#aren't too bothered by it. if it's ok i'd like to take things slowly! and they're always nice n go yeah that sounds fine it's ok if you
lonestatus · 10 months
actually can i complain again. it's about relationships this time though
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viothesilly · 2 months
ok ok i said i'd make an actual post about this instead of rambling in the tags.
expect a lot of topic-hopping, but i'll try to at least stay in the topic of bugs and how i've been feeling about them.
so, as i was saying, i've had a few factors contributing to helping me be less scared of bugs. yippee!
the things that particularly come to mind are having friends who love bugs, flick from animal crossing, amber sugar cookie from cookie run, a webtoon called bugtopia, and finding bugs (other than lepidopterans) that i adore.
which is a very good thing!
i can mostly go outside without panicking, although i think there's at least one wasp nest outside my house, so i still get scared, especially if i actually see a wasp.
wasps are like bees but extra scary. bees aren't really scary now that i've learned more about them. like, i actually really like them now, but not enough to get too close comfortably.
i've always loved lepidopterans, although i've had a slight preference for moths. butterflies are fuckin awesome, though. :D
some of my favorites are atlas moths and glasswing butterflies!
anyway, i recently found a type of arachnid that i absolutely adore, which is something that has surprised me quite a bit, given that my fear is especially strong when it comes to arachnids!
they're called amblypygis, and they're super cute, although most people probably find them terrifying. i think they're also pretty much completely harmless.
anyway. i THINK the root of my (very much unhealthy) fear of most bugs started when i was really little. i think i was, what, 4 or so? maybe younger?
i was in the backyard with one of my cousins (if i'm ever talking about a cousin, they're younger than me, because i'm unfortunately the oldest) and we saw an innocent little bee. i think we were bothering the bee unintentionally, and it ended up stinging me. and i REALLY didn't want to have it happen again. i still don't. so it resulted in me avoiding almost all bugs.
caterpillars and inchworms and such have always been okay. little bug noodles. i've always liked when they decide to crawl on me while i'm outside.
i actually let one of those suuuuper tiny flies crawl around on me for a bit earlier today, and i tried to leave my room to go downstairs and take it outside, but it flew away when i opened my bedroom door, and now i'm not sure where it is.
while camping a few years ago, me and one of my cousins (not the same cousin as before) found a MASSIVE stick bug, and we named them sticky. sticky was AWESOME. i unfortunately didn't get any good pictures of sticky. but sticky was at least a couple inches long. more than that, actually. they were pretty damn huge according to grandma, and grandma has probably seen a ton of them, given that grandpa and her go to tons of state parks and go camping all the time. eventually, we had to put sticky on a tree after letting them (willingly for both me and sticky) crawl around on me for a little while. i hope sticky lived a happy life!
one last thing, i promise it'll be shorter this time. recently, a butterfly (i think it was a red admiral!) decided to sit on the window outside. it was really really cool to see a butterfly up close like that. the wing patterns were gorgeous and very much visible from the way they were sitting. the colors were lovely. now that i think about it, the butterfly was definitely a red admiral. super cool experience. unfortunately they flew away right as we were trying to take a picture.
i, uh, forgot what i was gonna say in relation to the topic of me slowly becoming more comfortable with bugs-
so.. i guess this is the end of my ramble. unless you want more. let me know if you want more. okay. uh. bye now! ^^
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themimsyborogove · 2 years
ok so, this whole situation seems kind of far fetched in some ways, but tbh I think it's adorable, so just think about it, ok??
god-father ragnor.
during Jocelyn's time in Idris, as time folds closer to the uprising, she really has no one but luke she can fully trust. but he's off away in brocelind (nearly typed broccoli 😭) forest doing his werewolfy things or whatever, so their time together is always scarce.
idk what jocelyn's relationship is like with her parents, but I'd say they know nothing of the uprising, so she probably distanced herself from them.
with no parents or friends she can talk to, who better to go to than the one person in Idris who may or may not understand her predicament? or even offer a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen to?
her favourite professor in all of angel land
she goes to ragnor a little at first. just small visit to cheer her up here and then, and sometimes just to even check on ragnor.
but as time goes by, the two slowly get closer. it's not just simple tea visits and talk about the obscenely perfect whether no ones bothered to address until now, but an unspoken friendship between two unlikely people that goes deeper than one may have originally thought.
the two grow from student to teacher, to two people in an honest friendship who care about each other's well-being.
I wanna type a lot more, but this is getting really long, so I'll spit it out — Ragnor visits a few times, to catch up and what not after thinking she was killed in the uprising (isn't that what people thought happened?? wasn't her grave shown in one of the tmi books?), Jocelyn skrrts around the subject and then asks him to take on the roll of Clarys godfather.
she would never put that responsibility on someone she didn't trust, and assuming luke hadn't popped up yet, until ragnor started visits, she'd been truly and utterly alone (babies aren't much good at conversation from my experience.)
ragnor and Jocelyns friendship has so much potential and you're literally the only writer I've seen so far who I believe can do it justice 😩
I couldn’t quite get Ragnor as godfather to work out, but how about Ragnor being the only one Jocelyn trusts to tell about her pregnancy with Clary? I think he’s the only one in canon that she tells the full extent of Valentine’s experiments before the Uprising, so she could trust him with another big secret too.
The words on the page blurred again, and Ragnor rubbed his eyes to clear them. He glanced at the clock, realizing it had gotten later than he had expected while he was working. He eyed how much of the book was left, weighing if it was worth it to force himself awake to finish it, or if he should just give in for the night and pick up where he left off tomorrow. There were only a few dozen pages left, but the thought of his bed was sounding much more tempting.
A knock on his front door threw both options out the window.
“Jocelyn,” he said, opening the door and standing aside so she could come in. “You look better than the last time I saw you.”
It was, admittedly hard to look worse. The last time he had seen Jocelyn Morgenstern, she had just discovered the extent of her husband’s depravity, and how his experiments with demon blood had affected their young son. He suspected the only thing that had kept her alive after learning something so horrific was the news he had given her that Lucian Graymark was still alive.
“But something is still weighing on you,” Ragnor observed, taking in the shadows under her eyes and the pinched expression on her face.
Keep reading on Ao3
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🦊 Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Manager Being s Foreign Exchange Student
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Inarizaki x foreign manager (English as a 1st language)
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request! Update: my neck is slowly healing but I'm managing to write 1/2 headcannons a day! I'm thankfully about a week ahead so I'm hoping this gives me enough time to heal and keep ahead!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Ok I just imagine being a foreign exchange student would be scary enough
But like being a foreign exchange student, managing the boys volleyball team AND attending Inarizaki 👀
Oof 😬
First off, Aran and Kita are so accepting
Aran definitely questions why you came to Inarizaki of all places 😅
Kita is totally one of those people that the school places new students with
Like he can walk backwards and direct attention to things without even a second thought 🙌🏻
I forgot to mention that this is your third year, which thank god 🙏🏻
Imagine if Atsumu had gotten ahold of you first 😅
Anyways, Kita begins to show you the lay of the land
Basic customs and etiquette that is practiced daily in school and in Japan
It's all very interesting!
Where you come from is very different from your new surroundings and a bit intimidating honestly
Kita will introduce you to Michinari and Omimi next
He's slowly integrating you yn 😊
Michinari is super interested in comparing cultural differences
Please he watches public television daily and his favorite shows are the travel shows ✋️
Omimi is more interested in you personally
Your likes? Dislikes? How you ended up here?
It's honestly a great introduction to high-school in a different country
Unfortunately for you YN, you can't have nice things 🙃
Now you are pretty fluent in Japanese but let's just say English is your first language
You have a basic knowledge and understanding down but it's different in practice
So when the final dismissal happens, you manage to somehow get lost
You misread a sign and ended up in a remote part of the school
A part of the school that just so happens to be home to the sports team rooms
You stop when you see a sign and grab your phone to help you translate
"What are you doing?"- Osamu, eating food and staring at you 😐🍙
"Umm I think im lost?"- you 😬
"Hey aren't you that new foreign exchange student?"- Ginjima says behind Osamu
"Yes I'm YN"- you, extending your hand to shake
They both look from your hand to you
"Oh Im sorry, I'm still getting use to the proper customs"- you
"Hey dumb- well well well who do we have here?"- Atsumu 😏
"Kita's gonna be mad if we don't get practice"- Suna just staring at his phone and walking past, completely oblivious
"Wait you know Kita?"- you
Atsumu will narrow his eyes at you 😑
You could be all of 5'0" tall and this man will still try to assert dominance 🙄
"What do you want with our captain?"- Atsumu
Osamu will roll his eyes and push Atsumu aside
"Kita has been helping me out. I'm just not sure where to go from here"- you, your eyes now welling with tears 🥺
"HEY" - Kita shouts as he and the other third years run to your side
"You guys better not have been bothering YN!"- Aran
"Atsumu was"- Suna
You don't speak
Osamu takes this as a verbal que to smack Atsumu 😅
"YN is from a different country you guys, make her feel welcome!"- Michinari
"That's so cool YN! You should be our Manager"- Ginjima, literally not even caring anymore
Mans wants a manager
He prayed 🙏🏻 for one
He's literally that desperate
"Ahhh I uhhh I'm not sure I'd be a good manager"- You 😅
"Nonsense! You'll do fine!"- Ginjima is literally dragging you to the gym
Ok guess you have no choice YN 🤣
Kita doesn't say anything because like he wants a manager too
And like you're cute soooo 👀
Anyways, that's how you become the manager
You soon find yourself being very immersed in everything
Eating meals with the team to pregame exchanges are all a learning experience
And you make your fair share of mistakes 😐
It happens YN, we all make mistakes
But unfortunately Atsumu is on your team and like you know 🙄
"Geez YN, you've been here for what? 2 months? Haven't you learned anything?"- Atsumu
He's an actual menace to society
Osamu smacks him ✋️
Kita simply 🎆pretends🎆 he doesn't see it
He can watch the recording on Suna's Instagram story later 🤣
Eventually, you start getting the hang of traditions, customs, and etiquette
Also you learn the quirks of the team
Like how strick Kita is with his cleaning
How to motivate Suna
How to reassure Aran and Ginjima
How truly annoying Atsumu is 😅
Your true test comes in the form of nationals
You managed to survive the holiday season in Japan with the help of Kita
Seriously he literally made sure you had the whole experience
When it came to Nationals however, you were unprepared
Sure you had seen big sporting events but this...
This was a whole other level!
Seriously there is 104 teams 😅
To say it's chaotic would be an understatement 😅
Luckily for you, Aran and Michinari are there to hold your hand
Seriously it's like walking in a forest YN hold on!
You take to your tasks much as you normally do
That is until you see an orange haired child starting at you 👁👄👁
You jump a little because Hinata can be all "children if the corn" when he wants to be
"Hey you aren't from here are you? Are you lost?"- Hinata
You just look around, finally pointing at yourself
"No im the manager for Inarizaki"- you
"Oh nice! I'm Hinata and I'm a middle blocker for Karasuno. Are you sure you're from around here?"
"Well I'm actually a foreign exchange student but I'm managing Inarizaki for the year! Oh and my name is YN"
Hinata is blown alway that you are from a different country
Lile he will literally pop a squat next to you and just talk
It's actually really sweet
Until it's ruined 🙄😒
"You're that little ginger who jumps around Tobio all the time"- Atsumu says coming up behind Hinata
"What do you want with YN?"- Suna
You 👉🏻😐🙄
Hinata 👉🏻 I uhhh 👁👄👁
"He was just talking with me! He's been really sweet"- you
Apparently those are triggering words for our boys YN
"Youve never called me sweet before YN"- Atsumu
"That's because you're not"- you 😐
Ouch 🤣
"Good one YN"- Osamu coming up besides you
Poor Hinata is now crowded by Inarizaki members 😅
"Just for the record YN, I never liked you"- Atsumu
"I like you YN"- Hinata 🥺
Seriously you get whiplash from this man 😐
"Lets go YN"- Suna, grabbing your hand and pulling you away
Honestly he's saving you 😅
I'd say you've handled your transition to a foreign country well YN 😍
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In the night (Part Two)
A/n: went a bit off script on this one, lol. this is just a matt chapter.
Warnings: smut, hatefucking, overstimulation but only implied bc i was too lazy, matt is kinda manipulative in this, crying, a bit of angst.
Frank Castle x Reader x Moon knight (x Matt Murdock..?)
“Stop staring at me, Matt. I already told you, im fine”
“How could I stare at you? Don´t get me wrong, I bet you´re gorgeous, princess, but my eyes aren't exactly in service.” God, he was so annoying. But then again, the way that shit-eating smirk adorned his split lip did things to you.
“You´re a pain in the ass, you know that?” You mirrored his expression.
“Yeah well, you´re the one who stays in my apartment every time you and Frank get in some kind of fight. At this point, you should honestly just move here.” He whispered that last part; good. Easier for you to ignore his little comment.
Regrettably, Matt was quick to break the uncomfortable silence the conversation had fallen into.
“I know you… Care about him, ok? I'm not stupid. I just wish you'd see that Karen, Foggy- me- we are here for you, too. He doesn't have to be the only person in your life– he isn't” The concern in his eyes bothered you. You gritted your teeth.
“Sounds like you´re trying to get me to ditch him” The words left you in a murmur, face pointed at your fumbling hands.
“It's not like that” Your name left his lips in a soothing manner. “You know that”
“Do I? Because last we had this conversation, you said I was only with him because I like to get myself hurt” You could feel a knot obstructing your throat, begging you to just cry already.
Matt scoffed at that, goddamn grin still on his face. He got closer, too.
“With him? That would imply he actually cares about anything other than his little kill-all mission”
“It's not like that and you know it, Murdock. I know that you, out of all people, can tell that he cares, so why are you so bent on getting me to leave him?” It was getting harder and harder to speak with each frantic breath you took, trying and failing to not let the tears fall.
Matt´s expression softened, then. He couldn't stand to see you in pain. It reminded him of more difficult times, situations, that he felt was his fault you were in in the first place.
So he got up, slowly, and crouched in front of you. One hand resting on his knee, the other on your thigh, rubbing gentle circles in the clad flesh.
“I just think you deserve better, that's all. I didn't mean to make you upset.”
Your eyebrows scrunched up in a frown, humorless grin on your lips as you breathed out a sigh of disbelief.
“And who's better, Matt? Huh? Who do I deserve? You?”
A beat passed. Matt thought, for a moment, that even if it weren't for his abilities, he could still hear your heart meet your ribcage in its desperate dance. His answer came easy. Voice sure, stern.
“Maybe. At least I wouldn't take you for granted. I'd treat you right” Oh god, was he serious?
“Fuck you, Matt” You spat the words at him before you got up, shoving his hand off you in the process. Angry tears still falling, you made a beeline for the door. Tried to, at least. Matt took long strides towards you, grabbing your arm and making you face him.
“I´m sorry, princess” He whispered before tucking a wild strand of hair that had fallen out during your struggle back behind your ear.
Fuck him. Fuck this. You grabbed the back of his head, tightly gripping his hair as he almost immediately met your efforts with his lips against yours; all teeth and tongue and dominance that you both fought the other for.
He lifted you up by the back of your thighs, squeezing the flesh until you let out a moan and dropping you roughly on the surface of the counter. He didn't waste a second before his lips were all over your neck, sucking and leaving a particularly nasty mark right above your chest. You briefly wondered if it´d match the bruise under his eye.
He kept kissing down your body until he reached your waist, unbuttoning your jeans and taking your panties down with them before he looked up at you, seeking permission.. You nodded. The “please” was left unsaid.
He licked up an imaginary line from your opening to your clit, hands on your hips to keep you in your place. You couldn't help the wanton moan that escaped you at the feeling. He started suckling on your clit, swirling his tongue around the bud at a pace that drove you crazy.
He added a finger while he used his tongue.
“Shit, fuck- Matt” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he added a second finger, moaning as your ass lifted off the counter. He was quick to shove you back down.
“Shh, I know, I know, but I need you to be good and stay still for me, yeah? Or else I stop.”
You whimpered at how low his voice sounded; the contrast between his sweet words and the way his hand was bruising your stomach as he pressed down on you, keeping you where he wanted you.
It didn't take long before you came. And came again, and again. Every time, you tried to hold it for a little longer, but he just seemed to know exactly how to press your buttons. You briefly wondered if that had anything to do with his abilities, before falling asleep with his arms around you, surrounded by silk sheets and light stubble poking your neck.
hope yall liked it! comments and reblogs appreciated, plus they encourage me to make more parts quicker <33
taglist: @gladiosamicitias @izz-pascal @verymuchsoslytherin @indago-snake @n1ght5h4d3-24 @castlesnchurches @soap-murdockbarnes
lemme know if u wanna b added
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frogmentarii · 4 years
Haaaa ok so I am doing this cause i saw @fallout-lou-begas steal it from @tarberrymentats and they both looked like they were havin hella fun so i am commandeering this for my own purposes. So lucky for yall its Emi time (art by the dearest @yesjejunus because yall need to see more of her work)
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Because she's an older woman (57) that breaks a lot of moulds and I love to see it. Aside from just enjoying older characters, Emi isn't a sweet old lady and she isn't here to try and mother anyone. Her drives are entirely her own and while she prioratizes herself and her sister before anyone else, its not always due to complete selfishness and just due to growing up in the wastes (I try to keep her character true to a fend for yourself setting as possible). I think Ill go into detail in another question with this, but I went through a lot of concepts and personalities for Emi before settling on someone who was seasoned and very much a product of the wastes. I think after seeing a lot of other couriers I finally figured out what I wanted to do differently, and that sort of helped guide her to become what she is today.
B) What inspired you to create them?
I think my last line there sort of short answers this. I wanted someone different from the other couriers I saw, and wanted to make one that was distinct or even juxtaposed against some tropes. She's a woman in her late 50s that doesnt try and play mom/granny to the companions, she very much has no stake in what happens to the Mojave, she doesnt care about Benny or that he shot her in the head (such is life in the Mojave, but she did have a job to complete so ripperoni him), and a lot of her motivations are selfish or exist to benefit her sister. She doesnt act 'old' in the fact that she isn't a wise caring soul or a grumpy old man, but rather her age is shown through her experience, and this also shapes her personality. She's never had to formally 'grow up' so she can come off as immature and irritating for her own entertainment, but she doesn't have youthful ignorance for how the world works. She knows how to be responsible but she doesnt have to act like it outwardly, even with her Tragic Caregiver Backstory.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
To a large degree in the beginning, yes, and to specific degrees now, also yes. Writing in general isnt my strong point though I did know what I wanted for her. The main image is there but the details are funky, and Ive been slowly hammering those out as I work along with her and Camila's stories. There's been some huge changes along the way that help push both of them towards an ending I like and that fits them, and even if it takes forever and I never actually write a fic, I'll be happy when she finally feels completed in New Vegas.
Aside from that, she kind of fits in anywhere in regards to AUs. My friend @yesjejunus and I have probably like 40000 fucking aus for our OCs and all of them feel just as organic and their canon stories.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
So I know I have an 'original concept Emilia' art on here where she looked like Laura Croft and had aviators but that wasnt even her first concept. I had originally wanted to make a petite southern belle type from Louisiana who used a shot gun and had a mean streak, but as I kept playing with concepts Emi really started to lean other places. Another huge change was her personality. Even when her concept got settled as a sniper from Mexico, she was suppose to be an early 30s caravan guard who was way too sure of herself. While there are reminents of that concept still in her, she has a lot more experience in the wastes and in think-on-your-feet situations to back up her attitude. Another thing she required was dropping her "take me seriously" personality with more goofy "i do what i want cause why not" traits.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Emi can get along with anyone at a surface level, for a small while, if it will benefit her or she wants to pass time. She really doesn't have interest in folks who arent interesting or beneficial in some way. Since I don't really offer her much, and am a bit of a wet bag, she might yank my chain for her own funsies or she'd have no interest.
And while I did indeed give Emi my go with the flow attitude, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with her. Emi is very fast paced and doesnt necessarily have regard for those she decides to pick up as drinking buddies for the night. Def dont trust her with my life, and knowing the shit she gets into I'd def want to steer clear of it....like a trainwreck its much better to watch her from a safe distance, lol.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
A lot of affection from a meta standpoint? I've worked with Emi and Cam a lot since creating them, and they've def come a long way since their original concepts. I wouldn't say their story is quite where I want it yet, but I am quite happy with it overall.
That, and Ive met so many awesome writers along the way with Emi. Not all of my friends have posted fic but the amount of world building and having our characters interact and talking OCs ive done with them has placed both Emi and their OCs in a special place for me. Sure her having her own story is fun but I much more prefer the bonds Ive created with people over OCs and I think thats a bit more of a cherished component to character creation for me.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Literally? That she likes to be irritating if she feels she can get away with it (or even if she cant). Actually? That she has a very "I shelter you and feed you therefore I make the rules, period." stance on how she takes care of her charge. She lets a lot of shit slide with Camila but things get very Rapunzel-esque at times.
H) What trait do you admire most?
How sure of herself she is. Even if its to a fault, she trusts herself and her judgements. That sort of confidence is something I strive to have haha.
To a lesser degree, and more of a meta point I wanted to make with her, just...her appearance I suppose? To me she's attractive, but she also has a lot of traits that aren't conventionally attractive and that's played a lot into how Ive wanted her to be. Again she's 57 years old. She has age to her body, her skin wrinkles and droops, her tits sag, she has the body of someone who uses chems, and yet despite her age and breaking of beauty standards ive made it a point to show that she is desired or thought of as attractive in non fetish specific circumstances. She herself, while aro, also still has an active sex drive and I really wanted this to be a backseat part of her character, as I feel like fandom in general shafts older women in this department (this also goes for a lot of her non 'old lady' traits I give her too). She still has sexual needs and is still very much sexually active, and she is still found to be a regular sort of attractive and is desired by those she gets involved with.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes? Ish, to a degree. I didnt have to but I wanted to. I also did a lot of headcanoning with post Mexico for her early life which, afaik is free real estate for lore/nothing super detailed has been given in canon.
Given that she and Camila both shape their stories as individuals, I did have to split up some canon elements to follow two seperate characters, but other than that I really just had to make sure Emilia's story wasnt "boring" in the fact that she again, has no real stake in what happens to Vegas/the Mojave.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
Cackles in 'which au will I obsess with today'
For the most part yes, however I love placing her in new things or different stories. She may be 'my courier' but really shes just the frog granny that goes into whatever au I am feeling at the time.
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qilwashere · 4 years
Kenma Kozume
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"...Which is why PlayStation is better than Xbox." You conclude your argument to Kenma, your best friend and gaming buddy.
You're both in his room, supposed to be studying but he got bored and decided to start a game of Animal Crossing. You glance over at him to make sure he's listening, and notice that he has, yet again, changed his position to laying with his legs against the wall and his back flat against the floor, holding his new Switch directly in front of his eyes with skinny arms.
“Mhm," he mumbles, not really engaging in conversation but still acknowledging that you're speaking to him. You're used to it though, he's never been the talkative type.
From the computer chair you're sitting in, you scoot slowly across the floor to see what he's so interested in on that tiny screen he stares at for so long. You know he notices you but he does nothing in response, so you climb out of the chair and crawl next to him, mimicking his position and trying to get a good look at his game. He shifts it ever so slightly so that you can see better, and you smile to yourself but quickly cover it up.
"Whatcha doin'?" You ask casually, since although you do occasionally play with him, you're still very clueless about how to really play Animal Crossing, or any game for that matter.
"Catching fish," he mumbles in reply. You stare at the screen and wonder what could be so interesting about casting a line and reeling it back in with the click of a button. He doesn't seem willing to elaborate, so you drop it and just listen to the relaxing music coming from the device.
Before you know it, it's getting dark out and you have to head home. You pack up your bag, organize the very few notes you took at his house and tell him bye. He grunts in response, his eyes glued to the screen. You look down sheepishly and smile at him again before stepping outside of his room, skipping down the stairs and jogging out the door, towards your home.
As soon as you get in your room and flop on your bed, you pull your phone out and see if there are any texts.
New message from: Kenma Kozume
Your heart skips a beat, since he never, ever texts you first unless it's super urgent. Your thumb hovers over the notification, trembling, before you finally press it and read the text:
Kenma: You left your pen
You sigh through your nose, cursing yourself silently for thinking it would be something romantic, or at least a conversation starter.
Y/N: Ah, haha. That's alright, give it to me at school tomorrow
You throw your phone on the bed and bury your head in your pillow. Suddenly your phone pings, and you check it again to find - much to your surprise - a message from Kenma.
Kenma: You could come get it now
You're shocked at that six word phrase, but try to keep yourself civilized whole you carefully type:
Y/N: Well I mean it's getting late... I'd hate to bother you haha
Y/N: Really, I could just get it at school tomorrow
Your heart pounds in your chest. You wait for his response and wonder why you're getting so worked up over this. Your phone flashes again and you lunge for it:
Kenma: Just... Come get it
Kenma: please
You were trying to keep your excitement down but now it all came bubbling up in a loud squeal. You cover your mouth foolishly and think hard about what to say. You obviously can't be too eager, that would make it awkward. You finally decide to reply with:
Y/N: Okay, but only because you said the magic word. Be there in a few
You fist bump the air and throw on your jacket. It's freezing.. You never got a chance to change out of your school clothes, and the leggings aren't doing much to protect you from the cold. Pulling your jacket closer around you, you pick up the pace and jog briskly down the block to Kenma's.
Once you arrive at the front door, you realize his parents are going to question why you're returning to their house so late. Butterflies seem to be running into the walls of your stomach, but they all fade away when...
Kenma opens the door, his blond and black hair messed up and his eyes looking down, refusing to make eye contact.
“H-hey--" you start, but he interrupts you."It's cold out here. You should have something warm on. I'll get you something to wear on your way back." You blush and nod at the gesture, but hope he thinks it's from the cold.
He motions for you to come in, and the breeze blows the door shut behind you. Your hands fidget without you telling them to as you mumble, "So, my pen..." You trail off, looking at your feet.
“It's upstairs."
"Oh. Do you want to bring it down or..."
"No." His face seems to go red but you think you're imagining it.
"I-- Well-- U-um, okay. I can... I can go up and get it if you'd like.."
"Come on." He goes to take your hand but hesitates and pulls his own back, leading the way up the steps.
You follow, dragging your hand along the dark oak banister and skipping the steps. Walking up you feel your fingers scrape over uneven pieces of wood multiple times. Once you reach his room and scan the desk over once or twice, you can't find your pen and wonder if Kenma had just placed it somewhere else.
Out of nowhere he says, "I lied. I don't have your pen." You look straight up and your eyes fix on his, his hazel irises engulfing you, taking you into a world of their own.
"I'm sorry. I know I'm not good at expressing my feelings too much or too often but I want you to know I'm here for you, and I care. I know I tend to focus more on a screen than on you but... But I really do love looking at you. I love the way you seem so curious about the things I play, and the way you intertwine your fingers when you're nervous."
He takes a moment to let that sink in, or maybe he was thinking of what to say next.
"I'm sorry for making it seem like I don't enjoy being with you..." He pauses, running his fingers through the black part of his hair and trying to find the right words, "but honestly, knowing that you're right across the room, knowing that you're here for me, it's the best feeling in the world."
You feel yourself go beet red. Your eyes are wide, staring right at him, and as you drown in those bright brown abysses, you know he means it.
"I love you. Don't... I love you, okay? Don't forget."
You nod quickly, fumbling with your words, and try to get out "I love you, too" but just ends up sounding like a series of whines and stutters.
He smiles at you and looks down as he tiptoes over to his closet. He emerges with a thick coat, probably too big for him, let alone you, and tosses it your direction. You catch it easily and struggle to find the armholes. The sleeves are far too long for your arms, and the end is almost long enough for you to trip over. He grins at you again and stands by his door, shifting from foot to foot.
You change your mind, run back and leap into his arms, taking him by surprise. He's shocked for a second but relaxes and hugs back quickly, and you pull away, blushing harder than you thought possible. "Don't forget," he whispers in your ear.
On the walk home, you can't get Kenma Kozume off of your mind. That boy is the only thing you can think about for the whole day. You lay out on your bedsheets for the second time today and pull out your phone again.
New message from: Kenma Kozume
You giggle to yourself and open the text.
Kenma: see you tomorrow
Kenma: Don't-
Y/N: I know, don't forget
Y/N: I... I love you too
Y/N: And don't you forget either
Ok this was bad bc it’s my first one pls don’t attack me
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
I want tickles
Reader (Ler) x Taehyung (Lee)
Description: Taehyung wants to be tickled so badly. And happens to find you a good Ler for him.
Author: This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was busy with other stuff yeh without further a do let's get on with this. Sorry if its not so written well, I didnt had a lot of motivation while writing this.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦  ✧
It was a normal day for Kim Taehyung who was chilling in the living room scrolling down tumblr where he secretly owns a tickle blog. He was in lee mood at the moment after a couples teases thrown at him by his followers
I need tickles. He pouted, staring at the ceiling.
"SAHAHAHAHAVEE MEHAHAHAHA!" All of a sudden he heard a familiar laugh coming from a certain room.
As curiosity took over him he stood up making his way to where the laughing sound was coming from. When he did, he saw Jungkook with his hands pinned above his head by Jimin and you scribbling your fingers on his armpits
"Y/N HAHAHAHA STOHOHOP!" Jungkook screamed in laughter
Taehyung felt his face burning red feeling awkward with the sight infront of him.
"Oh hey Taehyung" You stopped tickling Jungkook and looked at Taehyung who was standing by the door way
"W-what are you doing?" Taehyung asked
"Tickling Jungkook, his been a brat and needs to be punished" You said
"But I said sorry!" Jungkook whined
"Shush! You know that's not how it works, Jimin continue tickling his armpits I'm going for his tummy"
"With pleasure" Jimin grinned as he sat on Jungkook's arms, beginning to skitter his cute fingers all over his hallows
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHO TAEHUHUHUYUNNGG HEHEHELPPP" Taehyung awkwardly looked at Jungkook being wrecked right there right infront of him. Oh how much he envies the younger one
"Yah Taehyung why don't you help us, His feet are available" You suggested
"I-I'm fine guys...I'll just...uhmmm...get water, I'm thirsty. Bye!" With that Taehyung left the scene not wanting to witness more of it
He was at the kitchen drinking a glass of water. He placed the glass down and cupped his cheeks which were still burning from what happened earlier.
"Ah stop it Taehyung ah" He said to himself, lightly patting his cheeks
"Stop what Taehyung?" Taehyung turned around, startled to see you standing behind
"Y-Y/N hey...Didn't see you there" He let out a nervous laugh "Uhmm weren't you just punishing Jungkook or something?"
"Jimin got that covered, I left my phone outside and was gonna record them because they look so cute. But then I heard you talking to yourself just wanna check if your ok"
"Everything's fine, no need to worry about me" You narrowed your eyes at Taehyung not believing what his saying but decided to let it slide for now
"Ok then...I'll go get my phone now" After you left Taehyung alone in the Kitchen he let out a sigh of relief
He took out his phone and went to tumblr wanting to post a rant
I have this female friend I'm really close with. And as far as I know she is really a good ler. I've seen her wrecked my friends before and boy she wrecked them good. I wanted her to tickle me too but I doubt she knows my love for tickling. I want to tell her but I don't know how I need help😭
A few minutes after he posted that. It was flooded with his followers simply telling him to just ask you and not to be scared about it "Aish! But it's not that simple" He frowned.
For the whole day he couldn't help but recall the moment wherein you tickled the crap out of Jungkook, imaging himself being in Jungkook's place
A week has passed since that incident. Right now Taehyung was in the middle of finding his phone because somehow he lost it "Aish where is it?" He checked his bed, his nightstand, his desk but its nowhere to be found. He is starting to panick as he ruffled his hair in frustration
"Looking for this?" Taehyung turned to your direction, seeing you leaning on the doorway waving his phone in front of him
"Yes! Thanks Y/N!" Taehyung smiled in relief as he was approaching you to get his phone back
"Wait" You hid his phone behind your back "You know your phone has very interesting information" Taehyung looked at you in confusion
"How interesting of you to have a tumblr account" Taehyung's eyes widened
"Give me back my phone!" Taehyung tried to reach your phone behind your back but you ran to his bed
"You know your password isn't hard to guess, Your birthday really?" Taehyung's face blushed in embarrassment
"I said give me back my phone!" Taehyung ran to you and you were able to dodge him
"You know that one post of yours has piqued my interest, I wonder who that female friend of yours you wanted to be tickled by so badly" You teased the flustered male as he tried getting his phone back from you
"Y/N! Stop that! Just give me my phone!" Your little game of tag has continued on until Taehyung has you pinned on his bed, successfully getting his phone back from you
"You know Taehyung, I don't often assume too much but it felt like that femal friend your referring to is Me" You smirked at Taehyung who couldn't stop blushing
Taehyung tried opening his mouth trying to find something to say to escape from this embarrassing situation but what you said is true afterall.
"So I'm right aren't I?" You were having so much fun teasing Taehyung. You then decided why not give him what he wants?. You started jabbing your fingers into his sides making him collapsed right next to him. You took this chance and sat on his stomach "Oh Taehyung we are gonna have so much fun"
You started skittering your finger nails around his soft tummy. "Y/N Hahahaahahahahahahaha" His cute giggles escaping his pretty lips
"You like that Tae? Hmm? you seem to enjoy it so much"
"S-stohohohohohop" Taehyung grabbed your wrist trying to push them away
"You said you wanted this, don't you dare waste such good opportunity" You grabbed both Taehyung's wrist pinning them above his head. It was good he decided not to fight against it.
You suddenly got an idea in your head "Hey Tae I got a challenge for you and I don't take no as an answer" Taehyung looked at you and gulped, without bothering to let him reply you continued on "I want you to keep your arms up and you have to keep them up for at least 5 minutes if not I'm gonna add another 5 minutes understand?" Taehyung slowly nodded his head "Good"
You slipped your hands inside his shirt and wiggled your fingers on his armpits. "ehehehehehehehehe" Taehyung giggled as bit his lip trying his very best to keep his arms up "Y/N hahahahahahahaha"
"Yes Tae laugh for me, your doing good" You started wiggling your fingers up and down his armpits and into his hallows
"Ihihihihihihitt tihihihihickless sohohohohoho muhuhuhucchhh" His eyes now were tightly shut and now his head waz shaking side to side Cute you thought.
It has been 2 minutes so you decide to take this up a notch and go for his weak spot which you remembered he mentioned in one of his posts. You then went and attack his hipbone using your thumbs drilling into the spot. Successfully you got Taehyung to put his hands down. Realising what he did he widened his eyes as you smirked at him "Uh oh taehyung has put his arms down and it hasn't been 5 minutes you know what that means?" You went and get a thin rope and tied his hands to the head of the bed "Oh how much fun I'm gonna have with you"
You attacked his hips once again wiggling your fingers on that area.
"Y/N! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Taehyung shrieked kicking his legs as he was left with no choice but to endure the ticklish sensation
"Y/N Yes~" You teased, tickling his hips for a total of 8 minutes now. After that you were kind enough to give Taehyung a break
"Did you enjoy it tae bear?" You asked stroking his soft hair
"I sure did" Taehyung smiled still panting from earlier.
"You know, there's nothing wrong approaching me with this kind of topic I am your friend after all and I'd love to have a daily tickle session with you"
"Yeah I know, thanks"
"No problem" You patted his head "But I'm not ending the session without one thing" You grinned
"W-what is it?" Taehyung curiously asked
"This!" You blew a raspberry on his soft tummy earning girly like squeals from him. You chuckled at the cute reaction and blew a few more raspberries before you finally finished. You untied Taehyung's wrists and ruffled his hair
"You're so cute tae bear"
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lareinenoir · 5 years
∆Apple of my Eye∆
Loki x Female! Reader
Request: Hi, I love your work so much!! I was wondering if you could do a Loki x female reader where the reader isn’t heavy but she isn’t fit either. Where reader has been through a lot (depression, heartbreak, etc.) and when she sees another girl flirting with Loki she doesn’t have enough self-confidence to do anything about it but Loki notices and a lot of fluff happens.
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Summary: Body image is what you have struggled with for quite a while. Meeting Loki distracted you from it and his constant compliments always made you blush like crazy! When you are invited to one of Tony Stark's party and see your ex-best friend, the memories of your years in college come back. The memories weren't as fun as they are supposed to be.
A/N: I just wanna say, you are all beautiful and self-love is what I've struggled with for so long! For the past two years, I have learned that loving myself is the best thing for me. If you ever need a reminder on how "beautifully and wonderfully made" you are, hmu. ☺
Tag list: @tell-me-a-poem @thatweirdwalangpake @schizonephilim @hisparadox @empressoftheundergroundsun
"Morning precious." Says Loki kissing your head as you stretch your arms and look to the clock.
"Morning? It's noon." You yawn watching Loki toss an apple in his hand "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Well," he says walking over and kissing your head. "you look rather peaceful asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake you."
"How charming." You replied and he passed you the apple.
"Eat, an apple a day gives the doctor away."
Bursting out you laughing you wipe the apple on the blanket and roll your eyes. "It's an apple a day keeps the doctor away' silly."
"Bah." He says waving his hand "Your Midgardian sayings are all so...let's just say they mean so many things."
"Haha." You shrug taking a bite. "Don't worry, I don't plan on visiting the doctor anytime soon. At least not because I'm sick."
"Good," he nods as he stands you up and pulled you to his body. "I don't want my precious queen getting the chills."
"You Asgardians never get sick." You say while chewing the apple. "Like...for the past two years I've known you and Thor not once have you gotten sick."
"Our immune systems aren't as weak as you mortals." He laughs and you snort
"Hey! Offensive to my people." You giggle slapping him on the shoulder as Loki lays his head in your lap. "We aren't as weak as you think, Loki. Especially women."
"Darling, men-" you give him a warning look and he gets your hint. "What I meant to say was...mortal men will never be stronger than Asgardian men."
"Whatever." You roll your eyes finishing the apple. "Speaking of men," you say, placing the apple core on the dresser "Tony invited us to his house for a little surprise party for Pepper. Do you wanna be my date?" You Giggle
"well..." He said pretending to think. "I'd have to ask the woman I'm currently with if she'd be OK with me going on a date with a very good looking woman, such as yourself."
You smirked and folded your arms as he twists a strand of your hair around his finger. "I'm sure the woman you're seeing wouldn't mind." You joke kneeling down your head to kiss his nose. "If you don't tell her I mean. It can be our little secret."
"Our little secret."
Sharing a small kiss you brush back his jet black hair just to study his face. You felt so lucky to have him.
Tony's parties. Always full of people. Men in expensive suits and Rolex watches. Woman in fitted dresses that matched there handbag. Not to mention some very hot eye candy on the arms of a woman or man.
"You've been staring at your reflection for two hours and have changed outfits seventeen times, not counting this one." Loki groaned getting frustrated and you shook your head
"You men have it easy. All you do is show up in a tux and add gel to your hair." You say heading back to the closet. "I don't...I just want to look the part."
Loki sits up in his elbows off the bed and squinted at you. "The part?" He questions
You instantly close your lips and bring out three more dresses. "So, which one. Blush? Copper red or Zesty-"
He appears in front of you with his index finger against your lips. His eyes in you he slowly takes the hangers and tosses them on the bed. "Y/N, I told you that you look ravishing in all of them. Asking me over and over again will not change my mind." You smile and he kisses the corner of your mouth. "You look good in everything."
"Aw." You say grinning like a ninny trying to avoid his eyes. You wanted to say, 'no I'm not' but you knew how much it annoyed him. "Thanks." You whisper biting your lip.
"Excellent, now can we please go? I'm afraid we are going to be rather late." Said Loki taking your hand in his.
"The party will just be getting started when we arrive." You shrug and you two share a laugh. "He'll have the drinks out by then I hope."
"You mortals and your alcoholic beverages." He said rolling his eyes. "They are a bit on the weak side."
You roll your eyes at him and pinch his butt cheek. "Shut up."
He winks at you and gives you a slap on the ass as you continue walking
When you arrive at Tony's place you are greeted by a whole lot of people bumping into you and Loki and are quickly offered a drink.
"Weren't sure you were going to show up." Said Rhodey handing you and Loki a glass of vodka. "Thor is over there with Steve and Bucky. He said our beverages aren't strong enough for a god."
"And he is indeed right." Said Loki handing it back. "I'm going to go over there, Y/N?" He sort of asks. "Will you be alright for a bit?"
"I will." You nod and he kisses your cheek. "Go on, have fun."
Watching Loki disappear in the crowd of people, you turn and see Rhodey is gone off and is dancing on some tables with Tony.
"Y/N!" Shouts Pepper and you take a sip of the drink as she wraps her arms around your neck. "Glad you could come. Having fun?"
"Yeah. You should be the one having fun! Happy birthday." You said kissing her cheek. "Sorry I couldn't be there to say 'Surprise' I think I spent more time figuring out what to wear than anything."
"No worries. You look great." She motions with her hands. "It wasn't much of a surprise anyway. Vision accidentally spilled the beans. He's still learning." Pepper shrugged "To surprises?" She raised her martini and you clinked it with hers
"Surprises." You say as you both take a large sip.
Walking around and partying with the others you catch a glimpse of Loki doing shots with Steve and Thor.
"What the heck?" You ask seeing they drew a big crowd. The countertop full of shot glasses, Tony filling them while Clint counted. "You've got to be kidding me." You laugh hearing everyone cheer.
In college, this is what the guys did at frat parties. Why the heck were they doing it. Grown men!
"Rogers wins!" Said Clint and everyone began to holler loudly. "Thirty-two shots in one minute." He announces
"I still think you won." You hear someone say as they approach Loki hands grazing his shoulder.
You stared at those perfectly manicured pink acrylic nails and held your breath when you recognized the black stilettoes.
"Thank you." Loki nods chuckling nervously
"I'm Missy Donaven" She introduces herself holding out her free hand. "You must be Loki."
"I am indeed. Its a pleasure to meet you, Missy Donovan." Said Loki being very polite.
You watched them carefully but couldn't help but stare from a distance at her perfectly shaped lips that curved into a smile. How her giggle made your skin crawl because of how lovely it was. Your heart beats with fear a bit as Missy and Loki talked. She would laugh then touch his chest.
Touching Loki! Touching Loki!
"You have a sense of humor. Pretty good looking too." She winks touching his hair.
Touching his hair! Touching his hair!
That's when she looked up and caught your eye. Quickly turning the other way you feel your feet begin to speed walk through the crowd.
"Where you going in a hurry?" Asks Natasha stopping you
Brushing past her you ignore and keep walking until you were in a bathroom. One perfect bathroom with a sink and mirror. And staring in it made you look away. Seeing Missy and how beautiful her red hair was made your body ache. You weren't as pretty as she was. You knew that. She had curves...you weren't sure if you had any. Missy had big boobs...bigger than yours.
Looking away from the mirror, you take a seat on the edge of the tub and bite your lip. Just as you took in a breath the door opens and a smiling Missy Donovan walks in.
"I knew it was you." She says closing the door. "The smell of loneliness was a dead give away."
You didn't want to fight. You weren't in the mood to exchange insults with her. It bothered you more because you should have known to lock the door.
"Where ya going? Don't you wanna talk to me? I haven't seen you in ages Y/N." She says face now in the mirror touching up her makeup.
"You look like a Teletubbie. I'm actually surprised you came out of the house in a dress. I thought you were more of pants and oversized hoodie kinda girl. But I can't complain too much." Missy shrugs fixing her hair and making kissing faces in the mirror. "Its a step up. A lot of people thought you were a dike Y/N, because of the way you dressed. Hell, I thought you were. It's an improvement." She spins on her heels, red hair slapping you a bit in your face as she grazes her finger across your cheek. "A+ for trying I guess."
Sucking in your cheeks, you stay silent and hold in your tears. It was very hard to look at her small pale feet and know, in your mind, Loki would pick her.
"Lay off the twinkies? I think I'm seeing a quadruple chin. You definitely need to hit the gym." Missy giggle perking up her breasts. "Hopefully I get this sexy hunk of a man in bed with me. I'll be sure to text you what it's like to sleep with a god."
Back against the wall, you feel helpless and hold in your tears. You even stopped breathing. Missy never allowed you to look at her directly. She always said, "only pretty people can look at me." In college, you waited on Missy. You were at her every beck and call she made sure you knew your place.
She'd always remind you how fat you looked in clothes. The first day you met her, you wore a dress to a party. "Oh honey, you look like a bloated Turkey."
At the time it was a joke? Right? Missy didn't mean anything by it...
When Missy had planned parties, you were in charge but never invited. "I don't want you eating up all the snacks."
One time you did have the nerve to buck up when you found out she was making out with a guy you liked.
"I'm saving you, Y/N. Pedro wouldn't date someone like you. He doesn't go for the girls who look like street trash."
Pedro Hernandez, you had an Instagram spam page and Pedro followed it. He commented on one of your memes and then started DM you. You kept it from Missy for obvious reasons. You and Pedro never met, or even sent pictures to each other. Unfortunately, Missy found out that you guys were planning on meeting and pretended to be you.
"I can't believe I ever thought we were friends." You said but you were more upset with Pedro then anything. He ended up picking Missy Donaven over you.
You and Missy stopped being 'friends' You told yourself, "College all by myself is way better than having someone like Missy."
And here you are. In the bathroom tub crying your eyes out because it was happening all over again. You knew how it would end. Loki would pick Missy. And you wouldn't blame him.
There was a knock at the door and you said,
"Go away!"
"Y/N? Is that you? Are you alright?"
You said nothing. Loki was probably coming to tell you that you were breaking up. He was gonna go for Missy...
"Y/N...I'm coming in. Ok? I'm coming in."
Not looking up, you felt his body heat over you. Loki knew why you were upset. Missy let it slip that you were in the bathroom crying.
"Y/N... I do hate seeing you cry." He tells you, climbing in the tub with you.
Looking up and at the sink, you shake your head. "I saw you with her. At first, I was mad but...I understand. She's pretty. Way prettier than me. Nice big boobs. Tinier waist with a nice ass...curves that I don't have. She isn't fat like me. It's ok. I'm not mad."
"Y/N, I'm afraid-"
"Loki you deserve better. A better-looking girl than me. She's perfect for you. Missy is...she's the perfect girl in every way."
You weren't sure if he was listening or not but he lifts your chin and wipes the pad of his thumb across your cheek. "Y/N. I picked a woman." Loki was looking at you. Eyes so intently looking only at you "I picked a woman, not a girl looking for attention. You are the apple of my eye. You are perfect for me.”
He meant every word. You knew it. Now, you felt stupid for just thinking Otherwise. Loki had already picked you.
"Do you-"
You pressed your lips on his smoothly and inhaled his scent as he kissed you back. Loki held you to his body with a firm grip on the small of your back as your lips moved in sync together. You pull away and he gives you a questionable look,
“What is it, Y/N?”
“Kissing in a bathtub? That will be one hell of a memory.”
both sharing a quick laugh kisses your top lip lightly. “Then let's not ruin it then, yeah?”
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rollzerox · 4 years
Can you do a JaeYona fanfiction prompt for me? I want a story where Yona's problem with not eating for long periods of time when she gets really stressed resurfaces? I noticed that Yona had that problem mentioned a couple times in the series, but it never really gets brought up again, and I could see Jae Ha and some of the others getting really concerned over it. I hope this isn't too sudden, but I'm surprised that there aren't more fanfictions that bring it up and I'd like if somebody wrote one
Thanks so much for the prompt anon! I’m sorry this took me so long I’m working on my backlog of prompt immediately during current events hope you like this take for my Castle AU series where Yona is queen of Kouka
“Daddy! Daddy!” tiny voices could be heard running across the hallways of the palace as King Jae-ha turned to see his twin children rushing towards him. He was currently sitting with his cane watching Hak, Ura, Hawke and Shiro practice, Lina bouncing her 6-year-old Krystal in her lap and giggling at her silly siblings. The child squealed when she’d feel her unborn sibling kick at her, considering Lina was 6 months pregnant with her next child. Sitting next to her was her second daughter, Jin-ae, who was named after the first Queen of Kouka, Hiryuu’s wife.
 “Here comes Aki and Mido, Uncle Jae-ha.” Hinto, Shin-ah’s 10-year-old son chuckled as he at saw them coming with his dragon’s eye.
 “Aka-dori? Mido-ka? What is it?” Jae-ha asked once the two children arrived. They were 5 years old, the girl with long raven hair and the boy with short ginger hair.  The girl had clear blue eyes and the boy had green.
 “Mommy won’t eat!” Aki cried, whimpering. “The cooks don’t know what to do she didn’t eat breakfast and now she says she doesn’t want lunch.”
 Hak stopped his practice run and sighed, shaking his head. “… She’s still upset over…” he glanced to Zeno who nodded.
 “We all miss former Seiryuu and Hakuryuu.” The Yellow Dragon answered. “It didn’t help they passed only a year apart. Not to mention former Ryokuryuu lately has…”
 “Oh please, I’m just fine.” Jae-ha waved him off. “I mean seriously Lina’s 22 now, I honestly thought I would have long kicked the bucket by now.”
 “Yeah and you fell down the stairs the other day again, Droopy Eyes.” Hak growled. “You gave her a heart attack.”
 “Hak come on, you have enough on your plate.” Jae-ha looked at him sadly, after all Valerie had just passed away in childbirth a year ago. “No point in me bothering you all the time to get around.”
 “But I can help you uncle!” Shiro, the current 12-year-old Hakuryuu said while extending his arm.
 “Precious child.” Jae-ha hummed, petting the boy on the head. He sure had his father’s enthusiasm.
 Tetora smiled as she hugged her son from behind. “You’re always so eager to help.”
 “Really guys I’ll tend to my wife, lead the way treasures.” Jae-ha hummed, Aki and Mido eagerly rushed back in. “But don’t run or you’ll…”
 “GAH!” Gigan, Jae-ha’s middle daughter growled as the twins nearly plowed her over when they ran past her, the 16-year-old looking rather annoyed. “Aki! Mido! Watch where you’re going!” she growled as she almost dropped the books she was holding.
 “Done with your lesson already Gigi?” Hawke called out to his older sister.
 “Yes which you skipped!” Gigan snapped at him, her eyebrow twitching at the nickname. “What kind of prince are you when all you want to do is run off and learn fighting with our Uncle Hak? Seriously you can’t solve everything with your muscles idiot.”
 “Not everyone enjoys lessons like you do Gigan.” Lina giggled.
 Jae-ha laughed, petting Gigan on the head. “My smart little treasure. You’re going to make a fine queen someday you know.”
 That made the raven-haired girl blush. “F-father really I mean I would be honored if mother were to choose me but I’m not the oldest…”
 “You really think Lina wants the throne?” Jae-ha snorted.
 “Hell no, I’m traveling with Ura after the kids are grown.” Lina rolled her eyes and took her husband’s hand. “I’m a Ryokuryuu my job is to protect our mother and eventually I’ll protect the future king and queen. Which could be you and Shiro when you get married.” She teased.
 Shiro practically choked as he turned red at that. “I-I-I… T-that’s n-not funny Lina!”
 “LINA!” Gigan’s face turned into a fireball. “I’m not you I don’t go around marrying our cousins!”
 “Please, Kija and I weren’t exactly blood brothers just dragon brothers.” Jae-ha hummed. “Otherwise Shiro & Hinto would be Lina’s brothers with their dragon connection. Besides look how happy Ura and Lina are you know I sure won’t complain…”
 “FATHER THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” Gigan shouted, looking ready to explode. “GAH! Why am I the only normal one in this crazy family?!”
 Jae-ha laughed how his daughter would always have a meltdown over things like this. The rest of his children got his carefree attitude and Gigan was more like her namesake it made me smile. “Anyway where’s your mother? I hear she’s being stubborn again.”
 “In the library.” Gigan answered after she settled down. “One of the scholars just dropped off a new scroll with her and she said she was putting it away…. She was forcing a smile so I was going to bring her a new specimen from Kai that my instructor brought.” She held up an orange colored orchid. “Give it to her father, you know new flowers for her garden always cheers her up.”
 Jae-ha nodded, smiling as he took the flower. “I will my dear. Try to not let your siblings drive you insane.”
 Gigan looked at him deadpan. “Don’t ask for the impossible, father.”
 Jae-ha snorted, then kissed her forehead and headed on for the library. His twins ran so far ahead of him he shook his head as they found their mother first, her back to them and not even noticing they entered as she was looking over a scroll.
 Tears floated down Yona’s cheeks as it was a new illustration of her and her Four Dragons surrounding her, along with many of the tales the scholars sat her down and made her recall because they wanted to make a full record of the second incarnation of King Hiryuu. Shin-ah’s funeral was only a few weeks ago and she still wasn’t over the loss of both Kija and Valerie. She sobbed to herself as she clutched the parchment close, hating the fact her family was slowly being torn apart but at the same time blessed she had so many happy years with them…
 “Mommy!” Aki and Mido were suddenly hugging her ankles, snapping her out of her trance. “Mommy! We brought you something!” the twins bounced on their toes as they pulled back.
 “Oh what is it you two? Don’t tell me you’re trying to butter me up because you set the garden on fire again.” Yona sighed, bending down to her kids to pet them on the head.
 “No mommy that was an accident we swear!” Aki whimpered.
 “Even though it happened three times.” Mido squirmed.
 Jae-ha chuckled as he walked in. “They’re just worried about you my lovely, here. A gift from Gigan.” He handed her the flower, bringing a small smile the queen’s face.
 “It’s lovely.” Yona said, joining him in standing. “But you should be resting.” She scolded her husband.
 “I’m behaving.” Jae-ha hummed, leaning on his cane for support. He tried to hide the fact he was trying to catch his breath from the walk over, lately just getting out of bed was a chore for the aging dragon.
 Yona brushed her fingers over his bangs, noting the sweat on his forehead as she chided him. “You can’t hide from me, husband. Sit down.” She pushed him into a nearby chair that the twins helped bring closer. “Or else I’ll let our terror twins tie you down again.”
 “Can we mommy?!” Aki cried, excitement dancing in her eyes.
 Jae-ha snorted. “Now you’re using the kids against me, that’s not fair love.”
 “You use them against me so it’s only fair.” Yona giggled, kissing him playfully as she pulled away. “Aki, Mido, go get something from the chefs for daddy along with his medicine from Grandma Yoon ok?”
 “Ok mommy!” Mido darted off, Aki rushing after him.
 “I’ll only eat if you do.” Jae-ha said in a sing-song voice.
 Yona made a face. “I’m not hungry.”
 The Ryokuryuu sighed, grabbing her hands. “… Love… Come on it’s not your fault. You know Shin-ah and Kija wouldn’t want you to feel guilty.”
 “But…” Yona choked, tears in her eyes as her hands trembled. “If only I wasn’t… And one day the same will happen to our own daughter and then… I was so absorbed in worrying about you I never thought that they would…”
 Jae-ha pulled her into his lap, giving her a long kiss full of love while caressing her back. “Shhhh, it’s ok love. It’s only natural, my successor was born first after all everyone even Zeno expected me to die by now. It’s a strange miracle I’ve lasted this long. Guess Ik-su wasn’t kidding when he said our child is twice blessed and I wouldn’t die as soon as I thought.” He kissed away her tears as he brushed her crimson hair. “But that doesn’t change the fact that they both loved you and wouldn’t want you upset. They lived wonderful lives here by your side and found their beautiful wives. Their children are safe here and we’ve basically broken the curse of Ryokuryuu and Seiryuu villages as their lines will continue here where they are celebrated not hated. We might even mix dragon blood with the way Gigan and Shiro are crushing on each other.”
 Yona rolled her eyes. “Stop playing match maker with our children.”
 “It worked with Lina didn’t it?” Jae-ha hummed, kissing her cheek. “… Please love, you’ve barely ate anything all week or do I have to pop another treasure inside you to make you take care of yourself?” he offered, fluttering his eyelashes at her.
 Yona turned bright red at that, squirming in his lap. “… I-I… I can’t do that, they might never meet their…” she sadly brushed his cheek.
 “Think of it as me leaving you a treasure behind my love.” Jae-ha hummed, pressing his forehead against hers. “Besides we know they won’t be lonely with as many siblings as they’ll have. Just think about it love.” He gave her another kiss. “After all I don’t seem to have the stamina I used to in my prime.”
 “What a crime.” Yona giggled slightly, smiling warmly at her husband. “… Thank you Jae-ha… You and all the dragons helped me find the greatest happiness in my life. I just…. Hate the thought of waking up without you by my side.” She choked.
 Jae-ha looked at her sadly. “… I know, I feel the same. But the kingdom and our family need you love. Besides… You know I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.”
 “Jae-ha….” Yona sobbed, her eyes threatening to let out another waterfall of tears until she heard the sounds of her twins rushing back into the room.
 “We got food mommy! You gotta eat too!” Mido said, holding up a tray that was bigger than he was of food as Aki was holding Jae-ha’s medicine.
 Yoon stood in the doorway as he came behind them, holding a second tray. “Yona how many times have I told you that you can’t skip meals like this?”
 Yona pursed her lips as she crawled out of her husband’s lap. “… I told you kids just to get your father’s medicine not tell on me.”
 Aki giggled. “But Grandma Yoon is your advisor and he can advise you to eat!”
 “Not like she ever takes my advice when it’s about her health lately she’s as bad as her husband.” Yoon rolled his eyes, looking over Jae-ha and handing him a powder. “Now take that or else you’re on bedrest the rest of the week.”
 “Thank you mother.” Jae-ha teased, though the boy genius was so used to it that didn’t even faze him anymore.
 “We just don’t want you to get sick mommy please?” Aki bat her eyes at Yona, looking ready to cry. “Daddy gets sick enough and you take care of him so who’s going to take care of you if you feel bad?”
 “Me probably.” Yoon mumbled under his breath.
 Yona groaned as she took a seat, her twins at her legs immediately trying to force her something to eat as she sighed and grabbed a bread roll. “Fine, I’m eating are you guys happy now?” she then had the kids put the tray down on the table full of books as she lifted them into her arms, kissing their cheeks. “You two are too precious, so worried about me and your silly daddy.”
 “Because daddy makes you cry when he gets hurt!” Mido whimpered. “You’ll make daddy cry if you get sick.”
 Jae-ha hummed. “That’s right dear, don’t you know it’s a crime to make the king cry?” he tried to tease.
 “Don’t you start.” Yona snapped. “It’s not my fault I was tired last week and you insisted on trying to carrying me to my room like a stubborn fool.”
 Yoon groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’m the one the kids got when they found you two at the bottom of the stairs.”
 “So I can’t land as gracefully as I used to…” Jae-ha rubbed his cheek in embarrassment as he chuckled, then grabbed something off the tray for himself to get the bitter taste of the medicine out of his mouth.
 Yona sighed at that. “Sorry. I guess I have been worrying you guys just…”
 “Well all miss them.” Yoon gave her a hug. “… Just know that you aren’t alone, ok? And we can’t lose you too. This idiot will probably jump off a cliff to join you if you die on him.” He jabbed a thumb at Jae-ha.
 “Yoon not in front of the little ears.” Jae-ha groaned, not exactly denying it.
 “No die mommy!” Aki and Mido clung to their mother tightly. “You can’t leave us!”
 Yona wilted at that, hugging her twins tightly. “… You’re right. I’m not leaving you kids anytime soon I swear.” She kissed each of their foreheads. “And now go tell daddy he can’t leave you either so he has to stay stubborn for at least a few more years.” She smirked, letting them go as they rushed to their father.
 “Daddy! Daddy! You too!” Aki cried, clinging to his legs as Mido tugged on his robes.
 “Oh you little darlings I wouldn’t dare leave you just yet, I have to keep seeing all the trouble you get into come here!” Jae-ha smirked, lifting the kids into his lap and smothering them with kisses. “My precious little treasures.”
 Yona smiled at the sight, hoping that her precious family could stay together just a bit while longer…
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