reizen-art · 8 months
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some elves sketches (old)
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mando--who · 9 months
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I haven't posted anything for a long time due to the high workload in college. Little by little I will post the drawings that have accumulated during this time.
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aylen-san · 3 months
Eol stumbled through the dark halls of Mandos, his mind a hostage to his own madness. Eternal darkness engulfed his consciousness, and every step seemed unbearable in the endless maze of doubt that surrounded him, where walls of shadow silenced any glimmer of reason. He screamed into the void, but his voice dissolved into silence, echoing only off the faceless walls.
Anger and hatred burned in his soul like a raging fire, consuming him from within. He hated himself for his blind rage, for the way his control and lust for power had led to the destruction of everything he had, the entire life he had struggled to build since his return from captivity. Images of Aredelle flashed through his memories: her leaving, her face, and his own insane actions that had led to her death.
Wandering in this abyss, Eol thought that perhaps his anger and hatred were just a mask hiding his fear and helplessness. His every cry into the void was a cry not only for what was lost, but for his own loss. Time in Mandos was his enemy and his ordeal. Every moment here is filled with the grim burden of the past. The blacksmith did not believe that there was any hope of purification and a new beginning for him. When he did, he found himself alone in the darkness, alone with his nightmares.
As the centuries passed, memories slowly began to return to Eol. At first they were vague, like shadows of leaves in the wind, flickering at the edge of his consciousness. In his world of darkness and silence, they appeared as reflections of the past - flickering memories of a life that seemed lost forever.
But as time passed, these shadows changed, becoming brighter and clearer. It was as if they were restoring themselves, like ancient frescoes slowly returning to their original splendor. Eol saw moments of joy and sadness again and again, but such moments quickly faded from his mind. More often, he remembered his faults - his pride, his lust for power, which gradually drowned out the light that was present in their lives. Eol realized that each step he took toward darkness only deepened the rift between him and Aredhel. The memories also touched their son, Maeglin, who had witnessed their strife and tragedy.
The return of the memories brought Eol more pain and remorse, but they also gave him the gift of insight. Long-forgotten regrets awoke in his heart that he had failed to see the meaning of the true freedom Aredhel had sought because of the pride and hatred that had overcome him.
And so, amidst the eternal darkness and silence, Eol continued to face his memories, giving each a place in his soul. He knew that only the recognition and acknowledgement of his mistakes could lead him to perhaps one day find peace beyond the darkness and time that weary him.
He remembered his youth, the times when the world seemed open to him for great achievements. In those days, his heart had been filled with dreams and ambition, with a desire for creativity and discovery. Eol was a skilled blacksmith whose creations delighted. He conquered the fire in the forge that was his faithful companion, and felt master of his destiny.
His hands could create works of art from metal: swords, armor, jewelry, he put his soul into them. Each blow of the hammer was a harmony of skill and passion that filled his days and nights. Eol laughed madly as he remembered the stories of Theanor of the Noldor, Curufin the Artificer, and Kelebrimbor, Lord of Eregion. He had seen the tapestries and knew their fate. Were all blacksmiths doomed to such a fate as theirs?
As time passed, shadows crept into even his brightest dreams. Life did not leave him without challenges: disappointments, losses, doubts. The great deeds he dreamed of sometimes seemed unattainable, and ambition poisoned his character.
But then Morgoth came and everything changed. Being imprisoned by the Great Enemy left deep scars on Eol's soul that never healed. Morgoth did more than put him in chains; he planted seeds of mistrust and fear in his heart. In the dark dungeons of Angband, amid the screams and groans of other prisoners, Eolus learned the essence of true terror.
Those days became a line for him after which Eol was forever changed. In the dark corners of the dungeons, he lost all that was good in him. Here, in the merciless darkness, he saw people like himself lose their last sparks of hope and humanity. Every scream, every groan pierced his heart, reminding him of his own vulnerability and helplessness.
Morgoth had not only taken his physical freedom, but his mental balance as well. Eol became suspicious and sullen, suffering from paranoia, isolated from the joys of life and love that had once filled his heart. He could no longer believe in himself or others, for in his eyes the whole world became a potential threat, ready to deceive and betray.
Even after his release, Eol remained a prisoner, his mind shackled by the dark shadows of the past. Though he had physically left the dungeons, his soul remained within them, trying to escape the nightmare that had forever permeated his being.
Eol sometimes wondered if it would have made any difference if he had chosen to isolate himself in his forest. In the company of elves, he often felt like an outsider. Some branded him as a former slave, condemning him for his cruelty. The elves with their arrogance, not all accepted Eol with his dark past and changed character, even if he tried to fit into their society.
In dwarven society, things were different. Dwarves valued skill and the art of blacksmithing more than they valued a person's past. They weren't as dependent on history and background, focusing on practical value and skill. More important to them was what Eol could make of metal; his creations spoke for themselves. The dwarves didn't question his past so much, they saw him more as a skilled craftsman capable of achieving significant results in his art. The dwarves' respect rubbed his ego the wrong way.
"Why did I marry Aredelle?" - he asked himself again and again. He remembered their first meeting - how her dark hair shone in the sunlight, how her eyes looked at him with warmth and trust. She was like a ray of light in his dark world, and he wanted to cling to her like a hungry man clings to bread.
The image of Aredhel, his wife, kept returning to his mind's eye. She was the light that had once penetrated his dark forest and illuminated his dark heart. Eol remembered the day he met her, lost and tired, but still full of determination and inner strength. He had won her love and enveloped her in his shadows, thinking he could hold the light. Charmed her, enchanted her so she would never leave him.
But the Light knew no bonds. In time, Aredhel began to long for freedom, for blue skies and open spaces. Eol saw this, but did not understand. His dark heart could not share her longing. He grew darker, more overbearing, and in his efforts to hold her, he only increased her longing.
"I loved her," he whispered one day. - But my feelings were a prison. I feared she would betray me, as the world had once betrayed me.
Eol remembered the moments when Aredhel would look at him with pleading eyes, begging for freedom. He remembered her quiet tears and her nightly whispers of home. But he was deaf to them, blinded by his fears and his pride.
"I wanted to hold the light," he thought, "but I turned it into darkness myself.
Eol wandered the bottomless halls of Mandos, his heart filled with angry rage. He hated the Noldor, the elves of the Lightstar, for their treachery and pride, for taking the lives of their kin. Envy of their skill in the arts and crafts gnawed at his soul as well. Whenever Aredelle mentioned her past, her clan, he forbade her to speak. He did not want their son Maeglin to know of his mother's origins and her complicated history.
His fear and hatred turned him into the one he hated the most. He realized that his desire to protect her from pain had driven him to greater horror. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he remembered the moments when Aredelle had looked at him with helpless wonder in her eyes, when Maeglin had suffered his estrangement. "I have robbed her of the opportunity to know her past, her roots," he realized. "I have robbed her of a part of her essence."
He was angry at Aredhel's supposed betrayal. "But am I not to blame myself?" - He tortured himself. He saw how his actions and words had turned her life into a captivity similar to the one he himself had experienced with Morgoth. He remembered how her eyes had faded, how her smile had faded, how her spirit had faded day by day.
At times, Eol thought he could hear her voice. A soft whisper, full of sadness and forgiveness. Or perhaps it was just the play of his mind trying to find solace in the vast halls of Mandos. He knew that her forgiveness would be too great a favor, and that he did not deserve it.
His son, Maeglin... How could he have tried to kill him? Why had he cursed him? These questions tore at his heart. He remembered the moments when he had seen Maeglin as nothing more than a reflection of his own fears and ambitions. He remembered how hatred and jealousy had clouded his mind when Maeglin had dared to flee. He felt he was losing his only son, his own continuation. Wasn't that what had determined his ultimate fate? Why had he joined forces with the hated Morgoth?
"How much madness has seized me?" - He asked, as the shroud that enveloped him began to dissipate. "Mad and blind. I cursed him for seeing him as an enemy, not a son. I saw a threat, not an extension of his blood and spirit."
Tears that hadn't been in his eyes for a long time streamed down his cheeks. He knew it was impossible to atone for what he had done, but admitting his mistakes was the first step toward some kind of relief. For the first time, he realized that his actions had destroyed what he loved most.
He remembered the nights spent in the forge, where fire was his only friend. The fire that he had tamed and that had eventually consumed his soul. Eol was a skilled blacksmith, but his pride and lust for power had turned against him. And he was no better than the cursed Noldor.
Then, in that dark and silent place, Eol knelt and whispered: "Forgive me, Aredhel. Forgive me, Maeglin. I was blinded by my own selfishness and fear of losing you."
Eol stood and looked out at the still waters of the lake. He stared at the reflection of the stars of his native Beleriand and felt a strange relief. All he had left was an eternity in the dark halls of Mandos, alone with his thoughts and memories.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Sindarin names, excluding the letter "W"
Abelver Achin Adhrim Aglaith Agoldo Agons Amadheld Amdiach Ammemor Amoor Amírd Andery Andishel Andrith Anfath Annaroch Annod Araglórin Arahaith Arahips Aramminder Arashar Arath Araug Araught Aravorldorc Ardhereirin Aredel Argonachost Aroastaught Arril Arroth Arthokin Artre Atteech...
Badol Barang Barch Barfand Bargoth Barontargil Barth Baughampir Beadh Bearn Bedin Bedramiril Beregon Berelunnin Beridel Bethar Bight Bitir Borhound Bornod Borsethele Bortin Breglin Bresion Breung Briblestre Brindool Brithrin Bronglad Caboriant Caladhold Calbattedh Calphel Calpher Caranduing Carth Caugons Cedephinel Cellonessil Ceneng Cenes Chaith Chielf Chondion Choroder Cirath Cirisginhîr Citinu Clons Cound Crias Crivrithur Curéd Cúadiringht Dagnielaers Daicthad Dalach Dambru Dandushang Danechui Danórod Dauglad Deleft Denel Denen Dereund Derúne Dofteg Dolacrosgin Dollor Doren Dorithalir Dregis Drûthil Duhilob Duireeben Dundol Durir Dínion Dúnarthen Dúnelin Eadainhîn Eaforod Ecthe Edall Edhindingro Egison Eglauglad Egliht Eglîn Egyraer Eleeru Elennhiaug Elind Elivort Elleadanar Encelds Enele Epassë Eratirrod Eregon Erfinien Erith Ervorthos Esgiond Ethúnoegil Eyoubly Faele Fainas Falbor Falle Falvalad Fanimp Feade Feith Felchîr Fichîr Fielroth Fifea Findise Fineen Fines Finnuin Firder Flathes Floothoen Flothost Follth Foraidde Foran Forbaders Fored Forryn Forth Frend Frodegun Fuidel Fuilgrounel Fuinedes Fulin Gaell Galagaugoll Galam Gallon Gardon Garston Gauréd Gelros Glach Gladury Glain Glamir Glant Gleft Glind Gloam Glothord Gluin Goldiaug Goleg Gonneld Gorgaer Gorienond Gorliadhil Gornin Gorts Griouth Grostyraiht Guall Gulthir Gódhevaram Hadaeglas Hadfantal Hadful Hadolond Haerost Haladalad Haland Haldin Halrod Hammars Haramrondir Harettin Haught Haurim Hiphelradon Holdin Hondeed Honimromed Hopate Horbethel Hovaldoldir Ialad Ianóreepos Iells Ilbar Imben Imping Ingalaneeph Ingniant Ingoroch Iondellas Ionhelvess Ionoedhers Isech Itair Ithorgornes Ivrave Kildim Kingord Kinny Ladalas Lammor Lanatha Langel Latchans Lathen Laurthell Lemog Lhals Liach Liandrain Lihts Limpmel Linigind Linindollam Lintaer Lithalaur Locklest Lothigh Lothórim Luinglast Lóriarth Lórim Maith Malbalaras Malcood Malin Mancel Mandir Manion Mannion Marth Masso Meggerant Meler Meliell Mendir Mensoth Micks Middleartor Mindui Minglate Mithlor Mogon Morned Moron Mothir Munnhereth Mírdag Mírduin Naedh Nancedh Narchuidh Narth Nathildir Nathir Nathran Nathrin Naudan Ndelunen Ndooth Negion Nendant Ngrepos Nibight Nights Nionord Nobenna Nolmornien Norgaels Norke Norrisir Nuicth Nuindûr Numuldel Nínedhe Núnor Oelves Oldir Ordent Oreerlas Orhes Ormerightel Ornantír Orond Orons Orthelum Pafords Paldeld Palind Palroniel Paten Pealatir Peess Peres Petteep Pikel Pinnartren Ponion Postronat Predhelver Prouse Ragonne Ragorm Rainarroth Raiths Rammorod Ranóriver Rapere Reephîn Regiloaks Reginor Regledh Rembradhond Rethló Rethraithôl Rhalamas Rhapen Rhareymall Rhorth Rialas Rodhel Rodyhebdia Roher Romily Roplad Ruffir Ruickbereft Rúmit Rúnach Rúned Saegindim Saeglas Saeltorn Saglan Sarvon Scengalas Scirin Seden Shadlin Shalgreavy Shals Shildor Sings Sirleniand Snodrethil Somuntathel Spethron Spikel Spiken Spined Spior Spips Spriace Stragurth Streth Taeron Tailest Tainas Taing Taithrion Talaid Taless Tarairos Tarden Tauru Tegythlóril Telen Telmon Tengs Terin Terungron Thaland Thandorn Thirn Thluicel Tholk Threr Thret Thros Tings Tollir Toritin Trisy Trothôn Tumalfliqui Turuich Uddlas Uiannest Unelvingoss Uporlachorn Uporth Valaur Venaron Vinnor Virin Ōrech Ōreech
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mentaltich · 1 year
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lamorgh · 2 years
Visiting Thera
❀• F A S H I O N • C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka –  RAVEN 3.1 EvoX Body: Maitreya  – Mesh Body Lara 5.3 Shape: { wren’s nest } – Rasia – Exclusive @ UNIK Event (till April 2nd) Face Skin : [LERONSO] AREDEL skin for Lelutka EVO X [VANILLA] –  @ Mainstore Body Skin: [LERONSO] Realistic body skin v4 [VANILLA] –  @ Mainstore Eyes: [LERONSO] – Eye set LIGHT GREEN for Lelutka –  @ Mainstore Hair:…
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kalista-emerald · 2 years
Nivea par Upside Down World Via Flickr : ✗Head: LeLUTKA Raven Head 3.1, ✗Body [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4), ✗Shape Holloway Beauty - Raven Shape Bento-HEAD lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1 , ✗Skin [LERONSO] AREDEL skin for Lelutka EVO X, ✗Bodyskin [LERONSO] Realistic body skin v2, ✗Hair[LERONSO] HAIRBASE v16 for Lelutka EVO X , ✗Ears :ANDORE: - :ear-acc: - [F\M] - Idda [Lel Evo X] , ✗Accessory Head gift *{( konpeitou )}* New Year accessory , ✗Eyeshadows Knife Party // Misty Eye Makeup // Evo X // BLOGGERS , ✗Tattoo Upper VENGE-BOM-'Midsummer Rose' Chest Tattoo , ✗Tattoo Lower Viena :: Clau May Gift Tattoo Pack , ✗Dress SCANDALIZE-Kimberlee DRESS. FATPACK , ✗Shoes SCANDALIZE-Kimberlee HEELS. FATPACK ,
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fashioninsl · 2 years
LERONSO por Luah Benelli Via Flickr: Skin,Eyes,Eyeliner and Hair: LERONSO - Aredel Skin LeL EvoX for @Yippee Event, Eye Set Light Brown LeL, BOM Makeup Set #3 and Hairbase v18 LeL EvoX Earrings: VOBE - Yonka Earrings Top: WellMade - Bianca Outfit
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mrgaus · 2 years
[Selfie] #980 by Gaus Via Flickr: Head - LeLUTKA EVO X [AVALON] Skin - AREDEL by Leronso @ Yippee Event Eye set LIGHT BLUE for Lelutka by Leronso Shape by Gaus
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maslyrok · 5 years
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"Yet it is said that Maeglin loved his mother better,and if Eol were aboard he would sit long besid her and listen to all that she could tell him of her kin and their deeds in Eldamar...all these things he laid to heart.." 
© John Tolkien "Silmarillion".
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ungern95 · 7 years
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Косая девушка и кривая лошадь, идеальная команда #Aredel #irisse #silmarillion #silm #thesilmarillion
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reizen-art · 8 months
Got any fictional couple that you haven't tried drawing?
Zhongli x Baizhu and Yanfei x Yelan. I love this couple so much, but I have never tried to draw them.
For Tolkien fandom this is Orome x Celegorm and Aredel x Elenwe. Don't ask, this is very rare and unpopular ahahah.
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pan-da-hero · 7 years
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deepseapotato · 4 years
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Finally drew the Aldaria sisters, who are important NPCs of the D&D campaign I play in!
The left one is Aredel Aldaria, an ice wizard who was brought back from the dead by the deity of winter. She is the employer of the party's bardbarian. The right one is Alune Aldaria, the leader of a certain blood cult our party keeps running into.
As the color coding suggests, they hate each other.
Characters of course belong to my awesome DM @superergomania ;w;
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everything-person · 4 years
Okay does this sound good? Like at least decent idea?
I’m thinking of a Lieutenant Ducklingish fic. Princess Emma Sailor (so not quite Lieutenant yet) Killian Lieutenant Liam. Possibly grew up together? There’s like a Naval Ball and the next day they set sail for a mission.
BOOM CRASH TERRIBLE STORM BOOM THE SHIPS GETTING TORN APART ABANDON SHIP WOOSH GIANT WAVE! Liam and Killian were able to get to a lifeboat as far as they know they are the only survivors. They trying to navigate to land but they aren’t sure how far the storm set them off course. They survive off what fish they can catch and a flask of rum. They wash up onto an island. They travel the jungle. They become surrounded by boys. Liam demands to know where they are and speak to who’s in charge. The leader steps forward and say they are in Neverland and there are no adults here. They fight them off and escape the boys. They set up camp on the beach trying to find a way back home. One night Killian on watch and something in the water something big. He wakes Liam they spot light coming from underneath the water then a man emerges onto the beach. It’s Captain Nemo he brings them a board feeds them and explains what he does (finding lost souls and all) asks him to join his crew. They are hesitant to trust but “Wait you travel all the realms in this fish?” “Yes she is the best vessel I’ve had the pleasure of captaining” “are you-will we be able to go home?”
Meanwhile in Misthaven “Emma it’s been a month.” “And?” “We must assume-“ “We must assume nothing! I know Killian is still alive. Liam wouldn’t allow anything to happen to them. They are alive out of stubbornness if nothing else.” “Sweetheart-“ “WHAT!? All my life you have spoke of hope and faith. And that is what I have. You don’t think I don’t hear that little voice inside that tells me otherwise whispers that they are gone. But there is another voice one that says they are alive and they will come back to not give up hope. And that is the voice I will listen to until they are home.”
Captain Nemo feeds them and tends to their wounds. They make port in Arendelle for supplies. Liam insists they go to the castle feeling they have burden Captain Nemo enough. “Thank you Captain we will forever be in your debt.” “If you boys ever find yourselves lost there will always be a place for you in my crew.” They go to the castle and gain audience with the queen. Liam is struck by her beauty. Killian speaks up telling their tale and humbly asks for help. Anna pops up from around a corner and amazed by their story telling them they would be glad to help. Elsa agrees and allows them to stay in the guest wing for as long as they need and if they need anything else they only ask. Liam speaks with Elsa about maps trying to chart their journey thus far and how far they need to go till their home. They stay for a couple days before Killian sends a bird to Misthaven. A week later Princess Emma arrives in Aredelle and is only able to keep the composure of a proper princess until she sees them alive and well then she is launching herself into Killians arms. Once she’s satisfied hes real she let’s go and embraces Liam. (If she whispers a thank you no one will ever know)
She tells them they had confirmed their ship has sunk and their lifeboat was the only one missing meaning everyone else is presumed dead. Once they are home they will have a ceremony for those men that were lost. Emma and Elsa set up a treaty amongst their kingdoms. The day comes they are to return home to Misthaven. Emma leads the Jones boys up on deck of the ship that is to take them home. “Do you like her?” “She is one of the most magnificent vessels I’ve ever seen.” “Glad to year it because she yours.” “What?” “Welcome aboard the Jewel of the Realm Captain Liam Jones and Lieutenant Killian Jones. She awaits your orders.”
And that’s all I got. If anyone wants to write this or is inspired by this go ahead. I probably won’t because it would be crap like this ^ summary or brain storm is all I got for this idea.
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wintersovereign · 6 years
Please reblog if you’re an active Princess Anna roleplayer and you’d like to be added to a masterlist.
With the new trailer’s release, a lot of old and new Frozen roleplayers have popped up the last few days. I’d like to create some kind of fandom masterlist so we can all find each other.
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