#arcana twilight: gameplay
jeschalynn · 1 year
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another “I play otome games for the captivating story and gameplay” moment
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writerrayart · 2 years
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So I redownloaded Arcana Twilight recently
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pomegranateboba · 10 months
yalls my dad found out i was playing arcana twilight and he deleted it from my phone and forbid me from redownloading it and literally all my progress is lost bc i didnt create an account at the start and played as guest (i know stupid but im stupid so-)
i really wanna play chapter 13 but i cant :( any of you guys nice enough to play it for me when it comes out i wanna see the gameplay plsplspls 😭😭😭
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2sleepy4dis · 2 years
╰┈➤ ❝ The Chain as Social Link ❞
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° yesss, let's go with the puuuun lmao. The big reason why I wanted to make this crossover ahah;;; I swear this was a difficult one. "Once you know a Link, you've known them all '' and that couldn't be truer while I was giving them the arcana— anyways, I managed to play and fit it!
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° I'll put the symbolism, game-wise and story-wise!
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Linked Universe x Persona Crossover
┊・❥ Time - The Hermit
Symbolizes wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches.
Gameplay-wise they deal with mental-ailments and are hermit figures...
Story-wise, I was debating whether to put Hermit or Hierophant but in the end I chose the former!
Both plays the "wise mentor" however the Hierophant leans more on a religious figure which I suppose Time tries to stay out of for reasons.
So, Hermit Arcana! Time spent his life "hidden" voluntarily and involuntarily.
Was hidden in the forest, was hidden in a sacred realm, his adventure became a story in the adult timeline and forgotten in the child timeline— that's probably a few of it!
┊・❥ Twilight - The Moon
There's a lot to unpack but in short it represent being attuned subconsciously to the world and gaining the ability to sense things
Kinda like psych which works with Twilight becoming a wolf
Was thinking if to give this or not since story-wise of persona this arcana tends to project their fears or faults on others, which mainly the protagonist.
Gameplay-wise this arcana excels in physical abilities with average magic which fits Twilight!
But I could see some way this would work with all the shadow and other world stuff going on.
I feel like because of his experience with shadows he is more sensitive to the Reader who is in contact with them too.
And due to his supportive side he tends to look out more to the reader. Like, uh, platonically explained? He is a protective big bro!
┊・❥ Warrior - The Chariot
Symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war and command.
It's fitting just on-point for Warrior.
Gameplay-wise they excels in physical attacks and figures of warriors.
They also have special physical skills! Which Idk how to implement since all Link have it. I think Warrior gives special effects like how in-game of HW the weapons have elemental skills.
Edit: I remembered that skill which instant-kill the enemy. With Warrior who's game is more hack&slash.
Story-wise figures also tend to hide their doubts and weaknesses. This is Warrior we talkin' about. He hides them with smug, flirts and jokes. That mistake of power getting through his head was a scar on his back. Ouch.
Please give him a pat on the shoulder to reassure him ó_ò)
I'd also like to imagine Warrior being the one to teach the Reader about fighting instead of just being Time ^^) he trained with the knights so he does have the experience in teaching and sparring!
┊・❥ Wild - The Hanged Man
Symbolize self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment and paradoxes that hangs between sky and earth and also renewal.
Gameplay-wise they excels in survivability!
I guess he could provide Reader about the necessity? Like Iwai who can provide weapons to the Protag—
Story-wise, this the card of the martyr.
Wild life is surrounded by sacrifices. For the champions who sacrificed themselves, Zelda, the King, Hyrule itself.
Wild was in a situation which he had little control over. Not only the calamity, but also the burden he has. The eyes on him.
Yet once the eyes and expectations were gone, he still held on to his task and ended what's left.
Also what I like about this is the hanged man have a leg crossed to the other forming a "4" which makes me think of Wild and the four champions 🫠
Anyways, characters with this cards are in dilemma about their loss. Unable to move on, they can't choose without making sacrificing part of their identity.
So the relationship that the Reader build with them is to face the problem head-on.
Doesn't mean in the end, it's gone. The characters problem with consequences that remain but won't burden them (*cough*tearsofthekingdom*cough*)
┊・❥ Sky - The Justice
Symbolizes the strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis.
The card represent up-coming trials which are fitting for Sky's journey.
Gameplay-wise they excels in light-ability which fits on Sky since he is more close on the divine ones: Zelda as the reincarnation of Hylia, he is the first reincarnation of the hero, if we go to joke he lives literally above the clouds, a very lightened place lol
I have no idea what kind if ability Sky can give to the Reader and I can hear y'all yelling that Sky have more affinity at sword-wielding probably more than Warrior but listen—! ...Maybe I'll give him the bonus: detecting enemy stats, better communication and increasing critical hits 😊
Uuh, story-wise… for those who played persona, knows the tendency what this arcana has and I don't want to spoil others.
Sky. He is just there standing in the background and is mostly viewed as the soft-sky boi but when you push that anger too far?
Funny fact, this characters tend to be stoic individuals but when pushed too far they tend to take drastic measures.
He did have to deal with bullies, unfairness in competitions, his bird being treated unjustly— he gone for blood during his battle with Demise—
Anyways, I'm curious how to implement this in the story 👀
┊・❥ Legend - The Star
The arcana also symbolizes hope, fitting for Legend who brought the timeline in its Golden Era.
Gameplay-wise they excel in elemental attacks and represent multi-talented figures.
So I was thinking about skills gained by Hifum* Tog* since Legend have more experience (and worked in team in TriforceHeroes) to leave battle strategy with him instead of Four and Warrior.
Story-wise they are also multi-talented individuals which can resonate with Legend's journey. He ain't called "vet" for nothing!
Although they also deal with internal and external struggles.
┊・❥ Hyrule - The Magician
It symbolizes power, potential, and the unification of the physical and spiritual worlds.
Uhm, basically stern will and unfailing determination, also a resourceful individual which fits Hyrule so well... if you played his game (I saw a gameplay and that's...that requires a loooot of determination to finish;;;)
Gameplay-wise they excel in magic!
In simple words, he can teach Reader magic.
Also story-wise, they also tends to be the protagonist first friend.
Warrior deals with physical combat teaching so if Reader wants to learn magic Hyrule would be the one and be glad to help! And it's a good form of bonding since you both are gonna be together for.. knows how long.
┊・❥ Four - The Temperance
Symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites.
Gameplay-wise its figure is well-rounded and figures associated with balance
Story-wise, Four is probably the most balanced in the group, through and through.
Perhaps it's just me but he hasn't got a lot going on with him… on the outside!
He is good at hiding it and has to remind himself about self-control to not use the four sword.
┊・❥ Wind - The Sun
Symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment
It literally represented by a child riding a horse (in Wind's case a boat)
Story-wise, these characters find themselves in severe terrible situations but they still manage to keep optimistic despite the tragedy of their past.
No one has been this arcana in team-party in persona so game-play wise idk how they are besides being associated with light, sun and fire.
This is kinda like every Link ngl.
Unlike in Declined Hyrule which focuses more on hopefulness, the New World does focuses more on optimism to find something else beyond in the Great Sea.
Perhaps Wind didn't have a tragic story like Wild or a big one like Time. And the light-hearted style of the game (with dark story) but it does have it's message of letting go of the past and moving on to a better tomorrow.
»»———-  ———-«
That's it! That's all! For now!
A/N: Thanks for reading all the way here! I'm thinking to separate the list in parts because it's too long but at the same time I don't wanna to not... flood the tags about my crossover junk QwQ) What do you guys think?
Next time I'll give info how the Reader summons their, uh, persona UwU)
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wynterrolls · 10 months
Otome Game Masterlist
Just a list of guides for the otome games I'm currently playing or had played before. Do note that the things I would include here come from different sources, not just from my own experience.
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Newbie Guide and Tips
Card Mechanic
Arcana Twilight and Obey Me (OG) Comparison
Newbie Guide and Tips
Card Mechanic and Gameplay Roadmap
Newbie Guide and Tips
Card Mechanic
🚧 This post is currently under construction.
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star-arcana · 3 months
My first Impression on Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door's Remake!!!
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Long intro incoming, skip it to the *Star, if you want to rush to the first impresssion proper .
**Stars if ou want immiediately the gameplay, starting first with the combat and then with the exploration side.
***Stars if you want the story, the perhaps most interesting aspect, as usual with many beloved RPG's.
And, finally:
****Stars for a the most brief conclusion on this.
Hello everyone, your favourite arcana is here, Star-Arcana and I am here to write here my first impressions, not a full review on Paper Mario TTYD's Remake on the Switch and what I think about it.
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Yep I am not going here spoiler free, since I want to mention some important events in the story (as well as other Mario RPG's like Super Paper Mario for instance), as I am already spoiled on the story for most of the stuff and now what happens, so don't read what I wrote here if you want to remain unspoiled, 'til completion of the game by your own time and pace. So do it like Edge and be against Spoilers here, she hates Spoilers, doesn't she?
Starting off, I am a huge Mario RPG fan as some of my favourite games were from that branche of the highly esteemed Mario Franchise, since he is the one I grew up with as a kid the most, other than DK, Pokemon and Smash...So I was always going to like that game, as many other people who liked these type of games said that this game is really great and ultimately I wanted to play another Paper Mario since my last one; Super Paper Mario when it came out. So, as I expected and hoped, I love that game already and it is super fun in not just gameplay, but also story. Plain and simple, it is the Mario RPG I would have loved to play as a kid back then, had I known of it's existence, but since I am an adult now, I can try it and be really happy with it, after all, adulthood still brings me much fun, if not more so than as a kid with that freedom compared to back then,hehehe...
Anway back to the topic at hand, I started to play that game for over a week, currently having finished the brutal Wrestling challenge against Rawk Hawk, the jerkiest Chicken out there, and found the yellow Crystal Star and I am currently in Rogueport and try to clean up some older levels for the coming loom in the Twilight Woods. I wanted to start this run a bit earlier, but due another game taking me longer to complete, as it was a very difficult quasi-permadeath run with Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, I was delayed until I could start TTYD last monday. Thus I got to play very recently the remake of one of the most prestigeous Mario RPG's of all time, the Gamecube's Thousand Years Door.
*Now that I made my thoughts clear, I go over this game now more throughtly:
It is a turn-based RPG within a semi open world that you explore in search of 7 Crystal Stars, as you became entangled in a millenia long secret of the town of Rogueport, sitting atop the ruins of an ancient City. You, as Mario, were brought here by Peach, who came in possesssion of an ancient treasure map leading to the Stars needed to open a Door with the same name as the title; The Thousand Years Door. You go to that town and after getting in trouble with a bunch of evil-doers known as the X-Naunts and eventually finding a treasure Map for the 7 Crystal Stars, you journey begins. You will encounter several friends on your journey and foes as well amd have to navigate through a wacky and colorful world of Paper that shines as bright as any children book with cute pictures here or a great fairy tale book.
Anyway this post will be divided into two parts, gameplay and story, and as I want to get over the least fun (but not unfuuny) part first, the gameplay!
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**As I said, it is a turn based RPG within a semi open world that is very much alike other such games, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Pokémon. However it differs in a few ways, like the battlefield being a huge theater stage, with a live audience here to watch you, that can be either Toads, Koopas, Goombas and many other creatures across this journey. Know that they exist first, they will be relevant later. Going on, you can order Mario and your teamates to attack an enemy, defend themselves from them, heal HP or use any kind of moves like analysing the foe or just swallowing them and spitting them out. Certian actions however, cost action points, here called Flower Points (FP for short), and you can and you can only win by beating the enemy by making their HP drop to 0. But the biggest diffrence being there is that you can like, in the Mario and Luigi games, influence the way attacks and commands are executedby fulfilling several commands like pressing B on a foe when jumping and stomping on them, or having to press the analog stick Left or hold and press ZR. You can even add extra flare by adding style to the attacks, like pressing A at the right moment. Each move has diffrent conditions for styles, which can be properly learned by the right timing and by the Battle Master, a Pink Toad that looks like a Kung Fu Warrior, so better check her out if you want to get better.
Also the way you can minimize and even cancel damage is rather interesting; You can either guard yourself with A, when the foe attacks and expect either no or little damage, but the more rewarding, but trickier to master Super Guard, not just nullifies damage, it can also send a small portion of the damage back at it's sender, but the window of setting it up is super short and if you fail, you end up being hurt for full damage. On your journey, you collect the Stars that will open new path ways for you, but will also give your special moves that can devastate and even break fights, like the Earth Power skill that will deal big damage against your foes or Clock out which, if executed well, immobilize your enemies for 3 WHOLE turns, which made the Grubble Boss Fight a cakewalk. These Special moves needs Star power for their execution and if you attain one, you will get more and more of these points as your MAX number in total. If you used up Star power, you need to refill them by gaining appeal from the crowd via the Appeal tactic to increase it, or execute your skills very well with the aforementioned stylish moves and thus you get them all filled. However the Crowd and even the battlefield can make life hard for you, both IRL and here, since enemies can throw stuff at you from the seats, if you don't counter them with X fast enough, or the studio can have Buckets fall at you for instance, and thus recieve damage or get dizzyness and thus can miss a few attacks for a turn. However enemies can also be hurt occationally by this and lights when falling down on you can eletrify you and thus increase your attack potential. The Stage can also have some projectors freeze either you or your foe and thus get the freeze effect. So this game demands you to pay attention to the combat, lest it gets the better of you.
Items also exist that can like any boxstandard RPG Heal your HP or FP, increase stats, remove negative conditions or inflict them on your enemies and they are all over the map, but you also get Badges that either give Mario or his partners new moves, increase their defense and offense in certian conditions or increase FP usage, Max HP the amounts of them are near endless, so just know the badges exist. There is however a limit to the amount of badges you can equip as some of them either take up no badge points, and thus can always be equipped, but others take up more points, up to even 6 ones and if your BP limit is reached, you cannot equip anymore of them.
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However there is a way to increase your max BP points, and also your HP and FP, by gaining enough Star Points (not to be confused with Star Power), which you will get all your stats refilled and can choose 3 of the slots to be increased, HP and FP can be increased by 5 points and BP by 3 points. Choose wisely, as you need to figure out where you want to lay importance in the most.
With this overall, the combat is fun and I want to explore more of it, but I also found it pretty easy and not as hard as I thought it would be, given this game being really old, and games used to be harder back then. Anyway the game's massive array of powerful ablilites, rather predicable and even weak enemies, as well as items being very easy to find, I have almost Max capacity if we include storage in there. I never ever lost any real fight, I didn't died just once!!! Even Rawk Hawk couldn't push me that far and he was almost able to K.Omy little Yoshi friend I cutely named Yoshigon, combining Yoshi with the last syllbes of Sargon's name, the protagonist of Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, since both of them are young, hot-headed warriors trained by skilled masters, in Yoshigon's case, it's a he, Mario!!! Ahem...With the additon of most commands being rather easy to perform, unless you also want to master Multibounce and Power Bounce with max appeal, you really have a rather easy time, and that is ok, too, since good games don't need to be hard, but fun. So, this is not the game to flex too much your skills with unless you mastered every single attack...but maybe I am too overconfident, and the game will surprise me.
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The exploration side was also a rather fun endaevor, even if I wished there was a way to mark all places you cannot explore right now with an in-game feature, as making screen shots on my Switch is not super duper funny. Still the game has a lot of value in the exploration side, since the puzzles are hard enough to be engaging and not too much of a shore to deal with, even if I was a bit confused at times, luckily my teamates helped me via tips to finish the harder ones. They are also good at showcasing the new abilities and advantages you get with new gears, powers and teamates who can help you with places that seem intraversable, by making you be placed in those situations and thus get a feel as to how and when you need these powers like the grids in the Hooktail Castle or the X-marked places where you need to stomp, but only can do it once you have it. There many such places and I always see it as a good sign of game design to make the player clear when they need them by creating this sense of helplessness and confusion and then lifting it with a new ability, power or friend that helps you deal with it. Especially the whole quest within the Great Tree where the Punies live is one I enjoyed on this front the most as well as the Glitz Pit's dirty dealing, and...you know what I loved all the places...I will just mention a place where I really felt tested my mind the most, and that was the Great Tree where the Puni; You have to figure out how to lead a horde of these little Pikmin-like creatures into the dangerous dungeon in which they could get lost in should they fall into a chasm, as you need depending on your progression, a number of them to complete puzzles and open pathways, as this dungeon has locks that will only be openned when for instance 101 of these little fellas stand on the pedestal you place them there via placing a Puni orb on said pedestals to attract them. For instance I had them to cross two gaps by placing them there and have a teamate summon a gust of wind to push them into the gap, where a little water puddle is, to have them then be lift up as bubbles. Before this I have to remove the orb and place it to the pedestal on the side I want them there and after 2 more gusts, they entered the place I wanted them too. The Punies are also followed by what might be the most catchy track in the game so far, it gives me this huge Pikmin x Patapon vibe I love so much, here is the track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs1nnHXIr7A
Pikmin x Patapon crossover when?
However I felt that one puzzle wasn't obvious and that was the movable wall in the locker for lower level fighters in the Glitz Pit, as I needed to ask for advice to get in there, so I hope that better puzzles will come where I won't depend too much on this. With that said and being done, I loved the exploration and the new windows coming forth for me when I get new members and powers, I just wish it would be easier to keep track on them easier as to not miss them, soemthing like in PoP TLC, where you screenshot in game a place and memorize them. So all in all good riddles, even if some could be more obvious.
Now we come to the main meat, the Story
*** Mario RPG's have a good reputation with storytelling as it uses the most simple story and conflict in video gaming history as setting for some of the whackiest, funniest and most elegantly and gorgeously told stories within that silly Mario world of wonder and fun. They also adds dimensions to the world that few spin off from the Mario series can pull off and ultimately made us think and apprieciate the Plumber and his friends a little bit more and helped gaining many fans for him, as well as enriching our lives, such a game was Super Paper Mario to me, as it made me so engage seeing these characters put into new and wacky situations that forced them to adapt to this, like Mario having Peach at his side who is not always happy with everyone crushing on her and fighting back, Bowser having to work with mario despite wanting to grill him, and poor Luigi being treated like 2nd fiddle by everyone with him even being brainwashed and controlled by the final boss of the game, not unlike what will happen with Peach in the story of TTYD game...Yeah, spoilers...Anway the story is as follows, about getting the treasure of Rogueport underneath the city, where a Door, named the Thousand Years Door, is sealed, containing the mystery of the old town. You see, before Rogueport came into being, there was a burstling and thriving city that was destroyed in a dark, apocalpystic storm that saw the earth shook and the sky turn black within minutes and then...the city Vanished, and afterwards, a new city was built, Rogueport, above the ruins of that ancient civilization. Peach, wanting to escape her own castle stumbled on an old lady gifting her a box containing a treasure map and in her gullible curiosity, she did and got involved with the X-Nauts and captured. X-Nauts are a bunch never-do-wellers seeking that treasure as well. Mario came at the behest of Peach into this town and after saving a young woman, who wanted to research the ruins of Rogueport, from the the X-Nauts, they met with her professor and fond a treasure map containing info on the 7 Crystal Stars that can open the Thousand Years Door...So our adventures begins with us finding these Crystal Stars, uncovering the secrests of the door with twists and turns awaiting us.
However I wanna focus on the parts of the game I did enjoy the most and and express my most sincere of opinions:
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Mario TTYD is to me a very well made story so far with fun dialogue I can not perfectly remember, but can always rewatch, as I recorded that game, but the stuff I remember the most for instance, is ultimately the fun I had with Mario and his teamates, which is what I wanna focus most on here. You are not alone in this game and Mario is accompanied by some of the wierdest people in the Mario world, like the young woman we saved from the evil-doers. The cheerful and curious Goombella, a Goomba and archeology student. She is really smart and puckly with a golden heart as her Ponytail, putting aside the cliche as these Fungi beings of stupidity and evil, serving as the meat grinders for Bowser's army. Goombella is also really fun and I vibe with her curiosity of places and people a lot, like how she described a gatekeeper as really nice, or vibin with me and Mario on becoming Champions at the Glitz Pit and fighting our way here. She helps you in game with telling you who the NPC you can talk with is and even was perplexed by us asking her about Luigi, saying this is your brother, you should know him. She however is also good at giving detailed information on other characters and enemies, as she can tattle foes in battle and give you info on them with flavorful text, like how Vivian is really cute, even cuter than herself, which made her a bit jealous in the remake of her and not thinking much of the ParaKoopa just describing them as what they are; Koopas with Wings. Another I like is how she described often people like Mowz, a rogue Mowser as some wierdo that flirts too much with Mario, and jokes that she probably wants to just win the record of biggest flirt ever or the time she dissed the Goombas living below Rogueport, after they treatened us, as stinky with their manners as the sewer they live in, as they probably got it from there!!! Point is, she is fun and really valuable due to her knowledge and I always have her first in my battles. Though my memories aren't perfect, rewatching my gameplay, will help recover some of it. I just love how they made a species of these grunts being so multifaceted beings with their own goals and affiliations. The other Goomba NPC's no affliliated with Bowser, and Goombella's professor Frankly, another Goomba, helps breaks these sterotypes as well. Thus Goombella, a Goomba is one of us, and not just praising Mario as world famous hero, but even fighting against Bowser, who I will get later in too. Goombella is to me Rabbid Peach, if she studied Archeology and wasn't into being an influencer.
After aquiring the Treasure map, we venture into Petalburg to find the first Cyrstal Star, Koops is a Koopa, a young lad that wants to aid us in our Quest to find the Dragon that took his Papa's life, that Dragon being Hooktail, the ruler of Hooktail Castle. She terrorized the village of Petalburg and kidnapped many villagers. Koops grew up without his Pa and has become rather timid, until he had enough and when he saw Mario in action, he gained the courage to challenge his Father's kiler, and wants to fight for his Girlfriend Koopie, who doesn't want him to proof himself like this...she likes him the way he is and wants him alive, but he won't bunge! Upon challenging and defeating that Dragon, we find out that his dad is still alive and well, due to Koopa shells being super durable, they can even survive decades long exposure to Dragon Stomach Acid...ew...anyway the Dragon is dead I since I found her death a bit funny, and I really wanna take revenge for Koops, I headcanon Hooktail's ultimate fate like this:
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Yeah, vengeance is delicious...anyway we get the Crystal star and Koops decided to join us and help us out in our quest to save Peach. He is rather simple, but really cool and again, breaks like Goombella stereotypes of Koopa as weak-imbeciles serving Bowser, and having real connections and family...Koopa are really interesing it seems. Just with Goobella, he helps to add novelties in these rather simple species and his overall charming looks and personality with these cool connections, makes him really awesome!!! I love him! His Shell Guard and shell tosses are really powerful weapons and I relied on him more to deal damage than most members, as he can target more than one enemy. Anyway He is not the only member and we have another one I really like, despite me not expecting it!
Enter the glamorous and poise Flurrie, a Wind Ghost once famous as an actress in Rogueport until she had enough of that lifestyle and decded to live in the Boggly Woods to have a less tumultuous life and a more chill one. She begins her debut after we find her lost Necklace back after it was robbed of her by the Three Shadow Sirens (called just Three Shadows). These Shadows being send by the X-Nauts to terminate Mario, all the while gushing at how hot he is, to them I will get later, just now they existed and were a thing. With her ability to create Gust,we could pass through the Secret entrance to the Great Tree in the Boggly Woods, where the Puni named Punio asked for help, after the X-Nauts invaded his home and took Great tree for themselves. She is surprisingly nuanced in her positon despite being a bit too vain to leave her necklace, her past as a influencer and sometimes her flirty nature really added some humor, especially when Mario attracts several women in this game...Mario is after all a superhero, that helps with the ladies I guess. Anyway what is not vain is her love for the Punies who adore her singing and wants to protect her neightbors from these invaders. She ultimately helped us and her abilities are all good, especially her gust instant killling foes, her body slam being reliable and her draining kiss hurting and healing her. She is pretty much Flying/Fairy type and I find her amusing, especially when it comes to her views on the show life and her showing interest in Mario...which alwas cracks me up and makes me happy, since Mario is someone I really love, I even cosplayed as him, just ask my friends! We get in the Great Tree our 2nd Crystal Star.
Then there is a member I do really love and that is the Baby Yoshi you get in Glitzville, where we protect him from becoming food for Mr.Hoggle's most famous Hot Dog stand. That Yoshi hatched and I named him Yoshigon, as I already explained, by combining Yoshi and Sargon into one name; Yoshigon. Like the Immortal Sargon from Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, he is a hot-headed young warrior and I love that kid. He is soo cute and feisty, he challenges everyone and his skills are the most easy to learn and pull off, even if I messed it up nearly with him against Rawk Hawk. But We Rawked that Bird and his skills proved invaluable against that boss who used a Crystal Star against us, but he was a joke...unlike Yoshigon, who just shred them to pieces!
The interaction with these characters is always a pleasure to be had and they aren't the only thing I really love about this game.
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Peach being kidnapped might be a cliche, but the absurdity of her being held captive with an unlikely ally being here to help her. TEC, the main computer of the X-Nauts HQ, who fell in love with Peach at first sight and wants to learn from her what it means. Despite how absurd it sounds, I found it somewhat funny and endearing, even if Peach had to play along to get on his good side. It is somewhat wierd to revive such a story in 2024 where we want to get away of such dangerous romances with damsels where they googly-eyed someone and used them to escape, as it puts Peach in the "I can fix him" type, but it is cliche and I hope it has a good conclusion that isn't...creepy. And I hope no one uses this to manipulate him into becoming possessive of Peach by making him consumed with fear of rejection too much, we have a world already polluted with such unhealty views on romance and jerks incapable of taking it. I had been once in love and was rejected, it was not so hard to turn into a monster, so I hope no one polludes him!
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And speaking of such jerks, Bowser really is at his best here when he is pathetic and wants Peach so much he picks fights with everyone around him and even got beaten by Mario in the most random fight ever, only to, predicably lose. I love that Bowser who can be somewhat intiminating and still be pathetic.
What is also pathetic are the Shadow Sirens led by Beldam, one of the most incompetent leaders I have ever seen, who blames her younger sister Vivian for everything wrong with her plans and for mistakes Beldam actually made, like losing the poster of Mario, which costed them precious time to find him. I feel bad for Vivian, I wanna see her stand up to Beldam, cuz Beldam sucks really. I have a foundness for these characters as they are charming and give me the comical villain trio vibe who can't do anything right from all the cartoons I saw and as a Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope fan, they are to me the precursors of the Spark Hunters, especially when one of them, like Vivian will, joined us. I am talking about Edge, who is not just a better leader than Beldam could ever hope to be, but also my favourite Mario character and Vivian as her predessesor, has a great place in my heart. What also I see at the heart of TTYD is a theme of love between family, let us think about it:
We first encountered a Koopa family that was reunited after the son defeated an evil Dragon, then we encountered the Puny Punio who cares deeply for his younger sister, Petuni, who was held in in captivity by the X-Nauts. After freeing her and the other Punies, she embraced her older brother Punio and gifted him a dried Mushroom that tasted awfully, but he still ate it with love for his sister in contrast to Beldam abusing and gaslighting Vivian into taking blame for the mistakes her older sister made. Another contrast is with Jolene, the secretary of Grubble, who leads the Glitz Pit league, having worked under cover to figure out what happened to the previous champion of Glitz Pit, her younger brother Prince Mush. They were both poor, but Mush did anything for his older sister and his parents and became a pro-fighter to help them, only to be killed by Grubble, whom's secret he found out, namely using the Crystal Star to drain from the Arena the power of all fighters to maintain his strong body, as he was once a pro-fighter. Rawk Hawk has since then taken the title of champion and is a massive cheater, who even tried to make us forfeit by locking us up in the Locker for the minor league, with the backing of Grubble of course. After both were beaten, the Crystal Star resonates with Jolene's love for her little brother and Mush returned to life, and thus reuniting the two sibling via love...it seems that the Crystal Star reacts to emotions like these and if love can really do it, then it makes sense for Peach to help Tec with love, in order to save the world, as that machine could realize the errors of his ways this, well, way. Maybe Vivian needs that love in order to get out of that hole with Beldam, whom I wanna finish with a Earth Power and some stomping. Peach I hope will get a more satifsying role than being the crush of a machine, this isn't All Tomorrows, this is Mario!
Luigi gets once again the short stick in the end, as he is a confirmed liar and no help at all...no wonder Dimentio claimed you, you are embarrassing before Nintendo grew to like you more...and I love modern Luigi far more than this version, especially Movie Luigi!!!
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Anyway this concludes my first impressions and I hope the game doesn't dissapoint me from here, tell me your thoughts here on tumblr or twitter, see ya then, and bye!
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do you/did you play arcana twilight?
Played it very briefly but couldn't get into it. The homescreen/gameplay reminded me, so much, of om! that it just made me want to play om! instead
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strawpez · 2 months
Short Intro
→ this is my first time making an introductory post.
- you may call me ; Sofi, Pez, Pia, or anything else you wanna call me ^_^
- pronouns ; She/Her but any pronouns will do
- I'm 20 y.o, filipino (🇵🇭). I am extremely uncooperative at group activities during highschool. I get easily pissed off. I have ASPD, Please don't send me any of those donation things to people because I AM BROKE as fuck (because I spend my money on merch) and I lack empathy to care enough (I'm gonna get controversial for this I kind of feel sorry about that)
- Birthday : July 13
- social medias ; ↓↓
Discord ; Amonstrawpez || Roblox ; Pinky_pie816 / strawberry_pie816 (voice chat account) || Tiktok ; Strawpez || Instagram ; Strawpez ||
- ★ feel free to ask me anything, asks are always open— although i can't guarantee I reply immediately, but i respond!
If you own any of the pixel dividers in this post, please comment/dm me if you want credit because i forgot which blog i took it from<3
Fandoms i am in ;
Arcana Twilight || Detention (movie AND game) || Twisted Wonderland || Obey me NB/SWD || What in Hell is Bad? || Cum & Gun (only playing this game because i like the gameplay (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) || Skullgirls || Cookie run Ovenbreak/Kingdom/Puzzle world || Konami Oreca Battle || Kill la Kill || Owari No Seraph/Seraph of the end || Doki Doki/Love Unholyc/Class || etc..
(colored = dead/unactive fandoms) :3
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Useless stuff: Fav Characters from each fandom, random ass notes, etc.. or idk actually
whb ; Amon, Barbatos, Glasyalabolas, Foras, Leviathan, Lucifer
Love Unholyc ; Leo
Twisted Wonderland ; Vil & Rook
Obey me ; Solomon, Satan, Belphie, Barbatos, Lucifer
Arcana twilight ; Sirius & Alpheratz
Kill la Kill ; Ryuko Matoi
SoTE/Seraph of the end ; Krul Tepes
Oreca Battle ; Bubble mage Powan
Skullgirls ; Umbrella, Fukua & Filia
Cookie Run Ovenbreak ; Timekeeper Cookie :3333 (I used to dedicate this tumblr account to Timekeeper, That's why my ask page title is literally "Time Travel ★") & WIND ARCHER COOKIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Come home bb its been 400 pulls PLEASE
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jeschalynn · 2 years
Arcana Twilight Guide: Affection
Where to find affection ranks for each Sorcerer:
You can check the affection levels for Sorcerers under Calls tab > Contacts
This also displays Sorcerers that have new premium chats and phone calls available
You can also view affection levels in the Dressroom under the Affection tab
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How to earn affection:
Correct actions/items given to Sorcerers after battles
Note: you won't get SOS interactions from battles that you skip/auto-clear
Correct actions/items given to Sorcerers on the home screen
Purchasing premium chats and phone calls with Story Keys
Most to Least affection earned: Purchasing Premium Calls/Chats > SOS correct items given > SOS correct actions
The weekend event Love Horoscope increases affection points earned by 2x.
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Battle Tip
Create a team with up to three Sorcerers you want to increase affection with since one of them will be randomly chosen for SOS afterwards
OR you can solo easy Stage 1 battles with a single Sorcerer of your choice
Example: level 40 SR card of Arcturus can easily solo these battles on his own which is great because I don't have any SSR Sorcerer cards of him QQ
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What affection is used for:
Unlocking chats/calls with specific affection level requirements
Unlocking Diary entries for obtained SSR cards
Completing Sorcerer Missions that award gold and gems
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Relevant Guides:
Arcana Twilight SOS Action Guide // Arcana Twilight SOS Item Guide
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ryxmix · 2 years
Why you should play arcana twilight:
Though gameplay is like obey me, and it does seem to take that mc plot at first, the plot gets much better and interesting as you proceed. Especially with certain characters and interactions, i have to say it has me hooked!
Hot red flag man who tried to kill mc once but care make brain go brr rail me nice hands kaeya man ❤️
The man in question:
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syun0acute · 2 years
Short Review: Magic!And the Boys Who Love Me
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Decided to do a short intro and review as there aren't much info available on this game. I actually found this game on a Facebook ad video. The fantasy element of it caught my attention and I decided to play it.
The gameplay is similar to Obey Me! and Arcana Twilight. There are Story Chapters (partially voiced), fights stages (level up your cards to skip battles!), gacha elements (with SSR cards being the strongest), daily quests, weekly quests, gift-giving to characters, etc.
Here are the character details:
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Gifts can be given to increase intimacy levels. You can interact up to 10 times daily. Higher intimacy levels unlocks more voice lines of the character. There will be more outfits available for the characters in the future. You can interact with all the characters above except for Alistair (green-haired guy, the one I wanted to interact with orz).
The game has three playable Chapters in Story so far (The Contents seemed to show 18 Chapters in total). All the characters above have made an appearance except for Alistair.
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The storyline so far is similar to Arcana Twilight, where the MC, with dormant magic, is sent to a Magic World and is accepted to study in the College of Magic Studies, and the MC do not belong in any of the four houses. So far, the MC has lots of interaction with Leonis (blond guy). Trigger Warning: There are parts where MC gets bullied and character death.
Now, allow me to brag about the two SSR cards I got from the Gacha lol. I managed to get one of Leonis and Alistair's SSR cards. Here are the images of their before and after evolved cards:
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You can unlock phone chats and evolve the cards in the Talent section. Similar to Obey Me! and Arcana Twilight, you'll need to grind items to make the cards stronger. I managed to unlock one of Leonis' Phone Chat, but it seemed to give me a phone chat with Oz. I'm still not sure if the Phone Chats of cards are with different characters, I will have to try unlocking Alistair's Phone Chat to confirm this.
Overall, I do love the story so far and am looking forward to more updates (hopefully meeting Alistair and being able to interact with him). I also love the graphics and illustrations of the cards! Since I have completed all three chapters, I am currently just grinding items for the cards. Hope this short intro/review/rant of mine is helpful!
Download the game here: Android and APK
Update: They are now on Tumblr @magicandtheboyswholoveme ! 🎉
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belsdoll · 2 years
Arcana Twilight is very similar to Obey Me gameplay and mechanic wise. Like literally the "can i copy your homework" meme. Yet the story in Arcana Twilight has me more engaged in it than Obey Me and Sirius, Pollux, and Vega got me feeling things.
Just hope there's no time travel bs like Obey Me. I'm only on chapter 4 but yeah.
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What if last legacy MC joined the dark side with rime? Had this piece of work for a while and decided to give some drabble and angst with Rime x MC.
Caution: There is mention of attempts at self-harm or suicide by MC cliff diving. (Kinda similar to the scene with belle in twilight in New Moon). Cussing and self-reflection. DO NOT FOLLOW ANY HARMFUL ACTIONS these characters do or say. If you are struggling with personal stuff or topics please seek the proper help or comfort.
Please note: I will do requests for Last Legacy, Arcana, Obey Me, and more. And will post a list of what I accept or don't accept. For future reference I will not mention suicide or self-harm anymore this was a one-time thing I wrote when last legacy first began. Furthermore, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
It felt soothing to feel the cold night breeze brush my skin as my senses intensified well into the night. The moon was a sparkle of never-ending twilight; which to me came across, as a broken sphere in the dark sky. Going for walks in the nearby forest was endless serenity, so I decided to do something different, to be more open to outdoor activities. Weird to not procrastinate and be motivated to stick with something. (Good job me.)Stuck in between a game and reality that's risky, mysterious, and time-consuming still ravish my mental state. I loop the events that lead up to this moment of predominant period. To others, it would be horrific but to me, it is thriller gameplay as a devoted fan of the Last Legacy series. 
Porrima's noises are heard as a whisper, as opposed to the waves crashing against the rocky landscape. Looking down at my feet, I couldn't resist the thought of, "What if….?"
 (If I never touched the astrolabe and someone else did? Or Rime never perished by the Lord of Shadows? What the Star sworn think of me now? What do my family and friends believe I took off towards? Does Felix hate me for breaking my promise to him? I never should have left them alone.) 
"You would think after losing your life several times to me, it would be smart to NOT relax at a ridge. When anyone could nudge your insignificant tiny self off... at any moment.", at that cold statement I swivel my head to see only Rime walking out of the shadows of greenery. 
Rolling my eyes I dismiss him, instead, I plant myself at the end of the ridge and kick my feet to a tune I hum subconsciously. Only to be a forgotten lullaby. Silence fills the air as the tension festers about to boil over and burn my nostrils with the acrid smell. "Loneliness doesn't look good on you,  Starlight. Matter of fact-...!?" I cut him off with a sneer, narrowing my eyes at him.
"What do you want from me?
 I gave you everything back, betrayed and manipulated my friends- …. the heroes of the story. Joined the "stupid" Griefers just to shut you and the SHADOW jackass up. You once said you detested my existence before, whatever, reason you attained to push me down even more. Save it, Bambi! I got my karma!! Now go kiss the Lord of Shadows ass, while it's still cold before he burns your tongue!" I huff as my face heats up and tears threaten to slip down my face. His face doesn't even flinch at my outburst, merely his  stare is enough to make me break my gaze. 
I lick my chapped lips, biting down to hold in a growl. All I can do now is collapse on my back to look up into the ominous star-lit sky. Breathing is easy to do, except, ….. honestly living life to the fullest. I lay there in the empty landscape with silence all around waiting for a heartless response. Nothing. (No snide comment?)
Unexpectedly, I whirl my head to the left only to see him in the moonlight looking toward the horizon. His features are flawless (sadly for me he hasn't changed since we were kids) my watery eyes scan his cleancut smooth face; of course it curves more at this angle. From his strands of white intertwined with pink or reddish tamed hair as it hovers at his shoulders; to the scar fleshed skin he exposes, yet rarely looks to. His soft voice startles me when he speaks in a composed tone, "Do you believe in Fate, itself?"
I sigh and bite my bottom lip, "A little bit." 
"Would you still believe in fate if it held unimaginable nightmares waiting for you on the other side?" He gazes down at me with, such intensity I can't help but swallow any answer I held on my tongue. He smirks when he notices I recoil from giving him a straight answer. "You are right. I can not stand your stubborn ass. Although, when you scream like that I can not help... but notice only you, Mc." Our eyes stay locked in a pensive state that burns my sense of judgment. The thought of sharing a moment with a psychopathic Deer makes me shudder with….I don't know this feeling. I've noticed we're merely inches apart as I set my gaze on his passionate manic expression. My breathe hitches a tiny bit clenching in my throat for a means to escape. He notices I've gone silent now when he reaches to lift my chin up between his cold palm. (Was he always this cocky to get what he wants?) He smells like whipped vanilla and feels like death is all around; except, he makes me feel like I don't need to be fixed. Then I remember everything the world were stuck in has become from our mistakes. It's too much for me as I burst out cackling like a madman. Spit must have left my mouth because he backpedals away from me in one move. 
"The Hells is so funny?!", his fluffy brown and spotted white ears twitch a little to his clear annoyance and confusion to my laughter. For some odd reason, I end up coughing in a fit of giggles to choke on my saliva. Through my watery eyes, I can see his scrunched-up expression of a pout. After a few seconds of breathing hard, I lift my body to lean forward. Wiping tears away I spit out, "The look you gave me was pure hatred, fascination, and lust that I couldn't help but laugh at our situation!" His expression turns back to a serene look. "You still aren't scared of me yet?! Guess, I have to come up with ways to torture you till you shatter!" He gets up stretching every joint he has within himself. 
"Are you going to leave then?", looking up at him to receive a "tsk" surrender from his lips. "First you want me gone. Then you try to kiss me. Right after that you laugh at nonsense. Now you want me to stay. Is it madness or stupidity?" Still, he doesn't leave when I maneuver to stand up at my full height. The wind picks up that sends shivers down my backbone awakening all my nerves.
 "The world is cruel, Mc, do not let its second of calmness fool you into a state of false hope for a future", the words he speaks are like ice pricks to my chest. His voice, bitter with each word he confesses to me.
 "Then why not go back to the Starsworn with me? Since everything to you and I is either taken from us or gone" a say this rubbing my hands together to create a warming sensation to my frosty fingers. 
Licking my blue lips I suggest to him, "You're a grown-ass man. Deal with it or apologize like a man...or buck."
"It's not simple to abandon a plan already set into motion. There are enemies in every corner, higher beings controlling the narrative, power taken from one by another." He pauses to stare at me for a second raising an eyebrow. "And then there's Gremlins like yourself with a relic you don't have a clue how to use or deserve….yet." 
"Rude! I guess I deserve it. Still, rude coming from Rudolph the red nose reindeer.", I bark after whacking him on his shoulders, nearly leaving a red mark on his caramel skin. He doesn't budge to my demise.
He continues with a sad expression he rarely shows, "the choices I made can not be changed or ignored. Life goes on and on; until one is to think about the ending one receives. 
No matter the wins, losses, or love I have gained was to only be left with nothing." His features start to darken with each passing second.
"Death was an ending…..    
                      ….  My friends, my family, felix disregarded the fact I still lived on within their hearts!!                         ……..And; however, ….he suffocates on the last words. His freckled features scrunching bit by bit as his magic spills from him like inky spirals of his anger. I can see black flames burst around us creating a hex underneath our feet to ignite with each breathe he takes. My heart shatters as I notice with my chaotic magic the blackened heart he has been caring for salvation with his thoughts and emotions. More than anything I want to reach toward him and hug my old companion who seems to have forgotten our past friendship. (He deserves to be free from this sick experiment.)
             How come you were enough? 
And I wasn't?"
His words clamp around my heart and soul that shatter beyond my imagination. This moment stays between us, two damaged people, with no hero insight to save them. Nothing I say or do can fix the situation we put ourselves into at the minute. Peering at him I can see him breathing hard; although, he is too prideful to admit his true emotions. To which my body maneuvers past his corrupted magic to the ledge of the cliff. He looks at me with narrowed red-silvered pupils, but it never stops the words from leaving my mouth. 
"No one can replace you, Rime. No matter what happens. They may see you as an enemy, but in my heart-of-hearts I know Felix, Anisa, …..and Sage; nevertheless, cherish you in any form you would reach out and take now. Yes, you hurt them, beat them, and tried to seek vengeance. Reasonably, you have a family confrontation to face, you have a chance to fix it unlike me. Please, don't waste it."
Warning: If uncomfortable with this part please skip over.
The words hang in the atmosphere when the world dips in my perspective to which I decline off the rocky cliff. Stars burn luminous colors in my eyes to the point of my water ducts defying my sense to see…anything but blurs of color. Gravity pulling my core down towards the rocky tides hone my mind to inhale a breath of fresh air. Soon as I hit the water it thrashes my body into sharp cut rocks. Every inch of my nervous system screams pain, either from the frigid saltwater or scraps coating my skin. Air breaks between my unsealed lips where water seeps within my lungs. I close my eyelids to accept my fate all too hastily.
Proceed with reading.
Until something wraps around my torso leading me up to the surface of the ocean. My eyes snap to the one thing holding me above the waves of Porrima. (Rime?!) Coughing saltwater out of my mouth I let him drag us both to the sandy littered shore. (He saved me for what reason? Does he want to personally take me out with his own hands? Or do something even worse to me?)
Right, when the pain subsides a little I lean my head towards his hovering figure now dripping wet. "You shouldn't…", before I can speak more he covers my mouth with his hand. "Why are you crazy!! Saying foolish stuff, only to just fall off a ledge! After our first encounter, you would think to STAY. AWAY. FROM. EDGES!!" His scarred fleshed chest heaves with every breath he takes as he removes his hand to wipe over his soaked face. No matter his temper he checks my face with a look of concern/irritation who knows at this point. He sits me up slowly with his hand still rubbing circles on my upper backside. 
"Well look on the bright side", I heave a breathy sigh. I look up at him with a wicked grin.
He rolls his red-pinkish eyes as he slumps his forehead against mine. "I wasn't aware there was any bright side." He sighs as he can only ask one thing. 
…………."Which is?"...........
"I can finally confess I was saved by a psychotic deer with an urge of vengeance", I pause. "Maybe a "good-looking, dripping hot" deer…?!"
After I said that he just gets up steadily to pull me on my soaked toes. He turns to walk away. Without turning in his soaked see-through silk clothes he waves his hand to open a portal. His silky voice drips in a sullen tone, "Hurry up, Mc. I don't have all night to dry us both off before sunrise." I stand but not before asking, "Perfect, you know a dry-off spell?" His head swivels to stop and stare at my wet complexion, in his most infamous grin, narrowed eyes, and as his ears perk. "I was reckoning we take turns heating each other up to get a feel of each other first." Chuckling at my red-tinted face he goes into the portal as I stand star-struck. Till I eventually follow behind to an infinite adventure ahead for us to discover together in the meantime of our temporary truce.
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moeradoezstuff · 2 years
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My thoughts about the game so far:
•The characters are gorgeous especially Sirius in my opinion I have a thing for dark skinned anime men and ladies
•the gameplay concept is pretty much similar to obey me's which makes it easier for me to understand to be honest
•loving the story so far!
• And I love the background art especially
•although this game is still new and still needs development I am enjoying my experience so far!
I can't wait to see more of arcana twilight! Besides all the other game storytaco inc. has created this is one of the best so far from what I can see!
Can't wait for more updates and development and improvements!
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This War of Mine v APK + OBB (MOD, Unlocked All DLC) Download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 This War of Mine is an intense adventure game that immerses players in traumatic stories with unique storytelling and beyond all conventional means. It also uses the traumatic war scene to convey moments of people in the direst situations possible. Because of that, players must always fight an inner war and prioritize the necessary things to keep the happiest things by their side. The gameplay essence of This War of Mine is unique in that it utilizes story-driven elements to bring people high-quality stories across a series of scenarios. However, as the plot deepens, many painful elements will appear but gradually enrich everything in different directions for players to enjoy. That includes gathering resources from the environment or rubble that the player can interact with at close range no matter how much time it takes. Through it, they can craft, handle resources, and use them in the most critical cases. Therefore, players must always make risky decisions when they cannot predict every outcome from each character and even create many dangers in the future. Many significant changes will occur based on their decisions, and they will always leave the most profound impressions in the gameplay experience. Some situations will help players escape from the most difficult situations but can help them navigate around smoothly and quickly. It also allows them to interact with many characters directly and escape from nightmares or potential threats to the family. Besides interacting with the environment, This War of Mine also applies a survival element where the player must stay hydrated, full, and relaxed for best performance. That also applies to companions, forcing the player to always look for food or essentials to overcome any tribulation in times of war. The long-term interaction and diverse perspectives of the main character will always be useful information for everyone to have their ways to interact with each individual. You are now ready to download This War of Mine for free. Here are some notes:. This War of Mine v1. Explore this article. A beautiful story with an intriguing narrative to lead players into deep immersion while traveling with an honorable father figure with his family. Interactive environment for realistic gameplay while navigating players through chaotic and horrifying situations in a war-enveloping age. Maintain personal status to proceed further in the storyline, and even keep the family safe with everything found in the surroundings or trading. Tremendous affections upon choices by interacting with the NPC or other people in the area with hidden risky choices that affect the entire operations. COM on Telegram channel. This War of Mine: Stories 1. Full Game. Idle Egg Factory 1. Free Rewards. Stickman Ragdoll Playground 0. No ADS. Tap Tap Builder 5. Free Shopping. Gold and Goblins 1. Animal Revolt Battle Simulator 1. Unlimited Money. My Dear Farm 1. Fashion Show 2. Weak Enemy. KahaniBox 1. Free Premium Choices. Egg, Inc. Virtual Slime 4. Unlocked All Props. Arcana Twilight 1. God Mode, One Hit. Send Comment.
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shunkipper-blog · 8 years
lost ark
Perdu Ark est un MMORPG d’action magnifique de Smilegate, les responsables du tireur CrossFire free-to-play, et trépieds Studios. Ce jeu a causé tout un émoi quand il a été révélé au cours de G-Star 2014, salué comme étant le jeu qui est les joueurs Diablo MMORPG ont attendu. Avec près de 20 classes annoncées, un système de trépied qui permet de combos complexes lost ark et variés spécifiques pour chaque caractère, une action de combat qui est de loin quelques-uns des plus excitants que vous verrez jamais dans un MMO, et les événements du monde ouvert, ceci est un jeu qui est aussi belle que vaste. Arche perdue est beaucoup plus qu’un hack multijoueur simple et slash de jeu; ceci est un MMORPG à part entière avec une grande carte du monde à explorer et beaucoup de choses à faire en plus de la suite de l’histoire principale, qui dit que le monde du jeu est envahi par les démons, avec des portes de chaos aléatoires qui sont utilisés pour traverser et aussi fonctionner comme ouverte événements mondiaux appelés classe crise mondiale, où les joueurs doivent se battre ensemble pour vaincre les envahisseurs. Certaines des classes comprennent le Maître de combat, Diable Hunter, Arcana ou Berserker, chacun offrant un genre très distinct de gameplay. Certains sont meilleurs au combat de mêlée, d’autres préfèrent utiliser la magie, tandis que quelques-uns vont pour les tactiques de longue portée. Le système de trépied joue un grand rôle dans la façon dont votre personnage fait face aux batailles, permettant plusieurs combos et de personnalisation qui apportent une valeur de relecture supplémentaire pour le jeu. Par exemple, le Maître de combat est en mesure de choisir un élément (la terre, le feu, l’eau ou l’air), de l’utiliser plusieurs fois et même d’augmenter la zone d’effet. Outre les quêtes, il existe de nombreuses activités telles que la pêche, l’artisanat, l’exploitation minière, de boire et de jeux de cartes, des décisions morales à prendre (sauver un homme ou le laisser mourir), des quêtes cachées, comme celui que vous pouvez trouver en écoute, parmi beaucoup d’autres des choses. Les Raids gardiens sont régulièrement impressionnant et exigent une sorte de travail d’équipe pour amener la créature vers le bas, ainsi que la sensibilisation à votre environnement et les éléments qui peuvent être utilisés. Enfin, l’expérience de donjon cinématographique rend l’action beaucoup plus excitant, avec tous les angles de caméra selon l’invention et le sens de l’urgence. Il y a aussi un colisée pour le combat PvP. Arche perdue est l’un des jeux les plus intéressants que nous ayons jamais vu et il est recommandé non seulement pour tous les fans de Diablo, mais pour tous les fans de MMORPG unique. Entre Arche perdue et Lineage Eternal: Résistance de Twilight, il est proche sur impossible de choisir un seul match.
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