#arcane Greyson
sage-nebula · 20 days
In season 1, Powder/Jinx was viewed by most as a screw-up, and a monster.
In season 2, Jinx will be viewed by most as a monster, and a revolutionary symbol.
In neither season did the majority opinion see her as a person. Those who did care about her as a person — Vander, Vi, Ekko (though he tried hard not to in arcs 2 & 3), and Silco, in that order — were heavily outnumbered by those who only saw her as the consequences of her actions, and not the eccentric, brilliant, but heavily traumatized and mentally ill girl she actually was.
There are some people who are angry that she is being seen as a revolutionary or peaceful symbol in Zaun. "It should be Vi!" they say. "How could they do this to Ekko?!" But here is what those people are missing:
Symbols are not people. They are iconography. A symbol can last long, long after its origin has died. Hence why doves are symbols; they can die fast, but their paintings last forever. This means that it does not matter at all to Zaun what happens to Jinx, in any way, once she is their symbol; even if she dies, that just makes her a martyr. Even better if it's an enforcer that kills her. (I could see Sevika arranging that.)
Jinx is just as alone now as she ever was. Symbols need to stay pure. Meaning that Jinx's off-color jokes and wild actions will need to be short leashed or she could risk losing that status. Even IF she feels this gives her community, she'll lose that real fast.
This is not the face of a girl who feels she is among friends:
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And that is simply because she isn't. They don't know her. They don't need to know her. They need her to do her part (be the face on the murals, the martyr when we need it) and that's it. Jinx's action of blowing up the council was loved. But Jinx herself? No.
This is not an enviable position and it isn't going to benefit her, at least not in terms of her mental wellbeing. Jinx needs real unconditional love and support—what she got from Silco in his final moments, not the empty veneration of the masses who view her as an icon rather than a human being.
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lbulldesigns · 5 months
UPDATE (1 Month Later): AITAH For accusing my former best friend of trying to break up my relationship, and promptly ending our thirteen-year-long friendship?
Posted June 20th, 2021
TDLR: I (18M) allowed himself to get gaslit into believing that my best friend of 13 years was being toxic and possessive, and threw said friendship away without a second thought. And realized, too late, how stupid and rash I was being and now can't make things right because she ran away from home.
It's been a month since I last posted here, and have been getting comments asking for an update. I initially decided to not post here anymore, but figured that the people who showed genuine concern for Pow deserved an update.
Sorry for the silence, the past month has been emotionally taxing, to say the least, I'll try and keep this post short but fear it might be long.
So my last update ended with me at an Enforcers station with Pow's family, Van had managed to get hold of his best friend, who is also Pow, and Daisy's maternal uncle, to inform him and his wife about Pow's disappearance. The uncle appeared at the station shortly after getting off his flight, the two were on vacation and came home as soon as they found out Pow was gone, and went straight to the Enforcer at the front desk and just hands him a piece of paper.
I don't know what was on that paper, but suddenly the officer was super cooperative and calling the sheriff down to meet us.
There was a lot of back and forth between everyone, I honestly wasn't paying attention. But the uncle wasn't happy with how the whole situation was being handled, he was incensed with Van for not making sure Pow was where he expected her to be sooner, and was snappy with Daisy (for reasons I wasn't privy to).
He then turned his anger onto me and started interrogating me on how foolish I was and he wasn't pulling his punches, this man has a sharp tongue and a talent to hit where it hurts the most. He only stopped when his wife put a hand on his arm and just gave him a look, she then gave me a pitying look and he decided he was done with me then and there.
Long story short the sheriff stated that there was nothing they could legally do to search for Pow because she was 18 and had by all accounts left voluntarily, that they could put out a missing person for her in the hopes of performing a wellness check but considering she had gone home and taken some of her belongings and paperwork, the chances she'll hurt herself are slim and they couldn't waste resources looking for someone who doesn't want to be found.
We were confused for a second but then it was revealed that Cat, Daisy's GF, knows the sheriff (I didn't care to ask how) and had told her that her and Daisy had gone through Pow's room and found she had left her phone behind, as well as a note, and that some of her belongings were gone.
There was a lot of arguing going on at this point, mostly between Van and Daisy with him asking why she didn't say something to HIM earlier, but by this point I was checking out and only checked back in when Benny (my godfather) gently shook my shoulder to get my attention.
Everyone was looking at me, as if waiting for me to answer a question or something. Cat didn't say anything and handed Pow's phone to me, to show me something and what I saw made my whole body cold and numb.
There were chat logs between Pow and Kara, where Kara was being her "sweet self" and buddying up to Pow thanking her for her help with tutoring her for their science class. Apparently Pow was helping Kara with her studies because she was falling behind in science, and Kara was using this as an opportunity to become friends with Pow.
This would have been a good thing, except Kara was "helping" Pow realise her feelings for me, and encouraging her to confess her to me. She wasn't letting on that her and I were interested in each other, if anything she kept talking about me as if I were just an acquantance, a friend of a friend she says. I paid attention to the dates on every message and noticed when Pow finally decided to "take a leap of faith" and confess to me, was the same day Kara confessed she really liked me and asked if we could be offcial.
I felt sick and numb at the same time, I handed the phone back to Cat and then pulled my own out and unlocked it for everyone else to look through. I didn't say anything the whole time.
Everythign after that is a blur, everyone stood around talking but I didn't pay attention. Benny took me home but I didn't say anything. And when we got home, I just went to bed and didn't get out for a week.
Benny had called my school and told them that I was sick, and organised for my schoolwork to be delivered to my home so that I could catch up when I was feeling better. But I kinda just gave up on everything, my best friend was gone because of me and none of us could go look for her.
After a week, Clag (Pow's eldest brother) came into my room, took one look at me, sighed and then proceeded to fireman carry me out of my room and into the living room. Where Van, Daisy, and Zer were, to give me an intervention. They were worried for me and didn't want me to spiral further than I already was, Van told me that I made a dumb mistake but none of this was solely my fault, and that there were many contributing factors at play, and that giving up on everything wasn't going to help anyone let alone Pow.
I didn't fully believe him but a large weight had been taken off of my chest, Daisy said that she was there to talk at any point if I needed to and that she wasn't angry at me, she said that I was just as much a victim here as Pow, that the real person at fault was Kara.
I'll be honest I had completely forgotten about her at that point, and stupidly felt guilty for ignoring my GF before remembering that she was the drivng force behind everything. Suddenly I felt angry and sick all over again.
Zer noticed my change in mood and filled me in on what had happened at school, about how my friends and Kara had been planning on how to "get back" at Pow only for her to never turn up to school, and then I didn't turn up and wasn't picking up any of their calls.
She told me how she was in the girls toilets, hiding in one of the stalls trying to get hold of either me or Pow, when she heard Kara and her friends come in and listened to Kara bitching about how she couldn't get her "revenge" on that "blue haired bitch".
Kara had organised for half the school to meet up at the front of it, with half rotten tomatoes, ready to throw at Pow when she showed up. But she never did, and it spoilt the "fun" for Kara. One of her friends was being "comforting" and reminded Kara of the little gifts left in Pow's locker, Zer couldn't get a idea of what they emant because they were being vague.
One of the girls, apparently had an actual braincell and morsel of conscience, and asked if maybe Pow didn't actually know and if this wasn't a bit much. Kara actually groaned and said that "that was the point" and that everything worked out much better than she expected because of what a "simp" I am.
There are no words to describe how I'm feeling, even now. I want to say angry but that feels like an understatement, I probably shouldn't direct all my anger at Kara, I should never have been swayed, but the difference is that Kara had meticuosly planned this like a complete sociopath.
I wanted to get back at her, but I also did't want to be worse than her. So I did the only thing I could think of. I dumped her over text. I just said "I know everything. We're done" and then blocked her number, after saving screenshots of her messages. She never said anything obviously incrimidating, but I felt it was worth doing so anyway.
I also told Zer about the messages between Pow and Kara, and Zer just said "leave it to me". She also told me that she wanted to still stay friends, but that she wouldn't hold back in any ass whooping in the future if I got stupid again.
For now, Benny has organised for me to take an extended leave from school on the condition that I do all of my schooling online. He also organised with Pow's aunt for me to volunteer at the food drive and community centre she runs, I'm thankful for how much of a caring person she is. She adores Pow and is disappointed in me for my actions, but she's also a forgiving person and believes in second chances.
I'm sorry for the long post, this will be the last post I make about all of this. I wish that it could have ended with Pow coming home, and everything being well again but it isn't.
She's still gone, but knwing that she took money, clothes, and necessary paperwork with her makes me hopeful that she'll take care of herself. She's an incredibly intelligent person afterall, maybe one day I'll see her in collage or run into her on the street.
But until then, I'll work on myself. Better myself. And hopefully grow to be a better man, than I was a boy.
Thank you to everyone who simultaneuoly kicked some sense into me, and showed support throughout all of this.
Take care.
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space-blue · 1 year
Did Caitlyn ever realize Grayson was murdered by Silco? This could be a bonding moment between her and Vi, both lost adult figures in their lives to Silco. Caitlyn sharing more about her relationship with Grayson and her philosophy of "i use this gun to protect people" could change Vi's outlook on enforcers. Vi remembering Grayson's deal with Vander could lead her to think "if Vander could work with enforcers, I can too".
Hopefully season 2 builds more on this.
Did Vi realise that her parents were murdered by the Kiramman on the Council at the time? Did she learn the lab she attacked was a Kiramman lab? Does she know that Cait's mom was there, pushing for a bigger crackdown that resulted in Vander, Claggor, and Mylo's death, and ultimately her imprisonment in Stillwater without trial (which the Council gave no shit about)?
Would sharing a death in that one moment... Matter?
Silco killed Cait's mentor, and Cait's mom killed Cait's entire family, twice over. Yeesh.
This isn't the sort of bonding I'd like to see, because then I'd be yelling at my screen about all the other deaths being addressed too.
Vi says once that Enforcers killed her parents, and that's because she's upset at Enforcer Cait being callous. But the fact she went and laid into the bed of Councilor's Daughter Cait instead of also connecting enforcers to their bosses is one of the reasons I feel like the show did Vi dirty for Caitvi's sake.
I want to see mad dog Vi. I want Vi to align with enforcers because she's alienated all of Zaun. She sees them as Silco lovers, people who forgot her and moved on and allied themselves with Vander's killer. She could see them as weak and needing her protection, and they don't seem to WANT her, then she'll give it against their will if she must, working with the other people who police Zaun against its will.
I want Zaun to hate Vi for being Jinx's sister and having made everything worse with her return. I want Zaun to hate her for running around with a Councillor and nattering to the Council and being a rat and a snitch.
Because there's no other way now that I can see, since we can't change season 1. Vi's done what she's done. I'd rather see the more twisted Vi I wanted for season 1 in season 2 than never.
I'd hate for Vi to become a cop because she bonds over death with her cop girlfriend. It'd be her not engaging critically with anything that happened in her life. Who makes such woeful decisions on emotions alone?
Well, Vi, apparently. So it'd probably be in character. But I hope not. Or I hope it's treated as dark and complex, and not an uwu girlies bonding moment.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
Hey!! Hope ur day is going well!!
🎶✨️when u get this put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers 🎶✨️
but anyways...
3am - halsey
sharks - imagine dragons
dynasties and dystopia - arcane league of legends series sound track
bones - imagine dragons
athena - greyson chance
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chronicsyd · 4 months
ykw? I'm going to try to put this as calmly and nicely as i can... if i see One more person insinuate that Vi's the Sheriff and Caitlyn's taking over her mother's spot (in the possible case of Cassandra's death) I'm Going to lose it.
Because what in Either of those two scenarios makes sense? Caitlyn's Literal title in League is "Sheriff of Piltover" (yea i know that the devs have given liberties to Arcane switching up some things for Arcane to make sense but i Highly doubt they're letting them switch Caitlyn's title like that) not to mention that Caitlyn taking over Cassandra's place makes Absolutely no sense for Caitlyn's character. she has had Zero interest in following her mother's footsteps in the political field. in fact she Resents when Cassandra and Jayce meddle themselves into her life like that.
for the badge thing everyone keeps bringing up, i think it's just to show Vi's of a higher rank than others (like second in command like Marcus was to Greyson at the time in Act 1) and personally i think Caitlyn's outfit was Purposefully designed Not to have the sheriff badge thing on her chest like Greyson and Marcus did (like "this is a new era of enforcers thing" is what I'm getting at here) (or its just the normal badge like the one Caitlyn show's to Marcus in ep 7 of s1 just a different color or something, all I'm saying is yall are putting this way out of perspective)
My main point here is that Vi being sheriff makes zip, zero, nadda sense in the grand scheme of things. that's all.
(Also people to me bringing up Ekko's possible reaction to Vi being an Enforcer and saying "But he was cool with Caitlyn!" ...not really. like yea he probably respected her saying "this city needs healing" and that's why he agreed to help them, but to him an Enforcer's still an Enforcer. they weren't all buddy-buddy)
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fleurdelouve · 2 years
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Per the ingenious request from an anon, here are Black writers on Tumblr who write for the ship Fleur de Louve (aka SarahBucky) which involves a Black women!
The below information includes their blogs, whether they’re female or male writers, links to their ao3, and how many Fleur de Louve fics they current have posted.
This list is still in progress, so feel free to contact us if you’re Black and would like to be added to this list!
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 @rebellconquerer - female - AO3: rebellconquerer
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 7 fics
- Has also written for: Katara/Zuko, ATLA, Sam Wilson, Ayo, Queen Ramonda, Shuri, Sam Wilson
 @palettesofrenaissance - female - AO3: palettesofrenaissance
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 11 fics
- Has also written for: Black Panther, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Dr. Jason Wilkes, Michelle Jones, Spideychelle, Brunnhilde (Valkyrie from Thor), X-Men, Ava Starr (Ghost from Ant-Man), Gamora, Tyrone Johnson (from Cloak & Dagger), Liz Allan/Cindy Moon, Sam Wilson
 @btwxsixesandsevens - female - AO3: Sixes_and_Sevens
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 26 fics
- Has also written for: Ayo/Aneka, Black Panther, Janna/Rose Tico, Finn (from Star Wars), Jo/Drash, Dragon Age, Misty Knight, Sam Wilson, Star Wars
 @tllgrrl - female - AO3: NefertiriJones
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 48 fics
- Has also written for: Shuri, Okoye, Ayo, Sam Wilson, Misty Knight
 @duckybarnes1917 - female - AO3: DuckyBarnes1917
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: alleged wips
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, Original female character
@blackstarising - female - AO3: blackstarising
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, AJ Wilson, Cass Wilson
@hauntedelation - female - AO3: hauntedelation
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Sam Wilson, Original female characters, Black self insert
@w00wzerz - female - AO3: WOWJAY
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 2 fics
- Has also written for: Starfire/Dick Greyson (Dickkory) (from Titans), All Rise, Lola Carmichael, Lola Carmichael/Mark Callan, Lola Carmichael/Robin Taylor
@wakandacoconutoil - female - AO3: wakandacoconutoil
Current number of Fleur de Louve fics: 1 fics
- Has also written for: Mel Medarda, Mel/Jayce, Shuri, Black Panther, Arcane: League of Legends
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slutformelatonin · 5 months
My rules/ fandoms I will write for!
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Hello! I am Julia, I am a 20 y/o writer and AVID reader. I am apart of SOSOSOSO many fandoms! Here are fandoms I will write for. (Keep in mind that I am just getting started writing again. Please be patient and know that I am doing my best. I am still in uni so it may be hard doe me to upload as much as I'd like. Please please send me any and ALL requested for characters that seem appealing to you!!) But, here are some things I will NOT write for. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, stepcest, necrophilia, somnophilia. I am writing smut and all you'd have to do for a certain character is dm me or request it !;)
Harry Potter.
Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Wesley
George and Fred Wesley
Severus Snape
Luna lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Miguel O'hara
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Leia Skywalker
Padmé Amidalla
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han solo
Lando Calrissian
Kylo Ren
Diabolik lovers
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Kanato Sakamaki
Azusa Mukami
Shu Sakamaki
Kou Mukami
Yuma Mukami
Ruki Mukami
Yui Komori
Subaru Sakamaki
Carla Tsukinami
Kou Mukami
Shin Tsukinami
Natasha, Pierre And the great comet of 1812
Pierre Bezukhov
Natasha Rostova
Marya Dmitriyevna
Fedya Dolokhov
Anatole Kuragin
Angelica Schuyler
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
George III
Marquis De Lafayette
George Washington
Peggy Schuyler
Thomas Jefferson
John Laurens
James Madison
Hercules Mulligan
Maria Reynolds
Eliza Schuyler
Philip Hamilton
Interview with the vampire
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe du Lac
Claudia De pointe du Lac
Claude Frollo
Ambessa Medarda
The outsiders
Tim Shepherd
Angela Shepherd
Gotham (2016)
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Bruce Wayne
Selena Kyle
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Lana Winters
Kit Walker
Jimmy Darling
Micheal Langdon
Enoch O'connor
Anastasia Romanov
Gleb Vagonof
Black Butler
Alois Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelis
Mark Greyson
Nolan Greyson
Samantha (Atom Eve)
Ghost B.C
Any of the papa's
Any of the ghouls!
Victor Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
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Mael Nguyen doesn’t believe in fate, but he does believe in magic. His entire life revolves around the study of the arcane—spells and rituals, potions and illusions. As far as Mael is concerned, all he needs is a book in one hand and magic in the other. Anything outside of his bookshop, hidden away in the streets of New Orleans, isn’t worth his attention. But when a strange human stumbles into his life and hires him for a job, bringing along his blinding smile and curious magic, Mael finds that Fate is just as dangerous as Magic. Leo Greyson refuses to believe in fate, but he desperately wishes to believe in magic. As a small time rockstar, full time radio host, Leo has never been one to shy away from experience and adventure. He’s always lived his life on the edge—always moving, never standing still. But when his twin sister is murdered, and he gains custody of her strangely magical daughter, that constant motion comes to a screeching halt. Instead, he is launched into an entirely new world hidden right beneath his nose, and Leo finds himself wondering if Fate really does exist, and if she’s led him right where he needs to be.
“He kissed like a hurricane.”
Mawce Hanlin's Under the Dragon Moon is a sweet romantasy with great character work and a mysterious background plot that promises to take center stage in the next installments of the series. In this first book the focus is on a magical mystery and on the establishment of the main characters’ relationship, motivations, past, and their relationship with friends and family, other than laying the foundation of a pretty complex worldbuilding, with sidhe, Courts, pacts, dragons, and a magic that builds on magical patrons. The politics and lore of this scintillating debut of an urban fantasy are pretty layered, and the prose is fantastic: lyrical at times, at times funny, always very respectful of the many triggering aspects, and littered with references to pop culture. There are quite a few explicit sex scenes.
✨ 4 stars
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Idk how to do that Ai voice thing but if anyone wants to make an edit of the VA for Greyson in Arcane saying Lin’s voice lines edited over the scenes I would be eternally grateful and probably owe you joint custody with the witch of my firstborn.
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meonlyred · 8 months
I talked with my DM last night, our original campaign has been on indefinite hiatus for 6 years now. She asked us once we finish Descent into Avernus what we wanted to play next. I had expressed interest in either going back to our original campaign or at least having her tell me what was going to happen. Whichever we do I wanted the chance to play Lark again as well.
We are not going back to our campaign unfortunately, our DM said that there was too much foreshadowing and such that we likely do not remember tiny things like that and she is not sure how she would be able to reincorporate that foreshadowing without making it obvious. So she just spilled all the spoilers.
Turns our our BBEG, "The Master," is actually Gargauth who has been siphoning power from a campaign created demi god. (Its funny because Gargauth plays a part in Descent into Avernus but this campaign started years before that module came out. lol oops) Gargauth, pissed that we freed her he would have sent his cult to raze one of the towns we were affiliated with to the ground. We would have went to try and hold the line but would have been overwhelm and forcing to flee. One of our long time allies and a few others would have stayed to buy us more time to get the citizens out.
Gargauth would then be calling all his forces together and sent a Dracolich against us. Again forcing us to retreat further and making a last stand in Waterdeep. Because and I quote "because I want an excuse to use the Walking Statues of Waterdeep."
Ya know these things. The giant fuck you massive walking statues that are dormant until called upon to defend the city. (Well there is that one time during the Spellplague... don't worry about that. Ha ha...)
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One of our other long time allies, Lady Layne Greyson of Silverymoon, would have come to help. She is the mother of two of the men that killed Lark's lover, Aiden. She doesn't fault Lark for having to kill one of her sons. They had been influenced by their father, Jader "Venom Eye," who was a follower of Asmodeus. She had asked that we capture the other son she had with Jader and bring him back so that she can "correct" his behavior. Turns out she is a lot older than she looks and is a level 20 Archwizard.
Jader's partner in crime known only as Stone Eye would have also helped us for a time. Because Gargauth has been trying to overthrow Asmodeus. As pissed as he might be at use for killing Venom Eye, its an enemy of my enemy kind of thing.
I also found out there had been a flashback kind of scene planned where we went back 30+ years and been involved with Lark's mother's Uthgardt tribe. We would have found out that Lark's mother Eiriol was a once in a century extremely powerful Wild Magic Sorcerer. While the Uthgardt don't like arcane magic in the first place, they fear the next time a sorcerer with that kind of power would be born amongst them. Which is the biggest reason the Black Raven Tribe traded Eiriol to the Snowcat tribe. The Snowcats sought to keep Eiriol on a leash and use her power for their own ends. She of course escaped and eventually meets Bran, Lark's father.
Something I already knew but it was expanded upon, was that once Eiriol died in childbirth along with her second child, she possessed the forest and was the reason why the Wild Surge that killed the highwaymen who killed Aiden and tried to kill her happened. That I knew and I knew Eiriol's spirit had been looking after Lark when she was a younger. What was expanded on was that Eiriol was a bit more aware and had been sending animals to play with Lark when she was young. It was her influence in the Cold Wood that allowed Lark to be able to play in these extremely dangerous woods as a kid.
There was also plans of us going down to Menzoberranzan to help an Drow ally who was secretly Eilistraee worshipers and been hoping to subtlety change Drow culture from the inside. Our ally had been in an arranged marriage with another House whose daughters had unwittingly joined the cult of Gargauth. And because our party killed our ally's fiance, her sister had sworn to destroy our ally's House and us.
I am sad that we didn't get to play this out because having a huge last stand in Waterdeep with the Walking Statues, the Lord's Alliance, a level 20 Archwizard, and whatever else allies we had made a long the way. But I am glad I know now. I will play a campaign where we get those Walking Statues up and running, oh yes, I will.
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aikoiya · 2 years
Arcane AU - Ciela LeWita
Name: Ciela LeWita
Name Etymology:
- Ciela = Sky, celestial, heavenly.
- Le Wita = From Lahwita meaning "one who has a knowledge of law, a lawyer." In the New Testament (Luke xiv. 3, etc.) "interpreter of Mosaic law." Old English had lahwita, with wita meaning "sage, wise man; adviser councilor," & an earlier Middle English word for "lawyer" was man-of-law (mid-14c.). This is based on the idea of legacy & how families with the same job over several generations had surnames pertaining to that job. Like how a baking family might be Baker or a carpentry/builder/furniture making family might be Woodwright.
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Brunette; chestnut or hazelnut.
Hair Style: Either a short pixie-cut or long with wavy ringlets (typically put up into a braided bun). Side part.
Face Shape: Diamond
Eye Color: Crystal blue
Eye Shape: Somewhat Almond (possible Ionian ancestor, though not as narrow as a native Ionian.)
Nose Shape: Small & upturned (suggesting that she may have some Freljordian ancestry as people living in snowy areas tend to have more upturned nostrils as that heats up the air that comes in.)
Lips: Thin, but bow-shaped. (Has sort of a resting pouty face with lips ever so slightly puckered without meaning to.)
Skin Tone: Pale, almost porcelain. Like China.
Other Details: Petite & slim, but with a more pear-shaped figure. A beauty mark under her left eye, under the outside corner. Sparse freckling over her nose & in a couple other places of her body.
Height: 5'2"
Breasts: B cup; 34" bust
Waist: 25"
Hips: 38"
I used the League of Legends' Avatar Creator to make a close approximation of how she looks!
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Wears clothes ever so slightly big enough to hide her Acro Ballet muscles to make herself appear more fragile than she actually is.
Inspired by @insane-arcane's "Reader Working Under Marcus & Silco Takes Dangerous Interest in Them."
Is also somewhat inspired by @ace-of-zaun's Yan!Silco fic "Pas de Deux."
Ciela was born into a rich family from a long line of lawyers on her father's side, she was expected to become one as well. Her grandmother, however, was originally from Demacia & now runs quite a few charities to help new citizens who'd just moved from Zaun to Piltover & were thus struggling, specifically aiding those struggling families living in the Fringes with the help of Ciela's mother.
These things combined to instill Ciela with strong moral values & a clearly defined sense of right & wrong. Of justice & honor.
Was originally studying to be a defense lawyer like her father, but changed her major to criminology because she wanted to make a difference. (Though, she did pass the barr in case she ever needed to defend someone else or even herself.) She joined the Enforcers & quickly became one of the best with Greyson as her mentor. With her ability to cite exact laws, she's been able to convict criminals no matter their position & gotten many innocent Undercitizens out of Stillwater by discovering & convicting the true culprits. Is ever so slowly dealing with the corruption in the Enforcers.
Ciela was busy with her first solo case when Greyson was killed.
In the case of working with Vander &, later, Ekko, she relays them information about the goings on in the Enforcer Ranks freely & gladly without need for compensation, even going so far as to have turned down such the first time it was offered, saying that she's doing it to help Zaun, not for money or power.
The reason being that she hates the corruption going on in her workplace & the mistreatment of Zaun & wants to actively change it by becoming the Enforcer Chief & possibly even Justice Minister (& thus a member of the Council) if that's what it takes to change things. Her goal is to change Piltover from the inside. Rebuilding it from the ground up if necessary; better, more humble, more equal, & more just.
When there's an encounter with a Firelight or one of Vander's men & they're innocent, she lets them go but tells them to be quiet, especially if they're kids, & when asked what happened, she tells her fellow Enforcers that they got away.
Is already pretty high-ranked & actively discourages Enforcer brutality in those around her.
While her parents outwardly give the appearance of discouraging her, away from prying eyes, they are excessively proud of the good she's doing.
Don't get her wrong, she sees her parents' two-faced behavior as cowardly, but at least they haven't disowned her & continue to support her, even if quietly & behind closed doors.
Despite her strong sense of right & wrong, she doesn't see life in black & white. Understands that she is breaking the law. At the same time, she doesn't truly trust Piltover's justice system as it has many laws in place specifically & openly designed to oppress the Undercity. Not subtly, but very openly & by name. Things such as "Piltovan hospitals are prohibited from taking on Fissurefolk as patients."
Is determined to someday have these laws repealed.
Is actually Marcus' cousin on their mothers' sides. His parents are both dead by the time of the show.
Is also very good friends with Caitlyn through work & through her, Jayce. The other girl used to have a crush on her, but when Ciela realized this fact, she was very open & honest with her about the fact that she wasn't interested in other women.
While Caitlyn was depressed for a while, Ciela's forthrightness allowed them to remain friends.
Caitlyn still harbored some feelings for her afterwards, but they slowly died out over time. Now, they're just best friends.
The 2 have a deal that they'll work together to make Piltover a better place. Caitlyn as Sheriff & Ciela as Chief of Enforcers.
Funnily enough, Ciela used to have a crush on Jayce, but he'd been dating someone else at the time (not Mel or Viktor, this was before he met them) & by the time those 2 broke it off, Ciela had either moved on or had met Viktor or the Firelight, Scar, & become interested in one of them instead.
Is secretly a magicborn with a sound/wind/ice element by her mother, Serafina. The older woman's family was originally from Demacia; her sister (Ciela's aunt, Angelina) & her mother (Ciela's grandmother, Luciana), had all run from Demacia when she began showing signs of the family's magic. It was in Piltover that Ciela's grandmother met her grandfather & her mother's biological father. So, Ciela & Marcus are only half-cousins.
Though they were from Demacia, most of her mother's side of the family is Nox-Targonian in descent.
Ciela's mother had been married off to Ciela's father at a young age.
While it was an arranged marriage, they have a great deal of affection for each other & even loved each other as dear friends, but not as lovers. Both wish for their daughter to marry for love.
Ciela hides her magic due to Piltover's arcanophobic beliefs.
She is usually a very sweet & demure individual, prim & proper even, but just because she's thus, doesn't mean she can't be vicious in a fight. Especially when she's defending someone she cares about.
Did ballet, ribbon gymnastics, & fencing competitively growing up. Now, she blends them into her fighting style seamlessly to create a beautiful & elegant, yet terrifyingly effective fighting style.
Go here for an explanation of her weapon & fighting style, the Cygnexiphos & "Chemin du Cygne":
Dances around her enemies elegantly, using either her weapon or her feet & is brutally effective.
Extremely effective at crowd control.
Could kill a man with a well-aimed spin kick if she didn't hold back.
Similar to Dinsey's Ice Princess, Ciela enjoys figure skating, but more so as a pass time. If she wished, she could be a professional.
Because she doesn't use her magic at all, her sound magic manifests in a passive way that specifically renders Ciela unable to speak, see, or hear any sort of falsehood without being hurt.
It makes her only capable of speaking truth & facts. If she forgets the correct word to describe something, she will either have to remember it or describe it in full before continuing. As such, she has read the full Dictionary from cover to cover several times before so that she is never unable to put words to thoughts. For that same reason, she is determined to become fluent in every language known to man as there are some words & concepts that simply cannot be fully described in just one language. Such as the Danish hygge or the Welsh hiraeth in our world.
Can speak opinions, but only if she states that it is an opinion or belief. While she herself cannot lie, she can, however, deflect with a different truth or use half truths. She can also say something untrue if it is clearly stated as an example & if she has clearly stated that it is an example or if she is quoting someone else & she makes it clear that she's doing so.
When viewing illusions, can see the illusion itself, but it looks to overlay the truth.
When someone lies, she instinctively knows. She also knows when someone is speaking a false belief or half truth.
The weakness to this is that to attempt to speak, see, or hear falsehoods is painful to her, at least somewhat. The worse the lie, the worse it hurts. To see, hear, or speak a falsehood makes her eyes, ears, & vocal chords strain. The harder she tries or the longer she hears or sees one, the more damage is done to her body.
Despite this, acting only makes her power act up a little unless a direct, factual falsehood is spoken, because the nature of acting is being someone else. So long as the individual is speaking truth as far as the rules of this character's reality is concerned, little damage is done. She can still feel it, but it's only a mild irritant.
This, however, makes it difficult for her to be able to determine whether someone is making white lies or acting or in disguise.
She can see past illusions & shape-shifting, but not past actual, physical disguises or plastic surgery as the individual is really wearing what they're wearing or actually looks like that. However, in this case, she feels a niggling discomfort like something isn't quite right.
She is also able to see past invisibility as a result.
However, she is unable to call someone by their preferred pronouns unless it falls inline with their biological sex. It has gotten her into trouble multiple times before & she really doesn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Her magic just won't let her if she is aware that they are trans.
The same goes for a person's preferred name if she ever learns their birth name. Unless they've legally changed their name, she just can't address them as that. (It'll still hurt, but she's at least able to address them how they want.) Which means that she's unable to call Jinx, Jinx. She's able to get around this with nicknames. The one she uses for Jinx is "Firecracker."
It'd be one thing if she legitimately had her name changed to Jinx, but she hasn't. In fact, the Jinx persona is little more than something that Powder uses as a mask to hide behind, thus making it even more of a lie.
At the same time, if Ciela ever starts to actually practice & use her magic, the negative effects of her sound magic will begin to lessen. She'll never be able to speak direct, explicit falsehoods, though. Not even if she masters sonomancy. She is simply incapable.
Due to the way her magic works, she tends to look up a lot of facts spanning a wide range of subjects. This, added to her eidetic memory, makes her fantastic at trivia.
An added effect of her magic makes it so that if she wants you to listen & pay attention to her words, then you will whether you want to or not. You will take in her words. Whether or not you accept them as truth is up to you, but you will, at the very least, take them in.
Studies helstromism, otherwise called "muscle reading" or "contact mind reading," so that she is able to pinpoint exactly how someone is lying to her & their inner thoughts as they do so. Helstromism being a "technique used by mentalists to determine the thoughts or knowledge of a subject, the effect of which tends to be perceived as a form of mind reading. The performer can determine many things about the mental state of a subject by observing subtle, involuntary responses to speech or any other stimuli. It is closely related to the ideomotor effect, whereby subtle movements made without conscious awareness reflect a physical movement, action or direction which the subject is thinking about."
This comes in handy for interrogation & interviewing.
For an idea of what this is, watch "Now You See Me" or its sequel. Both amazing movies that I loved & deserve more recognition.
Also studies criminal psychology & lip reading.
Is amazing at parkour & freerunning.
That plus her use of Siegfried's (her personal Cygnexiphos) grapple hook mode, when paired with her fighting style, gives her major Spider-Gwen swag.
Practices yoga & contortionism to keep herself flexible.
Like, creepy flexible. Can fold herself up like origami & fit into a hat box, flexible.
Had a pair of boots made specifically so that she could stand en pointe comfortably & still follow the Enforcer uniform code.
Studies helstromism to be able to better read people.
Also practiced escapology in case she was ever held for ransom. Comes in surprising handy as an Enforcer.
Knows how to dislocated her thumb or shoulder in order to get out of bindings.
A damn good actress due to ballet as ballet requires the ability to accurately portray emotions.
Knows a lot about biophysics, biomechanics, & motion. Which she used to make Chemin du Cygne more effective.
Is a skilled enough Acro Ballerina that she could feasibly perform a Pas de Deux on her own, but she doesn't because why would she? (Think Princess Tutu.)
Acts as a freelance private investigator for the Fissures. Fissurefolk that she's helped before or friends of those she has, will sometimes come to her & request that she find someone or investigate something. Most of said cases are done pro bono while those who have too much pride, she'll make the excuse of giving a "friend discount" to try & lower the cost while also sparing their pride.
Helped/requested the HexBros invent various investigative tools such as a blacklight, the first digital fingerprint database (not portable, has to be kept in a secure location), a ballistics analysis device, a portable dna analysis kit (think Great Ace Attorney, Iris's blood-coloring gun), things like that.
These tools, however, are taking a long time to be tested, even once that's done, they'll still need to be approved by the Council. This very much frustrates Ciela because she knows they'd help to lessen the amount of error on the part of the Enforcers even if only by a little bit. Which would hopefully result in fewer Undercitizen indictments.
Carries around a bag with all these tools, minus the non-portable ones, plus a magnifying glass, luminol spray with glasses, & a fingerprint kit that she put together. She actually discovered that aluminum powder stuck to fingerprints herself & had accidentally created luminol during chemistry class while at the Academy. Not to mention that it was her study of ballistic markings that the HexBros' Ballistics Analysis Machine was based off of. These personally discovered methods of investigation are also awaiting testing & approval by the Council…
Knows, verbatim, the statistical Zaunite loses due to lack of safety (work or otherwise), Enforcer brutality, starvation, lack of medicine, & overall Piltovan injustice from the beginning of the last century & will not hesitate to recite them & provide inalienable, incontrovertible proof. Also knows the typical work salary for those working the mines.
Likewise, knows the relative number of Undercitizen deaths as a result of Shimmer. (As one might guess, she does not start off with the most glowing opinion of Silco or his ilk.)
Was good friends with Vander, so she was devastated to hear of his demise. One day, on the anniversary of him killing Silco, she'd found him at the Last Drop, drunk &, in his stupor, he'd told Ciela what he'd done, how much he regretted it, how, given a second chance, he'd have tried harder to reason with his brother, & in the end, why he'd done it.
While awkward, she'd rubbed circles into his shoulders as he'd sobbed.
Is EMT Certified & knows first aid, but very little beyond that. Learned to be of better use as a civil servant. Because of this, she's often one of the 1st Enforcers sent to help when there's a situation where people are hurt.
She has a gun & practices at a range often, but, let's be honest, she's only average at best.
She is resourceful, inventive, & adaptable, as well as an ace at guerilla science & great at diy.
Her father used to take her camping when she was little & he taught her many survivalist techniques, such as how to build simple crutches, boots, braces, splints, slings & other things like compasses from the things around her.
Ciela is a very quietly cheerful & polite individual. A majority of her smiles are genuine & is usually smiling. Has a very positive outlook on life.
Has had a lot of etiquette training.
Ciela likes to give her significant other forehead, cheek, & hand kisses as well as hugs & likes to gently play with one or both of their hands in quiet moments when they're not using said hand. Enjoys kissing each fingertip in these moments. However, all it takes is a slight, intentional tug from her lover for her to relinquish his hand because she understands that he might have work to do.
Just generally a very gentle, sweet, & all-around soft person with those she loves. If she's a lot shorter than her significant other, she delivers said kisses by standing on her tiptoes.
Gives kids storge-induced forehead kisses & hugs, also ruffling their hair affectionately.
I'm thinking of either pairing her with Viktor, Scar from the Firelights, or with Yan!Silco.
Is Ren's favorite aunt, as well as her godmother, & loves Scar's daughter.
I hc that Scar is mute beyond the ability to produce sonic waves from his mouth. So, Ciela learns sign in order to talk to him herself. If they don't end up together, then they definitely become good friends.
Of course, to go with @insane-arcane, could instead be paired with Yan!Silco. There are a lot of ways that this could go. Maybe, she ends up with Viktor or starts off with Scar, but then Silco has Marcus bring her to him. (Maybe he tried to kill Scar provided he knows.)
Maybe she legitimately falls for Silco Stockholm style or maybe she only falls for him after he starts becoming a better person due to exposure to her Lima style. Maybe she becomes a mother figure to Jinx, teaching her about all the different types of love (the Greco-Roman loves) & how people have room to love more than one person. Especially teaching her about Philautia, or healthy self-love or self-compassion. (These were lessons from her mother's Nox-Targonian ancestry, which is Runeterra's equivalent to Greco-Roman or Mediterranean culture. Her mother's family passed down the original copy of "Libro Celeste d'Amore" which had been banned & subsequently burned in Noxus due to the new regime. It lists 10 different types of love total, informs how to identify them, & describes how to balance one's relationships with others effectively without taking away from other relationships; Philia, Storge, Pragma, Eros, Ludus, Mania, Philautia, Narcissus, Agape, & Meraki.) Or maybe, she meets Viktor through Jayce & they grow close?
Like with @ace-of-zaun's Yan!Silco fic "Pas de Deux," I can definitely see Silco being taken with Ciela's dancing & natural elegance. Though, obviously Ciela's diametrically different from the fem!reader in that story. Though, I don't see Silco losing control of himself quite as much, here.
Maybe, Silco doesn't die from Jinx shooting him or maybe he does, but is brought back by augmentation. Then, he, Ciela, Jinx, (& Ren if Marcus is dead) begin to develop a more healthy relationship & become a family.
Or maybe Silco just stays dead & then after mourning him, Ciela eventually remeets Scar or Viktor & they get back together. Then Jinx & Scar's daughter (what is her name anyway; Lilac maybe, Stella, or Stellaluna, I think Stella) become sisters. (If Marcus is dead too, then Ren is part of it.)
Maybe she was originally with Scar, but Silco actually manages to have him killed, then, if Silco dies because of Jinx, she takes in Stella & Jinx before getting together with Mr. Machine Herald?
Maybe she had Silco's kid.
Or maybe Silco never takes an interest in her to begin with & Ciela & Viktor or Scar live happily ever after trying to make Zaun a better place together from the get go.
There are a lot of ways this could go.
I can definitely see Silco calling her things like "my dove," "my swan," "my princess," & "my angel." Just a lot of very possessive pet names. As well as maybe "Odette" in reference to the Swan Lake play.
I just prefer actual fully fleshed out Original Characters as opposed to Y/N. I don't tend to read these fics to put myself in the characters' places.
Arcane Masterlist
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pinwheelfunhouse · 2 years
stimboard masterpost!!
semi-organized list of all the stimboards & icons i've made!
made this because tumblr tags simply will not work sometimes so this is just an easier way to see what characters i've done!
fnaf edition masterpost is here!
the owl house:
luz noceda
the collector
caleb wittebane
willow park
don't hug me i'm scared:
shy imaginary older brother
bubble bath memory
first tooth
red guy
resident evil:
lucas baker
ethan winters
rose winters
leon kennedy
luis sera
castle crashers:
pink knight
frost king
undead cyclops
wizard minion
evil wizard
king dice
faith the unholy trinity:
john ward
michael davies
my faith self insert
team fortress 2:
red scout
night in the woods:
mae borowski
mystery skulls animated
vivi yukino
soul eater:
dr stein
littlest pet shop:
lps #520 (party ferret)
specs and tucker
miles morales
hobie brown
house of ashes:
salim othman
benny gecko
cookie run:
black butler:
grell sutcliff
the mycologists
rubberhose mickey mouse
stranger things:
mike wheeler
awful hospital:
genshin impact:
invader zim:
dib membrane
professor membrane
the hex:
techno twins
spooky month:
dayshift at freddy's:
five nights at candy's:
sonic the hedgehog:
shadow and sonic
the muppets:
good omens:
madness combat:
hank j wimbleton
willy's wonderland:
hazbin hotel:
the nightmare before christmas:
jack skellington
pet sematary:
pet sematary
2d (gorillaz)
papa emeritus iii / terzo (ghost)
ghost files
people's sonas / oc's:
my sona
@/swordmachine's sona
@/gaypostaldude's sona
greyson (@/professionallydeadinside)
benni (@/sillybakeoven)
guardian star (@/sillybakeoven)
michela (@/rosemary-posts-random-crap)
dante the skunk (@/agirlwithmagicpals)
chroma (@/lowpolyparrot)
el wiwi
dark blue water
stimboard based on the name "ruru"
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shuunnico · 1 year
Smash or Pass: Arcane
Smash: Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, Cassandra, Sevika
Pass: Jinx, Ambessa, Greyson
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mayisvibing · 2 years
i noticed something in act 1 of arcane.
potential spoilers?
after greyson talk to Vander in benzos shop, Vander is seen rubbimg his forehead against the Message canister thing(?).
And I think either later that episode when vi is talking to powder, after powder overhead Milos and vi conversation. Powder is holding one of her bombs and she rubs her forehead against it the same way Vander did
I thought that something cool that was included
( also I'm so sorry about how weird this is formatted, I've never posted on Tumblr before)
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Fly Me to the Moon
by EldritchVulpine
When you are within reach of your soulmates, you get your wings.
Vi has never gotten hers.
Words: 2738, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Powder, Vander (League of Legends), Silco (Arcane: League of Legends), Greyson
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Piltover's Finest, Violyn, Wingfic, Soulmates, Mentioned Benzo (Arcane: League of Legends), Mentioned Sevika (Arcane: League of Legends)
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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glossary (WIP)
i didn't know there was a word limit on tumblr until i made this, so i unfortunately had to remove links that would lead to specific tags and help with organizing on here. also note that this post might be remade in the future
electricpuke/rocklandgame characters: abel, adam whesker, akihiko kojima, akira kojima, alchemy willow, alice (electricpuke), alice carroll, amaterasu, amy, ana (rockland), ana (viral), annabelle winter, arcadian, aria king, ashley kinley, ashton kinley, athena dianoia, audrey, august dixie, avery greyson, ami, axel, baal, cain zeitgeist, callum willow, cassiel, charlie willow, chase knox, chase valentine, christopher “chris” king, circe, damien morningstar, dante stryker, dominick torrero, edison tekker, elizabeth bathory, enoch, eve, farz murphy (electricpuke), foal, freya, gabriel, gabriel lily, grace quinn, hades, hammerclaw, heidi, horus, hunter, itsuki mori, jack buchanan, jason buchanan, jason carmine (rook), jiyun, kali, karasu, kaz tyagi, kenny, kiku kojima, kiyoshi, kurt, lachesis chronis, lady yuzu, leo taylor, lilith, lincoln, logan, loki marshall, lucifer morningstar, macey, marcus de la cruz, meredith, mia, michael fitzroy, michael volkov, mio, molly, morgan, morgan le fey, munchie, naoki “nathan” donovan, nicolas flamel, olivia, oswalt morrison, peyton, quinton willow, raizer, raja, ramiel, raphael sivori, reiko nakamura, richter (hotelpsycho), rory stryker, rose martinez, rosey, roy mcnamara, ruby red graves, sally, samael volkov, sanae, sano kojima, sejun, sergio marino, sergio morrison, shiro suzuki, sparrow, sun-mi yeon (scarlet), sydney dixie, teagan buchanan, the engineer, thor, tobias reeves, trace, trevor mcloughlin, tsubaki, uriel metzger, valak, vencil cartier, veni (electricpuke), verak, vincent castillo (electricpuke), vincent metzger, vlad, xander rosario, yeon seong-mi (emily yeon), zero (dollmaker), zero (empire), zeus
gatobob characters: anthony shore, ashe, beg, celia lede, centicat, chastity, chet ichpujani, cry, derek aeron, derek goffard, dragon, evander hutch, farz murphy (gatobob), farzen, gideon bautista, harold, jack, jedka (facility), komodo, lawrence oleander, lily talor, machete, marten trell, mason armbruster, mason heiral, mona winters, raven, ren hana, roadkill girl, scream, sid, strade, veni (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob)
other notable characters: a.e.d, ellen klein, izm, lucien rire, rodchester williams, shaun
known blogs:
arioddsandends, askparasitegods, bonesandcentipedes, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, runawayoutlaw, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
gatoafterdark, gatoanswers, gatobob, gatoplays-sos, gatxbxb, gurobob, gurpbob, serpulalacrymans
eras (label for creator universes): altinr, arcane, boyfriend to death, dark circus au, devil's night carnival, dollmaker, empire, facility, foxtail, human!au, huntress, inferno, mark of belial, nightclub, of gods and monsters, rockland, route 66, self insert, superjail, the artist, the carnival game, the commander, the doctor, the hunt, the misfits, the price of flesh, the puppetmaster, the serial killer, this is not romance, till death do us part, viral, welcome home, yanaki, you kill me every time, zeitgeist
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