothin’ darlin’. Just don't fuck it up, that's all.”
You both drove in silence until the sun had fully risen and you wondered how much longer it would take. You stared out the window, watching the trees roll by. Despite more than half of the entire population being dead, you were surprised how beautiful nature still was. The leaves and flowers still bloomed, the birds still sang, and the sun kept on shining. It was just the humanity that had died. Along with civilization itself. 
Just when you had about nodded off, you felt the truck come to a stop.
“You ready, babydoll’?” Negan smiled, opening his door and jumping down from the truck. You followed, quickly unstrapping your seatbelt.
Negan swung Lucille over his shoulder and you followed him to a set of large gates. A group of men followed you, including another rather scary looking woman with dark curly hair, tied up and dyed blonde at the ends.
Negan approached the entrance and ran Lucille along the iron gating, much like a child running a stick along a fence.
“Little pigs, little pigs! Let. Me. In!” he called.
You all stood for a few minutes with no response.
“Not a way to treat your guests, now is it?”
After what seemed like forever, the gates shrieked loudly as they opened. A tall man with brown hair and stubble stood at the gates, practically glaring at Negan.
“Um, who are you?”
Negan took a dangerous step closer to him and gripped Lucille tighter. An amused smile curled his lips.
“Oh, you have got to be jokin’. I’m Negan, this is Lucille.” He gestured to the barbed bat on his shoulder. “I know I had to make a strong first impression.”
The man frowned, sighed, and stepped aside to let you all in. You followed Negan and were immediately in awe of the large neighborhood. It almost looked untouched from the apocalypse and it reminded you of what suburban life was like before everything went to shit.
“What is this place?” you whispered.
“Alexandria. I’m actually really thankful I ran into these sorry shits. This place is fucking great. And not to mention, they’re fucking terrified of me. They provide for us.”
You nodded, following Negan to the center cul-de-sac that served as the center of the camp.
“Alright, you guys go check out houses and see if they’ve brought us any more supplies. Don’t be afraid to bust the fuckin’ doors down if they don’t answer,” Negan directed. “Y/N and Arat, you two come with me.”
You and the girl with curly hair stepped forward and followed him.
You were really surprised how well whoever ran this camp kept up the place. The security was impressive, and you hadn’t even heard walkers outside the giant metal walls. Staring at the way the rays sunlight splayed across the vinyl sidings of all of the houses...you could see yourself living here. Or at least living here before the End of Days.
You came to a house with a large set of stairs and another set leading down into a basement.
“Ladies, if you could go down and check out the inventory.”
You and Arat nodded, heading down the steps into the basement.
A larger woman with glasses and dark hair was already inside, checking off things from a blue notebook. She jumped when you two entered.
“C-Can I help you?” The woman had a sweet voice and seemed rather panicky.
“Yeah, by giving me the damn clipboard and letting me do my job,” Arat spat, approaching her and taking the book from her hands.
You frowned. That was completely unnecessary. You hadn’t even known Arat for more than two seconds and you already thought she was a rude bitch.
The woman retreated to the other corner of the room, watching you both intently.
“Y/N,” Arat started, not even looking up from the notebook, “you’re originally from the armory right? Get to checking these guns and see if they’re all here.”
You approached the first rack, calling out the names and makes of each weapon out to Arat. She placed a check next to each item that was in inventory. After you told her the last rifle on the rack, you heard her hiss quietly. She quickly turned to the woman in the corner.
“Really, lady? Was it that hard to do your fucking job?”
“What are you talking about?” the woman stuttered.
“Well then, you can tell the boss why you’re so incompetent.”
Arat walked over and grabbed the woman roughly by the arm and dragged her towards the stairs.
“Jesus, Arat!” you called after her, following them both back outside.
Arat pushed Olivia towards Negan when she reached the top of the stairs. The woman stuttered ‘please no, I don’t know’.
Negan gave a stern look to Arat.
“Arat, we don’t do that unless they do something to deserve it.”
“Yeah,” she shrugged. “We went through the inventory. The guns in the armory, the guns that are out on the walls...they’re short. A glock 9 and a 32 bobcat.”
She handed the notebook to Negan and the woman watched him nervously as he flipped through the pages.
“Is that right?”
“Yes,” the woman swallowed nervously, “The inventory is correct.”
“Good...but not so good, too.” Negan took a step closer. “You see, what’s in here...isn’t in there. You’re two handguns short. Do you know where they are?”
The woman shook her head quickly.
“That’s disappointing. This shows that someone’s not on board and I can’t fucking have that.”
He glowered down at her. She continued to cower in fear.
“I don’t enjoy killing women. Men, I can fucking waste all the live long, but the end of the day, Olivia my dear, this was your responsibility.”
“Jesus Negan, just stop it!” you finally piped up, surprised at the tone of your own voice.
Negan stopped and turned to you, a glare in his eyes.
“Do not tell me what to do right now, Y/N. This shit’s life and death around here.”
Olivia gave a quick look to you and back to Negan, who was still incredibly close to her.
You swallowed, taking a step forward.
“I know, but there has to be another way. Please don’t kill her, we will find those guns.”
Negan sighed, regaining his composure and leaning back from Olivia, “I’ll let this one slide. For now, only because I’m in a good mood today. Be thankful that my wife must fuckin’ like you, Olivia.”
Olivia nodded quickly, looking over to you with a thankful look in her eyes.
“Now what do you suppose we do about finding those guns, Y/N?”
In all honesty, you didn’t know. You didn’t know these people at all. For all you knew, someone could have stolen them or went on a run and took them with them. All you knew was that you had to think of something quickly.
“What the hell is going on here?”
A voice broke your concentration and thankfully the situation you were in. You all turned around to a man quickly approaching you.
“Rick, my fuckin’ man! ‘Bout time you got out here.”
Your heart almost stopped beating in your chest. You were surprised you didn’t become a walker right then and there.
“Rick?” you breathed, your voice barely an audible whisper.
Rick stopped cold in his tracks and stared at you.
“Woah, am I fucking missing something here?” Negan stepped forward and stood beside you.
An awkward silence hung in the air because neither you or Rick knew what to say. What was there to say?
“Do y’all fucking know each other?”
More silence filled the air as Arat, Olivia, and anyone else passing by stopped and watched you three intently.
Rick finally nodded, his eyes still wide in shock.
“May I ask how?”
You looked down to the ground, thousands of memories flooding back to you.
“I um, used to be part of their group.”
Negan leaned back, a dumbfounded expression spreading across his face.
“No fuckin’ shit! You’re telling me that out of all the people left in the goddamn world, you know this motherfucker?”
Negan gave a hearty laugh, even slapping his knee a few times for comical effect.
“That is really rich! I can’t believe you used to be apart of these sorry shits. Boy, you’ve changed, Y/N!”
Rick finally took a step forward. Even he looked terrified in front of Negan. Rick was one of the strongest people you knew.
“Negan, can I please speak to Y/N in private?”
Negan calmed down from his laugh, wiping a tear from his eye.
“And why do you think you can speak to my wife in private?”
You could see Rick flinch at the word from the corner of your eye.
“Negan, please. It’s okay.” you reached out and touched his arm gently, giving him a pleading stare.
He looked down at you, sighed, and waved you away.
“Fuck, darlin’. I’m not happy about it, but if you really want to...bring Arat with you. And make it fuckin’ quick, we’ve still got shit to do.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at the thought of Arat listening to your conversation but you nodded. You and Arat followed Rick down the street while Negan and a group of men headed towards another group of houses.
You approached a large house and followed Rick up the porch. Arat stood at the front of the stairs facing the street.
You were both quiet, staring at eachother. He almost looked the exact same as you had seen him last. His beard was kept trim and his brown curls ended just below his ears. But God, he just looked so tired. As if he had seen so much more loss. More than he already had.
You wanted to say something. Anything.
“How’s Judith? And Carl?” You started, the only thing you could muster up saying.
He nodded, barely skipping a beat.
“They’re fine.”
That uncomfortable silence hung over you both again before Rick finally stepped towards you.
“Y/N, how could you be with him? Do you know what he’s done to us?” his voice was low, his southern drawl rolling out like crumpled velvet.
“Honestly, Rick, no. I haven’t heard a thing until we came here today. I didn’t even know you were here. I mean, this place Rick! This is so much better than the prison.”
“I know, we’ve done pretty well since you left.”
You closed your eyes, feeling the pain you had put behind you so long ago.
“Rick, I had to leave. You know that.”
“But you didn’t just leave us, Y/N....you left me.”
You sighed, and you could feel tears begin to well up in your eyes. Rick could’ve been dead this entire time for all you knew. You never thought you would be standing in front of him again.
“I can’t do this right now.” You turned to leave but Rick reached for your arm.
“I thought you were dead, Y/N. And now you’re, what, married to the son of a bitch who did this to us? The reason we’re all living in fear? As if it wasn’t enough for us to be running for our lives from walkers...now we have to be afraid of him?”
You spun around, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“I’m not married to him...it’s complicated. This whole thing is complicated, okay? I was doing fine on my own until I was sort of kidnapped into this. The Saviors don’t mess around when it comes to letting people join them. It’s either join or die, you know that Rick.”
He softened his grip on you, looking down to the ground. You felt that he understood what you meant. You knew Rick was a leader. You just wondered how Negan had broken him.
“You look good, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re alive.”
“You too Rick.”
He closed his eyes, and you could see the pain across his face. You wondered if being dead would’ve caused him this much pain, and if this pain you were causing him right now was any better.
“Well, um. I probably should go. I’m so sorry, Rick.”
You muttered quickly, not even turning to look at him again. You walked down the stairs, past Arat, and all the way past Negan, who was waiting at the cul-de-sac. You approached a group of men who were lifting boxes into the truck and began to help them load up. You didn’t even look over to Negan.
~  ~  ~
Arat approached Negan, her attitude growing as she was impatient and ready to leave. 
“Well what the fuck was that all about? What happened?”
Arat shrugged, crossing her arms.
“Sounded like they used to be a thing or something. It sounded pretty pathetic, to be honest.”
Arat had never seen Negan’s face turn into a scowl so fast. She was sure a vein was going to pop out of his temple. He clenched his fists, swinging Lucille over his shoulder.
“Days over, everyone pack the fuck up!!” he bellowed.
Taglist: @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel @negans-network @littlemisscaptainfandom @girlmeetsbullshit @meanandshallow @ashleygryan @completelymarveltrash @jmackie1983 @trinswhimsys @gallifreyansass @morganpierce @kaitlinlexieporrini @me0wsarah @queen-leo-1999 @michaelslkitten @jaylaelizabethw
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adavellis · 3 years
Sylvanas has a very bad time in Thros, and so does Delaryn; Sylvanas and Maiev bond over some violence; Jaina spots an oncoming trainwreck; Arator has some family feels
Another mostly plotty chapter! At this point Jaina and Sylvanas’ storylines connect indirectly, so we’re almost at the point of them reaching each other again
The next chapter probably won’t drop so quickly because it’s longer and incredibly messy! Everyone have a great weekend <3
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Following Orders
Synopsis: Negan wants to see how far Arat’s loyalty really goes...
This is my contribution to the second Negan’s Smut Week, which I am still in awe of how many amazing contributions I’ve seen this week; y’all are awesome! This is just a oneshot, so I’m not foreseeing any future chapters. But, not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of myself with this one. I hope y’all enjoy ;)
Author: http://flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash.tumblr.com/
Characters: Negan x Arat
Words: 5,860 
Warnings: nsfw, strong language, smut, throat fucking, semi-public sex, choking, unprotected sex, Negan being a sexy mother fucker
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Following Orders
“Well fucking done!” Negan bellowed, clapping one of his men on the back with a large, gloved hand.
 The raid on Alexandria had been a successful one; they had not only taken a shitload of food and weapons, but had even gotten themselves a grade-A, mullet-topped bullet maker. Rick the Prick was sure to be reeling in the aftermath, and Negan chuckled to himself at the thought of the mess he had left behind, including the guts of that pussy, Spencer, which were probably still staining the ground red. Yes, it had been a grand trip, and Negan was on an adrenaline high from it.
However, if he were being honest with himself, there was one part of the trip that he hadn’t been overjoyed about. Looking across the room, he saw Arat standing there with her usual serious expression, not one bit affected by the joyous mood of the others around her. He shouldn’t be surprised at her lack of emotion. In fact, sometimes he wondered what exactly it would take to break through that tough exterior and see what kind of woman was lying underneath the sly scowls and controlled attitude.
 Negan crossed the room towards her, walking past the rest of his men, who were smiling with glee as they rummaged through some of the boxes of stolen goods. Negan always gave his men first dibs on whichever items they wanted for themselves, as a reward for their loyalty.  
 When he made it to her side, he saw her eyes flicker up and over at him, but she didn’t give any other acknowledgment to his presence.
 Leaning down, so that his voice was near her ear, he stated, “I want to see you in my office in exactly 10 fucking minutes. Alone.”
 Without waiting for her confirmation, he turned and strode out of the room, lifting Lucille up over his shoulder and giving a slight smirk at the thought of what he had planned.
 ~  ~ ~  ~  ~ ~  ~
 As expected, there was a knock on his office door after precisely 10 minutes. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she had gotten here a minute early and stood outside the door, waiting until the hall clock hit the exact time. If there was one thing Arat did best, it was follow his orders.
 “Enter,” he yelled gruffly. He was leaning against the large window behind his desk, Lucille temporarily retired against the wall nearby, when Arat walked into the room. Closing the door quietly behind her, she took a few steps forward and halted in the direct center of the large office.
 “You wanted to see me, sir,” she stated, back straight and eyes locked onto him.
 Negan had made Arat one of his Saviors not long after her arrival at The Sanctuary. It had been apparent from the get-go, that while she was a strong woman who wasn’t afraid to kill or get her hands dirty, she also needed a leader to harness her in, to keep her from acting out and being too unpredictable. She had worked her way up through his ranks quickly, her leadership and fighting skills earning her a spot as one of Negan’s personal lieutenants. She was like a loyal watchdog, always ready to shield and protect him, if any harm came along. She helped keep him and his people safe, and in return, his zero-tolerance policy for rape and sexual violence against women also guaranteed her own safety, especially in a position that caused her to be working with a group consisting mostly of men.
 However, sometimes her loyalty and protection of him escalated to the point of being borderline unreasonable. Case in point, was the trip to Alexandria. When Negan had commanded Arat to kill someone in retaliation for Rosita’s actions, he hadn’t specified who to kill, instead allowing Arat to make the split-second decision. While he hadn’t shown any reaction to her shooting Olivia, he’d internally had a small flash of remorse for the bespectacled woman. She wouldn’t have been his first choice to kill, nor even his second or third. But what was done was done, and he couldn’t change it now. He could, however, take out some of his lingering regret on the woman standing in front of him.
 He took her in, eyes scanning up and down her athletic figure. She wore grey pants that were a few shades lighter, and more than a few shades tighter, than his own. They showcased her long, toned thighs and calves, and her feet were covered in black combat boots. Her upper half was clad in a flowing, dark grey tank top, a black sports bra peeking out from the sides and top of it. She typically wore a baggy shirt unbuttoned over top, but must’ve taken it off sometime between 10 minutes ago and now. Without it, her lean, tan arms were visible, and Negan found himself intrigued about what was under the rest of the layers of clothing. If all went according to plan, he was sure as fuck going to find out.
 Keeping his relaxed posture against the windows, he let the silence draw out for a good minute, as a way to increase the anticipation and unknown. If it threw Arat off balance, she didn’t show it, just continued to watch him steadily and wait patiently.
 “I know you distrusted her for some fucking reason, but still, was it really fucking necessary to kill her?” Negan accused.
 He was secretly pleased to see a small spark of confusion furrow Arat’s brow, as she tried to figure out what he was talking about. However, she quickly recovered, face schooled back to calm neutrality, as she replied, “She lied about the guns. Liars can’t be trusted.”
 Negan tucked his tongue into his cheek to keep from chuckling at her response. He didn’t want her to know that he found the situation amusing…at least, not yet.
 “Ah, I get it. You decided that Olivia was a liar, despite any hard evidence to fucking back you up, so you fucking shot her?”
 When Arat didn’t immediately respond, Negan took a step forward and bellowed, “Answer me!”
 “You gave me the order to kill someone. I picked the one that I didn’t trust.”
 Though her voice was calm, her eyes had dropped to the floor at his feet. The submissive gesture caused his lips to curl up slightly on one side, and he felt his dick stir at the myriad of possibilities showcased by that one action.
 “Trust…” he drawled, stepping forward again, this time circling around the side of his massive desk. “Was it really that? Or maybe…it was something else.”
 Arat continued to stare down, her gaze following his boots as they approached. They didn’t stop advancing until they were right in front of her, until he was right in front of her.
 “Were you fucking jealous of her?” Negan asked, his voice so close that goosebumps erupted along her bare shoulders.
 “No,” Arat replied, voice still firm, but so low it was almost a whisper.
 “Fucking look at me,” Negan commanded, causing Arat to jerk her gaze up to his own.
 His tawny eyes blazed into her own, his face right above hers as he growled, “I don’t fucking believe you. I think you saw me showing Olivia some attention, and you didn’t fucking like it. Why else would you hold such a grudge against her?”
 “I’m not jealous; I was just following orders,” Arat blurted, the rushed words an indicator that she had momentarily lost her controlled persona.
 Negan let a grin cross his face at her reaction, his eyes lowering to take in her chest, which was slightly heaving with her increased breathing. Considering she hadn’t been the least bit out of breath when entering his office, it was safe to say that her reaction was due to his proximity, which was exactly what he wanted.
 “Of course not, sweetheart. Let me guess, you’re just so god damn protective of me that you’d kill every woman in the vicinity, if I fucking ordered it.”
 He saw a slight spark of annoyance in her gaze, when she replied, “Would it be a problem if I did?”
 Instead of angering him, her comment caused him to chuckle devilishly, one of his glove-covered hands coming up to wrap around her chin tightly. His fingers and thumb pressed into her cheeks, scrunching them slightly, as he suggested, “Since you enjoy taking orders so fucking much, perhaps we should see just how far your loyalty goes.”
 Her eyes widened slightly at his words, and although it was hard to tell with her caramel complexion, he swore a slight blush tinged her cheeks.
 “What’ll it be, Arat,” he said, drawling her name in a way that, unknowingly to him, caused a rush of wetness between her thighs. “Do you want to leave…or stay?”
 There were a few long seconds of silence, where Negan thought, perhaps, she would indeed decide to leave, before she firmly answered, “I’ll stay.”
 Dropping his hand from her chin and taking a step back, Negan’s eyes twinkled with excitement, as he realized that she was willing to play…willing to submit.
 “If, at any time, you want to stop, that’s all you have to say. One ‘stop’ from you, and this ends.” His lips curled up into a smirk as he chuckled, “But, something tells me you won’t be saying that anytime soon. Do you understand?”
 She nodded and stated a simple, “Yes, sir,” that made his blood rush south to fill his dick. She had always followed his orders without hesitation, but now, he wanted more than that. He didn’t just want her loyalty and devotion…he wanted her submissive and begging. Not as a Savior, but as a woman.
 His voice was the commanding tone that he used when directing his men, only now, it had a slightly huskier quality to it, the one hint that he wasn’t unaffected by the situation. Well…that and the massive hint that was in his pants right now.
 He was pleased when her hands lifted to grab her tank top without hesitation, drawing the fabric up over her head and throwing it to the side, where it landed unceremoniously on the floor. Next went the sports bra, and Negan licked his lips unconsciously at the sight of her perky breasts bouncing into view. They were topped with dusky nipples that he ached to get his hands and mouth on…but not today. Perhaps next time, he would take the time to indulge; but now, he just wanted her full submission, so that he could fuck her into next week and take the edge off the constant boner he seemed to have whenever she was around.
 She toed off her boots and kicked them to the side before unbuttoning her pants and stripping the tight fabric down her legs. Negan gave a soft groan at the realization that she was wearing a black thong, her firm ass showcased for just a second as she turned to the side and tossed her pants on top of the shirt and bra already on the floor. She turned back to him, her eyes catching his and holding, as she hooked her thumbs in either side of the panties and slowly pushed them down her thighs, until they dropped to the floor on their own. She lifted one delicate foot, catching the thong on her toes and flicking it to the side, as well. She then straightened her shoulders and reassumed the same position she had been in when first entering his office, awaiting his next order.
 “The hair, too,” he added, watching greedily as she reached up and pulled out the band holding her hair up in a bun. Shaking her head, the blonde-tipped dark curls fell around her face, instantly softening her features and taking her transformation to that last step from Savior to lover.
 Negan stood there and drank in the sight of her naked body, starting at the top of her head and trailing down over her long neck and delectable tits. His eyes caressed the dip of her waist, curve of her hips, and the long, supple legs, topped by her delicate mound, which was covered in a thin layer of neatly-trimmed curls.
 Moving forward, Negan slowly walked around Arat, as if a predator circling his prey. He was impressed when she kept her gaze forward, although he did notice the way her shoulders slightly tensed when he stopped behind her. He moved in close, so that his voice was near her ear, and the warm puffs of his breath caused the curls above her shoulder to flutter softly.
 “Tell me, sweetheart. Do you enjoy following my orders?” he asked.
 “Yes, sir,” was the immediate reply.
 “Does it make you wet?” he growled.
 There was a slight hesitation this time, before she huskily replied, “Yes, Sir.”
 Negan bit his lip to hold back a groan at her admission, glad that she couldn’t see his face, since it showed that he wasn’t quite as in control of his desire as he wanted her to think.
 “Do you think I should check, just to be fucking sure?”
 “God, yes,” she whimpered back, her body unconsciously leaning back towards him, as if searching for his touch.
 Negan grinned arrogantly, pleased with her needy response. It showed that she was quickly becoming unable to maintain the calm and collected persona that she typically showcased to everyone else.
 Lifting one of his gloved hands, he laid it on her waist, causing Arat to twitch slightly in surprise. The only sound in the room was her heavy breathing, as he slid his hand silently across the front of her smooth, flat stomach. She released a small gasp when he moved lower, the buttery fabric of his gloves gliding through her pubic hair and down to cup over her mound.
 Negan was tall enough that he could look down over her shoulder and see his hand covering her, see the way her nipples were rock hard and her belly was trembling slightly in anticipation.
 “Do you see that?” he whispered in her ear. “I’m claiming that fucking pussy as mine.”  
 Arat gazed down, as well, breath catching in her throat at both the sight and Negan’s words. Much as she was trying to keep it together, to not let him see just how much she wanted him to throw her up against the nearest surface and fuck her until she screamed, she was steadily losing any and all control. She had been conditioned to follow Negan’s orders without argument, but she never realized, until now, just how far that conditioning went. Or just how much she had subconsciously been craving this…had wanted him to dominate her and show her just how in charge he really was.
 When she felt two leather-encased fingers part her folds and enter her dripping pussy, she cried out and stumbled. If it wasn’t for his hand on her cunt holding her steady, it was quite possible she would’ve fell to the ground in reaction to the sensations flowing through her.
 Negan wrapped his other hand around her waist, to help stabilize her, as he roughly thrust his fingers in and out of her a few times before removing his hand. He lifted the fingers up in front of her face and purred, “Fucking hell, will ya look at that? That pussy fucking soaked my whole god damn hand.”
 Arat was both shocked and turned on to see that he was right. Not only were the fingers he had had inside her soaked in her juices, but it had also dripped down onto his palm, staining the leather an even darker color where it was soaked through.
 “Clean it off,” he demanded, bringing his hand closer to her face.
 She opened her mouth obediently, and Negan stuck the same two fingers, that had just been inside her pussy, past her lips. She moaned at the taste, her essence a sweet icing to contrast with the bold tang of the leather. She swirled her tongue around the digits, sucking off as much of her pussy juice as she could, before he removed his fingers from her mouth with a soft pop.
 Inspecting his fingers, he gave an approving, “Good girl,” that sent a spark of heat down her spine, and caused her cunt to clench in response.
 “Let’s find out what else that sexy as fuck mouth of yours is good for,” Negan drawled, removing his other hand from her waist and walking around to stand in front of her again.
 Arat slowly lifted her gaze to meet his own, her thighs pressing together to try and relieve some of the ache between them. Negan’s pupils were so dilated with desire that only a thin ring of amber was visible. He looked like a hungry jungle cat, and she found that she was more than willing to serve as his next meal.
 “Kneel,” Negan growled, his tone brokering no argument.
 Arat knew that, from now on, it would be impossible not to think of this moment every time he used this tone to give her orders in the future. Every time he asked her to shoot someone or scavenge a house, she was going to think of standing before him naked, his fingers soaked from her pussy and his eyes blazing a trail over her exposed flesh.
 Lowering her body, so that her knees hit the concrete floor, Arat looked up at Negan submissively, ready to follow his next orders, whatever they might be.
 She licked her lips when Negan’s hands moved down to unbuckle his belt. She watched, mesmerized, as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Shoving the jeans down just enough to pull out his hard cock, he stroked his hand over the impressive length. Arat’s mouth watered at the sight, but she held back, knowing that moving forward without his permission would not meet his approval.
 Negan was, himself, mesmerized by the sight of Arat on her knees in front of him. He could hardly wait to get between her pretty thighs and lose himself balls deep inside, what he now knew, was a fucking tight as hell, and drenched, pussy. But first, he wanted to feel those lips on his dick.
 “Open that pretty fucking mouth,” he drawled, moving his hips forward.
 Arat obeyed instantly, and Negan groaned as he slowly fed her his cock, the sight of it disappearing between her full lips almost enough to bring him to his knees right alongside her. He gripped a handful of her curls, to steady her head, as he slowly pushed forward until his balls hit her chin. She struggled to take him all in, her eyes watering as he hit so deep, that she almost gagged.
 Giving a throaty moan, Negan pulled back a few inches, before pressing forward again, slowly fucking her throat. Arat’s hands had instinctually came up to grab his denim-clad thighs. At first, they had pressed in slight protest, but as he slowly moved in and out of her mouth, she started to relax, as did her grip. She hadn’t expected to be so into this, to actually enjoy him using her in this way…but she did. So much, that she moaned around his dick, the vibrations causing Negan to give a harsh curse and jerk his hips a little harder against her. And when she reached up to squeeze his balls with one of her hands, the sound that came from his throat sounded suspiciously like a whine. If Arat’s mouth hadn’t been stuffed so full with cock, she would’ve smiled at the sound. He might be the one in charge, but she knew that like this, with her mouth around his dick, she momentarily had the upper hand.  
 Negan also realized that he was in danger of losing control of the situation, so he regrettably pulled his dick from Arat’s mouth, watching in awe as a long string of saliva hung between the tip of his cock and her tongue, before it broke away and fell to the ground.
 His hand still fisted in her hair, he used it to tug her upwards while huskily grunting, “Stand up.”
 The sharp sting on her scalp caused Arat to stagger quickly to her feet, giving a gasp as he jerked her head back and brought his face down right in front of her own.
 “Do you want me to fuck you?” he growled against her lips, causing her to shiver.
 Unable to nod her head, thanks to his tight grip on her hair, she whispered, “Yes…yes, I want it.”
 She felt as though the devil had just seduced her with his charm and invited her to hell…and she had eagerly accepted.
 “Say it!” he demanded, his hand tightening more, and causing her to whimper with pain.
 “I want you to fuck me, sir, please!” Arat pleaded. Any of the pride that had previously kept her from begging had flown out the window. Her clit was throbbing, and her cunt felt barren, begging to be filled.
 Negan’s eyes scanned around the office, deciding what his next move would be. They stopped when they landed on a spot across the room, a devilish smirk crossing his face. He looked back down at Arat, his hand finally releasing her hair as he said, “Go over to the window.”
 A bit confused, but willing to do whatever he asked, so long as it ended with his cock inside her, Arat walked on shaky legs around the desk and over to the large factory window. When she tried to turn around to face him, Negan barked, “No! Face the window.”
 Obeying, she turned and stared at the glass, a flash of embarrassment running across her chest as she realized that she was looking down at the front lawn. There was a group of women outside, hanging wet laundry out to dry, as well as multiple guards patrolling the fences. If any of them looked up right now…
 Negan’s voice suddenly appeared right behind her; she had been so focused on the scene below, that she hadn’t heard his silent approach. “That’s right, sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you right up against this window, so anybody who wants to can fucking watch.”
 Those words should’ve upset her, should’ve made her protest, tell him to stop. The idea of someone seeing her like this, of risking her reputation among the men as a no-nonsense hard ass, should’ve made her want to put an end to what was happening. Instead, Arat felt her traitorous body respond, an involuntary groan falling from her throat and a new rush of wetness coating her thighs at the thought of someone seeing.
 “You fucking love this, don’t you? I bet you want someone to look up and see you. Well don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ll give them one hell of a fucking show.”
 With that, Arat felt Negan’s body press into her back, shoving her forward until she wasn’t just standing in front of the window…she was pressed clear up against the glass. Her tits were flattened against the cool surface of the window, causing the nipples to become even harder in response. Her hands had instinctually come up to catch herself, palms flattened against the glass on either side of her head.
 Negan crowded her up against the large window, his body blocking her in so that there was nowhere to run…and nowhere to hide. His cock was at her back, and the entire compound was at her front, completely oblivious of what was happening just a few stories above all of their unassuming forms.
 Hands tilting her hips back and up for easier access, Negan inserted a booted foot between her own bare feet and kicked Arat’s legs so far apart that she had to lean all her weight against the glass for support. She groaned at the feel of Negan’s fingers rubbing across her slit, spreading her wetness all along her mound, and even up over the crack of her ass. The muscles in her thighs and back tensed in anticipation at the feel of the tip of his cock at her entrance…but he didn’t move.
 Whimpering, she gently pushed back into Negan, a small plea for him to continue. Instead, he gave a hoarse chuckle and said, “You’re going to have to do a lot better than that, if you want this dick. Now, fucking beg for it!”
 Arching her back further, so that her ass pressed harder back into him, Arat followed her leader’s command…she begged.
 “Please, Negan…please, I want it so bad. I want your cock in me, I…fuck…please! Please fuck me!”
 Her voice broke at the end, and Negan knew that he had succeeded in breaking through her tough exterior. Knew that she was, in this moment, completely his, and that he could do whatever he wanted to her, with no resistance.
 “That’s it, Arat. Tell me how fucking much my dirty girl wants to be fucked.”
 With that, he pushed forward, sliding his cock deep with one long, fast thrust. Arat cried out at the invasion, feeling herself stretch around him. It had been a while since she had fucked anyone, so there was a slight burn of pain, but it only heightened her excitement and pleasure…only solidified her pussy as his.
 He didn’t give her time to adjust or catch her breath; he pulled back out steadily, before sliding back in again, starting up a rhythm that was slow, but hard…and deep. She swore she could feel his dick reach the whole way to her chest, that was how deep he went. She twitched and pressed back against him with each thrust, trying to silently encourage him to go faster, to send her up to the brink of ecstasy.
 But, Negan was having none of that. His hand came down sharply, landing on her ass cheek with a crack. She cried out at the unexpected hit, the pain quickly vanishing and leaving a warm burn of pleasure in its wake.
 “You fucking liked that, didn’t you? You like having that hot little ass spanked, while I slide my dick in your wet cunt,” Negan growled.
 Arat moaned at his words. She should’ve been embarrassed, but his words rang too true for her to care at the moment. She did like it…no, she loved it.
 “Yes, please, do it again, sir,” she whined.
 A sharp cry fell from her lips as he responded with another smack, in the same exact place as before. Her pussy clenched in reaction, which caused Negan to moan and finally pick up his pace. His hips moved faster as he started to lose control, and he pushed the length of his body harder against her. Since there was nowhere left for her to go, her body pushed closer up against the glass, almost to the point of being painful. The hand, not at her hip, lifted to once more grip a handful of her hair, pushing her face forward until her cheek was smashed up against the window, his throaty voice whispering in her ear.
 “See all of them down there? What do you think they’d fucking see, if they looked up here right now?”
 Arat flickered her eyes downward as much as she could with her face pressed against the glass, taking in the various workers who were still down in the front yard.
 “I’ll tell you what they’d fucking see,” Negan continued. “They’d see your naked tits and cunt pressed up against my office window, and they’d fucking know that you were being fucked. Hell, I bet they can see your pussy juice glistening all over my dick from way down there. And they might not be able to see it, but I bet they can imagine how tight your cunt is squeezing my big, fat dick right now. What would they think of you, hmm? Of their fearless Savior, Arat, naked and begging for my dick, crying out with those same lips that were just wrapped around my cock a few minutes ago? They wouldn’t see you as just a Savior anymore, oh no. They’d see you for what you really are…my dirty fucking girl.”
 Arat, unable to find the brain cells needed to form words, moaned loudly in response. At this point, he could say anything he wanted, and she’d agree. So long as he kept thrusting his dick inside her and whispering dirty things in her ear with that sinful voice of his, he could’ve asked anything of her, anything at all, and she’d have given it to him, with no hesitation. And while that thought should’ve terrified her, instead it ramped up her desire even more, until she was whimpering and wordlessly begging him to let her come.
 Negan grunted with every thrust, his balls smacking her clit as the tip of his dick hit that spot with each slide against her clenching walls. The wet, pornographic sounds of his cock fucking her drenched pussy filled the room, and Arat was certain that if it weren’t for the window and Negan’s body holding her up, she’d have been a limp pile of limbs on the floor ‘til now.
 The hand at her hip glided around to her mound, his fingers zeroing in on her swollen clit. Arat keened at the feel of his leather-coated fingers rubbing fast circles on her clit, her thighs trembling at the effort of holding herself in place for his hands and cock. The hand in her hair let go, only to immediately lower and wrap long fingers around the front of her throat. He tightened his hold until she could hardly draw a breath, pulling her upper body back towards him and arching her back so that she was completely immobilized…completely dominated by him and unable to move.
 Her nails scratched helplessly at the glass as she tried to get her balance, but to no avail. If she lifted either of her hands, the weight of her body would fall into his hand at her throat, completely cutting off her oxygen. Instead, she gasped in shallow breaths as he continued to fuck her relentlessly, his face looming above her own as he stared down at her intently. She saw the sweat that was beading at his forehead and running down over his temples, her head tilted back so far that she could even see his clenched jaw and the vein throbbing at the side of his throat.
 He tightened his grip, that last bit on her neck, cutting off any further breaths. Instead of panicking, Arat found herself submitting. She didn’t struggle any longer, but instead relaxed into his hold, completely giving both her body and herself over to him. Right when her vision started to get blurry, and she felt light-headed from lack of oxygen, she heard his voice, which sounded as if it were speaking to her through a foggy tunnel.
 “Come, Arat. Now!” Negan commanded.
 He lifted the hand between her thighs before bringing his fingers down and giving her clit a hard, direct smack, at the same time that he loosened his grip on her throat.
 And Arat, like the good girl that she was, obeyed.
 Her orgasm hit her like a freight train, knocking into her so hard that, despite his relaxed grip on her throat, she found herself unable to breathe. Her mouth opened on a silent scream as her body exploded into a million fragments all around the room. Her vision went white and her body convulsed in Negan’s tight grip, as Arat came all over his cock.
 The feel of her body clenching and releasing on his dick made Negan let out a strangled moan as he reached his own peak. His hips stuttered as his cock jerked violently into her with each spurt of hot release. They both shivered and twitched as their bodies came back down from what had been the most intense orgasm either one of them had ever experienced.
 They stayed like that, bodies connected, and Arat still pressed up against the window, her panted breaths fogging up the glass. When Negan finally felt able to walk without stumbling, he removed his dick from Arat, causing her to shiver at the sensation, as a mixture of both their releases trickled out of her cunt and onto the concrete floor.
 Pushing herself upright with shaky hands, she slowly turned around and faced Negan, who somehow already had enough functioning brain cells to tuck his dick back in his pants. In fact, except for his zipper being undone and his belt unbuckled, he was completely dressed. He even had his gloves on, although the one was still obviously wet with a combination of her juices and saliva.
 Meanwhile, Arat was completely naked, with her hair tangled around her head and cum trailing down her inner thighs. She was also certain to have a nice red handprint on her ass by tomorrow, as a reminder of what had transpired.
 Uncertain what to do, or say, Arat stood there silently, watching Negan. He grinned cheekily at the sight, pleased as punch, that despite having been thoroughly dominated and fucked, Arat was still awaiting his orders. Still willing to be his loyal, good little soldier.
 Walking over to the pile of her clothes on the floor, he picked them up and tossed them on top of the desk. He then walked over and picked up Lucille from where she had been leaning against a nearby wall, in full view of all the action.
 Turning to Arat, he ran his tongue over his lips and looked her up and down, nodding approvingly. “I’d say we figured out that your loyalty does, indeed, go real fucking far. However, there’s still a few more…kinks, I’d like to work out before I make an executive decision regarding how well-versed you are at taking my orders. So, clean yourself up, and get your sweet ass back downstairs with the rest of the Saviors. Make sure they divvy up the goods properly, and that they don’t act like fucking dimwits about it. Understood?”
 Arat nodded softly, “Yes, sir.”
 He gave her a Cheshire cat grin in return, chuckling as he said, “Good girl, Arat.”
 He turned and walked towards the door, opening it and making his exit. However, before closing the door, he turned and poked his head back in.
 “Oh, and Arat?”
 “Yes, sir?” she replied, still standing in the same spot, and still naked.
 His eyes twinkled, as he purred, “I am far from done with you. Next time, remind me to fucking reward you, for following my orders so fucking well.”
 And with that, he was gone; Arat could hear him whistling happily as he marched down the hall. She wasn’t sure what he classified as a reward…but it was safe to say, based on the way her clit had throbbed and nipples had tightened in response to his words, that she was more than eager to find out.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
@negansmutweek @strangersangel9 @winchesterswoonathon @my-achilles--heel @mamapeterson @hannibalssweaters @crzcorgi @kijilinn @ladylorelitany @devilishcreature @superwholoki @embracetheapocalypsewithme @zombeeegurl @wickednerdery @vizhi0n @sunriserose1023 @lucifers-trash-stash @mypapawinchester @ericuhlorain @rapsity @heartfulloffandoms @breakfast-of-a-teenage-killer @squid-from-mirkwood @smuttwd @superprincesspea @kellyn1604 
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