arborescreens · 11 months
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vampire swag
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doodlesooup · 7 days
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twst + pokemon crossover is the best thing ever i think!!!!!!!! i had a blast scrolling through others' posts, it's such a rich and cool universe to bring literally any characters into??? admittedly i didn't put too much thought into the pokemon they should have but i regret nothing (also i think kalim should own at least one shiny pokemon because lucky + flex, i gave him furret cause furret walks around the world and cause it has a pink shiny form, i named mine 'strawberry' and i think kalim deserves his own strawberry too (now when i'm thinking about it it should've been oshawott huh))
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sashinies · 1 year
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the-eyes-archive · 2 years
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OLD! Pre 2020s
A piece for a friend
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maplewozapi · 9 months
Whats your favorite pokemon?
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My favorite Pokémon are spilt between “I wanna be that Pokémon and I wanna be that Pokémon’s mom” but I love so many but celebi gotta be top tho
(Wormple sawsbuck fall, gogoat, mightyena, flabebe, politoed, toxicroak,Arboc, suicune, jirachi basically all my trainer’s Pokémon and sonas) I have a hard time picking one
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pcktknife · 1 year
Pearl poison cause punk past and Acid Hues, Muck Warfare and Nasty Majesty. She has a toxicroak and would totally have a Arboc. I love steel Marina but electric might be cool too so they can both have toxicroaks and so Marina can have a rotom.
Also I think Callie Ghost and Marie Fairy would be quite interesting or even Marie as a ground type trainer (not at all influenced by Rika [lying])
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I also had these same thoughts and bc I jumped from every typing under the sun is why I think pearl would be a coincidental normal type specialist. but I did also think champion and think that'd be good too. double good if pearl was a character u encounter alot who was really lowkey about it thru the entire game to the point you dont know she's champion (however that'd work) until the very end where she's like 'yeah im kinda the coolest mf around btw'
I could see marie as ground but I cant see her wanting to get dirty so she'd have to take good care to keep clean esp being the light grey/white idol. dragon or psychic callie might be interesting
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The Owl House  secondary characters as Pokemon Trainers
I have been getting back into pokemon lately, and (possibly since I already looked up/ explored palisman with every single character) I have recently been fixated on what pokemon would be on the kids in the owl houses team if they were pokemon trainers. I started with some of the secondary characters because I reasoned that hey would be easier at first and setting up their teams would be good practice for making the main 5 kids teams. After spending the better part of a week I have done nine different teams. Here are teams for some of the owl house’s best secondary characters
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Boshca was actually really easy in part because I got this idea while on her page, and also partly because, while she doesn’t get along to well with people, the show has made variuos hints throughout the 3 seasons that she is an animal lover (duel track potions&beast keeping Boshca).
3 animals Boshca is shown to have an affinity for are: Ratworms, Pixies, and crabs (Maya). So I am going to turn those into an Arboc, a Cleffa, and a Crabby. Headcannon that Arboc evolved pretty easy for her, Cleffa will evolve when she learns some more about friendship, and she used an everstone on Crabby so it would always stay small enough for her to carry around.
Next like I said I was on her page when I got this idea so I want to credit @notcale who posted that Boshca would have a fire/fighting type mix team. They gave her some High-powered pokemon like Charizard and Blazikun, that I agree she would want, but I do not think is ready to handle. So for now I am going to give her a Charmeleon and Combustion. These are her teams powerhouses. Also I am going to say that Charmander was her starter and her Charmeleon has a rivalry with Willow’s Ivysaur.
Her sixth pokemon is a Gloom. She comes from a potion family, and its a pokemon that I remember was popular among potion makers. She caught the gloom because it reminded her of helping her moms out at their center.
Bosca’s team: Arboc, Cleffa, Crabby, Charemeleon, Combustion, Gloom. I think she would be more likely to become a pokemon coordinator than a gym battler (more showing off) and she totally taught all her pokemon to play Grudgby as both a training exercise and a first killer first round performance.
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Skara is tied with Steve with begin my favorite minor character, and I really wish she had more screen time. I wasn’t sure at first if she had enough characteristics to make a team out of.
Her 15th birthday party had real butterfly invitations and her palisman is a red and grey cricket. This tells me she is a little fancy and likes bugs, so I am going to give her a Heracross, a kiricketot, and a beautifly.
She is also a bard student which probably means she likes music. (We’ve never seen her with an instrument in show verse, but Dana has drawn pictures of her with some kind of recorder or flute.) So I will also give her a chimecho, a jigglypuff, and a Loudred.
Skara’s team: Heracross, Kiricketot, beautifly, chimecho, jigglypuff, and Loudred. Some things I have noticed about Skara is that she is really strategic, but also is pretty clumsy. So I headcannon that she would originally want to be a pokemon performer, but she would get tripped up a lot at first. She got into contests when she thought she didn’t have what it took to be a top performer. But I also like to think she would eventually go back to competing in performances once her and her teams skills improved. Maybe like Serena Skara would decide to do both.
Matt Tholomule
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A here’s the shows resident gremlin dork. He is fun to watch in episodes and was actually one of the most fun to make team.
Since his base track is construction I am giving him a Doutrio and an Alolan Geodude. Specifically an Alolan gGeodude because it looks like a regular geodude with drawn on eyebrows and facial hair, and we all remember “Man-Thoulomule”. These were his first two pokemon. We’ll say that he was paid for one of his odd jobs with a diglet egg, And he took the Geodude from some con he helped once. The con wasn’t treating it well, and when Matt said he would report the con’s dealings if They did not give him Geodude they called it useless and said Matt could have it.
Next he has a Sandshrew and a Evee. These two he caught. Specifically because they are baby versions of two of his brother Steve’s pokemon, Sandslash and Unmbreon. Since Matt admires Steve so much he wants to raise and train some of the same pokemon Steve has (Note in this Au verse the Emporor’s coven would be team rocket, and Steve is probably someone very similar to James. Unlike James he eventually leaves team rockett,) Also headcannon that while Matt originally caught Evee hoping to evolve it into an Umbreon like Steve’s, it doesn’t evolve until he starts getting into illuison magic as well, and (happy surprise) it instead evolves into an Espeon. Matt loves it and shows it off to Steve once he comes back home. Steve teases Matt some for having such a cute, pink pokemon (they are brothers after all), but also makes it clear does actually think its a cool fit for Matt.
Next up in Matt’s team is a Radicate; sorry no story for this one. I just wanted to give him a big, scruffy, rat. Lastly the most powerful pokemon on Matt’s team is a Mimikyu. I will acknowledge that that is a pretty high level pokemon for him. Well say its the last to join his team, and it probably has given him a few nightmares. But I think Matt would ultimately be a really good trainer for Mimikyu (much like Jessie was). Since both have dealt with lots of insecurities, and attempts to fit in by pretending to be something they aren’t.
Matt Tholomule’s team: Doutrio, Alolan Geodude, Shandshrew, Evee (later evolves into Espeon), Raticate, and Mimikyu. I am also going to copy Brock a bit and say that Matt tried out gym battling and would boast about how he was going to one day become a top battler, or all powerful gym leader, but his heart was never really in it. He eventually decides to become a pokemon breeder, which is what he and his team are happiest as.
Vee Noceda
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I wasn’t gonna do Vee at first because she only ever got small bits of character that I did not think would be enough. But after I did the others I decided to try to use Vee’s character bits to make a team, to see if I could.
Mylotic:Vee’s strongest pokemon. She needs a serpent to represent a basilisk fourm
Delibrd: Vee mentions liking birds in a letter to Camilia, and a running gag with her that has been present since Reaching out is how much she loves writing and leaving sticky notes. So a messenger bird is definitely something she would want.
Ditto: A pretty obvous one since it is a shapeshifter. Also the team I made for Luz has a Shiny Dido on it. So if I give Vee a regular Dido then the sisters can share being ditto trainers.
Hapiney: the baby of her group. Some art by Dana hints that Camilia has been teaching Vee first aid, and she has also started working through healing from her own trauma since moving in with Camilia, So i wanted to give her a baby healing pokemon to show these.
Alcremie (Berry, Vanilla) :Changed from Leafeon after I rewatched Vee’s character and noticed how often she is depicted to both enjoy and be a knowledgeable cook. I am not sure what Vee’s favorite flavors are, but the pokedex said that the Vanillia Cream one needs some time to develop trust in those around them, but once it does trust you it loves to feed you treat. That sounds like Vee. I also decided to give her the berry sweet one because blueberries are an earth treat that are used in many recipies
Pumpkaboo: because it matches the pumpkin on her sweater. Like I said I am using small stuff for some of them.
Vee Noceda’s Team: Mylotic, Delbird, Dido, Hapiney, Alcremie (Berry, Vanillia), Pumpkaboo. I definitely see her as aiming to become a pokemon breeder.
Edric and Emira Blight
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I am only giving the twins four pokemon each, instead of six, as they (particularly Emira) did not get enough character development for me to use for a team of six pokemon
Edric’s team consists of a Butterfree (his would be butterfly palisman), a Gallade (representing the Illusion track. Fully evoved because Illusion alone was so easy for him) a Gligar (this would be his beast track pokemon, picked due to his intrest in that track taking off after him getting Batric), and a paras (representing potions track).
Emira’s team consists of a Masquerain (her would be moth palisman), a Gardevoir (representing the illusion track. Fully evolved because illusion alone was so easy for her), a Chancey (Helps her learn healing, and look out for Ed and Amity), and lastly a Piplup (Dawn’s helped her manage her hair in the morning, something reaching out shows Emira also has trouble with... I debated cutting it from her team since she winds up just cutting her hair off. But well Em’s other three are sweet and she could use a pokemon that is not afraid to give attitude when others try to mess with her team).
The twins used to battle a lot in Tag team battles. They still do that together as a side thing. But now also have their own pokemon assistant jobs that. Edric is an assistant to a pokemon Perfessor at a lab, and Emira is an assistant medic at a clinic.
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Blissy: So was originally a healing student, and even when she starts duel tracking with beast keeping in season 2 she is still known as "the best healer in school". I already gave hapinny and chancy to Vee and Emira respectively, so due her increased skills at healing viney gets a Blissy.
Fearrow and Litleo: So Viney's most iconic companion is Puddles, her baby Griffian. Griffians are a mix of being a large bird, and a lion. It is important to note that Griffians are also predators. With these in mind I picked a Ferrow (the more aggressive version of Pigeoto,a s Puddles was aggressive and Viney was still working on training her) and Litleo for her. Litleo can also represent her manticor palisman, since it was mostly a lion. (Litleo is unevolved partially to keep her team from being to Op, but mostly so I do not have to chose a gender for it).  
Seadra: So I really wanted to give Viney a good water type (She strikes me as someone who likes being by the water). I thought about doing a Gayrodoes or Huntail so I could still get in the serpant part of a maticore, but those didn't really work. Viney is still new at Beast keeping (again she takes car of and works with Baby animals) so a Gayrodoes could still be kinda much for her. Also let's be honest Huntail is really lame and Viney deserves something better. The water line I kept coming back to was the Horsea line, and the pokemon was Seadra. A strong line, and  a mid level one Viney could work with during the show time. It's toxiens can also have some healing effects if used rightly , whoch Viney would learn quick. Lastly by the time the epilogue came around she would have a super strong water/dragon type.
Viney's Team: Blissy, Fearrow, Litleo, Seadra
note I also really wanted to give Viney a bug type. Anyone have any idea as to which one she could be a good trainer for.
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Jerbo gets one less pokemon than Viney because his character was used a little less than her.
Exeggutor: Plant was his first track, and given that he likes to make plants grow legs and get up and walk, I am calling Exeggutor as the perfect duel grass type for him.
Grimer: abomination is his second track once he starts doing multracking. So since he is new to it I will give him a grimer instead of a muk.
Boltund: Jerbo has a unicorn-dog as a palisman so first i looked up if there was a fairy-type dog pokemon...there was two: snubble and fidough neither of which really worked for Jerbo. So I changed my tune. Whatever dog Jerbo's palisman is its tall and lean, with a long face, so I looked for dog pokemon that were shaped like that. I found boltund. That's a good boy dog, and with how inventive Jerbo is he deserves a strong electric type.
Jerbo's team: Exeggutor, Grimer, Boltund.
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insideoutvietnam · 4 months
NFI announces John Proven as President of NFI Parts and ARBOC
WINNIPEG, Manitoba, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX: NFI, OTC: NFYEF, TSX: NFI.DB) NFI Group Inc. (NFI), a leading independent bus and coach manufacturer and a leader in zero-emission electric mass mobility solutions, is pleased to announce the selection of John Proven as the new President of NFI Parts and ARBOC Specialty Vehicles (ARBOC). John will start his new role on June 3, 2024,…
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pansygemini · 1 year
I would love to get a regional arboc since we got a regional koffing in Galar
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smartencyclopedia · 1 year
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arborescreens · 11 months
====== ARBOR | 21+ | HE/BUN ======
serial enjoyer of media, critical of myself for the media i enjoy.
queer freak | he/him, bun/bunny pronouns. don't use the neos for me if they upset you!
taken since 7/7/2019
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icon: by me header: by me
socials @ arborescreens: youtube, toyhou.se
art tag: #artbor text posts/originals: #arbabble original character talks: #arbocs minecraft original content: #arborcrafted 18+/suggestive content: #nsft
important posts:
oc explantion / lore / references
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i'm here to mainly talk about my ocs, post my art, and try to enjoy the content that appeals to me!
i ramble on in my tags more often than not, so i'm sorry in advance if you open any "show mores" on my tags.
uses a lot of affectionate wording, as well as emoticons and emojis. i try to be very clear with the intent of my speech, but will use tone indicators when i feel as though it can be confusing!
i make a lot of ocs inspired by the media i enjoy, though i am not trying to "remake" any 'canon' characters, nor steal them. my ocs are created from a place of adoration, and are not supposed to be a stand in or replacement for the media that they hail from.
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i have adhd and therefore am on a constant whirlwind of things i enjoy! the higher on the list, the more prominent my enjoyment of that particular thing is.
interests below the cut:
my friends' ocs
my own ocs
monkey island series
bungou stray dogs
minecraft (mcyt: hermitcraft, life series)
soul eater
some musicals (bmc, heathers, sweeney todd, chicago, rocky horror picture show)
all iterations of alice in wonderland
zelda franchise
danny phantom
kingdom hearts
professor layton
animal crossing
a lot of other things! oops!
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lostvoidedsignal · 2 years
I wanna make a Pokemon team themed after Sasuke Uchiha I need suggestions. I already though of arboc and honchcrow
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artbyifer · 5 years
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saracellos · 4 years
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🔮 Capítulo 2
🔮 Dias de Heidi
-Todo dia eu acordo as 4 da manhã. Se eu acordo as 4 da manhã eu consigo fazer tudo antes da hora de ir pro colégio . ( Heidi pensa )
Nesse momento Heidi está correndo contra o tempo para que possa terminar tudo logo.
" Arrrumei meu quarto ."
" Lavei as louças da minha mãe."
"Varri a casa".
"Bati num prato sem querer "
-Heidi?? Não acha cedo demais pra fazer barulho ?! Estou dormindo ! ( grita , sua mãe)
-Desculpa Mãe! ( pede , Heidi)
"Preparo a comida do meu cachorrinho King "
"Organizo minha bolsa e vejo a hora "
"Oh! 05:02!"
Percebo que meus irmãos John e Helena dormem ,e meu pai já tenha saído para trabalhar as 4:30. Sem acordar ninguém. Só me falou um " Amarelinha! Vai dormir!"e partiu.
" Varri , lavei ,Fiz o café ."
" Tomando meu café da manhã,Penso em fazer algo antes de me arrumar para pegar o ônibus verde e assistir aula da professora pílula do sono .Já sei!!! Irei ouvir meus discos antigos dos anos 2000 , coisas que amei quando ouvi e troquei meus atuais sons de aplicaticos contemporaneos pelo discos . Essas músicas antigas me lembram dos dois últimos namoros que tive na minha infância. Nada deu certo. Nenhum dos meus namorados tinha os mesmo propósitos de vida como eu. " falo o quesito "infância" porque me sinto bem mais madura agora , mais desperta das coisas e que estou mais crescida .
- Bom, Meu diário colorido ! irei me apresentar . Eu sou A Heidi pheny Arboc ,filha da Ane Lolli Gold Arboc , onde tirou esse último nome do meu pai Gelson Rui Arboc , que teve 4 filhos chamados ; Helena Joice Gold Arboc, John Rui Gold Arboc , seu mais velho e querido filho Roby Brown Arboc e Eu.
Helena , é linda , 21 anos e trabalha de Assistente social e Crê Numa vida espiritual divina como eu . Minha melhor amiga e companheira nas horas vagas.
John , 16 anos , Preguiçoso e arrogante , mas eu o amo.
Roby , 25 anos , ele trabalha longe , volta apenas nos Últimos dias do mês para visita pois já tem sua casa na cidade . Terapeuta .
Minha mãe Ane é dona de uma empresa de marca de beleza feminina chamada Gold Teen , com apenas 40 anos de vida , já pôde ter seu negócio bem sucedido.
O meu pai sempre foi de família rica de dinheiro , Advogado , com muitos apartamentos à venda.
Eu não tenho profissão , por que ainda estudo.
Não quero muita coisa, plantar algo , colher , comer e dormir , e andar por todos os cantos. Talvez viver num lugar mais calmo sem trânsito , sem Pista ,sem ar poluído. Nunca gostei da cidade .
Minha família sempre foi de coração frio e nunca teve momentos de união como um dia de comer lasanha no domingo e sair um pouco para distrair as pupilas. Pensam que a vida é como uma roda gigante , querem sempre estar nos altos do lucro. Menos a Helena , Helena é angelical, simples e Amorosa com todos. Sempre se preocupa com os nossos corações, não tenho que reclamar dela, aliás não tenho que reclamar de ninguem , julgar cabeça de quem não conheço por dentro? Jamais. Outro aspecto que concordo plenamente é que eu e meus irmãos tiveram a sorte de sermos saudáveis ,pelo menos meus pais nunca se preocuparam conosco em questões de doenças . Mas está faltando a união, A paz e a nossa harmonia coletiva. O amor. Assim observando a ação deles e todos que estão em minha volta , uma coisa eu poderei tirar de bom, Nâo agir como eles ! Mas fora a Helena.
🌌Personagem principal narrando/ personagens Falados
🔮Heidi - conta alguns detalhes de sua família e sua rotina da manhã.
🔮 Helena , Roby e John - irmãos da Heidi
🔮Geison e Ane - Os pais.
#capitulo2 #história #históriadigital #históriadavida #contos #contodeamor #históriadeamor #históriadesobrevivência #digitalistory #story #biblioteca #livro #livrodigital #heidiNarra #historiasnoinstagram #leitura #ler #heidi_umanovahistória #2capítulo #capítulodois #saracelloshistorias #lereescrever #escreverhistoria #escrita #prettystory #story #semnadaprafazer #girlhistory #heidi_umanovahistoria #heidi
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lamarmotadentetes · 5 years
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Nouvel An en rouge et jaune
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thevoidthstismymind · 5 years
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