#legolas crying: dad...what are you saying!!!
imakemywings · 2 years
So Doriathrin sounded old-fashioned even in the First Age, which makes sense since Elvish language already changes very slowly and Doriath was comparatively isolated relative to other Elvish settlements (and was already known to have preserved some linguistic characteristics that had become archaic in other dialects). It was also destroyed, which largely prevented much further development of the language owing to the people being made more or less extinct.
Furthermore, since Oropher and Thranduil’s later kingdom was made up of a far larger proportion of Silvan to Iathrim, I tend to think they adapted their speech to that of the Silvan, whether speaking Silvan or adjusting their Sindarin to match with the speaking patterns and idiosyncrasies of the Silvan.
However, in the rare moment Thranduil speaks directly to another former Doriathrim without any one else present in the conversation, he will revert to what he grew up speaking and they will twitter away like they just walked out of Chaucer.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: The Epilogue, Version One
The long-awaited sequel!! I’m reading the Epilogue as it appears in “The End of the Third Age”, from The History of The Lord of the Rings as compiled by Christopher Tolkien.
Tagging @lady-merian because she’s been asking for this for a LONG time 🤣
Manuscript A
It’s interesting that “well, I’m back” wasn’t originally supposed to be the end of the story. It’s become something iconic now—the perfect, hauntingly understated ending, harkening back to “there and back again”—but the only reason it seems so abrupt is because Tolkien actually meant to write on.
I like both, honestly. This Epilogue has so much good stuff in it, but it would make an already slow book even slower; “well I’m back” is lovely for what it is. ^-^
“Elanor 15, Frodo 13, Rose 11, Merry 9, Pippin 7.” Just looking at their names and the list of ages gets me in the heart. Argh, I love these kids ;u;
Sam resting by the fire in this study! And he’s surrounded by his kids! And they’re listening to him read the Red Book!! AAAHHHHHH
“…And there was Frodo-lad on the heathrug, in spite of his name as good a copy of Sam as you could wish…” D’aww 8-D Named Frodo, looks like Sam. That’s adorable.
*strangled screech*
Confirmed that Merry and Pippin traveled to Gondor and Rohan multiple times in their lives! That’s wonderful!
And now: the Gamgee children being carbon copies of their namesakes begins.
Merry Jr. is inordinately proud of Merry Sr. and wants to grow tall like him.
Pippin Jr. is likewise inordinately proud of Pippin Sr. and insists that Merry isn’t the tallest anyway.
“Is he Prince Peregrin away down in the Stone City, dad?” Oh my word.
First of all: the fact that this little hobbit lad knows Minas Tirith familiarly enough to call it the Stone City.
Secondly: I mean they did call him a prince of the halflings at first—
Frodo Jr. wants to hear about the spider again because he likes the parts where his dad comes in ;u;
And Elanor wants to know about the flower she’s named after!
Elanor: I want to go see my flower! Sam: There’s a prettier one if you look in a mirror. Elanor: Daaaad…
Rose Jr. is worried about the elves going away TT-TT
Sam is secretly very proud of the Mallorn tree in the Party Field LOL
Legolas lives in Ithilien! And Pippin says they’ve made it very lovely, which means he’s seen it! WHICH MEANS PIPPIN GOT TO HANG OUT WITH LEGOLAS AND FARAMIR AND BEREGOND AND BERGIL AGAIN—
Frodo Jr. loves Gimli and wants an axe LOL
Gimli and his dwarves helped to rebuild Minas Tirith! And now they live in the mountains behind it!! And he goes to visit the Glittering Caves every two years! Tolkien thought of EVERYTHING
And nobody knows if anyone’s seen Treebeard lol
Haha Sam shuts down the “its not fair”s so fast, he’s such a dad 🤣
‘Don’t talk like that to me,’ said Sam sternly. ‘If it ain’t fair for Ellie and Fro to sit up after supper it ain’t fair for them to be born sooner, and it ain’t fair that I’m your dad and you’re not mine.’
My dad made up an “it’s not fair” song when I was a kid and this is reminding me of that for the first time in over a DECADE
Le gasp! Sam has a SecretTM!
“A dead hush of expectancy fell on all the children: they watched him as hobbit-children of other times had watched the wizard Gandalf.” Hello yes I will cry
I love that Aragorn himself won’t enter the Shire according to his own decree
But he has sent! A Fancy ScrollTM!
“Elessar Aragorn Arathornsson the Elfstone King of Gondor and of the Westlands…” Local man has too many names, authorities report
And now Tolkien gives elvish names to all Sam’s kids. Nerd.
“‘Samwise or Halfwise who should rather be called Plainwise.’ So now you know what the King thinks of your dad you’ll maybe give more heed to what he says.” LOL SAM COULD YOU GET ANY MORE DADLY
All Frodo Jr. takes away from this is “MUST INTERROGATE FATHER”
And they’re gonna stay with the King and Queen at the house on the Lake for a few weeks!! HOW EXCITING
Tbh I like the first version of Sam’s conversation with Rosie better. (The one marked with footnote #6, if you have the book.) It gives more character to Rosie, which is in short supply; and I like the idea of her almost prophetically starting to sing on the day Sam is about to return. Something very Elvish and Tolkien about that.
And Sam tells us he is all whole and healed so as to preemptively shut down the angst writers. (But we will survive muahaha >:-D)
“The went in and shut the door. But even as he did so Sam heard suddenly the sigh and murmur of the sea on the shores of Middle-earth.” OHOHOHO NONONO DON’T DO THIS TO ME
Manuscripts B and C
WAIT—in one version of Appendix A Gimli became LORD OF THE GLITTERING CAVES?? HELLO??
EDIT: I have been informed that Gimli being Lord of the Glittering Caves did, in fact, make it into the final version of the book, and I just didn’t pay enough attention LOL
Also “Master Samwise who should be called Fullwise”
“I think maybe the Entwives don’t want to be found” *EYES EMOJI*
Merry Jr. asks too many questions about horses! Carbon copies, I tell ya!
The amount of times Tolkien changed the beginning of Aragorn’s letter to include different names and titles is killing me 🤣🤣
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cantstoptheimagines · 3 months
just finished watching journey to bethlehem so i could see milo manheim and uhhh... here are my “train of thoughts” notes, meaning there is literally no organization here
@multifandomsimagine must hate me rn because i basically gave her a play by play of the entire movie bc it's just so campy. it's literally just a bible dcom to be quite honest. (also i am officially campaigning for milo manheim to play flynn rider and it’s all based on his role as joseph alone) 💀
They think I wouldn’t notice the inclusion of a Pair of Kings actor, but I did
Not even two minutes in, I can already tell this movie is going to be fucking hilarious
The narration sucks, it’s so bland
Why is the “Journey to Bethlehem” song suddenly a pop ballad?
The costuming is okay, but the language is so modern. This feels like a play written by TikTok
The first song is a bop
The facial expressions so far are very bland
I feel like it’s trying to provide some feminism anecdotes, which I find very interesting. Not what I expected at all to be honest
Feels like a play you’d do in high school for extra drama club credits
Joseph is literally just Wally Clark if he were in a Bible study club
I genuinely can’t tell if this is meant to be satirical or not
I’m living for Puss in Boots as an evil king, iconic
Good to Be King is the ultimate showtime villain song. I will die on this hill
Love the choreography in this villain song. Love men who can dance in sync while stomping their armored boots
Love Mary’s betrothal outfit
This dialogue is so fucking funny and for what reason?!
Office camera glance
I really like the shot of them behind the water wheel thing, it’s gorgeous
His hand is so much bigger than hers, oh my god
Gabriel. Iconic. Hilarious.
Far more Mary centered than I expected. It’s definitely her movie
Camera work during Mother to a Savior is beautiful
Love the map graphics
That cut from Mary/Elizabeth to Joseph. The editing in this movie is so smooth
Good Joseph, Bad Joseph. Why is he dressed like evil Legolas? Their outfits are giving Anakin and Padme
The Ultimate Deception is definitely one of the best songs. Joseph fighting against himself in his own subconscious, singing a duet with himself! Are you kidding me?!
Officially considering Joseph fanfiction
The Magi are everything musical theatre needs right now
The donkey as a running joke lol
We Become We is a love song for the ages, try to prove me wrong, I dare you
Dancing with the fireflies?!!!!!! When will it be my turn
The way she turned her head away, this is so funny oh my god
A prince with daddy issues?! Guess I found my husband for this movie. He has a great song, definitely one of the best but it’s probably the least promoted. I’ve never even heard it before even though it’s so good
Why wouldn’t you just lie about where you’re from lol, am I missing something with that part?
Joseph jumping into action after Mary says she wasn’t the only one chosen for this. We love a Milo Manheim character
“we’re meeting the lord, surrounded by sheep shit” lmaooo
Mary and Joseph are just the smart girl, dumb boyfriend trope and I love them for it
Joseph carrying her through the streets. He should’ve been a girl dad
Bro just got knocked out by a donkey lmao
Silent Night scene with a donkey pacing outside the barn where Mary is giving birth is honestly great
A shining light over the world with an angel choir concert glowing and sparkling in the sky, hot damn, who would’ve imagined
“I’m holding all the answers in my arms” is such a good lyric
“Mine is the kingdom, mine is the power, mine is the glory forevermore” changing into “thine” was a pretty clever idea
“One who has come to save the lost.” “Am I lost?”
“You are not your father” CALL OUT THOSE DADDY ISSUES, MARY
Damn, ok, Antipater
*finally kisses Joseph* “You’re welcome” WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
Stay for the end credits just to hear Brand New Life, it’s a great song too. The credits also feature Go Tell It On The Mountain
Would I be weird if I wrote fics for this movie lmao
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sunflowersupremes · 3 years
Idea I am throwing at you because your 'Elrond's bullshit math' post inspired it: Maglor eventually gets dragged back to Valinor by Legolas, who has a proven willingness to bring people who aren't supposed to be able to get there to Valinor and dare the Valar to complain. If they're not sinking him for a dwarf ....
Okay this ask killed me BECAUSE I actually have a short story I’m working on WITH THAT EXACT PREMISE.
Except in my oneshot they were actually looking for Daeron, but found Maglor instead and once Gimli heard “his dad was a great smith” they had to take him.
Okay so here’s a sneak peak!
“Is that him?” Gimli’s voice was quiet and gruff, his dark eyes glinting.
Legolas perched lightly on the rock beside him. “It… may be.”
The figure in front of them was old and hunched, wrapped in a threadbare cloak. But he seemed old, weathered by his sorrows. A harp sat beside him.
Gimli grunted. “I’ll get him.”
It was too late. The dwarf charged down from their hidden perch with a battle cry.
Legolas sighed and hopped down from his perch, following along more sedately.
“I got him!”shouted Gimli, holding the elf by the hood of his cloak.
The elf looking back at them was no Sinda. He had high cheekbones and jet black hair. His silver eyes gleamed with the Light of the Two Trees.
Legolas paled.
“Ha ha!” cheered the dwarf.
“That is… that not Daeron of Doriath,” he said slowly.
“Eh?” Gimli and his captive looked at one another.
“I am sorry,” said the captive. “I am usually a disappointment. Though I can tell you that Daeron has already left these shores, if that brings you joy.”
Gimli dropped his hood and grunted. “Mahal’s beard, Legolas, who is he?!”
“I- I think it may be-“
The elf smiled sadly and bowed his head. “Maglor, Son of Fëanor, at your service.”
Gimli, who had never cared much to learn about the history of the First Age, grunted. Then froze. “Fëanor, you say?”
“You have heard of me then?”
“No.” He turned to Legolas, a gleam in his eyes. “Fëanor was a student of Mahal-“
“We called him Lord Aulë,” offered Maglor.
“He was a great smith.”
Legolas nodded slowly. “He was.”
Gimli looked the Fëanorian up and down, then nodded. “We have room on our boat for him.”
“I cannot-“
“Alright,” said Legolas. He was no fool, he knew who they were dealing with… but if he was sneaking a dwarf into the Undying Lands already…
Not to mention, there was at least one elf who would be glad to see him (possibly) and since Legolas was also carrying news of the death of that elf’s daughter and foster son then he might as well try to balance out the pain.
Maglor didn’t think much of the idea, but he made little attempt to stop them as they packed up his camp. He almost seemed too tired, and a part of Legolas wondered if he would just fade before they got him there.
But at least then they would have tried, and history would know what had happened to Maglor, son of Fëanor.
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7soulstars · 3 years
*kneeling dramatically in front of your throne* greetings my queen Hri! i hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself 💕 i just read your johnny depp hcs and it's perfect .. i have sufferd from eating disorders for years and i know you got everything right, angel.. thank you so much for being so kind and supportive to all of us😻✨
as you know i've been thristing over legolas lately 🙊 so i thought of requesting something cute with him, if you don't mind writing it ofcourse, maybe he and y/n got lost in the woods and y/n is freaking out cause it's like her biggest fear actually happening but legolas so chill and is secretly happy cause it means he gets to spend more time with her, you can take it from here or develop it however you like 💕✨ thank you again love 😻
You sopil me soo much! Ugh I love it ! I’m glad you liked the hc I was really scared that I may have hurt someone or may have triggered them ! I hope your all better now and I know how much strength it takes to take a disorder down,,,,, Also I live for this Legolas fic req because we all know how much of a cheeky little shit he is! So lets go!!
Taur-o Thilivern Lie
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Characters: Legolas x Reader
Warnings: Arachnophobia?, mention of blood,Sugar Rush Inducing Fluff that makes our local elf dad want to puke
Summary: Legolas and Y/N get lost in the woods one is praying for time to go faster, the other to go slow....
Taur-o Thilivern Lie ; Elvish for The Woods of White Lies
“We are lost aren’t we ?”
The duo stood there in silence,only the cawing of a raven echoing in the background as the elven prince watched the woman turn stiff as a board. Not even a second later Y/N started walking in circles before stopping infront of the prince and looked him straight in the eye. “D-Don’t worry Legolas I’ll get us out of here”, she said puffing her chest as the her voice betrayed her actions.
Legolas did not say much he just nodded and walked behind Y/N who was stopping every two minutes of their walk. Well at least not until they reached a very dark and damp part of the forest.
“Oh must be where the huge spider lives”,Legolas unconciously let the words slip his mouth.
“Yes-”, his words were cut off as Y/N bolted across the trees screaming with no heed to the direction she was going in.
“Y/N !”, Legolas yelled as he ran behind her a layer of raw worry painting across himself “Y/N stop you are going to hurt yourself !”, he yelled as that’s exactly what happened.
The ground beneath Y/N’s feet sloped and she toppled rolling down a small heap. The ellon ran towards her as he reached out for her arm but ended up getting pulled into a hug.
Y/N’s face was buried into his chest as he froze. Her shoulders were shaking and his tunic felt wetter by every second. If this was a different scenario then Legolas would have died blushing but currently he was too concerned.
“Y/N ? Y/N are you crying? Valar did I do something ! I’m-”
“You idiot !”, she cried bringing herself to face him. Her face covered with tears and snot which everyone else would have taught was disgusting but not to Legolas. "I thought we're going to die! I like you so much I don' wanna die so soon! I'm scared of spiders", she wailed incoherenty, bringing her head back into his chest unaware of the words that left her mouth in the panic.
Legolas wouldn't lie, he was enjoying the feeling of the girl in buried into his chest way and her words too much, as he wrapped his arms around her as he lightly scolding her, " That is why you must stick close to me Y/N! This forest is full of dangers and you are not well aware of that yet ! "
It was true. Y/N had never been to the forest. It had been new to her and now she is clinging into the the tunic of the Prince of Elves. "I'm sorry..... ", she whined, her voice muffling into his chest. Her head still buried into his chest, the prince decided to say, " Oh Valar! A spider! " to which the girl let out a ear piercing screech as she tried running out of his arms, her eyes still closed. "LEGOLAS!!"
He let out a loud laugh as he grabbed her waist and kept her in position, from running away. Her back was now rested on his chest, her head under his chin as he coaxed her to open her eyes. "Hey shh shhh, I was joking okay, open your eyes! Look! ...", and she did did as he said.
There lay a beautiful clearing in front of them, blue and orange flowers littered everywhere as the now setting sun shone upon them giving them a beautiful hue. Y/N's tears had dried replaced by the smile on her face as she sighed happily at the scene playing in front of her. "It's so beautiful..... ". Legolas looked at her, he had forgotten about the flowers "Cin are limb more" (You are much more)he mumbled. His words not reaching her ears.
Neither of them knew how much time passed by as the two sat on the grassy patch unaware of their seating position until Y/N snapped out of the trance standing up abruptly, her face flustered. "W-we should try finding our way back! It's getting darker." Legolas didn't notice his face twist. He looked like a kicked puppy whose owner wouldn't give him pats well , at least until there was a rustle from the bushes nearby. He got up in one swift motion pulling Y/N behind him and his bow and arrow in his hand, waiting for whatever was in the bushes to come out.
"Prince Legolas and Lady Y/N?"
"Haldir!?", the two looked at the march warden in disbelief.
"Haldir!" Y/N ran towards him and held his hand. "Thank god you're here we got lost!"
"Lost ?", the marchwarden questioned his eyebrow lifting as he glanced at the prince behind the lady who had patted his index finger on his own lip.
The horses galloped back to the palace Legolas sported an idiotic smile on his face and a very tired and asleep Y/N leaned on his chest as they rode along with Haldir.
"Since when does the prince who spent almost every day of his childhood in those woods get lost? ", Haldir asked playfully.
"Hollen or-" (shut up) mumbled the other. Still unable to wipe the grin off his face "I got confused.... ", he reasoned.
"Whatever you say..... ", Haldir chucked. " Well, it isn't called Taur-o Thilivern Lie for nothing ", he countinued.
"Indeed... ", Legit said in a good mood, for now he was sure he really wanted you...
--The End--
Me: *gets ready to be hit with Tomatoes*
Hey guys! I'm finally done with this blurb! It was for my babies @gorgeourrific-nerd and all of you! It's not my best work and Ik it's short but I really hope you like it! I worked hard for it! Please do keep sending in requests! It may take a while but I'll definitely do it! Feedback would be appreciated! I hope you like, comment and reblog my fics if you like them to support me! Please do not plagiarize my work I really work hard for it🥺.I love you guys!🥰🥰
~Love Hri
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red-riding · 4 years
Mirkwood Elves react to S/O with a deceased Parent
So this is another tolkien characters react I wanted to do. This was not requested but I still felt like writing it. As someone who has lost their dad a couple years ago, I know small stuff can sometimes be comforting so maybe this will help someone who is going through this. Also Anyone who needs to talk about anything distressing in their lives or just in general, My messages are always open. 
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Legolas understands how you feel perfectly since he sadly lost his mother
He is always there for you to vent to if you need to or if you need to just cuddle up into his arms he is there for that too.
This ellon loves hearings about your deceased parent and will remember everything. He wishes he could have known them when they were alive, so he tries his best to get to know them through your words and stories.
“They really sound like they were an amazing person, do you think they would have liked me?” - Legolas 
On the anniversary of your parents death he always make sure to take the day off to stay with you and support you.
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Thranduil understands loss on a higher level than even his son. He has lost almost everyone in his life besides Legolas and you.
Because of this he always knows what to do and how to comfort you. 
Thranduil has found the best way to comfort you is cuddling you while telling you comforting words of how proud your deceased parent would be of you and how strong you are.
Thranduil often wishes he could have at least met your passed away parent at least once. He rememberers every detail you have ever told him about your deceased parent and values everything story you have told about them 
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Unlike the last two elves, Tauriel has not had much experience with loss but that doest stop her from trying her best to understand your pain and help you. 
She is always there for you. Whether you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, this elleth will be there to support you. 
Whenever she feels its a good time she often will ask you questions about your deceased parent. Things like their favorite color, food or what hobbies they had.
She enjoys this as it is the closet way to meeting them she can get. 
She will often say how thankful she is to your parent, for having such an amazing kid that she could not live without. 
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curiosityunsated · 3 years
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In Pursuit of the Scholarly
Triggers: Racism against elves. If there’s anything else you feel should be mentioned, please let me know. No violence included.
Not beta read, cross posted on AO3. Also, I have no idea of the Sindarin here is accurate- I used a translator I found on Google. Don’t @ me.
Prince Kíli, second in line for the throne of Erebor, was incandescently angry.
The Council sat and watched, though most did not really listen, as the Prince railed at them and yelled counter arguments and indignity. Most of the council, save for a very select few outside of the presence of the royal family, were not swayed by the show of temper. Some, in fact, looked rather smug (though those were typically not well liked in the Lonely Mountain).
The King, the King’s Consort, the Princess Royal, Prince Fíli, and Her Ladyship Tauriel sat in tense silence as their kinsman slowly ran out of steam. Tirade ended, he stared at the Council and waited.
Kern, who had held his seat on the Council even prior to the Desolation, was barely able to swallow his smirk before he responded.
“Be that as it may, Your Highness, Khuzdul is our sacred language, and it must be... protected. It is... understandable,” it looked as though the word hurt to say, “that you would wish to share it with your wife. But I’m afraid that we cannot agree with your insistence to allow Princess Thiliriel to take Khuzdul lessons.”
The young father bristled, and for a brief moment the Council braced for another round of ire. But it wasn’t the Prince Kíli who spoke, but Prince Fíli.
“Surely you see how difficult it would be to keep Thiliriel from learning Khuzdul completely, my Lords, as she lives in a Dwarven city. Some would say restricting her education in this way was born of ill will directed at the race of her forebears.” He pointed out, politely. Kern’s eyes narrowed.
“We can’t control the opinions of the uninformed, your highness,” he allowed, “and it is understood that there has been, and will be, some unfortunate transference. But perhaps this may be managed if the Royal Family would consider limiting their use of Khuzdul while in the company of the young Princess?” His polite tone matched Fíli’s syllable for syllable.
The Royal Family, save Lady Tauriel, stiffened as one. Prince Fíli’s eyes glinted at the response.
“We are approaching the Noonday bell. Perhaps this is a matter best settled another time.” Balin tried to intervene, and another dwarf would have accepted it for the diffusion that it was. The majority of the Council was prepared to do so, had Kern not spoken.
“I believe we’ve made our decision clear, Lord Balin, but thank you for the reminder. A pleasant day, my Lords.”
And an infuriated Prince Kíli was storming out of the chamber after Kern’s final words, gently tugging Lady Tauriel with him, even before the King had officially ended the meeting.
It started with Prince Fíli. This, perhaps, should not have surprised the Council as it had.
The Prince had been spotted, overheard really, in a training ring with the young Princess. That itself wasn’t unusual; the heir had made it routine to ‘train’ with his niece a few times a week, and nearly all the dwarrow who frequented the upper training halls had seen the two playing rambunctiously under guise of hand to hand combat. If this time usually came just before the Princess’ bedtime, well, no one could say Prince Fíli wasn’t efficient.
As far as the Council could gather, the incident happened just before the Royals had left for the evening. The Prince had been crouched on the ground, beckoning the little one forward and playfully taunting her. She had responded in kind, rushing at her uncle and jumping at him with a battle cry that, according to multiple reports, was very cute. He had taken her momentum and propelled himself backwards, landing flat on his back. And then, he had exclaimed:
“Cin got nin! Im’m dad!”
Apparently no one had clearly heard what the little one had said, but the Prince had smiled and kissed her forehead, replying:
“Cin did eithel, lend emel.”
Of course the Prince knew multiple dialects of elvish- the entire royal family did- but only so that they could interact with Elvish representatives without fear of coercion! It was unheard of for it to be spoken so- so- familiarly within an everyday setting! Especially in a Dwarven stronghold such as Erebor! Even Lady Tauriel chose to speak mostly Westron in the presence of the mountain’s public eye. It had left the Council feeling slightly wrong-footed, but perhaps it had been a one-time occurrence. A bit of practice, perhaps, so the Prince wouldn’t get rusty.
It was not a one-time occurrence. Only days later, King Consort Baggins was overheard in the library casually reading aloud to Princess Thiliriel in Sindarin... though the book itself was Westron! The Head Librarian hadn’t even asked him to lower his voice- though as the Head Librarian was the young Ori, son of Lori, that wasn’t surprising in the least. The former Company of Thorin Oakenshield was very close, even now.
Lord Ori had even pointed out a few words and asked for the translation in his own book, an act which garnered stares of its own.
The next day, Prince Kíli and Lady Tauriel gathered stares of their own as they strolled through the market, Princess Thiliriel between them, speaking exclusively in Sindarin! In the middle of the Marketplace! At one point, one scout reported, the Prince had swung his daughter around in his arms, exclaiming something in the lyrical language he hadn’t understood. It must have been humorous, though, because both Mother and Daughter had burst into giggles.
But the final straw, really, had happened in the Council’s very chambers during a meeting. Princess Dís, during a moment between agenda topics, had turned to her brother and quite clearly addressed him in Sindarin. And the King, with no hesitation, replied in Sindarin.
The entire room went silent, and many stared. Only Prince Fíli and Lord Balin continued perusing the paperwork for the next order of business as though nothing was amiss.
“Is everything alright, My Lords?” The King asked dryly, noticing the attention.
“It is just... well, you see...” Lord Tírn stumbled as the King turned his attention to him, and Kern interrupted.
“It isn’t like you to speak Elvish when there aren’t any Elves around, Your Majesty.” He interjected, and Thorin raised an eyebrow coldly.
“And you would know me well enough to make such an observation?” The Council watched as Kern blanched and then flushed.
“We’ve been hearing quite a lot of Elvish around the Mountain these days, Your Majesty.” He didn’t answer The King’s pointed question.
“Sindarin, Lord Kern. Not ‘Elvish’. There are multiple dialects. And since my granddaughter has been forbidden from learning her Father’s sacred tongue, we have decided to use her Mother’s instead.” Princess Dís replied, and if Thorin was cold then his sister’s tone was frozen solid. The Council felt a rush of fear run down their spines.
“Yes. In fact, I’ve been considering asking Prince Legolas to visit soon- Lady Tauriel is both a working ‘dam and a mother, and I don’t want to take more of her time but there are a few grammar questions I have that Lord Bilbo can’t seem to explain.” The Prince’s tone could be described as bland, even self-musing, but the flash of steel in his eye as he glanced at Kern.
“I- I suppose it would be good for our relations with Mirkwood for the Prince to visit-“ the Councillor tried, and was interrupted.
“Perhaps we should revisit the idea of an Elvish Ambassadorship, as a permanent position in the Court.” The King stated, and Kern turned an ugly puce color.
“Elves living in Erebor!?” He erupted, evidently at the end of his rope.
“My Brother’s Wife is an Elf. I would be very careful how you finish that thought, Lord Kern.” Prince Fíli said lowly, and unsheathed a knife to spin, point down, on the table with pointed intent.
“My granddaughter is part Elf. I will not hear any protest about her kin coming to stay, Councillor. Especially if you hope to keep your seat.” Princess Dís did not need to produce a weapon to aid her threat.
“I meant no disrespect, your Highnesses. I humbly apologize.”
“It seems to me, Lord Kern,” the King began, “that you have invited disrespect with your words and your conduct. Barring my grand niece from learning her Maker’s tongue- don’t look at me like that, I know who’s voice persuaded the rest of Council against it- and now making remarks of such disgust against the lineage of an heir of the line of Durin?” King Thorin trailed off, hard stare never wavering.
Kern, who had already been thrown off kilter by the Royal Family’s seemingly overnight adoption of Sindarin, floundered under such a direct accusal.
“I- Your Majesty, never-“
“In fact,” the King continued, and the Council watched the two with bated breath, “I have been in talks with some of our oldest, most practiced curates and they all agree. The right to learn Khuzdul is a matter of religion, not of politics.”
Kern turned that fetching shade of puce again.
“So while it remains a matter of courtesy for Prince Kíli and Lady Tauriel to inform the assembled Council of their plans for Princess Thiliriel’s education, they are in no way obliged to do more than consider the Council’s opinions on this particular aspect.” The King finished, and it was Princess Dís’ turn to smirk as she, and the rest of the Council, watched the pompous windbag known as Kern to puff up, process, deflate, and stiffly nod.
“Thank you, your Majesty, for reminding the Council of the boundaries of our reach. I am... sure this will not be forgotten.” The words came as easily as blood from a rock, and Kern ground his teeth as though trying to break ore from stone as he spoke.
“Oh, and Lord Kern?” King Thorin said, already looking at the papers for the next topic, and not sparing a glance for the Council.
“Yes, your Majesty?”
“I’d like for you to tell his Highness and Lady Tauriel the good news. Directly after the Council Meeting concludes. We wouldn’t want to delay the Princess’ education any longer.”
Fíli’s smile could only be described as wolfishly sharp, and he clearly inherited it from his mother.
Elvish translations:
Cin got nin! Im’m dad! : you got me! I’m down!
Cin did eithel, lend emel. : You did well, sweet heart.
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Next Best Thing (Thranduil and young! Legolas)
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AN: look, idk what to tell ya. I made a sandwich, and thought of Pushing Daisies, and then wanted a family-oriented tv show surrounding an early 2000s Lee Pace raising a young Cole Sprouse as Legolas.
Summary: Legolas is hungry. Thranduil is sleepy. Proceed.
Warnings: idk adorable fluff feels, I guess.
Pairings: father and son bonds, mis amigos, because by god, there were none in the hobbit trilogy.
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There had been a strain on Mirkwood, since the queen’s death. Of course, no strain could be better found, than the one pertaining to parenting.
Being only a single father now, as well as a king, Thranduil was having a rather hard time adjusting, to say the least.
Nonetheless, with a light heart, perhaps aching a tad, Legolas carried on with his childhood. Although, he saw his father less and less, as the days turned to weeks, and as the weeks turned into months.
Nonetheless, with a light heart, perhaps aching a tad, Legolas carried on with his childhood. Although, he saw his father less and less, as the days turned to weeks, and as the weeks turned into months.
That was what hurt the most.
It was only when he had climbed a tree one day, and fallen out, did his father focus on him once more. Young Legolas had broken his arm, and contorted his face in pain.
In an instant, and a clacking of elk hooves, Thranduil arrived. Legolas actually liked having his arm broken, for most everyone in charge of him went easy on him, and showed pity. There were no more baths, if he did not wish, and no more classes.
They even allowed him sugary chocolates for breakfast, at one point!
Of course, broken arms did not last forever, which is what made the young child exploit it, as much as he could.
Thranduil spent most of his time with Legolas, or vice versa. For example, when overlooking scrolls dictating that week’s notices, Legolas sat on the throne with him.
It bonded them, to an extent, and Thranduil too even found joy in the exchange. Of course, he felt guilty that it was at Legolas’ arm’s expense.
One night, Thranduil had awoken, to a soft knock at his door. Groaning, as he suddenly felt as though he were caring for a crying newborn again, he sat up.
“What is it, yón nîn?” Thranduil yawned. He looked rather ungraceful, in that moment. He wasn’t a king that night, but a father instead. (my son)
Standing short and sleepy, Legolas rubbed at his eyes.
“I’m hungry, Ada,” he said. (dad)
Sighing, Thranduil glanced around him. He figured it must have been near midnight, judging from the stillness of the night. No servants lingered in the halls, and none bustled about – save for the fireflies that whirred past, for they had managed to sneak into his kingdom’s walls.
“Did you not eat supper?” Thranduil tiredly asked, rubbing at his own face.
“I did, but that was hours ago,” Legolas explained. He stood eager in the doorway, silently pleading with his father to help make him a late-night snack.
Sighing, Thranduil slumped his shoulders. He then swung his legs over the side of his bed (as he still slept to the left, despite now having it all to himself), and sleepily made his way across the room.
Usually, if the prince required immediate attention, there was always at least three servants on standby outside of his room. However, as mentioned before, the current healing predicament of the child was enough to earn sympathy points.
Though Elven customs preferred otherwise, Thranduil took his son’s smaller hand in his, and walked him down the large stretch of Mirkwood hallway.
After a few twists and turns, the father and son duo finally arrived in the kitchen. It was a large expanse of wood and low hanging lanterns, which illuminated the area in a warm glow.
Many cupboards, benches and pantries crafted the area, and held many different items of food.
Climbing up onto a stool before the kitchen counter, Legolas swung his legs back and forth. He placed his elbows on the table, and folded them, as he observed his father.
Thranduil sent him an idly scolding look, for there was a noble rule of having no elbows on the table. Naughty, Thranduil bemusedly thought. He knew Legolas believed he could get away with slightly misbehaving. The child was right in that regard too, for Thranduil nonetheless stayed silent.
He rounded the long wooden bench himself, and placed both palms against it. He then leant forwards, and with a nosed exhale, spoke up.
“Okay, what would you like?” he patiently asked.
“A sandwich,” Legolas immediately said, without hesitation.
Raising his brows in agreement, Thranduil hummed. He then stood straight again, and went to the cupboards.
“Very well,” he concurred.
He reached up into a pantry, and retrieved a loaf of bread. Near the bread, a ceramic jar of peanut paste sat. He grabbed that too.
Noticing that his father had retrieved the peanut butter, Legolas quickly piped up.
“I can’t have that,” he said.
“Why not?” Thranduil confusedly asked. He lifted his eyes from the creamy paste, and knitted his brows down at his son.
“Because, I’m allergic,” Legolas stated, in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Since when?” Thranduil chuckled, nonetheless placing the peanuts far away from Legolas.
“Birth,” Legolas sarcastically answered, in a rather flat tone. He had expected Thranduil to know that, and was almost disappointed he didn’t.
Thranduil stared down at his son with a blank face. However, he slowly raised his brows, and averted his eyes.
“I see…” was all he said. He probably should have known that about his own son.
Thranduil then moved away to another section of the kitchen, and studied both lettuce and meat.
“Well, what else would you like?” he asked, levelling his eyes with each shelf. “Are you vegetarian this week? Or are we passed that?”
“No, I was vegetarian last week,” Legolas answered, with a thinning of his lips and a shake of his head. “I can eat meat this week.”
“Ah, of course,” Thranduil replied, retrieving the shaved ham and lettuce.
He soon returned to the counter, and crafted a simple sandwich. Once completed, he turned the plate around, and presented it to Legolas.
“Will that suffice?” Thranduil asked, lifting one brow in question.
Legolas craned his head from side to side, and scrutinised the dish. He squinted his eyes, and leaned closer.
“It’s for eating, Legolas,” Thranduil hummed in amusement, “not for a contest against other sandwiches.”
At his father’s words, Legolas lifted his head. He unnarrowed his eyes, and spoke up again.
“Do we have any olives?” he asked.
Sighing, Thranduil felt a grin tugging on his lips. He looked down at the table in defeat, before meeting Legolas’ own smile again.
“I’ll see for you,” the father said.
And with that, Thranduil and Legolas spent at least twenty minutes in the kitchen. They crafted two sandwiches each, and talked the whole while, about nothing at all, really.
When it was time for bed, Legolas had fallen asleep in the kitchen. Apparently, his last meal of the night fatigued him greatly.
Most paternally indeed, Thranduil carried Legolas, with his head against his shoulder. His son slept soundly, the whole way back to his room.
That night, he allowed the prince to stay in his bed, where he brought the covers up close to his chin, and brushed a warm thumb along his cheek.
However, before he himself could make a move, as to go to bed, Legolas had softly spoken.
“I love you, Ada,” he said.
Smiling warmly, Thranduil shook his son’s shoulder slightly, and responded.
“I love you too. Goodnight, Legolas.”
“Goodnight, Ada.”
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
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Legolas x OC
Requested: Nope
Summary:  Mira. A short and unusual name for a short and unusual Elf. After an audience with Galadriel goes sideways, she leaves her birthplace Lóthlorien and the Elves for good.  That is until a certain Gandalf asks for a favor. Come along on her journey, as she reluctantly agrees to accompany Gandalf on the quest to destroy the One Ring.  She befriends every Fellowship member, except one. Legolas and Mira are water and fire from the very first moment they laid eyes on each other. Will this be an obstacle during the quest or is it going to make everything just a little more interesting?
Warnings: None, just men being men. 
Masterlist Perfect Secrets
While Gandalf and Mira climbed the stairs, she asked him why he had summoned her. Gandalf wouldn’t say, only telling her to be patient and that everything would be cleared up at the ‘Council of Elrond’. 
When the pair reached the top of the stairs, they were welcomed by Lord Elrond.
The Council hadn’t begun yet, and Mira was a bit surprised to see more people than she expected to be at a secret meeting. A delegation of Elves, Dwarves, Men and one small Hobbit were seated in a circle, around a rock with a flattened surface. 
They were looking towards her and Gandalf. She could hear them mutter amongst themselves asking who the hooded lady was. She smirked confidently. Let them guess, she thought. They’ll never know. 
Elrond gestured to take a seat in the two remaining empty chairs, one next to the Hobbit and one between Legolas and the other Elves. Did Elrond suspect something?
Mira looked back at him, but he had already turned around to take a stand at the head of the circle. Gandalf took the seat next to the Halfling, whispering a few words into his ear. She hesitated for a few seconds, before walking around the outside of the circle to the wall of the building, feeling the eyes of everyone piercing her back. She turned around and leaned with her back against the wall, arms crossed, one foot over the other. 
It was her way to say she didn’t belong to the Elves nor Men, keeping the mystery alive. Plus she preferred to be in the background anyways. Gandalf nodded at Elrond, signaling that the Council could begin.
“Strangers from distant lands, friends and old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it, you will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to its fate; this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo,” Elrond asked the small Hobbit. Frodo stood up and carefully placed a small golden ring on the centered rock. 
“So it’s true,” one of the Men gasped, his eyes fixed on the ring. “In a dream, I saw the Eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: your doom is near at hand. Isildur’s Bane is found.” He was on his feet now, and got dangerously close to the ring. 
“Boromir!” Elrond warned him. He sat down at once. 
“Frodo, will you tell us how this ring came to you and the troubles you have faced already?” Gandalf asked the Hobbit. Everyone listened to his story, how he inherited the ring from Bilbo, that he had encountered Black Riders, fought against them and got stabbed by a Morgul Blade in the process. 
Mira had listened to him intently. It was remarkable how such a small being had endured so much in so little time, there was no doubt this was the One Ring. Hobbits never cease to amaze her.
The sky turned dark and ominous. Gandalf’s voice became deeper, there was a strange echo when he spoke. The moment he spoke the first words, Mira got a splitting headache. 
“Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul” (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them)
Mira shook her head, trying to get rid of the headache. She didn’t want anyone to notice something was wrong, but she recognized the pained expressions from the other Elves. She was not the only one who felt it. 
As soon as Gandalf finished, the sky cleared and so did the headache.
Lord Elrond gasped, definitely not happy with Gandalf’s actions.
“Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!”
“I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil!”
Well, he does have a point there, Mira thought to herself. Gandalf had been right, they were on the verge of war. If they had the One Ring, Sauron would do anything to get it back. 
“It is a gift. A gift from the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of my people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!” Boromir demanded. 
“You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master,” the ranger answered him. 
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?” Boromir sneered back. 
At this point, Legolas stood up from his chair. 
“This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.”
“This is Isildur’s heir?” Boromir asked, just as Mira thought the exact same thing.
“And heir to the throne of Gondor,” Legolas countered confidently. 
Mira would say it was more arrogant than confident but maybe she was a bit biased. 
“Havo dad, Legolas,” Aragorn said to him, trying to calm him down. (Sit down) Legolas obeyed, but kept a stern look on Boromir. Mira could tell the tension was building. It wouldn’t take much before they’d start killing each other. She hadn’t missed the angry glances between the Elves and Dwarves. 
“Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king,” Boromir muttered angrily before taking a seat again. His attitude was starting to get on Mira’s nerves. What was it with men and their pride, always wanting to have the last word?
“Aragorn is right. We cannot use it,” Elrond intervened, trying to clear the tension. “You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” One of the Dwarves jumped out of his seat and tried to destroy the Ring, shattering his axe in the process. 
Mira chuckled, noticing the stunned expression of the Dwarf upon seeing his ruined axe. She liked this one, he was straightforward and didn’t hesitate. 
“The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloín, by any craft that we here possess,” Elrond said to him. “The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm of whence it came. One of you must do this.”
He looked around the circle, but there was no reaction. 
Boromir sighed heavily. “One does not simply walk into Mordor.” 
He continued warning everyone about the dangers Mordor held for anyone who dared to cross the Black Gates. Legolas interrupted him, clearly fed up with the man of Gondor. 
“Have you heard nothing of what Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!”
“Well yes, Elf Boy, we all heard that,” Mira muttered silently, rolling her eyes. She knew he would be the only one to hear it. Legolas’ head snapped in her direction, his eyes shooting daggers at her. Before he could say something, Gimli interrupted.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it?” he shouted angrily at Legolas. “I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an Elf!”
Mira had to admit that was taking it a bit too far. She might be hiding the fact that she was an Elf, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t proud of being one. The others took this as their cue to start arguing. Even Gandalf and Elrond took part in the fight, which surprised her. She had taken a few steps away from the wall, so she was ready to intervene if necessary. 
The only one who wasn’t participating was Frodo, he was still in his chair seemingly deep in thought. Mira also stayed out of the argument, and kept an eye on everyone in the room. 
All of a sudden Frodo’s eyes focused again and he said, “I will take it!”
Nobody except Gandalf and Mira had heard him. Gandalf closed his eyes in defeat, clearly not happy with the Hobbit’s suggestion.
“I will take the Ring to Mordor,” Frodo repeated, finally getting everyone’s attention. His expression changed once he noticed everyone staring at him, almost looking shy. “Though I do not know the way.”
Gandalf kneeled in front of him, placing his hand on his shoulder. 
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear.”
Frodo looked very grateful. He should be, Mira thought, it was a very dangerous task and he should accept all the help he could get. She did think it was very brave of him to volunteer. Stupid too. But brave nonetheless. 
In the next few minutes, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir had offered their help as well. Mira couldn’t help but notice Legolas’ smirk when he looked at her. Was he challenging her? 
“Oi! Mister Frodo is not going anywhere without me!” Another Hobbit was coming out of the bushes, rushing towards the group. 
Elrond looked sternly at him, but Mira could see a hint of a smile. 
“No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.”
Mira crossed her arms again, and leaned back against the wall behind her. The group standing before Elrond was a sight to behold. Wizards, Men, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits, every race was represented. Who would have thought this to be possible?
“Seven companions-”, Elrond started but was interrupted by yet another pair of Hobbits who came running from behind the pillars in the back. 
“Wait! We are coming too!” They rushed to Frodo’s side. Mira smiled, she was certain these Hobbits would give Gandalf a hard, but interesting time during their quest. 
“You’d have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!” one of them said proudly, crossing his arms.
The blond Hobbit wanted to say something smart too, and added, “Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest… thing.”
“Well, that rules you out, Pip,” his friend was quick to answer. Mira snorted. 
Elrond opened his arms. “Nine companions-”
“Lord Elrond, if you please,” Gandalf interrupted him. Mira half expected Elrond to drop his arms at his side and just give up speaking altogether, but his expression didn’t even falter. Impressive.
“I do believe there is someone else who would be wise to join us,” Gandalf spoke, looking directly at Mira. 
Mira’s eyes widened. No, he wouldn’t, would he? She even looked behind her, forgetting she was leaning against a wall, to check if there was a chance he didn’t mean her. 
“Mira, my dear. Don’t keep us waiting,” he said warmly. 
She froze, frantically trying to think of an excuse, any excuse not to join them. 
“A woman?” Boromir laughed. “You can’t be serious! Does she even know how to fight?”
That comment made something stir within her. Wasn’t it enough that Legolas had been acting like he did towards her, and now another man had to doubt her skills?
In less than a split second she had drawn her two knives from her boots and threw them towards Boromir, effectively pinning his cape to the railing of the balcony behind him, without even scratching Legolas and the Hobbits, who were all standing in very close proximity. It did not only show her skills with a knife, but her strength as well since the railing was made out of stone. 
“I can assure you, Boromir, that Mira knows exactly how to defend herself. Best not to get on her bad side,” Gandalf chuckled. Mira stepped towards Boromir and pulled her knives out of the railing, keeping her eyes fixed on Legolas’ the whole time, as if to say “Did you see that?”.
Elrond cleared his throat, opening his arms for the third time. Before he started, he looked at Gandalf, who nodded at him. 
“Ten companions… so be it! You shall be known as the Fellowship of the Ring!”
A/N: I have a taglist now! Send me an ask if you want to be added!
Taglist Perfect Secrets: @ayo-cowbelly​
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1}The reader (who's basically grew up abused and without love) comes to middle earth and for some reason she's blessed with long life (like Aragorn) she went through the whole fellowship adventure. After, she gets an offer to stay at Rivendell from Elrond. She agrees, since then she's seen him as a father figure and he's the only one she feels 100% comfortable with. She then accediently calls him dad and immediately she rushes off and aviods him. -Nina
⚠️ trigger warning for reference to abuse ⚠️
I hope you’re doing okay xx this will probably be split into two parts the way you made the request 💖
(I do not own LoTR or it’s characters)
Your legs ached. Sometimes you were humoured at how after everything you did with the fellowship your legs still felt like they would give way beneath you after walking. However they were rather typical after a long walk, however long walks were one of the things that kept your head clear at the worst of days. Sadly there seemed to be no shortage of those days especially today. There wasn’t any particular reason for it but still the curse of feeling saddened and a tad angry at the world didn’t ever need a reason to plague your mind.
Usually, when you felt as if your mind had betrayed your body with such heavy thoughts, you’d spend time with Legolas. He was speaking in terms your best friend. Sometimes you questioned if you both had some sort of mind connection. He knew when things were wrong at the flick of a switch as did you but no matter how close you got, you never told him of the past that haunts you but in his own way he figured out how much it troubles you to speak of such pains, he himself has had similar experiences as you and always deemed better than to push. You only trusted one man with the weight of your world.
Elrond. The one person you felt calm around you’d go as far to say loved. You didn’t expect him to know the true extent of your comfort around him not to mention how much of a father figure you saw him as. When you were young you couldn’t fathom what connected two people but you yearned for it. Every day you’d glance at a family walking back from school, a group of friends laughing in the playground or a couple holding hands and the cogs in your mind twisted and creaked looking for an answer. The deep seated loneliness forever gripping onto you until you fell.
Usually falling is an awful thing, wind whipping your skin as you continue to travel to the most permanent destination the world can offer. Not this time. Your fall was the most beautiful thing you’d ever experienced. One day you fell right into middle earth, right into the friendships that chipped away the loneliness until you had finally met someone who dispersed it completely and for once your mind no longer raced to find an answer.
You walked back into Rivendell. Legs still burning but the fog that lay in your mind gone with the flutter of the wind. Immediately you’re immersed in the golden hues caressing the archways and stone. The sun was perhaps one of the most captivating things you’d ever laid eyes on. It could make the most common things stunning, the darkest things shine and the prettiest things bathe in golden glitter. It was in other words the worlds enhancer, the thing that found beauty in everything and exploited it.
“I see you admire what the sun brings in its final hours.”
You felt yourself calm a little and the warm feeling of home tore apart the last remaining ugly strips of sadness you had hours before. Often the calming effect Elrond had. He was the opposite of the people you had known before middle earth. He was kind. Just kind. Something you thought to be so rare and fragile yet he never seemed to have a shortage of it.
“It’s so beautiful here.”
You turned to face him and a proud smile tugged at his face. Elrond was happy beyond belief you decided to stay in Rivendell. In a completely platonic way he loved you as his own. In his eyes you were his own, family is not a title given at birth it is earned. He couldn’t care if you didn’t resemble him or have Elven blood.
“I am glad you like it here, Mellon, tell me about your whereabouts this morning.”
Elrond has taught you a bit of elvish since you made home in Rivendell. Something hurt in the way he called you friend and for a split second you forgot any question had been asked and dwelled on that feeling. Perhaps he didn’t see you as a daughter. That thought cut you deep.
“I was out I just went for a walk to clear my head.”
Elrond frowned a little reaching out his hand to touch the top of your arm.
“Are you alright, Y/n?”
You swallowed thickly.
“Yes I’m alright, I was just thinking about before I came here and needed some time.”
You couldn’t see but Elrond’s eyes pooled with worry and sadness. It hurt him that you were mistreated by others. Whoever caused such turmoil to a child’s heart which continued to lay heavy on their mind for years was the lowest act to exist. However he was proud of you not only for being strong and continuing in pursuit of a new life but for finding the courage to speak of it. When he first met you, your walls were so high it seemed impossible to get in but eventually you no longer resisted his touches of comfort and began to slowly let him in. He couldn’t be prouder.
“Y/n, it troubles me to see you in the clutches of your mind, please if these thoughts or memories return come to me, I hope you know I value you highly among people.”
His words felt so sincere and held such genuine concern that you’d ached for since as long as you could remember it wasn’t a wonder why you felt so comfortable around someone. It was just like the sun, shining light into the darkest of corners but like most good things the light faded all too quick.
“Thank you, dad.”
The words fell from your lips without having even been processed. You felt your blood run cold, not a quick flourish but an icy coursing feeling that made your limbs ache. You didn’t think. Why would you? You were comfortable for the first time in a long while you deserved to have a break from the tension. If only you saw it that way. A lump grew in your throat and for a moment you thought maybe you could fool him into believing the word you just spoke meant something utterly different but one quick look at his face said otherwise.
Pure shock. Nothing else. Just shock. It was inches across every inch of his face practically screaming at you. Of course he knew what it meant, he knew languages elves, dwarves and orcs alike hasn’t even heard the name of. You wanted to cry. You’d felt awful in your life but this felt like the deepest pit you’d ever fallen into. You and Elrond both looked at each other for a while, you taking in the shock and what would probably be the end of the relationship between the person you felt comfortable with for the first time and Elrond processing your words over and over unable to grasp the fact you are him as your father.
You decided to save yourself from slipping impossibly deeper into the pit you dug yourself into and leave before Elrond could give you any kind of response other than the one that already claimed his features.
“I just remembered I left my-.”
You never finished the sentence. Already so desperate to leave that you broke into a run. You didn’t know where you were going or even where you wanted to go. Your mind was racing. The only thought left to run it’s track bouncing off every wall of your head. You might have well yelled it for everyone in middle earth to hear it raced through your head that many times as the loudest scream it could muster.
‘You ruined everything.’
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Movie Binge
Will Graham x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: nothing I don’t think??
Author’s Note: I’ve loved the lord of the rings films since I was little and I went with my dad to see the hobbit ones as they came out, they’ll always be a special little part of me so this was so fun! Adding Will and the movies, what a good idea! I hope you enjoy this lovely. 
Requested: by @sweet-hot-latte, Maya! I found the way for you to write about LOTR! Will Graham watching The Hobbit with his gf. And him having fun seeing her daydreaming about her celebrity crushes (my love for Luke Evans, Lee Pace and Richard Armitage is undying). Sorry for that two requests in one day but I couldn't help it 😅
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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“You haven’t seen Lord Of The Rings?!” You were sitting on the floor of Will’s home, surrounded by dogs. You were still petting them all but you were also very concerned about your boyfriend of nearly a year and the fact you had never, not once, heard of this information. You blamed yourself really. You should have thought about asking him on previous movie nights but when you first got together it was all his work and no play. Now that things were settled and Hannibal was in prison, for better or worse, you were able to watch movies on Fridays with Will thinking someone was going to come kill him.
“They were just never my thing,” he admitted, petting the dog at his side. You shook your head angrily.
“Well then tomorrow, we get up early and we watch all three of the Lord Of The Rings films and then the next day, we do The Hobbit films.” He raised an eyebrow.
“It’s a two day event?”
“Why yes it is. Unless you want to try and do it all in one day which is very pretentious of you.”
“How long are they?” 
“Like three hours.” His eyes went wide and you nodded.
“Two days it is.”
The first day went alright, considering the fact that he wasn’t prepared to be as moved as he was. You were quite content with just watching him watch the movies but there were plenty of bathroom and snack breaks along with taking the dogs out.
By the time that The Return Of The King ended Will was pretending not to cry and you were opening crying into his chest. But that however, was just round one. You still had three more movies to go and Will was very ready to make that jump into the next movies as smoothly as possible. 
He was used to the world now and you could both enjoy it equally (while him of course getting his first time into account). 
And he, always keen to your emotions sometimes even more so than you, noticed very quickly your change in pace when Thorin or Bard or Legolas or Thranduil came on screen. Your face lit up in the same way it did when you saw him (if not a little less for them) and your demeanor changed. You obviously had your favorites.
“You know, this Thranduil guy seems like a real ass,” Will commented, hiding the smile that was threatening to come onto his face. You shoved him.
“He’s been through trauma Will,” you snapped and he couldn’t help but smile. 
“I’ve been through trauma too and it doesn't make me an asshole.” 
“You don’t live in Middle Earth.”
“That changes like zero of the outcomes of trauma except he’s a lame excuse for a king Y/N.” You shoved him over onto one of the dogs and she managed to wiggle out from underneath him before you leaned into him.
“I will kick you out and you will never know what happens to Bilbo and the company of Thorin Oakenshield,” you threatened. 
“That’s another guy, Thorin, they really expect him to be the king when he has like, zero kind experience?” You shoved him some more and shook a finger at him.
“Will Graham do you want to be a single man in this world? It is cruel and unforgiving.” He laughed and was able to get up, snaking his arms around your waist. You let him but not without letting out a sigh of annoyance that he still hadn’t recanted his words.
“Let’s just watch the movie huh?” he asked into your shoulder. You tried to get away from him but both of yours and his legs were entangled in the blanket that was blocking you from the harsh winter weather outside his little home.
“Will you please call Thorin a competent king?” you asked quietly. “And if you even try on insulting Bard I will personally kick you out of your own home.” 
“Bard?” “He comes up here soon, you’ll see. I think you’ll like him. It's the same guy from the Beauty and the Beast remake.”
“Gaston?” You nodded.
“Yeah but he’s better in this one I promise. Now say it.” He let out a sigh and nodded.
“Thorin may be a competent king but I have yet to see it.”
“Thorin is a king. He shall be a king,” he teased and you let it slide because you weren’t sure if you were going to get anything more out of him.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, putting your arms back around him as he snuggled into your chest like one of the dogs. You kissed his forehead and played with his curls.
“Oh gosh it’s Gaston.”
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Return Her pt. 7
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The Company (and friends) x Reader
Tauriel saves Kili, Smaug kills a lot of people, and it's time to rejoin the others.
You're extremely troubled at the moment. 
Now that things have settled down and you're no longer scrambling around for things to do to help or anything, your mind has finally caught up with you. 
The past few nights you've been having nightmares. Very vivid nightmares that have successfully stolen sleep from you each time and even made you cry a few times. 
You've actually been having dreams for a while now, though most you can't make out or even remember in the mornings, but recently they've been getting more frequent and you've been forgetting them less. 
The first dream had you in a cold sweat when you woke, it being of nothing more than fire and death and a grand serpent soaring through the skies. 
The night after that you dreamt of a beautiful stone, shimmering and shinning with flowing colors so vibrant and bright it looked as if it captured the very essence of the sky and stars; and an army of elves marching upon a rampart of stone that you stood on. 
And the night following that your mind was filled with images of Kili thrashing and writhing in pain on the ground, and even after you woke his screams still rung in your ears.
Worst of all was your most recent dream, though. 
You were alone on a cliffside surrounded by large stone structures and looking out over a terrible battle below, and you were unable to move. There was nothing but death and destruction below, screams coming from a grand city as gold and silver meet black and grey, and you would have continued to stare if you hadn't heard the yelling from behind you. 
You'd turned towards the sound and were met with the sight of Thorin, Bilbo, and Dwalin, but strange enough they weren't there before.
They began screaming "No!" and horror painted their features, but your body wouldn't let you turn to look. You were stuck looking at their terror-stricken features, but then suddenly things began to move very quickly. 
There was a flash and then you saw a pale hand and grand blade running someone through, but when you tried to look at the face it was as if the sun was glaring in your eyes. 
When you squinted against the sunlight it shifted again, this time with a thick, pointed spike driving through someones chest, and, finally, the same pale arm from before and the piercing of another.
You were vaguely aware of someone screaming, and when you focused in on the sound you realized the cries were coming from you, but still you could not see the faces belonging to the dead.
Sweat lined your forehead and tears streamed down your face when you had sat up, a pain blossoming in your chest of heartbreak and something else.
It was so vivid you could actually feel the pain, what you assumed was their pain, and after sleep evaded you completely.
Since you're alone at the moment you have time to think on your horrible nightmares, and it successfully upsets you as you watch Kili resting on the bed a few meters ahead of you. 
Fili sits at his brothers feet, leaning back against the wall with his hands folding on his stomach while he sleeps. 
You don't realize you're staring until someone steps into your line of sight and you're instead looking at someones stomach. 
At first you don't react, but then your eyes flicker up and your gaze meets Bard's kind one. 
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Bard asks softly, taking a seat next to you.
You nod your head without missing a beat, replying slightly defensively, "I am. Why do you ask?" 
"Well, you looked lost in your head and, if I'm not being too presumptuous, you appeared to be on the verge of tears." 
"Oh... Fair enough." You mumble, looking away from him with a deep frown etched on your face. 
Bard doesn't say anything nor does he move to get up, still looking at you intently as if searching your face for an answer. 
After a few beats of this uncomfortable silence you mumble, "Can I ask you a question?" 
"Yes, of course you can." He replies quickly, turning towards you fully with a look akin to concern on his face. 
"You love your children," You begin, looking up at him, "A-And seeing something bad happen to them would hurt you, because you care about them. Because they're your family."
He nods slowly, looking at you oddly, "Yes..." 
"And, if you... if you had some sort of, how do you say... some sort of gut feeling or intuition on something bad that may happen, you would do anything to protect them, right?" 
He nods once more, "Certainly. My children are my everything." 
"But what if it were someone else? Someone not related to you by blood that you cared for deeply, you would still try your best to help them, right?" 
"Even if it meant something bad happening to you or another in the process?"
"Well that depends on who that person is. I can't leave my children behind, but if that person were special to me then I would do what I can to protect them." 
"And if you didn't have to think about your children in that situation?"
"Y/N, what is this about?" He asks instead of answering, reaching down to grab your hand gently. "The things you say are worrying me." 
Aw shoot, you're freaking him out. "Sorry... You know what, it's nothing. I was just thinking about Kili, I'm worried for him." 
It doesn't look like he believes you, but he doesn't bother you with it any more.
When the mountain began to rumble Bard and his son left with a black arrow in hand, and while you would've really loved to go and help out, Kili is quite literally dying and you're kinda freaking the fuck out. Bain comes back later though cause his dad got arrested apparently.
Bofur hasn't returned, Oin is running out of tricks, Fili is freaking out over his brother, Bard is in jail for who knows what, and Tilda is so fucking cute.
That last one isn't a bad thing, but it's true. 
Poor girl is terrified, and since you can't do anything for Kili you figure you might as well console her while her sister refills Kili's water. 
You walk over to her and offer a small smile, reaching up to brush some of her hair out of her face, "You know, you're a very brave girl. Your father is lucky to have you." 
She looks up at you and a small smile comes to her face, "You really think so?"
You nod your head in affirmation and place your hands on her shoulders, "I do. I think you're brave, and very clever. I mean, a bunch of dwarves and a strange woman come to your house and get your Da in trouble, and then some of those dwarves and the women come to your house with a screaming friend. I think you're handling it all very bravely." 
Her smile broadens at your words and she jumps up and down a few times, "My Da was right, you are really nice!" 
"And pretty too!" 
Uh-oh, you sure hope nobody else heard that. 
You glance back and find that they're still focused on Kili, so Bard will live another day. 
"Well your father has excellent taste my dear. Now, maybe you should go hang out in another room while we try and fix-" 
There is a sudden noise that comes from the roof and you look up sharply, eyes narrowing.
"Da? Is that you, Da?" Sigrid calls from outside, her eyebrows furrowed as she looks around.
You tighten your grip on Tilda and push her behind you as all hell breaks loose. 
Sigrid screams and tries to shut the front door as a blade juts through and halts her actions, and the roof gives out under the weight of some orcs. 
You draw your sword (though you're rather useless with it) and look around wildly as orcs begin to file into the home from every entry point, and the one at the door shoves its way in and swipes at Sigrid. 
She falls back onto the seat of the table and rolls under said table while Bain goes to you and Tilda and urges his sister to follow Sigrid under the table, but another falls through the roof to your right before she can. 
It goes to swing at you but Tilda throws a plate at it, successfully distracting it for a moment so that you can run it through with your weapon. 
The orc doesn't go down after you stab it, though, and instead it grabs for you as soon as you extract your weapon. When it grabs at you, you duck to the side and throw your hands out in front of you, pushing it backwards and onto the ground. 
You raise your sword over your head and stab it through the chest again, but you don't get to bask in the victory for long, for the table flips suddenly and knocks into you. 
When the table hits you, you crash into the wall and lightly knock your head against it, and while that does leave you in a slight daze you manage to snap out of it quickly enough to not get killed. 
You raise your sword in time to clash with the blade of one of the orcs, and though it would definitely win in a battle of strength you don't have to worry about it because seconds later a blade is sticking through it's neck.
You turn your head quickly to the source of the thrown dagger and are overjoyed to see Tauriel, and you show as much by calling her name.
She looks over at you sharply but doesn't react because her attention is taken elsewhere towards the orcs going at the biggest threat in the room (her and now Legolas, the guy really couldn't be bothered to use the door like everyone else). 
Tauriel saves Kili from getting skewered and they kill some more orcs while you crouch next to the girls with your weapon raised and poised to strike, and unfortunately Kili ends up writhing on the ground after killing one of the creatures to save the redhead. 
You jump to your feet right away and run over to him as the orcs begin to retreat, looking down at the red drenched binding you applied to his leg. 
"Oh gosh..." You mumble to yourself as the elves go to leave, your heart filling with dread. 
"Kili? Kili, can you hear me?" You call, reaching down to press your hands to his cheeks gently. 
His eyes are shut and the skin around them is red. His skin is also ashen and clammy, and his forehead is burning up. 
When he does open his eyes his gaze is faraway and filled with pain, and it nearly brings you to tears. 
Oin rushes over and calls in a panic, "We're losing him!" 
You look up sharply and see that the blond elf is already gone, but Tauriel lingers in the doorway looking at the three of you there on the ground. 
Her eyes meet yours, and a soft plea leaves your lips, "Please..." 
She hesitates and continues to stare at you, her gaze flickering down to Kili, then back at you again. 
This time you say it more urgently with tears swimming in your eyes, choking it out with a broken sob, "P-Please." 
Her gaze snaps over suddenly and she reaches behind her back for her weapons when heavy footfalls alarm her, but she sees it's only another dwarf (Bofur to be exact). 
"Athelas." Is all she says, taking the green plant Bofur holds. 
Bofur looks positively baffled, and he asks, "What are you doing?"
She looks down at it, then over to you and whispers, "I'm going to save him." 
The smile that comes to your face is brilliant and practically lights up the room, and you immediately hop to your feet when the three working-order dwarves seize Kili to put him on the table that is now back on its legs. 
Tauriel begins working with the plant with Tilda who is holding a pot, and Kili is freaking out and fighting everyone tooth and nail in the midst of his pain. 
You want to help but you know you'll only get in the way at the moment so you stay back and observe Tauriel as she washes the plant or something. 
Then, she walks over and grabs his leg where the, now free, wound is, squeezing it as Kili screams in pain some more. 
She takes the plant and crushes it in her hands, and when she applies it his cries grow louder and thrashing more violent.
Sigrid and Tilda run over and try to keep his leg pinned to the table, and you go and do the same with his opposite leg, helping Oin out. 
She begins talking in her elvish language and you can't help but be entranced by her. 
The determination in her eyes and her honey sweet voice wash over you in waves of admiration and pretty fuckin' gay attraction. 
When she finishes saving Kili's life and wraps his leg up she turns to you, or at least, to where you were. 
As soon as she finished you ran off towards Bards bed for one of his pillows (these assholes really put his head down on a bed of walnuts like it'll support his head, what the hell guys?), and once you've got it you zoom back over and place your hand under his neck, swiping the walnuts off the table and replacing them with the pillow. 
You fluff it up a few times to make sure he has optimal comfort before leaning down to kiss his still-hot forehead lightly. 
"Y/N?" Tauriel calls softly, stepping up next to you and placing her hand down on your shoulder. 
"What is it?" You ask, standing up normally and turning your head to look up at her. 
She only looks at you for a few moments, eyes flickering to Kili then back to you again, "Are you alright?" 
"Of course I'm alright." You reply quickly, furrowing your eyebrows, "Why wouldn't I be?" 
"You appeared rather distressed earlier..." 
You glance down at Kili and see that he's looking up at you blankly, and, not wanting to bother him when he should be resting, you place your hand on her arm and flick your head to the side to signal for her to follow you.
Tauriel does just that and when you're both alone she states again, "You looked devastated before. I only wish to make sure you're fine." 
Her concern brings a small smile to your face, "I'm alright. I was just... so worried about him. I didn't mean to cry." 
"No, please do not apologize. I understand." 
You open your mouth to reply but are cut off by shrieks of terror and lots of commotion. 
Smaug the Terrible has awoken from his slumber, and he is out for blood.
Or at least that's what you assume (your assumptions are correct) because theres a lot of rumbling and noise coming from the mountain at the moment. 
The dragon has yet to arrive and poor Bard is still gone, and, unfortunately, you all have to leave him. 
"The Masters little rat man Alfrid likes me, though! Maybe I can get him to let Bard go." You suggest while they pack things onto a boat and Sigrid and Tilda get on with Kili. 
"Of course you can't!" Bofur exclaims, looking at you with a baffled expression on his face, "The dragon is awake!"
"W-Well I know that, but Bard opened his home to us! Surely we can wait a few minutes so I can find him." You insist as they pack more things onto the boat. 
"No, we are not going to let you just leave like that." Fili states, dropping some weapons onto the boat before looking at you with a deep frown etched on his face. 
You sigh in annoyance and start again, "But he-"
"No! Stop it! You do this all the time, trying to do impossible things because you feel like we must repay every person for every little thing! I will hear no more of it!" Fili snaps, pointing at an empty spot on the boat with a glare pointed at you, "Get on the damn boat and be quiet about it!" His voice leaves no room for argument, and while you want to tell him to shove his commands up his butt and to stop ordering you around, you listen. 
But not before throwing your hands up in the air and yelling, "You never let me do anything!" 
You settle on the boat next to Kili and Bain with your arms crossed over your chest and an angry pout on your lips, a glare pointed at Fili's back while he walks back inside to make sure nothing is left behind. 
"Stupid freaking dwarfs... no sense of compassion..." You grumble, pausing when a hand rests on your arm. 
You look to the side quickly and see Kili looking up at you with tired eyes, "He doesn't mean to yell at you or treat you like a child, Y/N. He's worried for you." 
"Kili, take a nap. You look exhausted." You state, ignoring his words since you're not done sulking yet. 
With gentle fingers you reach down and pinch his cheek lightly, a small smile coming to your face despite your attempts to stay cross. 
He smiles back, albeit weakly, but before he can say anything there are more screams of horror, though this time it's because there is an actual dragon flying in the sky towards Laketown. 
The sight would be magnificent if it weren't for the fact that said dragon is most certainly coming to kill you all, and you find that you can't quite tear your eyes away from the familiar scene. 
Fili comes tearing down the stairs within seconds of the screams and he gets on the boat right away as they immediately begin to row away from the boardwalk. 
A lot of things take place in the next 10 minutes including the dragon making fried chicken out of a lot of innocent people, the kids seeing their dad on a bell tower trying to kill the dragon, Bain vaulting off the boat and the girls freaking out, all of you managing to escape the town without being burnt to a crisp, and, finally, Smaug getting pierced through the chest with a grand black arrow at the hands of Bard and Bain. 
You're honestly shocked that you all survive the night, but the carnage and heartbreak you're faced with when she sun begins to rise (you were all up taking care of Kili as is, and then the dragon thing happened and some more hours passed, and now it's nearly morning. Bitch you're fucking tired) is enough to nearly bring you to tears. 
Crying children, family members weeping over the bodies of loved ones, injured and shell shocked people everywhere, and a burning and smoldering city laying in the middle of the lake. 
As soon as you hit land Sigrid and Tilda begin to call for their missing brother and father, and it breaks your heart to see them so lost and alone, desperate to find their lost loved ones. 
And truthfully you wish to know if they're okay yourself, but upon the insistence of the dwarfs to head to the mountain you don't get the chance. 
Though when the people start yelling about 'King Bard' you realize that he is most definitely alive and so you don't really have to worry about it now. 
The boat you all took to this stretch of land is pushed back to the water as you all prepare to leave, but while you head over a hand on your arm stops you. 
You look up at the person attached to said hand and smile, for Tauriel stands there and her expression is somber. "I am grateful that you're safe." 
"And I'm grateful to look at you again, gorgeous." You flirt shamelessly, adding on, "Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day." 
Her cheeks tint red like usual and she laughs, dropping her hand from your arm, "You're shameless. But do not worry, for I quite like it." 
"Well that's good, cause there's a lot more where that came from!" You state, glancing back when Fili calls your name. 
Your happy countenance drops and you look up at her more sadly this time, "I have to leave..."
"Do not fret, I will most certainly see you again." She whispers, leaning down to look you in the eyes, "Please stay safe." 
You nod your head quickly and open your mouth to reply, but before you can say anything she moves forward and presses her lips against your cheek, her hands coming up to rest on your shoulders. 
Right away your face heats and all rational though leaves you since (like stated may times before) you're not very good on receiving since you're more used to giving. 
Tauriel pulls away with a smile on her face and her voice is soft when she speaks, "Goodbye, Y/N." 
"Bye, Tauriel." You reply in a bit of a daze, looking up at her and not moving despite saying your goodbyes.
Suddenly she stiffens and says something in elvish followed by 'Legolas', and she turns and, well there he is!
You smile a bit brighter and wave at him, "Hey blondie!" 
He smiles at you slightly but becomes all business when he sees your friends when they call your name again. 
You spin on your heel and see that they're all waiting on you (and they don't appear too happy either, yikes), so without further hesitation you run over and hop in the boat. 
"Sorry, sorry. I was busy." You say nonchalantly, waving your hand in a dismissive way as if Tauriel did not just kiss you. 
"Since when were you letting elves kiss you?" Bofur asks bitterly, looking at you rather cross while he helps to row. 
"Not just elves Bofur, men too." You shoot back, immediately regretting it when more glares are pointed at you. 
"You let that bargeman kiss you again!?" Bofur complains, looking forward at the water to make sure he's steering properly. 
"Well, I kissed him on the cheek 'cause he was being nice. If you all act nice then you'll get some too. Or if you get shot." 
Kili's head shoots up at your last statement and he looks at you in bewilderment, "I never got a kiss!" 
"Yes you did, you just weren't in the right mind to enjoy it." You explain, crossing your arms over your chest. 
"If that's the case then I want another." He demands immediately.
You can't help but to giggle lightly at the oddness of this conversation before answering, "I'm not so sure about that." 
"And why not?" 
"You cannot just say because and not answer me properly."
"Yeah I can."
"Well what about me? Do I get one?" Bofur pipes up suddenly, glancing over at you.
Your nose scrunches up and you cross your arms over your chest, "You haven't earned one yet."
"Then what about Fili?" He asks, glancing over at the blond dwarf who has been pretty quiet this whole time.
 "He yelled at me." 
"I yelled at you because you weren't making good decisions." He grumbles, refusing to look at you with the same frown on his face. "I didn't want you to get yourself hurt."
You don't say anything and it's quiet for a few seconds, and when no one talks still you sigh, "So you weren't really mad at me?" 
"No. I was frustrated and a little concerned. I thought you might just run off." He tries to sound nonchalant about it but you can hear the slightly upset edge to his voice. 
It's silent again while you think over his words, and, once you're done deliberating, you scoot closer and press a quick kiss to his cheek. "There, happy?" 
Fili glances at you, his eyes a bit wide since he clearly wasn't expecting it, but you only smile cheekily and return to your spot. 
"Hey!" Bofur cries, "How is that fair? I thought you were upset with him!" 
"Bofur, my dear, if you get us all the way to the other side in the next 10 minutes I'll give you one too." 
You don't have to tell him twice. 
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 years
Legolas and Faramir for the character ask!
1) Something this character is truly proud of: His friendship with Gimli
2) Who they want to please the most: At first his dad. Now Gimli.
3) Who depends on them: No one really. He depends on his friends
4) What they would do if they had one month to live: He would intend to find a boat and set sail immediately. Gimli would drag him across the whole of middle earth and have him try every kinda food or experience he could think up.
5) A cherished personal belonging: His bow broke at some point after RotK and Gimli made him a new one. it was silver and had the figures of the fellowship carved into it.
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back: Tauriel. She disappeared after the BotFA and he wanted to search for her but he couldn’t go as far as he would like. He knows she has not sailed to Valinor and is alive. But where? he just doesn’t know.
7) This character’s favorite character: Sam. It was slow and he often forgot about the hobbit as an individual separate from Frodo at first. But in his mind Sam embodies all the qualities that lake Middle-Earth worth living in.
8) What kind of car they would drive: A Ferrari. elf boy is extra!
9) What calms them when they are upset: Gimli’s rock solid hand on his shoulder and Sam’s honey sweetened spiced tea.
10) How they deal with pain: Not well. he tends to isolate himself. Gimli usually throws pillows at him or loudly sings rude songs outside his door until he comes out and then the dwarf will sit him down so they can have a talk.
11) This character’s favorite piece or pieces of clothing: His vambraces. they were a gift from his mother.
12) How they sleep: Elegantly. Gimli calls him a show off and once ordered him to at least drool or something. he drooled elegantly. Gimli pouted for a week.
13) What kind of parent they would be: Outwardly confident and inwardly panicking.
14) How they did in school: Bad. he was always bored.
15) What cologne or perfume they would use: something flower-scented or woody.
16) Their sexuality: Whatever sexual orientation elves have. Elves would ascribe to a “Date or merry who or whatever you want. Just make it a grand epic love story we can sing about.”, a “Date whoever your romantically interested in” sort of thing. but i would say either bi or ace.
17) What they’d sing at karaoke: He wouldn’t sing karaoke unless Gimli forced him into a duet. and then it would be whatever Gimli had chosen.
18) Special talents they have: He is secretly an amazing cook. Like make Gorden Ramsey cry level good.
19) When they feel safest: With Gimli at his back.
20) Household chore they hate the most: doing the dishes
21) Their fondest childhood memory: His mother singing him a lullaby.
22) How they spend their money: Cloths, food and weapons. whenever he and Gimli visit Gondor Aragorn has to search all the armories and drag them away by the hand otherwise they’d never actually enter the citadel. 
23) What kind of alcohol they drink: Something strong and berry flavored.
24) What they wish they could change about themselves: He wished he had a shorter life span. he hates outliving his friends.
25) What other people wish they could change about them: Gimli: Stop being so darn perfect, you stupid elf!
1) Something this character is truly proud of: Letting Frodo and Sam go.
2) Who they want to please the most: Used to be his dad. now its mainly himself.
3) Who depends on them: His children and the King.
4) What they would do if they had one month to live: Wouldn’t happen. He’s married to Eowyn, serves Aragorn and is friends with Pippin. They’d cure him out of pure stubbornness.
5) A cherished personal belonging: an ornamental comb that belonged to his mother and a dagger Boromir gave him for his 10th birthday.
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back: Boromir
7) This character’s favorite character: Pippin and Eowyn.
8) What kind of car they would drive: A minivan. boy is practical. 
9) What calms them when they are upset: Eowyn rubbing his back while watching the stars.
10) How they deal with pain: He sobs and breaks down.
11) This character’s favorite piece or pieces of clothing: A shirt Pippin gifted him. it doesn’t fit because it’s hobbit sized but he loves it.
12) How they sleep: He’s the biggest cuddler.
13) What kind of parent they would be: An amazing parent. Just the best dad ever.
14) How they did in school: Amazing. But it never felt like enough.
15) What cologne or perfume they would use: something subtle but intense. like a spice.
16) Their sexuality: Asexual but a hopeless romantic. He and Eowyn adopted many children after the war.
17) What they’d sing at karaoke: Something profound and folk songy
18) Special talents they have: World’s Best Tickler.
19) When they feel safest: Being Eowyn’s little spoon.
20) Household chore they hate the most: Picking up after Eowyn. It’s like going to battle. it doesn’t look that bad then you find a mace under the bed and dirty socks on the top shelf.
21) Their fondest childhood memory: a picnic the whole family went on before his mother’s death.
22) How they spend their money: Buying Eowyn weapons. he loves how giddy and excited she gets holding a new shiny death machine. 
23) What kind of alcohol they drink: something strong with good flavor.
24) What they wish they could change about themselves: He wishes he had more confidence. Danethor is very lucky he’s dead because Eowyn would love to smack him with a very big stick.
25) What other people wish they could change about them: Again, confidence. He’s sometimes so much like a frightened puppy it breaks everyone’s hearts.
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inawickedlittletown · 4 years
I’m With You (18/22)
Having a crush was nothing to be ashamed of…lying to the family and friends of said crush about being the guy’s boyfriend, that was a whole other problem. When Buck saves the life of Andrew Diaz and accidentally makes a nurse think that he’s Andrew’s boyfriend, Buck soon finds himself lying to Andrew’s firefighter friends/coworkers as well as Andrew’s family including Andrew’s very suspicious and attractive brother, Eddie.
Based on the 1995 movie While You Were Sleeping.
Words: 3,178
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter
It was watching Legolas with the kids as the day went on that brought the dog back into his memory and it fit in with other things that he’d started to remember. It in no way changed Andrew’s opinion on dogs. The dog felt like the last piece of the puzzle that was his memory because nothing felt strange or foreign anymore. Ever since he’d returned home it had felt like more and more was coming back and he knew better than to expect to remember Buck. Except that he did strangely enough. 
Andrew couldn’t be sure if it was because someone had mentioned that Buck was a barista, but Andrew did remember him handing Andrew the coffee order for the 118 every time he went to pick it up at Coffee Time. He remembered him because it was nearly always Buck taking care of his order and Andrew tended to be good with remembering faces unless of course he had amnesia. 
Andrew hadn’t expected Buck to come back after leaving. It was even more surprising when he arrived with his sister. Andrew had been under the impression that Buck had no one, but there he was with a woman standing next to him. 
“Didn’t someone say he doesn’t have any family?” Andrew asked Josh.
“That’s what I thought too.” 
Maddie’s smile was the first thing that Andrew noticed. Next he noticed that she was quite pretty. Although Maddie was friendly, Andrew couldn’t help but also notice that she stuck close to her brother and there was definitely a story there in her reappearance in Buck’s life. Andrew didn’t ask when Buck sat down by him mostly because he didn’t think it was his place and he didn’t want to ask in front of Maddie. What Andrew couldn’t tell was if Maddie knew about Buck’s lie or if she, like everyone else, thought that Andrew was Buck’s boyfriend. 
After trying to get Buck to eat some of the food off his plate, mostly because it was fun to try and feed Buck while Buck tried to dodge his attempts, Buck got up to get his own food. His sister followed.
It wasn’t long after they were gone that shit hit the fan and Andrew could have never once predicted it. 
“Are you kidding me? Seriously, you’re sleeping with Eddie? Buck, what the fuck?” Maddie’s words carried over to them. 
“Shit,” Andrew said mostly to himself. 
Everyone’s eyes had turned to him. Chimney looked like he’d just taken a drink of water and it went down the wrong way. No one said anything and it almost felt like they were waiting to see what happened next. Worst of all, Andrew had no idea if what Maddie had yelled out was true or not. If it was...well, he didn’t think Eddie would ever do that to him. 
Someone touched his elbow and when he looked it was Hen. She was frowning at him, her eyes filled with concern. 
“Are you okay?”
Buck wasn’t his boyfriend. Andrew had no reason to be upset...except that maybe he had a right to be offended or something? Either way, it was definitely cramping his plans to keep the ruse going. Although, maybe this also gave him an out especially if it turned out to be true. Andrew was pretty sure it wasn’t true. 
He didn’t get a chance to answer Hen because there was a commotion inside and Andrew couldn’t stop himself from pushing past everyone else and rushing inside. Legolas was just ahead of him and he was barking. In the kitchen his eyes found Maddie first. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was looking at Buck and shaking her head, her lips pursed. Buck looked stricken, his eyes were glassy. Last, he found Eddie who stood in front of a broken plate and food that Legolas rushed over to eat up. 
“What’s going on here?” Andrew asked, careful. 
Buck looked towards him first, eyes widening at seeing him and there were apologies written all over his face. Was it true, then? Andrew stepped further in, but before he could do or say anything, he saw Pepa enter from the living room and she looked livid. Andrew had seen his tia angry only a few times but it had never been directed at him or Eddie. Her anger was usually at their dad or her own kids. 
“Edmundo, es verdad?” she asked, calm but with weight behind it. And then she didn’t let Eddie say a word before she continued on. “No te puedo creer, Eddie! El es el novio de tu hermano...si pudiste hacer esto. I can’t believe it. I’m disappointed and ashamed of you.” 
[“Edmundo, is it true?”...“I can’t believe you, Eddie! He’s your brother’s boyfriend...if you could do that. I can’t believe it. I’m disappointed and ashamed of you.”]
But Buck wasn’t his boyfriend and maybe that was the thing that would clear everything up. Behind him, the others were coming in and Chimney somehow ended up next to him. 
“Do something,” Chim muttered. “She looks like she’s ready to slap him. On your behalf.”
“Pepa, I wasn’t—” Eddie began.
“No te puedo ni mirar,” Pepa said and it was filled with disappointment, his words cutting and full of disgust. 
[“I can’t even look at you”]
Andrew stepped forward, but he didn’t know what he was supposed to say or do. Then Buck was there, putting a hand on Andrew’s elbow.
“Buck,” Andrew said. 
Buck shook his head at him and he moved past Andrew towards Pepa. 
“I’m not sleeping with Eddie,” he said. “My sister has no idea what she’s talking about.” Buck’s gaze fell on Maddie, then, and Andrew noted how tight Buck’s jaw was. “Pepa, that’s the truth. Nothing has happened between me and Eddie.” 
Maddie had backed up into a wall and one of her hands covered her mouth. She was frowning and looked like she would start crying at any moment. A part of Andrew wanted to go over there and make sure she knew that on his account she had nothing to worry about. He thought she whispered “I’m sorry”. 
Andrew saw his abuela approach, then, moving slowly but like the strong woman that she was. “Buck,” she said, “what is happening?”
Buck took a glance around at all of them because of course everyone had come in to see what was happening. They had no shame in their curiosity. Andrew knew, suddenly, what Buck was going to do and there was nothing he could do to stop him. It was his choice.
Andrew had wanted to drag on the teasing for a while longer, but he’d also planned to eventually talk to Buck about everything to find an easy way for the truth to come out. Their hands were being forced. Andrew wasn’t going to stop Buck from coming clean, though. So, he hung back and watched Buck knowing already that what Buck was doing was very brave and also very stupid. But maybe Buck already knew that, had resigned himself to that. Andrew could only watch and at least he was a little more knowledgeable than everyone else. 
Isabel looked okay. It was the one thing that Buck took notice of when he spotted her, but he still moved towards her before he did anything else and he offered his hand. She took it, even while looking confused and frowning at him. She’d heard of course, maybe even the bit from Pepa. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck said and it felt important. She was the one that he needed to apologize to first and the one that he hoped wouldn’t be affected in a bad way. 
“What for? You don’t need to—”
“I do,” Buck said and he gave her hand a squeeze. “It was never supposed to be like this. I’m sorry.” 
Buck looked to Pepa next and she didn’t look like she would welcome any apologies. The way she looked at him lacked all the warmth that had been usually present and Buck just took a deep breath. This...it was everything he’d expected. Still, he braced himself. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck muttered to her. “Truly. But it’s time to tell the truth.” 
“The truth,” Pepa said and her eyes flickered from him to Eddie. 
Buck shook his head. He couldn’t keep looking at Pepa, but Buck refused to look in the direction of Eddie who had been quiet since Maddie had gone and ruined everything. Buck had expected him to say something — anything at all — but instead it was as if he’d lost his ability to speak. Maybe it was shock or he was holding himself back. Either way, Buck was glad that he wasn’t making all of it worse. 
It had been a mistake to bring Maddie, Buck knew. Or maybe it had been a mistake to trust Maddie with the truth. Buck had planned on telling everyone everything before Maddie showed up and before Eddie kissed him and...and he’d let this drag on for far longer than he should have. He had let it get complicated. 
The moment that Athena had entered that hospital room should have been the start and end. The moment that Andrew woke up should have been the moment that he walked away or told the truth. He’d been a coward both times. 
Buck couldn’t quite look at the rest of them, but his eyes fixed themselves on Andrew. He deserved a direct apology as well. In some ways, he deserved it more than anyone else because Buck had added to the confusion that his amnesia brought. The guilt when it came to that had nee gnawing at him for a while.  
Andrew, to Buck’s surprise, reached out for him first, grabbing both of Buck’s shaking hands. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t know what. He looked like he was trying to offer Buck support. There was no anger and no confusion, just acceptance. That made Buck feel even worse. He didn’t deserve that. 
“I’m really sorry,” Buck said. “I shouldn’t have let this get so out of hand.” 
Andrew actually smiled a bit, the corner of his lips turning up. His hands gave Buck’s a light squeeze. 
“You shouldn’t have,” Andrew said. 
“The thing is,” Buck said. “I’m not your boyfriend.” 
“I know,” Andrew said with a smile. 
He knew. Of course he knew. Buck wanted to laugh, he wanted to allow himself to find that funny, but he couldn’t. If he were honest with himself, Buck could admit that he already knew that Andrew knew. Either way his stomach still churned because Andrew’s reaction was one thing, everyone else would be something else. 
“What’s going on, Buckaroo?” Hen asked. 
Buck was still looking at Andrew. “You figure it out on your own?” 
“No,” Andrew said. 
“Oh,” Buck said because of course Chimney had told him. 
“Buck?” Hen asked. 
Buck cleared his throat and he didn’t address Hen directly, but everyone. “The thing is,” he said and noticed how everyone was looking at him. “I lied and I talked myself out of every single chance that I had to come clean. I didn’t even know your name, Andrew. I knew nothing about you and I was stupid and I lied and I couldn’t take it back. Not when...when I guess that I fell in love with you…”
Andrew was still holding his hand and he froze, frowning. “With me?” he asked, shocked. “But, Buck—”
Buck shook his head and a small humorless chuckle escaped. “No. Not with you, Andrew. With...all of you. Your family...your friends. I walked into that hospital room with no one and by the time I left I had an abuela and an aunt and friends. Family. And you all just welcomed me in with no hesitation because of your love for Andrew even when I didn’t make any sense at all. Especially, then. And I love all of you for that. But I lied and I’m really sorry about that. And I don’t belong here. I never did.” 
He could feel how wet his cheeks were. His voice had cracked with the emotion a few times, but he couldn’t focus on that when Andrew’s hand fell away and when Pepa looked upset. Isabel’s face was a blank and Buck couldn’t tell what she was thinking but she was okay which was enough. Somehow, Buck’s eyes met Bobby’s and there was disappointment there mixed in with confusion. Hen wasn’t looking at him. 
Buck dug into his pocket and brought out Andrew’s keys.
“Here,” he said, thrusting them at him. 
Andrew took them. “Buck—”
Buck shook his head. “I always knew it would end this way. It’s okay.” 
Chimney was trying to catch his eye and Buck had no idea where Josh was but that didn’t matter because Maddie was suddenly there and she looked apologetic and sad when she grabbed him around the elbow, pulling at him because at least she knew that what Buck needed was to leave. The truth was out. Buck had made it a few steps when he thought to look back. His eyes landed on Eddie. 
Eddie was braced against the island and his eyes were fixed on Buck, his eyebrows set in a deep frown and there was anger and disgust in the way that he looked at Buck, an expression that Buck had never before seen on his face. In a way, he looked like he was holding himself back, teeth gritted and his knuckles white where they were holding onto the counter. 
Buck wanted to apologize to him as well, but he didn’t know if that would make it better or worse. 
Maybe being right didn’t want to suit Eddie. But he’d kissed Buck. That was a thing that had happened just hours earlier and the Eddie standing there in the kitchen wasn’t the Eddie that had done that. He probably regretted it, now. And Buck didn’t imagine that any explanation would make any of it better. It hurt his chest to think about it and to realize that this was probably the last he would see of Eddie. Eddie hated him. 
All of it...it was really truly over. 
In the living room were Christopher and Denny. Buck didn’t know Denny all that well, but he knew Christopher. Buck wasn’t sure if he should stop and say goodbye, and in the end when Maddie steered him to the door, he figured it might be best if he didn’t. 
He and Maddie had nearly made it to the door and it was so absolutely telling that no one was coming after them. No one was chasing him and trying to get him to stay. Not even Chimney or Josh. They’d all liked him and welcomed him in when he was Andrew’s boyfriend but now that the truth was out, he was nothing to them. Buck didn’t blame them one bit. He’d know that this was the way it would go. 
“Buck,” he heard suddenly, the voice small and a bit raspy. Christopher. 
Buck turned. “Hey,” he said and crouched down when Christopher approached. 
Christopher was still wearing that bandage around his wrist. “I won’t see you again, will I?” he asked.
Perceptive kid. 
“I don’t think you will,” Buck said. “I’m sorry.” 
He didn’t expect Christopher to hug him, but he hugged him back and ran a hand through the boy’s curls. He was going to miss this kid. He was going to miss all of them. He could feel the emotion, the tears that wanted to pour out and he tried his best to keep all of it at bay. 
“It’s okay,” Christopher said. 
“Be good to your dad, kiddo,” Buck said. 
Christopher touched his cheek. “You’ll be okay, kid.” he said and wiped away one of Buck’s tears. 
Buck had no idea how much Christopher understood. Probably not a whole lot, just enough to know that Buck was leaving for good. 
Maddie was standing by the door and Buck moved to join her when he felt paws on his legs. In all the confusion, Buck had almost forgotten about Legolas. Legolas barked at him, pawing at him and Buck couldn’t help but drop down to the floor and wrap his arms around the dog. He loved Legolas. He ran his hands down his back and pressed a kiss to the top of his head and he knew he was crying against his fur.  
“You be a good boy, Legolas,” Buck whispered. 
When Maddie opened the door, Legolas tried to step in front of Buck as if to stop him from leaving. 
“Legolas, stop. Sit,” Buck commanded and Legolas listened. He sat and looked at Buck and let out a soft whine. “I’ll miss you, bud. But you have your owner back. Go on, back inside.”
It broke his heart to see Legolas move away. When Buck stepped towards the open door, he glanced back once more and found Andrew. Legolas had walked to his side and Andrew crouched down to pet him. Buck let himself smile even through his tears. Andrew nodded at him and then Buck stepped out. 
Maddie was waiting by the steps. A few hours ago this was where he and Eddie had kissed. At least he had the memories of that to remember him by along with everything else. Their friendship...the days spent out in Andrew’s yard with Legolas, and other times too at the hospital and in Buck’s car. Memories were all that Buck could hold onto, he was used to that. 
“Buck, I’m so sorry. I just—”
“Don’t,” Buck said and his sister must have heard the way that he was just managing to hold himself together because she didn’t say anything else not even when they had gotten back to his apartment and Buck just walked up the stairs, ignoring her and everything else and dropped into his bed.
His room had always been a comfort, a place to escape where he could just be and where all the facades could fall away and Buck didn’t have to pretend that everything was okay. He’d always known that things would come to this eventually. But no amount of preparation for it had made him ready to feel how empty it left him. 
Later, and Buck couldn’t tell how much time had passed, he felt the bed dip and Maddie touched his shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here. I really...I made a mess of this for you. I could tell they meant a lot to you. I’m so sorry, Evan. I should have stayed away. I...I should—”
He heard it in her voice, her instinct to run away. She was going to leave him again...
“Don’t leave,” Buck whispered. “Don’t leave me.”
“I screwed things up for you. I shouldn’t—”
Buck reached out and grabbed her hand. “Don’t leave, Maddie.”
“I won’t. I’ll stay as long as you need me.”
Next Chapter
Notes: Soooo that finally happened. Hope everyone liked this one. It’s one of the chapters that I was looking forward to writing since the beginning. Let me know what you all thought. Thanks for reading. :)
Tagging: @tranquility-or-chaos @diazbuckleysworld @stilesgivesmefeels
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The Art of Being an Eldar: Legolas x Reader Chapter 3
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Summary: You, a fantasy-loving LARPing human from Earth, got dropped into Middle-Earth with no recollection of the place except for bits and pieces. Lord Fabulous Elvenking has given you three days to find the portal from which you came, with the aide of his son Legolas, who you've taken to calling "Blue-Eyes." If you don't find the portal, you're to be taken back to the palace for a swift execution...
Chapter No.: Chapter 2
[Y/N]=Your Name [F/N]= Friend's Name [B/N]= Bro's Name [S/N]= Sis's Name [M/N]= Mom's Name [e/c]= eye color [h/c]= hair color [s/c]= skin color
Notes: I actually researched the languages using a website called elfdict,but I don’t know if the orcish is correct...
Warnings: Fluff, angst, graphic depictions of gore and violence (Cuz of orc battles y'know?), more angst, slow burn, some light depression in the first few chapters, some amnesia about Middle-Earth because the Valar say you're not supposed to have foresight, hard-core language, feels, lots and lots of feels, mentions of NSFW content, maybe some eventual NSFW content, LGTBQ+ characters, Thranduil being a jackass at first because he's fabulous, Legolas being a hot edgy prince that nobody can handle, Kili being an innocent bean, Hobbits being smol innocent beans, except for Bilbo 'cause he's been through some tough shit, Bard being dad of the year, Thorin being one dumbass boi, awesome dragons, awesome Nazgul, awesome scenery, awesome stuff in general, Elrond isn't listened to by anybody, confused Aragorn is confused,  Denethor's a bitch as always, brace yourself for creepy as fuck Cream of Wormtongue Grima Wormtongue, Boromir lives, Gandalf. (yes these are all legit warnings don't judge me.)
Pairings/Ships: Legolas x Reader, Legolas x you, Aragorn x Arwen, Faramir x Eowyn, Thranduil x Elvenqueen, Galadriel x Celery Celeborn, Boromir x OC, Thorin x OC, Fili x OC, etc. general LoTR standard shippings plus some of my own cuz I can't stand my boys being lonely
Word Count: I try to keep my chapters short, under 2000 words.
Rating: Teen (14+) for now
Starting at dawn every day, you, Legolas, and the troop of Elves searched repeatedly for the portal. You threw yourself off of the tree countless times. You laid in the spot for hours. At one point, the Elves had even used some kind of sheet made of leaves and their supernatural strength to fling you up like a trampoline to see if the portal was aboveground.
Nothing happened.
As the days wore on, you grew more and more bitter. Every move felt exhausting, and like there was no use: you couldn't get back to your family.
You couldn't live here. There seemed to be no point of your existence anymore.
Somewhere around sunset of the second day, Blue-Eyes noticed your sudden lack of enthusiasm. "May I ask what troubles you?"
You scoffed. "Why do you care? I'll be dead in about forty-eight hours anyway. What I feel doesn't matter."
"I beg to differ," Legolas took a seat beside you; you scooted a couple of inches away. "You are in our world now, so you will go to our gods for judgement when you die."
You frowned. You'd always been kinda an atheist. "The Valar?"
Legolas nodded. "Yes. The Valar. Your feelings before death will determine whether or not you'll be given a good place among them."
You rolled your eyes. "You're kidding, right? They'll judge me for being pissed off and upset 'cause I can't get back to my own world to see my family, then killed just for breathing on Lord Fabulous's precious trees? They can go fuck themselves."
His face was priceless. If you hadn't been so pissed, you might've laughed. "...Lord... Fabulous? And, while I have my doubts about your recent hand gesturing, I do know that what you just said is most likely vulgar. Have respect for the Valar."
You snorted. "First of all, fabulous means somebody who loves dressing in the best and most well-liked outfits of the time, while also being very uppity and acting like they're God's gift to humanity. Second of all, yeah, that is vulgar, and no I will not take it back. Third, how fucking dare you, sir, to tell me to respect some candy-ass bitches up in the sky who'll judge me for having feelings."
Legolas shook his head. "Alright, ass is a word we do have here, as is candy. I can get the gist of that meaning. I cannot force you to have respect for them, especially when they brought you here."
You glared at him. "Yeah, whatever. Just leave me alone."
Blue-Eyes sighed. "As you wish."
You turned away, scrunching up into yourself against the night chill.
On the edge of night...
All shall fade...
With a huff, you curled up where you were and tried to fall asleep.
A beautiful copper dragon sat before you on a mound of gold. "Do you think flattery will keep you alive?"
"N-no..." Said the silhouette of a very small person.
"No indeed," Confirmed the dragon. He began to prowl around. "You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you, and where do you come from, if I may ask?"
The dream flipped.
You stood between two Elves in silver robes, one of which was Blue-Eyes, looking sullen. "Tell me," Said the other Elf, "Where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him."
Legolas's crystal blue eyes glistened with tears, but he held them back. He'd never seemed like one to cry. "He was taken by both shadow and flame. A balrog of Morgoth."
The dream--no, vision-- changed again.
Before you was an old man in blue-gray robes with a long gray beard and pointed hat, smiling kindly up at what looked like a child. You couldn't turn your head to see. "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he ever early. He arrives precisely when he means to."
The visions flashed in your mind quickly now, too fast for you to discern much from them.
"Sauron's forces are massing in the east."
"This is no mere ranger! He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Gondor. You owe him your allegiance."
"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king."
"I ain't droppin' no eaves, Mister Frodo!"
"I choose a mortal life."
"The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!"
"He is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, the true King under the Mountain."
"You have the gift of foresight. What did you see?"
"What did you see?"
"I saw death. Your death."
"But there is also life. You saw my son."
"You have my sword."
"And my bow."
"And my axe!"
"If this is what the council decides, then Gondor will see it is done."
"Things that were... Things that are... And things that have not yet come to pass."
"Did he offer you a bargain?"
"Yes. I refused."
"A bargain was our only hope..."
"Have you forgotten what happened to Dale?"
"I am fire... I am...Death."
~ominous as fuck time skip~
You woke with a start, the dragon's words still echoing in your head. You knew over half of those names, deep in your mind... Sauron, Morgoth, balrog, Thorin, Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf... You knew the voices, too. But you couldn't place any of them.
The Elves were already awake (With the sun as usual.), readying their breakfast of weeds.
You frowned. Why should you be concerned with why this place sounds familiar if you weren't going to be here much longer? You got up, and prepared to search for the portal-- you didn't want any breakfast, especially when it was nothing but dandelion fluff and sparkles.
"You are not breaking your fast?" Blue-Eyes asked you, and at first you thought he was using Elvish slang.
"You mean I'm not eating breakfast?"
"If that is how you say it in your world, yes."
You shrugged. "I'll be dead later anyway. What's the point?"
Legolas sighed. "To keep up your strength to find your way back. What if you arrive back on your world in the middle of the wilderness, like you did here? You will have no supplies, and I doubt you know much about foraging."
You huffed. "You know what? Screw off. I don't want anything to eat, and you can fucking deal with that."
He looked up in exasperation, probably praying to his Valar for you to stop being such a nuisance. "You use that word an awful lot."
"What word?"
Then you almost busted out laughing, because a fancy pretty sparkly Elf, even if he was deadly, saying a modern cuss word was too funny.
He blinked. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
You snorted, crossing your arms. "Do you even know what the definition of that word is?"
"No." You gestured for him to come closer, then whispered the meaning into his ear. He sprang back wildly with wide eyes and a profoundly disgusted expression. "Dear Valar, I will never repeat a word you say again unless I am sure of what it means!" His eyes widened even further. "Wait... You just told the gods to perform impossible sexual acts on themselves! And the day before you told me to..." He stopped short, appalled.
"Yuh-huh. Just now gettin' that, goldie? For shame upon me." A thought struck you. "Wait, do Elves even have sex like humans? Do you even know what I'm talking about?"
He blushed a little. "Find the portal. Quickly." He awkwardly left, sparing you a quick glance like "wtf."
You grinned maliciously, then went back to your search.
By sundown, nothing was found. You stared down at the patch where you'd originally landed, wishing for all the world that you'd been born normal, with maybe a slight love for fantasy. Why? Why had you wished, for all of your life, that you'd been transported elsewhere? Now you were, but... You didn't have your family. Without them, you couldn't function right. You just couldn't imagine never seeing them again.
The Elves were already leaving, except for Blue-Eyes. He stood by your side for a minute, as if you were both staring at a grave. You might as well have been. "Bury me here, will you? Maybe my family will find my body. And kill me as non-messily as possible, please? Like, an arrow to the heart'll do."
Blue-Eyes stiffly patted your back. You went ramrod straight-- you'd always hated touch contact. "I will pray for you." He followed his comrades, who were already a good ways back to the river, spread out through the forest. You half considered running in the opposite direction, but you'd be dead before you even so much as got to the ridge where the first of the big dogs had attacked you.
You sighed, and forced yourself to move forward; you gasped as your ankle slipped into a rut, and you yanked it out, arms spread wide for balance. You gave the ground the dirtiest look you could muster, which quickly faded to stunned silence. You leaned down, and scraped more of the dried leaves away...
Your breath caught in your throat. "Blue-Eyes!"
Legolas was at your side in a moment. "Did you find it?"
"I don't know!" You stood and gestured to what you'd found. An inscription, in a language you couldn't read. "It was buried under the leaves."
"Can you read it?"
"Obviously not, dumbass. Is it Elvish?"
Blue-Eyes knelt, tilting his head slightly to read it. His hand grazed the writing. "It is a form of old Elvish, used in the time of Gondolin. This has been here for a very, very long time." He gave you a look. "Forgive me, I'd thought you'd written it at first." You thought about smacking him upside the head, but with everybody suddenly around you again and ready to attack, you thought better of it. Legolas turned back to the writing.
After an almost unspeakably long amount of time, you got impatient. "What's it say, dammit?!"
Legolas shook his head slowly. "I am sorry. Truly, I am. If we had seen this earlier..."
"What does it say, Legolas?!"
He stood, and looked you in the eyes, sympathetic. "'The way is shut. There is no going back. The way is shut, until next fiery moonlight.'"
Your face lit up. "R-really?! Then that means all we have to do is wait for a full moon, right?! That's usually what it is! Full moon at midnight for stuff like this, in all the books! Do you think Lord Fabulous could extend my sentence--"
"[Y/N]," It was the first time he'd used your name, and it made you freeze. "The night you arrived, the moon was full. But it was also a Firemoon. It means you cannot return to your world until the next Firemoon."
Your hopes slowly fell, but you were determined not to succumb to the panic that was quickly rising. "H-how much longer till the next one?"
Legolas put a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to understand.
"Firemoons only happen once every thousand years, [Y/N]." The words were like being hit by a semi going full speed on the highway-- sudden, fatal, and unbelievable. "You cannot go home."
Everything suddenly seemed far away, like you were seeing this from someone else's perspective. Everything went quiet, at least to you. The world seemed to spin. You dropped to your knees, and you were vaguely aware of Blue-Eyes saying, "I am sorry..."
You didn't know what to do. I can't go home... I can't go home...
I can't go home.
Your breaths came in panicked, short bursts. Even if it killed you, you took off running. Maybe if you ran for long enough, you'd wake up from this nightmare. Then you could pretend you were in some fantasy world with your family this time. You expected to be shot in the back, but you heard Blue-Eyes shout an order in Elvish, and instead, about three or four individual Elves followed you. You don't know how long you ran; tears streamed from your cheeks. Your lungs burned. Your legs felt like Jello. You collapsed at one point, and screamed, though you couldn't hear it. You screamed until your throat was raw. You were vaguely aware of a few Elves nearby, but you ignored them.
All shall...
In all the chaos, it wasn't long before you blacked out.
~emo time skip~
When you woke up, it was midmorning. Birds chirped endlessly on, the happiest goddamned creatures in the world. A couple of Elves talked quietly amongst themselves in hushed voices and in Elvish. You were laying on your back, and somebody had covered you up in a blanket. The smell of something good-- not that anything was, at this point--filled the air. It smelled like cinnamon and walnuts, like Christmas.
With a sigh, you cracked your swollen eyes open. Legolas sat cross-legged beside you, checking his bowstring and polishing the wood. He smiled half-heartedly at you. "You are awake."
Obviously. You didn't say anything. You didn't want to talk. Or think. Legolas sighed, placing his bow across his lap. "We must head for the palace. My father will wonder what is keeping us."
Yeah, gotta kill me as quick as possible... Death is better than this, anyway.
Legolas gave the order, and the Elves started to pack up. You laid monotone and still for the length of it, until Blue-Eyes gave you the signal to get up. Then you walked slowly behind them, every step a chore. You'd barely reached the river, and you were exhausted. And still, that damned song was going through your head...
Home is behind...
The world ahead...
All shall fade...
You knew that your dream last night had been connected to this place, whatever it was. Did that mean this song was, too? You were half tempted to ask Blue-Eyes, but you decided you weren't worthy of talking to any of these fantastical fantasy beings, even if they were going to kill you in t-minus some hours.
The company suddenly halted. Blue-Eyes had a hand raised, and all the Elves's weapons had materialized in their hands. Blue-Eyes was quiet, listening...
An eerie howl cut through the trees, chilling you to your bones. Was that one of those big dogs that carried orcs? A horn followed the howl, and all the Elves strung their bows and readied their weapons. "Gundabad yrch!" Legolas proclaimed-- you were going to assume that yrch meant orcs. He went on to give a bunch of other orders, and the Elves took off running; if it were up to you, you'd've stopped running and let the dogs have you for dinner.
But apparently Legolas seen that, and grabbed your upper arm to drag you along beside him. Damn him... The rest of the Elves were suddenly ignoring Blue-Eyes's orders. Half of them went off into the trees in the direction of the horn and howl, and the other half formed a protective circle around him-- and you, coincidentally.
Blue-Eyes barked an order at them which they ignored, but all of you stopped short when you seen what awaited you on the far bank; the way back to the palace.
Six massive wargs, more wolflike than the ones from before, with orcs a hell of a lot uglier than the ones from before sitting atop their backs, with black bows and jagged, haphazard swords. In the direction the other Elves had gone, there was more howling. Shit. If you cared about your survival right now, you'd've been terrified. But you almost enjoyed the thought of death, if it hadn't been so gruesome.
Blue-Eyes scanned the bank. There were more orcs nearby, on foot, and several more wargs. One of the Elves moved faster than you could see, snatching a sleek gold horn on his hip and blowing hard before Legolas could stop him.
The Elf-- it was the one that'd found your hair dye repulsive the other day-- hardly got a note out before an arrow lodged itself in his throat. The note trailed off into a gurgle as blood sprayed from the wound. Droplets splattered onto you, and you recoiled; you'd never seen death. You'd been to a funeral once or twice, but never this. He fell backward, and the river swiftly carried his body away.
Legolas shouted an order, and the Elves readied themselves for battle. But there wouldn't be one just yet, despite the death of that Elf. The lead orc-- a nasty, pale gray orc with swollen eyes and a protruding mouth, tall and thick, his forehead covered in scars-- stepped off of his warg, which was bigger than the rest.
He came about halfway before stopping. "A truce?" One of the Elves asked-- Common was probably hard to speak for orcs, so they resorted to it to keep from being understood. It made sense.
Legolas didn't take his eyes off of the orc, but shook his head. "That is Bolg, spawn of Azog the Defiler. He would not make any truce with us, nor would any other orc. They are beyond reason, and think only of blood and death." Bolg... Azog... Now you really knew these names... But why?
"Albai," The orc snarled; his voice was deep. "Dorzog ajog lum trov!"
"Emme uva!" Legolas cried. "Sin nor yara ana Aran Thranduil!"
Thranduil... You knew that name. But the fact that they were conversing in orcish and Elvish was astounding. One must've came from the other, and you were just going to assume that it was the orcish that came from Elvish.
Bolg's already disgusting face scrunched up into a frown. "Vol lat diig!" The orc raised an arm; you recognized the movement as a signal to fire. The Elves scrambled around wildly yet gracefully to avoid the arrows, but you barely moved; an arrow got you right in the bare part of your upper arm, and another grazed your ear. Still, you didn't move, praying for one to hit you in the head or heart or something. You hardly felt the pain.
As the battle took place around you, you zoned out. You caught glimpses of a bloodied Elven corpse, or a dismembered orc, and of course, blood was everywhere. The river ran red. You just wished it would end...
A grunt nearby brought you out of your trance.
It was Blue-Eyes, being pinned down by a warg's paw on his chest, another on his left arm. He flipped the dagger in his good hand and stabbed it violently into the warg's shoulder. The beast howled in agony, but only pushed down harder; Legolas's eyes widened as he realized the knife was stuck. The warg snarled, and opened its jaws, savoring the taste of fear before it would bite down...
None of this is his fault. He shouldn't have to die.
The warg had dismissed you as unthreatening. One of the Elves lay dead on the rocks nearby, a longblade in her hand as she stared with unseeing eyes to the sky, mouth agape. You snatched the weapon from her already-stiffening grasp. It was heavy. But it was sharp as hell.
In two leaps, you'd reached the warg, which looked to you in confusion, then recognition, with a growl. You brought the sword down, slicing deep into the creature's face. It wailed in an echo of a voice, and released Legolas, pawing at the wound; Legolas whipped his bow out like an OP follower and shot that dog point blank.
You let go of the hilt, stunned. Blue-Eyes inclined his head. "You have my deepest thanks, [Y/N.]. You saved my life."
You just nodded in shock.
Legolas raced back into the battle, leaving you to your own. Another horn blew, this one like the one the Elf that'd been shot first had blown. A barrage of arrows flew from the trees, felling every orc and warg in seconds. Some grazed you, but none touched any of the surviving Elves.
A she-Elf in a dark green tunic, carrying a longbow, loped out of the woods with her comrades. She was beautiful, with red hair so long it went past her waist. "Legolas!" She cried, and he responded in Elvish; again, you couldn't understand what they were saying, and it was really starting to piss you off.
"[Y/N]," Blue-Eyes called to you, and you belatedly looked up. He and the ginger were approaching you sollemnly. "This is Tauriel, Captain of the Guard. She will take you back to the palace and explain what happened here." Ah... Death at last.
"Tauriel," Legolas turned to her; something shone in his eyes. You recognized his spark, but not hers, but the thought quickly left your head when you registered what he was saying. "Tell my father that they saved my life."
"What?" Tauriel looked impressed, and bowed her head to you. "You have my thanks, mellon."
"Perhaps he will spare them from execution in repayment," Legolas pointed out, and Tauriel made an 'o' face.
She bowed respectfully. "I will make sure of it, my prince."
Oh, right. Blue-Eye's dad was Lord Fabulous, king of these Elves. Of course that'd make him a prince. Prince Legolas Gr... Of the Wood... Rea... The thought was like an echo. You couldn't catch it.
Legolas nodded to you, and Tauriel lead you away from the carnage of the river battlefield.
~time skip~
"Saving my son does not grant you my utmost favor," Lord Fabulous glared down at you like you were a nasty piece of gum he'd stepped on in flip-flops. "But it does warrant some form of reward. I am sure you wish for your execution to be cancelled?"
On autopilot, you nodded. You didn't want to die, but you didn't want to live. You just wished you'd never have existed in the first place, that way none of this would've happened.
Lord Fabulous Elvenking snorted, like he was hoping you'd just ask for cake before you were beheaded. "Of course. Take them to their cell."
Tauriel wasn't as rough as Legolas, or even any of the guards had been, but she still held you firmly. "Would you like a change of clothes? I could also arrange for a washbasin to be brought to you."
You just nodded. Couldn't you just dissipate? But, if it'd taken nineteen years for this wish to come true, then it'd take another nineteen years for you to disappear. You were an Elf now, so that should pass in one painful blink of an eye...
"I am sorry that you could not find the portal," Tauriel told you as she locked the door to your cell. "I will have the guards bring you something to eat at once."
You laid down on your cot, curled up, and closed your eyes. You heard the guard come and deliver the food, then leave quietly, but you still didn't move. You didn't move when Tauriel brought you clothes and a bucket of water and rags, you didn't move when Blue-Eyes came to thank you again, you didn't move when a rat came and took your cheese. You just laid there, staring and feeling dead on the inside.
You refused to eat or drink for the next few days. You slept, mostly. When you were awake, you were crying silently. You dreamed of your family. You grieved. Your muscles cramped from sleeping in one position for days. Your stomach felt like it was going to eat you alive. Your mouth was as dry as sandpaper. A hollow ache had settled in the core of your torso, between your heart and lungs; a pulsing orb of sadness, regret, and the wish to disappear. A couple of times, you passed out from hunger while laying down. But you were an Elf, so it'd be hard for you to starve.
You kept count of the days by the cycle of guards exchanging meals. Every tray held different things for different mealtimes: fruits and bread for breakfast, cheese and bread for lunch, and a thick vegetable soup for dinner. About nine days went by before anyone came to check on you, and by that point, you were hysterical on the inside. On the outside, you were catatonic.
And you reeked, because you hadn't had a shower in like, awhile.
After two battles.
So you weren't at your best.
"My guards tell me you refuse to sustain yourself." It was Blue-Eyes. "Do you realize how much of an offense that is to his majesty? He allows you to live, and yet you seek death out deliberately."
You said nothing. Hell, your eyes didn't even move. With a sigh, Blue-Eyes moved to your bedside. "Ah, I see you have also refused to bathe..." You didn't crack a smile. Even on the inside, you hardly felt a twinge of amusement. You felt... Empty.
Legolas surprised you by placing a hand on your cheek. "You miss them, don't you?"
Tears welled in your eyes. Dammit stop making me have feels. Ah, but feels you had, my friend, and you started bawling into your pillow. Legolas shushed you, and petted your head and told you it would be alright. You don't know how long you cried, but at one point, Legolas and Tauriel switched places, even though she clearly didn't want to and sucked at emotional talking.
When it was Legolas's turn again, you'd finally gotten to the nearly-finished state of hyperactive wheezing. "How long were you holding that in, I wonder?" You still didn't answer. He gave you a sympathetic smile. "You saved my life. Let me help you save yours. Get up. You will eat, even if I must force it down your throat, and once you're full, you'll bathe. After, I will take you for a tour of Mirkwood. You'll be living here, now... I suppose it's only right you learn how to navigate your homeland."
Finally, it clicked.
"Wh...What did you say...?" Your voice was hoarse from underuse and crying, but it still worked.
Legolas gave you a concerned look, like that much crying might've damaged your hearing. "I said I will take you for a tour of Mirkwood--"
You sat up; too fast, but you sat up. Your sugar dropped. But you had to know. "Mirkwood... Where is that?"
Legolas frowned. "East of the Misty Mountains, west of Erebor, home to the dwarves and the King Under the Mountain. North of Ithilien, Gondor, and northeast to Lothlorien, Ithilien, and Rohan."
Oh fuck.
"Wh-what is this place called? In general? Collectively? Like, the whole continent?"
Legolas seemed to finally realize that you were crazy. "Middle-Earth."
Oh hell.
"Holy shit..."
"What is it?"
You couldn't remember it clearly. Hell, you could hardly remember it at all. But what you did remember finally made sense. Tolkien's fantasy masterpiece that no one can surpass... The Hobbit... Lord of The Rings... The Fellowship... Smaug, Thorin, Bilbo... Aragorn, Arwen... Thranduil, Legolas, Tauriel... Oh gods, Legolas! "I-I... The books... Oh, gods..."
You promptly fell face-first off the bed before any half-assed explanation could be given to poor Golden Boy.
Home is behind...
The world ahead...
And there are many paths to tread...
Through shadow, to the edge of night...
Until the stars are all alight...
Mist and shadow...
Cloud and shade...
All shall fade...
All shall...
Tag List: @tesserphantom​ @thedragonghostofmordor​
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nancywheelxr · 4 years
Hi, so I was hoping you could write something with baby/child Legolas with his granpa? I know he was probably dead when Legolas was born but I'm just having so many little Leggy and granpa feelings (also, I know I've been asking so much modern aus and I'm sorry about that). Your writing is amazing and I totally love it. Btw, have a great day/afternoon/night !
Hey there! Thank you so much!! I hope you’re having a lovely day too!
Something is happening in the palace.
Legolas knows this because it’s been two days since his dad had dinner with them, even longer since he saw more than a few glimpses of his grandad. His mom says he should leave them to their work and not bother them or the other guards.
There are lots of guards in the palace lately.
Blacksmiths too, with big shields and pointy swords and shiny armor. It’s like one of those stories dad tells him when his mom isn’t around, Legolas thinks, about great battles and victory and, and– dragons!
So, honest, he hadn’t meant to get in anyone’s way, but he wanted a book, the one with the big maps so he could see where the dragons are. It’s not his fault his grandad caught him trying to climb the library shelf.
“That was very dangerous,” he says, placing Legolas back on the floor, “what were you trying to do?”
“I wanted the book with the maps,” Legolas points at the big one, with the colorful pictures, jutting out the shelf, “to see where Dagorlard is.” 
The change is quick, his grandad’s expression falls into a frown and Legolas shrinks back. He’s so in trouble. “Dagorlad? Where did you hear that name?”
“Erm, I heard mom and dad talking last night,” he admits, shifting from foot to foot, “I know I shouldn’t eaf– eeves– sneak around, but I didn’t mean to listen, I just wanted some water. And they were talking very loud.”
“They were, weren’t they?” His grandad sighs, waving him closer. His face isn’t doing the frowny thing anymore, so Legolas figures he’s not in that much trouble, and his grandad picks him up, making him giggle– Legolas does love being tall. “The place you heard, your father and I will go there very soon, I believe that is why your mother is upset. She worries, that is all.”
“Are you going to fight a dragon?”
Legolas tries to imagine it– the long wings, the shiny scales, the bright fire. It all sounds very brave and very cool, the kind of thing they write songs about.
“Of sorts,” he sighs again, walking up to the big window in the library. Outside, the guards are gathering again, testing out the new swords and armors and shields, and Legolas wishes he could be out there, training too. Go fight the big dragon with his dad. “It is a very evil place, that is why we’re marching against it. We fight now so there can be peace tomorrow. So you won’t have to fight any dragons.”
“But I want to!” Legolas whines, thinking about the songs and the stories and the tapestries in the halls. “I want to go on an adventure too when I’m big like you and dad!”
His grandad is looking at him and he looks sad, but he still smiles. “You will have your adventure, child, but I hope it will not be anything like ours.”
For the first time since all those people started coming to the palace, Legolas thinks of his mom crying last night and his dad kissing her hair and his grandad smiling while looking sad– for the first time, he’s scared even though he doesn’t understand what is going on. “I don’t want you and dad to go,” he whispers.
“We have to, it is our duty,” his grandad shakes his head, “but we will be back before you notice it. In the meantime, you’ll have to be good, yes? Look after your mother, don’t let her work too hard. Will you do that for me?”
Legolas nods sharply. “I will,” he buries his face on his grandad’s shirt, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
He feels the low rumble of his grandad’s chuckles. “Of course, my boy. Let’s get you upstairs, hm? Your mother is probably looking for you.”
Maybe adventures are a bit scary and maybe there are other things out there that aren’t dragons and maybe Legolas doesn’t know what all of this means yet, but he does know something is changing, something big. He squeezes his eyes shut and clings tighter to his grandad, for now, he’ll just trust his family to keep the shadows at bay.
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