#archaic language
book0ftheday · 1 month
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Dick's Hero by Blanche Atkinson, illustrations and cover art uncredited, previous owner's inscription dated 1906.
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leucisticpuffin · 5 months
coirë | a stirring
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“Thou callest this season beautiful,” he said one morning, watching shadows shift through the canvas as an attendant cleared the doorway of snow. “Forgive me, but I cannot see it.” “But thou hast seen it not,” protested Findekáno, setting aside his mortar and pestle. (The skill of preparing medicines he had picked up in the fearful days of the last winter, needing desperately to be useful, and yet unable to look at the wound wrought by his own hand.) “Not everywhere is so grey! Come, Russandol; I shall show thee why we name it so.”
Read the whole story on AO3
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lionofchaeronea · 7 months
I shall recall, nor let me forget, Apollo who shoots from afar, At whom the gods in Zeus's dwelling tremble as he goes. μνήσομαι οὐδὲ λάθωμαι Ἀπόλλωνος ἑκάτοιο, ὅντε θεοὶ κατὰ δῶμα Διὸς τρομέουσιν ἰόντα -Homeric Hymn to Apollo (no. 3), lines 1-2
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
Fun fact: While reading the Homeric Greek prototype of the Iliad, I noticed Homer mentions numerous times the words μύες (muscles) and nerves (νεύρα), and many organs of the human body. The words not only are identical to the Modern Greek equivalents but also bear the exact contemporary anatomical meaning. There is also the mention of bones (οστά) of course, which is not as impressive since bones are easily comprehensible, but in my opinion the fact that apparently ancient Greeks of the early archaic period were aware of the nerves and their function more or less is very fascinating. There is often the mention of shearing or cutting muscles, tendons or nerves.
I searched a bit about in on the internet and found this:
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From Hektoen International.
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From PubMed, Anatomical references in Homer’s Iliad.
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alexanderpearce · 11 months
tag yourself are you (obsolete) (archaic) (dated) (vulgar) (slang) (UK) (humorous) (informal) (derogatory) (Australia)
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mioritic · 5 months
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An Austro-Hungarian joke about Old Kingdom Romanians:
— You, neighbour! Your cat ate a lot of bacon from my room tonight.
— Oh, don't worry, nothing bad will happen to him.
from Familia (ed. Iosif Vulcan, published in [Buda]Pest), 28 November (Gregorian: 10 December) 1871
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magnetothemagnificent · 8 months
אני יהודי. הלא ליהודי עיניים? הלא ליהודי ידיים, איברים, חושים, ידידות, תשוקות? אוכלים מאותו אוכל, פגועים מאותו נשקים, חולים מאותו מחלות, מחממים ומקוררים מאותו חורף וקיץ כנצרי? אם אתם דוקרים בנו, האנו לא מדממים? אם אתם מדגדגים אותנו, האנו לא צוחקים? אם אתם מרעילים אותנו, האנו לא מתים? ואם אתם לא בוגדים בנו, האנו לא נקמים? ואם אנו כמוכם בשאר, נהיה דומים בכם בזאת.
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waitineedaname · 6 months
im experiencing scar induced madness again. I feel like people do not give him enough credit for being extremely poetic when he wants to be. sure he might seem stoic, but the dude busts out lines like this like it's nothing
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kata4a · 1 year
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you wot now
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dostoyevsky-official · 5 months
hello! the last time i memorized a poem was for an oral exam in undergrad, and it was the blessedly short "я вас любил." therefore i love that you've set a poetry memorization challenge for 2024! i have two poems in mind for the start of the year -- blok's "to the muse" and pushkin's "the prophet," both in the original russian. based on personal preference or any other criteria, which do you recommend i memorize for january? thank you!
Есть в напевах твоих сокровенных Роковая о гибели весть. Есть проклятье заветов священных, Поругание счастия есть.
И такая влекущая сила, Что готов я твердить за молвой, Будто ангелов ты низводила, Соблазняя своей красотой…
И когда ты смеешься над верой, Над тобой загорается вдруг Тот неяркий, пурпурово-серый И когда-то мной виденный круг.
Зла, добра ли? — Ты вся — не отсюда. Мудрено про тебя говорят: Для иных ты — и Муза, и чудо. Для меня ты — мученье и ад.
Я не знаю, зачем на рассвете, В час, когда уже не было сил, Не погиб я, но лик твой заметил И твоих утешений просил?
Я хотел, чтоб мы были врагами, Так за что ж подарила мне ты Луг с цветами и твердь со звездами — Всё проклятье своей красоты?
И коварнее северной ночи, И хмельней золотого аи, И любови цыганской короче Были страшные ласки твои…
И была роковая отрада В попираньи заветных святынь, И безумная сердцу услада — Эта горькая страсть, как полынь!
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llyfrenfys · 8 months
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Wythnos Gwelededd Rhyweddhylifol (hwyr) hapus! / Happy (belated) Genderfluid Visibility Week!
Torrodd fy nghiw post yn anffodus, felly dyma bost hwyr am Wythnos Gwelededd Rhyweddhylifol 😅.
Mae gan bobl rhyweddhylifol yn cael rhywedd hylifol. Mewn geiriau eraill, mae eu hunaniaeth rhywedd yn newid rhwng rhyweddau. Nid jyst rhwng gwryw a benyw, ond rhwng unrhyw rhywedd (e.e. rhyweddau anneuaidd). Mae'r term 'rhyweddhylifol' yn derm ymbarél - mae yna hunaniaethau o dan yr ymbarél fel dauryweddol a hollryweddol.
My post queue broke unfortunately, so here's a late post about Genderfluid Visibility Week 😅.
Genderfluid people have fluid gender. In other words, their gender identity changes between genders. Not just between male and female, but between any gender (e.g. nonbinary genders). 'Genderfluid' is an umbrella term - there are identities under the umbrella such as bigender and pangender.
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technoturian · 1 year
So I started Willow and boy that Prince Graydon is giving me some Percy de Rolo vibes. Clearly possessed by some ancient evil but also his biggest strength is just that he’s a huge nerd. Love that whole vibe.
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lionofchaeronea · 8 months
For easily he grants one strength, easily kneecaps the strong, Easily shrinks the seen-by-all and increases the unseen, Easily makes the crooked straight and withers the courageous-- Zeus the Thunderer-on-High, who dwells within the highest halls. ῥέα μὲν γὰρ βριάει, ῥέα δὲ βριάοντα χαλέπτει, ῥεῖα δ᾽ ἀρίζηλον μινύθει καὶ ἄδηλον ἀέξει, ῥεῖα δέ τ᾽ ἰθύνει σκολιὸν καὶ ἀγήνορα κάρφει Ζεὺς ὑψιβρεμέτης, ὃς ὑπέρτατα δώματα ναίει. -Hesiod, Works and Days 5-8
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hiljametsa · 2 months
Seitsemän Veljestä I.iv
By Aleksis Kivi Translated by me
Luku I, kap. iv
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Äiti kyllä koetti sekä nuhteilla että kurilla saattaa heitä työhön ja ahkeruuteen, mutta heidän uppiniskaisuutensa oli jäykkä vastus kaikille hänen yrityksillensä. Oli hän muutoin kelpo vaimo;  tunnettu oli hänen suora ja vilpitön, ehkä hieman jyrkkä mielensä. Kelpo mies oli myös hänen veljensä, poikien oiva eno, joka nuoruudessaan oli uljaana merimiehenä purjehtinut kaukaiset meret, nähnyt monta kansaa ja kaupunkia; mutta näkönsäpä kadotti hänen viimein, käyden umpisokeaksi, ja vietti ikänsä pimeät päivät Jukolan talossa. Hän silloin usein, veistellen tunteensa viittauksen mukaan kauhoja, lusikoita, kirvesvarsia, kurikkoja ja muita huoneessa tarpeellisia kaluja, kertoili sisarensa pojille tarinoita ja merkillisiä asioita sekä omasta maasta että vieraista valtakunnista, kertoili myös ihmeitä ja tapauksia raamatusta. Näitä hänen jutelmiansa kuultelivat pojat kaikella hartaudella ja painoivat lujasti muistoonsa. Mutta yhtä mieluisasti eivät he kuullelleetkaan äitinsä käskyjä  ja nuhteita, vaan olivatpa kovakorvaisia vallan, huolimatta monestakaan pieksiäislöylystä. Useinpa kyllä, huomatessaan selkäsaunan lähestyvän, vilkasi veliparvi karkutielle, saattaen tämän kautta sekä äitillensä että muille murhetta ja kiusaa, ja sillä omaa asiaansa pahentaen.
Their mother had tried, both by admonition and punishment, to push them toward work and industry, but their stubbornness stood stiffly in the face of all her attempts. She was, otherwise, a decent wife and mother, well-known for her uprightness and earnestness of mind, if only somewhat strict. Her brother also was a decent man, a fine uncle to the boys, who had been a brave seaman in his youth, sailing many far seas, and seeing many peoples and cities. At the last his sight failed him though, and he became stone-blind, and lived out the rest of his benighted days in the home of the Jukolas. There he would often carve, by feeling with his hands, ladles, spoons, axhandles, mallets, and other important household things. He would tell his nephews legends and remarkable things both from their own land and from foreign realms. He told them also of miracles and happenings from the Bible. The boys would listen intently to his stories, and press them firmly into their memories. But not so happily did they listen to the orders and admonishments of their mother, indeed they wholly rebelled against authority, despite many a brutal lashing. Often indeed when they saw a beating coming their way, they would go on the run and, by this, bring to both their mother and others anxiety and annoyance, while also worsening their own situation.
art: wilderness lake by Akseli Gallen-Kallela.
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covenawhite66 · 23 days
Romeyka is a sister, rather than a daughter, of modern Greek”, a finding she says disrupts the claim that modern Greek is an “isolate” language".
Most native speakers in the region are over 65
Romeyka is thought to have only a couple of thousand native speakers left in Turkey’s Trabzon region.
Nationalism getting in the Way
To Greek nationalist these varieties are deemed ‘contaminated’ and/or disruptive to the ideology of one single Greek language spoken uninterruptedly since antiquity
To Turkish nationalists, speaking Greek goes against the very fundamentals of one’s belonging.
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imakemywings · 2 years
So Doriathrin sounded old-fashioned even in the First Age, which makes sense since Elvish language already changes very slowly and Doriath was comparatively isolated relative to other Elvish settlements (and was already known to have preserved some linguistic characteristics that had become archaic in other dialects). It was also destroyed, which largely prevented much further development of the language owing to the people being made more or less extinct.
Furthermore, since Oropher and Thranduil’s later kingdom was made up of a far larger proportion of Silvan to Iathrim, I tend to think they adapted their speech to that of the Silvan, whether speaking Silvan or adjusting their Sindarin to match with the speaking patterns and idiosyncrasies of the Silvan.
However, in the rare moment Thranduil speaks directly to another former Doriathrim without any one else present in the conversation, he will revert to what he grew up speaking and they will twitter away like they just walked out of Chaucer.
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