#arboreal abomination
moneteres · 2 years
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Alien Infeysion 14: Cat-Sìth x Arboreal Abomination
11/27/22 - Witness was driving a hearse down a heavily forested area when a shrub appeared to approach the car and attempt to pry open the back door. Witness attempted kicking off the bush-like entity, and the creature responded by gently pushing back. Witness believed the entity was not attempting to harm him, but playing a game of some sort. Hours passed, and mesmerized by the strange being witness did not notice the passing off time. By daybreak the entity was gone, but upon returning to the funeral home several black conifer shrubs have been found planted around the old building. 
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hawkinasock · 2 months
So, can you please learn more tell about this theory?
(You draw beautifully.)
GAAAGHHHH this was the first thing I saw in the morning omg tsym <333 dw I've got my mitts on and I'll get to cooking o7 I assume you're asking me to explain the theory? Which I'll gladly do. Very long post incoming.
Essentially, the general idea is that Yanqing is related to abundance in some way, be it simply second-hand association, or he himself being an abomination/denizen of abundance himself - I personally believe in the latter. While I've made art of Yaoshi and Yanqing in a parental dynamic, it's not something I see as a viable theory, so much as it's just a fun little crack theory. Yaoshi is more likely a passive creator than an actual loving parent. There's a bunch of different interpretations for what Yanqing is and how he came to be based on the little pieces of evidence found in canon. One piece of evidence is his blonde hair.
As far as I can tell, the only other blonde Xianzhou characters are Dan Shu and Luocha (Luocha isn't a Xianzhou native himself, but he was a part of the quest so I'm including him anyway), both directly associated with the abundance, as well as Yaoshi themselves.
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Interestingly enough, Dan Shu has the same hair part as Yanqing, but that could just be chalked up to design cohesion and framing the face/mask, rather than anything meaningful.
Edit: someone pointed out to me that Dan Shu's hair was initially brown, but after joining the disciples, it turned blonde.
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Edit: I somehow forgot to include Phantylia, who has blonde hair in her third phase, and even a hair part. There's also a disciple of Sanctus Medicus in a cell in the shackling prison who also has blonde hair. Every character I've found who has blonde hair is either a disciple, or canonically connected to Yaoshi
(I considered adding Hongling, the fanatic fan in the stands of the Skysplitter, but I think his hair might just be dyed, which isn't too crazy an idea for a stan. Still mentioning him though, since he's a really weird character)
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If you look closely at Yanqing's clothes, there's a reoccurring vine-esc pattern on all layers of his hanfu. They can also be seen on his sword. It doesn't necessarily mean much by itself, but it's an interesting detail I and others have noticed.
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However, I want to point attention to Yanqing's phone case, because it's actually super interesting, and probably the most convincing piece of evidence imo. Not only does it relay the vine motif, but that to me looks like a leaf detaching from a branch and transforming into a swallow. If the characters' phone cases are meant to reflect their personality/reference lore elements, then this is probably the most blatant in terms of potential lore.
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Edit: the little decals on the camera lense are in the image of Yanqing's hair ornament, which happens to look like a pair of leaves, midribs and all.
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Speaking of swallows, has anyone noticed that there's flocks of golden swallows inside the roots of the arbor? I only noticed on my second playthrough, but I haven't stopped thinking about them since. How odd is it that out of any other bird, the arbor has swallows specifically. Of course, Swallows aren't Yanqing's motif alone, as the wardance teaser silhouette's have what look like swallows in the background art, but I still think it's important to bring up, considering Yanqing is literally COVERED in them, from his ornaments, to his swallow tail-shaped coat tail, to his entire playstyle.
Low-quality ss of the swallows for reference.
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Luocha also has a line about Yanqing that, setting aside any theory-crafting, seems pointless. He has nothing to say, which, if he was truly genuine, what purpose does this line even serve? I can't infer much from the delivery of the other languages, since I have no knowledge on them or their social cues, but in en, the tone is very... discreet? It's just the way he says it is very off, like he's being dishonest. Too quick; too matter-of-fact; It's artificial honesty. I hope you get what I mean lol. I can only assume the va was directed to say it that way for a reason.
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A passage from Yanqing's 2nd char story reads: "It's recorded in the military annals of the Cloud Knights how Jing Yuan came to discover the young boy, stood his ground against public opinion, and incorporated him into the armed forces. However, in the family lineage column, Yanqing's lineage was relegated to the category of unknown."
From Yanqing's 4th char story: "Some speculated that he [Jing Yuan] was cultivating an heir, others claimed he only kept him around just to use this kid as a secret weapon. Jing Yuan never offered a response."
Jing Yuan is really suspicious. Like, incredibly suspicious. Even more than Luocha. Yanqing is already known to be an orphan, but the lack of clarity over the details of Jy discovering him, as well as the fact that he has no known relatives in their database is very odd. Speaking to Jing Yuan's npc in-game allows the player to inquire about Yanqing's origin, but Jing Yuan's response is far from helpful. You'd think the man who decks out his Lieutenant in protective charms and locks, and who raised the kid from, at oldest, toddler years, would be a little more eager to spurge on about stories from Yanqing's childhood, but he instead chooses to dance around the topic and make light-hearted remarks about Qingzu's furphies. Obviously, you can't and shouldn't expect to get all of a characters lore in one serving, but revealing so little definitely implies a lot more, as we've seen with Luocha.
These details are the reason why, if Yanqing does turn out to be related to the abundance, be it a spawn of the arbor, or a creation of Yaoshi themselves, I believe that at least Jing Yuan knows and is keeping it all under wraps. Maybe the whole reason Jing Yuan assigned him as his aide in the first place was to keep a close eye on him. Rather ironic a general of the hunt would risk everything to protect the thing he's sworn to destroy.
But that's just my two cents. Thank you anon for giving me a reason to spurge about this theory finally, as it's become so dear to my heart.
More art will be posted as I go along, so don't touch that dial.
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maxzinn · 10 months
just some siren!reader x jingyuan thoughts warnings: suggestive and... sexual stuff, not proof-read
random late night thoughts but my head can't stop thinking about siren!reader who's like,,, the princess or leader of the sirens that lives in scalegorge waterscape along with the vidyadharas. they can transform from human form to siren form and would return to the waters whenever they want.
reader is the co-ruler of imbibitor lunae regarding the waters and friends with hcq when the tragedy happens, the vidyadharas left scalegorge waterscape, leaving the sirens to rule the waters. but the waters soon became inhabitable due to the absence of the high elder, and reader may control the waters but she cannot strengthen the seal in the arbor (that's imbibitor lunae's job) which soon contaminated the waters, making it reek with the stench of abomination so she evacuated the sirens. but even though the waters are contaminated, reader tries her best to purify the waters so they can still hold ceremonies and the summer solstice and winter solstice!
you see, the summer solstice is huge celebration where sirens return to the waters to be cleansed and replenished and where the new sirens manifest their transformation for the first time. this is the day of the year with the most hours of daylight so the sirens just bask in the waters and sun as much as they could to re-energize.
when it comes to the winter solstice, the day of the year with longer hours of nighttime... things can get a little... frisky. in short, it's like the mating season for the sirens so they hold a little ceremony to try and find their lifelong mates. every species abording the xianzhou can participate the ceremony. foxians, vidyadharas, xianzhou natives... siren mates aren't restricted to sirens only.
jingyuan is more than aware of this little ceremony that the sirens hold in scalegorge waterscape, and you both have this some kind of relationship that goes far beyond the definition of friends. and oh, this little celebration had him oh so intrigued. just the thought of seeing you so bold, and wild, and nasty, and dirty had him biting the inside of his cheek.
he's done waiting, he's done prolonging this unspoken whispers of desire when it's so obvious that you two like each other. and just the thought of other men having to see your glory... he could feel his composure slipping away by the minute as he tightly grips his teacup. he would kill any man who'll dare to feast their eyes upon your body.
he wants you to look at him only as you sway your hips in front of the crowd, wants your whole attention on him, wants you to stake your claim on him... claim him in front of the luofu's residents for them to see that he belongs to you and you belong to him just as you sink your fangs on his neck - a mark to form a permanent mating bond. he's staring at the men who laughably thought they stood a chance on ever having to have a taste of you as he sinks his teeth on the flesh of your shoulders - marking you as well.
his eyes are gleaming and boastful, completely different from the calm and relaxed demeanor he usually have. he's pulling you away from the ceremony, dragging you to somewhere more private as he ravages and devours you whole like a starved beast - like a lion. licking and nipping on your skin under the moonlight, caressing your sensitive body with his hands, and tongues intertwined with the taste of spit and blood as he becomes one with you under the moonlight.
errors are inevitable in this writing, it's 2 am and i'm very sleepy -w-
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nqmonarch · 9 months
After Life
I like Yaoshi too, they're beautiful (and horrifying)
Yaoshi x Reader, Slight Luocha x Reader
You were strong. You did your job. There was nothing else you could do, left bleeding out near the Ambrosial Arbor. You wished you had a bit more time, to see your family's smiles, to feel your friends' hugs after a long fought battle, and to take in the sounds of the world, the birds chirping, the beautiful sound of dawn.
But for you, it was now night. You could rest now. A gentle breeze encompassed you, filling you with warmth, and despite the lack of sound when your eyes fluttered one last time you saw milk pale feet in golden sandals walking toward you. A strange sight for what had been a battlefield only moments before.
Gentle hands reached underneath your armpits to lift you up, another reached toward your chin, a third hand, and a fourth pressed something to your mouth.
"Eat," A voice both raspy and soft commanded and you felt compelled to listen.
You closed your mouth around the circular object feeling its sweetness flood your tongue. It was too sweet. Sickeningly so. You would've tried to spit it out if not for the new thing blocking your mouth. Unlike the fruit, you recognized what this was, a pair of lips pressed softly against your own.
They were cool to the touch and felt like a flower's petals. Moving gently, softly, but always asking for more. You swallowed the fruit and the lips removed itself from yours. A cough escaped your lips, bringing pain from your shattered ribcage with it. How were you still alive?
You felt their hands on you, three of their hands, two holding your head still, another resting comfortably on your shoulder as if warning you. It wasn't like you had the strength to move anyway. But you had the strength to open your eyes now, and you did hoping to get a glance of this mysterious assailant. Your eyes were quickly covered and you felt their lips on your forehead now accompanied by a quiet voice.
"I will take care of you in this life, now rest." A voice which held too much power for you to resist.
When you woke up among the field of dead a long haired blonde man was crouched in front of you, staring at you skeptically. "Did you heal me?" It was the only possibility, of how you were the only one of your group left alone. Maybe the guilt and loneliness was worse than death.
The man seemed to ignore your question instead speaking quizzically, "I really didn't think it would be you. How interesting, for that abomination to go to such risks for you. I suppose it's nothing new."
He stood up without much effort and raised a gloved hand out to you, deep voice too different from the person who saved you talking hesitatingly as if he was afraid of making the same mistake again, "The name's Luocha, would you mind accompanying me?"
If that abomination had already tainted you, you would be around for a while. You might as well stick around him.
Just had an idea of reader dying and Yaoshi being like lol nope
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The Reignbow Arbiter
Name: Lan Species: Aeon Occupation: Aeon of the Hunt Region of Origin: The Xianzhou Alliance Height: N/A, variable Age: first sighted 3400 SC, 4700 Star Calendar years ago Birthday: N/A
Sexuality: The Hunt knows not of love. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Hunt knows love only as loyalty to THEIR birthplace, and loves not THEIR prey but the act of its pursuit. Note: Due to Lan's nature as an Aeon, THEY are not available to ship romantically. I am happy to write intimate dynamics of faith or opposition, but Lan is both asexual and agender and simply cannot comprehend the concept of love due to THEIR Primum Mobile.
But be not dismayed, O child of the world! The Lux Arrow will descend to purge the wicked abominations. You must follow the traces left behind in the storm's wake.
Reignbow Arbiter, Archer Lord of Fate, Skybow, Aeon of the Hunt, Lan.
An Aeon with many names who strides a narrow yet powerful path, dedicated only to the annihilation of the Abundance and THEIR undead. Though rarely seen by mortals and rarer still speaking to them, the presence of the Hunt is felt and known throughout the universe as THEY blaze through the starry seas, eradicating abominations as they wander. Those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of THEIR form, if not first blinded by the dazzling light THEY exude, may be struck by the impression of a prince -- perhaps a burning sun -- perhaps a hunter in a chariot -- perhaps all three, clad in the brightest blue flames and a dark armor-like exoskeleton, before THEY are gone, leaving only the streaking remnants of THEIR Lux Arrow behind. It is known that THEY give the full power of their blessings to the Xianzhou Alliance, so that the Arbiter-Generals stand equal to the Emanators of Destruction.
Lan is not known through word, but through sensation; the roar of blood in one's ears, the widening of one's pupil, the rush that makes one shake and tremble with thrill, and the focus that steadies and steels one's limbs. Lan is known not by speech, but by action; THEIR Lux Arrow is THEIR answer, the Arbiter-Generals give voice to THEIR vengeance. As the Alliance follows THEM, THEY follow it, always flickering close behind.
Lightspeed: Lan traverses the stars faster than light, streaking through the universe in ways that even the IPC's and Alliance's most accurate sensors cannot fully track. What is recorded are only remnants of THEIR trail, a flicker before a flash of light and subsequent implosion.
Instinct: Lan can bestow blessings of heightened instinct on THEIR followers. Pathstriders of the Hunt may draw this ability from THEIR Path as well, but it is not nearly as profound as the direct blessing an Arbiter-General or other such favored one would receive.
Star-Shattering Lux Arrow: The famed arrow that severed the Ambrosial Arbor and eviscerates planets. Its embers are used by the Alliance to create divine objects, and the shards left behind are reforged by the Furnace Master into weapons only for the worthy.
Spirits: Lan is further capable of blessing the Arbiter-Generals with a spirit, an avatar that symbolizes THEIR acknowledgement of each General's authority. Typically, these are passed down the line of succession per ship, whether it's through ceremony or, in the case of the previous Arbiter-General's premature death, directly bestowed by Lan THEMself. Note: see here for a clarification on the Lightning-Lord with respect to my Jing Yuan.
Dreamwalking: Though rarely heard of and rarer yet known, Lan may appear to mortals in a liminal state of consciousness, whether it be in dreams or in the moment THEY grant a mortal a glance of acknowledgement. In these moments, Lan's glamor may be reduced as to not blind the mortal THEY are revealing THEMself to.
Important: Due to Lan's demeanor, THEY are EXTREMELY selective in who THEY interact with -- THEY will ignore most everyone aside from members of the Alliance that are worthy of their attention or other special individuals (like select Galaxy Rangers or the Trailblazer), and will react with nothing short of unfettered aggression to those that draw THEIR ire -- in this case Yaoshi, THEIR abominations, and now members of the Antimatter Legion. Members of either faction WILL die if they insist on interacting with Lan. No exceptions. Even for allies, Lan will rarely, if ever, appear (let alone talk) unless the muse in question is an Arbiter-General or potential successor, but those following the Path of the Hunt will feel THEIR presence in other ways. For this reason, Lan is a request only muse. Please ask first if you have a specific dynamic in mind!
Read More: Honkai Star Rail Wiki
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Updated: 07.28.2024
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zooophagous · 1 year
i had a dream that there were arboreal lopers nesting in the trees in my back yard. for some reason the nests were squirrel-sized but the lopers fit in them fine?? idk. dream logic. anyway the catholic church got upset about it and called them "abominations from hell"
Rare Catholic win
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wuhei-archived · 1 month
is he cooking or is he delulu !
i can see moze being either full wingweaver ( if they can hide their original appearance, shapeshift, etc ) or part wingweaver, part xianzhou native. the second explains his bird like abilities + motif whilst also explaining his more human appearance. if you don't know, wingweavers have a strong, intertwining history with the xianzhou alliance.
Compared to standard humans, the wingweavers' anatomical features are more akin to that of birds. They possess highly-developed back muscles, a pair (or multiple pairs) of feathered wings, elongated feet, and powerful toe structures that can push them off the ground. The wingweavers are masters of flight, with cruise speed up to 400 kilometers per hour. Their bones and muscles contain special vacuoles that allow them to perform rapid dives and astounding bursts of acceleration.
seeing as wingweavers enslave other races, i really don't think they'd accept him as one of their own. which brings me to the idea that he was fully rejected by that side of his history, and barely accepted by his other side.
wingweavers are affiliated with the denizens of abundance.. aka not a popular bunch on the xianzhou alliance ships, lol.
The wingweavers are an ancient race, having existed and made contact with the Xianzhou Alliance in the Primevum Imperium Era, before the Xianzhou ships left their home world. Based on the fragmented historical records in the History of the Xianzhou, the wingweavers arrived from beyond the sky, slaughtered and plundered, and conducted "evils uncountable".
The sovereign raised armies and annihilated the invaders. They imprisoned numerous "magicians" of the wingweavers and obtained their "miraculous recipes".
This was the reason the Xianzhou fleet set sail. The sovereign whose name has been erased from history dispatched the Xianzhou fleet to seek immortality from a god in the deep stellar seas.
this is very interesting to me considering he's now on the hunt path, sworn under feixiao to hunt down the abominations that he is.
The wingweavers invaded the Xianzhou fleet for the second time during the Flaming Catastrophe War. They cast down their branches and almost annihilated the Luofu. This was during the Era of Bloodshed, when the Xianzhou Alliance encountered a Dyson tree, also the mortal enemy of the Primeval Imperium — Muldrasil, homeland of the Wingweavers, feeding off nearby stars, and a war breaks out as a result.
Fatigued from the Civil War, the aurumaton rebellion, and their emigration plan, all the prisoners in cryo-hibernation are released to counter the invasion — including the Reignbow who made a deal with the Flint Emperor, allowing the latter to possess their physical body, in exchange for the power of the Heliobi. Inspired by the Reignbow's sacrifice, the Xianzhou residents make the same deal, forming suicide squads and marching alongside the Heliobi.
During the battle, the Reignbow shot their Sky-Shattering Lux Arrow from the bow of the Yaoqing, using their famed bow "Xuanyuan," causing great casualties among even the furthest ships, the Xuling and Fanghu. The arrow smashed into the Ambrosial Arbor, penetrating Muldrasil.
ahem .. and then, given his confirmed criminal history that landed him in the shackling prison ......
Around 5320 Star Calendar, their homeworld of Muldrasil was attacked and destroyed by the Antimatter Legion, as observed by the Xianzhou Yuque.
Since then, many wingweavers have become lost wanderers in space, reduced to mercenaries and intergalactic pirates.
Despite this, on the Year 5700 Star Calendar, Lord Ravager and Overlord Celenova boarded the Xianzhou Zhuming requesting a ceasefire and the ship to change course and assist in attacking the homeworld of the wingweavers.
sooooooo, yeah, idk if any of this is canon, but i think there are quite a few similarities. imagine how he must feel, though. to find himself sworn to loyalty to the xianzhou yet have such a rich history where his ancestors literally tried to destroy all that he has come to love.
diving a lil more, the home of the wingweavers was an artificial tree-shaped world.
Muldrasil was the home of the winged subspecies of primate hominids known as wingweavers. It was a living artificial tree-like world with branches that allowed the wingweavers to warp to other worlds and plunder them for resources. It drew energy from the stars and has been described as a star devouring "Dyson tree".
In Year 3400, Muldrasil approached the Xianzhou Luofu. In the event known as the "Flaming Catastrophe War", battle broke out between the Luofu and Muldrasil. The Reignbow shot an arrow into the Ambrosial Arbor, severing its connection with Muldrasil and ripping open a fissure into the void, releasing a monstrous wave of imaginary force. This resulted in the destruction of Muldrasil.
A Yuque intelligence report notes that based on IPC data, the wingweavers' Peacock Angel legion have arrived at the Consternation Starzone to locate a Stellaron and revive Muldrasil. The information has yet to be verified. According to the speculations of the Yuque's Divination Commission, there might be more than one world like Muldrasil.
very, very interesting. if moze really is associated with the wingweavers, then that might mean we'll get a deeper dive into them in the future, due to that yuque intelligence report.
for reference, my source is the wiki. c:
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traaansfem · 5 months
What do the two extra 'a's in your url stand for?
Ambiguous, Amorphous, Arboreal, Antithetical, Abominable- they're all good options...
but really I just kept adding A's until the username was valid on another website. I actually got "Transfem" without any more A's on aaanother website :3
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
@grislyintentions: Yaoshi on the other hand will "kill" him but not in the way you think B)
Dan Feng Appeared! What do you do?
CW: Slight body horror
"There are things in life worse than death," is a true statement.
Death is much kinder than the agony of his body becoming a host for the Plague Author abominations. The roots have dug deeply into his bones. They drink his blood, absorb the magic flowing in his veins all to nurture the buds that have yet to bloom.
Every time Dan Feng digs his claws into his skin and rip the roots out, they continued to grow. They become resilient, expanding their numbers, and renew heir efforts in sucking away his vitality.
And Dan Feng grows weaker.
There are a few things he fears- to lose his bodily autonomy and become a puppet for Yaoshi is one of them.
Before he loses everything, Dan Feng must move while he can and finish any loose ends in this life.
After all, he is still the High Elder of the Vidyadhara Luofu, guardian of the Ambrosial Arbor, and a protector [friend] of the High Cloud Quintet.
If his fate is to end up as a monster for the Plague Author, then Dan Feng will end his life on his own terms.
By willingly turning himself in to the Ten Lords Commission and be imprisoned in the Shackling Prison.
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 5 months
"Madam Yukong..." There is a polite smile that settles onto Welt's face as he comes to stand beside her, shifting his gaze to the starskiffs above as he settles. It has taken a little while to find her, though he is glad to now, enjoying the ambiance of the area. The gentle breeze in the air, the reverberations of engines in the air, the bustle of others around give the sense of hope to the Luofu. "It seems the recovery from the Stellaron crisis is well underway. I hope you have been faring just as well...?"
Inbox Call. @resolutepath
"Mr. Yang..." Yukong responded in kind, dipping her head to him in greeting. There had been a lull in the administrative meetings and stacks of documents left upon the Helm Master's desk, just enough for her to step outside and take a break on the terrace outside the Palace of Astrum to enjoy the calm, cool air, and Welt's visit was another welcome addition to this brief respite.
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"As well as I can be given the circumstances. The revival of the Ambrosial Arbor has caused abominations to appear more frequently, but the Cloud Knights have made quick work in dispatching them before they can cause harm to our citizens."
Indigo hues set their gaze upon the starskiffs drifting through the sky, watching them as they pass overhead. Eyelids slowly closed as the tranquil breeze softly played with the Foxian's teal hair. In her old age, the Helm Master found very little reason to find enjoyment in the mundane, but even she found some peace in how the air gently traveled around her body. Opening her eyes again, Yukong placed her hands atop the terrace's marble parapet, gaze still joining Welt's in observing the cruising starskiffs. There was a subtle shift in that gaze as a thin veil of melancholy was cast over it, memories from several weeks ago pushing themselves to the forefront of Yukong's mind. A weary sigh left her lips.
"Tingyun would be happy with the progress we're making. There's no doubt in my mind that she would have been one of the first in line to aid in the reconstruction efforts." She couldn't help but give a small chuckle at the notion. It quickly died away, however, as her voice grew slightly softer, as if her next words were only for Welt's ears.
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"I don't know whether she is alive or truly dead as our records declare, but if there's even an iota of a chance that she's still out there... I hope she comes home safe and sound."
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sheppi-isometrics · 5 months
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📜New creature spreadsheet made for the Wood Golem!
"Wood golems are often given vaguely humanoid shapes, almost as if cobbled together from scraps of firewood and discarded burls. While wealthy patrons have been known to commission wood golems to be painstakingly carved to resemble themselves or their ancestors, to serve dual purposes of protection and ego bolstering, most wood golem crafters don't bother. Druids and creatures who protect woodlands, such as arboreals, typically see wood golems as an affront or an abomination, akin to the horror humanoids often feel when facing a carrion or flesh golem. As a result, it is rare to see such creatures serving as guardians for fey or druidic holy sites, despite the thematic match between the wood golem's appearance and such locations."
—Source: Archives of Nethys Remastered.
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
While reading the relic story for Fleet of the Ageless, I ran into some mention of the "Three Sufferings":
Yet, just like the shifting of the sun and moon, what once prospered was fated to decline and what once brought elation must eventually induce agony. It was not until the arrival of the Three Sufferings, when people were tormented to near extinction, that the Xianzhou people finally came to understand the true nature of this so-called miracle, which was nothing but harrowing calamity. (The Xianzhou Luofu's Celestial Ark)
And I'm not really sure if they mention it elsewhere on the Luofu (I'm very slowly going through everything. Except I keep getting sucked into reading Belobog stuff >_>), but what it did make me think about however is that in Buddhism, there is something called the "three marks of existence", which refers to the three sources of suffering in the world. So I wanted to mostly write this up as a comparison between what's going on in the Luofu vs. Buddhist belief! (And a very big warning: I might be skimming over important details about the religion. I was born into a culture that is very heavily influenced by Buddhism and have grown up with some understanding of it while having to study it on my own, so I'm sure I'll get a lot of details wrong. So if I get anything wrong, you're always welcome to chime in!)
At least in my memory, I remembered that there was a suffering because of attachment to objects, to self, and to others -- all with the concept that all things do not last, so I had to search up these names properly.
anicca (impermanence): This is the core concept in which nothing lasts in this world. The inability to recognize the impermanence of life will then lead to grief -- suffering -- that humans face, as a result. You can actually see this with the Sanctus Medicus's desire for eternal life with Dan Shu who grieved the loss of her friend Yufei via the diaries that you could pick up
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It's this idea of attachment to something bound to end some way or another that will inevitably lead to suffering/pain when that loss comes.
dukkha (suffering): The idea behind this mark is that the truth is that life cannot be satisfied. If there isn't suffering, there are moments of joy, but as all things in life, even the joy is brief.
I wouldn't exactly be able to pinpoint how this gets carried out on the Luofu. I would have said something about how the Luofu had once sought out eternal life which then led to the implanting of the Ambrosial Arbor by Yaoshi, but now are unsatisfied by their gift of eternal life to them. I could also say that at least with the longer lives that the Xianzhou natives have, they eventually lose interest in life itself because they've had the chance to sought out anything they could with their many years, which is better described in Yukong's third character story:
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and for the final mark of existence: anatta (not self): If suffering comes from attachment, then an attachment to an image of one's self too can lead to a source of suffering. With time, everyone is bound to change and grow, so any attempts in trying to hold onto one specific image could lead to a source of pain.
I think the best way to display this concept is actually through Yaoshi's acts and why the Alliance condemns them and their "abominations" (themselves included :'D). To rid of the suffering that comes with death, Yaoshi hopes to grant the gift of eternal life, but it seems that coming back from the dead doesn't mean returning to one's old self, which I feel can be seen at least with Blade's case with his revival and no longer being Yingxing. These undead are what the Alliance hopes to get rid of. I think it can also be seen through Bailu's story quest with the girl who slowly becomes marastruck who panics the moment the armor and her skin becomes melded into each other, no longer able to retain her former image before meeting and reuniting with her lover, in which case the idea of "self" is an attachment to a physical form rather than something more abstract instead, and that leading to her own suffering in the end.
I'm sure that a lot of Hoyo's writing with weaving in Buddhism with the Luofu lore isn't coincidental (looks at Dan Heng) , and I'm sure that there's bound to be better show of each of these principles, but I think this is what Hoyo might be referring to when they write about the "Three Sufferings" in the relic. Maybe I'll come back to this post later if I find better evidence BUT I thought worth noting at least for now :) ty for reading if you made it this far
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trashyvanillabean · 9 months
Still thinking about Scalegorge Waterscape and the Ambrosial Arbor.
Scalegorge Waterscape is where the Vidyadhara eggs are.
It is also where the Ambrosial Arbor is.
The Arbor and the kiddos are in the same spot. Underwater.
Was the Arbor already there? Is it possible to move it elsewhere?
If yes to the above, why not move it?
If no, why keep the eggs nearby? Why not move the eggs elsewhere?
Tying to #3: Do they specifically have to be underwater for optimal conditions? Can those conditions be replicated elsewhere so the eggs aren't, you know, so close to a dangerous tree that can screw you up physically and mentally??? (coughcoughmaracough)
I don't know. Given what happened with the Sedition and how an NPC / message (iirc, can't remember the exact source, could be wrong) mentioned that the incident caused some Vidyadhara unable to go through hatching rebirth — Were some of the eggs destroyed in the fight against whatever draconic abomination resulted from DF and YX's resurrection attempt??? — something about the Arbor and the eggs being in the same location seriously bothers me.
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Confession: General,
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m not... entirely sure why I’m doing this, and arbiter knows I wouldn’t have the confidence to speak to you in person. Perhaps I’d just like to get my thoughts down. I’ve served under you for about three hundred years at this point and counting. Half of that time was spent behind a desk filling out paperwork and forms… that part hasn’t really changed, admittedly, but now there’s the additional task of fighting abominations.
I still don’t know what pushed me to become a Cloud Knight. It’s possible I felt I could make more of a difference on the front lines. Maybe my old chair at the Seat was too stiff. I don’t know. Whatever it may have been, all I remember is that I quit, and eventually I was on the training grounds. That was certainly a shock. Strict physical activity after doing nothing but sit for a hundred and fifty years was something I had to get used to. There’s days I can still feel the burn in me legs, even now that I’ve been accepted into the ranks.
It wasn’t, hasn’t been easy, I’ll fully admit that. There have been many I time I question if this was the right path for me to take. The loss of life that came with this choice was… not something I had been prepared to deal with. It affected me greatly, as it has all of my comrades. It’s something that can’t be ignored, and the incident with the Ambrosial Arbor has not aided in its fading. Plenty of other factors have made me question my life’s choices as well.
Yet… I don’t think I would go back. I have thought about this more times than I can count, often enough that it may keep me awake at night. And I keep returning to the same conclusion. As strenuous as this life may be, as much as I dearly miss the friends I’ve lost, I don’t think return to that safe, monotonous, desk job in the Seat of Divine Foresight. I am proud to have a hand in defending the Luofu. I’m aware I might not be one of your strongest soldiers, nor am I one with the most combat skill, but… thank you, for giving me a chance to prove my worth.
It has been an honor to serve under you, as one of your Cloud Knights.
Send my muse an anonymous confession. Closed!
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abundanced · 1 year
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the aeon of abundance is not deceptive by nature , but when finding themselves in lan's domain , they have little choice. after all , the xianzhou alliance , particularly the luofu is no longer welcoming to them. & yet , yaoshi finds themselves here time & time again , though perhaps this time is different , this time there is more at stake.
their reason for descending to the luofu ?? the ambrosial arbor has awoken , abundance's blessing stirring in the ship's depths as it did long ago. its awakening draws yaoshi to the luofu once more , its siren call practically begging the aeon's presence.
& who were they to refuse a prayer ??
abundance passes the people of the xianzhou , some fleeing abominations of mara , others in armor standing their ground. others watch yaoshi's movements with shrewd eyes , & abundance is not blind to the presence of their devotees here. but neither are they ignorant of their followers' hands in the tragedy befalling the luofu.
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❛ ... these creatures ... do you know anything about them ?? ❜
abundance's gaze finds @bianshu , pleading gaze belying their curiosity about the situation. yaoshi knows where this wretched curse came from , such suffering can only come from a god , after all.
❛ i've never seen things quite so bad. ❜
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moon-girls-stories · 1 year
SCREAM - Billy Loomis X Reader.
Résumé : Maddie est originaire de la petite ville tranquille de Woodsboro. Ayant déménagé pour le travail de son père il y a plusieurs années, elle revient en ville pour ses dernières années d'école. Elle qui pensait retrouver ses amis d'enfance et pouvoir s'éloigner des drames familiaux...
¤  ¤  ¤
Mawen saute à peine de la voiture de son aîné qu'il court déjà en direction de ses amis d'enfance avec qui il avait réussi à reprendre contact quelques mois plus tôt. En revanche Maddie n'avait pas prit autant d'avance, Sydney et Tatum sont bien les deux seules à avoir entretenue le contact avec elle et cela malgré ses longs moments d'absences. 
-Allez Mags, tout tes amis doivent t'attendre. 
Elle tourne ses yeux vert d'eau vers son grand frère, effrayée de poser ne serait-ce qu'un seul pied en dehors de la voiture. Javen l'observe droit dans les yeux, impuissant face à la mine déconfite de sa petite soeur. Elle qui avait pourtant réussi à prendre confiance en elle après de longues années, quelques semaines ont suffit à détruire tout leur travail.
-Peut-être puis-je rester un jour de plus à la maison ?
-Je ne pense pas que cela soit possible. ricane-t-il alors qu'ils lui montrent quelque chose se passant derrière elle. 
Mawen revenant fièrement avec Stu, son meilleur ami de toujours depuis au moins la maternelle. Les deux garçons sont déjà accroché l'un à l'autre, Stu arbore un sourire illuminant tut autant que son frère jumeau. Maddie se tourne alors directement vers Javen avec un regard suppliant, presque les larmes aux yeux.
-S'il te plaît ramène à la maison, je t'en prie... Javen, je ferais tout ce que tu veux, promis.
-Je crains qu'il soit trop tard petite chose. Les affreux sont là, allez dehors. Maintenant.
Maddie n'a pas le temps de riposter que sa portière s'ouvre lui faisant pousser un petit cri de surprise alors que des grandes mains la kidnappe de la voiture de son frère. Elle pousse de toute ses forces pour que son "kidnappeur" la lâche enfin, ce qu'il finit par faire bien qu'il garde toujours ce sourire de cinglé sur son visage.
-Salut Maddie ! 
-Eh beh dit donc, où est passé notre jolie fille souriante ?
-Où est Tatum ?
La brune cherche quelques secondes son amie d'enfance, voulant désespérément quitter l'entrée de l'école et se cacher dans les toilettes.
-Pas là aujourd'hui. Sydney non plus d'ailleurs. Aujourd'hui tu restes avec nous ! ricane Stu avec une joie communicative -du moins avec Mawen-.
-Stu, je te confie ma petite sœur, je te fais confiance mec. parle Javen à travers la vitre à présent ouverte.
Stu se baisse pour saluer l'aîné de la fratrie. Il lui adresse un signe de main avec un grand sourire, visiblement heureux de le revoir lui aussi.
-Tout va rouler comme sur des roulettes mon pote !
-Bonne journée les gamins, à ce soir.
-A ce soir frangin. Salut Mawen avec un sourire alors que Maddie lui adresse un faible signe de main, manifestement bien moins enjouée à l'idée de passer ce premier jours de cours avec son frère et son meilleur ami fou.
Alors que Javen quitte le devant du lycée un autre jeune arrive au même moment. Stu saute sur le trottoir avant de passer un bras autour du jeune homme, l'attirant comme un bourru vers les jumeaux.
-Mon pote, je te présente Mawen, mon meilleur ami depuis que je suis tout petit. Et sa jumelle, Maddie. Mignonne hein ?
-Parle un peu mieux de ma sœur, grand charmeur. parle Mawen malgré son sourire malicieux.
Maddie roule des yeux, réajustant son sac sur son épaule alors qu'elle passe à côté des garçons, préférant finalement rester seuls plutôt qu'avec ces deux cinglés du ciboulot. Elle se souvient parfaitement de duo abominable que forme son jumeau et Stu, deux diablotins inarrêtable. Et maintenant qu'ils sont grands ? Elle n'ose imaginée. 
-Eh, tu vas où comme ça ? demande Mawen, sa voix soudainement plus ferme.
Maddie se tourne vers son frère, les sourcils froncés. Dieu qu'elle peut paraître timide mais face à son frère ? Une autre personne est là.
-Ca va, il n'y a rien à craindre ici. Tranquille Max.
-Rien ? Un malade habillé en fantôme tue des gens, tu ferais bien de rester près des garçons et moi.
-Genre tu penses qu'un tueur peut s'intéresser à moi ? On vient d'arriver Max...
-Il n'a pas tord. tente Stu avec un fin sourire sur les lèvres.
Maddie le toise plusieurs secondes, le faisant d'autant plus sourire. Il la retrouve bien là dans ce regard, son fort caractère bien cachée derrière sa façade de mouton sans défense.
-Les tueurs ne tuent pas au hasard, Mawen.
Elle remarque directement les yeux du nouvel ami de Stu se braquer sur elle, lui donnant des frissons désagréable. Elle tient son regard quelques secondes avant de le détourner, une sensation bizarre fait rage dans tout son corps.
-Tu parles comme si tu connaissais le sujet. finit par lâcher le garçon châtain.
-Je... Pardon. bafouille-t-elle rapidement en prenant ses jambes à son cou. 
Enfin s'était sans compter sur Stu qui la rejoint à grande enjambée, passant son long bras autour de ses frêles épaules. La différence de taille entre les deux adolescent en est presque comique. 
Mawen les observes quelques longues secondes avec un fin sourire sur les lèvres. Puis il dirige ses yeux bleu-vert vers Billy. A la différence de sa sœur, lui connaît déjà le jeune homme. Stu les avait déjà présenté via un appel vidéo sur l'ordinateur. C'est alors qu'il sourit presque de la même manière exagérer de Stu. Billy le remarque et le regarde en retour, son visage exprimant toute sa confusion face à l'aire surexcité du garçon à côté de lui.
-Maddie veut devenir criminologue. 
-Elle est fan des tueurs en série ?
-Pas fan, fasciné je dirai. C'est... son petit côté sombre à elle. sourit-il en finissant sa phrase.
Il n'attend pas que Billy ne lui réponde, il court déjà dans la direction où sont partis son meilleur ami et sa sœur jumelle. C'est pour cela qu'il ne capte pas le regard sombre dans les yeux de Billy, ni son sourire énigmatique.
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