#arctic and antarctic
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theantarcticempire · 6 months
happy four year anniversary to the antarctic empire!
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feather-bone · 1 year
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Midnight Sun.
[ID: an illustration depicting the midnight sun - a natural phenomenon that occurs in the Arctic and Antarctic circles, where the sun remains visible at midnight. It looks a lot like a sunset, and is observed in this illustration by an arctic wolf, looking backward with one paw raised, with a serene expression. End.]
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sitting-on-me-bum · 7 months
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Crabeater seal at Palmer Station
A crabeater seal lounging at Palmer Station, Antarctica. Despite their name, crabeater seals only eat Antarctic krill and use their specially shaped teeth to filter out the seawater.
Credit: Mike Lucibella/NSF
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GUYYYYYYYYYYYYS i need nonfiction book recs about polar exploration. i want biographies i want i want north i want south i want literally whatever as long as it's non fiction and its related to polar exploration.
I already have May We Be Spared To Meet On Earth, James Fitzjames: The Mystery Man of the Franklin Expedition, and Francis Crozier: Last Man Standing? on my to read list but if there are other primary source books or biographies of these two i want to know about those but also i want anything and everything about polar exploration. ANYTHING.
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polarlightszine · 2 months
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❄️ POLAR LIGHTS 2 Now Live!
Polar Lights 2: Dawn is a digital charity anthology featuring original art and writing from 36 creators in a collection of 32 illustrations, 6 pieces of writing, and more.
All proceeds will benefit the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, a global coalition of environmental NGOs working for the protection of species and marine ecosystems in Antarctica and the surrounding Southern Ocean.
Grab a digital copy of zine for as little as $2! 🩵
Shares greatly appreciated.
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jemichiart · 1 month
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Happy Earth Day! 🌍
One of my pieces for the @polarlightszine featuring Hourglass Dolphins 🐬
You can get this gorgeous anthology about the Arctic and Antarctic life on https://polarlightszine.itch.io/ and support a good cause 💙
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astralwhat · 2 years
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we strive for the forbidden / either to conquer or to die
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tokachithewarrior2 · 21 days
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MerMay día 13
Hace un intento artístico Pero Me gusta mucho como salió!
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darkwood-sleddog · 3 months
does it bother u how many ppl these days buy huskys or mals for cosmetics? Like ppl who live in places where there is no cold weather and the dog only gets walked like every other day???? I feel like same as shepherds ppl get them bc they r trendy and pretty when there is no way for them to provide a dog built to go MILES in the snow proper stimulation.
I don’t feel negatively about responsible owners that have sled dogs in warm weather climates just as in the same breath I don’t feel negatively about responsible owners that own short haired dogs in cold weather climates. There are many owners that have dogs in not necessarily the perfect climate for that dog (a majority in fact) and give their dogs fulfilling lives (I know mushers in Georgia, southern California, Arizona etc.)
And it doesn’t bother me that people get dogs for aesthetic reasons either. The malamute appeals to me not only because of its temperament and workability, but it’s looks and it would be disingenuous to say the looks of northern breed dogs didn’t drive my initial interest and appeal towards those breeds. People that get intense working dogs for looks either step up to the plate and give their dogs fulfilled lives, often learning a sport and finding a supporting community while doing so or they become overwhelmed and regret their purchase. At that point a person has two choices: Rehome to somebody that can handle the dog or don’t. It is only the later in which the dog suffers so that is the only situation that bothers me and a big reason I think we need to destigmatize rehoming.
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Crozier curls Ross's hair before some royal navy ball or whatever (redraw of this beautiful illustration by Paul Gavarni from 1840's!!! i just thought THIS IS SO THEM)
if these weren't their younger version then i would say that they use Charles Wilkes's letters as curling paper :)
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(+ little forehead kiss bonus)
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cal-sab · 1 year
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It was an absolute pleasure to be part of the @polarlightszine !! Everyone was so nice and absolutely dedicated to helping arctic and antarctic preservation! And I got to draw lil jelly dudes!
I remember I first found out about these guys when I was on the beach one year and saw them washed up. I was so fascinated by them and, after looking them up, learned that they were called Naked Sea Butterflies! As I was trying to figure out what to draw, I remembered reading that these guys come from the arctic waters and I knew I had to draw them!
All proceeds from this zine have gone to the Arctic Research Foundation and thank you everyone who helped us with that donation! You can find out more about this zine from the @ above!
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imesta-quinlana · 23 days
the five person theory
I was watching the movie The Lighthouse recently and came to the conclusion that the perfect number of people to put in a lighthouse/ space ship/ submarine/ sparsely populated arctic research base/ ect is five.
A single person in isolation is almost guaranteed to go crazy. Two people are likely to end up either hating each other or falling madly in love, probably both. And usually one or both goes a little mad.
Three seems like the perfect number, because you have a tie breaker and there’s usually enough sanity between three people to come to logical decisions. The problem is when the situation inevitably turns into a two vs one and now you’ve got to shoot your buddy Joe out the airlock because you and Fred know he was losing his mind. Then you’re left with the issue of two people.
Four presents similar issues to three, only now you lack a tie breaker, which could lead to a stand off, two vs two, until inevitably one of you betrays another. Then we have a three vs one situation, which is even more unbalanced against poor crazy Joe.
This is why five is the perfect number. You have a tie breaker and enough people to assume reasonably sound decisions and the ability to check one another. If you split into groups, then it most likely ends up as three vs two, which has much more even odds than two vs one or three vs one. Everyone can assume one or two friends, and, well if you all hate one guy, you definitely have the manpower to shoot him out the airlock without too much trouble.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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croziers-compass · 6 months
Summary Notes of Terror Camp 2023 (10.12.23)
(A small summary of notes and references I took during Terror Camp Day Two - Antarctic Exploration!)
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Branwell's Death Narratives
Captain Scott - The narrative tilts. It tilts according to who's written it.
Vitai Lampada by Newbolt
The Book of the Long Long Trail - Newbolt
Scott Supporters vs Critics. Was he a fool or a misunderstood individual? Challenge the complexities with which a Narrative is design and revolved around. Interrogate the Narrative and where it came from!
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Caitlin Branden
Personal Bias and Individual experiences steer your experience with a particular Polar Expedition
"A wonderful Evening"
Which Member of the Expedition Are You?
What attracts you to your Expedition? What about your Expedition draws you to it? What do you talk about when you talk about the Expedition of your Heart?
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"How do we frame the Narrative and How does the Narrative Frame us?"
"We cannot ask reason to take us across the Gulf of the absurd"
" The real Quest was the books we tried to write along the way " - R - The Discord Chat
"We all have our special little guys"
"Perhaps being haunted is part of being Human"
"Any Narrative can become dangerous if it becomes The Narrative. Be aware of the Biases off the Narrative you are writing. Take responsibility for the Narrative."
"Carry your little Guys in your pocket"
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Emma J. P. - From the South Pole to the Stars
Incredible Parallels twixt the Astral Exploration of Space and the Antarctic / Polar Explorations with Antarctica being a simile for time spent off of Earth itself.
Empty and Vast
Roald's Narrative during the South Pole Expedition!
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Sam Botz - The Feminine (?) Antarctic
"The Last Imaginary Place on Earth."
Antarctica The Woman - Stephanie Krzywonos
"Flying and Singing Like Sparrows" - Le Guin
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Phil M. (linked to Patreon) (Paper Doll Polar Explorer's Sea Chest)
Ross and Crozier Expedition!
"They were Hut Mates"
Crozier Passed His Leftenant Exam at 21 in the year 1817 Ross and Crozier serving under William Perry
They Celebrated St. Patricks day!
McCormick is our Narrator through much.
⚓ Robert McCormick's geological collections from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, 1839–1843
⚓ (Ross Volume 1) Voyages of discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic seas and round the world [microform] : being personal narratives of attempts to reach the North and South Poles ⚓(Ross Volume 2) A voyage of discovery and research in the southern and Antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43
by Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862 (links to Archive for JCR)
⚓Cunninham's Transcribed Journal
⚓ (An X/Twitter Acc. that follows JCR Expedition)
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Becca (I got pulled away so my notes are sparse here) "I'll be blowed."
Some of these Cold Boys should not have been there. (The Scientists) Elephant Island was quite the ordeal.
Clark, Hussey, Wordie, James, the Four Nations that did not live together in Harmony.
All in the Middle of the Great War.
"Nerdy and Outside the Narrative"
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Meg - Cold off the Press
"You tried"
"Mr. Clark proved the faunistic richness of the coastal Antarctic Waters, but, unfortunately, all his collections were lost with the ship."
Hussey - "This Scientist is an outlier and should not be counted"
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Avery S. - Oddments, Riff Raff, and Pocket Full of Rocks
Dancing on Ice Floes
Giving sea shells as gifts!
-The importance of Collecting was incredibly valuably psychologically. To collect these specimens meant that one would have to survive to deliver them. It also helped create routine
Trading Rocks for Tobacco.
“Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which will not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a good deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg.” - Apsley Cherry-Garrard
"When you reach out to understand the world, even scientifically, you are reaching out to understand your place in it." - Avery S (Polar Exploration Conference Terror Camp 12.10.2023)
"How McClintock Of You" - The Discord Chat
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Key Notes: With Francis Spufford and Sarah Airriess
(I was very invested in the conversations so I did not write as much as I would have liked. But some critical things really stood out to me.)
The Homosocial responses/responsibilities between the men. Care-giving and demonstrating tender roles with one another. 'Unexpectedly Gendered'
Francis has not seen The Terror
The way of Knowing these people is very unique. Reading their letters and their diaries provides a particular perspective allows you to know what they really were like - more than what their fellows may have known. You see a more intimate part of these explorers through their very personal narrations through their journals and letters.
"People are clouds of possible selves." - Francis Spufford He goes on to say something along the lines of: "Which is the problem with storytelling - as a narrator of storytelling you have to decide what comes out and what fades in the background of their personality."
"You have to decide as a Narrator." - Francis Spufford
Empathy as a Tool for Understanding
(This part was incredibly important to me.)
Sarah goes on to explain (thereabouts): You have to Listen to people. They (people writing or creating a Narrative/Narration of events) look at a historical figure and get a "snap" of them. From there they decide that they know everything about them. From there, it's like Cinderella's shoe and the step-sister cutting off parts of her foot to make it fit. You need to let these people liver and breathe as a dynamic person with feelings and thoughts. You have to be truthful. Otherwise you are doing that person a disservice and shoving them into a specific box that is meant to just fit your Narrative. You should try and be empathetic to the individual you are writing about as if they are still alive.
Spufford goes on to extrapolate on that with (thereabouts): Finding out what people meant to themselves is important. Some things you want to keep at arms lengths but still play an intrinsic role in their character. Being empathetic to these people is critical to respecting and acknowledging them with care and showing them that you care about them.
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"Captain Scott is a Myth"
"The Unified Field Theory of Cold Men."
"Neurotypical people don't go to the Antarctic. Normal people are not drawn to the Antarctic."
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Extra Important Links:
These are just some that I have saved from the Terror Camp. There were so many more but here is a handful.
Observations on ca. 175-year old human remains from Antarctica (Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetlands)
Ursula K. Le Guin Books: The Wave in the Mind Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places (thriftbooks link)
An Empire of Magnetism (Global Science and the British Magnetic Survey in the Age of Imperialism) - Dr Edward J. Gillin
A Game! "To Keep the Meat"
The Popularization of Science in Nineteenth-Century America - Hyman Kuritz
"Have You Been There?" Some Thoughts on (Not) Visiting Antarctica - ADRIAN HOWKIN
The Ship that Never Was: The Greatest Escape Story Of Australian Colonial History - Adam Courtenay (Goodreads Link)
Tristian's Wordpress of Franklin Expedition Content
Francis Spufford! ⚓ Sarah Airriess ⚓
The Music Track for Terror Camp ⚓
Book Recs from Crewmate @jesslovesboats (thank you)
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Thank you so much for the experience! This weekend was fantastic!
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Personal Notes and Commentary
This was my first Terror Camp in its entierty. The weekend was such a delight. I had no idea what sort of experience I would be having. It was beyond my expectations. I got to learn a lot more about some of the other Expeditions that I was not as familiar with as I would have liked to be. My book list has expanded by a decent number. Getting to listen to Nive Nielsen and Paul ready was incredible. I loved everything about this experience. I cannot wait for @terrorcamp to announce the next year's event. I will certainly be attending it without a doubt. I look forwards to future projects and staying in touch with anyone else that would like to. Thank you again for such a wonderful experience! I want to give a shoutout to the people I know of the Tumblr Urls that contributed: @brainyraccoons , @jckielantern , @nopickls , @wllipt (who was a captioner), @vivtanner , @inkonfreshnewpaper - I do not know if I missed anyone. I went through the Muster Book to check out who had tumblrs. If I missed you, please let me know. I had a fantastic time. Thank you all.
With love, In heart and spirit, Second Leftenant, Wilbur
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polarlightszine · 1 year
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Polar Lights is a charity anthology featuring original work from 26 creators in a collection of 26 full colour illustrations, 3 written pieces, and a mobile wallpaper pack.
All proceeds benefit the Arctic Research Foundation (ARF), a private, non-profit organization creating new scientific infrastructure for the Canadian Arctic and sharing perspectives on the most critical and understudied regions of the North.
Grab a digital copy of the zine for as little as $2! 💙
Shares greatly appreciated.
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